Friday, April 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 20 2018

serve the same purpose in business

the search engines that the social networks

answer is not in the video you today

I will tell what mission meets each

and how you should approach it in your company


Hello my name is Juan Merodio and

Welcome to a new video if you

first time and want to learn all

tricks on digital marketing and how

being an entrepreneur successful subscribe to

My channel the first question I want

you answer that is if you have a

digital strategy overall for your

business if the answer is no

Make it as soon as possible because without it

get few results if

yes you have within this

Strategy two sub strategies one for

seekers and other networking social in

Actually search engines and networks

Social fulfill two missions fully

different in business so they are

separate but aligned strategies and

one supports the other thinks first

what they do how they act and leading one

User search engine we can sum it up

with a single word information at

the search engine strategy is to

generar posibles clientes porque tras

una búsqueda hay una intención de compra

no el usuario hace una búsqueda y

encuentra lo que necesita en muchos

casos información de lo que quiere

comprar en el corto medio o largo plazo

y en esta parte hablamos de

google y youtube los dos buscadores más

potentes del mundo y pertenecientes a la

misma empresa por otro lado en redes

sociales el usuario no tiene por qué

tener una intención de compra ya que se

encuentra los contenidos en un timeline

y de hecho normalmente entra en las

redes sociales para ver qué hacen y que

comparten sus amigos y personas cercanas

no para buscar información ni para

interactuar con empresas por lo que

podemos decir que las redes sociales son

más para trabajar la marca el engagement

la atención al cliente la construcción

de reputación la captación de leads

piensa si tu estrategia digital está

enfocada en cada categoría digital de

esta manera si no es así puede que no

esté correctamente dirigida y deba

redefinir la por lo que te sugiero que

pares tus acciones digitales por 48

horas y dediques al menos tres o cuatro

horas a analizar y definir que aportar a

cada acción en cada uno de los canales a

tu negocio y cuál es la mejor manera de

hacerlo y si te das cuenta la parte de

la web es crítica a muchos niveles

a nivel de seo también es crítica pero

pero sobre todo un poco lo que os

comenté es decir

hay que redefinir el enfoque porque está

muy enfocado a la parte de la parte de

clientes y no la captación de nuevos


entonces yo creo que eso genera una

genera un problema muy grande en ese

sentido al igual que el otro que marcó

en verde reducir la fricción online

quitando sentí convencido que si supone

lo tenéis metido pero si me dice el

ratio de abandono ahí tiene que ser

enorme convencidísimo vale genial otro

punto que os comentaba fíjate que es el

tema de los del website porque está

demasiado demasiado demasiado

automatizado y además no nos permite

captar leads para la consulta muchas

veces al final sobre todo es eso

pensando en la experiencia de usuario a

veces si no es buena es mejor retirarlo

si no está dando buenos resultados a

tener algo que genera una sensación mala

porque la sensación que a mí me quedó es

joder todavía no soy cliente y no me

están haciendo caso eso es una empresa

muy potente entonces claro la sensación

que queda de sólo tres recomendaciones

es como que queda que era pobre dicho de

algún modo entonces yo aprovecharía a

montar una buena estrategia para generar

más recomendaciones de clientes con

imágenes e incluso vídeos

recomendaciones que funcionan

brutalmente bien con todo eso pasa en

traten de todas las redes

en instagram es muy acusado entonces al

final el principal problema con el tema

de los influencias que los hay buenos

pero hay mucha gente que quiere ser

influencers y se ha demostrado que te

puedes crear una cuenta con seguidores

falsos y ganar dinero pues es que por

poco dinero al final tu por 500 euros

puedes generar una cuenta con la

aparente apariencia de influencers

porque realmente ya no solo es comprar

seguidores sino que puedes comprar

comentarios puedes comprar me gustas de

tal manera que hacer ver que esa cuenta

tiene mi imagen imágenes de 80 mil

seguidores pero es que además cada vez

que publicado no tiene cuatro mil o

cinco mil likes entonces claro es todo

falso es un mundo este que dice así

claro en lo que se suele hacer cuando se

hace lo que llamamos el mapa de

influencers al final es generar en base

a quién quieres impactar quiénes son los

influences que impactan esa demografía

en concreto en determinado país en

determinada ciudad porque hay muchos

temas por perfilar al final es es muy

incorrecto decir oye yo quiero impactar

a todos los chicos chicas de entre 18 y

25 años de españa esa no es una

segmentación realmente entonces al final

por eso hablamos o me gusta hablar más

de micro influencia que es donde

realmente está si buscas un poco más

dónde está tienes a analizar nichos un

poquito más pequeños entonces eso

requiere de un trabajo previo

estratégico pero esto lo puedes ver en

redes como youtube está muy pervertido

en comprar visualizaciones comprar me

gustas es decir prácticamente están

todas las redes si tú te vas por ejemplo

las redes te digo como youtube es súper

fácil hacer que quiten un vídeo de la

competencia yo lo demostré y lo enseñar

es decir cuáles influencer y estás

haciendo las cosas bien y yo quiero

reventar tu instagram y por lo que sea

por lo que me interesa y me quiero

gastar mil euros en reventar de tu

instagram no dudes que lo puedo hacer

súper fácil porque ten en cuenta que al

final todo va por unos radios de

engagement imagínate que con tu tienes

50 mil followers y con 140 mil followers

tienes un 8 por ciento de interacción

vale un ratio aceptable ahora yo te

compro 100 mil que va a suceder que tú

ratio de interacción va a bajar del 8%

al 2%

entonces o instagram lo detecta y te

puede llegar a cancelar la cuenta y tú

no has hecho nada malo

sabe lo que pasa si es un personaje

público muy conocido no es tanto el

peligroso porque tienen tantos

seguidores que es muy difícil hacer

daños a sus cuentas muy muy complicado

quizá cuando son personajes medios o

personajes que son conocidos pero no han

trabajo bien su presencia digital es

bastante fácil atacarle si alguien

quiera contra esto que te decía que los

personajes públicos es complicado en los

últimos últimos tres meses está hablando

con dos actrices conocidas de españa y

un cantante muy conocido y al final con

los tres acaba lo mismo no he trabajado

con ellos porque no quieren invertir

porque tienen contratado a una persona

que es un supuesto con mini tema de

grado un tipo bueno que tenga una

estrategia tal pero no quieren gastar en

eso no se dan cuenta es el dinero que

están dejando de ganar por eso el tema

es que es que es como es una tiene una

gran ignorancia digital lo digo del

cariño se lo digo pero es verdad es

decir no pues a ver tú pues es muy bueno

cantando jugando al fútbol todo lo que

quieras pero en esto no entonces tú no

sabes el dinero que estás dejando de

ganar por no hacer las cosas bien no es

consciente el arentino si sabéis oído

hablar de eso es valentín es que dice te

puedo enviar una nota de prensa que

lanzamos hace un par de meses y hables

sobre ello es como los padres lo digo

porque podéis podeis coger ideas como

los padres se exponen a sus hijos en

redes sociales

sin ser conscientes de todos los

problemas que les casas a su hijos en

ese momento y le van a causar en los

próximos años quiero conocer tu opinión

por lo que déjame los comentarios con el

hashtag estrategia digital

si tienes o no dividida tu estrategia

para cada canal entre todos los

comentarios de los vídeos del mes

sortear en mi curso online de estrategia

de marketing digital si te ha gustado

este vídeo y quieres que siga haciendo

más vídeos como éste dale a me gusta y

suscríbete a mi canal


For more infomation >> ESTRATEGIA Digital POSICIONAMIENTO en BUSCADORES vs REDES SOCIALES - Duration: 7:41.


Felipe y Letizia acaban sus vacaciones secretas y reaparecen en el cine en Madrid - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Felipe y Letizia acaban sus vacaciones secretas y reaparecen en el cine en Madrid - Duration: 4:30.


Telecinco se carga al mayor enemigo de Belén Esteban y lo cambia por una aliada - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Telecinco se carga al mayor enemigo de Belén Esteban y lo cambia por una aliada - Duration: 4:08.


