Sunday, February 18, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 18 2018

If you live in any of these countries, and by these countries I really mean this country,

it may come as a shock to you that Cuba is not a totalitarian dictatorship ruled by a single person.

In fact, Cuba has a very interesting system of participatory democracy that I'm going

to explain to you in this video.

Thank you to the Swedish-Cuban Organisation in Gothenburg for helping me with this video.

It's been very helpful to be able to talk to Cubans actually born and raised in Cuba.

Alright, let's start off with the Cuban Constitution.

The Cuban Constitution was a result of thousands of broad discussions in advisory meetings,

involving more than 6 million citizens, which was practically the entire adult population

of Cuba at the time.

The draft for this Constitution was to be either rejected or accepted via a popular referendum.

The referendum had turnout of 98%, and out of those 98%, 97,7% voted to accept the

new constitution.

This almost unanimous agreement was a result of the previous broad discussions, which resulted

in 16,000 amendment suggestions.

Cuba has 169 municipal assemblies, and each one has an election every two and a half years.

Every fifth year, three months after the municipal elections, there is an election to the Cuban

parliament - the National Assembly of People's Power - as well as to the 14 province assemblies.

All Cuban elections have had turnouts of over 95% ever since 1976.

It is not a requirement for you to be a member of the Communist party of Cuba to vote or

to be elected to any position, and the Communist Party does not propose, support nor elect

any candidates.

In fact, the Party doesn't participate in the elections at all.

"No one here has gone to an election and been presented a ballot paper and told, these

are the Party members for whom you have to vote, nor is anyone nominated for being a

Party member, this element can perhaps be invoked as a reflection of leadership, fitting

conduct, good performance, or a vocation for public service, but not because the condition

of Party member is established as a requirement to enter public office in our laws," says

Dr. José Luis Toledo Santander.

Anyone over the age of 16 can vote and can be nominated to be a candidate for election

in one of the 169 Municipal Assemblies or one of the 14 Provincial Assemblies, however

you must be at least 18 years old to become a candidate for a seat in the National Assembly.

Neither money nor political parties have a place in the nomination process.

Instead, individuals directly nominate those who they think should be candidates.

As a result, the Cuban Parliament has representatives from across society, including an exceptionally

high proportion of women.

48.9%, to be exact.

In comparison, the percentage of women in the United States House of Representatives

is 19.4%.

Among all countries, the US is ranked 101st.

Out of 196 countries in total.

Cuba is number 3, behind only Rwanda and Bolivia.

Fun fact: Saudi Arabia has a higher percentage of women in its legislative assembly than

the United States does.

Furthermore, 88% of Cubans participate in what is basically a system of direct democracy.

The Committees for the Defence of the Revolution (CDRs) allow anyone over the age of 14 to

join, and they meet a minimum of once every three months to plan the running of the community;

including the organisation of public health campaigns to promote good health and prevent

disease; the upkeep of the area in terms of waste and recycling; the running of voluntary

work brigades, and providing the adequate support to members of the community who are

in need of help (for example in the case of domestic disputes).

The CDRs also discuss nationwide issues and legislation and feed back their proposals to the

National Assembly and other organs of popular democracy.

But at the heart of the Cuban democratic system is the locally elected delegate.

Prior to the municipal elections, residents of all the neighbourhoods of that municipality

gather to a meeting in order to nominate candidates.

If you're nominated, you're free to either accept or decline the nomination.

If several people are nominated, a meeting appoints a person whom the neighbourhood trust

as their candidate via discussion and show of hands.

Up to 8 adjacent neighbourhoods make up a constituency.

Each candidate is presented with a short biography and photo on an A4 sheet of paper.

Election promises or electoral pledges are forbidden.

On election day the elections are conducted via secret ballot

like in most democratic countries.

Then a minimum of two and a maximum of eight candidates from a single constituency are

to be elected to the municipal assembly.

The polls are guarded by school children and everyone has the right to monitor the votes

being counted.

The whole school children thing might seem a bit weird at first, but yes,

The ballot boxes are guarded by elementary school children, called pioneers.

Elections are very calm and take place on Sundays so that people can go to vote,

and so that pioneers aren't in school when the voting is happening.

The idea behind this is that when a son, daughter, nephew, niece, granddaughter, or grandson

is taking care of the box, the family spends the day checking on them to see that they're

behaving well and so on.

So the polling station is taken care of by everyone.

The counting of the votes is public and any citizens who wants can be present.

The ballot box is opened, all the ballot papers are laid out, they are counted and the result

is given immediately.

So there cannot be any greater transparency.

And if that were not enough, the national electoral commission, once the electoral processes

have concluded, conducts random audits of polling stations.

So let's say you won your local municipal election


You now get to join the Municipal Assembly, which will choose from among its members a

president, a vice president, and appoint a secretary.

As an elected representative, you don't receive a special wage, but you also don't

have to pay for related expenses out of your own pocket.

You remain at your normal job, carrying out the civic duties in own time.

The duties of a delegate are many and varied and the role is demanding, requiring an understanding

of public policy and finance, business and administration, and the ability to negotiate,

explain, motivate and lead.

And because you're known to almost every one of your electors, and you live among them,

people will call on you at all hours of the day and night with all manner of problems,

ranging from broken water pipes to broken hearts.

Delegates carry out the inspection and monitoring of services provided by the Municipal administration,

and of the factories, shops and businesses in their area.

The National Assembly is practically the parliament of Cuba.

Out of the Assembly's 612 seats, exactly 50% consists of nominated delegates from mass

organisations (namely the CDRs, the Women's Federation, the trade unions,

the Students' Association, and the Association of Small Farmers) and 50% Municipal delegates.

The elections to the National Assembly take place every five years at the same time as

the Provincial Assembly elections.

Deputies in the National Assembly are from all walks of life and like municipal deputies

they do not receive a special wage for being deputies.

The National Assembly is responsible for electing the 31-body Council of State, which is the

governing body of Cuba, like a Prime Minister's Cabinet.

It contains one President of the Council of State, whom you can think of as the prime

minister of Cuba, as well as 6 vice presidents, a secretary, and 23 additional members.

Can everyone vote?

Yes, if you were born in Cuba you are automatically registered to vote.

There is no need for you or your parents to do any paperwork or pay any tax.

You can vote in all elections when you turn 16 and you can also participate in local elections.

Once you turn 18 you can also run for a seat in the National Assembly.

Will everyone know who I voted for?

Will the secret police come get me if I vote for someone the government doesn't like?

No, voting is done via secret ballot, so no one knows who you voted for except you.

Do I have to vote?

If you don't want to, then no you don't have to.

Voting is completely voluntary.

If I'm super rich, can I spend all my millions promoting candidates that I like?

No, it is illegal to spend money promoting candidates.

Candidates' biographies and their reasons for standing are simply displayed on local

notice boards so that every candidate receives the same exposure.

Political parties are permitted in Cuba, however they are not allowed to nominate or campaign

for candidates.

This includes the Cuban Communist Party which is forbidden by law from interfering in the

electoral process.

Wait hang on, if the Communist Party can't nominate candidates to the elections, what

the heck is the point of it?

The Cuban Communist Party is really a product of Cuban history.

The Cuban Communist Party traces its ideological roots to the Cuban Revolutionary Party founded

by Cuba's national hero, José Martí, in exile in New York in 1882.

Its purpose was to free Cuba from Spanish rule by uniting into a single party all those

who wanted Cuban self-determination.

Following the 1959 Revolution which swept out the US-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista,

Cuba's progressive forces began a process of uniting into a single party, which finally

came to fruition six years later when the PCC was formed in 1965.

Today one in six of Cuba's eleven million people are Party members.

To become a member of Cuba's Communist Party, a person must be first nominated by fellow

workers or neighbours and then voted in by their local branch.

A year has to be served as a 'candidate member' before becoming a full member as

this brings with it responsibilities and duties, especially within the local community.

To be a member of the PCC is seen as an honour in Cuba, and members are generally respected

as honest and committed revolutionaries.

So it's like a club?

Yeah it's kinda like a club where you help out your community.

Can I win even if I only get 46.1% of the vote?

That's an oddly specific percentage but no, to be elected, you must receive at least

50% plus 1 of the votes cast.

If this doesn't happen, run-off elections are held.

Once I'm elected, can I become an evil supervillain and take over the world without anyone to

stop me?


Delegates are required to meet with their electors at least once every six months for

'accountability sessions' where they must take up issues and problems raised by their

constituents and seek solutions.

They can be recalled at any time if their constituents feel that they are failing to

perform their role adequately.

So if the people who elected you think you're doing a bad job, you're out.


Why don't Cubans get to elect their own President?

Well, they do.

Just indirectly.

Same as the prime minister in the UK or Sweden or lots of other countries, the leader of

the leader of the country is elected by the legislative assembly.

This is because Cuba does not have a presidential system, merely a semi-parliamentary one.

The President of Cuba doesn't have the power to make decisions alone, he doesn't appoint

or dismiss ministers, he doesn't grant honorific positions or appoint ambassadors.

That is to say, all the major decisions are concentrated in the hands of a large number

of elected representatives, not in a single person.

The President of Cuba is a figurehead more than anything.

That said, it is possible for the President of Cuba to also be the President of the Council

of State, meaning one person can be both Head of State and Head of Government.

This makes them less like the figurehead President of Ireland, and more like the President of

the United States, which is also a combination of Head of State and Head of Government.

However, if you wish to become both President of Cuba and President of the Council of State,

you have to be elected to both positions at two separate occasions.

If you're really interested in how to become President of Cuba, then here is a 5 step guide:


Be nominated and approved in a plenary vote by a social or mass organization;

2. be approved in a municipal assembly vote 3. be elected via direct and secret vote by

voters from your electoral district, if you are not elected at this point you can't

be a deputy; 4. have your nomination be be approved by

the National Assembly 5. be elected by deputies via direct and secret vote.



Thank you for watching this video, I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have more questions about how the Cuban democratic system works,

then I have my sources listed in the description down below.

If you would also like to give me a small donation as thanks for making this video,

since it will most likely be demonetised, as all my videos are demonetised,

there is a link to my account in the description as well.

You don't have to, obviously, but it would be greatly appreciated.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> How Democracy Works in Cuba - Duration: 13:36.


Demystifying American Taxes - Duration: 15:32.

It's tax season here in America, which means it's time for everyone to procrastinate

and complain about how complicated they are.

They're really not that complicated.

But there are people out there with a vested interest in making you think they are.

Whether it's a politician who wants to use simplifying the tax code as a campaign slogan

or a company who wants you to sell you their services in doing them for you.

If you have a basic understanding of high school algebra, you already know more than

you need in order to understand taxes.

We do make them needlessly complicated here in America – so for any of you international

viewers, feel free to compare your system to ours – but still, they're not that


Let's start with your paycheck.

Feel free to tell me how much you make down below and we can get started….

Okay since you're apparently not going to participate we're going to have to make

up an example.

Let's start with this guy.

Raynor here.

He's single and makes $30,000 a year.

That's about twice minimum wage.

Okay so I rounded down to make the numbers easier to work with, sue me.

Please don't sue me.

Anyway it's pretty close to the average individual income here in America.

