Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Mix Bachatas 2017 Shakira & Prince Royce, Toby Love, Romeo Santos, Grupo Extra - Duration: 1:03:23.Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Latino Romantico - Baladas Romanticas 2017 Mix Shakira, Prince Royce, Enrique Iglesias - Duration: 1:01:06.Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
REGGAETON SUMMER MIX 2017 Maluma , Ricky Martin Lo Mas Nuevo Nick Jam , Pitbull - Duration: 1:02:52.Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Mẹo chữa mất ngủ bằng đông y - chữa mất ngủ hiệu nhất bạn nên biết - Duration: 4:25.-------------------------------------------
Searchlight Peris Hilton # 5 - Top Moments HUMOR JOKES JOKES! - Duration: 10:48.Searchlight Peris Hilton # 5 - Top Moments HUMOR JOKES JOKES!
Moana As Told By LEGO-------------------------------------------
WoT Blitz M103 gameplay: When spam prammo gives u an ACE || 4600 DMG - Duration: 7:18.Thank you for watching
Culture shocks that i had in Europe - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
Drink Ginger Juice Bring Soaked Lime With Lemon Essential Oil And See What It Feels To Happen - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
Điều gì sẽ xảy ra khi đốt bút viết bảng trắng - Duration: 2:02.-------------------------------------------
Spotify® Original Series-------------------------------------------
How to dance with K-POP IDOLS | My experience - Duration: 13:47.Hello everybody, welcome to this new video
Today I'm here with my friend Batinna
And we're here to talk about
How to dance with your favorite k-pop idol!
That was a bit too much...
-No -No..It was...
I hate you!
Just kidding!
So if you want to become a dancer in Korea for your favorite idols
What you need to know is...
...You need to be a dancer! So...
Go to dance classes, even if you're not in Korea
Before you come to Korea just go to some dance 학원
To some dance academy
And start learning how to dance like the basics
Just keep it mind that Korean style is a bit different
I feel like in Italy it's more about your own style
And in America as well probably, right?
Yeah in America is about your own style, your own feeling
Yeah but in Korea it's more about...You all need to look the exact same
Like same lines, same positions, same facial expressions
So I feel like...I learned a lot in Korea..About Korean style
But if you wanna learn like technique and stuff Korea is the best place to go
You can go to like Def Dance, Rainbow Bridge, 1Million...Right?
There are a lot of like very famous academies now
There's no age limit if you want to be a dancer like
In my team someone was like 30 years old someone was even 40
So don't worry about that
Just come here and focus on your technique and everything
Because it's much easier if you know how it works first
So you know if you like it or not
So step 1 was..You know, how to train and everything
And step 2 is the actual audition
You did a lot of auditions so she's gonna tell you
How to audition like a pro
Okay so basically auditioning you can find like
Auditions for certain companies on facebook, on their official website page
You can just look it up and like what you need to prepare
Like just prepare a one minute or one minute and a half dance piece
And...That's it!
That's pretty much it that's really simple
Just you go to the audition, you dance and..You know if you pass you pass
Also, don't worry if your audition is not perfect because
Anyway the first step of being a dancer is being a trainee
So they will train you so just do whatever you want whatever you feel comfortable with
And do your best, that's my advice
Have fun and do your best
So Marco and I both have different experiences with the auditioning process
So for me when I auditioned I found the ad on Facebook
And then I went to the audition and
They told us to prepare like a one minute, one minute and a half dance piece
So I was like "I'm ready to go I have my dance piece ready!"
And I get there, and they gave us another piece
They were like "No we don't want you to dance whatever you prepared"
"We're going to give you something"
And so we had to learn it within like 5 minutes
And then we had to perform it on stage
And then they chose the ones who followed the choreography really well
And then we went from level 1 level 2 and level 3
And then if you pass the third round, you made it
What about you, Marco?
Well what happened to me is basically
My friend introduced me to the team and they were just like "show me something"
And I danced for about 30 seconds and they were like
"Ok we can work on it, we can work on your skills"
"We will teach you" so...Yeah...
