Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 10 2018

In the Varsavian series, continuing the theme of the Mickiewicz monument in Warsaw,

we present a curiosity connected with it.

It is known that, after years of banning the tsarist authorities, it was established

monument to Mickiewicz,

it was a good achievement.

It was unveiled on the occasion of December 1898.

100th anniversary of the poet's birth.

A Social Committee of Construction was established, in which Michał Radziwiłł and Henryk Sienkiewicz

and Zygmunt Wasilewski.

The monument itself was the work of Cyprian Godebski,

and it was located in a well-known location on the square near Krakowskie Przedmiescie

in the place where the fountain stood until that time.

And now a curiosity

- it was not the first project to erect a monument to Mickiewicz in Warsaw.

Introducing, available in an antique shop,

very interesting engraving from "Tygodnik Ilustrowany"

showing the design of the monument to Mickiewicz

by Krzesiński and Wiśniewski from 1885,

and so only 13 years before that Godebski monument.

And which monument you like more, My friends?

Please visit www.atticus.pl to familiarize yourself with varsavianistic trinkets.

For more infomation >> projekt pomnika Mickiewicza w Warszawie z 1885 r. - Duration: 1:19.


Renault Captur 0.9 TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK ECC TEL CRUISE VELGEN - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 0.9 TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK ECC TEL CRUISE VELGEN - Duration: 0:54.


Renault Kadjar 1.2 TCE INTENS , Easy Life Pack R-LINK CAMERA ECC TEL - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Renault Kadjar 1.2 TCE INTENS , Easy Life Pack R-LINK CAMERA ECC TEL - Duration: 1:01.


Renault Captur 1.2 TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK ECC PDC TEL ENZ - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 1.2 TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK ECC PDC TEL ENZ - Duration: 0:42.


Renault Captur 1.2 TCE XMOD LEDER,R-LINK CAMERA ECC PDC TEL ENZ - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 1.2 TCE XMOD LEDER,R-LINK CAMERA ECC PDC TEL ENZ - Duration: 0:41.


I come in peace, I don't want to regulate Facebook: Sen. Kennedy - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> I come in peace, I don't want to regulate Facebook: Sen. Kennedy - Duration: 4:10.


Beauty Blender Giveaway! It's a Throne! + Thataylaa x Project Beauty Share Success! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:08.


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for April 10, 2018.

Thataylaa x Project Beauty Share managed to raise $21,802.92 for women and families overcoming

abuse, addiction, homelessness and poverty.

The shelter receiving the most votes, the Good Shepherd Center in LA, will receive $5,000

and there will be a meet up in the area on Saturday, April 28.

Stay tuned for deets!

Ulta launched the Neutrogena/Kerry Washington collab, and the buzz has begun over the wearable


Here's the Essential Cheek Palette, $9.99 - and the Essential Eye Palette, $12.99 - both

on ulta.com now Can you imagine holding court from a throne

made of Beauty Blenders?

Wouldn't it squish when you sat on it?

Anyway, you could potentially win it...check BeautyBlender's Instagram for more!

Rumor has it that KL POLISH will be coming to stores soon (*winkwink*) and the company

needs to increase staff and price in order to expand.

Sounds internal, but ok!

That's it for now.

We'll see you here same time tomorrow!

Look for Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and don't forget our full-length weekly newscast,

What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!

For more infomation >> Beauty Blender Giveaway! It's a Throne! + Thataylaa x Project Beauty Share Success! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:08.


Top 10 Most Powerful Tanks - Duration: 7:31.

In 1916, the battle landscape changed forever when a new armoured fighting vehicle designed

for front-line combat arrived.

The tank, with heavy firepower, strong armour, tracks, and a powerful engine provided good


Tanks were first deployed by the British Army against the Germans in World War One.

A tank was able to traverse nomans land, crossing fields of barbed wire and crushing enemy trenches

in the process.

The first tanks were powered by tractor engines and had a half inch of armour.

They were equipped with machine guns and cannons, and could cause considerable damage to the


They started out slow, but modern tanks have come a long way, with some topping 43 mph

(70 kph).

Today we'll be looking at how far tanks have come...how the technology, capability

and fire power has advanced.

So strap yourself in, hold on to your hats, and welcome to this episode of the Infographics

Show: The 10 Most Powerful Tanks.

At number 10, let's take a look at the K2 Black Panther.

Development began in South Korea in 1995 using indigenous technology only.

This tank uses composite armour of an undisclosed type, and explosive reactive armour modules.

It is claimed that the front armour could withstand direct hits from 120 millimeter

tank rounds, fired from L55 guns.

This tank has a very advanced fire control system which can spot, track and fire automatically

at visible vehicle-size targets, and even low-flying helicopters.

The Black Panther is fitted with a powerful diesel engine with a top speed of 43 mph (70

kph), making it quite a beast!

At number 9 is the M1A2 SEP.

Providing significant protection against all well-known anti-tank weapons, it is the backbone

of the US armed forces.

This burly main battle tank uses advanced armour, reinforced with depleted uranium layers.

With a shorter 120 millimeter L44 smoothbore gun to the K2 Black Panther, its firepower

is slightly inferior but it still packs a formidable punch.

It carries one 120 millimeter M256 smoothbore gun, one coaxial 7.62 millimeter M240 Machine

Gun, and one 12.7 millimeter M2 machine gun.

It can top 42 mph (68 kph).

Next, at number 8, we've got The Challenger 2 battle tank.

This is an advanced mean-machine in service with the British Army and with the Royal Army

of Oman.

One of the strongest tanks in the world, the turret and hull are protected by second generation

Chobham armour, the details of which are classified, but which is said to be more than twice as

strong as steel.

This British tank is armed with a very accurate 120 millimeter rifled gun.

Its maximum aimed range is over 5 kilometers.

Currently the Challenger holds the record for longest tank-to-tank kill.

At number 7 is the T90, a third-generation Russian battle tank that entered service in


The T-90's main armament is the 2A46M 125 millimeter smoothbore tank gun.

It is capable of firing armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot, high-explosive anti-tank,

and high explosive fragmentation ammunition, as well as Refleks anti-tank guided missiles.

Refleks can penetrate about 950 millimetres of steel armour and can also engage low-flying

air targets such as helicopters.

This is one formidable battle vehicle.

We have another Russian tank at number 6 with The Armata, a new generation battle tank.

It was first publicly revealed in 2015 and is much bigger than the T-90.

It is armed with a 125 mm smoothbore 2A82-1M tank cannon that carries 45 rounds, of which

32 are in the autoloader.

There is also a 12.7 millimeter Kord machine gun, and a 7.62 millimeter PKTM machine gun.

The BBC reported in 2017 that The Armata is a highly automated tank, replacing much of

Russia's Soviet-era armour.

It's advanced Active Protection Systems or APA, makes it highly efficient at destroying

anti tank missiles and so it is very hard to defeat.

At number 5 is The Leopard 2A7+, a next generation main battle tank revealed in 2010.

This tank leverages the technology of the Leopard 2 and has been adopted by the German

Army to conduct warfare in urban areas, as well as traditional military missions.

The Leopard 2A7+ main battle tank is equipped with a modular protection kit with passive

modules to offer 360° protection to the crew from anti-tank missiles, mines, improvised

explosive devices (or IEDs) and rocket-propelled grenade (or RPG) fire.

This tank is also fitted with a mine plough, for clearing mines and obstacles.

At number 4 is The Merkava Mark IV, the latest version of the Merkava range of main battle


The tank entered into service with the Israel Defence Forces in 2004 and is regarded as

one of the best protected tanks in the world.

The Mk.4 is armed with a 120 millimeter MG253 smoothbore gun capable of firing high-explosive

anti-tank rounds, as well as anti-tank guided missiles.

The 7.62 millimeter coaxial and 12.7 millimeter swivel-mounted machine guns and 60 millimeter

grenade launcher complement the fire power of the tank.

The Trophy active protection system aboard the tank protects the crew against advanced

anti-tank missiles.

The tank can shift at an impressive maximum speed of 40 mph (64 kph).

We have a Japanese tank at number 3 with the Type 10 (TK-X).

The Type 10 is an advanced fourth-generation main battle tank built by Mitsubishi Heavy

Industries for the Japan Ground Self Defence Force.

It went into service in 2012 and claims outstanding mobility.

The Type 10 comes with a 120 millimeter smooth-bore gun, a 12.7 millimeter heavy machine gun and

Type 74 7.62 millimeter cannon.

The tank's hull is attached with modular ceramic composite armour offering protection

against RPG rounds, HEAT projectiles, and anti-tank missiles.

At number 2 we have The Leclerc, one of the best main battle tanks in the world.

It is in service in France, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

It is protected with an advanced modular armour system and its armour is a combination of

steel, ceramics, and Kevlar.

The Leclerc is armed with a 120 millimeter smoothbore gun, 52 caliber long, fitted with

a bustle-mounted autoloader, holding 22 rounds.

The remaining 18 rounds are stored in a carousel-type storage area in front of the hull.

It is claimed that Leclerc can engage 6 targets, located 1.5 - 2 km away, in one minute, with

a hit probability of 95%.

That's some awesome striking capability.

And finally at number 1 is the Type 99 or ZTZ-99, a third generation main battle tank

built by China Northern Industries Group Corporation, for the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

It has a fully-stabilised 125 millimeter smoothbore gun equipped with auto-loader which provides

superior firepower.

The tank is also armed with a 12.7 millimeter anti-aircraft gun and a 7.62 millimeter coaxial

machine gun.

The tank features a steel armoured hull, and the front portion and turret are covered with

explosive reactor armour.

And it's up there with the fastest!

It has a turbo-charged 1,500 horse-power diesel engine providing a maximum on road speed of

50 mph (80 kph).

When we did our research for today's episode we were amazed at just how many tanks are

out there.

Many of them have strengths worth highlighting.

We only touched on 10 but wow, how powerful these vehicles are?

Can you think of any other tanks worth a mention?

Will tank warfare even be a thing in the future?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Top 10 Most Powerful Militaries in


Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Powerful Tanks - Duration: 7:31.


The Saudi Aramco IPO Is A Sad Joke | Everybody's Lying About Islam 34 - Duration: 6:01.

Hey there.

Today I am going to tell you a tale of moon beams and unicorn farts, otherwise known as

the Saudi Aramco IPO.

This business deal is one of the the most geopolitically important factors out there,

and it might not ever happen.

Today I am going to do what nobody else will and talk about this honestly.

The Saudi Arabian Oil Company popularly known as Aramco, after an old name, is almost certainly

the most valuable company in the world.

The country is running out of money, so selling off a chunk of the state oil company is an

entirely rational thing for the Saudis to do at this point.

This whole IPO business, however, is just ridiculous.

It's probably just a very long and convoluted way to take 75 billion dollars from the Chinese.

Today, for the first time in four years, I am going to put on my corporate lawyer costume

to explain why this is so ridiculous.

