Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Youtube daily report w Nov 6 2018

Hi! My name is Tanya. I'm one of the Open Doors Tenant Champions with Tai Pawb and

today I'd just like to talk a little bit about something Tai Pawb has been working

really really hard on lately. It's a set of two tenant guides based all around

common issues that tenants in the Welsh private sector might come across and

ways to deal with them, combat them, make sure you're having a really nice renting

experience. The first is called 'Challenging Discrimination' and it's all

that people renting in the Welsh private about different types of discrimination

sector might face and practical ways you can tackle them. Bodies that can help,

different things you can do that will help the situation and just making

sure that you're really acquainted with your rights and what you deserve and

what you can do to make sure you're getting what you deserve. The second

is called 'Common Issues' and it's all about the different challenges that tenants

from specific groups might face and again, just a practical guide and how to

overcome them, where you can seek out what rights you have and how to make

sure that your rights and your needs are being met. I think it's really important that

we all know about our rights and what we deserve as tenants and I think

it's so cool and empowering that Tai Pawb are coming out with all this

stuff. It's informative, it's really easy to read, it's helpful and I see no

reason if you're renting in the Welsh private sector, why you shouldn't read it. There's

something in it for everyone. It's a really informative good read. I would recommend

it to all of my friends so yeah!

For more infomation >> Pencampwr Drysau Agored Tanya / Open Doors Champion Tanya - Duration: 1:25.


ASMR\АСМР Массаж лица\Визуальные триггеры\ Релаксация\АСМР - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> ASMR\АСМР Массаж лица\Визуальные триггеры\ Релаксация\АСМР - Duration: 10:28.


拉斐爾【處女vs.妖艷賤貨】兩者對愛的價值觀太不同 結果吵起來了!(中字) - Duration: 22:46.

For more infomation >> 拉斐爾【處女vs.妖艷賤貨】兩者對愛的價值觀太不同 結果吵起來了!(中字) - Duration: 22:46.


アプリ〇〇は稼げる!!副業で稼げないは嘘!?サラリーマン主婦にもおすすめの副業で稼ぐ方法とは?初心者女性も簡単安全無料で稼げるオススメ副業のやり方!副業最新情報 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> アプリ〇〇は稼げる!!副業で稼げないは嘘!?サラリーマン主婦にもおすすめの副業で稼ぐ方法とは?初心者女性も簡単安全無料で稼げるオススメ副業のやり方!副業最新情報 - Duration: 4:37.


RET Metro Hoekse Lijn Railroad Crossing near Maassluis Steendijkpolder - Duration: 1:23.


For more infomation >> RET Metro Hoekse Lijn Railroad Crossing near Maassluis Steendijkpolder - Duration: 1:23.


Renault Twingo SCe 70pk Collection R&Go Navig., Airco - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo SCe 70pk Collection R&Go Navig., Airco - Duration: 1:05.



For more infomation >> LEILÃO DE CARGOS PROSSEGUE E OLAVO DE CARVALHO PEDE O SEU - Duration: 3:16.


New Urban Bike Tech | Taipei Cycle Show 2018 - Duration: 12:48.

- I'm here at the Taipei Bike Show

and I'm on the hunt for all the latest and greatest

urban cycling tech.

There's loads of weird and wonderful stuff here

including this four seater bike.

This is designed to be fun for the entire family,

so I'm just gonna go for a quick ride on this

with all of my mates.

(upbeat music)

Some misinformed people think that eBikes aren't very cool.

Well, they're wrong.

Look at this.

Absolute beast.

From Coast Cycles I'm riding.

I mean, this is probably the coolest bike I've ever seen.

People always go on about 23 millimeter tires

and then it was 25's the fastest.

Then it was 28 is the fastest.

This has got four inch tires and they feel amazing (laughs).

It's so much grip and like,

it's like one of the like motorbike tires.

They're incredible.

Coast has really thought differently about bike design.

So, rather than have the traditional diamond shape,

well it's got something completely different,

but this is a bike designed for urban environments

and to be really practical.

So, it's interesting to see

the different design choices that've been made.

So, you've got these massive fat tires

that, well, are really good for low speed,

short turn maneuverability.

They got loads of grip and loads of puncture protection.

Both are really comfortable

and then you've got the suspension as well

to add even more comfort.

This massive seat that's like a sort of chopper,

it may have multiple passengers on a bike like this.

You can sit, yeah you can put pegs on the wheels

so you can have footrests for those passengers

and there's mount points for luggage as well

and carrying loads of luggage isn't a problem

because you've got a motor to assist you.

So, it's great.

And for added practicality, the Gates Carbon Drive

down here as well.

So, many more maintenance compared with if you had

a normal chain drive system on the bike as well.


Tell you what though, I could really see myself

cruising around the mean streets of Bathe on one of these.

Probably form a gang,

get some leather jackets, but waistcoats.

Let us know in the comment section what you think

our gang should be called.

Let's find some more tech now.

Good lights are essential for cycling safely

in an urban environment.

So, I wanted to illuminate you

about some flash new lights that CatEye has.

So, these are CatEye's new sync lights

and they've got a number of really cool

sort of high tech features built into them

to make them better.

So, they all sync together

and they can also sync to your phone

and one of the advantages here

is that you can turn them all on or off

with the press of a single button on any of the lights.

So, I'll show you.

It doesn't end there, though.

The Kinetic Rear Light also has

an accelerometer built into it,

which can detect when you're getting slower

and therefore make the light brighter as a safety feature

which well, perhaps it should be called a deccelerometer.

Also, when you sync the lights to your phone,

you are able to see the battery life

on each individual light which is really awesome

because it means you don't have to worry

that you're not gonna have enough battery for your ride

and your lights are gonna run out half-way through,

you can see exactly where you're at,

but there's some also some cool stuff over here,

so I'm gonna show you that.

(tape whirring)

- CatEye also has this new computer called The Quick

which is designed specifically for commuting

and riding in an urban environment

and it displays all the sort of essential information

you need such as speed, time, average speed, distance,

but it's an inexpensive

and very sort of elegant and clean design.

I like it.

This wheel is called the Hycore T1

and it's a new product here at the Taipei Show.

Now, at first it might just look like

a really high tech trispoke wheel,

but it's much more than that.

It's actually an eBike wheel,

so by inserting this wheel into your bike,

you can turn it into an eBike

which means you don't need to buy an eBike.

You can simply use your existing bike

and just get one of these wheels,

which is really cool and a really novel idea.

Now, the way it works, is it actually integrates

the entire eBike system into just the wheel.

There's no need for any additional parts

that you would have to stick to your frame.

It's sort of contained within here, which is really neat.

So, this is the battery here and then there's two motors.

One there and one there and through beveled gears,

they actually spin into this central gear box

and that's how it just generates the forward motion.

I'm just gonna spin it up so you can see it turning.

It's also got some rather cool lights on it as well

as an added bonus,

but each one of the motors is capable of producing 180 watts

which means what 360 watts of assistance in total

and the makers reckon the battery is good enough

for 50 kilometers of riding, which is pretty impressive

'cause it's quite a small battery

in such a neat and self-contained unit

and to charge the battery, you can simply take it out.

You can open a panel on the back and remove the battery

and charge it and if you've got a spare battery,

you can put one in as well.

This is called The Cyclo and according to the makers,

it's the only thing you need on your handlebars.

Now, it's a really innovative piece of tech

that's designed for the commuter market

and it's just absolutely jam packed full of features.

So, fundamentally it's a bike computer for your handlebars,

but it also features a camera and a light,

but it also can do navigation,

like so many features I'm gonna have to look behind me.

It's a power bank for your mobile phone,

it does all your sort of metrics

like your speed and your distance and all that

and your calories burned,

but it's also a theft alarm, all right?

So this is actually securely on your bike

and it's designed to be left on your bike

and it links up to your smartphone,

and if someone tries to steal your bike,

an alarm goes off that's 100 decibels

and it automatically sends a notification to your smartphone

to tell you that a naughty person

is trying to steal your bike.

Size matters and if you don't believe me,

take a look down here

because this is the world's smallest eBike

according to the makers, Lekuma.

The makers also recommend this is the smallest

eBike motor in the world and attached to that

are well, pretty much the smallest wheels in the world.

