Monday, November 5, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 5 2018

What happens when 800 of the world's most elite footballers

and their managers live together under one roof

Players stop being polite

and start getting real

This is

The Champions

Nice suit

Are you Marcelo's new tax attorney?

I am speaking at charity event tonight

And you're wearing this?


OK hold on

I need to make a call

So today we're going to be helping

one of the greatest playmakers in the game

Luka Modric

I love Luka

Luka is one of the most entertaining

creative footballers on the pitch

but off the pitch

he could use a little bit of help

And that's where we come in

Hey, there he is!

Luka, what's good, my man?


I understand you have to give a big talk

at the charity dinner tonight

Charity events are a great opportunity to

build your brand and to get great press

Luka's gotta take advantage of that

and we're here to show him how

Ugh. What is this shirt?


Ugh, gross

OK, you just offended all of Croatia




Er, please take that off

Luka's style of dress should reflect his style of play

Sharp, creative, unpredictable!

Er, I don't know about this

I know what your problem is

You need a neck tattoo

Come here!


show me your celebration




Just after a goal is the best time to take the focus

away from your team and on to you

But without a signature celebration

it's like, why even score?

Now that Luka's got his on-the-field celebration down

I need to show him how to celebrate OFF the field

Yo man

who are are these bobos?

That's my wife and my kids

Luka's a family man

and I respect that

I just want to expand his family to include

a few influencer models and maybe an American rapper

Luka, I want you to meet Tyga

Sup fam


I don't know who this weird ass Owen Wilson-looking dude is

but they're paying me 10 grand a day so f--k it

So Luka's got great hair

but he can do so much more with it

Now THAT's a Galactico

Wow, you may not be a striker

but you look STRIKING

Oh, you're going to kill it tonight

So remember

if I can go from refugee to Galactico

so can you!

So you guys have any questions?

Yes, you?

What is Sergio Ramos like?


What was it like playing with Ronaldo?


Do you know Messi?


Do you know Lionel Messi?


Oh no, he's dying up there

What is this?

They still don't care about him

Uh oh

I think we need to bring in the big guns

It's-a me



Everyone gets a firework!

For more infomation >> The Champions: Episode 6 - Duration: 4:00.


A Day In The Life of a Homeless Person - Duration: 6:55.

Many of us have a daily routine that we are used to.

We wake up, brush our teeth, and eat breakfast before catching the school bus or driving

to work.

Of course everyone's day varies depending on what they do…their job, the school or

university they attend.

And in the evening most of us return to family or to our own home to settle in for the night.

Not everyone though.

Today we'll be looking at how people in less fortunate circumstances spend their time.

How they go about their day compared to you and I. Welcome to this episode of The Infographics

Show: What do homeless people do all day?

Before we try to answer this question, let's first look at problem of homelessness and

how bad of an issue it really is.

It's not easy to get an accurate picture of the number of homeless people there are

around the world.

Firstly how homelessness is defined differs from country to country.

And though there is some census data, many of those people living on the streets or in

shelters may not even be officially registered.

The last time a global survey was attempted was by the United Nations and that was back

in 2005.

That report estimated that 100 million people were homeless worldwide.

The nonprofit Habitat for Humanity, which builds and improves places where families

can call home, reported in 2015 that as many as 1.6 billion people around the world lacked

adequate housing.

Statistics in the United States are more up to date, and according to the US Department

of Housing and Urban Development's Annual Homeless Assessment Report in 2017, there

were around 554,000 homeless people in America, or 0.17% of the population.

These are some large numbers.

So why do people end up as homeless?

People become homeless for many different reasons.

The most obvious is simply when there is a lack of housing that low-income people can


Without housing options, they face eviction, instability and homelessness.

But health and homelessness are also explicitly linked, with health problems often being a

cause for a person's homelessness.

An acute physical or behavioral health crisis or any long-term disabling condition may lead

to homelessness.

According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, people living in shelters

are more than twice as likely to have a disability compared to the general population.

And finally domestic violence can also lead to homelessness with many people leaving their

homes to escape an abusive relationship.

So how does a homeless person in America typically spend their day?

When we think of a homeless person, most of us would think of someone sitting on a corner

somewhere during the day, or maybe walking down the street without any particular destination

in mind.

It's easy to make the assumption that being homeless means walking around all day waiting

for luck to change or for money to fall from the sky and fix the predicament.

But in reality, all homeless people are different.

They have different lives, different ambitions, and different daily routines.

Contrary to public perception, many homeless people look for work during the day, though

as a homeless person there's alot going against you when trying to find a job.

Many people who are homeless have criminal records, which greatly narrows down their

options of where to find work.

For others, it may have been years between jobs, which makes finding employment far trickier

as employers see this as a weakness.

And even if a homeless person lands an interview there's the added challenge of being able

to dress well enough for an interview.

But where there's a will there's a way.

Mashable ran an article in July this year about a college graduate, Casarez who told

NBC Bay Area that he had moved to Silicon Valley last September with three years' experience

as a software developer, with the goal of launching a startup.

However, Casarez had underestimated the cost of living and before he was able to find work,

he soon found himself sleeping in a park.

So he took to the streets and instead of asking for money, he asked people to take copies

of his resume.

"All I wanted was for one person to notice, take my resume and give me an opportunity,"

he told NBC.

Someone took a photo of Casarez canvassing for a job and it was re-tweeted thousands

of times, resulting in offers of jobs and help.

But not all homeless people are as motivated as Casarez, so what other activities fill

their day?

Panhandling, which is the legal term for unlawful forms of public begging, is probably the most

common activity that you'll notice homeless people doing during the day.

Many homeless people will go to their regular spot on a street corner or highway exit, at

a certain time, in the same way people go to work.

They don't normally spend the whole day doing this, instead they will usually hang

out there until the amount of people passing by is at its peak.

According to the website most homeless people who panhandle do so for

an average of about 1 to 3 hours per day and spend the rest of the time at the library,

watching movies or in their tents listening to music or drinking and doing drugs.

On the subject of drinking and doing drugs it's maybe not surprising that levels of

substance abuse are high among homeless communities in the United States.

Although obtaining recent accurate statistics is difficult, the Substance Abuse and Mental

Health Services Administration estimates that 38% of homeless people were dependent on alcohol

and 26% abused other drugs.

On our quest to understand the daily routine of the homeless, we also came across Brianna

Karp, author of The Girl's Guide to Homelessness.

A self described typical Californian girl, who due to multiple factors found herself

homeless and spent 2 and a half years that way, Karp published an article outlining some

of the activities available to homeless people and these included; Libraries which are free

so people can stay as long as they like reading and keeping the brain in check; Free concerts,

and theatre performances; Local fairs, as most cities host regular farmers markets,

swap meets, conventions, and street fairs; Free movie screenings at local theatres, where

you will often find people standing outside handing out free pre-screening tickets; Museums

which have very affordable admission rates and can be a nice way to spend a day; Art

galleries openings which are often free and even include appetizers and hors d'oeuvres;

And even Disneyland, which lets you in free on your birthday, as long as you have an I.D.


Plenty more options than we had imagined!

Finally to end on a homeless hero story, we found a 2018 article published by CBS Minnesota,

about Shane Drossard, who lives on the streets of Minneapolis.

Drossard was woken up at around 2 a.m. by the sound of a huge splash on the river he

sleeps next to.

He scurried to the riverbank, under the Washington Avenue Bridge, where he could hear a female


Drossard lowered himself over a steel and concrete wall and put his leg out to where

a woman was struggling against the current.

She grabbed hold of his leg but she was not strong enough as was swept away.

So Drossard went in after the lady.

The woman had attempted suicide by jumping from the bridge.

"I'm going to go, I didn't want to be here anymore anyway."

She was telling Drossard.

He kept reassuring the woman so he could keep her spirits up, whilst a passer by called

911 for help.

Both Drossard and the lady were pulled from the river, exhausted but alive.

When asked from where he drew the courage to act, Drossard humbly explained, "I don't

know, I heard a voice and just wanted to, you know, to save, wanted to do something

good for somebody."

From panhandling, to job search, to homeless heroes, the daily life of a homeless person

can vary hugely, just like people in all walks of life.

Are there homeless people in your area? and if so, what other activities have you seen

them doing?

Let us know in the comments.

Also be sure to check out our other video, Rich vs Poor - How Do They Compare & Who Is

Living Longer?

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of The Infographics Show and remember to like, share

and subscribe.

See u next time.

For more infomation >> A Day In The Life of a Homeless Person - Duration: 6:55.


Guinea Pigs on Reddit! - Duration: 5:30.