Nobody really knows how much Aramco is worth.

Back when people believed in peak oil folks would throw figures like 10 trillion dollars


Today the best guesses seem to be between one to two trillion dollars.

The Aramco IPO is the reason why Saudi Arabia has been so willing to cut oil production.

The higher the oil price is, the more money they can get for the oil company.

An initial public offering or IPO is not what you use to sell a small slice of your state

oil company.

It's clear to me that some Saudi princes read a few too many articles on tech IPOs and thought

the concept was sexy.

In an IPO a business sells a significant amount of shares in their company in return for money

to grow the business.

Ah forget it!

Founders and executives often get a pay day out of an IPO, but that's not the main point.

The owners sell some control of their company so that it has more money to grow.

Neither of these things are true for the Aramco IPO.

The Saudis only want to sell 5% of the company, keeping most of the control, and they aren't

even pretending that the money will be used for Aramco's benefit.

Almost every month Saudi Arabia pops up and announces A ginormous new project somewhere.

There's NEOM the 500 billion dollar city, and the un priced but similarly massive red

sea tourist project that were announced last year.

Over the past few weeks alone they announced that they are building a 200 billion dollar

solar field with Japan's Softbank, and that they want to accelerate plans to build 80

billion worth of nuclear plants.

Just those four projects would exceed Saudi Arabia's foreign currency reserves and the

total amount of money in their less liquid public investment fund.

The Saudis simply don't have the money for a fraction of the stuff they are promising.

Very little financial journalism is honest enough to point this out.

The little that does just points in the direction of the Aramco IPO and moves on.

This is despite the fact that the best estimates of the company's value now state that the

IPO will likely only win Saudi Arabia another 75 billion dollars.

That amount of money barely makes a dent in the projects proposed over the past two weeks


For two years now the Saudi government has been surrounded by tens of millions of dollars

worth of wall street consultants telling them all kinds of fairy tales about New York and

London listings, and new respect and legitimacy for Saudi business.

I suppose it's still just possible that a desperate post Brexit city of London will

lower its standards enough to do the IPO but this was never likely.

Aramco is, by all accounts, the best run sector of the Saudi economy.

That doesn't mean it's good enough for a public listing in the non petro state world with

its emphasis on shareholder value.

It would require levels of transparency that the Saudi government will never be ready for.

Also, the government is very very unlikely to change its treatment of the company.

Aramco will remain a tool of Saudi government policy regardless of what the investors think.

Investing in and with a petro state like Russia is something that only the biggest and meanest

oil companies can do.

In Russia low level lawyers and business people get brutalized by the state.

In Saudi Arabia even the oligarchs get that treatment.

Why would anybody without an air force want to throw money down that hole?

Once again, maybe it would have worked in the peak oil days but 5% of Aramco just isn't

a good investment in 2018.

I think reality is beginning to sink in.

The Saudi government is now changing the laws to make it possible to sell the Aramco stake

on their small local stock market.

The IPO is now unlikely to happen before 2019.

If it does happen then, it won't bring in anywhere near the fabulous sums of money imagined

by the international press.

The local rich folks I expected to be forced to buy in a year go have already been dispossessed.

The only likely buyer I can see is China, for strategic reasons, and the United States

wont like that at all.

The Saudi Aramco IPO will not save Saudi Arabia.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and if you want to know why I am looking forward

to the fall of Saudi Arabia I suggest you read my essay Everybody's Lying About Islam,

available now in paperback and on the Amazon Kindle.

For more infomation >> The Saudi Aramco IPO Is A Sad Joke | Everybody's Lying About Islam 34 - Duration: 6:01.


КАК ПОБЕДИТЬ СТРАХ - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> КАК ПОБЕДИТЬ СТРАХ - Duration: 7:32.


"Our View"- Episode 004 - Duration: 24:30.

For more infomation >> "Our View"- Episode 004 - Duration: 24:30.


Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:47.


Ford Focus 1.6-16V Futura,5drs,Airco,NAP,Cruisectrl,Incl.APK - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.6-16V Futura,5drs,Airco,NAP,Cruisectrl,Incl.APK - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C4 1.6 16V Ligne Business Clima/LPG/5drs - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 1.6 16V Ligne Business Clima/LPG/5drs - Duration: 0:59.


Opel Agila 1.0 EDITION STYLE 5DRS /84.000 Km/Airco/2e Eig/15inch/NAP/Garantie - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Agila 1.0 EDITION STYLE 5DRS /84.000 Km/Airco/2e Eig/15inch/NAP/Garantie - Duration: 1:01.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.4-16V Turbo 135pk Multiair Sport 5Drs. Unieke uitvoering! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.4-16V Turbo 135pk Multiair Sport 5Drs. Unieke uitvoering! - Duration: 0:58.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs Move Up | Executive pakket | Airco - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs Move Up | Executive pakket | Airco - Duration: 1:01.


The Chase legend Anne Hegerty wins at life for branding a 'homophobic' viewer a 'sad f****r' - Duration: 2:22.

The Chase legend Anne Hegerty wins at life for branding a 'homophobic' viewer a 'sad f****r'

Anne Hegerty is already queen of the small screen but she may have just won herself the title of Twitter queen too as she has put an apparent homophobe well and truly in his place – when she branded him a 'sad f****r' for implying that gay people should not be invited onto The Chase.  The so-called fan took to Twitter to state that certain 'sorts' of people should not be allowed to appear on a family show and the Governess steamed in in all of her sassy glory and verbally bitch-slapped him, as one impressed fan beautifully put it.

And she didn't even stop there – she even managed to correct his spelling too when he attempted a comeback.

And Twitter was absolutely living for the pushback of all pushbacks.

Here was the beautiful moment: And the love came pouring in for the quizzing legend: Another tweeter commented that Anne was now officially a gay icon while others deemed her a 'legend' and a 'hero' for her tweet.

Anne doesn't just dominate Twitter – she is currently appearing as the host of Britain's Brightest Family as well as her usual stints on The Chase, The Family Chase and The Chase Celebrity Specials.

She also appears on a number of chat and panel based shows and jets off to Australia for their version of The Chase too.

With all of that and personal appearances, panto and radio gigs chucked in too, it's amazing that she has any time at all to revise or put Twitter trolls in their place.

Long live Anne! It's also not the first time that Anne has dropped the F-bomb – check out this moment on The Chase…    .

For more infomation >> The Chase legend Anne Hegerty wins at life for branding a 'homophobic' viewer a 'sad f****r' - Duration: 2:22.


Don't Avoid That Banana Pee...

For more infomation >> Don't Avoid That Banana Pee...


Os melhores vegetais para emagrecer e como consumi-los - Duration: 11:39.

For more infomation >> Os melhores vegetais para emagrecer e como consumi-los - Duration: 11:39.


COISAS DE CASAL NOVO x ANTIGO | Namoro novo, recém casados ou namoro antigo: qual o melhor pra você? - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> COISAS DE CASAL NOVO x ANTIGO | Namoro novo, recém casados ou namoro antigo: qual o melhor pra você? - Duration: 3:18.


BBB18: jaqueta de grife de Kaysar causa reviravolta e verdade vem à tona II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> BBB18: jaqueta de grife de Kaysar causa reviravolta e verdade vem à tona II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:43.


Uomini e Donne Trono Over: il 'ritorno' di Antonio Jorio e Annamaria Pancallo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne Trono Over: il 'ritorno' di Antonio Jorio e Annamaria Pancallo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


Amigo Gringo em JOÃO PESSOA! - Duration: 14:16.


For more infomation >> Amigo Gringo em JOÃO PESSOA! - Duration: 14:16.


Amici, Biondo cambia team e non dipende da lui: il colpo di scena - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Amici, Biondo cambia team e non dipende da lui: il colpo di scena - Duration: 4:13.


BBB18: Ayrton se comove com história de Kaysar e promete emprego no Rio | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Ayrton se comove com história de Kaysar e promete emprego no Rio | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 1:56.


BBB18: Viegas fala sobre relação com Nayara e elogia Paula | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Viegas fala sobre relação com Nayara e elogia Paula | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:19.


God Of War | Personalizza le armature | PS4 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> God Of War | Personalizza le armature | PS4 - Duration: 2:21.


Após o 'The Voice', Andre Marques cai no choro e fala sobre ser pai | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Após o 'The Voice', Andre Marques cai no choro e fala sobre ser pai | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:47.


The Saudi Aramco IPO Is A Sad Joke | Everybody's Lying About Islam 34 - Duration: 6:01.

Hey there.

Today I am going to tell you a tale of moon beams and unicorn farts, otherwise known as

the Saudi Aramco IPO.

This business deal is one of the the most geopolitically important factors out there,

and it might not ever happen.

Today I am going to do what nobody else will and talk about this honestly.

The Saudi Arabian Oil Company popularly known as Aramco, after an old name, is almost certainly

the most valuable company in the world.

The country is running out of money, so selling off a chunk of the state oil company is an

entirely rational thing for the Saudis to do at this point.

This whole IPO business, however, is just ridiculous.

It's probably just a very long and convoluted way to take 75 billion dollars from the Chinese.

Today, for the first time in four years, I am going to put on my corporate lawyer costume

to explain why this is so ridiculous.

Nobody really knows how much Aramco is worth.

Back when people believed in peak oil folks would throw figures like 10 trillion dollars


Today the best guesses seem to be between one to two trillion dollars.

The Aramco IPO is the reason why Saudi Arabia has been so willing to cut oil production.

The higher the oil price is, the more money they can get for the oil company.

An initial public offering or IPO is not what you use to sell a small slice of your state

oil company.

It's clear to me that some Saudi princes read a few too many articles on tech IPOs and thought

the concept was sexy.

In an IPO a business sells a significant amount of shares in their company in return for money

to grow the business.

Ah forget it!

Founders and executives often get a pay day out of an IPO, but that's not the main point.

The owners sell some control of their company so that it has more money to grow.

Neither of these things are true for the Aramco IPO.

The Saudis only want to sell 5% of the company, keeping most of the control, and they aren't

even pretending that the money will be used for Aramco's benefit.

Almost every month Saudi Arabia pops up and announces A ginormous new project somewhere.

There's NEOM the 500 billion dollar city, and the un priced but similarly massive red

sea tourist project that were announced last year.

Over the past few weeks alone they announced that they are building a 200 billion dollar

solar field with Japan's Softbank, and that they want to accelerate plans to build 80

billion worth of nuclear plants.

Just those four projects would exceed Saudi Arabia's foreign currency reserves and the

total amount of money in their less liquid public investment fund.

The Saudis simply don't have the money for a fraction of the stuff they are promising.

Very little financial journalism is honest enough to point this out.

The little that does just points in the direction of the Aramco IPO and moves on.

This is despite the fact that the best estimates of the company's value now state that the

IPO will likely only win Saudi Arabia another 75 billion dollars.

