Monday, February 19, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 19 2018

Hi guys and welcome back to my channel

Thank you so much for clicking to watch this video so today as you can see I have a low

bun flat twist updo for you guys

I know you all really loved the one that I did last year, but it was the high version

Which is the exact same style as this one so if you miss that up there?

I'll be sure to link it for you guys

I wanted to give you all another

Option especially to those of you who do not like to wear your hair up so high

And you don't want something low this one is for you, so I hope you guys like this version as well

And let's go ahead and get right into it

We are going to begin with

Creating a side part and bringing it all the way back to the crown section of our head

And then we will bring departing behind our ear and once you are satisfied with how your parting looks

Go ahead and clip the rest of the hair away, and we will come back to it later

Now taking the parted section we will make another parting around the corner of our brow

then clip that away for now and then take the remaining hair and

create a

rectangular part closer to the crown section and once you have that parted go ahead and clip it away and

Now bring the rest of the hair to the side to form a swoop and this will begin the process of laying down our ponytail

To save time I did my ponytail off-camera, but you should have something similar to this with the middle section hanging out

Now taking a hair donut, I am using the biggest one

I have but if you want a smaller, bun go ahead and use a smaller donut, and you also have to use less hair

So we will be using the expression hair for this updo for the bun section

I have one pack of expression hair and for the front section

I am using about this much hair and you'll have to decide on how much hair you'll need based on the size of your head

for the ponytail section we are going to attach one pack of

Expression hair and then placing the donut over it and using a combination of bobby and hair pins to secure the donut in place

Now we will come back to the bun section, but let's start on the bank area Here

I am counting how many

Twists I am going to make you'll want to do this as well to ensure that all twists are the same size

I think I have a total of six or seven

so to begin on our first twist

Simply take the expression hair and begin creating a plan or box braid then bring the hair forward and begin

Twisting once you've reached the end of the twist just bring it around your forehead and use hair pins to secure it

And now moving on to the next twist we will repeat the same steps

Also be sure to use duckbill clips to hold the twist in place as you move along and we are going to repeat the same

Steps until we are completely done with the front section

And on the last video someone commented in the

Comment section saying that it would be a great idea to stitch the twists together instead of using hairpins

So I think that's another great option if you wanted to keep this hairstyle and a little bit longer

Now onto the back section

You are simply going to divide the expressions hair into four different

Sections and begin twisting and wrapping it around the hair donut

Until you are completely out of hair and using hair pins to secure it in place

We are all done guys, I hope you enjoyed this slug

Let me know in the comment section

Which one you liked the most?

Is it the high or the low version of this updo don't forget to Like comment share and subscribe to my channel for more hair?

Inspiration, thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> FLAT TWIST UPDO LOW BUN (BRIDAL HAIR) Melissa Erial - Duration: 10:06.


Gérard Depar­dieu va bien­tôt habi­ter en Algé­rie - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Gérard Depar­dieu va bien­tôt habi­ter en Algé­rie - Duration: 2:51.


My Fire Emblem Collection (Nintendo Fire Emblem Series Games, History and Memorabilia) - Duration: 15:10.


(Sword slash)

(Intro jingle)

In my time on the internet I have seen many amazing and incredible Fire Emblem

collections. Mine is neither one of those things but I do have some interesting

stuff and I thought it'd be fun today to show you guys what I have in my

collection and I'd also really like to know what you have in your collection

so either drop me a comment in the comment section below or join us on our

discord which I'll link to in the description and share pictures of your

collection in our fire emblem chat channel. So my name is Stevie, welcome to

another episode of Lucky Crit, and today we're gonna be talking all about Fire Emblem

collections and without further adieu let's get started in chronological order

the earliest thing in my Fire Emblem collection does indeed happen to be Fire

Emblem 7 the original fire emblem that we got here in the West I do have some

Nintendo Power magazines that originally sort of got me interested in Fire Emblem

that's somewhere I didn't really want to dig it up because I have a million old

Nintendo powers but for today I just figured we'd start with this and I don't

actually happen to have the box for this because of the way that I acquired it

I've actually talked about this before I believe on Ghast Station's Podghast that he

had me on a while ago but I'll give you a little brief rundown

about my introduction to the series someday I'll do a full video and

actually like going to detail and everything but basically all you need to

know is that I saw Fire Emblem and Nintendo Power and was really interested

in it and I ended up asking some kids on the school bus and you know after a

couple of days of trying to remind them to bring it to school so they could sell

it to me I did end up purchasing it from somebody on the way to school and the

rest is history. So that's that that's my first piece in

my collection up next is obviously going to be The Sacred Stones which I do

happen to have the box for and a lot of original stuff I actually found

something today that I didn't even remember having and that is this the

official strategy guide for sacred stones back in the day these things are

honestly just always really cool to have in a collection even if you've beaten

the crap out of the game and even know you know potentially more than some of

the people who made it but it's just really cool it's a nice piece of

promotional material or art at the very least and they tend to have a lot of the

you know more high-quality character art inside of them too which is really

really nice yeah so I don't even remember having this but apparently I do

apparently I had it from a long time ago so moving along the next piece in the

collection is going to be this. This happens to be you know one of the older

Nintendo powers that I was able to dig up featuring Path of Radiance you know

the time that it was supposed to come out which is really cool either this

Nintendo Power or another one did end up featuring Path of Radiance and actually

coming with if I can open this here a legit Fire Emblem Path of Radiance map of

Tellius which i think is really really cool someday that's gonna go on a wall

maybe be framed even so we'll see what happens with that but yeah that's really

cool I'm glad I dug that up as well and of course I am thankful to own Fire Emblem

Path of Radiance for the Gamecube because this game is incredibly rare at

this point and incredibly expensive. If you are looking to get this game or the

sequel Radiant Dawn I would recommend that you kind of wait a little bit

obviously the prices are going to continue to rise as time moves forward

but I do have a feeling that there is a possibility that we could see either

Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn or both come to a Switch Virtual Console someday

obviously there is no Switch Virtual Console right now I don't know why

that's not a thing get on that Nintendo please but I do feel like these games

have a lot of potential to end up on a Switch Virtual Console or something like

that in the future so do stay tuned for that if you're interested in these games

the next thing I have in the collection is of course going to be the sequel Fire

Emblem Radiant Dawn for the Wii I'm really grateful to own this one as well

because this is expensive now too and at the time I was excited for a sequel to

Path of Radiance but when I bought this I actually still hadn't finished Path of

Radiance I got pretty far but I don't know back in the day for some reason I

just wasn't into sticking with stuff until I finished it so I actually played

this before I even beat Path of Radiance interestingly enough and it does have a

pretty cool mechanic where you can actually get some I think base stat

boosts on some of your characters if you have the maxed and Path of Radiance and

you sort of transfer the save file to Radiant Dawn so that's really cool the

next piece in the collection moving even more forward happens to be Fire Emblem

Shadow Dragon, another really rare title at this point pretty expensive you can

get it on some of the Virtual Consoles and such so it's not impossible to find

or get or get your hands on this one's a little bit more of a divisive game

because a lot of people didn't really appreciate it when it first came out

though I do see a lot more love for it these days and a lot of people are

praising some of the new refinements and quality of life improvements that it did

bring even though it didn't have a lot of the stuff that a lot of us really

liked like you know support conversations or

things like the rescue system and stuff so moving forward obviously as you can

see so far I don't have too much of the actual memorabilia type of stuff but I

do have some of it so we will get to it but I'm moving forward in chronological

order the next piece of my collection does indeed happen to be the next game

in the series which is Fire Emblem thirteen, Fire Emblem Awakening for the

Nintendo 3ds, and alongside this game I did manage to get what I think was a

pre-order bonus at the time from Gamestop this is a Fire Emblem Awakening

art book I'll try to flip through it really quick for you guys here but it

was a pretty cool thing that they did decide to give away I think it was

limited to only the people that pre-ordered it from Gamestop and

obviously while supplies last and everything but I'm pretty happy that I

managed to get this this was sitting above my desk at college for the longest

time and I do like the artwork of Yusuke Kozaki so I was pretty inspired

by this when I first got it which is really cool I'd imagine that's probably

one of the more rare pieces of my collection at this point the next piece

of my collection happens to be the Fire Emblem Fates Special edition thankfully

these were incredibly hard to come by back in the day they were incredibly

rare when it first went out and pre-order it sold out very very quickly

a lot of people started to scalp it on sites like eBay for hundreds and

hundreds of dollars more than it was originally worth it was $80 retail but I

mean it was going over like 200 I even saw other youtubers and people like

Etika buying his for like 300 something I think it was ridiculous it was really

really bad it was an awful time to be a fan and just want some extra stuff along

with the game it came with a copy of the game that happened to have all three of

the paths on it so you didn't have to actually download anything to the 3ds

internal memory and waste space in there so that was nice by default and it also

came with this nice artbook which I'll flip through really quickly here yeah

it's just really bad scalpers are really scummy Nintendo's had a problem with it

for years because you know they don't release that many of their products they

don't tend to over saturate things and so people you know abuse that and take

advantage of that and it ends up costing a lot of Nintendo fans a lot of money

just to get the stuff that they want which is really really bad scalpers are

just incredibly scummy awful people yeah it's a nice little art book showcases

pretty much everything throughout the game aside from like super heavy spoiler

stuff also a nice little Fire Emblem timeline there which is cool too it also

came with this 3ds bag which I don't think I've ever used but it's just kind

of nice and kind of cool to have in your collection and I also

know that with a lot of the Fire Emblem Fates Special Editions anybody that got

to Gamestop early enough did in fact get some Fire Emblem Fates keychains so

those were really cool obviously with the way that I got it I didn't end up

getting any of those but it's okay but I did see them being sold on places like

Craigslist and other things too I even saw people locally on Craigslist trying

to scalp the game and the keychains and stuff so yeah it was it was just crazy

yeah actually so this particular copy of the Special Edition I remember looking

for it everywhere I was even looking on eBay

went to all of my local Gamestops I literally made phone calls to everywhere

in my state like every single GameStop in the state trying to figure out if

they had a copy of this I was super excited to get my hands on it but it was

like so daunting to try to find a copy and find a copy that wasn't scalped

either so I ended up not finding anything it was a couple of weeks I

think after the release of this and I ended up settling and paying a hundred

and eighty dollars for it on eBay so a hundred dollars over the original price

which is not good so I paid a scalper I got scalped for this game however

during my search I actually went to a local Gamestop and one of the employees

there like knew that I was like looking for it and actually ended up writing

down my name in case they got any other copies of it in the future and what

ended up happening interestingly enough is that they did get another copy I

don't know if it's from somebody that didn't end up picking it up or whatever

the case happened to be but they got another copy and this female employee at

Gamestop actually gave me a call and told me that they had it and they had it

for me they were holding it for me if I still wanted it and I was like, "Oh my god

yes," it was incredible so I actually went and got it and so obviously that was

another 80 but there is the actual real price that I was supposed to pay for it

but anyway long story short I ended up giving that copy to my good friend

Cameron who happens to be the other co-host on the Fireside Emblem podcast

so if you're interested in hearing that you can check it out up here we'll

definitely be doing more of that in the future at some point and I also made as

the first ever Fire Emblem video on this channel and unboxing and review of the

Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition so if you want to watch that kind of cringey old

not as good as today's videos video you can also check that out up here if you

if you're interested in seeing that but it's just kind of an interesting piece

of trivia that this was the first thing I did a Fire Emblem video on on this channel

now moving even more forward than that I ended up picking up some Fire Emblem

Amiibo I still need to get more I would like to have the whole collection I

would definitely like to have like Alm and Celica and even Chrom and stuff so

I need to work on that but for now for the time being or the ones that I do

have are Marth and Ike and I talked about it a little bit on the livestream

but this Ike kinda has some derpy eyes so I think at some point I'll probably

wanna get another Ike one too because I think between the different printing

runs I think they actually made Ike's Amiibo worse quality with the second run

of them so if I could find an earlier one that probably better but yeah his

eyes are a little a little off-center here but anyway yeah so I have those and

I also did manage to get as another sort of weird piece of memorabilia in this

collection this Chara-Forme figure of Chrom his head's a little bit wobbly but once