It's much much easier if you know a couple of dancers they can definitely help you
And another good thing to know is
Who to audition for
So each company has you know
There's like a company and than there's the dance team name
If you don't wanna be an idol then don't audition for the company
You wanna audition for the dance team
So a lot of you guys know who the dance teams are we don't have to go into details
But look up those specific dance teams
And find out when they have auditions and there you go!
So, after you pass your audition
You become a dancer, congratulations!
Now that you're a dancer you have to know that
Your life might be a bit different from what you're thinking
I feel like it's more like...
You're working for a company in Korea
Like with your working hours you know
For example my team, the Ailee and YMC's back up dancer team
Was like from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. everyday
Plus the other schedules so for example
If you have M!Countdown in the morning you go to M!Countdown, you do your show
You do whatever you have to do
And then after you go back to your dance practice room
I wasn't dancing with idols at the beginning but still I had to go there and I was just there
For like hours and hours like...
It's like you have to build the trust with the company like
You have to...When you go there they have to see that you're dedicated
And so the fact that you're going there from like...You said from 3 to 10
So Marco went there from 3 to 10 everyday you know and that showed
He was dedicated and he really wanted to do it
Whether he was doing nothing for those hours or he was doing something for those hours
They will train you but a lot of the times it's like...
Yeah...You just need to be there
You know you have to be patient and you have to practice your dancing
-And wait... -Train...
And another thing is
Just like a company you have like levels so
When you first start you're the lowest level possible, you're just a regular dancer
Well, a trainee and then a dancer
And then you become a choreographer or like 팀장님
How do you say it? 팀장님 is like the manager of the company
There are different levels so you have to respect
Like someone that is a higher level than yours
Very Korean style, so it's not like you are all friends like
-Yeah, it's more like... -I'm coming in
안녕하세요 (Hello) and 회식
You always have to go to the 회식 you know
-Which are? -Company dinners!
-And they last all night -Yeah you have to drink and eveything
Fun times! Those are actually pretty fun times
Yeah if you can drink alcohol...But me
I'm like...After a shot of soju I'm like
"WOOWOOOO!!! Tell me about your sex life!"
Also about payment
So you are at the company...And you're waiting, you're training...
And there's no pay...
So don't think like "Omg I'm going to make a lot of money as a back up dancer"
"Because I'm dancing with these huge idols"
Think about like a very very low pay. Think about it.
Now divide it in half, and that's the pay!
It's actually really really low pay so
So when you're going to these companies and you're going to audition make sure
Like make sure money it's not what's on your mind
Actually go for more the experience and having fun
To have an idea, I'm not going to mention anyone but
There was this Korean choreographer and this American choreographer
They were choreographing for the same artist, Korean artist
And the American one took 10 million won for 1 choreography
And the Korean one took 3 million won
-What?! -Yeah...
I did not know that
So you can imagine how low the pay is in Korea
If you work in Korea compared to other countries
It's about a third of the pay, not even
Remember guys, it's about good experience and living your dream!
So what are the pros and cons of being a dancer, Batinna?
A lot, and you can meet your idols you know, your favorite idols
For example if I have to be honest I joined Ailee's team like dancer team
Because I like Ailee
Ailee if you're watching this video..No it's not true
I'm not a huge fan of yours
You can dance on some really really huge stages
You know with like lightings and fireworks
-So nice! -And you can dance very often you know
I feel like in Korea they perform a lot
A lot more than in like America or Italy
Yeah so you have the chance of practicing and do performances
-A lot of times -Quite often
Quite often?
Why do you have this British accent?
-Have you watched Harry Potter recently? -I did
Oh! Maybe that's why...
You build your CV
Definitely if you wanna teach dance it's really good to dance for big singers
You can become a choreographer with all the history and background that you guys have
Like "Yeah, I danced for Hyuna" "Yeah I danced for Ailee" you can write it on your CV and...
You can easily get teaching jobs because you have more experience than other people
And for international people that looks really good on your resume
"I choreographed for Korean idol" and k-pop is so huge right now
-Ok next one... -The cons!
Oh no! There's going on tour!
Going on tour!
