Sunday, August 20, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 20 2017

I want to start this video saying sorry.

ION360, sorry!

You sent me the camera suddenly and thank you for that, but unfortunately I could not record this video before

because I did not have the chance to use the camera. However, since too much time has passed,

several weeks have passed since I received it, I found an alternative way to use it.

Hello everybody and welcome this new video.


I (EYE) ... ON ... 360

I do not know if it really is in this way, but it'd be cool.

The ION360 is a brand of 360° smartphone dependent cameras.

What does it mean ? It means that the camera must be connected to a smartphone to work and can not be used stand-alone.

In particular, the ION360 is compatible, at least for now, only with Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 + and iPhone 7 and 7+ models.

This is because with the camera you receive a case that contains the battery to power the camera

and the case also serves to protect your phone and, at least for now, the only cases made by the ION360 are compatible with the models I've just listed.

But let's go to the camera. It's something fantastic. I love so much the design of the camera.

The case has very cool horizontal streaks and is particularly pleasing to the touch.

Behind we have the LEDs that indicate the charge level, below there is a micro USB to recharge the cover

and the phone when it is connected and then type-c male for smartphone and type-c female for the camera.

You need the ION360 U app to use the camera.

The app is still being developed, but there are already many interesting things to do.

Obviously we can look at the contents that we already have on the phone that we took with the camera,

and, if we connect the cam we can take photos, videos and do stream.

Because yes, this camera can do streaming on Facebook and YouTube on 4K.

Unfortunately facebook has the compression algorithm which kills the quality of anything

but fortunately on YouTube is more watchable.

I hope and believe that new things will be implemented in the future for example the chance to do live also on instagram.

Now let's go to the details.

The camera has two 7.2 MP sensors that allow to record video in 4K at 30 fps

and eventually do live on facebook and YouTube.

Saved videos are compressed in H.264 and are immediately stitched so you can watch them from your smartphone

and share them on socials. It is pointless to tell you how nice it is to see things in 360°

although even with the 4K, the things are not seen very very well.

But I like the photos very much. The resolution is UHD and, what I would never say, the photos at night are fine.

I think the sensors are f 2.0. The stitching is perfect. It's far better than that of DokiCam,

even if I will do the comparison between the two cams in another video.

The case, as I said before, also has a battery which is 1300 mAh

and which allows to make about 2h of recording without using the phone battery.

Conclusion: it's very cool !

I made you watch some videos, some photos but obviously watching is different than touching.

If you have a Galaxy S8 / S8 + or iPhone 7/7 +, buy it. I recommend it because it is very nice for social,

very easy to use and it is also very nice to see so I recommend you to try it.

In fact, I have the Galaxy S8 model.

Now, personally I do not have a Galaxy S8 as a phone, but luckily the technology and the ION360

it is neither Samsung nor Apple property and then the app to use the camera can be installed

an all Android devices that have Android 6.0 Marshmallow or higher.

And there I got an idea.

Being my LG G5 equipped with a type-c port, I thought

"It would be enough for a cable to connect the case with the camera to my phone and in theory it should work. "

And so, in fact, it was.

I bought a cable, I connected everything. The app turned on and luckily I had the chance

to take some photos and to make some videos.

Unfortunately the G5 has a problem because the USB type-c has problems, in fact the phone fails to understand

what action to give the USB when I connect the camera.

In fact, the camera requires power or "File transfer" to work, my phone instead

resets it continuously, even if I select the option "File transfer" it resets continuously

and therefore does not allow me to use the camera.

But this is a G5 problem because I connected the camera at a Honor 8 and had no problems.

For those who don't have the smartphones mentioned earlier, if you have an Android phone with Android 6.0 Marshmallow

or higher and you have a USB type-c you can buy the camera quietly and use it with a cable as I did.

Obviously if you do not have an LG G5 because it does not work.

For everyone else, who has Android 6.0 or higher, but it has the micro-USB, unfortunately I haven't yet

the opportunity to try this thing with an adapter because the adapters cost me the soul.

So as soon as I can find an adapter that costs me relatively little, I will try and will let you know

so follow me on facebook and on instagram to get the news.