Scotty's animals, Scott here so Reddit has a guinea-pig subreddit I am NOT very

familiar haven't been on reddit very long I just started an account and I

thought I would post a photo of me and some guinea pigs that was in the Orange

County cabbie Haven real men love guinea pigs calendar from a few years back I

posted it to a guinea pig group on Facebook and it seemed to get a good

response so I thought I would just post this and I thought of a funny caption

about guinea pig glamour shots and I can't believe it it went to the top of

Reddit and it was number one it's got the most up votes I guess is how that

works right now so check it out look at this we're at the top and they sent me

an email saying that we were in the top ten and that we were number one no that

means butt out of the whole reddit world of guinea pig posts we've soared to the

top and it's because of you guys thank you I put out a post asking for people

to check it out on Facebook I guess some people did

go to some of the comments that was what was really surprising and it was really

awesome is that people already knew Scotty's animals look at that that's

Dominika nerd 85 from New Jersey and my friend and it was just really sweet to

see that people had already seen our videos and just it's great to know that

that the work that we're doing is getting out there so check out reddit

guinea pigs look at that there are 28,000 people posting and commenting and

read it is another place where we can share our stories and grow the community

and we'll have a place to ask people advice and to share our love for guinea

pigs okay if you google real men love guinea pigs that picture comes up but so

do all the other pictures from previous calendars there I am again I'll try to

click on that oh it's taking me to Cafe Press okay the

funny thing about this is it's a 2014 calendar right that's what we did this

was 2014 but it looks like you can get a current calendar with whatever month

start you on and then there I am June Callen their model with Miss Piggy

so let me know if you can order this still just to be safe make sure I went

to Cafe Press calm the other page we were looking at was from the UK and I

found it so look at that it says it's 2014 but they still are

updating it there I am for this year so I think you can still get it as long as

you're cool with the actual cover still saying 2014 I think it updates the

calendar just fine and the proceeds to this I imagine are going to go still to

the Orange County cavi Haven I have nothing to do with this calendar other

than the fact that I was I showed up and got my picture taken

just like Michael and just like all these awesome dudes Simon and Steve it's

a really cute idea all types of cool dudes whatever your type of guinea pig

and and handsome man there was all different handsome man and all different

types of guinea pigs so it was really fun to be a part of that so thank you to

Michiko and

Nicolle and everybody that helped out with that

so again like I said the proceeds go to the Orange County cabbie Haven

For more infomation >> Guinea Pigs on Reddit! - Duration: 5:30.


Atualização dos Desenvolvedores | Apresentação de Ashe | Overwatch - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Atualização dos Desenvolvedores | Apresentação de Ashe | Overwatch - Duration: 5:55.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D Feel + Pack Comfort - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D Feel + Pack Comfort - Duration: 1:05.


Lantern Christmas Bear for Lighting - Duration: 16:20.

Hello friends, welcome once again to your Arte in Your Hands channel, today we want you

teach how to make a bluff that we have been asking is a very simple favor

practical and quick to do then the I invite you to join me in this new

video and that we learn together to elaborate this beautiful lantern

I also want to mention that youtube us notified that there were two people who joined with

a contribution to the channel then we want thank them to Mila Vargas and Joselu Arana

a big hug for them and for all of you too

good friends to start our project we are going to take a piece of

porexpán in this case I will use a sheet of 40 x 50 centimeters and with a

caliber of 15 millimeter or centimeter and medium, if you want they can

use up to one centimeter thick in the porexpan (icopor, anime, unicel) that they will manage

ready then here what we are going to do is that we are going to draw some pieces that

I'm going to leave you in the description of video I will give you all the templates

here are some pieces that we are going to cut later on rubber eva and these are in

porexpán ready then these pieces the let's transfer then what we're going

to do is these molds pass them to a cardboard can be a card or a

cardboard of some calendar old that no longer no longer serves

use that cardboard in this case I did what I did

I mentioned a cardboard of a calendar, a old calendar, then there

I took the pieces, then we're going to transfer to porexpán we will mark

with pencil and proceed to cut

here I already have a piece that I have marked it's the christmas tree

and here I have others that already cut, is the body of the bear then

let's cut 2 pieces but then one of them we are going to cut

1.5 cm longer because This porexpan is 1.5 cm thick,

then we should leave the original measure of the mold 1.5 cm

of more only in one piece the other so we are going to cut it to the extent that it is

always use a porexpan of a centimeter then what are you going to

stop more is an inch this is to later join it and we can

well distributed in size this is the basis of 16 x 16 and now they

I want to show you a bit how you cut this piece then I take a book or a base

let us lift the piece from here of the surface of the table where we are

working this should be lifted and let's take a spearhead cutter a

exact and we're going to work with this with very careful what we do is leave

exit the figure so that when we go to cut the cutter can be introduced and

can easily cut but then we must be careful not to go to cut

the book or what we are using here we are going to introduce it like this


and I had a part cut like that and what What we do is to cut by entering

why in this way as long as we finish we go back to take out

the cutter and we reintroduce this have a good reef then we should

check that the blade is well sharp with this if the

we changed well friends

we can cut smoothly

so is the cut

we can polish it with a very soft sandpaper we can pass it smoothly or it stays that way

ready friends then I'm going to continue cutting a Christmas tree and this

same way is that you should cut all the other pieces that is used is a

electric cutter suddenly not you you can notice the accuracy of cut that

we have the cutter ready with a cutter it can go too much or if you have

quite easy to use it but what can use

when we already have all the pieces cut before starting to assemble

we must make some holes in this tree Christmas then you have to get

a cap can thus be a cap of soon of some spray something small for

make the holes I make them that I do not know how you want it

do then I'm going to teach you the way that I do them then it

They use Porexpan as I told them 1.5 cm gauge, should

be a cover that reaches enter until deep

but if you use one of them because they are from a centimeter then they have a little more

easy and ready then what are we going to to do is take the cap and we're going to

place here I marked the points where I want to make the holes I'm going to do

several holes then we place it and we just push and go

spinning like this and today turning Y

I'm making the hole with friction that makes the lid on the porexpan

you have to do it slowly so you do not break the piece that we cut

slowly when we do this on the porexpan the

it's getting warmer then it's going allowing the lid to go making

the hole

in the end

we just carefully remove here the remainder will be left

to use it again and it will stay the hole in this way likewise from

the same way we do well, the tree should be left with

the holes now what we do is what we turn around the back we're going to

take some tissue paper or paper crepé I do not know how they know you in your country

it is a paper with which we can elaborate the kites for example then let's

cut out several squares we are going to use in this case four colors I'll

to use and we will cut in several squares then to stick them in the

back side for this we are going to use silicone

liquid and simply what we are going to do is go

hitting the squares here in the part of behind

in different

interspersing colors

A) Yes now

so that we treat all the holes well then here I already hit the

pieces of paper from the back and now what we are going to do is apply a little

of white glue here in this part front part and we're going to spread it

then with a brush we are going to spread it well that the way well


and undercover

start doing and we are going to apply color diamond

green that we are going to do in all the

surface in the front

then that procedure that now let's do it

well I finished the tree frosty now let's let it dry and let's

to start working on the body and the base we are going to assemble the lantern

then how I had mentioned them there are one of these pieces that have a part

longer then what we're going to do is to apply the silicone on this side and

paste it on this other one that is more long forming the angle then it goes to

stay proportional for the neck I will use silicone

hot handling the temperature like has always been explained then let's

Apply the silicone here on the piece that has the exact measurement

we are going to apply it in this part

we are going to paste it on the one with the the longest side

if we handle the temperature of the silicone is not going to melt the

piece that will fix well here is already the body look how it is

and we're going to hit it in the angle of the base of the square then let's paste

right in the angle that gives us in this part

in the same way applying the silicone

we did it

that we stay flush

A) Yes

to complete the bluff and then here on the top for the head

let's use a porexpan sphere it's a sphere number 10 then for

decorating is I also made some molds of some pieces that we are going

to paste then here is for example an ear is the snout


and the two others

and then we are going to these pieces as I mentioned them in

the molds are the molds must be printed in size

letter not to letter size and it is the measure real then

up to the nose of the bear

So what we are going to do is that with the same silicone we are going to put together the face

let's paste here we apply the silicone and we're going to hold it that way we should

apply it and that we will not leave a lot on the edge and as he mentioned them

how do we handle the temperature then there was no danger of burning ourselves

then we are going to press for she stays fixed here after we go to

paste the eyes A) Yes

and the little ear we are going to wait because let's also paste a hat I'll

look here I already hit the snout the nose and eyes ready then how do you

I said earlier we only did one little pressure so that this piece

of the shape of the sphere we are of the same way now then how do you

I mentioned all we are not going to paste the ear because we are going to make a hat

this one is also in the molds we're going to cut this piece and we're going to cut the

another to superimpose then what we are going to do is paste it with silicone

first after it is united then let's put it together like this

we are going to join it here in the part of behind

we're going to hit it and we're going to hit all this edge applying silicone to

that we form the good cap here and now I hit the hat look how it looks

then what we are going to do is paste it here on the head of the shoulders of

half side this then we're going to hitting has been like you like it better

but I'm going to hit it aside so that it's like this and the little ear is going to stick


applying hot silicone

well here then I finished hit the hat and ear this

so look how is now what we are going to do is fix it to the base or to the

body of the this then we're going to apply some silicon here

to we can blow

and now if we are going to fix it then let's hold a moment so that

she is well fixed, do not leave us fall out

after it is already stuck then let's stick the tree then in this

part is this angle we are going to paste head on

then we are not going to stick it together to the body but as much as possible

leaving only a small tip in this part

in the same way we apply the silicone down here

this way does not apply

if we are going to give space to be able Introduce

let's use for example a jar I recommend you use a bottle of

crystal can be from a preserved one compote and this is where we are going to

introduce the candle and this is going to be placed here

They can also use a glass of icopor porexpán but preferably a

glass bottle so it stays the lantern

I hope you have liked this project is simple it is practical to

do fast and it will look great decorated the block or the people who

they like it at Christmas lighting is a custom that

we have here in our country then he also likes it is a very nice bluff

to decorate also in season Christmas a big hug for all and

we come back to see you here with more Art in Your hands

For more infomation >> Lantern Christmas Bear for Lighting - Duration: 16:20.