That's the best part
Like you go to China, Malaysia, Japan, America, Europe
K-pop is so huge now that you can really go everywhere
They pay for your airplane ticket, for your hotel and if the trip is long
Like if you go to America or Europe
You usually have one or two days off so you can actually visit the cities
It's really...It's really nice
And the best part is you get to bond with your favorite idol
And you can try to seduce them you know
I've heard a lot of really really naughty stories
Between idols and dancers
-Naughty stories... -Very naughty!
Talking about the cons tho
Here we go! The cons
As we mentioned before...
Oh it's...It's really tiring...It's really really stressful
When I was a dancer I posted a picture on Instagram
of me at the hospital with those...How do you call it?
The IV?
Yeah yeah with the IV like
"Injections, please!"
And my friend recently joined the same team, the Ailee's back dancer team
And two days ago she posted a picture of her at the hospital
I was like "Yeah girl!"
It's extremely exhausting, it's really tiring so
You really need to be motivated and strong enough
What else? Pay? Of course!
We already mentioned the pay but again, it goes back to if you want the experience
The pay is not really that important
Well, you can not survive with that though
So keep in mind that if you want to be a dancer you need to save some money before
And then...It's an investment because for the first months you probably won't
Get enough money to survive so
The thing is once you're in the company...You're IN the company so
You're not allowed to work any other jobs, ok?
mind you that there are some companies that are understanding so you can say like
"You know I'm sorry but, you're not..."
-"I'm broke!" -"I'm broke!"
"I've got bills I've got to pay I got a house I've gotta live in"
Some of them are gonna be understanding about that but
Other companies will not and the thing is
Because most of the dancers are young and they live at home with their parents
So they don't have to work like part-time jobs
And they don't have to do anything else because this IS their part-time job
This is their life so that's why the company rules are like... straight forward
So...That's all! If you have anything to ask guys
Please let me know in the comment section down below
You can follow me on...
Don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you in the next video!
Where's the pillow?
-Ciao! -CIAO!
Sometimes I really don't get you
" I'm Just... " Part 1 Türkçe Miraculous Ladybug Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Becoming the Mum I Want to Be - Duration: 5:12.Well to start off with, obviously, I lived with my Mum and Dad and then
from what I remember by the time that I was two, they'd separated.
I actually remember them having a fight when I was quite young
I can remember that quite well.
Just before my tenth birthday I moved down to England
and had quite a rough time down there with
my Mum drinking, drinking quite a lot.
It was every night so then that started
obviously the violence, and the arguments.
I went off the rails and started acting quite a lot older than I was
going to parties and drinking and smoking.
Just before my 12th birthday, the police had been out looking for me
and they found me and they took me
home but my Mum wasn't in, and I knew where she'd be
she'd be at the pub, so they took me to the pub where she was.
They asked her to take me home, she said "No, just take her"
"I can't control her any longer".
And then they took me, to like a stepping stone house
it was a children's home but it was just like
until they got you a permanent home.
So, that was quite difficult because I walked in quite
late at night and there were two older boys living in the house
so I was quite scared and timid and
that was a really hard time in my life.
I moved about quite a lot in children's homes as well
because obviously, I was finding it hard to cope with everything what was going
on so I was getting moved because they couldn't deal with my behaviour.
I left care when I was 16
to move back home to my mum, which was quite difficult.
I fell pregnant with my daughter Olivia
and when I told my Mum she didn't want me to keep Olivia
she wanted me to terminate the pregnancy
and she told me if I kept Olivia then she would kick me out
and I didn't have anywhere else to go
so I decided I'm going to move back home where my family are
because I do want to keep her
and I'm going to do this with or without her.
So, I just moved home, back to Scotland, to Dundee
I moved in with my Dad and started my life again, here.
That was quite challenging as well
cause my Dad's quite a big drinker too.
He likes to drink every night.
So, there was a lot of arguing and, it was very volatile.
It was actually the midwives that spoke to me about it
and because of my age they said that you fall into this category for
the Family Nurse Partnership, would you like us to sign you up for it?
And I was a bit like... "Umm, well, I'm not too sure!"
because I've got a lot of trust issues when it comes to people like that so...
