Monday, February 19, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 19 2018

Hey guys! What's up? It's Lainey and today I am doing 25 bookish facts about me.

I thought this would be a good video to do. One, because I've never done it before.

Two, because I'm finally getting back into making more book-related videos. So this

is kind of just me reintroducing myself, kind of, to booktube if you will.

Fact #1 is that I got into reading because my mom used to read to me when I

was little. Kind of just developed into my love for reading.

The fastest genre I read is romance.

I have a hard time finishing last books in series and that

usually happens with trilogies. I like, keep putting off the third book. And I'm not

quite sure if it's because I don't want it to end or I feel like it's been so

long since I read the first two that I wouldn't remember a lot of things going

into the third book and I'd just be confused and not have the same feelings.

I don't have preferences when it comes to ebooks or physical books. They both have their benefits.

The Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick is the book that

got me back into reading in high school. I was like, going through a drought of

not reading a lot while I was a junior and senior in high school and that was

the book that like, pushed me back into reading. I got really hyped up about

reading again because of that book even though it's like, highly troped

paranormal romance I can never talk crap about it because it means so much to me.

I would have to say that I've only read about 20% of the required reading that I

had in school, cover-to-cover. A lot of the books I never finished or I never

read or I Sparknoted.

Going off of required reading at school somehow, I

have managed to never read a Jane Austen book or one of the Bronte sister

books. Never read any of their books. In high school I think I was lucky, but in

college I definitely like Matrix-ed my way, kind of dodging those classes that were

part of my requirements. So I never ended up having like their books on my reading list.

I do read critically but when it comes

to my ratings I tend to rate more on an enjoyment level

and how I felt while I was reading the book. And that kind of comes down to the

fact that reading, for me, is like an escape and always has been. And I do this

with movies as well. I'm just in it to experience it.

I read fastest on my kindle.

I always have a book in my purse.

I can't read what I'm sick.

I don't actually like Shakespeare or almost any kind of piece written in a play format.

Messes with my head.

All three of my bookshelves that I have here in my

office are completely packed with books. Most of them are unread. That's something

I would like to change.

My favorite type of books to read are definitely going to

be romance and YA.

I take the dust jacket off 95% of my books when I'm

reading especially when I go out in public.

I've never been a really good

test taker so I had to actually beg to be let into AP Lit classes in high school.

I recently started listening to audiobooks and by recently I mean this

January 2018. I've never been able to concentrate enough to listen to

audiobooks in the past.

I can read anywhere in any type of environment.

I hate when people ask me what I'm reading.

Going into that, when a non-reader

asks me what the book I'm reading is about I will always lie and say it's

like A Game of Thrones even if it's not anything like Game of Thrones, that is my

default answer. That does two things. One, it somehow makes me cool and two, it gets

them off my back because if I would have said like, "Oh it's like Twilight." I would

be so judged I hate that. Like don't ask me what I'm

reading and what it's about if you're just going to judge me for it.

When I'm really obsessed with reading a book and I'm reading it through the night and

I finally go to sleep at like 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, I will have a

continuation with my dream. I will be dreaming about the book and then I'll

get confused when I wake up because I'll be wondering, did my dream? Was that real?

Does that really happen in the book or did I make that up? And it's just a mess.

I rarely picture actual people when I'm reading I'll see the person but like the

face is like blurry.

I've read The Iliad by Homer four times straight through,

for classes that I took in college. And high school.

I like listening to music when I read.

I tend to do more instrumental music than ones with vocals, but I can listen to

anything while I read.

And the last fact about me is I never finished the Harry

Potter series when I was younger, but I've recently started rereading all of

them last year and I'm currently on the sixth book and this is the book that I

stopped reading it. I can finally say very soon that I will have completed

the Harry Potter series and I'm really excited for that.

That's it for my 25 bookish facts about me. Hope you guys enjoyed this video. I'll

see you guys very soon, bye!

For more infomation >> 25 BOOKISH FACTS ABOUT ME! [CC] - Duration: 4:30.


Itaipava – Viva 100 verões em 1 (Praiabarnaval) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Itaipava – Viva 100 verões em 1 (Praiabarnaval) - Duration: 0:31.


Akidearest Shopping in Shibuya 109, Japan - Duration: 11:19.

seba and aki are going shopping at Shibuya's 109

a very famous department store

where you can spend up to 24h to visit it all

there are people who got lost inside there

hello, what are you doing?

are you happy?

good night


by the way, if you don't know her she is AKIDEAREST

and she is one of the TOP anime/manga youtuber

🎵 ON THE RUN 🎵 by Sebastiano Serafini

so we were talking about Game Center if Japan

we were wondering if people were watching us from camera, because as soon as she won this

a girl came with a bag to put our ufo catcher's prize

we are in Shinjuku with the lucky Aki

who has just won everything

by the way she is the girlfriend of Joey (the anime man)

we are at shibuya famous crossing and we are trying to go to that store

called 109

that's the one for female

but first let's see if we can survive in this crossing

let's go!

look what we had found: mario kart

there used to had more cars like these, and they were dressed as mario's characters

but lately they aren't as common because nintendo didn't want to be associated with them

because they are a little dangerous

did you understand?

walking around shibuya on a friday night is not the best

now let's film aki that is going inside

where are we going? we are going to 109

I go to 109

how can you say that in english?


they often have live concert here

is it your first time to go inside 109?

we are at the entrance

they've just told us we can film inside

exept for the people working here

who are actually the best part

it's so colorful

samantha vega's bag

this is a collaboration between samantha vega and

and sailor moon

I'm not a big expert in female bags, but they have all sailors

mercury, jupiter... and artemis

it's pretty cute I guess

make sure to get some

so if you want a bag sailor moon / samantha vega make sure to come here!

this shop profume is intense

this is quite cheap

but it looks good i think

I wear outfit I buy in Japan in italy and clothes I buy in italy in Japan so I always look "exotic"

in Japanese to say high-heeled you say hi-ru

she is pretty

look how beautiful she is

all mannequin are looking so good here

and also the girl working here that I can't show you tho

if you don't know aki she was in so many of my music video: FIRE


she is so proud about winning that

I would be excited too, but I didn't win anything

she is sooooo lucky, with only 1 coin she won that

ok, this store instead doesn't have the prettiest mannequin

let me know wiath a comment

if you like those looks

she was chatting with her boyfriend about her winning another peluche

I still can't believe she won with one coin

I will show you her winning moments in another video

make sure to keep the left side of the escalator when you aren't in a hurry to be polite in Japan, stand of the right side if you are in Osaka instead

gas mask and

fake boobs

but I've been in Japan to long to be fool buy those

I hope you had fun watching this video and I've been saying so often the world "gnocche di bamboo"

gnocche di bamboo!!!

so we had our little shopping for today

see you tomorrow at 2 pm (GMT+1) with another video

I will try to still that peluche for you from her (JK)

bye bye

For more infomation >> Akidearest Shopping in Shibuya 109, Japan - Duration: 11:19.


Previsão do Tempo 19/02/2018 - Pancadas de chuva localmente forte em parte do País - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Previsão do Tempo 19/02/2018 - Pancadas de chuva localmente forte em parte do País - Duration: 1:03.


Selfishness and Idol Childhood | AcelandAlxander - Duration: 4:42.

So I'm going to assume that, nearly 3 years is enough time to have passed for me to post

this song without people getting their knickers in a twist.

But we'll find out after I post it.

It would be a lie if I were to say I don't think about you anymore

But at least I don't cry when unwanted memories come knocking at my door

I won't deny sometimes, I wonder what we could've been

But in my eyes, I think we're better off with this kind of end

I became the man you never could I grew out of selfishness and idol childhood

I grew, into my own skin Cut out the parts you had shaped and let them form again

I cannot say to you that I've let go of

everything from the lives we used to lead But this I can say is true it's not all

regret and pain remember the fallen trees I can't deny sometimes I forget the happiness

we shared But look into my eyes

Remember all the horrid things we did when we were scared

I became the man you never could I grew out of selfishness and idol childhood

I grew, into my own skin Cut out the parts you had shaped and let them form again

I became the man you never could

I grew away from ache and pain and became something good

I grew into my own skin Cut out the parts you had touched and let

the scars come in I became the man you never could

I grew out of selfishness and idol childhood I grew, into my own skin

Cut out the parts you had shaped and let them form again

So we'll see if anyone from high-school gets angry about that song.

Cause hopefully not, cause hopefully 3 years since I've written something I can post it

on the internet without people getting angry.

I'm allowed to write about my life bitch, fuck off.

For more infomation >> Selfishness and Idol Childhood | AcelandAlxander - Duration: 4:42.


Why China Will Occupy Australia In The Future - JOEL SKOUSEN - Duration: 8:07.

Hello Dave, how are you today? We're going to talk about I guess the geopolitical

problems that Australian will face in the very near future

Jos calcine is a political scientist

and he's been publishing the world affairs brief from approximately 20 years very lucky to have you here welcome to

Olson's so can you tell us a little bit about?

What's happening with North Korea and the effects that it might have on?

Australia, I mean this is all very much a political strategy

To blame the war on some crazy guy in North Korea, so they don't get the blame he starts the war okay

It's a it's a it's a great strategy, but you see Trump has threatened to pull this trigger too soon

No they won't and I'll tell you why the globalist strategist behind that are trying to work Trump over in

Control Trump, if there's a war in North Korea, which there will be if Trump strikes, North Korea. You'll have a full-blown Korean War

It will be bloody and America has very little tolerance now for another war in which he have a lot of casualties

And so his advisors will convince Trump

To call a ceasefire before victory just like in the first war

They'll call a ceasefire before Kim Young he's going to be

Damaged heavily, you know his artillery is gonna. Be destroyed a lot of his missile forces. They may even D

nuke the thing by force, but they won't remove the communist government

And so if they called for if they get trapped to call

And get an anti-war movement again like Vietnam to stop the war in Korea

They'll preserve the trigger event

From for another time you see as long as you keep the communist government in power

Even if you have a war if you don't prosecute it to to removing the communist government in the north they can

Preserve the trigger of Abia the middle of the next decade when they really need it so

Make it the globals can win even a trump pulse the trigger too early

Even if Trump pulls the trigger just say in March April May or even September October November or even in the next

24 months

What do you think Russia and China's actions will be in the Asian region which could affect Australia?

Well, if there is a war. I don't believe I know I'd say there's about a 20 percent chance

They could go the war nuclearized against the United States, but only at 20%

80% chance they will simply support

North Korea with military hardware to make sure that it does not fall, and they'll continue to threaten the u.s.

