Friday, April 13, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 13 2018



After threatening contempt of Congress, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee

met with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and viewed a copy of the two-page FBI memo

that kick-started the Russia investigation.

Facing legal action, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein allowed House Intelligence

Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., to view the FBI

memo that instigated the bureau's counterintelligence investigation of contacts between Russia and

the Trump campaign, Nunes confirmed on Wednesday, Fox News reports.

The meeting came a day after Nunes threatened to take legal action — including contempt

proceedings and impeachment — against Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray for failing

to produce a clean copy of the memo, known as an electronic communication or EC, that

was responsive to an August 2017 committee subpoena.

"Although the subpoenas issued by this Committee in August 2017 remain in effect, I'd like

to thank Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein for his cooperation today," Nunes responded.

When asked on Fox News' "The Ingraham Angle" Tuesday if he would hold the officials

in contempt of Congress, Nunes said, "we're not going to just hold in contempt.

We will have a plan to hold in contempt and to impeach … we're not messing around


A government source told Fox News that Nunes, Gowdy and committee Republican staff were

able to view the two-page memo with relatively few redactions.

The source described those redactions as "minimal and justified."

Fox News has previously reported that the memo was either drafted by or had significant

input from FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller's

probe after the discovery of anti-Trump text messages between him and another FBI official,

Lisa Page.

Despite Rosenstein making the minimally redacted version of the memo available, the government

source said committee Republicans remained concerned about the memo's underlying intelligence

and the credibility of the sources which would require further investigation.

A Justice Department official told Fox News that the memo's redactions had been "narrowly

tailored to protect the name of a foreign country and the name of a foreign agent…

These words must remain redacted after determining that revealing the words could harm the national

security of the American people by undermining the trust we have with this foreign nation."

The official added that the words "appear only a limited number of times, and do no

[sic] obstruct the underlying meaning of the document."

"With this production, in conjunction with the 1,000 pages of classified materials—much

of which is now being provided to entire [House Intelligence] committee membership—we believe

we have substantially satisfied Chairman Nunes August subpoena in an appropriate fashion,"

said the official.

"The Department will be pleased to continue to work with the Committee on other, related

requests for information."

Hell yeah!

That's how to take care of business.

The Republicans need to play hard.

Play dirty and go after these bastards with unrelenting aggressiveness.

Liberals are snowflakes.

Let's kick some CONSERVATIVE ASS and show these punks who's in charge!

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of The FBI… LOOK WHO'S ABOUT TO TAKE THEM DOWN!!! - Duration: 3:30.


Fabrizio Frizzi, la moglie Carlotta distrutta dal dolore: la promessa damore - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi, la moglie Carlotta distrutta dal dolore: la promessa damore - Duration: 4:05.


Soft Spring (Meme)[Flipaclip] For Julie x3 - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Soft Spring (Meme)[Flipaclip] For Julie x3 - Duration: 0:57.


Documentation and Information Needed to File a VA Disability Claim - Duration: 8:45.

Good afternoon and welcome to our show today.

My name is Cindy Speaker.

I have with me as my guest attorney Nathan Guin.

Nathan, how are you doing?

I'm doing very well, Cindy, how are you doing?

It's been little bit and I'm glad to see you.

Yeah, I'm glad to see you, too.

We're having some bad weather up here in Philadelphia.

How are you guys doing down there?

I mean, it's about 65 and sunny outside, so not quite as bad as the nor'easters you're


Ah, that's nice, that's nice.

I'll send some of it up there to you.

Yeah, that'd be good.

We're gonna be talking about veterans disability claims today and we're gonna talk about what

kind of information and documentation that a veteran needs to bring to you guys in order

to properly evaluate their case.


Let's start off here with the first question.

When can I go to an attorney to help me with my VA claim?

Technically speaking, you can call an attorney at any time.

But as far as the VA goes, an attorney can't be engaged, or you can't have a contract with

a veteran, to help them with a disability claim until their receive their initial rating


Generally speaking, sometimes we'll have people call and say, "Hey, I wanna put in a claim"

or "I've put in a claim and I want y'all to take my case."

We'll have to say, "Well, why don't you get a rating decision?"

That's really the first thing we need is a current decision.

It doesn't even really have to be a rating decision if you've already appealed one on

your own and you get a statement of a case or even a VBA decision.

At that point, you say you want an attorney, that's when you can engage an attorney, really

anytime after your initial rating decision is granted or denied.

Whenever you get that you can engage an attorney from there.

Okay, let me just understand that.

The veteran needs to apply for veterans disability benefits themselves first and get that decision.

Right, legally it has to be- I see.


It has to be the veteran themselves who puts in applications.

Same thing with social security.

There's just a statutory bar to anybody else being able to do it on the front end.

It has to be the initial application of the veteran themselves and then they'll get an

initial decision, usually in about four or five months, maybe a little bit less.

At that point, that's when they can call us and really say, "Hey, I want someone to take

my case."

We can really look at it and potentially take it.

Okay, now, what other documents would they need to bring you in addition to the ratings


Depending on what the case is, if it's for service connection, it's always helpful for

a veteran to get their claims file.

You request that from the VA, and that is super helpful because it's basically the VA's

file on you, anything and everything about you and your service, post-service, whatever

you've submitted to them, whatever they've sent to you.

That is everything that they've got.

That's really helpful and a lot of veterans don't know to get that or how to get that,

but it's pretty simple Freedom of Information Act request.

You can just send it to the VA and they're required to release it to you.

Those are always really helpful if you have them on the front end for increases.

If you're already service-connected, those claims files are a little less relevant at

that point.

What you'd really want is current or the most recent medical records you can get so that

we can evaluate them versus the diagnostic code and what the VA evaluated in making their

decision to see, "Hey, can we get you an increase?

Do we need to get an opinion on this?

Does it look like this is maybe going somewhere?"

Depending on what the case is, we would want different information, but that's generally

what we would look for.

I would guess that if they call you, you're gonna tell them that, what they need relative

to their specific situation.


Basically what they'll do, if they call in and we have an intake sheet that we take in,

and then we'll get their initial rating decision.

I'll review that because a lot of times that's all they have at the time is the decision.

"Hey, I just got a decision.

I got denied.

I'm upset about it."

Or, "I'm just sick of dealing with them.

I'm already done with the VA."

Stuff like that.

Then that's what they send in to us and a lot of times, they won't have their claims

filed so a lot of it will be, "Hey, I reviewed it, I get where you're coming from, but there's

some information I'm gonna need to see."

That's where it's gonna be.

We'll talk to them about what they need, how to get it, and if they have any questions

in the meantime they can always call us and say, "Hey, I got your packet in the mail.

I don't understand this at all."

We can help them with all that.


It does sound a little different.

Let me just go back again to claims file.

It sounds like they get the claims file themselves.

Right, unless- Or do you get it for them?

We will give them the form that they need.

We'll basically fill it out with their information and send it to them.

They have to sign it and send it in to the VA.

Okay, it's a form that they send in to get this.


I see.

It's essentially a letter.

It's a form letter that we have and generally speaking, we could get the claims file but

only if we have a contract with the case.

If we take a case, we always order the claims file.

If we're able to take one without a claims file, then we'll, as a matter of course, order

one when we take a case.

But generally speaking, if it's for a review and I can't take the case off of the rating

decision, I'll say, "Hey, we can send you the form, you just need to sign it, send it

in, they'll send it to you, and then let us know."

The veteran ends up being the middleman a little bit there, but it's really the only

way that we can legally get the claims file to them is through them.

I see.

Now, what about medical records?

Are they in the claims file or is that separate?

They have to medical records separate?

Service medical records, service treatment records, anything like that, will automatically

be in the claims file unless they've been destroyed or misplaced or for any reason they're

not available.

Any post-service records are really on the veteran to submit unless they're through the


Any VA treatment records are constructively in the possession of the Veterans Benefits

Administration and basically what that means is you're two separate systems but you're

both the VA.

If the health system has it, we assume that the benefits system has it.

That's basically all that means.

Anything that's private or outside the VA has to be submitted by the veteran or they

can sign a specific form to send to the VA, which is a release of information form that

allows the VA to get those documents themselves.

The veteran doesn't wanna go down to his or her doctor, pay whatever money there might

be to have to get the records, they can just fill out a specific form for the VA.

I believe it's a 21-41-42, I think.

But it's a release of information.

You put your facilities and when you've been getting treated there, and then they can request

those records themselves.


Very good.

How long would you say once they start gathering information, getting the claims file, getting

medical records, all that, how long's it typically take to gather all the documentation so that

they can actually be evaluated by you?

For private medical records and things like that, it's as fast as your doctor can get

them to you or as fast as you can get to them.

Usually, I think they process within 30 to 45 days at the longest, maybe.

I don't do a ton of records ordering, but I think that's about right.

For the claims file, that really varies.

