Friday, November 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 23 2018

Let's start with this chicken.

I like this cream curry sauce

Hi Everyone

How have you been?

I think, I haven't made Mukbang video for a long time

I've been wanting to make a Chicken Eating sounds video since a long time ago.

Thankfully, Ovenmaru (chicken company) sent me these 2 kinds of chickens.

so I'm making a chicken Mukbang video right now.

Actually, When chickens were delivered It wasn't like this.

It delivered in the boxes.

I will show you how it was look like.

It was like this.

This one is called "o ppane bake" (boneless chicken)

the other one is Oven maru Devil chicken wings.

" Oven maru Devil chicken wings." (Black)

Ok. Before eating this Let me pour this coke into a glass first.

and..with white latex glove.

alright.! Let's get started!

This one is "o ppane bake"

It's bonless brown rice baked chicken comes with bread & Creamy curry.

and this one with spring onion is..

Oven maru Devil chicken wings(black).

ok. this one here, Let's start with this chicken.

chicken skin is crispy

Can you hear this?

It's tasty

It came with this bread here

It's creamy curry sauce

Let's dip chicken in

with sauce has more flavor

this curry is not watery or weak

well... It's thick like Indian curry

Let me try this crunch pickled radish. (Korean chicken usually comes with this radish)

go for chicken again

this one.

makes quite nice sounds

I usually eat chicken with this pickled radish. I like the combination of these two.

looks like this bread is covering my mouth

so I'm gonna eat this now

yeah this one.

It soaked in creamy curry. Can you see it ?

Actually, when I eat chicken I really like to eat rice together

and this bread kind of satisfying like rice eating

both are the carbohydrate, that's why?

Anyway, It is satisfying :)

yeah, let's go for another piece.

Dip it in

this one.

Creamy curry sauce + Cheese

I like this sauce 💓



nom 💓

where's my latex glove ? lol

latex glove is back ~ 👐🏻


Have a good night

Good Night 💓

For more infomation >> (Eng Sub)ASMR. Chicken Eating Sounds 🍗Mukbang - Duration: 21:54.


Eggless lemon custard - Natur Emul · Fruit Pectin NH - Texturizers - Duration: 3:29.

Mix sugar with Natur Emul and Fruit Pectin NH in a bowl

Heat water with lemon puree at 40ºC.

Sprinkle the mix of solids to the saucepan, stirring until it is well dissolved.

Once well integrated, heat up to 85ºC while stirring.

Remove from heat and let cool to 40ºC.

Add butter and Candied Lemon Peel Paste emulsify with a hand blender. Emulsify with a hand blender.

Cling film and let set overnight in the fridge. Use.

For more infomation >> Eggless lemon custard - Natur Emul · Fruit Pectin NH - Texturizers - Duration: 3:29.


Carrot Properties Related to Health! OMG¡ - Duration: 5:18.

welcome to a new video of our

channel today we will be talking about

properties of carrots

related to health we have always

associated that the carrot was very good

for the eyes however this stays

pretty short when we discovered the

great properties of the carrot that

have a very positive effect on

our health knowing them will urge us to

increase the intake of this vegetable

the ways of consuming carrots can

be very varied we can add it to

salads cut it into pieces to take

James we can eat them raw or cooked

In short, there are different ways

to include them in our food

but today we're going to see the big

properties of the carrot and how

improve our health stimulates the

appetite maybe if what we want is

lose weight this first of the big

properties of the carrot do not

I'm very excited, but it can be

a good idea to put it as an incoming

to open up the appetite before the

noon or dinner too

we can make a carrot juice for

consume half an hour before eating is

ideal for those who are

performing a diet to increase mass

muscle or weight and for those who have

problems to eat for example the

Children strengthens teeth and gums

you know what to eat at the time of

snack or as I snack the carrot

raw can be an excellent way to

do not eat pastries at those times

the day when we pica hunger

but besides, we will not only be

feeding us healthily but

strengthening our teeth and gums

sure we did not know that the

carrots contain fluorine this allows

that our enamel is in better condition

and that our teeth are protected

of caries brings shine to hair

another one of the great properties of the

carrot is that it is rich in beta-carotene

This is transformed into a vitamin when the

organism assimilates it revitalizing the

hair and making it look a lot


also if we have dry hair some

problem in the scalp we should

know that beta-carotene helps

produce I will regulate what is

very beneficial to be able to wear a hair

healthy protects the brain is positive

consume fruits and vegetables and

introduce them as much as possible

our diet the reason why between

they should all have a presence

special the carrot is because we

helps protect our brain in

special our memory if we

we find in times of exams if

we usually forget a lot of things or if

we are advancing in age and deterioration

cognitive begins to act

presence we should consume more carrot

either raw in salads or in the form of

juice will boost our memory

It provides energy will always

you find yourself very tired when you leave

gym and all you want is

sleep maybe you should check your

feeding one of the big

properties of the carrot is that

provides instant energy like this

that can be a

they are much healthier than a smoothie

artificial protein or a cup of coffee

we can take the chopped carrots

in a tupper if we're not going to go through

house or consume them just get to

our home this will help us

feel less tired to be able to

continue to be productive the positive

is that this vegetable does not suppose any

difficulty or embarrassment when the

we transport therefore we do not have

excuses not to consume it protects the

skin the last of the big

properties of the carrot we're going to

mention has to do with the skin at

just as we talked to the beginning that

it is usually identified with a better

ocular health is also related to

obtaining a better tan here

the vitamin returns to act that the

organism can process thanks to

beta carotene when this vitamin is

in our body it happens in two things

our skin is repaired and healed

wounds in a faster way and

we are more protected from the rays

ultraviolet also consume carrot

will help us get

a tan much nicer yes

this should never replace a cream

solar it is necessary to include this

vegetable in our diet but we must

continue putting us a factor of

adequate protection to our kind of

skin you knew all these great

properties of the carrot the soles

include in your daily meals as the

consume we encourage you to try

take it more often to be able to

take advantage of all the benefits

that can provide you if it turned out

of utility this information share it

with your family and your friends do not forget

subscribe to my channel for more remedies

natural many blessings

For more infomation >> Carrot Properties Related to Health! OMG¡ - Duration: 5:18.


Hijo de Carlos Menem defiende fugaz visita de su padre a Chile y acusa a Bolocco de ser provocadora - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> Hijo de Carlos Menem defiende fugaz visita de su padre a Chile y acusa a Bolocco de ser provocadora - Duration: 7:37.


Escupitajo de El País a la oposición cubana elogiando que Pedro Sánchez no se reúna con ellos - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> Escupitajo de El País a la oposición cubana elogiando que Pedro Sánchez no se reúna con ellos - Duration: 6:43.


Survival Guide - Finding Water, Cooking in Nature - Duration: 11:28.

One day you're on a desert island or in a vast forest

found abandoned.

Or you're out of gas or lost.

And your phone doesn't.

Or at least the zombie stink has begun and you have fled into the forest.

Like a movie.

Your mother who served your food with a tray in front of you the only option

to keep the mother of nature pleasant.

Or is it like Into The Wild? Do you want it to be?

A little note: What you will soon see Please do not evaluate the comfort of daily life.

That you have no other chance in life comment on thinking.

If you like our video, and be aware of new videos

Do not forget to subscribe to our channel.

Our main drink: Water Your most important requirement to survive


Because 70% of our bodies are water.