They explained to me what it was about and that it was a voluntary
it was on a voluntary basis so it was kind of my terms basically.
All of the questions I had, because I was really scared and obviously
it was my first pregnancy so I didn't know
like about labour and how it was going to be and
being able to just talk and build that trust as well
that was really good cause it's hard for me to trust someone.
And it was really strange to find it in something professional.
I found it in obviously... the Family Nurse Partnership and that was really good for me.
And it wasn't like.. they were there for Olivia but also for supporting me as well, which felt great.
And the assessments, that we did, they really made me
encouraged me to know that, I'm doing good
that always boosted me and made me feel like 'No actually I'm doing alright, I'm a good Mum'.
When I started with the Family Nurse Partnership
obviously I got to know about harm-full things to the baby
like eating habits and stuff like that, so I stopped smoking
started eating healthier, started exercising more
and I've continued that, so my health is obviously a lot better than it was.
Because of how my life has changed its managed to, change her life as well
she's got a good life, she gets to interact with other children
and she's got a good diet and she's a really healthy, happy baby
so, that reassures me, just looking at her! (laughs).
She's just a really healthy, happy, bright
very clever, little girl.
I am so proud of her because I just feel like she has come on in leaps and bounds,
and she is just... amazing!
Culture shocks that i had in Europe - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai Matrix 1.8i GLS - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-now - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-now - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
My weight loss journey (Week 62) - Duration: 6:06.-------------------------------------------
Life in the Philippines - Local market of Cabanatuan city - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
Going Out Out 🍸| Gem Turner | Disability Diary [CC] - Duration: 4:43.Hi everyone and welcome back to my channel today I'm going to be talking about going
out out and the types of people I regularly meet because there are specific people that
you've always got to get ready for just happens so here goes
Number 1 the complimenter So I'm not saying like complimenting on my
outfit or what I look like it's more when you go in the taxi to the venue someone will
say oh what you doing and I'll be like I'm just going with you know a few of my friends
and they're like well done, good for you yeah so you should erm and they're just very over
the top like so you should why shouldn't you go out for a drink everyone else does why
shouldn't you you've got a life you've got friends
I'm like I know I'm going to meet them now!
I think people in their head are telling themselves that I do have friends and I like to go out
and they're just trying to get it all going in their head
Second kind of person I get is erm the inspired person so the person that will come up to
me when they've had a few and say I've been watching you all night I just think you're
incredible and thank you so much just seeing you enjoying yourself with your friends makes
me feel so lucky *sighs* and I just *sigh* you know when you think you've had a drink
so I'll let you off but don't use me to make you feel better like can you imagine saying
to someone oh my god I am so glad I am not like you thank god I've got my life together
like imaging having to be in a wheelchair!
So yeah I don't think people realise that that's how it comes across but I never know
what to say like sometimes I'll be a bit sarcastic and I'm like well I'm glad I can make you
feel good but they don't get it they're just like yeah
so if you're out please don't do that think about what you're saying please!
Third of all the person that wants to help so I'm not joking once someone came up to
me gave her my number ok I'm just editing this and I actually meant
gave me her number that's me her number ok let's get back to it
I mean just just gave me her number and said if you ever need any help just give me a call
and I'll come and help you out and I was thinking like what would she actually do if I rang
her up the next day like erm hi I've actually dropped my keys and you gave me your number
last night and said if I ever needed any help to give you a ring so could you come and pick
my keys up thanks bye like no course you wouldn't so again she meant well but I don't need any
help like i've got my friends I've got my life together I'm ok
Fourth kind of person you get is the overbearing person so someone that's like really ok about
disability like they're so ok that they can't stop looking and dancing with you like when
you're just thinking oh my god get out of my face like the person that thinks they're
being really inclusive by constantly dancing with you and I'm like *sigh* please stop you
know when you just start to get embarrassed because you can tell that they're just completely
what's the word like people are just totally over whelmed by the disabled-ness and smallness
of you I mean I just go with it and I dance but sometimes it can get a bit too much you
know when you have to get your friends to dive in sometimes I have to do that because
I just want to dance I want to drink and I don't want attention all the time do you know
what I mean and it's not like good attention it's just someone that wants to say they've
had a dance with a small person in a wheelchair do you know what I mean
The fifth kind of person that I get is the apologiser so you always get someone who again
has had a little bit too much and they just start to feel sorry for you and they will
come up to you and say it must be so hard being you I'm so sorry like I'm so sorry that
you have to go through this like even getting here like getting in there's like three steps
how do you do it I'm so sorry that the w... and then you end up having to say to someone
don't worry about it it's fine i'm getting on with my life you don't have to apologise
you end up like co... what's the word you end up comforting them for the barriers you
face erm so you have to have tough skin to be able to go out but when you're out and
about if you see someone that's disabled just *sigh* just have fun have a dance but then
leave and let them just have a good time because you know that's all we wanna do innit
Anyway I'll stop moaning now thank you for watching I hope you have a great day and I
will see you very soon with another video give it a thumbs up if you liked it and subscribe
if you want to see more and I'll see you very soon bye!