I saw this online I was like alright I got a have that like it's just so

cool-looking I like the sort of chibi-fied effect of

it but it still looks really really awesome

Chrom is probably one of my favorite blue haired Lords in Fire Emblem so I just

had to have it I really like his design and this is one of the weirder pieces

that I have in my collection I would really like to own that figure of Tharja

or Thar-ya who's like leaning over the bookshelf or the stack of books on like

a chair or something like that that figure is really really cool for

multiple reasons but you know aside from the fanservice stuff I just think it'd

be really cool to have like on a shelf or like as a bookend or something like

that just a nice little piece of art I also like the Cordelia one too but I

think I'd rather have the Tharja one for sure

so at some point someday I'll probably end up buying one of those because I

really like that but yes moving forward we also have once again thankfully I

happen to own the Fire Emblem Echoes Limited Edition this was another close

call type of situation because I ended up having to run to GameStop like the

second that it was announced the data that was announced I was actually making

videos for this channel at this point on Echoes and when it was announced I

literally ran I stopped what I was doing ran to GameStop pre-ordered this and

then came back home and finished what I was doing and actually made an episode a

brief little video news video discussing this Special Edition or Limited

Edition in this case and telling people to go to their GameStop and pre-order

it because the GameStop website at the time was not taking anymore pre-orders

but I managed to go there in person and get my pre-order so that's really really

cool uh this came with a number of things and one of the

pre-order bonuses from Gamestop it's a little bit dusty happens to be this sort

of little map of Mila versus Duma and on the backside it's got this sort of

reflective version of it it's probably like really blinding and bad in the

camera but really kind of interesting this was pretty limited you had to be

lucky to get one of these because they didn't have too many to give away to the

people who pre-ordered but I got there early enough and I was able to get it

thankfully it also came with the artbook and sound selection CD which you

can see back there I'll go get it in a moment and also these cool little pins

of Marth, Alm and Celica that someday I'll probably end up doing something

with putting them somewhere but I thought this was really cool when I saw

these I was I was hyped I like that I like that a lot these are put really

nice little pins the artbook is actually really nice too

this is like the first full artbook that actually came with one of the Fire

Emblem games which I thought was really interesting unfortunately it doesn't

have like as much in here as I was kind of hoping for but it does go through you

know a lot of the characters it has some artwork that we've kind of never seen

before of some of these characters and the really unfortunate thing is that we

never ended up getting like the full collection of Echoes artwork either of

some of you know especially some of these later characters like Sonya we

don't have this full piece of artwork of Sonya or anybody like that at this point

which is kind of crappy but they always tend to do that with Fire Emblem I

noticed that with Awakening other stuff too even though there's full artwork of

the entire cast because obviously they had to make it and plan it out

we never get it even in the art books which is just weird I can understand

them not wanting to like spoil stuff in the art books but eventually I would

imagine they'd release it somehow but anyway this is cool it shows you know a

lot of the designs the revamps of everything from Gaiden and there's also

I believe a really cool page and here's gonna show you - here's all the monsters

and stuff which is interesting to see some of which I was interested in

figuring out because you know the Bone Walker here happens to have this weird

sort of almost mammoth skull shield that I was kind of wondering about in the

game there is actually a like an axe or a cleaver stuck in the head of the

zombie I was wondering that because the sprite in the world map has a weird you

know cleaver on its head yeah just just cool to see just cool

piece to have in the collection as well the actual game case itself for Fire

Emblem Echoes - Shadows of Valentia also does include

this sort of reversible cover which happens to have the original Gaiden

artwork on it which is really really cool to see I'm not sure if the normal

version comes with it but I know for sure the Special Edition does I happen

to like it so I switched it but really really cool and that's gonna bring us to

the end of this video that's actually everything that I have in the collection

not too huge of a collection I'm really fortunate to have some of the more rare

stuff at this point like limited editions but I don't actually have you

know a lot of the Japan exclusive stuff any of the history books or anything

like that so I would definitely love to see what you guys have be sure to let me

know in the comment section or on discord where you can share images of

your collection so thank you so much for watching and getting this far into the

video if you did enjoy it and enjoy the conversation do me a solid and slash the

thumbs up down below and also be sure to get subscribed so you don't miss any

future episodes of Lucky Crit if you're also really awesome you'll click the

little notification bell so that whenever we put out a video you'll get a

notification straight to your phone so you'll know as soon as the next video

launches I also have to give a huge shoutout to all of our amazing patrons

who helped make content like this possible and help us in creating as many

videos as we can I know some of you guys out there wish that I made more videos

every single week and uploaded more often but sometimes it's just impossible

and with you know real life stuff going on and other work and things like that

that I have to do it's not always possible but thanks to these patrons

more videos are able to be created so thanks to these guys you guys are

awesome I love you thank you so much. You can also check out our merchandise if

you're interested if you want some new stuff for your wardrobe that link will

be in the description below as well and also be sure to follow us on Twitter for

any news and updates that get revealed on the fly and I'll see you all next time

For more infomation >> My Fire Emblem Collection (Nintendo Fire Emblem Series Games, History and Memorabilia) - Duration: 15:10.


BMW 3 Serie Cabrio 320i Executive - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Cabrio 320i Executive - Duration: 0:50.


Comment programmer votre télécommande copieuse SICE WHY EVO ? - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Comment programmer votre télécommande copieuse SICE WHY EVO ? - Duration: 1:52.


Laura Smet rêvait d'un accord amiable avec sa belle-mère - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet rêvait d'un accord amiable avec sa belle-mère - Duration: 3:04.


[Точка зрения]Проблемы игропрома. Выпуск третий - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> [Точка зрения]Проблемы игропрома. Выпуск третий - Duration: 8:10.


Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:09.


SIMULATOR in ROBLOX Square mouse - Duration: 20:05.

For more infomation >> SIMULATOR in ROBLOX Square mouse - Duration: 20:05.


Romina Jr e Cristel Carrisi rompono il silenzio: ecco cosa vogliono dai genitori | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Romina Jr e Cristel Carrisi rompono il silenzio: ecco cosa vogliono dai genitori | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:52.


BBB18: Enquete, Já MOSTRA quem será ELIMINADO Nesta terça-feira e IMPRESSIONA a todos - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Enquete, Já MOSTRA quem será ELIMINADO Nesta terça-feira e IMPRESSIONA a todos - Duration: 1:42.


Gemma Galgani da Uomini e Donne alla riconquista di Giorgio Manetti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Gemma Galgani da Uomini e Donne alla riconquista di Giorgio Manetti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


Isola dei Famosi quinta puntata: un abbandono e un nuovo ritorno? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi quinta puntata: un abbandono e un nuovo ritorno? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:33.


Uomini e Donne,un bacio che ,ha scatenato, polemiche | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne,un bacio che ,ha scatenato, polemiche | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.


Uomini e Donne anticipazioni over: nuova rissa tra Gemma e Tina il gesto choc - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne anticipazioni over: nuova rissa tra Gemma e Tina il gesto choc - Duration: 3:32.


Recensioni di Chiara: Il Portale di Molthar (tutorial e commento) - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Recensioni di Chiara: Il Portale di Molthar (tutorial e commento) - Duration: 7:59.


Verdade sobre Ayrton e Ana Clara antes do BBB é revelada; veja fotos polêmicas | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Verdade sobre Ayrton e Ana Clara antes do BBB é revelada; veja fotos polêmicas | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:54.


Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi So Chic Navi Cruise Control (bj 2011) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi So Chic Navi Cruise Control (bj 2011) - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:00.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Allure - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Allure - Duration: 0:43.


Peugeot 208 1.2 e-VTi ETG5 82PK 5D Style - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.2 e-VTi ETG5 82PK 5D Style - Duration: 0:58.


Sfera Ebbasta a Le Iene, trasgressione e successo: il rapper divide il web | Nam Phong Daily - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Sfera Ebbasta a Le Iene, trasgressione e successo: il rapper divide il web | Nam Phong Daily - Duration: 4:49.


Peugeot 308 1.6 e-HDI 112PK 5D Blue Lease Executive NAVIATIE CLIMA LM WIELEN - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.6 e-HDI 112PK 5D Blue Lease Executive NAVIATIE CLIMA LM WIELEN - Duration: 1:00.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE 5-drs. - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE 5-drs. - Duration: 0:47.


Ayrton e filha se beijam na boca e verdade da relação surge: 'Me ama?' - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Ayrton e filha se beijam na boca e verdade da relação surge: 'Me ama?' - Duration: 4:53.


Pai implora carícias de Ana Clara e verdade surge no BBB: 'Você me ama?' - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Pai implora carícias de Ana Clara e verdade surge no BBB: 'Você me ama?' - Duration: 4:21.


Barbara D'Urso furiosa in diretta a Domenica Live: ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso furiosa in diretta a Domenica Live: ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


HOW TO PREVENT POOR PAIN?!? - Duration: 5:10.