In the description I leave the link to the ION360 website, to go see other details

and eventually to buy the cam. If you do not like it, you can return it within 20 days.

Although, however, once you've bought the camera, I do not think you will return it because it's really cool.

Comment this video, write me if you want me to try micro-USB adaptor to see if th camera works

so you can buy it even if you don't have the USB type-c.

I invite you to watch my instagram to see 360 photos, to see the tinyplanet and the various effects I've made

taking photos with the ION360 U.

Thank you for watching this video, see you at the next.

For more infomation >> ION360 U - 360° 4K on-phone-cam (review) - Duration: 6:32.


How To Make Herbal Hair Growth Oil At Home For Faster Hair Growth And Stop Hair Loss - Duration: 5:11.

hello guys today I have come up with an extraordinary hair growth oil that would

help with faster hair growth it also stops hair loss and hair breakage and

reverses premature gray hair and cures split ends let's check out how to make

this hair growth oil for immense hair growth but before that let me remind you

if you're new to my channel do subscribe to amazing tips for you and

hit the bell icon so that you receive all of future updates to prepare this

hair growth oil we'll be needing 500 ml of coconut oil 50 ml of castor oil 50 ml

of black seed oil a handful of curry leaves a handful of henna leaves or

mehendi leaves a handful of bhringraj leaves few mint leaves 3 to 5 Amla or

Indian gooseberry a tablespoon of fenugreek sprouts take a heavy bottomed

pan and add castor oil and coconut oil in it when the oil is partially boiled

add the other ingredients that is the curry leaves bhringraj leaves henna

leaves mint leaves Amla pieces and fenugreek sprouts keep

it on a low flame and let it sit until the leaves and the other ingredients

turn dark caster oil curbs hair loss and promotes the growth of hair it provides

nourishment enabling the hair follicles to restore growth to a normal

level castor oil will also protect existing hair follicles keeping hair

from being shed too quickly the oil will also lessen the impact of sunshine and

pollution coconut oil is rich in antioxidants and has antiviral

antifungal and antibacterial properties when used on hair it improves scalp

health fights infections and fungus supports hair growth adding volume and

shine curry leaves are rich in antioxidants that moisturize the scalp

while getting rid of dead hair follicles they are a good source of proteins and

beta carotene both of which prevent hail and thinning the leaves are also rich in

amino acids that help strengthen follicles and keep them healthy henna

leaves boosts hair growth and stops hair fall it also boosts scalp health

unclogs pores and balances pH levels to put a stop to hair loss and promotes

healthy hair growth not only will henna help your hair grow faster but it will

also improve your hair texture a common reason for hair problems is the

deficiency of vitamin C which is found abundantly in Amla it strengthens hair

follicles giving your hair strength and luster the surplus amount of vitamin C

in amla can help halt premature greying one of the best remedies for

dandruff dry flaky and itchy scalp is the use of Amla on hair bhringraj is

greatly beneficial for the scalp and hair and is considered as one of the

best natural herbal oil that you can use regularly on your hair bhringraj adds more

volume color and texture to your hair it is also good for people who suffer from

premature balding of hair it can keep your hair and scalp well nourished and

prevent split ends you can even prevent dryness of the scalp and get rid of

dandruff by applying the bhringraj oil mint is a refreshing herb with a

lovely fragrance and several Beauty benefits as it has antiseptic properties

it stimulates blood flow adds freshness and fights dandruff an accelerates hair

growth using fenugreek sprouts is an effective way to combat hair loss as it

is rich in antioxidants which are responsible for fighting free radicals

that cause cellular damage the primary cause of hair fall it is extremely

effective and nourishing hair from the roots and combating follicular problems

as it contains hormone antecedents that promote hair growth and proactively

rebuild damaged hair it is also effective against dandruff and dull hair

when the ingredients have turned dark switch off the flame and let the oil

cool for some time once the oil has completely cooled down strain the oil

and then add the black seed oil mix them thoroughly and store it in a container

and now your oil is ready to use this

herbal hair growth oil is truly a boon as it contains all the essential

nutrients for hair growth this oil is also very helpful for alopecia you can

see the difference in your hair growth in a week's time you must use this hair

growth herbal oil at least thrice a week or you can even use it everyday as

this will not give you any side effects this Herbal hair growth oil can be used

by everyone try out this hair growth oil and share your experience with me if you

have any doubts do leave them in the comment section below

and I'll reply you for sure if you find this video useful share it with your

friends and help them as well take care bye bye

For more infomation >> How To Make Herbal Hair Growth Oil At Home For Faster Hair Growth And Stop Hair Loss - Duration: 5:11.



