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Can YOU solve these riddles? | Critical Thinking Activity - Duration: 10:03.So I have a riddle for you.
What has two hands but cannot clap?
I'll tell you the answer to that in just a moment.
So in case you're wondering what has two hands but cannot clap.
That is a riddle.
And the answer to that riddle is a clock.
Because a clock has two hands that move around and tell us the time.
But it cannot clap like that.
Today, we have a super-fun video.
At least, I think it's fun.
I think it's fun too
Yeah. Because it's an activity that you can do as a teacher.
You can do it in the classroom with your students as an icebreaker.
But it's also something that stimulates your mind.
It's also a very good listening activity.
And a great way to practice your creative thinking skills.
To expand your vocabulary and just to improve your speaking.
So what we're going to do is ask each other some riddles.
So we would like you to play along.
And we will ask you the riddles.
And we will put them up there so you can see them in writing.
And then after a few moments, we will give you the answer.
Because we are going to try and guess what each other's riddles are.
I am very worried because I think I am very bad at riddles.
No, I am too. I'm not very good.
We'll see how we do. Are you ready?
Definitely ready.
Do you want to go first or do you want to...
We always have this question. Yeah, I'll ask you first okay.
Okay, number one.
What kind of dog never bites?
What kind of dog never bites?
So this is the point where you guys try guess as well.
Don't Google it.
I think I know that one.
I would have to say a hot dog
You're right.
Is that right?
Yeah, that's right.
And now I'm a little hungry.
I have one for you.
Actually, now that I...okay, all right. This is a this is a good one.
What word in the English language is pronounced poorly even by academic scholars?
So what word in the English language is pronounced poorly even by academic scholars.
It doesn't matter if it's an academic scholar.
Smartest people in the world.
Best students. Best teachers.
This word is pronounced poorly.
Do you want me to read it again?
Oh, no. I know it. I know it.
Yes. Yes.
Good job! Well done.
Okay, you want an easier one or harder one?
You choose. It just...doesn't matter.
Okay, I'll give you an easy one.
How many months have 28 days?
How many months have 28 days?
It'd just be one month, which is February.
Is that your final answer?
So one? Is that your final answer?
Boom. No. All of them have 28 days.
I thought it was easy.
Oh, that's really funny.
I love this game.
Oh gosh.
Alright, so this one...are you ready?
How many didn't?
What? What?
Alright, I'll read it again.
Ah, 20 ate chickens. Okay.
So I'm guessing 10 didn't.
Yeah, you got it.
Twenty ate chickens. A little bit of a play on words.
Okay, so the score, if anyone is keeping this score, is two to one.
Oh gosh. Some of these are a little difficult now that I look at them.
That's fine.
What do tigers have that no other animals have?
What do tigers have that no other animals have?
Do you guys know?
There's a trick. It's tricky.
That's why, you know, I'm trying to think of like...what do Tigers have that no other animals have
I don't know. A cereal. Tony the Tiger.
He has his own cereal. Frosted Flakes.
Who's Tony the Tiger?
Frosted Flakes.
What about Cheerios?
No, it has nothing to do with cereal or any kind of food product.
What do Tigers have that no other animals have should I tell you the end? Yeah, could you guys guess it?
What do you think I?
baby tigers
Do they have that no video of our animals have baby tigers yeah, baby tigers okay, all right, okay?
Are you ready mm-hmm?
I think of a hard one now
Yeah, if you have me you want to share me if you share me then you don't have me
If you have me you want to share me if you share me then you don't have me
Other than me
That would be my only
Guess but I don't know I don't think that's the right answer you want a hint like well think about what do people have that
They they really want to share with other people, but they can't
Or they shouldn't hello
Clothes it's something it's not like something. It's not something physical. You can give to somebody else, but do you share with other people?
Something you have it you want to share it you shouldn't share it most of the time information
There's a cold information no no no that's not the answer. It is it is information that you're sharing
news no
secret Oh a secret
If you have a secret you want to share a secret, but once you share the secret. It's not a snow longer a secret
Oh fine I'll give you a harder one too, then okay
Maybe it's not hard. Let's see let's see
What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right hand?
Can you hold in your left hand mm-hmm, but not in your right hand mm-hmm, can you hold in your left hand
but not in your right hand you're
Thinking like what your
Your left I guess you could
Your your left fingers your left you can't hold. Oh, you can't hold your right hand
Are you guys getting these are you guessing them, I'm guessing them right all right you ready for the next one. Yes, yes, ma'am, okay?
What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night?
What what loses its head in the morning, but gets it back at night
Its head mm-hmm, what loses its head in the morning?
But then it gets it back at night. Do you want a hint?
Loses its head in the morning, but gets it back at night. Do you want a hint yeah?
It's not like a person or an animal
Where's your head in the morning and where's your head at night, Oh a pillow?
As you can see that we had some fun. We both did about the same
we're challenging, but yeah, we didn't do very well, but
But we hope that you can see how these can be useful when you're teaching when you're learning when you're trying to challenge your brain
But also practice your English you really have to do one
I really have to think it's fun now we have a riddle for you
So we will ask you this riddle if you want to know what the answer is you can go check out our
Facebook page we will leave a link in the description
So you can check and see if you got the answer right so your riddle is
What is at the end of a rainbow what is at the end of a rainbow
Do you know what is it?
If you want to know go check out our Facebook post and you can find out the answer there
Thank you guys so much for watching. We hope you enjoyed our little riddle challenge, and we will see you next time I
What starts with a T end with a T, and it's full of T?
Starts with a T ends with a T, and it's full of T. Oh
Now what do you use to make T? What do you put the T and to make to heat up the water?
What are you a?
Teapot it's people of T. You. I got that one correct
Portrait of an Inventor | Team HYPED | Hyperloop - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 8 Tasty Ways TO Eat Tofu & Ultra Cute Tofu Stamps [4kg] 3411kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 7:41.Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles By ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! I bought these but......
I've got some regular tofu and eggy tofu With a total combined weight of over 3 kilograms
But I hope to be using this To eat them
And these things over here are things that I found online Things that make eating tofu much more enjoyable
Alrighty lets get crackin'
First we unpack our tofu
It slipped right out
Then hit him with a stamp
Then drizzle some soy sauce or 'mentsuyu' noodle sauce
check this out they're so KAWAII and it was so easy to do
I've made these cute little animal faces itadakimasu
You eat these as you would normally
I kind of feel bad for messing up Their tiny little heads
It tastes alright
That's pretty obvious amirite
Tofu is so yummy And during the winter a 'yudofu' (simmered) tofu is yummy
And I love these eggy tofu's as well
It's so jiggly
It's so smooth with a slight salty flavor and these tofu are so yummy aren't they
Time to try these other ways of eating tofu
First we had some onion And sesame oil
And a bit of salt
And it's done
Super delish
Sesame oil and salt go so nicely together don't they
It brings out the inherent sweetness Out of the tofu
The onion also goes nicely with sesame oil And salt
Crazy delish I kind of want to eat this with a bowl of rice
I had no idea that it's such a simple thing Would make this taste so good
Next we have avocado and tuna Paired with a Wasabi soy sauce with a bit of perilla leaf
Toss them on top
And dribble the Wasabi and soy sauce over it
Avocados and tuna Make an absolute perfect pairing
Wasabi soy sauce Serves to elevate the dish as well
It goes nicely with tofu as well
I'm getting the feeling that it was tough to see When I was eating so I will change the position of the camera
Hit them with a stamp
its kinda tough to do I messed it up a bit
Now for the soy sauce
And it makes the faces pop right out
mmm~ KAWAII This is what they all look like
Next we will try some Korean seaweed
Drizzle it with sesame oil and add some kimchi
sadly we have to cover up our KAWAII animal faces that we made
Next up is a 'nametake' mushroom mix blend in some egg yolk
Then pile it on top
Add some seaweed as well
next is a 'tanuki' tofu variation
top it with tempura bits And onion
There's already some soy sauce on here I will now add some 'mentsuyu' noodle sauce
Next is extra virgin olive oil
And salt
Let's start with the Korean seaweed version
The kimchi and tofu goes nicely together And a Korean seaweed is yummy
next is the 'nametake' mushroom mix
yumz the nametake are so yummy on their own
Tofu goes with almost anything
next up is the 'tanuki' tofu
The tempura bits are so yummy and flavorful I also love the sweetness from the 'mentsuyu'
The tempura bits are so crispy and yummy
Olive oil and salt
It's so simple yet yummy
Salt alone makes tofu taste very yummy as well
And the addition of olive oil gives it A nice foreign/western feel to it
We had plenty of fun with the stamps Now it's time to just eat the tofu normally
Sesame oil salt and onion It's so simple yet very yummy
Really brings out the yummy sweetness from the tofu
Avocado and tuna
I'm really lovin' The flavor of the 'Ooba' perilla leaf
The added texture from the mushrooms + the yumminess from the egg yolk it's so yummy
Tofu with tempura bits
I'm starting to feel real cold right now I'mma go microwave these
These are nice and toasty warm During the present season warm tofu might be the best
( RAW EGGS totes safe in Japan... "she not gonna die" of salmonella thank you for your concerns )
Tada the final tofu I will eat it with onion salt and sesame oil
Last mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita The tofu was totes delish
today's stamps made everything so KAWAII And so easily kids would totally go wild over them
A lot of these recipes were new to me And they were all very yummy
just with onion, sesame oil, and salt Made it so darn yummy, I'm shook
Tofu goes with almost anything It's even yummy hot or cold
Everyone wont you all please give it a try as well
And as always thank you for watching if there's anything you Want me to do or eat please tell me in the comment section
below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
[심심할땐 토상놀24] 뛰어라! 잡아라! 풀어라! 먼저 뿅망치를 잡는 사람에게 유리한 퀴즈 게임!ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:56.-------------------------------------------
[Home Cooking by Korean Students] rice with nugget mayonnaise recipe / 얌무 Yammoo - Duration: 2:40.YAMMOO
Rice and mayonnaise sauce nugget
Please check the captions.
Return the nugget to the microwave for 2 minutes. (thawing)
Cut the nugget into small pieces
Now I will make soy sauce.
