Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 10 2018

the year was 2010 I was a freshly divorced

23 year old living in northern Louisiana on my own in a two-story apartment with

my wonderful dog had moved in just a month prior and was enjoying the peace

and quiet a fresh start after an emotionally crippling time in my life it

was a pleasant Sunday afternoon summertime in Louisiana I decided to

escape the heat by staying inside to watch a few episodes of It's Always

Sunny with my dog Kingsley in my lap the Sun was shining through my windows which

in this complex took up half the living room wall floor to near ceiling I had

blinds but I had decided to adjust them so some natural light would come in now

the neighborhood wasn't so bad but it wasn't the best you definitely didn't

leave anything outside and you always lock your house in your car I had seen

my share of shady activity so regardless of the time of day my doors and windows

were locked it had also come to my attention that my axe had done drive-bys

of my new place and not wanting to be caught off guard I was constantly

checking that I had locked everything a beat-up car pulled into the parking lot

which I could see out of my peripheral vision across from a grassy area in

front of my building I didn't recognize the driver who stepped out and I guess I

didn't think anything of it at the time until he walked in front of my window

staring directly inside my living room the bushes in front of my windows were

maybe waist-high on me I'm five four so this man was staring

right at me we were keeping eye contact no blinking and there was no mistake he

saw was inside by myself from what I saw between the blinds he was easily six

feet tall heavyset bald with dark eyebrows and a goatee he wore a short

sleeve button up shirt over a dark t-shirt and jeans I had never seen him

in our complex before Kingsley's head shot up ears perked his first standing

up on his neck he was a friendly playful dog and loved

meeting everyone but when I felt a low grumble from his stomach when he bolted

up off the couch I knew this wasn't a stranger he wanted to meet my heart

raced and I felt my palms tingle with anxiety the door was locked no way he

could get in right wrong when I heard a key in the lock

I remember feeling many things at once my heart stopped and jumped in my throat

my scalp felt like it was on fire but my hands felt cold who was this guy

why of all fucking things did he have a key to my apartment I didn't have a gun

the front door was six feet to my left the kitchen was at least 15 to my right

I didn't have time to run and grab a knife I didn't have a baseball bat and

I'd out throwing my nearby shoes would deter a home intruder of his size the

door cracked open I panicked Kingsley let out the loudest bark I had

ever heard and didn't one leap was snarling at the door his teeth bared

ready to attack for the split second the door was open

I saw the man's eyes widen then he shut the door and he knocked I shit you not

this man knocked on the door after he had already opened it with a key somehow

had Kingsley was busy letting out vicious growls not acting at all like

the giant goofball I knew him to be I jumped up after him grabbed his collar

and with the other hand grabbed the doorknob and opened it just enough for

Kingsley to poke his head out can I help you with something my voice shook

anger and fear coursed through my veins I'm here to pick up my mail I'm

expecting a package I used to live here the man said matter-of-factly as if this

was something I should have known what the fuck

you don't live here anymore I live here I don't have your mail seriously our

mailboxes were at the apartment main office I was expecting a package from

FedEx I want my package he took a half step forward seeming

impatient angry expecting somehow that I would have his mysterious mail and

invite him in no actually three days prior FedEx did come by with an envelope

but as the name on it wasn't mine I didn't accept it they came by with

something a few days ago but it wasn't mine so I made them take it back his

face went red and he clenched his fists I'm starting to panic why would you do

that that is my package and I was expecting

it he exploded waving his arms as if I was to blame

Kingsley left up nearly dragging me out of the door I yanked him back and the

man continued his rant I can't believe you would do something so fucking stupid

now I have to go track it down myself do you know what a waste of time this is

I was frantic at this point I didn't know where this dude came from why he

still had a key to this place why when he saw me in the living room with a dog

he tried to come in and why of all things was he freaking out over a stupid

envelope look man I don't have your package just call fucking FedEx and take

care of it yourself the word sounded better in my head

out loud they sounded shaky and fearful and I knew my lack of courage was a

terrible disadvantage in this situation I can't believe this shit

he was completely red flailing around in rage you got to leave I yelped trying

with all my might to keep ahold of poor Kingsley I'm going to cover cops

I finally shouted out figuring this would deter the now furious stranger in

front of my door for a split second his eyes widened and he took a step back I

will be back he gulped and turned around Kingsley let out a few growls I patted

him and shut the door locking it unlocking then locking it again

I put him on a leash grabbed my keys and hurried to the front office I told them

what had just happened I let them know the police would be notified and

demanded they changed the locks and install a chain now no way I was waiting

for that psycho to come back he never did to this day regardless of where I

live I keep my car windows and doors locked and I double check when I leave

the house and go to bed thanks asshole it's been three years and

the paranoia persists

when I was in my early teens early eighties damn that makes me feel old we

lived in the Chattanooga Tennessee area one weekend I went with my church group

to do some overnight spelunking in one of the caves in the area having gone

into more commercialized caves in the past this trip was not what I had

expected as this cave entrance was a small opening in a group of rocks on the

side of a country road no markers or signs we hiked in for a few hours

through some challenging terrain and slept overnight then back out after

breakfast for a 13 year old boy it was a great adventure

muddy tight spaces to squeeze through stalagmites cave pulls with blind fish

the works there were about a dozen of us that went I was well until we were told

to go to bed for the night all flashlights were off and it was

completely black as we were deep in the cave system sometime during the night I

woke to something pulling on the foot end of my sleeping bag dragging me deep

into the black void at first I was annoyed more than anything as I thought

someone was pranking me I was also in the Boy Scouts as well with that

rambunctious group we were always pranking each other I fumbled in my

sleeping bag trying to find my flashlight to see who was doing this

before I could find it I realized I was speeding up next thing I know I was

sliding out of control down a slick damp clay pack till I did whatever I could to

stop I was digging my fingers in but it wasn't working I eventually did stop

when the hill flattened out I finally found my flashlight and looked around

everyone was fast asleep and to any commotion I caused wasn't noticed no

perpetrators were seen but I also discovered that I was about a foot away

from a very deep chasm had I gone over the edge of the cliff they would have

never found me for the following three decades I wrote the whole thing off

here's a few possible reasons this happened most likely I picked a spot

that was not as flat as I thought I might have tossed and

turned in my sleep and that activity could have been enough to kick-start the

potentially lethal slide but the batshit-crazy theory is that years later

I started watching paranormal shows some of the shows had some sort of deep earth

creatures that want to keep us out of their domain then I had a what-if moment

could it have been them was I attacked

about a year and a half ago I had some friends come over we'd been playing

Magic the Gathering for a while and had gotten bored so I figured I'd show them

this abandoned house about a mile away we called it the spook house it wasn't

really scary in the day but this was one I am making it all the more fun I had

planned to act like a tour guide for them

maybe even try to scare them a little even though the only scary thing I could

imagine was running into a method up homeless person we eventually get to the

house after 10 or 15 minutes and I begin my tour guide routine and it's important

to note you can only get in through the back the fronts boarded up and I don't

like vandalizing things so we're walking up the driveway to the back I'm looking

at them talking about the house with my back turn to the back door when my

friend gets this horrified look on his face and in kind of a whisper yell says

dude look so obviously I looked behind me and see what looks like a person

crawling out of the house on their hands and knees I could only see the front

half of it the thing then looks at us it has huge white eyes that pretty much

matched its skin it's extremely skinny it kind of reminded me of pictures of

Holocaust survivors it had no hair that I could tell but the moment was very

brief it stopped looking at us after a few seconds then bolted into the woods

behind the house needless to say we were all pretty terrified so we booked it

back to my house we stayed up all night talking on my front porch as we were

talking we heard branches breaking out past the back yard I'm not saying it was

related just a a strange coincidence that gave us yet

another scare I had no idea what skinwalkers were back then but I did

know about the rake I've honestly never been that terrified in my life we were

probably only 15 or 20 feet from it if anyone's interested I live in southeast

Indiana and have heard similar stories from other people

so when I was in my 20s ten years ago I moved to London I moved in with two

South African girls who were very sweet and nice and who really liked smoking

weed one thing I wasn't prepared for is that UK homes are cold so most people

have a hot water bottle and a blanket when they hang out at home anyway we

lived in this old Victorian flat on the high street on the top floor four

storeys up or so we had to climb up narrow winding stairs and then had to go

through three doors to get in one with iron bars and then there was a little

space big enough for a few people to stand and two other doors we told

ourselves it was to protect the fancy stained glass door then there was a

normal wooden door I come home from my job at the pub around 3:00 p.m. not

expecting anyone to be home I go straight to my room

throw my keys on the bed and start brushing my hair getting ready for my

next job gotta pay that London rent as I was brushing my hair I could have sworn

I heard something coming from the kitchen

I stopped I said hello and when nobody answered

I kept brushing my hair I heard a noise again and stopped it sounded like

someone wearing work boots walking in the kitchen carrying a hot-water bottle

that swishing sound it makes I freaked out and in a panic think grab something

sharp I grabbed the pen next to my keys on the bed not realising until later

that I should have grabbed the keys so that I could actually get out of those

three doors I run down the hall and up the four or five steps turn into the

next hall and go into the living room which was next to the doors I shut the

first door and sat against it so nobody can come in I'm holding my pen like a

maniac I had my phone on me and for some reason I didn't think to call the cops

but called my ex the only person I knew in London I guess because he knew where

I lived and could get the cops for me in case something happened before I could

call them next I hang up and call the cops they are on the way

I can't remember if I stayed on the phone or not but what happened next was

the heavy work boots started walking up the hall with quiet steps up the stairs

like they didn't want to be heard I could still hear the swishing as whoever

it was got to the other side of the door I was properly freaking out crying and

shaking I wanted to just jump out the window

there was a butcher shop on the ground floor and they let the cops into the

stairwell so that they could come up but of course they couldn't get through the

iron one they told me that I needed to get my keys so that I can open the door

I told them no the guys in there but they said either that or they'd have to

wait to get the tools to cut through the bars

she finally talks me into opening the door I do and can immediately feel the

air go flat nobody's there and I feel like I don't know like I was in another

level or slice of reality I run and get the keys and open the door six police

officers pour into the place I help them look everywhere for an intruder under

the beds in the closets etc they confirm that nobody could have gotten through

the window or back doors they were locked there was an attic but it was

really high up and there's no way to get up there they're standing in the kitchen

with me calming me down telling me it could have been a sound for my neighbors

it couldn't have been as we never heard them at all I noticed one of them

glancing behind me nonchalantly and it was only after they left that I realized

that behind me was my flatmates pot plant they must have thought I was

stoned and hearing things I wasn't what I heard was so real and it didn't even

cross my mind that it could be a ghost it felt more like the blurring of time

and space like someone who was alive or thought they were


it all started when a buddy of mine that I go to college with Matt wanted to skip

