Saturday, August 19, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 19 2017

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Hello, today I share, what happens if SQUEEZE A LEMON IN OLIVE OIL, you'll want

Do it every day.


At present, our physical appearance has been a major concern as

think about it, we invade anxiety to find new techniques, remedies and treatment

causing these changes that make us look younger every day.

But for this we must take care of our body inside and out and you can achieve

With this you show here.

Instead, many people forget that what is reflected on the outside, is an image of

like this inside.

Hair is a tool that reflects the nutritional status and functioning

of our body.

The sporting a shiny hair, skin hydrated will depend on the state of health, with

which we have.

You cleanse the liver becomes the first step in generating a domino effect, resulting

in a positive and progressive change not only hair, but throughout our appearance

physical and internal.

Since the liver is the organ responsible for detoxifying our bodies, which is why

This must be kept in good condition.

In just 15 days you can look younger and glowing.

To perform this deep cleansing your liver we present the following remedy,

simply using two completely natural ingredients found in the

scope of our cuisine, such as lemon and olive oil.

Just combine these two elements, you can remove toxins limiting functions

your liver.

Before long you will have the opportunity to feel full and light, since your body

You will be free from toxic wastes that slow your metabolism.


- 1 lemon.

- 2 tablespoons olive oil.


Remove the lemon juice, avoid the seeds of it are filtered, then mix

with olive oil.

Take this remedy daily preferably on an empty stomach for about a month,

finalize notice the obvious changes in your body, so those changes dislumbrando



The lemon.

Protects the stomach from ulcers and gastritis, contains Vitamin C.

And has diuretic effect that helps eliminate fluids and toxins, fighting obesity,

arthritis, rheumatism. It can also help improve digestion.

The olive oil.

This product has been a source of research for many years; he is currently attribute

many benefits for both health and beauty.

- It could help you lose weight.

- Relieves pain.

- could prevent mental decline.

- have anticancer properties.

- ally against diabetes.

- Strengthens the immune system.

- It decreases blood pressure.

- Controls cholesterol.

- Reduces frizz hair.

- moisturizes the skin naturally.

- Apart from making this simple remedy, experts suggest drinking lots

water, for better functioning of the body, while you avoid bad smells

Alcohol and cigarette use.

Likewise incorporate in your diet fruits, whole grains, nuts and vegetables.

It is important to perform physical activities and taking adequate rest, the same

It is to sleep eight hours every body requires.

Olive oil with lemon for weight loss.

Something that can serve as a great support when you lose weight, cleanse the body is

properly to get rid of all the toxins that can cause

our body look more bloated than usual or retain fluids.

That's why today we'll show a little home remedy that will come in

Great place to achieve this goal.

This is the olive oil and lemon, which as you must know, are two ingredients

real good health, and contain low caloric intake.

In combination, this pair of elements may enhance the body superbly for

promote detoxification, especially helping the liver to perform its functions more


If you want to know how to make the most, you just have to carry out the preparation

that will be described later and ingest it while you are in fasting, 30

minutes before taking your first meal of the day.

You just have to put in blender some water, a tablespoon of olive oil

(Try to be extra virgin) and a lemon cut into pieces.

Once you've liquefied until a homogeneous liquid consistency, as

I just take it half an hour before breakfast.

You'll notice that long ago you well throughout the day, because you can digest your

food more easily.

You can include this home and natural remedy to complement any diet you're

making or simply as an extra help if you decided to eat lighter.

Although this is not pose any health risk, since you'll be using

natural ingredients; if you find yourself sick stomach best

It will be that you consult with your doctor, if you have to prevent certain aspects

they can worsen your condition.

Remedy for Kidney based Lemon and Olive Oil.

Kidney stones or kidney stones are very common health problem, these

They form because of chemicals such as uric acid, phosphorus, calcium and acid

Oxalic housed in the urine due to poor diet.

The combination of lemon juice and olive oil is traditionally used as

a home to eject gallbladder stones remedy, but can also be

used to treat kidney stones.

Citric acid present in lemons helps break down kidney stones

calcium-based and stop growing them.

Take four tablespoons or a quarter cup of fresh lemon juice.

Add the same amount of olive oil.

Remember to drink plenty of water after taking this mixture.

It is recommended to take two or three times a day for three days.

You do not have to continue with this remedy if the stones are expelled with the first

dose. Lemon with olive oil for hair

moisturized and shiny.

How does this mixture ?.

Citrus, antibacterial, antifungal and lemon cleaning properties help

to get rid of dirt and grime from your cabello.También helps control dandruff

and in some cases it is a great remedy for annoying problem.

Moreover, olive oil is ideal for hair.

Not only is known to help fight dandruff, but also light, moisturizes

hair and keeps it free of frizz.


- Lemon juice freshly squeezed.

- Olive oil.

The amount of lemon juice and olive oil you need depends on the length

and thickness of your hair; but make sure both are in equal proportions.

As used.

- Once you have the two add to a bowl, use a fork and whisk together until the

solution is well mixed.

You can be sure that when you see it turning cloudy and oil will not separate

lemon juice.

- Now section of your hair and apply this mixture on the scalp and the axis of its


Then proceed to massage the scalp well.

- Tying hair and leave in an hour.

You could leave for less time if you are in a hurry.

- Once done, wash with a mild shampoo.

- After washing your hair you will notice that your scalp feels much

cleaner and less itching, and frizz free, shiny hair.

But being a home remedy you will need to use this resource once a week

for a month to see a significant improvement.

Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

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and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



Las peleas de chonis más patéticas en MYHYV | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> Las peleas de chonis más patéticas en MYHYV | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 9:30.


THE ROSE QUARTZ ~ Properties ~ THE POWER OF THE ROSE QUARTZ - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> THE ROSE QUARTZ ~ Properties ~ THE POWER OF THE ROSE QUARTZ - Duration: 5:47.


Las pretensiones económicas de Rosa Benito ponen en peligro su regreso a televisión en Telecinco - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Las pretensiones económicas de Rosa Benito ponen en peligro su regreso a televisión en Telecinco - Duration: 2:03.


Minecraft|Survival DjProBanana|Ep. 3 - Duration: 19:00.

For more infomation >> Minecraft|Survival DjProBanana|Ep. 3 - Duration: 19:00.


[歡迎光臨奧斯卡休閒館]預約電話(02)25810333 台北市中山區民權東路二段130號(美女店長珊珊) - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> [歡迎光臨奧斯卡休閒館]預約電話(02)25810333 台北市中山區民權東路二段130號(美女店長珊珊) - Duration: 1:40.


TCMS. Del 'pezonazo' de Lorena al 'Marry me' de Canco a su novia - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> TCMS. Del 'pezonazo' de Lorena al 'Marry me' de Canco a su novia - Duration: 4:23.


[歡迎光臨奧斯卡休閒館]預約電話(02)25810333 台北市中山區民權東路二段130號(美女店長珊珊) - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> [歡迎光臨奧斯卡休閒館]預約電話(02)25810333 台北市中山區民權東路二段130號(美女店長珊珊) - Duration: 1:28.


El fichaje de Dembélé solo depende de los variables - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> El fichaje de Dembélé solo depende de los variables - Duration: 3:43.


VUELTA DE TUERCA 2.0 Adverstiment - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> VUELTA DE TUERCA 2.0 Adverstiment - Duration: 0:24.


Enrique Iglesias - Noche Y De Dia ft (Whatsapp status) - Duration: 0:31.

Subscribe My Channel

For more infomation >> Enrique Iglesias - Noche Y De Dia ft (Whatsapp status) - Duration: 0:31.


Kinh Phật -Kinh Thủ Lăng Nghiêm .Phần 1 .Kinh Phật Hay Nhất - Duration: 7:05:30.

For more infomation >> Kinh Phật -Kinh Thủ Lăng Nghiêm .Phần 1 .Kinh Phật Hay Nhất - Duration: 7:05:30.


Seri: "Me enfoco en jugar" - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Seri: "Me enfoco en jugar" - Duration: 0:49.


Premiering This Saturday, Do...

For more infomation >> Premiering This Saturday, Do...


My Favorite Bipolar Recovery Quote - Duration: 0:50.

Rudy Caseres here.

And I'm going to talk to you about a quote

that's really helped me get through tough times.

And the quote is:

"Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness."

Because, oftentimes, I'm told that I'm sick

and I'll never do this. I'll never do that.

And what I often think when I hear that quote

is that society has its own problems in many ways.

Society is ill.

And I just have a different perspective.

So when I find other people

in the bipolar community,

I feel welcomed.

I feel like I get people and they get me.

And that makes me feel

as if I'm not so sick after all.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> My Favorite Bipolar Recovery Quote - Duration: 0:50.












For more infomation >> BANGLA MOVIE ACTOR FARUK ON BTV EID SPECIAL PROGRAM. - Duration: 2:32.


UA Micro G® Limitless 2 - Duration: 1:13.

Hi there, welcome to my channel! Follow me on all social media links to keep up with my adventures.

I really appreciate all of your comments. I'd love for this channel to grow. Subscribe.!..It's free.

For more infomation >> UA Micro G® Limitless 2 - Duration: 1:13.


Viral: Rev. Graham Just Gave the Best Reason Ever for Keeping Confederate Monuments | Top Stories - Duration: 3:40.

Is any man blameless and without sin?

If you're a Christian, only one man in human history has been, and he graced this planet

in physical form 2,000 years ago.

If you're a member of another religion, you may believe some other man or deity is,

but they too have most likely made themselves scarce these past few centuries.

If you're an atheist, the answer is a flat-out no.

(Or, "What is blame?

I'm a moral relativist."

But if that's the case, I'm guessing you're only reading this because you somehow managed

to grossly misspell in your browser's address bar.)

As a prominent Christian, the Rev. Franklin Graham believes that all men are sinners and

have fallen short of the glory of God.

In a Friday Facebook post that's quickly gone viral, the prominent evangelist managed

to connect one particular biblical sinner with some our countrymen's current enthusiasm

toward tearing down statues of and memorials to imperfect men — and argued that destroying

our history isn't good for anybody.

"There's a monument in Jerusalem's Kidron Valley called Absalom's Pillar that has

been there for a few thousand years," Graham wrote.

"Absalom was a man guilty of murder, treason, and even trying to kill his own father — King


That's a part of history — taking it down wouldn't change what happened," Graham


"I'm thankful the monument still stands today to remind us of Absalom's very serious

and costly sins."

It doesn't take too much imagination to guess the rest of Graham's argument.

"There are monuments in our country today that remind us of the sins of our past, and

taking them down isn't going to change the mistakes we have made as a nation," he continued.

"They remind us of the truth — the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in May, 'I am a firm believer in 'keep

your history before you' and so I don't actually want to rename things that were named

for slave owners.

I want us to have to look at those names and recognize what they did and to be able to

tell our kids what they did, and for them to have a sense of their own history.

When you start wiping out your history, sanitizing your history to make you feel better, it's

a bad thing,'" he added.

"Perhaps monuments can serve to help us teach our children and grandchildren to avoid

repeating the same mistakes in the future," Graham concluded.

By Saturday morning, the post had garnered more than 95,000 "likes," and been shared

more than 35,000 times.

Obviously, the argument struck a chord.

Many — although not all — of the statues and monuments being targeted remind us of

some very dark days in our country's history, and of some very dark belief systems that

accompanied them.

Yet, most of them represent men who may have made poor choices, but have still played important

roles in U.S. history.

In the specific case of Robert E. Lee, here was a man who understood that slavery was

wrong but felt a strong attachment to his home state of Virginia.

He believed the state's decision to secede was merely following what the Declaration

of Independence stated: "When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one

people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume

among the powers of the earth … a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires

that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

To say that ended poorly for the secessionists is to put it lightly.