Bir Umut Yeter / A Glimmer of Hope is Enough Trailer - Episode 6 - FINAL - (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:40.

Deniz has come.

If this is Deniz, where is Toprak?

Are you alright? You are as white as a sheet.

- You leave and the kid stays. - Dad, don't leave me!

- Where is Umut? - I gave Umut to Derya.

To his real mother.

I want to go to my mom.

For more infomation >> Bir Umut Yeter / A Glimmer of Hope is Enough Trailer - Episode 6 - FINAL - (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:40.


Gülperi Trailer - Episode 9 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:49.


- Are you Kadir's wife? - Yes...

...for the last 20 years.

My father will find me. You'll see.

To defeat him, you need to work with a lawyer who knows him well, who knows him best. Me.

I want your case, Mr. Yakup.

- He is from Taşkınhan, just like you? - What do you mean from Taşkınhan?

Is this him?

Yes but you... do you know Hasan?

For more infomation >> Gülperi Trailer - Episode 9 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:49.


Lançamentos: 5 de novembro de 2018 - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Lançamentos: 5 de novembro de 2018 - Duration: 2:50.


How To Become An Influencer: 5 Must-Have Traits - Duration: 5:26.

So, let's go over all five. So, at least you can have a little more understanding

of them. First one is solid reputation. What's a reputation you're creating? So,

someone with influence, if they have a really good reputation, that creates

opportunities for influence. Because they're reputable, they're credible,

they're respected and trustworthy. That means people are coming to them, relying

on them and those become moments of influence. So, think about someone in your

mind that you feel has a solid reputation, in your company. They're

credible, respected, and trustworthy. Think of someone who comes in mind. See how

their solid reputation ties in influence. Now, for yourself, one thing you can do

right now, it's a real simple exercise. We'll do it for all five traits, is from

one to ten, how well do you do this trait in your organization? 10 being incredibly

well, one being, I got some work to do. How well do you do this 1 to 10? So, just

think about that, jot the number down. Think about it in your head so you can

assess all five of these traits and say, "which one do I need to really improve on

and which one is my strength and I can even make it better", but allows you to

assess that. And also, you can then think about what ways can I enhance my

reputation in the organization? Ask yourself that question, write that down,

dive more deeply into it. And what ways is my reputation undermining my success

possibly? So, you can look at both things, both elements. The next one is enhanced

skill set. How many of you think that's me?

Okay, I tried. Authoritative, competent, accomplished. Again, think of someone that

comes to mind, who you feel has an enhanced skill-set in the organization.

Sometimes it's people in IT and engineers. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's

someone, they have a lot of knowledge. And what happens, is people come to you for

that knowledge, they come to you for your competence, for your expertise. And when

they do, you have more influence because they rely on your knowledge capital. So,

you have to recognize, how well is my enhanced skill-set? If it's somewhat weak

then it's something you want to improve upon. If it's a really strong strength,

you got to recognize, well then how am I doing on these other traits ? So, again one

to ten, rate yourself. How well do you feel you do this trait, what ways can I

improve on this trait,? Third one executive presence. This is about being a

leader, confident, assertive, powerful, superior likability.

You're likable, you're personable, you're charismatic, you're motivating, you're

optimistic. So, the thing we realize about this is some people can be likable, some

not. But the truth is, how can you be more likable? How can you understand a little

more about who people are and get to know them and listen well? But just think,

wow likeability is that really that important? Well, if you want to have

influence in the company, it helps to be likeable. Now, I know there's many famous

CEOs out there and famous executives who, maybe aren't so nice and they still got

things done. But you got to remember, they had those other traits off the chart. And

just because they're CEOs and they get the work done and they're able to produce

incredible products, let's say, they get you know, free pass. But not for you. So,

what you want to do is think about how can I work this trait, am i likeable? You

know, I get I get clients who see people, human beings as commodities and they

just, they're all about results. And so, there's a lack of likeability completely.

Though you can be engineers often. And I mean, I shouldn't say that because I just

offended all the engineers in the room, but I apologize if I did. But I mean, I'm

just saying, generally where it's not there, that component in their mind, they

don't think as much that way. And so, but anyone, this can happen where the

likability piece you're just about results, that's all I care about, I'm demanding,

I'm difficult, I ask a lot of my people, and you don't realize, like well, what's

the impact this is having on them? And could I have a nicer way of doing it? And

could I build a better rapport and connection, that's a piece of likeability.

So, you can look 1 to 10 how well do I do likeability as a trait? And last one,

power to persuade. It's about being persuasive, collaborative, building

consensus, alliances in the organization. So, you can think about this one, and how

can I be more influential when it comes to my ability to power to persuade

people towards what I'm trying to accomplish and the impact I'm trying to

have. How do I bring people towards my side and understand my perspective and

educate people for the importance of why something needs to be done?

For more infomation >> How To Become An Influencer: 5 Must-Have Traits - Duration: 5:26.


Descubra 5 REMÉDIOS que Funcionam para EJACULAÇÃO PRECOCE. Melhor TRATAMENTO da Ejaculação Precoce. - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Descubra 5 REMÉDIOS que Funcionam para EJACULAÇÃO PRECOCE. Melhor TRATAMENTO da Ejaculação Precoce. - Duration: 4:52.


🔌 SOB x RBE Type Beat 2018 - "Sleepwalker" | Mozzy Type Beat | West Coast Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 2:57.

🔌 SOB x RBE Type Beat 2018 - "Sleepwalker" | Mozzy Type Beat | West Coast Instrumental 2018

For more infomation >> 🔌 SOB x RBE Type Beat 2018 - "Sleepwalker" | Mozzy Type Beat | West Coast Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 2:57.


5 Remedios caseiros para impotência masculino - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> 5 Remedios caseiros para impotência masculino - Duration: 2:59.


Receita De Remédio Caseiro Para Impotência - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Receita De Remédio Caseiro Para Impotência - Duration: 3:32.


The Champions: Episode 6 - Duration: 4:00.

What happens when 800 of the world's most elite footballers

and their managers live together under one roof

Players stop being polite

and start getting real

This is

The Champions

Nice suit

Are you Marcelo's new tax attorney?

I am speaking at charity event tonight

And you're wearing this?


OK hold on

I need to make a call

So today we're going to be helping

one of the greatest playmakers in the game

Luka Modric

I love Luka

Luka is one of the most entertaining

creative footballers on the pitch

but off the pitch

he could use a little bit of help

And that's where we come in

Hey, there he is!

Luka, what's good, my man?


I understand you have to give a big talk

at the charity dinner tonight

Charity events are a great opportunity to

build your brand and to get great press

Luka's gotta take advantage of that

and we're here to show him how

Ugh. What is this shirt?


Ugh, gross

OK, you just offended all of Croatia




Er, please take that off

Luka's style of dress should reflect his style of play

Sharp, creative, unpredictable!

Er, I don't know about this

I know what your problem is

You need a neck tattoo

Come here!


show me your celebration




Just after a goal is the best time to take the focus

away from your team and on to you

But without a signature celebration

it's like, why even score?

Now that Luka's got his on-the-field celebration down

I need to show him how to celebrate OFF the field

Yo man

who are are these bobos?

That's my wife and my kids

Luka's a family man

and I respect that

I just want to expand his family to include

a few influencer models and maybe an American rapper

Luka, I want you to meet Tyga

Sup fam


I don't know who this weird ass Owen Wilson-looking dude is

but they're paying me 10 grand a day so f--k it

So Luka's got great hair

but he can do so much more with it

Now THAT's a Galactico

Wow, you may not be a striker

but you look STRIKING

Oh, you're going to kill it tonight

So remember

if I can go from refugee to Galactico

so can you!

So you guys have any questions?

Yes, you?

What is Sergio Ramos like?


What was it like playing with Ronaldo?


Do you know Messi?


Do you know Lionel Messi?


Oh no, he's dying up there

What is this?

They still don't care about him

Uh oh

I think we need to bring in the big guns

It's-a me



Everyone gets a firework!

For more infomation >> The Champions: Episode 6 - Duration: 4:00.


A Day In The Life of a Homeless Person - Duration: 6:55.

Many of us have a daily routine that we are used to.

We wake up, brush our teeth, and eat breakfast before catching the school bus or driving

to work.

Of course everyone's day varies depending on what they do…their job, the school or

university they attend.

