hello this is the mega construx halo Hannibal mantis charge set and I want to
start this off with a comparison to the previous Mantis that mega did at this
scale they've done two major mantises one of them was the RC one wasn't wasn't
that great for its price wasn't very posable it wasn't even very buildable
but they did this excellent looking one quite some time ago and if you look
closely or even if you just take a cursory look at it you'll notice that a
lot of things are identical in the builds especially if you don't look at
the legs basically don't look at anything beneath here a lot of this
stuff up here is the same which I am fine with because I think the design the
appearance of this first mantis is very good to this date it has stood the test
of time very well and it was very posable but it was difficult to pose the
joints are rather loose on this one even when it's standing in a a fairly stable
pose you know and only yet you don't even have the legs splayed apart or
anything and that was its biggest problem by far it looked really good
wasn't that great to play with the new one has these huge joints huge ball
joints ball and socket joints used for the legs you can see them here at the
knees and also up at the hips those are the major ones they also finally add
them down at the ankles so that's where you get your major articulation for this
entire build I'll just focus on that for a minute
because there's there's one thing there's just one thing that I can do
here that's that's very simple really that basically says all that you need to
know about how this works it's this just hold the hold the feet down and just
move the body of the thing around so your I can let go that's just leaning a
little bit too far but there you go something like that so I've
been leaning over like that that's cool I can have it with one foot
I accidentally pulled the heel off but I can have one foot facing forward as it
does its you know forward lunging stop like that I can do the the celebratory
dance if you will with it let me see if I can get this get this to work yeah I
get it to just kind of squat down a little bit like that get it to go into
it's it's lower position I can turn that one out I mean you can do anything with
these legs which is absolutely just the best thing that you can ask for the the
most you can ask for in articulation in a buildable toy of a mech like thing
something robot like or something that needs to articulate at all something
that needs to be able to stand something that needs to be able to pose the only
issue that I have here is that these heel pieces just at the back are coming
up when I'm trying to put a lot of pressure on this it's just this part
right here can pop off if you're you're using that the way the way that I did
but that's that's a small price to pay to be able to just put your hands here
and just move this thing around and have the feet always be completely flat on
the ground to be able to just let go and have it pose where it needs to be or
where you want it to be now these joints do not look as good to me as the
previous ones did you know they're definitely bulky and you can see there
they're construction very easily you know the fact that they are ball joints
which is technically not appropriate but it just works so well works so much
better than what they did before look at this I can angle this the entire body of
the main hull forward like that it almost looks like it wants to fall
forward but it has enough stability and I'm not even planting the toes all the
way down to the ground this is just on the main structures of the feet so
though that's the main thing that I wanted to show you really in this review
that mega has done a really good thing here they
had some missteps in the past with articulation even in the Halo line so
with that previous mantis with the RC mattes not being able to articulate much
at all and then with the second-generation cyclopses that are
very fragile you want to use the ball and socket joints that are very small
and that pop off easily stuff doesn't pop off easily with this one in general
you can still rotate the upper hull around you can still move both weapons
systems up and down this can be right up and down it can also be rotated here
with the the launcher Bay these can be even turned in and out I don't know yeah
I guess that is an appropriate thing to be able to do and you can fit a Spartan
in there by just opening this up and it just has the standard amount of room
plus anything that is a decoration on this one unlike with the previous one is
a print so that's print their print their print
their print their print their small one that's good to see uh this is a print
here print their print they're all prints and they're pretty good quality
prints as well though they don't feel like they're gonna scratch off easily
you know it's the right material has the the right amount of opacity just
everything looks professional about this I like the choice of colors that they
went with as well I think they match up very well with the in-game model of this
thing and mega is light gray is a a really nice-looking color it has just a
just a slight bit of silty muddiness to it which feels a little bit kind of
between organic and synthetic and you can't tell if it's quite plastic like or
supposed to represent concrete there's just something about the specific tone
that Pei chose there and also the surface texture on it it's really good
this is an excellent model here that they've made and I was I was definitely
questioning their their choice of making another mantis that wasn't a total
redesign and also that wasn't just the base model
one cuz I think that the base model color scheme is great I also like the
only one myself but I think they did really well with this I don't have any
complaints about this other than the super obvious appearance of these huge
joints but it's well worth it three figures are included in this set this is
obviously just your basic grunt the halo 4 end beyond model of grunt and has
probably the best color to use I think in general if you're going to pick any
one color I think this one is just sufficiently generic it'll fit into any
battle scene perfectly so good looking basic figure here same color used for
the elite zealot and same color for the plasma pistol he comes with the main
grunt had the needler but yeah this looks good obviously the two can go
together might have been nice to include one additional grunt I actually think
yelling it would have looked like a small squad a little individual attack
unit with a leader and a couple of literal guns to go with them I think
that that would have been an improvement in the figure selection here but for
what it is I really like the zealots myself I like their design the the new
ones the relatively new ones but that's personal preference black for the skin
tone so it's fairly striking here doesn't look muddy he just looks very
serious you know finally for the UNSC side and to have somebody to pilot the
Mathis this is a wet work Spartan and there are a lot of paint applications on
this figure it's very obvious easy to pick out the bright silver ones they're
very crisp very well applied really good production work they're just on the main
body armor on the helmet on the hip insert piece and on the backs of all
three of those pieces we really really well done nice fine lines that yeah are
just well applied across some difficult surfaces really good
production work there but there is also a lot of a darker blue color that
appears to be painted on I believe it's a spray I believe it's masked on and you
can see that at the upper part of the shoulder armor you can see it on the
side of the lower arms you can see it on the armor itself the main body armor on
the helmet you know you get two tones here I'm
hoping I'm not mistaken about that then it's not just in the plastic but you can
see that there's a different level of Sheen it's actually a satin finish
compared to the shininess of the raw unpainted plastic and it's consistent
from side to side there's some on the lower arms it's a little bit different
from side to side on this particular one but it's pretty close just a little bit
offset yeah it's subtle but it's it's nice I
especially like it on the front of the body if that wasn't there would look a
little bit more toyish but that brings down the shine brings down the
glossiness it's good and then we also get this printed weapon it's not perfect
on the top but it's pretty good and I really appreciate getting weapons that
have nice paint applications on them this is the blood of subhan version of
the Covenant carbine or carbine most hotly debated they needlessly debated
pronunciation issues of weapons in the world both of them are perfectly
perfectly legal and well accepted in militaries actual real world militaries
and such but you can choose whichever you prefer doesn't matter to me
carbine carbine all works for me but nice to get another variant of that you
know it's using the same mold that we've been seeing for quite a while but looks
pretty good and you know it's it's something different and something
special so overall very solid stuff as a retail price in the US of $40.00 which
just reflects the general raise in price increase in price that we've seen for
the make a collector focused lines in
general fortunately their quality is very good these days and they do have
the numbered bags finally the anti-competitive patents that prevented
them from doing that has evidently expired or they've got license to get
around it or something but yeah numbered bags makes life so much easier at this
point and yeah there's there's no issues putting this together mine had spares of
a number of very small pieces which is a lot better than just having just enough
with a little bit of risk of one not being included or you know having stuff
missing so everything fit together well the new joint system really the choice
of joints that they went with this time makes so much more sense figures are
done well and I'm happy with this overall so that's it for my look at this
one the new Mantis from maker constructs thanks for watching
talked again as soon as I can
teamate down
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