The basic functions of your organs to oxygen,

then he needs water.

Then comes the food for energy.

2.5 liters per person per day on average it needs to consume water.

About 3 weeks without eating a human survive throughout the year, but

1 week in the best scenario for this amount of water - It's between 10 days.

So your first step is to find water Must be.

Of course you can drink every water you find doesn't mean.

Depression and stagnant waters are usually disease May contain bacteria.

Our main goal here is to survive for,

We must not drink without drinking water.

A water source around you at first glance If you do not see the best technique of animals

try to find the footprints.

If you've done lost, you might remember a few tactics.

Especially large mammals, every day water have to consume

they move towards the water source.

Dense green plants, slope bottoms like reeds, caves, moist soil

When you dig up symptoms indications.

Also in the morning grasses and leaves to collect debris accumulated on it,

You can use the clothes on you.

We didn't exaggerate, then let's talk about it without a thirst.

You are a prisoner in the wild in a snowy day If you're bedouin to stay, your thirst to eat snow

Increases instead of fixing.

The best method is to obtain the snow It is to drink.

If you remain hungry, big mistake, exhausted and helpless

try to hunt large animals.

On the contrary, this is a huge can cause life threatening.

Therefore snake, grasshopper, fish, if possible frog


If you succeed in hunting one of the small animals, flesh

can keep for a long time.

Of course, if you're talented enough to light a fire.

You'il crush the snake's head when it's small.

How well-trained in real life snakes the snakes in nature are different.

Supersonic forces to hunt a snake If there is a snake

in the rest skin, you can cook.

The important thing here is that the snake is not poisonous.

You should therefore cut the head area.

What do we say? You'il crush it when you're young.

Even after the heads leave the body they may even tend to bite.

That's why the best method after separation is to burn or away.

Forget everything or see the snake Avoid.

After hunting snakes, without cooking the story of Grady Gaston, the pilot who eats

It is famous; Snake in Australia to survive for 130 days by eating leaves and leaves

He has succeeded.

But you must, by forcing Try burning fire.

Because of the mosquitoes as well as the food be protected, both warm and wild animals

Keep away from yourself.

End of the Ninja Turtles era We know, but when you were little, your turtles

and the Ninja Turtles would follow.

Turtles are also extremely cute, despite the struggle for survival

They can be eaten.

The back of the animal with the front arm of the head before One of his feet is cut off.

Uncut cut to a high floor blood


After the blood is filtered It is buried in the fire

then the crusts can be eaten and cooked.

Yeah, here's the brutal nature man and it can transform into a bad person.

Friendly mushrooms in the nature, mushroom uncles

The biggest fear when consuming mushrooms is poisoning.

If you haven't learned anything from mushroom collection guide writings before, in nature

a fungus that you don't know is safe Various indicators to understand whether


It is usually pastel colored and on mushroom

It is poisonous.

When a piece is cut off, it becomes blue.

(But there are also exceptions, for example famous Kanlıca mushroom.)

Like milk when broken or crushed if a liquid is flowing or sticking to the surface

the probability of being poisonous is very high.

Pearl strands on the edges of the hat if not, should not be eaten.

Again both the top and the top of his hat brown

must stop.

It's very much like the culture cork. two white mushrooms need to be very careful;

Amanita phalloides and Amantia virosa.

Instead of them stalk thick, fragrant, matt

safely edible.

And don't pick up the cork.

Burarak at the bottom of the bottom (from the root) tear off, then cut off the grounded part

You assign.

The root of some fungi recognition The shape helps.

Also mushroomed, wormy

not always understood.

To understand this, you cut the cork lengthwise.

If the inside is not very wormy, the wolf cut off

You can store.

Mushrooms are your best friend in nature.

Important tactics to avoid being poisoned The most basic objective here is the defeat of known plants.

If the plant is not poisonous, On the root of quince, without feathers

leaves of the tuber milk without leaves, leaves

plants should not be consumed.

"What is this?"

Do not throw it into your mouth and say what you find.

Before eating the plant you found, your body Apply to a soft skin area.

If you do not have itching and redness to your lips and wait a while.

If there is no reaction in your body again and chew it thoroughly in your mouth.

If there is no negative reaction if swallowed and does not cause discomfort in the stomach

Eat the plant after waiting a little longer.

Of course this is the last option. Think as.

Because you still have the possibility of poisoning, these methods may not be sufficient.

Do not forget!

To survive in nature, your body Try to protect your energy.

Instead of looking for food without purpose, relax it will be much more useful.

Even if you find something to eat, spend more time searching for energy,

it will be a totally wasted effort.

You should also forget to eat where you can't find water.

Because too much to digest what you eat You will need water.

Therefore, your goal is to eat water, then Let's find!

we live in almost every There are streams on our mountain.

When you go to the camp, You can obtain various foods.

The simplest form of hunting natural trout you can feed your stomach.

Of course, for either of these trap methods or you need to know

you need to have.

If you do not have a fishing line, you can make your own fishing rod.

Make any tree needle with the help of a rope

you can make your own fishing rod by cutting a suitable branch.

You have to watch the animals.

Despite our common points in our biology, amazing among people and other animals

There are differences.

Some animals can also consume people places plants.

But the same animals are harmful to us. they also consume plants.

Birds are the worst animals we have to watch because birds can eat all kinds of fruits

and some of these fruits are useful to us some may be lethal.

Generally safe for human consumption mammals like squirrel eating nuts

even in some cases poisonous to humans can eat mushrooms and nuts.

To recognize crops that are edible, grown in cities it is almost impossible for one.

Even if you don't have a special curiosity you can't even safely eat the plants.

Because almost every edible plant, There is a poisonous like.

Recognizes plants where you live even if you are lost in a different region

the situation is almost the same.

Because each region has its own There are flora.

Hunting is far more difficult than you might think.

Especially the necessary equipment with you when you think that ..

We're not used to be like insects eating resources, it is not easy.

We're at the end of our video.

We hope no one to survive you do not need.

If you like our video to share and share the new media

subscribe to be aware of videos Do not forget.

You can write what you know in the comment section You can support our friends.

See you next video.

For more infomation >> Survival Guide - Finding Water, Cooking in Nature - Duration: 11:28.


Casa de campo en Ciutadella, Menorca.33196 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Casa de campo en Ciutadella, Menorca.33196 - Duration: 1:45.


Migraña - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Migraña - Duration: 0:46.


Bingo Was His Name O | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 2:29.

Bingo Was His Name O | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz

bingo was his name




For more infomation >> Bingo Was His Name O | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 2:29.


El amoroso momento familiar de J.C. Rodríguez, la Fran y su hijo en premiación - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> El amoroso momento familiar de J.C. Rodríguez, la Fran y su hijo en premiación - Duration: 4:17.


La desgarradora historia de amor de Contra Viento y Marea que marcó para siempre a Pancho Saavedra - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> La desgarradora historia de amor de Contra Viento y Marea que marcó para siempre a Pancho Saavedra - Duration: 5:05.


Christmas Headband - Santa Chignon - Duration: 12:05.