That amount of money barely makes a dent in the projects proposed over the past two weeks


For two years now the Saudi government has been surrounded by tens of millions of dollars

worth of wall street consultants telling them all kinds of fairy tales about New York and

London listings, and new respect and legitimacy for Saudi business.

I suppose it's still just possible that a desperate post Brexit city of London will

lower its standards enough to do the IPO but this was never likely.

Aramco is, by all accounts, the best run sector of the Saudi economy.

That doesn't mean it's good enough for a public listing in the non petro state world with

its emphasis on shareholder value.

It would require levels of transparency that the Saudi government will never be ready for.

Also, the government is very very unlikely to change its treatment of the company.

Aramco will remain a tool of Saudi government policy regardless of what the investors think.

Investing in and with a petro state like Russia is something that only the biggest and meanest

oil companies can do.

In Russia low level lawyers and business people get brutalized by the state.

In Saudi Arabia even the oligarchs get that treatment.

Why would anybody without an air force want to throw money down that hole?

Once again, maybe it would have worked in the peak oil days but 5% of Aramco just isn't

a good investment in 2018.

I think reality is beginning to sink in.

The Saudi government is now changing the laws to make it possible to sell the Aramco stake

on their small local stock market.

The IPO is now unlikely to happen before 2019.

If it does happen then, it won't bring in anywhere near the fabulous sums of money imagined

by the international press.

The local rich folks I expected to be forced to buy in a year go have already been dispossessed.

The only likely buyer I can see is China, for strategic reasons, and the United States

wont like that at all.

The Saudi Aramco IPO will not save Saudi Arabia.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and if you want to know why I am looking forward

to the fall of Saudi Arabia I suggest you read my essay Everybody's Lying About Islam,

available now in paperback and on the Amazon Kindle.

For more infomation >> The Saudi Aramco IPO Is A Sad Joke | Everybody's Lying About Islam 34 - Duration: 6:01.


Gleici vira a favorita e Kaysar se torna o participante mais rejeitado do BBB18 - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Gleici vira a favorita e Kaysar se torna o participante mais rejeitado do BBB18 - Duration: 2:48.


BBB18: Jéssica 'acabou' com um noivado e um namoro II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Jéssica 'acabou' com um noivado e um namoro II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:52.


Ridurre lo stress con bevande naturali - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Ridurre lo stress con bevande naturali - Duration: 5:40.


Discussão entre Paula e Ana Clara marca a tarde e internautas não perdoam - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Discussão entre Paula e Ana Clara marca a tarde e internautas não perdoam - Duration: 4:02.


Indovina Chi? - La Serie - Episodio8: Carte e Quarantotto. - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Indovina Chi? - La Serie - Episodio8: Carte e Quarantotto. - Duration: 2:37.





Grande Fratello: Floriana e Serena nel nuovo promo; Barbara d'Urso svela che è anche autrice - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello: Floriana e Serena nel nuovo promo; Barbara d'Urso svela che è anche autrice - Duration: 1:14.


Barbara d'Urso sulla cover di Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni conferma l'arrivo dei Vip al Grande Fratello - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Barbara d'Urso sulla cover di Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni conferma l'arrivo dei Vip al Grande Fratello - Duration: 1:11.


Santiago compie 5 anni, gli auguri social di Belen Rodriguez e Stefano De Martino - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Santiago compie 5 anni, gli auguri social di Belen Rodriguez e Stefano De Martino - Duration: 2:31.


Volkswagen Passat Variant 2.0TDI/140pk R-LINE DSG AUTOMAAT|2014|Panoramadak|RDC510|Xenon+LED|PDC|Lee - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Variant 2.0TDI/140pk R-LINE DSG AUTOMAAT|2014|Panoramadak|RDC510|Xenon+LED|PDC|Lee - Duration: 0:57.


projekt pomnika Mickiewicza w Warszawie z 1885 r. - Duration: 1:19.

In the Varsavian series, continuing the theme of the Mickiewicz monument in Warsaw,

we present a curiosity connected with it.

It is known that, after years of banning the tsarist authorities, it was established

monument to Mickiewicz,

it was a good achievement.

It was unveiled on the occasion of December 1898.

100th anniversary of the poet's birth.

A Social Committee of Construction was established, in which Michał Radziwiłł and Henryk Sienkiewicz

and Zygmunt Wasilewski.

The monument itself was the work of Cyprian Godebski,

and it was located in a well-known location on the square near Krakowskie Przedmiescie

in the place where the fountain stood until that time.

And now a curiosity

- it was not the first project to erect a monument to Mickiewicz in Warsaw.

Introducing, available in an antique shop,

very interesting engraving from "Tygodnik Ilustrowany"

showing the design of the monument to Mickiewicz

by Krzesiński and Wiśniewski from 1885,

and so only 13 years before that Godebski monument.

And which monument you like more, My friends?

Please visit www.atticus.pl to familiarize yourself with varsavianistic trinkets.

For more infomation >> projekt pomnika Mickiewicza w Warszawie z 1885 r. - Duration: 1:19.


Renault Captur 0.9 TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK ECC TEL CRUISE VELGEN - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 0.9 TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK ECC TEL CRUISE VELGEN - Duration: 0:54.


Renault Kadjar 1.2 TCE INTENS , Easy Life Pack R-LINK CAMERA ECC TEL - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Renault Kadjar 1.2 TCE INTENS , Easy Life Pack R-LINK CAMERA ECC TEL - Duration: 1:01.


Renault Captur 1.2 TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK ECC PDC TEL ENZ - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 1.2 TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK ECC PDC TEL ENZ - Duration: 0:42.


Renault Captur 1.2 TCE XMOD LEDER,R-LINK CAMERA ECC PDC TEL ENZ - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 1.2 TCE XMOD LEDER,R-LINK CAMERA ECC PDC TEL ENZ - Duration: 0:41.


I come in peace, I don't want to regulate Facebook: Sen. Kennedy - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> I come in peace, I don't want to regulate Facebook: Sen. Kennedy - Duration: 4:10.


Beauty Blender Giveaway! It's a Throne! + Thataylaa x Project Beauty Share Success! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:08.


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for April 10, 2018.

Thataylaa x Project Beauty Share managed to raise $21,802.92 for women and families overcoming

abuse, addiction, homelessness and poverty.

The shelter receiving the most votes, the Good Shepherd Center in LA, will receive $5,000

and there will be a meet up in the area on Saturday, April 28.

Stay tuned for deets!

Ulta launched the Neutrogena/Kerry Washington collab, and the buzz has begun over the wearable


Here's the Essential Cheek Palette, $9.99 - and the Essential Eye Palette, $12.99 - both

on ulta.com now Can you imagine holding court from a throne

made of Beauty Blenders?

Wouldn't it squish when you sat on it?

Anyway, you could potentially win it...check BeautyBlender's Instagram for more!

Rumor has it that KL POLISH will be coming to stores soon (*winkwink*) and the company

needs to increase staff and price in order to expand.

Sounds internal, but ok!

That's it for now.

We'll see you here same time tomorrow!

Look for Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and don't forget our full-length weekly newscast,

What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!

For more infomation >> Beauty Blender Giveaway! It's a Throne! + Thataylaa x Project Beauty Share Success! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:08.


Top 10 Most Powerful Tanks - Duration: 7:31.

In 1916, the battle landscape changed forever when a new armoured fighting vehicle designed

for front-line combat arrived.

The tank, with heavy firepower, strong armour, tracks, and a powerful engine provided good


Tanks were first deployed by the British Army against the Germans in World War One.

A tank was able to traverse nomans land, crossing fields of barbed wire and crushing enemy trenches

in the process.

The first tanks were powered by tractor engines and had a half inch of armour.

They were equipped with machine guns and cannons, and could cause considerable damage to the


They started out slow, but modern tanks have come a long way, with some topping 43 mph

(70 kph).

Today we'll be looking at how far tanks have come...how the technology, capability

and fire power has advanced.

So strap yourself in, hold on to your hats, and welcome to this episode of the Infographics

Show: The 10 Most Powerful Tanks.

At number 10, let's take a look at the K2 Black Panther.

Development began in South Korea in 1995 using indigenous technology only.

This tank uses composite armour of an undisclosed type, and explosive reactive armour modules.

It is claimed that the front armour could withstand direct hits from 120 millimeter

tank rounds, fired from L55 guns.

This tank has a very advanced fire control system which can spot, track and fire automatically

at visible vehicle-size targets, and even low-flying helicopters.

The Black Panther is fitted with a powerful diesel engine with a top speed of 43 mph (70

kph), making it quite a beast!

At number 9 is the M1A2 SEP.

Providing significant protection against all well-known anti-tank weapons, it is the backbone

of the US armed forces.

This burly main battle tank uses advanced armour, reinforced with depleted uranium layers.

With a shorter 120 millimeter L44 smoothbore gun to the K2 Black Panther, its firepower

is slightly inferior but it still packs a formidable punch.

It carries one 120 millimeter M256 smoothbore gun, one coaxial 7.62 millimeter M240 Machine

Gun, and one 12.7 millimeter M2 machine gun.

It can top 42 mph (68 kph).

Next, at number 8, we've got The Challenger 2 battle tank.

This is an advanced mean-machine in service with the British Army and with the Royal Army

of Oman.

One of the strongest tanks in the world, the turret and hull are protected by second generation

Chobham armour, the details of which are classified, but which is said to be more than twice as

strong as steel.

This British tank is armed with a very accurate 120 millimeter rifled gun.

Its maximum aimed range is over 5 kilometers.

Currently the Challenger holds the record for longest tank-to-tank kill.

At number 7 is the T90, a third-generation Russian battle tank that entered service in


The T-90's main armament is the 2A46M 125 millimeter smoothbore tank gun.

It is capable of firing armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot, high-explosive anti-tank,

and high explosive fragmentation ammunition, as well as Refleks anti-tank guided missiles.

Refleks can penetrate about 950 millimetres of steel armour and can also engage low-flying

air targets such as helicopters.

This is one formidable battle vehicle.

We have another Russian tank at number 6 with The Armata, a new generation battle tank.

It was first publicly revealed in 2015 and is much bigger than the T-90.

It is armed with a 125 mm smoothbore 2A82-1M tank cannon that carries 45 rounds, of which

32 are in the autoloader.

There is also a 12.7 millimeter Kord machine gun, and a 7.62 millimeter PKTM machine gun.

The BBC reported in 2017 that The Armata is a highly automated tank, replacing much of

Russia's Soviet-era armour.

It's advanced Active Protection Systems or APA, makes it highly efficient at destroying

anti tank missiles and so it is very hard to defeat.

At number 5 is The Leopard 2A7+, a next generation main battle tank revealed in 2010.

This tank leverages the technology of the Leopard 2 and has been adopted by the German

Army to conduct warfare in urban areas, as well as traditional military missions.

The Leopard 2A7+ main battle tank is equipped with a modular protection kit with passive

modules to offer 360° protection to the crew from anti-tank missiles, mines, improvised

explosive devices (or IEDs) and rocket-propelled grenade (or RPG) fire.

