Monday, April 23, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 23 2018

With No Man's Skys NEXT update coming soon, one of the things you may want to do to prepare

is to build up your units, so that you can do your best to be in a position to avoid

grinding and enjoy the new content right away.

So let's go through all the options you have for making bank in No Man's Sky


I have boiled this down to 4 primary methods as well as 3 secondary methods, there is a

way to earn units to match whatever your playstyle is and so I've split it all up into 3 sections,

Passive, Active and Minor Passive.

So let's start with Passive.

<Making Units Passively>

Passive farming is what takes little effort and or fits perfectly with your gaming experience,

no real grind and a very high units-per-time efficiency.

Both of these methods can be done at the same time to maximise units.

The first is Passive Farming.

Farming refers to growing crops at your planetary base and/or in your freighter base, you then

take your crops, and craft items out of them to sell for huge profits.

The king of Passive farming is certainly the Circuit Board Farm.

It has a cycle length of 2 hours due to the Echinocactus and Solar Vine both taking 2

hours to grow.

To keep this super passive, only harvest it once per cycle, so you can head out to explore,

or do missions, fight pirates anything, then come back once every 2 or more hours to harvest

your goods and craft away.

This will produce 19 full Circuit Boards with enough for an extra one if you gather 3 or

4 more Star Bramble, and will provide you with an hourly income of 12,500,813 units

if you only gather the 19 or 13,158,750 if you go that little extra to make the 20.

I have already made a super comprehensive guide to building this farm which is linked

in the description, or you can click the card in the top right now.

That guide covers the very simple version that only utilizes your planetary base, now

you could utilize your freighter to maximise the crops you plant on the planet surface

allowing you to grow more, or even simply buy the star bulb from specific high economy

systems trading posts allowing you to maximise base complexity efficiency even more, but

that leans more toward the active farming.

If people would like it, I'd be happy to do a very in-depth guide toward the maximising

of a base farm by utilizing your freighter and trading posts, so let me know in the comments

if you would like that.

Now the Second Passive method is something that can be done alongside every other method

here, I do it, and it really is quite profitable and has a few extra benefits too.

This is Scanning Flora and Fauna.

By using the Analyzer upgrades in your multitool you can make fairly huge amounts while just

scanning general Flora and Fauna.

With the setup, I am using on screen now I can get a few million in the first minute

of landing on a planet.

All Flora will give you 51,864 Units

Fauna is a little different with 3 levels of rarity giving you a different amount

If we give those levels some arbitrary labels;

Common gives 101,729 Uncommon gives 162,768

& Rare gives 305,190

As usual, it's very simple, more so than it appears.

Your setup can be altered to give a higher percentage to a specific one of flora or fauna

by switching them vertically in the layout.

You could also play around with it to focus more so on Fauna, which gives greater rewards

by altering the layout like this.

Scanning is a fantastic passive method that can be bolstered with missions which will

be covered in the Minor Passives section.

<Making Units Actively>

These 2 active methods will produce by far the most per hour but require far more time

investment, they are far more grindy depending on what level you do it.

The First being Active Farming

Now active farming is specifically when you take a farming model and maximise the number

of times you harvest per cycle based on a crop required that doesn't take as long to

grow as the crop that defines the cycle time.

For example, to produce circuit boards, you need Solanium, Cactus Flesh, Star Bulb and

Frost Crystal.

Solar Vine and Echinocactus take 2 hours to grow, Star Bramble takes 30 minutes to grow

and Frostwort takes 15 minutes to grow, so by defining the cycle by the longest growth

time you get 2 hours, but if you define the harvest amount by either the frostwort or

star bramble, you can plant less of them increasing the overall yield for the cycle.

For that specific model, I would advise measuring it by the Star Bramble to do 4 harvests total

per cycle and not the Frost Crystal which would require 8 harvests per cycle as the

extra reward for your extra time investment is far more on the Star Bramble than the frostwort.

For the average player who doesn't want to do a whole lot of mathematics, I have boiled

this down to 2 different farming models, the Standard and the Hardcore, as well as an addon

method that utilizes the Farmers Market.

The standard would be a Living Glass Farm, which has a 30 minutes cycle and runs on 2

harvests per cycle, it should be run on a radioactive planet, or you could fiddle around

with utilizing your freighter, which again, I'm happy to do all the maths and sort a video

out if people want it, so let me know if you do in the comments.

As with the Circuit Board, I have previously made a very comprehensive guide to this model,

pictured on screen now, there is a link to the video in the description and on the top

right of the screen now.

This model will give you a whopping 25 living glass per cycle for 50 an hour, netting you

38,280,000 units per hour based on the galactic average.

This is a little more than a 300% increase on the passive model but will require you

to be back at your base 8 times as often, not ideal for the passive explorer but great

for the grinder.

The addon Method is great to apply onto the Standard Active Farming Model, it will also

help you gain the initial crops required to establish your farm in the first place and

that is by using the No Man's Sky Farmers Market.

The Farmers Market is a 3rd party database Tool that I created.

It enables players to submit their farms details via the use of a very simple web form, those

details are then sent through a number of calculations to extrapolate a myriad of useful

information, like Distance from Portal, Portal Address in both HEX and 1-16 Format, most

bases have their crop quantities displayed with estimated harvest value based on the

best case crafting and more.

You can also filter the search results in the database by only showing you the correct

platform, difficulty and galaxy for you, as well as inputting the glyph count you currently

have so you know you can visit the bases shown if you don't have all the glyphs yet and even

by specific crop grown there.

Once you have input your filters, you can sort the results by Distance from Portal or

if you input your 16 character Galactic Coordinate, you can sort by how far the base is from you

in light years.

The Farmers Market is a very useful tool that is used thousands of times a month, and can

be a quick and easy way to make millions of units and see lot's of player bases at the

same time.

Now the Hardcore method is even more involved taking up almost every second of your time

during the cycle, but it's rewards are somewhat ridiculous.

This is the Stasis Device farm and as you've likely guessed, there is an exceptionally

comprehensive guide already made and waiting for you to watch, that details absolutely

everything you need to know, it even has a full schedule with tried and tested timing

for every action.

The video is linked in the description and on the top right of the screen now.

The Stasis Device farm has a cycle length of between 2 and 3 hours, this changes as

growth timers do not count while you are in a loading screen such as when teleporting,

warping or going through a portal, so the performance of your gaming device will affect

that cycle time.

But even at the max of 3 hours, it will still net you the crazy 174,900,000 units based

on the galactic average, at best it will net you 262,350,000 per hour.

The whole thing runs on a dual cycle system, the schedule even accounts for this giving

you different numbers depending on whether you are on the first or second cycle.

You don't need to do a second cycle, if you don't you will just have the materials left

over to make half of a stasis device, but 26 full ones to sell.

It takes a while and a large amount of effort to set up, but once you do, you will have

a farm capable of going from 0 units to the maximum of 4.3 billion units in less than

24 hours.

The second active method is Trade Routes, this is essentially buying trade goods in

one system, then selling them in another.

If you maximise the efficiency and make static trade routes that you use, you can make quite

a lot of units, how much exactly, I can't say at this minute, but I'm hoping to have

a full Trade Routes guide ready for next Monday, which will give you all the information needed

to setup your own variety of trade routes to suit your playstyle and be as active with

it as you like.

Due to the nature of Trade Routes, you could quite easily mix this in with a passive playstyle,

where you simply choose your exploration destinations based on the systems economy type, but to

see how much can be made, I'll be focusing on the more active end.

You can also couple this nicely with such things as gathering missions and or blueprints.

<Passively Making Bank in a Minor Way>

These 3 Minor Passive methods can all be implemented at the same time as well as with Scanning

Flora and Fauna and even the Circuit Board Passive Farming Model.

They are extra little ways to be more efficient and add more value to your gaming experience.

The First is Missions.

While a full guide has yet to be done by myself on missions, you don't need to know a whole

lot of information to get some good use out of them.

You can find many passive style missions all the time such as Exterminating Fauna or Sentinels

and Scanning Flora, Fauna & Minerals.

The ones to really focus on here are the Scanning of Flora and Fauna, as they pair perfectly

with the Multitool analyzer upgrades, you get a whole lot of change from scanning them

in the first place and also complete any built up missions you have for those actions that

you can hand in the next time you're in any station.

The basics you need to know are that there are different guilds, the best missions for

each guild have a guild reputation level requirement, so the more missions you complete, the better

missions you'll be able to obtain.

You can pick up many different missions that have the same completion action, on my Permadeath

playthrough on stream the other week I handed in 12 or so exterminate fauna and flora missions,

I just exterminated the amount needed for the mission that wanted the most passively

while playing, which counted toward all of them at the same time and handed them in for

rather nice profits.

If a mission offers you a blueprint that you already have, and you want units, then take

it, as if you already have the blueprint, it will simply give you a fair few thousand

units based on the rarity of the blueprint, or possibly at random, I'm not quite sure

about that, but it will always give you some quantity of units.

Each space station will only have 8 missions available, gathering them will not make more

available but completing them will.

And lastly, all missions can be handed into any space station once completed.

Next is Bartering.

By bartering I mean the Speech option that depending who you are talking to will ask

for 1000 units, 100 Plutonium, 100 Platinum or 100 Zinc, Travelers will ask for either

Thamium, Crysonite or Titanium in quantities of 200, from my experience they usually have

a higher chance of rewarding nanites, though I can't say I have done enough questioning

to be certain of that, you can also cycle between the 3 option with a traveler by leaving

the conversation and reinitializing it, each time you do it will cycle through them in

order, this order is always the same and will continue to the next traveler you meet.

Early on in game, this can be a very good source of primary, without an established

save, you won't have the means or method to make a farm yet, you won't have the space

to effectively trade, but by bartering the 1000 units or a denomination of elements,

you can make a nice bit of starting cash.

You will almost always get something in return that is worth far greater than what you barter

with, whether is a fairly substantial amount of nanites, some units, or an item worth up

to 30 thousand units.

You can only barter with each NPC once, this can take some time to refresh, but you will

meet anywhere from 1-4 at each space station, 1-5 at trading posts, so while you are exploring,

talk to the NPC's and barter, once your save is established, it is not worth your time

to Barter for units, but can definitely be worth your time to barter for Nanites.

I have a few theories that surround the Bartering system, but through my many hundreds of encounters,

I have paid attention to potential patterns, but not noted the numbers and other potential

affecting values down, It may be something I look into with greater detail, but no promises.

And lastly, damaged crates, this is another that will mostly benefit the beginner who

has not an established save.

The Damaged Crates which are big green crates dotted around the planets as well as at most

Points of Interest and often in bulk at Trading Posts will give you items, things like Vykeen

Daggers, Korvax Convergence Cubes, Gek Relics, these item are usually worth around 25 or

so thousand units, which at the beginning of a save is quite handy, they are also useful

reputation items and in the case of the Vykeen dagger, the easiest way to locate a portal

in a Vykeen system using the Monoliths.

<outro transition>

And that's about it, think of this guide as a sort of META guide that gives information

but also points you to where you need to go for greater comprehension.