Remedio para el dolor a base de cúrcuma, pimienta y aceite de oliva. - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Remedio para el dolor a base de cúrcuma, pimienta y aceite de oliva. - Duration: 7:36.


Cada mudanza, un reto - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Cada mudanza, un reto - Duration: 2:01.


Manuel Valls et Olivia Grégoire, « l'Amour en marche » dans Voici - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Manuel Valls et Olivia Grégoire, « l'Amour en marche » dans Voici - Duration: 1:29.


Arquitectura sostenible, arquitectura ecoeficiente - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Arquitectura sostenible, arquitectura ecoeficiente - Duration: 5:48.


Valérie Trierweiler en couple avec l'ex rugbyman Romain Magellan - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Valérie Trierweiler en couple avec l'ex rugbyman Romain Magellan - Duration: 1:21.


Face à Laeticia Hallyday, Laura Smet « ira jusqu'au bout » - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Face à Laeticia Hallyday, Laura Smet « ira jusqu'au bout » - Duration: 1:22.





Ten In The Bed + Baby Shark Plane + More Children Rhymes | Kids Music - Duration: 14:10.

There were ten in the bed and the little one said,

"Roll over, roll over."

So they all rolled over and one fell out.


There were nine in the bed and the little one said,

"Roll over, roll over."

So they all rolled over and one fell out.


There were eight in the bed and the little one said,

"Roll over, roll over."

So they all rolled over and one fell out


There were seven in the bed and the little one said,

"Roll over, roll over."

So they all rolled over and one fell out


There were six in the bed and the little one said,

"Roll over, roll over."

So they all rolled over and one fell out


There were five in the bed and the little one said,

"Roll over, roll over."

So they all rolled over and one fell out


There were four in the bed and the little one said,

"Roll over, roll over."

So they all rolled over and one fell out


There were three in the bed and the little one said

"Roll over, roll over."

So they all rolled over and one fell out


There were two in the bed and the little one said,

"Roll over, roll over."

So they all rolled over and one fell out


There was one in the bed and the little one said,

"Let me sleep…please..."

"Let me sleep…please..."

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Let's sing it slow now…

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Touch your tommy

touch your feet

Touch your elbow

touch your cheek

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Touch your hips and

touch your shin

Touch your ankle

touch your chin

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Let's sing faster…

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Even faster…

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Baby plane zoom zoom zoom

Baby plane zoom zoom zoom

Baby plane zoom zoom zoom

Baby plane!

Sister plane zoom zoom zoom

Sister plane zoom zoom zoom

Sister plane zoom zoom zoom

Sister plane!

Brother plane zoom zoom zoom

Brother plane zoom zoom zoom

Brother plane zoom zoom zoom

Brother plane!

Mommy plane zoom zoom zoom

Mommy plane zoom zoom zoom

Mommy plane zoom zoom zoom

Mommy plane!

Daddy plane zoom zoom zoom

Daddy plane zoom zoom zoom

Daddy plane zoom zoom zoom

Daddy plane!

Scary planes zoom zoom zoom

Scary planes zoom zoom zoom

Scary planes zoom zoom zoom

Scary planes!

Fly away zoom zoom zoom

Fly away zoom zoom zoom

Fly away zoom zoom zoom

Fly away!

We are safe zoom zoom zoom

We are safe zoom zoom zoom

We are safe zoom zoom zoom

We are safe!


They look so shiny and pretty


What is that shiny think in the sky...

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

How I wonder what you are.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

How I wonder what you are.

Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Baby shark!

Momma shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Momma shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Momma shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Momma shark!

Daddy shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Daddy shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Daddy shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Daddy shark!

Gandmaa shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Gandmaa shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Gandmaa shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Grandma shark!!

Gandpaa shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Gandpaa shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Gandpaa shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Gandpaa shark!

Scary sharks, doo doo doo doo doo doo

Scary sharks, doo doo doo doo doo doo

Scary sharks, doo doo doo doo doo doo

Scary sharks!

Halloween, do do do do do do

Halloween, do do do do do do

Halloween, do do do do do do


Daddy finger, daddy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Daddy finger, daddy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

For more infomation >> Ten In The Bed + Baby Shark Plane + More Children Rhymes | Kids Music - Duration: 14:10.


Sergio Sepúlveda habla de excompañeros que participan en Hoy de Televisa - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Sergio Sepúlveda habla de excompañeros que participan en Hoy de Televisa - Duration: 2:39.


Popular Animated Kids Series | SHAPES (HD) – Big Block – Episode 69 | Shemaroo Kids Junior - Duration: 2:18.

Look up. Look down

Look all around

Look up

Look down

Look all around



Circles and Squares

Take a look around they are everywhere



Circles and Squares

Take a look around they are everywhere

There's one, there's two there's three

What do we see?

Triangles everywhere, I think we all agree

Hey! The pyramids of Egypt!

A little slice of Pizza!

look at all the things that a triangle can be


Look up

Look down

Look all around

A wedge of cheese!

Look up

Look down

Triangular Trees!


I'm seein' circles everywhere

All around!

Watchin' some wheels spin round Wee-yoo Wee-yoo!

A Far out planet, A near by Doughnut

Circles can always be found

Ball one

Ball two

Ball three

Woo whee!

Circles that bounce have their ups and their downs

Love them or leave them, circles are in man!

We are sur-roundy rounded!

They're everywhere!



Circles and Squares

Take a look around they are everywhere



Circles and Squares

Take a look around they are everywhere

Look over there

What a beautiful square

Go ahead and stare 'cause squares don't care

My best friends hair is in the shape of a square

he can balance on his head almost anywhere!

From a carpet on the ground to this toast I just found

There are so many things that a square can be

Triangles, circles, squares all around

Take a look and tell me now!

What do you see?



Circles and Squares

Take a look around they are everywhere



Circles and Squares

Take a look around they are everywhere

They Are Everywhere

For more infomation >> Popular Animated Kids Series | SHAPES (HD) – Big Block – Episode 69 | Shemaroo Kids Junior - Duration: 2:18.


ASMR Français - Un rouleau de Papier / Paper Roll - 3DIO - Duration: 30:22.

Hello everyone, welcome to my Nikos ASMR channel.

Today I decided to make you a very simple video.

A roll of toilet paper simply.

This is classic paper ^^.

I will first caress him, then I will tear the leaves.

In the end if we have time I tapping on the empty roll (there was no time).

Let's go for this video

I also wanted to thank you for your messages of support following the previous video, it made me very happy.

This video is finished, I hope it will have pleased and relaxed. I'll find you in my next video. If my videos please do not hesitate to share them on facebook, like and to subscribe :), bye bye

For more infomation >> ASMR Français - Un rouleau de Papier / Paper Roll - 3DIO - Duration: 30:22.


7 tips para vencer el cansancio matutino de manera natural. - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> 7 tips para vencer el cansancio matutino de manera natural. - Duration: 8:23.


COMMENT CHANGER LA POLICE DECRITURE DE YOUTUBE + rendre ses commentaires plus visibles - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> COMMENT CHANGER LA POLICE DECRITURE DE YOUTUBE + rendre ses commentaires plus visibles - Duration: 9:07.


*NEW* 50v50 MODE BEST PLAYS! - Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments! #170 (Daily Moments) - Duration: 9:13.

*NEW* 50v50 MODE BEST PLAYS! - Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments! #170 (Daily Moments)

For more infomation >> *NEW* 50v50 MODE BEST PLAYS! - Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments! #170 (Daily Moments) - Duration: 9:13.


Uñas frágiles: causas y remedios - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> Uñas frágiles: causas y remedios - Duration: 8:02.


Damian Marley - Living It Up

For more infomation >> Damian Marley - Living It Up


Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Turn Around | Bob The Train | Video For Babies - Duration: 15:54.

"Kids, don't you love your teddy bear?"

Teddy bear, teddy bear, Turn around.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Touch the ground.

Teddy bear, teddy bear, Polish your shoes.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Off to school.

Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, Jump up high.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Touch the sky.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Bend down low.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Touch your toes.