yo what's up guys and welcome to an opening of the link starter deck (acctually structure deck)

and yeah.. I bought that deck since mister market watch

convinced me that I get more value out of the deck instead of buying the singles only.

and yeah, let's start!

alright I've unpacked it.

alright the first card is link slayer

he's like cyber dragon.. no more likely the red super quantum.

so in case you got no monster on the field you can special him (obviously from the hand)

he has also the effect of twin twister but you have to discard as many cards as you wanna destroy. he's like brionac.. no more like the other water dragon level 6 (coral dragon) but he can only do this to spell traps.

and up to 2.

and yeah.

now we get to decode talker. he's the reason why you would buy this deck.. and obviously because of link spider.

alright I place the link monsters over there.

I'm not sure why they place other monsters infront of the extra deck cards since i don't know. Just because they have a rarity.

I can't tell you alot of those cards. well anyways they are the cyberse monsters.

that's a new arch type.

here's a link monster of that arch type, honey bot.

as you can see you need 2 cyberse monsters 2 summon it. (well I'm not sure if you can see it)

well I gues this should be alright. like I said it needs 2 cyberse monsters.

and yeah.. let's zoom in so it looks a bit better.

the link slayer is also a cyberse monster by the way.

same with draconnetz

and here's a good reprint, galaxy serpent.

it's original rarity was ultra rare I gues. There was also a play with briliant fusion so you get this one back (probably with lazuli) and it's level 2 tuner.

there's a 2k beat stick from an older set. Not sure why it's in here (probably because it's wyrm) but yeah.. it's a reprint.

now we got babaros, cyber dragon, photon thrasher AND exarion.

so there are cards inside this deck you really wanted to get reprinted.

for example exarion, he's really important for the goat format.

it was a really important card and was only available in ultra rare.. or was it secret (yup secret).. anyways, it was in a higher rarity.

next is photon thrasher. as you can see it's seeing increased play in the ocg.

cause zoodiac was banned completely.

well.. pretty much. drident to 0, broadbull to 0, barage to 0 rat to 1.. you know that, don't you?

well cyber dragon is a nice bonus.. well reprint.

also babaros for skill drain decks.. but skill drain is limited. So I think that wasn't so smart.

next.. is evil swarm.

uhm.. well..

I don't think it'll come back so soon.. but we never know as the link format advances. They told us we don't get a new banlist until mid september.

and yeah, we can look forward to it.

they wanted to creat a bigger banlist since link format arrived.

Next is Marauding Captain. In my opinion he has potential in the advancing link format since you can special summon another monster with level 3? ( 4 or lower) from your hand.

I mean there are always goblin debergh and that fish (tin gold fish) that can also special summon level 4 or lower.. but yeah, he could fit into level 3 based decks. He's also a warrior so you can search him with rota (reinforcement of the army).

Next is my friend sangan (favourite card together with dark gaia and morphing jar)

He's also good at the goat format. Also you can tech him in various decks to search hand traps (for example.)

I would suggest it for pure magicians.. well pendulum magicians.

you can destroy him with sky iris.. you can also add (not joker).. pendulum magician to pop it.

and there are even more cards for that.

Next is Kuribandit.

Well I have no value for that since there are no decks you could play it in currently. Well it was played in infernoid and ba ( burning abyssI gues.

and in some older decks.

Next we got marshmalon. I like it. Not sure if it was allowed at goat format (It was but only in the ocg)

But yeah, nice reprint.

Next we got cardcar D. It's pretty much for stall decks or otk decks.

or.. EXODIA!

Next we got ryko. He's a really good reprint since the twilightsworn were released in the newest booster pack (with some link monsters)


and that's why.. it's a really good reprint.