Depending on a lot like the VA regular claims and appeals tracks go, it depends on how many

C5 requests they've received, how quickly they're going through them, how voluminous

these claims files are to get, and do whatever they need to do to get them on the disks and

get them out.

It can take anywhere from two or three months to it's taken 10 to 11 months.

It really depends in terms of how that goes, but if you're trying to get a claims file

from anything from the VA, it can get lengthy.


Yeah, I bet.

Well, Nathan, let me ask you this.

If anybody has questions and they wanna reach out to you directly, what's the best way to

do that?

Yeah, the best way to do it is to give us a call at 251-343-1111, or you can reach us



The great thing about VA law is that if you're in Connecticut, if you're in Boise, Idaho,

if you're in Washington, if you're in Alaska, it doesn't matter.

You can give us a call.

We're based in Mobile, but we can handle cases throughout the country for any veteran anywhere.

Don't hesitate to call us even if you're really far away.

Just give us a call if you need some help and we can answer any questions that you might



As always, great information, Nathan.

I appreciate it.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to get it out there.

Oh, yeah.

Okay, well, thanks everybody for listening today.

If you have questions, comments, you can leave them right on this page.

We'll make sure Nathan gets back to you.

Nathan, good to see you again.

Good to see you, too, I appreciate it as always.

Talk to you again soon.

For more infomation >> Documentation and Information Needed to File a VA Disability Claim - Duration: 8:45.


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For more infomation >> "시네마는 바다"· · · 시간과 진실 진실은 영화 '그날, 바다'를 추적했다. 실시간 리뷰|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:55.


কোটা সংস্কার নিয়ে তারেক ও মামুনের ফোনালাপ ফাঁস!বিপাকে বিএনপি!latest bangla news - Duration: 2:52.


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Buy cheapest price shirt,T-shirt shopping in bd/best place to buy wholesale market Dhaka 2018 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Buy cheapest price shirt,T-shirt shopping in bd/best place to buy wholesale market Dhaka 2018 - Duration: 5:22.


Prairie Yard & Garden: Bee and Pollinator Center - Duration: 28:47.

(piano music)

- [Male Voice] Prairie Yard and Garden is a production

of the University of Minnesota Morris

in cooperation with Pioneer Public Television.

Funding for Prairie Yard & Garden is provided in part by

Heartland Motor Company, providing service

for over 30 years of the heart of truck country.

Heartland Motor Company, we have

your best interest at heart.

Farmer's mutual telephone company and federated

telephone cooperative, proud to be powering Acira.

Mark and Margaret Yako Jolene in honor of Shalom Hill Farm,

a non profit, rural education retreat center

in a beautiful prairie setting near Wyndham

in south western Minnesota.

- It seems like whenever we turn on the news

or read a newspaper, there is a story

about bees and pollinators.

There is much concern about their continued good health.

I have heard the University of Minnesota is doing

lots of research and outreach on this very topic.

Come along with Prairie Yard & Garden

as we learn about the new bee and pollinator center

at the landscape arboretum.

(upbeat jazz music)

I have several good friends who are master gardeners.

Each year they travel to the twin cities

for educational seminars.

This year they were telling me about the beautiful

new building at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.

Well, I just had to find out what the buzz was all about.

So today we are visiting with Ping Honzay

at the brand new Bee and Pollinator Center.

Welcome Ping.

- Welcome Mary, it's so great to have you here.

- Tell me, how did the bee center come about?

- Yeah, it's been years in the making.

But we are so excited to have it here.

So you've probably heard about the amazing bee lab

at the main St. Paul campus and the university

and the work of Dr. Marla Spivak.

So they've been doing amazing pioneering research work there

for years but this facility is really an education

outreach center to share some of the research

and work that their doing there.

You may have seen the name on the side of the building.

It's the Tashjian Bee and Pollinator Discovery Center.

So Alice Tashjian was a local teacher actually

in Minnesota and she met Dr. Spivak,

through taking some classes and learning more

about pollinators and she was really excited

about the topic so her and her son and his wife Gabe

lead gifts for this building and the arboretum

has had this land and it's very exciting.

The plan is to transform it into a campus

that's all about food and how we grow it

and what better building to kind of have

this first building open as part of that new food campus.

- [Mary] Is this an environmentally friendly building

or has it received some awards,

I guess I'd heard that the design is unique.

- [Ping] It is and it's received a couple,

or an award from the American Institute of Architects.

It's geothermally heated.

It uses natural lighting quite a bit so when you go inside,

you'll be able to see it's really

really catches all that beautiful, you know,

natural lighting and we do have solar panels on top

of the roof so everything is designed with the

state-ability and natural beauty in mind.

- [Mary] What are all the different parts of the building?

'Cause it looks like its pretty good sized.

- [Ping] Yeah so we have the learning lab

which sort of a classroom and a meeting space

so it can be used for lots of different, you know,

anything from hosting 90 3rd graders

for a little session (laughs)

to you know, a meeting of master gardeners

or local business group so we have a lot

of technology capabilities in that room

for distance learning and for projecting and showing

different videos and things in there for whoever's meeting.

And then first thing you see when you walk in the building

is we have sort of our welcome area

and our observation apiary.

So I love when people walk in and you hear the kids

and the first thing they say is,

"oh look at all the bees."


so yeah, that's just a great thing

to greet people on their way in.

And then we have our exhibit hall.

So that's got different exhibits on honey bees

and different wild, native bees

that also live in the area and butterflies

and sort of the plant pollination story.

And then we also have our honey house.

So that can be used as a teaching space.

But it's also for honey extraction.

We can harvest honey in there.

- [Mary] And then for the landscaping,

how was that planned out?

- [Ping] Yeah so it's all designed with pollinators in mind.

I love this time of year 'cause you can see

it's really buzzing.

Yeah so it's a lot of native perennials

but we do also have some landscape ornamentals

and then some native cultivars.

So we have some each bed kind of has a certain theme

in mind so for example we have sort of

butterfly area back here but we also up here,

have a demonstration with, it's sort of

mirror images in the bed so that's native plants

along with some of their cultivars beside them.

- [Mary] Okay.

- [Ping] So people can see what some of the differences are

and we can keep an eye on, there's some talk about

well which of these is better for pollinators

or are they as good and we can keep an eye

and see how they're each doing for pollinators.

So each bed has a theme like that, you know

whether it's showing different colors and forms

of flowers that people can use that are

pollinator friendly or just showing sort of a cascade

of blooms throughout the season

so that there's food everyday.

- [Mary] Well I see that you've incorporated some annuals

into that too so it doesn't have to be just natives

or just perennials.

It looks like you've used the full gamut.

- [Ping] Yes, yeah, you're exactly right

and I think, I think its important to show people

'cause people garden for different reasons.

But that, whatever reason you garden

that you can do something to help pollinators

and the annuals that we have currently in these beds

actually, the state master gardeners did,

a flowers for pollinators trial last year.

So these are some of the winners you see showcased here.

They do it - I see

- [Ping] Specifically with annuals.

- Okay, how did you get involved with the bee center.

- It's an interesting question.

I'm not from Minnesota originally

but my husband is and we were looking,

he came to visit the arboretum and he saw this job

and it was just, it's a very specific job

to be able to do, be in pollinator education

and it was just like, this is a dream job.

I've, you know, I majored in Zoology

with a minor in Botany but I really got

into bees specifically after I got out of school.

We started keeping honey bees and then I just kind of

got into this whole world of bees

and I've also my masters is in Natural Resources

with a focus in environmental education

and so I was really into bees and education

and just being able to mix the two of those together

at an institution like this was really a dream.

- [Mary] To me it looks like you were the perfect match

for the perfect position so that's great.

Do you have classes, you mentioned, for the master gardeners

and then also for students too right?

- [Ping] Yes so we have a mix of youth education

and adult education for sure.

- [Mary] How do people find out about the classes.

- [Ping] Yeah so if you go on our website

so its and then under events and programs

we have all of our adult classes listed and then

all of our field trips so during the school year

it's primarily field trips for school aged kids

but we also do summer day camps and different classes.

- So when the students come and you have classes with them,

what do you try to teach them?

- Yeah so every all of our school programs

are standards spaced so they're all designed

to be lined with Minnesota state standards.

Mostly science standards but also I think

there's opportunities for interdisciplinary education

with language arts or social studies.

But beyond that, I think its a big thing

that people can learn while their here is just

how intertwined our lives are with pollinators and plants

and how much we depend on them

and how important they are to us and I think a wonderful

takeaway is that everyone can do something to help

help pollinators and help plants and what I really hope

that people take away is just an excitement to learn

and appreciation for the natural worlds even if

they don't have to go out and say bees are my new

favorite topic and I wanna learn everything about bees

but just an appreciation that

wow there are these beautiful things

flying around in the world and I'm excited

to spend some more time outside maybe

and spend some more time learning about

plants or nature or wherever their interest take them.

- Why are bees and pollinators so important to us?

- Yes so you've probably heard the statistic people

say this a lot but you're that one out of every

three bites of food you take you can say things

to a pollinator for.