Put soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, and water and boil (low heat).
When it gets a little sticky, it's done.
Check the degree of viscosity.
Fry the chopped nugget over the rain (without oil).
Mix mayonnaise, oligosaccharide, and vinegar at the edges of the pan.(low heat)
When sauce is blended well, combine with all of the nugget.
Pour soy sauce over it.
Let me mix it.
The nugget is chewy.
Taste too good with soy sauce
I cleared a bowl of rice. to be delicious
Bíblia Sagrada "Imersiva" - Êxodo 32-34 // (Mês 2 - Dia 6) - [Ativar Legenda] - Duration: 14:42.-------------------------------------------
C'è Posta Per Te sospeso? Tutti i motivi della decisione di Canale 5 - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Sandwich Shop-------------------------------------------
Renault Twingo SCE 70pk Dynamique (VOUWDAK!!!/R-link/Climate/15''LMV) - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
実際のところ猫は飼い主のことをどのように思っているのだろうか?【考えさせられる話】 - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
양현석이 이주노 도와준 건 그냥 좋게 생각하면 된다 |T.Đ - Star - Duration: 6:08.-------------------------------------------
The MLK Super Bowl Ad Dodge Didn't Show You - Duration: 6:26.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING FBI Caught Changing MORE Major Evidence – It WASN'T Just The Memo!- BreakingNews24 - Duration: 30:04.BREAKING FBI Caught Changing MORE Major Evidence – It WASN'T Just The Memo!
The long awaited time has come!
The FISA memo has finally been released and now it's time to dig in.
We now have, available to the public, thanks to the declassification of a formerly top-secret
document, the findings of the White House Intelligence committee about how and why the
FBI was peeking over President Trump's shoulder during the 2016 election (which you can read
Just as everyone suspected, the reasoning was because some of the top members of the
FBI were opposed to the President becoming the President.
The secret is out, and the race begins to find out who knew what, and if they should
be prosecuted.
At the very top of that list is Andrew McCabe who has now turned in his resignation, but
might not be out of the woods yet.
A report by PJ Media informs us that, contrary to early reports, McCabe wasn't just moving
around commas when he saw the report.
The now disgraced FBI Deputy Director wanted to change material portions of the incriminating
"Investigative journalist Sara Carter reported on Fox News last night that outgoing FBI Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe may be in serious trouble if the information she had received from FBI
sources proves to be true.
'I have been told tonight by a number of sources … that McCabe may have asked FBI
agents to actually change their 302s," Carter told host Sean Hannity.
The 302 form contains information from the notes an FBI agent takes during an interview
of a subject.
It is used by FBI agents to 'report or summarize the interviews that they conduct.'
'So basically every time an FBI agent interviews a witness, they have to go back and file a
report,' Carter explained.
Hannity pointed out that, if true, it would constitute a case of obstruction of justice,
and Carter agreed.
She said the matter was being investigated by FBI Inspector General Michael Horowitz.
'If this is true — and not just alleged — if this is true, McCabe will be fired,'
Carter said.
'They are considering firing him in the next few days.
If this turns out to be true,' she added.
Carter noted later in the segment that 'so many whistleblowers' have contacted not
only the inspector general and the House Intelligence Committee, but also the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to report Obama administration activities as improper
or illegal.
The FISC 'chided the Obama administration last year … for violating the laws,' Carter
pointed out."
This is a huge issue, not only because McCabe did something unethical, but because he continued
to try and cover it up.
There are many people in Washington who've gotten pulled into some dark corners and done
some bad things, but his actions went far past that.
He was obviously willing to risk national security to save his skin.
Egregious breaches of justice are just the type of reasons behind President Trump's
vow to "drain the swamp."
While a lot of politicians consider that to be an insult, those who haven't been in
Washington, making their inroads and gathering dirt on other politicians for decades have
no problem with it.
The government can't do its job if it's a game of inside baseball where those in power
can break whatever laws they want as long as they grease the right palms.
The reporter who brought this to our attention, Sara Carter also reported on her website that
current and former FBI officials tell her McCabe's ouster is just the first of more
resignations to come:
"There are people lining up in the bureau to go after McCabe," said a former FBI official,
with knowledge.
"There will be a clean up at the Bureau of his cronies."
According to several U.S. officials, McCabe's government communications were collected as
part of the ongoing DOJ Inspector General investigation, which is expected to be completed
by March.
FBI spokeswoman Carol Cratty declined to comment on the resignation.
The process to declassify the document could take anywhere up to five days.
President Trump is not expected to object to the memo's release and the House Intelligence
Committee is expected to pass it, stated White House officials in an earlier report.
Carter Page, who is one figure at the center of the memo's revelations, filed his most
recent libel lawsuit against Oath and Broadcasting Board of Governors, Radio Free Europe for
the story "Report: U.S. Intelligence Officials Examining Trump Advisor's Russia Ties"
written Sept. 23, 2016.
The report came a day after Yahoo published a report, which cited multiple sources that
suggested Page was under investigation for his ties to Russia.
Page has also filed libel suits against Yahoo News and Buzzfeed.
Page asserts in the lawsuit that he was a victim of "swatting," a term used when
a group or person provides false information to law enforcement to provoke an emergency
action to be taken against a target.
The dossier, which was compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, was paid for
by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign.
The DNC and Clinton campaign had hired now embattled research firm Fusion GPS to compile
the research.
Fusion GPS had previously lobbied on behalf of companies closely connected to Russian
President Vladimir Putin against the Magnitisky Act, a U.S. law prohibiting companies and
people connected to the death of Sergei Magnitsky from owning property or conducting business
in the United States.
Magnitsky was an auditor at a law firm in Moscow who uncovered $230 million worth of
fraud by Russian tax officials and police officers.
After he reported the fraud he was detained by Russian authorities and then died in a
prison under suspicious circumstances in 2009.
"By falsely and publicly identifying Dr. Page in the U.S., Europe and worldwide as
the main accomplice in the most prominent crime story in recent history and simultaneously
mischaracterizing the libelous articles as primarily stemming from slightly more legitimate
leakers within USG (U.S. government) agencies rather than the opposition political research
consultant Christopher Steele, BBG and RFE played an essential roles in the USG's black
propaganda campaign by branding him as the subject of completely outrageous criminal
allegations instigated by earlier excerpts from Mr. Steele's final report (the "Dodgy
Dossier")," Page states in his complaint filed on January, 19.
Page, who lists a number of previous 'swatting' cases, states in his complaint, "In these
more benign and little-known swatting cases, defendants have been held accountable by courts…The
alleged untruthfulness attached to the DOJ's allegations in the illegitimate FISA warrant
issued against Dr. Page and related abuse of process in 2016 based on the dodgy dossier
helps to directly fulfill that burden."
The Department of Justice and some leading Democrats attempted to stop the committee
from releasing the classified FISA abuse memo, citing that the classified nature of the document
could threaten national security.
The DOJ argued in a letter written by Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd that the department
had not been given the document for review.
However, several members of the committee told this reporter that the information contained
in the memo is lists extensive FISA abuse that occurred before and after the 2016 presidential
election cycle.
"What's important is that the American people will be informed and that the corruption
by a few people inside the bureau and DOJ will be exposed," said a former FBI source
with knowledge of the situation.
"We can't move forward unless we as a nation are willing to come clean about what's
been going on and the first step is telling the truth."
What's next for the FBI and the scandals involved with the FISA memo?
Will someone get implicated in a crime and prosecuted?
What is YOUR opinion?
Share and write your comments
the situation!
❋「AS ~ Nightcore」~ Crush ~ ❋ - Duration: 2:57.See you blowing me a kiss
It doesn't take a scientist
To understand what's going on baby
If you see something in my eyes
Let's not overanalyze
Don't go too deep with it baby
So let it be, what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and go crazy
Over you and me
Here's what I'll do, I'll play loose
Not like we have a date with destiny
It's just, A little crush
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just, some little thing
Not like everything I do, Depends on you
You say the words 'forever more'
That's not what I'm looking for
All I can commit to is maybe
So let it be, what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and go crazy
Over you and me
Here's what I'll do, I'll play loose
Not like we have a date with destiny
It's just, A little crush
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just, some little thing
Not like everything I do, Depends on you
It's just, A little crush
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just, some little thing
Not like everything I do, Depends on you
everything I do, everything I do
Not like everything I do, Depends on you
It's just, A little crush
It's just, some little thing
Not like everything I do, Depends on you
High Levels of Anxiety are Associated with High Intuition, Intelligence, and Empathy - Duration: 3:11.High Levels of Anxiety are Associated with High Intuition, Empathy, and Intelligence
Many people experience anxiety especially when they are going to experience something
they never before.
However, there are some people reporting that high level of anxiety indicate high intuition,
empathy, and intelligence.
How is that even possible?
In this short video, I'm going to share with you, why high levels of anxiety are associated
with high intuition, empathy, and intelligence.
But before we jump to the lists, If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the
subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information
is helpful to you.
#1 - Intuition
Let's talk about intuition first.
It is basically an inner force that drives you based on past experience.
Intuition is really great for making educated decision with some prediction involved.
However, let's not forget about anxiety actually connects to high intuition.
Anxious people are usually afraid to what happen.
In relation to intuition, anxious people are afraid to their future.
They are not sure that their future will be nice and good.
They look backward and observe whether the pattern will be the same in the future.
This is where anxious people actually possess high intuition.
They are not anxious because their intuition works for them.
#2 - Intelligence
There are some studies that indicate that intelligence is related to anxiety level.
The higher the anxiety, the higher the intelligence is.
Additionally, they are also quite smart in detecting dangers in their surroundings.
Unfortunately, intelligence people who experience acute anxiety are not always in advantage.
Sometimes, their anxiety takes over and makes them unable to think straight.
This, in consequence, makes the intelligence people to be less active, making them unproductive.
Even though anxiety can indicate high intelligence, it is not the best experience to be had for
intelligent people.
#3 - Empathy
High anxiety is absolutely related to empathy in one way or another.
Believe it or not, people who are anxious actually worries about their surroundings.