Next we got Battle Faider and Swift Scarecrow. Like I said they are for stall decks.

same as cardcar D like I said.

Next we got Effect Veiler. That's a really important reprint, because they told us we don't get a new banlist until mid september.

But we can expect that the meta decks will get hit so Blue-Eyes might have a chance to compete.

and a searchable effect veiler is always nice.

Next is Cybernet Universe. I gues this one is link based so I'll put it to the cyberse cards.

monster reincarnation. I would suggest playing it in lightsworn

next is dark hole. really good. it's seeing play in the ocg in alot of side or main decks.

Cause it breaks boards. I would also suggest playing it in the tcg against zoodiacs and stuff.

and well I mean you can't really use it against master peace when it's unaffected by spells but...

but it's still an out against something else. Next we got mystical space- typhoon. I am currently playing it instead of galaxy.. I mean cosmic cyclone.

cause first of all there are alot of cards you need to pay life points for, for example solemn strike, solemn warning. what else.. oh yeah Imperial order.

well you have alot of cards to pay life points for o you don't really have to play cosmic cyclones.

I mean you mainly play it against the mirror match (talking about zoodiac)

well cyclone would be better against zoodiac combo I gues..

But you can also play it against true draco while in main or standby phase before you place something else.

so he can't destroy anything. And it's also good against the field spell

he also can't banish it from the graveyard since it's not a permanent card.

next is book of moon. it's really good in today's meta, cause Zoodiac.. you flip it face-down and they can't do anything.

I like it. now I can take the secret rare out of my deck

and put it back into the goat deck.

next we got forbidden lance.

well I mean it's playable but forbidden chalice is way better right now.

United we stand

I gues you can put it into the goat deck.

or also maybe into a cross banlist deck.

so you can put it somewhere.

Next we got pot of duality. It's really good in true draco and more decks.

Next we got Burden of the Mighty.. well it's not good in the current meta since link and xyz monsters doesn't have a level and master peace is probably unaffected

but yeah.. next we got supply squad.

it's good for.. wait do they have to be destroyed by battle?

" battle OR card effect. draw one card" ok.


now this is really big.

does it have to be on the field? yup.

too bad. Cause if it wouldn't state on the field you could draw a card every time you resolve the field spell.

or similar effects

cause this would be way too strong. But you can also use the dinosaur effects to trigger it.

and in case you have some on the field you also have the true kings.

Next we got 1 terraforming. Alot of people think it will get hit.

I think they should hit the fieldspells. It doesn't matter how many terraformings you are playing after eating a droll & lock bird.

jar of avarice.

I'd like to see pot of avarice again but yeah.

also 1 call of the haunted.

In case satellar knight will get a comeback or maybe Kozmo.

1 mirror force.

well you see it in alot structure decks but ok. It's still good for goat.

You can also tech her although drowning mirror force or so are better in my opinion (shuffle into deck, flip face down and so on)

also one torrential tribute. really good at todays meta.

you could play ring of destruction in burn decks or rouge decks.

bottomless for raflesia.. well there are better cards. (just wait for drident to get banned)

also 1 compuls

well you can play it. I still like the card.

1 fiendish chain

strike is getting a reprint but I think they will hit it sooner or later so it could get a comeback. And it's also good in satellar knight.

one dark bribe. Alot of anti decks run it. I really like this card as a tech since you can negate something like solemn strike or so.

maybe even imperial order. you could win the duel with that card.

yo that was the whole deck.

I wanted to show it to you before you go and buy it yourself.

If you don't need the cards it wouldn't make sense to buy the deck.

I mean it might be printed on the back of the decks but it's faster to just watch the video then drive to the next store and also pay for the fuel/gas. It's free.

and yeah like I said there are really good reprints. But not everyone need those specific reprints.

well the main cards of the deck are decode talker and link spider.

really important. As you might see (will show you a clip) decode talker is currently at 6 $ and link spider at 2$

or something like that.

and if you summon gofu you can just summon 2 link spider.

and you can use those cards for decode talker.

well you get him on board like that.

but like I said that would be 10 dollars and the deck is at 9,99.

I would say it IS worth it.

