Saturday, March 25, 2017

Youtube daily report w Mar 25 2017

Procedural Vote Passes As Debate On Healthcare Bill Begins

Update 2: The House has just passed a procedural vote by a margin of 230 - 194 which now clears

the path for 4 hours of floor debate on the healthcare bill which will be followed by

a vote later this afternoon on the legislation.

Update per The Hill:

Six Republicans voted against the rule, an unusually high number.

Lawmakers typically do not break ranks on procedural votes, which are viewed as a referendum

on how leadership is managing the floor.

Among the Republicans who voted against the rule were Reps. Justin Amash , Thomas Massie

and Walter Jones.

All three voted Thursday night against invoking what is known as "martial law" rule to speed

the legislation to the floor.

Lawmakers typically stick with their party on the rules votes even if they plan to vote

against the underlying legislation.

The rule stipulates that floor debate on the healthcare legislation will last four hours,

with time equally divided between Republicans and Democrats.

That sets up a likely vote around 4 p.m. or 5 p.m.

Meanwhile, The Hill�s latest whip list still shows around 30 Republicans planning to vote

against the bill which is more than the maximum of 22 defections GOP leaders can afford and

have the bill still pass.

Update 1: As largely expected, the House Rules Committee has just signed off on the GOP�s

ObamaCare repeal plan, with a 9-3 vote, which clears the path for a showdown vote later


The panel was the bill�s final stop before heading for a floor vote.

As of now, the plan is to begin debate on the healthcare bill at 10AM EST.

There is expected to be a 1 hour debate on rules and then 4 hours of general debate which

sets the House up for a procedural vote around 11:15 am EST and a final vote expected around

4.45 pm.

Yesterday was undoubtedly a debacle of a day for Republicans which ultimately culminated

with the failure of the Trump administration and Paul Ryan to secure a sufficient number

of votes from the House Freedom Caucus to pass their healthcare bill (we covered the

chaos here).

And after the day of misery, team Trump decided that they would rather not continue the political

charade in perpetuity and instead decided to offer conservatives in the House an ultimatum:

vote tomorrow (i.e. today) or "I'm done with healthcare."

Which, of course, would seem to be a negotiating tactic taken directly for The Art of the Deal


�The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it.� - The

Art of the Deal � Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January

7, 2013

Meanwhile, the Associated Press seemed to sum up the gravity of today's vote the best,

referring to it simply as a "gamble with monumental political stakes."

"In a gamble with monumental political stakes, Republicans set course for a climactic House

vote on their health care overhaul after President Donald Trump claimed he was finished negotiating

with GOP holdouts and determined to pursue the rest of his agenda, win or lose."

With all that said, per Fox News, after a few procedural moves, the House will likely

vote on Trumpcare sometime in the mid-to-late afternoon with House Majority Leader Kevin

McCarthy (R-CA) predicting that the vote will wrap up by 4:30 or 5 p.m. ET.

As we pointed out yesterday, the TrumpCare vote is the first high-stakes political battle

of Trump's Presidency and pits Trump against the more conservative elements of the Republican


For Trump, failure to pass healthcare reform would be a major blow as it was a signature

component of his campaign and could signal that he will face an uphill battle against

the Freedom Caucus to implement other policy initiatives.

For conservatives, they must choose between supporting their party and a bill that has

been dubbed "Obamacare-lite" at the risk of alienating powerful conservative funders,

like the Koch Brothers and their various Super PACs, which got them elected in the first


Meanwhile, "round-the-clock" negotiations continue as the White House and mainstream

Republicans attempt to sway some last minute votes.

Meanwhile, Trump met inside the Cabinet room with the Freedom caucus to try and rally conservatives

to the cause.

He also tweeted, urging supporters to call their representatives to back the bill.

A senior administration official told Fox News after the meeting with Trump and the

conservative group that there was a deal in the works, but that it was not yet finalized.

A source from the Freedom Caucus later said there wasn't yet a deal.

"I would say progress is being made, and that progress should be applauded with the efforts

by the White House to deliver on a campaign promise, and to lower premiums for every American

from coast to coast and in between," Meadows said.

He also called Trump's involvement "unparalleled in the history of our country."

And while it's almost impossible to predict how today's vote will turn out, Goldman Sachs

is pegging the chances of success at 60%.

The House vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA) has been delayed due to a lack

of support.

Our subjective odds of passage in the House before the upcoming two-week congressional

recess, which begins April 7, are 60%.

This is slightly lower than our last estimate, in part because there appears to be somewhat

greater-than-expected opposition among centrist Republicans, in addition to the well-known

opposition among members of the conservative "Freedom Caucus"

For more infomation >> Procedural Vote Passes As Debate On Healthcare Bill Begins - politics - Duration: 6:11.


Building Your Tomorrow Today

For more infomation >> Building Your Tomorrow Today


Ark Survival Evolved How To: Custom Recipe and some Awesome Recipe! - Duration: 5:23.

Hello guys! Today i show you

how to create custom recipes

and i give you some idea for new awesome recipe

First off all you need to drink

a mindwipe tonic

for clear all your stats

and skill only your creation speed

to get the most out of your created recipes

With the cration speed at the maximum

the recipes will have a better bonus

and it will be more profitable crating custom recipe

Before creating recipes

drink also a Focal Chili

for improve your cration speed

and gain more efficacy in your recipes

For create a recipe you need also

a cooking pot.