a day of class and take a week day trip up to pend oreille County to get some

late fall dirt biking in before it snowed and the season was officially

over we had gotten some writing done in the area before but instead of going to

our usual romping ground we opted to shoot for a lesser known trail that a

friend had told us about so early Tuesday morning we loaded up our bikes

into the truck consider out a map of the area that showed all the logging roads

and the few official dirt bike trails there were and headed out I want to

clarify that this was not private land were very careful to only ride on public

land where we are allowed to do so traffic was really light so we arrived

at the spot we were planning on parking the truck in only one and a half hours

which meant we had plenty of daylight to go out and ride though we both have

headlights on our bikes and had agreed that a little bit of darkness wouldn't

be allowed to put a damper on the fun after we unloaded we locked up the truck

wrote down the highway on the shoulder for about half a mile then turned off

onto the logging road this awesome trail supposedly split off of it was a tennis

mile ride down this logging road to get to the trailhead and we were probably a

little over halfway there when from behind us we hear a loud ass

engine this beater of a truck flies by us damn near hitting Matt and then

disappears around the next turn and it's not like Matt and I were going slow we

aren't pro riders or anything but we're definitely not bad the last time I had

checked we were doing 37 which is pretty fast on a crappy abandoned road after

this Matt stopped and killed his engine so we could make sure I knew just how

pissed he was did you see that fucking shit dude almost killed me

we decided that while we were already stopped we would take a quick break

drink some water then get back after it and get back after it we did we found

the trailhead and we're loving it the views were nice the trail was technical

without being unfun the ground was wet but not soggy and

there were tons of additional trails that had been marked by other writers

eventually we came across two separate offshoot trails one going up the hill we

were facing and one going down to the right

they were both marked with ends at such-and-such Creek signs that had been

made from plywood and spray-paint and propped against trees after consulting

the map we concluded that they probably did one trail went over the hill and the

other more or less went down the side into a small valley and around I wanted

to go low Matt wanted to go high so he split up and decided to meet at the

creek my ride was nice for the most part though it did become very gravely in

steep at times and I reached the bottom of the little valley soon I could see an

open clearing at the end of the tunnel of trees I was in and as I rode up I

could hear what I thought to be Matt's engine but when I pulled out of the

trees and into the clearing by the creek I saw that it wasn't a dirt bike but a

gas-powered generator it was powering what looked like an old stove that sat

under the overhang of a windowless shack made out of plywood and two-by-fours

next to the makeshift house was the truck we had seen earlier

I killed my engine not wanting whoever was inside to hear me and moved in a bit

closer I didn't get too close but even from where I stood probably 50 yards or

more away I could smell something I could see that there was a big soup pot

on the stove which was boiling what I can only assume was bleach judging by

the containers that were strewn about all over the place that's when I saw a

guy come running out from behind his Shack shotgun in hand looking at the

woods near the other side of the clearing and he was screaming what the

fuck do you think you're doing at that moment I heard Matt's bike roar

to life and immediately saw him tearing out of the tree line beyond the Shack he

saw me and as he rode towards me at full tilt

I hear him screaming at the top of his lungs he has a gun get the fuck out of

here luckily my

started on the first kick and I was able to spin the bike around and tear out of

there right on Matt's tail I don't think I've ever gone so fast through trails

that steep and technical in my life but somehow we made it out without either of

us going down we got back to the truck in under an hour and immediately noticed

that ours was no longer the only one in the parking lot that goddamn piece of

junk pickup had beat us there he must have had a shortcut to the logging road

and the driver was now just staring at us hoping that he wouldn't approach us

since we were right off a decently populated Highway we quickly loaded our

stuff and left but he followed and it was more than an hour before we were

able to lose him at a stoplight the local police were called but they pretty

much told us that they wouldn't be looking into it because if they looked

into every report like ours they'd never be doing anything else

needless to say we won't be riding around there again any time soon


when I was around four years old I had an experience that is forever changed my

life and belief in the paranormal this is one of if not the oldest memory of my

childhood I'm nearly thirty years old at this

point anyway during this time I was being instructed by my parents to learn

to sleep alone in my bedroom previously I was allowed to sleep in their bed this

did not sit well with me as with most children

I had an irrational fear of the dark and being alone during the night but they

insisted and so I would be laid to bed fairly early by adult standards around 8

or 9 p.m. since it was still early evening for them they would go about

their business and be doing things in the living room where I could still see

lights and hear the sounds of the household this was comforting enough for

me knowing others were around and awake made me feel safe I drifted off to sleep

while the ambient noise and light was still around and that's the last thing I

remember until the encounter suddenly I was jolted from my sleep and

the house was black my room in the whole house was dead quiet to the point of

hearing that ringing noise that occurs when no other sound is being made I was

instantly on edge and afraid with heightened senses and an acute awareness

of my surroundings I'm not sure what woke me up but I was terrified my bed

faced the doorway to my room which opened up into a small hallway for a few

minutes i sat up straight in bed and looked at the doorway I was compelled to

look in that direction it's almost as if I was instinctually anticipating

something or someone to walk from the hallway into my room

lo and behold that is exactly what occurred a few moments later the first

thing to appear in tewevision was a bony deformed hand and arm and in an instant

it disappeared and the next a skeletal woman's profile with a torn dress and

disheveled hair another disappearance and it reappeared now facing me with an

outstretched hand Natha gave an empty eye sockets this

apparition was moving in what seemed like the flash of a camera the only way

I can describe it would be quickly disappearing and reappearing having

repositioned and moved like being in a strobe light another reason I liken this

to camera flashing is because of her color

it wasn't paler green like I've heard other stories describe some ghosts as no

red eyes or shadowy amorphous shape this thing this woman was clearly defined in

shape and detail but her color was like when you see a flash of light or stare

at the Sun that multicolor that shows up in the back of your eyes when he

reopened them she made it about halfway into my room before I cowered under the

covers expecting the worst but then nothing happened she had been moving

toward me and should have reached me but she never did I waited for what seemed

like forever with my eyes closed but nothing after a while I worked up

the courage to leave my covers and look at my surroundings again the ghost was

gone or at least not in my room but I didn't stick around to find out what

would happen if I stayed I bolted to my parents room and spent the rest of the

night there I told my parents the next morning and

we had the house blessed and I did not have any more experiences at least

nothing as vivid or definitive as what I saw that night but this all bugs me

because I was so young I wasn't old enough to be exposed to anything that

would put that image in my head I had not seen any scary movies or even knew

very well what a ghost was or did it was terrifying

since this experience I've believed in the paranormal I feel there are so many

things that we can't explain

For more infomation >> True Scary Stories: VOL 15 - Duration: 28:19.


Hillary Supporter Yells 'F**K Donald Trump', Urinates On Police Officers! But Cops Got Last LAUGH! - Duration: 3:35.

Hillary Supporter Yells 'F**K Donald Trump', Urinates On Police Officers!

But Cops Got Last LAUGH!

20-year-old Joseph Murphy was arrested near a Disney property for allegedly being way

too drunk.

But that's not the worst part!

What he did next is so stupid, that you'd have to think this was his first time drinking

and he's still butt-hurt over the election.

He was arrested for being way too drunk, but that escalated quickly.

He was apprehended, cussed out cops, and was on his way to the station.

The ride there got really weird.

The drunken suspect began banging his head on the partition, tried choking himself like

a 50 Shades of Grey video, and was yelling "POLICE BRUTALITY" and also threw a "f*ck

Trump" in the mix while hurting himself.

When they arrived at the station, he banged his head on a car window and began peeing.

Not so much in his favor, but possibly a little bit funny, he also peed on a cop's leg.

I bet he felt great when he woke up the next morning with a wrap sheet that included being

a peabody.

Either this guy is a crazy maniac liberal, or the weasel-brained fella allegedly imbibed

too many adult beverages that took his behavior to a "whole 'nother level."

When you're arrested, for anything, just be nice and don't beat yourself up in the

back of the police cruiser.

It's not worth it.

You look crazy.

You're not going to catch a magic break where the courts believe the cops did this

to you, especially since there's probably a video of this floating around somewhere.

Not only that, but the forensics investigations squad have seen it all.

They can tell when a 20-year-old inflicts his own drunken injury.

Don't act stupid.

Don't beat yourself up.

Don't pee on cops.

If you're intoxicated anywhere near Disney, then focus on trying to make out with one

of the Princess actress when she's done her shift.

Even if you don't succeed, it's better than getting yourself arrested for going crazy

and peeing on an officer.

More From Click Orlando: A 20-year-old man was arrested on Disney property early New

Year's Day, accused of yelling profanities at law enforcement officers and urinating

on a trooper's leg.

The man, who initially refused to give his name but was later identified as Joseph Murphy,

was arrested Sunday near Disney Springs and faces charges of battery on an officer, indecent

exposure of sexual organs and resisting an officer without violence.

According to an Orange County charging affidavit, a Florida Highway Patrol trooper assisted

another trooper, who had placed Murphy in hand restraints on a sidewalk at Buena Vista


The first trooper said he was arresting Murphy for disorderly intoxication, the report stated.

The second trooper said Murphy reeked of alcohol.

Murphy was placed in the trooper's patrol cruiser, where he began banging his head against

a partition and tried to choke himself, the report said.

Murphy was yelling "police brutality" as he kept banging his head, the affidavit


Murphy then began yelling obscenities, including "(expletive) Donald Trump," the report


At the Orange County Jail, Murphy banged his head against a car window and began urinating

on the floor, officials said.

He then turned around and urinated on one of the trooper's pants, leaving a large

wet spot on his uniform, officials said.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Hillary Supporter Yells 'F**K Donald Trump', Urinates On Police Officers! But Cops Got Last LAUGH! - Duration: 3:35.


John Bolton Goes NUCLEAR – Drops Nuke on Barack Obama - Duration: 2:37.

John Bolton Goes NUCLEAR – Drops Nuke on Barack Obama

Last week, Donald Trump announced that he had chosen former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.

John Bolton to succeed U.S. Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster as head of the National Security

Council and chief foreign policy adviser.

Now, Bolton has already made it clear that he is planning to make some big changes at

Trump's White House.

Conservative Tribune reported that rumors have spread through the White House that Bolton

is planning to "clean house," and holdovers from Barack Obama's administration are said

to be the first ones on the chopping block.

"Bolton can and will clean house," stated one former White House official, while former

official warned: "Everyone who was there during Obama years should start packing their


Others that are said to be "targeted" by Bolton are people who have been "disloyal"

to Trump, those suspected or found to have made unauthorized leaks to the media and even

some who were brought in under McMaster but not considered to be in line with Trump's


Though Bolton is planning to bring his own team in right away, it could take some time

before he is able to truly "purge" the NSC of Obama holdovers and McMaster loyalists

and put all of the people he wants in place.

This comes after South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham backed Bolton as a national security

adviser, arguing that he is the right wingman for President Trump when he meets with North

Korean leader Kim Jung Un.

"So when President Trump meets Kim Jong-un, his national security adviser will be with

him," Graham told Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures."

"And the North Koreans know, without a doubt, that John Bolton sees their nuclear program

as a threat to the United States and will strongly advise the president to use military

force if he has to, which means it's less likely we will."

"John Bolton sees North Korea for the threat they are," Graham added.

Trump just ordered around $60 billion in tariffs levied on Chinese imports, following an investigation

into intellectual property theft.

"The president ran a campaign that China treats," Graham said.

"I don't blame them.

I blame us.

So you cannot be surprised that Donald Trump would do what he said he would do.

And from my point of view, it's welcome news."

what do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> John Bolton Goes NUCLEAR – Drops Nuke on Barack Obama - Duration: 2:37.


Jay King Andean Blue Turquoise Oval Stud Sterling Silver... - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Jay King Andean Blue Turquoise Oval Stud Sterling Silver... - Duration: 2:18.


Minute Vlog: Day Twentyfour - Duration: 1:10.

Minute Vlog: Day Twenty-four

Hi to all!

I love Spring!


for today I have prepared this quote:

A man does what he must

in spite of personal consequences

in spite of obstacles and dangers,

and pressures

— and that is the basis of all human morality.

it was said by J.F. Kennedy

there is something in what Kennedy said

and what do you think?

tell me in comments below

and see you tomorrow. By!

For more infomation >> Minute Vlog: Day Twentyfour - Duration: 1:10.


Opel Astra INNOVATION 1.4T 150PK S/S -NAVI - CAMERA - CLIMATE - INNOVATION+ - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra INNOVATION 1.4T 150PK S/S -NAVI - CAMERA - CLIMATE - INNOVATION+ - Duration: 0:58.


How to Make Brown Car for Kids, Children - Duration: 12:28.

How to Make Brown Car for Kids, Children

For more infomation >> How to Make Brown Car for Kids, Children - Duration: 12:28.