They worry that someone may not feel comfortably such as when your friend as for evaluation
from you.
They want the best for their friends, and they definitely will try their best to be
at their service to make them feel better even though they really know what to do.
So, what do you think about this short video?
Really cool information isn't it?
Do you think your Anxiety are also Associated with your Intuition, Empathy, and Intelligence?
Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
Messy Ponytail SIDE PUFF Hairstyle - Easy Hairstyles for College/Work/Party | PrettyPriyaTV - Duration: 3:18.Hello.. friends
I am Anishka
she is my friend Neha
friends as you liked my hairstyles in videos
she helped me a lot in creating those hairstyles
So we thought to share those hairstyles with you
So which hairstyles do you create today?
today I am going to create 3 simple & easy hairstyles
you can easily make them without taking help from others
So lets get started with the video
first take 1 inch section from front
twist it & then secure it with a bobby pin
now take another hair strand
divide it into three parts and make a simple braid
secure it with a rubber band
repeat the same by taking another hair strand
again secure it with a rubber band
done with first hairstyle
for second hairstyle
take 1 inch section with the help of partition comb
take another section just below the first section
twist them together and secure them by tik tak pin
now to make it more beautiful I am using a rose pin
done with the second hairstyle
for third hairstyle
continued with the second hairstyle
by placing them aside & creating a ponytail
create a hole in the centre of ponytail like this
flip the hair in this hole by pulling them inside
done with the last hairstyle
so thats all with today's video
If you want me to create more hairstyle videos in future
then let me know by commenting below
do like and share this video
plz subscribe to my channel
press that bell icon to watch our latest videos
follow us on instagram
will see you in our next video till then
take care n bye-bye
President Moon welcomes IOC members in Gangneung, attends IOC's General Assembly - Duration: 2:55.President Moon Jae-in gave a speech in Gangneung Monday night at the International Olympic
Committee's annual General Assembly.
It marked the start of a busy schedule for the President leading up to the opening ceremony
of the 2018 PyeongChang Games this Friday.
Our Blue House correspondent Hwang Hojun reports.
President Moon didn't shy away from expressing his excitement over South Korea hosting the
quadrennial event, speaking at the 132nd session of the International Olympic Committee in
Gangneung,... the joint host city of the 2018 Winter Olympics.
"In four days, the Olympic flame that was first kindled at the Temple of Hera in Greece
will light up the Olympic cauldron, after passing through the hands of 7,500 torchbearers
who represented 75 million South and North Koreans.
The Olympic spirit will soar as the world's winter festival commences."
It has been a tradition for the IOC to hold its annual general assembly in the host country
of that year's Olympic Games.
President Moon started his speech by welcoming guests attending the general assembly, some
1,000 in total.
He said it's a dream come true for the nation to be able to host the Winter Games in PyeongChang
at its third try, after losing bids for the 2010 and 2014 Winter Olympics.
He introduced all the preparations South Korea has made, as the host country... such as presenting
the world's first ever ultra-fast 5G network service,... as well as launching the "Dream
Program" initiative that introduces winter sports to young people living in countries
that don't have winter weather.
President Moon's speech reached its climax when he thanked the IOC for not only letting
North Korea participate at the last minute but also forming a unified team.
"About a month or two ago, many countries worried about the safety of the PyeongChang
It seemed foolish to many to even imagine the possibility of North Korea participating,
let alone forming a unified team.
But the concern has disappeared, and our imagination has become reality."
He said a safe and peaceful Olympics was the brainchild of the IOC and South Korea, and
the PyeongChang Games will show to the world that sports can transcend all political and
ideological walls and boundaries,... which is,... according to President Moon, the greatest
value of the Olympics.
The South Korean leader further reiterated that the successful hosting of the 2018 PyeongChang
Winter Olympic Games will mark the start of establishing peace in Northeast Asia, as Japan
and China are set to host the 2020 Summer Olympics and the 2022 Winter Olympics, respectively.
He vowed to work and cooperate with not only the IOC but Japan, China and all other countries
in Asia.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.
[Home Cooking by Korean Students] rice with nugget mayonnaise recipe / 얌무 Yammoo - Duration: 2:40.YAMMOO
Rice and mayonnaise sauce nugget
Please check the captions.
Return the nugget to the microwave for 2 minutes. (thawing)
Cut the nugget into small pieces
Now I will make soy sauce.
Put soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, and water and boil (low heat).
When it gets a little sticky, it's done.
Check the degree of viscosity.
Fry the chopped nugget over the rain (without oil).
Mix mayonnaise, oligosaccharide, and vinegar at the edges of the pan.(low heat)
When sauce is blended well, combine with all of the nugget.
Pour soy sauce over it.
Let me mix it.
The nugget is chewy.
Taste too good with soy sauce
I cleared a bowl of rice. to be delicious
Desigual | Love is Unexpected: David and Leni - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
The Best Way To Steal On Social Media | Pro Church Daily Ep. #026 - Duration: 9:00.-------------------------------------------
Logo Design Process Start To Finish (PROFESSIONAL) - Duration: today a long-awaited video where I'm gonna show you guys my graphic design
process for designing logos so follow along as I design a logo for a real-life
client in today's video on the graphic design process
what is that people welcome back to satori graphics the home of graphic
design content right here on YouTube now I've lost count about how many times
this has been suggested by subscribers and viewers and that is the logo design
process or my logo design process who start to finish I'm gonna go through my
logo design process from phase to phase with a real time and real life client
that I'm working for at the moment I was commissioned to design a logo for MamaTerra
films which is a film company based in Amsterdam you can check out
that work in the link in description below and also I've got some stuff
running on screen right now which you give you a background about who they are
and what they do so let's jump right into this video on my logo design
now the first thing I do is talk to the client in discussions about the brief
and about the project at hand this is my chance to gain a huge insight into who
they are I wonder they want to achieve with their
logo or their brand design I actually have a questionnaire that I send to most
of my clients which ask them things such as the title and tagline of the logo
where the leg is going to be seen do they have any color schemes in mind and
so forth I feel at this stage you can never have too much information on the
client and the background of the brand so never be scared to ask any questions
to your client because you want to be sure about every single aspect of the
logo and brand design project before you so here is a quick look at the questions
that I send to some clients often clients were supplied with a detailed
brief in the form of a PDF and it is extremely useful to have but there are
many times that a client will not have a brief readily available and that's when
I'd like to send out this document to gain further insight understanding of
the client and the brand itself you need to have as much info on the client as
possible heading into the project
okay so on the first day of the project I opted into that research this isn't
taking me too long but it's not uncommon for professional brand agencies to spend
one or two weeks on research alone however I'm not a branding agency I'm a
graphic designer whose forte is logo and brand design you can check out my work
in description below it or you can head over to and brand design
which is so relevant to today's video
anyway I cut up research into the brand itself but also the specific industry
that they operate in so in today's example that's going to be filmed
specifically in the film companies you can do some research into the clients
competition to see what they're doing and to see how you can put yourself up
against that competition it's always a good idea to get really strong
understanding and grasp of what the market is that they operate in so you
need to do your research following on from the research stage is the
development of ideas and concepts now a big supporter of using pen and paper
here and I feel many designers forget how important it actually is so what I
normally tend to do is I jot down the name of the logo or the brand itself and
then they start to brainstorm ideas from there on I write down words reactives
that relate to that brand or the brief that we discussed about before
Medus could be emotion this can be concept as could be feelings this could
be physical objects anything that can relate to the brand
itself is great to jot down a paper at this stage I'd like to prefer back to
the questionnaire and the brief the client supplied me to generate concepts
on paper based around these ideas and these feelings and I branded on paper I
cannot emphasize enough how important and crucial it is to spend time
scrolling down ideas and concepts on paper you can put on some music or set
up yourself in an environment that feels most comfortable and then get cracking
with idea after idea and concept after concept
it is important to explore many avenues and directions at Israeli stage in the
local design process and remember to do your research
now this face can take up to one or two days maybe more but it's really really
important to get your ideas down a paper perhaps with solid concepts to work with
you really want to be an idea factory of soils and to brainstorm loads and loads
of concepts and ideas on paper I didn't actually use the Wacom tablet for this
logo design project mainly due to the style of the logo being simplistic and
contemporary however it's a good idea to add a drawing tablet phase into the
design process to bridge the gap between paper and digital vector designs I do
use it quite often for my logo design projects just not for this one
so moving on from generating concepts on paper I bring my strongest concepts to a
digital realm and that's an adobe illustrator of course so you today
beulah straighter because it's a vector based program and all Laker designs
should be vectors without exception this is because vectors do not lose quality
at any scale if the sized up or down look at a silence should never be raster
images even if they use for web only you want the logo to be taken to any realm
any size and to still retain quality so again I typically spend one two or maybe
even three days developing and generating these ideas in the digital
realm but once I have these ideas digitally mastered I now have to present
them to the client now typically this can be quite nerve-racking because you
spend a few days generating ideas and doing what you do best which is Lego
designing and you don't know what the clients gonna say they can straight up
turn down your ideas and poopoo your designs or on the other extreme they
could actually see a funnel liquor design at this stage it's quite rare but
it has happened to me in the past but typically what will happen is the client
would tell me what works and what doesn't work and will constantly like
you might be a specific layout or it might be a typeface so using their
feedback and their input I go back to Adobe Illustrator and I keep referring
back to the questionnaire and the brief throughout the entire process
I refine and remaster the graphic design logos until the client is happy with the
final outcome this was my first sheet of digital designs the client I discussed
things it was obvious that we needed a geometric minimal design as the final
solution as you can see I have various fonts scattered around the place and
designs I've experimented with this first she was the follow on from designs
I made on paper and I think that's obvious to see I wanted to show the
client my ideas and Michael processes at this stage for the logo
animal side shannon designs the client told me that they really liked this em
icon here so I went back and I started to experiment the layouts and fonts for
the M icon design
the third sheet was a response to the client wanting to see a few color
choices he did love the idea of black away but wanted to see some pastel
colors and function
I have modified the a on a local type as I thought I looked better this way and
so did the client finally we came to a logo design solution and the client
stayed with black and whites as you can see the logo has been used on social
media as well as a Vimeo account which you can check ours they have many cool
so there was today's video in the little design process from start to finish
let me know what you guys thought this video in the comment section below and
also tell me your alayka design process and how you approach a Lego design
project drop a like on the video if you did enjoy it and share in social media
if you find it useful subscribe to you to tera graphics for weekly graphic
design content and until next time design your future today peace
The Ingraham Angle 02/06/18 2AM | February 06, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 40:59.-------------------------------------------
Thongs & Tatts Episode 1 | Pauly Does Australian Tattoo Expo - Duration: 1:00.♪Oi! What'd you think you're doin', mate?♪
This is a taxi?