Pollinators really help for nothing else here,

they help feed us and we depend on them

for our survival.

So they of they help feed us and they pollinate

the plants in the landscape that we enjoy

for beauty but also those are help supporting

the whole the environment and landscape as a whole

and other species in the landscape.

But beyond that, there just these amazing creatures

and I think just appreciating them for what they are

as well and just the beauty and interest that they bring us

is also a really, I think a really important thing but

they feed us right?

So and who doesn't like food?

- [Mary] Right.

- [Ping] Yeah.

- [Mary] You know most of us just think about

when in pollinators we think about honey bees.

But what other kind of pollinators are there?

- [Ping] Yeah so there are

over 400 species of bees in Minnesota

and so there all these different types of bees

that are under our noses, yeah including

honey bees of course but also bumble bees

and bees that live in the ground

and bees that live in stems

so there all these types of bees.

There also butterflies of course, hummingbirds,

and then beyond that there's flies and wasps

and beetles and all these other animals in your garden

that are doing this important work.

- [Mary] So do you actually have

hives here at the bee center?

- [Ping] We do.

- [Mary] Okay and who takes care of them?

- [Ping] We work with the University of Minnesota Bee Squad.

They're this amazing group so they're part of the bee lab

at the University of Minnesota.

And they do, they have many or they have

several different programs around

just exploring bees and kinda spreading the word

and outreach and education but one of

probably they're best known program

is their hive to bottle program.

So they work at sites all over the twin cities area

and they, people, they might be at somebody's home

or at a business but the home or business,

they'll own the hives and the bees

but the bee squad will come and manage them for you

so you can make sure that your bees are being managed

with best practices and they'll come work with you

to do that and then they'll also actually

harvest the honey and then bring that to you.

So it's a wonderful program for people who

want to have honey bee hives on their property

but maybe, then you can have these experts come in

and help you take care of them.

- [Mary] You know you might not have the time

or you don't know how to take care of 'em

and here's somebody that really does.

Are these college students or are these employees

of the university or who are these people on the bee squad?

Yeah so they're employees of the university

and then I believe we do work with some college students

as well but they're employees.

- [Mary] Okay and they come and they help take care

of your hives here then too.

- [Ping] Yes, yeah.

- [Mary] What happens to the honey that's produced here?

- [Ping] Yeah so we are going into our first harvest year.

And we'll be harvesting it here and we'll be using some

in our programming but also

expect some will be for sale

(laughing) - okay, alright.

What do you do with the bees over the winter?

- [Ping] They stay right where you'll where you see them

behind the building.

- [Mary] Really?

- [Ping] Yes.

- [Mary] Do you do any special care or covering

so that they don't get too cold or

what do you do?

- Yeah so we'll give them

I call, this is not the technical term

but I call them like winter jackets.

- [Mary] Okay (laughs)

- [Ping] So it's just like corrugated plastic

or wax cardboard but its black.

So you'll see that they're painted white right now

and that helps reflect the solar heat in the summer

but then in winter you wanna attract,

you know you wanna keep all of that thermal heat

so that black color helps keep that in.

We'll put moisture boards on top of them

so that helps wick the moisture out of the hive

into the air just like moisture wicking shirt

you might wear and that's a big thing

because bees do a good job controlling their temperature

or honey bees but once they're wet,

it makes it a lot harder, right.

So that will wake the temperature out

and then you might say that there are some

different entrances so like if the snow is falling

and they might need a little bit of a higher

entrance in their hive but they do a really good job

on their own.

You know, in the wild nobody is giving them a moisture board

or so what they'll do is they'll cluster inside the hive

and shiver to stay warm and it can be mid 90s

in the middle of that cluster of bees

and they'll eat honey of course.

So that's a big thing about leaving the honey

enough honey on for the winter is you wanna make sure

that they have enough food.

- Ping, how much honey or how much food do you have to

leave in the hive over the winter for the bees?

How do you know?

- So in Minnesota, we have harsher winters (laughs)

than some and I'll be honest, I just moved to Minnesota

so I'm still learning as we go but the

the recommendation is 70 to 100

pounds of honey for the winter, yeah for a Minnesota winter.

- Wow, do the bee squad members ever open the hives

and check throughout the winter

to make sure there's enough food in there yet?

- In the winter you don't wanna open them too much.

As you can imagine, it lets (laughs)

it lets some cold air in but you can

feed them some during the winter as well.

Actually so we can give them a little bit of food

just open them quickly,

just do some really quick maintenance

especially if its a nicer weather day.

And actually so the bees, I mentioned that they'll stay

in the hive in the winter and cluster

but on a nicer, sunnier, slightly warmer day

you might actually see them come out

for what they call cleansing flakes.

'Cause they won't poop in the hive.

- [Mary] Speaking of winter,

is the bee and pollinator center used year around?

- [Ping] Yes definitely.

- [Mary] Is the general public invited to come

and see the center or just if you come to have classes?

- [Ping] No of course, everyone is invited.

We love, we love our visitors.

So the bee center is open Monday through Friday,

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and then on the weekends

its open noon to 4 p.m.

- [Mary] Okay.

Ping you had mentioned that the landscaping was done

with very good pollinator friendly plants.

Would you be willing to show us

some of those so that if a homeowner wants to plant

some too, they might have an idea for which are

some of the best ones to do.

- [Ping] Of course.

(jazz music)

- I have a question, how do you make a mini bog?

- Creating a mini bog is, is really pretty simple.

The first thing that you gotta do is, is choose

nice sunny location.

You wanna find a container that's about a foot deep.

And without holes so that there isn't any drainage 'cause

they like to be wet most on bog plants of course

like to be wet at the feet, you wanna

choose a substrate that's a combination of peat

and sphagnum moss and sand.

Put it in a nice sunny location.

Fill it with distilled or rain water.

Rain water might be the most handy.

A lot of the plants that live in bogs,

some of them are carnivorous plants.

There's a lot of other plants to choose from

like orchids and that and that's pretty much it.

Fill it up and just enjoy it.

- [Male Voice] Ask the arboretum experts

has been brought to you by the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

in Chanhassen dedicated to enriching lives

through the appreciation and knowledge of plants.

- So this is one of my favorites.

Its Meadow Blazing Star or Liatris ligulistylis.

So this is just a butterfly magnet, but you're not just

butterflies but you're all sorts of bees come visit.

Oh we can, yup, here's one right now.

So we are going to be doing a field trip

about Monarchs and I am so excited for the kids

to just come see all of the Monarchs

that come visit us on this plant here.

- [Mary] This is one that any home owner could plant

I believe, right?

- [Ping] Yes definitely you can see it's just right here

in the corner of our building full sun

and it even doesn't, it's nice because it is got

this kind of tall straight form so it is a taller plant

but it doesn't necessarily take up as much

with ground space as you might be worried about.

- [Mary] Actually if you've got a place where you can

use a plant with some height even as a background

this would be a stunning plant.

- [Ping] Yes definitely.

- [Mary] And it looks like it blooms quite a while too.

- [Ping] And behind us we have Agastache Foenicullum

or more commonly known as Anise Hyssop.

So this is also a bee favorite

and one of my personal favorites especially in teaching

because you can have the kids to sort of

gently rub the leaves and smell their fingers

and its just, they've got this wonderful

licorice smell so the kids like it

and the pollinators like it.

Its just a win win.

- [Mary] Well I can see the bees

are visiting it right now too so yes,

I can see where it is definitely one of

the favorites here in the garden.

(piano music)

- Alright Mary, here is another native perennial,

Rattlesnake Master or Eryngium yuccifolium.

And this one, it's a little, it's a little past

its peak bloom as you can see but when

it was in its peak bloom, it was just a pollinator magnet

in our garden, very much a favorite.

So I love this one, you have great pollinator plant

and its just got that visual interest right?

So its got this really unique form

and you can see even past its peak bloom

it keeps that visual interest in the garden

so its a very nice addition.

- I bet that a lot of our viewers

did not know that this is a good pollinator plant

but I agree, wouldn't that be pretty even

through the winter to add interest to the winter landscape

to have these pods showing.

- Yes yeah totally very, just a very cool plant

and its we've been talking about the way our,

visitors come its just like what it

they're surprised to see it.

It's a very unique looking plant.

So this plant might be a little more unusual

but let's got to one of our more tried and true

sort of common plants and take a look at that.

- Okay.

(piano music)

- So this is another one of my favorites,

this is Butterfly weed or Asclepias tuberso.

So it is a host plant for Monarch caterpillars

and we can actually see a few on here right now

so I'm not just making it up


right, you can see them on here.

So it is a type of milk weed

but it's also a favorite of, you know you can see

a variety of bees on here.

We've got some honey bees.

I saw some green sweat bees earlier

and you can see there's quite a few of them

so again, and its just a beautiful plant.

You know those bright orange flowers

so it's got, it checks all of those boxes I think

it's a great pollinator plant and then again

a great one for us in our garden

so I really love this plant.