Anticipazioni U&D, la scelta di Nilufar: la reazione choc di Giordano - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni U&D, la scelta di Nilufar: la reazione choc di Giordano - Duration: 4:01.


FFXIV - Are you upset ? - Duration: 0:12.

Are you upset ?

- No i'm not.

Are you upset ? - No i'm not.

I'm not--

For more infomation >> FFXIV - Are you upset ? - Duration: 0:12.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up! Executive | Airco | - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up! Executive | Airco | - Duration: 1:01.


Ronald Fuentes y decisión de la U de sólo enviar un nominado a la Roja: "Nos pareció rara esta - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Ronald Fuentes y decisión de la U de sólo enviar un nominado a la Roja: "Nos pareció rara esta - Duration: 2:12.


Watch our livestream

For more infomation >> Watch our livestream


I Wish I Never Started Cutting Myself - Duration: 2:58.

if I could go back in time and tell my younger self one thing it would be to

never start cutting myself. When I was in my second year of high school and the

stresses that were put on me to succeed and get certain grades in all my classes,

kind of got to me. I was never a great student, I was never good at tests I was

a C student at best. When I cut myself for the first time, I kind of thought, "hey

this works. I don't feel awful anymore." And I didn't realize how hard it would

be to keep them covered all the time. If somebody saw them I would just say like,

"Oh my cat scratched me", or something like that. It got really hard during gym class.

Self-harm is an addiction. Once you start it's nearly impossible to stop. It's been

almost 10 years since I've started it's still happening. If something goes wrong

at work or if I fail a test, cutting myself is the very first thing that

comes to mind. And that's a very scary thing to realize and face. A few years

ago my parents found out what I was doing and my mom yelled at me saying

that she didn't bring me into this world for me to cut myself up. Hearing that

kind of made me face myself and realize like what I was doing is not only

harmful for me but harmful for everyone around me.

I've always been ashamed of this harmful habit, but you know what I'm doing my

best to get better and stop it's just difficult when the smallest thing can

land you right back into that headspace. I still have the scars and looking at

them is very painful. But scars fade eventually. I may not be able to fully

fix myself right now, but I'm trying. And I want to at least help those around me

who are suffering. if you're ever thinking or considering doing self-harm,

please don't it's a slippery dangerous slope that you do not want to go down.

Please talk to someone talk to a loved one get help just don't don't start.

We all have things that were struggling with and we want to tell you about a way

you can get help. Our sponsor BetterHelp.com connects you with a professional

therapist. You can chat with whenever you're in need of someone to talk to,

without scheduling an appointment or leaving your home. BetterHelp.com is easy to

begin, and only cost $65 per week for unlimited therapy which is very

affordable. So if you're in need of support and someone to help you get

through your struggles please click the link in the description box and start

the discussion with a therapist today.

For more infomation >> I Wish I Never Started Cutting Myself - Duration: 2:58.


I AM VERY SAD ABOUT CLARA!!!!! - Duration: 2:43.

I love Clara, but Clara does not love me! Clara loves Andrew! Her and Andrew are getting

married in my bathroom, and I am not invited! I have to leave! I have to live on the street.

The worst part is Andrew doesn't even love Clara. Andrew loves Hoo Roo, and Hoo Roo doesn't

love Andrew. Hoo Roo loves Arthur, and Arthur doesn't even love Hoo Roo. Arthur loves me!

But I do not love Arthur! I love Clara! Oh, who am I kidding? Nobody loves me. Clara doesn't

love me. My doggie doesn't love me. My roommates, Harrison, Ian and Daniel, do not love me.

They are planning Andrew's bachelor party in my room. They are going to use my PlayStation 3

and beat all of my high scores. All of my food…they are using it to cater the wedding!

I have nothing to eat. Clara, I would have given you everything I have, but you already

took everything I have. Wait, is that Clara over there? No, that's Clara's sister, Sara.

Clara found out about my jar, all of my jars, and now she won't speak to me. She's going

to tell everyone about my jars. They cannot know about my jars! Clara, if you are watching

this, I need to tell you three things. I love you. Please do not tell anybody about my jars,

and please let me back into my house. I left so many things in there! Boo hoo.

For more infomation >> I AM VERY SAD ABOUT CLARA!!!!! - Duration: 2:43.


"The Best Thing I've Seen So Far!" Audiences Love Anna Christie! - Duration: 2:16.

Ain't nothing wrong with me, is there?

You're looking hard enough.

Ain't gotta look much.

I got your number the second you stepped in the door.

That was the best ever!

We've been subscribers for two years and that's my favorite so far!

Well, I got yours, too, without no trouble.

You're me forty years from now!

Is that so?

I thought it was wonderful!

I have seen O'Neill plays before but only the big three and this was a revelation.

It's my old man I got to meet.

It's funny, too.

I ain't seen him since I was a kid; don't even know what he looks like.

Just had a letter every now and then.

There's always a concept or a theme or a question of morality that they're wrestling with the

entire play, which I thought was pretty deep and a testament to the writing and the acting!

I was a damn fool to bring you on voyage!

You talk, you act as if you was scared something was going to happen.

That's what really stuck with me: her resolve to be her own person and determine her own

life and where she was going.

I thought that it had quite a feminist undercurrent, yeah.


All you got to do is find the girl.

Maybe I have.

It was wonderful!

I think the big thing coming out of this for me was how amazing live theatre is and how

different it is from just going to a movie.

The acting and the energy is amazing!

When I was on the wind jammer, I went through a hundred storms worser than that!

Back then ships were ships and men that served on them were real men!

It was a great play, a great performance, and I'm so glad that we're close to the Lyric

and we come back here quite often because you always do a great job!

No, Anna, that old devil sea, she ain't God.

For more infomation >> "The Best Thing I've Seen So Far!" Audiences Love Anna Christie! - Duration: 2:16.


It's My 12 Year Anniversary in Tech Sales so I am Sharing the Secret To My Success - Duration: 3:02.

Today is April 10th 2018. I've been in the technology VAR world for

exactly 12 years today. April 10th 2006 is the day that I first started and I

wanted to take a moment to celebrate the 12 year anniversary that I've spent here

and share the most important instrumental

lesson that I've learned over those twelve twelve years. Before I got into tech

I was doing telemarketing where you know selling cable TV things like

that where you have to do 250 - 300 phone calls a day for minimum wage and then

when I had my interview at the first technology VAR that I worked for.

You know, at this point out making pretty much minimum wage, and I walked around seeing

people making a hundred to two hundred thousand dollars a year with their feet

on their desk - relaxed basically chilling out, being very non-excited,

being very complacent about the opportunity to make more money than I

thought was ever possible and in blew my mind. Here I walked in thinking that I

was under qualified, I had no college education, I have no business to business

experience, I was selling cable TV, before that I worked at a lumberyard, did

stand-up comedy, never made more than like eight - nine dollars an hour and then

I walk around I see a bunch of people with the opportunity that I considered

amazing and they were just relaxed and what I said is "You people are doing 25

phone calls a day I can do 300 phone calls a day. I can do I can fail 12 times

more than you and still be just as successful by outworking you by working

you into the ground" and what I have found out very quickly, it not only does

doing 12 times the amount of work catch you up and make you even but it gets

that snowball rolling for you so much faster than them that's why was it a

year or two I was the only one left out of the 17 left in my class that started and

a while it took me a few years I'm not easily been in the top 1% in the

technology Var industry for the last three or four or five years because

I've dominated on work, you gotta work hard. You gotta

be able to get up right away, get your goals down, hyper focus work on

efficiency, make as many calls as you can, I don't care if your company says you

got to do 50 phone calls a day, I want to know how many call it you can possibly

squeeze into the day. You do cold calling, you do social selling, you do LinkedIn

you do door-to-door, you pound, you network, you reach out to everybody you

possibly can. I don't care what excuse you possibly have why you can't be

successful if you're not in the top 1% it's your fault and nobody else is. I

don't care where you came from I don't care what your history is what your

background is what your education level is what your criminal history is the

only thing that matters is the value that you bring to the market on a every

single day basis. Nobody cares what you did yesterday

and nobody cares what you want to do tomorrow. What are you gonna bring today

that's gonna set you apart. Top your competition, when you have 15,000

competitors coming at you trying to get the same business as you, how are you

gonna set yourself apart? If you don't have those other advantages then there

has to be grueling hard consistent long-term work and you will

absolutely dominate.

For more infomation >> It's My 12 Year Anniversary in Tech Sales so I am Sharing the Secret To My Success - Duration: 3:02.


'I'm Sorry': Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Delivers Opening Statement At Senate Hearing | NBC News - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> 'I'm Sorry': Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Delivers Opening Statement At Senate Hearing | NBC News - Duration: 5:20.


True Scary Stories: VOL 15 - Duration: 28:19.

the year was 2010 I was a freshly divorced

23 year old living in northern Louisiana on my own in a two-story apartment with

my wonderful dog had moved in just a month prior and was enjoying the peace

and quiet a fresh start after an emotionally crippling time in my life it

was a pleasant Sunday afternoon summertime in Louisiana I decided to

escape the heat by staying inside to watch a few episodes of It's Always

Sunny with my dog Kingsley in my lap the Sun was shining through my windows which