That does not mean, however, that it ceases to be part of our history.

It is something that we can all learn from as citizens of this country — particularly

in the dark days of division that the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, a week ago has


Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter with your thoughts on this.

What are your thoughts on what Franklin Graham had to say?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Viral: Rev. Graham Just Gave the Best Reason Ever for Keeping Confederate Monuments | Top Stories - Duration: 3:40.



what the fuck is going on everyone Welcome to another episode of shitty skate vlog

today I a mean it's tonight, tonight I am going skating with my buddy reyn we

are going to skate my rail at the courts up the road from my house I asked some

other friends to go to see if this shovel that it could type pretty high

I haven't skated in like a week cause I fucked my neck up sleeping it's not a joke I

really fucked my neck up sleeping yeah I don't know how to fucking sleep, I woke up and I

thought my ass where I got on my neck was broken but I'm right had two breasts

for like 3 or 4 days my buddy skates more

so let's fucking do this shit man whoa yeah yeah I mentioned this but it's

raining like a little bit drizzling a little bit got me a little worried still

pretty hyped though that's a trick come on cue tricks

play some new tricks I'm fucking hike because last time I got that nose slide

in those manual and that shows like crazy like I was like so surprised I got

that so I


okay fuck you're right you know like any kitchen kitchen get in the cage and then

attach it in a kid in a cage wanna live wanna live

what'll is it what'll is it okay okay okay okay

get in the kid in the cake in the kids I'll live

okay jungle I will never come if you don't come put them in the

buh-buh-buh-buh thank you Ray I'm the grain mr. clean mr. clean

come on it's not too clean I put the rest and say I want to say edit other

stuff away made it to the shore today have a great banana split but none

exclude I hear you talk can you will any kids you really get it

I really good I'm super system what's up people I was built ski session hope you

guys enjoyed it got some new tricks some old tricks some forgotten tricks most

shit I grabbed ringing Don so we end up having to leave before we wanted to but

you know stop reading session got it in while we could that's pretty hyped so I

was good tried my hardest and I'm gonna kill myself

okay I'm gonna well nobody able to mix down I can because every time I


sorry I just think my hot dumb you have to be to fall asleep in the McDonald's


For more infomation >> A PORTAL TO HELL OPENED (100% REAL) (NOT_FAKE) | SKATEBOARD VLOG - Duration: 6:41.


May the Force Be With You

For more infomation >> May the Force Be With You



For more infomation >> DEEJAYPALLASIDE ŁAPIE KOLEGE ZA PENISA I GO CAŁUJE! 😱 - Duration: 2:24.


ASMR - MEDICAL HELP by a Mechanic! I'll fix you! english subs - Duration: 17:03.


How are you. Wait a little.

My little boy... How is it? Everything ok?

No? Yes, you've had a little accident yesterday but you're at me workshop now and I'll fix it!

Don't wory. Everything will be fine.

Are you a little scared? No, you're brave? That's great!

Listen. I'll need to open your body to have a look inside. I need to find out if there's something brocken.

So the first thing I'm going too do is to use this brush to clean your outside from dust and dirt.

Very carefully and with love!

Now the other shoulder.

Everything ok?

Listen... what's your name? You don't remember? That's ok, I'll fix that too!

But as long as you don't remember I'm going call you... let me think of it... sunshine! Ok?

So, my sunshine. I can put away the brush and try to open you... Hm... you seem to be closed.

But that's ok. I've got the right tool. Let me just look for it.

What could fit... I think this one is great.

Let's see... I start here at frist. Perfect.

A little bit here and there.


A little bit here. I have to give my best to do it carefully.


Now my keys. I'm just looking for the one that fits.

You don't need to worry. I'll take care of you.

So open. Lets, see.

Very beautifull! I see there dwell the brave at heart! And goodness. That's very good and I'm proud of you!

And beside of that there are a few loose cable. But that's ok. I can fix them.

I'm just going to take my flashlight to have a better look inside.

You can close your eyes if you're worried. No? Yes I've seen! You are brave! So let's see.

Ok... I undestand.

Let me see what's there.

And here... let's see your eyes.

Ok I understand.

Listen. Do you have a nose? Ok.... and where is it? Show me... ah ok.

And can you smell? Ok, we will see later. But now I'll chek your eyes.

Follow this flashlight please. Frome one side to the other.

Focus on the light now. Very good.

And now I want you to tell me when you can't see the light anymore.

Very good.

I'm proud!

And now an other test.

I'm just checking how your eyes work.

Can you see the light flashes? I'd like you to count them. Very good.

Seems like there's everything fine with your eyes! Now I'll check your nose.

Look. I have this water here. It is a parfume bottle but there's a water in it with a scent you surely now! Try to tell me what it is.

Take a smell. Ok, I understand.

And on other one.

Take a smeell. Breathe very deeply in.

What is it? Try again.

Ok, I understand. So theen I need to fix it. Let's see what's responsible for the sense of smell.

Ok... should be this one.

I'll take... this one.

I will be connecting you with my computer so I need to clip this here.

If you're a little worried you can just close your eyes. But I'm very carefull... and done!

And there's a red one inside. I'm going to clip this one too.

I'm carefull.

So with this green one I connect this one to this here. Lets see...

And I'll take a red one and connect it to this here.

Now let's see what we do have here.

Ok. How many fingers do you see?

And now? Very good...

So,let me fix here a little... it's just a little bit

Tell me now what scent this is.

Very good! You're right that's a rose!

Your nose is done.

Now let's check your ears. I'll take my flashlight again.

Lets see what we do have here.

And the other side. Ok, very good. Do you hear me?

Let's see a little closer.

Very good. It's fine but I need to fix it just a little.

Tell me if there's something weird for you. Everything ok?

Well then the other side.

Very good.

Now a little test. Close your eyes. Very good.

Now I'm going to make noises and you have to tell me on which side you hear them.

Ver good. You're right sunshine.

In wich ear am I speaking right now sunshine?

And now?

You're right! You can open your eyes again.

Everything is fine and I can close you again.

You're fixed now and can go home.

But I'd be happy if you visit me again! For a cup of cofe maybe!

Or better oil!

Hope I see you soon! Bye!

For more infomation >> ASMR - MEDICAL HELP by a Mechanic! I'll fix you! english subs - Duration: 17:03.



Down down to Jason tell tonight. All right syrustey

Bill Cosby

Now I know if you get all the news here in Nashville

But I may say something that's very upsetting to many of you

It turns out that bill Cosby is a rapist I

Know I always used to watch him on the telly as a kid knows he to think to myself ah I bet

He doesn't right, babe

I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again cuz it turns out that his favorite thing is rape

He's fuckin loves raping people

Yeah, I think about your favorite thing you might be into sports gardening golf. I don't know the fuck you're into

Now think about it now replace it

with rape and

That's how bill Cosby feels all day every day

Now did this routine the australian they wrote a very horrible review of the show and I hate that people forget that I'm a comedian

And I'm joking but I have to do this little public service announcement before I do this Routine I

Believe in many ways rape is wrong

I believe when possible you should always avoid raping people

If you leave the show this evening, and you're thinking about raping someone Jim, Jefferies says no

The Bill Cosby women listen to me would he fight

because he's fucking loved -

60 women have come forward 60 women - big number in it 60 actually a little bit too big

the real numbers 52

But I can say what I want up here, so it is rounded up to 60 who gives a fuck right?

Plus, I'm of the opinion after you raped 20 same prison time keep raping I play


Damn anywhere when I come forward right now

What happened is you will be goldbergs of this world when the accusations first came out?

They were all like I don't know if I believe all these women is trying to ruin his legacy or some bullshit like that

Because all these rapes happened in the 70s in the 80s

And they said what took these women so long to come forward it's a good question I

think it's because as

rapes go

They weren't the worst rapes now were they

He never held them down and fucking Rape Dewey

he's the dragon finger of a bit and

I've had worse Christmases with uncles

what I'm trying to say is this

If I was ever going to be raped, I'd like to be raped by Bill Cosby

Because I've been such a big fan of his for so many years

You know just be wonderful to meet him. You know how else would I get to meet him? Yes?

Of course, you know when we're in the same business


So anyway, what do you do is he dragged the girls drinks and the girls apart now

I don't know the plight of the attractive female. I don't know the hell. They go through on a daily basis

But I do know this if someone dragged my drink. I would take it as a compliment. Hi

I'd be in the bar going. I'm getting sleepy who likes me who is it?

So he drugs the drink and then you pass out for about four hours, and then you wake up, and you're like

Oh, what the fuck happened and the first thing you would see is that hysterical face of his?

And you have a couple of fingers in you

And he'd be going

Where the fingering and attractive in the raping in the fingering?

Tell me how close we actually wouldn't be laughter

You would be driving home before the fingering upset you being a car guy bill Cosby. That was really sudden

Now he shouldn't have fingered me that was wrong

now I

Did that comedy routine which is I was joking this thing. I did that in Australia and

They wrote a very nasty article about me with the headline

You cannot joke about rape?

turns out you can I

Just fuckin did it and I think we can all agree that I nailed it I

You can joke about anything

A joke doesn't mean intent a joke doesn't mean you've actually done it or something like that

what this lady did was she wrote an article about me and

She did

A transcript of the actual routine in the article wrote down every word that I said now

I hate this I'll tell you why because my horse skill in life is being able to say horrible things and still seem likable

You take the hole out of it

see if you read my material

It's a bad read

If you just read as rapes go they weren't oh my God

Soon as he started to write down things. You should say things like it is Jim

Jeffries opinion that women should be happy when they're drugged not my opinion. There was a joke. I said not my opinion

Not something I think something

I think is funny there is a big fucking difference between things that I think and things that I think are funny to say

If you want to know my actual opinion my actual opinion is this I don't want to be raped by Bill Cosby


Think he's a horrible fucking man

He's to go to prison that's what my real opinion is but if I came out and said that

You'd go or Jim's lost his edge

These are people started protesting at the Father's show and people stopped showing up even those shows were sold out people stopped showing up

Because I was being deemed like I was a rapist or okay?

You know who never had someone protested gigs because of their material Bill Cosby

Chris you got to give it to bill

What a dignified man

He never said the swear words. He never lowered himself

similar level what a class act is

Okay, that's what people went to see Bill Cosby

Because they wanted to see a good clean wholesome comedian

Who rapes?

rather than a person like myself who is just going to say horrible things and

rapes very occasionally like Pardon I

Also got a lot of backlash of my last special day, which is also a Netflix I I?

Did a lot of misogynistic jokes on that specially? I'm not Gonna hide behind it

I said a lot of misogynistic things and Ben and I got a lot of complaint letters and

look, I find it weird because

Bear with my fifth special and I feel like I've been misogynistic on all my special

And I haven't gotten the complaint letter till now it just proves that with women you really have to fucking repeat yourself


Will defend a misogynistic joke as I defended the rape joke as I defend any jokes. I'm joking this is a performance

I'm an entertainer this isn't a ted talk

You come here to take any of this fuck it seriously

The only time the hate mail bothers me

Is when it's directed at my girlfriend or they write to her directly the mother of my child people write to her on?

Twitter or whatever and they'll say things like you have no self respect going out with Jim

Jefferies, and I hate that because she knows that she

She doesn't need you people bothering us you have fucking chores to do yeah

I got my girlfriend pregnant after knowing him for six weeks, I

Feel yeah, it's not good six weeks. I think she wants to get married and the reason

I think that is because she says that a lot

And I want to get married everyone in my life is pressuring me into getting married

Even my mother rings me up and goes why don't you marry the girl?