Hello everyone, I'm david paulo and this is the factory shape

welcome another video and as you could see this video I'll speak

how to solve the pain of the donkey and I will explain what the donkey wants and the

briefly this is it. Then the pain of ass to start

happens to some people when they are practicing some physical activity

being routed running, cycling doing some collective sport can

happen in any situation we are practicing some effort and then

the donkey pain is a cibber of the musicians the diaphragm and now you

wonder what can be done to prevent this or to control pain in the

ass how can we solve the pain of ass can be solved

with some stretches this video I'll want to do different

to not always be just me to say that I will try to set up the scheme here

interesting and give a little view of what happens in most people

that what you can do to reduce the pain of an ass and even that it

completely disappear the goal so stay on that side and I'll come


Personal hopefully in this video I did in this short video I hope you guys

have been able to understand how to solve this problem but which is a

action you have to do when you have more that you can do to

prevent this donkey pain is often applied that

happens more often to children to sedentary people the only advice

I can give you some exercise

from being sedentary, begin to engage in some physical activity and

when you try something new you are not used to this pain

sure it will not happen so fast if you make a

who are not at all accustomed therefore this pain if you are

sedentary and only did it a race or only to play in a game of soccer

every month only one this pain will appear whenever you are playing this

so you practice every week an hour and a half and two

hours in May three and a half hours a week do several times a week

when they can the goal is should start to practice some physical activity

because these levels when you practice physical activity and

You will improve our physical condition.

what is this going to do will increase your tolerance to lactic acid and this will

to make the donkey pain disappear in that effort, it is clear that if

you run normally five kilometers and you practice not

Donkey pain will appear if you make five, six, seven, ten kilometers more

if you are going to make a marathon sure that it will appear donkey pain is normal has

always give your maximum feed well have a good hydration for before

during and after physical exercise and you will see that some of these small

details will disappear you will have less

discomfort will be able to practice better the physical modalities

whatever you are going to get better because your

physical condition will get a lot better so this is my advice

practice physical activity no matter if it is a collective sport if it is individual

if it's just a race around the block if it's playing with the kids

It does not matter at least do anything and have a more

possible and is a harmony of all these elements.

they will be a healthier person who have a more

healthy and that if you have not yet seen my video on the skin will be

available, see if you start right away.

practicing exercise and having a healthy diet will seem

much younger

For more infomation >> HOW TO PREVENT POOR PAIN?!? - Duration: 5:10.


Cambio cuscinetto ruota anteriore NISSAN X-TRAIL T30 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 16:00.

Use a socket №22

Use a socket №32

Use a socket №22

Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out

Use a socket №12

Use an open-end wrench №22

Use a socket №19 and a combination spanner №17

Take out the wheel bearing snap ring

Press out the wheel bearing using a hydraulic press

For more infomation >> Cambio cuscinetto ruota anteriore NISSAN X-TRAIL T30 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 16:00.


Volvo V70 2.5 R schuif/kanteldak*leer*stoelverwarming*2 eigenaren*airco*299pk*LET OP BIJNA YONGTIMER - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.5 R schuif/kanteldak*leer*stoelverwarming*2 eigenaren*airco*299pk*LET OP BIJNA YONGTIMER - Duration: 0:42.


Volvo C30 D2 R-Edition 17 Inch R-Design Nieuw Model - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Volvo C30 D2 R-Edition 17 Inch R-Design Nieuw Model - Duration: 0:42.


Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-DESIGN | NAVI | LEDER | CLIMA | PDC | LMV | CRUISE - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-DESIGN | NAVI | LEDER | CLIMA | PDC | LMV | CRUISE - Duration: 1:00.


Volvo V40 2.0 D4 R-DESIGN BUSINESS - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 2.0 D4 R-DESIGN BUSINESS - Duration: 0:49.


Volvo V60 T3 R-Design Automaat 18 Inch Polestar Tuning Dealer Onderhouden - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 T3 R-Design Automaat 18 Inch Polestar Tuning Dealer Onderhouden - Duration: 0:41.



For more infomation >> Chevrolet Spark 1.2 16V LT,CLIMATE CTRL,PDC ACHTER,ELECTR R/SP, CD,LM WIELEN,BOEKJES,NAP,NEDERLANDSE - Duration: 0:56.


07/2018 Wochenrückblick | Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> 07/2018 Wochenrückblick | Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 6:38.


Челси - Барселона | Матч ЛИГИ ЧЕМПИОНОВ с НЕВЕРОЯТНОЙ историей (Тест МЕССИ) [Превью] - Duration: 9:14.

For more infomation >> Челси - Барселона | Матч ЛИГИ ЧЕМПИОНОВ с НЕВЕРОЯТНОЙ историей (Тест МЕССИ) [Превью] - Duration: 9:14.


FLAT TWIST UPDO LOW BUN (BRIDAL HAIR) Melissa Erial - Duration: 10:06.

Hi guys and welcome back to my channel

Thank you so much for clicking to watch this video so today as you can see I have a low

bun flat twist updo for you guys

I know you all really loved the one that I did last year, but it was the high version

Which is the exact same style as this one so if you miss that up there?

I'll be sure to link it for you guys

I wanted to give you all another

Option especially to those of you who do not like to wear your hair up so high

And you don't want something low this one is for you, so I hope you guys like this version as well

And let's go ahead and get right into it

We are going to begin with

Creating a side part and bringing it all the way back to the crown section of our head

And then we will bring departing behind our ear and once you are satisfied with how your parting looks

Go ahead and clip the rest of the hair away, and we will come back to it later

Now taking the parted section we will make another parting around the corner of our brow

then clip that away for now and then take the remaining hair and

create a

rectangular part closer to the crown section and once you have that parted go ahead and clip it away and

Now bring the rest of the hair to the side to form a swoop and this will begin the process of laying down our ponytail

To save time I did my ponytail off-camera, but you should have something similar to this with the middle section hanging out

Now taking a hair donut, I am using the biggest one

I have but if you want a smaller, bun go ahead and use a smaller donut, and you also have to use less hair

So we will be using the expression hair for this updo for the bun section

I have one pack of expression hair and for the front section

I am using about this much hair and you'll have to decide on how much hair you'll need based on the size of your head

for the ponytail section we are going to attach one pack of

Expression hair and then placing the donut over it and using a combination of bobby and hair pins to secure the donut in place

Now we will come back to the bun section, but let's start on the bank area Here

I am counting how many

Twists I am going to make you'll want to do this as well to ensure that all twists are the same size

I think I have a total of six or seven

so to begin on our first twist

Simply take the expression hair and begin creating a plan or box braid then bring the hair forward and begin

Twisting once you've reached the end of the twist just bring it around your forehead and use hair pins to secure it

And now moving on to the next twist we will repeat the same steps

Also be sure to use duckbill clips to hold the twist in place as you move along and we are going to repeat the same

Steps until we are completely done with the front section

And on the last video someone commented in the

Comment section saying that it would be a great idea to stitch the twists together instead of using hairpins

So I think that's another great option if you wanted to keep this hairstyle and a little bit longer

Now onto the back section

You are simply going to divide the expressions hair into four different

Sections and begin twisting and wrapping it around the hair donut

Until you are completely out of hair and using hair pins to secure it in place

We are all done guys, I hope you enjoyed this slug

Let me know in the comment section

Which one you liked the most?

Is it the high or the low version of this updo don't forget to Like comment share and subscribe to my channel for more hair?

Inspiration, thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> FLAT TWIST UPDO LOW BUN (BRIDAL HAIR) Melissa Erial - Duration: 10:06.


Gérard Depar­dieu va bien­tôt habi­ter en Algé­rie - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Gérard Depar­dieu va bien­tôt habi­ter en Algé­rie - Duration: 2:51.


My Fire Emblem Collection (Nintendo Fire Emblem Series Games, History and Memorabilia) - Duration: 15:10.


(Sword slash)

(Intro jingle)

In my time on the internet I have seen many amazing and incredible Fire Emblem

collections. Mine is neither one of those things but I do have some interesting

stuff and I thought it'd be fun today to show you guys what I have in my

collection and I'd also really like to know what you have in your collection

so either drop me a comment in the comment section below or join us on our

discord which I'll link to in the description and share pictures of your

collection in our fire emblem chat channel. So my name is Stevie, welcome to

another episode of Lucky Crit, and today we're gonna be talking all about Fire Emblem

collections and without further adieu let's get started in chronological order

the earliest thing in my Fire Emblem collection does indeed happen to be Fire

Emblem 7 the original fire emblem that we got here in the West I do have some

Nintendo Power magazines that originally sort of got me interested in Fire Emblem

that's somewhere I didn't really want to dig it up because I have a million old

Nintendo powers but for today I just figured we'd start with this and I don't

actually happen to have the box for this because of the way that I acquired it

I've actually talked about this before I believe on Ghast Station's Podghast that he

had me on a while ago but I'll give you a little brief rundown

about my introduction to the series someday I'll do a full video and

actually like going to detail and everything but basically all you need to

know is that I saw Fire Emblem and Nintendo Power and was really interested

in it and I ended up asking some kids on the school bus and you know after a

couple of days of trying to remind them to bring it to school so they could sell

it to me I did end up purchasing it from somebody on the way to school and the

rest is history. So that's that that's my first piece in

my collection up next is obviously going to be The Sacred Stones which I do

happen to have the box for and a lot of original stuff I actually found

something today that I didn't even remember having and that is this the

official strategy guide for sacred stones back in the day these things are

honestly just always really cool to have in a collection even if you've beaten

the crap out of the game and even know you know potentially more than some of

the people who made it but it's just really cool it's a nice piece of

promotional material or art at the very least and they tend to have a lot of the

you know more high-quality character art inside of them too which is really

really nice yeah so I don't even remember having this but apparently I do

apparently I had it from a long time ago so moving along the next piece in the

collection is going to be this. This happens to be you know one of the older

Nintendo powers that I was able to dig up featuring Path of Radiance you know

the time that it was supposed to come out which is really cool either this

Nintendo Power or another one did end up featuring Path of Radiance and actually

coming with if I can open this here a legit Fire Emblem Path of Radiance map of

Tellius which i think is really really cool someday that's gonna go on a wall

maybe be framed even so we'll see what happens with that but yeah that's really

cool I'm glad I dug that up as well and of course I am thankful to own Fire Emblem

Path of Radiance for the Gamecube because this game is incredibly rare at

this point and incredibly expensive. If you are looking to get this game or the

sequel Radiant Dawn I would recommend that you kind of wait a little bit

obviously the prices are going to continue to rise as time moves forward

but I do have a feeling that there is a possibility that we could see either

Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn or both come to a Switch Virtual Console someday

obviously there is no Switch Virtual Console right now I don't know why

that's not a thing get on that Nintendo please but I do feel like these games

have a lot of potential to end up on a Switch Virtual Console or something like

that in the future so do stay tuned for that if you're interested in these games

the next thing I have in the collection is of course going to be the sequel Fire

Emblem Radiant Dawn for the Wii I'm really grateful to own this one as well

because this is expensive now too and at the time I was excited for a sequel to

Path of Radiance but when I bought this I actually still hadn't finished Path of

Radiance I got pretty far but I don't know back in the day for some reason I

just wasn't into sticking with stuff until I finished it so I actually played

this before I even beat Path of Radiance interestingly enough and it does have a

pretty cool mechanic where you can actually get some I think base stat

boosts on some of your characters if you have the maxed and Path of Radiance and

you sort of transfer the save file to Radiant Dawn so that's really cool the

next piece in the collection moving even more forward happens to be Fire Emblem

Shadow Dragon, another really rare title at this point pretty expensive you can

get it on some of the Virtual Consoles and such so it's not impossible to find

or get or get your hands on this one's a little bit more of a divisive game

because a lot of people didn't really appreciate it when it first came out

though I do see a lot more love for it these days and a lot of people are

praising some of the new refinements and quality of life improvements that it did