in this complex took up half the living room wall floor to near ceiling I had

blinds but I had decided to adjust them so some natural light would come in now

the neighborhood wasn't so bad but it wasn't the best you definitely didn't

leave anything outside and you always lock your house in your car I had seen

my share of shady activity so regardless of the time of day my doors and windows

were locked it had also come to my attention that my axe had done drive-bys

of my new place and not wanting to be caught off guard I was constantly

checking that I had locked everything a beat-up car pulled into the parking lot

which I could see out of my peripheral vision across from a grassy area in

front of my building I didn't recognize the driver who stepped out and I guess I

didn't think anything of it at the time until he walked in front of my window

staring directly inside my living room the bushes in front of my windows were

maybe waist-high on me I'm five four so this man was staring

right at me we were keeping eye contact no blinking and there was no mistake he

saw was inside by myself from what I saw between the blinds he was easily six

feet tall heavyset bald with dark eyebrows and a goatee he wore a short

sleeve button up shirt over a dark t-shirt and jeans I had never seen him

in our complex before Kingsley's head shot up ears perked his first standing

up on his neck he was a friendly playful dog and loved

meeting everyone but when I felt a low grumble from his stomach when he bolted

up off the couch I knew this wasn't a stranger he wanted to meet my heart

raced and I felt my palms tingle with anxiety the door was locked no way he

could get in right wrong when I heard a key in the lock

I remember feeling many things at once my heart stopped and jumped in my throat

my scalp felt like it was on fire but my hands felt cold who was this guy

why of all fucking things did he have a key to my apartment I didn't have a gun

the front door was six feet to my left the kitchen was at least 15 to my right

I didn't have time to run and grab a knife I didn't have a baseball bat and

I'd out throwing my nearby shoes would deter a home intruder of his size the

door cracked open I panicked Kingsley let out the loudest bark I had

ever heard and didn't one leap was snarling at the door his teeth bared

ready to attack for the split second the door was open

I saw the man's eyes widen then he shut the door and he knocked I shit you not

this man knocked on the door after he had already opened it with a key somehow

had Kingsley was busy letting out vicious growls not acting at all like

the giant goofball I knew him to be I jumped up after him grabbed his collar

and with the other hand grabbed the doorknob and opened it just enough for

Kingsley to poke his head out can I help you with something my voice shook

anger and fear coursed through my veins I'm here to pick up my mail I'm

expecting a package I used to live here the man said matter-of-factly as if this

was something I should have known what the fuck

you don't live here anymore I live here I don't have your mail seriously our

mailboxes were at the apartment main office I was expecting a package from

FedEx I want my package he took a half step forward seeming

impatient angry expecting somehow that I would have his mysterious mail and

invite him in no actually three days prior FedEx did come by with an envelope

but as the name on it wasn't mine I didn't accept it they came by with

something a few days ago but it wasn't mine so I made them take it back his

face went red and he clenched his fists I'm starting to panic why would you do

that that is my package and I was expecting

it he exploded waving his arms as if I was to blame

Kingsley left up nearly dragging me out of the door I yanked him back and the

man continued his rant I can't believe you would do something so fucking stupid

now I have to go track it down myself do you know what a waste of time this is

I was frantic at this point I didn't know where this dude came from why he

still had a key to this place why when he saw me in the living room with a dog

he tried to come in and why of all things was he freaking out over a stupid

envelope look man I don't have your package just call fucking FedEx and take

care of it yourself the word sounded better in my head

out loud they sounded shaky and fearful and I knew my lack of courage was a

terrible disadvantage in this situation I can't believe this shit

he was completely red flailing around in rage you got to leave I yelped trying

with all my might to keep ahold of poor Kingsley I'm going to cover cops

I finally shouted out figuring this would deter the now furious stranger in

front of my door for a split second his eyes widened and he took a step back I

will be back he gulped and turned around Kingsley let out a few growls I patted

him and shut the door locking it unlocking then locking it again

I put him on a leash grabbed my keys and hurried to the front office I told them

what had just happened I let them know the police would be notified and

demanded they changed the locks and install a chain now no way I was waiting

for that psycho to come back he never did to this day regardless of where I

live I keep my car windows and doors locked and I double check when I leave

the house and go to bed thanks asshole it's been three years and

the paranoia persists

when I was in my early teens early eighties damn that makes me feel old we

lived in the Chattanooga Tennessee area one weekend I went with my church group

to do some overnight spelunking in one of the caves in the area having gone

into more commercialized caves in the past this trip was not what I had

expected as this cave entrance was a small opening in a group of rocks on the

side of a country road no markers or signs we hiked in for a few hours

through some challenging terrain and slept overnight then back out after

breakfast for a 13 year old boy it was a great adventure

muddy tight spaces to squeeze through stalagmites cave pulls with blind fish

the works there were about a dozen of us that went I was well until we were told

to go to bed for the night all flashlights were off and it was

completely black as we were deep in the cave system sometime during the night I

woke to something pulling on the foot end of my sleeping bag dragging me deep

into the black void at first I was annoyed more than anything as I thought

someone was pranking me I was also in the Boy Scouts as well with that

rambunctious group we were always pranking each other I fumbled in my

sleeping bag trying to find my flashlight to see who was doing this

before I could find it I realized I was speeding up next thing I know I was

sliding out of control down a slick damp clay pack till I did whatever I could to

stop I was digging my fingers in but it wasn't working I eventually did stop

when the hill flattened out I finally found my flashlight and looked around

everyone was fast asleep and to any commotion I caused wasn't noticed no

perpetrators were seen but I also discovered that I was about a foot away

from a very deep chasm had I gone over the edge of the cliff they would have

never found me for the following three decades I wrote the whole thing off

here's a few possible reasons this happened most likely I picked a spot

that was not as flat as I thought I might have tossed and

turned in my sleep and that activity could have been enough to kick-start the

potentially lethal slide but the batshit-crazy theory is that years later

I started watching paranormal shows some of the shows had some sort of deep earth

creatures that want to keep us out of their domain then I had a what-if moment

could it have been them was I attacked

about a year and a half ago I had some friends come over we'd been playing

Magic the Gathering for a while and had gotten bored so I figured I'd show them

this abandoned house about a mile away we called it the spook house it wasn't

really scary in the day but this was one I am making it all the more fun I had

planned to act like a tour guide for them

maybe even try to scare them a little even though the only scary thing I could

imagine was running into a method up homeless person we eventually get to the

house after 10 or 15 minutes and I begin my tour guide routine and it's important

to note you can only get in through the back the fronts boarded up and I don't

like vandalizing things so we're walking up the driveway to the back I'm looking

at them talking about the house with my back turn to the back door when my

friend gets this horrified look on his face and in kind of a whisper yell says

dude look so obviously I looked behind me and see what looks like a person

crawling out of the house on their hands and knees I could only see the front

half of it the thing then looks at us it has huge white eyes that pretty much

matched its skin it's extremely skinny it kind of reminded me of pictures of

Holocaust survivors it had no hair that I could tell but the moment was very

brief it stopped looking at us after a few seconds then bolted into the woods

behind the house needless to say we were all pretty terrified so we booked it

back to my house we stayed up all night talking on my front porch as we were

talking we heard branches breaking out past the back yard I'm not saying it was

related just a a strange coincidence that gave us yet

another scare I had no idea what skinwalkers were back then but I did

know about the rake I've honestly never been that terrified in my life we were

probably only 15 or 20 feet from it if anyone's interested I live in southeast

Indiana and have heard similar stories from other people

so when I was in my 20s ten years ago I moved to London I moved in with two

South African girls who were very sweet and nice and who really liked smoking

weed one thing I wasn't prepared for is that UK homes are cold so most people

have a hot water bottle and a blanket when they hang out at home anyway we

lived in this old Victorian flat on the high street on the top floor four

storeys up or so we had to climb up narrow winding stairs and then had to go

through three doors to get in one with iron bars and then there was a little

space big enough for a few people to stand and two other doors we told

ourselves it was to protect the fancy stained glass door then there was a

normal wooden door I come home from my job at the pub around 3:00 p.m. not

expecting anyone to be home I go straight to my room

throw my keys on the bed and start brushing my hair getting ready for my

next job gotta pay that London rent as I was brushing my hair I could have sworn

I heard something coming from the kitchen

I stopped I said hello and when nobody answered

I kept brushing my hair I heard a noise again and stopped it sounded like

someone wearing work boots walking in the kitchen carrying a hot-water bottle

that swishing sound it makes I freaked out and in a panic think grab something

sharp I grabbed the pen next to my keys on the bed not realising until later

that I should have grabbed the keys so that I could actually get out of those

three doors I run down the hall and up the four or five steps turn into the

next hall and go into the living room which was next to the doors I shut the

first door and sat against it so nobody can come in I'm holding my pen like a

maniac I had my phone on me and for some reason I didn't think to call the cops

but called my ex the only person I knew in London I guess because he knew where

I lived and could get the cops for me in case something happened before I could

call them next I hang up and call the cops they are on the way

I can't remember if I stayed on the phone or not but what happened next was

the heavy work boots started walking up the hall with quiet steps up the stairs

like they didn't want to be heard I could still hear the swishing as whoever

it was got to the other side of the door I was properly freaking out crying and

shaking I wanted to just jump out the window

there was a butcher shop on the ground floor and they let the cops into the

stairwell so that they could come up but of course they couldn't get through the

iron one they told me that I needed to get my keys so that I can open the door

I told them no the guys in there but they said either that or they'd have to

wait to get the tools to cut through the bars

she finally talks me into opening the door I do and can immediately feel the

air go flat nobody's there and I feel like I don't know like I was in another

level or slice of reality I run and get the keys and open the door six police

officers pour into the place I help them look everywhere for an intruder under

the beds in the closets etc they confirm that nobody could have gotten through

the window or back doors they were locked there was an attic but it was

really high up and there's no way to get up there they're standing in the kitchen

with me calming me down telling me it could have been a sound for my neighbors

it couldn't have been as we never heard them at all I noticed one of them

glancing behind me nonchalantly and it was only after they left that I realized

that behind me was my flatmates pot plant they must have thought I was

stoned and hearing things I wasn't what I heard was so real and it didn't even

cross my mind that it could be a ghost it felt more like the blurring of time

and space like someone who was alive or thought they were


it all started when a buddy of mine that I go to college with Matt wanted to skip