That if you attack us in our basis and our supply lines into North Korea. Just like in Vietnam

You know we had a full supply line from the Russians and the Chinese into North North Vietnam

And they would say you don't want to attack our ships, or well

You'll start World War 3 and they'll play that same thing with the Trump

And so I think what will happen it'll be a stalemate of a war again

And that's why the globalists will talk trump into if there's war talk them into another

Was suffered greatly during his period

No, I do not. I think Australia will be fairly unscathed from a North Korean war

It will be on the side of the West

But you see you've got to remember that China is ready to provoke as a filter along with the West so they won't


Australia even if it supports the war they won't attack

Canada they won't attack the United States. They just don't want the full-scale war yet until they're ready

Yes, I think there's an 80% chance of that there only a 20% chance that it could branch out into third world war now

This is important for Australia's to remember if there is a full-blown third world war a nuclear war

Australia is going to get occupied by China

they cannot allow a bastion the huge continent like Australia to be a base of operations to

Attack China from its rear. I mean China has got to get a ring of pearl

defensive set of bases

Naval bases and island bases around through, Indonesia. That's why they're really big and Indonesia, and that's why they're creating these island chains

near the Philippines

Australia is too close to that they've got to occupy and besides

They bought up all the mineral concessions in Israel in Australia Australia's sold stupidly

all of your mineral concessions to China and so they've got a right to come in and say we got a guarantee your supply of

Minerals we're gonna occupy so that's what Australians have to prepare for your government has sold you out in the sense of

Given China every motivation to occupy your country and so it's going to be guerrilla warfare

Against Chinese occupation and that's what you've got to prepare for something

Occupation of Israel by China that means that Australia would become a socialist government with a leader who?

Power by China

he'd be a puppet government a puppet government to China like the French were a puppet government of the Nazis during World War two I

Think I think there would be a resistance movement in Australia and unfortunately

Having gun control and having destroyed millions of weapons. It's not that easy to do a resistance against

China that can flood that country with occupation troops

That's China's real strength as they've got so many troops that they can send in to occupy

And so you know even though you're your countrymen, and I've got several subscribers in Australia

And they know this that your countrymen are rather oblivious to this threat they trust their government

They trust the United States that there won't be a war the West is very very soft in terms of its resolve

against Russia and China

But you know if they're smart they'll prepare

Underground facilities where you stockpile supplies and weapons and have places to hide people

if you do that in advance

You know you can survive a Chinese occupation right I personally don't think that China will

Destroy, Australia and the reason I say that is one number one they want to keep the economy intact and milk it yes my website

Is world affairs brief calm and people listening can get a free sample issue of my world affairs brief

Which is by subscription? So there's a free sample issue by simply emailing me an editor at

world affairs brief calm and you can find me by

Googling Joel Skousen at any time and I've got a lot of videos and

recordings of my interviews with alex jones and jeff friends and coast to coast and many other national outlets

Much jealous calcine your links will be in the description that with the top links in the description

Also, if you liked this video click the subscribe button click you like button and no doubt I'll be seeing you guys in the next

Video in the next couple of days don't let fear stop you. Thank you very much Joel Skousen

Thank you. Thank you

For more infomation >> Why China Will Occupy Australia In The Future - JOEL SKOUSEN - Duration: 8:07.


HERNANDES DIAS LOPES - Não Ande Amargurado (DLP 099) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> HERNANDES DIAS LOPES - Não Ande Amargurado (DLP 099) - Duration: 3:01.


IMPRESSIONANTE !! A NASA Recomenda Ter Estas Plantas Na Sua Casa PARA PURIFICAR O AR - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> IMPRESSIONANTE !! A NASA Recomenda Ter Estas Plantas Na Sua Casa PARA PURIFICAR O AR - Duration: 2:47.


Kombina | Conheça o devoto que faz artesanato sustentável - 17 de fevereiro de 2018 - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Conheça o devoto que faz artesanato sustentável - 17 de fevereiro de 2018 - Duration: 6:06.


#02 Acquisti | Competenze economico-finanziarie - Franco Cavallotti - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> #02 Acquisti | Competenze economico-finanziarie - Franco Cavallotti - Duration: 1:40.


Renault Captur TCe 120pk Dynamique EDC (R-link navigatie/Climate/Camera/Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 120pk Dynamique EDC (R-link navigatie/Climate/Camera/Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 0:52.


Volkswagen Passat Variant € 6.147,- Voordeel 1.4 150pk TSI ACT Highline Business R (vsb 15332) voo - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Variant € 6.147,- Voordeel 1.4 150pk TSI ACT Highline Business R (vsb 15332) voo - Duration: 0:59.


GetPay / Alien P - 【花】Official Music Video - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> GetPay / Alien P - 【花】Official Music Video - Duration: 3:00.


Как получить Dogecoin - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Как получить Dogecoin - Duration: 0:39.



For more infomation >> КОНЕЦ МАСЛЯНИЦЫ. ПРАЗДНИК И КОНКУРС. ЯРМАРКА... - Duration: 9:51.


Кроссовки на лето 2018 | Летние кроссовки | топ 5 кроссовок на лето | топ 5 | топ кроссовок на лето - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Кроссовки на лето 2018 | Летние кроссовки | топ 5 кроссовок на лето | топ 5 | топ кроссовок на лето - Duration: 6:16.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Don't Open This WhatsApp Link In Your Mobile || Whatapp Viral Links || Omfut Tech - Duration: 1:58.

Don't Open This WhatsApp Link In Your Mobile

Whatapp Viral Links

Whatapp Spam Links

omfut tech

For more infomation >> Don't Open This WhatsApp Link In Your Mobile || Whatapp Viral Links || Omfut Tech - Duration: 1:58.


Saab 9-5 Estate 2.3T VECTOR LEER/NAVI/YOUNGTIMER - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-5 Estate 2.3T VECTOR LEER/NAVI/YOUNGTIMER - Duration: 0:57.


The Darkest TV Moments From The 90s - Duration: 6:34.

These days, popular TV shows go dark on a regular basis, and if you get tired of watching

an old-fashioned sitcom, you're only one click away from the gory post-apocalyptic landscapes

of The Walking Dead.

But while your memories of '90s TV might seem quaint and fluffy in comparison, don't be


When the shows you're now so nostalgic about weren't busy wrapping up every episode in

a neat little bow, they plunged you into all kinds of downers.

So who's ready to relive some childhood nightmares?

Changing Nature

On the surface, Dinosaurs seems like an average sitcom.

It's got a working-class dad named Earl Sinclair, his wife, Frannie, and their three


They actually have a lot in common with the Simpsons, except for the part where they're

prehistoric reptiles created by the Jim Henson Company.

Yeah, Dinosaurs was a weird show, but it managed to stay on the air for 65 episodes, and maintained

such a fun tone that looking back, you almost forget that the show ended with the entire

family's grisly, cold, heartbreaking demise.

The series finale, "Changing Nature," ends with the start of an ice age.

If that wasn't bad enough, it's shown that the worldwide climate catastrophe is Earl's

fault — or, well, the fault of the company he works for.

The final episode closes with the Sinclair family huddled together during the blizzard.

"After all, dinosaurs have been on this earth for 150 million years.

It's not like we're just gonna… disappear."

It's a depressing ending, but it's an incredibly effective one.

And hey, they're dinosaurs.

You can't say you didn't see it coming.

Over the Edge

'90s kids loved Batman: The Animated Series, but what made the show a classic was its courageous

exploration of mature themes like trauma, loss, identity crisis, and more.

That all comes together in the show's most intense episode, "Over the Edge," which shows

a horrific implosion in the relationship between Batman and his eternal ally, Commissioner


The reason?

Gordon's daughter, Barbara, better known as Batgirl, is killed by the Scarecrow, and

as she dies in her father's arms, Gordon blames Batman and swears to destroy everything the

Dark Knight stands for.

It's thrilling, but painful to watch.

The Joker's a scary guy, but even his machinations can't compare to the gut-wrenching sight of

Jim Gordon blowing up the Batcave or striking deals with criminals to murder Batman.

The good news is that it all turns out to be a dream brought on by the Scarecrow, showing

viewers Batgirl's worst fears about what her vigilante career could cost.

Still, superhero cartoons don't get much darker than this.


Nothing turns a wholesome family sitcom into a terrifying creepshow like a good Halloween

episode, but Family Matters got so creepy that Freddy Krueger would probably run away,

crying into his claws.

"Tonight's episode episode of 'Family Matters' is a little scary.

So you might wanna watch it with somebody brave."

"Stevil" is the name of a demonically possessed ventriloquist dummy who just happens to look

exactly like Steve Urkel, the show's nerdy star character.

Now, as we all know from The Twilight Zone, ventriloquist dummies are already creepy enough

as it is.

This doll, though, is like something crafted in the bowels of Hell.

His voice alone would be enough to make countless children hide under the bed.

"You just got what you wished for, Pal!"

After he comes to life, the dummy proceeds to systematically torture, play with, and

murder the entire cast of the show.

So yes, for one episode, Family Matters literally turned into a slasher movie.

Once again, this ends up being a dream sequence, but try telling that to the traumatized young

Urkel fan who didn't make it to the end of the episode.

Consider Me Gone

For an Alien Life Form who spent most of his time plotting to eat the family cat, Alf was

a pretty lovable dude.

It's a shame that the government had a specialized task force dedicated to kidnapping Alf so

that they could subject him to tortures like freezing, electrical shock, and dissection.

These were the horrific circumstances that prompted the Tanner family to take Alf into

the fold and protect him as one of their own.

Heartwarming stuff, right?


In the final episode, Alf was finally called up by his fellow aliens, and allowed to leave


But unlike E.T., Alf doesn't get to go home.

He misses his flight, and the Alien Task Force finally catches up to him, surrounding him

with guns.

Fade to black.

The ending was supposed to be a cliffhanger for the next season, but the show ended there,

with viewers forced to imagine the alien they'd come to love being cut open like the grey

guy in Alien Autopsy.

A follow-up TV movie came out in 1996 that even acknowledged the experiments, but by

that point, everyone had moved on.

'90s series finales were rough.

The Darkness and the Light

Star Trek is a bastion of hope and optimism, and while Deep Space Nine mostly stayed true

to that vision, it wasn't afraid to test the boundaries.

The series takes place near the planet Bajor, which has only recently been freed from decades

of cruel occupation by the militaristic Cardassians.

Political and religious allegories abounded, and one of the show's prominent heroes was

Major Kira Nerys, a deeply religious former Bajoran freedom fighter.

… or was she a terrorist?

Deep Space Nine was never afraid to challenge moral assumptions.

While the Cardassian occupation itself was unquestionably immoral, the episode "The Darkness

and the Light" went deeper than most TV programs ever would by also holding up a mirror to

Kira's actions as a rebel.

In another episode, "Defiant," she even refers to herself as a terrorist.

"I know I was a terrorist and if I had this ship then…"

Overall, the show mostly sides with Kira: Her people were being oppressed, and she had

to fight back, even if it meant spilling Cardassian blood.