Teddy bear, teddy bear, Time to sleep.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Do not peep.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn off the light.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Say goodnight.

"Time for Teddy Bear to sleep!


For more infomation >> Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Turn Around | Bob The Train | Video For Babies - Duration: 15:54.


"OMATSURI" Idol Makeup | Eng Sub - Duration: 8:49.

Everybody watching Kawaii Pateen, nice to meet you


Leave the festivity to Matsuri

Standing high at 146.6cm

Festival idol Machirin a.k.a....

Matsuri Oikawa

Call me Machirin

Nice to meet you


Today I will show you festival makeup

Mixing Japanese festival with idol

and do it cute

Let's start

The makeup base is CanMake Perfect Serum BB cream

in no.2

Dark circles under the eyes, pimples, and pimple marks worries me

so concentrating on those parts

For the dark circles, if you stretch your face, it will go on smoothly

For the pimple marks, you just tap it in to each part and stretch it out

The eye shadow is Elfer perfect eyeshadow A

in color natural brown

This is sold at DAISO so you can buy it at a low price

For the white color, I could use the finger as well but spreading to the whole eyelid

Adding a few layers will make it white and thick, which has a festive touch

The brown color goes to the edge of the eyes

Since the eyeliner will go on later on,

so it is like blending in or adding to the base

Stretching from the middle of the eyes to the outer corner

and if you add to the bottom of the eyes,

the eye line will not stick out strangely

Going a bit inward will enhance the eye bags

so the key is drawing on the bottom part as well.

The eyeliner is Heroin Make Smooth liquid eyeliner

Super Keep.

The key is using the waterproof type which is strong against sweat

For the eyeliner, I want to make it idol looking as possible

so not making it droopy nor making it too thin is the key.

When I smile, the eyes shut too much and the eyeliner will stick to the bottom

so I try to add the wings a little higher position where the eye shuts

The other eye shadow is Anna Sui Hand Mirror Eye Palette

Since this white is a shiny white

so adding on top of the white part I added before

Since it's easier to add glitter later, so it's better to use the sticky one

Magic closet lipstick

No.1 the red color

In festival makeup, you use the red color here

I heard that long time ago they used lipstick here

so I thought of using lipstick as well.

Using a brush will be clean and thin

good to go toward the outer corner

The one for the eye shadow is the same one used before

Using the white color on your pinky finger

Right above the bottom lashes in a soft motion will be good.

With the contrast of white and red

while enhancing the eye bags as well as the adding the white to the outer corner,

which gives the festive look

There are pencil type and other types as well

so if you do it thick, it will give more of the festival look

Please try it out

The eyelash curler I am using ones from DAISO

For me I raise the outer corner of the eyes

and then the inner corner doing it both times.

Holding it parallel and then pulling it up will make it look nice

Please try it out

The mascara is Tiara Girl Volume mascara

There is a long version and the volume version

I hope you use the one which suits you

Trying to keep the curve as well

Putting in some in the bottom and go straight up a little, will be good.

For the outer corner, if you add a little with the tip of the brush,

the outer corner will curl so it will be cute like an idol

This glitter I bought at 100yen store DAISO

Glitter for nails

Since I used the sticky type eye shadow

when I lay the glitter down on the spot

you won't need a glue to stick it on

Placing on the outer corner will reflect the light

Please try it. If you add a lot, it will be flashy and cute

This glitter is also bought at DAISO and was a set item with the other one

This one is silver and in heart shape

With the eyelash glue, adding on to the eye bags area

There I would add about three of them

Lining them up with your fingers will have them stick on so

I would recommend the heart version

I'm sure the star version and others are cute as well.

CanMake Marshmallow Finish Powder

It's easy to use for first timers so not only in festivals but you can use it daily

If you add it directly there will be a lot on your face

so it's better to start off in your Tzone

After that add to the cheeks and try to even it out on your whole face

CanMake Cream Cheek 07

I would add to the part which comes up when I laugh

After adding to both parts, I tried adding to the nose as well

Even if you add a lot, it's a festival so it will stick out and be good

Next is making the face look round

Adding the chin will make you look infantile and cute

For the lipstick I'm using the same one I had added to the side

Enhancing the part where it is like a mountain on your lips

If you add it this much, it will give a Japanese taste so it's good.

If it is red, it will give a matte look so it's good

For the eyebrow pencil, I am using the black one from DAISO

Adding on to parts where the volume is low

and use the comb at the end to blend in

Let's make the eyebrows thick and clear

Take a look at the twisted headband

I made this originally

It is a mixture of red, white and perhaps gold

A rope which is around 1m long is tied once in a circle

create a heart and tie it with what you would tie gifts with, and pin it

The reason why I can keep the heart is, I'm using a wire which can be bought at DAISO

Create a heart and pin it with the gift wrapping tool

Pin 6 parts in total

and keep the shape

When you lay it on your head, position the bottom right above the eyebrows

Pin it so it will stay on

You can dance and have a party but will stay on

Everybody, how was my festival makeup?

The key to the makeup is this red round wing

If you add the glitter and make this part stick out a lot

It will give an idol look as well as sticking out in the crowd

I want you all to try it out

The key to the outfit is this twisted headband,

and check out this Happi jacket

The Chinese character which symbolizes "festival"

is actually created with 4 Hiragana alphabets of Matsurin to make it

If you liked it, please check out my SNS and see my pictures

Thank you very much for watching

Please subscribe and watch the other videos as well

Please be sure to do so!


Bye bye

For more infomation >> "OMATSURI" Idol Makeup | Eng Sub - Duration: 8:49.


Gossip U&D, la sorella di Giulia umilia Andrea: la verità sul tradimento | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, la sorella di Giulia umilia Andrea: la verità sul tradimento | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.


重磅消息!昨天安南嘴巴臭过头,污蔑火箭恐吓马来人,今天杨巧双震怒了!快看!她讲的这句话,狠狠打脸安南! - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> 重磅消息!昨天安南嘴巴臭过头,污蔑火箭恐吓马来人,今天杨巧双震怒了!快看!她讲的这句话,狠狠打脸安南! - Duration: 6:42.


Text Effect Tutorial | Illustrator Text Effect | Stepped Letters Design - Duration: 11:44.

For more infomation >> Text Effect Tutorial | Illustrator Text Effect | Stepped Letters Design - Duration: 11:44.


Uomini e Donne, Maurizio Costanzo: clamorosa 'segnalazione' su Gemma e Manetti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Maurizio Costanzo: clamorosa 'segnalazione' su Gemma e Manetti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.


COMMENT CHANGER LA POLICE DECRITURE DE YOUTUBE + rendre ses commentaires plus visibles - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> COMMENT CHANGER LA POLICE DECRITURE DE YOUTUBE + rendre ses commentaires plus visibles - Duration: 9:07.


Scholes SLAMS Pogba for lack of respect for Mourinho & Man Utd team-mates - Duration: 3:15.

Paul Scholes hit out at Paul Pogba for showing a lack of respect to Jose Mourinho and his team-mates and believes it's possible he could leave Manchester United this summer.

The Red Devils legend was unimpressed by Pogba's display against West Bromwich Albion and thought he was too 'casual' in their 1-0 defeat.

And although he rates the France international, he was disappointed at the lack of respect shown to his manager and fellow Manchester United stars.

'I think he loves playing football – he'd be out there all day if he could be,' he told BT Sport.

'In my experience of him, he was a great lad. He was a lad who was always willing to learn – it didn't work out the first time, he went to Juventus and was sensational for two or three years.

'He's come over here – if he doesn't get on with the manager, I don't know. But that relationship over the past few weeks has looked a little bit frosty.

'We have seen an amazing player in here, just not at United yet. He performs once in every three or four games, which for a United player if you're trying to win the league is just not enough.

'I thought it was a bit disrespectful against his manager the way he played here.

'I think he's wanted to come out and create the Paul Pogba show, which is good, which is what you need. But he's gone out doing stupid things – they don't win games. It's crazy stuff. Bad passing, it's so casual.

'As his manager said, players tried to complicate things. He's not the only one who hasn't performed as well as he should – I think [Alexis] Sanchez, the great player he was at Arsenal and Barcelona – he's come in and been disappointing as well.'