You already have a child with her and I'm like yeah, I've got a kid an eighteen year commitment

And I've signed on to that like a bad fucking phone contract. I'm a great Dad I

Got 15 years left on fucking off

but marriage until death the shed contract

Hundred years ago the life expectancy of an American was 52 now. It's 83 fuck that

I'm gonna like to live if I was going to die 52 sure let's have some company I

Would have got married back in the dark ages with 50% of women died during childbirth

I would have rolled the dice on that bad boy

The sea works out every day in Jeans kale just to spite me

six weeks, you got pregnant six weeks I

Feel like I missed out on something

six weeks very quick to get pregnant I

Missed out on the new girlfriend

the new girlfriend is the best time of your life that first three months of

The new boyfriend or girlfriend the new relationship where the person is fucking perfect?

And you're like oh my God this person. I love this person after like a month you like this place

You're drinking a beer with it like she's freaking Jonah watch Star Wars and she's like I do look fuck. You know

Yeah, she's getting along with your friends your mother's like I think she's the one you guys think she's the one who?

Because women can hold the psycho down for three months

For three months they can walk around like a functioning member of society

Showing up at your work parties and not crying

And then at three months and one day you come out of shower, and she's huddled over your phone like gollum

So I went from the new girlfriend best feeling in the world to dating a pregnant chick

Now no one has ever said is that never that never recorded anything like this. No one's ever said it in a public forum

But the pregnant are the worst people on Earth

For some reason society has told us that they have some type of glow or some shit

The pregnant are a bunch of cunts the pregnant


They cry when they're happy they cry when they said you don't know what fucking cry. They and you ever tried

fighting with a pregnant person in a public place ha ha

Doesn't matter how right you are

million cases seven months pregnant we walk around the supermarket right walk around and

I got some coco pops to put the troy now you call them cocoa krispies in this country

How different our culture's are and I?

put the Coco Pops in the shopping cart Trolley and


Kate picked them up and put them back on the shelf

It was very confusing

Because I never seen coco Pops go in the opposite Direction

and my brain skipped a bit in our way ah I

Think you've made a mistake there, okay?

And I went to get him back and she goes you're not having them

When I went, but I I always have them

And she went you're getting fat

So I didn't might drop the mic moment. I picked up the coco pops and went

And she snapped and when do you want me to lose this baby, and I went I'm fucked that was quick. Oh

Of course I do you're a fucking nightmare

But you ever been about 4 a.m.. You're talking to some guy telling you. How shitty his fucking life is

He's like my dad my dad's an asshole

Didn't even know my dad

My dad walked out of my mum when she was pregnant with me raised to think what a dick and now I'm like

Sure he had his reasons

Who am I to judge Jane?

So he she gets pregnant we got to go to these baby classes

We go these baby classes the hospital where they teach you how to put nappies on shitting his swaddle

got the

Dummy, and you swaddle it and then the lady walks around goes. That's a good swaddle we go

I thought it was good on pimping see

Most of its is watching videos from the 80s. They put on actual videos

He went to watch him and learn how to parent one of the videos. We watch was called don't shake the baby

Don't shake the baby is 40 minutes long

You don't need to watch don't shake the baby all the information. You need is in the title

Who who picks up a copy of don't shake the baby and thinks themselves? Ah maybe there's more to this?

But what if I'm really angry?

What if I'm shaking my wife and she's holding the baby?

So the whole cause was basically a tupperware party is trying to sell this shit

and we bought like a car seat and a stroller and this thing that you put the bottle in the steams and

Sterilizes the bottle because if you don't have the steamy sterilizing machine you've got to boil the bottles

And that's a pain in the ass all right. Here's a tip you don't have to sterilize baby bottles I

stopped sterilizing hanks bottles after two days I

Told Kate I was still doing it

but I wasn't

And I'll tell you why

Because 80% of the time he's been breastfeeding, and we never sterilized those teeth. We never had a special

steamy cleaning machine for the teeth

in fact for the first three weeks after the birther kant was all fucked up, so I used to jack off on the tit and

He'd wake up and have a midnight spilling

and what I'm saying is now, I get I


sure, he gets cold sores and Whatnot but

He's different. He's a unique little boy leave him alone

So anyway

When you impregnate a person that you don't know particularly well

Sometimes when it comes to parenting you're not on the same page

So me and Kate watching 60 minutes or 20 20 or something like that, and they're doing a story on

Vaccinations, and I turn to kate and I said these people who don't vaccinate their kids are a pain in the ass and Kate said

Hanks not vaccinated and I went ah fuck

You know if someone says something in your brain goes that's going to take up a lot of your time, right?

Because the whole dynamic of our relationship is this I?

I go on the road and tell jokes to make the family money

she's meant to stay home and make sure that hank doesn't die and

Between me and you, I think she's doing a shit job

And I say why why isn't he vaccinated?

It's just I think it leads to autism and I went what medical evidence

Do you have that it leads to autism and she said Jenny and I said don't even fucking say McCarthy

Don't even say because that's not medical evidence. That's Jenny McCarthy and I have nothing against the woman

She's a comedian and a playmate. They're my two favorite types of people

But I don't get my medical advice from them. It's one of my things

she went but her son's autistic and I went is he

It is he really or is he just Jenny McCarthy's kid

Did did we expect a member of men's that our fall out of that woman?

And she said what difference does it make no one gets smallpox

No one gets polio, and it's so frustrating when they say that because you like because the fucking vaccination

And I didn't furthermore my mother had polio. That's true Gunday polio

my mother can work polio into any conversation you'll be having dinner with my mother and to go ah

Maybe I will have some chocolate cake

Because I couldn't when I was young I

had Polio I

Believe that my mother secretly loves the fact that she had polio cause polio does a lot of heavy lifting for a shit personality

Anyway, so we formally point we fought and I

didn't win can't win every argument hangs no getting vaccinated, so

Cup two three weeks later. We're doing season two legit nice do a medical. Oh, thank you. I

Think we were the only ones you liked it I

returned season two legit and

The Network are trying to insure me faith in dogs because that's how much a season cost so I have to do it

well they call studio physical and they're insuring me in case I die because the show would have ended if I died or also if

I got some mental problem, and just start stabbing people that would also be your problem, so it's like a three hour physical

I'm like jogging on treadmills and psychological tests, so I'm driving on this treadmill with all these things

I mean these tube coming out of my mouth and I get off and the doctor is writing something down

And I thought I'd just slip it into conversation

Then I went hey

It's um not

That important to vaccinate kids is it

And she went only if you want them to live, right?

She she didn't even look up right and I said are you serious if you guys let me put it this way, Mr.. Jeffries

I would not let my children play with an unvaccinated child, so I thought that's all the information. I need so

behind Kate's back

And this is super illegal

and involves forging her signature three times I

Book tanking to get all these shots on one day, which the doctor didn't recommend, but I'm a busy guy

Now I was about to come home to pick up hank to take him to get his vaccination shots now

I knew that Kate was going to be home with hank

So I knew that we're about to have the biggest fight ever now

You know when you're about to have a fight with your partner

But they don't know that you're about to have a fight with them. So you have the upper hand

So what you do is you think horrible shit about that person all day?

So in case they cry you can enjoy yourself now

No matter what happens in my life. I will always say this kate is the nicest human being I've ever met

For niceness. I can't fault her. She is just a good sauce

the only the good people she would never say a bad word about another human being and

So it's weird so I'm driving home

I'm trying to think bad thoughts about the nicest person on Earth, and it's really difficult so I'm in my car like

fucking Kate

Who the fuck does she think she is fucking keeping the house nice?

fucking bitch

She left that plate in the sink that was a fucking nightmare. I remember that I

Know that was me. I did that

And she cleans it up, and that's enabling and that's fuckin bullshit right there

So I came back this fucking steaming right here. We fucking go all right games on I come home

She's sitting down lovingly playing with our child and she looks at me. She goes hey honey. Hello in don't

fucking honey me

She said what's wrong. It'll tell you what's right

Thanks getting vaccinated today, and there's nothing you can do and I pick up hank and she starts screaming. He's ones

He's super attached to his mother and he's like the mummy mummy mummy like your mum. Can't fucking help you now I

Got through the card park. I throw him in I'm doing it up and seek' comes out. She starts slapping on my back

I only get the fuck off me like that. She dramatically falls to the ground

I look up and two of the neighbors are out of their houses, they're

Quintessentially watching me kidnap a child and beat up my girlfriend

And I'm too far gone now, so I just doubled down and went get back in your fucking house

laughing see I

Got the driving seat and I fuckin fishtailed out of there

And Kate's on her knees, and he screams that fine

But if he becomes autistic, it's on you

And I thought but she consider that a win

so anyway, I

Take a cup I get him all of his shots a bringing home

And he's definitely autistic now no

It was like night and day like the kid before the shots of the kids Arthur's

Before they shot to his lively kid and then after they brought him home he sittin in the Corners go

And I'm like ah fuck

fuck fuck fuck no no no no no ah

Kate's going to notice this

And so I did whatever I did when I knew I was in trouble. I lie

So I put hank in a baby bjorn he just hanging off me like. Oh, he's hanging on me

Just because I couldn't let him have any long time and kate because Kate would see it right away. You know now

I know what you're thinking. I couldn't keep that up forever, but I did have a plan

What I was going to do was right, I was going to stand near a door that knew kate was going to come through

Look what you did, right?

Okay, so anyway. I am making light of a situation that

Was it was horrible man? I mean like it's nice to make jokes about it now, but if I can at a time

I was distraught. I didn't sleep for three days. I couldn't eat my brain was on a loop. I was so wired

I couldn't I was just rocking back and forth like he kids artistic. It's all your fault kid it to him

so anyway cut to

three days later I go to the doctor to get the results of my physical and hanks dangling off me and

The doctor comes in he goes. How are we today, Mr.

Jeffries, and I said not good, but good you do you told me to vaccinate?

Thank you said vaccinate kid good, but this is not good this used to be a good kid look at this

fucking shit kid

And she goes can you just clamp down and I can't come down because I haven't slept for three days

And I'm bit wired and my brains on a loop and I can't turn it off because my kids autistic

It's on my phone my kids artistic. It's on my farm the kids autistic

It's on my phone my kids our sister could tell my father kids autistic. It's all my fault and

She looked at my chart and she said now

You know that you have a tendency to overreact because you're on the spectrum you

fucking what when

You know how you have little empathy for others you don't listen when others talk and you don't make eye contact

I've heard about the eye contact

She goes

There's nothing wrong with hank. He's just drugged out right now you

Gave him all of his shots in one day, which I didn't recommend


It's true the next day. Hank was back to his normal self. There's nothing wrong with hank, but it turns out that I'm autistic

And I don't even know if I believe the spectrum is very broad like 1% to ben Carson's or something

So I don't know. I think a lot of times. We were just diagnosed personalities like I'm just a bit of a dick can't resist

But it's weird

I was 36 when they told me that it's weird when you find out that you're

You're you're autistic at 36 because big news for me

I'm going to ring up everyone. I knew and told them and

no one was surprised I

Rang up my mum, and I left a message on her voice machine like this mum. You got to call me back

I have the biggest news ever

And my mum rang you back and when you're getting married, and I went no I'm autistic

As you went oh everyone knows you're autistic

It's not that bad when I was a child I had polio

Thanks. I hate thanks a smart kid. I think he's smart because he's the only kid I know I

Don't hang out with other kids. So you just don't 3 but like when he's two we put him into this school

I remember these two my friends used to come over all the time, and I was such a proud father

But I'd be like hey, so genius

They're like why how do you know I'm like hank? What's that hank would go red Firetruck

I mean like damn fucking straight as of red fly school. I

taught him that red Firetruck

So anyway we put him into this preschool for two-Year-Olds

I was like a fancy one in Hollywood, and so it costs a lot of money

But the schools going to cool

They teach him how to swim they toilet trained him they've got this great big turtle that walks amongst

the kids like a shitty Jurassic park

And on the first day we went there to meet all the other parents and the teachers

And all the other students and everything so I show up earlier with me and hank down at the school and we got this super

Early like an hour before anyone else got there and we're there and then and the turtle walks by and with hank and I went

Hank that's a turtle

Can you say turtle and then this kid walks up and goes hi? I'm simon

All right

Early Simon yes, actually I'm simon the third. I'm the third Simon my dad's at Simon

He's dad to simon that's my grandfather, so one two three

third Simon

All right

When I grow up, I want to be a baseball player

I can't decide which team because mum likes the angels and dad likes the dodgers, so it's a bit of conflict at home

How old are you Simon Simon did not give me his age Simon gave me his date of birth

And it turned out that Simon was three months younger than hank and I turn and I looked at my fucking idiot son

and hank great turtle


Said yes, hank. That's a turtle

and then Saman wait

It's a tortoise

I didn't know that before

Turns out the tortoises just live on the land and turtles live in the water and on the land

Silent taught me that

See one of my old jokes has come back to haunt me if you're a dumb cunt

And your wife or your husband is a dumb cunt. Guess what your fucking kids are

Let's just say that Kate's not a scientist

So I go down to all these school events

And I meet the other parents I get intimidated when I meet educated people because I'm not super educated, so whenever I meet like

Simon the second that fucking cunt, right?