- [Mary] And it looks like it can take a lot of sun

and actually dry 'cause this must be a southern exposure?

- [Ping] This is, yeah.

So you're right, yeah.

It's right here in our entryway so,

it does very well for itself (laughs)

- [Mary] Well and I think that the seed pods

add a lot of interest too so not only

is the plant very pretty and the flowers pretty,

but I think that the seed pods would be something

that would stay and give you some interest afterwards too.

- [Ping] Exactly and I totally agree with you.

I think it's got great visual interest

and we actually just saw, I mean,

as far as that sensory interest with kids

or even with adults, it's got these lovely, soft pods

and then the seed are with that beautiful, fluffy

just fun looking seeds so.

- Are there plants that the

Monarchs or the butterflies prefer

as far as in the different stages of their life cycles?

- Yes great question so, we just talked about

how we've got our Monarch caterpillars on here

and of course, they will they feed exclusively

on milk weed but they will feed on a variety

of milk weed so we have swamp milk weed,

butterfly weed, common milk weed in our garden here

and they'll feed on all of those.

We also have some other, we have like a little

butterfly nursery area, we call it.

So it's got some host plants or different caterpillars

like black swallow tail caterpillars will feed on things

in the carrot family so that includes like

our Golden Alexanders had quite a few of them

earlier this year.

But then once the adult butterflies will feed

on the a wider variety of things for the nectar

so we just we saw our Monarch butterflies on the Liatris,

the Meadow Blazing Star over there

and they'll also visit the Zinnias

and the Echinacea and all of

these really great nectar flowers.

- [Mary] So it's kind of nice to plant a variety of plants

to help feed them throughout the season.

- [Ping] Exactly.

- [Mary] Okay, do you ever collect the eggs

or the larvae of the Monarch butteries?

- [Ping] We do, yes, so we have a Monarch field trip

that will, you know it's a great teaching tool.

Always the real thing for kids to be able to see

and adults (laughs) to be able to see how they grow up

and what they do so we'll collect them

from the garden and raise them inside

and then we actually, we'll tag them as well

so we're kind of in that migratory time period right now

where they'll be leaving Minnesota to fly south

for the winter so we can tag them so that scientists

can look for those tagged butterflies later

and see where they're going.

- [Mary] Well I have heard that there's groups like you

that or people that will do that,

that they will collect the, either the larva

or the eggs because then they have a better chance

of survival, is that what you find too?

- [Ping] Yeah when you, there's different things

that can happen so there's, when you raise them inside,

if you, you wanna keep them in non...

There's different ways that you can manage them

to help avoid diseases and then you don't have some

of the same predatory problems inside.

that you'd, yeah. - [Mary] Oh sure,

'cause I'm sure outside, there might be the birds

or other insects that can hurt the,

the little babies, okay.

Ping, you had mentioned that,

that there are some annuals that also are wonderful

for the pollinators and I was thinking you know,

that some people don't have space in their gardens

for perennials or just don't have a way to take care of 'em.

Could you show us some of the annuals

that are great to plant too?

- Yes of course.

(piano music)

So annuals maybe easier for some people to grow

and you can see that we have a variety here

so we've got our Zinnias and we've got a few

different varieties of those.

So you can see they come in all sorts of shapes and colors.

We've got our Marigolds,

and we also have a variety of herbs here.

So we have Lavender, and then we also have some

that will sort of over-winter so we've got our Thyme,

and our Oregano, and a few

like to grow for culinary purposes.

Of course, you know, herbs are great for that

so you could have, if you don't have a big yard

and you can't have a huge perennial bed.

Maybe you could just have a little pot of herbs

out on your balcony or your deck and that would be great

for pollinators as well.

- [Mary] I can see where this would be awesome

for people who maybe can't bend over very much,

don't have much space, like you said,

maybe have an apartment.

But you could still have a pot, maybe outside your window

and so then you could still use the annuals or your herbs

and still feed yourself and your pollinator friends too.

- [Ping] Yes exactly.

- [Mary] Wow that's a good, good point.

This has been really interesting

and it's been great to see this beautiful

bee and pollinator center.

What do you for see as the future

for the development and what's gonna happen

here in the future?

- [Ping] Yeah, great question.

The arboretum has big plans.

So our bee and pollinator center, we have new programs

coming even just in the coming season in this building.

But for this whole campus, at the arboretum,

we have plans to develop it into a campus

that's gonna be all about food and how we grow it.

Yeah - [Mary] Ohh.

Well that fits right into the whole pollinator

studying and the interest and the care.

- [Ping] Yes exactly.

And so we can have programs that tell that whole story

you know, from the beginning from pollination

to the growing, how the fruit and the seeds develop.

And we have this wonderful red barn resource right here

which is over 100 years old.

So we've got that historic element of you know

this is how people used to grow food.

And this is how we grow food now.

This is how you can grow food where you live

and here's what you can do with the food

so we'll be able to tell that whole food story.

It's very exciting.

- [Mary] And encourage the local foods movement too

that we can produce it right here

in the upper midwest and enjoy our own

our own fresh fruits and vegetables,

helped by our pollinator friends.

- [Ping] Exactly.

- [Mary] Thank you so much for letting us come

and see the center and learning about

what all that you do here.

And its just been very very interesting.

- Thank you so much for coming to visit.

It's been a real pleasure to have you here

and I hope that some of your viewers are able to

come out and see it for themselves sometime.

(violin music)

- [Male Voice] Funding for Prairie Yard & Garden

is provided in part by Heartland Motor Company,

providing service for over 30 years

in the heart of truck country.

Heartland Motor Company,

we have your best interest at heart.

Farmers mutual telephone company

and federated telephone cooperative,

proud to be powering Acira.

Mark and Margaret Yako Julene, in honor of shalom Hill Farm,

a non profit rural education retreat center

in a beautiful prairie setting near Wyndham

in south western Minnesota.

(jazz music)

For more infomation >> Prairie Yard & Garden: Bee and Pollinator Center - Duration: 28:47.


UN HELVASI - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Yemek Tarifleri - Duration: 2:23.

Materials 1 cup water 1 glass of flour 1 glass of water Milk 1 glass of sugar 125 gr butter

1 cup water

1 glass of water Milk

1 glass of sugar

Cook as much as sugar

125 gr butter

1 glass of flour

Rest for 10 minutes

For more infomation >> UN HELVASI - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Yemek Tarifleri - Duration: 2:23.



Hey what happens, I'm Lozan and welcome back to Mundo Crack

Guys this time I want to share a top of the best Super Mario games

So, having said that, let's start

The game describes the adventures of two plumbers, Mario, and Luigi, who must rescue Princess Peach, from the Mushroom Kingdom.

who was kidnapped by the King of the Koopas, Bowser. Through eight different levels of game

players can control one of the two brothers and must finally face each of the enemies of each castle to free Princess Peach

Super Mario World presents a new character very similar to a green dinosaur named Yoshi

The game's plot involves Mario and Luigi in rescuing Princess Peach and Yoshi's friends from the clutches of the evil Bowser

is a video game with functions for 1 player up to 4 simultaneous players connected

The story is about when Mario walks with Peach in the castle gardens

Mario observes that lightning strikes the castle, while he goes to investigate, Bowser Jr. traps Peach

and Mario chases him through all eight worlds, until he reaches a huge castle, which would be Mario's last stop

is a 3D platform game for the Wii U. This game is the sequel to Super Mario 3D Land, by Nintendo 3DS

One of the great novelties of this game is that it was the first 3D Mario where you could play with up to 4 characters

each with their own skills and personalities (as seen in Super Mario Bros. 2, NES)

Experience an adventure that defies gravity! Become Mario as you go through the galaxies that bend the gravity

traveling in and out of gravitational fields flying from planet to planet

Players experience vertiginous changes of perspective as they run face down through strange alien worlds that need to be seen to be believed.

The style of play changed radically with respect to the first Super Mario World, here the character that we control is Yoshi

Mario being a helpless baby that Yoshi must take care of while advancing in the adventure

The system to control Yoshi is totally different from the one used by Mario in his other platform games

since it can swallow enemies and throw eggs, which act as projectiles

Explore the depths of space and follow Mario and Yoshi on an incredible adventure

With dozens of galaxies to explore each one more creative, new enhancers and the freedom to play alone or with a friend

the adventure is the most spectacular and fun Discover the pleasure of walking through the clouds or shoot with the new Mario suits

and use the unique characteristics of Yoshi to get up, run, or swing by the stars

The Mushroom World is attacked by the King of the Koopas. This time, Bowser has sent his seven children, known as Koopalings

to do what they want in each kingdom, stealing the scepters of the seven kings that rule in that world and turning them into animals and plants

Mario and Luigi are called again and in each of these worlds infiltrate the ships of the Koopalings, defeating them and recovering the wands that they guard

Super Mario 64 begins with a letter from Princess Peach in which he invites Mario to his castle to eat a cake that she prepared for him

When he arrives, Mario realizes that Bowser has invaded the castle and locked the Princess and her servants inside him

using the power of 70 of the castle's 120 stars of power. Many of the castle paintings are portals to other worlds

in which Bowser's henchmen take care of the stars Mario must search the portals and enter them to recover them

Super Mario Odyssey puts the player in the role of Mario

that travels through several worlds in his hat-shaped ship, the «Odyssey»

in an effort to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser, who plans to forcefully marry her

This time, Bowser has teamed up with new enemies called Broodal, which replace the Koopalings seen in previous installments

Honorable Mentions

And good guys, this has been the video of this day, I hope you liked it, if it was like that

You can give it a like that helps a lot, you can also share it with all the people

And of course subscribe to the channel and give the bell to be notified of when I publish video

You can also put me in the comments. what would be your top 10 best games of super mario

So nothing, this has been all on my part and see you in the next, goodbye

For more infomation >> TOP 10 MEJORES JUEGOS DE SUPER MARIO - Duration: 10:41.