However, DS9's writers pointedly examine the fact that Kira is so unrepentant, particularly

when she's interrogated by a Cardassian who claims he did everything he could to spare

Bajoran lives.

There are no easy answers here, and that's exactly why fans loved DS9.

Bullets Over Bel-Air

Few shows epitomize the '90s as much as The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Everyone who grew up in that decade knows the lyrics to theme song by heart, and the

series introduced the world to Will Smith, the movie star of all movie stars.

Even though the show usually stuck to wacky sitcom hijinks, there were a few dramatic

moments, like the classic episode about Will's breakdown over being rejected by his father.

"How come he don't want me, man?"

But things get even darker when Will takes a bullet for Carlton during a mugging gone


Will survives, but he does get hospitalized.

Later on, Carlton visits Will at his hospital bed, and tells Will that he bought a gun to

protect them if it ever happens again.

Rather than being impressed, Will is furious, and he demands that Carlton leave the gun


Carlton stomps off but does as Will asks.

The scene ends with Will choking up as he empties the bullets from the chamber.

The whole sequence is as emotional as a TV program can get.

While Fresh Prince went back to being funny after that, these darker moments are some

of the big ones fans remember today.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Darkest TV Moments From The 90s - Duration: 6:34.


BREAKING : President Trump Wallops Obama With Brilliant $12B Maneuver, You'll Cheer - Duration: 3:32.

President Trump Wallops Obama With Brilliant $12B Maneuver, You'll Cheer

Are you tired of winning yet?

Most likely not.

As the liberal media exhaust and diverts, President Trump keeps on demonstrating why

we chose him.

The notable tax cut bill gave help to a huge number of hard-working Americans.

That, as well as it, slashed the corporate tax rate, and it reminded Americans how abusive

the administration was under Obama for as far back as a decade.

That implies companies, large and small, are currently saving genuine bucks.

Obama and his Democrat attendants said on the off chance that we did that, those companies

would just swarm the reserve funds.

My, how they weren't right.

RELATED: Winning! Supreme Court Has Made A Groundbreaking Move In President's Favor!

We've officially revealed that various businesses have given back to their employees, on account

of the tax cut law.

I guaranteed we'd hear about more organizations later on.

Learn to expect the unexpected.

Here they are.

Via Breitbart:

UPS, Cigna, and Hostess announced massive bonuses and investments on Thursday thanks

to the recently passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Health insurer Cigna announced on Thursday that they will increase their minimum wage

to $16 per hour and will raise contributions to their retirement accounts due to the recently

passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

More than 30,000 Cigna employees will benefit from Cigna's expanded benefits…

UPS also announced on Thursday that they will invest more than $12 billion to expand the

company's Smart Logistics Network, and increase UPS's pension funding…

Hostess will give more than 1,000 employees a bonus of $1,250, which includes $750 in

cash and a $500 contribution to their 401(k).

The food giant will give their employees a multipack "product of the week" for free;

local Hostess bakeries will choose which snacks to give their employees each week.

Not exclusively are workers getting rewards and increments to their retirement plans,

some are getting free tidbits!

Democrats restricted the corporate tax cut since they didn't trust businesses would

utilize it to help their employees.

They thought companies were as covetous and underhanded as they may be.

Stunning, might they be able to have been all the more off-base?

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A great many companies have announced bonuses, pay increases, increases in charitable contributions,

and increases in retirement contributions.

None of this would have happened in the event that they were all the while paying Obama's

gigantic corporate tax rate.

However, liberals still are whining.


Do they detest America that much that they can't celebrate such a win?

Americans are profiting.

That cash will be returned to our economy, making more jobs and riches.

That is useful for our nation.

I figure Democrats wanted that money all to themselves.

They have a considerable measure of sexual harassment suits to settle, all things considered.

For more infomation >> BREAKING : President Trump Wallops Obama With Brilliant $12B Maneuver, You'll Cheer - Duration: 3:32.


FOX & Friends 02/19/18 6AM | February 19, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:04.

For more infomation >> FOX & Friends 02/19/18 6AM | February 19, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:04.


Jane XØ - Hard To Forget [Cover Art] - Duration: 3:22.

Oh you know I'm always telling you that you Don't have me on my knees

But tonight's the night that you are gonna get the best of me

Even though I tell you, "No" I don't wanna fight it when you pull me close

Baby, I'll play hard to get But your body's so hard to forget

Baby, I'll play hard to get But your body's so hard to forget

Oh you know I'm always telling you that you Don't have me on my knees

But tonight's the night that you are gonna get the best of me

Even though I tell you, "No"

I don't wanna fight it when you pull me close

Baby, I'll play hard to get But your body's so hard to forget

Baby, I'll play hard to get But your body's so hard to forget

Baby, I'll play hard to get But your body's so hard to forget

Baby, I'll play hard to get But your body's so hard to forget

Baby, I'll play hard to get But your body's so hard to forget

Baby, I'll play hard to get But your body's so hard to forget

Baby, I'll play hard to get But your body's so hard to forget

For more infomation >> Jane XØ - Hard To Forget [Cover Art] - Duration: 3:22.



full video by

follow my instagram @del.della

[Blackpink House] [#Blackpink #Reality]

Guys, come and eat!

Where are you?

[Rosé is shouting] Come and eat!

[to call cats to feed them] Where are you?

[No answer]

[Blackpink House's regular guests] [A spot gray baby cat's family]

Guys, stay here. I'll give you cat food.

- They don't come because there's no food. - Right. They'll come if I give food out.

[I'll make delicious meal for them] - They'll be around here. - Aren't they staying at the next house?

[Picking up] Which side is to open..

[I guess Chaeng made a mistake]

Oh, my! I spilled them on the floor!

- We need to put it into a container. - Yes.

I thought it was a brand new one. I made a mistake again!

I failed to take a pic of that.

[It spilled over]

[Out f control] Crazy! Oh, my!

[What should I do?] How to clean up this mess?

Lisa, we're screwed.

[To be precise, you're screwed] It's not us. It's you.

[Trying her best to collect cat food] - Chaeyoung, it's not us. - I made a mistake again!

But it looks delicious.

[Glutton Rosé now wants to taste cat food] It looks delicious. I want to try some.

[Still, she can't find any] [There is no cat in sight]


How can I invite them?

[How to attract cats - step 1: Make a path by putting food sparely] I need to attract them.

[Cat family...] Did they move out because I didn't give food?

Are they here?

Not yet, Lisa.

[Sad] Baby cat!

[Temtation stage 2: Call them in a sweet voice] Baby cat, food!

Baby cat?

[Temtation stage 3: Dance like kneading cats]

I guess they won't come. They may have left s.

- Please send a video message to wish them good luck. - No way!

[To Meow family] Don't leave us! Come and eat here!

- Baby gray spot! - Don't do that!

[Please come back to us... From Rosé]


[Hello, BLINK! Hi, hi] Good.

[Another energetic day at Blackpink House] Hellow!

This is my concert.

[News flash: Chaeng's mini concert is held]Hello!

[Energizer Chaeng and Lisa]

What's that song which goes like "Is there anyone?"

- Hey! - Hello!

Chaeyoung, what's that below your feet?

[Jenny was sleeping and couldn't see] - This. - Give me one.

[Animal massage sticks Chaeng prepared from the 6th episode] Massage sticks.

- You can hit your muscle. - Hello, hello.

[Jisoo's saying-whatever-song] [A rabbit's ears are triangular]

[Song describes ears of a rabbit and a bear] - This is so cute. - "Triangular ears, round ears".

[as a triangle and a circle] "Ears are triangle, ears are round, ears ae triangle, ears are round".

This song is crazy.

[Killing part that was added suddenly - the EDM part]

[Satisfied] - That's so touching. - Why is it so funny?

I guess we're all too excited.

[Blackpink members] What are you going to do today?

Well, any idea?

[I'm a girl with plans] I had some plans.

Really? What's that?

- Do you have a real plan? - What are you going to do today?

I fell for making something.

- Yeah. - I'll take a class to learn.

[Even though I don't know what it is] - Amazing. Really? - I'll make things for you.

- Really? - Yes.

- What are you going to do? - Us? Any idea?

[Li-Chaeng's plan for today?] I'll go to jump on a trampoline.

[I'll make a plan, too!] - Enjoy. - I'll set up a plan.

[Finding company to join] I wanted to try archery.

- Will you do that? - Yes. - You two can do that together.

[Two of us?]

Look at their faces. They hate each otehr.

[Let's go separately] Let's go individually.

I'll learn how to do archery, Lisa.

[Li-Chaeng joined forces] [Let's spend a day together]

I recently saw something and wanted to see that.

[Seo Taewoo, the star of "My Times"] We saw that, Seo Taewoo.

- Seo Taewoo? Roller skating? - Yes, correct.

[Nope] No ay!

- I want to do that. - I can't ride. - We did it for "BOOMBAYAH" musiv video.

But I'm scared.

[Four members, four colors] [Blackpink members' taste]

[Let's find out what they like]

[R U READY?] [Let's go]

[Rosé's pick - Tampoline]

[Perfect activity for active Rosé] Scared!

[You can take a special picture, too!] 1, 2, 3!

[Jisoo's pick: Roller-skating] Follow me!

[What about enjoying roller-skating for refreshment?] Like a fish in water.

[Lisa's pick: Archery] Focus...

[Unexpected taste] [Who's the winner of Blackpink archery match?]

Way to go!

[Jennie's pick: Handmade jewerly] It's simple. Fire show.

[Handmade by skillfull Jennie and clumsy Jisoo]

Isn't it fun?

[Separate outing by Jen-Chu and Li-Chaeng] I think I showed off my skills.

[#4 members, 4 colors #Share] [#Will it be OK today?]

[Blackpink House] - Like this? - Yes.

[Let's go outside! It's going to be fun!] - Trampoline? - Yes.

Let me think.

[Let's go, let's go!]

Let's go! Let's go!

[We're going out!]

[What's on Jennie's dressing table?]

[A facial mist for a dry day]

[What's the lip color of Jennie?] Let's apply this on lips.

[Pop colors for spring!] It's red.

For lips...

They are all my favrite colors! What should I apply?

How does it look? Pretty?

[Of course! No need to say that!]

[After applying pink on cheeks] I'll try pink blusher.

Girls do like this these days.

Use the same color for lips and cheeks.

I applied this color on cheeks.

[Ready fo outing] Done.

Let's go, in good mood!


[Younger members are leaving the house]

- Let's go. Aren't you cold? - It's very warm.

- Well... - The weather is so nice!

[Indoor archery is the best thing to do on a fine day!] Let's go to the archery cafe!

I'll learn how to do that.

[They used a map to find the way...] Let's go!

Thank you.

[Sweet smell of fish bun stopped them] - We need to cross. - Let's go.

We need to cross the street. Hang on.

[Li-Chaeng have the same taste for snacks]

[They thought they found it but...] Is this the place?