Hello Art Friends in Your Hands, for Today I am going to show you how to make this

bow, with the traditional colors of Santa costume I hope you like it

put it into practice and also in a step by step as we also cover

these diadems like this on tape, then I hope that they accompany the whole step

step so that they learn to do it together with me, welcome! to your channel

Art in Your Hands

for the project today that is very very simple

We need a plastic headband 1cm thick, this strass or also say tape stone

that they sell it by pieces the minimum that they sell are 25 centimeters, tape of 2

centimeters thick, we will need if many 10

centimeters, from the same cloth tape but this one is 5 millimeters

We will need 3 meters silicone liquid can also be hot, a

chalk for dressmaking to mark, scissors, felt, preferably red because it is

in a clear Christmas tone, the bow for any time of the year

this is also a ribbon in fabric that it is a little thicker in black and

It is one centimeter thick and with these materials we started ...

to begin the first thing I do is mark the circumference on the felt

this circumference the base the diameter it has 7.5 centimeters you can

make it bigger or smaller depending on the taste of each one and in

these circumferences we are going to leave each side a little eyelash

approximately 5 millimeters

ready then were the circumferences with the little eyelashes of 5

millimeters now what we're going to do is fold in the center and in both pieces

paste them and we will intersperse, here we take the hot silicone

we apply a little

we let it dry now we take the black ribbon, this

tape is like Riata type quality, but which is thinner and thick

it's barely one centimeter then we're going to stick it

all the center we apply hot silicone

and we go around the center hitting we wait for it to dry

and we go on

and so then I already hit the bun, now I take out a piece in this tape that

he calls it stone tape or strass and I'm going to put here throughout the center

you also decide that you are loved put if you want to put cord, buttons

or some other material are free of choose the one you like


we wait for it to dry

and then the bun is staying Now I'm going to cover the headband or headband

as they say in other countries, you can use it to decorate it

if suddenly they want to touch up or be a little the edges of the bow can do it

so that it is better presented

well now I'm going to line this headband now

in another video, a video more old man I shared how to cover them and there are several

tissue types here I will make one which is very simple let's take

two pieces of tape each of these It's 1.50 long and what I'm going to do

is unite them so it is like in the form of

of "V" well already I have it like that in punch that it makes us like a vee then I'm going to

Apply some silicone

in the end and I'm going to stick it here in the edge of the diadem, so we

Holds and applied some silicone also in the front part for

start to braid it is here so that we remain assured

we apply silicone so that we can weave it and not be

go to let go, let's start step back

and I do

I put under the tape that was

and the same thing I do with this as from behind

below and so I'll start then to braid

step below the tape that was up I upload

and we are staying superimposed

interlock, low

now it's on top I put it under

and I upload the one that was on top and I put underneath and so I go braiding

pay attention that it is easier to see that sometimes explain it

look what is giving the form for this guy of diadems if I like to use the

liquid silicone, allows to work it that is pretty and do not leave us with


again I put below

here I will apply some silicone what I say may be the liquid the

hot here is going to put a little bit of hot

I still work

well here I'm ending then the whole process in this

in this headband to cover it is that the tape is always passed underneath

comes behind

for example, this was about going to go down and in passing

down I raise and the one that was on Y

I'm hitting

this is how

and we also tighten so that the tape looks good

for example, it is in the one above

I'm going to go under and I'm going to put this one that was here

I go up and I'm going to put it below that, so

she is more of observation than soon of one being saying up below

the truth and already in the back then we stick

in this part, if you can see the tissue is the same as

go through the top, let's put silicone

we wait for it to dry well we cut the excess and suddenly with a little bit of

of the lighter we put a little bit of fire to seal and ready

now here at the ends of the headband we are going to paste these pieces with silicone

they are small pieces of 3 centimeters by the width of the tape we put this

here at the ends so you do not burst the girls the diadem and

then we have that pending, we are going to apply silicone

I can hold for a while to get it all right

and the same thing I do with the other end and then we are going to apply

some silicone

and then we hit it that way, I hit it with hot silicone here

and then look at how the project is we remove the excess silicone and so

then we are running this diadem is the headband decorated with colors for

Christmas as well as with the costume of colors of santa I hope you like it

that they put it into practice is for share with your girls and also if

you want to do is a very good idea to sell on these dates

Then give us your "Like" Subscribe on the red button, Share it

with your friends and family and Accompany us in each project in each

video that we share with a lot sweetie

see you in a next video here on your channel

Art in Your Hands

For more infomation >> Christmas Headband - Santa Chignon - Duration: 12:05.


Álora, el Valle del Azahar. Málaga - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Álora, el Valle del Azahar. Málaga - Duration: 1:18.



For more infomation >> 5 EXERCICES POUR S'ÉCHAUFFER LES DOIGTS AU PIANO - Duration: 13:13.


Aventura en Finca Reservatauro. Ronda, Málaga - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Aventura en Finca Reservatauro. Ronda, Málaga - Duration: 2:15.


Murillo, una visita nocturna a la Casa de los Pinelo. Sevilla - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Murillo, una visita nocturna a la Casa de los Pinelo. Sevilla - Duration: 1:44.


Doctors DO NOT Speak, But These 4 Seeds Can DESTROY CANCER 2 to 4 Weeks - Duration: 2:36.

these are the four seeds with the highest anticancer power

check out apple seeds the seeds of apple have been chosen by many

as one of the more powerful natural anticancer drugs

scientifically proven that the seeds are able to prevent

the formation of cancer cells from different types of cancer such as

example breast cancer colon cancer with lung cancer prostate cancer

cancer of the pancreas cancer of the stomach the chemical compounds present

in these anti-cancer seeds are much better at the moment of delaying the

growth of cancer cells in comparison with the drugs used in the

chemotherapy grape to what all indicates the b2g 2 present

in the seed disrupts the environment where cancer cells grow and become

reproduce by causing them to die quickly

It is believed that grape seeds can reduce the growth of tumors by 67%

Malignant flax seed present in linseed

this substance is one of the most powerful seeds are the cancers but the seeds

flaxseed are also highly recommended to prevent and fight cancer

mom this powerful natural ingredient is

capable of promoting cell apoptosis tumor cells to inhibit the generation and

appearance of metastases Damascus

this type of anti-cancer seeds contains large amounts of vitamin B

17 in their composition which makes them very efficient in combating cells

to consume the seeds of apricot

you just have to break the fruit with the hammer and take the seed into

almond present inside it is important to take into account that

the drugs in this product that are sold in pharmacies are not so f

such as the narrow seed of the fruit finally if you find the seed too

bitter you can mix it with a little nutmeg or grated coconut

if you liked the short video and if subscribe to the channel and do not

share with your friends until Next video bye bye

For more infomation >> Doctors DO NOT Speak, But These 4 Seeds Can DESTROY CANCER 2 to 4 Weeks - Duration: 2:36.


Prince William traumatisé, Kate Middleton l'a soulagé d'un terrible drame - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Prince William traumatisé, Kate Middleton l'a soulagé d'un terrible drame - Duration: 1:35.


Ruinée, Angelina Jolie quémande de l'argent à Brad Pitt - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Ruinée, Angelina Jolie quémande de l'argent à Brad Pitt - Duration: 1:19.


Billie Eilish - come out and play (cover) - Duration: 3:51.

Wake up and smell the coffee Is your cup half full or empty?

When we talk, you say it softly But I love it when you're awfully quiet


You see a piece of paper Could be a little greater

Show me what you could make her You'll never know until you try it

You don't have to keep it quiet

And I know it makes you nervous But I promise you, it's worth it

To show 'em everything you kept inside Don't hide, don't hide

Too shy to say, but I hope you stay Don't hide away

Come out and play

Look up, out of your window See snow, won't let it in though

Leave home, feel the wind blow 'Cause it's colder here inside in silence

You don't have to keep it quiet

Yeah, I know it makes you nervous But I promise you, it's worth it

To show 'em everything you kept inside Don't hide, don't hide

Too shy to say but I hope you stay Don't hide away

Come out and play

For more infomation >> Billie Eilish - come out and play (cover) - Duration: 3:51.