Tratamentos para os problemas bucais mais comuns - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> Tratamentos para os problemas bucais mais comuns - Duration: 7:20.


제주도에서 죽은 열기구 조종사가 끝날 때까지 승객을 구하기 위해 그 막대기를 놓치지 않았다.|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> 제주도에서 죽은 열기구 조종사가 끝날 때까지 승객을 구하기 위해 그 막대기를 놓치지 않았다.|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:45.


Vincitore L'Isola dei famosi 2018: ecco chi è il superfavorito | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Vincitore L'Isola dei famosi 2018: ecco chi è il superfavorito | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:45.


আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর 13 April 2018 Bangla Breaking Latest News Today - Duration: 10:13.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর 13 April 2018 Bangla Breaking Latest News Today - Duration: 10:13.


DİYARBAKIR'DA BİR AXOR •• ETS2 MOD - Duration: 22:48.

For more infomation >> DİYARBAKIR'DA BİR AXOR •• ETS2 MOD - Duration: 22:48.


Grande Fratello 15: arriva una brutta notizia per i fan del reality, ecco quale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello 15: arriva una brutta notizia per i fan del reality, ecco quale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.


U&D: è 'guerra' sui Social tra Nicolò e Giordano? Ecco cosa è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> U&D: è 'guerra' sui Social tra Nicolò e Giordano? Ecco cosa è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.


মতিয়ার চামড়া দিয়ে "ডুগডুগি" বাজাণো হবে,কঠোর হুশিয়ারি দিয়ে একি বললেন আন্দলনকারিরা!latest bangla news - Duration: 2:04.


For more infomation >> মতিয়ার চামড়া দিয়ে "ডুগডুগি" বাজাণো হবে,কঠোর হুশিয়ারি দিয়ে একি বললেন আন্দলনকারিরা!latest bangla news - Duration: 2:04.


L'Isola dei Famosi: la rivelazione inaspettata su Bianca Atzei | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> L'Isola dei Famosi: la rivelazione inaspettata su Bianca Atzei | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


"나는 미쳤을 때 그것을 읽었다."· · · 가장 시인의시|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> "나는 미쳤을 때 그것을 읽었다."· · · 가장 시인의시|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 4:18.


Free Lil Dicky Chris Brown Ty...

For more infomation >> Free Lil Dicky Chris Brown Ty...


NYC Chef Says Rach Inspired Her to Open Restaurant Desi-Galli: "I Couldn't Cook Until I Tried 30-… - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> NYC Chef Says Rach Inspired Her to Open Restaurant Desi-Galli: "I Couldn't Cook Until I Tried 30-… - Duration: 3:23.


Albano preoccupato per i suoi figli | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Albano preoccupato per i suoi figli | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:34.



Masz już dość suchych i łamliwych włosów? Przyczyną Twoich problemów może być słabe nawodnienie organizmu lub stosowanie produktów pielęgnacyjnych przesyconych chemią. 

Utrzymanie włosów w dobrej kondycji to nie lada wyzwanie, gdyż w grę wchodzi wiele czynników. Przyjmowanie odpowiedniej ilości płynów to nie wszystko – ważne jest spożywanie zdrowych kwasów tłuszczowych i naturalne produkty do pielęgnacji.

Szampony i odżywki znane z reklam są często przepełnione chemią, co wpływa nie do końca pozytywnie na stan włosów.

Jednym z najlepszych, naturalnych produktów, jakie możesz użyć do pielęgnacji włosów i skóry głowy, jest olej kokosowy, gdyż zawiera dużo antyoksydantów oraz posiada właściwości przeciwgrzybiczne, przeciwwirusowe, i przeciwbakteryjne.

Dzięki niemu Twoje włosy zwiększą objętość i będziesz cieszyć się zdrową skórą, a wszystko osiągniesz przy niewielkim nakładzie finansowym.Zastosowanie oleju kokosowego w pielęgnacji włosów

Rzeczy, których będziesz potrzebować:nierafinowany olej kokosowy (rozrzedzony) – 4 łyżki stołowe.olejek z drzewa herbacianego – od 2 do 4 kropli.olejek rozmarynowy – od 3 do 4 kropli.szczotka lub kuleczki bawełniane.folia przeźroczysta (plastikowa) 

Instrukcja:Wymieszaj wszystkie składniki i nanieś preparat na głowę za pomocą szczotki, dociśnij ją lekko do skóry i wykonuj okrężne ruchy. Ten zabieg poprawi ukrwienie skóry i usunie suchy, łuszczący się naskórek. Nie dociskaj szczotki zbyt mocno, potraktuj to jak masaż.

Następnie przesuwaj szczotkę wzdłuż włosów, lecz podziel je na pasemka o szerokości 2-3cm. Kolejnym krokiem jest masaż głowy i owinięcie jej folią na 20 minut, dzięki czemu składniki odżywcze lepiej wnikną w skóry i włosów.

Po upływie tego czasu umyj włosy za pomocą szamponu i zastosuj odżywkę.Alternatywny skład preparatu:sok z cytryny – 2 łyżki stołowe.olej kokosowy nierafinowany – 4 łyżki stołowe.sok z grejpfruta – 1 łyżka stołowa



Teen Titans Go! KARAOKE | Last Breath | DC Kids - Duration: 2:26.

Ah-ha! Raven!

I've been expecting you come give your uncle death a hug!

Then you know what I'm here for

'Course I do! Souls!

Shorten the lives of your friends for your own selfish desires, so very evil Raven. Ha! I love it!

They were so cute as old people!

Yeah I know, I know! Don't you just love the big ears!

And their noses! They never stop growing, did you know that?!

I did indeed!


But, err, we're getting off track

SO! Here's the deal, you trade me your soul for theirs

Don't do it Raven... Don't do it Raven...


Really? Oh...then it's a deal!

First you give me my friends back

Ah, don't trust death do ya, Ah! I don't blame you!

Here they are!

And now for your soul!

Yeah about that, don't have one. I'm half demon

You tricked me!

And I don't feel bad about it either

There's always a price when you deal with death!

Is that price free? 'Cause I just paid it! See ya, sucker!


For more infomation >> Teen Titans Go! KARAOKE | Last Breath | DC Kids - Duration: 2:26.


Grande Fratello 15: arriva una brutta notizia per i fan del reality, ecco quale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello 15: arriva una brutta notizia per i fan del reality, ecco quale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.


Grande Fratello anticipazioni: chi sono i tre super-boni del Casale | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello anticipazioni: chi sono i tre super-boni del Casale | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:27.



So I have a confession to make:

As a Westerner, I am guilty of saying

"Chinese food"

like it's all one thing, but you guys, it's so varied depending on the

region. It's a huge area! Of course all the food is not the same! And this is

something that I really came to appreciate on my recent trip to visit my

buddies in Beijing, China. We went to Shanghai as well, and Suzhou, and we went

on this awesome food tour in Shanghai, by UnTour that specifically showcased the

different regions of China. Calling all of those different kinds of food just

"Chinese food" is like calling all Western food (Italian, French, American)

"Western food," right?

It doesn't work, there's so much intricacy and nuance and

deliciousness inherent within. Right now I am at Hutong, which is an amazing

restaurant here in London featuring Sichuan cooking. This kind of

food is particularly known for its spiciness. I think that this is probably

my favorite regional cuisine, if I had to choose a favorite, so I'm thrilled to be

here. A little bit later, chef is going to show us one of his signature dishes here,

Red Star Noodles. So, come along for the ride, won't you?

Now let's rewind back to my trip in Shanghai with these cool foodies!

Hi, I'm Kyle, from Oregon, I'm Jamie, from Tennessee.

-And where do you live now? -We're in Shanghai!! -Yeah! For 10 years!

-We own a food tour company, UnTour Food Tours. - We're ready to eat!

Basically it's the best job ever because our research and development

program means we get to eat at every restaurant around town.