If you found this at all useful, hitting that like button will help fellow interlopers know

whether this video is worth watching the whole way through.

A super help would be to share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or Reddit.

Subscribe if you haven't already to ensure you are kept up to date on the lead up to

NEXT and after as well as Guides, Livestreams, Showcases and the Weekly G-Log.

And maybe think about checking out my Patreon, even a dollar a month really helps to make

these guides and keep the website going with its many helpful tools.

But above all, have an awesome day folks!

For more infomation >> A META GUIDE TO MAKING UNITS | Preparing for No Man's Sky NEXT - Duration: 13:16.


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For more infomation >> Homilia | Pe. Michael Brehl - Missa de Aparecida - Santuário Nacional - 22 de abril de 2018 - Duration: 9:49.


The Car Hunt #2(Radiador Springs classics 2018 new 3-packs) Hunting at Toy R us - Duration: 5:32.

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then, how did you look at me

that is, you too



me too

like you

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For more infomation >> The Curious Case of the Murder Tree - Duration: 7:25.


A META GUIDE TO MAKING UNITS | Preparing for No Man's Sky NEXT - Duration: 13:16.

With No Man's Skys NEXT update coming soon, one of the things you may want to do to prepare

is to build up your units, so that you can do your best to be in a position to avoid

grinding and enjoy the new content right away.

So let's go through all the options you have for making bank in No Man's Sky


I have boiled this down to 4 primary methods as well as 3 secondary methods, there is a

way to earn units to match whatever your playstyle is and so I've split it all up into 3 sections,

Passive, Active and Minor Passive.

So let's start with Passive.

<Making Units Passively>

Passive farming is what takes little effort and or fits perfectly with your gaming experience,

no real grind and a very high units-per-time efficiency.

Both of these methods can be done at the same time to maximise units.

The first is Passive Farming.

Farming refers to growing crops at your planetary base and/or in your freighter base, you then

take your crops, and craft items out of them to sell for huge profits.

The king of Passive farming is certainly the Circuit Board Farm.

It has a cycle length of 2 hours due to the Echinocactus and Solar Vine both taking 2

hours to grow.

To keep this super passive, only harvest it once per cycle, so you can head out to explore,

or do missions, fight pirates anything, then come back once every 2 or more hours to harvest

your goods and craft away.

This will produce 19 full Circuit Boards with enough for an extra one if you gather 3 or

4 more Star Bramble, and will provide you with an hourly income of 12,500,813 units

if you only gather the 19 or 13,158,750 if you go that little extra to make the 20.

I have already made a super comprehensive guide to building this farm which is linked

in the description, or you can click the card in the top right now.

That guide covers the very simple version that only utilizes your planetary base, now

you could utilize your freighter to maximise the crops you plant on the planet surface

allowing you to grow more, or even simply buy the star bulb from specific high economy

systems trading posts allowing you to maximise base complexity efficiency even more, but

that leans more toward the active farming.

If people would like it, I'd be happy to do a very in-depth guide toward the maximising

of a base farm by utilizing your freighter and trading posts, so let me know in the comments

if you would like that.

Now the Second Passive method is something that can be done alongside every other method

here, I do it, and it really is quite profitable and has a few extra benefits too.

This is Scanning Flora and Fauna.

By using the Analyzer upgrades in your multitool you can make fairly huge amounts while just

scanning general Flora and Fauna.

With the setup, I am using on screen now I can get a few million in the first minute

of landing on a planet.

All Flora will give you 51,864 Units

Fauna is a little different with 3 levels of rarity giving you a different amount

If we give those levels some arbitrary labels;

Common gives 101,729 Uncommon gives 162,768

& Rare gives 305,190

As usual, it's very simple, more so than it appears.

Your setup can be altered to give a higher percentage to a specific one of flora or fauna

by switching them vertically in the layout.

You could also play around with it to focus more so on Fauna, which gives greater rewards

by altering the layout like this.

Scanning is a fantastic passive method that can be bolstered with missions which will

be covered in the Minor Passives section.

<Making Units Actively>

These 2 active methods will produce by far the most per hour but require far more time

investment, they are far more grindy depending on what level you do it.

The First being Active Farming

Now active farming is specifically when you take a farming model and maximise the number

of times you harvest per cycle based on a crop required that doesn't take as long to

grow as the crop that defines the cycle time.

For example, to produce circuit boards, you need Solanium, Cactus Flesh, Star Bulb and

Frost Crystal.

Solar Vine and Echinocactus take 2 hours to grow, Star Bramble takes 30 minutes to grow

and Frostwort takes 15 minutes to grow, so by defining the cycle by the longest growth

time you get 2 hours, but if you define the harvest amount by either the frostwort or

star bramble, you can plant less of them increasing the overall yield for the cycle.

For that specific model, I would advise measuring it by the Star Bramble to do 4 harvests total

per cycle and not the Frost Crystal which would require 8 harvests per cycle as the

extra reward for your extra time investment is far more on the Star Bramble than the frostwort.

For the average player who doesn't want to do a whole lot of mathematics, I have boiled

this down to 2 different farming models, the Standard and the Hardcore, as well as an addon

method that utilizes the Farmers Market.

The standard would be a Living Glass Farm, which has a 30 minutes cycle and runs on 2

harvests per cycle, it should be run on a radioactive planet, or you could fiddle around

with utilizing your freighter, which again, I'm happy to do all the maths and sort a video

out if people want it, so let me know if you do in the comments.

As with the Circuit Board, I have previously made a very comprehensive guide to this model,

pictured on screen now, there is a link to the video in the description and on the top

right of the screen now.

This model will give you a whopping 25 living glass per cycle for 50 an hour, netting you

38,280,000 units per hour based on the galactic average.

This is a little more than a 300% increase on the passive model but will require you

to be back at your base 8 times as often, not ideal for the passive explorer but great

for the grinder.

The addon Method is great to apply onto the Standard Active Farming Model, it will also

help you gain the initial crops required to establish your farm in the first place and

that is by using the No Man's Sky Farmers Market.

The Farmers Market is a 3rd party database Tool that I created.

It enables players to submit their farms details via the use of a very simple web form, those

details are then sent through a number of calculations to extrapolate a myriad of useful

information, like Distance from Portal, Portal Address in both HEX and 1-16 Format, most

bases have their crop quantities displayed with estimated harvest value based on the

best case crafting and more.

You can also filter the search results in the database by only showing you the correct

platform, difficulty and galaxy for you, as well as inputting the glyph count you currently

have so you know you can visit the bases shown if you don't have all the glyphs yet and even

by specific crop grown there.

Once you have input your filters, you can sort the results by Distance from Portal or

if you input your 16 character Galactic Coordinate, you can sort by how far the base is from you

in light years.

The Farmers Market is a very useful tool that is used thousands of times a month, and can

be a quick and easy way to make millions of units and see lot's of player bases at the

same time.

Now the Hardcore method is even more involved taking up almost every second of your time

during the cycle, but it's rewards are somewhat ridiculous.

This is the Stasis Device farm and as you've likely guessed, there is an exceptionally

comprehensive guide already made and waiting for you to watch, that details absolutely

everything you need to know, it even has a full schedule with tried and tested timing

for every action.

The video is linked in the description and on the top right of the screen now.

The Stasis Device farm has a cycle length of between 2 and 3 hours, this changes as

growth timers do not count while you are in a loading screen such as when teleporting,

warping or going through a portal, so the performance of your gaming device will affect

that cycle time.

But even at the max of 3 hours, it will still net you the crazy 174,900,000 units based

on the galactic average, at best it will net you 262,350,000 per hour.

The whole thing runs on a dual cycle system, the schedule even accounts for this giving

you different numbers depending on whether you are on the first or second cycle.

You don't need to do a second cycle, if you don't you will just have the materials left

over to make half of a stasis device, but 26 full ones to sell.

It takes a while and a large amount of effort to set up, but once you do, you will have

a farm capable of going from 0 units to the maximum of 4.3 billion units in less than

24 hours.

The second active method is Trade Routes, this is essentially buying trade goods in

one system, then selling them in another.

If you maximise the efficiency and make static trade routes that you use, you can make quite

a lot of units, how much exactly, I can't say at this minute, but I'm hoping to have

a full Trade Routes guide ready for next Monday, which will give you all the information needed

to setup your own variety of trade routes to suit your playstyle and be as active with

it as you like.

Due to the nature of Trade Routes, you could quite easily mix this in with a passive playstyle,

where you simply choose your exploration destinations based on the systems economy type, but to

see how much can be made, I'll be focusing on the more active end.

You can also couple this nicely with such things as gathering missions and or blueprints.

<Passively Making Bank in a Minor Way>

These 3 Minor Passive methods can all be implemented at the same time as well as with Scanning

Flora and Fauna and even the Circuit Board Passive Farming Model.

They are extra little ways to be more efficient and add more value to your gaming experience.

The First is Missions.

While a full guide has yet to be done by myself on missions, you don't need to know a whole

lot of information to get some good use out of them.

You can find many passive style missions all the time such as Exterminating Fauna or Sentinels

and Scanning Flora, Fauna & Minerals.

The ones to really focus on here are the Scanning of Flora and Fauna, as they pair perfectly

with the Multitool analyzer upgrades, you get a whole lot of change from scanning them

in the first place and also complete any built up missions you have for those actions that

you can hand in the next time you're in any station.

The basics you need to know are that there are different guilds, the best missions for

each guild have a guild reputation level requirement, so the more missions you complete, the better

missions you'll be able to obtain.

You can pick up many different missions that have the same completion action, on my Permadeath

playthrough on stream the other week I handed in 12 or so exterminate fauna and flora missions,

I just exterminated the amount needed for the mission that wanted the most passively

while playing, which counted toward all of them at the same time and handed them in for

rather nice profits.

If a mission offers you a blueprint that you already have, and you want units, then take

it, as if you already have the blueprint, it will simply give you a fair few thousand

units based on the rarity of the blueprint, or possibly at random, I'm not quite sure

about that, but it will always give you some quantity of units.

Each space station will only have 8 missions available, gathering them will not make more

available but completing them will.

And lastly, all missions can be handed into any space station once completed.

Next is Bartering.

By bartering I mean the Speech option that depending who you are talking to will ask

for 1000 units, 100 Plutonium, 100 Platinum or 100 Zinc, Travelers will ask for either

Thamium, Crysonite or Titanium in quantities of 200, from my experience they usually have

a higher chance of rewarding nanites, though I can't say I have done enough questioning

to be certain of that, you can also cycle between the 3 option with a traveler by leaving

the conversation and reinitializing it, each time you do it will cycle through them in

order, this order is always the same and will continue to the next traveler you meet.

Early on in game, this can be a very good source of primary, without an established

save, you won't have the means or method to make a farm yet, you won't have the space

to effectively trade, but by bartering the 1000 units or a denomination of elements,

you can make a nice bit of starting cash.

You will almost always get something in return that is worth far greater than what you barter

with, whether is a fairly substantial amount of nanites, some units, or an item worth up

to 30 thousand units.