पालक डाळ - Palak Dal Recipe In Marathi - Dhaba Style Dal Recipe - Archana - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> पालक डाळ - Palak Dal Recipe In Marathi - Dhaba Style Dal Recipe - Archana - Duration: 3:16.


Bingo Was His Name O | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 2:29.

Bingo Was His Name O | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz

bingo was his name




For more infomation >> Bingo Was His Name O | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 2:29.


Diez en la cama | Canciones de jardín de infantes para niños | Video de dibujos animados - Duration: 13:11.

diez en la cama niños rima

For more infomation >> Diez en la cama | Canciones de jardín de infantes para niños | Video de dibujos animados - Duration: 13:11.


Elephant Finger Family | Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Kindergarten Cartoons by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 31:54.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Elephant Finger Family | Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Kindergarten Cartoons by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 31:54.


MAHAPRASTHANAM | Directed by Pavan Kadiyala | BAAHUBALI Fame Meka Ramakrishna | TeluguOne - Duration: 19:21.

Excuse me, can you give these tablets?

who are these for?

for me no.. for my uncle

who are you? why are you stopping me?

how does it matter? why are you commiting suicide?

it's not right to commit suicide

why it is bother to you? why should i tell you?

you have wasted all of my tablets, shit

alright, why dont you speak for 5 minuts with me?

if you convince me,

here are the tablets which are stronger than yours

you will be done in minutes

what is your problem?

come , lets talk

my name is arjun

In my office/team, i'm the one who does all the work

I haven't seen increment for last 3 years

they issued memo for a small mistake

they wouldn't realize my value, unless I'm dead

hmm, what else?

in my family, i'm the only one who is earning

even then they dont care about me

nor they dont bother for me

they would'nt realize my worth unless i'm dead

is that it?

enough? is this not enough?

i'm in love with a girl

she is not talking to me these days

she wouldn't understand my value unless i'm dead

would they value once you are dead?

what if you come back from death?

what do mean by come back?

it is madness

today morning i died for the third time

Do you think I'am crazy?

this is my death certificate

let me tell my story

my name is krishna murthy , i'm a retired IAS officer

I have been a honest officer all through my service

i have not lived for myself

infact, in last 60 years i never have not prayed the god for my sake

i command huge respect in my office

all my family members loved me so much

idly? not again

idly good for health, please eat


is it a normal plate or an "askhay patra"?

also, my girlfriend loves me very much

yes, it is my wife

i have 2 sons and 1 daughter

my elder son lives with me.

and the younger one stays in UK

my daughter got recently married

they live in bangalore

Happy Birthday dear


yes, very much

everyone in the family, used to highly value my words

the day has finally come in my happy life

i died of heartattack while reading the news paper

madam..madam !!

something happened to sir

mom, what is it?

where are you ? your father is no more

what happened mom? ..what happened?

come fast, i'm coming..coming..

sir sir, important clients are waiting for you ..sir..sir...sir

yes mom

ammu, pleaes come home

your dad is no more

what happened mom?

hello mom... mom

hello ..


what happened mom? mom

your dad is no more..

what happened to dad?

hello mom..

hello mom, listen to me , hello


please book the next flight to india,

yes, it is very urgent

just book the next flight

my father is expired


they were crying all throughout the day

I started crying as well

looking at their love , i wanted to live again.

god, in last 60 years, i have never asked you anything for my sake

i'm asking for the first time

bring me alive once


father, nothing happened to you

since i prayed the god for the first time for my self,

i think god gave me my life back

because i'm alive again, my family felt happy and surprise

they spent good time with me and they served me with love

they spent few days and left home

i again died after 2 months



something happened to sir again

son, can you come bit early from office today.

your father died again

yes, i'm coming

i'm coming

Raju, i'm heading home

sir chairman sir coming

when will he be here?

in 15 mints time


yes mom

your father died again



is it possible to come?



my father died again

is it? shall i book the tickets again?

no, no.. i would like to wait for 2 days as i have some project work

oh ok, your wish

hello Mr rao

max i can come by tomorrow to office.

yeah i will come to office tomorrow.


mom, why did it happen?

this time, my younger son in the UK did'nt come

my he wanted to wait for 2 days.

my daughter has come but her husband did'nt come

would you like to have some water?

this time there is stark difference in their emotions

there was not enough pain

did you drink it?



brother-illa did'nt come?

what to do ? he is loaded with work

he said he cannot make it

i didn't expect this

hence, i wanted to explore the relations between people

hence, i prayed the god to give me back life again.

i came back to life again

but no one seemed very happy

is it?

yes it is

even i was not happy

my daughter left same day

i haven't noticed the same affection from my wife, which i used to get

this is not it

there is more

today i died for the third time

madam, can you come once and see?

yeah, i'm coming

ammu, how are you?

i'm good mom

same thing happened to dad again


would it be possible to come again?

i will try mom

come only if it is feasible


yes mother

is it?

I'm coming , mom


yes sir

what are all meeting do we have today?

sir, you have a meeting after 2 hours.

is it

when this is happened?

it happened in the morning


son, should i bring the coffe for you?

yes, strong one

my wife came after finishing her meal

my son came only after office time

my daughter did'nt come

my younger one didn't even respond to the phone

everyone is busy with their work

i felt bored

i came out for a walk

i saw you

i felt you are in pain

i followed you to help you

i stopped you, then i realized you could see me

then, i also realized why god saved me twice

that is how krishna came to arjuna

then did you not ask you life back again?

now i got good clarity on relations

my body will be cremated in another 2 hours

ok, leave my story aside

what about you?

no one knows what causes the leaf to fall now

world will move on even if you are not there

even the watch that you are wearing

your life is not important to anyone except you

so, you need to live your life for your self

if is there any impact, that is your family, that is also temporaray one

at max they stop celebrating festivals that too may for one year?

they may not go out for fun or movies for 6 months?

they may not see serials for 1 month?

all these are temporary

nothing will change in your abscense

alright, if you want to die even now? go-ahead

no sir

i won't die

i wanted others to know value of my death

but, you made me realize myself

Krishnamurthy in this story, is there in everywhere

in everyone as conscience

let us hope, he is with you in your troubles

from Mahaprastanm team.

For more infomation >> MAHAPRASTHANAM | Directed by Pavan Kadiyala | BAAHUBALI Fame Meka Ramakrishna | TeluguOne - Duration: 19:21.


MERINDING BULU KETEK INI - Demonic Manor 3 - Duration: 14:49.

For more infomation >> MERINDING BULU KETEK INI - Demonic Manor 3 - Duration: 14:49.


Uomini e Donne: diretta puntata di oggi, 23 novembre | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: diretta puntata di oggi, 23 novembre | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:48.


U&D, Sperti contro Affi Fella: 'Mi fa paura vedere che sia così abile a prendere in giro' - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> U&D, Sperti contro Affi Fella: 'Mi fa paura vedere che sia così abile a prendere in giro' - Duration: 3:47.