We offer three different types of tours in Shanghai, two in Beijing, then our nighttime tours are a

little bit more rowdy... we get on to the baijiu in the huangjiu.

-I think what's really awesome to introduce people to is baijiu,

-*lip smacks* -Hoo!

It is the world's most consumed liquor by volume and most people haven't even

really heard of it, because it's basically all consumed in China. It's

really fun to show people how locals really eat on a day to day basis because

that's where the good food is. Regional Chinese cuisine is as different as, I

would say, is... so you have to think of China as kind of the same size as Europe,

it's actually a little bit bigger, but as different as German food is from French

food from Italian food, that's how different regional Chinese cuisines are.

The big ones are really easy to find in Shanghai and they're amazing. So you have

very spicy food from Sichuan, that you'll try tonight, so you'll have a

little mouth numbing, a little bit of fiery food. -This Sichuan restaurant is

also where we were served rabbit head, covered in the Sichuan peppercorn, ma. At first, I

was a little squeamish... -I feel so bad! I mean, it's dead... but... -It was tasty.

-In terms of squeamishness, Tom definitely took a cake on that. -Ooo!

And then you'll have food from around this area, the Jiangnan region of China.

Which is more subtle flavors, more about letting the ingredients shine. Lots of fish from both

the ocean and the rivers, as well as pork. So just wildly different, and then all

the way out northwest China where it's halal and there's no pork, so you get

lamb and bread and things that you don't necessarily think of as Chinese food, but

after you've had it, you'll know! -So many people, you know, they have Chinese food back in

their home countries and it's usually southern Chinese food, more Cantonese

style, that's the first wave of immigration out of China, and so that's

what most of your Chinese takeout shops are a version of that. And really it's

just so different when you actually come being here. -And we were so lucky to have

friends living in China who gave us the best tips!

-Dip this in there. -Oh, I dip this in that? -I like to.

This is my best friend, Jake, and he ordered like a master for us.

He would get things on the table and in front of us that were so unexpected and

incredible that I would have never even known to ask for them. This was one of my

favorite meals of the trip, a typical northern Chinese meal in Beijing, and

another favorite was this food from a Xi'an restaurant: cold noodles with a

meat sandwich called roujiamo, and spicy fish soup. But walking around -- yeah it was

really polluted, hence the face mask -- I found myself

really craving Sichuan cuisine. So back in London, I wasted no time and going to

Hutong restaurant and talking with chef Fei.

And everyone, I want you to meet Grace - because she's translating everything

that chef is saying! So thanks, Grace! -Hi!

Chef took me back into his kitchen to show me

how he makes one of his most popular dishes: red star noodles. As I was

shooting and observing, I realized that the simplicity of the ingredients he

uses means that I can realistically make this stuff at home. With Fuchsia Dunlop's

books as an incredible resource, I'm totally motivated to take what I

learned at Hutong and start experimenting at home. And did you wonder

why it's called red star noodles? It's because when the dish is served, the

peppers are rotated outward and form a big red star! But not for very long,

because then it's time to dig in!!!

Alright, I really hope you liked this video, I also hope that I've maybe opened

your eyes and hearts to different parts of Chinese cooking you may not have

known about. I really love it, I hope you do, too!

Thank you so much for watching, as always, and keep it quirky!

Hey y'all! Thanks for watching! Are you craving Chinese food yet? Please

subscribe to this channel for more fun food and travel adventures!

For more infomation >> CHINESE FOOD ISN'T WHAT YOU THINK - Duration: 5:57.


3 infusi medicinali per rafforzare i polmoni - Salute 24h - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> 3 infusi medicinali per rafforzare i polmoni - Salute 24h - Duration: 8:20.



who comes here wants to go fast

As of today there is only month to go until my first bike race

and pressure is building up

when I raced in the car during the 2012 talent show

I did not feel the tension I feel now

cars are a hundred times easier than bikes

Running with the bike is one of the most difficult

risky and exhausting sports ever

And I am not ready

I started going on two wheels less than a year ago

and I've been on a bike that was mine

a race bike with which I could push to the limit

without the fear of doing some damage

always just journalistic practice with the with the handbrake pulled

In less than a month I will race against pilots much more skilled and expert than me

and I still have lots to learn in little time

But that won't stop me

time is running out, but my motivation is big

And that's why today I'm here amongst engines

to carefully study pilots who are stronger than me

to learn from them as many secrets as possible

Here we are, at the Franciacorta autodrome, more precisely

- and that was a mic 29 just passing by -


Music to my ears!



The day I get to try one of those I'll die happy

more precisely in the castrezzato motorsport arena because today

with Luca Pedersoli,

founder of the homonymous riding school of Luca pedersoli

yeah, let's specify

so talking about riding school today I'm here to learn

and we'll try those Yamaha R3

in the Kart / minibike track


why use an R3 over there and not on the big track?

It's a test

we've been doing for a few months now

which it turned out to be really effective

because first of all you do physical training

since all the constant changes, narrow turns,

which we all know are the hardest ones

yeah, the ones I have the hardest time

also mentally, I always feel like it's about to fall down

but even if it were to fall down

it's only 30km/hr

you can find your limit quickly

you get up and start again

what are we gonna do today?

let's plan our "race weekend"

so it's won't be a walk with friends

rather let's pretend it's the first session of Friday

we need to get started right away with a strong input

we have performing R3s

with Ohlins assett

everything is perfect

Great job!

I liked your start! Like a cannon

Hard? I stopped 3 minutes

I had a hard time catching up with you

When the track was empty for a second, from the fast variant

to the narrow ramp, I was glued to you

but the problem is that you were going easy

while I had a really hard time

I went over my abilities

that's the whole point

now you'll be a step forward

next 4 laps, do the same

and do the same at the race

start off like a cannon

not the first session but on Sunday morning

always. always.

You need to be fast even when going to the post office

I am surprised at how strong it is in the front

outdistance is not really the most important phase

rather the insertion at the curve

if you do the curve right

and you find the right limit

the journey, exit, you manage them as you please

trust the front. trust it

OK, let's go

go 3 laps forward, so you pull me

then you let me through

I go 3 laps and then you surpass

now we go fast

You did so much better

You're good

I did my best to stay behind him

You did great

Thanks! Coming from you...

You're a great driver

Great job. Thanks!

It was impossible to surpass you



You were going at 46, where usually 44-45 is high

but when slowing down and curves.. top!

So, Alberto

I know you are high because I told you were great

which is true

when you asked me to follow you to record you

I found it hard to surpass you

I had to wait for you to make a mistake

you really improved in this session

and you're part of those 4-5 people who come here to train

yeah, you were fast!

there are a few things to fix

let's do a few considerations

when you surpassed me I said "let's try to stay behind him"

I actually did it, for one whole lap

I was going fast

when you surpassed me

I wanted to badly to be able to stay behind you

that I turned rogue

my muscles were tired

but I still kept going fast

you did good

that's who it's done. If you look at the tests of MotoGP

there are those 5-6 who wait Marquez or Rossi or Lorenzo for the first line

so today you did good to give

that extra 1% aside from the 100% you always give

It's what I did

and then you realized, that aside from the hard work, it's worth it

and the heart about to explode,

those 3 laps killed me

what you have to do to qualify

from Friday, you have to identify someone

who gives you 1-2 seconds

base the weekend on that

he goes, you follow right behind

use the attitude you had today

something you're missing, which many get wrong

you stay in the wrong position. this is not a good straight line

you need to get used to take advantage of aerodynamics

so touch the helmet with the tank

you were basically straight

Keep your eyes on this guy


the track is full of oil, so it'll be about half an hour before they clean it

let's go see who's around

look at the real pilots

All's good. Kids are growing up

and they go faster and faster

You're the one from that horrible Iene video

A while back the Iene made a piece on minibikes

where this kid was

and it was

one of the worst things ever

where the Iene, with their usual cuts

distorted phrases, depicted motorcycle racing

as an embarrassing thing


I won't even link it here, because I don't want to promote them

I just wanted to

tell you, and even the kid will tell you,

that any competitive sport

at any age, is done to win

so my question is, from those kids how race to win

what do you expect?

you expect them to be just goofing around?

You race to win.

It's called competition

So, dear Iene, keep doing your videos on politics, frauds,

and stuff, and leave this sport alone. Thanks

'cause people think that

we're here to have fun

but we're here to win

any sport is like this

being aggressive means to hurt

no, it means now I'll do my best to be in front. Not, now I'll kill the other guy

what the most important thing

participate, and give it your best shot

fuck you. who comes here wants to go fast

and be the first

first, second, third

and when you get third you you want to go second

if you don't come first, you come second

partecipate, I don't give a s**t


how's driving the minibike? I like it.