You can only barter with each NPC once, this can take some time to refresh, but you will

meet anywhere from 1-4 at each space station, 1-5 at trading posts, so while you are exploring,

talk to the NPC's and barter, once your save is established, it is not worth your time

to Barter for units, but can definitely be worth your time to barter for Nanites.

I have a few theories that surround the Bartering system, but through my many hundreds of encounters,

I have paid attention to potential patterns, but not noted the numbers and other potential

affecting values down, It may be something I look into with greater detail, but no promises.

And lastly, damaged crates, this is another that will mostly benefit the beginner who

has not an established save.

The Damaged Crates which are big green crates dotted around the planets as well as at most

Points of Interest and often in bulk at Trading Posts will give you items, things like Vykeen

Daggers, Korvax Convergence Cubes, Gek Relics, these item are usually worth around 25 or

so thousand units, which at the beginning of a save is quite handy, they are also useful

reputation items and in the case of the Vykeen dagger, the easiest way to locate a portal

in a Vykeen system using the Monoliths.

<outro transition>

And that's about it, think of this guide as a sort of META guide that gives information

but also points you to where you need to go for greater comprehension.

If you found this at all useful, hitting that like button will help fellow interlopers know

whether this video is worth watching the whole way through.

A super help would be to share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or Reddit.

Subscribe if you haven't already to ensure you are kept up to date on the lead up to

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And maybe think about checking out my Patreon, even a dollar a month really helps to make

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But above all, have an awesome day folks!

For more infomation >> A META GUIDE TO MAKING UNITS | Preparing for No Man's Sky NEXT - Duration: 13:16.


Homilia | Pe. Michael Brehl - Missa de Aparecida - Santuário Nacional - 22 de abril de 2018 - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> Homilia | Pe. Michael Brehl - Missa de Aparecida - Santuário Nacional - 22 de abril de 2018 - Duration: 9:49.


The Car Hunt #2(Radiador Springs classics 2018 new 3-packs) Hunting at Toy R us - Duration: 5:32.

Vlog at Toy R us

For more infomation >> The Car Hunt #2(Radiador Springs classics 2018 new 3-packs) Hunting at Toy R us - Duration: 5:32.





Funko related video? - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Funko related video? - Duration: 4:00.


Anime mix - I want to love [ AMV ] - Duration: 2:15.

I noticed

then, how did you look at me

that is, you too



me too

like you

For more infomation >> Anime mix - I want to love [ AMV ] - Duration: 2:15.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Innovation - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Innovation - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> КАК ВСЕГДА ЗАНЯЛ ТОП 1 В PUBG MOBILE! || PUBG MOMENTS #6 - Duration: 1:42.


SHOPKINS | Cutie Cars Shop...

For more infomation >> SHOPKINS | Cutie Cars Shop...


1997-2018 F150 BF Goodrich All-Terrain T/A KO2 Tire 29" to 35" Diameters Review - Duration: 7:10.

So the BFG KO2 should appeal to all truck owners out there thanks to its wide variety

of sizing, in addition to its legendary reputation in the off-roading community.

This thing is available in sizes ranging from 29 to 35-inches in diameter, fitting wheels

ranging from 16 to 20-inches in diameter.

Obviously, your pricing will vary on depending on the size of your tire, and once mounted

and balanced will get a simple one out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter from

me for the installation.

So for those who don't know, BFG practically invented the first radial off-road or all-terrain

tire over 40 years ago.

And ever since, have been dominating the market thanks to tires like the original KO and now

the KO2, which we have here, helping the company rack up dozens and dozens of wins at Baja

and other off-roading venues.

Now as you might imagine, the BFG T/A Trans Am, a nod to their heritage, KO Key Off-Road

2 is the next generation or brother of the original KO tire, which alone, was a rockstar

in the category.

BFG actually claims that the KO2 is their toughest tire yet.

And obviously, that's very important not only for off-roading, but also for stuff like worksite

use, where you're dodging obstacles like jagged concrete, rebar, and things like that.

So to make this tire tougher overall, BFG just basically fortified some of the big weak

spots, more specifically the sidewalls and shoulder area, which is where over 80% of

all-terrain tire failures occur.

To do so, they beefed up that shoulder area using what is called their CoreGuard technology,

making this thing 15 to 20% stronger than the original KO tire, helping to prevent punctures

and things like that.

Now to make this thing so tough, BFG took some of the key ingredients out of their all-out

race tire, their KR2, and put it towards the new KO2 here.

This does include thicker sidewall rubber, thicker shoulder area, which we've already

talked about a little bit, and just better deflection overall, making this thing a little

bit more durable both on and off-road.

BFG actually changed up the tread compound here with the KO2 as well, giving it a longer

lifespan in conjunction or relation to the original KO2 tire, in addition to helping

to keep this thing a little bit more quiet while on the road.

Now they actually claim this will last double the life of the original KO tire when used

primarily in gravel, and about 15% longer lifespan with the KO2 compared to the original

KO when used primarily on the road, which I'm sure most owners will be doing.

Now sticking with that tread compound and that quiet road noise that BFG was touting

a little bit earlier, typically, yes, this is an all-terrain tire.

They are gonna be a little less aggressive or a little less noisy on the road when compared

to those mud tires, per se.

However, I think there's always some kind of expected noise when dealing with a tire

with an aggressive tread design like this.

However, my experience driving a new Raptor with the KO2 was the complete opposite.

These things are very quiet while on the road.

And that was my experience, of course, and it's certainly worth sharing with you guys.

Now before I completely run away from the tread here, I do wanna point out that the

KO2 does incorporate that inner locking tread design, much like the original KO did, simply

because it provided better tread block stability, and it just worked so damn well on the original


So BFG didn't really tweak that too much.

They did freshen up the design a little bit, and the data there basically claims about

10% better traction in mud with the KO2, but about 19% better traction in snow compared

to the predecessor of the KO2.

And yes, these numbers are impressive, of course.

And I'm sure this tire is no slouch in the mud as I kinda witnessed with our Raptor review.

You have to keep in mind though, however here guys, that this is not a dedicated mud tire.

And therefore, don't expect it to perform as one in that real deep stuff.

That being said, it does incorporate some stuff that you do tend to see on those mud-specific

tires, mainly these raised areas here in the shoulder portion, helping to kind of eject

any compacted mud while the tire is spinning.

And again, going back to our tread, there are a few large areas within the tread blocks

themselves, which will help clear debris, rocks, things like that.

That being said, again, it doesn't have near the amount of space between the blocks that

you typically see with those mud tires, which are gonna be a little bit better at clearing

themselves when the tire is spinning.

But I do wanna go back quickly here and just kinda revisit the shoulder area because in

my opinion, it is one of the most changed areas from the KO to KO2.

And it is one of the areas that I think BFG is most proud of.

We already talk about this thing being beefed up in the shoulder area from a protection

standpoint, but it's also gonna be very important from a traction standpoint as well, both off-road

and in mud, sand, snow, things like that, especially when you air these things down.

BFG actually calls this their serrated shoulder design, which is kinda like a knife when you

think about it.


Because it's gonna cut through some of that bad stuff, help get you a little bit better

traction, but also provide some steering stability in rough conditions, including snow.

And speaking of snow, if you look closely, you will see that little mountain and snowflake


That just simply means these tires met the requirements for snow testing and performance.

And it is a nice thing to point out.

A friendly reminder here gang, this is about the KO2 in general.

We're not talking about just one specific size in this video, which happens to be a

34, by 12 1/2, by 18, by the way.

Instead, we're just kinda giving you a better idea of what to expect when checking out the

KO2 for your truck.

Again, we have these things ranging from the stock trucks out there, all the way down to

the guys running bigger lifts with a 35-inch tire and essentially, everything in between.

Now the size of the tire will affect the price.

That shouldn't be anything new.

Those bigger tires will cost you a little bit more.

But again, check out the different sizes on the site and get a better idea of what you're

looking at.

One little footnote before we do get into the install here, gang, and that is TPMS sensors.

Now, if you're gonna put a KO2 on your factory wheel, you can totally reuse your factory

TPMS sensors without issue.

On the other hand, if you're gonna take off those factory wheels and tires, sell them,

or just leave them in the garage, then you probably will need a new set of TPMS sensors

for an aftermarket wheel, along with the KO2.

You can grab them here on the site on the product page from a drop-down menu.

And if you don't, just expect to see that annoying light on the dash until you do get

them installed.

Now speaking of that installation here, this one will be a little bit different because

most of you guys probably won't be doing the physical install.

Instead, that will be your local tire shop.

So, once these things are mounted and balanced onto your wheels, then at that point, you're

simply getting the truck in the air, grabbing your impact gun, swapping these things out,

and that's it.

So, one out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter from me.

And maybe a half hour to an hour depending on how fast you work.

Wrapping things up here, guys, if you're looking to go with a new and improved version of BFG's

legendary KO tire, you'll wanna check out the KO2 right here at

For more infomation >> 1997-2018 F150 BF Goodrich All-Terrain T/A KO2 Tire 29" to 35" Diameters Review - Duration: 7:10.


[SFM/FNaF] Don't mess with BB #1 [60FPS] Five Funky Night's at Freddy's 3 - Duration: 3:15.

BB : Now, when I've fixed Springtrap

BB : I can take a revenge

BB : On the "Fuckboys"

BB : But for this

BB : I should

BB : Wake him up

BB : Welcome back my friend!

*Springtrap's Flashback*

Springtrap : No!

Springtrap : No, Balloon Boy, we can't!

Springtrap : They are stronger!

BB : Springtrap

BB : My best friend

BB : Don't worry!

BB : I gave you more power

BB : Now we are stronger

BB : And now we can take a vengeance on them

BB : So c'mon!

BB : I will show you your skills!

For more infomation >> [SFM/FNaF] Don't mess with BB #1 [60FPS] Five Funky Night's at Freddy's 3 - Duration: 3:15.


Discontinued Taco Bell Items That Were Epic Fails - Duration: 4:09.

The Taco Bell food you enjoy today is probably not the same grub you enjoyed in your younger


The Bell has tried over the years to keep up with the latest fast food trends, but it

doesn't always work out.

Here's a look at some Taco Bell menu items that probably won't be coming back to the


"¡Yo quiero Taco Bell!"

BLT Soft taco

In 1995, when someone decided that bacon went on everything, Taco Bell gifted us the bacon,

lettuce, and tomato taco.

"You can make it exotic, you can make it friendly, you can even make it finger food.

But if you're Taco Bell, you make it a taco."

But from inconsistent bacon texture, to ranch sauce that felt really out of place, this

was a taste fail all around.

Taco Bell brought back the BLT in a Crunchwrap in 2014, but it didn't work out then, either.

Bacon Club Chalupa

In 2008, Taco Bell gave bacon another whirl in the Bacon Club Chalupa.

"Do you smell bacon?"

"Oh, yeah.

It's a Bacon Club Chalupa.

Guys love bacon."

Yes, everyone loves bacon, but there's one part of this sandwich-taco hybrid that just

about everyone agreed brought it down: the chewy chalupa shell.