So I'm the third day. He's a thoracic Surgeon and he's wife's a pediatrician

And I'm sat into the fucking the Simon's right, and I can't keep up with the conversation

I don't want to sound dumb so I just say shit

We're talking about politics or something and I just went just try to keep up a win ah I

Reckon they should try to catch that Benghazi guy

Okay, okay, everyone look at me like I'm an idiot no way

I'm sorry min, Ii goes jim. Hyah, I didn't catch. What do you do for living there Jim and our way? I'm

Hard comedian, and he goes all me and my wife. We just love comedy. We'd love to catch one of your show sometime

You wouldn't like it you

Is it what type of comedy do you do ah ah?

like um I

Say cunt more than anyone else

like I

Thought I'm sort of known for saying cunt

Like seven years ago when I did my first comedy special in America the word cunt was banned in every comedy club in America

and then I said can't loads on television and

now people can say cunt and comedy clubs song

basically basically on the Rosa parks of cunt

Now that is cool. They do troyler training right, but I'm not happy

Because it's just female staff and they're teaching every child to do sit down wheeze

It's alright for the girls, but a boy should do a stand-up. We shouldn't be doing sit down wheeze

Now I like to sit down we as much as the next man

But there is a place at a time for us

These are the only times you should do sit down wheeze. It's always always have to meet your house

You can't do in other people's houses weird

You have to be at your house and drugged

Then you'll be like oh gotta have a lovely sit down. We


I'll treat myself. Oh, oh


Well go back downstairs in a second don't fall asleep stay awake. Come on. Oh oh is it our leave

the other time you ever sit down

We is if you wake up in the middle of the night you want to go the toilet?

But you don't want to turn the light on

Because they'll hurt your eyes, and you'll wake up too much

So what you do is out of respect for everyone else ew I piss everywhere you have a sit-down week

And that's always a very sleepy like oh

Lovely week

And because you're sitting like that sometimes your asshole. Goes are we pulling

And you're like no, no, we're not pulling. We're just having a sit-down we I'm sorry oh

I thought we were pulling no no no we'll see you in the morning asshole

And I want him to be good at the sit-down way, it's important to him

Because do you remember when you're about?

Seven like a weirdly sort of old age like seven and all the boys at school

We've got to have a piece they walk up, and then undo their belt is underneath

Why they put their dick?

And they'd have a piss and then there was that one kid for whatever reason

Had to have his pants and his underwear down by his ankle

Let him stand there with his asshole hanging out at the bottom of his shirt

This is how I've always done it

Yeah, hey

thank God he got toilet trained just under the wire cuz he's three now and

He got toilet trained just before his third birthday you want to be toilet trained before you turn three

After that it gets weird now there's people in the crowd

We have like a four year old who isn't tolerating you're feeling shame right now, I know

Those friends with like spoiler on so this is his rule in life

You're allowed to shit your pants in the first and the last three years of your life

everything else gets odd right

Now a four year old

Shouldn't be shitting their pants because you can have a conversation with a four year old

And you should never be able to have a conversation with someone who's shitting their pants

So my mates over my house. We're playing and I got a couple of pinball machines were playing pinball

And he son walks up and dead set this is the conversation these son walks up like this

Hey, Dad

You're gonna have to change me mate. Oh, just shit my pants

And the dead was so embarrassed. He was like start stop back

Can you please stop shitting your pants and the son responded like this?

We're going to have this argument every time

So I went to cake he was about to turn three I said okay. He's got hank's got to stop shitting his pants

and so she read a book and she comes back to me with this information ah

You have to start shooting in front of hank

I went on I want to shit in front of hey

why don't I go to shit in front of hank before and she goes because it says in the book that he's a caveman and

If he's left to his own devices of shit in his hand and just chuck it at us

and she goes he's like a

Monkey see monkey do he's got to see someone using the seed goes you see someone using the toilet paper

Someone you know all that type of stuff, and I said why don't you shit in front of hank?

She goes he has to see the cock and balls it will get confused

So now over a while there. I was sitting in front of hank

It was a big adjustment for me

Here is my shit used to be these quiet dignified affairs

Like I'd be watching the TV. I'd feel a shit come on

I'd leave to the bathroom

I'd have my shit I'd come back into the living room and nine times out of ten

I wouldn't even tell anyone where I'd been

And then my shits became like family events

I feel as shit come on

All right, everyone

Daddy's got to shit in the chamber who wants to come and see professional work?

so anyway, I

Chickened out of it's like two weeks

I wouldn't shoot in front of hank, and then I got the guts to do it. So me and Kayla watching TV

The TV there on the couch hanks over there playing with his toys. I feel like shit come on

I've got one she said I I think it's time

Good, I'm eight you're coming with me

And we went into the toilet and I shot the dog and I pulled me panting me underwear down now

He knew it wasn't a normal day

He looked very upset and I'm fucking autistic

neither of us were making eye contact widow

So I thought I better get down to business. I looked at him. I said alright son

first things first

You've got to tuck your cock and balls between your legs so that your penis is facing downwards because where there is poo

there will always be we

Now because you're a Jefferies, we don't have what they call big penises

So what you do is you put your legs a little bit together like that to stop your penis from popping back up

Yeah, say it hey. Yeah, you see how I look like mummy. Now. Yeah

It's funny innit funny. Yeah

Yeah, I know what I do for a living son. You don't know, but I tell jokes I write jokes

You know it's always upset me that no matter how hard I try to write a joke off

I'll never write anything as funny as a man putting his cock and balls between his legs and

Saying I'm a lady. I'm a lady

in fact if you're ever at a party and you feel like things aren't going your way ah

get behind a tree and take your pants and underwear off and tuck your cock and balls between your legs and and

Jump out of the woman to go Id like that

Is good be well. You know is you'll make more friends than you lose


Over the course of our today two six-month six to eight months or whatever I make my career has changed somewhat

Audiences are definitely changed it used to just be

White guys the same age as me and now if you look around the crowd, it's pretty 50/50 men and women age groups races

it's all changes and all because of

the gun control Routine so the gun control Routine


Got seen on so many different platforms and all services put up and taken down

That it's actually been seen five times more than anything else. I've ever done in my career, so I'm mostly known

for that now

which is strange because people are coming on to the shows because you're hoping that I'll do some political satire or some social commentary or

something carl and Esque and

How disappointing this evening's performance must be?

Hi, I just did 25 minutes on pooing

Now the the gun control Routine has been shown in most like news outlets

It was shown in the new Yorker as an article is shown in the Washington post as an article was shown on

CnN as news

And it was shown on fox for different reasons

It's also been it's also now are shown to the law students in yale

Like these are meant to learn something of some shit

Now I appreciate all these things it's very nice. I don't know if I deserve these accolades or whatever the fuck they're called

Because I'm going to be really honest with you


made some of the statistics up oh


Just isn't real

Now I made two things like now

I stand by everything I said in the gun control routine because most of the things I said we're just common sense stuff about safes

And that and the guns in Australia, and all that was correct, I made two statistics

I've just two little ones, so I'm going to fess up to you right now

The first one is this if you have a gun you're 80% more likely to be shot by a gun

no, maybe

But sounds like a thing doesn't it

and the other one was

The average security got in America and $16 an hour not a lot of wiggle room to be a fucking hero

It turns out that the average security guard in America earns $14 an hour

I'd like to apologize for those extra $2

now it's

Very weak because over the course of my 15-year career I've said horrible things about religion

I've said that if you are religious, you believe in God that you've wasted your life and

over the course over

The course of 15 years from religious groups I have received

seven pieces of hate mail

seven very manageable

I ride back

And I used to think that religiously was not east Khan's on the planet

And that was until I gave my opinion on the second amendment

Fuck me

I had no idea what crazy was until heifer. Just poke that harness this with a stick

That's something to see

because on a quiet day, I

Receive 20 to 40 pieces of hate mail from gun people on a quiet day keep up I owe

20 to 40 pieces of hate mail, it's always the same thing they always read exactly the same way except to accentuate attention now

I'm in a unique position

Because of the hate mail that I receive on a daily basis because I've become the pinup voice for gun control I

Can tell you down to the hour when an American gun owner is happy and when they're sad?

Because I don't send me hate mail when they're sad like when there's a massacre or something in a school I get to do it

quite day four

Or something like four-Year-old shoots their mom in the head. They're like we will look at anything today

But the day that I received the most amount of hate mail

When I received seven hundred and eighty two pieces of hate mail

and it kind of sickened me a bit when it happened was the day of

the Paris shootings

128 People died and

That too a real fanatical gun person in America. That was the best day ever

They were so happy because pat the French have extremely strict gun laws

And then people went and shot everyone and so I got these letters that read like porn like that from Penthouse forum

And every letter read the same way like see it happens in every country

It's not just us. It's not just us if they had more guns. Maybe they could have protected themselves

Now I'm not going to get into another debate about whether they had guns where they don't have guns because this is all no one

Knows no one was in that situation

And then something when it's far to say that I was the supporter of is is

now I

don't like is is I

Hate is is as much as the next man?


I'll tell you the problem with is is

The problem with is easy


You never see him laughing

They're not a jovial bunch. That's what religion does religious. Be always miserable I

Hear it is such miserable cunt the edges

you never see one of them before that when I do the videos before a beheading and the guys like

before they behead this man a little bit about me ah


Am well, I like mohammed. Oh shit fuck. I I love mohammed. I love that I

Enjoy beheading people of course I like for hitting people and I like the comedy of Aziz Ansari. I like it I

like Izzie

He's a crazy guy with Modern-day problems

They fuck the is is don't drink and I want truck is is

You know want some cunt waking up with seven heads in his bed like what the fuck did I do last night

And his friend comes in and goes you are so fucked up last night

We were out drinking and by the way I was joking

And there was some guy doodling on a napkin and I was like hey. He's drawing mohammed who fucking lost your shit, man


Politically his country's in a very delicate situation at the moment it could go either fucking way

you got you got two parties you got two democrats and

Republicans and all they do is they talk about two?