You get 250 watts out of this though,

and 15 kilometers range, which is awesome

and this bike is designed to kind of address the needs

of people who want to use a bike

as a mode of transport in an urban environment,

but also other forms of transport as well

such as trains, buses, and even airplanes

and to that end, the battery that's fitted

neatly into this tube,

is designed to be safe to be taken on airplanes.

So, obviously it's no where near as fast

as a full-on rode bike,

but it's still a lot faster than walking.

Ebikes, if you haven't guessed already,

are really big here at Taipei this year

except for this one which is really small,

so let's see how small it goes down when it's packed up.

(tape whirring)

How cool is that?

That is really compact and it's got these wheels

on the back down here,

so that you can use it as like a trolley

to move it around to make it easier.

For an eBike to go that small, that's incredible.

It's like a transformer.

I'm over on the KMC stand.

Now KMC are the largest manufacturer

of bicycle chains in the world

and they've got a new chain that's specifically designed

for single-speed eBikes

and they've decided to try and make a chain

that's better suited for well, urban cycling and eBikes

by making it more durable and less likely to drop off

and they way they've done this is new designs on the pins

and also on the plates on the side of the chain

that have a sort of, well they're wider

and don't sort of sham fit in, like on a traditional chain,

which means there's less chance of it dropping

once it's been worn,

but it's great to have a chain for your eBike

that well, gonna last longer and isn't gonna wear as fast.

As a cyclist, discovering that your pride and joy

has been stolen is well, an even worse feeling

than accidentally reversing

over your family on Christmas day.

So, I'm always really happy to see new bike lock tech

and here at the ULAC stand, they've got this

and this is a D-Lock with a thumbprint scanner

which you use to unlock it and lock it.

Well, it's not just a thumbprint scanner,

it's also a fingerprint scanner

and you can store up to 20 different fingerprints on there,

which is well, really awesome,

but should the thumbprint scanner fail

or be damaged by a horrible thief,

then there's actually a backup key

that you can use to lock and unlock the lock too

and the battery life for the thumbprint scanner

last for 2,000 scans which is really long

and there's a USB port to charge it

so you can also charge it out and about

if you've got a power bank.

In addition to this little one,

there's also a big chain lock

and some larger D-locks as well.

There's a full range, but yeah, really cool.

D-locks and chains are great for securing

your frame and your wheels,

but the smaller items on your bike

that are held in place by Allen bolts

can be hardest to secure against those pesky thieves,

but fortunately, Hexlocks has a really neat

and innovative little tiny gadget

that can solve that problem.

You can take a standard Allen bolt

or hex bolt anywhere on your bike

and you can turn it into a security bolt

with this simple insert.

They're available for different sized bolts

and they're made from a medical grade stainless steel

to stop them corroding which is a really nice feature

and I just think they're really great for securing

something like your seat post so that thieves can't

steal your seat post.

Oh, and if you were wondering,

what happens if a thief gets ahold of one of these keys,

they can just go around unlocking all these bolts,

well, they can't because the keys are all different

and you need to have the right key.

I've spoken about Gates Carbon Drive on GCN before

and one of the best advantages of it

is that it offers much lower maintenance

over a traditional drive train with a chain

and this makes it great for urban cycling and commuting.

Well, you want less hassle,

but in the past, it's been quite a premium product

and Gates is looking to rectify that with these

which are more affordable chainring sprockets

for use in the drive train.

They're now made from a composite material

which reduces manufacturing costs

and it's great to see this kind of tech

becoming more affordable and more mass market

in bikes that are gonna cost much less money

than they did before

and over here I've spotted, you can see on the wall,

that's one of the Schindelhauer bikes

from the Red Hook Tech Video.

One of the trends we're seeing

is that urban and commuter tech

is becoming increasingly low maintenance and hassle-free

which is exactly what you want for that kind of riding.

And Schwalber have got a new tire system

which is particularly exciting.

So, this is an airless system

and it's basically designed to avoid punctures.

The system has three main components,

so you've got the traditional

sort of tire rubber outer layer.

Then, you've got this blue strip down the middle,

which hold the bead in place

and then, in place of the air,

you've got this material that sort of fills the void

which is the same sort of material

you might find in your Adidas trainers.

The main advantages of this system

are that you avoid punctures

and you don't have to pump up your tires

regularly before rides.

There are a couple of disadvantages.

So, it weighs considerably more

than a standard inner tube in a tire

and there is increased rolling resistance,

but it's designed mainly for eBike use

and for commuting, well, it's a welcome trade-off.

All right.

Well, I hope you enjoyed our look at the latest

new urban cycling tech and if you have,

then please give this video a thumbs up

and subscribe to the channel.

If you wanna watch more of the latest new tech from Taipei,

then click down here.

I've gotta commute home now

through this urban metropolis in the rain.

It's kinda just like being in England.


For more infomation >> New Urban Bike Tech | Taipei Cycle Show 2018 - Duration: 12:48.


Relação 'ioiô': veja 10 casais de famosos com namoros marcados por idas e vindas - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Relação 'ioiô': veja 10 casais de famosos com namoros marcados por idas e vindas - Duration: 5:48.


Belen Rodriguez e quell'affronto a Emma Marrone, cosa è successo | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Belen Rodriguez e quell'affronto a Emma Marrone, cosa è successo | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:40.



For more infomation >> LANDINGS AND DEPARTURES AIRPORT GUARULHOS - PART 198 - Duration: 36:59.









You talk, Jean-Pierre.


I'm out too.

Your turn, Argentine.

Three hundred!

It's the double! I'm betting the double!

Wait your f***ing turn!

Every time...

You are crazy!

You are playing too deep!

Are you going to pay, Argentinian?

It's paid!

Flop hairy, huh?

Hairy for those who do not master math, for those who do not understand tactics, such as

Jean-Pierre, who does not know the difference between a jack and an eight.

You talk, Argentinian.

A thousand and...

It's paid! It's paid!

You can put it because it's paid!

You're gonna lose your pants again, huh, Vandelei?

Turn over the card, Zulera! Turn the card!

All in...

It's paid!

It's paid and five thousand more!

It's paid! It's paid now!

Take it easy, Vandelei. You've already lost a lot...

No f***ing way!

It's all and five thousand more!

This is just for fun, Vandelei...

This is not for fun, this is a bet!

It's paid!

Show hands, gentlemen.

Five hundred in a jack-two?

It's missing the queen of hearts.

Queen of hearts, it's going to hit.

It's going to hit.

It's going to hit. It's going to hit.

It's going to hit. It's going to hit.

Jesus f***ing Christ!

Well, Vandelei... now you'll have to give your ass to pay the Argentinian!

For more infomation >> THE QUEEN OF SPADES - JAIME'S LIFE - Duration: 1:17.


Broccoli And Its Healing Properties - Duration: 2:30.

welcome to a new video of our

channel today we will be talking about the

broccoli and its properties in addition to

anticancer properties broccoli

has antiviral properties and

antibacterial thanks to its content

of sulforaphane also stops and limits

the damage of some diseases

pulmonary is a green vegetable

of the cruciferous family contains

beta carotene vitamin c vitamin k

vitamin e fiber

folic acid calcium iron and potassium

among other studies carried out at the

of broccoli show that

facilitates digestion improves skin

prevents anemia prevents hemorrhages

reduces anemia reduces the risk of

cancer especially breast and colon

cardiac and degenerative diseases

prevents the development of tumors

as in the cases of fibromyalgia

lesions due to papillomavirus

human et cetera in addition to

anticancer properties has

antiviral properties and


contains sulforaphane which is what

produces protective enzymes that

decreases the molecules that damage the

cells the sulforaphane activates a

protein that takes care of cells and

tissues causing the activation of

antioxidant enzymes that is the one

retards or prevents oxidation in

molecules this same substance also

stops and limits the damage of some

diseases in the lungs the

Sulforaphane increases the activity of the gene

nrf2 of lung cells function

protective of the damage that the

toxins at the cancer trait institute

the parquet in his research on the

broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are

has determined that they help prevent

smokers lung cancer in the

university of warwick england a

group of scientists concluded that the

benefit of eating broccoli can

reverse cardiovascular damage in the

diabetes patients and favors the

immunity of the body is very

recommended for pregnant children to

adults because of their low calories and

supplements in your diet


if you found this useful

information share it with your family and

your friends

do not forget to subscribe to my channel to

many natural remedies


For more infomation >> Broccoli And Its Healing Properties - Duration: 2:30.