You race this year? Yes.

the Italian championship

How old are you? 9

When the kids listen to you all day long they have to wear the headphones

'cause I'd like to watch some TV

Instead they play your videos all day long

your fault

10 minutes left

Today happened something I never experienced before

During that lap behind Luca not only did Iimprove by 1s

exceeding my limits

I also discovered that I have inside that typical

pilot thing that triggers when you enter a racing trance

That something that when you're in the race the whole world around you disappears

along with struggle and pain

The only things you perceive are the bike, the asphalt, and your opponents

And in those moments every fiber of your body is stretched towards one big goal

to win

I had never experienced anything like it

and I can guarantee you that it's the most exciting thing in the world

am I ready for the first race?

I don't know. We'll find out on April 29th 2018.

For more infomation >> HI PRESSURE - RACING IS LIFE EP.04 [ENGLISH SUBTITLES] - Duration: 15:14.


How Do I Change The Font Size in WordPress? - Duration: 5:47.

Hi! This is Topher with WinningWP.

In this video, we're going to look at the question,

how do I change the font size in WordPress?

Unfortunately, not every theme comes with a font size

that is sufficiently large enough for normal people to read.

Let's take a look at how to make it bigger.

The first thing you always want to check

is the WordPress customizer.

A good theme will allow you to change font sizes

right in the customizer.

I'm logged in to my website.

I'm right here on the homepage

and in the top admin bar is a customize button.

Now, all WordPress installs have a customizer,

but not all of them allow you to change fonts.

This one does and I'll show you how it works.

Once the page is loaded,

look for a typography tab or fonts

and now here I can change global sizes or content headings,

site title and tagline,

the main menu, the header bar,

a wide range of things.

Let's look at global.

I can choose my font.

I can make it normal or Italics.

I can change the weight

and right here I can change the size

and you can see it getting bigger right here.

Now that's just for paragraphs.

Here I can change it for links and buttons.

If I want headers, I go back out here

and I go to content headings.

So header size one currently is 46,

but I can make them much bigger.

Now, the great thing about the customizer

is that no one can see these changes

until you press this publish button.

So you can change them all you want

and experiment and try things.

And if you don't like it and you need to reset everything,

simply close the customizer

and everything goes back to the way it was.

But what if your theme doesn't offer this?

This website is using the 2017 theme

which is the default in WordPress right now.

And if I go to customize,

there's nothing in here about fonts or typography at all.

In this case, we can use a plugin.

I have installed here a plugin called Easy Google Fonts

and I'm going to activate it.

And now when I click customize,

I do have a typography button.

Now it's different from the other one obviously

because it was built by somebody else.

But in here, I can choose to edit paragraphs.

And if I go to appearance,

then I can change font size just like that.

I can also change things

like line height and letter spacing.

Now my blog post titles are header size one

so here's heading one

and I go to appearance and I change the font size,

but you'll note that it didn't actually change.

That's because my theme is hard coding the size

and I can't change it with this plugin.

So there are some things that I can change

and other things that I can't.

I can show you how to change the size of this font

without the plugin.

So I'm going to right click on this and go to inspect

and you'll see there's my header size one,

but it's using a class of entry-title.

And if we look over here on the right

at the top of the list,

you'll see that it's not just entry-title,

but rather single-post entry-title.

It's also using page entry-title but that's grayed out,

which means it doesn't apply to this particular one.

So we're going to copy that text right there,

then we're going to close this window,

and now in the customizer,

go back to the main screen,

and there's an additional CSS tab.

Now this is always there in all customizers.

I have a little bit of CSS in mine.

Yours might be empty.

It doesn't really matter.

You can put your new stuff at the top or the bottom.

But I'm gonna paste in single-post entry-title

and then there's a curly brace

and then a closing curly brace.

And right here, I'm gonna put in font-size 36px

and it just got bigger.

You can make it 46, 56, 66.

You can do whatever you want.

And of course just like the other settings,

no one can see this happening until you press publish.

I'm going to remove mine

because I don't actually want to change it.

Now, we've talked about three different ways

to change your font size.

Let's review those real quick.

First of all, there isn't one right way to do this.

I've shown you several and each of them are perfectly valid.

And if you find another way, it's probably valid also.

My first suggestion is to always check the customizer.

If it comes with font size adjustments built-in,

then it's super easy to do.

If it doesn't, try a plugin.

There are others beyond the one I tried.

You can try several and see which one you like.

And lastly, try a little CSS.

Right click on the element you want to resize,

find out what it's called,

and in the customizer put in font-size

and then a value with px.

Feel free to experiment with any of these methods

and find a size that works for you.

If you'd like to learn more about WordPress,

check out

For more infomation >> How Do I Change The Font Size in WordPress? - Duration: 5:47.


Uomini e Donne news, Marta sta male per Nicolò? I segnali social - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne news, Marta sta male per Nicolò? I segnali social - Duration: 3:10.


MEASURE AND WEIGH YOUR HORSE/ DONKEY 📏⚖️ - How tall is Linda!? [tuto] - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> MEASURE AND WEIGH YOUR HORSE/ DONKEY 📏⚖️ - How tall is Linda!? [tuto] - Duration: 5:00.


Mugen - Kyo Kusanagi (Opirus) vs. Kyoko Type-P - 草薙京 vs. 京子-P - Duration: 5:13.

If you guys like this video, please hit that subscribe button and that little "Bell" notification button. so you'll know when my next video will be up!

For more infomation >> Mugen - Kyo Kusanagi (Opirus) vs. Kyoko Type-P - 草薙京 vs. 京子-P - Duration: 5:13.


Tanzania: A Place Worth Protecting - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Tanzania: A Place Worth Protecting - Duration: 3:02.


Soft Spring (Meme)[Flipaclip] For Julie x3 - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Soft Spring (Meme)[Flipaclip] For Julie x3 - Duration: 0:57.


[APH MMD] Hetalia Team Epic - EISAI HARAMASUKOI (500+ Subs Special) - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> [APH MMD] Hetalia Team Epic - EISAI HARAMASUKOI (500+ Subs Special) - Duration: 0:28.


CNN's exclusive interview with MO Salah: Mo Salah Liverpool star faces emotional return to Roma - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> CNN's exclusive interview with MO Salah: Mo Salah Liverpool star faces emotional return to Roma - Duration: 3:00.


Nightcore - Try - Duration: 3:06.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Try - Duration: 3:06.


What It Takes To Be An NBA Referee - Duration: 3:46.

(crowd cheering)

(whistle blowing)

- [Narrator] It's always easy to blame the referee.

But what's it like to be that official?

- My name is Zach Zarba and I'm a 15 year NBA referee.

The pressure is underestimated, you know,

it's taken for granted sometimes.

It takes a lot to be able to function and exist

in a pressure-filled environment.

And you have to be calm.

- [Narrator] Zach has had his fair share of court time.

He played DIII basketball for SUNY New Paltz.

- So I knew as soon as my career was over that I had

to do something else and find something else I love.

And my father was a baseball local,

a baseball umpire in Brooklyn.

And he did high school and college and he kind of gave me

the idea to try officiating.

- [Narrator] How did Zach become one of the NBA's

65 referees?

It's a long road to reach that level.

- You start from the bottom.

You start from CYO four, five year olds, six year olds.

You work your way up, you do high school basketball.

You do a little bit of college.

I did a lot of work in the New York City Pro-Am Leagues,

and then the D League.

- [Narrator] If you're good enough, you go to training camp.

If that goes well, you might be recruited to the G League.

Only those at the top of the G League get accepted

as NBA referees.

- You have to be young.

You have to be in shape, you have to be able to run

up and down with the best athletes in the world.

You have stay light.

The lighter you are, the less wear and tear on your legs,

on your knees, on your feet.

That's gonna give you a longer career.

- [Narrator] Clearly staying in shape is key.

How does Zach stay trim?

- For me personally, it's an hour of cardio a day.

It's core work.

It's abs.

It's a lot of weight work on the legs to protect the knees.

- [Narrator] Referees have to keep more than just

their bodies in shape.

- I do a lot of meditation, during the day before the game

and stuff like that.

Just in order to find a calm place in order to have clarity

because we're making decisions that likely affect

people's careers, people's jobs.

Someone wins, someone loses and you just want the utmost

clarity and peace in a charged environment.

- [Narrator] On game day, Zach and his fellow officials

will meet around 11 AM to catch up.

They'll head to the arena 90 minutes before tip-off

to run through their pre-game routine.

- The interaction with players is an ongoing art.

Some nights are easier than others

but communication is the key.

Communication and listening skills are huge.

And at the end of the day we may agree to disagree

on some subjects but the respect comes both ways.

We're not more lenient with the stars.

I would say the star players actually are disadvantaged

more than anyone else.

If you're going to concede that we make mistakes,

which we do, the mistakes we make are gonna be

on the people who have the ball in their hand

75% of the time which in this case is the star players.

They hold the ball 75% of the time.

They put pressure on the defense and pressure

on the officials.

And, if and when mistakes are made,

they're usually made with them.

- [Narrator] On top of the stress of the game,

refs are on the road a ton.

Sometimes for up to 10 days at a time.

- The travel is difficult.