a day of class and take a week day trip up to pend oreille County to get some

late fall dirt biking in before it snowed and the season was officially

over we had gotten some writing done in the area before but instead of going to

our usual romping ground we opted to shoot for a lesser known trail that a

friend had told us about so early Tuesday morning we loaded up our bikes

into the truck consider out a map of the area that showed all the logging roads

and the few official dirt bike trails there were and headed out I want to

clarify that this was not private land were very careful to only ride on public

land where we are allowed to do so traffic was really light so we arrived

at the spot we were planning on parking the truck in only one and a half hours

which meant we had plenty of daylight to go out and ride though we both have

headlights on our bikes and had agreed that a little bit of darkness wouldn't

be allowed to put a damper on the fun after we unloaded we locked up the truck

wrote down the highway on the shoulder for about half a mile then turned off

onto the logging road this awesome trail supposedly split off of it was a tennis

mile ride down this logging road to get to the trailhead and we were probably a

little over halfway there when from behind us we hear a loud ass

engine this beater of a truck flies by us damn near hitting Matt and then

disappears around the next turn and it's not like Matt and I were going slow we

aren't pro riders or anything but we're definitely not bad the last time I had

checked we were doing 37 which is pretty fast on a crappy abandoned road after

this Matt stopped and killed his engine so we could make sure I knew just how

pissed he was did you see that fucking shit dude almost killed me

we decided that while we were already stopped we would take a quick break

drink some water then get back after it and get back after it we did we found

the trailhead and we're loving it the views were nice the trail was technical

without being unfun the ground was wet but not soggy and

there were tons of additional trails that had been marked by other writers

eventually we came across two separate offshoot trails one going up the hill we

were facing and one going down to the right

they were both marked with ends at such-and-such Creek signs that had been

made from plywood and spray-paint and propped against trees after consulting

the map we concluded that they probably did one trail went over the hill and the

other more or less went down the side into a small valley and around I wanted

to go low Matt wanted to go high so he split up and decided to meet at the

creek my ride was nice for the most part though it did become very gravely in

steep at times and I reached the bottom of the little valley soon I could see an

open clearing at the end of the tunnel of trees I was in and as I rode up I

could hear what I thought to be Matt's engine but when I pulled out of the

trees and into the clearing by the creek I saw that it wasn't a dirt bike but a

gas-powered generator it was powering what looked like an old stove that sat

under the overhang of a windowless shack made out of plywood and two-by-fours

next to the makeshift house was the truck we had seen earlier

I killed my engine not wanting whoever was inside to hear me and moved in a bit

closer I didn't get too close but even from where I stood probably 50 yards or

more away I could smell something I could see that there was a big soup pot

on the stove which was boiling what I can only assume was bleach judging by

the containers that were strewn about all over the place that's when I saw a

guy come running out from behind his Shack shotgun in hand looking at the

woods near the other side of the clearing and he was screaming what the

fuck do you think you're doing at that moment I heard Matt's bike roar

to life and immediately saw him tearing out of the tree line beyond the Shack he

saw me and as he rode towards me at full tilt

I hear him screaming at the top of his lungs he has a gun get the fuck out of

here luckily my

started on the first kick and I was able to spin the bike around and tear out of

there right on Matt's tail I don't think I've ever gone so fast through trails

that steep and technical in my life but somehow we made it out without either of

us going down we got back to the truck in under an hour and immediately noticed

that ours was no longer the only one in the parking lot that goddamn piece of

junk pickup had beat us there he must have had a shortcut to the logging road

and the driver was now just staring at us hoping that he wouldn't approach us

since we were right off a decently populated Highway we quickly loaded our

stuff and left but he followed and it was more than an hour before we were

able to lose him at a stoplight the local police were called but they pretty

much told us that they wouldn't be looking into it because if they looked

into every report like ours they'd never be doing anything else

needless to say we won't be riding around there again any time soon


when I was around four years old I had an experience that is forever changed my

life and belief in the paranormal this is one of if not the oldest memory of my

childhood I'm nearly thirty years old at this

point anyway during this time I was being instructed by my parents to learn

to sleep alone in my bedroom previously I was allowed to sleep in their bed this

did not sit well with me as with most children

I had an irrational fear of the dark and being alone during the night but they

insisted and so I would be laid to bed fairly early by adult standards around 8

or 9 p.m. since it was still early evening for them they would go about

their business and be doing things in the living room where I could still see

lights and hear the sounds of the household this was comforting enough for

me knowing others were around and awake made me feel safe I drifted off to sleep

while the ambient noise and light was still around and that's the last thing I

remember until the encounter suddenly I was jolted from my sleep and

the house was black my room in the whole house was dead quiet to the point of

hearing that ringing noise that occurs when no other sound is being made I was

instantly on edge and afraid with heightened senses and an acute awareness

of my surroundings I'm not sure what woke me up but I was terrified my bed

faced the doorway to my room which opened up into a small hallway for a few

minutes i sat up straight in bed and looked at the doorway I was compelled to

look in that direction it's almost as if I was instinctually anticipating

something or someone to walk from the hallway into my room

lo and behold that is exactly what occurred a few moments later the first

thing to appear in tewevision was a bony deformed hand and arm and in an instant

it disappeared and the next a skeletal woman's profile with a torn dress and

disheveled hair another disappearance and it reappeared now facing me with an

outstretched hand Natha gave an empty eye sockets this

apparition was moving in what seemed like the flash of a camera the only way

I can describe it would be quickly disappearing and reappearing having

repositioned and moved like being in a strobe light another reason I liken this

to camera flashing is because of her color

it wasn't paler green like I've heard other stories describe some ghosts as no

red eyes or shadowy amorphous shape this thing this woman was clearly defined in

shape and detail but her color was like when you see a flash of light or stare

at the Sun that multicolor that shows up in the back of your eyes when he

reopened them she made it about halfway into my room before I cowered under the

covers expecting the worst but then nothing happened she had been moving

toward me and should have reached me but she never did I waited for what seemed

like forever with my eyes closed but nothing after a while I worked up

the courage to leave my covers and look at my surroundings again the ghost was

gone or at least not in my room but I didn't stick around to find out what

would happen if I stayed I bolted to my parents room and spent the rest of the

night there I told my parents the next morning and

we had the house blessed and I did not have any more experiences at least

nothing as vivid or definitive as what I saw that night but this all bugs me

because I was so young I wasn't old enough to be exposed to anything that

would put that image in my head I had not seen any scary movies or even knew

very well what a ghost was or did it was terrifying

since this experience I've believed in the paranormal I feel there are so many

things that we can't explain

For more infomation >> True Scary Stories: VOL 15 - Duration: 28:19.


Pani Fazilet i jej córki / Odcinek 42 / Kocham te nic nie znaczące chwile💞 - NAPISY PL - Duration: 1:15:29.

For more infomation >> Pani Fazilet i jej córki / Odcinek 42 / Kocham te nic nie znaczące chwile💞 - NAPISY PL - Duration: 1:15:29.


Body language tip on storytelling - Duration: 1:06.

Hello, I'm here in Edinburgh. It's the break of my performance and I am in the backstage room.

And the first thing, we were talking about here in Edinburgh was:

If you are telling a story don't show off! And I gave them a metaphor, a picture. And that is:

Imagine you would be in a pub with friends and you would tell a story, a content or an experience to them. How would you act?

If you are doing it too pathetically - too much showing off, your friends would think "What's wrong with you?". So loosen up a bit.

Tell it as if you would have drunken one beer.

For more infomation >> Body language tip on storytelling - Duration: 1:06.


Pamięć ciała (mięśniowa i ruchowa) – na czym polega? - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Pamięć ciała (mięśniowa i ruchowa) – na czym polega? - Duration: 9:23.



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gonna leave the rules in the comments down below so make sure to check that

out but that's all you guys have to do to enter a chance to win some free

Bitcoin now let's jump right into the news first piece of news and only piece

of news is we've seen something similar to this before but a German consulting

firm has launched a blockchain platform for medical data management so another

good use of the blockchain another big consulting firm another big company is

now using the blockchain in order to make their lives easier which I want to

keep emphasizing so much for everyone who is losing faith in cryptocurrency

and losing faith in you know blockchain and don't you know thinking you might

sell or something like that before you do check out all of the use

cases that blockchain is having in all of the changes and huge changes that

it's making in so many so many big big companies and small companies and all

types of companies but I just wanted to keep that news article in there a little

bit of positivity first now let's take a look at the overall market let's skip it

this a refresh see what the market cap is currently at 260 billion dollars

Bitcoin dominance 44.1% so Bitcoin dominance falling a little bit the

market cap is up from yesterday but it's not up a lot if you guys can see the

last 24 hours every most things are up however most

things are not up not up by a lot now one chain is doing big moves which I

absolutely love you guys know I'm a fan of one chain I actually told a lot of

you guys in in consultation calls if you guys want a consultation call one a

portfolio review linking in the description but I told you guys about

one chain and ever since then it has been absolutely killing it up 24 percent

this week so I'm very very happy ontology also had a great week and

urghhh had a great week and we're gonna be talking about verge actually right

now so right here you guys can see versus chart a verge is recovering very

very well and this is due to the announcement on their Twitter that they

were going to have a very very big game-changing partnership now the reason

I want to talk about verges I'm not saying that that isn't gonna happen it

did actually just break over a billion dollars in market caps 1.26 now ranked

number 19th overall with a trading volume of almost half a billion dollars

four hundred twenty four million dollars in trading volume last 24 hours and

that's because of all everyone buying into the buying into the rumor no one

really knows who the partner is with except for them I guess no one really

knows the partners with it could be game-changing but the reason I want to

talk about this is to keep an eye out because as everyone always says in

crypto by the rumors and actually say this in stocks too in most investments

by the rumors sell the new so be careful when it comes to the actual announcement

day and when everything gets announced because things usually don't go up at

this rate and never come back down so I just want to keep that clear make sure

you guys and I am gonna keep you guys updated on what the partnership April is

when it gets revealed but for now I just want to say make sure you have your

trade set make sure you have stop-loss is safe you know how to work those just

to minimize your risk if you're buying to hold for a long time again verge is a

privacy point I think privacy coins could do very well in 2018 but if you

guys are buying into it for that reason then I would suggest you know just kind

of enjoy your position but if you guys are looking to make a quick trade and

you guys want to get out before it starts to correct start thinking about

when that is right now and usually not every time but usually this happens one

or two days before the news is actually announced because everyone's made such

big gains already from the you know here or here all the way up to here people

have already made so many gays so much gains that they are going to start

selling so make sure to keep an eye out on that I don't want to see you guys

lose money but and when it comes to like trades like this sell the news

either rumor is probably the safest thing you can do now

ripple is another one I wanted to talk about so you guys know ripples under 50

cents and there's actually been some pretty interesting news that's been

coming out recently that I've been reading into which is kind of cool but

first of all wrinkles chart you guys can see has been plummeting this whole time

it's barely up anything today it's at 48 and a half cents from an all-time high

of like three point three point one three point six five dollars so it is

down so so much one of the biggest drops out of the top on all points out of the

top crypto currencies still on a 19 billion dollar market cap still ranked

number three but it is falling so so so so much and the news that I found that I

thought was really interesting is this is rizz ripple about to become another

etherium so they found out on Ripple XR piece they found out that the ripple XR

PS ledger might be an accidental aetherium so it's an open source and a

decentralized platform and apparently they can host I SEOs through their

ledger which is actually really really interesting so for only the second time

in its history an attempt at tokenizing ripple XR PS ledger through an initial

coin offering is being seriously offered by a group not formally associated with

the company now there have been people from the company saying that they're not

really interesting and they're not really interested in that here we go but

ripple isn't interested in promoting or supporting icos on the ledger but it's

cool to see that there's been this kind of area with ripple that they can

actually host icos and become another ripple now obviously in that category

you would have yeah you have you have to compete against the likes of Ripple neo

and so on and so on but there it is some pretty steep competition however that

might be a point to look at when it comes to ripple kind of making a

reversal maybe if they decide to implement this now by the looks of it

they are not looking at taking this seriously another company is thinking of

doing it but it shows the use case of ripple now at 48 cents ripple does seem

outrageously under even though I personally you guys know

don't own any ripple ripple does seem still very undervalued and with news

like that I'm interested to see where they take it I know again that news by

no means is game-changing news groundbreaking news it's gonna moon

that's not what I'm saying I just think the idea is interesting and they after

the fact that I didn't have I had no idea about it I don't know if you guys

did but I had no idea about this whatsoever that they could actually do

that so pretty interesting now another thing to check out is the volume of

ripple is like a third of the volume of verge right now which I thought was

absolutely crazy I just noticed the ripple being the third ring verge being

19th ranked but yeah again if things are starting to level off it looks like

again this is happening with the whole market maybe in time for a reversal but

I think ripple buying in at this price feels if you interested I know I get

questions all the time on this for those of you interested buying in ripple at

this time it's probably not a terrible terrible idea it will probably make a

good amount of recovery you might when the market recovers and when the market

hasn't reversal but guys again don't forget I'm not a financial advisor and

this is not financial advice this is just my opinion on these altcoin so make

sure you do your own research before you put your money and anything and don't

just listen to someone on the internet with their opinions right but um okay

let us look at the technical analysis now before we end off the video again

things are moving relatively sideways one thing that I did want to point out

though that thought was kind of interesting that I noticed is if we put

a line right here we are kind of trading in towards this intersection right here

hoping to see a breakout at some point between these two lines so that's kind

of what I'm hoping for again things are just moving sideways we've kept up this

is basically the 260 billion dollar mark cap 200 between 250 and 275 market cap

with Bitcoin between the prices of you know six thousand six hundred and all

the way up to seven thousand four hundred but roughly between like six

thousand eight hundred and seven thousand to one hundred basically is the

price that we're kind of floating in between now this is just we've had some

days of green some days of red but overall it hasn't been too

much and it hasn't been enough to be you know super super happy about we're still

waiting for that breakout period and we came close to 20 day moving average

yesterday or at least closer to the 20-day moving average but now we are

back down here the day ended over here and now again we're trading near the

$6,900 mark I believe Bitcoin is six thousand

nine hundred eighteen point nine dollars on coin base right now so again not too

much to look at when it comes to technical technical analysis today we're

kind of still waiting for a move so kind yes so not really just too much I can

say other than just kind of showing you guys and keeping us moving daily

checking it out and seeing what's happening but still waiting for that

breakout I think the next move is in the upward direction a lot of people think

it's in the downward direction I guess we will see personally though like I

said I think it's going up so guys hopefully you enjoyed the video if you

guys did don't forget leave a thumbs up and also leave a comment down below

saying something related to the video as well as leaving your Bitcoin wallet

address to win giveaway don't forget subscribe and notifications comment and

you know what they're will like in there if you guys did learn something and if

you guys did enjoy the video because it does help out the channel a ton guys

thank you so much for watching I will see you guys tomorrow for another video




For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6I PREMIUM VOL AUTOMAAT IN DE MEEST LUXE UITVOERING - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I BUSINESS - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I BUSINESS - Duration: 1:03.




Hillary Clinton is undoubtedly in full panic mode after learning who President Donald Trump

just pardoned.

The Washington Times reported that Trump just pardoned former Navy sailor Kristian Saucier,

who had been convicted of reaking laws by taking a photo inside a nuclear submarine.

Saucier's case made headlines because the prosecution of him contrasted sharply with

the Obama Justice Department decision not to bring charges against Clinton for mishandling

classified material on her secret email server.

During his trial, Saucier's lawyer unsuccessfully used a "Hillary Clinton defense" that

argued his client couldn't be held to a higher legal standard than Clinton was.