#4-2 Gino Fabbri Hangar78 Stories 2 - Duration: 2:29.

My name is Gino Fabbri, I'm from Bologna,

I've started working in 1965...

The professional gratification that I enjoy today, actually comes from different milestones

I would say that we started in the 90s

with a total change,

we ceased to use semi-finished products with additives;

we returned to the genuine raw ingredients as much as possible...

Since then I questioned myself about making panettone and brioches through an artisanal way

with natural yeast;

I started with a competition in Montecarlo,

also taking part in international competitions from America to France, Spain

and Lyon in 2015, where we won as Italian Team.

My greatest framework is to never stop having taste,

pleasure and desire to believe that I can always improve myself...

We need a lot of science in pastry,

we are bound to recipes, we have to pay attention to weights and many things;

when we have to choose a recipe

we are much more limited in pastry compared to cooking.

I do not have the possibility to fantasize, even if these two worlds can coexist very well;

science is necessary, but only if there is a human person behind it,

because without humanity science or technology are useless.

I would say to a young man to try and try again;

a test at work is never a mistake,

even when you are closen to the final goal, you only need to insist,

you just have to want it all; whoever is hungry wins, whoever wants to win wins as well.

Good luck to everyone!

For more infomation >> #4-2 Gino Fabbri Hangar78 Stories 2 - Duration: 2:29.


MONETE EURO RARE in circolazione: Quanto valgono? - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> MONETE EURO RARE in circolazione: Quanto valgono? - Duration: 3:27.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Business Solution AMG Multibeam LED 360* Camera Automaat - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Business Solution AMG Multibeam LED 360* Camera Automaat - Duration: 1:12.


2 minutes with Rafael Soria - Duration: 2:23.

I am Rafael Soria and I am the Global B2B Digital Sales & Marketing Director.

It actually means that we offer our professional clients (travel agents, companies, events managers)

experiences like the ones that we offer our B2C customers through

our own channels, providing them the best conditions in our hotels at every destination where we are located.

Every day, the first thing I do is to check the previous day sales.

Then, the whole team and I look over the markets and clients which have sold and bought us the most,

and the things we can do to improve or optimise our sales.

We have some tools, such as Google Analytics or Leadfeeder to help us to daily do the management work,

as well as to deal with our B2B clients' big data.

I have been working in Meliá for 13 years,

and this has really always been my dream job.

In fact, let me tell you an amazing story: my parents spent their honey moon at Meliá Alicante, so I actually am fruit of Meliá.

I was predestined for working here.

The thing I like the most about Meliá is that, as far as I am concerned, the company has always got used to current events:

it always tries to innovate and to constantly renovate itself.

And the key point for me is that we are the ones that truly make up and define the company,

and that is why I really feel part of the transformation process that Meliá has carried out, which means its own evolution as a company.

Meliá Pro project started not long ago, so the truth is that it is rather young yet.

We have hopefully worked on it and now we can see how much it has improved little by little.

We expect to be an example in tourism industry

and to lead the Spanish hotel industry just as we have been doing until now.

So I can assure you that we will continue working on being the number one.

For more infomation >> 2 minutes with Rafael Soria - Duration: 2:23.


Do not watch if you have a mind Deep Web (Dark Web) videos that will disrupt your psychology +18 - Duration: 45:13.

Attention... ! The images you'll soon see may disrupt your mental and mental health. If you have any discomfort, please close the video.

For more infomation >> Do not watch if you have a mind Deep Web (Dark Web) videos that will disrupt your psychology +18 - Duration: 45:13.


🌈💎 Rainbow Diamond Slime [YYTV] - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> 🌈💎 Rainbow Diamond Slime [YYTV] - Duration: 6:01.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Business Solution AMG Plus pakket Automaat - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Business Solution AMG Plus pakket Automaat - Duration: 1:11.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Business Solution AMG Plus pakket Automaat - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Business Solution AMG Plus pakket Automaat - Duration: 1:15.


騎gogoro去【台灣歷史博物館】拍vlog,還迷路!?然後竟然發現... - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 騎gogoro去【台灣歷史博物館】拍vlog,還迷路!?然後竟然發現... - Duration: 3:08.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Business Solution AMG Trekhaak Automaat . - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Business Solution AMG Trekhaak Automaat . - Duration: 1:14.


Renault ZOE Intens R-Link, Climate, Cruise, 17'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Renault ZOE Intens R-Link, Climate, Cruise, 17'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:08.


Renault Captur TCe 90pk Xmod Leer, R-link, Climate, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 90pk Xmod Leer, R-link, Climate, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 0:43.


Renault Mégane TCe GT 205pk EDC Bose, Alcantara, R-Link 8,7" - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane TCe GT 205pk EDC Bose, Alcantara, R-Link 8,7" - Duration: 1:10.


Renault Talisman Estate TCe 200pk Initiale Paris EDC Leer, 4-Control, R-link, Climate, Cruise, Licht - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Renault Talisman Estate TCe 200pk Initiale Paris EDC Leer, 4-Control, R-link, Climate, Cruise, Licht - Duration: 1:02.


Volvo XC60 2.0 T8 Twin Engine AWD R-Design | Panorama | Navigatie | Camera | Apple carplay . - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 2.0 T8 Twin Engine AWD R-Design | Panorama | Navigatie | Camera | Apple carplay . - Duration: 1:15.


Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4TSI/122pk Sport&Style R-LINE|2012|Xenon+LED|Navi|Trekhaak|19"Mallory|2xR-LINE - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4TSI/122pk Sport&Style R-LINE|2012|Xenon+LED|Navi|Trekhaak|19"Mallory|2xR-LINE - Duration: 1:03.


Pencampwr Drysau Agored Tanya / Open Doors Champion Tanya - Duration: 1:25.

Hi! My name is Tanya. I'm one of the Open Doors Tenant Champions with Tai Pawb and

today I'd just like to talk a little bit about something Tai Pawb has been working

really really hard on lately. It's a set of two tenant guides based all around

common issues that tenants in the Welsh private sector might come across and

ways to deal with them, combat them, make sure you're having a really nice renting

experience. The first is called 'Challenging Discrimination' and it's all

that people renting in the Welsh private about different types of discrimination

sector might face and practical ways you can tackle them. Bodies that can help,

different things you can do that will help the situation and just making

sure that you're really acquainted with your rights and what you deserve and

what you can do to make sure you're getting what you deserve. The second

is called 'Common Issues' and it's all about the different challenges that tenants

from specific groups might face and again, just a practical guide and how to

overcome them, where you can seek out what rights you have and how to make

sure that your rights and your needs are being met. I think it's really important that

we all know about our rights and what we deserve as tenants and I think

it's so cool and empowering that Tai Pawb are coming out with all this

stuff. It's informative, it's really easy to read, it's helpful and I see no

reason if you're renting in the Welsh private sector, why you shouldn't read it. There's

something in it for everyone. It's a really informative good read. I would recommend

it to all of my friends so yeah!

For more infomation >> Pencampwr Drysau Agored Tanya / Open Doors Champion Tanya - Duration: 1:25.


ASMR\АСМР Массаж лица\Визуальные триггеры\ Релаксация\АСМР - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> ASMR\АСМР Массаж лица\Визуальные триггеры\ Релаксация\АСМР - Duration: 10:28.


拉斐爾【處女vs.妖艷賤貨】兩者對愛的價值觀太不同 結果吵起來了!(中字) - Duration: 22:46.

For more infomation >> 拉斐爾【處女vs.妖艷賤貨】兩者對愛的價值觀太不同 結果吵起來了!(中字) - Duration: 22:46.


アプリ〇〇は稼げる!!副業で稼げないは嘘!?サラリーマン主婦にもおすすめの副業で稼ぐ方法とは?初心者女性も簡単安全無料で稼げるオススメ副業のやり方!副業最新情報 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> アプリ〇〇は稼げる!!副業で稼げないは嘘!?サラリーマン主婦にもおすすめの副業で稼ぐ方法とは?初心者女性も簡単安全無料で稼げるオススメ副業のやり方!副業最新情報 - Duration: 4:37.


