Monday, April 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 3 2018

1. Olej kokosowy.Olej kokosowy z pierwszego tłoczenia stanowi cenne źródło zdrowych tłuszczów, które w naturalny sposób przyspieszają przemianę materii oraz ułatwiają kontrolę nad utrzymaniem prawidłowej masy ciała.

Są to bowiem dwa główne problemy związane z niedoczynnością tarczycy.Specjaliści zalecają spożywanie każdego dnia dwóch łyżek (30 gramów) oleju kokosowego, jedną rano na pusty żołądek i drugą wieczorem tuż przed pójściem spać.

2. Algi.W wielu przypadkach niedoczynność tarczycy jest wynikiem niedoboru jodu w organizmie. W przypadku zaburzeń w produkcji hormonów przez tarczycę zaleca się zwiększenie spożycia produktów bogatych w jod

Najbogatszym źródłem tego pierwiastka są algi morskie, zwłaszcza fucus (morszczyn pęcherzykowaty).

Zanim sięgniesz po algi, warto skontaktować się z lekarzem, ponieważ niekontrolowane spożycie produktów zawierających jod może prowadzić do nadmiaru tego pierwiastka w naszym organizmie, a to również nie jest zdrowe.

Dodatkowo staraj się spożywać regularnie ryby morskie takie jak dorsz, mintaj, halibut, płastuga, tuńczyk, makrela oraz owoce morza (małże i ostrygi).

3. Pieprz Cayenne.Pieprz Cayenne naturalnie podnosi temperaturę ciała, dzięki czemu fantastycznie przyspiesza przemianę materii. Pamiętajmy, że im szybszy i sprawniejszy metabolizm, tym łatwiej jest nam utrzymać prawidłową masę ciała.

Ponadto pieprz Cayenne doskonale zwalcza zaparcia i bóle stawów.Należy stopniowo włączać tę przyprawę do posiłków, ponieważ w nadmiarze może wywoływać nieprzyjemne dolegliwości trawienne.

4. Imbir.Korzeń imbiru to orzeźwiająca i aromatyczna przyprawa, które wspaniale przyspiesza przemianę materii i jednocześnie w naturalny sposób pomaga zwalczyć nadmierne zatrzymywanie płynów w tkankach organizmu.

A to właśnie retencja wody jest jednym z najpowszechniejszych objawów zaburzeń pracy tarczycy.Wielką zaletą imbiru jest to, że szybko i skutecznie rozgrzewa on nasze ciało, a zatem jest szczególnie zalecany zmarzluchom i osobom, których stopy i dłonie są cały czas zimne.

5. Woda morska.Woda morska podobnie jak algi jest produktem niezwykle bogatym w minerały i substancje odżywcze.

Nie tylko stanowi cenne źródło jodu, ale także można ją potraktować jako zdrowy, naturalny suplement diety, który uzupełni wszelkie niedobory składników mineralnych.

Ponadto sól morska skutecznie leczy nadmierne zatrzymywanie wody w tkankach organizmu oraz zapobiega występowaniu tej nieprzyjemnej dolegliwości. Zamiast więc sięgać po zwykłą sól kuchenną, włącz do swojej codziennej diety zdrową sól morską.

6. Orzeszki pistacjowe.Orzeszki pistacjowe to nieliczne bakalie, które są wskazane przy leczeniu niedoczynności tarczycy.

Dzięki wysokiej zawartości substancji mineralnych, zwłaszcza jodu, doskonale naturalnie regulują poziom hormonów produkowanych przez gruczoł tarczycy.

7. Czosnek.Czosnek to naturalny produkt, który dzięki zawartości wielu cennych substancji odżywczych fantastycznie stymuluje nasz organizm. Skutecznie rozgrzewa ciało, pomaga zwalczyć zmęczenie oraz znakomicie odkwasza organizm.

W przypadku niedoczynności tarczycy czosnek dostarcza sporej dawki cynku, który jest niezbędny do prawidłowego funkcjonowania gruczołutarczycy.