For the more veteran guys it's 24, 25 nights

gone from your family a month.

It's basically eight months on and then four months off

because all that time gone during the winter

you have to reconnect with your family.

And so we're home during the summer.

We do some training stuff with the League.

But that's our time to reconnect with our family

and loved ones.

(lively classical music)

For more infomation >> What It Takes To Be An NBA Referee - Duration: 3:46.


Mesut Özil Lifestyle, Net Worth, Salary,House,Cars, Awards, Education, Biography And Family - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Mesut Özil Lifestyle, Net Worth, Salary,House,Cars, Awards, Education, Biography And Family - Duration: 4:56.


Giant bird & Rescue Mission

For more infomation >> Giant bird & Rescue Mission



For more infomation >> O MISTERIOSO LABORATÓRIO ANTI-ALMA | ESPECIAL CASTLEVANIA S04E06 - Duration: 22:05.


Namorando com Paula, Breno diz que Jaqueline o espera fora do BBB18 - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Namorando com Paula, Breno diz que Jaqueline o espera fora do BBB18 - Duration: 5:58.


Breno e Paula revelam o que Lucas e Jéssica fizeram debaixo do edredom no BBB18 - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Breno e Paula revelam o que Lucas e Jéssica fizeram debaixo do edredom no BBB18 - Duration: 3:58.


MEASURE AND WEIGH YOUR HORSE/ DONKEY 📏⚖️ - How tall is Linda!? [tuto] - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> MEASURE AND WEIGH YOUR HORSE/ DONKEY 📏⚖️ - How tall is Linda!? [tuto] - Duration: 5:00.


CUIDADO!!..Veja Porque Não deve Dormir Com o Cabelo Molhado De Forma Alguma!!! - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> CUIDADO!!..Veja Porque Não deve Dormir Com o Cabelo Molhado De Forma Alguma!!! - Duration: 2:24.


Plants vs Zombies Animated Chapter 31 full ☀️ Animation 2018 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Plants vs Zombies Animated Chapter 31 full ☀️ Animation 2018 - Duration: 3:51.


Resumo de O Outro Lado do Paraíso – Capítulos de 13 a 21/04/18 - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> Resumo de O Outro Lado do Paraíso – Capítulos de 13 a 21/04/18 - Duration: 10:23.


Sania Mirza Slams India in Her Tweet || Pregnant Sania Mirza Decide Unique Baby Names - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Sania Mirza Slams India in Her Tweet || Pregnant Sania Mirza Decide Unique Baby Names - Duration: 3:08.


Activation of teardrop wiping - Octavia III (5E) - Duration: 1:38.

Activation of teardrop wiping - Octavia III (5E)

Before activation

Operation during stop and while driving is the same: after short spraying of the windscreen the wipers makes 3 strokes.

To activate teardrop wipe, open the application and select control 09-Cent. Elect.

Select "Coding - 07" function

And select WWS371 module from the dropdown menu

Go to the "Long coding helper"

In byte 0 set the 3rd bit "Adaptive Post/Tear wiping active" (the 4th value from the right in the Binary field).

In byte 2 (counting from 0) set the 5th bit "Post/Tear wiping active" (the 6th value from the right in the Binary field)

Confirm changes and close the application

After activation

Operation during parking is the same as before. While driving: after spraying the windshield, 3 wipers strokes, and after a few seconds, additional wipe is done.

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Activation of teardrop wiping - Octavia III (5E) - Duration: 1:38.




Have you ever wondered which Disney character is braver?

Or why are the princesses of these stories orphaned?

If you want to know the answer.

Watch now.

The curiosities of the Disney Universe.

You may have wondered.

Because many of the cartoon characters wear gloves.

But why?

Before 1929, the hands of the characters were visible.

See the example of one of the first Mickey Mouse animations.

As you can see, the mouse did not wear gloves.

It was from this animation that the animators began to draw them.

One of the main reasons was to highlight the hands.

At the time the cartoons were in black and white.

And for the spectators, it was difficult to recognize the hands and feet.

The white gloves made the spectators see the movements of the hands.

As well as making them look more human.

The story of any cartoon character starts on the drawing board.

Here your characteristics will be modified.

Animators will change until they are 100% certain of their appearance.

It's hard to imagine the first sketches of your favorite characters.

Like Tangled or Aladdin were like that.

Just watch how they first drew Aladdin and Princess Yasmin.

In the past the Disney studios did not just make movies about fairy tales.

In fact, there was a time when they did several strange animated short films.

During World War II, most American cinema was devoted to propaganda against Nazism.

And cartoons were no exception.

At the end of World War II, the United States government requested a series of educational videos.

Ranging on various themes.

Such as a drawing explaining tuberculosis.

This man will be remembered forever for generations past and future.

Some movies immortalized his name in incredible ways.

For example, we know that the name of the robot is written like this.

However, most people do not know the name of the robot.

It is also an acronym for Walter Elias Disney.

Other films like Fantasia did something similar.

You must remember the mighty sorcerer.

If your name is written from right to left.

See what happens.

It is said that the main animator of this film created the nose and eyebrows equal to that of its founder.

Everyone must remember Mufasa's famous roar.

Most people do not know where this sound comes from.

Some think the studio recorded an incredible roaring lion.

But the reality is different.

The roars were created by an actor using only a trash can and his voice.

One detail that is commonly overlooked in Disney movies.

It's just that many of the characters do not have a mother.

Either because she died, or simply are not mentioned in the plot.

There are several theories as to why.

The first argument is that it is for practicality.

The films have an average duration of 90 minutes.

So there is not enough time to explore the life of each character.

At the same time Disney films revolve around the maturity and growth of the characters.

And for being orphans.

Heroes and princesses must learn to grow and survive by themselves.

The second explanation is a bit tragic.

In the late 30's due to a gas leak.

The founder's mother died asphyxiated at home.

Due to this fact, this type of scene appears in several of his films.

The animators use people as reference.

And animals to give life to their characters.

Some of the most common are:





And creatures.

Have you ever wondered.

Which animal served as a reference for creating this creature?

It is a combination of several animals.

Among them the mane of a lion.

The beard of a buffalo.

The fangs of a boar.

A pair of human eyes.

And the tail and legs of a wolf.

By combining all of them we will have this creature.

I bet I've never seen so many details of a character before.

When we watched one of the Disney movies.

We can experience a feeling of "Déjá Vu".

Do not panic !

You're not going crazy.

In the past, the studio recycled some scenes.

The most notorious example is in the final dance of "Beauty and the Beast."

And if we watch the movie "Sleeping Beauty" we can see a very similar scene.

This is one of Disney's biggest secrets.

Although everyone must know him by now.

Let's remember how laborious and complicated it was to make an animation in the past.

Nowadays we have computers that greatly facilitate the work of animators.

Before they had to do 24 drawings per second.

So to save time.

They used generic scenes at some point in the movies.

Studio animators do not usually reate battles where people are killed.

Having that in mind.

It may be a surprise.

Know that the most deadly movie on behalf of a character.

He's not a villain.

But a princess.

In your movie.

Mulan manages to defend himself against an ambush by enemies.

She uses a cannon to create an avalanche.

That it buries all the enemy forces.

The animation team says it enlivened 2,000 men on horseback.

Even if it's a blow to your childhood.

Mulan, technically is to blame for four thousand deaths.

And now that we have reached the end of the video.

I would like to know your opinion.

Let me know; writing in the comments.

If you liked.

Leave it to your like.

Share with your friends.

See you in the next video.


For more infomation >> 10 DISNEY CARTOON CURIOSITIES - Duration: 7:08.


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La decisión más difícil de Morilla: elegir portero - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> La decisión más difícil de Morilla: elegir portero - Duration: 3:08.


Signs of God ... Catholic Church (inspired by Medjugorje) - Duration: 2:37.

We are in a country where the church and the state are separated, since the law of

1905, it must be remembered that this law had a lot of trouble passing

The goal of this law being to remove the church

Catholic government decisions ...

This is called secularism ... recently the government in place has given

a big kick to this law ...

I recall here that the prophecies for the France say that secularism will fall and

that the satanic plans will fall ...

Do not compare the Catholic Church and the mosques ... I remind you that Islam

did not exist in France before the years 60 ...

On the other hand Clovis, king of France was baptized by Bishop Saint Rémi in the year 500

In our time have need of God's help For end-of-life decisions,

relentlessly therapeutic, accompanying

sick and elderly, euthanasia,

painless death, surrogate mother, all processes

of a few hazardous births, of autonomous vehicles,

storage of information and creation of a consciousness for the machines ...

We need God, please ... pray, ... pray ... pray ...

Signs of God ...

I was able to collect many photos ... most were taken in Medjugorje

... of course you have the right not to believe to these images ... the most important being

to pray, ... to pray, ... to pray ...

with the heart ….

and find joy in prayer ...

The video is over .. I take this opportunity to remind you that I publish a video every day ..

at 5.30 pm, except Sundays.

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