RET Metro Hoekse Lijn Railroad Crossing near Maassluis Steendijkpolder - Duration: 1:23.


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Wrapples Music Video

For more infomation >> Wrapples Music Video


DON'T Count Your Collagen as Protein | Chris Masterjohn Lite CML #83 - Duration: 10:07.

Are you using collagen to get your protein?

Look, collagen is great, but this

is why you shouldn't be counting your

collagen towards your protein.

Hi. I'm Dr. Chris Masterjohn of chrismasterjohnphd.com,

and this is Chris Masterjohn Lite,

where the name of the game is

"Details? Shmeetails. Just tell me what works!"

And today we're going to talk about why you

should be counting your collagen and

your protein separately.

Now, look, collagen is a protein, so

there's nothing literally wrong with

calling collagen protein. The problem is

how we think about the amount of protein

we need and whether collagen contributes

to it or not. So the thing is that when

everyone out there is talking about how

much protein do you need, and they may

debate it, some people may give

a lower amount, some a higher amount,

but everything that we're talking about in

that discussion is about the essential

amino acids that we are not able to make

ourselves that we need in the

complete array to support not just

building our muscle proteins but also

building the enzymes and the receptors

and all these different aspects of our

biochemistry that we need to be healthy

that all depend on protein. And collagen

is unique in its protein composition.

It's different than most other proteins.

And some of the reasons that it is

different are the best reasons to

consume it. For example, it's very rich in

glycine. We need more glycine than we

get, and it's way higher in glycine than the

other proteins. So it specifically is

a great source of glycine, which is

needed to make the collagen that

supports our hair, nails, bones, and many

other tissues in our body, making us both

beautiful and strong. We need it for

detoxification, we need it for healthy

sleep, we need it to regulate blood sugar,

we need it for all kinds of things to be

healthy, and that's a reason to get collagen.

Collagen also is broken down into little

pieces of collagen that we could call

collagen peptides that are more easily

made into collagen, again supporting

strong bones and teeth, and healthy skin,

hair, and nails, beautiful and strong. Great.

But collagen is extremely poor in

all the essential amino acids that we

get from all the other protein in our diet.

In other words, they're fulfilling

two completely different things. So, when

someone says you should get X amount of

protein per pound of body weight, or

per kilogram lean mass,

or even percent of what you eat or whatever,

they're talking about non-collagen protein.

Now, from what I've seen,

I would recommend that in general people

shoot for a target of "protein," meaning

non-collagen protein, of a half a gram to

a gram of protein per pound of body

weight. If you measure your weight in

kilograms, you roughly double that amount

per kilogram of body weight.

Many people with specific body

composition or athletic goals may need

to consume significantly more protein

than this. When you do, I think you need

to think more carefully about the

balance of your diet, both because you're

eating fewer of other foods and also

because high protein intakes can raise

the need for certain nutrients, like

vitamin A and vitamin B6, and although

we know that principle, we don't know

exactly how much you need to increase

your amounts of those nutrients when you

eat more protein, so you just need to be

more careful in general when you're

consuming a lot higher amounts of protein.

Now, this protein requirement

that you're consuming is non-collagen

protein, and you count the collagen separately.

So how much collagen should

you consume? In general, I think it's best

to think of it as a function of how much

protein you're eating, unless you have

specific reasons to consume collagen

that you are responding well to.

For example, if you're getting better blood

sugar control, or better sleep, or better

skin quality from consuming collagen,

then just judge how much collagen you

need based on your response with those

specific goals. But if you don't have

something obvious in your body telling

you how much collagen is right, then it's

best to just think of it as a balance

with your non-collagen protein. There's a

simple way to think about this and a

more complicated one. The simple way to

think about it is to get one to two

grams of collagen for every 10 grams of

non-collagen protein that you eat. If you

want to be a little bit more nuanced

with it, you could think of it in this

way: for your plant protein, you can

ignore any plant protein that is up to

a half gram of protein per pound of body

weight. For example, if I'm 150 pounds and

I consume 75 grams of protein, if all 75

grams of protein come from plant protein,

I don't need to add collagen to that.

If I'm continuing to eat plant protein and

I go beyond that, I start counting 1 gram

of collagen for every 10 grams of plant

protein that goes beyond that. So I'm 150

pounds, I eat 150 grams of plant

protein, then I'm just counting 75 of

those grams towards what increases my

need for collagen, and I just say, okay, 75

grams, I'm going eat about 7.5 grams

of collagen. Now, if it's

animal protein, you start counting

immediately. So, up to a half gram per

pound of body weight, so for me, I'm

150 pounds, I'm consuming 75 grams

of animal protein, I'm going to

consume 1 gram of collagen for every

10 grams of that, so I'm going to get

7.5 grams of collagen.

But again, once we go up

beyond that first half gram per pound of

body weight, we add 2 grams of collagen

for every 10 grams of animal protein,

so that next 75 grams are going to count

towards adding 15 grams of collagen.

And so if I'm eating 150 grams of animal

protein, I'm getting 7.5

plus 15, which is 22.5 grams of collagen.

Okay, now, first of all, if you

want something super simple to remember,

that may have seemed really complicated,

just go with 1 to 2 grams of

collagen for every 10 grams of non-collagen protein.

Or if you want the nuanced way, just go

to my website where I've written this

all out. So, the first place to go is to


where I talk extensively about

balancing glycine with the other

protein that you eat, and I also help you

with a searchable database to do that by

looking through the glycine contents and

ratios with other amino acids in all the

foods that you eat. The second place if

you want to learn the technical details

around glycine is to go to


where I did a whole podcast on glycine

and the whole rationale behind all of this. And then

the third place to go if you want to get

this information in the proper context is to


where this is really put

into the context of what is a healthy

diet and what are the practical how to's

around all the things that glycine

should be balanced with. And if you don't

remember those links, just go to the

description of this episode, where you

can just click the link to go directly

to those pages. But remember the

principle from today is your protein and

your collagen are two separate buckets

that you're counting separately, so make

sure that you are consuming a whole meal

with complex protein that includes

everything that you need. The collagen can be

an important part of that, but it isn't

the whole thing.

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The audio of this episode

was enhanced and post-processed by

Bob Davodian of Taurean Mixing. You can find

more of his work at taureanonlinemixing.com.

All right, I hope you found this useful.

Signing off, this is Chris Masterjohn of

chrismasterjohnphd.com. And this has

been Chris Masterjohn Lite,

and I will see you in the next episode.

For more infomation >> DON'T Count Your Collagen as Protein | Chris Masterjohn Lite CML #83 - Duration: 10:07.


staraj się nie śmiać - try to don't laugh challenge in polish language 🇵🇱😂 - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> staraj się nie śmiać - try to don't laugh challenge in polish language 🇵🇱😂 - Duration: 7:45.


Apple MacBook Air 2018 review: premium economy - Duration: 7:55.

- The MacBook Air is dead.

Long live the MacBook Air.

(electronic music)

Here it is, at long last, Apple has finally,

finally redesigned the MacBook Air

with a more modern design and yes, a Retina display.

It starts at 1199, and it looks

like a MacBook Air should look.

It has this tapered design, it's super thin,

it's pretty light, it's a MacBook Air.

If you're thinking about this new MacBook Air,

you probably have been hanging onto your old MacBook Air.

It was the king of laptops for a long time.

It changed the entire laptop world when it came out,

but a lot has changed with laptops,

and especially Apple laptops, since that first Air.

So I wanna talk about what's different,

now, about laptops, and how Apple has taken

all of that stuff and applied it to this new MacBook Air.

First, ports.

This technically has three of them,

a headphone jack, thank god,

and two ThunderBolt 3 USB-C ports.

That's right, MagSafe is gone,

so be careful not to trip on the power cord.

There's also no SD card slot.


The trade-off is that USB-C is used

to charge lots of things, now,

and you can even power up

off a battery pack, if you want to.

And if you have the right hub,

you can plug just one cable into your laptop,

when you sit down at your desk,

to connect to a display, power,

and a bunch of other accessories.

But that means you're also gonna have

to deal with dongles when you plug

in stuff like your iPhone.