When asked if Pogba could leave Old Trafford this summer, Scholes added: 'I think he could.

'I don't know, I don't speak to anyone at the club but from the outside looking in, it looks as though the relationship isn't great.

'And when you see a performance like that on sunday you think he doesn't care what the manager thinks.

'I think that's disrespectful towards the manager and his team-mates.'.

For more infomation >> Scholes SLAMS Pogba for lack of respect for Mourinho & Man Utd team-mates - Duration: 3:15.


Live Eagle Cam

For more infomation >> Live Eagle Cam


[A day before us 2] EP.04 Before I Fall in Love Once Again _ ENG/JP - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> [A day before us 2] EP.04 Before I Fall in Love Once Again _ ENG/JP - Duration: 2:29.


탈북하게 된 동기/ 탈북과정/ The story that I left North Korea and Escape process - Duration: 26:05.

Hello. everyone. I am Ttohyang.

Today I will talk about my escape story.

A lot of people wonder about the story that I escaped from North Korea.

I filmed video about the North Korean escape process a year ago.

I edited it and I lost all my files.

I haven't had the courage to film again since. So I put it off so far.

Many people ask me. 'What motivated you to escape North Korea?'

I am going to start from the story that I escaped North Korea today.

There are now about 33,000 defectors in South Korea.

Perhaps their motives for defection are different.

I am one of them too.

Some people escape because they do not like the North Korean regime, and some people escape because they are hard to eat and live.

But my motivation for leaving North Korea is really simple.

I saw a lot of South Korean dramas in North Korea. I thought I wanted to go to South Korea.

From my childhood, South Korea was educated as a poor country.

South Korea has many naked and hungry children, so when it comes to reunification, we should go them to help.

I have received such an education since elementary school. So I thought South Korea was a poor country.

When I entered junior high school, I got to see the first South Korean drama.

The drama is 'first love'. I saw this drama and learned that the education I had learned in the past was not true.

I know that South Korea is poor, but South Korea from the drama seemed to live really well.

The drama 'The first love' is an old drama.

But South Korea was living much better than North Korea.

From that time on, I began to wonder South Korea.

I learned that the education I had learned was wrong. Since then, I have seen about 30 South Korean dramas.

'Stairway to Heaven', 'Lovers in Paris', etc. I have seen many dramas.

From then on I became convinced that North Korea's education was wrong.

From then on I thought that I wanted to go to South Korea.

I saw South Korean drama at age 12 and came to South Korea at 19. I have had the desire to go to South Korea for six or seven years.

I always wanted to go to South Korea and live like a drama heroine.

But no one can go to want to go to South Korea.

It is a very dangerous road.

But my aunt had already lived in South Korea.

During a conversation with my aunt, she tempted me with sweet words.

'If you go to South Korea, you can live a good life.' 'Even if you are old, you can go to college.'

I was shocked. This is because in North Korea, the age of university is fixed.

In North Korea, if you can miss the season , You can't go to university.

I was surprised that I could go to university even when I was old.

I got more fantasies about South Korea by listening to South Korea I watched in the drama and what my aunt lived and talked about.

I asked my mother. 'Mom, can I go to South Korea?'

My mother said. 'Never!'

Because the place where I lived was close to China.

There are so many people caught each year to go to China and South Korea.

And the punishments that are caught on the way to China and South Korea are different.

If you get caught going to China, you will live in prison for few year or you will be fined.

It is a weak punishment.

If you go to South Korea and get caught, you can go to a political prison camp or even be executed.

Neighbors were caught at a Chinese airport on their way to Korea. So they came back to North Korea.

The family was publicly executed.

So I thought I can die if I got caught on my way to South Korea.

So my mother objected. I could not guarantee that I could go safely to South Korea.

I was frighten frankly.

Thinking right now, I was able to escape because I was younger.

I was more curious about South Korea than the fear of being caught.

So I left North Korea without fear.

Because my parents objected, I left alone, hiding the fact that were going to South Korea.

I told my dad 'I'll go to play' and escape the next day.

I made a phone conversation with my aunt.

My aunt knew my parents objected.

So my aunt and me both made an appointment.

My aunt told me to send a broker and come to South Korea.

I waited for my aunt to send a broker.

The broker came to our home. I made an appointment to meet the broker and the next day in front of the station.

I thought I had to leave home the day before.

I told my dad I am going to play out. After that, my family did not know my news.

In North Korea, it is okay for me not to come home for a day.

Because my relatives live near, so they do think I would have slept in a friend or relative.

And at that time there was no way to contact me because we did not have a cell phone.

So they think that tomorrow will come house when I do not come in today.

I met the broker the next day. I followed the broker to escape.

I had to move to another place during the half day with the broker.

I stayed at the North Korean broker 's house for two days and crossed the river at dawn on the third day.

No one knew that I had escaped.

The closest family did not know it. So, of course, my friends did not know.

Only the broker and me knew it.

I left North Korea at a young age.

Many people are curious about the escape process.

If 30,000 people had escaped from North Korea, they would have different reasons for leaving.

I stayed at the broker 's house for two days.

The third day, Someone woke me up when I was sleeping.

"We have to cross the river."

I woke up at 3 am. I walked over the mountain for about an hour.

And crossed the river. But the river was really shallow.

Some of those who escape North Korea are swimming. It is really diverse.

But I walked in my pants and walked.

I walked the river for about 100 meters. It was China.

I felt strange then. "Was this close? Is it so easy?"

It took less than five minutes to escape North Korea. So my mind was strange.

We have to pay the broker to escape.

Then the army guarding the river guided us to the shallow place.

He said. 'If you go here, the water is not deep. You'll be able to go quickly. '

There was a woman who took me to China.

I grabbed her hand and arrived in China.

I crossed the river at 4 am. The Chinese broker would be come around 5:30 in the morning.

My shoes were wet.

When I put my wet shoes on the road, he saw the shoes and a Chinese broker would find us.

I was hiding in the mountains with my shoes put on the road.

The promised time has passed, but the broker did not come.

It was around 6 pm but the broker did not come.

I have not eaten anything since dawn. And I was too scared.

I told the lady. 'If the day gets dark, I will go back to North Korea. It's too scary here. '

She said yes.

There was a lot of rain on that day. I was picking up vinyl in the mountains and writing on my head. It looked really pitiful.

The broker arrived at 7 pm.

Some men were looking for something in front of their shoes.

They came to find us.

I took a car. The car went to Hwangryong.

I was shocked when I first saw the house I arrived at.

The house I arrived at was a country house. The house was poorer than the North Korean house.

I had a fantasy about China.

The house was making pig feed.

'Ah! I am wrong. I think I'm deceived. " I thought this.

How can I get back?

But fortunately, I moved to 'YanGil' after an hour.

I have an episode of moving to YanGil.

I was sitting in the back of the taxi and moved to YanGil.

I took a cab in my clothes in North Korea.

The taxi driver kept looking at me.

The taxi driver and I kept on eye contact in the mirror.

China has good relations with North Korea, so when they find North Koreans, they send them back to North Korea.

So I did not even say a word.

The taxi driver was Korean-Chinese. So it was possible to communicate.

He told me 'How old are you?'

I was so embarrassed.

I responded timidly. 'I'm 19 years old.'

I have not seen him since. It was too scary.

I arrived at YanGil a few hours later.

I arrived there and realized that I came to China. It was night, but the street was so gorgeous.

It was different from the style of people walking on the streets.

Oh ~ I'm really into China now!

I got off the taxi. But a taxi driver told me.

'Good luck, good luck!' I was so moved.

Chinese people receive rewards when they report defectors.

But he did not report me, but rather cheered me up. I was so moved.

Then another broker in YanGil met me.

He was overweight.

I took his car and went to his house.

I stayed in his house for three to four days.

I am in his house and have an episode.

He always went outside and came in the evening.

I was alone at home. So I saw a lot of Korean TV programs.

I watched Korean dramas and entertainments all day long.

And I thought. 'I'll be there in a few days.'

I was too hungry and opened the refrigerator door.