A federal judge rejected this defense, however, and sentenced Saucier to one year in prison

and a $100 fine.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced the pardon on Friday, mentioning

that Saucier had an otherwise exemplary service in the Navy.

"Mr. Saucier was 22 years old at the time of his offenses and has served out his 12-month


He has been recognized by his fellow service members for his dedication, skill and patriotic

spirit," said Sanders.

"The president is appreciative of Mr. Saucier's service to the country."

Saucier confessed to taking half-dozen photos of the USS Alexandria's classified propulsion

system while working as a machinist in its engine room in 2009.

In May of 2016, he plead guilty to one count of unauthorized possession and retention of

national defense information.

"When Kris gets home from work, when he gets to the door, I'm going to be a little

emotional," said his wife Sadie.

"I can't believe it happened, I don't think it's set in yet."

She added that she notified her husband of the pardon via text message as he drove his

garbage truck through a mountainous area with poor reception.

"I just was able to say 'Hey' via a text message, 'You got a pardon.'

All he said was, 'What!' with a big exclamation point," she said.

"I am very grateful.

It's going to be a huge for our family.

And a huge reality when probation calls and the ankle monitor is taken off, that's going

to be a big one."

This is bad news for Clinton, as it indicates the Trump administration may eventually go

after her.

SHARE this story if you think Hillary Clinton should be investigated and LOCKED UP!

h/t Any Politics

For more infomation >> TRUMP JUST PARDONED HIM – HILLARY CLINTON PANICKING - Duration: 11:26.



Ahhhh, self-censorship.

Some call it shyness, others false modesty, but for me, it is nothing more than COWARDICE.

Why ?

Because when you censor yourself, you just choose easiness, which is not even trying.

"Louise it is so cool what you are doing you should definitely write a book !"

"Oh noooo, are you kidding, I am not a writer at all, I can't !!!"

Of course because if you do not try, you cannot fail, right ??

The problem is, sometimes it is so internalized that you do not even realize it.

Do you want to know if it is your case ?

How many of you do not participate to huge incredible giveaways to win a heavenly week in the Maldives because you think you have no chance ?

.... Me.

This is why we need to do something about it !

Because otherwise, you are going to miss AMAZING opportunities.

"Louise, look, it is incredible ! They are looking for a pale, blue-eyed, 20 years-old woman for the new Spielberg movie ! You need to try it out !"

Lol but not at all ! First, I am no actress, second, I am soon to turn 21 and third, I do not have pale skin, I just have "fresh" skin as my grandma says - it is VERY different.

And actually, I had a "Aha" moment one day, at a big French event called Viva Tech.

One of the company was organizing a "Wishmaton", where you woud basically enter and film yourself making a vow, and they would pick one lucky winner every day.

And the first two days, I did not participate, convinced that I had no chance anyway.

And the last day, I thought to myself "Ok Louise, you got to participate or you will regret it. Just think and try to come up with something smart"

And so I participated, and then made a tweet (even though my Twitter is personal and I literally have only friends following me on there lol) about their Wishmaton, saying it was one of the best attraction at the event

And guess what...


SO then I got the chance to Brunch at one of Paris' most famous palace hahaha but it is another story !! (Of course my vow was food related lol)

But all of this to tell you that is is exactly the same in real life.

Rather than never trying, and tell yourself you have no chance, TRY IT, give the best you have to give, and I am going to end on the sentence I HATE THE MOST


"Allo, Spielberg ? It is Louise Aubery calling. How are you :) ?"

For more infomation >> WHAT PREVENTS YOU FROM REACHING YOUR GOALS - Duration: 3:21.


Dawn Allen NEW MAJOR Details REVEALED! Last Bus METAHUMAN? - The Flash 4x17 Tease - Duration: 7:53.

alright let's run it again we got to make this work does he know that Ralph

Ralph what one more time please follow Barry's plan you know the one where I

spent hours of my precious time programming realistic holograms for you

which bravo on that by the way thank you look just morph yourself into Barry

they'll be two flashes thinker won't know which one is which and will confuse

him kind of a her actually Ralph you're missing the point of this exercise no I

get it I was just doing a little improv but this isn't stand-up comedy yeah I

know that Avenue should let it play out would it work you could then some improv

of your own comedy comes in threes man we're trying to protect you the Vosges

coming we need to be ready all of us okay I still think it's a pretty good

plan I hide my face I saved my ass what do you remember Barry taking her into

flash time trying to freeze the bomb and killer frost being worried worried about

what not dying about me killer frost and I go and ruin it me okay don't worry

about it I just get so clumsy when I'm nervous

are you nervous about um I'm supposed to be meeting some people here for the

first time and I've got the jitters which is what this place is called

appname don't you I do it's funny you know you get nervous you get the jitters

you go for coffee and the caffeine acts as a stimulant which makes Jinky which

could also be known as the jitters exactly okay

we're gonna go okay yeah um I'm really very very sorry

don't worry about it good luck with your meeting I hope it goes well Thanks it


what is good YouTube

Warstu here with a video on the flash season for now if you

watch the flash season 4 this is a channel for you we go over theories

breakdown f episodes news and all up-and-coming things so subscribe if you

are new guys so we've got some really important information which I didn't see

coming so Jessica Parker Kennedy plays the

character that is called a mystery girl coffee shop girl juice girl the girl

that first appeared in the crisis and earth X crossover working at Barry

Allen's wedding reception now we've got some really major news why so instant

weekly did an interview and they were asked questions so this is a question

let's talk about mystery girl played by Jessica Parker Kennedy can you tease a

little more about how the story might come to a head and if we should be

worried about her being a foe instead of a friend it's just interesting because I

made a theory Fame really she could be a villain and the common theory is that

she's actually Dawn Allen from the tornado twins although there's a lot of

evidence about no one's really right so the answers this the mystery go in our

story is kind of a fun one a role is especially to lay down these little

clues these little bread crumbs for the viewers that ultimately start paying off

in terms of establishing a trajectory to Season 5 so that's what's going to be a

big payoff when we reach season finale so this tells us the viewers the fans

because yes I might make youtube videos but I'm still a fan this tells us that

we're definitely going to be seeing mystery girl again we know she right

it's the same speed for cymbals that Barry Allen wrote when he came out of

the Speed Force prison so who is she and why is she coming out so it's clearly

they're setting up something in season 5 maybe she is dawn Allen maybe setting up

the tornado twins maybe she's got a big story out coming because it did say a

big payoff for season 5 and then it went on to say do you guys know who she is or

were you trying to piece together little breadcrumbs as well as you went on and

got the script and then the response was this I tried to be wonderfully eager and

arrogant ignorant sorry about all the rumors and reveals all that stuff that

actors talk actors love to talk actors I love to talk out loud

so I can't help it that some of the reels and resolutions have made their

way into my brain now I know it took me a while to figure out but enough

of my co-workers torkoal and now I know the secret of who she is and her role is

in this story and it's lovely it really is a cute it's really cute it's cute I'm

excited about it so same this mystery girl jitters girl coffee shop girl story

line is cute is very interesting because the last time we've seen her she looked

a very sinister after talking it to Caitlyn after Caitlyn wished her good

luck with her meeting of seat when she was talking to Harry Wells and like Kate

and Frost she was talking about them so at the moment she's met everyone except

for Irish West and yo West and Cecile I think but the most important thing is

her meeting iris West so guys let me know in the comment box down below do

you think she's actually gonna be dawn Allen and are you surprised that

potentially she could be in season 5 so the flash returns tonight with episode

17 and new and annoyed and the synopsis reads like this the flash and the

elongated man joining forces to take down well take down all the remaining

meta bus but bus metas in town sounds like a good idea but in episode 17 of

the viewers could see tension brewing between the two as Barry feels like Rao

is no longer concern actually it's not the synopsis is in my notes but yeah

essentially they're gonna butt heads because in the clip I played before you

see that Barry's trying to help him and he's kind of like tried to make jokes

about everything we will be introduced to a character who could control gravity

and it might see the flash fall into his death but the main stars not gonna die

so Noel Lloyd is tonight's episode guys it's gonna be very interested and also

just one last bit they are asked a question in this interview team flash

finally thinks it's gotten ahead of devote but could this be exactly what

Deveaux has won notice why I think you've hit the nail on the head and

there's no telling what part of team flash actions are pre-designed in

Devoe's planet strategy DeVoe could have already foreseen the outcome what makes

especially sinister is that he doesn't possess the emotional attachment that I

think can serve as a hindrance to team flash efforts to stop the vote he's cold

he's counted and he will murder or alienate whoever he has to in or in

order to completely complices tasks sorry guys I've got been cold a

moment so so that's quite interesting everyone thinks the de veau is a boring

villain and he is a boring villain but it's interesting that he will kill

anyone in an instance kind of interesting so lately goes though guys

are team flash getting ahead of themselves is Harry Wells getting a bit

too obsessed no see in tonight's episode we will see breacher returning he's

gonna need Cisco's help obviously gipsy won't be near so jessica is on taking

season 2 which is a completely different show so based on the sneak preachers

coming to get his powers back he needs some tests running on his powers because

this villain that kind of had hundreds of zombies basically hidden his powers

so it's gonna be a very interesting episode to know that guy hopefully

although I hate to say this it looks like the Supergirl return episode next

week it looks like a bunch of a filler episode this late into the game we can't

really be doing like filler episodes because let's be honest guys this season

that hasn't me very good a set for the mystery girls stuff so anyway guys like

I said a solid video if you're into the flash TV show this is a channel view we

do videos like this all week long primarily a flash at the moment we do

arrow Supergirl and let stuff like that and also Marvel Avengers infinity war

and the kind of Marvel stuff as well driven to comic book related TV shows

movies maybe think about subscribing guys and please like subscribe and

comment and I will catch you in another video

if you are new goodbye juice and I will catch you and later

For more infomation >> Dawn Allen NEW MAJOR Details REVEALED! Last Bus METAHUMAN? - The Flash 4x17 Tease - Duration: 7:53.


Sony a6000 screen protector glass - Duration: 2:40.


Every owner of a digital camera

wants to keep it in good condition.

I bought a protective glass kit from the Chinese and now I'll try to install it myself.

Here it is written that this is a LCD Screen Protector

designed for Sony a6500

This glass is compatible with Sony a6000

a6300 and a6500

On the package you can see what layers this protective glass consists of

and what is included in the kit.

Here is a short manual that shows actions step by step.

I will describe it in this video.

The package include:

the first item is a Wet cleaning wipe - it will be remove dust from the camera's screen.

the second item is a dust absorber

The dust-absorber was smaller than the screen size,

therefore as a result it was spoiled

Instead of this dust absorber, I decided to wipe the screen with the Microfiber cloth that comes in the kit.

the third item is a LCD Screen Protector,

The screen of the camera perfectly clean and next step is installing a LCD Screen Protector.

First of all, I put it on the screen.

In this position I fix this screen with scotch tape.

It was a difficult to wipe the screen ideally but i see that it is clean.

Now it is necessary to peel off the protective film from the LCD Screen Protector

and carefully apply the film to the screen of the camera itself to spread evenly over the entire screen area.

the last item is Microfiber cleaning cloth

- we are wiping the already installed protective glass.

Now you can clean the protective glass!

Thank you for your attention,

ask questions in the comments, subscribe to my channel.

Good Luck!

For more infomation >> Sony a6000 screen protector glass - Duration: 2:40.


What If There Were No Taxes? - Duration: 10:05.

What if there were no taxes?

The first federal income tax in the U.S. was implemented to support the Civil War, so what

was the government relying on before then?

And how would no federal income taxes affect the U.S. today?

If the old adage remains true and the only certain things in life are death and taxes,

then it's no wonder a lot of us feel like we're dying around April 15th.

But even though taxes have been a cornerstone of the United States (and prior to that the

colonies of the Americas) since its inception, federal income taxes weren't always a part

of that equation.