Sorry, again.

Second is screen.

The MacBook Air has a Retina display,

it's 2560 by 1600 pixels, which means

everything is much sharper and better,

though you should know that the screen is glossy,

now, and it's not quite as nice

as what you get on the Pro laptops.

Still, it's a huge upgrade over the old Air.

The bezels are way smaller, now,

and they're black, but the screen doesn't go

quite edge-to-edge, like other Windows laptops do.

Now, the last thing I should mention

about the screen is it doesn't

quite get as bright as I'd like it to.

It's been fine, even in pretty bright rooms indoors,

but I found myself cranking up the brightness

to almost the max level way more often than I usually do.

Third is the keyboard.

Apple has been trying to get

this new keyboard design right for a few years, now.

Now, what you need to know is that the keys,

they don't travel very far,

and it sounds kind of clacky and loud.

This third generation butterfly keyboard,

it is a little bit quieter than it used to be,

but more importantly, it should also be a little bit

more dust resistant than before,

because that's been a problem with MacBook Pros,

and hopefully it's solved, now.

Overall, I'm basically fine with it,

but you should know it does take a little while

to get used to.

Oh, one more thing.

There's no silly Touch Bar,

touchscreen, thing on the keyboard.

It's just function keys that do

what you want them to do, when you want them to do it.

Fourth is Touch ID.

You can login with your fingerprint,

and it's fast and easy to use.

It's a thousand times better than typing in your password.

Now, it's not as convenient as

what a lot of Windows laptops have.

They let you unlock with your face,

sort of like an iPhone does, but it's

still a big upgrade, and inside,

Touch ID is powered by this super secure T2 chip

that also handles a few other security functions.

Fifth, trackpad.

It's huge, now, but don't worry

about accidentally tapping it.

It's really good at avoiding that.

It's also a Force Touch trackpad,

which means that you can click on it anywhere,

even on the top, and it just works.

Now, this trackpad isn't quite as big

as the ones that come on the Pro models,

but it is really accurate.

Sixth, speakers.

They're better, louder.

They're louder, I don't know.

They have better stereo separation,

and they're also powered by that T2 chip, but whatever.

The important thing is they're much nicer

than what you had on the old Air.

Seventh is just overall build quality.

This thing feels a lot tighter

and nicer than the old MacBook Air.

It weighs 2.75 pounds, which honestly isn't

that much lighter, but it's smaller,

overall, than the old Air.

It's just a really good, solid laptop.

Eighth is the computer stuff.

Processor, and RAM, and storage, and all of that.

Now, this one gets a little bit complicated,

but bear with me, because I need

to tell you a story about Intel.

Oh, Intel.

If you haven't been following laptops, you just need

to know that Intel has had not a great few years.

Compared to how processors have advanced

on phones, Intel's progress on laptop

and desktop chips has been much slower.

So the processor on this new Air is a dual core,

eighth gen Core i5, but it's

something called a Y-Series version

of that chip, which means that

it's lower-power, and not as fast

as the desktop class U-Series that

you can find on some other laptops.

Bottom line, is this faster than your old Air?

Yes, but it's not that much faster,

and in some ways, it lags behind other Windows laptops.

You can do all the same stuff that

you can do on your current Air.

So I've been running a half-dozen apps

at a time, along with more than a dozen tabs

in Chrome, and everything is pretty okay.

I think, for what most people will do

with this laptop, it's fine.

So if you're hoping you're gonna be able

to step up and get way faster video editing, not so much.

The fans are gonna spin up, and you're gonna have a

very long wait for your export.

And the same goes for something

like processing raw photos, or doing

anything that relies heavily on multi-core processing,

because again, this Air only has two cores.

Those kinds of tasks are gonna bring

this thing to a chug way easier

than will happen on a MacBook Pro.

As for battery life, well, I have

to say that I haven't had quite

enough testing time to give you a number,

in hours, that I can be really confident in.

By the time we shot this video,

I've used it for a couple of days,

and I got about seven hours on each

of those days, with a mix of Web browsing,

and email, and some photo editing,

and listening to Spotify, and actually,

a little bit of fairly intense testing,

so that's pretty good.

But I don't think you're gonna get Apple's claimed 12 hours

of Web browsing time.

It's not a battery life champ, basically,

but I am very confident in saying

it's gonna last longer than

your decrepit old battery on your old MacBook Air.

When I first started testing this laptop,

I spent a lot of time thinking

about what I should compare it to.

Is it like a 12-inch MacBook just blown up

to a slightly bigger size?

Is it more like a 13-inch MacBook Pro,

but just with cheaper parts?

I mean you can barely tell the two

of them apart, when you set 'em side by side.

So which is it?

Actually, I think it's both of those things.

It's a really nice laptop.

Do I wish that Apple had found a way

to maybe make a slightly less expensive laptop?

Well, yeah, I kinda do.

You can get an iPad or a Windows laptop,

or even a Chromebook for a lot less

that does almost everything this does,

except for one thing, and that one thing is running MacOS.

Look, here's the deal, people like the Mac.

It's great to have a computer that does

all the computer stuff you want

in a way that you're familiar with,

and Apple has taken way too long

to update is mass-to-market consumer laptop.

Now the wait is over, but if you were hoping

that lightning would strike twice,

and this new MacBook Air would be

as revolutionary as the old MacBook Air, well, it's not.

It basically is a MacBook that finally includes

all the stuff that has been happening

with laptops for the past few years.

A lot of people just want a good, modern,

reliable Mac, nothing fancy, really.

They just deserve something that's up to par,

and for those people, everybody

that's been hanging onto that old MacBook Air,

this is a nice upgrade.

It's par for the course, but you know what?

That's probably enough.

Hey, everybody, thank you so much for watching,

and lemme know in the comments,

do you think that Apple did enough

to update the MacBook Air this go-around?

I think the answer's probably yes,

but I'm curious to know what you think.

And if you're interested in the iPad Pro,

we just reviewed that thing yesterday,

and in some ways, it's vastly more powerful

on this laptop, so you should check that video out.

For more infomation >> Apple MacBook Air 2018 review: premium economy - Duration: 7:55.


#LastYearGame #Closed-Beta #Chat #Gaming - Duration: 3:51:54.

For more infomation >> #LastYearGame #Closed-Beta #Chat #Gaming - Duration: 3:51:54.


THERE WAS AN OLD LADY WHO SWALLOWED SOME BOOKS! Read Aloud by Books Read Aloud For Children - Duration: 4:10.


By Lucille Colandro.

Illustrated by Jared Lee.

There was an old lady who swallowed some books.

I don't know why she swallowed those books, but she didn't get any looks.

There was an old lady who swallowed a pen.

She was happy again when she swallowed that pen.

She swallowed the pen to write in the books.

I don't know why she swallowed the books, but she didn't get any looks.

There was an old lady who swallowed a pencil case.

Without leaving a trace, she swallowed that pencil case.

She swallowed the pencil case to hold the pen.

She swallowed the pen to write in the books.

I don't know why she swallowed the books, but she didn't get any looks.

There was an old lady who swallowed a ruler.

She couldn't look cooler swallowing that ruler.

She swallowed the ruler to measure the pencil case.

She swallowed the pencil case to hold the pen.

She swallowed the pen to write in the books.

I don't know why she swallowed the books, but she didn't get any looks.

There was an old lady who swallowed a folder.

She didn't feel any older when she swallowed the folder.

She swallowed the folder to protect the ruler.

She swallowed the ruler to measure the pencil case.

She swallowed the pencil case to hold the pen.

She swallowed the pen to write in the books.

I don't know why she swallowed the books, but she didn't get any looks.

There was an old lady who swallowed some chalk.

She didn't balk when she swallowed that chalk.

She swallowed the chalk to decorate the folder.

She swallowed the folder to protect the ruler.

She swallowed the ruler to measure the pencil case.

She swallowed the pencil case to hold the pen.

She swallowed the pen to write in the books.

I don't know why she swallowed the books, but she didn't get any looks.

There was an old lady who swallowed a bag.

She didn't brag when she swallowed that bag.

The old lady didn't fuss when around the corner came a big yellow school bus.

She started a cheer that she could not hold back and out popped her brand new backpack.

Have a great school year!