8. Koper włoski.Koper włoski to naturalny regulator hormonów w naszym organizmie, który stymuluje produkcję hormonów i pomaga utrzymać ich prawidłowy poziom.

Najlepiej spożywać koper włoski na surowo jako dodatek do sałatek i surówek lub w postaci leczniczego naparu.

9. Żeń-szeń.zeń-szeń to naturalny produkt stymulujący pracę organizmu:przyspiesza przemianę materii, dzięki czemu pomaga utrzymać prawidłową masę ciała.

Można stosować kurację na bazie żeń-szenia przez kilka tygodni w postaci naturalnego naparu lub jako suplement diety.

10. Ziarna sezamu.Gruczoł tarczycy odpowiada między innymi za produkcję hormonu o nazwie kalcytonina, który wspomaga przyswajania wapnia.

Stąd też osoby zmagające się z niedoczynnością tarczycy są podatne na niedobór tego pierwiastka, a zatem występuje u nich zwiększone ryzyko osteoporozy.

Ziarna sezamu są cennym źródłem wapnia. Ich regularne spożywanie pomaga zapobiegać niedoborom tego pierwiastka w organizmie.

For more infomation >> Niedoczynność tarczycy – 10 produktów leczniczych - Duration: 3:40.


Tesla just made it easier to access Autopilot in your Model 3 sedan - Duration: 2:41.

The autonomous car industry has been under intense scrutiny in the last few weeks, following

a self-driving Uber vehicle's fatal crash with a pedestrian and a more recent Tesla

Model X car accident that killed the driver while Autopilot was engaged.

And as carmakers and technologists alike look for ways to mitigate the danger involved with

autonomous vehicles, Tesla is looking to make it a bit easier to control its Autopilot feature.

The company recently released an update that adjusts the controls for the self-driving

option from the center infotainment console to the easier-to-access steering wheel.

That way, drivers should be able to keep their eyes on the road as they adjust Autopilot's

speed and other aspects — something that they — a bit shockingly — were unable

to do before.

The update will be rolled out to Tesla's Model 3, a car that has been in high demand

(but low production) for months on end.

Because the car is meant to be as minimalist as possible, different features on the car

aren't actually labeled.

That means that the controls on the vehicle's steering wheels can actually be changed depending

on the driver's needs (or Tesla's whims).

As per the latest update, when you're in Traffic-Aware Cruise Control mode, you'll

just need to roll the right-hand scroll button either up or down to increase or decrease

your speed.

In order to adjust the distance between your own car and the one in front of it, push the

right button either to the left or the right.

While you can still adjust these same settings from the touchscreen, this update adds some

additional functionality and control to the driving experience.

Tesla noted in its update notes that the left scroll button will now allow you to "adjust

your Model 3 side mirrors and steering wheel.

Start by tapping the Controls icon on the bottom left corner of the touchscreen and

then tap Quick Controls > Adjustments."

You can also adjust your mirrors by tapping Mirrors and then selecting the Left or Right

mirror icon.

"Then, scroll the left button up or down, or press it left or right."

You can similarly adjust the steering wheel using the same process (you'll need to tap

the Steering Wheel option, of course).

For more infomation >> Tesla just made it easier to access Autopilot in your Model 3 sedan - Duration: 2:41.


Fantastyczne ćwiczenia na mózg - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> Fantastyczne ćwiczenia na mózg - Duration: 7:25.


Trường Học Phép Thuật Phần 1 ( 13 Tập ) | Nhạc 8D Siêu Ảo Diệu | Đeo Tai Nghe Và Feel Theo Điệu Nhạc - Duration: 59:40.

For more infomation >> Trường Học Phép Thuật Phần 1 ( 13 Tập ) | Nhạc 8D Siêu Ảo Diệu | Đeo Tai Nghe Và Feel Theo Điệu Nhạc - Duration: 59:40.


Anmol vachan in Hindi Inspirational Quotes in Hindi | Whatsapp Status Video| Best Inspiring Quotes - Duration: 1:03.

Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> Anmol vachan in Hindi Inspirational Quotes in Hindi | Whatsapp Status Video| Best Inspiring Quotes - Duration: 1:03.