bring even though it didn't have a lot of the stuff that a lot of us really

liked like you know support conversations or

things like the rescue system and stuff so moving forward obviously as you can

see so far I don't have too much of the actual memorabilia type of stuff but I

do have some of it so we will get to it but I'm moving forward in chronological

order the next piece of my collection does indeed happen to be the next game

in the series which is Fire Emblem thirteen, Fire Emblem Awakening for the

Nintendo 3ds, and alongside this game I did manage to get what I think was a

pre-order bonus at the time from Gamestop this is a Fire Emblem Awakening

art book I'll try to flip through it really quick for you guys here but it

was a pretty cool thing that they did decide to give away I think it was

limited to only the people that pre-ordered it from Gamestop and

obviously while supplies last and everything but I'm pretty happy that I

managed to get this this was sitting above my desk at college for the longest

time and I do like the artwork of Yusuke Kozaki so I was pretty inspired

by this when I first got it which is really cool I'd imagine that's probably

one of the more rare pieces of my collection at this point the next piece

of my collection happens to be the Fire Emblem Fates Special edition thankfully

these were incredibly hard to come by back in the day they were incredibly

rare when it first went out and pre-order it sold out very very quickly

a lot of people started to scalp it on sites like eBay for hundreds and

hundreds of dollars more than it was originally worth it was $80 retail but I

mean it was going over like 200 I even saw other youtubers and people like

Etika buying his for like 300 something I think it was ridiculous it was really

really bad it was an awful time to be a fan and just want some extra stuff along

with the game it came with a copy of the game that happened to have all three of

the paths on it so you didn't have to actually download anything to the 3ds

internal memory and waste space in there so that was nice by default and it also

came with this nice artbook which I'll flip through really quickly here yeah

it's just really bad scalpers are really scummy Nintendo's had a problem with it

for years because you know they don't release that many of their products they

don't tend to over saturate things and so people you know abuse that and take

advantage of that and it ends up costing a lot of Nintendo fans a lot of money

just to get the stuff that they want which is really really bad scalpers are

just incredibly scummy awful people yeah it's a nice little art book showcases

pretty much everything throughout the game aside from like super heavy spoiler

stuff also a nice little Fire Emblem timeline there which is cool too it also

came with this 3ds bag which I don't think I've ever used but it's just kind

of nice and kind of cool to have in your collection and I also

know that with a lot of the Fire Emblem Fates Special Editions anybody that got

to Gamestop early enough did in fact get some Fire Emblem Fates keychains so

those were really cool obviously with the way that I got it I didn't end up

getting any of those but it's okay but I did see them being sold on places like

Craigslist and other things too I even saw people locally on Craigslist trying

to scalp the game and the keychains and stuff so yeah it was it was just crazy

yeah actually so this particular copy of the Special Edition I remember looking

for it everywhere I was even looking on eBay

went to all of my local Gamestops I literally made phone calls to everywhere

in my state like every single GameStop in the state trying to figure out if

they had a copy of this I was super excited to get my hands on it but it was

like so daunting to try to find a copy and find a copy that wasn't scalped

either so I ended up not finding anything it was a couple of weeks I

think after the release of this and I ended up settling and paying a hundred

and eighty dollars for it on eBay so a hundred dollars over the original price

which is not good so I paid a scalper I got scalped for this game however

during my search I actually went to a local Gamestop and one of the employees

there like knew that I was like looking for it and actually ended up writing

down my name in case they got any other copies of it in the future and what

ended up happening interestingly enough is that they did get another copy I

don't know if it's from somebody that didn't end up picking it up or whatever

the case happened to be but they got another copy and this female employee at

Gamestop actually gave me a call and told me that they had it and they had it

for me they were holding it for me if I still wanted it and I was like, "Oh my god

yes," it was incredible so I actually went and got it and so obviously that was

another 80 but there is the actual real price that I was supposed to pay for it

but anyway long story short I ended up giving that copy to my good friend

Cameron who happens to be the other co-host on the Fireside Emblem podcast

so if you're interested in hearing that you can check it out up here we'll

definitely be doing more of that in the future at some point and I also made as

the first ever Fire Emblem video on this channel and unboxing and review of the

Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition so if you want to watch that kind of cringey old

not as good as today's videos video you can also check that out up here if you

if you're interested in seeing that but it's just kind of an interesting piece

of trivia that this was the first thing I did a Fire Emblem video on on this channel

now moving even more forward than that I ended up picking up some Fire Emblem

Amiibo I still need to get more I would like to have the whole collection I

would definitely like to have like Alm and Celica and even Chrom and stuff so

I need to work on that but for now for the time being or the ones that I do

have are Marth and Ike and I talked about it a little bit on the livestream

but this Ike kinda has some derpy eyes so I think at some point I'll probably

wanna get another Ike one too because I think between the different printing

runs I think they actually made Ike's Amiibo worse quality with the second run

of them so if I could find an earlier one that probably better but yeah his

eyes are a little a little off-center here but anyway yeah so I have those and

I also did manage to get as another sort of weird piece of memorabilia in this

collection this Chara-Forme figure of Chrom his head's a little bit wobbly but once

I saw this online I was like alright I got a have that like it's just so

cool-looking I like the sort of chibi-fied effect of

it but it still looks really really awesome

Chrom is probably one of my favorite blue haired Lords in Fire Emblem so I just

had to have it I really like his design and this is one of the weirder pieces

that I have in my collection I would really like to own that figure of Tharja

or Thar-ya who's like leaning over the bookshelf or the stack of books on like

a chair or something like that that figure is really really cool for

multiple reasons but you know aside from the fanservice stuff I just think it'd

be really cool to have like on a shelf or like as a bookend or something like

that just a nice little piece of art I also like the Cordelia one too but I

think I'd rather have the Tharja one for sure

so at some point someday I'll probably end up buying one of those because I

really like that but yes moving forward we also have once again thankfully I

happen to own the Fire Emblem Echoes Limited Edition this was another close

call type of situation because I ended up having to run to GameStop like the

second that it was announced the data that was announced I was actually making

videos for this channel at this point on Echoes and when it was announced I

literally ran I stopped what I was doing ran to GameStop pre-ordered this and

then came back home and finished what I was doing and actually made an episode a

brief little video news video discussing this Special Edition or Limited

Edition in this case and telling people to go to their GameStop and pre-order

it because the GameStop website at the time was not taking anymore pre-orders

but I managed to go there in person and get my pre-order so that's really really

cool uh this came with a number of things and one of the

pre-order bonuses from Gamestop it's a little bit dusty happens to be this sort

of little map of Mila versus Duma and on the backside it's got this sort of

reflective version of it it's probably like really blinding and bad in the

camera but really kind of interesting this was pretty limited you had to be

lucky to get one of these because they didn't have too many to give away to the

people who pre-ordered but I got there early enough and I was able to get it

thankfully it also came with the artbook and sound selection CD which you

can see back there I'll go get it in a moment and also these cool little pins

of Marth, Alm and Celica that someday I'll probably end up doing something

with putting them somewhere but I thought this was really cool when I saw

these I was I was hyped I like that I like that a lot these are put really

nice little pins the artbook is actually really nice too

this is like the first full artbook that actually came with one of the Fire

Emblem games which I thought was really interesting unfortunately it doesn't

have like as much in here as I was kind of hoping for but it does go through you

know a lot of the characters it has some artwork that we've kind of never seen

before of some of these characters and the really unfortunate thing is that we

never ended up getting like the full collection of Echoes artwork either of

some of you know especially some of these later characters like Sonya we

don't have this full piece of artwork of Sonya or anybody like that at this point

which is kind of crappy but they always tend to do that with Fire Emblem I

noticed that with Awakening other stuff too even though there's full artwork of

the entire cast because obviously they had to make it and plan it out

we never get it even in the art books which is just weird I can understand

them not wanting to like spoil stuff in the art books but eventually I would

imagine they'd release it somehow but anyway this is cool it shows you know a

lot of the designs the revamps of everything from Gaiden and there's also

I believe a really cool page and here's gonna show you - here's all the monsters

and stuff which is interesting to see some of which I was interested in

figuring out because you know the Bone Walker here happens to have this weird

sort of almost mammoth skull shield that I was kind of wondering about in the

game there is actually a like an axe or a cleaver stuck in the head of the

zombie I was wondering that because the sprite in the world map has a weird you

know cleaver on its head yeah just just cool to see just cool

piece to have in the collection as well the actual game case itself for Fire

Emblem Echoes - Shadows of Valentia also does include

this sort of reversible cover which happens to have the original Gaiden

artwork on it which is really really cool to see I'm not sure if the normal

version comes with it but I know for sure the Special Edition does I happen

to like it so I switched it but really really cool and that's gonna bring us to

the end of this video that's actually everything that I have in the collection

not too huge of a collection I'm really fortunate to have some of the more rare

stuff at this point like limited editions but I don't actually have you

know a lot of the Japan exclusive stuff any of the history books or anything

like that so I would definitely love to see what you guys have be sure to let me

know in the comment section or on discord where you can share images of

your collection so thank you so much for watching and getting this far into the

video if you did enjoy it and enjoy the conversation do me a solid and slash the

thumbs up down below and also be sure to get subscribed so you don't miss any

future episodes of Lucky Crit if you're also really awesome you'll click the

little notification bell so that whenever we put out a video you'll get a

notification straight to your phone so you'll know as soon as the next video

launches I also have to give a huge shoutout to all of our amazing patrons

who helped make content like this possible and help us in creating as many

videos as we can I know some of you guys out there wish that I made more videos

every single week and uploaded more often but sometimes it's just impossible

and with you know real life stuff going on and other work and things like that

that I have to do it's not always possible but thanks to these patrons

more videos are able to be created so thanks to these guys you guys are

awesome I love you thank you so much. You can also check out our merchandise if

you're interested if you want some new stuff for your wardrobe that link will

be in the description below as well and also be sure to follow us on Twitter for

any news and updates that get revealed on the fly and I'll see you all next time

For more infomation >> My Fire Emblem Collection (Nintendo Fire Emblem Series Games, History and Memorabilia) - Duration: 15:10.


BMW 3 Serie Cabrio 320i Executive - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Cabrio 320i Executive - Duration: 0:50.


Comment programmer votre télécommande copieuse SICE WHY EVO ? - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Comment programmer votre télécommande copieuse SICE WHY EVO ? - Duration: 1:52.


Laura Smet rêvait d'un accord amiable avec sa belle-mère - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet rêvait d'un accord amiable avec sa belle-mère - Duration: 3:04.


[Точка зрения]Проблемы игропрома. Выпуск третий - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> [Точка зрения]Проблемы игропрома. Выпуск третий - Duration: 8:10.


Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:09.


SIMULATOR in ROBLOX Square mouse - Duration: 20:05.

For more infomation >> SIMULATOR in ROBLOX Square mouse - Duration: 20:05.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Teen Titans Go! KARAOKE | Uncle Jokes | DC Kids - Duration: 1:43.

We all have very specific roles in the titans

I'm the lone wolf leader

you two are the good-natured slackers

Ravens the sarcastic older sister

and you're my unrequited love

when you hang out with them

our whole universe is thrown out of balance

You have to go back to normal!