For more infomation >> THERE WAS AN OLD LADY WHO SWALLOWED SOME BOOKS! Read Aloud by Books Read Aloud For Children - Duration: 4:10.


Kawhi Leonard Prefers Clippers over LeBron James' Lakers | Heavy.com - Duration: 3:46.

Kawhi Leonard Prefers Clippers over LeBron James' Lakers | Heavy.com

The demand for Kawhi Leonard when his free agency period approaches is shaping up to be a big one.

Just because the Toronto Raptors were able to win him over in a trade with the San Antonio Spurs, doesn't mean that they can convince him to stay when he is set to take on the market after 2019.

There's going to plenty of teams that will make their case to Leonard.

One favorite team being the Los Angeles Clippers.

But that's not the only team out on the West Coast that's going to have interest.

Apparently, the Lakers are still interested in forming a powerhouse out in the West to compete with the Golden State Warriors.

Clearly, LeBron James is not enough.

Unfortunately for the Lakers, though, Leonard wants no parts of living in LeBron's shadow.

According to ESPN's Tim Bontemps, Leonard wants to have his own team.

You can't compare Kawhi to Kevin Durant, that's for sure.

The Raptors standout wants a franchise all to his own.

Although he isn't playing with a bunch of scrubs in Toronto, they might have too many notable names for his liking.

Leonard wants to run the show, and with the Lakers, he knows he wouldn't be doing that.

Nobody Wants to Be LeBron's Sidekick?.

You would think that the demand for wanting to play with LeBron James would be high, but it just isn't.

There were a few stars who were expected to join the Lakers over the past offseason, and none of them did.

Guys like Paul George and Jimmy Butler were linked to L.A.

but made it clear that they weren't into joining forces with "The King.".

This isn't a surprise.

Kevin Love, an old teammate of LeBron's, explained to ESPN a couple of months ago that playing with LeBron has its perks, and it's downsides if you are an established star.

Players who join LeBron, automatically become second to him.

So, if any player has already established a leadership elsewhere, none of that input will trump LeBron's captain status no matter where he's at.

For more infomation >> Kawhi Leonard Prefers Clippers over LeBron James' Lakers | Heavy.com - Duration: 3:46.


Australia after World War I - Behind the News - Duration: 5:47.

GIRL: This is the Victory Medal.

AMELIA: Polly, Maya and McKenzie

have been learning about their great-great,

sometimes even great-great-great-relatives,

who fought in the Great War.

My great-great-grandpa,

his name was Douglas Guthrie.

Um, he was a private

in World War I.

Um, he enlisted when he was 21.

He got captured as a prisoner of war.

When I first saw this photo, I thought he looked really brave.

For Maya, it was her great-great-great uncle,

who she discovered was Indigenous Australian.

GIRL: His name was Edward Heath, and he was 30 when he enlisted.

I think he felt really, um, brave going to war

'cause he was probably trying to prove

that Aboriginals can do what white people can do,

and that they shouldn't be treated any differently

just 'cause they're a different colour.

These are his dog tags that he wore.

And for McKenzie, it was her great-great-grandpa,

but he was actually British fighting alongside Australians.

My great-great-grandpa was George Thomas Brigendon.

He joined the Royal Garrison Artillery

as a gunner, um, in 1914.

He was 30 when World War I started,

and he said that his scariest experience was, um...

..running new telephone wires to the front trenches

after the old ones had been blown up.

Polly and Maya's relatives are two

of the more than 400,000 Australian men

who enlisted in World War I.

By the time the war ended, around 60,000 of those men had died,

and about 170,000 of them were left wounded or ill.

It wasn't actually until 1919 -

months and months after the war ended -

that troops finally started coming home.

But it wasn't easy for many soldiers and nurses

to forget what they'd lived through.

It would be hard to just get back from the war

and go on with normal life.

'Cause you've got the memories and the wounds and...

..all the injuries and stuff.

While Polly's great-great-grandpa made it home to New South Wales

after being taken prisoner in Germany,

he was left permanently injured.

It was before the war

that this was taken

because after the war, he had those three fingers amputated off.

Australia had to work out some ways to help the survivors,

the wounded, the war widows and their families to recover.

So, the Government decided to offer free medical care, pensions

and places to live to permanently injured

or sick service people.

And carnivals and parades were held to raise money for them.

Whole organisations were even created to defend war veterans' rights

and help them get back to normal life.

You've probably heard of the Returned and Services League,

or RSL, that still exists today.

There were other struggles the country had to face too.

Many Australian industries weren't doing so well,

people didn't have as much money and jobs were way harder to find.

So, programs were created to help returned soldiers learn new skills,

like construction, mechanics or even haircutting.

And farming too.

In fact, state governments offered some soldiers a small piece of land

to farm if they wanted to.

The war touched so many lives in so many different ways

but while it wasn't easy, many of them were able to get through it.

My great-great-grandfather,

he used to live behind a shop when he was a child,

so they went back there and they started it as a shop

and then they had four children, all boys.

And the youngest one was my great-grandfather.

After the war, he would've gone back to England and had a family

and then his grandson, my grandfather, was the first person

in our family to come to Australia.

GIRL: I think it's important to remember them

because they did so much for our country.

And lots of people fought

and didn't survive very long.

And they've helped us go on to have what we have today.

For more infomation >> Australia after World War I - Behind the News - Duration: 5:47.


Opel Zafira 1.4T 140PK ONLINE EDITION 7P - ECC - NAVI - TELEFOON - CAMERA - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira 1.4T 140PK ONLINE EDITION 7P - ECC - NAVI - TELEFOON - CAMERA - Duration: 1:08.


Russell Westbrook Suffers Scary Injury vs. Pelicans (VIDEO) | Heavy.com - Duration: 2:58.

Russell Westbrook Suffers Scary Injury vs. Pelicans (VIDEO) | Heavy.com

In a scary moment during Monday's action, Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook went down in pain during the third quarter against the New Orleans Pelicans.

It's tough to tell exactly what happened on the play, but it certainly didn't look good.

Here's a look at the video, courtesy of Justin Phan of Fantasy Labs, who points out it may have been an ankle injury.

The video angle doesn't provide any clarification, but Westbrook immediately rolls on the ground while grabbing his leg.

He put very little pressure on his foot/leg while attempting to get back to the locker room.

You just have to hope it was a bad sprained ankle at worst, but it certainly didn't look good at all.


After a few additional angles of the video were revealed, it seems it was Westbrook's ankle which came down on Anthony Davis' foot.

It was a bad twist and is tough to watch.

Here's the other angle from Drew Shiller.

As additional information or any updates are revealed on Westbrook's status or the injury we'll be sure to update this post.

One positive bit of potential news came from David J.

Chao, a former NFL doctor who revealed that Westbrook's injury may not be as bad as it looks on the surface.

After the injury occurred, Thunder fans poured in thoughts and well wishes for their point guard on social media.

As you can imagine, fans were even offering up their own ankles for Westbrook, who means so much to the Thunder organization and fanbase.

READ NEXT: Lakers Set for Strong Pursuit of Pelicans' Anthony Davis?.

For more infomation >> Russell Westbrook Suffers Scary Injury vs. Pelicans (VIDEO) | Heavy.com - Duration: 2:58.


Destiny Jones, Nas' Daughter: 5 Fast Facts | Heavy.com - Duration: 9:06.

Destiny Jones, Nas' Daughter: 5 Fast Facts | Heavy.com

Destiny Jones is an entrepreneur and the daughter of hip hop star Nas.

NFL wide receiver Amari Cooper, who made his debut with the Dallas Cowboys on November 5, is dating a young woman also named Destiny Jones.

But don't be confused– he is not dating Nas' daughter.

Here's what you need to know.

Destiny Jones is the Daughter of Hip Hop Star Nas & Was Raised in New York City.


Destiny Jones was born June 15, 1994, to hip hop royalty.

Her father is Nasir bin Olu Dara Jones, better known by his stage name Nas.

She shared the above photo with her dad on October 22, writing a simple caption, "Pops." According to Teen Vogue, Jones was born and raised in Jamaica, Queens.


According to Celebrity Insider, Jones said that her father inspired her to become an entrepreneur.

The website quoted her as saying, "At a very young age my dad would always tell me, 'You're going to be a little businesswoman one day.