He gets paid twice a month, which comes out to $1250.

Right on.

But as you probably all know, that's not what he ends up with.

In Australia, when you get hired and they tell you "you make 30,000 a year," that's

how much you make, that's your take-home pay, they figure in how much taxes get taken

out and don't even tell you about it.

How awesome would that be instead of it being a mystery up until your first paycheck?!

Anyway, let's break down what happens to that paycheck.

First, 6.2% comes out for Social Security.

For those of you not in the United States, this is the mandatory socialized retirement

program that everyone pays into and you only reap the full benefit of when you turn 67.

That comes out to $77.50.

Next, 1.45% gets taken out for Medicare.

For those of you not in the United States, this is the mandatory socialized healthcare

program that everyone pays into and you only reap the full benefit of when you turn 65.

Apparently, only old people get socialism here in America…

That comes out to be $18.13.

These two together are called FICA – and the government just takes it and you never

see it again.

Well unless you become old enough, I guess.

The next bit to come out of your paycheck is income tax, the part that most people do


We're going to ignore state income tax and just focus on federal, because…

I don't want to make 43 different versions of this video.

The part of your paycheck that goes towards federal income tax is called the federal income

tax withholding.

You pay a small portion of each paycheck is withheld, and at the end of the year when

you "do your taxes" you figure out whether you owe more or more commonly get a refund.

So how are people messing this up?

Because how much goes towards your withholding is based on your income, your filing status,

and how many allowances you claim.

This is called a W-4, you filled it out when you started your job.

Most people don't even read it and just put 0 – and this is the worst possible answer.

This form is asking how many people this income is meant to support - putting zero means nobody.

So the government will take the maximum possible amount.

People like to claim zero because it gives them a bigger refund.

You're not getting a refund because of a defective product or shoddy service, it's

because you overpaid.

But we'll get to that in a moment.

This guy claims zero, so combining that with his income and crippling loneliness, the government

takes 12.5%, which comes out to be $153.70.

That number is figured out by your employer using a really complicated set of tables that

takes all three of those identifiers into account.

I wish I could tell you some sort of concrete number, but it changes for literally everyone.

So let's look at someone who works at the exact same job, for the exact same pay, but

actually read his W-4.

Ad victoriam Enter 1 for yourself if no one else can claim

you as a dependent.

Enter 1 if you're single and only have one job.

Or if you're married or have a second job, okay that doesn't apply.

Spouse, nope, dependents, nope, head of, child… blah blah blah, whatever.


He claims two.

So he gets the same $1250 paycheck, $77.50 out for Social Security, $18.13 out for Medicare,

but his withholding is different, $103.08, only 10.6%.

That's a difference of $50.62 per paycheck.

The key here is that since they both make the same amount and they both have the same

depressing life circumstances, they both owe the same amount at the end of the year.

But, we'll get to how we figure that out in a moment.

For now, just take my word for it that this guy gets a $1215.05 refund at the end of the

year, and this guy gets a $0.17 refund- though since we round to the nearest dollar, no refund.

This is usually the point where the guy who claimed zero celebrates his gift from the

government and laughs at the guy who claimed two for doing his taxes wrong.

But did he?

He already has all of that money in the bank, so it actually evens out.

That guy just has a more accurate withholding which lets him keep more of his own money

each paycheck.

So, read your W-4, don't just write zero.

If you already work somewhere, ask for a new W-4.

Say this was a cell phone bill and you owed $60 a month, but you decide to play it safe

and pay $70 a month, so you get a $120 refund at the end of the year.

You would seriously reconsider how much you're paying every month… at least I hope you


Your refund is not a gift from the government, you're not sticking it to anyone by getting

a refund, you're getting it because you're overpaying.

No, you can't tell your employer to take out nothing for income tax, despite what any

Sovereign Citizen might tell you.

The government totally has the power to tax personal income.

There's also a number of youtube videos that tell you how to get out of paying taxes

by claiming 9 or 10.

Unless you're John and Kate plus Eight, don't do that.

You can actually claim more than nine or ten but at that point you're just being a pain

to your employer, not the government.

It's a logarithmic function, you'll get it infinitely close to zero, but you'll

never actually get to zero.

If you don't pay your income taxes, they will eventually send someone with a gun to

your house.

And most likely, you're going to get everything you paid in taxes back anyway, so it's just

not worth it – pay your taxes.

Let's figure out how much this guy owes.

Anyway, here is where we're going to dispel a few more myths.

We use a progressive tax system here in America, which means the more money you make the more

that money is taxed.

Actually, most countries use this system.

It's a common misconception that if you make this much money, you're taxed at this

rate, but if you make just one dollar more, all of your money is taxed at a higher rate.

Which just isn't true, so let's look at how it works.

We're going to be working with the 2017 brackets since that's what you'll be filing

your taxes under this year, near the end I'll talk about the 2018 changes.

Like the other guy, he's single and makes $30,000 a year.

The first $9325 is taxed at 10% - so of that, he owes $932.50.

The remaining $20,675 is taxed at 15%, coming out to $3101.25.

So, in total he owes $4033.75.

Well that wasn't a very good example, it only crosses two brackets.

Alright, let's look at his boss.

One Enclave, One America.

Who is also single but makes $100,000 a year.

Again, the first $9325 is taxed at 10%.

The 15% bracket goes up to $37,950, which means only $28625 of his income is taxed at

that rate.

The next bracket goes up to $91,900 and is taxed at 25%.

And his final $8100 is taxed at 28%.

His final tax bill is $20,981.75, so even though his income falls into the 28% bracket,

not all of his income is taxed at that rate.

28% is what is called his top marginal tax rate, while his effective tax rate is only

20.98% There are other proposed tax systems, like

the regressive system, which means the more money you make the less that money is taxed.

Which obviously disproportionately benefits the rich, which is why no country on earth

uses it.

And then there is the flat tax, which means all income is taxed at the same rate, which

sounds fair… which is why every few years someone tries to push for it.

But let's look at it in practice.

In order for a flat tax to work, it would have to be high enough that the government

doesn't lose any revenue.

In order to keep that same level of revenue, it would have to be something like 36%, which

is insane.

So let's use a number that has been proposed before – 18%.

This guy would see his taxes go up and this guy would see his taxes go down.

Just like the regressive system, it disproportionately helps the wealthy.

Imagine if he was making millions or even billions of dollars.

In 2012, a presidential candidate suggested a 9-9-9 plan, which included a 9% flat income

tax, which is excessively low, but introduced a new 9% national sales tax to make up the


So effectively, your federal taxes would be 18% total.

In the US, sales tax is a local and state consumption tax on only certain goods.

Essential items like food are not taxed.

But for frivolous items like cars, tvs, and tampons, it gets a little messy… gross.

Tampons should not be taxed.

Since it's state and local, it changes city to city, but on average it's 7%.

Adding a national 9% sales tax would suddenly mean everything costs 16% more than what it

says on the price tag.

In Ireland it's called the Value Added Tax, or VAT, and it's 23% nationwide But you

wouldn't know it, because that price is figured into the price tag – it's not

a surprise when you get to the register.

Why do we have to go and make things so complicated?

Speaking of complicated, while I figured out the tax brackets, I'm sure some of you were

furiously writing out comments about how I forgot about deductions, exemptions, and credits.

I didn't forget, it said that in the bottom cor- let's explain those now.

Let's just focus in on this guy, but since he's single, he doesn't really qualify

for any of the fun stuff.

So let's complicate things by giving him custody of one child.

Ad victoriam.

Let's not make him married though, life's hard enough as it is.

But since he now has a dependent, he gets to file as head of household, so the brackets

get all messed up.

Leave it to a kid to make a mess of things.

The first $13350 is taxed at 10% and the remaining $16650 is taxed at 15%.

The first deduction he is going to take is the Standard Deduction, which for head of

household, is $9350.

He could itemize, which means individually deducting state income tax, social security

and medicare, donations to charity, and even things like sales tax, but – For most people,

almost always, the Standard Deduction is higher.

Unless you have some incredibly complicated tax situation or make enormous amounts of

money, which most of you don't, just take the Standard Deduction.

Then he is going to claim two Personal Exemptions, one for him, one for his child, totaling $8100.

These two numbers, the Standard Deduction and Personal Exemptions, are subtracted from

his overall income of $30,000, meaning he is only taxed on $12550.

It would be nice if we lived in a country where they just said your first however many

dollars weren't taxed, that system would make so much more sense.

But as far as I know, no such country exists, so we're left with having to do math.

So that's it, his income only falls into the 10% bracket, so he owes $1255.

But that's not the entire story, because while deductions reduce the amount of income

you are taxed on, credits reduce the amount of taxes you owe.

There are all sorts of credits, like if you bought an electric car or installed solar

panels on your house, but we're just going to focus on the most popular two.

The Child Tax Credit is just $1000 per child, nice and easy.

Now he only owes $255.

Then there is the Earned Income Credit, which is complicated because it scales depending

on income.

It's not a case of, if you make below this amount you get it, if you make above it you


So if you've ever thought to yourself "if I made just a hundred dollars less, I would

have gotten that credit."

If you're that close to the line, the credit is worth single digits.

But for this guy, it's $1536.

Which means on top of getting back all of his federal income tax withholding from his

paychecks throughout the year, the government owes him an additional $1281.

This is why an estimated 45% of Americans pay no federal income tax, because of the

deductions and credits from having kids and stuff.

But since we're still dealing with 2017, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the

opposite of credits – penalties.

If you didn't have health insurance in 2017, you owe the government at least $695 per person.

Either you owe in in addition to your taxes or it gets taken out of your refund.

But that penalty is going away in 2018 thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

I promised I would talk about the 2018 changes, so here we go.

Let's start with this guy, single making $30,000 a year.

He got a $6350 Standard Deduction and $4050 Personal Exemption and no credits, so he owes

$2473.75, an effective tax rate of 8.25%.

The brackets shift a little bit and his top bracket is now only 12%, but the biggest change

is the near-doubling of the Standard Deduction to $12,000.

However, this is offset by the fact that the new plan completely eliminates Personal Exemptions.

So in the end, he now owes $1969.50, a savings of $504.25.

Now for the rich guy.

In 2017, he owed $18,138.50.

Again, his Standard Deduction and Personal Exemption are rolled into one Standard Deduction,

totaling $12,000, and the brackets shift a bit again.

His top bracket is now only 24% and his tax burden falls to $15409.50, a reduction of


And lastly, the complicated guy, earning $30,000 with one child as head of household.

In 2017, he got a Standard Deduction and 2 Personal Exemptions, totaling $17,450.

Those have been bundled together for a Standard Deduction of $18,000.

The Child Tax Credit doubles to $2000, and the Earned Income Credit creeps up slightly

to $1662.

So he will now get a refund of $2462, almost double what he got for 2017.

The 2018 plan helps almost everyone – it helps some people a lot more than others,

but still, it helps most everyone.

At times it seems like our system is incredibly confusing when compared to others, and sometimes

it seems like it's that way on purpose.

But it isn't that confusing – I explained it to you in only 15 minutes or so.

Odds are that most of you are completely capable of doing your own taxes, you don't need

to pay someone else.