Everyone hated it when it wasn't fresh.

The Bacon Club Chalupa returned for a very limited time in 2015, but it went away again

because ultimately bacon doesn't belong at the Bell.

Extreme Nachos

There was a time in fast food jargon when the word "extreme" described the use of red


Behold, Taco Bell's Extreme Nachos.

"For an extreme summer, dip like this.

Don't dip like Dave."

But Extreme Nachos were just red nachos — and they were too gimmicky to ever last.

Especially when they were listed next to the vastly superior Nachos BellGrande on the menu.

Seafood Salad

Welcome to the wonderful world of Taco Bell's Seafood Salad!

"Fresh vegetables, tender bay shrimp, and a delicious blend of white fish and snow crab.

A refreshing change from anything on a bun."

But if the idea of eating seafood at Taco Bell isn't appealing to you, congratulations!

You share similar taste buds to the average 1980s customer.

This salad simply didn't work at all.


The Enchirito is what happens when you combine a corn shelled burrito and an enchilada.

And people loved it.

"What's that?"

"That is an enchirito.

Now that's got pinto beans, cheese on top."

The Enchirito first disappeared in 1993, and then returned in 1999, before disappearing

again for good in 2013.

The problem was that the new Enchirito was missing the golden shell, the three olives,

and its handy foil container.

It just wasn't the same.

Chicken Caesar Grilled Stuft Burrito

"Where's the chicken caesar salad for the party?"

"I'm eating one right now!"

Taco Bell tried to take a salad and put it in a burrito — featuring chicken, romaine,

Caesar sauce, and tortilla strips.

"You may get seized by caesar."



[Car horn honking]

The Caesar sauce never tasted fresh, and the lettuce was flimsy.

But that didn't stop Taco Bell from testing it in a Crunchwrap in 2016.

It didn't make it onto the menu, because no matter how great the Crunchwrap is, putting

a Caesar salad in it is a bad idea.

The original breakfast

Taco Bell realized early on that people wanted tacos in the morning.

"Today they're eating waffle tacos, tomorrow, they're loitering."

In some areas of the country Taco Bells were open 24 hours a day.

And in the early 90s, way before the 2013 introduction of Taco Bell's breakfast, they

took a stab at a full-on breakfast menu.

"Taco Bell has a whole breakfast menu, starting at just 39 cents."

Soooo... there's a reason you probably never heard of it until now.

Not every location served breakfast, and they went heavy on the bacon.

(Nevermind the rip-off Egg McMuffin!)

Taco Bell's '90s breakfast venture didn't even make the company history page.

But the internet never forgets.

[Singing] "Everybody loves the taste/ of Tac-o-tac-o-tac-o Bell!"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Discontinued Taco Bell Items That Were Epic Fails - Duration: 4:09.


Opel Mokka 1.4T/140PK Cosmo Executive 4X4 · Leder · Navigatie · Xenon - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4T/140PK Cosmo Executive 4X4 · Leder · Navigatie · Xenon - Duration: 1:13.



Whether you think you can or you think you can't you're right, so you might as well believe that you can hey

What is up Gabi here to talk about? How you or anyone can learn any?

Language that you really want to learn when I talk to my friends about how I learned Spanish

Portuguese a little Japanese a little French they're like. Oh my gosh. You must be a genius. I am NOT a genius

I'll tell you that much I know for a fact that if you really want to learn a language

You can you just need to keep

Some guiding principles in mind because the way that we learn languages in our traditional classrooms

Hasn't worked very well

And that's why people think that you're some kind of genius if you know more than one language now

There are five principles that I want to share with you that can help you to learn any language now

We may not be able to learn all the languages in the world at the same time

we actually need to focus a bit on one at a time and

That's part of how we learn any language that we want to so first of all

Choose the language whether it's English or Spanish or Portuguese

I highly recommend focusing on one language at a time especially

Like when I was learning

Portuguese and also working on Spanish. They're so

similar and it was super confusing and I made a lot of

embarrassing mistakes actually mixing up the two languages

But it's okay because then I learned to focus on one at a time and yes

You can go back and forth like over the years

I started with Spanish then I took a break learned some Portuguese then sugar break went back to Spanish so yeah that works

Just fine, but it's a good idea to focus for at least several months on one language at a time

next you need to know your

motivation your reason why and have some interest in learning the language, maybe this seems obvious

But I don't think it's really obvious to everyone I mean you can think for example like Oh, Russian is so cool

I really want to learn it

But just thinking of languages and wanting to learn it just to learn the language isn't usually enough to keep us motivated

Past those first few hours of studying because learning a language does require time and effort

And you have to stay motivated people who become fluent in another language are the ones who stay motivated

Over a long time so for months at a time

So you really need to know why you're learning that language

Maybe like with me and fortune is I really love music

From Brazil which is in?

Portuguese so that really keeps me motivated to learn and I have some friends in Brazil and I like to speak

Portuguese when I go to visit them in

Brazil with Japanese I was motivated to learn quite a bit because I was living in Japan

and although I could totally survive without knowing Japanese I

Really wanted to be able to participate in everyday life and ask questions

I mean basic things like ask for directions if I was lost so it was a bit of a

survival motivation, okay, so you need to know

Your reason why and just thinking a language is cool is a good start

But it's not usually gonna carry you through the months required to really become fluent in the language

Next you really need to believe in yourself

I don't know why you'd even really start learning a language if you didn't believe it was possible

But this happens all the time

Maybe because some people are required to take English class or require to take a foreign language

And you don't really think you can become fluent, but you have to take the class anyway

Well really if you better off trying to brainwash yourself to think that you are capable of really becoming fluent

Because there's a famous quote whether you think you can or you think you can't you're right

So you might as well believe that you can

Next depending on your motivation or your reason why you want to learn the language you want to learn?

Set SMART goals mark goals are specific measurable attainable

Reasonable and timely goals so a goal like I want to become fluent in

Russian is not

A SMART goal because then we have to ask ourselves

What does it mean to be fluent and?

How much time are you willing to devote to this goal and is it attainable in that amount of time so we need to be?

really specific and the more specific your goal actually the better that is like let's say I

Want to learn the Cyrillic alphabet in?

two weeks

Random example, but it's timely because I put a deadline on it, and it's specific because it's one part of the language

it's not becoming fluent in the entire language so stick to really measurable and

Small goals like bite size goals that you can accomplish because every time you accomplish your goal well

It feels really good and it's gonna motivate you to go on to that next goal

Maybe it would be learning vocabulary or having a one-minute conversation than a 10-minute conversation

with a native speaker or maybe

Writing a poem or it could be really anything you want to do singing a song in that language really

It's totally up to you and it's better if it's up to you because when you create a goal that is something that you

Really want to do that you enjoy then you're going to attain that goal

faster because you're

Motivated by your own reasons not anybody else's

next you have to

listen and

read and

Immerse yourself in materials that you enjoy so I just mentioned if it's your goal to sing a song in


or Chinese

Or Japanese whatever language you're studying

Then you're gonna need to actually listen to that song first this may seem obvious, but so many people

Just say oh just start speaking the language and you'll be fluent just speak from the first

Second that you decide to study the language and I do agree that you need to speak

And not just wait until everything is perfect

But you have to listen in order to know what to say right so first things first

Find some listening material or some reading material that you enjoy and that is at a good level

for you whether you're a beginner or intermediate level in the language you're studying and

that will give you a

Template or something to copy so you know what to say this leads right into the next step

Which is you have to copy or imitate or shadow those?

materials so that you know what to say, so I'm a huge fan of listening to

music in languages that I want to learn I listen to a ton of Brazilian music a ton of

music in Spanish from various countries and that helps me a lot with my pronunciation and a lot with

Learning idioms and slang and vocabulary that's more on the casual side so anyway

That's a great way to learn because you can sing along you can copy it you can then use that vocabulary

in your own way in your own conversations, or simply to be able to sing songs in that language if that's your goal and

Finally use the language

Not just as like a cool party trick like look at me

I can speak a little Japanese, but use the language as a tool to do things that you enjoy so I

Know a large amount of Japanese vocabulary related to food why?

Because I like Japanese food

I don't know that much Japanese vocabulary about other topics like I couldn't talk about the economy in

Japanese, but I can order sushi I can order any kind of food pretty much in Japanese

Because that's what I like to do

So I'm just saying that

You should use the language that you're learning as a tool to do things that you like to do

Maybe you like to sing maybe you like to play guitar

Maybe you like to write or maybe you like to I don't know maybe you like to talk to people

in that language of course

That's a huge reason to learn a language is to make friends

From that country or culture where they speak the language so that we can learn more about the world so I hope that

Those steps will help you to learn any language. I know they will quick recap find your motivation

focus on one language at a time make sure that you are listening and reading to a lot of

materials that you enjoy in that language set small SMART goals and

Finally use the language as a tool to do things that you enjoy oh

And I almost forgot believe in yourself seriously if you can speak your first language

Then you can speak a second third fourth fifth

Language it is

Possible I believe in you believe in yourself, too. It's necessary to get to any level of fluency alright

Thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe leave me a comment

Let me know what

Languages that you would like to learn that you're starting to learn I would love to know all right talk to you soon

bye for now

For more infomation >> HOW TO LEARN ANY LANGUAGE FLUENTLY - Duration: 10:04.


Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk GT-Line - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk GT-Line - Duration: 0:54.


Ninja Vegas 18 !!! Full Heat #3 Best Highlights and Funny Moments !!! Fortnite Highlights #58 - Duration: 22:30.

I I think I purchased you for $20 in the shop so that was what the V bucks was, but again boss Lord is rough

Lord so he instantly kills any knocked-out teammate of mine

But that's the guy

The thirstiest skin that is the guy I'm gonna talk to you after the event is over, and there's the dance as well

But that's awesome the the fortnight cosplays. No one cosplaying is ninja though

No one with the dyed hair and look myth you can tell how on edge. He is as he yawns getting ready

But uh, but we should be shit. We should be good to go

That's absolutely awesome they're getting selfie sight as well

Selfie complexity you can see the strap there to turn the phone

top-tier plays

What's going on

Good posture looks so good man having it over

Just get a picture real quick before the game started priorities fries me

I think he really loves the fact that when he goes to spots like this

He can count even on one hand how many players there are yeah? He doesn't have to know because he can be at 150

Okay, that's one down well

Now you notice the locations we have retail and sale they're pretty much opposite sides than that so

Almost like it was playing into what I wanted to have happen

Don't tell anybody, but these guys coming down to a 1v1 at the end would be

Okay, let me ask the crowd. What do you would you be kind of excited for that for the last one?

Exactly, that's what I thought yeah

And you see ninja got the player week with the hunting rifle that impulse parade again gives him the opportunity

To now begin to make it an aggressive play he did get tagged up. There's the equipment again

That's a ninja we know and love

Crisp clean and now he's rewarded with the gold ogle our grenade launcher

He's immediately gonna it like you said before he had one

Impulse left time to drop that thing pick up a day long. This is his best kit

He's had in any game so far absolutely has a jump at gold scar blue pump a hunting rifle and the nade launcher

But the zone is quite far away, but again. He does still have that jump pad

Ironically enough both ninja and myth each sitting at two kills right now

So where do we go from here? Huh an engagement parent from the top of plateau is the next the next play?