You're going to have a business.'".

Destiny Jones Runs Her Own Makeup Line Called Lipmatic.


Destiny Jones became an entrepreneur in 2014, when she 20 years old.

She runs her own line of lip gloss called Lipmatic.

She told BET she wanted the line to represent her hometown of New York City.

"I noticed that there are so many lines that are from Beverly Hills, and those lines are great.

But they don't represent that street vibe in New York City, or embrace the world that I come from.".

According to the company website, the names of the original lip gloss shades were inspired by her father's first album, Illmatic.

The titles were: Life's a Peach, P.L.U.M.

State of Mind, Cherry Love and Cotton Candy Lane.

Jones told ESSENCE in a 2017 interview that she enjoyed creating her own lip kits as a child.

Her mother, Carmen Bryan, told her it would be a good idea to come out with her own.

Jones explained the advice her mom gave her: "You know, you should come out with your own line because now is really the time.

Your generation, they're their own bosses, doing their own thing.

Nothing can really get in your way if you're doing what you love.".

Destiny Jones is an Aspiring Actress.

Destiny Jones enjoys acting.

She told Teen Vogue in 2016, "I like theater, I like taking on different realities and different perceptions and kind of making them my own.".

According to IMDB.

com, Jones appeared in a documentary about her father in 2014, called "Nas: Time Is Illmatic.

" She is also credited in a 2017 drama for USA called "I Am Still Here.

According to her Instagram, Jones is represented by the William Morris Endeavors talent agency in Los Angeles.

And her Twitter account states that she is also represented by JWA Talent Management.

Destiny Jones Has More Than 144,000 Instagram Followers.


Destiny Jones has amassed a large following on social media.

The 24-year-old entrepreneur has attracted more than 144,000 fans on Instagram.

An additional 8,000 follow her on Twitter.


She frequently uses the page to promote her lipstick line.

She has also promoted her father Nas' products.

The above photo, shared on June 24, included a link to his clothing line.


Jones lives in Los Angeles these days, but seems to get back to New York City on a regular basis.

She often shares photos of herself in her hometown.

Jones' Boyfriend is Hip Hop Promoter Jordan Eversley.


Destiny Jones has been linked to boyfriend Jordan Eversley since 2015.

According to online entertainment site Bossip, Jones was 21 when they started dating and Eversley was 30.


Her Instagram page shows the couple is still going strong.

She recently shared pictures of the two of them dressed up for Halloween.

They dressed as characters from the 1920s.

Eversley is a hip hop promoter.

He works as the marketing coordinator for Hip Hop Caucus an goes by the nickname "Young Hustle.".

READ NEXT: LISTEN: Reporter Brenda Battel's Voicemail to John James.

For more infomation >> Destiny Jones, Nas' Daughter: 5 Fast Facts | Heavy.com - Duration: 9:06.


Fox and Friends First 11/06/18 5AM | November 06, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:21.

For more infomation >> Fox and Friends First 11/06/18 5AM | November 06, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:21.


Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T N-Connecta (Rijklaar) - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T N-Connecta (Rijklaar) - Duration: 1:10.


DRACOVII - XANNY PHANTOM - Duration: 2:13.

Bad little bitch pop a xanny Shorty had us fuck on different planets

I been getting famous see me work hard Baby i'm a mother fucking rockstar ey

Think that bitch going fucking crazy Ey fucked her one time now i'm getting lazy

Getting fucking faded off the molly Ey think that bitch want a sip of 'cardi

yeh ey yeh Came fiddy ay

In the late night aight And your bitch get me tight

How many drugs did you take last night?

How many perks can you take at one time?

I been getting faded I been on a vibe yeh I think I fucked your bit last night

Stacking money elevate Made a flip yesterday

Woah I been getting paid Woah I been getting paid

Bad little bitch pop a xanny Shorty had us fuck on different planets

I been getting famous see me work hard Baby i'm a mother fucking rockstar

Bad little bitch pop a xanny Shorty had us fuck on different planets

I been getting famous see me work hard Baby i'm a mother fucking rockstar


For more infomation >> DRACOVII - XANNY PHANTOM - Duration: 2:13.


DaBoii - Tragedy - Duration: 2:13.

[Intro] Lil' Rece produced it

[Verse] We that gang they love to speak on

If you ain't outside you gon' miss somethin', I don't be home

All in my face for what?

Bitch, be gone I ain't satisfied what I got, bitch I need

more SOB bitch and I'm very strict

Can't have a nigga in my presence on some scary shit

Cliquin' up?

Boy that's yo' ass, watch who you parin' wit' I just paid two bands for these nice kicks

These ain't on clearance bitch And bitch I'm bad at keepin' convos, that

is not my thang I don't wanna talk, bitch drop your drawers

and go your separate ways I'm the type of nigga to flip the P before

I sell a eighth Naw bitch I ain't high bitch, I'm relaxed

this how I meditate Shorty never leave me we be boo'd up on that

Ella Mai shit If you don't slap DaBoii bitch turn me up,

yo' ears hella ancient I was at the bottom, tell me what you know

about elevation?

You can't tell me shit, you don't know shit, 'cause you ain't elevated

Murder everywhere, he don't survive, he wasn't meant to save

Bitch when we out lurkin', prayer to put yo' brodie in that grave

Overlappin' these rap niggas full speed, I ain't finna pace myself

Who taught this young nigga game?

Learned from the mistakes, bitch I laced myself I went down, bro payed bail

Bankroll thick, K. Michelle I know Satan want my soul, bitch eat a dick,

it ain't for sale Nowadays rats gettin' past, you niggas made

it safe to tell And I ain't never fucked wit' niggas 'cause

you niggas fake as hell You niggas hate, the hoes love it

We animals, cold blooded Go go gadgets, wit' attachments'll leave 'em

with no stomach Don't know niggas, know of 'em

Two chains and they both flooded If the goal ain't for sure then my nigga I

won't trust it The streets and the system, my nigga they

both rugged The .40 or the choppa the bitches be bone

crushin' Bitch I like my hair this way, don't comb

it and don't brush it Matter fact bitch keep your hands to yourself

lil' bitch don't touch me And for you bitin' ass niggas, we the cavities

I be talkin' shit like every day, naw this ain't casually

In my city I be to the neck, but the strap wit' me

Ask God why it gotta be this way he said it had to be

Told him tell them demons leave me 'lone, 'cause they after me

I be soakin' game from them OG's while we matchin' it

You don't understand shit pole happen 'til it's happening

Bitch what goes around gon' come around, damn it's a tragedy Bitch

For more infomation >> DaBoii - Tragedy - Duration: 2:13.


Royal Family News_Why doesn't Meghan Markle wear the Queen's jewellery like Kate Middleton does - Duration: 4:27.