You can either do them with paper and pencil or using something like TurboTax, either way

– you can still do it yourself.

And before you feel compelled to ask me a question down below about your specific tax

situation – I'm playing with funkopops and monopoly money, don't ask me!

You really should know better… hey!

So what are you going to do with your refund?

Did you know I have a patreon?

Because I have a patreon… if you'd like to see more videos like this, consider donating

a dollar or two and don't forget to credit that subscribe button.

Also make sure to follow me on twitter and facebook and join us on the subreddit.

For more infomation >> Demystifying American Taxes - Duration: 15:32.


BREAKING News Out Of Minnesota… Muslims ENRAGED - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of Minnesota… Muslims ENRAGED - Duration: 2:32.


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For more infomation >> Yunessun Spa Resort | ENCONTRO ÁSIA - Duration: 3:57.


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For more infomation >> Taryn Power spiazza tutti e va contro la sorella Romina e Albano: ecco perché | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:54.


Domenica Live, rissa tra Eva Henger e Nadia Rinaldi: ecco cos'è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Domenica Live, rissa tra Eva Henger e Nadia Rinaldi: ecco cos'è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


Gemma Galgani attacca Tina e rivela alla Toffanin: 'Proposta audace a Giorgio' - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Gemma Galgani attacca Tina e rivela alla Toffanin: 'Proposta audace a Giorgio' - Duration: 5:53.


Veganismetal - How did I end up in Germany and became vegan - Duration: 10:58.

Hey everyone! Everything OK?

My name is Fabiano Eccel

and today I am going to tell you how I ended up in Germany

And why I decided to become vegan

So, enjoy the video and don't forget to subscribe to my channel, activating the notification bell down here

because this way you will always get to know when I posted a new video

Every Monday

I will post a new video for you


So, everyone. Today I will talk a bit about me

I am born in South of Brazil, in Joinville, State of Santa Catarina

And I have lived outside Brazil for more than once

and in 2014, my wife and I started to research a bit about...

a country that we could move...

and live

and since I work in the IT area

I am a IT Systems Administrator

I could easily I would find a job here in Europe or Canada...

and we wanted to go out of Brazil once again...

to travel more, get to know and learn many new things...

as we always do when living abroad

And living here in Berlin

I thought that I was always going to be eating a lot of meat...

from pork and to many sausages

and it's true, there is a lot of that here

But I had a bit of health issues from consuming animal products ...

and I ended up at the Doctor...

and the doctor said: "Look, you have to stop eating this kind of animal product

She didn't say anything at that point about eggs actually

she told me to stop eating dairy and meat

because, many of the health issues that I have at the time are due to my diet

so if I would cut these kind of food, you will probably get well

without the need for any kind of chemical medicine

So, I decided to follow the Doctor's advice

she prescribed me a diet and I started to cut a lot of kinds of food from my daily diet.

I followed this for around 3 months

But it was a diet!

and everyone knows that diet is something that stays in your head and it is a bit annoying

So, after 3 or 4 months I gave up

and I went back on eating meat and cheese

up to this point, it was a matter of health

not a matter of conscience

so later I went to another Doctor

that told me the same things:

"You have to cut out the meat and milk, and dairy in general!

So once again, I thought: "Yeap, I have to follow this advice!"

and I ended up not following. I was still eating meat and dairy...

But I started to get surrounded by vegetarians, 2 vegans...

and gradually with my work colleagues I was going for lunch in vegetarian restaurants

and I started to try a lot of very tasty food

and my boss, who is a vegetarian for more than 30 years

showed me a Indian Vegetarian restaurant, with excellent food

The Indian food spices are delicious

and at the end I was enjoying this kind of food a lot

and slowly we were going to the burger places that we used to frequent...

and there is always an vegetarian option or vegan many times...

and I was trying food to see if I could get used to it

and I realized that there is a lot of food that, when done nicely and with good seasonings...

you can make it very tasty and without the need for meat or any other animal product

but still I was only under the influence

but I still hasn't totally decided

and then in the end of the year, I was sitting alone and thinking

on Saturday morning, I sometimes stay at home in the couch with my dogs...

playing with them and thinking, and...

I started to think about what I was doing...

if it is right for me to love my 2 dogs so much...

and to keep eating other kind of animals

It wasn't a very hard decision to me...

It was easy for me to think: "I can do it!" I noticed...

the food is tasty, so I put in my head: "I will become Vegan!"

I then talked to my wife and I told her:

"Look. At the beginning of the year now in 2018...

I will stop eating meat and I will no longer consume animal products"

At that point it was only about food that I have thought about.

Than she said: "OK, no problem" So I told her:

"If you want to continue, please do, but I will no longer be a part of that"

And then with my attitude, she got excited. She like it...

she once wanted to become vegetarian in the past, but at that time, me with my culture here in my head...

that I was used to eat meat and that I wouldn't be able to change... I ended up ignoring what she said...

but I now think that culture cannot dictate morality.

It's not moral to eat and kill an animal because my culture dictates.

culturally, it was normal in the past, for example, slavery

It is known that this is immoral

Slowly things are changing...

our values are changing

I think my values has changed a lot, and so did a lot of thing in these 2 years since I moved to Germany...

and I thing that it will change even more

so my wife got excited with my ideas

So she decided to watch a video. It was "Cowspiracy" from Netflix

I got home and she had just watched this video and she got a bit chocked and touched by this video"...

than she came to me and said: "Look, I will also stop!

and we continued to read and study about it and saw that, it does not make sense...

not to kill other animals, but still kill fish...

it does not make sense to stop eating meat but still drink milk...

I will still be giving my money to this kind of business

So we studied more and

I am saying all this, but all of this happened in about 2 months that I became vegan and I am studying

but this time it is something that came from my conscience

It was a big burden in my conscience

after opening my eyes this way and...

not in a way of "it's only about health" which is also a fact!

I can't deny that eating animal product is bad for you!

but it was a matter of conscience, so this time I decided, I don't want it anymore

I put that in my head and started to check out about other products with animal origin

for house cleaning, shampoos, products for hygiene in general

Almost everything is tested on animals!

So we decided also now to look for products for home...

and not to use anything else that has involved animal suffering...

without reason!

I did not watch any of these vegan videos before I became vegan

Not one single video about veganism I had watched...

After I became vegan I started to watch more and read

and I ended up in some channels here in YouTube...

and I opened my eyes even more and saw that we have to do something!

There are too many animals suffering...

If you have a dog at home, if you have a cat at home or other pet that you love and protect...

it makes no sense for you to harm another animal

slowly as I learn I will continue to share these stuff in this channel with you.

Here in Berlin is a paradise to be vegan

There are some markets here that are totally vegan...

There is VeganZ, that I visited a few days ago...

and I will post a video here for you in the future about VeganZ

This is a market that all the products are vegan

In some of the "normal" markets here in Berlin...

You sometimes can find a shelf, full of vegan products

It means that this is growing and that people and becoming aware

People are opening their minds

I hope that in a few years we can leave only with plants...

and that we won't need to unnecessarily harm any animal

It is very interesting that on Star Trek...

The Next Generation

They were already predicting that in the future, human kind wouldn't consume any other kind of animal product...

They wouldn't enslave animals for their existence.

So I think that in the future this prediction might be right!

Lieutenant Yar was confused

We no longer enslave animals for food purposes.

But we have seen humans eat meat

You've seen something as fresh and tasty as meat but...

inorganically materialized...

out of pasterns used by our transporter

urgh... sick!


The number of vegans in the world is growing a lot!

Here in Germany this number grows wildly

In Brazil it is growing also a lot!

So I believe that if we share and help to make people aware...

Not in an annoying way...

We don't want to be annoying.

But, your choice is welcome, you can do whatever you want...

but bare in mind that your choice has a victim

I decided to become Vegan, it was my choice, but my choice has no victim!

I am not making any animal die or suffer for my choice!

If you keep on eating meat and keep on buying animal products...

You are making victims!

So think about it a bit

What differentiates your cute dog, your pet from home from a little pig, or a cow, or a sheep?

Think about it! Reflect on it!

This is what I want to do, as many people on YouTube are also trying to do!

So this was it...

I will keep on share with you, one video per week

Every Monday there will be a new video

This week I won't be doing any recipe for you, but...

next week I will share a Shitake Spread that I learned...

to eat with bread on breakfast which is really good!

If you liked my video, don't forget to click on "Like" down here...

and don't forget to subscribe to my channel...

it's very important that you do to give me incentive and keep making videos for you!

Alright? See you!!!

For more infomation >> Veganismetal - How did I end up in Germany and became vegan - Duration: 10:58.


Cristina Parodi: l'intervista a Tv Talk e gli ospiti di Domenica in del 18/02 |Hot News 24h - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Cristina Parodi: l'intervista a Tv Talk e gli ospiti di Domenica in del 18/02 |Hot News 24h - Duration: 5:16.


Novas fotos íntimas de Ayrton e Ana Clara do BBB18 caem na rede e impressionam - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Novas fotos íntimas de Ayrton e Ana Clara do BBB18 caem na rede e impressionam - Duration: 3:27.


Mãe de Jéssica vê vídeo íntimo da filha no BBB e toma dura decisão - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Mãe de Jéssica vê vídeo íntimo da filha no BBB e toma dura decisão - Duration: 3:58.


Mercedes-Benz 190 190 E 2.3 16V AIRCO LEDER SCHUIFDAK TOPZUSTAND 170000KM !!! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz 190 190 E 2.3 16V AIRCO LEDER SCHUIFDAK TOPZUSTAND 170000KM !!! - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 320 AVANTGARDE Aut - Leer - Clima - Navi - Duration: 0:56.

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Peugeot 108 1.0-12V E-VTI 68PK 5DR Blue Lion RIJKLAARPRIJS! AIRCO MISTLAMPEN - Duration: 1:01.

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For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi: un nuovo abbandono in arrivo? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:46.



For more infomation >> SEGUE O BAILE - TRADIÇÃO FEAT. VICTOR GREGÓRIO & MARCO AURÉLIO - Duration: 4:25.


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For more infomation >> Tina Cipollari sul trono di Maria De Filippi? La verità - Duration: 3:40.


Tina Cipollari: matrimonio finito, parla l'ex marito Kikò - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Tina Cipollari: matrimonio finito, parla l'ex marito Kikò - Duration: 3:25.


Noiva de Lucas, a nova protagonista do 'BBB18'? - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Noiva de Lucas, a nova protagonista do 'BBB18'? - Duration: 4:45.


Droga all'Isola dei famosi 2018: il fuorionda choc da Barbara D'Urso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Droga all'Isola dei famosi 2018: il fuorionda choc da Barbara D'Urso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.



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For more infomation >> 5 СПОСОБОВ ПЕРЕРАБОТАТЬ БАТАРЕЙКУ - Duration: 3:16.


How Democracy Works in Cuba - Duration: 13:36.

If you live in any of these countries, and by these countries I really mean this country,

it may come as a shock to you that Cuba is not a totalitarian dictatorship ruled by a single person.

In fact, Cuba has a very interesting system of participatory democracy that I'm going

to explain to you in this video.