There was ice cream in the fridge. North Korea also has ice cream. But individuals make it all.

North Korean ice cream is made by putting sugar after boiling red beans. It was also really delicious.

But the ice cream I ate in China was really shocking.

It was so delicious.

The ice cream was melon flavor. I was born and saw such a taste for the first time.

I ate one, but wanted to eat again. But because it is not mine, I feel guilty every time I eat.

I was so happy every time I ate ice cream.

The second is strawberry syrup.

I was curious to see strawberry syrup. 'What is this taste?'

I ate strawberry syrup. It was also very tasty.

I was so happy for four days at the broker 's house. It was because there were too many foods to eat for the first time.

Then he moved somewhere along the broker.

We took the bus for 12 hours.

China is said to take such a long time to move because the land is wide.

The bus was a two - story bus.

I was at the top of the second floor.

The people on the bus were all Chinese.

Everyone spoke in Chinese. I was terrified.

'What if I do not speak Chinese and ask me a question?' 'What if I get caught?' I was so anxious.

'I have to pretend to sleep' I lay down until I got off the bus.

I was lying. But the police inspect the ticket.

I was too scared. Fortunately, however, only the first floor was inspected.

I arrived at 6 am the next day. It was Dandong.

I went to another broker 's house.

That house was my last broker 's house. The broker took me to South Korea.

There were three more defectors in the broker 's house.

We were supposed to go to South Korea with four people gathered.

I stayed there for three days. I came to South Korea by ship from Incheon on Dandong.

We received a fake passport.

There was another woman 's face in the passport.

My passport as well as other people's passports were the same.

I was afraid. This is not my face. What if I get caught?

But the broker said. 'OK. It's all going to pass. '

I am the first airport. So I practiced passing the airport search station the day before.

We finished all the exercises. The broker told us to follow him well.

We went to the airport the next day with a fake passport.

But the censor stamped the passport even though it was fake.

Airport staff have already received money illegally.

So I rode the ship safely. The ship came 12 hours.

Some people say that they have been hiding in the bottom of the boat. But I had a designated magnet.

I was sleeping on the boat, and eating ramen noodles came to South Korea easily.

I took eight days to leave North Korea and come to South Korea.

I came quickly and easily compared to others.

Others may take a year to come to South Korea, and it may take three years or even ten years.

But I came really comfortable.

I had no other difficulties as long as I had mental pain.

But, the broker cost was really expensive.

I did not know that I had to pay a broker to come to South Korea.

When I arrived in South Korea, I knew I was going to my aunt 's house.

In South Korea drama, many of the boss's houses appear.

I thought I would live in such a house when I went to Korea. 2-story house

I thought I would live happily with my room like a princess in a two - story house. I had tremendous expectations.

But as soon as I got off the airport, they took us to the NIS. I checked whether there was a real North Korean from there.

I was there for two months.

When the investigation is done here, we move to another place. Where they are taught about how to go out and live in society.

We will be able to come to the South Korean society after 5 months.

I became a debtor as soon as I came to Korea.

I had to pay 12 million won for the brokerage.

That was 2009, and I was 19 years old.

Today, I talked about my motivations and processes that led me to escape.

In the next section, I will tell you in detail how I live in South Korea and how I have repaid the debt.

Did you hear my story today?

Not everyone comes to Korea like me.

Others come to South Korea via Laos or Thailand. But they must cross the crocodile river and have more than a few acids. It is really difficult to come to South Korea.

But I could come to South Korea really comfortably.

I went through this process to South Korea. But the process of coming to South Korea is different.

If the video was beneficial today, Please subscribe me.

See you later. Thank you.

For more infomation >> 탈북하게 된 동기/ 탈북과정/ The story that I left North Korea and Escape process - Duration: 26:05.


SW-Tuning Angel Eye headlight for Renault Clio I Typ 57 90-96 black - Duration: 0:40.

LED parking light

Low beam halogen

For more infomation >> SW-Tuning Angel Eye headlight for Renault Clio I Typ 57 90-96 black - Duration: 0:40.


MONSTA X - JEALOUSY (English Cover) - Duration: 3:38.

Baby, please let me know

Do you like me? Say how do you want it?

You need to let me know

But you're teasing me, haha, funny

Are you playing with me? My love is not for free

I'm confused, don't know how to feel

I was feeling fine now my head is spin-spinning

Tell me what you're doing to me

We are nothing but you keep looking at me

At this point I don't care

A little jealousy, can't control it

You're looking around me, that's not how I want it

Jealousy, can't control it

Don't talk about anyone, I want you to stop it

Jealousy, baby, jealousy

Yeah baby, who the X? I'm an X!

You got me heat up, I burn, jealous and weak, oh

I just go on, so sick of waiting for nothing,

Keep going, going, going

OK, I got it, stop playing games and go for it

Think these guys are better than me, now tell me

How are you feeling about you and me, bae?

Trust me now take my hand and just fly with me

Everything you do is making me insane

Can't control what I feel, oh yeah

A little jealousy, can't control it

You're looking around me, that's not how I want it

Jealousy, can't control it

Don't talk about anyone, I want you to stop it

You got what you got, got

I don't understand the differences between us

Your teasing is nonstop

You need to calm down, maybe I'll leave you

I'm so jealous tonight, I go ra-ta-ta-ta

If you want me I'll go so crazy for you, baby

Gotta be good, gotta be nice, all for you babe

I'm swagging, swagging, yeah you got me good

The way you make me feel, want you yo feel the same

Everything is all so messed up

At this point I'm all over you

I can feel the pain in every bit of me, oh

This is bad and I'm feeling it

I'm too jealous to let you go (jealous, baby)

A little jealousy, let's get closer

I want you around me, I know that you want it

Jealousy, let's get closer

Don't be around anyone, you know that I need you

A little jealousy, can't control it

You're looking around me, that's not how I want it

Jealousy, can't control it

Don't talk about anyone, I want you to stop it

Jealousy, baby, jealousy

For more infomation >> MONSTA X - JEALOUSY (English Cover) - Duration: 3:38.


Finansfredag #24 –Jämställt i finansbranschen? - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Finansfredag #24 –Jämställt i finansbranschen? - Duration: 4:58.


Hvordan kommer jeg i gang med at investere? - Optimal Invest - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Hvordan kommer jeg i gang med at investere? - Optimal Invest - Duration: 1:22.



For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.6I DYNAMIC AUTOMAAT NAVIGATIE+NIEUWE DISTRIBUTIE 1e EIG. - Duration: 1:11.


Vector Brush Stroke Typography In Illustrator Illustrator Typography Tutorial - Duration: 10:07.

what is that people welcome back to Satori graphics so the home of graph

design content right here on YouTube today I'm gonna show you guys how to

make this really cool brushstroke typography in Adobe Illustrator I'm

gonna walk you through the steps and techniques and how to make this brush

back to typography in Adobe Illustrator using existing typefaces so follow along

and learn how to make this typography today


for today's tutorial on vector brushstroke typography in Illustrator I

rushed my design here as I do not have much time I self I'm simply making this

video today on showing you guys how to make a very inventive brushed out

typography using a daily list right there so as you can see on the left is a

work in progress and on the right is the original typography that is in fact my

custom-made typeface that is nearly finished and ready for download so stay

tuned for that guys they should be next week you will need some brushstroke

vectors which you can find with the link in description below on my digital

download section of my website or you can find similar ones online if you use

Google search I'm going to show you two key techniques to making vector press

typography using existing fonts so with the first technique grab a brush vector

like so and then press a for the direct selection tool and select and delete

parts of the brush stroke they do not want to have for your design we're going

to apply a vector mask to cut away part of the typography creating the illusion

of brush strokes you can make sure that all components of your brushstroke are

linked together as one vector shape by uniting everything together in the

Pathfinder window

once ready drag the brushstroke over to typography design and then resize I'm

positioning in place we're going to make a better brush now to wrap around the

design as we please so open up the brushes window with the

brushstroke selected go into the brushes window and in the top right click new

brush we're going to use an artistic brush for today's tutorial in

illustrator the default setting should be fine for your design you then notice

that the brush has been created you can then delete the brush stroke seeing as

we have an artistic brush created press P for the pen tool and then draw a line

that follows the contour of your typography like so use a stroke and not

a fill and then press V to select off of the pen tool path

then click and apply the artistic brush in the brush window and you see the

effect is applied to the line you can adjust the stroke weights to whatever

you feel looks best for your brushstroke typography designer this is where the

magic is going to take place in today's tutorial so with the letter that you

want to edit selected you need to open up the transparency window now you can

do this from the toolbar on the side or you can find in the drop-down window

above you will need to make a mask uncheck the clipping option and then

select the right-hand side window oops I forgot you need to also first copy the

brush stroke width command or ctrl C

then make sure you select the right-hand side of the window and press command or

ctrl V to paste it in place the brush stroke will now appear as cutting into

the typography however because we're using a mask you

do not actually delete the original typography itself and this is important

for non-destructive workflow and you can put up your typography design using this