Maybe better than a green hunting life will be advantageous in this position. He does have four minis

He can push the last nine shield which talked about earlier. He does like to every little bit counts

We've seen one HP wins in the past. It's Nima

We're just a family bit of a are they time break confident, and there's the ricochets you saw them up before those things are

Perfect arcs on their way in the aggressive bill trying to get inside on ninja TV can get to a much better position something like

Playing right underneath them. It's gonna be

an opportunity

That way there's all sorts of loot there that the players I hiding behind the rock

Now jump shot

aggressive and the one pump America dad going down what have we seen as the day got days gone on his pump shot continues to

get better and better right at

23 seconds a little stormy out there and here we go for chanting those that are here in the audience

I wasn't why

Courage actually was telling the truth

So there you go

Confident top of the top of the tower play look. How we just dude. That's a good stop look. He's still there

But again the storm now closing on in

Where is the next circle and oh?

it's in the middle for almost everyone and talk to me a little bit about the dynamic where

It basically goes direct in the middle. There's really no

safe area right there's not really so he

just gonna have to make decisions the earlier you move the better opportunity you have to take a powerful spot in the middle of a

circle however

If you wait long enough you can play the edge

and potentially pick players as they're

Doing the same thing they might not have as much shield or HP as ninja does they might not have a confident shot

And it's up to natee to decide what the best opportunity

What what's the best play to take advantage of his position and the knowledge of his opponents remember earlier?

He was just shooting at someone to the northwest he's now shooting somebody to South East a little bit

So he knows on either side he's got targets. He can take advantage of if he waits to strike. It just right time

That's exactly what he's ready to do. He's getting his hands gonna be forced very very soon, and I'm wondering it

the shot

Hundred eighty four meters the green hunting rifle

But not a little bit of a show or confidence there feels good man, if that was him at home

He would have probably jumped up and up and down in his pajamas, but here not the case another

98 don't sit still when you're in a lobby with ninja. We're looking down from above he knows

There's one more target in there behind the tree to do it. No do it

Don't just do it stops listen listen. Do it just hit the shot. Oh

An opportunity missed maybe his wait for it wait for it wait for it

At this point I'm assuming. He's gonna jump at out of here

Build up find him find underneath in there. He is wishing have to write a

headshot 71

36 no shield left on the target almost noise beats the pizza man in the window

blocking his own line in sight just because of how tight that little building was it was tough for him to see exactly where the

guy was he knows he kind of had to adjust and and

Find the target again because his own character was blocking my sight shots from the glove. He's gonna have to worry about this guy to

Get pinched from both sides 88 HP remaining he's got three minis an opportunity to kind of close himself home

Hopefully not get shot down from above that player building up to try and get the height advantage

Let's see what he does top ten six kills to his name top the minis off already feeling more confident

the big thing two more grenades in hand now Jesus

That's at you a tight position the pinch between and he can't close up that wall because the heart you see is gonna try and

Knock it down potentially going. He'll get the headshot on Logan going down and look at the materials

600 most would instantly bat you look at the X for the wood, but yeah

It's gonna fight with on the right side of your screen

stab see

Frantically building

Chucking it. I made that muscle

The disco

He was basically a sidewall now now again looking to happen slow to me Aaron there you go

If he gets another one oh look at me, my name is Nisha I know at Akron eight people I guess shot do that?

What do you?

one-on-one situation for win number two sneaky beaver

versus ninja two very stealth like people

She's got a fight Mike Intel

Comes the he'll he'll be up 75 not ideal a risky spot two of us

He could have dropped down and got an angle from any of the size there was no

Uh the building you see there underneath all those structures

It's exposed so a shot in the leg counts just as much as the rest of the body

75hp he's got nine grenades left. Do you think with the elevation of this engagement those are gonna come into play here?

We're at this point. I'm feeling like this is a shoddy push

He was going for it for a second, but I think he saw just how high up this player built to I realized

He's doing what I think oh my goodness

He's gonna try and knock it out from underneath and bring the whole thing down because if he does the people's assam

Damn player coming in

It's a high ground battle ninjas the advantage right now nation

He's got the shotgun out both players building for high ground. It looks like ninjas. Got it. He's out of materials. He is out

He has to win from this position

Folks 66 HP one well-placed pump shotgun shell could make the difference here

We do not know how much alphas final opponent has then just still dancing around

He's gonna lose his two final grenades, and and well those just hurt the storm. I think but back to the action

one versus one shooting out the


Trying to just get an eye on where this final player is he hasn't spotted him as of yet look at how tight that zone

Is right now?

Ninja with seven materials in total not build a thing and he knows that if he gives up this high ground

He cannot build back up

He'll go for the extra 9 HP putting it at 75 in total

And he's worried about getting in a pump shotgun fight to lupo because one shot one shot

Is it what's gonna? Take it's still Chinese trying to find them yeah, and honestly every time he walks over that floor right there

I could a little nervous because there's holes in it. It's not full HP

Yep, his opponent could potentially see him up for underneath, and there's nothing supporting it so if they not if he knocks that down

They're just gonna fall. Take potentially taking today here. It is zones gonna close in a little bit more and at some point

There's the rebuild he knows that the guys right underneath them ninja

You see this angle we have on them right there that camera on the bottom left your screen

He's got health and shield so HP advantage absolutely to the opponent right now bloop

Um though midget has the opportunity to just close out with one hit and this time might might waiting out, but at page B

They're at right now, and you'll see his opponent doesn't have any banners

just note nothing to heal AFB with and that's all the zone does damage to

So if ninja waits and places out at the end he there's no we didn't know this but he could bandage through and witness this

Is it ladies and gentlemen ninja trying to go for this one now? It's pump shotgun time. We know how good his accuracy is

ninja 1vs1

5000 on the line for this player if he kills ninja heat Peaks a quarter gets weakened ninja

Sneaky beaver close okay, that's it all it

$5,000 to sneaky beaver there, thank you very much. Just weave any myths fans in the house

But let's talk about what happened in this game because it seems like everything was going smooth for you so up until your death how

Is think how are things going the game was going really well?

I noticed that the center of the circle is going to be placed on a northern the northern hills that I was

So I was gonna just play that early gone early. I got the early game. I was gonna play the high ground early

Yeah, so when so then I got the position

I got the position that I wanted it like I wanted I wasn't contested

And then as the circle kind of shifted away from the hill I decided to

We had to there's a player playing underneath me

so we got into a little skirmish and then off the side of the hill I liked encounter one of the rarest bugs in the

game Which is like when you make an edit or like build something it will just fling you off and so that happened

And it was really unfortunate

You know what epic probably heard how confident you were prior to this heat starting, and they just wanted to handicap you yeah

Then I get down to it like I get it's like a like a good fight or anything

I just died to a bug like it's unfortunate, but that's name

I look like it's early access so I may be being overly aggressive, but he did like

His POV, he didn't see the ramp go up above him. Yeah, this is a much better

It looks like he goes to jump and hits the rack which obviously he jump

It's ramen slides off watch swing yeah, there it is

That's all it takes you tried to put the floor down and stop himself and ended up he had phased through it it looked like

I believe that was his flat surface that he passed through it's still placed though poised to continue his gameplay every game

he's had basically five plus kills outside at one that he exited early on I

Don't think it did and his first drop

I'm here in Junction will see this is actually a pretty good spot to land early game

If you know nobody else is going here flying away

Just trying to keep himself alive plus a minute ten on the zone before it's gonna be time for me to move anyway

for outside Oh

opponent drop down

accidentally you think

Will slip there's chopped it down. He put get him bug bomb

disco disco disco

Going down good good well done

Are you

Kidding me the odds of this person being in that specific spot on the map and coming in and cleaning me up after a fight

So low it's like less than 1%. There's a reason they call him sneaky beaver my friend literally less than 1%

Absolutely yeah, you just got absolute laser. I'm seeing a lot of SMG play here in my opinion when you have this intense

Situation he's dead for sure your job him you have this intense stage setup, man

I really think that SMG. Just adds a lot of pressure. We do two players. We literally brought that up yep

Doc five minutes ago. Yeah, it's dude. I love you guys, and that's why that's why you guys are up there, man

I couldn't pass car better do to be cashing this. Thanks so much. Yeah, I know so that that SMG, right

Oh, my god. Ballsy is a risky play. I mean I reset right now

Jump you just had a fall. I was like dude. That's a bold strategy seems to jump off of the mountain

Let's see how that works out for him sending himself to just hate to die at have no way man

Can we get some ninja slacks in the chat please? I?

Can promise you from seeing the spam so far today?

They are there when you use the bush you sort of seat

You should have seen your chance that one, so what's it worth it?

You think it was worth these in the bush even though. I don't know no absolutely not

It was pretty funny to watch them really talking strategy about how you were going to take fall damage to get

Seriously wait to get oh here we go here's one of the final build up stop for this game

Yeah, he's super high up right now

That's just something that I think as top players

Continue to get better right

And people start to kind of learn the meta right is this difficult man when I see people do these high Bill battles

I'm literally just my mouth is watering as a player watching because I just go underneath him and shoot down

Do you think though he had a couple missed plays on that built right there? He should have the high ground

his jump fatigue was a

Second and then just talked about with even my gameplay of just spamming jump a little bit too much

There's a diminishing cooldown on that and if you jump too much, then your jump height gets shorter and shorter shorted really wait. Yep

He could have still had the high although here. This is the bio talking about the play that would have done it sooner

Dilute delivery system


So well times that was sold on and that's exactly what I'm talking about I've been watching a lot of screams as well on Twitch

Moments CC Fianna later, they're pulling in a lot of a lot of screaming bytes which was with epics amazing

without pics amazing

Unbelievable what about the one situation?

Storms got four kills long story short a lot of those fights said to just be building up

And I think a lot of people are gonna start. Just dropping down and shoot him out, so here. We go the last fight

He just got some minis, but I don't think he carry something to pick them up

He's just going straight in decent such a good position, man. You saw hundreds of hundred of you seal?

Brush it off brush it off. Give it up for storm the arena guys give it up. Let's go Wow

Is that it there you go?



$2,500 richer right there such clutch plays and

The maneuvers he made the smart plays I think the Rockets you think rocking the one guy out of the tower

That got the rocket killing the sick guy the final guy another rocket launcher play

Time I mention it early on in the day having some explodes. Just go a long way in these games

Yeah, I mean again. This is something that a lot of people are starting so I think figure is

I mean just in general and gay man Rockets are super important clutch to kills yeah

And to please interview this amazing this amazing kid oh such a great game congratulations

Thank you very much ninja. I'm standing here with a

fourteen-year-old in 40 yard storm

Absolutely phenomenal stuff here when I was 14 I was absolutely useless you are far from that

$2,500 is yours. What's going through your head right now? I?

Don't know what to say it's just crazy and

I mean what were your expectations coming here?