Thank you to the Swedish-Cuban Organisation in Gothenburg for helping me with this video.

It's been very helpful to be able to talk to Cubans actually born and raised in Cuba.

Alright, let's start off with the Cuban Constitution.

The Cuban Constitution was a result of thousands of broad discussions in advisory meetings,

involving more than 6 million citizens, which was practically the entire adult population

of Cuba at the time.

The draft for this Constitution was to be either rejected or accepted via a popular referendum.

The referendum had turnout of 98%, and out of those 98%, 97,7% voted to accept the

new constitution.

This almost unanimous agreement was a result of the previous broad discussions, which resulted

in 16,000 amendment suggestions.

Cuba has 169 municipal assemblies, and each one has an election every two and a half years.

Every fifth year, three months after the municipal elections, there is an election to the Cuban

parliament - the National Assembly of People's Power - as well as to the 14 province assemblies.

All Cuban elections have had turnouts of over 95% ever since 1976.

It is not a requirement for you to be a member of the Communist party of Cuba to vote or

to be elected to any position, and the Communist Party does not propose, support nor elect

any candidates.

In fact, the Party doesn't participate in the elections at all.

"No one here has gone to an election and been presented a ballot paper and told, these

are the Party members for whom you have to vote, nor is anyone nominated for being a

Party member, this element can perhaps be invoked as a reflection of leadership, fitting

conduct, good performance, or a vocation for public service, but not because the condition

of Party member is established as a requirement to enter public office in our laws," says

Dr. José Luis Toledo Santander.

Anyone over the age of 16 can vote and can be nominated to be a candidate for election

in one of the 169 Municipal Assemblies or one of the 14 Provincial Assemblies, however

you must be at least 18 years old to become a candidate for a seat in the National Assembly.

Neither money nor political parties have a place in the nomination process.

Instead, individuals directly nominate those who they think should be candidates.

As a result, the Cuban Parliament has representatives from across society, including an exceptionally

high proportion of women.

48.9%, to be exact.

In comparison, the percentage of women in the United States House of Representatives

is 19.4%.

Among all countries, the US is ranked 101st.

Out of 196 countries in total.

Cuba is number 3, behind only Rwanda and Bolivia.

Fun fact: Saudi Arabia has a higher percentage of women in its legislative assembly than

the United States does.

Furthermore, 88% of Cubans participate in what is basically a system of direct democracy.

The Committees for the Defence of the Revolution (CDRs) allow anyone over the age of 14 to

join, and they meet a minimum of once every three months to plan the running of the community;

including the organisation of public health campaigns to promote good health and prevent

disease; the upkeep of the area in terms of waste and recycling; the running of voluntary

work brigades, and providing the adequate support to members of the community who are

in need of help (for example in the case of domestic disputes).

The CDRs also discuss nationwide issues and legislation and feed back their proposals to the

National Assembly and other organs of popular democracy.

But at the heart of the Cuban democratic system is the locally elected delegate.

Prior to the municipal elections, residents of all the neighbourhoods of that municipality

gather to a meeting in order to nominate candidates.

If you're nominated, you're free to either accept or decline the nomination.

If several people are nominated, a meeting appoints a person whom the neighbourhood trust

as their candidate via discussion and show of hands.

Up to 8 adjacent neighbourhoods make up a constituency.

Each candidate is presented with a short biography and photo on an A4 sheet of paper.

Election promises or electoral pledges are forbidden.

On election day the elections are conducted via secret ballot

like in most democratic countries.

Then a minimum of two and a maximum of eight candidates from a single constituency are

to be elected to the municipal assembly.

The polls are guarded by school children and everyone has the right to monitor the votes

being counted.

The whole school children thing might seem a bit weird at first, but yes,

The ballot boxes are guarded by elementary school children, called pioneers.

Elections are very calm and take place on Sundays so that people can go to vote,

and so that pioneers aren't in school when the voting is happening.

The idea behind this is that when a son, daughter, nephew, niece, granddaughter, or grandson

is taking care of the box, the family spends the day checking on them to see that they're

behaving well and so on.

So the polling station is taken care of by everyone.

The counting of the votes is public and any citizens who wants can be present.

The ballot box is opened, all the ballot papers are laid out, they are counted and the result

is given immediately.

So there cannot be any greater transparency.

And if that were not enough, the national electoral commission, once the electoral processes

have concluded, conducts random audits of polling stations.

So let's say you won your local municipal election


You now get to join the Municipal Assembly, which will choose from among its members a

president, a vice president, and appoint a secretary.

As an elected representative, you don't receive a special wage, but you also don't

have to pay for related expenses out of your own pocket.

You remain at your normal job, carrying out the civic duties in own time.

The duties of a delegate are many and varied and the role is demanding, requiring an understanding

of public policy and finance, business and administration, and the ability to negotiate,

explain, motivate and lead.

And because you're known to almost every one of your electors, and you live among them,

people will call on you at all hours of the day and night with all manner of problems,

ranging from broken water pipes to broken hearts.

Delegates carry out the inspection and monitoring of services provided by the Municipal administration,

and of the factories, shops and businesses in their area.

The National Assembly is practically the parliament of Cuba.

Out of the Assembly's 612 seats, exactly 50% consists of nominated delegates from mass

organisations (namely the CDRs, the Women's Federation, the trade unions,

the Students' Association, and the Association of Small Farmers) and 50% Municipal delegates.

The elections to the National Assembly take place every five years at the same time as

the Provincial Assembly elections.

Deputies in the National Assembly are from all walks of life and like municipal deputies

they do not receive a special wage for being deputies.

The National Assembly is responsible for electing the 31-body Council of State, which is the

governing body of Cuba, like a Prime Minister's Cabinet.

It contains one President of the Council of State, whom you can think of as the prime

minister of Cuba, as well as 6 vice presidents, a secretary, and 23 additional members.

Can everyone vote?

Yes, if you were born in Cuba you are automatically registered to vote.

There is no need for you or your parents to do any paperwork or pay any tax.

You can vote in all elections when you turn 16 and you can also participate in local elections.

Once you turn 18 you can also run for a seat in the National Assembly.

Will everyone know who I voted for?

Will the secret police come get me if I vote for someone the government doesn't like?

No, voting is done via secret ballot, so no one knows who you voted for except you.

Do I have to vote?

If you don't want to, then no you don't have to.

Voting is completely voluntary.

If I'm super rich, can I spend all my millions promoting candidates that I like?

No, it is illegal to spend money promoting candidates.

Candidates' biographies and their reasons for standing are simply displayed on local

notice boards so that every candidate receives the same exposure.

Political parties are permitted in Cuba, however they are not allowed to nominate or campaign

for candidates.

This includes the Cuban Communist Party which is forbidden by law from interfering in the

electoral process.

Wait hang on, if the Communist Party can't nominate candidates to the elections, what

the heck is the point of it?

The Cuban Communist Party is really a product of Cuban history.

The Cuban Communist Party traces its ideological roots to the Cuban Revolutionary Party founded

by Cuba's national hero, José Martí, in exile in New York in 1882.

Its purpose was to free Cuba from Spanish rule by uniting into a single party all those

who wanted Cuban self-determination.

Following the 1959 Revolution which swept out the US-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista,

Cuba's progressive forces began a process of uniting into a single party, which finally

came to fruition six years later when the PCC was formed in 1965.

Today one in six of Cuba's eleven million people are Party members.

To become a member of Cuba's Communist Party, a person must be first nominated by fellow

workers or neighbours and then voted in by their local branch.

A year has to be served as a 'candidate member' before becoming a full member as

this brings with it responsibilities and duties, especially within the local community.

To be a member of the PCC is seen as an honour in Cuba, and members are generally respected

as honest and committed revolutionaries.

So it's like a club?

Yeah it's kinda like a club where you help out your community.

Can I win even if I only get 46.1% of the vote?

That's an oddly specific percentage but no, to be elected, you must receive at least

50% plus 1 of the votes cast.

If this doesn't happen, run-off elections are held.

Once I'm elected, can I become an evil supervillain and take over the world without anyone to

stop me?


Delegates are required to meet with their electors at least once every six months for

'accountability sessions' where they must take up issues and problems raised by their

constituents and seek solutions.

They can be recalled at any time if their constituents feel that they are failing to

perform their role adequately.

So if the people who elected you think you're doing a bad job, you're out.


Why don't Cubans get to elect their own President?

Well, they do.

Just indirectly.

Same as the prime minister in the UK or Sweden or lots of other countries, the leader of

the leader of the country is elected by the legislative assembly.

This is because Cuba does not have a presidential system, merely a semi-parliamentary one.

The President of Cuba doesn't have the power to make decisions alone, he doesn't appoint

or dismiss ministers, he doesn't grant honorific positions or appoint ambassadors.

That is to say, all the major decisions are concentrated in the hands of a large number

of elected representatives, not in a single person.

The President of Cuba is a figurehead more than anything.

That said, it is possible for the President of Cuba to also be the President of the Council

of State, meaning one person can be both Head of State and Head of Government.

This makes them less like the figurehead President of Ireland, and more like the President of

the United States, which is also a combination of Head of State and Head of Government.

However, if you wish to become both President of Cuba and President of the Council of State,

you have to be elected to both positions at two separate occasions.

If you're really interested in how to become President of Cuba, then here is a 5 step guide:


Be nominated and approved in a plenary vote by a social or mass organization;

2. be approved in a municipal assembly vote 3. be elected via direct and secret vote by

voters from your electoral district, if you are not elected at this point you can't

be a deputy; 4. have your nomination be be approved by

the National Assembly 5. be elected by deputies via direct and secret vote.



Thank you for watching this video, I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have more questions about how the Cuban democratic system works,

then I have my sources listed in the description down below.

If you would also like to give me a small donation as thanks for making this video,

since it will most likely be demonetised, as all my videos are demonetised,

there is a link to my account in the description as well.

You don't have to, obviously, but it would be greatly appreciated.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> How Democracy Works in Cuba - Duration: 13:36.


Demystifying American Taxes - Duration: 15:32.

It's tax season here in America, which means it's time for everyone to procrastinate

and complain about how complicated they are.

They're really not that complicated.

But there are people out there with a vested interest in making you think they are.

Whether it's a politician who wants to use simplifying the tax code as a campaign slogan

or a company who wants you to sell you their services in doing them for you.

If you have a basic understanding of high school algebra, you already know more than

you need in order to understand taxes.

We do make them needlessly complicated here in America – so for any of you international

viewers, feel free to compare your system to ours – but still, they're not that


Let's start with your paycheck.

Feel free to tell me how much you make down below and we can get started….

Okay since you're apparently not going to participate we're going to have to make

up an example.

Let's start with this guy.

Raynor here.

He's single and makes $30,000 a year.

That's about twice minimum wage.

Okay so I rounded down to make the numbers easier to work with, sue me.

Please don't sue me.

Anyway it's pretty close to the average individual income here in America.

He gets paid twice a month, which comes out to $1250.

Right on.

But as you probably all know, that's not what he ends up with.

In Australia, when you get hired and they tell you "you make 30,000 a year," that's

how much you make, that's your take-home pay, they figure in how much taxes get taken

out and don't even tell you about it.