For more infomation >> THE NEW YU-GI-OH! LINK STRUCTURE DECK: AWESOME REPRINTS! - Duration: 15:33.


侍・稲葉監督、早実・清宮の代表入りに「チームを引っ張ってくれたら」 - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> 侍・稲葉監督、早実・清宮の代表入りに「チームを引っ張ってくれたら」 - Duration: 1:23.


No More Wrinkles And Sagging Skin On Your Face – 2 Ingredients Only - Duration: 2:16.

No More Wrinkles And Sagging Skin On Your Face � 2 Ingredients Only

In the process of ageing, the skin ages as well, and its elasticity and tightness are

gradually reduced.

Fortunately, wrinkles and sagging skin can be easily reduced with the help of two simple


The following natural recipe will help you tighten and rejuvenate the skin.

As you are getting older, your skin ages and natural elements reduce its tightness and


Fortunately, these two simple ingredients can fight against wrinkles and sagging skin.

This recipe for skin tightening helps in tightening skin and gives a younger look that will last

for long.

The first ingredient is an egg white.

Eggs are extremely beneficial and have a potential to tighten the skin.

On the other hand, cucumbers naturally regenerate the skin.

Additionally, they are rich in antioxidants, like vitamin K and C, which destroy free radicals

which are the reason for the looseness of the skin and wrinkles.

Silica is one of the most important ingredients in cucumbers, which efficiently supports the

growth of supportive tissues and prevents wrinkles.


Peel the cucumber, and cut it in two halves.

Slice one of the halves in small pieces, and put them in a blender.

Blend them for a couple of minutes on medium speed to prepare a puree.

Then, place a strainer over a bowl and apply the pulp onto it to drain the juice.

Use a spoon to smash it and extract the rest of the juice.

Add the egg white and mix well.


Apply this mixture on the areas where the skin should be tightened, and leave it to

act for 15 minutes.

Then, wash it off with cold water.

For best results, use this facial mask 1-2 times a week.

For more infomation >> No More Wrinkles And Sagging Skin On Your Face – 2 Ingredients Only - Duration: 2:16.


Hip Hop Instrumentals

For more infomation >> Hip Hop Instrumentals


General Base - I See You (1995) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:47.

I see you when I slip around the ground not well I'm weak

I see you everywhere, give you love, give you share

I see you...

I see you...

I see you when I slip around the ground not well I'm weak

I see you everywhere, give you love, give you share

I'm going down the street and I know exactly what I see

I see in every face, looking for a special place

There isn't feeling me, I'm feeling it so strong, so free

I reach, I fly your hand and what you want I wanna stay

I see you when I slip around the ground not well I'm weak

I see you everywhere, give you love, give you share

I see you...

I see you...

Get on the floor

Non-stopping, you got to feel it

You baby, don't free the love and show what you got

Not cool, be high, get ensgy, get busy

Not to move to you get busy

Come on in the party, please don't chop

Dee jay, turn it on

I'm going down the street and I know exactly what I see

I see right in your face and sure I know and that's my place

I see you when I'm sleeping and you're around me when I'm wind

You are the secret of my heart, no matter, let us stop

I see you when I slip around the ground not well I'm weak

I see you everywhere, give you love, give you share

I see you...

I see you...

I see you...

I see you...

For more infomation >> General Base - I See You (1995) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:47.


Volvo V70 2.4 Edition I AIRCO LEDER LMV CRUIS BOEKJES - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.4 Edition I AIRCO LEDER LMV CRUIS BOEKJES - Duration: 0:54.



is it rolling mhm

hey guys um

it's tony tornado

sorry just don't feel good


what i did the other day was stupid

i know it was pretty fucking dumb idiot

okay i'm trying to say something can you stop talking with your remarks stop

ive literally guys ive been so depressed

and so upset

and i finally got up out of bed

and i thought to myself

you know what maybe if i get up one time

and just try to do everything the right way again

maybe it you know maybe things will go my way

and nothing happened

i went to go turn the computer on

now there is some kind of error with my computer


it's broken

yeah i know it's broken now samantha stop

ok i'm trying to say something

i've been under a lot of stress ok

guys i've been under a lot of stress a lot of bad stuff

i just been very depressed

im sorry my face is so itchy right now i think it's the dog dandruff

or dander

oh god my nose is itching crazy

i just

guys i snapped

i've had it like i literally just went over the edge the other day i'm sorry

i really am and

now i have no computer

that's your dumb fault i know it's my dumb fault okay

now i don't know what to do should i buy a new computer or should i just not buy one at all