I mean, I mean I mean I'm sure you're a ninja fan

And it was just cool to be here at what point. Did you think I might actually win this game? I?

Never thought I'd win is

Exactly how ninja was describing on the fly - oh look at the use of the replay mode as well

epic employees who worked on that are smiling ear-to-ear, but uh a great view yet, can he win his second game

Chippy shafts

John wick is

Often they come they you think they call him the boogeyman, but he's actually the guy who called to kill people yes

Every second the reaper skin is definitely fan-favorite out there

Man he's our gate. No shotgun yet and with tight quarters and shifty shafts and shotgun animals

Why yeah, let's see planes I'm playing on the outskirts a little bit, which could do

Here's a trap going down underneath him. Maybe people fighting down there looks like you might be missing the headset a little bit

Hopefully there's no audio fishing and not a not a very favorable one. He's got to make his way out of this somehow

And again for now he's just kind of

passively looking down oh

He's got the LMG in hand he's deciding that that'll be his close-range weapon

Here it is bring on the sittig a good play. It's a good weapon

It is it is it appears to be a decent weapon the the rate of fire combined with what it does 20

26 damage 25 damage which I mean, and the spread really isn't that bad especially if you're up close like that yes, they point-blank

Hold on to it. Oh

Getting shot from the south 165 another player another build fight

And he just doesn't get a break here the TAC sock in this phase is through the wall gets the shot


Ninja wants this win we saw the best prior to this game bring out the bandana give this ability and what's underneath him

Exactly where the player is hiding you see him right there. What's with a 72 shield?

We're gonna close down this guy just trying to drop through careful the tramps careful with shotgun play here to

Play run away down the hill

He wanted that one right there, and it he knows he's got this guy we didn't he has that kind of HP advantage

I should've just stayed up. I knew he had no materials, man

He was so weak this first time any only no side of block and defend

But he was absolutely no idea how to fight like properly

It's like he's doing such a good job defending in such a good job building right now

But like he's completely you know taking away all opportunities to kill players by not even looking at all

Fighting fighting yeah, I'm sneaky beaver down stinky beaver is now finished

So he's not gonna be able to get that 10,000 and he's in a great spot

This is all you have to do made it out

They otic man the last kill the last fight all the tournament Ninja Vegas 280 man. This guy honestly right now

Just start building up if I'm chaotic trying to reset this fight

This guy starts getting a high-rise get very sticky very quick, and that's exactly what he's gonna do the shots are ricocheting pad. Oh?

a shot

Boys got no shields catechins in a great spot to finish this game all he has to do is just locate and start got one

Last shot, it's gonna definitely do it the player is completely healed disco disco coming out there?

The boogie bomb is strong with twenty seasons player. He doesn't want to 80s and be too slow

He needs that movement it looks like this player might be out of material. I think you know still definitely got some wood there

There's the ramp up coming out hot with the funk shotgun down a kind of choke in the shop a little bit nerves are getting

We're gonna get on his feet for exotic the final game is now finished exotic yatta congratulations, man

Wow what a moment they're

Incredible after being spoken about so highly earlier by ninja to clutch it on out as well to win the 20 watt

500 or $9 what's up guys? Hey guys?

So final words just to wrap everything up, man. I want to say thank you guys everyone for coming out

This is hands-down one of the craziest events I've ever been a part of man, and I'm just so happy man

Ninja Vegas 18 congratulations to everyone who walked away with money man chaotic again taking the last game

2500 it's been incredible and think again for everyone who participated who came out the caster's courage, then every single person speaks

Jes and literally so many so much work went into this event

Yeah, I'm just blessed to be or maybe you guys for coming. I hope you guys had a wonderful time

That's all I wanted you guys do

For more infomation >> Ninja Vegas 18 !!! Full Heat #3 Best Highlights and Funny Moments !!! Fortnite Highlights #58 - Duration: 22:30.


BTS · GOT7 - NOT TODAY · LOOK - Duration: 3:38.


Do those airplane signals Kookie








Never mind

buRy mE Jin



For more infomation >> BTS · GOT7 - NOT TODAY · LOOK - Duration: 3:38.


The Curious Case of the Murder Tree - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> The Curious Case of the Murder Tree - Duration: 7:25.


🔴 God of war | Kratos the boat rower | live stream - Duration: 2:23:39.

For more infomation >> 🔴 God of war | Kratos the boat rower | live stream - Duration: 2:23:39.


Past Predictions About The Future That Weren't Even Close - Duration: 6:38.

The future is always in front of us, brimming with of possibilities — and flying cars,

of course.

Since well before the days of Nostradamus, humanity has sought to predict the ways of

our successors.

"And now, believe it or not the floor is automatically cleaned, too.

What you see coming out of the wall is a self-propelled floor cleaner."

Sometimes, their concepts proved to be startlingly accurate, like this '60s version of Amazon…

"Please send it out to me, here's my credit card, oh, and don't forget the striped pillow


But most often, their visions were off by several light years.

Fred Freedman's fantastic future

The 1960s were rife with soothsayers dreaming up humankind a Jetsons-like reality.

Noted "futurist" Fred Freedman pictured the far away year of 1999, with humans rocking

rocket belts and hover-cars as we zipped around our sweet mid-century modern cities.

These days, hover cars are still less-probable than cars that drive themselves.

"Hello, tower, this is Firebird 2304.

Firebird 2304."

But if there was anything Freeman did get right, it was moving sidewalks.

We only really get to enjoy them at the airport, but, nevertheless, there's something magical

about cruising along a little bit faster than the foot traffic next to you.

Edison bets on heavy metal

Without a doubt, Thomas Edison was one of the most brilliant inventors of the early

20th century.

Known for the long-lasting light bulb, the phonograph, and the Kinetoscope, he lit the

way for the high-tech contemporary culture we treasure today.

"Look at Edison over there with his damn electricity.

Hey Edison, how about sharing some of those damn lightbulbs, eh?"

"Figure it out for yourself, man!"

But Edison's prediction regarding the future of construction material rang a bit hollow:

he claimed the future belonged to steel.

Every aspect of our homes would be "sumptuously equipped with" the dense, metallic alloy.

"This is the kitchen of tomorrow.

A press-button dream coming true for Mrs. Housewife."

If Edison had only foisted the mantle of the future onto petroleum byproducts, he'd have

chalked another notch on his prophetic belt.

"Gasoline is the fuel that powers this modern age."

The Martian Chronicler falls short

Responsible for dozens of short stories, and classic novels like Fahrenheit 451 and several

film adaptations and inspirations, Ray Bradbury took science fiction mainstream.

"For over twenty years, he has predicted and examined the joys and nightmares of the coming

age of the rocket."

You've probably heard of The Butterfly Effect (loosely inspired by his story "A Sound of

Thunder") as well as the disquieting Disney adaptation of his seminal work, Something

Wicked This Way Comes.

Then there's his highly influential sci-fi saga The Martian Chronicles, which documented

colonial life on the planet Mars.

"There that's better.

You do speak English."

"I do now."

Back in 1950, the prolific author predicted that nuclear war would force us onto Mars

by the 2000s.

Unfortunately, we never got our Martian utopia going, but at least we launched that rover

thingy, right?

"It's so quiet.

Kind of eerie.

Gives me the creeps."

Wonder women of the future

"One dress of the future will consist of transparent net.

The net, uh, probably to catch the males."

In the past, "women of the future" predictions were usually hotbeds for dusting off sexist,

Mad Men-like tropes of the 1950s with men joking about how lazy their wives would get

after robot maids, cooks, and butlers replaced household chores.

"Everything is copacetic.

Welcome to the future."

But early feminist ideas snuck into the general populace during the Father Knows Best decade.

In 1950, Associated Press writer Dorothy Roe claimed (with science to back her up) that

all women of the future would top off at six feet.

"Attack of the 50 foot woman.

Incredibly huge.

With incredible desires for love and vengeance."

Not only that, but they'd sport superheroine-esque proportions and dress like Wonder Woman, with,

quote, "muscles like a truck driver," so they could compete in male sporting events and

work in traditionally male jobs.

"In the future, I hope to do things such as go to school, study, make art, start a business."

Modern women are, indeed, competing in sports like baseball and "prizefighting," and have

been liberated from the kitchen.

But perhaps Roe's most off-the-mark prediction is that humans of the future will cut out

food altogether, eating instead only "food capsules."

You need only to peek inside a Chipotle during the lunch rush to see how that didn't at all

pan out.

Beardos from the year 2000

In 1939, Vogue imagined what their own future-man might look like, style-wise, running a conceptualization

of the 21st century man.

Visually vetted by designer Gilbert Rohde, the future dude revolts against shaving (ok,

this actually happened), he favors a button-less full-body jumpsuit, and Bro 2000 now rocks

his belt-storage — the fanny-pack of the future!

So, Vogue predicted a future of M.C.

Hammer hipsters.

It could still happen!

"When the music is really pumpin that's my time to dance really hard."

The New York Times' future fail

Conan O'Brien wasn't the first transplant to cast predictions of the future about the

Big Apple.

"Johnson & Johnson will replace its 'no more tears' baby shampoo with the much more useful

'no more poo that looks like mustard' baby shampoo."

Back in 1950, the New York Times featured a piece by science editor Waldemar Kaempffert

entitled "Miracles You'll See In The Next Fifty Years."

After talking to a few notable scientists, ol' Kaempy penned a few wild ideas about what

life in the year 2000 might look like — and a few of his futuristic miracles actually

match up, such as the dominance of TV dinners and the rise of computers.

"Teaching machines… which allow him to progress as rapidly as his awakening mind can absorb

the audio visual lesson."

But not all his ideas hit the mark.

There was the diet consisting primarily of sawdust, with dinner served exclusively on

single use paper plates, in a house-full of waterproof furnishings.

Best of all, our disposable rayon underpants were recyclable, and later became colorful

candy for the kids (seriously).

"Do you know what this means?

It means that this damn thing doesn't work at all."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Past Predictions About The Future That Weren't Even Close - Duration: 6:38.


Jeremy Jones - Road (Music Video) - Duration: 4:05.

Don't try to save me

Don't try to save me

Don't try to save me

Don't try to save me

Don't try to save me

Don't try to save

I've been walking down this lonely road

There's no one for me

And there's only the cold stone

Don't try to save me

I've been walking down this lonely road

There's no one for me

And there's only the cold stone

Don't try to save me

It's not warm, it's not warm here

Leaves are brown, colors gone

But your rays shine on me

And you wonder why I always want to be alone

You should know that all my life

I've been running from the ones who loved

Afraid to trust, love

Still you shine down on me

You're the LA sun that never wants to let go

I've been walking down this lonely road

There's no one for me

And there's only the cold stone

Don't try to save me

Don't you think there's something wrong with me, wrong baby

I cannot cry anymore

tears rolling back on their own

Only know how to be in control, of emotional

But I know, that you'll keep holding on

Can't look you in the eye

Cuz this is the part where I break your heart

Cuz it was never meant to be, ooh never meant to be

In your reality

I've been walking down this lonely road

There's no one for me

And there's only the cold stone

Don't try to save me

I've been walking down this lonely road

There's no one for me

And there's only the cold stone

Don't try to save me

For more infomation >> Jeremy Jones - Road (Music Video) - Duration: 4:05.