This tank is also fitted with a mine plough, for clearing mines and obstacles.

At number 4 is The Merkava Mark IV, the latest version of the Merkava range of main battle


The tank entered into service with the Israel Defence Forces in 2004 and is regarded as

one of the best protected tanks in the world.

The Mk.4 is armed with a 120 millimeter MG253 smoothbore gun capable of firing high-explosive

anti-tank rounds, as well as anti-tank guided missiles.

The 7.62 millimeter coaxial and 12.7 millimeter swivel-mounted machine guns and 60 millimeter

grenade launcher complement the fire power of the tank.

The Trophy active protection system aboard the tank protects the crew against advanced

anti-tank missiles.

The tank can shift at an impressive maximum speed of 40 mph (64 kph).

We have a Japanese tank at number 3 with the Type 10 (TK-X).

The Type 10 is an advanced fourth-generation main battle tank built by Mitsubishi Heavy

Industries for the Japan Ground Self Defence Force.

It went into service in 2012 and claims outstanding mobility.

The Type 10 comes with a 120 millimeter smooth-bore gun, a 12.7 millimeter heavy machine gun and

Type 74 7.62 millimeter cannon.

The tank's hull is attached with modular ceramic composite armour offering protection

against RPG rounds, HEAT projectiles, and anti-tank missiles.

At number 2 we have The Leclerc, one of the best main battle tanks in the world.

It is in service in France, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

It is protected with an advanced modular armour system and its armour is a combination of

steel, ceramics, and Kevlar.

The Leclerc is armed with a 120 millimeter smoothbore gun, 52 caliber long, fitted with

a bustle-mounted autoloader, holding 22 rounds.

The remaining 18 rounds are stored in a carousel-type storage area in front of the hull.

It is claimed that Leclerc can engage 6 targets, located 1.5 - 2 km away, in one minute, with

a hit probability of 95%.

That's some awesome striking capability.

And finally at number 1 is the Type 99 or ZTZ-99, a third generation main battle tank

built by China Northern Industries Group Corporation, for the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

It has a fully-stabilised 125 millimeter smoothbore gun equipped with auto-loader which provides

superior firepower.

The tank is also armed with a 12.7 millimeter anti-aircraft gun and a 7.62 millimeter coaxial

machine gun.

The tank features a steel armoured hull, and the front portion and turret are covered with

explosive reactor armour.

And it's up there with the fastest!

It has a turbo-charged 1,500 horse-power diesel engine providing a maximum on road speed of

50 mph (80 kph).

When we did our research for today's episode we were amazed at just how many tanks are

out there.

Many of them have strengths worth highlighting.

We only touched on 10 but wow, how powerful these vehicles are?

Can you think of any other tanks worth a mention?

Will tank warfare even be a thing in the future?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Top 10 Most Powerful Militaries in


Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Powerful Tanks - Duration: 7:31.


The Saudi Aramco IPO Is A Sad Joke | Everybody's Lying About Islam 34 - Duration: 6:01.

Hey there.

Today I am going to tell you a tale of moon beams and unicorn farts, otherwise known as

the Saudi Aramco IPO.

This business deal is one of the the most geopolitically important factors out there,

and it might not ever happen.

Today I am going to do what nobody else will and talk about this honestly.

The Saudi Arabian Oil Company popularly known as Aramco, after an old name, is almost certainly

the most valuable company in the world.

The country is running out of money, so selling off a chunk of the state oil company is an

entirely rational thing for the Saudis to do at this point.

This whole IPO business, however, is just ridiculous.

It's probably just a very long and convoluted way to take 75 billion dollars from the Chinese.

Today, for the first time in four years, I am going to put on my corporate lawyer costume

to explain why this is so ridiculous.

Nobody really knows how much Aramco is worth.

Back when people believed in peak oil folks would throw figures like 10 trillion dollars


Today the best guesses seem to be between one to two trillion dollars.

The Aramco IPO is the reason why Saudi Arabia has been so willing to cut oil production.

The higher the oil price is, the more money they can get for the oil company.

An initial public offering or IPO is not what you use to sell a small slice of your state

oil company.

It's clear to me that some Saudi princes read a few too many articles on tech IPOs and thought

the concept was sexy.

In an IPO a business sells a significant amount of shares in their company in return for money

to grow the business.

Ah forget it!

Founders and executives often get a pay day out of an IPO, but that's not the main point.

The owners sell some control of their company so that it has more money to grow.

Neither of these things are true for the Aramco IPO.

The Saudis only want to sell 5% of the company, keeping most of the control, and they aren't

even pretending that the money will be used for Aramco's benefit.

Almost every month Saudi Arabia pops up and announces A ginormous new project somewhere.

There's NEOM the 500 billion dollar city, and the un priced but similarly massive red

sea tourist project that were announced last year.

Over the past few weeks alone they announced that they are building a 200 billion dollar

solar field with Japan's Softbank, and that they want to accelerate plans to build 80

billion worth of nuclear plants.

Just those four projects would exceed Saudi Arabia's foreign currency reserves and the

total amount of money in their less liquid public investment fund.

The Saudis simply don't have the money for a fraction of the stuff they are promising.

Very little financial journalism is honest enough to point this out.

The little that does just points in the direction of the Aramco IPO and moves on.

This is despite the fact that the best estimates of the company's value now state that the

IPO will likely only win Saudi Arabia another 75 billion dollars.

That amount of money barely makes a dent in the projects proposed over the past two weeks


For two years now the Saudi government has been surrounded by tens of millions of dollars

worth of wall street consultants telling them all kinds of fairy tales about New York and

London listings, and new respect and legitimacy for Saudi business.

I suppose it's still just possible that a desperate post Brexit city of London will

lower its standards enough to do the IPO but this was never likely.

Aramco is, by all accounts, the best run sector of the Saudi economy.

That doesn't mean it's good enough for a public listing in the non petro state world with

its emphasis on shareholder value.

It would require levels of transparency that the Saudi government will never be ready for.

Also, the government is very very unlikely to change its treatment of the company.

Aramco will remain a tool of Saudi government policy regardless of what the investors think.

Investing in and with a petro state like Russia is something that only the biggest and meanest

oil companies can do.

In Russia low level lawyers and business people get brutalized by the state.

In Saudi Arabia even the oligarchs get that treatment.

Why would anybody without an air force want to throw money down that hole?

Once again, maybe it would have worked in the peak oil days but 5% of Aramco just isn't

a good investment in 2018.

I think reality is beginning to sink in.

The Saudi government is now changing the laws to make it possible to sell the Aramco stake

on their small local stock market.

The IPO is now unlikely to happen before 2019.

If it does happen then, it won't bring in anywhere near the fabulous sums of money imagined

by the international press.

The local rich folks I expected to be forced to buy in a year go have already been dispossessed.

The only likely buyer I can see is China, for strategic reasons, and the United States

wont like that at all.

The Saudi Aramco IPO will not save Saudi Arabia.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and if you want to know why I am looking forward

to the fall of Saudi Arabia I suggest you read my essay Everybody's Lying About Islam,

available now in paperback and on the Amazon Kindle.

For more infomation >> The Saudi Aramco IPO Is A Sad Joke | Everybody's Lying About Islam 34 - Duration: 6:01.


КАК ПОБЕДИТЬ СТРАХ - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> КАК ПОБЕДИТЬ СТРАХ - Duration: 7:32.


"Our View"- Episode 004 - Duration: 24:30.

For more infomation >> "Our View"- Episode 004 - Duration: 24:30.


Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:47.


Ford Focus 1.6-16V Futura,5drs,Airco,NAP,Cruisectrl,Incl.APK - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.6-16V Futura,5drs,Airco,NAP,Cruisectrl,Incl.APK - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C4 1.6 16V Ligne Business Clima/LPG/5drs - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 1.6 16V Ligne Business Clima/LPG/5drs - Duration: 0:59.


Opel Agila 1.0 EDITION STYLE 5DRS /84.000 Km/Airco/2e Eig/15inch/NAP/Garantie - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Agila 1.0 EDITION STYLE 5DRS /84.000 Km/Airco/2e Eig/15inch/NAP/Garantie - Duration: 1:01.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.4-16V Turbo 135pk Multiair Sport 5Drs. Unieke uitvoering! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.4-16V Turbo 135pk Multiair Sport 5Drs. Unieke uitvoering! - Duration: 0:58.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs Move Up | Executive pakket | Airco - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs Move Up | Executive pakket | Airco - Duration: 1:01.


The Chase legend Anne Hegerty wins at life for branding a 'homophobic' viewer a 'sad f****r' - Duration: 2:22.

The Chase legend Anne Hegerty wins at life for branding a 'homophobic' viewer a 'sad f****r'

Anne Hegerty is already queen of the small screen but she may have just won herself the title of Twitter queen too as she has put an apparent homophobe well and truly in his place – when she branded him a 'sad f****r' for implying that gay people should not be invited onto The Chase.  The so-called fan took to Twitter to state that certain 'sorts' of people should not be allowed to appear on a family show and the Governess steamed in in all of her sassy glory and verbally bitch-slapped him, as one impressed fan beautifully put it.

And she didn't even stop there – she even managed to correct his spelling too when he attempted a comeback.

And Twitter was absolutely living for the pushback of all pushbacks.

Here was the beautiful moment: And the love came pouring in for the quizzing legend: Another tweeter commented that Anne was now officially a gay icon while others deemed her a 'legend' and a 'hero' for her tweet.

Anne doesn't just dominate Twitter – she is currently appearing as the host of Britain's Brightest Family as well as her usual stints on The Chase, The Family Chase and The Chase Celebrity Specials.

She also appears on a number of chat and panel based shows and jets off to Australia for their version of The Chase too.

With all of that and personal appearances, panto and radio gigs chucked in too, it's amazing that she has any time at all to revise or put Twitter trolls in their place.

Long live Anne! It's also not the first time that Anne has dropped the F-bomb – check out this moment on The Chase…    .

For more infomation >> The Chase legend Anne Hegerty wins at life for branding a 'homophobic' viewer a 'sad f****r' - Duration: 2:22.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


I come in peace, I don't want to regulate Facebook: Sen. Kennedy - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> I come in peace, I don't want to regulate Facebook: Sen. Kennedy - Duration: 4:10.


R3HAB & Noah Neiman - We Do (ft. Miranda Glory) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:17.