Subjects over and over and over again as long as they talk about these two subjects they're fucking you up the ass with other things

That you don't even notice

Because you it's so fucking and the rest of all isn't it's fixated on these okay - so does abortion guns abortion guns

Right and and so the democrats there they want to have gun restrictions

And they don't care about abortion and the republicans they hate abortion

And they love guns and so we've got a problem here, right?

Because the democrats like come on

You don't need a machine gun and you know you don't and if your dad fucks young you don't have to keep that. That's cool

And the republicans are like all life is precious unless it steps on my property

And then you got Donald trump


Every time I recorded a special the other specials. I recorded in America been in New York, San Francisco and Boston

And everyone's called me a fuckin pussy

with my liberal agenda

I'm in fucking Nashville right now

And if you want to shoot me, now's the perfect time

there's eight cameras, Ob I

Think we're good. I think

It's sad that the country's got to the stage that when you buy theater tickets you go I get get ones on the aisle

So we can run

Everyone wanted to get in the middle. We're like that. Oh, you're sitting ducks in the middle you'll

There anyway Donald trump. Now. Don't get me wrong. He's a lot of fun

There's and there's a little bit of me. There's a little bit of me that way

that thinks

Fuck it. Let's do it

Let's do it and see how fucking crazy shit in gay

Because he just in case what happens is

He says really simple shit that means nothing and then fucking dummies

Right if you've ever said this sentence, I like him because he's a straight talker. You're a dumbest shit

Just because someone says something simple that you understand

Doesn't mean they're a straight talker. You can say complex thing and be telling the truth

They're like because you guys I'm going to make America great again, and you're like I've got everyone that sentence

He's like. I'm Gonna build a wall. I have a wallet hard

through Straight talk up

And then he didn't say shit

That you know what happened Gotta build a wall, Mexico's got to pay for it

Who where I haven't heard of Mexican yet? Oh, I hear we've got this what are you talking about?

What the fuck you talking about? That's just saying shit. He's like a kid running for class president

Who's just walking around going? And we've got to have two lunches?

There's going to be a soda machine in every classroom - Bill football rolls

But here's where it doesn't get fun

And that's all good fun

But Israel's not fun, right?

What he does is he preys on fear

as soon as he at the beginning of his are Mexicans are coming over and they're raping and

there was a there was a terrorist attacking when I fuck I got from the muslims ah

We should kill the families of Muslims by the way, you're not allowed to do

We and then it's just and then he started saying after the Paris attacks

We should we should put every muslim on a register

We shouldn't let any more refugees coming from Syria and the muslim that live here in a referee on a register

It you that means is his win as soon as he says that is is a fucking one

Right because their plan to shoot people in Paris. That's not at the end plan

They didn't kill 128 people ago ah that's that done. You know I mean

It's a recruitment tool, and it can only the recruitment tool. Can only work if hate is bread

Right so what he does is

He says are we going to ban them we're not gonna let any more in the country in the ones here have to be on

A register now you're a 16 year old boy, or girl. That's a muslim living in this country

You've lived your entire life in this country

you've always considered yourself American, and then all of a sudden someone who could be your president says you are not welcome here and

That you should be put on a register now. That kid how fucking quickly. Do you think that kid could be radicalized now?

Before was going to be radicalized at all


So what he's trying to do is he's trying to defeat hate

With hate and hate doesn't beat hate it's never fucking beaten hate it

Just makes more hate now this might be the most hippie thing that ever comes out of my mouth

But it's true. The only thing that can beat hate is love now. Love doesn't always beat hate okay

It's damn. It doesn't always beat

Hope it does do something right now think about your own personal life

Think about a person who hates you and you hate them from now on to show that person nothing, but love now

I'm not saying for a second that that person will start loving you. They'll probably still fucking hate you

But one thing will happen eventually

Everyone will see them as the asshole

Don't be the arsehole America. Don't be


to summarize

You can only be paid with love now in saying that I hate Muslims

They are in Phase B. Sentence I

Hate muslims I hate Christians. I hate the armies. I'd put us say the snake people. I hate Jews

I don't know who I've missed it

seeks a tall

Our fight in this world is not against islam. It's against religion be very clear about this

Because I can tell you this for sure

No, one's head has ever been cut off in the name of atheism

No one has ever cut into human flesh and look down camera and gone in the name of nothing

Now let me be clear about this

If you're religious, I'm sure you might some of you might be very nice, but you are slowing us down

We're trying to move forward and you're in the fucking way. I'm sorry

See there's a lighter you'll be told throughout your life that will go along the lines of this

We have to save the planet. There's no bigger lie than we have to save the planet

We don't have to save the planet

We have to save us the human race the planet does not give a fuck about us, and it will be happy when we're gone

We are in the planets way. Have you ever seen one of those documentaries where they go?

This is what New York will look like one year after the human race dies and it's all covered in vines and shit

The Planet once is gone as soon as we're gone the planet will go

We've got to do dinosaurs again Riley

So we have to save ourselves and spyder the planet trying to kick us the fuck off right now imagine that

The World is a train track

Society's a train and as society has always had to do the train has to move forward because if it stops moving

Forward we will run out of resources around the train because we stationary and the Gears will lock up and the vines will take over

So it has to keep going forward now in this train

We have the people in the engine room the people who are running the show?

and those people in our society who run the show a

scientists these are the people who are inventing medicines for you to live longer and

surgeries for you to live longer and finding alternative fuel sources and

Engineers, they're making machines that run more efficiently

Right now all these really scientists now whether you like it or not

Scientists are primarily

Atheists, and they're all in the front carriage dragging us along now in the second carriage

We have a bunch of cunts that I don't think getting fucking enough flak

agnostics these fucking wishy-Washy fuck

They're all standing around the second carriage going who knows

Maybe there is a god maybe there isn't god maybe your god and your god of the same garbage

Like I know there was a big bang, but who made the Big Bone I?

Wouldn't consider myself

you know religious, but I am spiritual and

Then there's this last carriage in the last carriage is 50 times bigger than the other two carriages combined

and it's carrying the rest of the population of the human race and

It's just filled with cunts wearing hats for reasons. They don't know and

Growing beards because they think they have to and some of the women are covering their faces and cowering

everyone's dancing around going vertically on men on a cloud and

There are so many of these cunts that the train is hardly fucking moving


The people in the engine room are like this

If I just pull this peg here

Here do you know how fast we being my ticket? Oh?

Well, we're not going to change people's opinions. I guess not


With the hate mail that I get from the guns they always sort of start the same way it always makes me laugh

Every letter starts with eight buddy. You shouldn't even say anything

You're not from here

who's the weakest argument ever okay as Americans from now on don't use that argument all right because you're

Americans it's not like historically you have kept your opinions to yourself

It's not like I've ever been a party in the uk and there's an American guy there, and I've heard this sentence cheese

He's a quiet chap

You're the loudest people on Earth

And then they always say this in this bucket spins me out

Well, I don't expect an australian to understand freedom

What are you talking about?

you constantly say

Freedom all the time like is it always so free where we fight for freedom freedom freedom come to the freedom lounge at the airport?

Like fucking what?

You know when you're singing the national anthem at the baseball and the person?

Holds the note free for a little bit longer than they should until all you americans fucking cum in your pants for

the land of the free

so free

Freedom this freedom that free free free now. I hate to break it to you because I don't think many of you know this

There are 92 free countries on the planet democratic free country you were one of them

Every single English-speaking country on Earth is free and most of the countries are also free

Now you're very free don't get upset

And I have a wonderful of America. I truly do I live here and I love it

I'm nothing against and none of the things I'm about to mention affect you

if it affect me in any way, right

You may not be the freest place on Earth

Just a quick example out of the 92 free countries on the planet you have the highest rate of incarceration

1% of your adult population is in prison that double that of the country that comes in second

Which is South Africa if you've ever been to South Africa South Africa's fuck

So you're double that of South Africa?

so statistically in the land of the free

You have the least amount of free people


This is a super simple one super simple argument in Holland

You can smoke weed

whilst fucking a hooker in

front of a cop

How dare hollered not be called the land of the free?

You honestly think you're competing with Holland


Canada just

Last year they legalized assisted

Suicide for the sick which I believe is the biggest freedom of them all it's your life. No government

No, religious group should ever tell you

When you get the check out?

If you're a pro-life person good do it with your life, not mine right now

And also, I don't think they've thought about I don't think there's even the most evangelical

Christian who's a burn victim just like hanging up the life support in the hospital just

This wasn't free

And I'm so glad they're doing it in Canada because if I ever had an assisted suicide, I wanted to be a Canadian doctor I

Want some guy rocking up to my house like okay? You're ready then and

So I hear that someone's giving up on Life eh

All right, let me just set up my little death machine here

And I'll I I'm gonna put this in your vein and you're gonna be so sleepy so soon. I tell you what they're

In Australia, maybe 20 years ago, maybe 20 they they legalize prostitution

They thought it'd be the downfall of our society

But it really wasn't it was a great thing like in sydney where I grew up that the streets always had

Hookahs walking around everywhere there was needles, and it was a very seedy city in some parts

And then when they did with a legalized prostitution they moved all the hookers into brothels

and I'm because I'm using the brothels all the girls had to be tested for stDs and

Then the guys they could see the tests as they go in so it was safer for the men

But it was also safe for the women because what they did was they put security in these brothels

So if you showed up like a drunk idiot they wouldn't let you in or if you've got a bit of a grow they kick

you the fuck out so the girls were safer the men were safer human trafficking was all but eliminated and

tax Revenue and up and the divorce rate dropped by 80%

There is no downside to legalized prostitution now in America prostitution is illegal unless

You film it

How is that possible? How the fuck is that possible?

How do you have the biggest porn industry in the world and you still have a legal prostitution?

Because it is legal to pay a woman for sex, but your friend Dave has to be in the corner with a camera


Dave has to film it

And Dave likes to promise to put on the internet because if Dave doesn't put it on the internet

Then a crime is being committed and that

Girl can be 18 years old

And then she can be surrounded by ten men that she barely knows and they can all jack off onto her face

Until she's glaze would come


No Crime has been committed

But in America and only in America, she's too young to have a beer

if anyone deserves a beer

He's allowed to frame the home of the bride is to go attend like to come in a face

In fact if you have ten loads are coming your face you should get free drinks wherever you go?

You seem like a fun girl

Or a heavy sleeper

Now before I go

my son did three and

My girlfriend made me write him a letter on his third birthday for him to open when he was 18. I don't know fucking why

So you haven't chicks this goal? You need to do this thing. I'm like why?

15 Years boy

But I did it you know so I wrote the letter

I'm really bad at writing things on paper a terrible handwriting. I'm basically illiterate. That's fucking

And so I'm like do you hank so you're a man now?

I'm sure you've made me very proud

Unless of course you're a drug addict or something

Time to think of it. There are many ways to disappoint me

Who knows I might be dead by now, or you might be dead and I'm reading this whales crying



So I write the letter. I just I thought

Little life tips things that you should do in life, so the next thing I wrote was this a wise man once said

Try not to be a cunt

And then I gave him little bits of advice like if you get a parking ticket. Just pay it right away. Don't leave it

it's planning out and

always love your mum, and I mean this if my son is watching this at 18 right now watching me perform, but


Person has ever loved you more than your mother loves you. So you always be good to that woman

and then

and then I wrote about I

Just thought I'd tell him about the good things and the bad things in my life and the things I did well and the things

I didn't do well and I've

Been very open about this, and I feel like by being open about this it helps others

I guess I don't know but I've always a

Fairly severe depression my life suicidal at times, and it's a very selfish thing

Depression because you know I know my life's good, and I can't wrap my brain around it

I just I don't right now my brains going wasn't maybe this special isn't as good as the last one. You know. It's okay

And so I've never really enjoyed success of I've never really had pure happiness like some people do I I?