Sara Affi Fella torna sui social con un video in un negozio di parrucchieri | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Sara Affi Fella torna sui social con un video in un negozio di parrucchieri | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.


U&D spoiler: Mastroianni va a riprendere Irene dopo la registrazione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> U&D spoiler: Mastroianni va a riprendere Irene dopo la registrazione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:46.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne 23 novembre: Riccardi esce con Claudia e Alice | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne 23 novembre: Riccardi esce con Claudia e Alice | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:43.


Toyota Corolla Wagon 1.6 VVT-i Terra |2 Eigenaren| - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Wagon 1.6 VVT-i Terra |2 Eigenaren| - Duration: 1:10.


OK I'M FINE - ĐẠT MATA (#OIF) | MV LYRICS - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> OK I'M FINE - ĐẠT MATA (#OIF) | MV LYRICS - Duration: 3:29.


Dvě tváře Terezy Maškové: Dračice v krajce i nedobytná ledová královna - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Dvě tváře Terezy Maškové: Dračice v krajce i nedobytná ledová královna - Duration: 3:31.


WHAT IS PWM? - Duration: 3:39.

Hi friends in this video we will talk about PWM

PWM is a useful technique and used in many devices

let's start the video

subscribe if you havent and also hit the bell icon for updates

PWM is the short form of pulse width modulation

For more infomation >> WHAT IS PWM? - Duration: 3:39.


Casa Real: Por qué España odia a Letizia Ortiz - Parte I - Noticias de Casas Reales - Duration: 15:29.

For more infomation >> Casa Real: Por qué España odia a Letizia Ortiz - Parte I - Noticias de Casas Reales - Duration: 15:29.


Boys Do Read: 8-year-old boy starts reading movement in Cleveland - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Boys Do Read: 8-year-old boy starts reading movement in Cleveland - Duration: 2:04.


北京做出重磅決定!金馬獎作妖,台獨傻眼 - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> 北京做出重磅決定!金馬獎作妖,台獨傻眼 - Duration: 9:48.


★ Мужчина запустил дрон, чтобы посмотреть на море сверху. Увидев у берега акулу, он начал кричать. - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> ★ Мужчина запустил дрон, чтобы посмотреть на море сверху. Увидев у берега акулу, он начал кричать. - Duration: 2:02.


Fjernelse af brystkræft på hund (Tumor i mælkekirtel) - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Fjernelse af brystkræft på hund (Tumor i mælkekirtel) - Duration: 3:50.


噩運來臨!俄羅斯突然傳來壞消息,!中俄關係面臨大危機! - Duration: 9:08.

For more infomation >> 噩運來臨!俄羅斯突然傳來壞消息,!中俄關係面臨大危機! - Duration: 9:08.


Eggless lemon custard - Natur Emul · Fruit Pectin NH - Texturizers - Duration: 3:29.

Mix sugar with Natur Emul and Fruit Pectin NH in a bowl

Heat water with lemon puree at 40ºC.

Sprinkle the mix of solids to the saucepan, stirring until it is well dissolved.

Once well integrated, heat up to 85ºC while stirring.

Remove from heat and let cool to 40ºC.

Add butter and Candied Lemon Peel Paste emulsify with a hand blender. Emulsify with a hand blender.

Cling film and let set overnight in the fridge. Use.

For more infomation >> Eggless lemon custard - Natur Emul · Fruit Pectin NH - Texturizers - Duration: 3:29.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i CVT Automaat Dynamic Panorama - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i CVT Automaat Dynamic Panorama - Duration: 1:09.


Toyota Corolla Wagon 1.6 VVT-i Terra |2 Eigenaren| - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Wagon 1.6 VVT-i Terra |2 Eigenaren| - Duration: 1:10.



Fumiya: Please cut a Potato into bite-size pieces.

Fumiya: Good!

Fumiya: Do you usually cook at home?

Yuya: No!

Fumiya: You can count on me!

Fumiya: Good, right?

Fumiya: Please be careful not to cut your hands

Fumiya: Put the oil into the pan.

Fumiya: I don't if this is the right way to cook this!

Fumiya: I'm not cooking seriously!

Fumiya: I'm gonna put the Potato in the pan.

And then Put the Carrot in the pan!

Stir-fry the veggies

Stir-fry the Potato and Carrot!

Fumiya: It smells good!

Fumiya: I don't if this is the right way to cook this!

I will put the Beef in the pan!

It looks good!

And than I will put the water in the pan!

Fumiya: I don't know the amount of the water!

And then put Caldereta mix in the pan

Fumiya: Is the water too little?

Fumiya: Wait!!

Fumiya: Too many??

Yuya: I think so

Fumiya: I think it's too many!

Fumiya: I don't if this is the right way to cook this!

I think I put the water too much!

We'll be boiling this!

Let's put on the cover and wait!

Yuya: I don't know that song


It smells good.

Yuya: It looks good!

Fumiya: I'm gonna taste it

Fumiya: I'm gonna taste Carrot


Fumiya: This Carrot is very soft

Yuya: Really?

Fumiya: How is it?

Yuya: It's very soft!

Fumiya: I think it's ok!

Fumiya: We made it!

Let's eat!

Yuya: Wait


We made Caldereta!


We made it!

Time to eat!

This is...


Let's eat

Fumiya: I'm gonna eat Potato!

Fumiya: This Potato is very soft!

It's masarap!



Very good!

It looks so delicious!

I like this Potato

This is my first time to cook Caldereta!

This video is Fumiya's cooking part2!

I made Sinigang in Fumiya's cooking part1

And then we made Caldereta today

What do you want us to cook next?

We'll be waiting for your requests!

We're not sure if we cook it right, so please comment!


Fumiya: This Potato is so good, right?

Yuya: Yes!

Fumiya: It's a little bit spicy, right?

Yuya: I don't think so

Fumiya: It's a little bit spicy for me!

For this kaldereta, if you will give a score and 100 is the highest, what's the score?

Yuya: 100!!

Maybe we should open a kaldereta restaurant from now on?

Please come!! Lol

For more infomation >> JAPANESE BROTHERS TRIES TO COOK CALDERETA!!! - Duration: 10:03.


曾經知名主持人,醉酒羞辱金星,強吻謝娜被封殺,如今變成了這樣! - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> 曾經知名主持人,醉酒羞辱金星,強吻謝娜被封殺,如今變成了這樣! - Duration: 8:22.


'Paris' travel and eating ♥ _ Eat delicious food a lot♥✨Series of Europe travel vlog ep.4 :D - Duration: 17:15.

Ep.4 "Paris" travel and eating♥

Total 2 episodes of Paris travel and eating. This is the last episode!

(Le Plomb du Cantal)

N: Wow This is Onion soup!

N: It looks different with that we ate before.


N: I want to eat it!!!!!!!!!

N: Okay I'll try it!! now!

N: It taste like cheese with potato! It's so good♥

(steak + cheese potato = super tasty☆)

(Tour Montparnasse)

(In Montparnasse Tower's rooftop, We looked around the view.)

(And We went to eat dessert!)

N: Picnic picnic~♬

(We bought some bread and enjoyed picnic!)

(We bought some bread and enjoyed picnic!) N: Two "Pain au Chocolat" Color is different!

(Bread color is little bit different isn't it?)

N: This is "Mille-Feuille"

N: Picnic♬

N: It's still warm!

D: We eat "Pain au Chocolat" everyday.

N: I'll try this! (That is "Pain au Chocolat" which we bought it first!)