How awesome would that be instead of it being a mystery up until your first paycheck?!

Anyway, let's break down what happens to that paycheck.

First, 6.2% comes out for Social Security.

For those of you not in the United States, this is the mandatory socialized retirement

program that everyone pays into and you only reap the full benefit of when you turn 67.

That comes out to $77.50.

Next, 1.45% gets taken out for Medicare.

For those of you not in the United States, this is the mandatory socialized healthcare

program that everyone pays into and you only reap the full benefit of when you turn 65.

Apparently, only old people get socialism here in America…

That comes out to be $18.13.

These two together are called FICA – and the government just takes it and you never

see it again.

Well unless you become old enough, I guess.

The next bit to come out of your paycheck is income tax, the part that most people do


We're going to ignore state income tax and just focus on federal, because…

I don't want to make 43 different versions of this video.

The part of your paycheck that goes towards federal income tax is called the federal income

tax withholding.

You pay a small portion of each paycheck is withheld, and at the end of the year when

you "do your taxes" you figure out whether you owe more or more commonly get a refund.

So how are people messing this up?

Because how much goes towards your withholding is based on your income, your filing status,

and how many allowances you claim.

This is called a W-4, you filled it out when you started your job.

Most people don't even read it and just put 0 – and this is the worst possible answer.

This form is asking how many people this income is meant to support - putting zero means nobody.

So the government will take the maximum possible amount.

People like to claim zero because it gives them a bigger refund.

You're not getting a refund because of a defective product or shoddy service, it's

because you overpaid.

But we'll get to that in a moment.

This guy claims zero, so combining that with his income and crippling loneliness, the government

takes 12.5%, which comes out to be $153.70.

That number is figured out by your employer using a really complicated set of tables that

takes all three of those identifiers into account.

I wish I could tell you some sort of concrete number, but it changes for literally everyone.

So let's look at someone who works at the exact same job, for the exact same pay, but

actually read his W-4.

Ad victoriam Enter 1 for yourself if no one else can claim

you as a dependent.

Enter 1 if you're single and only have one job.

Or if you're married or have a second job, okay that doesn't apply.

Spouse, nope, dependents, nope, head of, child… blah blah blah, whatever.


He claims two.

So he gets the same $1250 paycheck, $77.50 out for Social Security, $18.13 out for Medicare,

but his withholding is different, $103.08, only 10.6%.

That's a difference of $50.62 per paycheck.

The key here is that since they both make the same amount and they both have the same

depressing life circumstances, they both owe the same amount at the end of the year.

But, we'll get to how we figure that out in a moment.

For now, just take my word for it that this guy gets a $1215.05 refund at the end of the

year, and this guy gets a $0.17 refund- though since we round to the nearest dollar, no refund.

This is usually the point where the guy who claimed zero celebrates his gift from the

government and laughs at the guy who claimed two for doing his taxes wrong.

But did he?

He already has all of that money in the bank, so it actually evens out.

That guy just has a more accurate withholding which lets him keep more of his own money

each paycheck.

So, read your W-4, don't just write zero.

If you already work somewhere, ask for a new W-4.

Say this was a cell phone bill and you owed $60 a month, but you decide to play it safe

and pay $70 a month, so you get a $120 refund at the end of the year.

You would seriously reconsider how much you're paying every month… at least I hope you


Your refund is not a gift from the government, you're not sticking it to anyone by getting

a refund, you're getting it because you're overpaying.

No, you can't tell your employer to take out nothing for income tax, despite what any

Sovereign Citizen might tell you.

The government totally has the power to tax personal income.

There's also a number of youtube videos that tell you how to get out of paying taxes

by claiming 9 or 10.

Unless you're John and Kate plus Eight, don't do that.

You can actually claim more than nine or ten but at that point you're just being a pain

to your employer, not the government.

It's a logarithmic function, you'll get it infinitely close to zero, but you'll

never actually get to zero.

If you don't pay your income taxes, they will eventually send someone with a gun to

your house.

And most likely, you're going to get everything you paid in taxes back anyway, so it's just

not worth it – pay your taxes.

Let's figure out how much this guy owes.

Anyway, here is where we're going to dispel a few more myths.

We use a progressive tax system here in America, which means the more money you make the more

that money is taxed.

Actually, most countries use this system.

It's a common misconception that if you make this much money, you're taxed at this

rate, but if you make just one dollar more, all of your money is taxed at a higher rate.

Which just isn't true, so let's look at how it works.

We're going to be working with the 2017 brackets since that's what you'll be filing

your taxes under this year, near the end I'll talk about the 2018 changes.

Like the other guy, he's single and makes $30,000 a year.

The first $9325 is taxed at 10% - so of that, he owes $932.50.

The remaining $20,675 is taxed at 15%, coming out to $3101.25.

So, in total he owes $4033.75.

Well that wasn't a very good example, it only crosses two brackets.

Alright, let's look at his boss.

One Enclave, One America.

Who is also single but makes $100,000 a year.

Again, the first $9325 is taxed at 10%.

The 15% bracket goes up to $37,950, which means only $28625 of his income is taxed at

that rate.

The next bracket goes up to $91,900 and is taxed at 25%.

And his final $8100 is taxed at 28%.

His final tax bill is $20,981.75, so even though his income falls into the 28% bracket,

not all of his income is taxed at that rate.

28% is what is called his top marginal tax rate, while his effective tax rate is only

20.98% There are other proposed tax systems, like

the regressive system, which means the more money you make the less that money is taxed.

Which obviously disproportionately benefits the rich, which is why no country on earth

uses it.

And then there is the flat tax, which means all income is taxed at the same rate, which

sounds fair… which is why every few years someone tries to push for it.

But let's look at it in practice.

In order for a flat tax to work, it would have to be high enough that the government

doesn't lose any revenue.

In order to keep that same level of revenue, it would have to be something like 36%, which

is insane.

So let's use a number that has been proposed before – 18%.

This guy would see his taxes go up and this guy would see his taxes go down.

Just like the regressive system, it disproportionately helps the wealthy.

Imagine if he was making millions or even billions of dollars.

In 2012, a presidential candidate suggested a 9-9-9 plan, which included a 9% flat income

tax, which is excessively low, but introduced a new 9% national sales tax to make up the


So effectively, your federal taxes would be 18% total.

In the US, sales tax is a local and state consumption tax on only certain goods.

Essential items like food are not taxed.

But for frivolous items like cars, tvs, and tampons, it gets a little messy… gross.

Tampons should not be taxed.

Since it's state and local, it changes city to city, but on average it's 7%.

Adding a national 9% sales tax would suddenly mean everything costs 16% more than what it

says on the price tag.

In Ireland it's called the Value Added Tax, or VAT, and it's 23% nationwide But you

wouldn't know it, because that price is figured into the price tag – it's not

a surprise when you get to the register.

Why do we have to go and make things so complicated?

Speaking of complicated, while I figured out the tax brackets, I'm sure some of you were

furiously writing out comments about how I forgot about deductions, exemptions, and credits.

I didn't forget, it said that in the bottom cor- let's explain those now.

Let's just focus in on this guy, but since he's single, he doesn't really qualify

for any of the fun stuff.

So let's complicate things by giving him custody of one child.

Ad victoriam.

Let's not make him married though, life's hard enough as it is.

But since he now has a dependent, he gets to file as head of household, so the brackets

get all messed up.

Leave it to a kid to make a mess of things.

The first $13350 is taxed at 10% and the remaining $16650 is taxed at 15%.

The first deduction he is going to take is the Standard Deduction, which for head of

household, is $9350.

He could itemize, which means individually deducting state income tax, social security

and medicare, donations to charity, and even things like sales tax, but – For most people,

almost always, the Standard Deduction is higher.

Unless you have some incredibly complicated tax situation or make enormous amounts of

money, which most of you don't, just take the Standard Deduction.

Then he is going to claim two Personal Exemptions, one for him, one for his child, totaling $8100.

These two numbers, the Standard Deduction and Personal Exemptions, are subtracted from

his overall income of $30,000, meaning he is only taxed on $12550.

It would be nice if we lived in a country where they just said your first however many

dollars weren't taxed, that system would make so much more sense.

But as far as I know, no such country exists, so we're left with having to do math.

So that's it, his income only falls into the 10% bracket, so he owes $1255.

But that's not the entire story, because while deductions reduce the amount of income

you are taxed on, credits reduce the amount of taxes you owe.

There are all sorts of credits, like if you bought an electric car or installed solar

panels on your house, but we're just going to focus on the most popular two.

The Child Tax Credit is just $1000 per child, nice and easy.

Now he only owes $255.

Then there is the Earned Income Credit, which is complicated because it scales depending

on income.

It's not a case of, if you make below this amount you get it, if you make above it you


So if you've ever thought to yourself "if I made just a hundred dollars less, I would

have gotten that credit."

If you're that close to the line, the credit is worth single digits.

But for this guy, it's $1536.

Which means on top of getting back all of his federal income tax withholding from his

paychecks throughout the year, the government owes him an additional $1281.

This is why an estimated 45% of Americans pay no federal income tax, because of the

deductions and credits from having kids and stuff.

But since we're still dealing with 2017, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the

opposite of credits – penalties.

If you didn't have health insurance in 2017, you owe the government at least $695 per person.

Either you owe in in addition to your taxes or it gets taken out of your refund.

But that penalty is going away in 2018 thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

I promised I would talk about the 2018 changes, so here we go.

Let's start with this guy, single making $30,000 a year.

He got a $6350 Standard Deduction and $4050 Personal Exemption and no credits, so he owes

$2473.75, an effective tax rate of 8.25%.

The brackets shift a little bit and his top bracket is now only 12%, but the biggest change

is the near-doubling of the Standard Deduction to $12,000.

However, this is offset by the fact that the new plan completely eliminates Personal Exemptions.

So in the end, he now owes $1969.50, a savings of $504.25.

Now for the rich guy.

In 2017, he owed $18,138.50.

Again, his Standard Deduction and Personal Exemption are rolled into one Standard Deduction,

totaling $12,000, and the brackets shift a bit again.

His top bracket is now only 24% and his tax burden falls to $15409.50, a reduction of


And lastly, the complicated guy, earning $30,000 with one child as head of household.

In 2017, he got a Standard Deduction and 2 Personal Exemptions, totaling $17,450.

Those have been bundled together for a Standard Deduction of $18,000.

The Child Tax Credit doubles to $2000, and the Earned Income Credit creeps up slightly

to $1662.

So he will now get a refund of $2462, almost double what he got for 2017.

The 2018 plan helps almost everyone – it helps some people a lot more than others,

but still, it helps most everyone.

At times it seems like our system is incredibly confusing when compared to others, and sometimes

it seems like it's that way on purpose.

But it isn't that confusing – I explained it to you in only 15 minutes or so.

Odds are that most of you are completely capable of doing your own taxes, you don't need

to pay someone else.

You can either do them with paper and pencil or using something like TurboTax, either way

– you can still do it yourself.

And before you feel compelled to ask me a question down below about your specific tax

situation – I'm playing with funkopops and monopoly money, don't ask me!

You really should know better… hey!

So what are you going to do with your refund?

Did you know I have a patreon?