So for this episode, I wanted to dive into an alternative history that asked the question:

what would the U.S. look like if we didn't have a federal income tax?

So for the first part of this experiment we have to ask:

What preceded the federal income tax?

And how did it come into place?

Well as I mentioned before, taxes are even more American than your favorite flavor of pie.

There were colonial taxes imposed on the 13 colonies by Great Britain's Parliament but

they weren't based directly on the amount of income a person made per year.

Instead, they were focused on the indirect taxation of goods and services, like the the

Stamp Act of 1765 that taxed all paper goods.

Some of these were designed to collect revenue to enrich the Crown and pay for military defense

in the colonies.

But they weren't exactly popular, leading to cries of "no taxation without representation!"

and a bunch of tea getting tipped overboard into the Boston Harbor, among other things.

But once the 13 colonies became an independent nation, they didn't do away with taxes all together.

Because waging war and building a central government is kind of a spendy business.

So they looked to other ways of using indirect taxation to cover these new costs and also

to pay off some of the debts they had inherited from the Revolution.

This included the estate tax of 1797, which took a portion of wealth passed on to heirs

from deceased relatives.

And there was a consistent use of tariffs and taxes on certain goods like tobacco, liquor,

sugar, legal documents and whiskey (check out the info on the 1794 whiskey rebellion

to learn more).

Ok, so I bet you're thinking, "That's all well and good Danielle, but that was also

a pretty long time ago.

When did the federal government start taking home a huge chunk of change out of peoples'


Well, the terrible thing about war (outside of death and devastation) is that it's expensive...and

it's pretty much always been expensive.

The first federal income tax in the U.S. was implemented by President Abraham Lincoln on

August 5th, 1861, in large part to help pay for the Civil War.

But this new tax didn't impact everyone immediately.

Instead, Lincoln and the Congress passed the Revenues Act which took a 3% tax on anyone

with an annual income of over $800.

And this law defined "income" relatively broadly to include income "derived from

any kind of property, or any professional trade, employment, or vocation carried on

in the United States or elsewhere or from any source whatever."

And while you gotta love a legal definition that ends in "whatever" like a teen from

Clueless, the law was eventually repealed in 1872.

There were a couple of subsequent attempts to get an income tax on the books but they

were generally unsuccessful and unsustainable

But we still weren't done with federal taxation.

In 1909, the federal income tax reared its head one more time in the form of the 16th

amendment which was later ratified in 1913.

And this marked a huge shift in the way the government was able to rake in the dough.

Prior to this, there was a sentiment that the government should not be aware of citizens'

private financial affairs, so a clause was added in 1916 to make sure that this information

on tax filings was kept confidential.

Also unlike today, most people weren't even paying taxes.

Less than 1% of Americans ended up having to fork over any money in those early income

tax days because of generous exemptions and the fact that it was only intended to tax

people making over $3,000 a year.

And the graduated rates started at 1% of income and were as high as 7% for those with an annual

income over $500,000.

But comparatively speaking that's still pretty low.

But war, what is it good for?

Definitely taxes (and sing it again y'all).

Because during World War I the federal government was in need of funds after declaring war on Germany.

Starting in 1917, congress passed a series of war revenue acts that did away with a lot

of prior exemptions and raised the tax rates.

This meant that about 5% of Americans had to start paying taxes.

And FDR's New Deal and the onset of WWII also saw the increase in federal income tax collection.

And although it's gone up and down, run at a surplus and a deficit, and remained a

point of contention among those who have to pay them, federal income taxes have in fact

remained as inescapable as death throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.

But that brings us to our third question and the hypothetical portion of the episode: What

would happen if there were never any federal income taxes?

Let's start with the Civil War: The Federal Government is denied the ability to create

direct taxes.

So if Lincoln and Congress' plan to establish a federal income tax had been denied, this

would have set an important historical precedent, essentially denying the federal government

the right to extract direct taxes from its citizens.

As a result, regardless of the outcome of the Civil War, the idea of state's rights

would have become more important.

If the South had won, then there's a precedent for states having the right to self-autonomy

whenever they decide.

And if the North still won, there's a precedent that the federal government doesn't have

the right to collect income taxes in any situation, even when the U.S. was on the verge of implosion.

As a result the states would become more independent and the federal government would be weakened.

But to figure out the larger historical impact we have to figure out what most of your federal

income tax dollars are even paying for.

And the largest percentage of your tax dollars go towards military spending and defense.

And the debate about if the federal government even had the right to collect taxes was always

hottest when there were times of war and increased military activity.

Which brings us to our second big impact: Decreased Military Activity in the first half

of the 20th century.

In our alternate timeline, denying Lincoln the right to create a federal income tax sets

a legal precedent.

So there's no grounds for the 16th amendment, which means that the federal income tax isn't

a constant factor in the running of the government.

At crucial points in U.S. history the federal income tax was used to fund war efforts.

The first major war effort of the 20th century that capitalized on this tax was World War I.

So without the federal government's ability to raise funds quickly, this means there's

a continued isolationist approach leading to no U.S. military involvement in WWI.

Heck there may not have even been a WW2 without the completion of the first one.

So a result the U.S. never gets a taste for international military intervention at other

junctures in the 20th century, because they simply couldn't afford to on a unified national level.

Lastly without Federal Taxes the United States is a lot less...Unified.

Because federal income taxes are collected by the central government and redistributed

amongst the 50 states, there is a certain amount of collective and political logic that

goes into who gets what.

For example, in 2014 South Carolina got $7.87 for every $1 dollar its citizens paid in federal taxes.

But without the federal taxation, each state's economy would be much more independent.

And that's because state wealth varies wildly, with Mississippi, Arkansas, West Virginia,

Alabama, and Kentucky ranking on the tail end of poorest states in 2015, while Maryland,

Hawaii, Alaska, New Jersey, and Connecticut were on the high end based on median household


So over the course of the 20th & 21st century federal income taxes that went towards paying

on the national debt would likely be eliminated in favor of taking on just state debts, and

the other categories like education and social programs would also vary based on the wealth

of the relative states.

So how does it all add up?

Well the federal income tax is strangely symmetrical: it was enacted at different points in U.S.

history to pay for war efforts and even today the biggest percentage of the money you pay

to the IRS goes towards military and defense.

But without this boost of money at various points in the historical timeline, the federal

government would likely be much weaker and we'd have more independent states.

But what do you think?

If federal income taxes hadn't been made into the permanent law of the land with 16th

amendment, how would that impact the timeline for the U.S.?

Would we have states ruling or would the federal government have survived?

Drop those comments below and we'll catch you next week.

Hey guys!

Thank you for all of your incredible comments and questions on last week's episode on

"Origins of Race," here's what some of you had to say.

So Michael Théodore-Robinson on Facebook asked a question about indenture, since he

believed that before 1662, all black laborers were indentured similar to their European


He also mentions the case of Anthony Johnson, an Angolan man, who is indentured and later

went on to become a landowner and to sue in court in order to enslave another black indentured


So this question is great because it opens up a lot of complexities in parts of the story

related to early American history.

Yes, there were black indentured servants in the early years of the colony of Virginia,

but not every black laborer was indentured, as many who were brought into the colonies

were actually enslaved.

As time went on and we pass the midpoint of the 17th century, the laws around chattel

slavery in the early colonies were solidified around black laborers in order to guarantee

perpetual slavery and to increase the personal profits of early capitalists.

So thanks for writing, Michael!

So Rebecca Hodges and Artieboy Ramirez, also on Facebook, both asked questions about resources

that focused on cultures outside of the U.S. and also why this episode was limited to the

U.S. only.

So for more reading drop down into the works cited, and there are a few things of interest

that cover a broader spectrum outside of U.S. context.

And I limited the episode in scope only because the histories of race around the world do

share things in common but also have divergent histories and specific context.

I wanted to give you a short episode that accurately trace just one of these genealogies

rather than conflating many global histories into one short timeline.

So thanks to you both for writing!

And this last shout out goes to Social Studies teacher, Danielle Ketterson, thanks for watching

and for commenting and say "hi" to all of your great students for me!

So that's it for now and we'll see you next week!

For more infomation >> What If There Were No Taxes? - Duration: 10:05.


Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 2 bloki reklamowe i kolejne zapowiedzi z 27 października 2017 roku - Duration: 13:22.

For more infomation >> Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 2 bloki reklamowe i kolejne zapowiedzi z 27 października 2017 roku - Duration: 13:22.


GOTTA GO FAST | SONIC MANIA GAMEPLAY (Furry Edition) - Duration: 13:22.


SUPER SPEED, SUPER FORTUNE. Yeah no platforms needed.

No Platforms in My Dimension, BOI YEAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Spikes NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Not the Spikes hehe

I need to go faster than Mach 1. I can't catch the UFO. I need to go more than Mach 1.



*Cool Intro*

Hello my fellow furs, FoxNobia here.

And Welcome to another video with yours truly.

So as you can see, We are here in Green Hill Zone.

That's because a lot of you guys on Twitter voted that I play SONIC MANIA today.

Well without further ado let's get into that game^^

Alright so for those of you who do not know. I have never played a 2-D sonic game before.

So this will be really new to me.

Anyway let's get started :)

Ok so here we go, TAILS & SONIC to the rescue. On a Jet plane of ACTION!!!!!!!!

YEAH!!!. Alright let's see if I can do this. Okay, I'm probably going to be really bad at this XD.

Here we go, The Robots, EGGMAN'S ROBOTS.

Oh is that Eggman? or is that okay?

Metal Balls?


Oh that must be EGGMAN. Or Dr. Robotnik as he was called back in the 80's.

90's sorry 90's

What the, looks like...

WOAH, that is like spooky and creepy x|

Alright what the heck just happened hehehe?

Oh that's really creepy XD

Rwing let's grab the rwings hehe

Oh Green Hill YEAH!!! That's where we're at^^

There's Tails. Uhhh

Boom, BOI, Yeah, Alright.


We need some rings here. We need the RWINGS. We need the RWINGS



NOOOOOO, I don't want to lose the RWINGS I need those RWINGS to survive.


So this is actually a lot of fun. This is really a lot of fun^^

FLOWERS!!! Can I get the flowers? NO.


Jump up

Green Hill Zone this is the original.

The original, back in the retro days. We had all the green hill zones had all of them. ALL OF THEM. YEAH!!!!!!

Jump up.

No I need that platform. I need the Bouncy platform. C'mon give me the Bouncy. BOUNCY BOUNCY BOUNCY!!!!!!

C'mon Jump up


Are you ready to Jump. I don't think your ready to jump up. Uh no

I'm talking nonsense. I'm really just talking nonsense LOL

I don't even know anymore XD

I am so bad this hehehe

I am so bad at this hehehe

Were we suppose to go this way the whole time. I don't think so?

Oh this gives me some...


Going super fast^^


SUPER SPEED, SUPER FORTUNE. Yeah no platforms needed.

No Platforms in My Dimension, BOI YEAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Okay here we go YEAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Alright YEAHHH!!!

NOOOO, No Spikes. No Bad Spikes.


Awwwwwwwww No more super speed I'm sad :(


Oh catch the UFO are u seriou...

Oh my gosh. Okay^^

UFO, Here we go.

Let's get the UFO BOIIIIIIIIIIII. Here we go.

Mach 1 were going Mach 1 yeah^^

That's actually pretty fast hehe

Puuh. Sonic can go Mach 1 eh.

Well watch this everyone.

I can way faster than Sonic any day.

Watch this.

Hit it.

You see the sun, the earth, the moon, the stars and the space all together. Are going right before your eyes behind me.


That's way faster that Mach 1 any day BOI.

That's pretty fast Sonic going Mach 1.

BOIIIIIIIIIIII I got to catch he UFO.

I need to go faster than Mach 1. I can't catch the UFO. I need to go more than Mach 1.