And in the evening most of us return to family or to our own home to settle in for the night.

Not everyone though.

Today we'll be looking at how people in less fortunate circumstances spend their time.

How they go about their day compared to you and I. Welcome to this episode of The Infographics

Show: What do homeless people do all day?

Before we try to answer this question, let's first look at problem of homelessness and

how bad of an issue it really is.

It's not easy to get an accurate picture of the number of homeless people there are

around the world.

Firstly how homelessness is defined differs from country to country.

And though there is some census data, many of those people living on the streets or in

shelters may not even be officially registered.

The last time a global survey was attempted was by the United Nations and that was back

in 2005.

That report estimated that 100 million people were homeless worldwide.

The nonprofit Habitat for Humanity, which builds and improves places where families

can call home, reported in 2015 that as many as 1.6 billion people around the world lacked

adequate housing.

Statistics in the United States are more up to date, and according to the US Department

of Housing and Urban Development's Annual Homeless Assessment Report in 2017, there

were around 554,000 homeless people in America, or 0.17% of the population.

These are some large numbers.

So why do people end up as homeless?

People become homeless for many different reasons.

The most obvious is simply when there is a lack of housing that low-income people can


Without housing options, they face eviction, instability and homelessness.

But health and homelessness are also explicitly linked, with health problems often being a

cause for a person's homelessness.

An acute physical or behavioral health crisis or any long-term disabling condition may lead

to homelessness.

According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, people living in shelters

are more than twice as likely to have a disability compared to the general population.

And finally domestic violence can also lead to homelessness with many people leaving their

homes to escape an abusive relationship.

So how does a homeless person in America typically spend their day?

When we think of a homeless person, most of us would think of someone sitting on a corner

somewhere during the day, or maybe walking down the street without any particular destination

in mind.

It's easy to make the assumption that being homeless means walking around all day waiting

for luck to change or for money to fall from the sky and fix the predicament.

But in reality, all homeless people are different.

They have different lives, different ambitions, and different daily routines.

Contrary to public perception, many homeless people look for work during the day, though

as a homeless person there's alot going against you when trying to find a job.

Many people who are homeless have criminal records, which greatly narrows down their

options of where to find work.

For others, it may have been years between jobs, which makes finding employment far trickier

as employers see this as a weakness.

And even if a homeless person lands an interview there's the added challenge of being able

to dress well enough for an interview.

But where there's a will there's a way.

Mashable ran an article in July this year about a college graduate, Casarez who told

NBC Bay Area that he had moved to Silicon Valley last September with three years' experience

as a software developer, with the goal of launching a startup.

However, Casarez had underestimated the cost of living and before he was able to find work,

he soon found himself sleeping in a park.

So he took to the streets and instead of asking for money, he asked people to take copies

of his resume.

"All I wanted was for one person to notice, take my resume and give me an opportunity,"

he told NBC.

Someone took a photo of Casarez canvassing for a job and it was re-tweeted thousands

of times, resulting in offers of jobs and help.

But not all homeless people are as motivated as Casarez, so what other activities fill

their day?

Panhandling, which is the legal term for unlawful forms of public begging, is probably the most

common activity that you'll notice homeless people doing during the day.

Many homeless people will go to their regular spot on a street corner or highway exit, at

a certain time, in the same way people go to work.

They don't normally spend the whole day doing this, instead they will usually hang

out there until the amount of people passing by is at its peak.

According to the website most homeless people who panhandle do so for

an average of about 1 to 3 hours per day and spend the rest of the time at the library,

watching movies or in their tents listening to music or drinking and doing drugs.

On the subject of drinking and doing drugs it's maybe not surprising that levels of

substance abuse are high among homeless communities in the United States.

Although obtaining recent accurate statistics is difficult, the Substance Abuse and Mental

Health Services Administration estimates that 38% of homeless people were dependent on alcohol

and 26% abused other drugs.

On our quest to understand the daily routine of the homeless, we also came across Brianna

Karp, author of The Girl's Guide to Homelessness.

A self described typical Californian girl, who due to multiple factors found herself

homeless and spent 2 and a half years that way, Karp published an article outlining some

of the activities available to homeless people and these included; Libraries which are free

so people can stay as long as they like reading and keeping the brain in check; Free concerts,

and theatre performances; Local fairs, as most cities host regular farmers markets,

swap meets, conventions, and street fairs; Free movie screenings at local theatres, where

you will often find people standing outside handing out free pre-screening tickets; Museums

which have very affordable admission rates and can be a nice way to spend a day; Art

galleries openings which are often free and even include appetizers and hors d'oeuvres;

And even Disneyland, which lets you in free on your birthday, as long as you have an I.D.


Plenty more options than we had imagined!

Finally to end on a homeless hero story, we found a 2018 article published by CBS Minnesota,

about Shane Drossard, who lives on the streets of Minneapolis.

Drossard was woken up at around 2 a.m. by the sound of a huge splash on the river he

sleeps next to.

He scurried to the riverbank, under the Washington Avenue Bridge, where he could hear a female


Drossard lowered himself over a steel and concrete wall and put his leg out to where

a woman was struggling against the current.

She grabbed hold of his leg but she was not strong enough as was swept away.

So Drossard went in after the lady.

The woman had attempted suicide by jumping from the bridge.

"I'm going to go, I didn't want to be here anymore anyway."

She was telling Drossard.

He kept reassuring the woman so he could keep her spirits up, whilst a passer by called

911 for help.

Both Drossard and the lady were pulled from the river, exhausted but alive.

When asked from where he drew the courage to act, Drossard humbly explained, "I don't

know, I heard a voice and just wanted to, you know, to save, wanted to do something

good for somebody."

From panhandling, to job search, to homeless heroes, the daily life of a homeless person

can vary hugely, just like people in all walks of life.

Are there homeless people in your area? and if so, what other activities have you seen

them doing?

Let us know in the comments.

Also be sure to check out our other video, Rich vs Poor - How Do They Compare & Who Is

Living Longer?

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of The Infographics Show and remember to like, share

and subscribe.

See u next time.

For more infomation >> A Day In The Life of a Homeless Person - Duration: 6:55.


Guinea Pigs on Reddit! - Duration: 5:30.

Scotty's animals, Scott here so Reddit has a guinea-pig subreddit I am NOT very

familiar haven't been on reddit very long I just started an account and I

thought I would post a photo of me and some guinea pigs that was in the Orange

County cabbie Haven real men love guinea pigs calendar from a few years back I

posted it to a guinea pig group on Facebook and it seemed to get a good

response so I thought I would just post this and I thought of a funny caption

about guinea pig glamour shots and I can't believe it it went to the top of

Reddit and it was number one it's got the most up votes I guess is how that

works right now so check it out look at this we're at the top and they sent me

an email saying that we were in the top ten and that we were number one no that

means butt out of the whole reddit world of guinea pig posts we've soared to the

top and it's because of you guys thank you I put out a post asking for people

to check it out on Facebook I guess some people did

go to some of the comments that was what was really surprising and it was really

awesome is that people already knew Scotty's animals look at that that's

Dominika nerd 85 from New Jersey and my friend and it was just really sweet to

see that people had already seen our videos and just it's great to know that

that the work that we're doing is getting out there so check out reddit

guinea pigs look at that there are 28,000 people posting and commenting and

read it is another place where we can share our stories and grow the community

and we'll have a place to ask people advice and to share our love for guinea

pigs okay if you google real men love guinea pigs that picture comes up but so

do all the other pictures from previous calendars there I am again I'll try to

click on that oh it's taking me to Cafe Press okay the

funny thing about this is it's a 2014 calendar right that's what we did this

was 2014 but it looks like you can get a current calendar with whatever month

start you on and then there I am June Callen their model with Miss Piggy

so let me know if you can order this still just to be safe make sure I went

to Cafe Press calm the other page we were looking at was from the UK and I

found it so look at that it says it's 2014 but they still are

updating it there I am for this year so I think you can still get it as long as

you're cool with the actual cover still saying 2014 I think it updates the

calendar just fine and the proceeds to this I imagine are going to go still to

the Orange County cavi Haven I have nothing to do with this calendar other

than the fact that I was I showed up and got my picture taken

just like Michael and just like all these awesome dudes Simon and Steve it's

a really cute idea all types of cool dudes whatever your type of guinea pig

and and handsome man there was all different handsome man and all different

types of guinea pigs so it was really fun to be a part of that so thank you to

Michiko and

Nicolle and everybody that helped out with that

so again like I said the proceeds go to the Orange County cabbie Haven

For more infomation >> Guinea Pigs on Reddit! - Duration: 5:30.


Wrapples Music Video

For more infomation >> Wrapples Music Video


Times Queen Elizabeth Was Disrespected In Public - Duration: 4:35.

The honor of meeting Queen Elizabeth comes with a strict set of guidelines, that everyone

from athletes, to celebs, to heads of state have screwed up.

And you don't even have to meet the Queen in person to offend her!

Check out these scandalous moments when her majesty was disrespected in public.

"And is there any situation where you do more than a cursey?"

"Like what?"

"Like a kiss?"