D: You're being way over the top!

N: You have to eat it! It's not good that much!

(I ate another delicious bread!)

(We went Seine River and did picnic again! Mini apple picnic!)

N: I'm gonna eat this mini apple!

N: It's so good!

(ketchup flavor snack)

D: It's so cute!

(It was so delicious♥) N: It's tasty!

(Le Petit Marche)

(It's famous for duck steak!)

(It's crispy and soft. And Matching very well with the sauce!)

N: This duck steak grilled rare.

(Jacques Genin)

N: Can I cut it??

N: Uh... Break My heart...

D: This is soooo good!!

N: This is really good... D: I told you!!!!

N: The bottom is pastry!! D: Yeah It's very crispy!

N: So tasty...♥

(I thought Paris = dessert heaven)

(We shopped sunglasses! )

(And we bought macarons of Pierre Herme and two pies of pizza.)

N: It looks so tasty~

(Dearyou gave me this doll!) N: It's so cute...♡

(And the main is...!!!! The Eiffel tower view!)

D: It's not warm but It's still yummy! N: Yes it is!

(Pizza + The Eiffel tower view = ♥♡♥♡)

D: It'll be perfect If we have beer. N: Where is beer!?

D: We didn't go the super market! N: Why didn't we buy beer!?

N: Oh no.... We don't have beer.........

N: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

N: I think I'm good at counting time

(Song Heng)

(We couldn't film video that we ate this, But I think This is more delicious than Pho Bahn Cuon 14!!)

N: My sunglasses!!!!! It's 100,000 won.....!!!

(Yes... I dropped my sunglasses into water...)

N: Even I miss one more sunglasses that we bought together...

N: My sunglasses!!!!!

N: You filmed me who wearing sunglasses. That was last time to wear my sunglasses.

N: Good Bye... (memories with sunglasses)


N: Feel better!

N: This is the best Mont Blanc that I've ever had.

N: Can I eat it?

(Mont Blanc's cream is so good and this Frazier's cream is also amazing!)

When I bite it first, It taste like sweet chestnut!

And I can taste soft cream inside!

And The meringue which is inside. It's very sweet!

But the cream is not sweet that much!

D: I can understand!

D: Is it delicious? N: Yes♥ I'm happy now!


N: Do you want to eat escargot? (snail dish)

N: Wow It's good! This sauce is really tasty!

N: This is Dearyou's the first time to eat escargot!

N: First, Grab it!

N: Wow! So big!

N: Look at her face! kkkk

N: It taste like conch! boiled conch!

D: It's little bit weird.. N: How about the sauce? Isn't it good?

D: Yes, The sauce is good... (She felt little bit hard to eat this.)

N: Next is this!! We have to eat this!

N: This is the taste that we've been looking for!

N: Cheers for our last night in paris!

N: Last night... Oh no...

D: Seriously, Today is our last night in paris...! N: Yes... So sad.. 8_8

(So we came to our room and drank beer! Because Today is our last night in paris!)

N: Good bye Paris! Bye Bye!

(It was great night with beautiful Eiffel tower view.)

(La Fontaine de Mars)

(This restaurant got Michelin star. Barack Obama who is former President in USA is visited here before.)

N: I like butter!

N: Umm♥ Delicious!

N: It's so good!

N: It's Cocktail which is so tasty♪

(It's different taste with the duck steak! It's so crispy!)

N: It looks so delicious!

N: Taste is so difficult to explain...!!!

(It's little bit different with sausage that we already know. But It's tasty also!)

N: That is so delicious!

N: It's so good! Isn't it?

(So Our 5 episodes of "London & Paris eating trip" is done!)

(I was so happy to eat many delicious food, and go amazing place!)

(I hope you enjoyed it!)

For more infomation >> 'Paris' travel and eating ♥ _ Eat delicious food a lot♥✨Series of Europe travel vlog ep.4 :D - Duration: 17:15.


Auto Repair Shop Business Plan - SECRETS REVEALED - Duration: 6:29.

Do you want a business plan for your repair shop that's going to grow your car count not

gonna drive your nuts not gonna cost you a pile of money

and it's gonna be repeatable if so buckle up because it's going to

start right now I'm going to show you everything

hey I'm Matthew welcome back to car count hackers we're all about helping auto

repair shop owners grow their car count income and profit so you can change the

lifestyle of everyone you care about so let me tell you what just happened I

literally just got a message from one of my clients one of my private car count

hackers and it was a good message so I thought I'd jump on this video and share

everything with you and hopefully you'll get something out of this if you do

don't forget to tickle that like button and feel free to share this with shop

owners that you think will benefit so this started out a little while ago

where my client said that he was a struggling I mean you know his car count

he could see a steady decline in the number of cars profits of course were

not where they used to be he had to techs and he was getting to the point that he

was concerned you might have to let go one of those two tax and of course you

know you have to good techs which one do you let go and does that start a slide

so we got together and started looking at what he could do to bump his car

count and get I can't say instant results but get things started right

away remember I said he was you know in a

spot he was struggling it wasn't like he had the bailiff knocking at the door so

we went to work and here's you know what happened before I tell you what the

message was about let me tell you it sure a simple strategy that I used with

him and hopefully this will help you and a simple strategy is this number one

identify your low-hanging fruit number two go ahead and pick that fruit go

ahead and you know reap the rewards from that fruit number three make sure it's

repeatable and you do it month after month after month in essence I wanted to

build him a little car count machine so here's what happened

I got him to sit down and generate a simple report from his system and create

a list of all the customers that he has not seen from 90 to 180 days old so in

other words if you were a customer on his list and you had not been in his

shop for 90 to 180 days or you know from 3 to 6 months we generated a list and

had you on the list step number two was simple pluck that

fruit how do we do that well it was pretty easy we sat down and wrote them a

letter yes a just a plain letter delivered by USPS and as we progress

through this keep one thing in mind on average your letter is going to cost you

about a dollar with postage so the investment here is not that great and

when he got finished with his list double-checked everything and confirmed

that yes here was a list of people we had 256 people on the list so now we

just have to write the letter so the letters were personalized and it

basically said hey I was thinking about you the other day and realized it's been

a while since I've seen you I thought I'd write you this letter just to be

sure everything's okay nothing sales e there is it great letter went on to say

I was hoping you'd be able to stop by even it was just say hello and while

you're here I'm gonna offer you this crazy bribe now that's basically the

gist of the letter and it was just a simple letter nothing serious long story

short he was able to calculate all the revenues generated by that letter over

the last month he sends me a message this morning he's all excited that

letter generated four thousand six hundred and eighty dollars so my

question to you is would you invest that two hundred and fifty six dollars to

generate four thousand six hundred and eighty dollars worth of business I'm

thinking you probably would so the formula is simple identify that

low-hanging fruit which is generating a list of customers who you have not seen

from 90 to 180. Second go ahead and pluck that fruit

sending him a letter just like that hey I was thinking about you hope

everything's okay stop by and say hello and while you're

here I've got this great offer for you thirdly you're gonna be able to

replenish this because every month you're gonna go into your records and

dig out the people who you have not seen from 90 to 180 days or somewhere in that

range and regenerate that list so that's the simple system it's really just that

easy and it's not difficult at all and what's best is you've already got all

the tools you need to actually make it happen if you have any questions about

that you can go ahead and drop them in the comments below I respond personally

to each one of those comments if you want more information there's a link

below here to ask me anything that's a email message that gets right to my

inbox and if you're really excited about this go ahead and tickle that like

button feel free to share this video with anyone of your shop owner friends

or post it on any of your Facebook page boards but better than that while you're

here in the description below go ahead and register for my free training course

I said it was totally free Double Your Car Count in 89 days without wasting any of your

hard-earned dollars on that money sucking advertising on that course I'm

going to show you how to compete in your market regardless of who you're

competing to gets new car dealers big box competitors down the street or even

the mobile guys I'm gonna show you how to virtually eliminate that competition

I'm gonna show you how to actually get customers to refer you to friends family

coworkers and associate and I'm even going to detail an almost sneaky tactic

that you can use to get 100% perfect reviews every time all the time hey my

name is Matthew Lee I really faith you for watching this video can't wait to

see you on the free training take care and talk soon don't forget to subscribe

for more

For more infomation >> Auto Repair Shop Business Plan - SECRETS REVEALED - Duration: 6:29.