I want to have rice noodles.

[Li-Chaeng, at young ages to grow further, want to eat so many things] Where is the cafe?

- Can we have rice noodles now? - Hang on. I think...

[My way style, Lisa tries to find the direction] I want to have rice noodles.

Hang on. Focus! Where should we go?


- I'm hunry. I want to have rice noodles. - OK. We need to go further.

[Having fish bun] I need something sweet and salty both!

[Let's find the signboard for the archery cafe] Let's find the word archery.


Room escape cafe.

- Chaeyoung. - Yes? - That pink color padded coat.

That's so cute.

[A shop that is so pink] Everything is pink!

[We're black, they're pink] - Can't we shoot sitting on these? - "You may sit". We can!

[Asked their manager to take a pic] Done? OK.

One more.

[Sharing their penchant for pink +1]

It's fun.

[I think we're almost there] Where is it?

I guess this is the one.

[They arrived at the destination overcoming appetite and shopping spree] "Arrow factory".

- "Arrow factory". - On the 2nd floor?

- I found! This is the place! - On the 4th floor.

[Amazing] - Hello. - Hello.

[This feels like] - It feels like a scene of "Hunger Game". - Right.

[Lisa's cup of tea, An indoor gym to play archery]

[You can be an expert archer]

I've played a VR archery game.

[Found her talent] I was better than I thought!

[Let's learn how to do that!] I thought I would do well if I learn.

Were you a professional archer?

[Lee Dongwoo: Former archery athelete] - Yes, I was. - Really?

[Destiny] - Yes. - Lisa, your destiny.

[A Thai girl who wants to be Korean national player] She wants to join the national team.

Yes, that's my dream.

I wasn't the national team athelete...

- This far. - Really...

[Her passion and enthusiasm is like a national team athelete] It's a piece of cake... Lisa!



[I'll shoot whatever I see! The archery queen from today] Hey!


What's wrong with you? She's thinking she's a heroine from the movie.

[You will be exhausted...] - Have you seen "Hunger Game?" - Yes, I have.

- You wore the devices. There are arrows next to you. - Yes.

[4 for each of 3 quivers, 12 arrows in total] Fill each quiver with 4. It's 12 in total.

- 4, 4, 4? - Yes.

- It doesn't matter. - You can fill any quiver. Same.

[It looks so cool] Cool!

[Katniss, heroine of <Hunger Game] and her primary weapon is a bow] Katniss puts like this, behind her back.


We're ready!

[Let's learn how to shoot] - Let me show you the basic posture. - Yes.

- There is a yellow line. - Yes.

[Most important element in archery : Basic postuer] Put your feet on the line, shoulder-width apart.

You will stand like this. Hold the bow with your left hand.

And make a straight line when you hold the bow.

[Her form looks nice] Your body needs to be straight.

If you keep this posture, you can hit the mark.

Hold the handle, please.

[Heavier than I thought...]

- Raise your elbow. - Tighter? - Below your chin.

- My arm is trembling! - Say rock paper scissors and let it go.

[Rosé let it go]

Good job!

[2 points! Her arrow hit in the target] It's amazing that my arrow is in the target.

[Satisfied] Yes, put your arrow again.

- Put it on this black plastic. - Yes.

Lift your left hand slowly.

[Let's be the national athelete!] Raise your elbwo and pull it slowly.

Put your hand below your chin. Release it when you're ready.

[2 points that looks like 3 points, her arrow hit the target, too!] It hit the black!

[Touch from hand that is familiar]

[Eagle-like eyes that won't go away from the target]

[The atmosphere here is like Korean National Training Center]

[The 1st Blackpink archery competition]

[Contender no.1 Rosé from Melbourne]

[Contender no.2 Thai-Korean Lisa]

[We're not on the same team] - We're no longer on the same team! - Nope!

- This is a match! - OK.

[A match that's hard to predict the result]

[While a neck-and-neck competition is expected...]

[We need to have a bet] - What kind of bet should we do? - I'll have rice noodles.

[Loser of the 1st round will buy rice noodles] Buy me rice noodles.

Next round.

[Loser of the 2nd round will buy a gift that the other wants] Let's buy a gift.

[A pink padded coat for Lisa] - The padded coat? - Yes, that pink one.

[It's not easy to choose one] There are so many things...

Let's go!

[Fair play] 1, 2, 3!

Are you ready?

Rice noodles!

[There's no fair play before rice noodles]

[Hit the 5 point mark] Close.

[Lisa's turn]

[Feeling like I can see Lisa who buys me rice noodles...]

Rice noodles! Rice noodles!

[7 points] Where is it?

[Rosé's rapid progress vs Lisa's successive failures] Next time, I'll hit the yellow.

[Concentrating-Lisa!] What do you think?

[6 points]

[A gap from the beginning] It's hard.

[Rosé 13: Lisa 6] It's not a match.

[Rosé maintains a stable pace]

[9 points in the yellow zone] Where is it?

- Yellow zone? - Yes.

[Let's replay it in the slow motion]

[I think I'm talented] Way to go! You are good at this.

[Lisa needs to catch up in this round]

[9 points] Yellow zone!

[Catching up her breath] Amazing.

[Interim result Lisa 21: Rosé 28]

Your score is 28. OK.

[Relaxed] So far, so good.

No, don't give up.

[Famous sayings from the past Olympic Games]

[I can do it - Fencer Park Sang-young at the Rio Olympics]

[One shot can end the game - Shooting player Jin Jong-oh at the London Olympics]

[I put my destiny at this arrow - Lisa]

[But her head that goes down is a spoiler...]

[Her mouth is a spoiler...]

[Sadly... 0 point that hit her heart]

[I can see the end of our match]

It doesn't feel great. It's OK. I can buy a bowl of rice noodles.

[Rice noodles, come to me] [Confident posture]

[Rosé is scoring in a stable way]

Is it because I'm not good at this?

- Yellow zone! - Way to go!

[On the contrary] [Lisa's arrows are out of the mark]

If I shoot more, I think my posture will be better.

[Are you having a slump already?] Why do my arrows keep going to the left?

- There's no change. - I think you put too much weight on this arm.

[Rosé's advice] - To me... - Weight? Is that a problem?

My padded coat!

[Still... There's no difference]

[Please release the last arrow!] As you love to have rice noodles, I will...

[10 out of 10!]

[Frozen] This is power of rice noodles!

[Victory earned by appetite] Rice noodles, thank you!

- OK, then. Done? - Yes.

[I was the best at the VR game...] - Hang on. Finished? - Amazing.

[Is this real? The reality is different from the virtual reality] Why am I so poor at this?

[Let's not count the score...] I don't think it's not my cup of tea.

Chaeyoung was way better than me.

So I thought like... "What's wrong?"

[Round 1: Rosé beat Lisa] Let's take a break.

[Rosé won the bet for rice noodles] - Lisa, so will you buy me rice noodles? - Yes.

[I will gain my pink padded coat from this round] This is for a pink padded coat.

[Rosé's wish list] I'll think about a necklace or a bracelet.

[I'm broke]

I'm not rich, you know.

[Blaming the device] I think it's the fault of this device.

Seriously, I hit the yellow zone for the first time...

- What's that? - Don't blame arrows.

Then, exchange it with the silver one.

I'll use other arrows.

[They exchanged arrows and started the next round] - Not bad. - OK.

[For my pink padded coat] This is for my padded coat!

[Feeling like she already won] My pink padded coat!

[So serious] OK, go.

[Rosé start off with 8 points]

[I'll do my best for the padded coat]

[Imagining myself in the pink padded coat]

[My arrow is shot!]

[Center! It hit the bull's eye!]

[See? It was because of arrows]



[The arrow hit right at the center]

[Let's be calm! Keep this pace!] Lisa is amazing.

[I can't let you win]

[Rosé got 8 points] Close.

- That was the fluke, I guess. - So cool.

[I'll put everything in this arrow...]

[But it was 2 points] Look.

[100 points from mid-term exam but 20 points from final exam] I told you so.

[Low average] - I told you so. - Focus. Focus.

[Let's focus again!]

[9 points, again?]

[There's no middle ground] You're really bad or great.

Right, I admit.

- It's not fun. - We're now even!

[Currently, they are even] The same score! Awesome.

[30:30, now is the time to decide the winner]

[Lisa's pink padded coat or Rosé's accessary?] - My pink padded coat... - I'm broke.

[Who has to open her wallet in this cold-blooded match?] It's amazing that you hit 10.

[They caught up with each other]

[After a long neck-and-neck match]

[Finally, they have only one arrow]

Let's count the score.

[With one arrow left] [Rosé 60: Lisa 61]

You're winning!

[My heart is racing so fast!] Amazing!

I can't let you win! Why did I win in the first round?

- Amazing! Lisa, I'm so nervous. - Right?

This nervous game...

[Please] Chaeyoung...

[6 points]

[Lisa has one arrow] [Rosé 66: Lisa 61] I'm losing now. What should I do?

- Is this the last arrow? - Yes.

[If Lisa hits 6 or higher, Lisa will win]

[Feeling so tense] I'm so scared! I can't do this!

[Yes, I can! Yes, I can!]

[This arrow will decide who needs to open her wallet!]

[Lisa drew the bow!] Amazing.

[Lisa, your face is a spoiler] - I screwed it up. - Thanks, Lisa!

[The mean arrow hit 2]

[No... my pink padded coat] You have such a big heart.

Lisa wanted to learn this and I won two rounds in a row.

[Lisa's serial defeats] You did a great job. Good job!

Let's go! I'll have rice noodles.

[So sad] I'm exhausted.

[Please stay tuned to watch the result] I'm hungry. Let's have rice noodles.

- It was fun. - Fun.

[Blackpink's tastes to share]

[My type!]

[Where are Jen and Choo headed to?] Where are we going now?

[Going to make bracelets!] We're going to make bracelets.

[Made it herself] - This flower is really cute. - This...

is a hobby of mine.

[I like making things, it's Jennie's hobby] But this sound is funny to listen to.

It's so pretty.


[Where is Jennie going?]

[A place where they can make their own designs]

- Hello. - Hello.

[Trust me. Jennie made reservations] I've prepared everything.

I heard that there's something you want to make in particular.

[Surprised that the store owner is so good at Korean] - We prepared it. - She's good at Korean.

- I was so surprised just now. - Right?

- How come you speak Korean so fluently? - I've lived in Korea for 17 years.

[Amira (26) Owner and teacher] Really?

[*Good at Korean, *a.k.a Mira]

[Making handmade accessories with a pretty teacher]

How's my bracelet making skills?

[Let's see...] It's cute.

Do you think she meant my skills or my bracelet?

- Both. - I think she meant skills.

This is the sample,

[Like a professional, made it just like the sample] and I made this just like the photo.

[Jennie asked for this design] Isn't it cute? I sent her the picture.