Open the inventory,

create a note,

and put it inside the pot's inventory

After that, keep pressing E

and you will find Create new recipe

Here you can drag the ingredients wanted

Now choose the icon that you like

set the colors

give it a name,

and click create recipe.

You will find it inside your inventory

It will show you the stats also.

In this case we have:

1141 Food, 1107 Health and 859 Resistance

This with 10,90 creation speed

You can try different combinations,

A good quntity of egg is like 3 dodo eggs

Same process.

A recipe made with 3 eggs will have:

220 Health, Food, Resistance.

You can create also Death Pills

with rotten meat

It gives -456 health

It's good for when you are

stuck in some place.

Or it's good for do some little joke...

For cooking the recipe

you just need to drag it in the cooking pot

with the ingrdients and lit

As well as custom food you can

create custom drinks

You just need to put in some water

Click on drink

You can play around putting inside

in recipes what you like;

In this the "Mixed Grill"

like you can see i put in anything and everything

and it gives a lot of everything,

it gives 2530 Food, 2359 Health and 165 resistance

If you are at level100 and drink the tonic

for mindwipe

and skill all in creation speed

you can obtain a custom recipe

with 5 dodo eggs with these stats.

While if you are level 50

and skill creation speed at your maximum

you will obtain a custom food with these stats

It changes 156 points in every stat

If you add some rare Mushrooms and flowers

to your recipes,

you will gain a bonus in resistance.

When you have finished creating your recipes

You'll just have to drink another tonic

and reset your stats like they were before

It's not important that you have

speed when you cook the recipes

but it is important when you create them!

This custom recipes last long in fridge

19 days!

and in your inventory 2 days

So they have also this advantage,

they last longer then cooked meat.

Alsso a recipe like this made with 3 dodo eggs

it's lighter, last long

and fill completly your hunger.

All right guys! if you liked this video

Hit the Like Button!!!

If you have found some awesome recipe

share it in the comments!

And remember to subscribe!!!

See ya next time!

For more infomation >> Ark Survival Evolved How To: Custom Recipe and some Awesome Recipe! - Duration: 5:23.


Effe Luck & Biig Paul - SKRRT 🔥 (Áudio Oficial) - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Effe Luck & Biig Paul - SKRRT 🔥 (Áudio Oficial) - Duration: 3:14.


Tudo ia bem até que went south - Duration: 2:07.

Hello everyone, and welcome back!

Have you ever been in a situation where something started good but ended bad?, we are going to be talking about "to go south"; a verb phrase, which is informal.

Its definition: to fall or slide down; deteriorate or decline; to fall in value.

Go, went, gone and going are the verb forms.

to go off the rails; to fall apart; to go down hill; go to hell in a handbasket

are similar expressions.

And for our examples: The Atlanta Falcons had more than a 2 touchdown lead during Super

Bowl 51, but everything went south in the fourth quarter.

My diet went south after Vania ordered a pizza and served ice cream for dessert.

So, there you have it.

Have you ever been in a situation where things went south?

Maybe a vacation where you planned the perfect day or week of relaxation and because of bad

weather, everything went south.

Or, maybe at work, you had a project that started out great, but because of resources,

the project ended up going south.

Well I hope you enjoyed this video on the verb phrase "to go south."

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below for us to reply to.

If you are on Facebook or Youtube, go ahead and like and share our video.

If you'd like to receive information every time we release a new video, go ahead and

subscribe to our channel.

Also, if you'd like to receive exercises on the subjects you watched, go ahead and subscribe

to our preferential list.

Until next time, have a fantastic week and keep connected to our channel.


For more infomation >> Tudo ia bem até que went south - Duration: 2:07.


the turtle in the dessert (a poem by Mr. E. Jones) | miel - Duration: 1:09.

not so very long ago

in a dessert with no name

a little turtle found himself

lost in desserts flame

crawling long and aimlessly

he came upon a sight

he saw a brother turtle

sharing the same plight

lying still upon a dune

motionless, dare he assume

no, he said, it can not be

moving closer, so he could see

there he stayed

untill the sun had set

telling his friend

do not worry or fret

but the heat was bad

until the stars in the skies

lifted their lids

and opened their eyes

that's when he saw

his friend was a rock

he said thank you friend

and continued to walk

the moral of this story

in case you did not see

a friend is a friend

no matter who he might be

For more infomation >> the turtle in the dessert (a poem by Mr. E. Jones) | miel - Duration: 1:09.


Osteopatia Biodinamica per il bruxismo - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Osteopatia Biodinamica per il bruxismo - Duration: 2:09.


Going In Style Movie

For more infomation >> Going In Style Movie


Volvo V70 T4 R-EDITION Automaat - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 T4 R-EDITION Automaat - Duration: 1:08.


Volvo V40 D2 R-DESIGN BUSINESS 14% - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 D2 R-DESIGN BUSINESS 14% - Duration: 0:57.


12 Dumbest Internet Domain Names Ever - Duration: 9:10.

For more infomation >> 12 Dumbest Internet Domain Names Ever - Duration: 9:10.


Procedural Vote Passes As Debate On Healthcare Bill Begins - politics - Duration: 6:11.

Procedural Vote Passes As Debate On Healthcare Bill Begins

Update 2: The House has just passed a procedural vote by a margin of 230 - 194 which now clears

the path for 4 hours of floor debate on the healthcare bill which will be followed by

a vote later this afternoon on the legislation.

Update per The Hill:

Six Republicans voted against the rule, an unusually high number.

Lawmakers typically do not break ranks on procedural votes, which are viewed as a referendum

on how leadership is managing the floor.