Jack and Oro Jackson| One Piece theory - Duration: 4:36.Theory's time and I have one about Jack.
Who may be this strong captain, and with who legend is related.
What do we know about Jack?
He is a disaster, a Fishman, a devil fruit user.
His very own name, Jack, could be related to the other character.
And this character is Tom.
Tom was a Fishman and he was the builder of Roger's ship, Oro Jackson.
From Water 7, seems that a shipwright not only builds ships, but he can give a name
to it like Franky did with his battleships.
So, if Tom gave the name to the legendary ship, we can take a big information from what
name he gave.
Oro Jackson.
There is a hidden phrase here "Jack-son".
Is it crazy to believe that Jack is Tom's real son?
Both of them are fishmen, and this title is strange connected.
And it's something more into it.
The legend of the god 'Oro.
In Polynesian Mythology "Oro" is a god, the god of war.
Oro enjoys fighting and demands human sacrifices during wartime.
During a peacetime and when Oro decided to marry, he created a rainbow.
The figures of this god, are made of woven dried coconut fibre.
In this myth, we see some keys who are links with Jack and Zou arc.
Just like god Oro, Jack enjoys war and to sacrifices his enemies, and when he left from
Zou, we have seen there a "rainbow" and the message of "marriage" for Sanji's story.
The "dried" fibre of Oro's figures are very related to Jack's epithet, Drought.
Seems that the title "Oro Jackson" is deeply connected with Jack the Drought.
So, how the story could be?
We know that Tom's character is based on Tom Builder, from the novel "The pillars of the
In this novel, Tom Builder left his real son, and he adopted another boy, Jack Jackson.
In One Piece, Tom adopted Franky, we don't know yet if he had a son, and I doubt he left
his own son.
But, here is this cover...
A grave with the name "Jack".
As long as in the novel, Tom adopted Jack, jestingly with surname "Jackson", I think
Tom "lost" his real son Jack.
In the novel, "Pillars of Earth", Tom Builder lost his wife during the birthing and decided
to abandon his son.
When he regret it and came back, his son has vanished.
Oda has used Tom's character from this novel, so I believe he could use a variation of this
story, and he could make Tom to losing his son Jack once, and thinking of him as dead,
so when he built the ship for Roger, he chooses the name of this ship.
I even think that the reason who Tom "lost" his son was Kaido.
Think that with this way, will enter into the story of Kaido, Roger and "Oro Jackson",
if there is a backstory.
To ending this theory, let's keep a quote of Tom.
In chapter 356, Tom said to Franky: No matter what kind of ship you choose to create, there
lies no "good" or "evil" in it...!!
I don't care what you want to make in the future!!
... But, no matter who the ship you made hurts!!
No matter how much ruin it brings to the world...!!!
The father of that ship must love it as no one else does!!!
The father of that ship must not deny it is his!!!
Don't blame the ship!!
A man must be proud of the ship he builds!
Could it be this a foreshadowing of Jack?
Thank you much for watching.
Rate and share this theory.
See ya.
Exercise with me - Butt and legs (English subtitles) - Duration: 12:11.Hi and welcome back to my channel.