Nah, nah, it's Uber account, mate.
Mate, I dunno what happened, there's been a mistake.
This is a Uber account, isn't it?
You're telling me it isn't.
Surely, mate. I'm not paying.
It's Uber. It's Uber, mate.
It's a taxi, brother.
Mate, what're you saying? It's a Uber.
It's a taxi, brother.
You can see it. It's a taxi, brother.
Hey, mate?
Chill out, or you cop the thong !
I'll call the cops, bro.
You'll call the -- Mate, I've got warrants!
What the --
I've a deal, for you.
20 bucks, cash.
It's alright.
Come on, 20 bucks, mate.
You don't want it?
What's wrong with ya? It's cheaper.
What, you're just gonna throw money away.
Oh, Donald Trump over --
Mate, see you guys will get robbed with those gold chains.
Take it easy. How ethnic are they?
Who wants it? Cash only.
You got cash?
What language was I speakin', mate?
Desigual | Love is Unexpected: Didi and Mónica - Duration: 1:44.We met in the club where I was working.
I was on stage, under a spotlight, so I was easy to see.
She was in the audience
and I could feel someone watching me very intensely.
And I'd always been with boys
and I sensed this spark and was like, "Oof! But she's a girl. Maybe..."
It was like all these feelings at once,
but I knew already that there was something there.
There was a spark I couldn't ignore.
Girl or not, it didn't matter, I had to go with it.
-I'm Didi. -And I'm Mónica.
Lots of people tell me,
"Since you've found love you're much more relaxed,
less worried, more easy-going."
It's hard, because people find it difficult
to see a girl who's not with a guy.
They can't understand it.
-His mother is from a small town. -And she's elderly.
Yes, she's elderly. Mine is more modern.
And, I can hear her saying it, she suddenly goes,
"I told the the butcher today
that Didi's the girl she's always wanted to be,
and she's with a girl who loves her as a girl.
Imagine the butcher's reaction!
And lots of people don't understand it.
But her mother understood that it was very simple.
【MUKBANG】 8 Tasty Ways TO Eat Tofu & Ultra Cute Tofu Stamps [4kg] 3411kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 7:41.Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles By ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! I bought these but......
I've got some regular tofu and eggy tofu With a total combined weight of over 3 kilograms
But I hope to be using this To eat them
And these things over here are things that I found online Things that make eating tofu much more enjoyable
Alrighty lets get crackin'
First we unpack our tofu
It slipped right out
Then hit him with a stamp
Then drizzle some soy sauce or 'mentsuyu' noodle sauce
check this out they're so KAWAII and it was so easy to do
I've made these cute little animal faces itadakimasu
You eat these as you would normally
I kind of feel bad for messing up Their tiny little heads
It tastes alright
That's pretty obvious amirite
Tofu is so yummy And during the winter a 'yudofu' (simmered) tofu is yummy
And I love these eggy tofu's as well
It's so jiggly
It's so smooth with a slight salty flavor and these tofu are so yummy aren't they
Time to try these other ways of eating tofu
First we had some onion And sesame oil
And a bit of salt
And it's done
Super delish
Sesame oil and salt go so nicely together don't they
It brings out the inherent sweetness Out of the tofu
The onion also goes nicely with sesame oil And salt
Crazy delish I kind of want to eat this with a bowl of rice
I had no idea that it's such a simple thing Would make this taste so good
Next we have avocado and tuna Paired with a Wasabi soy sauce with a bit of perilla leaf
Toss them on top
And dribble the Wasabi and soy sauce over it
Avocados and tuna Make an absolute perfect pairing
Wasabi soy sauce Serves to elevate the dish as well
It goes nicely with tofu as well
I'm getting the feeling that it was tough to see When I was eating so I will change the position of the camera
Hit them with a stamp
its kinda tough to do I messed it up a bit
Now for the soy sauce
And it makes the faces pop right out
mmm~ KAWAII This is what they all look like
Next we will try some Korean seaweed
Drizzle it with sesame oil and add some kimchi
sadly we have to cover up our KAWAII animal faces that we made
Next up is a 'nametake' mushroom mix blend in some egg yolk
Then pile it on top
Add some seaweed as well
next is a 'tanuki' tofu variation
top it with tempura bits And onion
There's already some soy sauce on here I will now add some 'mentsuyu' noodle sauce
Next is extra virgin olive oil
And salt
Let's start with the Korean seaweed version
The kimchi and tofu goes nicely together And a Korean seaweed is yummy
next is the 'nametake' mushroom mix
yumz the nametake are so yummy on their own
Tofu goes with almost anything
next up is the 'tanuki' tofu
The tempura bits are so yummy and flavorful I also love the sweetness from the 'mentsuyu'
The tempura bits are so crispy and yummy
Olive oil and salt
It's so simple yet yummy
Salt alone makes tofu taste very yummy as well
And the addition of olive oil gives it A nice foreign/western feel to it
We had plenty of fun with the stamps Now it's time to just eat the tofu normally
Sesame oil salt and onion It's so simple yet very yummy
Really brings out the yummy sweetness from the tofu
Avocado and tuna
I'm really lovin' The flavor of the 'Ooba' perilla leaf
The added texture from the mushrooms + the yumminess from the egg yolk it's so yummy
Tofu with tempura bits
I'm starting to feel real cold right now I'mma go microwave these
These are nice and toasty warm During the present season warm tofu might be the best
( RAW EGGS totes safe in Japan... "she not gonna die" of salmonella thank you for your concerns )
Tada the final tofu I will eat it with onion salt and sesame oil
Last mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita The tofu was totes delish
today's stamps made everything so KAWAII And so easily kids would totally go wild over them
A lot of these recipes were new to me And they were all very yummy
just with onion, sesame oil, and salt Made it so darn yummy, I'm shook
Tofu goes with almost anything It's even yummy hot or cold
Everyone wont you all please give it a try as well
And as always thank you for watching if there's anything you Want me to do or eat please tell me in the comment section
below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Jonghyun (SHINee) unexpectedly "knocked over" hit Ballad is dominating the Kpop chart - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:55.Jonghyun (SHINee) unexpectedly "knocked over" hit Ballad is dominating the Kpop chart
Jonghyun (SHINee) unexpectedly knocked over hit Ballad is dominating the Kpop chart.
Jonghyuns last hit won on Music Bank.
On February 2, Shinin (Jonghyun) and Good Old Days (Jang Deok Cheol) were the candidates for the weeks trophy.
With the efforts of the fans, Jonghyuns last song won the ballads hit Brought Rain on the charts.
This is also the first cup of Shinin on the music scene and a gift that fans dedicated to the late singers contribution.
Jamalaye Jibanta Manush | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Bhanu - Duration: 2:07:49.I keep telling you
It can be seen from there.
The day you get caught
Let me get caught.
What do you mean?
Let everyone know everything.
Then how do you intend everyone?
Let's go over there.
Madhuri. Madhu.
You are so nice.
You know what he says?
Let it be. You don't need to hear.
Tell me what he says.
He says you are a loafer.
He says you go around doing theatre.
In different villages
I go and perform
What else does he say?
Why are you getting angry?
I'm not getting angry.
He burned down the whole village.
Am I burning or is he burning?
Now you have got angry.
He is your father.
Guess what I have brought for you?
A garland?
I got it today. I got it today.
This is not just a song.
All of this month we
..and have rigorous
I so want to see your performance.
But father does not allow me.
Don't worry about that.
From the king's dialogues
..I will narrate all of them to you.
Put your neck forward. Give.
I have kept everyone waiting
Put your neck forward.
I'm feeling shy.
Why are you feeling
Okay, close your eyes,
Why are your eyes blinking?
It has suited you.
I'm taking it off.
I'm taking it off; someone
From tomorrow we will
Beuti's garden?
We will meet near the Krishna tree.
But that is very far.
Let it be far.
At least we will be
..we will be caught.
Come tomorrow afternoon.
Tomorrow afternoon?
Yes, it is perfect.
The shade of the tree,
..only you and me.
And imagine..
You made me lose track
..questioning in the
I had such a lovely thought.
There is no use in thinking.
You only chew your
I'm telling the truth, Madhuri.
Whenever I think of you chest, no this side of the chest.
It is not a joke.
Otherwise, everyday I would have recited
Mother is calling. Now go.
Are you coming tomorrow?
Yes. You go from here.
Madhuri, did you see.
Come! Come!
We were talking about you?
Alone he has changed
And he has brought all
What do you mean into his house?
He has donated with both hands..
.. for the welfare of others.
Always I have asked
No one appreciates it.
You have said the right thing.
They will ask for help and abuse..
.. behind your back as well.
That is their manners.
No one will ever
Let them be that way.
Nothing will ever happen to them.
All day they only
Can't you see the
Nothing but commotion and meetings.
Why? They are helping the village.
You have said the right thing.
There is no social responsibility.
Didn't you see what happened
They cancelled the wedding
I don't see any fault in this.
Instead of marrying her
..they married her to some good boy.
I think that was a very good decision.
Good decision?
You keep quiet.
Hari, are you looking
He should be a big
You don't have to
Can't take care of your girl,
Mind your language.
Why are you getting
Don't fight. Don't fight.
Do any if you have
What do you mean if we have?
Why didn't you tell us earlier?
There is a suitable
Yes, belongs to a good family.
Whom are you talking about?
Our Sidu. Siddeshwar.
What did you say?
My daughter will be
All day he creates commotion.