Among the Republicans who voted against the rule were Reps. Justin Amash , Thomas Massie

and Walter Jones.

All three voted Thursday night against invoking what is known as "martial law" rule to speed

the legislation to the floor.

Lawmakers typically stick with their party on the rules votes even if they plan to vote

against the underlying legislation.

The rule stipulates that floor debate on the healthcare legislation will last four hours,

with time equally divided between Republicans and Democrats.

That sets up a likely vote around 4 p.m. or 5 p.m.

Meanwhile, The Hill�s latest whip list still shows around 30 Republicans planning to vote

against the bill which is more than the maximum of 22 defections GOP leaders can afford and

have the bill still pass.

Update 1: As largely expected, the House Rules Committee has just signed off on the GOP�s

ObamaCare repeal plan, with a 9-3 vote, which clears the path for a showdown vote later


The panel was the bill�s final stop before heading for a floor vote.

As of now, the plan is to begin debate on the healthcare bill at 10AM EST.

There is expected to be a 1 hour debate on rules and then 4 hours of general debate which

sets the House up for a procedural vote around 11:15 am EST and a final vote expected around

4.45 pm.

Yesterday was undoubtedly a debacle of a day for Republicans which ultimately culminated

with the failure of the Trump administration and Paul Ryan to secure a sufficient number

of votes from the House Freedom Caucus to pass their healthcare bill (we covered the

chaos here).

And after the day of misery, team Trump decided that they would rather not continue the political

charade in perpetuity and instead decided to offer conservatives in the House an ultimatum:

vote tomorrow (i.e. today) or "I'm done with healthcare."

Which, of course, would seem to be a negotiating tactic taken directly for The Art of the Deal


�The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it.� - The

Art of the Deal � Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January

7, 2013

Meanwhile, the Associated Press seemed to sum up the gravity of today's vote the best,

referring to it simply as a "gamble with monumental political stakes."

"In a gamble with monumental political stakes, Republicans set course for a climactic House

vote on their health care overhaul after President Donald Trump claimed he was finished negotiating

with GOP holdouts and determined to pursue the rest of his agenda, win or lose."

With all that said, per Fox News, after a few procedural moves, the House will likely

vote on Trumpcare sometime in the mid-to-late afternoon with House Majority Leader Kevin

McCarthy (R-CA) predicting that the vote will wrap up by 4:30 or 5 p.m. ET.

As we pointed out yesterday, the TrumpCare vote is the first high-stakes political battle

of Trump's Presidency and pits Trump against the more conservative elements of the Republican


For Trump, failure to pass healthcare reform would be a major blow as it was a signature

component of his campaign and could signal that he will face an uphill battle against

the Freedom Caucus to implement other policy initiatives.

For conservatives, they must choose between supporting their party and a bill that has

been dubbed "Obamacare-lite" at the risk of alienating powerful conservative funders,

like the Koch Brothers and their various Super PACs, which got them elected in the first


Meanwhile, "round-the-clock" negotiations continue as the White House and mainstream

Republicans attempt to sway some last minute votes.

Meanwhile, Trump met inside the Cabinet room with the Freedom caucus to try and rally conservatives

to the cause.

He also tweeted, urging supporters to call their representatives to back the bill.

A senior administration official told Fox News after the meeting with Trump and the

conservative group that there was a deal in the works, but that it was not yet finalized.

A source from the Freedom Caucus later said there wasn't yet a deal.

"I would say progress is being made, and that progress should be applauded with the efforts

by the White House to deliver on a campaign promise, and to lower premiums for every American

from coast to coast and in between," Meadows said.

He also called Trump's involvement "unparalleled in the history of our country."

And while it's almost impossible to predict how today's vote will turn out, Goldman Sachs

is pegging the chances of success at 60%.

The House vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA) has been delayed due to a lack

of support.

Our subjective odds of passage in the House before the upcoming two-week congressional

recess, which begins April 7, are 60%.

This is slightly lower than our last estimate, in part because there appears to be somewhat

greater-than-expected opposition among centrist Republicans, in addition to the well-known

opposition among members of the conservative "Freedom Caucus"

For more infomation >> Procedural Vote Passes As Debate On Healthcare Bill Begins - politics - Duration: 6:11.


Moana As Told By LEGO

For more infomation >> Moana As Told By LEGO


Monkey's Fist Knot Cufflinks - 925 Sterling Silver Rose Gold Plated - Fort Belvedere - Duration: 1:57.

Cufflinks had been a gentleman's way to close their shirt cuffs for well over a century.

While today the most popular style is a T bar, these cufflinks are made with a solid

bar which is not just more expensive but also more elegant because you have a decorative

element in the from as well in the back.

And with cufflinks you always see both sides and therefore they are much nicer than T bar


So what makes this rose gold monkey fist cufflinks so special?

First of all they are handmade by a master goldsmith in Germany.

They are not a factory product, so they were hand carved then they are cast from solid

sterling silver, hand polished and then plated and stamped, all by hand.

Second these cufflinks were modeled after an actual nautical knot which is also known

as the monkey fist knot.

It features a very intricate rope detail with a twisted bar and you can see the attention

to detail is second to none.

Also these cufflinks are a lot heavier than usual cufflinks because they are solid.

You won't be able to see it in the pictures but once you have it in your hand or on your

cuff, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

We designed them with 12mm ball size in the front and 10mm in the back so they work with

99% of all shirt cuffs and they won't come off, they are easy to put on.