VOLTA Juggler vs Bartender - Who will win? | Dueling Masters | Episode 5 | Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 2:55.

Wow, that was incredible.

You really stirred things up.

Round 1, I'll give it to you.

But a bartender's strength is behind the bar,

not in front of it.


Show me what you got. Let's do this.

For more infomation >> VOLTA Juggler vs Bartender - Who will win? | Dueling Masters | Episode 5 | Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 2:55.


Tom Jones wants to die 2 - Duration: 0:05.

I wanna die

For more infomation >> Tom Jones wants to die 2 - Duration: 0:05.


Nightcore - Fuck Love || Lyrics - Duration: 2:23.

This video include lyrics on screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Fuck Love || Lyrics - Duration: 2:23.


İstanbullu Gelin / Istanbul Bride Trailer - Episode 47 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:51.

I don't know you, Faruk.

Who the hell are you?


...makes plans to send Adem to jail.


Dad, I have big news... Oww...

- Please, listen to me. - How can I listen to you?

Is what you did even remotely close to being sensible or conscientious? How can I listen to you?

He has just started to believe that he has a family. From Süreyya...

I went to talk to this guy before Adem came to his senses.

Faruk, get out! Get the hell out!

What kind of explanation can give the man I love back to me, can you answer this?

As soon as you are out of here...

...we'll move into the Boran Mansion.

I promise.

For more infomation >> İstanbullu Gelin / Istanbul Bride Trailer - Episode 47 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:51.


Russian Lawyer Comes Forward With UNDENIABLE Proof That Mueller's Probe is POINTLESS - Duration: 3:57.

Russian Lawyer Comes Forward With UNDENIABLE Proof That Mueller's Probe is POINTLESS.

It's been well over a year and Mueller's so-called "Russia" probe has produced

ZERO evidence of collusion and Mueller's latest move of raiding the office of Trump's

personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, shows the investigation has completely gone off the


Another blow to Mueller's investigation has come from Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya,

who famously met with Donald Trump Jr. to provide dirt on Hillary Clinton in 2016 and

is now blasting Mueller for not contacting her.Could it be because Veselnitskaya was

linked to Fusion GPS and will lead Mueller back to Hillary?

From The Daily Wire

It's been a year since he was empowered to investigate anything he deemed related

to the Russia matter, yet Special Counsel Robert Mueller still hasn't bothered to

speak with the person at the center of the most widely reported event that had even a

hint of that elusive "collusion" that Donald Trump's critics have been trying

to pin on him since he traumatically canceled Hillary Clinton's coronation.

The failure to contact her, says Natalia Veselnitskaya, is evidence that Mueller "is not working

to discover the truth."

In an interview with the Associated Press, Veselnitskaya, a "well-connected" Russian

lawyer who famously met with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort in June

2016 after promises of dirt on Hillary Clinton, said Mueller has yet to contact her about

the widely reported meeting in which she discussed rolling back Russian sanctions.

"At the time of her 2016 meeting at Trump Tower, she was defending Prevezon against

charges it had engaged in money laundering from a $230 million Russian tax fraud scheme,"

AP explains.

Team Trump has dismissed allegations that the meeting constituted "collusion" with


While the Senate Intelligence Committee spoke with Veselnitskaya in Berlin for three hours

about the meeting, Mueller's team seems conspicuously uninterested in what she has

to say.

AP's report reveals some reasons that Mueller might not be anxious to talk with her: She

made clear in her testimony to the Senate committee that she was not working for the

Russian government and that she believes the notorious unverified and salacious Steele

dossier on Trump is "absolute nonsense": The investigators mainly wanted to know about

Trump Tower meeting, she said.

Veselnitskaya said she repeated her previous statements about it, insisting that she was

not linked to the Russian government and merely wanted to discuss sanctions against Russia.

Veselnitskaya's said the Berlin interview also focused on information in memos compiled

by a former British spy whose work was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton's


The dossier contains numerous allegations of Russian ties to Trump, his associates and

the Trump campaign.

Veselnitskaya dismissed the dossier as "absolute nonsense."

She insisted that Glenn Simpson, whose firm Fusion GPS was hired to compile the dossier

and who was questioned by the House Intelligence Committee in January, had been "framed."

AP also admits to readers that the one investigation that has actually reached a conclusion about

the Trump-Russia collusion allegation has "found no evidence of collusion or coordination

with Russians."AP also admits to readers that the one investigation that has actually

reached a conclusion about the Trump-Russia collusion allegation has "found no evidence

of collusion or coordination with Russians."

Though Mueller doesn't appear to be planning on dialing her up anytime soon, Veselnitskaya

suggested she's more than willing "to explain things that may seem odd" or about

which the feds "have suspicions

what do you think about this?

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USA facts today.

For more infomation >> Russian Lawyer Comes Forward With UNDENIABLE Proof That Mueller's Probe is POINTLESS - Duration: 3:57.


The WEIRDEST Catches Fisherman Have Had! - Duration: 11:00.

Here are a few of the craziest catches fisherman have gotten from the sea!

9 - Massive Sunfish In September of 2017, a group of Sakhalin

fisherman bagged a massive sunfish that weighed more than 2,000 pounds!

This huge specimen was accidentally caught in their net near the Russian Island of Iturup.

After a three day period, the fisherman were able to finally bring the fish ashore, but

by that point it was already a goner.

While the size of catching a fish this size is pretty rare, we do know quite a bit about

this fish.

Weighing anywhere from 545 to 2,500 pounds, the Ocean Sunfish is the heaviest bony fish

on the planet.

Their preferred meal is any kind of sea jelly, and they tend to eat a lot of them at once.

Despite their impressive size, they're often picked off by hungry sea lions, killer whales

and sharks.

And as is the case here, sometimes fisherman accidentally catch them in their fishing nets.

And sometimes they do it on purpose, as they're a delicacy in Japan and Taiwan.

8 - Salpa Maggiore While fishing in the South Pacific near New

Zealand, Stewart Fisher and his two sons caught a very interesting looking fish.

As the fish was almost completely transparent, at first glance, it may have probably looked

a lot just like a glass bottle.

But once Fisher saw the fish swimming around, he had to investigate.As it turns out, this

fish is called a Salpa Maggiore.

And despite looking a lot like a jellyfish, they actually have a lot more in common with

marine vertebrae.

These Salps propel themselves through the water by pumping water through their bodies

and out of openings at each end of their body.

Despite being mainly transparent, these amazing looking creatures have gills and a heart.

One thing they do have in common with jellyfish is how they use their transparency for protection.

As a little fish swimming around the Antarctic Ocean, they really have no way to protect

themselves from bigger predators.

But being see through is pretty much like being camouflaged in the ocean, and that makes

them less noticeable to predators.

7 - Two Bodied Fish A two bodied fish?

Wouldn't that just, you know, be two fish?

Except, these guys appeared to be fused together at the head.

The picture you're looking at is truly a mystery.

While it's made the rounds across the internet for years now, conjoined twins in the wild

is a thing that just happens sometimes.

Imagine how surprising it must be to catch fish who're conjoined at the face!

As another example, back in 2008, some thai fisherman caught two Nile Tilapias that were

conjoined at the stomach.

This was a rare catch, as fish who're conjoined often die soon after birth.

Call it a two bodied a fish, or maybe a two headed fish.

Either way, it's just rare.

Not too sure how we'd feel if we saw these fish in person to be honest!

6 - An Enigmatic Jellyfish Back in 2012, a video surfaced of what appeared

to be a mysterious deep sea blob floating around in the depths of the ocean.

Was it a fishing net?

A Whale Placenta?

An underwater alien invasion?

It also wasn't clear who took the video.

It was uploaded to the internet back in 2012 by a person who apparently didn't want credit

for the video.

Some experts came along and were like, "yeah that's a jellyfish."

With that mystery solved, the quest to obtain more information about this really crazy looking

jellyfish began.

Known as Deepstaria Enigmatica, this thing has appendages and organs, both of which are

pretty unique features for a jellyfish.

While marine biologists have seen this hellfish before, first back in 1967, it's still interesting

to see video footage of one of these guys fully intact.

Dr. Stephen Haddock, a noted Jellyfish expert, explained that "bag like" jellyfish such

as this are pretty common, but since they're so large they're rarely seen intact.

Definitely a rare catch indeed, even if it was just caught on camera.

We'll count it anyway!

5 - Frilled Shark In 2017, the frilled shark was caught alive

not one, not two, but three times in different parts of the world.

These catches were important and interesting for a few reasons.

It's one of nature's most primitive species, as there's evidence of this shark dating

back some 165 million years ago.

Now by no means does this make it anywhere close to the oldest living species, but it's

still pretty old, and it's often referred to as a living fossil.

Some scientists believe that this shark has more in common with their modern peers than

it does with sharks way back in the day, it does at least belong to an ancient lineage

of sharks.

The first time a human was known to have seen a frilled shark was back in 1879.

A German guy named Ludwig Doderlein made expeditions to Japan between 1879 and 1881, and much like

most of us, he and his peers were amazed by what they found.

This is a shark that has a body like a snake, and a really wide jaw.

In fact, they've been known to swallow other creatures whole.

Add their super sharp teeth into the mix and you have one ridiculous looking animal!

4 - Chimera Lobster Lobsters are kinda interesting creatures.

For one thing, as all the shellfish connoisseurs out there can agree with, they're quite


Granted, they're cooked alive and are known to let out a scream when they're getting


Okay, just kidding, contrary to popular belief, they don't scream, because lobsters have

no vocal cords, or organs of any kind for audio communication!

The sound you hear sometimes is just expanding air bubbles trapped in their shells escaping.

Anyways, enough about the tastiness and gases escaping from cooked lobsters.

Let's talk about the time someone caught a mutated lobster.

In 2007, a fisherman in Newport, Rhode Island reeled in a two toned lobster that appeared

to be half cooked!

This is a very rare occurrence in nature.

This is essentially the Harvey Dent Two Face of Lobsters!

Usually when you see lobsters in cartoons, they're bright red.

However, in nature, they typically have a brownish green color of course.

They're only red after they've been cooked.

However, in very rare instances, they'll appear half brownish-green and half red.

This is the result of a crazy genetic mutation.

It's so rare, the odds of catching such a catch are roughly 1 in 50 million!

Maybe this fisherman should have bought a lottery ticket that day?

3 - Giant Stingray Your average, run of the mill stingray is

scary enough.

Add the astonishing size of a somewhat newly discovered species from Thailand, and well,

you have something that sounds like an old sailor's folk lore.

This freshwater stingray can reportedly reach lengths of 16 feet while weighing north of

1,300 pounds!

For those of you keeping score at home, that would make it one of the largest freshwater

fish on the planet.

And let's not forget a key aspect of their existence…..which is the word STING in stingray!

Yeah, this thing wields a barb that's been rumored to cut right into boats.