We are the Princesses

For more infomation >> We are the Princesses


'I'm Not You' Sneak Peek Ep. 106 | McMafia - Duration: 1:18.

You're not wearing the ring I got you.

I thought it was casual tonight.

Oh, it's never casual with my mother.

Is there something we need to talk about?

No. Why?

I'm not stupid, Rebecca.

I don't want a fight.

I don't want one, either,

but I would like to know what's wrong.

[ Scoffs ] Really?

Yes, really.

You go to Israel,

your gangster friend gets up a rape charge,

two witnesses are killed,

and you come back like nothing happened.

What do you want me to say?

Something. Anything.

I told you everything.

There's nothing more to say.

If you were me...

what would you believe?

I'm not you.

For more infomation >> 'I'm Not You' Sneak Peek Ep. 106 | McMafia - Duration: 1:18.


I-Team: Retired Texas School Teachers Struggle To Afford Prescriptions - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> I-Team: Retired Texas School Teachers Struggle To Afford Prescriptions - Duration: 4:30.


Nova Junior: 'I Saw Them Do It Once; Can't Wait To See Them Do It Again' - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Nova Junior: 'I Saw Them Do It Once; Can't Wait To See Them Do It Again' - Duration: 2:10.


ジャガー新型I-PACE(Iペイス) 日本受注開始!発売日は2019年でEV×SUVのスペックやデザインは? - Duration: 15:54.

For more infomation >> ジャガー新型I-PACE(Iペイス) 日本受注開始!発売日は2019年でEV×SUVのスペックやデザインは? - Duration: 15:54.


FIU bridge collapse survivor tells story, files lawsuit - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> FIU bridge collapse survivor tells story, files lawsuit - Duration: 2:31.


Travelogue : New Zealand ROADTRIP I Fantasy garden is real in Hamilton - Duration: 3:19.

And now we are heading out from Auckland to Hamilton

We ventured out from Auckland and drove south about two hours to another city called

Hamilton. The journey was very nice and we enjoyed the sceneries along the way we

believe that New Zealand has many things to offer and this road trip will be one of

the best trip for both of us. Hamilton is the most populous city of

Waikato region and New Zealand's fourth most populous city. Hamilton

gardens is a public garden park in the south of Hamilton owned and managed by Hamilton City Council

The garden features 21 gardens representing the art, beliefs,

lifestyle and traditions of different civilizations or historical garden


The 54 hectare Park is based

on the banks of the the Waikato River and includes enclosed gardens, open lawns a lake,

a nursery, a convention center and Hamilton East cemetery

These gardens are grouped into the paradise, productive, fantasy, caltivar

and landscape garden collections and there are spaces for gardens which are

still in development. The best thing about this place is that it's free of


Hamilton Gardens is definitely one of a must visit place if you ever visiting

this city

For more infomation >> Travelogue : New Zealand ROADTRIP I Fantasy garden is real in Hamilton - Duration: 3:19.


Identifying Stored Emotions & Releasing Tension | Guided Meditation - Duration: 45:30.

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

Let your eyes close and your body relax.

Take a deep and slow breath in through your nose and fully breathe out through your mouth.

Again, take a breath in and feel how your body sinks into the soothing relaxation with

each outbreath.

Take a few moments to breathe consciously, fully and slowly.

Feel how each breath is shifting and subtly transforming the energy within your body.

Now, place your hands in front of you while keeping them slightly apart as if you are

holding a ball.

Keep your fingers and the entire hands relaxed and soft.

Become aware of the energy in each hand.

It may feel like a subtle or strong pulse, a vibration, a tingle.

Now, slowly, gently pull your hands apart and feel the energy stream between them.

Relaxing here and feeling the energy current in between your hands.

Now, without letting your hands touch, bring them together.

Feel the subtle connection between the hands still being active.

Focusing on the sensations in your palms slowly and gently keep moving your hands apart and

back together.

Feeling the energy sensation in your palms.

Notice and feel the delicate energy transformation within your body as well as your mind as you

move the energy in between your hands.

Now, pull you hands apart and let them drop down at your sides, relax.