Today I am back with a new exercise video after I got 1000 views on my last one when I trained my stomach.
I can link it in the description box.
So, today I am going to talk about legs, which is a favorite with most women.
Um, I am going to give some tips what you can do to improve.
And this is going to be focused on those who workout at home beginners or if you have been sick and want to get back on track.
Because this is pretty light exercises and most people need to have weights. Like me for an example.
Like I said before, it is legs today and I am going to show six or eight exercises, I do not remember.
I am going to show you technique, sets, tips, and explain why you should do in a certain way.
Yeah, you understand what I mean.
Don't forget to like and subscribe for more videos about health beacuse I am now going to
talk more about a healthy lifestyle on my channel so I hope you will stay.
(I will write all the exercises in the description box.) I am going to start with
a basic exercise, squats.
But the thing with squats is that it requires a lot of technique and it is very overrated
It is not SO good that everyone is saying.
But it trains big parts of the leg, forward, backward, inside, outside and a little bit of the butt
but not so much because, like I mentioned, it is overrated.
When you do a squat, you should have a "stable" spine.
When you are going down, you should not bend forward.
You shall go straigth down. If you think it's hard, you can look up on a high spot.
Then you will get a stable spine because you don't want to twist your neck to look on that spot.
I am going to show a sumo squat, which is like an original squat, but you will stand wider with your legs.
I think that exercise is better becuase it give better... um... I do not know what to say... It give you better connection to the booty.
I will only change you a bit...
So, it is wider between your legs when you do a sumo squat.
You shall go down like this and when you are going down...
If you can, you should go down the whole way but everybody can not do that.
A few people can't extend the muscle because they have an injury.
If you know you have an injury, you should consider if this is an exercise for you.
And when you look at the side... The knees, should not pass by your toes.
You can see a lot of people do like this...
You do not see me clearly, why don't you do that?
I hope you can see!
It is a lot of people who do like this. They pass their knees ahead of the toes.
Which is going to do injury to your knees in the future.
Therefore... The knees should go in the same direction like the foot is standing and do not pass your toes.
And then you will go down.
Nothing like this!
And you should not wobble with your feet.
You should have your heels in the ground the whole way.
If you want it heavier, then you can jump.
Like I said before, if you have a problem with your back, you can look at a high spot.
Because if you would have an bar, you will bend forward and break your back.
You do not want that, you want an healthy spine.
Therefore, you can look up.
This exercise also gives you cardio, which is good for a few things, but I am going to talk about that in another video.
Then we have... There is many variants of this exercise.
This is the usual, that you just lunge out.
Here, you should think of the knee again, like in the squat.
Good spine, look up if you need to and tension the core.
There is with rotation like this.
And jump lunges if you want it heavier.
The exercise I am going to show you is an Bulgarian split squat. I think it is called that.
You can take a chair or something else that is in the same height.
To do this... It is the same sort of exercise like lunges
but I think this gives better connection and builds up the butt and the legs better.
You can do this with a bar or dumbbells.
You have to feel where it is best for the foot and the knee.
One foot on the chair and one in front of the chari, like this.
And then you can go down.
Remember the core and a straight spine.
No knees in front of the toes.
And the knee should go in the same direction as the foot.
This trains the front thigh, the back and the inside.
This is a really good exercise. It gives you balance and trains the legs.
You need to focus on the core
because you knee core strenhgt in every exercise you do.
The core contains the stomach and the lower back. This part.
A strong core need in your everyday life as well so you should train your core even if you do not want to.
And the other leg...
I usually go for 8x6. Eight reps och six sets.
Eight up and down... four... five... six... seven and eigth,
Eight reps, pause and then I do eight reps again and so on, until I have done this six times.
Then I have three times on each leg.
Now, we are going to do an exercise that you have probably already seen, but it is not that common actually.
You should step out with your leg...
It is not a squat. You should go down like this.
I will step back so you can see better.
Straight up... Same thing here with the spine and core
No cheating with your knees.
You do not need to go lower than this.
You train the leg and the butt.
Push away.
It is not necessary to make a big step. It should not be like this either.
The you will not be able to go down.