We made them out of solid 925 Sterling Silver which is then rose gold plated with a special

Vermeil treatment that is very hard to find anymore.

Because of it, it doesn't tarnish and you will be able to wear these cufflinks for years

to come.

Rose gold is hard to find these days even though it has been the choice of gentlemen

for more than a century.

Overall I think every man should have at least one pair of knot cufflinks and if you have

other rose gold accessories, this is the pair for you.

For more infomation >> Monkey's Fist Knot Cufflinks - 925 Sterling Silver Rose Gold Plated - Fort Belvedere - Duration: 1:57.


It's True – Your Mind Plays Tricks On You - Duration: 5:02.

It�s True � Your Mind Plays Tricks On You

By consciousreminder

Like all people, I experience a range of emotions, some high and some low. At this point in my

life, I�ve learned how to raise my vibration deliberately, and I am pretty good at hanging

around in happiness for longer periods of time, but I�ve noticed my mind plays tricks

on me when I�m in the lower vibrations. My guess is that yours does too!

See, when we are in the lower vibrations, we are a �match� to thoughts that mirror

how we feel inside. When we are sad, the sad thoughts pile one on top of the next. When

we are angry, more things to be angry about present themselves easily and relentlessly.

For instance, have you ever been upset at someone, and then every last little terrible

thing they had ever done in their life suddenly popped into your memory? Have you ever been

in an argument and just kept thinking of new reasons to be mad?

The truth is, when you are in a negative state, the floodgates of negative thoughts will open.

Suddenly, there�s not just one reason to be mad, there�s a dozen. Almost instantaneously,

there�s not just one reason to feel down, there�s a hundred more marching in behind


These thoughts don�t mean that you are failing, or making mistakes or headed toward a miserable

end in life. It�s just the Law of Attraction, bringing you thoughts that you are a vibrational

match to in a temporary state, that�s all.

This can be tricky for someone who is trying to deliberately raise his or her vibration.

While you may want to �think positive,� thinking positive does not come naturally

from a place of depression or anger.

This can be even trickier for someone who doesn�t know about the Law of Attraction,

and it�s why many people get �stuck� in the lower vibrations for long periods of


Understanding this mechanism has been very helpful to me, and my hope is that it will

be for you as well.

When the negative thoughts start to pile up, I�ve learned it can be very effective to

remind myself of how attraction works. Instead of taking these thoughts too seriously, I�ll

simply tell myself �The only reason why I am thinking these negative thoughts right

now is because I am in a low vibrational state. When I am feeling better, it will all make

sense and I�ll feel optimistic about my life again.�

This is helpful because it�s a quick reminder to me that good things can still happen for

me, and when I feel a little happier, I�ll find the solutions I need and make the progress

I am seeking. Instead of worrying and fussing and getting too caught up in the negativity,

I remember these thoughts aren�t particularly rational, and they aren�t a true representation

of me or my life.

The truth is, I�ve found my way to a smile or a laugh almost every single day of my life,

and chances are you have too. Even people who don�t understand the power of positive

thinking are known to be happy from time to time, and this means that our negative thoughts

are never universally significant or valid. We are all seeking our happiness, and this

is why even the most miserable people are usually still able to find it with regularity.

You are a powerful creator when you are happy, and anyone who can find happiness can become

what they want to become.

This reminder gives me a little relief, and relief is exactly what you need when you are

down to pick yourself back up. Relief is always the path back to happiness, and this statement

can be an effective step in the right direction.

So when you�re upset or mad, and it seems like you�re getting nothing but hostile

or depressing thoughts, remember that your mind plays tricks on you when you are down.

From a low vibrational state, low vibrational thoughts are magnetized to you. However, when

your mood bounces back up (and it always does) you will be a magnet for thoughts that remind

you of your power and a stream of reasons to be happy and grateful for your life and

everything in it-even the things that seem so awful in

the moment.

For more infomation >> It's True – Your Mind Plays Tricks On You - Duration: 5:02.


Transformers Masterpiece MP-18 Bluestreak (Takara Tomy) - Duration: 12:49.

Hello boys and girls, young and old. Welcome to yet another action figure video review.

Today we'll take a look at Transformers Masterpiece MP-18 Bluestreak from Takara Tomy!

And as you can see, Bluestreak comes with a small box. You see him here in both of his modes.

On the top side of the box, nothing special.

On the bottom side of the box, some warnings.

On the side of the box you see Bluestreak in his vehicle mode.

On the other side of the box you'll see him in his robot mode.

And on the back side of the box you'll see the characteristics of the figure.

The typical Masterpiece box. Enough with the box, let's see the accessories of the figure.

Bluestreak comes with this leaflet, everything is written in Japanese so I don't understand anything.

He comes with this card. A nice artwork of Bluestreak on the front of the card.

Tech specs on the other side of the card.

And of course he comes with the instructions, here they are.

And the back side of the instructions, the transformation.

So let's see the figure from close now.

And here we have, ladies and gentlemen, Masterpiece Bluestreak from Takara Tomy in his awesome vehicle mode!

At last I completed the trio! Bluestreak is the classical Nissan Fairlady, main colour black and grey.

You see he has a nice black glossy colour here. He is nice! I like him! He has nice details!

He has a gas tank here. Grey painted rims. Mirrors to the front. Windshield wipers.

Autobot symbol on the front section of the car. The Nissan logo here. Painted headlights. Flashlights. Painted rear lights.

Very nice! The classical Nissan Fairlady. And this is the bottom view of the car.