method that is how you cut into the typography itself I'm going to show you

how to add to it next but first you can take your time to change the stroke

weight and use a direct selection tool to move the anchor points around of the

line and also the curvature it's important to use this method instead of

cutting the typography itself because if you want to come back at a later stage

you can change or even delete the areas that you don't want to use in a

transparency mask

you're not going to be able to work on the parts of your design until you come

back to transparency window and then click the left hand side window like so

so we've looked how to cut brushstroke effects into a typography design and

then wrap that around the contour the typography itself now we're going to

work towards adding a brushstrokes to the end of the lettering but if you're

enjoying today's tutorial let me know with a comment and I like so we need to

go back to the brush vectors and select one that has some weight behind it then

drag it onto your typography design resize it as we did before early in the

tutorial and then you can always press I for the eyedropper tool to sample the

same color as your typography

as we did before we're going to add the pen tool path so draw a line that

follows a table or curvy down to the end of the letter like so if your line is a

fill not a stroke you can press Shift + X to change open up the brush window

again and make a new artistic brush using the second brush vector that you

brought onto your design I did forget to mention that a brush stroke will work

best if you align it with this line here in the brush window

so when you've created the second artistic brush apply it to the line like

so you can delete the vector and then resize and arrange align with the effect

attached to it again using a direct selection tool you can move the anchor

points and change the curvature of this effect but you also will need to change

the typography itself so that it fits with the brush stroke you want to make

sure that it blends in together with harmony that looks like a realistic

brush stroke you can add multiple strokes on the same letter and take your

time to use both techniques I've showed you today in today's video of adding

vectors and also you're gonna transparency mask to cut in the

lettering itself in this way you can build up your vector

brushstroke double career design in today's video take your time unlike I've

done because I simply don't have the time today but I wanted to show you all

the process of making vector brush stroke style typography so there was my

tutorial on how to make this brush stroke typography in a day Beauty

straighter let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and if you did

enjoy the video drop a like tear also if you do recreate this typography yourself

go ahead and tag me Instagram or Twitter and I'd glad I'd like to view your

content on your work I'm here on YouTube making videos four days a week for you

guys so if you do appreciate my content let me know and also share on social

media make sure you have a great weekend and I'm gonna be back next week with

more graphic design content for you all so until next time design your future

today peace

For more infomation >> Vector Brush Stroke Typography In Illustrator Illustrator Typography Tutorial - Duration: 10:07.


三菱 i-MiEV、新作デザインラッピング5種類を設定 - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 三菱 i-MiEV、新作デザインラッピング5種類を設定 - Duration: 1:36.


Chrysler Sebring 2.7 I V6 AUT - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Chrysler Sebring 2.7 I V6 AUT - Duration: 0:53.


Opel Ampera 1.4I 2013 New-Model! Leder Navi Ecc Pdc Camera 17"lmv - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Opel Ampera 1.4I 2013 New-Model! Leder Navi Ecc Pdc Camera 17"lmv - Duration: 0:55.


Apple Dessert that looks like a real apple! No mold challenge - Duration: 8:17.

Welcome to How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon and today we're making an apple

well really it's a vanilla mousse with apple and cinnamon in the center but the

challenge today is to make it using only everyday equipment that most people

would have in their kitchen ... no molds allowed! The first thing we need

to do is peel our apples then cut them into cubes and place all of that diced

apple into a bowl. To stop the apples from going brown you need to immediately

add some apple puree and stir that through and all these recipe quantities

are on the website and I'll link to that below for you. Add to

that a little bit of cinnamon and some vanilla and mix that through. Stretch

your balloon to open it and then spoon in a tablespoon of your apple and

cinnamon mixture, you'll need someone to help you with this because you don't

have three hands I assume. You will need one of these for each apple that you're

making. Once the mixtures inside let the balloon

close and if it doesn't look round like this one's a bit odd to give it a

squeeze to shape it into a circle shape and then twist the top and you want to

place that in the freezer. To make the vanilla mousse you'll need egg yolks

corn flour sugar gelatin cream milk and vanilla. Pour most of the milk into the

pan with the vanilla and then mix the rest of it in with your gelatin. Make

sure you're stirring this while you're adding the milk don't just pour it in

and then stir later and then once that's all mixed in leave that so the gelatin

can soften. To the egg yolks add the sugar and the corn flour and whisk those

together. Whisking it together like this first just helps make sure you don't get

any lumps of corn flour then pour that in with your milk and your vanilla and

give it a good stir. Put that onto the stovetop and stir continuously until it

thickens it's important that you keep stirring it the whole time.

Once it's thick keeps stirring it for a minute longer over the heat so that

that egg yolk can cook completely and all the starch granules in the flour can

burst so it doesn't have the floury taste.

Remove that from the heat and add in the gelatin stirring until it's dissolved.

Put it into the bowl of an electric mixer and then add your cream and stir

it until it's smooth then you want to wait until that reaches room temperature

then turn your beaters back on and whip the mixture to aerate it and then we're

going to tip that into a soft drink bottle. Grab your balloons with the apple

in out of the freezer one at a time and inflate them to about the size of an

apple. Twist it and then put that over the top of the bottle so these have like

a little ball of frozen apple in the middle of them ... allow it to untwist and

then tip up the bottle and squeeze it to tip in some of your mousse. Feel and

check that it's full and once it's full just pull it off the balloon and tie a

knot in the top which is always tricky and once you've done that you can put it

back into the freezer and you want to leave it there for at least a few hours.

To make the stems, melt some chocolate in the microwave and then pour that into a

piping bag. If you put some alcohol into the freezer it will not freeze because

alcohol lowers the freezing point of water. I have a few ice crystals in mine

because my freezer is set to the coldest setting but it won't freeze solid. You

don't actually need the icicles you just need it to be really cold and then all

you do is pipe in the chocolate and it sets instantly and because you're not

piping it out onto a flat surface like baking paper or something you end up

with a stem that's rounded rather than one that's flat on one side. If they're a

bit long you can of course just snap them to make them the right length and

then it looks like they've been snapped off the tree. For the glaze we're going

to need sugar sweetened condensed milk gelatin white chocolate and water. The

first thing you need to do is add of the water in with the gelatin and

give that a stir and you can just leave that to soften like we did when we were

making the mousse. Into the bowl add the sugar and the rest of the water and your

sweetened condensed milk. Heat that in the microwave stirring regularly until

there are no more grainy bits of sugar and the sugar is completely dissolved.

Then add in your gelatin and stir that through until you can't see any more

lumps the hot mixture should just melt that. Then add in your white chocolate

and once that's all added we're just going to leave it for a few minutes so

that the warmth of the mixture just melts the chocolate and then you can

just stir it through and once it's smooth add in the colouring of your

choice decide whether you want to make red apples or green apples or some other

strange colored apples it's up to you! Before you use this glaze you will

need to let it cool down to room temperature or it will just melt a layer

of the apple and fall off. Take your balloons out of the freezer and cut off

the top and then just peel back the upper area there so that you've still

got the balloon on the bottom so you've got something to hold on to without

touching the frozen mousse. Take your knife and flatten off the top then use

the point of your knife to dig a hole and spin your Apple as you do so that we

get that indent in the top of the apple where your stem should go. Use your knife

to shave off any sharp edges that you have so it's nice and rounded and smooth

and then just peel off the rest of your balloon. Stick a skewer in the top so

that you can lift the apple and then do the same thing with the rest of the

frozen desserts and then you want to store them in the freezer until you're

ready to glaze them one at a time. Take a paintbrush and some diluted red food

coloring and add stripes around the outside of your apple. Apple's are rarely

one solid color so that's why I'm doing this to give a little bit of variation.