You are absolutely right...


AHHH! I can't take it! Booooooom!

Ahhh she just uncled you, you got took to uncle school! Ha Ha Ha Ha

You heard that one he told yesterday?! Oh man! That was horrible!

Man, those uncle jokes are crunchy!

Do you know what just happened there Star?


We just became a comedy trio!

I thought nothing could be better than a twosome, but I was wrong!

We are the three legs of an equilateral triangle

We're tofu, lettuce and tomato!

We are the three stomachs of a glorg that allow it to digest a zarnack without chewing!

Awww yeah!

That's what I'm talking bout!

For more infomation >> Teen Titans Go! KARAOKE | Uncle Jokes | DC Kids - Duration: 1:43.


Renault Scénic 2.0-16V T TECH LINE Met trekhaak. Nette auto - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Renault Scénic 2.0-16V T TECH LINE Met trekhaak. Nette auto - Duration: 1:01.


Volvo V70 2.5T AWD KINETIC, 210 PK! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.5T AWD KINETIC, 210 PK! - Duration: 0:54.


Fiat Tipo STATIONWAGON 1.4 T-JET 16V 120PK BUS. LUSSO - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Fiat Tipo STATIONWAGON 1.4 T-JET 16V 120PK BUS. LUSSO - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Corsa 1.0T Online Edition 66KW/90PK 3D - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T Online Edition 66KW/90PK 3D - Duration: 0:59.


Fiat 500C ABARTH 1.4 T-JET 160 PK AUT AKRAPOVIC SAVALI TUNING - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500C ABARTH 1.4 T-JET 160 PK AUT AKRAPOVIC SAVALI TUNING - Duration: 0:54.


The European City Centre With No Street Names - Duration: 2:27.

I like finding exceptions to rules.

The sort of things that expose assumptions about how we think the world works,

and that confuse any computer system that isn't set up to accept them.

Like: streets have names, right?

Okay, sure, there are some people out there who'll immediately go,

ah, no, see, there are lots of streets that don't have names,

in rural areas and the developing world,

or there are the roads that just have a number or a letter.

And some of you will go, oh, well, actually, Japan.

Most of Japan doesn't name its streets, it names and numbers its city blocks,

and besides it's more complicated than that...

But, okay. In a Western European nation like Germany,

in the centre of a large city like Mannheim,

you'd expect there to be street names.

Nah. Welcome to the exception to the rule.

Here inside the Quadrates of Mannheim, the Squares of the town centre,

only a few major streets have names.

Every other building is referred to by which square it's on, as part of a grid.

The west half gets the letters A-K; the east half, L-U,

and that's followed by the number of blocks from the centre.

So you can have C4, or in German "𝕮𝟜" [see-fear],

which explains why the art gallery on it is called Zephyr.

Given the German reputation for humour, that's a pretty good multilingual pun.

None of the modern mapping companies know what to do with this.

They'd be fine if the whole country ran on a different system,

but mixing and matching in the same area,

in a region that, as far as most people know, just doesn't do this...

well, they can't cope.

Google and Microsoft get confused and give each road multiple names.

Apple insist that each road just has one name, and they're entirely wrong,

although it's Apple Maps, so, you know(!)

OpenStreetMap, which is community-led, recognises full addresses but not the individual blocks,

although presumably that'll be fixed within a few hours of this video being uploaded.

This isn't some modern invention, either.

This isn't something brought on by future-looking city planners rebuilding after the Second World War,

or 80s planners getting ahead of themselves.

While the numbering patterns have changed over the years,

this bit of Mannheim has had some form of block numbering for a long, long time.

Why change it just because some programmers can't figure out how to put it into their database?

The programmers have only been around for a few years. This city has been around for centuries.

The address of a place here in the Quadrates really is just a number, then a block,

Mannheim, Germany.

Even if some computers don't believe it.

For more infomation >> The European City Centre With No Street Names - Duration: 2:27.


Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2.0T AT 280pk First Edition AWD - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2.0T AT 280pk First Edition AWD - Duration: 1:02.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 101PK FIRST EDITION Nav. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 101PK FIRST EDITION Nav. - Duration: 0:59.


Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi 120pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi 120pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 0:48.


Trump's Properties Have Only Hired ONE American Worker Since 2016 - Duration: 2:48.

A new report came out this week about Donald Trump's businesses, specifically three of

the Trump branded properties here in the United States.

One of which includes Mar-a-Lago.

As it turns out since August 24, 2016, those three properties combined have posted job

openings 144 times.

Of those 144 job opening that have been posted in the last year and a half, four applicants

were Americans citizens, but only one American citizen was hired to work at a Trump property.

143 out of those 144 people hired at Trump properties were actually immigrants here on

H2B work Visas that Donald Trump seems to prefer working at his properties rather than

American citizens.

First and foremost, there's absolutely nothing wrong with hiring immigrants.

That's fantastic.

It is great because they're doing job that Americans don't want to do, which is mainly

work for Donald Trump.

Here's the problem, when you've predicated your entire presidency on hating one specific

group of people, like immigrants, but then you turn around with your own businesses and

only hire immigrants, don't you see why that's a problem for you?

The hypocrisy, the irony of it all.

I'm sure it's lost on a guy like Donald Trump, but the reality is that his properties want

to hire these foreign workers because they know these people are easier to take advantage

of and Donald Trump is a guy, his sons are the kinds of guys that will take advantage

of anyone that they can for a profit.

That's what's going to happen in these instances.

They can pay lower wages.

They know there's no threat of unionization.

They know that these people will work without benefits because they're not even going to

be here all year long.

They can reclassify.

They can misclassify.

They can underpay.

They can not pay overtime.

They can get away with all kinds of labor abuses because they know that these people

in most instances don't even have the means to fight back.

That is why these corporations are going after these immigrants and that is why people like

Donald Trump or people that run corporations all over this country, they actually don't

want to stop immigrants from coming into the country because those are the best people

for them to take advantage of.

For more infomation >> Trump's Properties Have Only Hired ONE American Worker Since 2016 - Duration: 2:48.


[Elsword] Code Esencia Add's Energy Fusion Theory : I don't need quick slots. - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> [Elsword] Code Esencia Add's Energy Fusion Theory : I don't need quick slots. - Duration: 2:35.


Not-so-surprising reason that Obama was a 'bad' president | Matt Wright - Duration: 3:00.

I'm from Newfoundland. There's a building in Newfoundland, in St. John's...


Thank you. Thank you.

It's a Goodlife Gym. The sign makes me laugh

every single time.

It says "Goodlife:

Co-ed and for women!"


I don't know if you guys in Montreal are familiar with the word 'co-ed'

but that sign says

"Goodlife: For men and women... and women!"


This is a weird time to be a person.


It's just confusing. Computers are getting smaller,

phones are getting bigger again,

Future Shop is in the past now.



And it's easy to get confused on the Internet, you know?

Articles come up on your - on your - on your feed, and it's stuff like,

"You think Barack Obama was a good president? He wasn't."

"Click here to find out why."

I clicked it.

I was pooping.

And I love to multi-task.

Education and defecation are an unbeatable combination.


But I read the article

and the thesis of it was

"People say that Barack Obama was so great."

"But he killed more people with drones

than any president in American history."

"Can you believe that?"

And I was like... yeah.

I can believe that the man who was president

between the years 2008

and 2016

which, in case you're not familiar,

is the period of time

that drones were popularized as a military device,

I'd put twenty bucks that he's in the top two.


Who are they? "Over here we've got Barack Obama." Knew it!

But on the other end:

What?! George Washington?! How'd he do it?

Finally that oil painting makes sense,

when he's riding a horse into battle

with scoliosis and wooden teeth

and a fleet of drones behind him.


Of course he killed the most amount of people with drones.

He also killed the least amount of people

with a knife attached to a gun.

For more infomation >> Not-so-surprising reason that Obama was a 'bad' president | Matt Wright - Duration: 3:00.






10 Cheap Items Worth Their Money - Gentleman's Gazette - Duration: 10:46.

Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette!

In today's video, we discuss 10 cheap, low-budget items that are absolutely worth their money.

One, a bottle of Saint Hilaire Blanquette De Limoux, it costs about $12-$15.

I know it is a mouthful but bear with me.

Remember when we shot the video on Is it worth it, Dom Perignon champagne?

It was basically a $150 champagne bottle and you can watch the details here.

In the comment, a viewer shared with us his favorite budget alternative which is the Saint

Hilaire Blanquette De Limoux from France and so I tried it and it's a really amazing sparkling

wine that tastes pretty much like a champagne but it only costs $12-$15.

Now you might wonder, isn't it just a cheap knockoff?

Now, usually you will argue against knockoffs an fakes; actually, Benedictine monks in the

abbey of Saint Hilaire invented this sparkling wine over 450 years ago which was a hundred

years earlier than champagne.

Obviously, even though they were first, champagne did a much better marketing and today, it

is much more well known and much more expensive but that is good for you because you can get

a quality sparkling wine at a fraction of the cost.

Of all the sparkling wines I have tasted, the Saint Hilaire Blanquette De Limoux is

really a great price to value ratio and best of all, it all comes in vintages which means

in specific years so you get a top-notch quality but different every time.

We have the links to all these products to our i-depth guide on the website here.

The second cheap item worth its money is bar soap.

Most people use shower gels today which is also cheap, it is basically just soap with

water and so the cost per use is much higher with bar soap.

A regular bar of soap will cost you anywhere between $2-$3 and maybe $20-$25 but even the

lower priced models are oftentimes very good in quality, they have good fats like cocoa

butter and shea butter and so I suggest you take a look at ingredients first.

You can find bigger bars or smaller bars; one soap that I have been using over and over

again is the l'occitane verbena soap, it comes in a 3 1/2 or 100-gram piece and it cost about

$14 in the US.

It smells of lemongrass, it is very nice for your skin and I personally love it.

Usually, a bar lasts our entire family for half a year.

The third inexpensive item worth its money is the Pilot Metropolitan fountain pen.

It costs about $15 and if you remember, we recently did a video on IS IT WORTH IT?

The Montblanc fountain pen.

Now Montblanc is very well-known and you can easily spend over a thousand dollars.

A lot of people complains that "Well, that's crazy!"

So with the Pilot Metropolitan, you get a quality made in Japan pen that is very balanced,

with a nice ink flow, and a nice nib in its price range, and it won't break the bank and

anyone can afford it.

You can also personalize it in many different colors including very popular black and silver

colors, it also comes in two nib sizes; M for medium and F for fine and while M is the

standard nib size in the fountain pen world, F is really fine in this case, even the fine

in other brands I think and if you're used to writing with a rollerball or a ballpoint

pen that will be a good transitional pen for you.

The fourth cheap item you want to invest in is a pair of really quality scissors such

as these Kai N5210.

In my experience, a good pair of scissors is highly underrated.

Personally, I get lots of packages when I design things, I have to cut fabrics and leather

and so a good pair of scissors is always on my desk.