The robot parts are well hidden, the only things that is visible are his arms but everything else is well hidden.

Bluestreak comes with this gun. The storage place for his gun is...

...split the car in half, bring this piece out and reconnect everything again.

And now place the gun in this hole here. And it looks like this now.

Bluestreak can fit easily inside Optimus Prime's trailer. As you can see.

I am bringing in his twin brothers as well. As you can see, all of them is the Nissan Fairlady car.

All of them are the same vehicle.

So, the only difference with Prowl is the lightbar that Prowl has on here.

Everything else is exactly the same. Even the rims are the same. Also the rear lights are the same.

The only thing that differs is the top section of the car. Now with Smokescreen...

The bumper is different. Bluestreak doesn't have this bumper that Smokescreen has.

Smokescreen doesn't have windshield wipers. Also, Smokescreen has a spoiler while Bluestreak doesn't have it.

And the last difference is their rear lights. As you can see Smokescreen has different rear lights.

Other than that their cars are similar, exactly the same. So these are the main differences between them.

And since we have already seen Smokescreen's transformation, I will skip Bluestreak's transformation,

and with the help of video editing we will go straight from the vehicle mode to the robot mode!

And here we have, ladies and gentlemen, Masterpiece Bluestreak in his awesome robot mode!

And as you can see he looks a-ma-zing! It's like he got out from the cartoon! Very nice figure!

As for his articulation, his head can rotate 360 degrees, it can look up and down.

His arms can rotate 360 degrees, they move up and down, rotate at the elbow, double joint at the elbow, that's very good!

There is also fist rotation. The hand can open-close. There is also waist rotation. These pieces here can come up.

His legs can move back and forth, up and down, rotate at the thighs, bend at the knee.

And the toe can move up and down and a little bit left and right.

He has excellent articulation! Very nice articulation! His gun. Rotate the handle backwards to reveal the other handle.

And now he can hold it perfectly fine. As you can see he holds it fine.

Also, if you don't want him to hold it, you can bring this piece out.

Rotate the handle again. And you can store the gun in here. Ok it looks a little bit silly but the storage place exists!

Also, Bluestreak has his shoulder cannons. Here they are. They are nice! Also, you can extend them by pulling them.

Not very much but you can extend them. He is a nice figure! I like him very much!

I am bringing in his twin brothers. First of all I will start with their guns.

As you understand the gun with the blue handle belongs to Smokescreen, the gun with the grey handle belongs to Bluestreak

and the gun with the white handle belongs to Prowl. As you can see the figures are exactly the same, the same mold.

The only differences are that Bluestreak and Prowl have their wheels behind their shoulders while Smokescreen has his wheels above his shoulders.

The shoulder cannons are the same on Bluestreak and Prowl while Smokescreen's shoulder cannons are different.

Of course their heads are all different. And finally the last difference is on their crotch.

Smokescreen and Prowl have the same crotch while Bluestreak's crotch is different from the other two.

Other than that the figures are exactly the same!

The only drawback in this mold is that it has the hollow legs from behind. But ok, nobody displays his figures from the rear side!

The front side, as you can see, looks great!

And a size comparison. Here is Masterpiece Bluestreak next to Masterpiece Optimus Prime and next to Masterpiece Hot Rod.

As you can see the scale here is great!

Final thoughts... the mold is fantastic! I like it very much!

The tricky part of the transformation is his legs but if you do it sometimes it will be easier afterwards.

Very good articulation, great representation of Bluestreak from the G1 cartoon!

I recommend him without second thought! Excellent figure!

Thank you all for watching, if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment or hit the like button and subscribe.

My name is Stathis, and until next time, I'll see you around! :)

For more infomation >> Transformers Masterpiece MP-18 Bluestreak (Takara Tomy) - Duration: 12:49.


A$$WHOOPING TIME Magazine Just Called Trump For An Interview And He TOTALLY Destroyed Them - Duration: 2:44.

A$$WHOOPING TIME Magazine Just Called Trump For An Interview And He TOTALLY Destroyed


By Danny Gold

Oh man!

There is absolutely NOBODY better at handling the lying media than President Donald Trump.

That�s why when TIME Magazine called him to write a smash piece, Trump hit them HARD!

They tried to tick him off with his �bad ratings� to which he said,

�Hey look, in the mean time, I guess, I can�t be doing so badly, because I�m president,

and you�re not.�




He is right, though.

The mainstream media guys are despised by the public, not because of Trump, but because

they LIED to us continuously to protect corrupt politicians.

You know Donald Trump would not have let them off that easy.

That�s why he set them straight with this list of all the things he has been RIGHT about:


I made the statement, everyone goes crazy.

The next day they have a massive riot, and death, and problems.�

He was right about Anthony Weiner being a pedophile and a weasel who had �all of Hillary�s

email on his thing.�

NATO, obsolete, because it doesn�t cover terrorism.

They fixed that, and I said that the allies must pay.

Nobody knew that they weren�t paying.

I did.

I figured it.�

�I said, no Brexit is going to happen, and everybody laughed, and Brexit happened.

Many many things.

They turn out to be right.�

He was right about the Brussels terror attack

He was right that Hillary Clinton and the DNC rigged the Democrat primaries so Bernie

Sanders couldn�t win

He was also right that the media LIED about the polls when they said Hillary would win

by a landslide

The list goes on-and-on.

The sneaky reporter then TRIED to claim Trump was wrong about Obama using surveillance on

his campaign.