♪ We ain't perfect, but we're working on it ♪

♪ You got baggage, but I gotta have it ♪

♪ Ain't no you without a me ♪

♪ There ain't no such thing, mmh ♪

♪ It's never easy, I wouldn't want it to be ♪

♪ I got mood swings, but you're still rocking with me ♪

♪ And you make me laugh when I get mad and I can't stand it, no ♪

♪ We drive each other crazy ♪

♪ And that's how I like it, baby ♪

♪ Two broken hearts still beating, we need this ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't no one love like we do ♪

♪ Do you remember summer? ♪

♪ We tried to escape the suburbs ♪

♪ But we couldn't leave your covers, or each other ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't no one love like we do ♪

♪ Both got a past, but we're getting past them ♪

♪ Go get a couple of duffels and grab your passport ♪

♪ We don't got a destination ♪

♪ Pick your place and lets just go, go ♪

♪ We drive each other crazy ♪

♪ And that's how I like it, baby ♪

♪ Two broken hearts still beating, we need this ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't no one love like we do ♪

♪ Do you remember summer? ♪

♪ We tried to escape the suburbs ♪

♪ But we couldn't leave your covers, or each other ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't no one love like we do ♪

♪ We drive each other crazy ♪

♪ And that's how I like it, baby ♪

♪ Two broken hearts still beating, we need this ♪

♪ 'Cause ain't no one love like we do ♪

For more infomation >> R3HAB & Noah Neiman - We Do (ft. Miranda Glory) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:17.


What's Really Going On Between Darlene And David On Roseanne - Duration: 3:35.

After a more than 20-year hiatus, Roseanne returned to TV in March 2018.

While millions of viewers were ecstatic to see the entire Conner family back together

again, some were more curious about the status of Sara Gilbert's Darlene and Johnny Galecki's


After the Season 9 finale aired in 1997, viewers were stunned when Roseanne revealed that Darlene

and David's Season 8 wedding was just a figment of her imagination, and that Darlene was actually

married to David's brother, Mark, while her sister Becky was dating David.

But viewers breathed a sigh of relief when a promo revealed that the reboot ditched the

relationship switcheroos and reunited Darlene and David.

So what's really going on between them in the Roseanne revival?

Let's explore.

Bumpy backstory

David Healy is the younger brother of Mark Healy, Becky's gritty and rough-around-the-edges


David is the opposite of his brother — sweet and caring, with the patience of a saint.

Darlene definitely wore the pants in their relationship, thanks to the headstrong and

domineering personality she likely acquired from Roseanne.

Despite their differences, they clicked, proving that that opposites really can attract.

After a few ups and downs in their relationship, including some tough breakups, the couple

reconnected and Darlene became pregnant with their daughter, Harris.

They were married in a beautiful outdoor wedding ceremony that took place in Season 8.

The day went off without a hitch — oh, except for Dan keeling over from an apparent heart


Now that we know that Dan is alive, their marriage really did happen, and it all wasn't

just a chapter in Roseanne's book, how did Darlene go from a blushing bride to a single,

unemployed mom?

Falling out

Episode 1 of the Roseanne revival attempts to tie up the loose ends from Season 9 and

reintroduces the cast to diehard fans and new viewers alike.

It doesn't take long to realize that David and Darlene are officially on the outs.

Darlene and her two kids move back into her parents' home under the guise that she quit

her job and is there to lend a helping hand, but Roseanne discovers the truth after reading

Darlene's mail.

"Your severance check got forwarded here.

You lost your job, right?"

"I got two kids, I've got no partner, so I just came home."

So how long have they been apart?

During a March 2018 interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the program's showrunner, Bruce

Helford, said Darlene and David have been separated for "six years or so."

David the deadbeat?

Darlene gives birth to their daughter, Harris, in Season 9, and in the off-camera time since,

the couple had another child, Mark, who was named after David's brother, who passed away.

Naturally, this leads to questions about David's relationship with his children.

Helford told The Hollywood Reporter,

"[David] has only seen the kids a few times when they were living in Chicago […] David

comes back into that mix and raises a lot of emotional issues for all of them."

So what the heck has David been up to?

Viewers will be left in the dark until the April 17th, 2018 episode, which ABC summarizes

like this:

"David unexpectedly shows up for Harris' birthday after being absent for years, forcing Darlene

to re-examine their relationship and the rest of the family."

Those who hope his appearance will lead to a reconciliation shouldn't hold their breaths.

Johnny Galecki had prior commitments to CBS's The Big Bang Theory, so he was only able to

film one episode for the Roseanne reboot.

But there's hope!

Season 12 of The Big Bang Theory may be its last, and since Roseanne was renewed for its

own Season 11, this potentially frees up Galecki to return to his role and right his wrongs,

which is something he told Deadline he'd be up for.

"I'm not going to let her down, Mr. Conner."

"I know you're not."

We'll see!

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What's Really Going On Between Darlene And David On Roseanne - Duration: 3:35.


Try Not To Laugh At This Ultimate Funny Dogs Compilation 2018 | Funny Animals Videos - Duration: 10:07.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh At This Ultimate Funny Dogs Compilation 2018 | Funny Animals Videos - Duration: 10:07.


Top 10 Most Powerful Tanks - Duration: 7:31.

In 1916, the battle landscape changed forever when a new armoured fighting vehicle designed

for front-line combat arrived.

The tank, with heavy firepower, strong armour, tracks, and a powerful engine provided good


Tanks were first deployed by the British Army against the Germans in World War One.

A tank was able to traverse nomans land, crossing fields of barbed wire and crushing enemy trenches

in the process.

The first tanks were powered by tractor engines and had a half inch of armour.

They were equipped with machine guns and cannons, and could cause considerable damage to the


They started out slow, but modern tanks have come a long way, with some topping 43 mph

(70 kph).

Today we'll be looking at how far tanks have come...how the technology, capability

and fire power has advanced.

So strap yourself in, hold on to your hats, and welcome to this episode of the Infographics

Show: The 10 Most Powerful Tanks.

At number 10, let's take a look at the K2 Black Panther.

Development began in South Korea in 1995 using indigenous technology only.

This tank uses composite armour of an undisclosed type, and explosive reactive armour modules.

It is claimed that the front armour could withstand direct hits from 120 millimeter

tank rounds, fired from L55 guns.

This tank has a very advanced fire control system which can spot, track and fire automatically

at visible vehicle-size targets, and even low-flying helicopters.

The Black Panther is fitted with a powerful diesel engine with a top speed of 43 mph (70

kph), making it quite a beast!

At number 9 is the M1A2 SEP.

Providing significant protection against all well-known anti-tank weapons, it is the backbone

of the US armed forces.

This burly main battle tank uses advanced armour, reinforced with depleted uranium layers.

With a shorter 120 millimeter L44 smoothbore gun to the K2 Black Panther, its firepower

is slightly inferior but it still packs a formidable punch.

It carries one 120 millimeter M256 smoothbore gun, one coaxial 7.62 millimeter M240 Machine

Gun, and one 12.7 millimeter M2 machine gun.

It can top 42 mph (68 kph).

Next, at number 8, we've got The Challenger 2 battle tank.

This is an advanced mean-machine in service with the British Army and with the Royal Army

of Oman.

One of the strongest tanks in the world, the turret and hull are protected by second generation

Chobham armour, the details of which are classified, but which is said to be more than twice as

strong as steel.

This British tank is armed with a very accurate 120 millimeter rifled gun.

Its maximum aimed range is over 5 kilometers.

Currently the Challenger holds the record for longest tank-to-tank kill.

At number 7 is the T90, a third-generation Russian battle tank that entered service in


The T-90's main armament is the 2A46M 125 millimeter smoothbore tank gun.

It is capable of firing armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot, high-explosive anti-tank,

and high explosive fragmentation ammunition, as well as Refleks anti-tank guided missiles.

Refleks can penetrate about 950 millimetres of steel armour and can also engage low-flying

air targets such as helicopters.

This is one formidable battle vehicle.

We have another Russian tank at number 6 with The Armata, a new generation battle tank.

It was first publicly revealed in 2015 and is much bigger than the T-90.

It is armed with a 125 mm smoothbore 2A82-1M tank cannon that carries 45 rounds, of which

32 are in the autoloader.

There is also a 12.7 millimeter Kord machine gun, and a 7.62 millimeter PKTM machine gun.

The BBC reported in 2017 that The Armata is a highly automated tank, replacing much of

Russia's Soviet-era armour.

It's advanced Active Protection Systems or APA, makes it highly efficient at destroying

anti tank missiles and so it is very hard to defeat.

At number 5 is The Leopard 2A7+, a next generation main battle tank revealed in 2010.

This tank leverages the technology of the Leopard 2 and has been adopted by the German

Army to conduct warfare in urban areas, as well as traditional military missions.

The Leopard 2A7+ main battle tank is equipped with a modular protection kit with passive

modules to offer 360° protection to the crew from anti-tank missiles, mines, improvised

explosive devices (or IEDs) and rocket-propelled grenade (or RPG) fire.

This tank is also fitted with a mine plough, for clearing mines and obstacles.

At number 4 is The Merkava Mark IV, the latest version of the Merkava range of main battle


The tank entered into service with the Israel Defence Forces in 2004 and is regarded as

one of the best protected tanks in the world.

The Mk.4 is armed with a 120 millimeter MG253 smoothbore gun capable of firing high-explosive

anti-tank rounds, as well as anti-tank guided missiles.

The 7.62 millimeter coaxial and 12.7 millimeter swivel-mounted machine guns and 60 millimeter

grenade launcher complement the fire power of the tank.

The Trophy active protection system aboard the tank protects the crew against advanced

anti-tank missiles.

The tank can shift at an impressive maximum speed of 40 mph (64 kph).

We have a Japanese tank at number 3 with the Type 10 (TK-X).

The Type 10 is an advanced fourth-generation main battle tank built by Mitsubishi Heavy

Industries for the Japan Ground Self Defence Force.

It went into service in 2012 and claims outstanding mobility.

The Type 10 comes with a 120 millimeter smooth-bore gun, a 12.7 millimeter heavy machine gun and

Type 74 7.62 millimeter cannon.

The tank's hull is attached with modular ceramic composite armour offering protection

against RPG rounds, HEAT projectiles, and anti-tank missiles.

At number 2 we have The Leclerc, one of the best main battle tanks in the world.

It is in service in France, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

It is protected with an advanced modular armour system and its armour is a combination of

steel, ceramics, and Kevlar.

The Leclerc is armed with a 120 millimeter smoothbore gun, 52 caliber long, fitted with

a bustle-mounted autoloader, holding 22 rounds.

The remaining 18 rounds are stored in a carousel-type storage area in front of the hull.

It is claimed that Leclerc can engage 6 targets, located 1.5 - 2 km away, in one minute, with

a hit probability of 95%.

That's some awesome striking capability.

And finally at number 1 is the Type 99 or ZTZ-99, a third generation main battle tank

built by China Northern Industries Group Corporation, for the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

It has a fully-stabilised 125 millimeter smoothbore gun equipped with auto-loader which provides

superior firepower.

The tank is also armed with a 12.7 millimeter anti-aircraft gun and a 7.62 millimeter coaxial

machine gun.

The tank features a steel armoured hull, and the front portion and turret are covered with

explosive reactor armour.

And it's up there with the fastest!

It has a turbo-charged 1,500 horse-power diesel engine providing a maximum on road speed of

50 mph (80 kph).