[They adjust the length according to her wrist size] You try it on and then you can

cut the length according to your wrist.

Cut it?

[They cut the length and select pendants] There's initial charms and pendants here.

And add the charms.

[She's not good at this kind of thing]

This is 18K gold.

- This is? - Yes.

[Gold chain~][Like Dok2?] Then I'll go with the necklace.

A long one.


I want to work here. It's so much fun.

[Jennie has so many questions] - Can I design them? - Yes.

Where did you get these charms and everything?

- You bought these yourself? - Yes. - I love them.

How is it? Isn't it fun? Hurry.

So fun.

- Oh my god! I think I messed up. - Oh gosh.

I always mess up.

[Will she be able to make one to Jennie's liking?] [Worried]

[She get's sensitive when working] It's hard if you have a skinny chain.

- Yes. - It can make you irritable.

[She's already irritable] I'm already irritable.

[So good at it] You're really good at it. I think you'll be done soon.

[But Jisoo who was irritated from the start...]

It's not cutting.

Oh no...

- It won't cut. - It won't cut?

[Her mouth is looks so focused]

[Look at here]

What if I try it on like this?

[She barely put the chain around] - It goes so well with this. - OK.

[What pendant did Jennie choose?] I'm going to go with a J and heart pendant.

[And Jisoo is going for everything...] What if I use all of these?

[Since they're 18K gold] I'm going to hold on to these.

[The bracelets are coming together now]

[#Jisoo's is fancy] [#Jennie's is simple]

[#Jennie's taste] [#Gold and silver]

[Hardcore level, ring making] - Making rings are the hardest. - It's hardcore?

[She likes them] They're really nice.

[She's already worried...] First of all...

[Taking steps back...] - Wow! Like in chemistry class. - Oh my god!

[2nd level of making rings, melt the metal until it looks pink] Just until it looks pink.

<font color="#F1E6B2">[BLACKPINK Official VLIVE Channel Ver]</font> <font color="#E06287">E07 Blackpink House</font> <font color="#7474C1">-= Ruo Xi =-</font>

[And stamp the initial of their choice] And then the B is stamped here.

So cool.

[Jennie has already gotten it] This is not easy.

Did you make a mistake?

[Oh no... it's bent] I messed up.

[Please help me] I think I messed up my ring.

[Jen-gyver messed up...]

It's a mess.

- I'll try. - It's really hard to do.

[Believe in me] - Make sure you watch, OK? - What do I do?

[Succeeded in making a heart?] - A heart. - Did you succeed? - Yep.

[Pretty straight line]

I'm done! I'm done! Oh yeah!

[Wow, you're amazing!] I'm fixing yours.

[She's fixing Jennie's bent ring too!] Just a little bit more.

[The last process, shining the ring]

[Hardcore work is done] [And the ring is almost complete]

[1 of a kind, J&J couple's ring]

[-Ring ceremony-] So cute. It's perfect for my finger.

[#Jisoo finally did it] [#Jennie's hobby sharing is complete] It's so pretty.

- It feels like I really did something. - Yeah, yeah.

[<Blackpink's hobby sharing>] [Jennie's hobby successful]

[What does Lisa, loser of the archery game, have to do?] Step down here.

- Hold on, hold on. - What?

Oh, I know I know. I don't want to hurt you.

I'm scared, you might get hurt again!

[Rice noodles + whatever she wants] [This wasn't part of the deal...] Did you know?

I worked out yesterday.

[What are they doing?] My abs... You must really be hurting.

[10 minutes ago] It's nice to win.

[It's so humiliating for her]

Just 4 more!

[Lisa wants to make up for her dishonor] - Really, just 4 more times. - 4 more?

[Not for free though] - Let's play. - Then let's say the loser has to give the winner a piggyback ride.

[So that's how Lisa got one more chance to play]

[Ha~ 8 points in a row! Rosé is on a roll]

[The target isn't there...]

[Lisa keeps aiming elsewhere] Lisa is so funny!

[It doesn't seem like she'll be playing for her country anytime soon...] Yes.

[An angry run!]

[My heart's heavy too!] You're so heavy!

[*Today's lesson learned*] [Give up to the game results]

- We're here. - My legs are shaking. - They're shaking.

She said "her legs are shaky".

Excuse me...

If you lost you should carry me right. It's harder for me to be on your back like this.

Hold on.

[A obstacle] There are stairs.

[I'll let you go now] I can't do this anymore.

Your back must hurt.

[The penalty? Buying Rosé something] How much are you willing to spend?

Anything you want! It's on me.

[She likes this one] This is pretty.

- This is pretty too. - What?

- It's so pretty. I want one too. - You should get on too. Here it is.

The small one.

[A couple's item...] So pretty.

This couples' ring is pretty.

[They've become one through the ring]

[Lisa bought me a ring]


[Now for the next penalty~ (feat. rice noodles)] Here we are. It'll be really good!


[They're inside the rice noodle place]


[She's always happy when she eats] I'm so happy.

Food completes happiness.

[Piggyback ride + Jewelry + rice noodles] I'm tired, my back almost gave in.

[She spent money and her strength] Is your back OK?

[She's tired both inside and out] I'm exhausted today.

Thank you.

[Perfect] [Wraps and pineapple rice] It's like a wrap.

[Vietnamese rice noodles, a favorite food] I love this food.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- Thanks Lisa. - Sure.

[Eat up]

[Such a happy shudder]

[A big bite]

[Best reaction] It's so good, oh my gosh!

[These wraps are my favorite~]

- Is it good? - Yes.

[What is this taste?]

[They bring tears to my eyes] I think I might cry.

- They're that good? - Yes.

It's so delicious.

- What should I use to get these? - Lisa, can you see the tears?

[Excuse me...] [You're not even looking] - Can you see my tears? - No.

- You're not even looking. - Not even looking.

[Now let's really dig in~]

I want this one.

[She claps for the food]

[The pineapple fried rice which will make Rosé even more happier] - This one? - Yep.

- Shall I try it? - Yes.


[I'm serious right now] This is unbelievable.

[It's so yummy, she's crying again...] It's so good.

I can't believe it.

[So dramatic] I wish I would never feel full.

[All women hope for the same thing]

[Perfect] This fried rice is perfect.

[Like the Michelin guide]

Thank you Lisa.

[Overly happy] I'm so happy.

- It's all thanks to you we're eating this. - Right?

[What is Lisa's taste?] Which one do you like better?

[Lisa likes everything] I eat everything.

[But out of them...] - But the one thing I like the most is... - Western food?

[Surprisingly Japanese] - I love Japanese food. - Huh?

That's so unexpected.

I love sushi.

[The first time she's heard this] - Japanese food is your favorite? - Yes.

Japanese food isn't my favorite.

[A long talk] - Really? - Isn't that kind of unexpected?

[Now they finally learned each other's tastes] Honestly speaking,

[She likes her home country's food the best] - I like Thai food the best. - Me too.

I love Thai food the best.

[Rosé loves Thai food the best too] It's sweet and sour. So yummy.

[Doesn't she like all foods though...?] It's perfect for my taste.

[What do you think the others are eating?] I wonder what the others are eating.

- They would love this too. - Yeah, they would.

[The other members are...] - I hope they make jewelry for us too. - Yeah I hope so too!

[It's so cold, so cold] - I'm cold. - Freezing.

[Where are they going?] Let's go inside somewhere. It'll be nice and warm,

- with roller skates. - I think I'm going to freeze to death.

[Respond 1980, skating rink] It feels so old school already.

[It feels like an old fashioned skating rink like in the movies]

[Roller skates on one side]

[So many people of different ages are in the main skating rink]

[Favorite movie] There's a Taiwan movie called, "Our Times".

When I watched the main character ride skates, I always thought, "I can do better"!

"I'd really do well if I go to a skating rink".

[She puts on roller skates first~]

[They're expressions are so different] [What is this...] [Hehe so much fun]

- What should we do about this? - You know how to skate, right? - Yes!

[They wore roller skates in their M/V "Boombayah".

[Not only were they in skates, they also danced and ran in them~]


[She's exaggerating] Hey, there are kids riding too.

Look, one step at a time.

[One step at a time] Think about "Boombayah". Don't fall!

Look, there are so many kids here.

[Jennie, you'll be fine] We can do it.

Be careful, be careful.

[She dragged Jennie out] - One step at a time. - I'm scared!

[Not moving at all] You have to take a step forward. Look, like them.

[Wow~ The kid's pretty good!] - Pretty good. - I'm scared.

Great. One by one.

[They made it on to the stage somehow...] You have to take a step first.

[Jennie... Do you think it's possible to share your hobby with Jisoo?] Like this.

Good! Good!

[Their shouting is so loud] Argh!

Good, good, one step at a time.

[Oh no, what is going on?] You can ride like this.

[Nervous looking]

It's been like a year since we shot the M/V for "Boombayah".

I forgot how to ride skated.

[What happened to chicken Jisoo?] She didn't seem scared at all.

[Follow my lead~] Like this.

[Skates are meant to be ridden like this]

[Jisoo is gliding around the rink]

[So much fun]

[But on the other hand, Jennie...] - Good good! - I'm scared.

[So slow] I'm scared.

[Anyone who knows, please let us know] How did we even dance in these?

- We kept riding it around, do you remember? - How did we do that?

[They take a break] - I should first watch how people ride them. - Where's a good skater?

He's the best skater here.

[Is there a way to ride skates well?] Is there a way to ride this?

[Speeds~] Look, look at him.

[The perfect posture] - He's amazing. - Wow. Like this.

[The comeback of a 80's roller skating king?] Is he from the past or something?

[I can't just stay put and be jealous]

[Holding hands] I think I'm doing better now.

[They held hands in the M/V too] - We held hands like this for the M/V. - Yeah.

- Now I got it! - Right?

[Her instincts are coming back] We did one lap now.

[Hold hands!] - Good. Don't you feel more confident? - But it's scary without your hand.

Just pull me around.

[Aren't roller skates meant to be enjoyed like this?]

- Wow! Wow! - You've gotten better.

[Jennie is slowly adjusting] I'm gaining my confidence back riding behind you.

Is this how people in the past fell in love?

Follow me!

[They're bonding and sharing hobbies]

I'm following how you ride your skates.

[Flap flap]

[Keeps falling]

[Are you OK?] - Are you OK? - It hurts.


[Huh?] "Pain is a blessing for the youth".

[They're in pain] "Pain is a blessing for the youth".

[Gives up] It must not be right for me. It's so hard.

[Are they done sharing hobbies?]

I'll make it look old fashioned!

[#Roller Machine] Great, go on.

[Jennies enjoys taking pictures more than she did skating] I'll only film your legs.


Great great!

[Retro style M/V shooting~!] So pretty!

[Blackpink in your area]

[Just forget about making sense]

[And fly over the skylines]

[I want to lose track of my speed]

[Let's go, let's go]

[<Blackpink's hobby sharing>] [Jisoo's taste]

[Where Li-Chaeng going again?]