The funny thing is, at that exact moment Devin Nunes was holding a press conference saying

Trump was right about that too!

Look, just give it up already.

President Donald Trump is doing a great job and the media is just bitter.

Let�s show them who the people stand behind by sharing this a$$whooping out everywhere!

For more infomation >> A$$WHOOPING TIME Magazine Just Called Trump For An Interview And He TOTALLY Destroyed Them - Duration: 2:44.


Aerosol Injections Weather Modification Savannah GA March 25 2017 - Duration: 0:44.

okay you guys see the line right in

front of the sun today is March 25th

2017 you see that right there what the

heck is that

okay and it smells really really heavy

of smoke today really not just a little

lets go this direction

For more infomation >> Aerosol Injections Weather Modification Savannah GA March 25 2017 - Duration: 0:44.


TOP 5 EPIC GOOGLE MAPS #1 :D - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> TOP 5 EPIC GOOGLE MAPS #1 :D - Duration: 1:42.


✅ GHOST IN THE SHELL Geisha Cosplay Makeup Tutorial (Bodypaint) in 4k- Witte Artistry - Duration: 8:06.

What's up makeup minions?! I'm Kim

Witte from Witte Artistry and welcome

back to my youtube channel! if you

haven't already please hit that

subscribe button below to become part of

the Witte Artistry family<3! I'm so excited

for the ghost in the shell live action

movie so I just had to do this geisha

robot makeup so let's get started.

alright the first things first I used an

ultra smoothing primer potion all over

my skin and sealed it with Fix plus and

since i was going for a smooth doll

appearance I wanted all of my pores to

be filled in so just go heavy with the

primer. now i'm using a white body paint

and i am outlining all of the general

shapes that the geisha robot has on

its body. after you finish drawing the

shapes I'm just filling out the areas

with white. ok so you've probably all

have heard of the eyebrows glue stick

thing but I haven't tried it before so

this is my first attempt .you want to

spoolie your eyebrows upward and outward

so none of the hairs overlap. Since the

goal is to hide your eyebrows after you

do the glue and the powder you want to

go over it with concealer and then

powder it again this will sort of color

correct it to match your skin.

I added some extra primer to really fill in my

pores to make it look smooth. so I

thought I was ready to start painting

the face pink but I wasn't entirely

satisfied with one eyebrow so I wiped

off the glue and I started that again.

when you use a glue to conceal your

brows you want to make sure it is

water-soluble otherwise you're going to

have an accidental eyebrow waxing! the

geisha robots have this like pink v

on their necks so just fill that in.

Don't be afraid to apply multiple layers

of glue and powder and concealer

whatever smooths it out the best for

painting is what you want to go with so

now that my brows are officially done

right I am going in with a light pink

body paint and I'm creating this sort of

elegant shape around my forehead and my

cheeks that connects on to my upper lip

that the geishas have. make sure you

follow a reference image! very carefully

as to not smudge the pink in the middle

you want to outline the pink and then

cover the rest of your face in white

body paint. I used fix plus throughout

this look to make sure it stayed and

don't forget to fill in your ears!

so now I'm adding a little bit more

white to my pink mixture and I'm going

over all the high points of my face and

blending it in with either a wet brush

or my finger.

I found that when you apply the highlight with a finger it looks

more realistic and blended in than if

you use a brush but sometimes it just

wouldn't stick so I had to use my brush anyway.

To darken up my pink I am adding

a tiny TINY being the key word here

tiny bit of black body paint and I'm

going in all of the crevices of my face

to change the shape of it a bit and just

slightly accentuate the shadows. contoure your nose and

your smile lines slightly under your

eyes and mainly under your eyebrows

whenever you want to create a really

subtle shadow over body paint you can

either use cream makeup or eyeshadow I

chose a grey eyeshadow in this case and

I'm going in my temples and the hollows

of my cheeks just to make them recede a bit.

and then the creases of my nose and

under my eyebrows.

So a really cool feature of the geisha robots in the

new movie is that their face is divided

up into sections and it sort of just

looks like a cool stylistic design until

you learn that they open their face up

into this scary mechanical monster! crazy.

but anyway i'm going in with a black to

draw the outlines of all of the

divisions in between the different

segments of the face

so the way i decided to narrow the lines

is i would go in with white on either

side of the black line for the white

sections and then pink on either side of

the black line in the pink section to

make them narrow enough. now i'm adding

tiny little rivets in the joints of the face.

just create a little circle it's pretty simple.

Now you want to underline

all of the rivets to give them some shadow.

Ridiculous expression coming up

in 3...2...1! *chuckles*

Don't judge me I had to get the brush really close to my eyes .so

anyway the geishas have these sort of

like tear tracks of red. I put the paint

concentrated near my eyes and drug it

out with water and then did the same

thing on my forehead following a

reference photo. You can save yourself

a heck a lot of time here and just put

in sclera lenses,the big black ones, but

i did not have them so i decided i would

paint their eye makeup on my eyelid and

then the black eye on my eyelid which is

always difficult. now you just fill your

chest in with white and i am using black

body paint to outline the creepy robotic

segments that they have their body

divided into. the designs for these

robots are just so cool and the behind

the scenes if you haven't seen it with

Adam Savage I told them we recommend it

because they give close-ups of these

crazy bots and you can just see how much

effort was put into these things! they

even had moving mechanical gears inside

the robot faces of these geishas!! just..