Billie Eilish - come out and play (cover) - Duration: 3:51.

Wake up and smell the coffee Is your cup half full or empty?

When we talk, you say it softly But I love it when you're awfully quiet


You see a piece of paper Could be a little greater

Show me what you could make her You'll never know until you try it

You don't have to keep it quiet

And I know it makes you nervous But I promise you, it's worth it

To show 'em everything you kept inside Don't hide, don't hide

Too shy to say, but I hope you stay Don't hide away

Come out and play

Look up, out of your window See snow, won't let it in though

Leave home, feel the wind blow 'Cause it's colder here inside in silence

You don't have to keep it quiet

Yeah, I know it makes you nervous But I promise you, it's worth it

To show 'em everything you kept inside Don't hide, don't hide

Too shy to say but I hope you stay Don't hide away

Come out and play

For more infomation >> Billie Eilish - come out and play (cover) - Duration: 3:51.


GF Vip, Walter Nudo non ha abbandonato i figli, Pierlugi Gollini: 'non ho tradito Giulia' - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> GF Vip, Walter Nudo non ha abbandonato i figli, Pierlugi Gollini: 'non ho tradito Giulia' - Duration: 3:39.


Christmas Stockings with Daisy - Duration: 3:50.

Is there anything more manly in life than hanging stockings at Christmastime?

And if you're a dad, filling those stockings with treats has to rank right

up there. Tradition has it that back in the old days

people would come in from the cold, dry their feet, and then warm their stockings

by the fire. Then on Christmas Eve St. Nicholas would come around, fill the

stockings with treats. It's a tradition it still takes place even today. Uh-oh . . . I

guess candy bars aren't the best thing to have next to a hot fire like this. Hey! Stop her! She's licking that up!

She'll be fine. Dogs love chocolate.

Don't they?

Hey guys Robbie Sondag here with a little Godly advice for living a more

meaningful life. And while the Bible doesn't mention stockings, per say, it has

several stories of people who certainly got cold feet. You know, that feeling of

having once unstoppable courage and then, in the moment, it melts away into this

feeling of being very timid or insecure. I immediately think of Peter when he

denied even knowing Jesus three times. Let's pick that story up in Matthew 26

verses 74 and 75, where it says, "Then he got really nervous and swore, "I don't

know the man." Just then a rooster crowed. Peter remembered what Jesus had said:

"Before the rooster crows you will deny me three times." He went out and cried and

cried and cried. Guys, have you ever had great enthusiasm for something

worthwhile, and then when the moment of truth came you kinda lost your zeal or

your confidence? I think we all have. Like when you're trying to fit in with the

crowd it's real easy to talk a big game with friends at church on Sunday, and

then lose your nerve on Monday at work when the water cooler talk becomes not

so God-honoring. Or when something inappropriate appears on the TV screen

and you just don't have the courage to switch it because, "Oh, it's not that bad."

Or maybe you've gotten cold feet about leading the family in prayer or being

responsible about what you drink with the guys on poker night. None of these

things are beyond God's forgiveness, just as Jesus forgave Peter for denying

him. But along with the forgiveness comes the challenge to step up your game and

learn from your past. In other words, guys, it's time to dry

your feet, strap on your boots, and get down to business by pursuing the

worthwhile things in life. In the meantime stop playing footsies

with the devil.

So yes there is something more manly in

life than hanging stockings at Christmastime. It's learning to lean on

God through those cold feet moments so that you can tackle the challenge and

tell the devil "put a sock in it." Uh-oh! What's the matter? Looks like Daisy left you a

little present on the kitchen floor. I knew she shouldn't

eaten that chocolate. Relax! It's not like she's dead or anything . . . uh-oh. What's the matter? Um . . .

How late is Dr. Doodleydoo's office open til?

If you'd like the weekly dose of humor, truth, and encouragement, go ahead

subscribe to this channel. And make sure to check out this week's bonus video for

the best new Christmas idea of the year. And yes it involves socks. And we will see

you next time for another installment of Manly Moments. You're such a good

girl. How about a deep fried Twinkie?

For more infomation >> Christmas Stockings with Daisy - Duration: 3:50.


Hands free equalizing how to do it? - Duration: 3:26.

Welcome, everyone.

In this episode I will teach you how to equalize your ears without closing your nose by hands.

Quick explanation and easiest way to do it.

Living in the paradise and working in the diving center

we got a lot of things to share with you.

Watch our chanel Dive Center Daily Life.

Many years ago I realized that I need my hands rather constantly during scuba diving.

Sometimes I have to help other divers as a diving instructor.

Or when I do underwater photography and video I couldn't hold my nose during descending.

I knew there was a better way to equilize.

I read books, I talked to some divers, but I couldn't understand how to do it.

I spent a lot of time to practice hand free equalizing and finally learnt it.

Today I will explain you how to do it.

It is very easy.

Even if you don't do any job under water, like me, you can still be interested.

I will not explain why we do equalizing.

And I will not talk about other techniques.

You open this video because you want to learn how to do hands free equalizing.

You can use it while scuba and free diving.

For you to understand what we are going to do, I will show you a picture.

This is a human ear.

Like in other equalizing methods you have to press a little air

by Eustachius tube into middle ear.

But in this technique you will use muscles in your throat and end of your tongue.

The first step is to try to blow air into your nose using throat not your lungs.

It is difficult to explain.

Just do it with me.

Squeeze throat like chewing and press the air.

Like that.

Can you hear?

At the same time your ears can clacking a little.

But this is not important.

The second step is to use the end of your tongue to close nose tube inside.

Do both these things together and you will equalize your ears.

Next step is to go diving and practice.

Do not practice to much out of the water.

this is not good for ears.

Using this technique you have to do it often during descending.

More often than other equalizing techniques.

I recommend to do it every half meter,

as you press into the ear very small portionsof air.

When your ear s won't pop up probably you need to use traditional way to equalize.

You need a lot of practice, probably 10 or 20 dives to do it properly.

When I started I had a problem with closing my nose inside.

And some part of the air was going into my mask .

But with a lot of practice I mastered this technique.

And you guys. What do you think about hands free equalizing?

Maybe you have some tips or my explanation needs something to be added.

Share it in the comments.

Watch more videos with tips for divers on our channel.

If you like this video share it with your friends,

and subscribe Dive Center Daily Life.

For more infomation >> Hands free equalizing how to do it? - Duration: 3:26.