Then dip the apple into the glaze just turning it and

pushing it down to make sure all the sides and the top indent there have

glaze on them. Then lift it up and just gently hold it turning it so that the

excess glaze can drip off back into the bowl. Then put that onto some baking

paper. Now the glaze will continue to drip down

slowly ... I'll just put this in fast-forward so you can see that

happening ... we don't want this pool of glaze at the bottom, so before that sets

what I want you to do is lift up the Apple give it a twist and a tune and

then put it into a new spot. Now all you need to do is add the stem of your apple

and leave it in the fridge for about three hours for that mousse and the

apple in the center to defrost and become nice and soft and ready to eat.

Now to see what it looks like on the inside the wait is over 😁

We have our apple and cinnamon center surrounded by a vanilla mousse and the

white chocolate glaze.

Mmm that tastes good ... subscribe to How To Cook That for more

crazy sweet creations. Click here for desserts, here for chocolate and here for

cakes. Make it a great week and I'll see you on Friday.

For more infomation >> Apple Dessert that looks like a real apple! No mold challenge - Duration: 8:17.


Tuantigabelas - Count Your Blessing (Official Video) ft Gunz - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Tuantigabelas - Count Your Blessing (Official Video) ft Gunz - Duration: 3:46.


[中字/Eng Sub] TWICE (트와이스) Mina開心時會流鼻血|Storytime: Mina nose bleed when she was happy - Duration: 2:03.

when Mina is happy,

she has a gesture of "happy feet"

ah... that's right

It isn't nose bleeding?

nose bleed when she is happy?

right, when she is happy, her nose bleed

isn't it a situation that happen in movies?

Please explain it

I'm raising a dog now

I wanted to raise one back then

but my parents objected

I kept saying "I want one, I want one", so my mother...

my mother finally agreed, so while signing the contract, I was so happy that

She got a nose bleed from imagining it

It's so funny everytime I heard it

It's the first time I talked about it

What was in your mind while you were signing the contract?

I was an elementary student.

Did you have a contract with an elementary kid?

When she was a kid, when Mina was an elementary student

Ah... when Mina was an elementary student

That surprised me! I thought she sign a contract with an elementary student!

ah.. it was when Mina was a kid

when she adopted a dog

Oh I see

Sunbaenim, Jihyo is crying

Jihyo-sie, you shouldn't be crying

I love this story so much

For more infomation >> [中字/Eng Sub] TWICE (트와이스) Mina開心時會流鼻血|Storytime: Mina nose bleed when she was happy - Duration: 2:03.


QUEST - Seniorita (Official Video) - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> QUEST - Seniorita (Official Video) - Duration: 3:34.


일본 항공자위대( JASDF) F-35 1호기가 출고. 그 다음 F-35 1호기는 우리차례? - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> 일본 항공자위대( JASDF) F-35 1호기가 출고. 그 다음 F-35 1호기는 우리차례? - Duration: 5:47.


Sori's Day Episode 1 "Sori's Night -Practice Room-" - Duration: 11:22.

We're here at the practice room!

No! It's too dark. Let's turn on the lights.

I'm here at my practice room.

I'm carrying my bass guitar on one side and my bag on the other side and I'm so tired

※Be careful

Let's put down the camera here

My shoulder hurts a lot

I respect all the people playing the bass guitar and people carrying around their instruments.

Should I be whining for carrying it for just one day?

No way!

I can do this.

I'm not used to adjusting the color or focus of my camera.

So, the color and focus may change a lot.Please excuse me. Oh my!

I'm not sure I'm getting it right.

I thought about practicing other things, but I want to review my bass guitar lesson before I forget!

Oh~ my friend!

I want to get united with you. I want to be a part of you.

Wow this is heavy.

What if I drop this.

I learned this from the lesson.


No,no don't bump! Careful careful.

I guess my bass guitar got much bruises because of me.

I'm so sorry for the bumping!

You support here with your right hand and your left hand just helps.

The bass guitar shouldn't fall off even if you let go of the left hand.

I want to play 'do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do' fast just like my instructor did.

When will I be able to do that?

When I care about my fingers, I forget about holding the guitar correctly and I'm not used to the terms well.

I want to play like this.

But in reality….

I don't know 'mi, la, re, sol, do'.

Now, I'll practice my choreography.

I recently filmed a choreography named 'Friends' and for some parts, I made own choreography.

So, I'm not sure how it will turn out.

I have much ways to go since I'm not a perfect choreography expert nor instructor…

But I'm getting better through my practices.

Today, I will practice hard as always because this is what I love the most.

I'll do the stretching first since I haven't used whole my body yet.

Sori, I'm out of focus…

This is the routine of a regular trainee, or maybe the routine of a singer, Sori Kim

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't notice the camera was out of focus while I was warming up. I'll warm up again.

Common idol's stretching

Is this filmed well?

Now I'm warmed up and I would like to cover a choreography now.

Today, I'll cover a choreography from a song 'Gimme on Up' by Ariana Grande and the choreography was made by the famous Mina Myoung.

When I'm covering a choreography, I'm usually not with my trainer and it's difficult to copy every detail.

When covering the choreography, my trainer wouldn't tell me how to cover and I don't cover the exact choreography.

Instead, I see the choreography with my eyes and I examine how my trainer moves the body for several times.

I try to remove my own habit when I'm covering the choreography and I usually copy the exact moves of my trainer.

Then, when I learn the moves perfectly, I try the move in my own styles.

There's a perfect choreography made by my trainer and I'm trying to cover the moves as they are.

Then, I reverse the screen and the moves are now reversed! That way, I can practice as if I'm looking at the mirror.

At first, I learn the choreography by watching the moves and I watch them for several times.

Then, when I can't follow up with certain moves, I pause the video with a spacebar and I examine the posture and the arm or leg shape in detail.

Then, I play the video slowly and like this! This way, I can count the beat while dancing.

Like this, I look for the right timing and count the beat while I'm dancing.

I might look awkward when seen from the other's perspectives but I want to show you guys how I practice.

I'm bit excited since it's my favorite choreography time!

Is this filmed well?

The focus is fine for now….

But the camera is not in focus when I go far.

※Practicing hard

My moves are not perfect since I'm following with the flows.

By doing this, I can monitor how my moves are different from actual choreography and I revise my moves later.

Everybody has a different style for covering a choreography.

I let my body get used to the dance and I emphasize the move when I need to.

Then, I see this later on.

I personally think that it's important to keep up with the beat exactly in the first stage.

0.9 times faster!

※I'm almost keeping up with the original speed after my third try.

So fast!

I covered the moves quickly.

But my hair got so messy…


※Sori learns quickly and practices in the original speed.

※An she practiced for a while

My hair got so messy

My face got so red.

The camera doesn't have much battery and I've gotta go.

And it's already over 11 PM.

I need to hurry since it's late at night and I even have my guitar with me.

This video's title is 'Sori's Day' and it may even cover Sori's next day.

That's all for today.

I'm done with today's practice.

I'm going home.

I've got much stuffs to carry, but let's meet at home before the midnight.

See you at home. Bye~

I'll turn off the light.

It's bit scary….

I'm almost at home and look at my messy hair and face.

Ow… my face…

I'm sorry, I'm not in a good condition.


I'm soaked in sweat and I've gotta hurry and take a shower.

My make-up is all gone. Sorry

Bad face! I'm in a trouble.

I'll go home and see you later at home!

For more infomation >> Sori's Day Episode 1 "Sori's Night -Practice Room-" - Duration: 11:22.