Relax your face.

Now, place your hands in front of you again and imagine yourself holding an energy ball

in between them.

Moving your hands apart and back together.

Visualising the energy ball growing and shrinking with the movement of your hands.

As you move your hands slowly apart, the light energy ball expands, as you move them back

closer together, the light energy ball contracts.

Feeling the magnetic pull between your hands, feeling the energy of the ball expand and

grow small, feeling the energy within your body, the energy ball and the entire space

shift and electrify.

Now, move your hands apart as much as you feel comfortable to, whilst visualising and

feeling the energy ball expand to its maximum, charged with the energies of harmony, protection

and love.

The energy ball becomes so so big, visualise and find yourself inside of the energy ball.

Surrounded and enevloped like in a cocoon, where you feel completely safe and calm.

Place your hands on your chest and feel it all, feel the love, harmony, protection and


Now let your hands rest at your sides or anywhere you like.

Take a full breath in and a soothing breath out.

Make an intention to purposefully connect to your mind, your memories, your conscious

and subconscious minds to access that what it is required for this session.

Now make an intention to connect with anyone who can assist you in this session today,

whether that would be your ancestors, guides or angels or all of the above.

Visualise the protective ball of energy around you.You are completely safe.

You are protected.

Now focus on your body, mind and spirit, the three aspects of you.

Using all three make an intention to access and release emotions that you need to release

today and in the near future.

Allow your emotions to flow through your body, creating freedom within.

It is ok to feel an emotional intensity when you come across stored emotions.

It is absolutely ok to want to spil over, to cry, it is all ok to do.

Simply stay with it for a short moment and observe.

Do your best to look at it the way you do at things outside of you, without any strong


Simply be, as much as you can.

Now using your ability of tunning into your body, your mind, your memories, begin to scan

your entire being and listen, calmy, without attaching, like a counselllor to their client,

where and what the emotion is.

Has this emotion served its purpose?

Or is it necceseery to hold onto it to still learn something?

It is all ok, both valid choices.


help you decide you can visualise removing or shifting this emotion out of your body,

just for a second or few and experiencing what the absense of the emotion feel like?

Observe that shift, and the decision on what choice to make will come to you.

If the emotion is still present, with your inner eye look at the emotion.

Visualise holding it in the palms of your hands.

Give it your appreciation for teaching you, for allowing you to express yourself, for

connecting your soul to the physical world, for allowing you to understand and experience

that what is unique to you.

If you are ready, see yourself reaching your hands out into the open space and letting

the emotion float away past your energy ball, into the infine space leaving you relaxed

and calm.

Relaxing here.

Relaxing your face.

Feeling the new space within and outside of you.

It's ok to feel energetical echos of the emotion that's departed.

Focus on connecting on how you feel in your new space within.

Feeling more quiet, more calmness and clarity.

Noticing the benefit of the emotional shift to your cells across your whole physical being.

Noticing how light your breath is.

Noticing how bright and intuitive your awareness is right now.

Placing your attention onto your energy ball and feeling it to begin to vibrate with a

shimmering energy, colouring the whole ball in gold.

The energy within the ball feels so clear, caressing your skin softly, purifying the

air you breathe.

As you observe, you can't help but feel more clear, energised and charged by this positive,

golden energy.

Visualise the golden energy come into your body and saturate you in this warm, gentle

feeling, that's making you feel more calm, more secure, sure and clear.

Breathing and relaxing here.

Relaxing your mind, your body.

Now slowly reach your hands wide in front of you.

Feel the energy in between your hands.

Visualise the ball getting smaller to fit in between your hands.

Now gently push your hands together making your ball shrink into the tiniest golden ball,

put it into your left hand and place your left hand onto your heart, right hand onto

your belly.

You are safe, you are loved, you are supported.

You are unique, you are magnificent.

You are the important thread in our Universal canvas.

You are love, peace and wisdom.

Becoming aware of your body.

The fabric touching your skin.

The surface holding you.

Cool air coming into your nose.

Warm air gently coming out of your nose.

Becoming aware of your fingers and toes.

Beginning to move them slightly.