I'm such a pessimist thing when you meet these people who go you're such a glass

Half-empty, sort of guy

And it's like a nice glass half full cans fuck them

You know I mean I've never met a successful

glass-Half-full cunt

Will never be anything if you think the glass is half-full if you want to get ahead in this world

Walk in the room and go why isn't that fucking glass full?

Anyway, so I thought about what would make me happy. What would have made me happy

What makes other people happy and so right too much? I think the secret to happiness is is this

The Secret to Happiness is being good looking

Now throughout your life people will lie to you and say things like kindness or being good to others or family or some shit

The only way to truly be happy in this world is to be good looking now in this world

We have everything from one being the ugliest person on Earth to 10 being the best looking person on Earth

And we have everything in between and there's very few ones

And there's very few Tuesday's baby three then four five six is the meat of the bell curve

That's where 95% of the population is average looking four five six and seven eight nine ten now

I've been looking out at the audience here

Pretty good like I spotted an eight or what or what they call an L a 6I?

You know I?

Spotted an 8 that's pretty good, Nashville man. Don't be offended

Like change the Super-rare like I've never seen there's never been at any moment ever

I don't think ken's come to things like this

I think I think chains are sitting at home with other teens go I'm so happy. Hey

And nines are as rare as tens almost the nine is just an imperfect 10 or 90s like a teen was like a fucked up

Toe or something

So nate's pretty good now regrettably there is a 2 in the audience

Now I'm not going to point you out. You know who you are

There are no ones ones are as rare as ted

I've seen about five ones in my life

Yeah, Wednesday really leave the house. They

They know they upset the rest of us

Like the only time you catch a one is they're going to a doctor's appointment or something

And it really is upsetting

Like you walk by the nobody being like lifted out of a minivan with a special crane onto a special chair

And when you see you one, it does ruin your day doesn't it?

You walk by the one in you're like. Oh fuck me. Oh

That's a fucking one if ever I've seen one

You get to work, and you can't focus and your boss is like. What's wrong with you, and you're like

I saw a fucking one. They're not

And they're like I couldn't have been it was that bad

You weren't there?

Bullshit I was going to eat today

Now in case anyone's wondering

And I know you're not

I'm a five

You know the reason I'm a finalist as I said

95% of the population, it's four five six an average looking here and being now the reason

I'm a five is this when I walk past people

nothing happens

People don't get upset nor they get disappointed we all move on with our lives I

have had

But it's shithead

Five I have teeth there little yellow you're a little crooked, but they're all there

Five I

Have eyes they do not sparkle, but they do face in the same direction


And because I was five that means society is deemed it okay for me, and other fives to get into dimly lit rooms

And we can fuck each other

And no one gets upset. They're like oh, it's a couple of fives fucking let them have their fun

and we get in there with our average five bodies like this my little gut

Resting on Earth fucking imperfect floppy awesome. He's just fuckin

I'm sweating on each other cos neither his workout, and

Grabbing onto an average kit like I

And the two of us are thinking about like a seven that we know that we actually want to fuck

I'm like maybe if you get depressed or something I could swoop in there it would be

Because that's fives we do not think about the nines and the tens

Because we dare not touch the sun


I'm a minor celebrity

so that means I get to fuck sixes I

Fucked the shit out of sixes people go he's off the telly egan fucker six

Fucks and seven yeah fuck some sevens cop lights one nine

Best day ever fuck the nine now

I'm also a drinker. So I have fucked some fours

the shitload of three

and one two and

When I fucked the two

That was the lowest point in my life. I gave up drinking for 18 months. I've go fuck the two

That's how important it is to be good-looking. I fuck the two and my whole self Esteem was ruined and I

Went I remember when I fucked the two. I woke up in them hang on

I'm still writing the letter to my son by the way

So I remember when I fuck the to hank and I woke up

Next to her and I rolled over like I was hungover like what happened, and then I saw him with oh, no fuck this

and I went to the fetal position as that arise - fucking - that's a - that's a -

You know everybody in this world likes to think they're a good person

Not all of us arguably we all think we're a good person and so my brain did this come on Jim

You're better than this

Maybe if you talk to it

Maybe you'll find out the thing has dreams or feelings

Give that a go

So I rolled over with the best of intentions like hey, do I know fuck off and I obey

And she tried to comfort me with her claude

I'll never forget the two

But it's been so long now that I can laugh about it. I

Do laugh about it

I've been my car remembering how the two was the worst thing that ever happened to me, and I was like this oh

You fucked up to

classic Jim, Jeffrey

When will you ever learn?

and I was sitting in the car, and I was thinking about how fucking the -

It was the worst thing I've ever done in my life, and then my brain did a horrible thing my brain went

That's how the nine felt when she woke up next to you

Ladies and gentlemen thank you so much




For more infomation >> JIM JEFFERIES STAND UP 2017 "COMEDY GENIUS" I NETFLIX SPECIAL - Duration: 1:26:57.


Wynonna Earp 2x12 Promo de 'I Hope You Dance' Legendado (CC Português) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Wynonna Earp 2x12 Promo de 'I Hope You Dance' Legendado (CC Português) - Duration: 0:21.


Japanese Mythology I - Creation - Duration: 5:31.

Long before you could hire a Samurai in Japan all the elements were mixed together in one

beaten and shapeless kind of matter.This matter began to mix things around and around until

the heavier part sank and the lighter part rose.

The heavans and a muddy sea that covered the entire earth were created.

When heaven and earth began, three deities came into being, The Spirit Master of the

Center of Heaven, The August Wondrously Producing Spirit, and the Divine Wondrously Producing


After gaining conscious these three decided to became invisible.From the earth reed shoots


From these reeds came two more deities.

After them, 2 more deities came into being.This gods came into being alone and that's why

they were called hitorigami.Then 5 other pairs of deities were created, and the last of these

and the most important for our story were Izanagi and Izanami, whose names mean "He

Who Invites" and "She who Invites".

The first deities commanded Izanagi and Izanami to make and solidify the land of Japan, and

they gave the young pair,who also were brother and sister by the way, a jeweled spear.

Standing on the Floating Bridge of Heaven,they wondered if there was something beneath the

mud so they dipped the spear in the ocean and stirred.

They pulled out the spear, and the brine that dripped of it formed the island of Onogoro

to which they descended.

Izanagi and Izanami decided to make their home there and built a palace called the Eight

Measure Palace.

In the very centre of the palace stood a pillar, called the Heavenly August Pillar.

Established in their new home, Izanami and Izanagi decided it was time to start a family.

They circled the Heavenly August Pillar, Izanagi turning to the left while Izanami moved to

the right, so they met each other coming round.

In spontaneous delight, Izanami exclaimed, "What a fine young man!"

"What a fine young woman!" said Izanagi in response.And I thought I had some bad pick

up lines.Anyway , Izanagi then complained that Izanami should have left it to him to

take the initiative.As time passed, Izanami gave birth to a son, Hiruko, but the child

was without limbs and boneless - a leech child.

The baby was placed on a boat and abandoned to float away to his fate.

Izanagi and Izanami returned to Heaven to ask the elder gods where they had gone wrong.

The gods confirmed Izanagi's suspicion that Izanami had done wrong in greeting her husband


It was unnatural for the female partner to take the initiative and this was why their

offspring had been misshapen.

With this in mind, the couple returned to their palace to try again.

This time, when they circled the pillar, Izanagi greeted his wife first.

Soon after, Izanami gave birth to the islands of Awaji, Shikoku, Oki , Kyushu,Iki ,Tsushima

and Sado.

Last of all, she delivered the largest island, Honshu.

The couple gave the land they had brought into being the name of Oyashimakumi, meaning

the Land of Eight Great Islands.

Following this, Izanami brought forth the smaller outlying islands.Sorry Hokkaido , you're

not here.

Then they gave birth to a variety of deities to inhabit those islands, including the sea

deity, the deities of the rivers, winds, trees, and mountains.

Last, Izanami gave birth to the fire deity Kagutsuchi.Unfortunately she was burned to

death, despite her husband's attempts to save her.

Izanagi grieved over Izanami, and in anger after burying Izanami, he used his sword to

behead his son, the deity of fire, whose birth had killed Izanami.

From the blood on the sword came three deities of rocks, two deities of fire, and one of

water, so were spread in nature all the elements that are needed to make the legendary japanese


Izanagi still missed Izanami, so he went to the underworld in search of her.

For now , let's just say that didn't go so well.

Izanagi returned to his home and bathed to purify himself after this terrible experience.

As he bathed, new deities arose from him.Three of these were Amaterausu,Tsukoyomi and Susanoo.Amaterasu

was a girl with a radiant brightness and beauty.Because of this she was placed as the godess of the

Sun.while Tsokuyomi became the god of the moon.He and his sister Amatersu were husband

and wife but they argued after Tsukuyomi killed the goddess of food ,splitting so day and


Sussano was a angry and rebel god so he was banned from heaven and was placed on earth

as the god of storms and the sea.Amaterasu send one of her grandsons Ninigi to earth

to plant rice here.Descending from the Floating Bridge of Heaven to the mountain tops, he

built his palace.

Eventually he met a beautiful young godess, Princess Brilliant Blossoms, and asked her

to marry him.

She asked for her father's judgment, and her father gave him both Princess Brilliant Blossoms

and her older sister, Princess Long as the Rocks,but Ninigi refused the older sister.When

the father heard this, he explained that he had offered Princess Long as the Rocks because

her children would have lived eternally.

Instead, the children of Princess Brilliant Blossoms would be short lived.

Princess Brilliant Blossoms was soon with child, so soon that Ninigi could hardly believe

that she bore his children.

To prove herself, she shut herself in a dorless hut and set fire to it, knowing that only

Ninigi's children could survive the flames.

Amidst the flames she gave birth to three deities,Hoderi,Hosuseri and Hoori.Hoori 's

descendants were the Imperial family of Japan.I think I'll end it to that for today.But

I would like to mention that this myths are taken from the Kojiki and they are still part

of the Shinto religion even today,so they may or may not be considered mythology , but

anyway …bye!

For more infomation >> Japanese Mythology I - Creation - Duration: 5:31.


Soy Luna 2 Rozmowa Niny i Xaviego odc 50/Tłumaczenie PL - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 2 Rozmowa Niny i Xaviego odc 50/Tłumaczenie PL - Duration: 0:56.


Noriaki Kakyoin: The Power of Knowledge - Duration: 9:20.

Noriaki Kakyoin: The Power of Knowledge There are not many characters where I can

fully hold respect for, and that's with a lot of franchises.

But Noriaki Kakyoin is one of the few that can match up when in the big leagues.

Kakyoin was originally our first sight of a villain, and you also get Jotaro showing

that "Hey, I'm a badass, but I'm a badass with morals."

And due to Hierophant Green, I believe that Kakyoin was made to be a very tactical and

wise character.

I'll be going in depth on that later on, but for now I'm going to focus on Kakyoin


Welcome to another character analysis, I'm Kaleb and we're going to be going over one

of the best Jobro's.

No need for a huge introduction so let's get into this.

The first time we see Kakyoin in action against a minion of Dio, it was the fight against

Tower of Gray, which was the third fight in Stardust Crusaders.

When first watching it, I believed that Kakyoin was about to be fodder.

Ok, well that's a lie.

Kakyoin's theme "Nobel Pope" made the scene so much better and I thought he was


But when he was consistently missing the Emerald Splashes, then yeah, I thought he was about

to lose and someone else was going to save him.

That's not Kakyoin though, he doesn't rely on others to save him.