国阵讽刺他太年轻不能当领袖,他一句神回复打脸国阵! - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> 国阵讽刺他太年轻不能当领袖,他一句神回复打脸国阵! - Duration: 10:12.


Text Effect Tutorial | Illustrator Text Effect | Stepped Letters Design - Duration: 11:44.

For more infomation >> Text Effect Tutorial | Illustrator Text Effect | Stepped Letters Design - Duration: 11:44.


Zalety napowietrzania filtrowanej wody basenowej - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Zalety napowietrzania filtrowanej wody basenowej - Duration: 0:31.


Lucky Man

For more infomation >> Lucky Man


Coroa, Leifert trollando a concorrência e fada Gleici: tudo o que rolou no "BBB" - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> Coroa, Leifert trollando a concorrência e fada Gleici: tudo o que rolou no "BBB" - Duration: 6:52.


흔한 카페의 단골손님 - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> 흔한 카페의 단골손님 - Duration: 1:03.


PR Como fazer cara de mim pessoa de foto no google sketchup - Duration: 3:31.

In this video, I will talk about. How to make face me person, or tree from photo in google sketch up.

Download a photo that you will use, check the image size and its square ratio.

Use rectangular tool to draw square 2m, 2m

Be sure to Import the photo and use image as texture is selected.

Use move tool to get the image down to the ground.

Select all and make component. Be sure that always face camera and shadows face sun options are selected.

Set component axes. Then click create.

Go to view and select shadow.

Cut white color space surround the photo to prevent its shadows. Before using freehand tool lift click 3 times onthe component to select it.

Highlight the outside area and delete it.

Still you have white area to get rid of this. You have to change the type of image in Photoshop to support transparent.

Go to Photoshop and remove the white color and save the image in PNG format instead of JPG format.

In Sketch Up go to material windows.

Edit and in model material change the photo with the PNG format.

For more infomation >> PR Como fazer cara de mim pessoa de foto no google sketchup - Duration: 3:31.


Wagner chega na final do BBB18 com presente para Gleici e se declara - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Wagner chega na final do BBB18 com presente para Gleici e se declara - Duration: 2:25.


Kłucie w sercu – dlaczego je odczuwamy? - Duration: 9:52.

For more infomation >> Kłucie w sercu – dlaczego je odczuwamy? - Duration: 9:52.


Em entrevista, Gleici comenta vídeos antigos feitos contra Rede Globo - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Em entrevista, Gleici comenta vídeos antigos feitos contra Rede Globo - Duration: 2:54.


Toyota Highlander Specs & Overview - XUV 500 Facelift Rival - Duration: 1:55.

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For more infomation >> Toyota Highlander Specs & Overview - XUV 500 Facelift Rival - Duration: 1:55.


Arquitectura sostenible, arquitectura ecoeficiente - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Arquitectura sostenible, arquitectura ecoeficiente - Duration: 5:48.


How to apply lining paper around a chimney breast - Duration: 10:58.

okay we've now got our first two pieces on the chimney breasts and now it's time

for this small piece here with these tricky cuts around here I did size the

walls today before I'm going but just to aid the slip again because it'll be

quite difficult here we're dealing with a thick piece of paper and we've only

got a small strip to do, we're gonna try and do it all in one piece okay so

I'm just putting a thin coat of paste on and that just a the slip just a

little bit a little trick for you as well. We're going to put the face of

the paper on first and then we're going to take it around the corners okay so

just put a little measurement so we need at least 36

centimeters to take it around that corner so we're gonna make a mark on

around 30/38 there and make sure that sort of sits on that corner okay you'll

see I'm doing them a second so there's my 38 so as long as I've got that on the

edge that'll give me enough to take it around this corner again so I can trim

it to that internal corner there

so take your time of this. It's a little bit tricky looks a bit messy

initially okay but soon as you get it on you'll be fine

okay so I'm just going to put the face of the paper on first so that's going to

give me plenty then to take around there

Just unravel it.

okay notice I'm not doing anything yet I'm just trying to get it on this

straight line just be careful as you pull it apart

okay once I've got it on then I can start working with it

I'm just going to tuck it in again if you've got marble fireplace, might be

worthwhile protecting it

That's mostly on the line, few little paste marks so we can just easily wipe those off

They'll disappear, right now we need to do our cuts okay so I'm gonna find out- let's

make it just a crease where this edge of the fireplace is and I'll just do this

I'll do this corner and then you can see it I'll do that one afterwards okay so

I'm finding the very very edge of this fireplace here I'll just mark it with a

pencil so you can see it

you see that crease there where the fireplace joins the wall. So keep it nice

and tight I'm just gonna make a mark and again I'm going to take my Stanley

knife I'm just going to make a small nic in it I'm gonna make a small nic

in it around about there and pull it around this way okay because we've got

to put put some wallpaper into there okay if I was to cut it down there then

you're going to get a gap in there you don't want. That so it's gonna get my

Stanley knife gently with this because obviously it's the fireplace it's gonna dig into

the timber so we'll just pull it across nice and gently just going through into

the paper not into the timber there's a small incision I'm gonna get my scissors

okay nice and gently, keep your finger on this point here otherwise it'll tear and just feed it round

nice and gently

I'll come back to that in a second, right nice and straight that edge so I'm

looking along here now and if I hadn't had the papers twisted it would be

coming down so it's gonna push it back up so it's nice and straight. Now

I've got it into position I can start on my cuts so again we can now start

looking at things at 45 degrees so I'll make it mark on the pencil just so you

can see what I'm talking about. We always come to the come to the next

point okay so the next point is this point in there okay so I'm gonna cut a

45 degree angle up that way with my knife

well that will then take it into this little arch that we've got here okay but

before I do the arch I've got another point there so if I was to do it with a

pencil so you can sort of see it this one comes down and around another edge

so I've cut this one which is there and now I'm going to cut this one

and now this one

I was gonna feed it into this corner here now before I cut this section

there. Ill draw it with my pencil so you can see it

I'm gonna cut this angle you come away find out where your finger you make a

little crease nice sharp blade

taking it into the corner again okay we'll leave that one for a second and

then it shapes around here it's quite tricky this okay it's not straight I

draw it for you it starts going around so I'm not gonna take it from where that

bulges there, little nic, finish it with my scissors it looks a bit scruffy because

I've been drawing on it

so there and I've got another little angle here

A little bit more

into that corner. Again now this bit stopping me from pushing that into that

corner, if I were to push it you create a little hole so we've got a little round circle

again I'll draw it for you so you can see it what comes around like this so I

go to the top of it, a little nic, and then underneath it. Scissors again

just gonna feed it in now. There should be 1 other point

and then I've nearly got it so it's worthwhile if you're doing one of these

at home if you're putting a finished paper on it

just get a cheap roll of lining paper and just have a practice at doing it

and then just on the top of there push it into that corner

and do a splice on this corner afterwards

see how it's overlapped on this one

steady and get your caulking board- put my glasses on for this one

fingers out the way. Nice sharp blade and virtually now you just sort of like

leavering your Stanley knife into it and then just flick it off nice little, put

your finger in and that shows where this angle is and you

just have to go gently around with your knife make sure it's nice and sharp

and when that dries up it'll be fine

I'm just going to take this weight off here so it doesn't tear. I find it

again where that corner is- just there

nice sharp blade

just go trim this section off. Then obviously get your sponge and clean

everything up and then I'm gonna clean all this down again I'm going to trim

this around here I'm gonna do the splice like it did on this side here and then I'm

just going to do exactly the same on this other piece clean it all down

and it'll be perfect

For more infomation >> How to apply lining paper around a chimney breast - Duration: 10:58.


QUEST - Seniorita (Official Video) - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> QUEST - Seniorita (Official Video) - Duration: 3:34.


Il sistema SAAS n°1 in ITALIA per vendere VIAGGI - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Il sistema SAAS n°1 in ITALIA per vendere VIAGGI - Duration: 0:58.


*NEW* 50v50 MODE BEST PLAYS! - Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments! #170 (Daily Moments) - Duration: 9:13.

*NEW* 50v50 MODE BEST PLAYS! - Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments! #170 (Daily Moments)

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