Get out. Get out of here.
I'm leaving. Why do you have to shoot?
What did I say by mistake?
Get out. Get lost.
Has bigger talk than a mouth.
My daughter Madhuri and
Oh my God. Did you see Dutta's brains?
Very good snacks. Hot and delicious.
Hari. I won't say it again?
Hari, may I come in?
Come in.
Don't you dare say
Scoundrel and brat of a boy.
Why weren't you saying a little
Why are you saying? It is Hari's wish.
If he wishes he can shoot me.
Where are you tiptoeing away?
Who is tiptoeing?
However you are going?
You won't go anywhere in this heat.
Peel the fruits and
I give it everyday. Today you give.
Let me go to sister Minati house once.
No. No need to go anywhere.
Let me go once, mother.
She has come back
She told me so many times.
Let me go for once.
Okay, go.
But don't go and play
If you catch a cold I have to work.
Lovely mother.
Why did you turn your face?
Are you angry?
Go. I came after so much of trouble.
And you turned your face away.
I will go away.
As if I can't get angry.
I have been standing
But there is no sign of you.
I wasn't allowed to leave.
I came with the excuse
Where can we sit?
Over here.
Why are you swinging
There is a breeze blowing.
There is hardly a breeze.
You are feeling very hot.
I'm feeling hot my foot.
Where did you get it?
Where will I get it?
I got it under the shade.
Except my heart full of.. that.
You say.
No, I won't be able to say.
That means love.
You don't love me a little bit.
What? I don't love you?
For you I can destroy
And you are saying
You managed to state this fact,
Fine, what will I have
Will you be able to tell father this?
Your father? Immediately.
Let it be. Showing of your guts.
I accept that you love me.
Then will you do one thing?
Sing me a song.
No, I'm feeling shy.
Who will see here?
I will sing softly.
Mother, why are you like this?
Mother, why are you like this?
You keep your feet
..and then you feel embarrassed.
Mother, why are you like this?
You come forward holding
You come forward holding
Wearing a skulled
Wearing a skulled
Mother, why are you like this?
Your jewellery is dripping with blood.
Your jewellery is dripping with blood.
You are a monster
That is why I say this;
As a scary mother,
You came as Kali when
And then you put your
And then you put your
And yet everyone forgets your faults.
And yet everyone forgets your faults.
Mother, why are you like this?
You keep your feet
..and then you feel embarrassed.
..and then you feel embarrassed.
..and then you feel embarrassed.
What happened?
You didn't comment on my singing.
Death. Mother.
Moon, pleasant wind,
I have never learnt that song.
Father always insists
Holy songs?
Which means you must be knowing..
..Radha-Krishna songs as well.
Sing one of those now.
No more. If I get late
I'm going.
Are you coming tomorrow?
I will try.
No try. You have to come.
Is this a harmonium?
After 3 hours only
As if a donkey is singing.
I had told you to fix it.
You had told me to fix it.
Sing without any music.
Without any music? Okay. Hold this.
First listen to it properly.
I have come with a bride in my arms.
You have come.
Listen to me!
Hey listen to me!
Won't you let them learn their part?
Everyday you teach them.
I have such a big part.
We can't find anyone.
Otherwise can anyone
.. looks play a woman's role?
What? What did you say?
Fine you manage the friends.
What has happened?
Shall I manage the
Let the friends go.
We will darken the stage.
It will be no use
You all go.
Let it be the will
Sidu hasn't come today.
Everyday he goes away
What love. And he even has the cover.
Cover. He must be having fun now.
Let him have fun.
He is the head of
Our leader.
Why are you getting jealous
What is it?
You have stopped the
Sidu, you have come?
Sidu, let's come to a decision today.
Let the marriage happen
Marriage? Whose marriage?
Your. How long will you hide and love?
Now that you have fallen in love,
Yes, get married soon.
Then we will stage our play.
That will be good.
Madhuri bhabhi will
I haven't thought of this earlier.
There is no thinking about it.
But Madhuri's father gets angry at..
..the very mention of my name.
How can we do it
It will happen without his permission.
He has lot of anger against us.
We will show him what
It is not a bad idea.
I will get married.
Hurray. Hurray. Then the
Will bhabhi also come to see it, Sidu?
Yes, but with her mouth shut.
I'm really thinking about it.
Why didn't I get married earlier?
Then I will talk to Madhuri
That's good.
You all sit. I will be right back.
Where is the betel leaf?
I'm coming.
Panchu's mother was saying
..good son in Barun's family.
Find out about it.
Alpaar's Barun.
Just because they have
..with their farming
..give my daughter's hand in marriage.
You don't seem to like any family.
Does that mean that your
It will happen.
Do you think that I'm sitting quietly?
Are you discussing somewhere?
Please tell.
It should be a secret.
There are enemies all around.
If any one learns that
..the son of Calcutta's
..then they will bang
Ship owner?
Yes, he is owner of 3 ships.
So you had hidden this
Couldn't you tell at least me?
That day Dutta had come to advice..
.. me on Madhuri's marriage.
Finally he couldn't hold
To give her hand to that brat Sidu.
What do they think?
Very good. We have reached.
I will get on you back
Don't be angry.
.. on your back many times.
Come on. Come.
If anyone gives such
..kill them and set
Why are you panting?
My marriage.
I have come to talk about that.
My father has fixed up everything.
With some ship owner's son.
Ship owner's?
Yes. He is ruling the seas.
Let him rule the seas.
To you?
With father's permission?
If he gives his permission then fine.
If he doesn't then the marriage
I'm feeling very scared.
Why are you feeling scared?
There is no fear.
No I am afraid.
What will happen?
He can't ignore his
If you wear the vermilion,
Then it is decided.
If my father insults you,
Shut up. Why will you hang yourself?
We will tie the knot
Why are you thinking so much?
Even if your father refuses,
How will it happen?
That is being arranged.
The I will send you will go through aunt Bamun.
But I'm afraid.
That is the problem. Know no fear.
If you want anything is possible.
If you don't then nothing will happen.
Let us fool the ship
Then we will get onto
What nonsense you speak?
It is not nonsense,
Everybody in the will village see it.
If you can get rid of that
I have to do something about it.
Do you know that a club has been..
.. established at Mahinder?
There is one at Mahinder as well.
These things are spreading everywhere.
Do you know when an ant grows wings?
During the monsoons.
Shut up. Shut up. Just before death.
He knows he's going to die.
Tell Mahinder that
.. find a pistol in his house.
Is this happening
If you work with useless
..of guns will be found in the house.
Then for 6 years he will be prison.
May I come in.
It is that boy? Look at his guts.
Whom are you talking about? Who is it?
I'm Sidu.
What do you want? Donation?
I have not come for that.
It isn't right on your part to
What do you say?
Keep quiet. What do you want?
I have come for your permission.
For what?
It is about Madhuri.
Your daughter. I want to marry her.
What did you say?
You have come for my permission.
You are an elder that is
If not then also the
Wedding will take place.
Don't you feel scared in talking
Why should I be scared of marriage?
Good bye.
Madhuri. Madhuri.
Where is Madhuri?
What happened? Why are you shouting?
I will kill her.
Why? What has she done?
She has learnt to love.
That brat Sidu came
.. face in front of everyone
In front of everyone.
I will not leave her so easily.
What are you saying?
Then I will kill that Sidu.
Don't go to do such things.
Don't lose your temper.
And no need to tell
Whatever has to be said, I will say.
Fine. But remember one thing.
Madhuri shouldn't
If I ever hear that she
..then I will not forgive anyone.
If it was anybody else's
But this is the daughter
Stop that about Hari Narayan.
Why are you being so scared?
You don't understand, dear.
If I wed them in hiding,
.. my funeral procession
Don't you fear me?
I should fear you? What do you mean?
It is very simple.
Do you know what I will do?
Oh God. What kind of trouble is this?
Yes, trouble. A very big trouble.
Tell him what I will do?
When you sleep at night,
And the next day
.. two bones among the ashes.
What do you say?
Oh my God. What kind of talk is that?
You are capable of that.
Let me be alive.
You have to wed Madhuri
If you see the time of have to cut the
..and make it auspicious.
In other words,
That too with all
Did you understand?
Then we are going.
You guys and finish the shopping.
Aunty. Aunty.
Did the priest agree?
Yes, all that is done. Listen.
What are you saying?
In a hurry you are
How am I supposed to understand them?
Hurry up.
It is done, dear.
I will sprinkle the holy water.
Peace! Peace! Peace!
All the females,
Blow the horn.
Sidu, the marriage has taken place.
Time to celebrate.
Open the door.
Break the door.
Open the door.
Everyone be silent.
What are you saying, Sidu?
If I open the door they will come in.
Do as I say? If we don't open it,
It is not my fault, Hari Narayan.
They forced me into this.
Forced you?
I don't accept this marriage.
You leave her. We have been married.
Go away from here.
No, Hari Narayan.
Despite eloping, this marriage the proper rituals.
Shut up. I do not these rituals.
This wedding did not
Beat up the boy and
Leave me. I will not go.
Oh God.
Haren. Bhamesh. Don't fight.
Leave me. Let me go.
Come. Come with me.
What has happened?
Pick him up. Take him to the room.
C'mon, hold it.
Stay here.
The marriage has happened?
Didn't you even think
I will kill her.
Mother, let me go once. Let me go.
He has probably been killed.
What? What have you done?
Yes, his corpse will
What did you do?
What did you do in your fit of rage?
Whatever I have done is for the good.
Yes, I have done the right thing.
You did not listen to us.
Otherwise how could they have taken..
.. Madhuri bhabhi away from you?
They did such injustice
If it had been little more
No more, Sidu.
Yes, I will arrange 5 witnesses.
If not hanged, he will be imprisoned..
.. for at least 7 years.
This is not a matter of courts.
We will just go and
Don't create a commotion
You are saying no to everything.
If you go to do anything now,
Whatever you say, Sidu. But we lost.
Let me get well, then..
Someone fell into the water.
What is the use of crying, Sidu?
Sidu, let's go home!
Did you call me, dear?
I will say.
Bhamesh, call just the priest once.