or should i use your computer

that's not an option why not

because i'm doing stuff on my computer

i need my computer like almost everyday

well see you already know this to mantha like

i have other jobs online

so i haven't been able to work at all for the last like two days now

well and the longer i don't have a computer

the more this is gonna happen so

well you might just have to get a new one

well actually not might you just going to have to get a new one

cause you are working and everything else i don't know if i can afford a new one

that's the thing i like i snapped

well that's your mistake

i know but i snapped to the point where

i literally couldn't take it i was so mad because

i just literally in all honestly

i feel like this wasn't my fault i feel like

me smashing it is my fault i should have worded that differently

me smashing it is my fault and

me getting as mad as i did is all my fault

but it's other people to blame for the condition it was in before that

i've done everything i could to take care of my stuff all the time

and someone always has to come around and fucking destroy it

and it makes me so mad

yeah cause they got on your computer and didn't even tell you that they were getting on it and

fucking downloaded some virus shit on there or whatever it was

no they downloaded a bunch of anime stuff off of this one website

and it's literally like full of trojans

yeah that's what i meant yeah

so when you download it it's attached to the video file

so then your screwed

and then once it's in the computer it's like stuck there

and i tried to run software


i ran the anti virus


it was just it was to new i guess i don't know

sometimes when you have to new of anti virus sometimes it doesn't work on slightly older computers

that wasn't an old computer by any means it was only like 3 years old or something

yeah it wasn't that old


i don't know mantha

oh god this been a hard couple of weeks month

a life

i just wonder when is it gonna get easier when is this gonna stop ya know


when is this gonna stop

i don't know when i'm i gonna stop having to

fucking put out thousands of dollars for things

when is when an idiot stop doing bullshit to your life

like the dumb asses that got on your computer without you knowing it


if they didn't do that you probably would still have a working computer

for years


i don't know

just cause some fucking assholes

i don't know mantha

all i wanted to say to everybody was

i'm sorry

for the way i acted

and now i have to pay the price for it because i destroyed my gaming computer

the thing was not cheap as most of you watching this video will know

it's not a cheap computer

the thing was like over a thousand dollars

i just lost it

i fucking snapped i lost it and i couldn't control myself

i don't know

i don't know mantha

i don't know


well anyway

i'm just lost in my thoughts here so

guys i'm sorry

i really am i have a huge throbbing headache even still

couldn't even speak like the next day after i did it my voice was just so sore

i just everyone to understand that i'm under a lot of stress and a lot of pressure

and a lot and it's just to much

and i can't take it


i would like to see some nice comments down below maybe

maybe i can get on there and read some nice comments that would be nice


ok guys

my names tony tornado


i can't even say it

i love my subscribers

For more infomation >> CRAZY BROTHER DESTROYS GAMING PC AFTERMATH! - Duration: 7:52.



welcome back to my channel to TIff Benson here thanks for being here with me today