welcome to NN TV please subscribe and check notification box to get all royal

family news alert why doesn't Meghan Markel wear the

Queen's jewel Laura like Kate Middleton does marquel Markel and Kate Middleton

have inspired many with their contrasting styles both women are jewelr

offense but how does their tastes compare Kate often wears the Queen's

jewellery why doesn't Meghan - stylists gave their view dot Kate Middleton is

often seen borrowing jeweler from the Queen stunning collection as one of the

world's richest monarchs it is hardly surprising that Her Majesty has a rather

expensive array of gems however Meghan Markel is yet to be seen

donning the jewels aside from the tire as she wore for her wedding to Prince

Harry however the duchess of sussex has been

seen wearing a diamond and blue aquamarine ring which belonged to

Princess Diana dot Meghan Markel has been seen in some incredibly expensive

jewelry since her relationship with Prince Harry came to light her penchant

for gems has caught the eye of the public especially her many rings Meghan

is often seen in stylish jewelry from recognizable brands such as Berks the

duchess of sussex especially likes the burke snowflake snowstorm earrings which

cost 7,000 pounds Kate Middleton on the other hand is a fan of heirloom pieces

and classic brands like Cartier of course as a member of the royal family

since 2011 kate has had access to the Queen's

jewels the Duchess of Cambridge has often borrowed the Queen's pieces for

events Meghan on the other hand has only had this honor since May

however the Dutchess of Sussex seems to prefer to wear her own jewelry and now

his stylist has explained why Laurent F a london-based

stylist gave Express Co dot uk' her professional opinion that the dash S is

jewelry the stylist said I would say Megan keeps her jewelry quite simple but

stylish and contemporary with a classic twist Prince Harry's wife is known for

her humanitarian work and carries through this charitable element to her

jeweler choices she always supports smaller designers that make an ethical

impact Lauren said perhaps Megan prefers to wear new brands rather than borrow

old jeweler in a bid to support them however Megan's jewellery collection has

expanded to include some rather expensive classic jewels this includes

the Cartier diamond tennis bracelet which costs around twenty one thousand

eight hundred pounds Kate Middleton on the other hand has a classic style

according to Lauren this may explain why she often wears the Queen's classic

pieces dot Lauren said for Kate style she keeps it simple but tends to go a

bit more classic with her jewelry think diamond earrings and pearl necklaces

Kate has worn the four row Japanese pearl choker from the Queen's jeweler a

collection among many others she has also warned the Bahrain pearl drop

earrings and the Silver Jubilee diamond and pearl earrings

Charlotte ballet of all the pretty revealed the Duchess of Cambridge is a

fan of royal traditional styling she said with statement pieces often

borrowed from the Royal Collection Kate loves to wear sets that match as well as

adding in coloured stones that make a statement dot Kate's choice is more

traditional and in keeping with royal traditional styling she pointed out that

Megan prefers smaller more modern pieces Megan is almost the complete opposite

opting for fine pieces often delicate and small almost smaller the better

Charlotte said petite bangles and smaller earrings are Megan signature

look less is more for this new mom to be Megan markle's most expensive clothes

and accessories have been revealed thanks for watch please subscribe and

support this channel

For more infomation >> Royal Family News_Why doesn't Meghan Markle wear the Queen's jewellery like Kate Middleton does - Duration: 4:27.


Early to rise | Watching a sunrise & photos in the boreal forest! - Duration: 8:56.

Just a little bit before sunrise this morning and they just come out here to

enjoy the morning. Drink my coffee and hopefully enjoy a nice sunrise.

Hopefully there's a break in horizon there when the sun comes up there give me some nice

reflections off that off the clouds

Well I don't know how easy it is to see this but yeah the snows coming down even

more now. Really blocking visibility so but I think the snow coming down is

really killing it right now!

It's past sunrise and there's not going to be any light nothing that's gonna

reflect on the clouds anyway. Got too much snow coming down now.

It wasn't really snowing when I got here and just before sunrise there the snow started

coming down.

Well the audio for this clip went missing somewhere but here I was just saying

that I'm just gonna go for a walk and to the bush and see if we can get some photos taken.

I'm in an area where I've come before

looking for moose I heard one back here one time but all I saw were tip of his

antlers above the trees but that was a little while ago trees have grown a bit

more since but walking back here I'm seeing lots of fresh wolf tracks

and I'm assuming they're fresh. It just snow it a little bit ago .

You can see there's no snow inside the tracks

and.. the ground is still pretty soft right there.

They're looking fairly fresh to me cuz there's lots around here too.

I did see a few moose tracks they look kind of fresh.

So maybe well luck out and see one.

It is hunting season that's why I'm wearing the orange but I just came out

for a walk here today and I didn't bring my gun, so if I see one I see the right

one I'll probably come back out here tomorrow morning

and look for that moose if I see him or her only got a cow tag this year so

If there's a bull out here maybe I can get some nice pictures.

That's the goal.

To see what's out here.

Hopefully I don't run into any of them wolves around here.

A lot of tracks. Probably hiding in the bush somewhere watching me walk by.

There's a moose track.

Looks like a pretty good size one too.

And right behind that track is..

fresh wolf track.

There's got to be a moose here. A pack of wolves tracking this moose

I'm not sure how to tell which way a moose is travelling with these tracks

here so it kind of looks like that the tracks are

heading away from each other

But I'm not sure how to tell how much traffic maybe somebody can tell me there

I've been searching a little bit and trying to figure that out but I haven't

really found any good information yet. If you could help up thanks I appreciate it.

I'm just walking around right now without a tripod so no long exposures right now

What kind of photos I can get out of it. All right so here's an area I came across just

off the road here that's walking that might make for interesting photo like

this log in the ice covered with snow

The water's got some ice on it.

And the Tamarack branch that's just

hanging over top of that water there

The last time I was here these trees that you see behind me there's no more four

feet tall see over them. Couple years later they shot right up. You can't see as

much in here as you used to be able to but I got some open areas where

I know the moose run through.

Once again the audio was missing from this clip and a few

other clips got deleted somehow but I'm just explaining here a couple more

photos that I was going to take.

Here's a photo of a Tamarak in the midst

of some green pine trees.

Here's something I found interesting.

A walnut-sized knot on the small pine tree

I came out again to the same spot.

Weather conditions are a little

different not.

No clouds.

Clear skies right now.

So ah, see what the sun does for us today

I don't know kind of colors well get in

the skies but no clouds to reflect any of the light on.

But yeah I want to come

out anyways just new day different conditions never know what you'll get


For more infomation >> Early to rise | Watching a sunrise & photos in the boreal forest! - Duration: 8:56.


Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T S&S 115pk 2WD Tekna - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T S&S 115pk 2WD Tekna - Duration: 1:13.


Tőzsdei körkép - 2018.10.18. - Duration: 56:01.

For more infomation >> Tőzsdei körkép - 2018.10.18. - Duration: 56:01.


Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T N-CONNECTA - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T N-CONNECTA - Duration: 1:06.


Up To Speed, November 6 - Duration: 3:15.

K: Hey everyone, Katie and Jeremy here to get you up to speed

on everything happening around and inside Verizon.

J: Day one of the Verizon Leadership Forum is in the books here at The Ridge.

Some of the biggest highlights include the announcement of a new org structure

which Hans and his team talked about during the all V Team Webcast.

I try to tell everyone that we're going from a great to a fantastic company.

It's not going to be easy.

It's a work that we need to do together.

I call it Verizon 2.0.

And more important, we're building tomorrow with the best of today.

How do we rally around the customer & simplify the business in a way that we haven't thought of.

And then the investments we're making right now to being to think about what we're

doing with One Fiber, we begin to think about the 5G investment. The investment

in the intelligent Edge network, so much investment is going in to how we show

up on behalf of customers both consumer & in business, which is why I think the

moment is right for us to really drive this business.

We're going to bring together all of the things that serve our customers in the consumer area.

Bring them together so that we can face out to the customer as one.

Not based on channel. Not based on technology.

But based on deep customer insight and the opportunities

we see to transform outcomes on behalf of our customers.

Our focus is to build a member centric ecosystem for billions.

How do we be member centric, transform our business model, keep doing better

with the assets that we have today. But actually beyond that integrate across the

Verizon ecosystem to touch all the consumers.

We have great technical talent in Oath, we have great technical talent inside of

former wireless/wireline businesses, we have great people here.

Now we need to get everybody together to start collaborating & come up with new ways

so we can build tomorrow with the best of today.

K: Big news & exciting stuff there. I also got a chance to catch up with Hans to see

what message from the leadership forum he wants everyone to take away.

The message overall to all employees of course that we have business to attend to

daily & that we need to continue to do, but it's more important of course to understand

all these groups, we have the consumer group, the business group, the media group

& of course understanding how you fold in to that but more important how you fold in to

the overall sort of ambitions that we have as a company. We actually have high ambitions

in everything we're doing so I think that's really where you need to come in as an employee.

And what can to team look forward to in the weeks & months ahead?

I think that what you're going to see in the couple of weeks, we're going to continue

to communicate a lot around these changes we're doing right now but we're also going

to communicate a lot about executing the objectives we have around right now

for the rest of the year. But in general also getting more clarity. Today we're

announcing of course the new leadership team for the whole group but also for different

groups & in weeks to come of course we want to continue that communication of

the next level of leaders as that's going to be known.

Alright, well, thank you for the time Hans, we appreciate it. Thank you.

J: And remember, we will continue live-tweeting today from day two of the leadership forum

so be sure to follow us on Twitter at vzuptospeed. If you missed yesterday's

updates, well you can take a look back at those tweets as well.

That will do it for us today. Until next time, you are up to speed.

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