Aunty, I will go away
You will go away? Why?
You explain it to him aunty.
We are trying so hard,
Telling that he will go on an exile.
You leave your home and go away?
Don't do anything like that.
It will pain me to leave you and go.
But I will not be able to stay here.
Everyone in this village
You have looked after
Everything is here.
How long will I look
Kill me. Beat me up.
Why are you feeling scared?
Don't pull me anymore, dear.
Leave him. You come and sit here.
That day, on seeing Hari Narayan..
..I revealed that the
I'm telling you.
I will do the thread ceremony,
..even the house warming ceremony.
But I will not wed anyone anymore.
Not a wedding.
Not a wedding? You saved me.
I'm going away from here tomorrow.
You are going?
You didn't manage to
So please take your
And I want to leave Bhola with you.
You mean your ox?
Yes. Has been with me since childhood.
I have given it a lot of love.
You have couple of oxs.
How will I look after him?
Will he live long?
Yes, if he is taken care of,
I'm donating him to you.
I will make all the
Please don't say no.
Okay, I will accept your donation.
Baren, take all of the
And take Bhola also to his house.
I will take him inside the house.
Take Haren along.
Come, Haren. Come.
I'm confused. I have been
But I can't find the person
What a problem?
Where do they keep
What kind of problem are we stuck in?
Earlier it used to be only the area.
Now it is the colony.
You are given the number 25.
When you reach the house 24 and you..
.. see the next house number is 31 .
How does it feel then?
Are we going ahead or backward?
I can't hear anyone
Let's go and check it out.
How much longer will we check it?
Let's do one thing.
Return? How can we return?
If we go back empty
..get a scolding from Chitragupt and..
..we will lose our job as well.
Will you be able to manage that?
There is no use in
Somehow and from somewhere..
..we have to take a dead man.
Let's go.
Let's go then.
No, we couldn't find anything.
If a person dies,
That used to happen earlier.
Earlier when a person used
..and pour holy water into the mouth.
And these days as
..relatives put their hands
What do you mean in the pocket?
I mean they search
There is no time to cry.
Let's proceed.
Look. A dead man.
It is still beating.
After sometime the soul will come out.
But the person we
..commit suicide by hanging himself.
He is not that person.
Shut up. We have no choice.
We will take a live person.
Let him die first.
Then when the soul comes out we will..
..catch it and proceed
We can't wait till the soul comes out.
We have wandered around all night.
If we delay any longer, Chitragupt..
..will take our jobs away.
We will take him away in
if he dies on the way, then fine.
Otherwise we will wait
But if he doesn't die before dawn.
Then how will we get a soul?
How will we get a soul?
If we smash his head
.. the soul will come out.
But we don't have the
We won't kill him here.
We will take him to heaven first.
Once we reach there
Then with two blows
Come on. Pick him up.
What have you dressed up as?
We are the Demons.
For which role? Mahesasur's?
This is not a role.
We are not dressed up.
Leave me.
Am I dead or what?
Why will you die?
We will take you alive.
The lord has called for you.
You will return on meeting him.
The lord has called for me.
I will return on meeting him.
Assume that a girl
Can she been seen in heaven?
Of course she can be. Come with us.
You will find her in
Will they allow me
Of course. Come, brother.
A horned beast calls me his brother.
If I see that all of it is a farce,
Take me on your back.
Why will I take you on my back?
It's too far. -I'll thrash you.
People do so much to save a job.
Nice place.
Was thinking that if
..I will set up a
Where have you brought me?
Wouldn't it be nice
.. for pilgrims in such a place?
It would be very nice.
Hold on tight now.
We will jump.
My lord, this man was a rice farmer.
He took up another
..sold rice worth millions
What devilry?
My lord, I m sorry. Please forgive me.
In the next life I will
Keep quiet.
Chitragupt, write it down.
I want him to be sentenced
Write it down.
As you say.
Take him away.
I'm sorry. All of it wasn't rice.
Half of it was stones.
My lord, half of it was stones.
Then his punishment
Let it be then.
Go, it has been halved.
Wait here.
You hold him.
Why a club, brother?
Why are you calling me a brother now?
When it is brought
Do you want to enter heaven alive?
Then we will lose our jobs.
So you will keep your
Yes, we will.
Not your soul. Your head.
What are you doing?
Don't come near.
If you come near I will tickle you.
Stop! Stop!
What is this?
Whom did I ask you to
And how did he enter
Why are you quiet?
What can we do?
Get out of here. Get out.
Chitragupt, you have to
What do you mean tie me up?
You will have judged.
I will be judged? I'm not dead yet.
Judgement is done after death.
No matter who comes into my court,
You will be imprisoned for a few days.
After that you will be judged.
What kind of judgement is this?
It doesn't matter if
But just arrests him in a hurry.
Then we will prove him
What a nice trick, sir.
Mind your manners.
A half dead old man.
What is my fault, sir?
A live man is not allowed
You have violated that law.
Have I come myself? I was asleep.
Your men got me here forcefully..
.. and then tried to kill him.
And you are leaving
Let me return once.
Why are you getting angry? Calm down.
I understand it's a mistake.
Aunty? You are here?
Yes, the men brought me up here.
They are bringing me
But no judgement is being passed.
And if I protest,
Don't you have a female demon?
.. drag a woman to court?
She is a sinner.
Don't misunderstand.
Had thought about eating a piece of..
..sweet on a day of fasting.
Just because you had thought of it?
It is from the thought
And from such thoughts sins arise.
And one has to pay for the sins.
Then how can she be saved from this?
Will it do with virtue?
Fine, give her half of mine virtues.
Check the virtues of our guest.
Get this file.
As you say.
My lord, this man has serving the poor and the needy.
And because of these deeds
I leave the decision to you, my lord.
Being a Brahmin's son call it virtous, Vichitragupt?
You are saying the
In the name of virtue
He has not been able
I haven't carried any virtues?
On my way up here
..start a hospital, an orphanage and.. old age home.
Doesn't all these thoughts count?
You had thought.
Do you gain virtue only by thinking?
Aunty had also just thought.
Why don't I get a
I didn't realise that there
Of course there will be.
You have been carrying forward these..
.. rules since ancient times.
You have been working
I have got it.
You have got it.
So smart. He found it so fast.
But it is to less.
It is okay.
What do you say?
Who has written it?
You have written
Ox donated to a Brahmin.
It is all wrong. It is wrong.
You make the wrong reports
Let me return to earth once.
If I don't expos all of this
Calm down. Calm down.
I will investigate it myself.
Find out if he actually
..just think about donating it.
He actually donated it, my lord.
But the ox died 3 days later.
As he is not getting
.. he will take re-birth,
..heaven and eating
I want to see it with my own eyes.
As you say, my lord.
Bring this ox here.
Don't worry, aunty. You will
You are talking about an ox? Which ox?
My Bhola.
That died along with you.
Aunty, have you seen
No. But I have heard that
She has gone to another heaven.
Then I have to search the heavens.
Aunty, as soon as the ox comes,
If you if you meet
..I have come and will meet her soon.
Of course I will say.
Is this the ox?
Yes, my lord.
Bhola. You have improved your health.
I believe you are eating a lot.
Sir, then let my aunty released from here.
Yes, with half of allowed to go
Send her to Vishnu's heaven.
Vichitragupt, write it down.
Listen, even though without dying,
That means punishment without dying?
Yes, whether you are
..obey the rules of this heaven.
That is very harsh.
What is your reward for the virtues?
Decide whether you want
..or the punishment
What's this? This is a bad thing!
Well, what is the
He will be allowed to reside
You can go anywhere around the place.
Which means I can
But because of your sins you will be..
..restricted to this land only.
What a reward for my virtues?
I came here and can't meet God.
I heard you can see
Don't trouble me. You can't
Tell me. whether you will
No, virtues.
But how can I travel
If you want,
But now he is heaven.
He is your ox.
He will obey only you.
If I ask him to take
..I mean God, will that happen?
Don't keep troubling
Only Lord Vishnu himself
..for the entrance into his lands.
I see.
Then I will test and see
Bhola, if you are long as my reward
..till then you will
..the Dharmraj with your horns.
Oh God. I will die.
Bhola hit him. Hit him.
Good work, Bhola.
Make sure that they don't come back.
Won't let me go.
As if Vishnu's lands
I will go to whichever heaven I wish.
I will go to Indra's heaven,
..Shiva's heaven.
Climb on the back of an ox.
Why should I climb on
I will climb on to the throne.
Who are you? Come here. Come here.
Why are you shivering?
If he hits me?
No, he will not hit you.
Don't be afraid.
How long have you been working here?
2,93,20,000 years and 6 months.
But my job hasn't been confirmed yet.
You aren't confirmed yet?
I see the old man has
I have been due for a long time.
Then as long as I'm shall be my prime minister.
I will change all the
Go and sit.
I hail you.
I'm being rewarded
Let's go and look for happiness.
Let's go and look for happiness.
Let's look at nectar
Let's look at nectar
The nectar of eternal happiness.
Let's go and look for happiness.
In your shadows,
Your lotus is full of purity
Your lotus is full of purity
Let's go and look for happiness.
Your eye is like a candle
Your eye is like a candle
I seek refuge in none but you.
Let's go and look for happiness.
Let's go and look for happiness.
Wonderful. Your song is so beautiful.
Saint Narad,
.. listening to your song.
Lord Vishnu.
Who is it? Who calls out my name?
It seems as if it is the Dharmraj.
Yes, and along with him is Chitragupt.
They seem to be bringing
Lord protect us. Protect us.
What has happened?
Lord, an ox.
It is my fault, my lord.
I gave a boon to a man and his ox..
..has been chasing us since.
We would have been hit.
We run to you, my lord.
Which demon have you angered, my lord.
He is not a lord.
A Bengali.
You couldn't get him the right one.
Save us, My lord.
Everything is a chaos.
Calm down. Let me think.
Will that ox come here as well?
No, I have made a border where no..
.. earthling can enter my domain.
My Lord, which demon is troubling.. in the form of a man?
How did he enter heave?
What will I say? It is his fault.