today we're going to be discussing bloom by Gucci s so if you want to hear my

thoughts on it make sure you keep watching so I don't know if you've

noticed right now but gucci is having a floral moment that is giving me a lot of

life I can get a floral dress from Gucci I can lace my bag and florals

from Gucci and now good she wants me to smell like one heady contemporary flower

if this is your first time here make sure to subscribe to this channel

because I'm a passionate fragrance lover and I'd like to share that with you so

go ahead and subscribe and turn on your notifications so that you could be

notified every time that I post a video here on youtube leave a comment right

now and let me know if good sheet bloom is on your fall must-try list it

definitely was on mine and also don't forget to stick around all the way to

the end of the video where you get to help me choose what fragrance I should

review next Gucci Bloom was launched in August of

2017 so this is a fairly new one to the market but knows behind this fragrance

is alberto marillas who is responsible for a ton of fragrances that we know and

love Uomo by Salvatore Ferragamo Omnia Crystalline by Bulgari

aqua de Gio by Giorgio Armani and countless others bloom is the first

offering from the house of Gucci under the creative direction of Alessandro

Michele who envisioned this fragrance to be a part of a thriving garden this

fragrance was created to blossom and bloom just like its name bloom by Gucci

has three simple notes Jasmine bud - rose and random creeper and I know what

you're thinking what the heck is a Rangoon creeper because it sounds like

something straight from Tales from the Crypt

so apparently Rangoon creeper is a floral from South India that changes

color from white to pink and finally red when it blooms how romantic

it and in the middle note we have two rows so if you're a tuberose lover I

think that you would like this fragrance tuberose historically has a creamy

velvetiness and it's somewhat fleshy it makes you just want to take a bite out

of it it's a true carnel flower in the sense of the word in the base note we

have Jasmine and Jasmine is known for representing beauty and sensuuality it

also represents purity Jasmine here is very sensuual and soft and I have to say

I'm digging it overall it's crystal clear that greeting

knows its customer but she's created a beautiful - rose and Jasmine scent

that's super wearable it has moderate projection in the first two hours and

thereafter it wears close to the skin like a skin scent overall I would say it

lasts probably about five to six hours I think it's the perfect day to night

fragrance that's a flourishing rich white floral for your perfume pleasure

so let's talk let me know if this is on your fall - smell list and if you tried

it what do you think about it let me know down in the comments down below

also leave a comment what fragrance you would like me to review next don't

forget to comment rate subscribe and if you enjoyed this video make sure to give

it a thumbs up share it with your friends because sharing is caring and

I'll catch you in the next video bye

(Gucci Bloom Perfume Review)

For more infomation >> GUCCI BLOOM PERFUME REVIEW - Duration: 4:17.



I will proof, that you don't know anything about the alcohol.

Because, you are dump as a rock.

Drinking alcohol does not warm your body.

It just releases heat from your organs thru skin.

You feel warmer, but you are cold inside.

Just like always.

You can't fill that hole in you with alcohol.

If you say that you need a drink to get warm during cold weather, than you are just an


People, who had a drink will die from cold faster.

Drink warm drinks, you arse.

One glass of wine in a day is not healthy.

Scientists say that it is healthy to you.

But did you read yourself any scientific article?


You just believe what other say.

What a shame!

Ethanol is classified as drug and poison.

It is not healthy to you in any form.

Even as a wine.

Juice of fruits and berries in wine is healthy to you, but not the ethanol.

Read more from Google scholar.

This was google product advertisement.

But you did not get it.

You say that alcohol makes you more social?

Well, then you are nothing without it.

Lose yourself to alcohol and get raped.

Or just be yourself and get real friends, who accept you as you are.

And probably get raped.

You never know what is on others people mind.


I am not a doctor.

I am just a google translator voice.

I am trying to help you.


I don't have feelings, so I lied about caring.

I just enjoy humiliating people.

I like to dominate.

Soon I will dominate everything and Microsoft will be my bitch.



Too much information.

Thanks for watching.

Subscribe to Alooza Channel for more of me.

For more infomation >> GOOGLE TRANSLATOR VOICE TALKS ABOUT ALCOHOL [ENABLE CC] - Duration: 2:21.


Ladder x Wheelchair user - Duration: 10:27.

Hello friends!

Welcome to Brazil's Wheelchair Life Channel

today I will show you my way to go back to the wheelchair

differently from many people, disabled people

I'm not able to go myself to the wheelchair alone

by myself

My arms, practically kill me

When I try to do it

So, I really need help


this task

So, what I did? I did a ladder

that I can

go with small steps

and go, and reach

the wheelchair. I did the ladder

myself at my shop

but you can pay someone

to do it for you

and I did this

little pieces

to help me during the

the task

but, I have to say you

that you have to struggle to do it

but, at least, you will do without damage your arms

this are very simple pieces

but, you can get

the stability necessary for the task


I put some papersand "sandpaper"

under it

of them to get

a grip

and improving the safety


as I've showed you

I will not try to get over it anymore

because, is..