Because I have a patreon… if you'd like to see more videos like this, consider donating

a dollar or two and don't forget to credit that subscribe button.

Also make sure to follow me on twitter and facebook and join us on the subreddit.

For more infomation >> Demystifying American Taxes - Duration: 15:32.


BREAKING News Out Of Minnesota… Muslims ENRAGED - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of Minnesota… Muslims ENRAGED - Duration: 2:32.


Yunessun Spa Resort | ENCONTRO ÁSIA - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Yunessun Spa Resort | ENCONTRO ÁSIA - Duration: 3:57.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


WoT - AMX 65 t (Ace Tanker) - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> WoT - AMX 65 t (Ace Tanker) - Duration: 6:40.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T XTRONIC Tekna - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T XTRONIC Tekna - Duration: 0:48.


F-L-O-W-E-R: Moonstuck Blossom (Side: T) - Vocal Cover - Duration: 5:38.

This is a story of a loyalty born from love...

And of its tragic loss.

Dearest S...

you were my queen long before you ever took the crown.

I swore that I would give my life to you...

...But I regret that I almost let you take it."

Remember when, we were younger at the academy?

How back then, I still lacked -- any cares or responsibility.

Different, you were... striving for a metamorphosis.

I wanted yet to see, flower of your greatness bloom.

So, then I strove to be - worthy of your gaze towards me.

Though I was mediocre, I studied to be a capable magician for thee.

When, you began recruiting. I, was happy as can be.

To win your affection I made a pledge, to bring you a great treasure!

Rumors of an ancient artifact, called: the Dimension Mirror.

I would bring, this mirror to you to aid you in your Quest.

The journey, though it was perilous.

Testing all of my might and ability.

At the end, of my long long quest, I would be victorious.


The mirror pleased you so greatly that you made me your confidant.

Ah, but now, how I wish I could have reversed that fateful event...

I noticed the change, but for the best ignored, my instincts.

Was it not from your metamorphosis, not part of your true ambition?

Yet, instead of gazing for a better world...

Your gaze unceasingly, lingered in that mirror.

I, joined you in your conquest, because I was smitten.

I captured and defeated all of your enemies--

including THE hero.

But, to my shock I had made -- a very crucial mistake.

Like you, I confused, title for power, judging a king your best enemy.

I was unprepared to see a, mere child defeat the spellbound king.

I cried out for your assistance, my queen. "Ah please! Help me!"

But in your eyes you were far too gone,

all that kindness from before had wilted away.

You cast me off, with a murderous intent. And so - my




Truly, my beloved S. was dead.

This hollowed bud of a Queen -- I could no longer serve...

I knew then... with a heavy and distraught heart, that I had to fight you.

(Yes... to atone for YOU as well...)

Where, does our paradise yet lie?

To, be together with you is still my dream,

but it's a: FANTASY..!

As, you lay before me.

In shattered bits like crystals...

I cannot help but to want to--oh just want to save--you!

I will continue to yet, live on.

This I swear to the you of the once lost days.

And I pray, that you in another life may find

what you truly, sought.

This is a tale about a tragic loss...

A broken man who pushed away his desires for anothers more...

The spirit beyond the mirror ... continues to gaze at us.

(Eever dream ... ever fade ...)

For more infomation >> F-L-O-W-E-R: Moonstuck Blossom (Side: T) - Vocal Cover - Duration: 5:38.


Nissan Pulsar T 115pk Leer Navi Camera Ecc Lm 17" Tekna 1.2 DIG-T - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar T 115pk Leer Navi Camera Ecc Lm 17" Tekna 1.2 DIG-T - Duration: 0:57.


Funny Kids Videos 2018 - Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Kids Fails 2018 | by Life Awesome - Duration: 10:09.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Funny Kids Videos 2018 - Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Kids Fails 2018 | by Life Awesome - Duration: 10:09.


President Trump To Save Taxpayers 357M By Removing Top Item Bought With Food Stamps - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> President Trump To Save Taxpayers 357M By Removing Top Item Bought With Food Stamps - Duration: 2:43.


Rep. Shot by Crazed Gunman Issues Perfect Response to FL Shooting - Duration: 3:29.

Rep. Shot by Crazed Gunman Issues Perfect Response to FL Shooting

During an appearance Thursday evening on Fox News, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise scolded

Democrats and their mainstream media allies for having responded to the mass shooting

in Florida earlier this week by once again calling for unnecessary and potentially harmful

gun control laws.

Besides being sleazy, since no tragedy should ever be politicized, their rhetoric was also

wrong, Scalise told Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

"(T)hey don't know the fact of that particular event.

And again, look at their bills, read their bills.

They have nothing to do with these kind of shootings," he said, referencing not only

the shooting this week but those in the recent past as well.

Take Nikolas Cruz, the troubled 19-year-old suspected of killing 17 during a mass shooting

Wednesday at the Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida.

Conservative Tribune reported that he had no criminal history and was therefore able

to pass a background check and obtain the guns he used.What law could have possibly

stopped him?

"(Y)ou go find your law that was going to prevent this or the next shooting," Scalise,

who himself became the victim of gun violence when a deranged liberal opened fire during

a congressional baseball practice session last summer, continued in his frustrated tirade

Thursday."And first of all, whatever criminal did these actions violated a whole host of

other laws too.

So, if you think there's some magic unicorn law that's going to stop it from happening,

just keep in mind that he violated probably dozens of laws already, including murdering


It's against the law.

So, this idea that one magic law is going to stop the next one from happening, it's


In other words, criminals will always break the law because breaking the law is what makes

them criminals in the first place.Thus, restrictive gun regulations wouldn't actually affect

criminals like Cruz — instead they'd affect those law-abiding Americans who "use guns

to stop crimes" and "defend their own families."

This should be common-sense knowledge, but to the left it's not.

Listen to the whole interview below:Scalise also addressed the left's despicable attacks

on "thoughts and prayers", saying, "What I first think we need to do is pray for the

people that died…the families too, and all of these kids, Laura.

There were a lot of kids that witnessed this that are going to have this with them the

rest of their lives.""The prayers helped me tremendously," he added, alluding to

what he experienced after almost being killed last summer.

Given that Scalise was himself a victim of gun violence, I feel his perspective should

count for more than that of, say, former President Barack Obama, who felt compelled to file his

own plea for more gun control in a tweet this week:But apparently, the 1+ million who liked

this tweet disagree.

And frankly, that's a shame.

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about Steve

Scalise's points.

What do you think about liberals are politicizing a tragedy?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Rep. Shot by Crazed Gunman Issues Perfect Response to FL Shooting - Duration: 3:29.


Albin Lee Meldau - The Weight Is Gone - Duration: 3:34.

Albin Lee Meldau The Weight Is Gone

For more infomation >> Albin Lee Meldau - The Weight Is Gone - Duration: 3:34.


Anger Management Techniques: 5 Tips To Manage Your Anger - Duration: 3:48.

Anger Management Techniques: 5 Tips To Manage Your Anger

Anger is natural expression of human being, and it is inevitable that people get mad sometimes.

Many things can be factors of raising and exploding anger whether from your environment

or from your nearest people.

Here, people often let their anger to raise and explode it for comfortable feeling then.

But it is not good to do actually for mental good.

It is important to have self-control against anger in your soul.

So, it will not control your mind as you may take some disadvantages from that.

However, it is worth noting that strong people are actually those who can control their anger.

Here is how to do that.

#1 - Stop and sit

Even if you are in rage, you still have consciousness.

Make sure you think straight, and it begins by lowering your position from standing to

seated position.

If you still want to unleash your anger, take sleeping position.

It can dramatically reduce your wrath.

This is the first important step to control your anger and you should remember it while

you are still sane.

#2 - Address what your real problem is

Sometimes, you are angry just because you discover something goes unexpected.

However, you only see the partial or the big picture of that event.

If you do not really understand the situation, it does not make sense for you to be angry.

That is why you should address the real problem is.

#3 - Be aware of anger warning system

Sometimes, you know when you are about to explode.

However, you should notice that until you are angry.

Next time, these signs can be devastating for you: knots in stomach, faster breathing,

reddish view, trouble concentrating and tense shoulder.

Those are some warning signs before you are getting angry.

Be sure to relax and sit down to control your anger.

#4 - Telling your feeling to your close relatives

When you are telling your problem to others, it will make you feeling quite well than before.

Even though, what you've experienced as your burden may not be helped totally by them,

at least it will decrease your burden that makes you so angry because of that.

Who knows that they may find you for solutions to fix that and will also calm you down then?

So, by telling your problem, it will help your psychological control not to be angry.

#5 - Seeking professional help

This is the last effort that you should do when your anger gets too difficult to control.

Professionals have more accurate methods for reducing your chance to get mad.

They also have medication to slow down the anger process.

That is why it is ideal to seek professional help if you think your anger consumes you.

It is helpful to make sure you are not hurting yourself with your anger.

Some people cannot hold their anger.

By always exploding your anger is not a good way for psychological and social matter.

You may have effects to your body by exploding your anger always.

You can spend your energy for something worthless if your anger is with no reason.

Otherwise, it also may affect people around.

They may feel uncomfortable to be with you, then they may leave you.

Therefore, controlling your anger is very necessary as it is more advantageous than

you explode the anger.

Well, that's all the 5 tips to manage your anger better.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Anger Management Techniques: 5 Tips To Manage Your Anger - Duration: 3:48.


She's Confused When He Walks Into Airport Barefoot, But When He Says Why She Starts Sobbing - Duration: 3:22.

She's Confused When He Walks Into Airport Barefoot, But When He Says Why She Starts


It's not uncommon to see people in their socks at the airport – not in the TSA line,

at least – but when Bryan Hodgson walked into San Francisco International Airport in

his socks, he turned a few heads.

He decided to share the story of why he came to the airport with no shoes, and it has quickly

gone viral.

Bryan had stopped at Starbucks on his way to the airport and, as he stood in line, he

noticed the man in front of him.

He was homeless and had no shoes.

He had collected just enough money to buy a banana and a drink.

After getting his drink, the man accidentally spilled a little on the floor, and it was

what he did next that really got Bryan's attention.

"[He] rushed over to grab some napkins to immediately clean up after himself saying

'I would hate for someone to step in this,'" Bryan recalled.

"The man with no shoes on was worried that someone else with shoes on might step in his


Bryan was stunned.

He followed the man to the back of the store, where he was grabbing more napkins, and asked

him if he owned any shoes.

"Man, they stole them from me last night," he told Bryan, "but you know what.

I'm not going to complain.

That is the life of a homeless man."

Then, without another word (and without asking for anything), he told Bryan to have a nice

day and got ready to leave.

But Bryan couldn't let it go.

He was touched by this man's attitude and knew he wanted to do something to help him.

"I asked what size he wore and he said 11…I told him I'm a 14 but would give him my

shoes if he wanted.

He didn't even think about it..didn't matter what size.

I took my shoes off and gave them to him, and it literally brought him to tears,"

Bryan said.

The man followed Bryan out to his car, asking over and over again if he really wanted to

give him his shoes.

"Here I am with two more pairs in my luggage for a 4 day trip," Bryan said.