"Oh good Lord no."

President Donald Trump isn't exactly known for his adherence to any sort of etiquette,

so it's no surprise that he seemingly forgot royal protocol when he met Queen Elizabeth

in July 2018.

According to USA Today, the commander-in-chief committed several flubs when he allegedly…

"[…Kept] her waiting for more than 10 minutes (which may not have been his fault), shook

her hand instead of bowing, turned his back on her for a few seconds, and he left his

jacket open and flapping and his too-long tie trailing."

"No doubt you want a moment like that to go smoothly, you don't want it all over Twitter."

Trump issued no apology, and according to Politico, he later claimed that he was the

one waiting on the queen, despite footage proving otherwise.

He did later refer to the Queen as "elegant" and "beautiful," according to The Telegraph…which

are both words he also used to describe the game of golf, for Fortune magazine.

Anyone who's heard of Anna Wintour, longtime editor-in-chief of Vogue, is also familiar

with her iconic sunglasses.

And when she left them on while meeting Queen Elizabeth during London Fashion Week in 2018,

she apparently ruffled some feathers.

According to the Independent, etiquette expert Grant Harrold called the slight, quote, "the

height of bad manners" as well as a "serious breach" of protocol.

Perhaps Wintour, a British native who received the honor of "Dame Commander" less than a

year earlier, felt she could bend the rules a bit.

Or maybe, after seemingly wearing shades 24/7 for decades, she forgot they were on her face.

"Anna, there's no window in here, why are you putting those on?"

"Hiding from you."

"What is the national animal of England?...Am I supposed to know that?"

In the run up to her nuptials, Meghan Markle was accused of bucking royal trends in every

way, from her divorcée status, to her and Prince Harry's PDA.

But it was her majesty who became the victim of Markle's alleged etiquette fail during

The Queen's Young Leaders Awards in July 2018.

According to the New Zealand Herald, one Facebook user pointed out:

"[She] has her legs crossed wrong.

What a disrespect to the queen.

All royal ladies cross at the ankles or put both legs off to the side."

Prior to this infraction, Insider reported that Markle slighted her future grandmother-in-law

when she skipped the stockings for her engagement photos.

One of the obvious rules of etiquette regarding Queen Elizabeth is to not touch her.

But what happens when the offending party is then-First Lady, Michelle Obama?

The Guardian reported that Obama "gave the Queen a hug" at a reception at Buckingham

Palace in 2009, which the Queen then reciprocated by quote, "putting her arm [around] Obama's


Ultimately, the British news outlet pointed out several other past "touching" incidents

with other world leaders, and decided this wasn't a "major diplomatic incident."

"Hey, Prince Harry, remember when you told us to bring it at the Invictus Games?"

"Careful what you wish for."

She may be music royalty, but Rihanna drew the ire of her majesty's supporters in 2017

when she posted a string of hilariously-altered images of the queen's head on RiRi's body.

Predictably, she took some heat with one user posting:

"Rihanna doesn't even know what respect means she's trashy always will be."

But that didn't phase RiRi.

According to The Wrap, she then posted another doctored pic with the caption, "haters will

say it's photoshop."

God save the Queen…and the Queen of social media.

"Rihanna, she owns, she owns."

"She's the queen."

"...the Met Gala."

Preceding Meghan Markle under the impossible scrutiny of royal family fans was, of course,

the late Princess Diana, who endured an absolute media fixation on the ways in which she supposedly

embarrassed her queen mother-in-law.

According to Good Housekeeping, this included everything from her wedding to Prince Charles,

and how they raised their children, to baring her knees in public.

But it was Diana's explosive 1995 interview with the BBC, that got the Queen's knickers

in a bunch.

During the scandalous sit-down, the then-separated Diana confirmed that both she and Prince Charles

engaged in extramarital affairs.

One month after the interview, according to the New York Times, Queen Elizabeth wrote

to both Charles and Diana, strongly encouraging them to quickly divorce.

By 1996, her majesty got her wish, according to, although Diana reportedly

walked away from the marriage with:

"…a generous settlement, and the right to retain her apartments at Kensington Palace

and her title of 'Princess of Wales.'"

Any guess on how the Queen felt about that one?

"There are some disadvantages to crowns, but otherwise, they're quite important things."

For more infomation >> Times Queen Elizabeth Was Disrespected In Public - Duration: 4:35.


Desperate Republican Candidate Holds Rally With Sarah Huckabee Sanders - Duration: 4:38.

Well, with the midterms tomorrow there are some members of Congress, both on the left

and the right, who feel pretty secure about their chances of winning the election.

There's others who feel like they need whatever help they can get to hang onto their seat.

One of those people happens to be Congresswoman Claudia Tenney, a first term congresswoman

from western New York.

This past weekend, Claudia Tenney was trying to figure out the best way to boost her campaign,

as the latest polls showed her, she was actually down against her democratic opponent.

She decided to pull out the big guns, and called in Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Claudia Tenney was so desperate for somebody to come help her campaign, that she thought

the best person for the job was Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Now, I can't imagine, I've never run a campaign.

I've never ran for office.

I imagine there's probably some points of desperation, where you start thinking, "What

can we do at this point to possibly help us win?

We're down in the polls.

What are we gonna do?"

I can't imagine anyone ever coming up with the idea, and saying, "Got it.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders."

That takes a special level of stupid that I didn't even know was possible.

Here's the thing, Claudia Tenney is exactly the kind of person that Sarah Huckabee Sanders

would absolutely support.

After the Parkland shooting, Tenney did an interview where she said, "It's amazing how

much these shooters turn out to be Democrats."

That's not even true.

We know it's not true.

It's just a thing that she said.

She did a email blast earlier this summer, targeting Hillary Clinton and James Comey

and Loretta Lynch, and asked her supports, "Donate money to me so we can help lock them


This woman is absolutely bonkers.

Yes, it makes perfect sense that she would reach out to somebody like Sarah Huckabee

Sanders, because the two are one and the same.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is just as horrible as Claudia Tenney is.

When she was talking to reporters during this little event she did with Tenney, she told

them that Claudia Tenney is the kind of person that we need in Congress, because she's gonna

vote with Trump.

She's gonna support Trump.

She's gonna stand up to the Democrats.

Those are her qualifications, according to Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

We have too many members of Congress who are just like Donald Trump.

He is not the first, and he is not gonna be the last.

People have been in there spreading conspiracy theories, spreading hatred and bigotry for

years before Trump even ran for office.

As long as we keep them in, if we don't get to the polls tomorrow and vote them out, then

Trump is gonna become the new normal in Washington, D.C.

For more infomation >> Desperate Republican Candidate Holds Rally With Sarah Huckabee Sanders - Duration: 4:38.


The Hornet「Deltarune 💚🖤 FINALE」 - Duration: 3:07:03.

For more infomation >> The Hornet「Deltarune 💚🖤 FINALE」 - Duration: 3:07:03.


Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.4T 122pk Autom.Navi Ecc Trendline Org.NLse auto - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.4T 122pk Autom.Navi Ecc Trendline Org.NLse auto - Duration: 0:49.


Cause Of Allston Restaurant Facade Collapse Won't Be Known For Days - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Cause Of Allston Restaurant Facade Collapse Won't Be Known For Days - Duration: 2:19.


The Aldi-Costco Hybrid You Need To Know About - Duration: 4:55.

The champion of US discount supermarkets, Aldi, is going to be getting some serious

competition, straight from their home country.

German grocery chain Lidl is also taking a stab at the American grocery market.

While the two chains have a ton of similarities, they also have some pretty stark differences.

Heading stateside

In 2017, Lidl kicked off a serious push into the US.

They already had more than 10,000 stores across 28 countries, and that's plenty of time to

figure out what works and what doesn't.

Strangely, if you stop into any of Lidl's original 53 American stores, they're almost

nothing like their European counterparts.

In Europe, Lidl stores are incredibly streamlined, just like Aldi's.

Their products are about 90 percent their own private label, and they have an average

footprint of only about 10,000 square feet.

They only stock between 1,000 and 1,500 products, keeping their overhead low while still carrying

all the basics customers need.

Lidl USA stores were built to be about twice the size, and they carry an average of about

four times as many products.

The increased overhead may at least partially explain why they've opened fewer stores than

they planned.

Aldi vs. Lidl

Aldi is already hugely popular in the US, so what's the difference between these two

chains and why do we need another one?

They both have their strengths.

Lidl tends to stock more name-brand products than Aldi, so if that's a deal-breaker for

your family, you might want to head there.

Aldi scores better when it comes to offering European selections of things like meat and

cheeses, and seems to have a wider selection of produce than Lidl.

While Aldi brought their coin-operated shopping carts to the US, Lidl didn't.

Marketing surveys have shown that customers actually rate Lidl more favorably than Aldi,

and that's a huge deal.

Lidl scores higher in things like price, freshness, and quality, and surveys have also found that

about half of Aldi regulars also shop at Lidl.

Is it possible that Aldi has competition?

What's in a name?

Lidl wasn't the first choice for the name of the chain, but that first choice, Schwarz-Markt,

just couldn't happen if they planned on expanding to English-speaking countries.