When we did our research for today's episode we were amazed at just how many tanks are

out there.

Many of them have strengths worth highlighting.

We only touched on 10 but wow, how powerful these vehicles are?

Can you think of any other tanks worth a mention?

Will tank warfare even be a thing in the future?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Top 10 Most Powerful Militaries in


Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Powerful Tanks - Duration: 7:31.


Amitiés, clashs,... que va-t-il se passer pendant Moundir et les Aventuriers 3 ? - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Amitiés, clashs,... que va-t-il se passer pendant Moundir et les Aventuriers 3 ? - Duration: 3:28.


The Stunning Transformation Of Jamie Lee Curtis - Duration: 4:55.

Fans are familiar with actress Jamie Lee Curtis from her television and movie roles, but how

much do people really know about the star's fascinating life?

From being in the spotlight since childhood, to trying to just blend in with everyone else

— and struggling with addiction along the way — there's a lot you probably don't know

about 1978's Halloween scream queen.

Let's take a closer look at her stunning transformation over the years.

Uninvolved father

Curtis' childhood was anything but average.

Her parents were famous actors Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, and Tony wasn't necessarily

focused on his role as father.

Curtis later discussed her father in an interview on The Talk, saying,

"He did what he was supposed to do from a financial standpoint, which was honorable

of him, but he was not an involved father."

"I did feel very much separated from him."

Still, the actress has made it clear that she understood his role in her life, and she

was not upset about it.

"I'm close to both my parents.

We both, you know, I have a nice relationship with everybody in my family, thank goodness.

And I try to, I work at it.

We all work at relationships."

Spotlight struggles

Growing up with famous parents makes it near impossible to have a normal childhood.

And while her mother tried her best to keep her daughter happy, Curtis struggled with

the fame.

She told Rolling Stone,

"You're a child trying to develop an identity and a sense of self-worth, and all this Hollywood

stuff plagues you and makes you kind of wonder who you are.

Then you're twelve through eighteen, and you're developing sexually and emotionally.

And it's hard."

High school wallflower

With so much attention on her, Curtis made it her mission to have the least number of

eyes on her as possible.

High school was particularly tough — she told Rolling Stone,

"[It was] f---ing killer."

"That was one of the most interminably long things ever.

From 9th grade to 12th grade, was like a joke how long that was."

Curtis spent time at three different high schools, and she would take note of the wardrobe

trends at each school with a specific goal in mind.

She shared,

"I didn't want to be an individual; I just wanted to fit in and be normal.

[...] So if another girl was wearing her hair up in a ponytail, the next day I'd do that.

I said I liked whatever kind of music they liked.

It was a nightmare.

I've never been so depressed."

Easy to pretend

Following in her parents' footsteps, the future star took something that had been a negative

in her life and turned it into a strength.

She told Rolling Stone,

"I think the fact that I had very low self-confidence growing up and in high school made me a good


It was easy for me to be a preppie with preppie kids and a hippie with hippie kids."

"Pretending to be somebody else has never been difficult for me."

This came in handy for 19-year-old Curtis when she landed the lead role in a small slasher

film called Halloween.

The movie ended up being a huge success, and gave Curtis a feeling of confidence she hadn't

experienced before.

She shared,

"I was finally able to say, 'That's mine.

I did that.

That's all me.'"

Cosmetic work

Curtis has always kept it real, and she's not afraid to talk about the cosmetic work

she had done around 1992.

The then 34-year-old felt pressured while filming a movie to have work done, but the

result wasn't what she expected.

She said during a later interview with The Telegraph,

"Nobody tells you if you take fat from your body in one place, it comes back in another


All of these 'bettering' experiences are not without risk.

And there is this illusion that once you do it, then you'll be fine.

And that's just horses--t.

I looked worse."


Even though Curtis gained confidence through her acting, she struggled with addiction through

the years.

In 2016, after being clean for more than 17 years, she opened up in an editorial for Huffington

Post about her own experience becoming hooked on the prescription medication she had received

after a medical procedure.

She wrote,

"I too, waited anxiously for a prescription to be filled for the opiate I was secretly

addicted to.

I too, took too many at once.

I too, sought to kill emotional and physical pain with pain killers."

In the late 1990s, 40-something Curtis decided to stop taking the medication and went clean.

Simple style

While Curtis doesn't use style to try to fit in any more, she also isn't looking to stand


She's keeping it simple, buying a few black dresses each year.

She summed up her style during an interview with AARP, sharing,

"I've etched out who I am through myriad haircut attempts, outfit attempts, beauty attempts,

diet attempts.

It's been an evolution.

I've let my hair go gray.

I wear only black and white."

"See, this works for you.

If I put that on, you'd look at me and go, 'Okay, nice try, Jamie.'"

Lifestyle change

According to AARP, in 2000 Curtis read a tabloid article that listed her weight as 161 pounds.

She didn't believe it, but when she went home to confirm for herself, her scale actually

read 161.

From that point, the 42-year-old dedicated her time to being healthy and feeling good.

She shared,

"Now, I get up at five o'clock in the morning every day, filled with energy.

I play tennis three times a week, and I do yoga.

I'm never going to be an athlete [...] I'm not that person.

But I walk with girlfriends, and walking is incredibly good for you."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> The Stunning Transformation Of Jamie Lee Curtis - Duration: 4:55.


Why the Derating Curve Matters - Probing Pitfalls - Duration: 3:21.

Did you know you could be damaging your probe if you input too high of a voltage and frequency,

even if it is within the specified range of the probe?

An important guideline that engineers often forget to think about is the derating curve.

Hi, I'm Melissa.

In this episode of Probing Pitfalls, you'll learn what a derating curve of a passive probe

is and how following it can prevent damage and extend the life of your probe.

This is important because as your probe becomes damaged, your measurements become less accurate.

So, what does derating even mean?

The derating curve is a guideline showing how best to use a probe.

Using a probe at its maximum bandwidth and maximum voltage specification at the same

time can damage the probe.

So we derate the probe specifications to show optimal use cases.

Here's an example.

The curve is simply the graphical representation of this derating guideline, showing frequency

versus voltage.

It's best to measure signals with specs that fall under this curve.

Anything above the curve can be potentially harmful to your probe and decrease its life span.

So you may have a 300Vrms, 1 GHz probe, but that doesn't mean you can measure that large

of a voltage at that fast of a frequency without damaging the probe.

The derating curve is determined by the effect that frequency has on the probe's capacitors.

Which means, as the frequency of the signal being input into the probe increases, the

capacitive reactance decreases.

This allows more current to flow through the capacitor.

This can be more easily understood by looking at how this curve is calculated.

The calculated AC power that is dissipated across both probe capacitor's ESRs (equivalent

series resistance), the rms current, voltage, resistance, frequency, capacitance, and dissipation

factor, can all be used to understand the curve.

As frequency or capacitance increase, the voltage the probe can handle will decrease.

This is the key relationship in creating the derating curve.

In DC and low frequency, the capacitor is basically an open, so there is no current

flow, and therefore no risk of degrading the capacitor.

That is why the plot stays constant at the beginning of the curve.

As the frequency increases and the capacitor is at risk above certain voltages.

And if you degrade or damage your capacitor,

your measurements will start to be less and less accurate

To avoid this, always check the derating curve specific to your passive probe.

Following it will extend the probe's lifetime and ensure high performance.

The derating curve will show you if your input and frequency are within a safe range so that

you don't damage your probes.

If you want to learn more about probing, click on the link.

If you enjoyed the video please subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram,

twitter, and Facebook.

For more infomation >> Why the Derating Curve Matters - Probing Pitfalls - Duration: 3:21.


Are Canadians Polite? No! Here's Why: - Duration: 14:13.

RICK: Those are the most miserable sons of bitches

you have ever come across. DARYN: The worst, the worst.

DARYN: Okay, here's the dirty little secret

about us Canadians: we're not polite.

No, we're passive aggressive,

and there's a big difference.

Being polite means that you're considerate

and respectful of other people.

Being passive aggressive means that you hate the person

who took your armrest on the flight

from Edmonton to Vancouver,

and as soon as they go to the bathroom,

you are totally stealing it back.

That sounds pretty Canadian, eh?

Here's another classic Canadian move.

Oh, is someone in your way at the grocery store?

Why would you ever politely ask them to move

when you can just bump them with your shopping cart,

and then hit them with a Canadian "sorry"

when they turn around? That is so Canadian.

And let's talk about the word "sorry."

Everyone in the world thinks Canadians say "sorry."

It's a "Canadian thing,"

and it is, but we're not saying "sorry"

in the way that they think.

No, when a Canadian says "sorry," what we're saying is,

"Sorry you made things weird between us.

"You are at fault, 100%."

Canadians, we're the mother-in-law

who never quite warmed to you.

If people think Canadians are friendly, we're not.

We just hate confrontation.

Canadians love beating around the bush,

so by the time the other guy has it figured out,

we're safe and sound hiding behind a bush.

And it's nice to be liked, don't get me wrong,

but the world sees us as Americans with manners,

but not a lot of charm.

We're the Littlest Hobo to their Lassie,

the bag of milk to their carton of hormone juice.

And I know what you're saying: "Americans!

"They're loud and obnoxious," but they're friendly!

If you know an American, you've got a friend for life.

You've got a shoulder to cry on if you need it.

A Canadian will just hand you a box of tissues,

and then awkwardly check their phone until you leave.

Now, I lived in the States for a couple of years,

and I couldn't believe

how often my family

was invited over to dinner by other families.

Americans do this all the time.

They eat with people they don't really know.

This is like the Canadian nightmare.

Someone you don't know over for dinner like for an entire meal?

You can't do that.

You're going to have to kill them and hide the body.

Anything to avoid a social interaction.

I can count on one hand how many times I've been

in my Canadian neighbour's house.


Zero times, and he's really nice.

So why are we afraid to open up to our fellow Canadians?

Canada, what are we hiding?

I think we're worried that people will find out

that we're not nice all the time,

that we can be obnoxious jerks,

that we say stupid and offensive things.

In other words, that Canadians might be real human beings.

I think it's time we start a new Canadian identity.

Let's be louder. Let's talk to people

in the checkout line instead of staring at your feet.

Invite your neighbour over to your backyard to hang out.

Let's embrace our love of the letter "U," and say,

"F.U." more often.

Or, what do I know? I could be wrong.

In which case, I'm sorry.

DARYN: Let me ask you a question,

why do Canadians say "sorry" all the time?

WOMAN 1: It's out of politeness. [laughs]

DARYN: Have you ever apologized for something

you had no business apologizing for?

WOMAN 1: Yeah, like bumping into a mannequin and saying,

"I'm sorry." [laughs]

DARYN: If I bumped you right now, would you like give me...

WOMAN 1: I'd say I was sorry.

DARYN: So if I go like... WOMAN 1: I'm sorry.


DARYN: Have a great day.

I'm sorry for bother you.

MAN 3: No problem. DARYN: Sorry.