It turned out that Kakyoin didn't use Emerald Splash to hit Tower of Gray, but only to back

him into a trap.

So this had already shown the strategist that Kakyoin is, and I liked him so much more for


See, he might not have the actual power in strength, but Kakyoin was the strongest character

on the team of the Stardust Crusaders.

Obviously, everyone works best in their strengths, but Kakyoin has the ability to turn his very

few weaknesses into strengths.

Taking note of all of the fights where Kakyoin was involved in, excluding his character introduction


Tower of Gray, J. Geil, Lovers, Death 13, Telence T. D'Arby, and DIO.

I want you to notice two things here.


Kakyoin won four of the 6 fights.


There aren't that many Kakyoin fights.

I mean why would I be surprised?

Jotaro is Mr. Spotlight, so of course you're going to have him in most of the fights.

I feel that Araki took note of this though, and began to give a lot more credit to the

other supporting characters.

When it got even further on, then got Supporting Protagonists and Deuteragonists.

While there weren't that many Kakyoin moments, the ones that he had were pretty well done.

Not fully in the anime, because I'm a believer that some things just didn't transfer well

from manga to anime.

The best moments of Kakyoin being the fights of Tower of Gray, J. Geil, Death 13, and DIO.

I had already gone over Tower of Gray, and I went over J. Geil my Polnareff character


To sum that one up, while it was Polnareff's drive, it was Kakyoin's guidance.

Polnareff was snowballing in his road of revenge, and if it wasn't for Kakyoin, he would've

ended up being the first crusader lost.

Kakyoin being the character that he is, was based off the Hierophant tarot card.

The tarot cards were a huge element in Part 3, and almost everything is based around them.

A character's traits, weaknesses, the direction of fights, themes, and the list goes on.

The Hierophant being Kakyoin puts him as this wise consultant that you go to for help or


I like Kakyoin for being this type of person, because I believe that fights are based more

on strategy than brute strength.

Even though part 3 really showed that sometimes all you need is brute strength to get you

through problems.

Getting further on into Jojo parts, it's shown that there's a lot more thinking going

into fights and less focusing on strength.

And when it came to Kakyoin, he meets all the points required to be a great leader.

The points created by the genius himself, Sun-Tzu.

You may have heard me talk about him before, or remember the time that ACDC and Joseph

talked about him in part 2.

Araki is aware of a lot of history, and he incorporates it into Jojo through his characters

and how they work.

While creating the characters of part 3, I feel like he unintentionally made Kakyoin

a leader.

He has all the traits for it, but at the same time he didn't involve him too much in the


But now I believe after part 3, Araki had given the ones who had leader traits, the

role of the leader.

Jotaro in part 4, Bruno in Part 5, and Gyro in part 7.

It's not that difficult to follow the guidelines to be a leader, but I guess it's easier

said than done for the most.


Control yourself, that way you can influence others.


Adapt to your environment, it highlights your strengths and improves on your weaknesses.


Never sell out your principles.

This basically means don't drop what you came for, and you continue for the sake of

all that's good.

I guess the best way to show this is, don't do what Polnareff was trying to do.

Or well, he ended up getting Avdol faked killed so he did something.

Don't be gray man, be green guy.

There are also 5 factors for victory and 5 attributes of a great general, but let's

focus on the factors.

Way, Heaven, Ground, General, and Law.

Now, when looking at how this works, it's great and makes sense.

But when you add Jojo into this, this is where it all goes downhill for Kakyoin.

He had 4 of the 5 factors, but missing a factor had ended up being the end of Kakyoin.

And, this is such an odd coincidence when reading this over.

The one factor he missed was Heaven, which was environment outside of your control.

You what was Heaven?

Time stop.

You know who had time stop and ideals of heaven?

Who else, but our favorite temporal vampire, DIO.

Dio was a huge random factor introduced to Kakyoin and honestly the whole cast of part


If we're being real, it blew everyone away when it happened.

Think off all the villains we encounter in part 3, none of them had an ability that matched

up to what DIO had.

The only one that had a somewhat alternate and as strong ability was Vanilla Ice, and

he killed two of the Crusaders.

He could've killed three in one shot, but you know we have to be all sneaky and spooky

when killing people.

So, all Kakyoin can do is figure out the range of his stand, and hopefully set up something

that would counter attack anything he has.

Then, we're introduced to Kakyoin's checkmate to DIO, the 20-meter Emerald Splash.

Now, I believe I'm going to be going over the strength of this ability in another video,

but the 20-meter Emerald Splash is believed to be a technique with no flaw.

That's until we're introduced to DIO's ability to stop time, and that was the most

secret of secret weapons sworn to secrecy.

It was completely out of his control, and was honestly not something he could've planned


Therefore, knowledge is power, because not knowing one thing can end up being the end

of you.

That was the case for Kakyoin, but don't disregard everything about him just because

of this one thing.

If Joseph never figured out DIO's ability to stop time, Jotaro wouldn't know either.

And then that means DIO wins, because Jotaro would end up just like Kakyoin.

Kakyoin was a genius, and I believe that he was the strongest in group.

Put anyone in the spot where DIO was when the 20-meter Emerald splash was happening,

not a single person in part 3 could get out of that safely.

Except for Vanilla Ice and DIO, because time and space is busted.

But everyone here watching this video, you can ensure your victory.

I'm not actually sure you can use this for anything in life, but hey if you're planning

to lead a war then the 5 factors of victory are for you.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred


If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer

a defeat.

If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Thank you guys for watching, I hope you enjoyed

this character analysis.

Comment a major villain that isn't DIO, I'd really love to go over one.

Subscribe to stay updated and for more content, and follow me on twitter to see me retweet

some art or something.

I'll see you all in the next one, until then, peace out and God speed.

For more infomation >> Noriaki Kakyoin: The Power of Knowledge - Duration: 9:20.


DJI Spark Practicing the modes - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> DJI Spark Practicing the modes - Duration: 1:18.


UA Micro G® Limitless 2 - Duration: 1:13.

Hi there, welcome to my channel! Follow me on all social media links to keep up with my adventures.

I really appreciate all of your comments. I'd love for this channel to grow. Subscribe.!..It's free.

For more infomation >> UA Micro G® Limitless 2 - Duration: 1:13.


He Got Me A MacBook Pro - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> He Got Me A MacBook Pro - Duration: 2:15.


[Tutorial] How to create TF2 Game Server & Install Sourcemod+metamod+mge - Duration: 15:18.

Today we are gona talk about how you can create tf2 server and also add a mge mod in it

um.. Although there is a guide here.. which goes in depth to tell each and every step on how you can actually create the guide.

But some people requested me that they still couldn't create the server

I'm not trying to point any name out and stuff but ...yea


Lets get started

First of all

You will need steamcmd


so lets get that

I'm just gona download it.

There it is.. right there


so we got the steamcmd right here


Now we need to create a file called tf2_ds.txt

and put this content in it

Alright, so we got the content in there

After this step is done, create a batch file

so after that all you need to do is start this file

and it will download all the necessary files for the server

Alright, make sure to change this folder name over here

Because if you don't, your server will be installed in this folder

so, I',m just gona move everything from here to there

I'll run update again, just to be sure

now we will create config file


now you can use the config from the website over here

But i used the minimalistic one, It also have comments letting you know whats its about

this is used for fastdl

if you have very large maps, its better to use web server for it

stable builds

I'll do it twice just to be sure

All we need to do is just change the name of map

For more infomation >> [Tutorial] How to create TF2 Game Server & Install Sourcemod+metamod+mge - Duration: 15:18.


2017 Porsche Panamera Turbo Launch!!! 3.4 sec!! - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> 2017 Porsche Panamera Turbo Launch!!! 3.4 sec!! - Duration: 1:29.


GTA V Online - Top Three - Vehicles - Duration: 1:33.


What is up guys, Skyblocks here and today in this video, I am going to be going

over the top three to have vehicles in the game.

The first vehicle on this list has the be the Armored Kuruma.

This is a must have vehicle because it's a fast armored car.

This is definitely a must have for doing heist, missions, or anything that involves AI shooting


However, in free mode, you might as well be in a supercar roaming the streets because

of the armor vehicle piercing rounds that were introduced in gunrunning.

For Freemode I would recommend the Insurgent because it can take 4 explosions before blowing

up and you can shoot out of it with drive-by weapons.

Now I know that the NightShark that was recently released is also a good option, but the price

difference is humongous.

The Insurgent is cheaper and does the same job as the nightshark, but just a little slower.

And what if you had a couple of friends who wanted to have some fun.

Enter the APC.

This vehicle can hold up to 6 people; 1 driver, 1 gunner, and 4 people in the back that can

use drive-by weapons.

As a bonus, this can be driven into the water and vehicle trip-mines can be added.

This can also take 4 rockets from testing and can be customized to your liking in the


So in conclusion, Armored Kurma for missions/heist, Insurgent for Freemode, and APC for fun.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video so leave a like if you like it, dislike if

you dislike and subscribe if you want.

My name been Sky and I hope to catch you guys in the next video.



For more infomation >> GTA V Online - Top Three - Vehicles - Duration: 1:33.


It's Everyday Bro But It's Exposed By Berleezy - Duration: 6:18.


For more infomation >> It's Everyday Bro But It's Exposed By Berleezy - Duration: 6:18.


How to make a DIY DRILL CUTTER Tools at Home with DIY PVC Pipe || PVC T - Duration: 4:48.

DIY Drill Tools

For more infomation >> How to make a DIY DRILL CUTTER Tools at Home with DIY PVC Pipe || PVC T - Duration: 4:48.


Depression and Laughter - Duration: 0:47.

Rudy Caseras here.

You know, I get really depressed

but I like to laugh about it.

And I have a really dark, really dry sense of humor.

And people always say like:

"Oh Rudy. How could you laugh about such dark stuff?"

And that's what I love doing.

That's helps me get through the dark days.

I like to hang around with other people

who get my sense of humor;

who knows what it's like to struggle with it

and make jokes about it.

So that's what I say to all of you

is that it's okay to laugh

about your own mental health issues

because that could be the one thing

that helps you get through it.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Depression and Laughter - Duration: 0:47.


The Rules of Archery - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 4:35.

Ninh explains, the Rules of Archery The object of the game is to score more points

than your opponent.

Archery, sometimes referred to as 'Olympic' or 'Target Archery' is a sport where you

use a bow, to shoot arrows into a target.

The main two competition bows are a recurve bow, where the arms of the bow bend back.

And a compound bow where the bowstring is drawn using pulleys.

There are separate competitions for both types of bow.

Modern arrows are made of fibreglass, aluminium or carbon fibre.

The target is segregated into colours and bands.

The closer to the middle of the target, the higher the number of points are scored.

In individual competition, one archer competes against another archer.

The first competitor shoots an arrow into their target.

The opponent then shoots their arrow into their target.

The cycle alternates until both archers have shot 3 or 6 arrows each.

This is known as an end.

In team competition, three archers compete against another 3 archers.

The first team all shoot an arrow each into the target.

Then, it's the opposing's teams turn to do the same.

The cycle alternates until all archers have shot 2 arrows each, which is 6 arrows in total.

This is an end.

Scores are added up, and the person or team who has the most amount of points out of all

the arrows … wins the end.

If both archers or both teams have the same number of points, the end is declared as a


Winning the required number of ends, wins the contest.

Rather confusingly, there are many different forms of archery.

But the two being covered in this video are indoor and outdoor target archery.

The rules are different for both and I'll try and explain what those differences are


Outdoor Archery The most popular version of target archery

is outdoor archery, as contested in the Olympic Games.

The target is a maximum 122cm in diameter.

The target is large, but so is the distance towards it.