Giving yourself a big hug across shoulders.

Gently stretching your body through your arms and legs.

Resting here for a little longer or opening your eyes.

If you find yourself to still releasing emotions in the upcoming days, allow yourself to do

that; simply take a breath, focus on relaxing your lower belly, your hands and stay with

yourself just the way you would with a child, giving them space to work through the emotion.

Support yourself just the way you would a child, giving encouraging words once the emotion


You are safe and it is ok to experience emotions, it is a part of us through which we understand

this world, ourselves and each other.

You always have this safe space right here to return at any time to help you release,

gain clarity and peace.

Thank you for joining me in this meditation.

I would like to know about your experience - please comment, like or share this meditation.

Thank you and until next time.

For more infomation >> Identifying Stored Emotions & Releasing Tension | Guided Meditation - Duration: 45:30.


Yezz... * LOUD SOUNDS * - Duration: 0:02.

Yezzzzzzz. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

For more infomation >> Yezz... * LOUD SOUNDS * - Duration: 0:02.


Pregant woman, family denied entry on Disney cruise - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Pregant woman, family denied entry on Disney cruise - Duration: 2:22.


Video of fatal shooting in Lauderhill Mall parking lot captures gunfire, chaos - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Video of fatal shooting in Lauderhill Mall parking lot captures gunfire, chaos - Duration: 2:16.


Boys VS. Girls : Morning Routine - Duration: 5:25.

Move ahead

I'm getting late for office

This rickshawala are annoying

What should I wear today?

I'll wear the grey t-shirt

There is stain

I will have to change again

It's perfect

I will eat bread

But this is expired

Who cares

I will have milk too

I should have gone to MasterChef Australia

Oh My!

If you like this video, please don't forget to smash that like button

Please help me to get 20,000 likes

Do feel free to comment below and leave your suggestions or anything which I missed in the video

A lot of people where commenting on the end song which I didn't give

Due to 3rd party content, I won't be able to able to use the audio but will sing for you guys

Thumbs up for my amazing voice

Do let me from which movie is the song from

The first right comment will be pinned on top

Do Subscribe to my channel if you haven't already

Check out my latest video here

For more infomation >> Boys VS. Girls : Morning Routine - Duration: 5:25.


Mobile Legends Stories Episode 11 [White Tooth] - Duration: 25:49.

For more infomation >> Mobile Legends Stories Episode 11 [White Tooth] - Duration: 25:49.


We're Having a Great Time | Ep 5 Co-op Campaign w/ ChadWhyNot | Far Cry 5 PC Gameplay - Duration: 5:07:58.

For more infomation >> We're Having a Great Time | Ep 5 Co-op Campaign w/ ChadWhyNot | Far Cry 5 PC Gameplay - Duration: 5:07:58.


Morning Jazz & Morning Jazz Music: Amazing Morning Jazz Cafe & Morning Jazz Mix For Chill & Study - Duration: 3:38:59.

Title: Morning Jazz & Morning Jazz Music: Amazing Morning Jazz Cafe & Morning Jazz Mix For Chill & Study

For more infomation >> Morning Jazz & Morning Jazz Music: Amazing Morning Jazz Cafe & Morning Jazz Mix For Chill & Study - Duration: 3:38:59.


Enquete UOL BBB18: porcentagem mostra quem será eliminado, confira - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Enquete UOL BBB18: porcentagem mostra quem será eliminado, confira - Duration: 3:59.


The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC is not about fitting in, MoneroV, Ethereum, Puerto Rico - Duration: 15:31.