I -just totally watch it

so a typical problem when covering a

surface with white body paint is it sort

of looks patchy so I'm going in with a

sponge and cream white and going over

all the surfaces to even them out and

now I am outlining all of the joints of

the rest of the body. kind of like a

Barbie doll they have this hollow

section in between their shoulder and

where their arm connect and I'm blending

in grey on a lower half of them just to

make them look sort of round and receded.

with a grey eyeshadow I am shading above

my collarbone and up my shoulder just to

make it receed a little bit and then

feathering it underneath the shoulder

joints. Fill the upper lip in with pink

and the lower lip in with white. for me

this is when the whole look started to

come together because they're so

reflective I went in with pure white and

added little highlights on all the high

points of my face following a reference

image and keeping a light source in mind

highlight the tops of the rivets.

Create a cute little red square on your lower lip.

Then with the darkest black

eyeshadow possible I am filling in the

remaining space on my eyelids to imitate

their creepy black soulless eyes.

seriously if you have sclera lenses

wear them instead. just to add some extra

dimension I am highlighting all of the

top points of the plastic segments with

white. I wan't sure how to achieve the

hair so my friend and I went off camera

and we just finagled it out for a while

but it basically took a lot of hair gel

and believe it or not toilet paper tubes

and an excessive number of bobby pins!

but then I painted it black to give it

the geisha look. make sure you outline

your hairline with black body paint into

the various specific points that the

geisha robots have. I recommend a

black hair spray if you have one and

you're done! Thanks so much for watching

this video if you liked it please give

it a thumbs up and share it with your

friends and if you haven't already

please hit the subscribe button to

become part of the Witte Artistry family

I love you guys! I appreciate you and

totally go see the new movie when it

comes out! I am SOEXCITED!

For more infomation >> ✅ GHOST IN THE SHELL Geisha Cosplay Makeup Tutorial (Bodypaint) in 4k- Witte Artistry - Duration: 8:06.


Paw patrol Rescue Team Help Friends We Are Good Friends Minions Thomas Train Disney Princess Toys - Duration: 18:37.

Welcome MTOYS Channel

Paw patrol Rescue Team Help Friends We Are Good Friends Minions Thomas Train Disney Princess Toys

For more infomation >> Paw patrol Rescue Team Help Friends We Are Good Friends Minions Thomas Train Disney Princess Toys - Duration: 18:37.


Senate Republicans Just Sold You Out to Advertisers - politics - Duration: 2:49.

Senate Republicans Just Sold You Out to Advertisers

along party lines, the U.S. Senate decided to kill FCC rules blocking your ISP from selling

your browsing history to the advertising industry without permission.

Should the change pass the House, as is expected, the likes of Comcast and Verizon will be able

to make money disclosing what you buy, where you browse, and what you search from your

own home, all without asking permission.

In an immediate signal that the vote will only benefit monied corporate interests and

not the roughly 70 percent of Americans with a home broadband connection, the Internet

& Television Association trade group gloated over their congressional victory:

�We appreciate today�s Senate action to repeal unwarranted FCC rules that deny consumers

consistent privacy protection online and violate competitive neutrality.

� Our industry remains committed to offering services that protect the privacy and security

of the personal information of our customers.

We support this step towards reversing the FCC�s misguided approach and look forward

to restoring a consistent approach to online privacy protection that consumers want and


It�s unclear how the broadband industry could be �committed� to user privacy while

backing regulatory changes that would permit the sale of users� private data.

NCTA spokesperson Joy Sims returned a request for comment and explanation with a link to

an unrelated section of the NCTA website.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation decried the vote as putting �ISP profits over your

privacy� and a potential �crushing loss for online privacy�:

ISPs act as gatekeepers to the Internet, giving them incredible access to records of what

you do online.

They shouldn�t be able to profit off of the information about what you search for,

read about, purchase, and more without your consent.

The EFF further warned that without the FCC protections, ISPs would not only be able to

commodify your browser history, but �[hijack] their customers� search queries and [redirect]

them to a place customers hadn�t asked for� and �inject ads into your traffic based

on your browsing history.� Should Republicans succeed in dismantling the Obama-era rules

through this action sponsored by Sen. Jeff Flake, the FCC would be barred from ever reestablishing

such consumer protections in the future.

For more infomation >> Senate Republicans Just Sold You Out to Advertisers - politics - Duration: 2:49.


TF2 Animation Don't Touch That - Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> TF2 Animation Don't Touch That - Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 2:11.


Joker poisons to make Spiderman and Elsa Frozen turn into Mermaid! Superhero Fun in Real Life - Duration: 11:06.

Joker poisons to make Spiderman and Elsa Frozen turn into Mermaid! Superhero Fun in Real Life

For more infomation >> Joker poisons to make Spiderman and Elsa Frozen turn into Mermaid! Superhero Fun in Real Life - Duration: 11:06.


Julian - Favourite Angel - Duration: 3:26.

Haven't anyone told you you're my favourite angel? (angel)

Wings so bright shining like a halo (halo)

(No) Know the darkness buried underneath

Let it be free

Let it sink deep... deep in (deep) deep in

Deep inside my heart find an open window

Let it sink slow, let it sleep slow

Let it be... oh

Let us see... whoa

Baby, you are one in a million angels (angel)

No, know I'm gonna see you from a different angle (angle)

I hate it, hate it when they never ever gave you a chance

You can be free...

Let me be free...

Deep, deep in...