In the past, I would use those scotch titanium blades which you can get in three packs for

five or six dollars at Costco and they did the job, but once I had the Kai N5210, it

was all different.

They really cut consistently better with less effort and they really just stay sharp for

a long time.

I've had it for over a year, I cut a lot with it, and it's still great.

It's so good you can even cut the chicken bones with it and any other kind of meat in

the kitchen which is really not something you can usually do with a pair of scissors.

The fifth inexpensive item you want to invest in is shoelaces because they're very inexpensive

but it can really change the entire look of your shoe.

As you know, buying new shoes, especially quality shoes, is very expensive, so if a

new pair of shoes is not on a table for you right now, consider shoelaces.

You can get them in 15 or 20 different colors we have boot laces as well as shoelaces that

are round and flat in quality waxed cotton and as you can see, on the same shoe, you

create an entirely different look.

Best of all, the look is versatile even if you have just one or two pairs of quality

shoes and maybe four or even ten shoelaces, you can immediately create 10 or 20 different


If you want tolearn more about shoelaces, how to lace them, how to tie your shoes, and

how to style them, please check out our other videos and if you're interested in quality

laces, check them out in our shop right here.

The sixth budget item that's really worth its money is this knife from Rada.

It's a serrated knife and I bought it three years ago at an antique show in Brimfield.

At first, it seemed too cheap, it was a new knife for just five dollars, made in the USA,

and I figured how good can it really be?

Because I was used to Japanese knives and German Wusthof knives, after using it for

a little bit, turns out it's a really excellent knife.

Originally, it's called a tomato knife and you can slice Tomatoes excellently with it,

but it also works for steak, it has a flexible blade and because of that, you can cut melons,

anything with a curve, any kinds of vegetables, apples, fruits, it's just a wonderful all-purpose

knife and I strongly suggest to get it because it only costs about seven dollars shipped

with Amazon Prime.

Isn't that a deal?

Radda also offers a range of other inexpensive knives which are comparable to Ikea but much

better in quality.

The seventh item worth its money is a tailor's ham.

It cost about twelve bucks and it's a little pillow filled with sawdust.

It's much stiffer than a regular pillow that you may have on your couch, on your bed, and

it's used to iron trousers or jackets, especially all the round parts which wouldn't quite work

on a flat iron table, If you want to learn how to use this tailor's ham, please check

out our in-depth ironing series where I show you how to iron shirts, pants, as well as

suits and jackets.

By the way, if you're into ironing and you want quality creases in your shirt on your

pants or anywhere else, I suggeste to get a clapper because it really helps to get perfect


It's a simple piece of oak wood that has no sap and no rough edges and if you buy it online,

it cost about $25 but you can easily make it yourself.

The eigth inexpensive item I've been using for years is the Nivea sensitive shave balm.

As you might know, I'm really into shaving and we create an in-depth shaving guide here.

I tested over 300 products and one item that I come back to over and over again is the

Nivea sensitive shaving balm, it costs between 5 and 8 bucks, it's widely available in drugstores

all over the world, as well as online on places like Amazon.

Works for all skin types, it smells good, it leaves a smooth result, and I've been using

it for so long that I can safely say it doesn't harm your skin or is aggressive in any way.

The ninth cheap item that is totally worth its money is red boat fish sauce.

People who like Thai food or Vietnamese food are very much familiar with fish sauce but

it can also be used in any kind of other cuisines such as American, French, or European cuisine.

It has this characteristic umami flavor which you can also find in meat, tomatoes, mushrooms,

and many other parts.

It's that fifth sense of taste that we, in the Western world, are not so familiar with

but it's very prevalent in places like Japan.

Whenever they serve dishes to people that contain fish sauce ,they're always like "mmm

this is so good."

"wow how did you get this flavor?" and they can never tell it's fish sauce but they always

really like it a lot because it's flavorful, strong, but not fishy at all.

You don't have to overdo it, a spot or two is enough to really boost the flavor of the

dishes you create.

Another thing I also use a lot is better than bouillon.

Basically, it's reduced broth or stock that you can keep in your fridge.

It's very easy to use and you can concentrate the broth in the way you would like, so you

can have a very strong flavor or light flavor.

It comes in many different varieties such as chicken, beef, vegetable, mushroom, or

fish, and so you can create nice bouillabaisse for example or other fish stews very easily

without having to cook out any bones.

Last but not least, the tenth item you should invest in is Gentleman's Gazette ebooks.

Right now, we're giving away three of them for free.

I mean, what's better than free right?

So it's over 200 pages of in-depth content about classic men's style such as black tie

guides, white tie guides, or how to wear and combine shoes with socks and pants.

Head over to our shop now, add it to your cart and of course, if you want to buy something

else we're honored, but you don't have to.

Simply download them, enjoy them, and tell us what you think, maybe even leave a review,

really appreciate it, thank you.

In today's video, I am wearing a more casual outfit with a navy blue cardigan combined

with a red and blue checked shirt with a knit tie in navy and light blue and because of

that it contrasts the navy cardigan.

depending on how I move with the light you'll see the color changes and it's a wonderful

two-tone effect that you only get from Fort Belvedere silk knit ties which I designed

which you can find in our shop here.

my slacks are winter white wool flannels which are heavy but perfect for winter and they

provide enough contrast to the dark top part of my outfit they've pleats because I have

big thighs as well as cuffs and the shoes I'm wearing with them are dark brown with

red contrasting shoelaces from our shop again it's an entirely different look than if those

shoes had maybe brown shoelaces.

I'd have a look together with burgundy and off-white cotton socks that are over the calf

from Fort Belvedere because they pick up the red in the shoelaces and in the shirt but

also the off-white color of the pants I'm also wearing a rose gold pinky ring with a

light blue stone that picks up the blue tones in my outfit if you enjoyed this video you'll

probably also like to see our 12 expensive items worth their money or 18 items every

gentleman should have here.

For more infomation >> 10 Cheap Items Worth Their Money - Gentleman's Gazette - Duration: 10:46.


When Somebody Talks About You Behind Your Back - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> When Somebody Talks About You Behind Your Back - Duration: 4:09.


83-Yr-Old Writes Letter To Best Friend. The Last Line Has Everyone In Tears - Duration: 4:42.

83-Yr-Old Writes Letter To Best Friend.

The Last Line Has Everyone In Tears

Sometimes I think it would be nice to live life in reverse – take all the wisdom gleaned

in my later years and use it in my younger ones.

But the reality of life is that wisdom is earned – it takes time and experience to


But while I may still be maturing and learning, one thing I can do is listen to the wisdom

of those who are older than me and who have already seen much of life.

Sadly, in this day and age, the elderly are not given the respect they deserve.

If we would only realize how much they have to offer and then seek to learn from them,

our world would be a much better place.

Take, for example, this touching letter written by a woman nearing the end of her life.

While we don't know the author's name – only that she wrote it to someone named

Bertha – her pearls of wisdom are applicable for everyone, no matter their age.

In it, she writes about cherishing people and moments more and worrying about work and

little daily chores less.

While keeping the house tidy is important, as the mess can soon get out of hand, being

with our loved ones is much more so.

She also writes about how she is learning to enjoy life more and live in the moment:

"I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add

laughter and luster to our lives."

What is the good of saving things for a "special" day that may never come?

Enjoy life now and live it to the fullest!

Toward the end of her letter, the woman encourages Bertha not to take people for granted or hold

onto anger – that can only lead to bitterness and regret.

She finishes the letter by noting that every day is a gift and we should live it as such.

The final line is especially poignant:

"[E]very morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that it is special.

Every day, every minute, every breath truly is a gift.

"Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance."

While we're sure this special woman never planned for her letter to be seen by anyone

other than its intended recipient, we're glad it has been shared.

Her pearls of wisdom are ones all of us should hold onto.

Our lives will be much better for it.

Read the letter in its entirety below:

Dear Bertha,

I'm reading more and dusting less.

I'm sitting in the yard and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the


I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time working.

Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure.

I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.

I'm not 'saving' anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special event

such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the first Amaryllis blossom.

I wear my good blazer to the market.

My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries.

I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties, but wearing it for clerks in the

hardware store and tellers at the bank.

'Someday' and 'one of these days' are losing their grip on my vocabulary.

If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now.

I'm not sure what others would've done had they known they wouldn't be here for

the tomorrow that we all take for granted.

I think they would have called family members and a few close friends.

They might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles.

I like to think they would have gone out for a Chinese dinner or for whatever their favorite

food was.

I'm guessing; I'll never know.

It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew my hours were


Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to write one of these days.

Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my husband and parents often enough how much I truly

love them.

I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter

and luster to our lives.

And every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that it is special.

Every day, every minute, every breath truly is a gift.

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.

We all have a little good inside us.

So share it!

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For more infomation >> 83-Yr-Old Writes Letter To Best Friend. The Last Line Has Everyone In Tears - Duration: 4:42.


Apple QuickTake 100: 1994 Digital Camera Experience - Duration: 12:34.

Greetings and welcome to an LGR thing! And this one right here is

the Apple QuickTake 100 digital camera, developed in conjunction with Kodak and sold by

Apple Computer beginning in February of 1994. And it was initially sold at a

price of $749 US Dollars and was the first color fully-digital camera to hit

retail at less than $1000 on launch. And even though there were later releases

that connected to both Windows and Mac OS, this original 100 model I have here

only came with software to use with Macintosh computers. It was also

specifically geared towards taking advantage of Power Macintosh hardware as

this vibrant sticker on the front so boldly proclaims. "The freedom to bring

the world directly into your computer." Wow, all of the world just, right in there!

This was immeasurably exciting in 1994! No need to wait a week or two to get

your roll of film developed, now you can enjoy your photos the very same day.

And not only that but it did so in 24-bit color, which was still a notable

accomplishment. Its nearest-priced competitor the Logitech Fotoman Plus

shot in black and white only, and the color Dycam Model 4 cost nearly

twice as much as the QuickTake 100. Yeah that's right, an Apple product that was

both technically impressive *and* lower in price than the competition!

My how times change.

I got this particular QuickTake 100 at a local Goodwill a while back, as

seen on LGR Thrifts episode 30. I considered it quite a lucky find because

coming across these original model 100s can be a bit tough, especially complete

in box and as lightly-used as this one appeared to be. Speaking of that box

let's go ahead and get this thing open! And starting right off here with some

floppy disks, two of them that are just the normal program to work with pretty much

any Mac and then a third one to use if you have a Power Mac. You also get a bit

of Apple company paper work here: the warranty and their software license

agreement. As well as a 70 page user's guide for the Macintosh version of the

QuickTake 100 here. All sorts of useful information on how to set it up and use

this thing which, again, was kind of a new deal at this point in time. Most people

didn't even know digital cameras were a thing, this is all pretty uncharted

territory for everything from the software itself to how to use the

functions of the camera. New problems like "oh no my camera won't take pictures

why might that be?" Well maybe it's cuz the memory is full. "What, a camera has

memory, you have to erase it, that's wild." And then in the bottom of the box tucked

away in this little formed package are a few different things. Starting with the

wall charger for the nickel cadmium batteries, well that was nice of them to

include. You can just use normal AA batteries of course, but it came with an

official QuickTake charger as well as some rechargeable batteries right here.