It translates to "Black Market", so you can see why they they decided to find something


It was decided store co-owner and retired schoolteacher Ludwig Lidl would be paid for

the rights to use his name for the store.

You might think he struck it big and could live secure in the knowledge his name was

plastered all over a multi-billion-dollar company, but you'd be wrong.

Lidl got just 1,000 deutschmarks for the use of his name.

When the stores opened in the 1970s, that was around $500.

"This is not my decision, but from here on out, we can no longer be friends."

Super secretive

Dieter Schwarz opened the first Lidl in 1973, and built his company on the foundations of

the warehouses set up by his father, Josef.

He's still at the head of it all, and according to Bloomberg, he has complete control over

every decision that's made.

He's worth a staggering $22.1 billion, but he's so private that even those in his hometown

of Heilbronn either don't know who he is or aren't admitting they do.

There's hints about secret addresses for his office, pastors who stay mum about rumors

that he occasionally preaches from the pulpit, and whispers of charitable projects funded

by a mysterious benefactor who insists he goes unnamed.

Anyone who tries to find him is stonewalled at every turn, and an entire city stays quiet

when it comes to the billionaire businessman.

Reports from The Guardian say Lidl's corporate structure is just as secretive, and includes

a web of close-knit, interconnected companies, foundations, boards, and councils that…

well, honestly, no one's really sure who they are or what they do.

Lidl fashion

Lidl made their fortune in the grocery business, but they branched out in 2017 when they announced

they were going to be partnering with Heidi Klum for their own affordable but fashionable

clothing line.

Klum's Lidl line is her first complete fashion line, and she's said it's the combination

of Lidl's international reach and reputation for affordability that makes it a perfect

market for her.

It might seem an unlikely outlet, but she's said she's excited to have her clothes on

sale at a store that's mostly known for groceries.

"I'm proud to have a range in the supermarket; I wanted to put it in everyone's faces that

we are in a supermarket," she's said.

American overhaul

The CEO of Lidl's parent company, the Schwarz Group, called their foray into America a "disaster".

It went so badly that plans for new stores stalled, with some projects halted in mid-application.

They wanted 100 US stores open by 2018, but barely managed half that before pulling the

proverbial plug and going back to the drawing board.

What went wrong?

Lidl counts on their low prices to get customers in the door, but things are a little different

in America.

There's some insane competition in America's grocery store market, and well-established

chains have price-matching programs that even the playing field quite a bit.

Add in some poor location choices and Lidl floundered.

They're not giving up just quite yet, though.

A new US CEO took the helm in 2018, and there's still a huge potential for Lidl to step up.

In a society where households are, on the whole, getting smaller, older, and more budget-conscious,

Lidl could be just the sort of store Americans could come to love.

For more infomation >> The Aldi-Costco Hybrid You Need To Know About - Duration: 4:55.


Kongsuni Pretend Doctor Playset! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:56.

Kongsuni Pretend Doctor Playset! | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Kongsuni Pretend Doctor Playset! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:56.


Body Talk | Weird But True!—Fast Facts - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Body Talk | Weird But True!—Fast Facts - Duration: 0:53.


The Green New Deal: fixing climate and the economy? - Duration: 3:20.

Climate change vs. jobs.

Sound familiar?

The economy is basically a go-to excuse for climate inaction.

But there's a new environmental platform gaining steam that aims to flip that argument

on its head.

It's called the Green New Deal.

The name comes from the sprawling package of policies and projects put in place in the

1930s to lift the country out of the Great Depression.

We're talking infrastructure investments, federal jobs programs, even Social Security.

Fast forward to today, the world is facing an even bigger crisis.

And a handful of politicians are asking: Does America need a New Deal, but for climate change?

"We can only do it if we come together and embark on an ambitious piece of legislation

known as the Green New Deal."

"Not only is it something that is going to help our planet, but also put our food

on the table."

"It's about growing this economy and protecting our families by reducing greenhouse gases."

A green new deal sounds nice, but what does it mean?

One progressive think tank broke it down into three basic building blocks:

This is the "green" part of the Green New Deal.

We're talking targets like 100% renewables, zero emissions, and cutting local pollution.

Here's the "New Deal" part of the Green New Deal.

This could mean job training or incentives to boost the clean energy sector.

It could even go as far as a green jobs guarantee for anyone who wants one.

The deal would prioritize  communities most exposed to climate change and pollution.

That would also involve looking at  labor standards, fair wages, and benefits.

It helps to think of a Green New Deal not as a policy, but a framework – and any politician

who signs on to the idea could come up with their own policies and targets to make those

broad goals real.

It's ambitious.

So why are people talking about it right now?

The New Deal came out of the Great Depression.

Today, the overall economy is in a much different place than it was in the '30s.

But not everyone's benefitting from that growth

"Yeah look, the great recession, and this new generation of young people who came up

in it: We realize how dangerous this moment is.

And then also, marginal kinds of policies just aren't going to cut it anymore, as

we're watching the acceleration of climate change."

And if you thought the Great Recession was a crisis, climate change is potentially a

whole new level of frightening.

Even moderate climate policies have died in congress or been frozen in legal limbo.

So the Green New Deal's no small lift, but… polling does suggest some public appetite

for environmental policies and a jobs guarantee.

At its very least, the ambition of it sends a message about the scale of the climate problem.

And it's a stark contrast to you know… not doing anything.

For more infomation >> The Green New Deal: fixing climate and the economy? - Duration: 3:20.


A message of hope at Sutherland Springs, one year later - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> A message of hope at Sutherland Springs, one year later - Duration: 2:53.


Bir Umut Yeter / A Glimmer of Hope is Enough Trailer - Episode 6 - FINAL - (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:40.

Deniz has come.

If this is Deniz, where is Toprak?

Are you alright? You are as white as a sheet.

- You leave and the kid stays. - Dad, don't leave me!

- Where is Umut? - I gave Umut to Derya.

To his real mother.

I want to go to my mom.

For more infomation >> Bir Umut Yeter / A Glimmer of Hope is Enough Trailer - Episode 6 - FINAL - (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:40.


Gülperi Trailer - Episode 9 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:49.


- Are you Kadir's wife? - Yes...

...for the last 20 years.

My father will find me. You'll see.

To defeat him, you need to work with a lawyer who knows him well, who knows him best. Me.

I want your case, Mr. Yakup.

- He is from Taşkınhan, just like you? - What do you mean from Taşkınhan?

Is this him?

Yes but you... do you know Hasan?

For more infomation >> Gülperi Trailer - Episode 9 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:49.



For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse 250 D XL DC AVANTGARDE ILS LEDER AFNEEMBARE TREKHAAK 2.5T CAMERA PDC AIRCO AC - Duration: 1:15.

------------------------------------------- Weekly RoundUp - Week of November 6th-10th, 2018 - Duration: 3:00.

Hey guys, Cathy Rankin here with your weekly Soaps RoundUp and I hope you didn't miss us

too much.

We were moving into a brand new office and we actually go to our jobs unlike our favorite

characters on the soaps.

So first on "The Bold and the Beautiful," Dollar Bill refused to press charges against

Ridge and vowed to be a better man, which you know and I know will last all of a couple

minutes seeing as he soon learned the judge in Will's custody hearing knows Ridge.

Tensions between Pam and Quinn over Pam's desire to be married in the Forrester mansion

led to Pam calling off her engagement to Charlie.

And Donna returned to town and Eric, AKA Honeybear, got an eyeful of his ex in some sexy lingerie.

Oh how we love the lingerie on this show....Coming up: Bill questions Brooke about the custody


On "Days of our Lives," Sami waited on DNA results to confirm if the badly burned man

they discovered Kristen holding was EJ.

Maggie's daughter Sarah returned to town and got engaged to Rex Brady, but Chloe crashed

their celebration with, you guessed it, MORE DNA results, this time on Bonnie's baby who

she was sure was Mimi and Rex's.

And I'm really hoping you guys saw how Days celebrated Halloween with a hilarious spoof

of Rosemary's Baby involving the birth of Abigail's child, and the nightmare caused

Hattie to give John a divorce.

I gotta give the writers props for getting creative on this one.

Coming up: John and Marlena are finally married and it's about friggin time.

Meanwhile, on "General Hospital," Sonny got proof that Margaux's own mother asked her

mobster lover to have Margaux's father rubbed out.

Ryan pushed Laura to run for mayor again.

Nurse Mary Pat from Ferncliff blackmailed Ryan, who she thought was Kevin, over his

secret patient at Ferncliff.

At Laura's fundraiser, everyone was stunned when Mary Pat's head was found floating in

the apple bobbing barrel.

Don't even ask!

And Sasha assured Valentin that Nina would never learn she wasn't her real daughter which

of course means somewhere down the road it will come out in some sort of bombshell way!

Coming up: Sonny reveals the truth to Margaux.

Finally, you guys, on "The Young and the Restless," Ashley left Genoa City to start her own company

in Paris.

I'm just wondering why every time someone leaves the show, they always send them to


Is she gone for good?

I dunno, what do you think?