[Rosé's course] - My course. - Finally.

I want to place a bet again.

[Where did Li-Chaeng arrive at?]

[So serious]

My dream land.

[A basketball hoop and rock climbing?]


[A trampoline play center for grownups]

[What just flew by?]


[His hat and glasses also came down] His glasses came off.

[Acting cool] - Hello. - Hello.

[Lee Jeonghyuk, "V" trampoline instructor] I'll inform you on the guidelines.

[They're going over the guidelines and warming up] - Yes. - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The other way!

I won't get hurt!

[Yeah, let's not get hurt~]

[For beginners] We're going to go over the jumps.

[The basic trampoline jumps - Jump skill] There's a trick to holding your ground after jumping.

We're going to go over the hurrah jump first.

[Step 1. Hurrah jump] You say hurrah first then jump!

[This doesn't require many skills]

[High and fast]

[So excited] It's scary.

[Rosé follows him well] 1, 2, 3!

[She's jumping but there's something wrong...]

[They're jumping height is totally different] Why can't I jump higher?

[Her legs and arms aren't listening to her]

[This isn't it...] Now,

straighten your legs.

[Step 2. Sit and standing up jump]

[Lisa is gone!]

[(A big bow) Happy new year] - Then get back up. - It's scary, I can't.

[She gets scared easier than we thought] Why are you so scared Lisa?

[And even after that...] And bend your knees in the air.

[Bumping her knees and behind] [A variety of skills]

[She frustrated again]

Is it because your legs are too long?

Are they too long? Oh! That's right!

[What do you mean?] What?

[Her legs are way too long] They're way longer than average Koreans.

See? her heels come down first.

[We'll check]

1, 2...

[Her heels come first] See? Her heels come down first.

I was right!

Too bad your legs are too long.

Poor Lisa with super long legs.

[She's the main dancer of the team]

[All of a sudden?]

[Teacher, look] Are you trying to show me what you're good at?

[I might not be a good jumper but I'm a good dancer] - What she's good at. - What's going on?

[Step 3. Knees -behind-and stand up] - Let me show you. - Yes.

After jumping fall on your knees and switch to your behind at the next jump!

So cool.

[He keeps doing it because she said it's cool] And bend your knees in the air!

[Good job Rosé!] OK~ Good!

[Rosé succeeds the 3rd step] Success!

[She finds another skill after archery] You're so good!

You're so cool!

[Wow] With both hands.

[2 jumps with a dunk shoot~] Jump! Goal!

[Technical score 10, Artistic score 10]

[Dunk shoot!] OK~

[Good enough for sneakers]

[Spinning got better +1] A little higher.


[Rosé's motor skills are amazing!]

[Lost her confidence] You can't fall behind. Try it.

You can't lose.

I'm scared. I can't.

[1, 2, 3, good jump!]

[She disappeared...]

[She politely bowed before the hoop]

[She can't look up] Lisa!

You should have seen yourself go.

For real.

[Pretend you didn't see that]

She's doing some kind of joke.

I'm worn out.

[Neither archery nor trampoline is working out for her today]

[It's all right - you made it on the camera lot] I'm so hot.

[She wants to bet on something?] So did you come up with a game?

- A bet? - Yes.

What kind of games are there to play?

No! I got it!

[What about this? We take photos while we jump] We each take photos while jumping.

[(feat. Unique poses)] 1, 2, click! Like this.

And we have to come up with unique poses.

- Whoever has the better photo. - Whoever has the funnier photo.

[Taking a funnier picture is worth a try] - Wait. - What should I do? I need a good one.

[She's warming up...] How was that just now?

- Wait! Let me try that. - Did you see me?

1, 2, 3!

- I got one, I got one! - Let me see.

[Title: A Cruller Jumping in the Air] This one.

- This one for sure. - I need one more.

[Hold on] - Hold on! - I don't think this will do. - Be creative!

[She's the most serious at this moment] 2 left.

- A deer. A deer. - Deer? 1, 2, 3!

[Pose 1] That's it?

[Pose 2] 1, 2, 3!

[Let me see... The model will select her own photo!] - Is it OK? - This one and that one.

[Title: Deer In the Air] - I love it. - You like it? - Yes

[Title: Mosco] Then are we done?

[Thinking about her pose]

This is hard. I don't think I can think of a good one.

[Her pose looks big. She's at an advantage since she has long legs and arms] 1, 2, 3!

- Do you know what I'm doing? - You have to hurry over here.

You have to hurry over.

[To protect her artist] [Title: Someone who lives in Osaka]

- It's crazy. - I don't think that's it.

[Tries again!] 1, 2, 3!

[Everything's up to this 0.1 second!] 2, 3!

[Her legs are at a 190 degree angle]

- Wow! It looks so cool! - You got it?

[She can't finish her sentence] Look.

[What's wrong?] What do we do?

[We'll show you...] [But let's not screencapture it]

- I like this one. This one. - I like this one.

[To protect the artist] [Title: Ninja in the Air] This one and,

[Title: Her Legs and Arms are Rubber] Let's erase the others.

This one isn't that funny. It's amazing though.

[They compliment each other] - You did well. - You did really well.

[She might loose] I think I'll loose.

[They decide to leave it up to the others to decide the winner] It's up to them.


Good work.

[You thought this was over?] Good work today.

[Li-Chaeng are bewildered]

[They've seen this before] It's so embarrassing!

[Oh gosh~ It's so embarrassing] What is that?

It's so hilarious.

[You don't have to look into the screen] [They're here in person]

[All over the town] Blackpink is here!


What? Hi! Me too! Me too! Me too!


Me too~

[Live in person]

[You can't tell the kid from the grownups]

[They're not embarrassed anymore]

[They're having the most fun here]

[Chaeng is here]

[She's so excited]

[Dance like Lisa]

[It's Lisa] Look at her hand!

[Save Lisa!] Save me! Oh no!

[I'll save you]

Save me!

[They learn about what each other likes] - Let's jump down! - 1, 2...

[And share each other's hobbies] - I'm scared. - 1, 2, 3!

[They share the same expressions and same experiences together]

[Like any other friends] You're going to let go aren't you?

[How did you know?]

[They had so fun together without worrying about what people would say]

[<Blackpink hobby sharing>] [Rosé's hobby]

[Dark outside, it's time to say goodnight] - I'm sleepy now. - It's cold.

Today was a long day.

I want to crawl into my bed.

[Sleepy and hungry] I'm so sleepy. I need to go to bed.

I'm hungry, let's go eat and go home to bed.

[They came to eat dinner~] We're here.


[Restaurant "L" in Hongdae] Hello.

I'm hungry.

When will the rest be here?

[Li-Chaeng are on their way here] Maybe we should start eating.

Let's order.

- I'm getting sleepy. - I was tired.

Here's your honey cream cheese cracker.

[Dried pollack ramen] Thank you.

Let's taste the broth first.

[Chop steak]

[Blackpink always orders 1 serving more]

[Nothing but chewing] [They're silently eating]

[Finally! Li-Chaeng are here] Ahem!

[5 seconds until they meet] Why did you guys get here so early?

[It's nice to see each other again]

[Hey you guys~]

[Eyes fixed on the food] - We just tried the ramen. - It looks so good. Did you find this place?

- Yes. - It's so nice here.

[Rosé brags about her winnings today] Everyone! We had like 3 bets today

and I won all of them.

[Chaeyoung is serious] - What? You said you wouldn't. - You said you wouldn't.

- I found my new talent. - Talent?

I thought I'd feel really bad because I'm so bad at archery

but I had so much fun because I did so much better than I thought I would.

- Honestly... - We made this.

[Chichoo brag too] - I can't see. - There's two here.

- Wow! - Guess what this is.

[Handmade couples' rings]

[For Li-Chaeng, handmade presents] I love them.

[Great reactions] - Great. - Great.

I love them.

- We have a mission for you. - Sure go ahead!

We went to try trampolines.

[Summarizing] [We jumped - took photos - funny ones]

[They will decide the winners] - You have to choose which ones you like. - Choose.

[#ln the Air, #Deer Jumping] A gypsy in the air.

How's the deer?

This one is cute.

[She's so cute, she jumped so well] Deer.

[Their reaction is so-so] - How did you take these? - You jumped really well.

- You took these so well. - Mosco.

[#Mosco] Wow! I think you'd like this one.

Ha ha ha.

[Jisoo loves them~] Can you win this?

[Just look at it. Lisa's best photo] Now it's my turn.

[#Osaka #Ninja In the Air] - Don't you know what this is? - I know. - Ninja.

- Amazing. - So high in the air.

So high in the air. Did you get stuck on the ceiling?

Ninja, ninja.

[The best photo for last] - The last one. - Wow! - What?


[The complicated world of art] [#From her head to toe. jpg]

[I want to look at it closer~]

[I want to look at it whenever I'm blue~] [Saved] I want this photo.

She's like on the ceiling.

- Isn't it amazing? - She jumped really high.

[So fun] - That's so funny. Wow. - But honestly...

- It was really amazing. - Honestly, didn't I do better?

[She had to give up a lot to take that photo] I was at a loss for words.

[She can't stop laughing] - It's so funny. - Lisa is amazing.

[For Lisa's confidence] [Jisoo votes for Lisa] Since Chaeyoung won at archery,

let's say Lisa won this one.

[It's not easy for a girl group member to do this] Let's say that she won.

[Solomon says Lisa won]

[2:2 date was successful] - We all had good days. - Yeah.

At first all 4 of us had different hobbies.

[Now they're more like each other] - Yeah. - Yep.

I want to look at the photo again.

[What will happen to Blackpink?] They're so funny.

[Blackpink is in Japan!] We get to perform on a big stage.

We're going on stage soon.

- How do you feel? - I'm nervous.

[Perfect performance in Japan too!]

[Back to everyday lives] I'm so happy.

[They're on a date with Dalgom]

[A game of bowling] Lisa, confidence!

[Goodbye stress~]


[Hi guys] [Meet back with Goldie?] It's Goldie.

[Chichoo and Dalgom = Best couple] He's sitting!

[#Blackpink #Neverending #Mytime] So cute.

[Happy Blackpink's everyday lives] 1, 2.

[To be continued next week!]

For more infomation >> [FULL] BLACKPINK HOUSE EP 7 [ENG/INDO SUB] - Duration: 49:12.


Bad Driving in Portugal #217 (Feb 9th to 15th, 2018) - Duration: 9:46.

For more infomation >> Bad Driving in Portugal #217 (Feb 9th to 15th, 2018) - Duration: 9:46.


Simple Beautiful Novio Turnkey Tiny House from Mamaison Logique - Duration: 2:56.