The standard Olympic distance is 70m, but competition distance can go anywhere up to


When shooting outdoors, you have to adjust for wind, weather and inclement temperature

as they all have an influence on the flight of your arrows.

Indoor Archery When shooting indoors, you do not have to

worry about the wind and weather affecting your arrows.

And the distance to the target is much shorter - 18m or 25m.

However the targets themselves are smaller.

Much smaller! (40cm) And there's lots of them.

In Indoor Archery, you must shoot one arrow into each target, in any order you wish.

In both forms of Archery, if an arrow breaks or touches a line, the score is classed as

the higher of the two scores.

That's pretty much it, but there's a few other things you need to know before playing

or watching Archery.

For example …

Set System Competitions use the set system will score

2 sets points for every end that you win, and 1 point for every draw.

6 set points are required to win an individual contest, and 5 set points are required to

win the team competition.

Shooting Order Shooting last can be advantage.

The person or team with the lesser score, always shoots first.

If scores are tied, it reverts back to the original shooting order.

Tiebreaker In some competitions, there are no draws.

In this case, they will use a tiebreaker system to decide who wins.

The archer who shoots the most inner 10's or 10's is declared the winner.

Alternatively, each competitor shoots one single arrow.

The archer whose arrow lands closest to the middle of the target, wins the entire contest.

Time Limit In Outdoor Archery, the maximum time permitted

to shoot an end of three arrows is two minutes, and four minutes for an end of six arrows.

In Indoor Archery, you have 20 seconds to shoot each arrow.

Robin Hood In the rare case that you shoot an arrow into

another arrow, this counts!

The arrow shot will score the same number of points as the arrow in which they are embedded


This is the famous 'Robin Hood' shot.

If you have found this video at all helpful, please be sure to like share and subscribe.

It takes me ages to make one of these things and good karma is very much appreciated.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter also, but in the meantime – enjoy Archery.

Ninh Ly - - @NinhLyUK

For more infomation >> The Rules of Archery - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 4:35.


THE ROSE QUARTZ ~ Properties ~ THE POWER OF THE ROSE QUARTZ - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> THE ROSE QUARTZ ~ Properties ~ THE POWER OF THE ROSE QUARTZ - Duration: 5:47.


Victoria Season 2 Trailer (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Victoria Season 2 Trailer (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:10.


Update - What's happening in my life - Duration: 2:57.

Hi everyone! Welcome to my channel!

I was going to make this video a week ago but...

but until now... just now sat down to make it

so please forgive me... *new-born goblin noises*

The last two weeks have been very busy, because I'm moving

and I'm also getting ready for a concert next Saturday cuz

we're raising money for several LGBT organizations

that help LGBTQ refugees escape persecution and move to safer countries.

We already raised quite a bit of money

but the thing about concerts like this is that

there is no limit to how much money we can raise

so all next week you can still donate. I'll put the link below

so when you click on it you can donate as much as you'd like.

Also, I decided that since I've been so inconsistent with my videos

I'll start uploading vlogs staring this Sunday

I think it'll be Monday morning for Russia (and Europe)

I'll try my best to upload on time, but my laptop

is very old and sometimes it takes me

half an hour to move something or link the sound to video

I decided to start vlogging because these will be my last 10 days in chicago

And of course I will miss this city, my friends

and everyone who became my family

Since, as you know, I sometimes upload videos

on Wednesday, sometimes on Saturday, Sunday or sometimes nothing for two weeks

like right now....

So it'll be better for you if you press the bell button below

which will notify you about my new videos!

Also, I have one request - if one of you knows both

English and Russian very well, I could really use some of your help!

Due to being in English-speaking society,

most of vlogs will be in English.

So if one of you knows Russian and English at a high level

and you have some free time - at least half an hour

and if you don't mind doing the subtitles for me

I will send you a post card as a thank you!

If you want to help me, message me on one of my social media accounts

I'll definitely respond to you and will be very thankful for your help!

And now I'm going back to practicing, because I'm playing Beethoven Sonata No. 9

next Saturday at the concert

and it's not an easy piece I should say!

I wish you all the best and please take care!


For more infomation >> Update - What's happening in my life - Duration: 2:57.


New Christian Music 2017

For more infomation >> New Christian Music 2017


THE FOREIGNERS, Ep. 1: The Polynesian Culture (PORTUGUESE CAPTIONS AVAILABLE) - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> THE FOREIGNERS, Ep. 1: The Polynesian Culture (PORTUGUESE CAPTIONS AVAILABLE) - Duration: 12:46.


THE ROSE QUARTZ ~ Properties ~ THE POWER OF THE ROSE QUARTZ - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> THE ROSE QUARTZ ~ Properties ~ THE POWER OF THE ROSE QUARTZ - Duration: 5:47.


Edição Especial Hardcore Tekkers(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:04.

The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !

HardcoreTekkers special edition

For more infomation >> Edição Especial Hardcore Tekkers(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:04.


[Tutorial] How to create TF2 Game Server & Install Sourcemod+metamod+mge - Duration: 15:18.

Today we are gona talk about how you can create tf2 server and also add a mge mod in it

um.. Although there is a guide here.. which goes in depth to tell each and every step on how you can actually create the guide.

But some people requested me that they still couldn't create the server

I'm not trying to point any name out and stuff but ...yea


Lets get started

First of all

You will need steamcmd


so lets get that

I'm just gona download it.

There it is.. right there


so we got the steamcmd right here


Now we need to create a file called tf2_ds.txt

and put this content in it

Alright, so we got the content in there

After this step is done, create a batch file

so after that all you need to do is start this file

and it will download all the necessary files for the server

Alright, make sure to change this folder name over here

Because if you don't, your server will be installed in this folder

so, I',m just gona move everything from here to there

I'll run update again, just to be sure

now we will create config file


now you can use the config from the website over here

But i used the minimalistic one, It also have comments letting you know whats its about

this is used for fastdl

if you have very large maps, its better to use web server for it

stable builds

I'll do it twice just to be sure

All we need to do is just change the name of map

For more infomation >> [Tutorial] How to create TF2 Game Server & Install Sourcemod+metamod+mge - Duration: 15:18.



Before we begin, I invite you to subscribe for free and activate notifications.

Hello, today I share, what happens if SQUEEZE A LEMON IN OLIVE OIL, you'll want

Do it every day.


At present, our physical appearance has been a major concern as

think about it, we invade anxiety to find new techniques, remedies and treatment

causing these changes that make us look younger every day.

But for this we must take care of our body inside and out and you can achieve

With this you show here.

Instead, many people forget that what is reflected on the outside, is an image of

like this inside.

Hair is a tool that reflects the nutritional status and functioning

of our body.

The sporting a shiny hair, skin hydrated will depend on the state of health, with

which we have.

You cleanse the liver becomes the first step in generating a domino effect, resulting

in a positive and progressive change not only hair, but throughout our appearance

physical and internal.

Since the liver is the organ responsible for detoxifying our bodies, which is why

This must be kept in good condition.

In just 15 days you can look younger and glowing.

To perform this deep cleansing your liver we present the following remedy,

simply using two completely natural ingredients found in the

scope of our cuisine, such as lemon and olive oil.

Just combine these two elements, you can remove toxins limiting functions

your liver.

Before long you will have the opportunity to feel full and light, since your body

You will be free from toxic wastes that slow your metabolism.


- 1 lemon.

- 2 tablespoons olive oil.


Remove the lemon juice, avoid the seeds of it are filtered, then mix

with olive oil.

Take this remedy daily preferably on an empty stomach for about a month,

finalize notice the obvious changes in your body, so those changes dislumbrando



The lemon.

Protects the stomach from ulcers and gastritis, contains Vitamin C.

And has diuretic effect that helps eliminate fluids and toxins, fighting obesity,

arthritis, rheumatism. It can also help improve digestion.

The olive oil.

This product has been a source of research for many years; he is currently attribute

many benefits for both health and beauty.

- It could help you lose weight.

- Relieves pain.

- could prevent mental decline.

- have anticancer properties.

- ally against diabetes.

- Strengthens the immune system.

- It decreases blood pressure.

- Controls cholesterol.

- Reduces frizz hair.

- moisturizes the skin naturally.

- Apart from making this simple remedy, experts suggest drinking lots

water, for better functioning of the body, while you avoid bad smells

Alcohol and cigarette use.

Likewise incorporate in your diet fruits, whole grains, nuts and vegetables.

It is important to perform physical activities and taking adequate rest, the same

It is to sleep eight hours every body requires.

Olive oil with lemon for weight loss.

Something that can serve as a great support when you lose weight, cleanse the body is

properly to get rid of all the toxins that can cause

our body look more bloated than usual or retain fluids.

That's why today we'll show a little home remedy that will come in

Great place to achieve this goal.

This is the olive oil and lemon, which as you must know, are two ingredients

real good health, and contain low caloric intake.

In combination, this pair of elements may enhance the body superbly for

promote detoxification, especially helping the liver to perform its functions more


If you want to know how to make the most, you just have to carry out the preparation

that will be described later and ingest it while you are in fasting, 30

minutes before taking your first meal of the day.

You just have to put in blender some water, a tablespoon of olive oil

(Try to be extra virgin) and a lemon cut into pieces.

Once you've liquefied until a homogeneous liquid consistency, as

I just take it half an hour before breakfast.

You'll notice that long ago you well throughout the day, because you can digest your

food more easily.

You can include this home and natural remedy to complement any diet you're

making or simply as an extra help if you decided to eat lighter.

Although this is not pose any health risk, since you'll be using

natural ingredients; if you find yourself sick stomach best

It will be that you consult with your doctor, if you have to prevent certain aspects

they can worsen your condition.

Remedy for Kidney based Lemon and Olive Oil.

Kidney stones or kidney stones are very common health problem, these

They form because of chemicals such as uric acid, phosphorus, calcium and acid

Oxalic housed in the urine due to poor diet.

The combination of lemon juice and olive oil is traditionally used as

a home to eject gallbladder stones remedy, but can also be

used to treat kidney stones.

Citric acid present in lemons helps break down kidney stones

calcium-based and stop growing them.

Take four tablespoons or a quarter cup of fresh lemon juice.

Add the same amount of olive oil.

Remember to drink plenty of water after taking this mixture.

It is recommended to take two or three times a day for three days.

You do not have to continue with this remedy if the stones are expelled with the first

dose. Lemon with olive oil for hair

moisturized and shiny.

How does this mixture ?.

Citrus, antibacterial, antifungal and lemon cleaning properties help

to get rid of dirt and grime from your cabello.También helps control dandruff

and in some cases it is a great remedy for annoying problem.

Moreover, olive oil is ideal for hair.

Not only is known to help fight dandruff, but also light, moisturizes

hair and keeps it free of frizz.


- Lemon juice freshly squeezed.

- Olive oil.

The amount of lemon juice and olive oil you need depends on the length

and thickness of your hair; but make sure both are in equal proportions.

As used.

- Once you have the two add to a bowl, use a fork and whisk together until the

solution is well mixed.

You can be sure that when you see it turning cloudy and oil will not separate

lemon juice.

- Now section of your hair and apply this mixture on the scalp and the axis of its


Then proceed to massage the scalp well.

- Tying hair and leave in an hour.

You could leave for less time if you are in a hurry.

- Once done, wash with a mild shampoo.

- After washing your hair you will notice that your scalp feels much

cleaner and less itching, and frizz free, shiny hair.

But being a home remedy you will need to use this resource once a week

for a month to see a significant improvement.

Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

If you like this information interesting, share, subscribe to my channel, it's FREE.

just by clicking on the link below or the image of the middle of the screen and not

forget to turn on notifications.

and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.

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