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is April the 2nd 2018 bitcoin is the next

bitcoin strong hand value your wealth in bitcoin alright people remember check

out the notes section below see yesterday's video all the videos get

your treads or ledger nano t-shirts everything below meister discount codes

alright fitting in is overrated yeah people it is have some conviction

be the very definition of a 20% math is math 20 percenters will never be a

majority they're never gonna fit in and they're the ones who have the conviction

they they bring success remember that and speaking about not fitting in

forking off is definitely an act of not fitting in and in the land of Manero

they have their the Monaro v people and there's all this shaming and social

pressure and peer pressure and scams words being tossed around conspiracy

words being tossed around about Manero v oh you you can't talk about that you

can't talk about that and the funny thing is is that I'm not here to fit in

I'm gonna talk about it I think it's an operative people have Manero why not you

know get their free Manero be I want them and then turn it in the Bitcoin I'm

about helping people get Bitcoin here I'm not about being shamed into going

ugh you know fluffy pony isn't the king of

the world I mean if he doesn't like manera vite that's his opinion I think

it's an opportunity for people so um so you can you can fit in with the Monaro I

mean and you know what if you like if you like fluffy and everything yeah fit

in with him that's cool but I mean it's not life isn't about fitting in it's

overrated and that's what this is an exam

love and the Monaro V people they say they've got a tweet out there our

community and ambassador program is now live manera v org slash community if you

are passionate about privacy and blockchain join the Monaro V movement

and take an active role in our community and okay so I'll link to that below so I

know there are people out there who want to be in motion there are a lot of you

out there who I mean maybe you don't have a job right now maybe you're you're

in the financial purgatory I I don't know

here's an opportunity I'm always hearing people say oh I can't I can't do this I

can't do that I have no money well here you go here you go be in

motion I'm just trying to I'm trying to help trying to hook you up all right

dudes I wanted to say thanks to Xavier Suarez yesterday at the very end of the

show he's sent a $2 super chat and that was very nice and I didn't say thank you

so anyone who's over there right now in the live chat if you want to do the

super chat I'll answer a question but for for everyone else that's watching

this tape or if you're watching this live pound that freaking like button

seriously and subscribe to the challenge check out the links below of course so

uh always be hoarding it had that written down a B H always be hoarding

alright so and always be closing if you're a Salesman right so you know

people are talking about Airbnb they're they're fighting Airbnb you know

threatening lawsuits we've real I love Airbnb but because

it's centralized there can be lawsuits there is a target there and the people

who don't want you know that hotel industrial complex people they're gonna

they're gonna rag on Airbnb and so we need a decentralized version of Airbnb

that cannot be sued and hopefully that will come out of a Bitcoin one day

something like that I'm Noah I'm no master of the technology

or the technical know-how to do something like that but I'm just like

man I love this I love the Airbnb but it's getting hit from all sides and

people are flooding it and it's it's the evolution it's it's um it's also the

evolution of exchange is also that there will be a decentralized on you know a

lawsuit immune that's what I mean that's part of what decentralization is about

and becoming lawsuit a moot immune so we need an Airbnb that's lawsuit immune and

we need changes that our lawsuit once your lawsuit immune oh my god I mean

you're you're a pleasure to deal with and you're very efficient you don't have

to worry about being brought down by frivolous lawsuits I'm just thinking

about all this right now all right and remember I am gonna be speaking in

Los Angeles Century City April the 17th that is coming up Anders you'll be

promoting that soon enough and of course Denver is the world crypto

Network event are the bee world crypto Network guys they're like Andy and

vortex and Thomas and who knows who else is gonna be there in Denver on May the

25th right yeah April 25th anyway it's like 2 below I just totally messed up

the date of it yes it's April 25th and then Los Angeles is April 17th it's all

linked to below if you need to get tickets to the events check that out

please get the correct date yeah follow me a tech ball tch be alt on twitter and

on steam it bitcoinmeister yeah all those things are blown up alright so

there's an article end desk article out there by this like social justice

warrior valley rich soul she's a no coiner like steam I think I believe at

the end of the article in the disclaimer says she has no cryptocurrency so I mean

she's coming from that prerogative maybe she's a little bitter I don't I don't

know but the title of the article is I survive the eternal boy play

we'll Puerto Rico and it talks about a crypto currency event in Puerto Rico it

talks about the people who've moved to Puerto Rico who are involved in

cryptocurrency who are legally legally on you know

trying to minimize their tax burden and this article is basically a no coiner

trying to use guilt and shame on successful men and trying to make use

words like colonialism and trying to make people feel bad about success in

capitalism and Bitcoin I'm shading people for legally trying to minimize

their tax burden I mean it's clearly this she is she's not a person that's in

motion I mean should should all of these successful men that she's writing about

you know calling them boys saying they're colonialist in Puerto Rico

taking advantage of the poor Puerto Ricans should they just give all their

wealth away I mean is that the answer is that what you want should they just feel

