Hello friends, welcome once again to your Arte in Your Hands channel, today we want you
teach how to make a bluff that we have been asking is a very simple favor
practical and quick to do then the I invite you to join me in this new
video and that we learn together to elaborate this beautiful lantern
I also want to mention that youtube us notified that there were two people who joined with
a contribution to the channel then we want thank them to Mila Vargas and Joselu Arana
a big hug for them and for all of you too
good friends to start our project we are going to take a piece of
porexpán in this case I will use a sheet of 40 x 50 centimeters and with a
caliber of 15 millimeter or centimeter and medium, if you want they can
use up to one centimeter thick in the porexpan (icopor, anime, unicel) that they will manage
ready then here what we are going to do is that we are going to draw some pieces that
I'm going to leave you in the description of video I will give you all the templates
here are some pieces that we are going to cut later on rubber eva and these are in
porexpán ready then these pieces the let's transfer then what we're going
to do is these molds pass them to a cardboard can be a card or a
cardboard of some calendar old that no longer no longer serves
use that cardboard in this case I did what I did
I mentioned a cardboard of a calendar, a old calendar, then there
I took the pieces, then we're going to transfer to porexpán we will mark
with pencil and proceed to cut
here I already have a piece that I have marked it's the christmas tree
and here I have others that already cut, is the body of the bear then
let's cut 2 pieces but then one of them we are going to cut
1.5 cm longer because This porexpan is 1.5 cm thick,
then we should leave the original measure of the mold 1.5 cm
of more only in one piece the other so we are going to cut it to the extent that it is
always use a porexpan of a centimeter then what are you going to
stop more is an inch this is to later join it and we can
well distributed in size this is the basis of 16 x 16 and now they
I want to show you a bit how you cut this piece then I take a book or a base
let us lift the piece from here of the surface of the table where we are
working this should be lifted and let's take a spearhead cutter a
exact and we're going to work with this with very careful what we do is leave
exit the figure so that when we go to cut the cutter can be introduced and
can easily cut but then we must be careful not to go to cut
the book or what we are using here we are going to introduce it like this
and I had a part cut like that and what What we do is to cut by entering
why in this way as long as we finish we go back to take out
the cutter and we reintroduce this have a good reef then we should
check that the blade is well sharp with this if the
we changed well friends
we can cut smoothly
so is the cut
we can polish it with a very soft sandpaper we can pass it smoothly or it stays that way
ready friends then I'm going to continue cutting a Christmas tree and this
same way is that you should cut all the other pieces that is used is a
electric cutter suddenly not you you can notice the accuracy of cut that
we have the cutter ready with a cutter it can go too much or if you have
quite easy to use it but what can use
when we already have all the pieces cut before starting to assemble
we must make some holes in this tree Christmas then you have to get
a cap can thus be a cap of soon of some spray something small for
make the holes I make them that I do not know how you want it
do then I'm going to teach you the way that I do them then it
They use Porexpan as I told them 1.5 cm gauge, should
be a cover that reaches enter until deep
but if you use one of them because they are from a centimeter then they have a little more
easy and ready then what are we going to to do is take the cap and we're going to
place here I marked the points where I want to make the holes I'm going to do
several holes then we place it and we just push and go
spinning like this and today turning Y
I'm making the hole with friction that makes the lid on the porexpan
you have to do it slowly so you do not break the piece that we cut
slowly when we do this on the porexpan the
it's getting warmer then it's going allowing the lid to go making
the hole
in the end
we just carefully remove here the remainder will be left
to use it again and it will stay the hole in this way likewise from
the same way we do well, the tree should be left with
the holes now what we do is what we turn around the back we're going to
take some tissue paper or paper crepé I do not know how they know you in your country
it is a paper with which we can elaborate the kites for example then let's
cut out several squares we are going to use in this case four colors I'll
to use and we will cut in several squares then to stick them in the
back side for this we are going to use silicone
liquid and simply what we are going to do is go
hitting the squares here in the part of behind
in different
interspersing colors
A) Yes now
so that we treat all the holes well then here I already hit the
pieces of paper from the back and now what we are going to do is apply a little
of white glue here in this part front part and we're going to spread it
then with a brush we are going to spread it well that the way well
and undercover
start doing and we are going to apply color diamond
green that we are going to do in all the
surface in the front
then that procedure that now let's do it
well I finished the tree frosty now let's let it dry and let's
to start working on the body and the base we are going to assemble the lantern
then how I had mentioned them there are one of these pieces that have a part
longer then what we're going to do is to apply the silicone on this side and
paste it on this other one that is more long forming the angle then it goes to
stay proportional for the neck I will use silicone
hot handling the temperature like has always been explained then let's
Apply the silicone here on the piece that has the exact measurement
we are going to apply it in this part
we are going to paste it on the one with the the longest side
if we handle the temperature of the silicone is not going to melt the
piece that will fix well here is already the body look how it is
and we're going to hit it in the angle of the base of the square then let's paste
right in the angle that gives us in this part
in the same way applying the silicone
we did it
that we stay flush
A) Yes
to complete the bluff and then here on the top for the head
let's use a porexpan sphere it's a sphere number 10 then for
decorating is I also made some molds of some pieces that we are going
to paste then here is for example an ear is the snout
and the two others
and then we are going to these pieces as I mentioned them in
the molds are the molds must be printed in size
letter not to letter size and it is the measure real then
up to the nose of the bear
So what we are going to do is that with the same silicone we are going to put together the face
let's paste here we apply the silicone and we're going to hold it that way we should
apply it and that we will not leave a lot on the edge and as he mentioned them
how do we handle the temperature then there was no danger of burning ourselves
then we are going to press for she stays fixed here after we go to
paste the eyes A) Yes
and the little ear we are going to wait because let's also paste a hat I'll
look here I already hit the snout the nose and eyes ready then how do you
I said earlier we only did one little pressure so that this piece
of the shape of the sphere we are of the same way now then how do you
I mentioned all we are not going to paste the ear because we are going to make a hat
this one is also in the molds we're going to cut this piece and we're going to cut the
another to superimpose then what we are going to do is paste it with silicone
first after it is united then let's put it together like this
we are going to join it here in the part of behind
we're going to hit it and we're going to hit all this edge applying silicone to
that we form the good cap here and now I hit the hat look how it looks
then what we are going to do is paste it here on the head of the shoulders of
half side this then we're going to hitting has been like you like it better
but I'm going to hit it aside so that it's like this and the little ear is going to stick
applying hot silicone
well here then I finished hit the hat and ear this
so look how is now what we are going to do is fix it to the base or to the
body of the this then we're going to apply some silicon here
to we can blow
and now if we are going to fix it then let's hold a moment so that
she is well fixed, do not leave us fall out
after it is already stuck then let's stick the tree then in this
part is this angle we are going to paste head on
then we are not going to stick it together to the body but as much as possible
leaving only a small tip in this part
in the same way we apply the silicone down here
this way does not apply
if we are going to give space to be able Introduce
let's use for example a jar I recommend you use a bottle of
crystal can be from a preserved one compote and this is where we are going to
introduce the candle and this is going to be placed here
They can also use a glass of icopor porexpán but preferably a
glass bottle so it stays the lantern
I hope you have liked this project is simple it is practical to
do fast and it will look great decorated the block or the people who
they like it at Christmas lighting is a custom that
we have here in our country then he also likes it is a very nice bluff
to decorate also in season Christmas a big hug for all and
we come back to see you here with more Art in Your hands
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