Deep inside my heart find an open window

Let it sink slow, let it sleep slow

Let it be... oh

Let us see... oh

Fallen angel... angel

I will never know why they ever let you go, let you go

If... if you were my baby I will never let you go

Oh... deep in

Deep inside your heart find that open window

Let it sink slow, let it sleep slow

Let it be free...

Let it gently... be


Ain't a thing that would get to me

Ain't a thing that would bleed through me

Ain't no way you can bury, you can marry me

You can trust in me... baby, baby

Deep inside your heart find that open window

Let it sink slow, let it sleep slow

Let it be... oh

Let us see... whoa

Ain't no way you can bury me, you can marry me

You can trust in me... baby, baby

Baby, baby...

You're my favourite angel (angel)

For more infomation >> Julian - Favourite Angel - Duration: 3:26.


Funny Jokes #110 - THE PAYBACK - Jokes for kids - Duration: 1:30.


Bill had always been a prankster.

As each of his friends were married, Bill made sure some type of practical joke was

played upon them.

Now ready to be married himself, he was dreading the payback he knew was coming.

Surprisingly, the ceremony went off without a hitch.

No one stood up during the pause to offer a reason 'why this couple should not be married'.

His reception wasn't disrupted by streakers or smokebombs, and the car the couple was

to take on their honeymoon was in perfect working order.

When the couple arrived at their hotel and entered the room, Bill even checked for cornflakes

in the bed (a gag he had always loved).

Nothing, it seemed, was amiss.

Satisfied that he had come away unscathed, the couple fell into bed.

Upon waking, the couple was ravenous so Bill called down to room service and asked, "I'd

like to order breakfast for two."

At that moment, a soft voice from under the bed said, "Make that five."

For more infomation >> Funny Jokes #110 - THE PAYBACK - Jokes for kids - Duration: 1:30.


👪 What's wrong with Noah's eyes in today's Vlog #46 - Duration: 9:05.

today exclusive excuse me for the family

on drugs blogger I was asked to keep a

report to all of you guys so I'm the

brother from the same mother from elisa

the mother of the bride and the money

with a mouth on you morning guys welcome

to Moscow there yes I am wearing the

same topic yesterday the disadvantage of

doing vlogs everyday anyway leaving your

meeting today and then hopefully get

into city centre of Moscow show you a

little bit more now breakfast can and

then my colleagues are picking up

alright have a good day





hello today exclusive excuse me for the

family on drugs vlogger I was asked to

give a report to all of you guys so I'm

the brother from the same mother for me

Lisa the mother of different aromatic in

the same mother and I moved to London

about two years ago and I had my lovely

YP from famine and my lil munchkins back

there and my other picture is like here

and yeah we are working finance very

interesting in the foreign exchange

market and if you need ever any money

exchanged call me baby maybe we just

came to shop together go back this is

not sure what people use for going to

school since Emma starting school in

Spartanburg she needs a school bag it's

really huge it has all the stuff in here

really cool can close it then you go to

school then you say bye I'm going to

school I'm a school kid and my dad

garson forgive sandy shortages occur

those two I don't look sorry I don't

want her to go to school if you don't

grown up a little baby girl hey mommy

doesn't feel good go back does it feel

good yes

please to go in this little munchkin

riding on an absolutely invited on it

escalated might affect react I doctor hi

hi doctor could he has the weirdest

thing she was your eyes his left pupil

is the pupil whatever is smaller than

the right one so we needed to go to the

doctor today now we're waiting totally

boring let's see what it is you see it

falafel is totally smaller than the

right one so we're just supposed to be

same side well Tennessee was put on a

good morning guys still in Moscow Russia

just wanted to start vlogging quite

early before I take my shower and get

dressed and leave for the airport

today's airport day flying back to

Vienna which is really good because I

got a phone call yesterday from aliza

and Noah was at the eye doctor he we

know this like a couple of weeks ago

that his pupil one of his pupils was

smaller than the other or the other one

was bigger than the other and he was

sick yet fever and he complained about

seeing things closer or further away

than they are so munities ever saying we

should probably take him to the eye

doctor and we did yesterday ELISA did

and they were actually quite concerned

he has they did a test on his eye and I

think on his left eye like at the bottom

like side here he can't even see like

they did a test that shows you actually

out I'll show you right here this is see

it you can kind of see here that on the

bottom left I guess so black and gray

that's the part he doesn't see and yeah

so she's taking him to the hospital this

morning because they said he needs to

to the hospital to specialists to have

his I examined yeah yeah a little bit

concerned since you know as a good

parent you google these things Google

these things and yeah they're saying

it's usually from like old people get it

acted like I think it's like a heart

attack or something you can get stuff

like this or stroke not a heart attack

stroke like after a stroke you can get

stuff like this or like a tumor and your

brains pushing on the high nerves also

could be like from the sickness that the

nerves behind the eye are inflamed or

something like that or yeah let's link

that's work so let's hope it's nothing

bad it doesn't hurt them or anything but

yeah so I'm glad I'm flying back home

but they're actually heading to the

hospital pretty much right now so

waiting to hear back from them a little

bit unnerving if you're a couple of

hours away from home my flight in a

different country so let's hope for the

best I'm quite positive little it'll be

fine okay off to the airport






come on board this or throw their rods

321 00 flight to Vienna educatin

speaking we have started our descent the

remaining flight time to be able 20

minutes but mix be on schedule ladies

and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed the

flight we go through it have a nice

evening in Vienna difficulty dear

tonight have a safe connecting flight

just arrived in Vienna and the visa and

I think the kids are freaking me out

looking for them



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