Na luta contra o câncer, Deise Cipriano recebe alta de UTI em dia para lá de especial - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Na luta contra o câncer, Deise Cipriano recebe alta de UTI em dia para lá de especial - Duration: 2:13.


Doctors DO NOT Speak, But These 4 Seeds Can DESTROY CANCER 2 to 4 Weeks - Duration: 2:36.

these are the four seeds with the highest anticancer power

check out apple seeds the seeds of apple have been chosen by many

as one of the more powerful natural anticancer drugs

scientifically proven that the seeds are able to prevent

the formation of cancer cells from different types of cancer such as

example breast cancer colon cancer with lung cancer prostate cancer

cancer of the pancreas cancer of the stomach the chemical compounds present

in these anti-cancer seeds are much better at the moment of delaying the

growth of cancer cells in comparison with the drugs used in the

chemotherapy grape to what all indicates the b2g 2 present

in the seed disrupts the environment where cancer cells grow and become

reproduce by causing them to die quickly

It is believed that grape seeds can reduce the growth of tumors by 67%

Malignant flax seed present in linseed

this substance is one of the most powerful seeds are the cancers but the seeds

flaxseed are also highly recommended to prevent and fight cancer

mom this powerful natural ingredient is

capable of promoting cell apoptosis tumor cells to inhibit the generation and

appearance of metastases Damascus

this type of anti-cancer seeds contains large amounts of vitamin B

17 in their composition which makes them very efficient in combating cells

to consume the seeds of apricot

you just have to break the fruit with the hammer and take the seed into

almond present inside it is important to take into account that

the drugs in this product that are sold in pharmacies are not so f

such as the narrow seed of the fruit finally if you find the seed too

bitter you can mix it with a little nutmeg or grated coconut

if you liked the short video and if subscribe to the channel and do not

share with your friends until Next video bye bye

For more infomation >> Doctors DO NOT Speak, But These 4 Seeds Can DESTROY CANCER 2 to 4 Weeks - Duration: 2:36.


Bingo Was His Name O | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 2:29.

Bingo Was His Name O | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz

bingo was his name




For more infomation >> Bingo Was His Name O | +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Emmie The Elephant | Baby Toonz - Duration: 2:29.


Você Precisa Saber Disto Antes De Consumir Açafrão-Da-Terra (Cúrcuma) Novamente ! - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Você Precisa Saber Disto Antes De Consumir Açafrão-Da-Terra (Cúrcuma) Novamente ! - Duration: 2:12.


Últimas notícia de hoje : LULA DEFENDE FRENTE GLOBAL CONTRA NOVA DIREITA - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : LULA DEFENDE FRENTE GLOBAL CONTRA NOVA DIREITA - Duration: 2:10.


Abitudini: amiche o nemiche? - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Abitudini: amiche o nemiche? - Duration: 4:03.


Geisy Arruda aparece completamente nua na banheira - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Geisy Arruda aparece completamente nua na banheira - Duration: 1:53.


Adhemar de Campos - Jesus Nos Libertou (Ao Vivo) | Ato 3 - Igreja na Rua - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Adhemar de Campos - Jesus Nos Libertou (Ao Vivo) | Ato 3 - Igreja na Rua - Duration: 4:07.





Mumuzinho revela climão e pedido sincero de Luciano Huck - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Mumuzinho revela climão e pedido sincero de Luciano Huck - Duration: 2:53.





Como se Organizar nas Tarefas do Marketing Digital para 2019 | 5 Aplicativos pra Ajudar!! - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> Como se Organizar nas Tarefas do Marketing Digital para 2019 | 5 Aplicativos pra Ajudar!! - Duration: 7:23.


Eliana surpreende Tatá Werneck e fala sobre masturbação - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Eliana surpreende Tatá Werneck e fala sobre masturbação - Duration: 1:50.


Descontos e dicas: Black Friday pag! #5 - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Descontos e dicas: Black Friday pag! #5 - Duration: 1:24.


Afogamento é a 2ª maior causa de óbitos de crianças - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Afogamento é a 2ª maior causa de óbitos de crianças - Duration: 2:37.


Carrot Properties Related to Health! OMG¡ - Duration: 5:18.

welcome to a new video of our

channel today we will be talking about

properties of carrots

related to health we have always

associated that the carrot was very good

for the eyes however this stays

pretty short when we discovered the

great properties of the carrot that

have a very positive effect on

our health knowing them will urge us to

increase the intake of this vegetable

the ways of consuming carrots can

be very varied we can add it to

salads cut it into pieces to take

James we can eat them raw or cooked

In short, there are different ways

to include them in our food

but today we're going to see the big

properties of the carrot and how

improve our health stimulates the

appetite maybe if what we want is

lose weight this first of the big

properties of the carrot do not

I'm very excited, but it can be

a good idea to put it as an incoming

to open up the appetite before the

noon or dinner too

we can make a carrot juice for

consume half an hour before eating is

ideal for those who are

performing a diet to increase mass

muscle or weight and for those who have

problems to eat for example the

Children strengthens teeth and gums

you know what to eat at the time of

snack or as I snack the carrot

raw can be an excellent way to

do not eat pastries at those times

the day when we pica hunger

but besides, we will not only be

feeding us healthily but

strengthening our teeth and gums

sure we did not know that the

carrots contain fluorine this allows

that our enamel is in better condition

and that our teeth are protected

of caries brings shine to hair

another one of the great properties of the

carrot is that it is rich in beta-carotene

This is transformed into a vitamin when the

organism assimilates it revitalizing the

hair and making it look a lot


also if we have dry hair some

problem in the scalp we should

know that beta-carotene helps

produce I will regulate what is

very beneficial to be able to wear a hair

healthy protects the brain is positive

consume fruits and vegetables and

introduce them as much as possible

our diet the reason why between

they should all have a presence

special the carrot is because we

helps protect our brain in

special our memory if we

we find in times of exams if

we usually forget a lot of things or if

we are advancing in age and deterioration

cognitive begins to act

presence we should consume more carrot

either raw in salads or in the form of

juice will boost our memory

It provides energy will always

you find yourself very tired when you leave

gym and all you want is

sleep maybe you should check your

feeding one of the big

properties of the carrot is that

provides instant energy like this

that can be a

they are much healthier than a smoothie

artificial protein or a cup of coffee

we can take the chopped carrots

in a tupper if we're not going to go through

house or consume them just get to

our home this will help us

feel less tired to be able to

continue to be productive the positive

is that this vegetable does not suppose any

difficulty or embarrassment when the

we transport therefore we do not have

excuses not to consume it protects the

skin the last of the big

properties of the carrot we're going to

mention has to do with the skin at

just as we talked to the beginning that

it is usually identified with a better

ocular health is also related to

obtaining a better tan here

the vitamin returns to act that the

organism can process thanks to

beta carotene when this vitamin is

in our body it happens in two things

our skin is repaired and healed

wounds in a faster way and

we are more protected from the rays

ultraviolet also consume carrot

will help us get

a tan much nicer yes

this should never replace a cream

solar it is necessary to include this

vegetable in our diet but we must

continue putting us a factor of

adequate protection to our kind of

skin you knew all these great

properties of the carrot the soles

include in your daily meals as the

consume we encourage you to try

take it more often to be able to

take advantage of all the benefits

that can provide you if it turned out

of utility this information share it

with your family and your friends do not forget

subscribe to my channel for more remedies

natural many blessings

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