Why are you blaming me?
How would I know that
..such a big catastrophe.
Shut up.
My lord, under the
..the demons presented
When I told him to
After coming so close, I'll
I tried to stop him,
..that he would get angry
He wants to meet me?
In his last life
.. he earned, Dharmaraj?
He didn't do anything.
He has only donated
Yes, that too the
It died after 3 days.
It came into heaven and grew so big.
Disloyal. Attacked us with his horns.
My lord, I have lost
Calm down.
..along with Chitragupt.
I will send Saint Narad there.
My lord, I spend my
Why are you making
You will ask him that
.. ox after Dharmaraj?
And what does he want?
What is this order, God?
I'm ready to go into
I'll do it willingly.
I have faced many
On your orders,
But God, he is a live Bengali.
How will I make him understand?
Just talk to him politely
Go, Saint. Travel to him.
But will Saint Narad
If there is any trouble, I will go.
A small baby dies
A 20 year old boy
He had to die because of droughts..
..then why was he born?
That is true.
It won't do. It won't do. You write.
No man will die before
They will be immortals
Not only will they be alive
I'm confused. What shall I write?
Write, no human shall human shall die..
I have written it.
Vichitragupt, the words I'm saying..
..can you understand them?
The more words I'm hearing from you..
..the more confused I'm getting.
You are getting confused?
The people who are ruling
They have decorated
But the ones they are ruling
You have said the truth.
They are dropping. I will show them.
Once let me go back.
I will reveal all the
..who sit in the temples.
When they enter heaven
..understand what
Hail you, young man.
Young man.
Young man?
You called me a young man?
I'm Narad.
Narad? The singer of the Gods?
God bless you.
I have heard that
Yes that I do.
Do I want to hear?
What do you say, Vichitragupt?
Let's hear one. Sure. Come, sit.
Just sing a melodious song.
No. No. Do you know the modern tunes?
Modern tunes?
I have never even heard its name.
Find out if there is
..used to sing the modern songs?
You will learn it within 2 hours.
You just have to learn the lyrics..
.. and then place it into tune.
Does your voice shiver?
Like this?
Oh.. this.. I mean..
Don't worry. I will teach you.
As long as I'm here you
How much do you want as your salary?
I'm the son of a beggar.
Whatever little I get in alms,
So you are giving an excuse.
You are in heaven that
If you were on earth you would have..
..understood the competition.
Now that I have found you,
What do you mean that
God is waiting for me there.
Let me go for once.
Lord Vishnu?
Yes, he has sent me to you.
Sent you to me?
He wants to know why
..Dharmaraj with an ox?
What do you want?
I will not say.
No. You have a big mouth.
If I tell you,
If he wants to know then
Okay. Then I will inform
Please do.
May I leave now.
I will listen to your
Make sure you come.
Of course, you should hear.
Good bye. Good bye.
Such a famous singer
Each of them some animal.
Cow, rat, goat and the
And he is not saying anything either.
It is a matter of shame.
Narayan. Narayan.
What happened?
Why else should it tremble?
Oh God, modern song.
Modern song? What is that?
I'm saying. I'm saying.
At your orders I risked
.. to the live Bengali in heaven.
I see that the Bengali
What is the ox doing?
Shut up.
Because of your mistake
Because of your mistake
Even I'm trembling with fear.
My Lord, Chitragupt should
Why are you scolding me
That is your manner.
What is my manner? What?
To fill ears.
Calm down, saint.
He asked me to sing a modern song.
But when he learnt
..he decided to teach me
I ran away with your name on my lips.
Did you inform me of my wishes?
Yes, I did.
He said that he wouldn't
I have a big mouth,
He said that if God
..then ask Him to come personally.
What? A normal man defies my orders.
He refuses to abide by my wishes?
My lord,
..then all the heavens
Amazing, such a thing
If you don't show mercy.
If you don't meet him once, who will..
.. help us in this hour of need?
Calm down. I will go there.
My lord, shall I inform Lord Indra?
Yes. And not only Lord Indra,
My lord, will Saint Narad
Don't be impatient, Dharmaraj.
Everything is happening.
Something has to be
What are you writing
A habit of a billion years.
He has gone to sleep.
Vichitragupt. Vichitragupt.
No-no. It is okay.
I woke you up.
If a person drowns and dies.
Or hangs oneself.
I mean, commits suicide.
Yes, my lord.
I have to do something
What will you do for suicides,
Will you hear?
Yes, my lord.
Will you understand?
Think that a person,
Ok, fine.
But does not die.
He started swimming, right?
What if he doesn't know swimming?
Then there is only 1 feet of water.
The water is very deep.
He jumped in a deep water body.
He is struggling.
He is drowning.
Coming up.
Drowning again.
Coming up.
And suddenly the river dries up.
You prevented the suicide
Then again if someone ties a rope..
.. against the branch of a tree.
The neck broke?
No. The branch broke.
He fell, but did not die.
What brains.
I have to take out a
I will change all
First I have to check
Just get the files.
Who is it?
I'm a Brahmin?
Dead or alive? You seemed stunned.
I believe they got
No.. I understand. I understand.
Can any human make friends
Come and sit. Sit.
I found a person to speak to.
This Dharmaraj. What is
But does justice exist here.
He kills people on
Isn't there any record?
No record. Just writes
But I don't blame Dharmaraj.
But his assistant is a scoundrel.
Doesn't follow any rules or any laws.
You are alive that
If you were dead
.. it all with your lips sealed.
I feel very happy talking to you.
I have hardly said anything.
If I had said everything, then you..
.. would have died of hatred.
I'm not dead. The picked me up alive.
I didn't say a word.
All I said was that
That they didn't allow.
If you meet him what
I will tell him everything.
Barun is sleeping.
He has taken bribes by throwing dust..
..into Dharamraj's eyes.
Everyone is corrupt.
But He is not at fault.
You seem to be a staunch
Whatever I believe,
Lord Vishnu and Baba Bholanath.
The rest are just bogus.
But all these injustice
..the wishes of God.
That can't happen, sir.
Brothers are after each other's blood.
No respect for the wise.
Excess rainfall,
.. according to God's wishes?
All this is being done by man.
God is just sitting
But to stop these injustices,
..and peace,
All of them have said the wrong thing.
Some have said bear it all.
And some even said that
They have just spun their own web.
The hydrogen bomb. Atom bomb.
They are making all this.
When they explode together,
They are trying to reach
Praise be to the lord
I bow to thee, O holy one!
Has the whole world indulged
Not only India, my lord.
All the countries have forgotten..
.. the meaning of peace.
No peace.
India is so small.
The whole world ahs been torn apart.
You only had said, my lord.
Whenever there is
..on this planet,
Either as a sage or as a warrior.. all the ages of man.
I had said.
You had come down
..and taken the side of the good.
Now there are millions
If you don't go yourself,
I will go myself. You have met me now.
Now, please return back.
Return back?
Yes, I will return. Call Dharmaraj.
We will settle all the formalities.
But I had a small request, my lord.
What? Say.
I wanted to see the heavens.
I understood.
Your wish is granted.
Here is the file.
Bhola, don't hit anyone.
Look, my lord. That human.
Shut up. Let's go from here.
Dare you criticise the king Nandi.
You're done for!
Before you do that
Our king Bhingi is
No, Nandi King is the
Mind your language,
Oh my God,
Doesn't he look familiar?
He is the man from our
You have come at the right time.
You say who is bigger?
If I don't say?
If you don't say we will bite you.
We will scratch you.
You will bite me? You will scratch me?
I will tell mother.
I'm going to mother.
I will tell her.
Will he tell mother?
Why do you have to tell
Of course I will tell her.
That boy started the topic.
Will you say that again?
Hold your ears. Hold your ears.
Oh God.
Why aren't you doing it?
Which team are you on?
Trying to be neutral.
I am rubbing it.
Stand up. Stand up.
Say, Nandi
Do sit ups. Don't make any mistake.
If you make any,
One man has so many qualities.
So many qualities.
And that person is Bholanath.
Bom, bom, bom, Bholanath.
His dance is that of destruction.
His dance is that of destruction.
And then He dances gracefully.
And then He dances gracefully.
And that person is Bholanath.
Bom, bom, bom, Bholanath.
Bom, bom, bom, Bholanath.
Lord take the pipe
Lord take the pipe
When you try to walk to
You go to the right.
When you try to walk to
And that person is Bholanath.
Bom, bom, bom, Bholanath.
Bom, bom, bom, Bholanath.
One man has so many qualities.
So many qualities.
And that person is Bholanath.
Bom, bom, bom, Bholanath.
How did you come here?
I was just roaming
Who are you?
We are Lord Shiva's followers.
I'm Nandi. And he is..
Bhingi. You are the
I have heard a lot about you.
I was wondering if
You are from my mother's land.
You are my own family.
Don't feel shy.
I don't have all that.
What? That is an offering of the God.
Yes, it has been touched at his feet.
Take one puff.
I will take one puff.
If you don't have this,
.. the true meaning of God.
Take a puff and say,
Bom-bom Bholanath.
Now draw it in.
Don't you dare blow it out.
You know what Lord Shiva says?
He says earth and
Smoke. Smoke is the
Sir, is the mountain swaying?
I thought it was moving.
How can it move?
The Kailash were Shiva sits,
..courage and power to move it.
Eat this.
What is it?
To meet the lord you
Why are you scowling?
It stinks?
You are saying the lord's food stinks.
You call the milk product stinks?
Milk product?
Still you didn't understand? Cow.
Now I understood.
Grandmother used to say
What did you have at home?
The ones that we used
Yes, Bhingi.
Don't give him the pipe anymore.
Why? - After one puff
After 2nd puff God knows
Nandi; is my Madhuri here.
What did you say? Madhuri? Who is she?
No, there is no one
This is the place of ghosts.
If you want Madhuri
And if you want any other girl,
She is not here either.
Let her not be here.
I will search for her.
Where is mother, brother Bhingi?
Let me meet her once.
With whom will you talk?
After the festivals
..mother comes back,
Why do you have to manage her?
She can't hear anything.
Why does she go deaf?