So just imagine what it could do to whatever it wants….including a human trying to catch


These things are rare and also difficult to catch, because of their incredible size and

natural aversion to being yanked out of the water.

Yeah we know it's big, but it's a skilled hunter too.

They hunt using a strategy that involves using something called electroreception to track

down their prey.

Once they find it, they hover over their prospective meal and smother it before chowing down.

All the same, a group of more than a dozen fishermen managed to reel in one of these

guys back in 2010 on the Mekong River.

It took an extraordinary effort, with the guys working in shifts over several hours,

but they eventually got it.

It's pretty amazing that they were able to reel it in if you're asking us!

2 - Roman Fedortsov's Catches If you have nightmares tonight, you can thank

Roman Fedortsov and social media….not us.

Fedortsov is a Russian deep sea fisherman who posts his more peculiar catches on Instagram.

For example, there's the Lycodes Reticulatus and it looks as weird as it sounds.

While it may look like a half dwarf, half fish that looks like it belongs in a cartoon,

it's definitely a real fish.

If you quickly browse through Fedorov's instagram feed, you'll find some of the

most interesting looking deep sea animals.

Another example is the Bearded Sea Devil, which looks like something that should be

in the movie Aliens.

Or the ghost shark, which has eyes that glow when it's exposed to light!

All the the strange creatures he catches seem like they shouldn't exist.

Except, they do exist, just in a completely foreign world to us.

Unfortunately, when he pulls these fish up, they're already long gone.

Because they're deep-sea creatures, they're used to a high-pressure environment, and because

they don't get time to decompress, their eyes sometimes pop out and their organs rupture!

What's the best catch this russian fisherman has posted?!

Let us know what you think in the comments section!

1 - Coelacanth For a while there, the general assumption

was that Coelacanth were extinct.

All we had left of these creatures were fossil remains.

The remains of a fish that hadn't swam earth's oceans for some 65 million years.

And yeah fossils are cool and all, but it's still just not the same as having the real


Then 1938 happened.

Although 1938 was well before some of us were born, it's something like less than a second

ago if you put the earth's age in terms of a 24 hour day.

And kudos to you if you're actually still alive from 1938 and watching this video because

you're doing something right!

Marjorie Courtenay Latimer essentially rediscovered the Coelacanth in the Western Indian Ocean.

Since then, this unique fish has also been found in Indonesia.

Its discovery 66 million years after it was believed to have gone extinct makes the coelacanth

the best-known example of a Lazarus taxon, which is an evolutionary line that seems to

have disappeared from the fossil record only to reappear much later.

What makes this fish interesting is that it has several features no other fish has.

For instance, they have a rostral organ in their nose as part of their electrosensory


They also have this special joint, or hinge, in their skull that allows their head to swing

upwards, effectively enlarging the size of

their mouth.

Here's what's next!

For more infomation >> The WEIRDEST Catches Fisherman Have Had! - Duration: 11:00.


First Pirate Trip [SFM] - Duration: 0:40.

Well then you milksop.

Your first trip. And how do you like it?

Good Captain! Being a pirate is really fun!

Ah, you rascal. You're in for a real adventure.

Here on the sea!

We're gonna board every ship!







*boat sounds*

*locked and loaded*



Hey, Captain?

Since i became a pirate i really learned to swim.

Then do it and shut up.

For more infomation >> First Pirate Trip [SFM] - Duration: 0:40.


North Africans in London - Youceful TV #MaghrebUnited - Duration: 21:35.

I'm a true Algerian. An original

Born in Hussein Dey

I speak a little bit (Moroccan)

Maybe you won't understand

- I understand you

I'm Moroccan and that's all..from Tangier

See how he begins to talk

"Welcome here to Algeria"

"Welcome my brothers"

maawedjsdfkjas hakda

asefiesfuldk sdflkshdfdslkjfh

"Kabyle" language

I swear I didn't understand him

Do you speak "Kabyle"?

I'm being serious


First question. I'm going to go right into the subject

Go on. Let's do it


World Cup..What'd you think?

What'll you tell them?

West Sahara..with Algeria and Morocco?

They copy Algeria (Tunisians)

The capital of Algeria, is called Alger

The capital of Tunisia, is called Tunis

We want to hear the Moroccan dialect

Speak to us (In Moroccan)

Yes, but I don't speak Arabic really well

and have you been, are you going to Morocco soon?

Yes, I'm going on Tuesday

Ohhh you're going on Tuesday?!


Where are you from in...


Do you like Dogs or Cats?

Yes, you have to pick one



Because I'm scared of dogs

But dogs here in England are good

No, they're not well behaved

And dogs in Algeria are well behaved?

How long since.. - Dogs in Algeria will see you and not do nothing

But here they just...

What?! Where are you from in Algeria?

She said dogs in Algeria won't do nothing

Where are you from in Algeria?

Oum El Bouaghi


Oum El Bouaghi - Oum El Bouaghi

Okay so people from Oum El Bouaghi, you have some good dogs

Our dogs in Biskra, go around in packs of 15-10

Algerians or Moroccans?

Algerians - Why?

Sorry bro, but we're just...

We're just too good

We went through a couple of jokes, just to have a laugh

Did you go just for her or was it just a genuine day out?

No no, we just went out for a laugh

but you know, she came between us so I told her shes ugly

And that's all from the story

What about when she claimed that you hit her, is it true?

Ahh no way come on. We come from good families

We just went to have fun and have a laugh and that's it


Are you from the countryside or where in Morocco?

From the countryside, the north, Rabaat

How do they speak in the countryside? (dialect)

In the countryside they say...

How you doing brother (countryside dialect) and then up north you'd be like

and the kid! The kid!

#I didn't understand#

Dz Joker 2

You know I'm from Biskra. What'd you think about Biskra, would you go there?

I've never been to Biskra, I heard it's a beautiful place

They say there's dates, it's like a Sahara. Just donkeys, but it's normal

We accept it in Algeria

What about getting a wife from Biskra?

Ahh I don't know. You know they say..

They say, if a woman from Oran casts a magic spell on you

Then go to the Moroccan woman

If the woman from Morocco does the same, go to Biskra

If the woman from Biskra does the same, then just pray and rest. So I'm not getting her from Biskra

This is my brother - Bro...

Let go of me - My brother

World Cup, will you support Morocco or not?

I'll support Morocco. Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria. Maghreb United

Because when we went, they supported this badge over here - Exactly

So it's only fair we support them - 100%..yes 100%

There are 3 mosquitos ok

3 mosquitos - Go on

One is French, one English and one Algerian

A man came to use anti mosquito spray

He sprayed the English mosquito and it died instantly

So the British mosquito died straight away

He went to spray the Algerian one, the mosquito said give me more here and here

Algerians talk how they talk, they say diamonds that shine too much blind your eyes

They didn't let go of diamonds, you think they'll let go of us? (Algerians)

Algerians in Ireland. Sammy, Houssam, Anis. You know yourselves know, you know. You know

Ok good, good

Thank you my friend. - That's it?

That's it

Huh, keep asking me questions

Did I come from Ireland for no reason? Keep asking

I've seen a lot of aunties and uncles seeing the videos

"Auntie Nabila"

"Auntie Nabila" you have a beautiful daughter

I'll ask the questions here not you. - Go ahead, ask me

I'm ready

When you come to Ireland, what'll you do?

I'll flip it upside down

With the Algerians there...I've seen your video

The video of.....

"Grantita" I seen the video and spoken to you guys

I spoke to them, they all said come to Ireland and we'll do a video

So seriously speaking, I'll come to Ireland

I'll come to Dublin, and we'll do a good video there

God willing I'll see you in Dublin, I will be coming Inshallah

Whats up brother - Swear to god?

She brought her passport I'm dead

Are you actually? Mama Mia

Listen, listen

We're doing North Africans in London

We're going to do North Africans in Ireland video - In Ireland

It's like we're bringing London to Dublin - Dublin. Dublin

When you come to London. Who are you coming with?

By myself. Maybe with a friend, maybe..I'll see

But you have to bring with you the Algerian..

I'll bring it

The important thing is you'll see the Algeria flag in Dublin. - Bring all of them

We'll go to the beach in April. Normal

Mr. Mahmoud - Ok sorted

Boualam - Abdel-Rezak

Mohammed Canary

Blind Hamid - Mohammed Kebab

Tarek the bent one - Mr.Doner Kebab

And Mr. Mohammed who let me eat Grantita for free

Western Sahara, we defended you guys. Algeria helped you stole from them right?

Can't really say we stole but yes..

World Cup 2018

Ok we'll go straight into the World Cup subject

So you guys can beat this country? - Yes...yes

Definately, 100%

Have you even tried Tunisian food? - You guys are nowhere, you're this small

'This small' over here, but a beautiful life in Paris/France you'll find us all

Turn here you'll find a Tunisian restaurant, turn there you'll find a cha'bi restaurant

At some point I wanted a Moroccan woman

I heard you have a lot of problems and black magic..

See this...let me just speak about that for a second - Ok. I'm listening

Moroccans aren't the only ones who do black magic - and we do black magic?!

Every country does it - Oh my..we do it??

Every country does it - Nah we don't do it

FACT: (Born in Oudja, Morocco)

If a Moroccan says that they celebrate better than you

What do Moroccans think they're better than Algerians at, but we are better?

"First round"

That's it - First round

I was gonna push it just to keep my Moroccans happy, but I'll just say it how it is

You think I'll go to Biskra in the summer? Sorry

but people seem to blame all the black magic..

You guys in Marrakesh

mix black magic with powder

then in England end up wanting a wife from the countryside. - Like Algeirs and Oran?

No no no. We're too humble

We're humble aswell

Moroccans have Tagine, Algerians have couscous. - Thank you very much sister

African Cup final scenario

Whoever wins - No, you must pick one

What if you find a nice Moroccan girl from a good family

100% - 100% or nothing

Even that dog is more humble than you

I'd say Moroccan I'm sorry - Why?

Their music is better than the Algerian zorna

To tell you the truth I love Algeria, it's my country at heart

but when it comes to Morocco, some things are better. - In ambience?

Oh my God!

All I need to say is Oran (Algeria)

We can see you're well dressed

So is there an Algerian or Moroccan husband?

Okay might hit me

because I like Algerians more than Moroccans

But when I get married I think I'll get a Moroccan - Why?!

You want me to be honest right? - I like honesty

The honesty is..

I like the Moroccans more than the Algerians - Why are you gonna get them to cook for you?


Do you know how to sing?

I know a little bit. Quick 1,2,3 - "Viva L'Algerie"

Again, again

Come back

Moroccans... - Too nice?

They can't ummm - They look after the house

They broom the the mopping

Ok say something to Algeria

If you could say anything to everyone in Algeria, what'd you say?

I love you - That's it?

You're not gonna say 1,2,3? - Viva L'Algerie

With a Moroccan, I'll tell him... - He'll go visit his mum and you can say why?!

You think you can take a Moroccan from here to Algeria? They'll eat him

Why'd they eat him? - They'd eat him

because when you see the video looks like it was done in an hour

Ok, so that's the end and...

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