Anyways, meanwhile, Phyllis was named the new CEO of Jabot, after Abby, Traci and Lauren

felt the company needed new female direction, which didn't sit well with the men.

Ya think?

Come on, she's slept with and manipulated ALL of them!?

Meanwhile, Nick tried to reconnect with Sharon at Halloween, but she told him again it was

time they moved on.

And, in my favorite current murder plot, when the statue in Chancellor Park had to be removed

due to a burst water pipe, the women dug up JT's corpse only to find out there was no


It's missing!


Oh I can't WAIT to see how this whole thing is going to unfold...

Coming up: Nick turns to Phyllis and they have sex again!

What is wrong with these two?!

Nick is turning out to be worse than Victor!

That's it for this week guys.

We'll see you next time on the show.

For more infomation >> Weekly RoundUp - Week of November 6th-10th, 2018 - Duration: 3:00.


Volvo V40 1.9 D Europa Elegance - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.9 D Europa Elegance - Duration: 0:53.


Bones - NotOnMyWatch - Duration: 2:29.

[Verse 1] Blunts got me stuck can't move

Too many times I played the fool I like the way the light hit my jewels

Bumping unreleased shit in unreleased shoes White devil watch me give the world the blues

Analyze my ways watch every move Never bang then tell us just how you do

They never change same through and through

[Chorus] In the dead of the night my flaws always wake

me up You say that you're alright, I hope you're

not making it up In the dead of the night my flaws always wake

me up You say that you're alright, I hope you're

not making it up

[Verse 2] SESH

Patek on your arm like its hard work Blade against your face do your blood work

Motherfuck your crew do you all dirt 100 to the face now I'm okay

Think you something special bitch no way The day you see my face thats a cold case

Diamonds dripping wet now I'm soaking Don't gotta say my name because they know me

[Chorus] In the dead of the night my flaws always wake

me up You say that you're alright, I hope you're

not making it up In the dead of the night my flaws always wake

me up You say that you're alright, I hope you're

not making it up

For more infomation >> Bones - NotOnMyWatch - Duration: 2:29.


Storytime: Cam Jansen -The First Day of School Mystery | Read Aloud Chapters 1-3 - Duration: 11:48.

hi boys and girls and welcome back to the floating bubble sit tight while we

go on a grand adventure

Cam Jansen The First Day of School Mystery by David A. Adler

I give up Mrs. Lane said we'll never get to school Mrs. Lane was driving the

school bus it was stuck in traffic never get to school

a small boy said and started to cry never get to school he said again how

will I learn to read how will I learn to write don't worry Cam Jansen told the boy and smiled

we'll get to school Cam and her friend Eric Shelton sat near

the front of the bus right behind the boy Eric asked the boy his name Tommy said the boy

I'm in kindergarten well tommy-in-kindergarten Eric said softly Mrs. Lane always complains

about traffic and we always get to school this time is different

Mrs. Lane said this time the cars are not moving at all Cam looked out the window

it was a long line of cars ahead none of them were moving people were standing outside

their cars trying to see what was wrong there was also a long line of cars

behind the bus Mrs. Lane banged on the horn A man in a car just ahead threw up his hands.

there was nothing he could do other people banging on their horns but

none of the cars moved my teacher's name is Mr. Gale

Tommy-in-kindergarten said I know because the principal sent a letter, a letter Eric

said oh no I don't remember our teacher's name I don't remember our room number

Eric searched in his backpack I can't find Dr. Prell's letter

don't worry Cam told him we're in the same class and I remember Cam closed

her eyes I said click, Cam always says click when she wants to remember something my mind is

like a camera Cam says an cameras go click Cam remembers just about everything

it's as if she has a mental camera and photographs in her head of whatever

she's seen Mrs. Lane banged on the horn again the cars head still didn't

move Cam's real name is Jennifer well when people found out about her amazing

memory they started calling her the camera soon

the camera just became Cam dear Jennifer Jansen Cam said with her eyes

still closed welcome to the 5th grade here it is

Eric said I found the letter Cam kept reading from the picture of the letter

she had in her head your teacher this year will be Ms. Benson in room 118

school begins at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday September 6 please bring a pencil pen

notebook in an eagerness to learn the best wishes for a great school year Dr.

Jane Prell principal you had every word right Eric said Cam smile she opened

her eyes and I'm right too Mrs. Lane told the

children she turned the key and shut off the bus the cars ahead don't move we'll

never get to school Mrs Lane took a small telephone from

her pocket some papers fell out she pressed the buttons on the telephone and

waited Dr. Prell she said this is Sally Lane bus driver I'm stuck on Franklin

Street three blocks from the school that's terrible

of course yes I'll get the children ready Chapter 2 Mrs. Lane put the

telephone in her pocket she turned and spoke to the children get your books and

things together a teacher will be here in a few minutes he'll walk with you to

school Cam and Eric looked out the window and

waited they saw Mr. Day the gym teacher walking toward them but he reached the

bus he blew his whistle

line up out here the children hurried down the aisle off the books they sit behind Mr. Day

get in a straight double line decided hold hands Cam and Eric

waited until the last children were off the bus before leaving their seats and

cam passed Mrs. Lane she picked up some papers are these yours Cam asked oh yes

thank you Mrs. Lane said this yellow one is a message from my boss I'm glad you

found it and this pink one is my dry cleaning ticket I'm just losing


Cam and Eric got off the bus and went to the back of the line hold hands Mr. Day

told them Cam and Eric held hands I feel like I'm in kindergarten

Eric said and I am in kindergarten Tommy-in-kindergarten said

quiet in the back Mr. Day shouted the

children walk past people stuck in their cars some were resting or reading others

were talking about small telephones some people smiled and waved to the children

look Eric whispered police cars maybe there was an accident

Cam and Eric kept walking in they saw a large tree when they walked past the tree

they saw the front end of a small green car it had crashed into the tree I hope

no one's hurt Eric said quiet in the back Mr. Day shouted Cam and Eric

walked quietly then when they were close to the car Cam whispered stop Mr. Day and the

other children kept walking Cam waited until the others a bit ahead then she

whispered the car doesn't look so bad there's no ambulance police officers were standing

by their cars talkingCam looked at the green car she blinked her eyes and said

click Cam and Eric got close to the car and looked in there are papers on the front seat a

white one and a pink one there's a pair of sneakers on the

floor and a tennis racket in the back Cam blinked her eyes again and said

click get away from there The tall police officer told Cam and Eric let's go Mr. Day called to

them Cim and Eric ran to the line quietly followed Mr. Day and the other

children into the school they went to room 118 and opened the door and met their

new teacher Ms Benson chapter 3 you must be Jennifer Ms Benson said to

Cam and you must be Eric your seats are in the back how did she know our names

Eric whispered she has a class list all teachers do Cam told him everyone else

is here so who knows could we be Cam and Eric

looked at the children already sitting at their desk lots of their friends and

classmates from fourth grade were in Ms. Benson's class they were busy

copying a list of classroom rules from the chalkboard in the front of each desk

right in the middle was a neatly written nametag Cam and Eric found their

nametags their desks were next to each other they sat down and began to copy

Ms. Benson's classroom rules Ms. Benson walked through the room she looked at

the children's work and smile then the door opened two police officers walked

in one was very tall and one was not so tall and had a short beard

I remember that tall policeman Cam whispered to Eric he told us to get away

from the car Ms. Benson hurried to the front of the room I'm officer Oppen said the

not so tall officer he showed her a slip of paper and asked position car's

license plate number Ms. Benson nodded did you drive your car to school this

morning yes Ms. Benson said you left the scene of an accident the tall

officer told her no I did Ms. Benson said quickly there must be

some mistake please the officer said with the short beard you have to come with

us Ms. Benson turned to the class sit quietly she said then she left the room

with the tall officer on one side and the shorter one on the other the children did not

sit quietly Danny get up he put his hands on his hips and said in a high

squeaky voice there must be some mistake Danny lowered his voice pointed and said you'll have to come with

us he laughed my mother told me not to get

in trouble well I didn't my teacher did she got arrested all right boys and

girls that's chapters one through three oh no

Ms. Benson got arrested can you guess what's gonna happen next

if so leave a message or comment to let us know what you think will happen see

you soon

For more infomation >> Storytime: Cam Jansen -The First Day of School Mystery | Read Aloud Chapters 1-3 - Duration: 11:48.


「TWICE」「分享」181001 TWICE即將迎來出道三週年 給once的逆應援公開 - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 「TWICE」「分享」181001 TWICE即將迎來出道三週年 給once的逆應援公開 - Duration: 2:43.


How to Increase Your Chances of Landing the Internship (Internship Goals) | The Intern Hustle - Duration: 5:38.

Energy flows where your focus goes. And what better way to call focus to

something, than by setting some intentional goals around it? In this

video I'm going to give you some examples of goals that you can set to

increase your chances of landing the internship. Now the specifics will be up

to you, and your individual situation, but I am here to give you the jump start

that you need. Hey there! I'm Jenna Rein from the, and this is

Initiative Muscle Monday -- helping you to start each week with an intentional step

toward a successful future. Let's do this! Now a few important tips regarding

goal-setting before we dive into the examples. Make your goals measurable.