I'm honestly talking gibberish XD

Oh so we weren't done with the level. I thought we were.




Flowers. So many Flowers.

Did I Win?

What's happening Now. Is this A Boss?

This is Bad News Man, This is Bad News. Bad News.

How do I beat these guys. BOIIIIIIII

Red is probably bad. Yep Red is bad XD.

That's gotta hurt. That's gotta hurt bad. That's not good :/


That's not good. AAAAAAH. There we go were going to beat him^^

Your going down. Your going down. METAL BOT

METAL BOT Is not going to beat me nah uh uh. Not going to beat me METAL BOT not today.


TAILS has got you. I don't know what I'm doing but I know TAILS can defeat you^^

RAAAAAAAAAH, Darn. I am like so bad at this LOL

Actually I'm not to bad. IDK. Maybe I'm good?


Okay Jump up. Oh darn he turned RED on me :(

I got to get a ring. Bounce.

I'm not going to die now

Alright they're Silver. YAY, I defeated one of them!!!!!!

Alright now it's just 1.

Oh He's doing the bouncing crunch of Destruction. We don't want the bouncing crunch of Destruction.

And TAILS just defeated him^^

YAY I think that's the end of the Level. Whooo.

Yeah you got through Act 1. uh uh uh. YEAHHHH. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Alright, I got thru Act 1^^


Alright let's do it^^

Let's go on the Zipline. Let's Hope the Zipline is not THE ZIPLINE OF DOOM!!!!

Alright Jump up. Jumpy, Jumpa, Jumperoo.

ZIPLINE!!!! AWWWWW I didn't get the Zipline AWWWWWW

Alright got another Checkpoint :)

Go down the elevator of thingies and dooma dooma mama

AAAAAH C'mon TAILS you got this. We got this TAILS^^

AAAAAAH The Bouncy thing. I got to jump over the BOUNCY BOUNCY BOUNCY Thing hehe.

Oh Not Spikes

Spikes NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Not the Spikes hehe

Alright here we go. NOOOOOOOOO.

We got to beat this. WE GOT TO BEAT THIS!!!!!!!!

Let's see here. We got more RWINGS. I think that's some water or something IDK?

OOOOOOHHHHH!!!! C'mon. There we go.

Fire, What does the fire do? That does absolutely nothing. I don't think.

TAILS c'mon TAILS We got to go this way.

No back to the spikes is BAAAAAAD.

AAAAH got an achievement YAY!!!

I got an achievement for doing absolutely nothing pretty much LOL

Here we go, Jump

Back To The Zipline.







I hope I'm doing this right, Ok Spikes.

AAAAAAH I got to make it. Whooooo I'm on the Zipline.

Okay here we go.

And whooooooo. I think we made it but don't get our hopes up yet.

What happened to TAILS he disappeared again.

Get to the ground there we go^^

Hopefully it isn't the same platform.

Okay good it's not :)

Here we go AAAAAAH the crabs. DAAAAAAH, Darn.

Oh those are FISH not crabs.

That's a CRAB.

AWWWW man Crabs are more difficult than the fish.


Darn :/

Where are we going to restart back at Green Hill Zone Yeah.

Oh this is the Boss.


Ok I'm running. I don't think you can run away from him.

Alright here we go. AAAAAAHHHH

C'mon Oh BOIII. BOIIIIIII That's looks like WOAH.

Okay I'm getting behind him now.

Did I beat him

Can I hit him?

BOI He's difficult Okay.


I've got 0 RWINGS I've got to be very careful

I got to get to those RWINGS or I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. If I don't get to those RWINGS.

NOOOOOOOOO He jumped over me.

NOOOOOO, Okay Whewww. That was close.

BOIIII this guy is difficult. AAAAAHHHHHH.

I'm going to die. Okay No not yet.

I better run. Make a run for it.

Is He Defeated?

Did I win?

YAY!!! Whooo Hooooo.

*derpy cheering :p*

Alright what is happening now?

Do I jump on that? Do I jump on the UFO type thing?

What are those bunnies? Are those bunnies? Are those some bunnies? Some bunnies there?

Alright I got 200 points. Whoooo. What now?

I guess we're leaving. Whooo, Yeahh.

Yeah what now? Is this GREEN HILL ZONE 3

Oh there's EGGMAN


What's going on here? What's going on here?

Is that the CHAOS EMERALD?

That's the CHAOS EMERALD!!!!!!

THAT'S THE CHAOS EMERALD!!!!. Uhoh. It's making us go inverted and stuff.

Now we're in another dimension something.

This looks like a city.

Oh it hit SONIC, Poor SONIC.

Ok what's going on now. Where are we at?


Okay we're now at the Chemical Plant everyone. Let's get to it^^

No,No,No,No,NO. Let's jump the CHEMICAL PLANT. The CHEMICAL PLANT Will be our Salvation.

Yeah I doubt that LOL

Probably going to die a lot here

*derpy singing*

uhhh Jump.

Okay so how do we do this?

Should I go Super Speed? Should we go, Should we go SUPER SPEED HERE!!!!

Should we go do some SUPER SPEED here!!!

I don't know what to do here actually XD

Well TAILS manage to figure it out that's not fair.

That's not fair TAILS manage to figure it out before me. That's not fair. LOL


Okay I think I go back and then I make run for it.

Well thank you TAILS for coming back that was kind of you man that was kind^^

Okay. There we go. Let's go up here, Let's go down there.

AAAAAAH Avoid those spikes.

Whoa those are Blu. Those are Blu Balls of Destruction.

AAAAAAAH Okay There we go^^


Whooo hoooo, Woooo hoooo, hoooo hoooo, hoooo, hoooo, hoooo, hooooo





Oooh, oooh, ooooh, oooh, ooooh, oooh, oooooooh,, YEAH

Alright. Let's do this. Let's do it right.


It's actually quite fun it's very relaxing^^

Let's do this. SONIC MANIA.

Oh I died.

Awwww :(

That's sad.

I don't know how I died but I managed to so....

How many lives.. I have 2 lives left.

That's a bumber darn. Okay.

What? Who?

TAILS did you kill me?

Was it TAILS that did it?

Is it TAILS. Could it be that TAILS doesn't actually like SONIC?

Nah, Nah that is not true. I don't believe that.

But I do have 0 rings so I need to be careful.

I have 5 rings now^^

Okay so what do I do here?

Oh it was the CHEMICALS that have been kil... Oh it was not the CHEMICALS :(

I thought it was the chemicals but... OKAY.

I have 5 OH GOSH

I remember this from SONIC FORCES I believe.


AWWWWWWWWW. We drowned. Me and TAILS just died :(



If I restart back at GREEN HILL ZONE I'm going to be upset. Honestly.

Are you the fastest thing alive? Time attack is now unlocked^^ Whoooooooo

Prepare to challenge. Competition is now unlocked :)


Everyone I just wanted to say thank you so much for this video.

I hope you guys liked my very hyper and enjoyable humor hehe.

I also had so much fun making this video^^

If you guys want to see this into a series.

Let's see if we can get this to 20 LIKES.

If we manage to do that I will make SONIC MANIA into a series^^

Of course don't forget to share this to your friends.

SUBSCRIBE if you are new to my channel.

I'm going to be making these kind of furry gaming videos from now on. On my channel.

I also might do some gaming. FURRY GAMING LIVESTREAMS In the future.

Also don't forget to turn on NOTIFICATIONS. That way you can be notified when I make more silly videos such as this^^

I hope you guys have a great day and many more to come. BYE BYE :)

*Cool Outro*

For more infomation >> GOTTA GO FAST | SONIC MANIA GAMEPLAY (Furry Edition) - Duration: 13:22.


how to do the wheel - artistic gymnastics - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> how to do the wheel - artistic gymnastics - Duration: 5:45.


Massive weight-loss, transge...

For more infomation >> Massive weight-loss, transge...


Hermes e Renato nas Finanças: Você é Joselito ou Boça com o dinheiro? - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Hermes e Renato nas Finanças: Você é Joselito ou Boça com o dinheiro? - Duration: 7:36.


Trump still upset over FBI raid of personal lawyer - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Trump still upset over FBI raid of personal lawyer - Duration: 2:48.


Gleici vira a favorita e Kaysar se torna o participante mais rejeitado do BBB18 - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Gleici vira a favorita e Kaysar se torna o participante mais rejeitado do BBB18 - Duration: 2:12.


GOING RUSTIC - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> GOING RUSTIC - Duration: 11:15.


Body language tip on storytelling - Duration: 1:06.

Hello, I'm here in Edinburgh. It's the break of my performance and I am in the backstage room.

And the first thing, we were talking about here in Edinburgh was:

If you are telling a story don't show off! And I gave them a metaphor, a picture. And that is:

Imagine you would be in a pub with friends and you would tell a story, a content or an experience to them. How would you act?

If you are doing it too pathetically - too much showing off, your friends would think "What's wrong with you?". So loosen up a bit.

Tell it as if you would have drunken one beer.

For more infomation >> Body language tip on storytelling - Duration: 1:06.



For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6I PREMIUM VOL AUTOMAAT IN DE MEEST LUXE UITVOERING - Duration: 0:59.


How to Make Brown Car for Kids, Children - Duration: 12:28.

How to Make Brown Car for Kids, Children

For more infomation >> How to Make Brown Car for Kids, Children - Duration: 12:28.


5 EXERCÍCIOS FÁCEIS PARA PERDER BARRIGA EM CASA! Exercicios Para Emagrecer - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> 5 EXERCÍCIOS FÁCEIS PARA PERDER BARRIGA EM CASA! Exercicios Para Emagrecer - Duration: 8:05.




Weronika Rosati (34 l.) udzieliła wywiadu w programie śniadaniowym TVP.

Nie zabrakło pytań o macierzyństwo. Trzy miesiące temu na świat przyszło pierwsze dziecko Weroniki i ortopedy.

Aktorka zdecydowała się rodzić w Stanach.

Tabloidy donosiły, że chodzi o to, aby malutka dostała od razu amerykańskie obywatelstwo.

Okazuje się, że nie był to główny powód. Ostatnie trzy miesiące spędziłam w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

Było to uzależnione od mojego porodu i mojej córeczki, którą tam urodziłam ze względu na to, że chciałam mieć święty spokój w tym wyjątkowym momencie.

Mogłam się nacieszyć dzieckiem, a nie stresować się, co zapewne by mnie spotkało, gdybym urodziła tutaj - wyznała Weronika w Pytaniu na śniadanie EXTRA.

Następnie oznajmiła, że macierzyństwo bardzo ją zmieniło, co zauważają wszyscy jej znajomi.

Później było jeszcze lepiej.

Weronika poinformowała, że przez ciążę straciła wiele intratnych propozycji, ale była to jej świadoma decyzja.

Amerykańscy producenci chyba się zmówili, bo w tych kilku miesiącach ciąży wręcz zasypali ją ofertami pracy!.

Bardzo dużo propozycji odrzuciłam. Tak jak na złość, jak tylko dowiedziałam się, że jestem w ciąży,.

to dostałam główną rolę w amerykańskim serialu, potem jeszcze rolę w filmie, który był kręcony w listopadzie na Dominikanie. Było mi trochę żal.

Odrzuciłam też kilka polskich propozycji, jedną międzynarodową produkcję z topowym aktorem - wylicza Weronika.

Na koniec wyjawiła, że nazwała córkę na cześć aktorki Elizabeth Taylor.

Dlatego kategorycznie zabroniła spolszczania tego imienia i pisania go w zły sposób z s zamiast z!.

Moją córkę nazwałam na cześć Elizabeth Taylor.

(.) To nie jest Elżbieta, to nie jest Elisabeth - zaznaczyła Rosati.

Teraz już wiecie i proszę nie robić więcej błędów!.

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