Simple Beautiful Novio Turnkey Tiny House from Mamaison Logique

For more infomation >> Simple Beautiful Novio Turnkey Tiny House from Mamaison Logique - Duration: 2:56.


Selfishness and Idol Childhood | AcelandAlxander - Duration: 4:42.

So I'm going to assume that, nearly 3 years is enough time to have passed for me to post

this song without people getting their knickers in a twist.

But we'll find out after I post it.

It would be a lie if I were to say I don't think about you anymore

But at least I don't cry when unwanted memories come knocking at my door

I won't deny sometimes, I wonder what we could've been

But in my eyes, I think we're better off with this kind of end

I became the man you never could I grew out of selfishness and idol childhood

I grew, into my own skin Cut out the parts you had shaped and let them form again

I cannot say to you that I've let go of

everything from the lives we used to lead But this I can say is true it's not all

regret and pain remember the fallen trees I can't deny sometimes I forget the happiness

we shared But look into my eyes

Remember all the horrid things we did when we were scared

I became the man you never could I grew out of selfishness and idol childhood

I grew, into my own skin Cut out the parts you had shaped and let them form again

I became the man you never could

I grew away from ache and pain and became something good

I grew into my own skin Cut out the parts you had touched and let

the scars come in I became the man you never could

I grew out of selfishness and idol childhood I grew, into my own skin

Cut out the parts you had shaped and let them form again

So we'll see if anyone from high-school gets angry about that song.

Cause hopefully not, cause hopefully 3 years since I've written something I can post it

on the internet without people getting angry.

I'm allowed to write about my life bitch, fuck off.

For more infomation >> Selfishness and Idol Childhood | AcelandAlxander - Duration: 4:42.


10 DATES When the WORLD Will Probably END - Duration: 12:39.

10 Dates When the World Will Probably End Global warming, natural disasters, nuclear

war, and artificial intelligence are just some of the very real threats to humanity,

so it's no wonder everybody's making predictions about the final date when life as we know

it will disappear.

Are you ready to find out about 10 dates when the world will probably end?


2018 We hate to scare you right away, but yes – the

world could end this year.

According to the Book of Revelations, we're all heading to a certain death on June 24th


Well, at least that's what the conspiracy theorist Mathieu Jean-Marc Joseph Rodriguez


Rodriguez says that the date of the end of the world is hidden in two Bible passages:

"He was given authority to act for 42 months" and "Let him that hath understanding count

the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore

and six".

We need you to help us out here because we're not sure what math Rodriguez used when he

calculated that 666 plus 42 adds up to 2018.

Any ideas?


2020 If you're fan of religious prophecies, you

better start preparing because the Doomsday is nigh.

It might not be this year, but according to author and pastor Vincent Carthane, the world

will end in 2020.

Cathrane is so sure of his predictions that he even wrote a book about it called "Aimed

at America: Bible codes that shoot down deceivers".

The book offers dozens of explanations of why the world will end in 2020 and most of

these are - you guessed it – from the Bible.

Cathrane claims that there must be some important symbolism in the fact that the Christian cross

is shaped like the letter "t", which is the 20th character in the alphabet.

Since some clergy members wear two cross symbols on their lapels, this can be interpreted as

the number 2020.

Cathrane also explains that settlers arrived in North America in 1620, which is exactly

400 years from 2020.

Since the Bible refers to an unfulfilled 400-year prophecy, it only makes sense that 2020 is

the year when something major will happen.

What do you think: do we only have two more years to watch YouTube videos and make fun

of conspiracy theorists?


2026 If the world doesn't end in 2020, you need

to watch out for 2026 because according to Austrian American scientist Heinz von Foerster,

that is the year when the human population growth will become infinite causing mass starvation

of humans due to overpopulation and lack of resources.

In a 1960 issue of Science magazine, von Foerster published an article proposing a formula which

predicted that population growth would become infinite by Friday, November 13, 2026 – a

prediction later named "the Doomsday Equation."

But von Foerster is not the only one who claimed that 2026 will be the year when the world


Members of the spiritual organization Messiah Foundation International believe that a massive

asteroid will collide with Earth that year.

Apparently, they know something that scientists don't since according to NASA's Near-Earth

Object Observations Program, there is less than a 0.01% chance of a dangerous asteroid

impacting Earth in the next 100 years.


2032 If you think NASA might not be telling us

the whole truth about possible future asteroid impacts, you're not the only one: Ukrainian

astronomers claim a giant asteroid could strike Earth as soon as the year 2032.

In 2013, the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory discovered a near-Earth asteroid named TV135,

which is estimated to have a diameter of 450 meters.

Ukrainian scientists calculated that the asteroid could hit Earth on August 26, 2032.

NASA, however, said that the probability of a collision between Earth and TV135 is only

1 in 63,000.

That means there's a 99.9984% chance that the asteroid will miss our planet.

But if TV135 was really to hit Earth, the impact would have the kinetic energy of 3,200

megatons of TNT, which is approximately 60 times the energy of Russia's Tsar Bomba - the

most powerful nuclear weapon ever created.

Am I the only one who's still kind of worried about that 0.0016% chance of impact?


2036 Now not everyone at NASA is optimistic about

future asteroid impacts.

Scientists Steve Chesley and Paul Chodas at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,

California have predicted that the collision between asteroid 99942 Apophis and Earth will

occur precisely on April 13, 2036.

These scientists have calculated that there is 2.7% chance that the near-Earth asteroid

99942 Apophis will pass through Earth's gravitational keyhole in 2029.

As a result, the asteroid's orbit would be altered by our planet's gravity and Apophis,

named after the ancient Egyptian god of chaos, would hit Earth seven years later, in 2036.

The diameter of Apophis is approximately 370 meters, which means that in case this asteroid

makes an atmospheric entry, it would hit Earth with 750 megatons of kinetic energy – enough

to kill more than 10 million people and cause a global apocalypse.

How old you will be in 2036?

Do you think you could somehow survive the impact of Apophis?

Let us know in the comments below!


2037 If you do somehow manage to survive 2036,

you won't be able to relax for too long because in 2037 Jesus is coming to defeat

evil for good!

At least that's what American evangelist and Christian writer Hal Lindsey says will


Lindsey, known for his sensationalist interpretations of the Bible, claims that Jesus will return

from heaven to Earth to establish eternal peace and harmony – but not before the battle

of Armageddon occurs and wipes out the evil portion of humanity.

Quoting the Bible, Lindsey says the period before the Final Coming of Christ will be

marked by "nations in anguish and perplexity when men will faint from terror, apprehensive

of what is coming on the world".

I mean, we're already kind of perplexed about what's going in the world, so this

prediction doesn't even sound that bad, am I right?


2039 Mark your calendars for 2039 because this

will be the year when not only Earth but the whole of Universe will disappear.

David Wilcock, American New Age author known for his many outlandish predictions claims

that in 2039 a huge cosmic battle between extraterrestrial beings will take place, which

will profoundly transform matter, energy, consciousness, and biological life as we know


Wilcock says we shouldn't fear this event because we will actually continue living in

2039 just in a different physical form.

Sure it sounds cool, right?

The problem is Wilcock also previously predicted that President Obama would reveal the existence

of aliens, and that didn't happen so don't get your hopes up about witnessing an epic

cosmic battle any time soon.


2040 What do you think life on Earth will look

like in 2040?

Flying cars?

Clones and robots walking around?

Sadly, there might be none of that because according to several scientific predictions,

the entire human civilization could collapse that year.

According to the Food System Shock report, published by the British and US governments,

a combination of climate change, food and water shortages, energy loss, and political

instability could trigger a series of cataclysmic events during 2040.

The report warned that unless we find a way to reverse current climate trends, the global

food supply system will face catastrophic losses by 2040 and the world will be swept

by an epidemic of food riots with devastating consequences.

Now unlike the Biblical stories of Armageddon and New Age prophecies about alien battles,

this prediction actually sounds frighteningly realistic, so what do you think we as a species

should do to prevent a large-scale catastrophe like this one?


2060 British scientist Isaac Newton is not only

known for formulating the laws of gravity and motion, he's also left a huge body work

dedicated to prophecies about the future of Earth.

Newton was a deeply religious man who wrote theological treatises interpreting Biblical

prophecies and in one of them he predicted that the end of the world will take place

in 2060.

Like most Protestants of his time, Newton believed that the establishment of the Papal

Office was the work of the Antichrist, whose rule was predicted in the Bible to last for

1,260 years.

Newton interpreted some of the key verses in the books of Daniel and Revelation by using

the Day-year principle in which a day represents a year in prophecy.

He then looked for significant dates in the Papacy's rise to power and calculated that

the world will come to an end in 2060, exactly 1,260 years after Pope Leo III helped Charlemagne

become the first Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD.

What do you think about Newton's prophetic beliefs: does 2060 sound like a reasonable

year for the end of the world?


1 billion years from now If all these predictions about the end of

the world have left you fearing for your life, you can relax because the most likely Doomsday

scenario won't happen in another 1 billion years from now.

Over the course of next 4 billion years, the luminosity of the Sun will gradually increase,

which will raise the levels of solar radiation on Earth.

This will result in a decrease in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

In about 600 million years from now, the level of CO2 will fall below the level needed to

sustain photosynthesis and all plant life will die off.

Since plants form the basis of the food chain on Earth, their extinction will trigger the

demise of all animal species.

In about one billion years, the Earth's atmosphere will turn into a moist greenhouse,

and all oceans will evaporate.

The temperature on Earth will continue to rise until the surface starts to melt and

by that point, all life on Earth will become extinct.

Fast forward another 7.5 billion years, and our planet will be completely absorbed by

the Sun and all evidence of human life will have been obliterated.

Or will it?

Some researchers and space enthusiasts like Elon Musk claim that long before this happens

humans will have colonized Mars and will no longer need to live on the dying Earth.

Musk believes that we humans are a multi-planet species destined to expand our civilizations

beyond Earth and onto the rest of the Solar System.

Do you agree with Musk or do you think humans will self-destruct before we even get a chance

to visit other planets?

What are your predictions for the future of our planet?

Leave your opinions in the comment section below and don't forget to share this video

with your friends!

Thanks for watching and I'll see you soon!

For more infomation >> 10 DATES When the WORLD Will Probably END - Duration: 12:39.


AMAZING CAKES DECORATING TUTORIALS 2018! Amazing Cakes Videos Compilation 2018 - Duration: 10:30.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> AMAZING CAKES DECORATING TUTORIALS 2018! Amazing Cakes Videos Compilation 2018 - Duration: 10:30.


What Is Blocking YOUR Love?: 23a: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 14:09.

Make anger so expensive that no one can afford it.

And your happiness so cheap that people can get it for free.

How beautiful.

It is beautiful but I feel these things look good in writing, because I tried it practically.

But my mind tells me - "Why do you get angry? It is for the good, for work to get done."

"Anger towards children is due to love. So the intention is good. There is nothing wrong with anger, because otherwise people will not listen."