"I am not saying this for a pat on the back," he added, "but to bring awareness that there

[are] good people out there who need help.

Everyone has a story."

Bryan is the assistant men's basketball coach at the University at Buffalo, so he

gets free shoes regularly.

To him, losing a pair of shoes wasn't a big deal, but to this man down on his luck,

the shoes meant everything.

"The look on his face when I gave him my shoes was priceless," Bryan said.

"He wasn't begging, he didn't even ask me for a single thing.

"I hope he enjoys the heck out of those comfortable Nike Air Prestos, and somehow

finds a way to pay it forward.

I hope this also inspires someone reading this to do something nice for someone else


With all the craziness going on in our country…find a way to make even the smallest difference."

Let's all follow Bryan's advice and example and find a way to pay it forward.

We all have a little good inside us.

So share it!

Subscribe to our channel for more : Visit our website :

For more infomation >> She's Confused When He Walks Into Airport Barefoot, But When He Says Why She Starts Sobbing - Duration: 3:22.


Elvis Presley ‎– Bringing It All Back Home CD1 ( March 16, 1974 )Afternoon Show - Duration: 58:13.

For more infomation >> Elvis Presley ‎– Bringing It All Back Home CD1 ( March 16, 1974 )Afternoon Show - Duration: 58:13.


3D Printer model / Do not lose headset / Unique microphone - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> 3D Printer model / Do not lose headset / Unique microphone - Duration: 2:40.


Nightcore - Friends (Lyrics) ด้้้้้็็็็็้้ - Duration: 2:41.

Ooh ooh, ooh ooh

Ooh ooh, ooh ooh

You say you love me, I say you crazy

We're nothing more than friends

You're not my lover, more like a brother

I known you since we were like ten, yeah

Don't mess it up, talking that shit

Only gonna push me away, that's it

When you say you love me, that make me crazy

Here we go again

Don't go look at me with that look in your eye

You really ain't going away without a fight

You can't be reasoned with, I'm done being polite

I've told you one, two, three, four, five, six thousand times

Haven't I made it obvious?

Haven't I made it clear?

Want me to spell it out for you?


Haven't I made it obvious?

Haven't I made it clear?

Want me to spell it out for you?



Have you got no shame? You looking insane

Turning up at my door

It's two in the morning, the rain is pouring

Haven't we been here before?

Don't mess it up, talking that shit

Only gonna push me away, that's it

Have you got no shame? You looking insane

Here we go again

So don't go look at me with that look in your eye

You really ain't going away without a fight

You can't be reasoned with, I'm done being polite

I've told you one, two, three, four, five, six thousand times

Haven't I made it obvious?(Haven't I made it?)

Haven't I made it clear?(Haven't I made it clear?)

Want me to spell it out for you?


Haven't I made it obvious?

Haven't I made it clear?(Haven't I?)

Want me to spell it out for you?(To spell it out for you?)




That's how you f-spell "friends"


Get that shit inside your head

No, no, yeah, uh, ah


We're just friends

So don't go look at me with that look in your eye

You really ain't going nowhere without a fight

You can't be reasoned with, I'm done being polite

I've told you one, two, three, four, five, six thousand times

Haven't I made it obvious?(Have I not made it obvious?)

Haven't I made it clear?(I made it very clear)

Want me to spell it out for you?(Yo)

F-R-I-EN-D-S (I said F-R-I-E-N-D-S)

Haven't I made it obvious?(I made it very obvious)

Haven't I made it clear?(I made it very clear)

Want me to spell it out for you?



Ooh ooh, ooh ooh

Ah ah ah

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Friends (Lyrics) ด้้้้้็็็็็้้ - Duration: 2:41.


DROELOE - BACKBONE (ft. Nevve) - Duration: 3:15.


For more infomation >> DROELOE - BACKBONE (ft. Nevve) - Duration: 3:15.


2018 Prophecies About Trump, America & the World! - Duration: 28:31.


Sid: Hello.

Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural.

Well it's a start of a year and I want to talk to three of

recognized prophets of wonderful reputation as far as accuracy,

what they see for 2018.

If I was President of the United States I would want to see what

these three proven senior prophets have to say about 2018.

How about you?


Is there a supernatural dimension,

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of It's Supernatural.


Sid: Okay.

I want you to cause our expectations for this year to go

off the charts because you told me that God said that this year

is going to be a year of same-day blessing.

Hank Kunneman: Yes.

Sid: How about you, do you like that same-day blessing?

I sure do.


Hank Kunneman: God wants to raise the expectation of you

that pray.

You know, people have been praying prayers of someday.

God is not talking someday, he's talking same day.

We are expecting too much tomorrow,

in the future.

God wants to raise our expectation today,

now, it begins to happen.

And this isn't just individually,

but I'm telling you, it's for the nations of the earth,

because God is moving and he's speaking loudly.

And it's one of the things that's going to mark this year

is the voice of the Lord that's going to speak louder than the

voice of man and the voice of the media.


Sid: I've heard you say the fear of the Lord is so important at

this moment because, let's face it,

the church seems to be going the other way.

Hank Kunneman: And the reason why a lot of

churches today don't have the fear of

God is because they're excluding the Holy Spirit.

They're setting up their own agenda.

And God said this, Jesus asked a question,

"What should we liken under this generation?"

And he compared it to John the Baptist.

He said, "What did you come out to see,

a reed shaking in the wind?"

There's too many that are bending with the trends.

He also said, "Did you come out to see a man clothed

in soft linen?"

He said, "Soft linen belongs with kings and palaces."

We want a soft message.

God wants to come in his Glory, and the pattern and the

foundation has to be right for it to come because God is coming

with his voice very strong.

And I hear the Spirit of God saying this: "This is the year

that my voice shall speak and it shall speak loud.

For the media has been speaking loud and they've

had their moment.

Now I shall speak."

And God says, "When my voice comes it shall be as if the

sound of thunder.

Listen to the sound of thunder, even you in the United States,

for where it thunders you shall say we have not heard it like

this before.

And you will look and say, where is the rain?

But you will find no rain.

But look to the lightning, for there shall be fascinations in

the lightning.

Why is this?"

For God says, "My voice is as the voice of thunder and with it

shall come lightning that shall strike down the forces of

witchcraft that have been holding cities,

that have been holding regions, that have been holding

territories, and that has even held certain things

with this administration."

But God says, "Listen to my voice,

for with it I will shake, I will break,

I will divide and I shall make, and my way shall be heard,

and my way shall be reported even upon the media.

Watch how my name, the name of Yeshua,

is declared loudly upon the airwaves as a sign of a shift

that's beginning to come, says the Spirit of Grace."


I saw a vision on New Year's Eve and I saw the

President, President Trump, joining hands with the Prime

Minister Netanyahu, and when they joined hands,

it was more than just a hand joining.

I literally saw a picture.

I saw God's hand come down and put his hand of agreement on

both of them.

And when that happened, it marks a tremendous move of God that is

going to begin to come over Israel and the United States.

And the Lord has been saying this,

Sid, about the United States.

Sid: By the way, I'm just reporting,

I'm a reporter, there are waves of the Holy Spirit coming over

those words right now.

Please continue.

Hank Kunneman: I'm not one that likes to set dates,

but I'm telling you, the Lord is saying,

"I want my people to get a picture."

He's been saying this, look to 2020 where people will begin to

get perfect vision, where they will see what God has been

saying and prophesying through his prophets regarding a global

move of the Holy Spirit.

Too many of us are saying the Glory is coming,

the Glory is coming.

We need to start declaring this is that which was spoken by the

Prophet Joel.

This is that.

The Glory is in manifestation.

In fact, I hear the Spirit of God says,

"Watch this year, 2018, it's a year of records.

Records shall be made and records shall be broken.

Why is this," says the Lord?

"Because I want show those in the earth that even as it was

said of Yeshua, we have never so seen this in all of Israel and

this shall be said even in Israel once again,

as they understand the Messiah, as they understand Yeshua."

God says, "The records shall be broken as a sign of what I'm

about to do, unprecedentedly, in the earth among my people."

But God says, "Not just among my people,

but watch the unprecedented things that I do in this nation

with this administration, and watch how I shake Canada,

watch how I shake Mexico, the leadership,

and join them with the hands of the man of this land,

and cause it to become North America the Great that shall

have a great glory and a great economy among the three nations,

says the Lord.

"And this shall be a prototype that shall begin to affect other

nations of the earth.

And keep your eye upon Asia, for I'm about to break down the

bamboo curtain.

I'm about to shred a veil that has been over Islam."

And God says, "They're going to come.

They're going to come by the masses to the great awakening of

what I'm about to do in a record number and a record way,

says the Spirit of God.


Sid: And when we come back, I'm going to have Chuck Pierce on.

Chuck just had a visitation from an angel who identified himself

as the Angel of War.

Be right back.


We will be right back to It's Supernatural!

We now return to It's Supernatural!


Sid: Now, I have all three of the prophets that are here today

are personal friends.

But I really appreciate the gift that Chuck Pierce

brought to the body.

One of the things you have revealed to us is the

understanding from ancient Israel of understanding how to

have access to God, how to worship God.

Even the year that we're in now, 2018,

those numbers have meaning in Hebrew and in English.

Unpack it for us.

Chuck Pierce: We are coming into a place, this year,

where it will be a Now moment for us,

a Now moment where you'll hit a moment in your life and all of a

sudden a blessing overtakes you, and that comes because we have

returned to God's Order.

That's what this year is about.

Eights are always linked with new beginning and first.

They're linked with the prototypes.

Seven, you're completing, eight, you're beginning.

This year is like a new beginning for all of us.

Sid: Now it's 2018 on our calendar here,

and what is it on the Jewish calendar?

Chuck Pierce: In the Jewish calendar it's 5778.

So you can see it a little different from a Jewish

perspective, from a covenant perspective because 70 is

different than 10.

See, whatever year you're in, whatever calendar you're in,

you're in the eight year.

That means you're in this new beginning.

Eight is also linked with gate.

But in Hebrew, see, 10 means testimony,

in Hebrew it means you're coming out of captivity.

Seventy is linked with I and God watching you.

The Lord is watching you come out of captivity into the

testimony for your future, this year.

We have to understand that this year is a year

of Divine visitation.

It's a year of Divine help for us.

Because see, every Christian should understand

they need Holy Spirit.

They have to have Holy Spirit to help them,

the helper.

Jesus, Yeshua, is at the right hand of the Father.

Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead helping us.

Now, they have to have the Body of Christ.

That's why the Lord says, "Forsake not the assembling of


You've got to know your ecclesia.

Sid: And yet, so many, Chuck, Christians have been bored with

church and they're not bored with God,

they're not bored with reading their Bible,

they're not bored with praying, but there's like an exodus out

of churches.

You're saying we need to reverse that.

Chuck Pierce: They're bored with the no-wine scam.

They're bored with the church that didn't shift.

See, church you build, and Jesus said,

"Seek ye first."

Now remember this year is about first.

"Seek ye first the Kingdom."

That means this year is about unlocking not just what you have

built in the past, it's unlocking your future.

You unlock the Kingdom, you build the church.

And see, what happens is if we quit unlocking the Kingdom,

if we quit moving in God's plan for us how he wants to move,

we, our structure gets old.