It should be enough space for the leg to extend properly.
Then you will do that on the other leg.
The same thing...
To this exercise you can also have weights. If you don't have any weights, you can fill up
bottles with sand or water. You can also take a milk carton.
This exercise is very common. A lot of women do this exercise.
It is hip thrusters.
Like a butt lift.
I do recommend a carpet but I do not have one...
It is only up...
This exercise is actually... They have reserched on this, if squat or hip thrusters
are the best for the booty. The test said that hip thrusters gave a better connection with the glutes.
I do not remember where I read this though.
Therefore, I do receommend this over squats.
You should go up, tension your glutes and slowly get back in place again.
Personally, I think it is better to have your heels in the ground liked this.
I think it gets a better connection.
To do this exercise even heavier can you have one leg up.
And strain your glutes.
Then you will change leg after you have done... ten maybe and do that four times.
Go down slowly.
You are stronger when you are going back to start position. Around 20 or 30 % stronger then actually.
If it takes three seconds up, it should take around five second back to start position.
Like I said, becuase you are stronger when you are getting back in start position.
I hate that exercise but it is so good for the butt.
It takes so much in your glutes. It is the secret, not squats.
To train the inside, which women often want to, you can lay down on the side.
Put your leg over the other. It will be a gap between them.
The you can lift your leg in that gape.
Go down slowly and go up fast.
And the other leg...
I was at the gym this morning so I do not need to get this done one more time today.
Feel free to write a comment if you want videos like this when I mentions tips, exercises etc
or a whole workout with you.
Like you can workout with me. We can do a whole workout with no talking, if you don't want to.
But I don't want to do to long videos.
Okey, so this was all the exercises I had to show you today.
It will be more healthy videos in the future. Tips, food and exercises.
You understand what I mean.
There is so much to talk about and I really hope you liked this video
and want to subscribe.
Remember, I can be found on my blog, which i linked in the description box. I will see you there.
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1887 lever action shotgun
full double barrel shotgun
becker semi auto revolving shotgun
mg 08/18 german submachine gun
A experimental american submachinegun
And yes the tommy gun prototype from ww1
My Slideshow - Duration: 5:04.Trekking Moments with Weekend Wanderer
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Wordpress Offline Tutorial - How to Install Wordpress Offline using Wampserver - Duration: 5:47.WordPress is the best content management
system to start a new website but it
requires some space and a domain name
which will cost a little bit but what if
you can practice it for free this video
is all about it to install the WordPress
offline on your local computer you just
required to follow some step to know how
you can install it just watch the video
till the end to install the WordPress on
your computer locally is not a big task
to do it you require two things first is
wamp server and the second one is wordpress zip
file the links are given in
description now we have all the things
ready the time to install it now install
the web service it takes some time so i
am going to fast-forward it till it is
installing now extract the WordPress
dot zip file as it is extracted here now
wait for the installation completion
now it is asking for choose the browser
now to choose the browser which you want
I am going to choose Google Chrome which
is best in my view now choose the notepad
I have notepad++ now please note
the user name of MySQL which is root and
the password should be blank okay we
required these two things in futures click
on next and finish now open this folder
go to C: drive and then wampserver then
www and paste it here
now go to your browser and here type
localhost/PhpMyAadmin oops firstly
please run the wampserver
wait till it goes green now press enter now
we have been redirect to the PhpMyAdmin
type here root and then press
ok go now here we need to create a new
database just click here on databases
and give it a name i am going to give my
name click on create thats it now open
new tab and here type localhost/
here folder name in our case
which is wordpress find us now click on
let's go here enter the database name we
have give it access user name which is
root and the password is blank leave
all the things as is
now here's type the title of your
website and here user name and here
password now you have choose email now
click on install word pad now WordPress
has been installed successfully login to
your WordPress account look all the
parts of word fares are working and the
functionality is all about like original
wordprss now you can practice wordpress
and know about the working of ourselves
this will be very helpful for you to
start any website so if this video was
helpful for you please like it and share
it and to know about everything about
WordPress and Technology tips please
subscribe to our channel thanks for
watching have a nice day
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