Which I would have attempted to use, just out of curiosity, had they not been

leaking. You also get a cable to connect to the computer and work with the camera

and get your images and such. This is a GeoPort serial data cable. And then of

course there is the QuickTake 100 camera itself. And yeah it's kind of a

charmingly ugly beast, in my opinion. It's about the size and shape of a pair of

small binoculars. It weighs 18.5 ounces with batteries

installed, so just over one pound or half a kilogram. On the front of it here with

this little sliding cover that you move to turn it on you have an 8mm

fixed focus lens, the equivalent of a 50mm lens on a

35 mil camera. With an aperture ranging from f/2.8 to 16 and a

focus range of four feet to infinity. As well as shutter speeds between

1/30 and 1/175 of a second and an ISO of approximately 85. Yeah this used

a cut-down version of the CCD that was used in the earlier Kodak DCS 200

digital camera back. That thing was an $8,000 monster so having that kind of

capability in something this size and so relatively cheap was pretty neat! And

your pictures were stored on one megabyte of internal EPROM flash memory.

It's not removable, it's just in there all the time, but the nice part was that

your photos were saved even if you didn't have any batteries installed.

Unlike certain contemporaries like the Fotoman that used volatile RAM, so

you'd lose your pictures if the batteries ran out or they were taken out

or whatever. With a whole megabyte you could get 32 pictures stored at 320x240

resolution or 8 pictures at 640x480. Yes, a whopping 0.31 megapixel is what

you get with this $750 camera from 1994. Oh but hey, they threw in a free carrying

strap, that's nice. And before we get to start taking some pictures, let's take a

look at a couple of the other little things that are on here. Including this

little pop-open side panel which provides the serial connection as well

as a place for the optional external DC power supply. Along the bottom you have a

standard tripod screw mount and these two spots at the bottom are for hooking

up the strap. And around the back is where we have our viewfinder as well as

an LCD panel. There are four different functions here, the first one letting

you change the flash functionality -- whether you want it on, off, or auto.

A button for letting you switch between the high and low-res image capturing

modes. A button for enabling the timer shutter release so that you, you know, can

do timer-y things. And a recessed button here to let you delete all of the

images that are stored on the camera. Yep all of them at once, only press that if

you're sure that nothing you've taken is good. And finally when you're ready to

take yourself a photo you slide open the front panel and the shutter release

button is on the top. Just this awkward plastic button that you

smoosh inwards and there you go!

*quick and quiet shutter sound*

It quietly and rather quickly takes and saves a photo, it's a

little quicker than some other digital cameras I've used from this time period.

Gets a full resolution image saved in just a couple seconds! And of course to

take a look at the photos we need a computer, and for that I have chosen this

lovely Power Macintosh 7300/200.

*classic Mac startup chime*

First things first you'll need that serial cable plugged into the back of

the computer, and it's going to be plugged into either the printer or the

modem port. And then the other end just plugs into that little opening panel on

the side of the QuickTake itself. And that's really it, just make sure it's

turned on and you're ready to go! Just stick those floppy disks in there and

you'll be installed and ready to go in no time. So the QuickTake 1.0 software

is what this comes with and well, it is the most bare-bones of image retrieval

and editing tools. In fact there's not much here in terms of editing, it really

is mostly just for getting the camera images off of the camera itself and onto

your computer in the file format that you choose. Anyway you can view them

directly or you can choose to move all of the images to your hard disk. And it

does it pretty quickly, only taking about a minute for the full one megabyte

transfer. And then it'll ask you if you want to erase all of the images from the

camera, "yes or no." And if you say yes it'll bring up this little camera

control panel and delete the images straight away. And if you stick around in

that camera controls area after that then you can do pretty much everything

that you could with the camera. Like switching around the options for flash,

resolution, and timer and deletion. But you can also take a picture. You won't be

able to see a live image but you will immediately see it quote-unquote

"developed" and show up on your desktop. And your results may vary. But yeah at

this point you can view your images within QuickTake -- and you do need

QuickTake. It actually shoots in its own version of PICT images, that's P-I-C-T.

You can save in TIFF or uncompressed PICT formats as well if you'd like, but

those are gonna take up more disk space. And yeah just check out some of these

shots! As usual I like using older digital cameras and just older cameras

in general to take pictures of things where you really wouldn't be able to

tell when it was taken. Stuff that's era-appropriate, like buildings and old

electronics. Especially technology I just like taking pictures of, with old

technology. There's something poetic about that, especially cars. Oh my

goodness, cars and appropriate surroundings just make for some really

convincing new/old pictures in my opinion. And I did not actually notice

until after I had already developed my first set of pictures that

a lot of my images were shifted to the left. Like I was trying to center up these

coffee mugs and then try to get a shot through this chain-link fence at this

cool background going on. But it ended up with other stuff being in the way of the

lens, it just wasn't centered. And that is

because -- I didn't actually think about this when shooting -- so, you have the flash

over here and then you have the little hole for the viewfinder to look through

and a couple sensors right there. And the actual lens isn't where you would

naturally expect it to be in the center or close to it: it's off to the right,

when you're shooting that is. So you have to keep that in mind and compensate when

you're framing your photos through that little slightly unhelpful viewfinder,

just forcing you to get into the habit of moving everything to the left when

you're trying to center up images or frame them in a certain way. And let's

also talk about the color reproduction because they were so boastful about that

24-bit color. And you know, a lot of these early CCDs like this had very washed

out kind of blown out colors, and this one is no exception. I talked about all

those specs before with the ISO and the shutter speed being very limited, and

indeed it is. But also just the colors that it picks up are really strange. Like

this ridiculous scene right here, that's not supposed to be anything pink there.

That's like reds and oranges and blues and tans, and it just comes across as

bizarre. Anything that's red looks a little more pink and anything that's

pink is ridiculously pink. And also you have to keep in mind that this is not

good at doing any kind of close-up imagery, like this right here was shot

about one foot away from this camera. And of course it's blurry, the minimum

distance that it can photograph things sharply is four feet. Which means that

unless you have arms that are over four feet long every single selfie you take

is going to be a bit blurry. Or just completely washed out because the flash

goes crazy and does not know what to do with things that are up-close and blown

out by the flash. But hey, instant beauty filter! Also worth noting that that file

format that it saves things in by default, you cannot open that in Photoshop or

pretty much any modern image editor without a plugin like UFRaw. And this

one will take that raw image that's been compressed and you can save it as

something else in GIMP or whatever you want to do. Still that QuickTake format

does a reasonable job of compression. It makes every image about

116 kilobytes, whereas if you were saving it as TIFF it'd be like 900K per

picture. Certainly something that would have been handy back in the days when

floppy disks were your primary way of transferring files like this. And really

that is it for the Apple QuickTake 100! I think it's a pretty darn neat little

camera. It's interesting, if nothing else, because it was so early to the party and

really its results aren't that bad for 1994. But at the same time I can

absolutely see why it did not become this massive success for Apple, because

it just was too far ahead of its time and nobody really knew what to do with it.

Granted it still was followed up with a

factory updated Plus version, and then two follow-up models the 150 and the 200. But

it was still only on the market three years, being discontinued in 1997 when

Steve Jobs returned to Apple and drastically simplified their product

line. Still, while the QuickTake wasn't a bastion of market success, I don't

exactly agree with all of the hyperbole I see online retroactively branding it

"an unmitigated disaster" and "one of the single worst Apple products ever made."

Yes, it was expensive and low on features, but that's what you get when you're an

early entry in a new product category. And if you actually look it up, critics

at the time when this was released were praising the QuickTake for being as

affordable and capable as it was, compared to the few other competing

digital cameras back then. I know pointing out Apple's failures gets clicks,

but I don't think the QuickTake is truly the worst. It was, however,

absolutely early to the party and expensive, costing more than a good

35mm SLR at the time. It is no wonder that it didn't exactly

fly off the shelves but you know, that is exciting and unproven technology for you!

No one knew where it was going, photographers were debating whether or

not digital could ever replace film. And yeah, cameras like the QuickTake

definitely wouldn't replace film, but it was an important step along the way

to getting to that point.

And if you enjoyed this episode of LGR perhaps you would like to see some of my

others! I like talking about old tech and digital cameras, or computers, software,

and oddware, all sorts of things every Monday and Friday. So stick around if you

like this kind of stuff. And as always thank you very much for watching!

For more infomation >> Apple QuickTake 100: 1994 Digital Camera Experience - Duration: 12:34.



hey frugal fam and cub Club today we are squishy hunting for our vlog

collection we decided to bring you guys along so let's see what squishies we find

I came here because I didn't even know that squishies walmart

is the metallic ones and we saw them here before so I think we're gonna pick

up a few just because they are limited edition and make sure you stay to the

end and come squishy haul so these are the metallic ones that I found

slice of pie or cake that one

and these are some different really so little small seven dollars you know

that's a whoopee cushion and this eyeball squishy is brain that looks like

cotton candy this other squishy the metallic


let's go find some dollar squishy deals they have the new little shopkins

there's only two left maybe we should get two and open some up and look there

288 which is not bad I just want to show you guys up close which ones you can

collect 13 pet cards to clip

let's get a few of these so I would consider that a pretty good dollar deal

you get the squishies plus some stickers and a play set there's seven

dollars squishy mushy bentos Oh

fifteen dollar I don't know but they are super cute and

there's another found this lollipop

the cake op cute okay was she home cuties inside this lollipop squishies

families happy place season three shopkins and I had a huge video coming up

because I found these four one four to 88 like that's some super squishy

news okay also having my little pony a video come in little my little

pony Dollar Tree video and all these are so cute

too bad we can't squish let's see oh these are two eighty eight you get two

of these I already have two each of these that I'll show you in another

video what did you find over here

so we are right next to the speaker okay you want to dance

cool so if I have to play music over top of our voices

that's why speaker is right there so we're over you're looking for squishies

and we found this is just like metallic slime

unicorn of putty

overlay oh my goodness you guys they have the Dollar Tree

squishy oh my goodness three dollar I am going to find all of them I just know I I only

have one all right so I have really here working very hard she is pulling

out all the different squishies you have the white this one is like lemon

chocolate these aren't very small this one is a ice cream cone blue it's like a

blueberry and vanilla swirl so these are all the ones that you can collect okay

we already have that squishy this is the it's the chocolate dip oh is this

the family sandwich this one feels softer than all of them

stuff oh and this is the other squishy oh excuse me let's see what other

ones we can find this is the other piece of bread we have a squishy mess over

here and I think we found all of them except one of the ice cream cones well

these are cool amazing squishies

chocolate with vanilla and vanilla with chocolate oh the quickly found

the little Thomas and Friends that you can collect these are the super

pups paw patrol ones and then they also have this set right here Barbie fashions

season one sponge bob My Little Pony oh look they even have hatch ins this is

good so these are the paint man ones that you can collect we're

definitely gonna get some care bears I'm just trying to look to see how many you

can collect sorry you're like the camera you can collect six

and here are the DC Comics orders Disney Pixar and spider man oh wow we really

came on a great day yeah you tell them Oh your toys bye buying they see you will

see them later come on just making me hungry one day we're gonna get some of

lol surprise dolls and opened them up I just love them I think they look so cute an