Quantify them and give them a target date. I will show you what I mean by this

when we get into some of the examples. Write down your goals. I know this sounds

pretty basic, but getting things out of your head and onto paper is proven to

increase your chances of reaching your goal. Just take one of your college

lectures as an example... writing down notes in class, or transcribing them from

your textbook, makes it a lot more likely for you to recall that information than

if you just listen to it without writing anything down. There are numerous studies

on the positive impact of writing down your goals (just google it). So why

question it? Just do it and give yourself a running start. Share your goals with

people that you trust for accountability. If writing your goals down gives you a

running start, then sharing them helps you get across the finish line. Because

you're only human, and you are going to hit some challenges along the way that

distract you from your goals. But bringing someone that you trust into the loop

to help hold you accountable, that's going to help fire you back up the next

time that you slow down and lose focus of the finish line. Now for some examples.

Here are some goals that you might set for yourself when you're focused on

increasing your chances of landing the internship... Maybe you know that you need

to get an internship but you have no idea what type of internship you are

even interested in. A good goal for you to set would be around exploring

potential internship opportunities. Learn more and then narrow it

down from there. An example of a measurable goal could be: Attend three

networking events by the end of fall semester in order to learn more about

new internship opportunities. The goal is measurable because you are giving

yourself a specific number of events to attend (3) and a target date to complete it

by (the end of your fall semester). Now that you have the goal written out you

can actually start searching for specific networking opportunities

between now and your goal completion date. Is there a career fair that you can

attend? Perhaps a student and alumni mixer that's put on by your department?

You know that you need to find three events to attend in order to hit your

goal, so just start researching and registering for them and then get them

on your calendar so that you make sure that they all happen. Let's say that you

already know what type of internship you want to apply for. Your biggest focus at

this point is just getting your applications submitted. A great goal for

you could be: Apply for seven internships by March 1st. Again the goal is

measurable because you have a specific number of

internship applications to complete (seven) and a target date to complete

it by (March 1st). So with your goal written down you can now do your research to

find seven internships in your area of interest

that have open applications between now and March 1st. And then you're going to

add all of those application due dates to your calendar so that you don't miss

one by accident, and start working backwards to plan out when you're gonna

get these applications done. And then there are those times that you just get

in your own way and keep making up excuses about why an internship is not a

good idea for you this year. These limiting beliefs hold you back, and they

keep you from pursuing internships altogether. Maybe you're concerned

because the internship that you really want is unpaid and you don't have enough

money to support your cost of living through an unpaid internship. Well, I say

instead of just worrying about it, do something about it.

A potential goal to set could be: Save an extra $200 per month for

the next six months to cover cost of living expenses during an unpaid

internship. You may be wondering "where's that extra $200 gonna

come from?" If you know that it's a priority, and you

set it as a goal, you now can find a way to achieve it.

Get a part-time job for

the next six months, or use a skill that you have to do some freelance work, or

maybe just look at ways that you can cut back on your spending for a bit. So

instead of buying textbooks for every class, determine which ones you're not

going to need that much and just go to the library for those. Or maybe you can cut

back on lattes and beer a bit. Giving yourself a specific savings target is

going to help you look for ways that you can save, and before you know it you're

going to be in a position to help support yourself through that unpaid internship.

Just remember, energy flows where your focus goes. This video is part one of a

three-part internship goals series and is all about helping you land the

internship. I'll be back next week with a video on how you can set goals to help

you succeed at your internship. In the meantime if you found this video helpful,

please show it some love by giving it a like and sharing it with a friend or two.

And make sure to hit that subscribe button while you're here so that you're

notified when the next video in this internship goals series goes live.

For more infomation >> How to Increase Your Chances of Landing the Internship (Internship Goals) | The Intern Hustle - Duration: 5:38.


Racing thoughts | Scrambled eggs | Rapid cycling Bipolar mania today - Duration: 8:39.

Racing thoughts | Scrambled eggs | Rapid cycling Bipolar mania today DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE THIS ALSO ???? my head feels like Scrambled eggs just full of one big mess at the moment Man oh man its lunch time and I am full of shakes hands etc.

to much coffee and my bipolar disorder is getting the best of me at the moment. going to clear my train of thoughts my mind sit down relax for a bit then go get 1 of my today goals done. I am Bipolar and have been all my life. But I am more than bipolar I am me and creative nice smart and being bipolar is just apart of me like you that makes us who we are and different but

in a good way so many people with Bipolar can live a happy strong life with doing the right things that work for them. O.K. a little MNPolarbeast rambling

what's up its the beast bipolar beast and what you're about to watch is this beast

having scrambled eggs that's right having scrambled eggs no we're not talking

about eating scrambled eggs we're talking about my brain feeling like it's on

scrambled eggs I drank too much coffee and for me I love my caffeine I love my

nicotine and sometimes I over indulge that's right i over indulge in it and

like this morning I sat down I made a video I watched some videos I started

typing and texting back to this new guy just found on YouTube when I'm supposed

to my brain is telling me insulate walls beast and get to work in

work on the fixer-upper so what you're about to watch right after I

am talking is my brain on scrambled eggs I couldn't keep conversation I couldn't

keep a train of thought because my brain wants too me to make videos and my other

brain is saying no no relax get calm and collective and do what you're supposed

to do and get your goal done for the day and my goal is get some of these walls

and insulated for the winter weather so everybody can be happy and my house can be happy too and happily

warm hey I'm gonna let you watch that and when it ends it is it's a crazy

confusion mess and I put it in the player I started watching it and I'm

like I'm not even going to upload it since y'all and then I thought wait a minute I am

gonna send it to y'all and I'm going to be able to re watch it when I can

re-watch it woo Wow it's sort of tough recording your

self when you're going through these kind of episodes because right now I'm

going through a stage of manic to my low depression where I don't want to do much

and it takes a lot a lot of effort to even get my mind to focus on more than

one thing focus on two things man its tough

for me too whoa what's up everybody I added a video earlier today it's Monday

still you can pause this beast man if you want to here's some real stuff that

has a lot of videos out on mental awareness bipolar depression his train

of thought on what his beliefs are man I'm telling you I'm not one to advertise

other channels but when I find someone that is as genuine is this man that

deserves a freaking beast woo how I got Pink Panther stuff out because it

is oh my gosh the lady is gonna freaking it upset if I don't get my stuff to work

um now I should just be happy I got something done because I have not been

motivated to do nothing lately and this beast has to get something done so I'm

not gonna be standing here point to myself to the camera I'm just gonna be

talking about my um condition a few things that I go through on a daily

basis and hopefully the camera this up and you can hear me now

everything I do talk about on my channel I should state it right now I am NOT a

doctor I'm not therapist um these are my beliefs and I don't want to be itchy so

I figured I better find me some gloves these are just um this is all just

advice let's see I've been in and off of medication for the past over ten plus

years and I'm I'm not a young whippersnapper but I'm a middle-aged

whippersnapper I sometimes feel like I'm still 20

sometimes I feel like I'm 60 sometimes I feel like I'm in my years old now that's

true Beast ah I'm just a new channel I'm nobody on this channel I'm nobody but we

are all somebody um I reached out to him because I noticed we shared the same

qualities we shared the same real talk men talk and I made a video about

I walk you calling Beast TripolarTroy sorry my brain of

thoughts are getting a little bit jittery because I drank a lot of coffee

I'm Rambling like a maniac I'm not man yet but I feel like I am because I had too much

coffee with not enough time to UM unwind and relax or get something done so I'm

going to insulate my walls and talk to you and once again I sound like I'm

rambling and I don't like rambling because I'm not a rambling man we got

those singers right I know I'm bouncing all over the place hey y'all I uh never

wanted to UM it's sort of like coming off a closet almost I never wants to

come out to the closet and submit to my family my friends and others that I had

bipolar did I always know I had it well of course you don't always know but a

good part of us do know and we have something that's not as normal maybe to

someone else

I'm rambling you know what I don't want to make a junk video so I'm gonna

rewind this for a second while I'm in working on these walls and get this done I

I've been fighting bipolar and depression anxiety for many years it has

its ups and downs I am an old YouTube but a new you-tuber

on this channel I used to make videos on my anxiety and my depression and

everything else but I used to try to tell everybody how to fix themselves

without looking at myself and then I was like wow I started watching those videos

down the road and I was like I'm stopping that um so this channel I'm

just gonna talk about myself what works for me what doesn't work for me

sometimes yeah I don't know I'm just I'm just all over the place today now uh uh

anyhow see that's an episode that's uh how it works right put on the bandanna do I

need to look in the camera lens woo anyhow now I get this stuff done guys

gals I drank too much coffee I've been typing and texting and editing and now

I'm gonna get these walls and insulated because in Minnesota right now it's cold

it's getting cold and look at all that moisture this fixer-upper I gotta get

going hey yeah I better get off here I'm just rambling you know I shouldn't even

post this video like a rambling video

O.K. a little MNPolarbeast rambling

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