Because of some instrument
..from which we loud music comes out.
I understood. Loud speaker.
What speaker?
I came to Kailash.
I could neither meet mom nor dad.
I would have stayed back a few days.
But I have no choice.
It felt nice to meet you.
Hail Bholanath.
Hail Bholanath.
Bhingi, both are same.
Let it be.
Hail Bholanath, Hail Bholanath.
This is Indra's land?
Yes, this is Indra's land.
Please be seated.
I haven't come here to sit.
Would you know her? Madhuri.
Can you say where I can find Madhuri?
You can go to the flower garden.
Many people come there.
I might find her there.
Fine. Thank you.
Which part of Indra's land is this?
It is Madhavi's garden.
It is a nice place.
Good looking people.
You have said the right thing.
We are the worshippers of beauty.
And we roam around this land of Lord Indra.
Excuse me, sir.
Why are you calling me gentleman?
I am confused. I can't find anywhere.
What? Flower.
Beauty. Love.
Then accept this flower
.. filled with joy because of the fit.
Keep the poems aside.
You liked it very much. Get lost.
Today there is no
What is the matter?
What will you do by listening?
What is the matter Madhuri?
What can you hear?
I can hear a sound.
What sound?
No, I must be mistaken.
It is not my mistake.
Can't you hear?
Does that mean he has come?
You have come.
Madhuri, you are here. You are here.
How did you come here alive?
How did I come alive?
What are you doing here?
I'm learning how to dance.
Yes. Lady Rupasi
Lady Rupasi. From mythology?
I have heard she dances very well.
I don't know what to say.
My tongue seems to be in a knot.
Mine as well.
But I can't say anything.
It happens.
After some time you
..a flow in our conversation.
I was very upset when
You wanted to know how I came.
At first you know what happened?
Why are you sleeping? Get up.
I had fallen asleep.
Here eat this.
Why did you have
You can get them just
What is happening?
Lord Indra is going to his court.
Lady Rupasi will be
Really? Let's go. Let's see the dance.
That is Lord Indra and Lady Sati.
That lady Sati whom the demons..
..had kidnapped many times?
Keep quiet. They will hear you.
Lady Maneka and Lady Rambha.
So they were the
..the meditation of sages?
They are not like what I had heard.
Lady Rupasi.
Who is disrespecting the pure art?
Me, sir. Were you talking
Where I come from
..singers and dancers.
But because very few is a matter of the Gods.
How did you come here?
Lord Vishnu.
Lord Vishnu?
Yes, he gave me the permission to..
..wander around the heavens.
You have decorated
I will return and
What will be the expenditure?
That I will tell you later.
Maneka and Rambha will dance.
No, I don't like that.
You have no taste of the modern era.
But in our place
What is that?
Will you see?
Just show them the modern dance.
What is that?
What do you mean you
What did you do?
What is there to know?
Go and dance.
Very nice.
Rupasi, Maneka and
..the modern dance from Madhuri.
My lord, forgive me.
He is my teacher.
Let him bear the responsibility
Very good.
What did you do? Now how do I say no?
Fine. I will teach dancing.
Sir, please teach us the modern dance.
Start our lessons immediately.
Yes, we are honoured
Why are you getting impatient?
When I have told you that
I release myself by burdening
Courtiers, the court is closed.
You make the provisions
We will be back. Come.
A little faster.
Don't stop. Keep moving.
What happened, Rupasi?
Teacher, what is the name of dance?
What curiosity, Rambha. I'm pleased.
This curiosity is
The name of this dance is hum-hum,
How is the name? Hum-hum, guri-guri.
I will show you another dance.
Do this.
Swing your waist.
Move it.
It is not moving any more.
It will not move.
When the waist does not move..
..see what you have to do.
Like this. It is not moving anymore.
Like this.
Do it. It is not moving.
Faster. Faster.
Amazing. He taught us amazing dances.
The whole body is filled with joy.
My lord, we will learn
Fine. That is what will happen.
You are tired. Go and take rest.
Let him rest as well.
My guest, they are very pleased.. have you as their teacher.
They will be.
With your permission,
Say what you want to say?
It is a personal thing.
I mean I can't understand
..and which one to say second.
No one can live peacefully on Earth.
One side says we will destroy you.
And the other side
Can't you do anything about it?
I had heard that Earth
But what I'm hearing from
Only weapons are beings made.
New techniques to kill
But think about those
Humans are so small.
Yet they are jealous of each other.
They wish for the
Have they become so
..just inventing
Yes. Your lightning
Just strike such industries
On hearing your words
Something has to be
Fine, I will discuss
Please do it in a hurry.
Any moment something might happen.
Fine. You go and take rest.
I will listen to
How could you think that
Why did you ask me to dance?
I had learnt dance here.
I taught them the dance of earth and..
..the ghosts of Shiva mixed together.
You at least got a job.
A good job.
Lady Rupasi was learning
Really? Let her learn it.
But if she goes to disturb
..then she will get
Then it will be difficult
What a trouble I have fallen into.
I can't find a place
Now there is a new problem.
We separated for a few days.
But it feels as if I
Don't go away again.
I won't go away again.
Hail Lord Vishnu.
So be it.
Why are you shouting
Who are you?
I'm Vishnu's messenger.
Lord Vishnu has sent me.
You will go away? Why?
I had promised Lord
..go back to earth
You will go away? And me?
I don't want to stay in heaven.
Come with me.
No, don't take him away. I
Don't cry, Madhuri. I will not go.
You won't abide the
She will sit here and cry.
You won't go?
I won't leave you and go, Madhavi.
Come on. We will go there.
Madhuri, why are you worrying?
I'm here with you.
Guests, Lord Indra has called for you.
What can be the matter, Madhuri?
I am very scared. I guess
Ok, you may go. I am coming.
What will happen now?
Nothing will go wrong.
If I will have to leave,
You will take me along with you?
Wait for me, I am coming.
You got the scolding, didn't you?
You disobeyed Lord
Just think about it once.
We didn't even spent a day together.
I got her after so much difficulty.
Can I leave her just like that?
I can understand it..
..but what promise did
At that time I didn't know..
..that living without Madhuri
Then you will have to
You return to planet earth right now.
You won't consider my request.
Ok, then, I will go,
No, you can't go to Vishnulok.
You will have to go to..
..the planet earth from here itself.
There are lord Vishnu's guards.
They will drop you at planet earth.
But lord Vishnu himself
Then what's the problem
I see.
Ok, then, you may go.
I have only one request.
What is that? go to Vishnulok along with me.
No. No. That is not possible.
But it's written in our tradition.
I am going to meet Lakshminarayan
..and you want me
But.. - Please don't say anything.
Can't I expect at least this from you?
Ok, take Madhuri along with you.
But make sure that Madhuri
You need not to tell me that.
Thank you very much.
Wait here for a moment.
Is he there?
Do one thing.
The moment lord Vishnu enters,
You are right,
Where are they taking
They are taking it to Mother.
I see. Now I knew why Mother
What did you know?
But where is the rice
That's the reason the
..and the poor are becoming poorer.
I understood everything.
Let's go. Mother is alone over there.
Who are you?
..and we came to you with a request.
Trouble? How can there
Tell me what your problem is.
Mother, Lord Vishnu go to return to earth again.
If he leaves then how
He ordered your
Mother, it's not
He just fulfilled my wish.
..once and then to go.
Mother, it's your
If you want to do
..then let me be with her,
Permit me to take Madhuri
Nothing is impossible for God,
No, that's not true.
Ask me something else other than this.
I don't have any other wish.
Mother, please let
That's not possible.
Why can't that happen, Lord?
That's not possible.
I can't go there
You won't obey my order.
It's surprising. It's in my hands?
It's you who created the
But how can I change the tradition?
No, that's not possible.
I can't permit Madhuri to go to earth.
But you had vowed to be with her.
But you have given
Just because they are
..that I can't take my wife back.
It's because of their..
..good deeds that they
And I haven't done good deeds?
Have I ever harmed anyone?
Haven't I worshipped
Haven't I sought refuge in you?
Haven't I stood before Lakshminarayan?
Please don't put me in trouble.
It's not possible?
Then I too don't want to live anymore.
After death I need not to leave Madhuri.
Lord, let their love win.
So be it!
Brother Shetu!
Brother Shetu!
Hey, brother Shetu. Brother Shetu.
We found sister-in-law.
They found her from
You go there right now. I
Go there immediately.
Brother Shetu. Brother Shetu is here.
Where is she? Where is she?
We were searching you since so long.
Our friend went to bring
Forget the parents.
She is inside. Wait for a moment.
We brought the doctor.
I was talking with lord Vishnu
Then Mother Lakshmi..
Yes, then she request
It's a long story.
I am here. There is nothing to worry.
She is inside, right?
Madhuri. Madhuri.
Look, I am here. Madhuri. Madhuri.
Look, there is no place to be alone.
Классический вестникЪ #37 - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
Believe the Impossible (Dyneema® campaign) - Duration: 1:44.If we didn't believe in science...
The earth would still be flat.
If we didn't believe in a brighter future…
There would only be darkness.
If we didn't believe in the impossible…
This story could not be told.
It all began in 1963 with some stirring in a beaker.
Little loose threads formed.
These were the strongest, lightest fibers ever discovered.
These fibers could float on water, yet were stronger than steel.
Who would believe it?
Some did.
With no more loose ends, the thread could now confront other problems that seem impossible to solve.
Think of the salvage master...
Who saves ships that seem destined for the endless depths…
Think of the law enforcement officer...
Who doesn't want to see any more colleagues fall in the line of duty.
Think of the engineer...
Who is geared to make the perfect car more perfect.
The former lab worker…
Who personally knows that an injury can change a life forever.
The athlete striving for gold in the harshest of conditions.
At one with the elements.
Or the young visionary...
Who dreams up cleaning the oceans of trillions pieces of plastic…
And then just does it.
And how about all those who have their own gorges to cross…
Or mountains to climb?
Those who think that humans were made to fly.
That we were meant to inhabit the stars...
And to think it all started with some simple stirring…
And the courage to believe the impossible.
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