eclectic oh my goodness these are so cute

all right as we're about to check out we solve it so cute

squish mallows they're 10 dollar we might get one we're in getting groceries and

look what I found jumbo slow rising squishy they have this

one squishy yes here and they are nine dollars

with your card or subway subway a Safeway card so found these look like

the ones at Dollar Tree but they have different squishy how much they cause

we're inside of another lines and look what I more squishies

camera would only focus there's so many different squishies french fry and unripe

banana macaroons and the best part there are only two

dollars so these are

so we're in again and look at all these squishies they have in here

but these tulips of the Jumbo ones these are really lucky interesting enough for

me to get it they're $8.99 still rising really what

the loaf of bread or the cake squishy let's start off with this silver cinnamon roll

from series 1 sweet squishies and I'm just looking at my collectors

guide over here this one is I think a limited edition it's listed as new and

it's like in its own little special category by the way if you guys want to

check out some daily or almost daily squishy hunting you have to check out

our friends at mommyof3xo I love their channel it's not super soft but

it's definitely like satisfying to squish

took this out the already because I was I was really excited taco squishy

is from series 3 and it's the fun food squishies series I really like how soft it builds

it's not super slow rising but again it's like definitely satisfying to squish and it's

super cute I love tacos so I had to get this one

so we have the moon mist ice cream cone from series 1 which is the sweet squishies

again this one is cracking already and I'm only squished it like maybe 10 or 15

times yeah it has like some little air bubbles it doesn't bother me at all but

of course I want to share that with you guys and it's also peeling off right

here so squishies can be very expensive and from what I have gathered

the more you pay like the higher quality it could be I mean it's just like with

anything in life these are 7 dollar and I mean if you're not gonna squish them a lot

and you just like to collect them and you know look at them this would be

really good look at the little waffle cone I love it

I just can't stop squishing it because it's so big and so jumbo yeah let's

check out this gold a layer cake from series 1 again the sweet squishies so let me

know in the comments what the little tree oh this one is softer than the

other ones and slower rising it's still kind of dense compared to like other

squishies I think the metallic paint might have something to do with it so it

just has like through layers and little frosting or icing drizzle I really enjoy

the details but as you can see there are some flaws which don't bother me but I'm

just sharing it with you guys some right there it just has like some

icing swirls on top

all right let's step away from soft and slo squishies and check out these squishy stress

gear Squishies that I found this one

is a french fry it reminds me of play for some reason

it doesn't smell like anything none of squishies okay so that's

the French fry let's check out another one this is either a tomato or an apple

but I really like this one it's nice and chunky it's not really big but because

it's like nice and round you get a good squishy all of these were 2 dollar like you

saw in the video and then we have some so I don't care for

flat squishies like this I just don't I don't get any type of like satisfaction

from it but I decided to pick up one anyway

I like this one reminds me of the squishy yums from Dollar Tree

and this one is bigger in size in the Dollar Tree ones this is the ice cream

squishy and this has that potato feel to it

yes oh these are okay I probably won't buy any more of these small ones also at

Vons they had some jumbo squishies these are no-name squishies just says squishy

stress gear jumbo size alright I definitely want to smell this one it's

so it smells like just a little bit and not really like impressed

with the design of this squishy this is extremely overpriced at $8 I mean at $9

and that's with your card otherwise it would be $11 I

wouldn't recommend this looks like there's some staining on the back as

well and up here and these are the same ones they sell at Walgreens same goes

for the little keychains they sell all of these at Walgreens

so let's move on to the squish yum goodies from Walmart and they also sell

these small ones at Dollar Tree and if you guys haven't checked out the Dollar

Tree squishy video what exactly are you doing with yourself wait and check it

out after you finish watching this squishy I want to open up this pack first and then

show you guys what you can collect on the bag in case you're here for the haul

you didn't want to see the other part these are the ones that you can collect

right here on the back we have the purple sweet swirl squishy already but I was

really excited about the sugar loads so let's open up this one let's give it a

it does smell like but I think after a while the smell might calm

down because it it also has like this hint of something sweet I was expecting

it to be softer as far as details I'm in love with it

especially for it being 3 dollar so I guess it really just depends on what you're going

for when you buy your squishies overall I'm definitely oh is that a tear did I

just do that with my nails I don't even have nails I probably did do that but

that's okay just be careful let's go for this ice cream squishy so it's definitely

smaller than I expected it to be it's um it's denser then I thought and it's

pretty fast as far as rising but for 3 dollar I'm okay with it you know I like the

little swirl detail on the top that's super cute okay

again no smell slightly smells like but it also smells like

there's some chocolate in there somewhere it has that play feel to

it which is different from the other squishies

the bottom seems to rise slower than the top for $3 I'm okay with this one and I

actually like it I think it looks really nice and I think it feels pretty good

let's check out this one which is chuckle chuckle dip I just love the

squishies they either like because they're round or square and thick so I

think that's the whole point of I could be wrong

oh look at this this is so adorable I also love things with cute little faces

like this this little face is on there with what it looks like to be a sticker

so I'm not sure how long that face is gonna stay there but I love how it feels

it's nice and soft

I think this one is my favorite out of these squishies so far with a

little chocolate drizzle on the side and a little edges are textured I don't know

if you guys can see that see it's not the best but it was three dollars it's

super soft is super cute and I really enjoy squishing it let's open up this

lemon chocolate drizzle squishy donut I love the way this feels like the donuts

just have this I don't know how to explain it it's almost like a plastic

but not really so it's rising pretty fast like the other one and the bottom

is slow like the other one we're not slow but slower so we have the purple

sweet swirl and like I was saying the purple one is really hard let me go get

the purple squishy okay so here is the purple one and it's really dense it

doesn't even feel like a squishies it feels like a pillow

the pink one feels soft through the plastic just from a quick touch it feels

softer like definitely oh yeah there's a huge difference it's amazing how the

same thing can feel different in different colors you know

next up we have another Sugarloaf and her to do a double take because

they look pretty close I mean they look alike well this one is much smaller and

more dense compared to this squishy is definitely softer and more bread

filling I really like bread squishy so let's check out this last squishy YUM

this is these this stuff Sammy first thing we have sesame seeds

falling off the bun first glance this thing looks it looks a hot

i hot squishy mess and I just we're just gonna call it a hot

I just cannot get past how this squishy looks this is a squishy

fell for me I don't like this at all I can't even display this and I have no

desire to squish it so I will probably give this away next up we have a two

amazing Squishies jumbo slow rise collect them

all or this is so oh my goodness it's like a butter squishy if anything like

that exists

this thing is so smooth I mean it is just so soft I'm not like in love with

this chocolate and vanilla frosting like they didn't even try so we have this

vanilla one and I thought this was chocolate drizzle but it's so is

this licorice drizzle you know again super super soft this one is softer than

the first it is so soft it feels like it's just gonna like melt in my hands

I'm not even exaggerating this thing is ridiculously slow rising wow I could

play with this all day long it is just it's soft and that butter feel is just

it is amazing I don't know why but I want to squish these together for some


I don't know how long the icing is going to last but yeah I just can't get over

how soft these are the last four items are soft and slow surprise boxes on the

top it squishies series two many animal pals and it says pull here and oh you know

what before I open is there like a I was

expecting them to feel softer this feels chalky as far as cuteness with 10 being

the highest I give this a 9 but as far as texture

and feel I give it a 5 it doesn't feel all that it's not making me want to

squish it if that makes sense this is the Siamese cat something pink

little buddy so this little squishy guy or gal is bashful buddy and again for cuteness

ok and for cuteness this little guy or gal it's a 9.5 okay as far as

feel it feels different this one is more like chalky this one has a smoother feel

to it and it squishes about the same

so I would definitely get some more of because they're really squishies

like I love their little faces that's how they get you they get you with these

cute little faces another purple one but it's who are you who are you who are you

this is tabby cats oh so precious oh my goodness the little

sleepy eyes it gets me every time every time

as far as texture and feel this line reminds me of the bunny here but it has

a smoother feel to it I feel like the texture or the feel is improving as

we're moving throughout these little surprise soft and slo squishies softens slop side

and slow Squishies I didn't want to do it but I had two little legs oh my

goodness you guys I have never collected anything in my life not as a kid not as

an these are squishies I don't know they just last one no repeats

oh dude is cute my see who you are this is a puzzled pug oh he has a cute little

face he looks so sad it reminds me of muffins faces like super cute but it

looks sad this texture and feel reminds me of the bunny

I am in love with these little mini pals from soft and slo and soft and slo

for three dollars I definitely think they are worth it we hope you all are

loving these videos as much as we love making them you guys enjoyed it make

sure you come back for more by subscribing and just clicking on the

next video love you guys much and we will see you in the next one see you the

next one



Just Monika - A DDLC Song By Random Encounters [Synthesia Piano Tutorial] - Duration: 3:19.

Welcome to our meeting!

Are you into reading?

No need for being coy!

We'll improve your uptake!

Have a friggin' cupcake,

And must you bring a boy?

Time to write some poems!

Don't be scared to show 'em;

The festival's days away!

You could help with baking-

Or with banner-making!

And I'll... walk home alone today...

Maybe we're friends... Maybe we're more...

How could he love a simple girl next door?

I'm just not the type he's looking for...

Hey, Sayori, you doing okay?

I'm having a difficult day...

I'd say! You seem pretty lonely...

I wish I could make her grin,

All she wants are things back the way they've been...

She's depressed and stressed and she's feeling blue,

so I don't want Sayori hanging around you!

Just Monika! (x7)

Just Just Monika!

Manga is my passion.

Don't you dare be bashin'!

The writing's got finesse!

Maybe you should borrow

these until tomorrow... -

Were you looking up my dress?!

Let's go read a story!

What about Sayori?

Let's talk about me instead!

I've been learning piano!

And I sing soprano!

And I can't get you out of my head...

Can't look away... Can't help but blush...

Where did I get this overwhelming crush?

It's sharp as a knife and twice the rush!

Yo! There's something I think you should know!

I've never seen Yuri so-

-sAnE aNd cHiLL ANd sTiLL kinda sweaty...

And I don't mind cutting to the chase:

I'm in love with you and your gorgeous face!

That's a sentiment I can't allow,

So my dear friend Yuri is getting the point now!

Just Monika! (x7)

Just Just Monika!

Could you have guessed?

Maybe you knew?

Natsuki is next; I'm deleting her, too!

We don't need cupcakes or poems or tea;

I only need you to love me!

Hey... There's no one else in our way...

So look at me and just say

right here, my dear, that you love me.

And we'll sit here 'till the end of time,

cause I've earned this and you're finally mine!

And I'm sorry what you've had to see,

But it no longer matters, cause now you belong to me!

Forever! (Just Monika!) x8

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