bad and just kill themselves and what's what's the end goal here I mean should

everyone aim to be a failure is that what we should all we shouldn't try to

try to be in motion we should just we shouldn't aim for success just forget

about those ideals just you know be toxic be bitter and complain and just

worry about for people and you know and try to just you know don't better their

lives so don't bring wealth to their Island don't eat just avoid their Island

totally you know they were doing things great over their shows just left them

alone I mean I don't know I don't know what the what this is this is all about

here but you know as a take down of capitalism who knows

so coin desk can publish whatever they want by the way and this is just an

example of what the mainstream crypto media does seems to like they like to

virtuous signal you know have a have a woman complained about wealthy men you

know as wealthy men or evil they were taking advantage of the poor poor Ricans

you know that this is like such an innovative thing that's going on in

Puerto Rico guys who are well you're going down they're taking

advantage of this legal tax loophole bringing cryptocurrency business down

they're bringing their wealth spending their money in an island ravaged by a

nature and the people in Puerto Rico they've had years to make their island

great and in some ways I guess they have but you know it these guys have every

right to go down there be private landowners do what they want to do and

they all want to be successful people and why I feel like people out there

want successful people to waste all their trying time trying to fit square

pegs into circle holes anything mainstream Western society is all about

that these days that you should feel bad people who are you know that don't have

the merit who don't have the skills that they can't succeed and you should be

forced to figure out how to get them to succeed and if you can't get them to

succeed you should have money stolen from you or you should just feel bad and

kill yourself or just you know give me money yeah just just give it give it all

away you you should be taxed at 90% there's something like that maybe I mean

not everyone's gonna be successful like that that's part of it and if you are

successful in life you should feel great about yourself and you should serve as

an example and the people who are less successful should look up to you and try

to to be just like you it's not my responsibility to solve

other people's issues I have personal responsibilities and so everyone should

have personal responsibility okay it's not my responsibility to take care of

them but it's that not their responsibility to take care of me we're

equals we are equals in that way we all have personal responsibility and seems

like we're in a world where it's it's glamorized to give up your personal

responsibility and then to punish the people who have personal responsibility

and this article just it boils down to that I mean when you read this article

so Porto Ricans they could have bought Bitcoin they'd have had years to manage

their Island properly and should I mean should they just bleh

blame like I mean should they blame everybody like this woman says or should

they be in motion and partner up with this amazing crypto opportunity that has

dropped into their laps I mean and for me I mean I try to look at it if I was

there I would look at it as a positive thing like Wallace and all these rich

guys are here let me try to get a piece of the pie let me try to learn from

these guys these guys just all of a sudden are here they're having events

here there I mean so you know this woman was free to write her article that's my

critique of the article that's my critique of the mainstream

crypto media the direction the virtue signaling that seems to come out of some

of these organizations and some of these people who were familiar with I mean

just take personal responsibility it's a new counter culture people pound that

freaking like button alright so something I found funny out there and

flattering the the New York dude on on steam it he made a cartoon like a Happy

Passover cartoon of me it's pretty funny i link to it below it's like me sitting

on a throne with kind of like a menorah or something to my it's good it's good

thank you thank you very much New York dude up both that one everybody

up both that one by the way I contacted the Monaro zero people and they were

very responsive new though they said they would answer questions and stuff

and I thought my I thought door was magically opening down but uh Dow so

yeah check them out Manero zero I know I mean maybe I'll get him on the show they