Don't get hit by a car because I would feel sorry.

DARYN: Do you say "sorry" too much in your life?

MAN 4: I do, but I don't think that's a bad thing.

DARYN: So if I were like, "boom," you'd be...

MAN 4: "Oh, sorry, bud, sorry," yeah.

DARYN: It's instinct, isn't it? MAN 4: It is, it is.

For sure, man, yeah. I grew up in New York.

Different story there.

DARYN: Oh, so are you Canadian or American?

MAN 4: Both, both. DARYN: Gotcha.

Oh, so which side of yourself do you like better?

You're like Two Face basically.

MAN 4: Yeah. I like the Canadian side better.

DARYN: Yeah? MAN 4: The nicer side.

DARYN: The nicer side? MAN 4: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

DARYN: The healthcare side? MAN 4: Yeah, exactly.

DARYN: We're going around the pole.

Hello, how are you?

WOMAN 2: Good, how are you? DARYN: Good.

Do you think Canadians are too polite?

WOMAN 2: Um, no, I don't think so.

DARYN: Do you think we're very polite?

Like, do you say "sorry" a lot?

WOMAN 2: When I hit furniture sometimes, yeah.

DARYN: Wait, so... explain that.

What exactly happens?

WOMAN 2: It's more of a reflex.

You know when you like hit furniture and you stub your toe,

you're like, "Woops, sorry"?

DARYN: Here's what I want you to do,

next time you bump into your couch or your bed,

swear at the bed. WOMAN 2: Okay.

DARYN: Right? Don't say, "Sorry, man."

Like, go and swear. WOMAN 2: Power pose.

DARYN: Like, yeah. WOMAN 2: Sort of dominant.

DARYN: You stub your toe, what do you say?

WOMAN 2: "Excuse you." [laughter]

DARYN: We're talking about Canadians

saying "sorry" all the time, and the polite thing.

Are you from Canada? MAN 5: I'm from Canada.

I actually reside in Windsor,

and so I do a lot of transactions in Detroit.

DARYN: Oh, okay.

MAN 5: And so they're always making fun of me

for always saying "sorry." DARYN: [laughs]

In what scenarios are you saying "sorry"?

MAN 5: You bump into someone...

DARYN: Like if we went like that...

MAN 5: I would say "sorry." DARYN: And I would too.

MAN 5: And Americans don't.

DARYN: Do you think that you're Detroit pals,

your American colleagues, could learn from your, uh...

love of the word "sorry"?

MAN 5: It would be a good thing if they did.

It would be a good thing. It's good to be polite.

It just makes Canada a much friendlier, nicer,

happier place for everyone to live.

DARYN: Thank you very much, man. MAN 5: You're very welcome.

DARYN: Have a great day. MAN 5: You too.

DARYN: Sorry. MAN 5: Sorry.

DARYN: Sorry, man.

Catch you later. Sorry.

There's a lot of different ways to say "sorry."

"Sorry." "Ooh, sorry."




Do you find yourself apologizing for things

that you don't really need to be apologizing for?

WOMAN 3: Every day. DARYN: Oh, really?

Can you give me, like, an example?

WOMAN 3: "Oh, sorry, did I get in your way?"

DARYN: So do you apologize at times to your friends

on the playground?

Do you find that "sorry" is something that you guys say?

CHILD 1: Yeah. DARYN: Yeah?

Like if somebody pushed you, would you say "sorry"

or would you push them back?

CHILD 1: I would say "sorry." DARYN: [laughs]

DARYN: Mom, would you rather her push them back?

WOMAN 3: In the back of your head...

you're like, "Just do it back so they learn a lesson."

DARYN: Yes. You know what,

maybe you can do both-- you push them back,

and then when they're standing over them go "sorry."

Yeah. [laughs]

DARYN: All right, gang, it's science time.

I'm going undercover to see if it's true

that us Canadians say "sorry" all the time.

They're never gonna spot me.

I'm on the case.

Excuse me, do you know what time it is in Winnipeg?

WOMAN 4: Sorry. DARYN: No, don't know?

Do you know you know where the Justin Bieber Museum is?

WOMAN 4: Sorry. DARYN: Sorry, no?

Can I have $200 please? MAN 6: No, sorry.

DARYN: No? Can I have that jacket?

MAN 7: No, sorry. DARYN: You're sure?

Okay. Thanks very much.

Have a good day. MAN 7: Thanks.

DARYN: Ow, you stepped on my foot.

MAN 7: No, sorry.

DARYN: Wow, thanks.

Ah, my college thesis!


How could you do that?

Oh. Oh, no, my thesis!

I worked so hard on it.

No, it's fine. You can go.

You go. Yeah.

Excuse me, can you tell me the capital of Brazil?

MAN 8: Sorry.

DARYN: Do you know?

Excuse me? WOMAN 5: Yes

DARYN: Have you seen my emotional support animal?

I lost it. It's like a big bird.

WOMAN 5: No, sorry. We haven't seen it.

DARYN: Okay. WOMAN 5: Have you seen it?

DARYN: Thank you so much.

Check it out, exotic fish. Just bought him.

What could go wrong?

Oh, and before you write to the CBC Ombudsman,

these are fake fish, okay?

So put the keyboard down.

Ah, my exotic fish.

Why, could you...

MAN 9: Sorry. WOMAN 6: Sorry.

DARYN: Well that's not gonna bring him back to life!

Oh, they're dead!

Oh, well. Circle of life.

DARYN: I'm here with my former boss,

and the star of the Mercer Report

here on CBC, Rick Mercer. How are you, buddy?

RICK: I'm good, DJ. How are you?

DARYN: I'm good.

RICK: Congratulations on the show.

It's very exciting. DARYN: Thanks, man.

I do want to ask a question. RICK: Sure.

DARYN: I wrote on your show for the first three seasons.

RICK: You certainly did, and you appeared on the show.

DARYN: That's correct. RICK: Yes.

DARYN: And then I left, and I never got an exit interview.

I was hoping I could get, like, a performance review,

12 years later. RICK: Well it's, you know,

you're taxing my memory, but I can do that.

DARYN: [laughs] RICK: I can do that.

This may sound cliche,

but you know this as a comedian

or someone who works in comedy,

your instinct is to tear down and destroy.

That's your instinct. You get your first laugh

tearing the teacher down. DARYN: Right.

RICK: Then you realize, the further up

the food chain you go, the funnier it gets, right?

You take down the principal.

Suddenly you're a god among men, you know?

Tear down.

On my show, we don't tear down.

It's counterintuitive. DARYN: That's right.

RICK: You have to celebrate. DARYN: You build up.

RICK: You gotta celebrate Canada, and you...

DARYN: [laughs] RICK: You love to tear down.

That's your instinct, and I used to have to remind you.

DARYN: [laughs] RICK: Um... celebrate.

DARYN: [laughs] RICK: Daryn...

DARYN: That's right. You have shot...

I mean, you've probably been in every nook and cranny...

RICK: Pretty much.

DARYN: ...of this entire country.

Are Canadians actually polite? Do you think that we are,

as a nation, that is the true definition of who we are?

RICK: I don't like any of those cliches.

I think sure, some Canadians are polite,

but we have all the problems that other people

in the world have. We have angry people.

Well, my partner, you've seen him in traffic.

He's not-- he's not polite,

but I think that's one of those cliches that in order to be

Canadian you have to be polite. DARYN: I agree.

RICK: And you have to go to Tim Horton's.

And you gotta love that coffee.

Oh, my God, there's nothing better.

And listen, if you love Tim Horton's, that's fine.

Why do I have to love this thing

in order to be a Canadian? DARYN: Yes... yes.

RICK: And I don't have anything against Tim Horton's.

I've eaten more ham and cheese at Tim Horton's

than I can even count. But yeah...

You know, when the pressure is there?

DARYN: You've been doing the show, what, 15 years?

RICK: Fifteen years. DARYN: Okay, so how many times

have you been dipped in cold water over the years?

RICK: Oh, now, see that... that...

I don't like that, and I've-- that's one of the go-to things,

because, you know, there's certain weeks of the year

where nothing's happening,

and one of them is the first week of January.

Like, everyone is done, right?

But I've gotta go do something, and suddenly the only thing

going on are people jumping into freezing cold water.

RICK: So they go, "Hey Rick, jump in the freezing..."

DARYN: "It'll be great." RICK: Oh, so many times.

DARYN: "It'll be great," with the mayor of so-and-so.

RICK: So many times. Yeah, exactly.

DARYN: I'm gonna take you region by region.

RICK: Okay.

DARYN: You're gonna describe the people.

I know... RICK: No, no, 'cause...

DARYN: In a positive, in a positive.

RICK: Of course in a positive. DARYN: But the uniqueness of it.

RICK: Or maybe this time...

you could just mention a province and I could say,

"Those are the most miserable sons of bitches

"you have ever come across.

"Every single one of them from the minute you get off the plane

"to the minute you leave that godforsaken place,

"nothing good to say." DARYN: I dare you.

RICK: Well, but if you noticed, I didn't say a province, did I?

It was a pretend province in a fantasy land.

DARYN: Describe a Montrealer bragging about a bagel.

RICK: Were you on the show when we went to Montreal

with Trudeau? DARYN: No.

RICK: And Trudeau was... he wasn't Trudeau then.

He was just Justin Trudeau,

so he was famous but he hadn't done anything.

DARYN: Like the drama teacher Trudeau,

or the sitting in the house? RICK: I think he was unemployed.

RICK: I mean, he wasn't a drama teacher,

and he wasn't an MP yet, and he was available.

So he toured me around Montreal,

and I remember he brought me to The Main.

And we wanted to go to Schwartz's but he said,

"No, we gotta go to The Main."

And I always thought he was cracked,

but last summer I was in Montreal

and the crowd from Just for Laughs basically

told me that's where you go. DARYN: Really?

I'm gonna try to find something about this nation

that you'll be negative about. Poutine.

RICK: See, that's not gonna be it.

I don't eat it, but I've had it, and it's good,

because you know I love gravy almost as a beverage.

DARYN: Let's talk about the word "sorry."

RICK: Sorry, yeah. DARYN: A Canadian...

this is a trope.

RICK: Yeah, yeah.

DARYN: You think we do it-- you think this is actually a thing?

Is it something we should stop?

RICK: I don't think it's a thing.

I don't think it's a thing-- maybe because there's a woman

in our office who says "sorry" a lot,

and she's from South Africa.

And it's like her vocal tick,

or like I might do that when I see it.

And she says "sorry."

DARYN: Your show's wrapping up. RICK: Yeah.

DARYN: What are you gonna do, for real?

RICK: I've got some pretty big news.

I can't tell you. DARYN: Come on.

RICK: Because it's secret, and it involves many networks.

Have you heard of the show called "The Social"?

DARYN: [laughs]

RICK: They're adding a boy, and I'm the boy.

DARYN: Who'd you jump in the lake with naked?