First of all we need to evaluate the profits and losses coming out of our actions.

Even earlier we saw how anger affects the mind, physical health and relationships.

And most importantly, our energy of love gets blocked when we are angry.

We know that we create 25 to 30 thoughts per minute.

But it one moment it is only one thought.

We can only create one thought at a time.

Even if the thought is changing after every second.

But in one second that will only be one thought.

Which means in one second, we create only one quality of thought.

They cannot be two qualities of thoughts in one second. One second, one thought.

When we get angry, it goes on for 5, 10 or 15 minutes at least?

We might show anger outside for say 2 or 3 minutes only. But its impact within us will last for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

So in those 15 or 20 minutes we create many thoughts.

For however long we are angry, our energy of love, care and compassion gets blocked.

I request a little more clarity.

When I create a thought, does energy accompany that thought?

Thought itself is energy.

Are they not separate?

Thought is like an arrow.

I felt energy is separate from thought.

Atma or soul power creates a thought.

The thought has a particular quality.

Right now whatever I think about you

I will think and even feel it.

Any energy has vibration.

Sitting there, you will get a feeling.

Sometime we feel good, but sometimes if the other person's mood is not in a good mood, we say I am not getting a nice vibration.

I am not feeling nice.

It means the thought we are creating, creates a feeling.

And that energy or vibration gets radiated.

People whom we love a lot

How can we say that we love them a lot?

Because most of the time - not every time - we think well about them.

We accept them. We like what they say, their habits and their behavior most of the time.

So a person whose habits, behaviors and sanskars we accept most of the times

We say we love being with that person.

If we look at a parent-child relationship

There is a strong attachment and bonding right from childhood.

We say we like everything about the child. We love the child.

But the moment we are angry when the kid does not behave

Or made a small or big mistake

Or if the child is not obeying the parent

Or even if the parent feels that the child's decision will have an impact on his career, decision in marriage, in business or anything

We keep looking at it and create thoughts. That is a stimulus and this is the response.

When a child is something which we say is wrong, or if we feel it is hurting him.

You said the intention is of love.

Because we don't want anything going wrong with them.

They should never face sadness or face any challenge.

Which is the highest post intention.

But that time, within those 3 minutes or 5 minutes

The thoughts we create for them

What quality of thoughts are they, when there is anger?

Just for example, what specific thoughts do we create?

"Why is he wasting his talent? Despite being intelligent he does not study. His classmates are getting ahead of him."

"I do so much for him still he does not listen to me. He troubles me so much and saddens me."

All this could be in big situations. But what about small things like something fell off his hand?

Even if he hurt himself, he knew something yet made a mistake, or his way of speaking is not right.

What kind of thoughts do we create then?

Each of these thoughts

Gets created very fast because we are going on thinking

Suppose it is still anger inside and not yet come out as words.

But for however long these thoughts are created

Our quality of energy?

As I am talking to you I am wondering if it is love or criticism?

Intention of parent for child is love.

But in those moments and for that duration

It does not mean that my love has finished or reduced. But only for that duration

For 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 15 minutes or even for 1 day when we are angry

Thoughts getting created in that duration

If the quality of the thought is not good

At that moment - our intention for them is good but our thought is not good.

He does not listen to me - this is not a good thought.

What will happen to him if this continues - this is not a good thought.

"No matter how much you tell him, he does not listen. He just wants his way. Look at children these days."

"Even if you give them a good advice they do not understand. They only agree with friends."

It means we're saying - "At this moment, he is not good."

The child himself is not good at this moment.

My every thought was repeating this again and again.

These are not thoughts of acceptance. appreciation, motivation or care.

It is a completely opposite package.

Even when we say our intention was good.

Now I have to check.

When I create such thoughts for my child - and then we can apply the same rule for others also.

This happens even between husband and wife where each complains about the other.

It can even go on, non-stop. Is it love? Our concern?

You are speaking loud and it is not good for you - this is one category of thoughts.

What will people think - this can be another category.

But it is completely different when we say - you always speak like this. You don't even know how to speak in front of people.

Two things are different. That is why we have to see the quality of thoughts.

Which thought has the energy of care and which one has the energy of anger.

Suppose you are doing something right now.

But while doing it you go wrong. It is a small thing, not a big situation.

Now one way is to tell you that whatever you did just now, that was not right. It was wrong.

The other way is to say - You are wrong.

If the person speaks a little more louder, the comment will be - "You always do this mistake."

"Told you so many times. And many times I wanted to tell you that you always do this."

"I thought you will change but you never learn from your mistakes."

So it goes right back to history.

"Have told you so many times, still you do not understand."

"Each time you repeat it, I feel so bad."

"The whole family is getting affected, but still you continue doing it?"

So the mistake is separate.

The mistake was made.

Family and friends have a role also because their intention is good.

They had to tell us that the mistake that happened, should not have happened.

But instead all the talk that happens was not about the mistake.

It was about the person who now appeared to be wrong.

We feel both are the same. They are not the same.

Suppose your computer falls off from your hand right now.

"It has fallen. Pick it up and fix it." is one thing.

But it is completely different to say - "Can you not hold things properly? You keep dropping them always."

"You always do this. Expensive items have got broken because of you."

"Better is to not give you any such things in your hand."

This is the difference.

And it is a big difference.

So it is certain that there is no love.

At that moment there is no love.

If it is not love then what is it?

If I am angry, does it mean I don't have love?

Only at that moment.

For that duration, the energy of love gets blocked.

It is not always, it is only in those moments.

Because, when there is love the quality of thoughts I create will be very different.

But for the period when I am angry

The quality of my thoughts changes.

One quality is of good wishes and blessings.

For example, let us suppose once again that this computer fell down.

So one way is - "The computer fell. Hope you did not get hurt."

"Never mind. I am sure you will not repeat it the next time."

This is good wishes and clean thoughts, despite the computer falling.

Suppose the computer is broken also, and whatever happened is definitely wrong.

But not being critical about you.

You are not wrong. What you did is wrong.

Means the act and the person. The act that you performed was wrong. But not that you are a wrong person.

How can you call an accident, an act that I performed?

Ok. Latest it is not an accident, it was an intentional act.

Suppose you spoke a lie. And you lied knowingly and with awareness.

Suppose a child lied or somebody else lied.

Now we have to teach the child. The intention is very good.

That the child should not develop a habit of lying.

The act or karma is that the child spoke a lie.

And the other is the person who did that Karma.

We need to separate both of them.

Regardless of whether the act was accidental or intentional.

Both are different - one is about what you did and second one is about you, the person.

When angry, we speak very little about the act.

We attack the person.

And we don't attack the person only for that act.

We dig into many situations from the past.

We make several back references.

And it is mostly about saying - "You are like this, you are no good, you can't do it, how much should I explain to you, there is problem at home because of you."

You. It is not what you did.

It is You.

When I hit on You and not on what you Did

If we attacked on what you did

Then it was not an attack on you.

When we attack the person, that moment there is no love.

It was there earlier, where is it now?

Every thought - when we change the quality of the thought, the energy changes.

Basically it means you have love and you do not have it also.


Now we need to start increasing the percentage of love.

Now we need to check it in our every thought.

For more infomation >> What Is Blocking YOUR Love?: 23a: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 14:09.


Sail On, O Ship of State! - Duration: 1:01.

Sail On, O Ship of State!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was by far the most widely known and best-loved American

Poet of his time.

He achieved a level of national and international prominence unequalled in the literary history

of the United States.

What many don't know about him was that he was a fervent abolitionist.

His poem, The Building of a Ship was a pro-Union allegory that speaks of his fear

that slavery would destroy the union.

Upon hearing the poem recited, President Lincoln is said to have wept.

Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State!

Sail on, O Union, Strong and great!

Humanity with all its fears, With all the hopes of future years,

Is hanging breathless on thy fate!

Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee, Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears,

Our faith triumphant o'er our fears, Are all with thee, are all with thee!

This Moment in Time is brought to you by Clark Fowler Electric

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For more infomation >> Sail On, O Ship of State! - Duration: 1:01.


Fast Forward | ellespazz - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Fast Forward | ellespazz - Duration: 7:12.


Bushwick Public Housing Highlights State Of NYCHA Work - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Bushwick Public Housing Highlights State Of NYCHA Work - Duration: 2:10.


Resolve - Binarity (Official Music Video) - Duration: 4:11.

"Can we say that what's so special about Resolve

is the fact that you're three brothers?

So there's Robin, Nathan, Aurélien...

... and well, the other guy"

For more infomation >> Resolve - Binarity (Official Music Video) - Duration: 4:11.


PyeongChang Winter Olympics Day 10 - Duration: 2:55.

We're into another week of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

Hi, I'm Kim Hyesung with the latest on the games.

Let's take a look at the day's highlights so far.

The quarterfinals of the women's team pursuit in speed skating just kicked off at 8 pm.

South Korea will face the Netherlands, the winner of the women's team pursuit at the

Sochi Olympics in 2014.

The South Korean women's Curling team is on a hot streak.

In the 8th round robin session Monday morning, South Korea claimed victory against Sweden

by a score of seven to six.

This comes after beating Canada, Switzerland, Great Britain, and China by a big win of 12

to 5 yesterday.

With five wins and one loss, South Korea's women's curling team now stands at the top

of the group, tied with Sweden and Japan.

South Korea will play against team USA tomorrow at 2pm in the 10th round robin session.

The short dance program also took place this morning.

South Korea's ice dance duo Min Yu-ra and Alexander Gamelin scored 61-point-22 points,

ranking 16th out of 24 teams in the short dance.

The duo will perform their free dance under the traditional Korean folk song "Arirang"


Moving on to speed skating.

South Korean speed skater Lee Sang-hwa secured a silver medal Sunday, becoming the first

Asian speed skater to win a medal in the women's 500 meter event in three straight Olympics.

The two-time Olympic champion clocked in at 37-point-33 seconds, just zero-point-39 seconds

behind Japan's gold medalist ( ) Nao Kodaira.

Though Lee Sang-hwa failed to get her third gold, South Korean fans were cheering for

her, with chants of her name filling the arena.

And that brings us to the medal tally.

Norway tops the list with 9 gold, 9 silver and 8 bronze medals.

Germany trailing behind with a total of 18 medals.

Sweden ranks 6th with four golds and 3 silvers.

The host country, South Korea, is in ninth place with three golds, two from short track

speed skating, and one from men's skeleton

And there's still a lot of exciting action for later tonight.

The men's 500 meter speed skating event is slated for nine pm, where three South Korean

athletes, including former Olympic Champion Mo Tae-bum , will compete.

And the final round for men's team ski jumping is also scheduled for ten thirty.

So don't miss it

That's all I have for now.

Stay tuned to arirang News for the latest updates on the

PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

I'll wrap things up with some of the event schedules for Tuesday.

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