were pretty cool with me at least they'd be yeah sometimes been email someone

it-it-it's he's a very long time yeah I understand people can be busy but they

they were very receptive all right so yesterday of course was April Fool's I

had a little April Fool's joke but it seems like the metallic deuteron over at

aetherium he had a he had an April Fool's joke - and the Matt O'Dell

retweets it and he Matt Hodel also says when you're cryptocurrency is run by a

24 year old monetary policy is an April Fool's joke

okay so basically vitalik said as an April Fool's joke

that it would be nice to earn he proposed a 120 million dollar cap 120

million aetherium cap on aetherium that will only be a hundred twenty million

aetherium ever there is no cap right now and so then he said that was just a joke

but then he said that people were interested in it so that it should be

considered people want to do it they should do it well III you know it's not

you know these centralized crypto currencies it's it's just not it's not

good when you're joking about a serious subject like that this is serious

subject it's a serious subject and again when when guys that are like the

figureheads of their cryptocurrency do something that people feel is obnoxious

or unprofessional it's just a joke for some people but really serious for other

people then you get people to fork off and hey man it's not about fitting in so

I mean again in in in the land the Monaro they you know is a similar thing

you know so Vitalik should look at fluffy and say like you know how many of

these little jokes can I pull until the a serious group of people were just like

okay we're going our own way here we're going around way we're doing our own

thing we're not fitting in with you you do your thing we do our thing now the

theorem is it's on a tremendous scale much larger scale than Minero but hey it

can happen so the talaq your time parent he's 24 I thought he was even younger

you know maybe you don't want to make such April Fool's jokes in the future

because the a hundred twenty million thing is serious and you kind of turned

it around to make it seem serious but you did say it was an April Fool's joke

so hey you know whatever people want to get into those altcoins

it's their business I'm the bitcoinmeister I'm about buying and

holding Bitcoin town that like button so remember subscribe to this channel like

the video share the video check out the new section below I will say hello to

you guys in the chat I hope I covered everything bye

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC is not about fitting in, MoneroV, Ethereum, Puerto Rico - Duration: 15:31.


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For more infomation >> Cosa fare se il cane ingoia un oggetto - Duration: 2:32.


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For more infomation >> Mahmoud se manifesta nas redes sociais após formação de paredão e causa polêmica - Duration: 3:48.


이지혜 남편 재혼 결혼 집 재산 나이 키 몸매 인스타그램 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 이지혜 남편 재혼 결혼 집 재산 나이 키 몸매 인스타그램 - Duration: 3:09.


신혜선 나이 키 몸매 학교 패션 결혼 인스타그램 - Duration: 3:19.

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For more infomation >> 3 de abril de 2018 | O escolhido - Duration: 2:04.


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For more infomation >> Cosa fare se il cane ingoia un oggetto - Duration: 2:32.


Os 9 diuréticos naturais mais poderosos contra a retenção de líquidos - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Os 9 diuréticos naturais mais poderosos contra a retenção de líquidos - Duration: 7:59.


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For more infomation >> Company Profile HIMAIKOM UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Periode 2018/2019 - Duration: 11:20.


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For more infomation >> Piramide Con Decenas Sorteo Miercoles 4 Abril 2018 Loteria Nacional Numeros Loteria Para 4 de Abril - Duration: 1:16.


[롤]티버&애니의 비하인드 스토리(슬픔주의,자막O) - Duration: 6:49.

어째서 이런일이..

그리고 티버는 네스트 드래곤과 싸웁니다!

나도 하게 해줘

안돼, 티버는 내 꺼야!

티버는 바보야.

바보 아니야. 티버 돌려 줘!

여기, 와서 가져가봐!


무슨 일이야?

무슨 짓을 한거야.

데이지가 티버를 가져갔어.

대체 왜 그러는거야!

사고 였어.

데이지가 시작 한거야.

그랬구나. 데이지도 그런 의도는 아니었을거야.

니가 알기도 전에 같이 놀거야, 알겠지?

아빠가 약속할게, 반딧불이.(애칭)


데이지, 기다려!

알았어 - 아!





애니를 탓할 수는 없어.

애니는 여전히 우리의 딸이야.


당신 딸은 괴물이야.

어떻게 그걸 말할 수 있어?!

당신도 알잖아!



애니, 너 어디 있니?!

아빠 여기있어 반딧불이. 아빠 여기있어.


니가 모든 것을 가져갔어.


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