RICK: That was Bob Rae. DARYN: Bob Rae.

RICK: And that was, uh...

that was fun because I knew I was making TV history.

Not big TV history, but still,

he was running for the leader of Liberal Party,

and I convinced him to take his pants off

on national television.

DARYN: This is our Stormy Daniels.

RICK: That's as good as it gets.

DARYN: That's as good as it gets in Canada.

RICK: That's our scandal. DARYN: Yeah.

RICK: Yeah, two dudes got naked and jumped in a lake

in Northern Ontario.

DARYN: My man, Rick Mercer. Thank you very much.

RICK: Thank you, DJ.

DARYN: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Oh, I'm saying sorry.

I got this all backwards.

DARYN: Food for the weekend.

Sorry, whoa.

MAN 10: Sorry. DARYN: That's okay.

WOMAN 7: Sorry. DARYN: That's all right.

That's all right.

MAN 11: Sorry.

DARYN: [whistling]

MAN 12: Sorry. Sorry.

DARYN: It's all right, it's all right.

It's your fault. It is your fault.

MAN 13: Oh, sorry. Sorry.

DARYN: That's fine, that's fine. No, go ahead, go ahead.

Stop apologizing.

MAN 14: Sorry.

DARYN: That's okay, that's okay.

Around, you gotta go around.

Where is the CN Tower around here?

That's okay, it's okay. You're in my way.

That's okay.

What a big city.

For more infomation >> Are Canadians Polite? No! Here's Why: - Duration: 14:13.


Jeremy Zucker - all the kids are depressed (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 2:50.

You know I am so in love

So I'll start it out

I can't deny it if you won't give a fuck

I won't deny it 'cause you saw what it was

So I guess we're scared

Is that we're scared

My natural reaction

I don't know what happened

Pretending we know things

And hoping shit is okay

Staying up till sunrise

I'm not feeling alright

Nothing ever makes sense

Cause all the kids are depressed

When nothing's wrong

And I want to know, Where do we go

Falling apart, Like it's just nothing

I think too much, We drink too much

And I don't think that they're wrong

While all my friends are popping pills

I'm getting sick of sleeping in

Cause I've been scared all along

No I can't really keep lying

So I guess we're scared

Is that we're scared

My natural reaction

I don't know what happened

Pretending we know things

And hoping shit is okay

Staying up till sunrise

I'm not feeling alright

Nothing ever makes sense

Cause all the kids are depressed

When nothing's wrong

And I want to know, Where do we go

Falling in love, Like it's just nothing

I think too much, We drink too much

So what the fuck are you on

Some days I don't feel like trying

It seems like its been too long

How long have you been smiling

For more infomation >> Jeremy Zucker - all the kids are depressed (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 2:50.


Volvo XC90 2.5 T Exclusive - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC90 2.5 T Exclusive - Duration: 0:54.


The Flash | Inside: Null And Annoyed | The CW - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> The Flash | Inside: Null And Annoyed | The CW - Duration: 1:15.


How To Throw A Straight Rear Punch - Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do Straight Blast Version - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> How To Throw A Straight Rear Punch - Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do Straight Blast Version - Duration: 10:14.


Volvo S80 2.0 T Limited Edition Aut. RTI Navi Leder Bi-Xenon Bluetooth PDC etc. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo S80 2.0 T Limited Edition Aut. RTI Navi Leder Bi-Xenon Bluetooth PDC etc. - Duration: 0:59.


Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 4WD GT-LINE PLUSLINE AUTOMAAT / FULL OPTIONS - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 4WD GT-LINE PLUSLINE AUTOMAAT / FULL OPTIONS - Duration: 1:03.


Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T S/S N-Connecta Bluetooth/Camera/Navigatie/Keyless/Velgen - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T S/S N-Connecta Bluetooth/Camera/Navigatie/Keyless/Velgen - Duration: 0:59.


Human Anatomy: Urinary bladder - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Human Anatomy: Urinary bladder - Duration: 2:23.


How To Handle Disappointment | Pastor Steven Furtick - Duration: 7:45.

we give up so quickly the first time we get turned away we go home the first

time we try the diet and slip from the diet we blame it on genetics the first

person that doesn't like us the first person that doesn't help us the first

time it gets a little hard many of us are so quick to see disappointment as a

dead end not these men these men made a decision if there's no room for us

through that door we will climb up here's the word of the Lord if you can't

get in go up if you can't get through on this level go up to a higher level

sometimes the reason God allows you to be restricted is because you're at the

wrong level and sometimes He'll put a disappointment in your life so you have

to climb over it so your faith

what do you do with the disappointment somebody shout get over it

say it again get over it I know some people didn't like you didn't promote

you didn't endorse you didn't support you but get over it these men said

there's something so important to us we can't stand here and blame the people

who got here early I think I'm going higher

now go home if you want to go home but we're gonna make a door in the ceiling

that's how you deal with disappointment you get over it

sorry Matt we tried I never let people say to me we did all we could like point

zero zero zero zero zero zero one percent of the time is that true it's

just not true just say I did all I want to do or say it's not worth it to me

anymore but I'll say you did all you could

if these men had said they did all they could they tried they asked they showed up

they carry them they did a lot but the answer was higher higher a higher level

of thinking I know it's a small detail in the text but it spoke to me

God said sometimes you're thinking too low and too limited and you're so

disappointed because you're not okay help us Revelation chapter 4 verse 1

does John have anything to say about this I believe he does he said after

this he's on an island I looked and there before me was a door standing open

where this door was not a door that was right in front of me in my situation

this door was standing open in heaven so I had to look up because when I looked

around all I saw was a crowd when I looked around all I saw was a system

when I looked around all I saw was a limitation when I looked around all

I saw was excuses but touch somebody's say look up because I promise you that

ceiling will become a door if you're willing to dig through it there's

another door and they they made their own door and while Jesus is preaching

the men are watching they lower their friend at some point they had to drop

him they couldn't get him all the way down and now they've dropped him at the

feet of Jesus right in front of Jesus Matthew says because they couldn't find

a way in because of the crowd but disappointment is a door so if they

could have gotten in the front door the man would not have been in position to

be healed if it would have worked out the way they planned for it to work out

if they would have given you what you wanted them to give you you wouldn't

have been in this position to get what only Jesus can give so Jesus this is an

interesting phrase he saw their faith he saw their faith when Mark writes about

faith he uses the the word faith in a noun or a verb form four times and every

time he says faith it is attached to an action so for mark faith is not a state

of mind for mark faith is not a confession for mark faith is not

something that you say is something that you see Jesus saw their faith and he

liked it and he saw what those men were willing to do and he saw how they were

willing to press and he saw the rules that they were willing to break and he

liked it and Jesus looked down at the man and he said son I've got good news

I saw what your friends were willing to do to get you to me and that kind of

faith is irresistible to me when I see them unwilling to be normal and when I

see them dare to be different and when I see them refuse to go home with a broken

heart but instead to be in an unusable ridiculous way I

like that son and the minna minna up top ergo her cuz we didn't know if he was

gonna kick him out we didn't know how this was gonna go we didn't ask

permission we just did it and they're watching and Jesus says son I saw their

faith and your sins are forgiven and the men up top said wait a minute what do

you say and what I'm said I think he said his

sins are forgiven and the other one said but we didn't bring him here for his

sins to be forgiven that's nice but we want him to walk yeah I reckon we still

gonna have to carry him home I was hoping he'd do something about his legs

what do you do when God gives you what you didn't ask for okay

cuz that happens sometimes sometimes you want God to fix your situation and he

starts working on you sometimes God won't do the most obvious thing for a

healer to do in the presence of a paralyzed man is get him up

but the greatest opportunities aren't always the most obvious and jesus knew

there is something deeper that needs to be done then this man's condition is

suggesting externally son you're forgiven I'm gonna fix it in you before

I fix it for you hey thanks for watching if you enjoyed the message just do two

simple things before you go click the logo to subscribe to this channel so you

won't miss a video I promise I'll make it worth your while and second take a

minute and share it with somebody who could use it or just leave a comment I

love to hear how these videos are impacting you means a lot to me thanks

again for watching

For more infomation >> How To Handle Disappointment | Pastor Steven Furtick - Duration: 7:45.


Logan Paul Says N WORD On Fortnite Live Stream - Duration: 2:46.

Logan Paul's twitch debut was a bit of a , how can I put this nicely, show.

During his Fortnite stream on Sunday night, he was bombarded with pictures of dicks and

he was also tricked into saying a racial slur.

More on this today on IO.

Welcome back to IO, I'm Charlotte Dobre.

Every time we talk about a YouTuber or streamer dropping an n bomb in a video, people get

pretty mad.

Listen, no one is perfect, and while I wont admit to using the word myself, I will admit

to the fact that people make mistakes.

With the case of Logan Paul and his recent live stream, he was pretty much tricked into

saying a racial slur.

Basically what happened was, he was reading out usernames of people who were giving him


For those that don't know, on twitch, the people that watch you can give you donations.

Someone with the username n word 4565, gave Logan 100 dollars.

no I am not going to actually say it even though I'm just describing to you what happened

which means I'm not really saying it but I'm also saying it, you know?

So I'm just not going to say it!

Another user named I_S_Wallow_Cum77 also gave him another $100.

He also said that name out loud.

It's a pretty common thing for twitch viewers to troll players in this way, and basically

trick them into saying embarrassing things or even racial slurs.

As to whether or not he knew he was saying a racial slur?

I honestly don't know.

Maybe it was an honest mistake.

But the disaster stream did not end there.

Logan was also trolled with many, and I mean many, pictures of dicks.

And apparently Logan is not very good at Fortnite at all.

But you really don't need to be a good player to be a successful streamer.

All you have to be is entertaining.

Apart from those things, I would say his first live stream was pretty successful.

At the peak of the stream, he was being watched by around 200 thousand people.

He got 630 thousand twitch subscribers just from the one stream.

Are you guys on twitch?

What did you think of Logan's first stream?

Let me know in those comments.

Domo Bro – I'm not going to lie but every day I wake, I look forward to watching IO


I'm like oh no I have school tomorrow, but on the bright side IO will upload tomorrow.

The weekend would be so entertaining if we had IO videos released then, but its ok you

need to rest too Charlotte.

Thanks for the wonderful comment, I know it would be awesome to upload on the weekend,

let me run it by the managers to see if we can do an upload or two.Jade Leonard – Charlotte

your amazing, u give the news nice and fresh and I am a potato.

So nice and so fresh!

Angel gaming – I just subbed and clicked the bell button and I love the vids.

Omg help cant stop watching.

Thanks for subbing and clicking the bell angel!

Welcome to the end screen, thanks for watching.

If you enjoyed this video make sure you show us some love by hitting the thumbs up and

subscribing to IO for the weirdest news on YouTube.

If you would like to go on an IO binge, check out this playlist over here.

Hey, IO is on social media, check out the description for all our links.

That's it for me, and I'll see you in the next video.

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