We got to take off our old garmet.

Our old sorrows from the past season.

We've got to make a shift with the new anointing and we've got

to be willing to go into the harvest field.

And I think that's why I had the visitation in 2006.

Sid: That's what I was going to ask you.

Tell me about this visitation.

You haven't had a chance to release this one.

Chuck Pierce: No, really, I've been going so much this year and

I've not really been able to discuss,

but I will summarize this way.

This year is about gates, doors, angels and war.

So if you'll think like that, and I mean,

personally in your life, don't be afraid of the word "war".

It just means conflict to breakthrough,

conflict to enter into risk.

Now, what happened was I awakened from a dream and there

stood an angelic being.

Now, that has only happened to me two other times in my entire

life, so this isn't something very usual for me.

And this angel was peering out, and it was almost like,

all of a sudden, we were in a different place and I could see

what the angel was seeing.

Hank said something.

This is a year of truly understanding the Lord's Prayer.

Atmosphere: "Our Father who art in Heaven,

may your will be done in Earth," earth environment.

This angel, some way or another there was a Divine alignment.

This angel was peering out and the angel turned and looked at

me with red eyes, fiery red eyes,

and instead of falling down and being afraid,

I think I knew the Word well enough that they always tell you

to get back up and don't be afraid.

Sid: Okay.

Chuck Pierce: So I said, "Who are you?"

He said, "I am the Angel of War for God's

Covenant Harvest Plan."

And all of a sudden, I could see what he saw,

and I could see nations.

Now, I want to say this, I believe,

and I'll go with what you and Hank were saying,

I believe because Donald Trump and America,

our President, decreed that Jerusalem would be the Capital

of Israel, all of a sudden, America and the nations took a

huge shift.

Something happened worldwide in the Spirit when

he made that decree.

No president before has ever been bold enough to do it.

I'm not even sure if he knew what he was doing.

Sid: And candidly, I was shocked that he did that,

and I was as pleased as could be because I also know what was

released on America by him making that decision.

That was a godly decision.

The countries that go in covenant with God are

going to see the greatest advances this world

has ever seen.

Chuck Pierce: Absolutely.

Sid: We'll be right back with Rich Vera.


We will be right back to It's Supernatural!

We now return to It's Supernatural!


Sid: You know, the reason that I've selected these great

prophets is they've been with me before and they've had their

prophecies out there on the air, and their accuracy is so on

target that that's why I wanted to find out about 2018.

Rich, what is God showing you about the

number 18, 2018?

Rich Vera: You know, 18 is so significant.

Eighteen stands for bondage and judgment.

But in the Hebrew, the number 18 is for life and new life.

God is bringing us in this year to the finality,

to the end of the struggle and the system that has kept us

bound, and in 2018, God is judging,

not people now.

God is judging the system that has corrupted society.

The church is going to, the church in America,

and that's where we see all this crazy things going on.

And also '18, we are beginning a new life for those that have

been faithfully waiting in the promises of God.


Sid: Rich, tell me about the fires in California,

the weather things that are going on.

What does that mean to you?

Rich Vera: So if you notice the fires,

the floods happened on the east

coast, Houston and it happened in Puerto Rico,

and the fires happened on the west.

Now the Lord spoke to me, and I prophesied this a few months ago

in my church, and the Lord says the fires symbolize judgment.

And the Lord says, "I'm judging the system that is corrupting

society in the nations of the world."

And the Lord says everything that comes from Hollywood,

from California impacts the nations of the world.

Whatever we watch on television, people in Africa,

they want to be like the Americans they

watch on television.

People in Argentina, they all want to be like what they

see on television.

And literally from that state, it has corrupted the morality of

the nations of the world.

The Lord was telling me, "I'm judging the spirit.

There is a stronghold in California that affects the rest

of the world."

And the Lord says, "I'm judging the system."

And then when God is done judging the system and removing

those that have been used of the enemy to allow the corruption to

continue, God says, "I'm going to strengthen my church."

God is going to empower the church on the west coast.

I saw the church on the west coast as a feeble man that could

not even move or get out of bed.

And the Lord says, "That's the condition of the church on the

west coast."

And God says, "After this great cleansing,

God says, "is going to empower the church to go back to the

days of Aimee Semple McPherson, where this lady,

by herself, impacted the whole state and souls were saved.

Whether anybody liked it or not, she had an incredible impact

with the Gospel of that state.

Sid: And you know what's so amazing?

Her background, you would say, how could God ever use her?

Rich Vera: Right.

Sid: Divorced, a couple of children.

Rich: And a woman preacher in those days.

Sid: That's true.

Rich Vera: And that's coming back in this generation.

And I want to prophesy to the church in the west coast,

this is the season to rise up and to let this fear

be put aside.

God is going to anoint you with the ability to speak the Gospel

with boldness.

And God wants to bring back the conviction of the Spirit and God

wants you to know that you'll be protected.

If you speak the Gospel, signs and wonders will follow you and

you will not be destroyed by the enemy in this season.


Sid: Tell me about you talk about the judgment in sports,

in other areas [unintelligible].

Rich Vera: Yes.

I saw a lot of this cleansing is going to touch us.

The prophets mentioned before different areas

of society in America.

And I saw in the sport industry, in the different categories,

that God was going to humble the proud,

especially those that claim themselves to be believers and

they have forgotten the God that prospered them.

And the Lord told me that many of them were going to be humbled

to a place that they would lose everything so they can gain back

their work with Jesus.

And also, God is going to raise up those with a voice to

proclaim the message of the Gospel and the name of Jesus

with no shame in spite of the possibility of losing financial.

So there's going to be a shakeup to humble them to realize that

it was God the one that made them great,

not the NFL, the NBA or anybody else.

Sid: Tell me about, you told me that there was going to be a

cure for breast cancer.

And I just read an article that someone has just developed one.

Rich Vera: Yes.

About six months ago the Lord gave me a vision and the Lord

says, "I'm going to judge the killer of the babies."

And I saw something that what was going to come out of a

secondary resolve that was going to be like a discovery of

something that will push back breast cancer on ladies.

And as we saw today, two days ago,

came an article saying exactly what we're saying,

and you saw that.

Sid: What about things like feebleness,


Rich Vera: You know, this is the most amazing thing.

What happened in Israel with President Trump proclaiming

Jerusalem to be the eternal Capital of the Jewish people,

as Chuck says, is a significant thing in the spirit world,

because for him to be the man that spoke boldly to the nations

of the world, he released a spirit that opened a portal for

blessings to be released from Israel to the rest of the world.

If you look on Psalms 122, it says,

"If you pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

Now, the word "to pray" means more than just pray.

It means if you do something about it,

the Bible says, "There will be great prosperity among those

that love Israel."

So when the President went, and I saw this in a vision,

and proclaimed that on television,

there was literally a portal that opened up and it began to

flush like a waterfall to America.

And we are about to experience prosperity like we have never

experienced before because the Bible says,

when Jerusalem gets blessed or when something happens

concerning the peace of Jerusalem,

prosperity is the result that follows Jerusalem.

Sid: Okay.

There's my problem.

These prophets have seen so much for this year.

And we're going to have not just information,

but activation.


Next week on It's Supernatural!

Usha Kabra: I am a former Muslim.

Many people feel trapped by cicumstances in their lives.

I was one of those people.

But God stepped in and now I have the freedom, love and joy

that I always dreamed of.

Join me, Usha Kabra, on It's Supernatural! and I will tell

you how you can have that too.

For more infomation >> 2018 Prophecies About Trump, America & the World! - Duration: 28:31.


Beyoncé ft Ne-Yo - I'll Be Waiting Lyrics - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Beyoncé ft Ne-Yo - I'll Be Waiting Lyrics - Duration: 3:44.


Trump Is Losing Support In Red States At An Incredible Rate - Duration: 3:30.

According to new polling released this week from Morning Consult, Donald Trump only has

a net positive approval rating in 19 of the 50 states that make up this country.

A year ago, around the time of inauguration, that number was almost 38; 38 states gave

him a net positive approval rating.

Today, 19 states say that, yeah, Donald Trump overall decent enough guy.

That is actually a much bigger deal than most people would think, because we're talking

about approval ratings falling in hard-right states like West Virginia, like Kentucky,

places where Republicans typically don't have to put in any effort to win that state in

a presidential election.

Well, guess what?

Now, they're going to have to.

Donald Trump has become a cancer for the Republican Party.

The remaining Republicans in D.C. don't quite seem to understand that yet, but they will.

As the investigations continue, as more allegations about what happened with his staff and what

happened with that porn star continue to come out, Donald Trump is going to continue losing


I know recently, prior to this week, some polls following the State of the Union Address

showed Donald Trump's overall approval rating slightly ticking upward.

Well, guess what?

That's already stopped.

Nobody's fooled anymore.

That little bump from the State of the Union was exactly that.

It was a bump, and after you get up the bump, you go back down, and that's what's happening.

We are now a little under nine months away from the 2018 mid-term elections, and Donald

Trump can't even pull in half of the states in this country with a net positive approval


Republicans behind closed doors, certainly not publicly and not in front of Trump, are

freaking out because they understand that his unpopularity is going to hurt them all

at the polls.

That's why we've seen a record number of Republicans decide suddenly to retire this year, "We're

not going to run for reelection in 2018.

I think we're done.

I think we accomplished what we needed to.

I don't want to go face those people.

Please don't make me go out to answer questions about why I supported everything this guy


Let the next guy do it, the guy who wasn't there in D.C. for any of this.

Just let him be the one to have to answer those questions.

I'm going on vacation.

I'm going to become a lobbyist.

Don't worry about me."

That's what's happening with the Republican Party.

They understand Trump has destroyed it.

They just refuse to do anything about it because they have so little courage and so little


Rather than attempting to fix their party, they're just going to abandon it and say,

"Hey, thanks for all the cash.

Have fun crashing and burning with Donald Trump."

That is exactly what's going to happen, and that is what these new poll numbers are showing


Republicans understand it.

Democrats sure as hell understand it.

In fact, the only person who doesn't understand it or who won't believe it is Donald

Trump himself.

For more infomation >> Trump Is Losing Support In Red States At An Incredible Rate - Duration: 3:30.


Ring Video Doorbell 2 w/24Hour Surveillance, 2Way Talk a... - Duration: 39:13.

For more infomation >> Ring Video Doorbell 2 w/24Hour Surveillance, 2Way Talk a... - Duration: 39:13.


FLORIDA: Letter Goes VIRAL After Mass Shooting - Take A Closer Look And You'll See Why - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> FLORIDA: Letter Goes VIRAL After Mass Shooting - Take A Closer Look And You'll See Why - Duration: 3:48.


When black people Come in your video - Duration: 1:45.

What a nice day


Wheres he going


YAy I'm in heaven

IM also triggerd


Your goning to haunt me in my dreams

Wth socks?

You realize chritmas is gone right

O what a beauty

Hello there

Hello sir


ahhh help


Map i coming

o lala

That's cowboy penzy to you

I can go back in time

Leme see you do it

Its on news look

Want ice cream



I hate ice cream

Come to the table

I need to tell you somthing







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