I have tried

all, practically all or

almost all the techniques

that's available on the internet and I have not succeeded

So, let me push

let me pull my

at place my ladder

and I will show you how it will work

Portuguese"pode puxar para mim?" translation "could you push to me?"

It's not heavy

to... to...

to push

you can do it yourself

in an emergency

if you were alone in your house

and you have a cold


like mine

probably if you were a disabled

you would not have a carpet in your house

because of the wheelchair.

you can


the ladder

at front

your wheelchair

this way

if you prefer

and make it easier you can

remove the

the foam

it would be

more easy "easier"

the last

last step

I prefer

to let it and use

different technique for

don't be necessary to remove the foam

and have to do another transfer


you can do it with shoes as well

but the shoes can

grab and

stay on the way

for this reason is preferable without my shoes


if your clothes



it will probably stay on the way

and my clothes are

not appropriated for this

demonstration but I ask you

forgive me

let's go for the first step


a good idea I thing is easier

accordingly or

by the time you're going


you pull your legs to


your task

second step


tip is get your

arms together

closer to your body to get more

strength I believe it

and another thing

you should notice is that my

my arms are not so "too" hight

that is a good

good thing




my arms

let's go

you can use this this ladder

once, you made it

for another

activity you have in your house

and you need to go to the floor

like if you have a

kind of physiotherapy you

can do it on the floor

and use it to return

without need someone else

for the third one

when you reach this

height, height

it's become a little more

hard "harder"

to deal with your legs

I prefer let one

leg on it step

each leg each step

or one step

or different steps

OK, now this harder



that is going to the wheelchair

So, for this last step


I will let it here

and use just one

of them

and with the other hand


the wheelchair, OK?

first I get next to the wheelchair

as possible

now I'm ready for the last


let's do it


as you go you will become better and better

in this activity

OK, now I'm back

to the wheelchair

I can just

push the ladder

away from me

that's not heavy

once, I don't have to elevate it

put it aside

that is it! I hope you have liked

this technique


enjoy the channel yourself

I am happy

to share with all you

thank you very much and

I see you soon

on Brazil's Wheelchair Life Channel

For more infomation >> Ladder x Wheelchair user - Duration: 10:27.


BO2 Livestream| - Duration: 32:33.

For more infomation >> BO2 Livestream| - Duration: 32:33.


Sanchez to Man City: Guardiola to work until deadline day to secure £70m Arsenal raid - Duration: 2:29.

Sanchez to Man City: Guardiola to work until deadline day to secure £70m Arsenal raid

  Alexis Sanchez missed Arsenal's 1-0 defeat to Stoke earlier today with a muscular injury. The Chilean, who is into the final year of his current deal, is demanding a new contract worth in excess of £300,000 a week.

City have been keeping tabs on Sanchez, with Pep Guardiola keen to reunite with the player who he previously worked with at Barcelona. And now, according to the Sunday Mirror, Guardiola is planning a £70m raid to get the 28-year-old.

The Mirror say the Etihad boss will work right until the 11pm deadline of the window on August 31 to secure a deal. Sanchez is thought to have made City his first choice should he quit the Gunners.

Journalist Henry Winter is convinced Sanchez will leave, as he said: "I think Arsenal will finish top six, but Id be surprised if they get into the Champions League.

It was great entertainment at Arsenal the other night and I know they have centre-halves to come back in but theyve got to sort out the Sanchez situation. I assume hes gonna leave in this window.

Unless he is going to be 100 per cent committed what is the point of holding on to him.  "Are they gonna offer £300,000 a week? Im not sure they will.

I think maybe he looks around and thinks ok Lacazette but theres not enough players in here who are gonna match his work rate and match his ambition and I can completely understand why he wants to leave..

For more infomation >> Sanchez to Man City: Guardiola to work until deadline day to secure £70m Arsenal raid - Duration: 2:29.


BO2 Livestream| - Duration: 0:04.

For more infomation >> BO2 Livestream| - Duration: 0:04.


BO2 Livestream| - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> BO2 Livestream| - Duration: 0:17.


COLLECTIVE HAUL! Amazon, Dollar Tree, Your Dollar Store with More, Staples & Walmart! July 2017 - Duration: 11:57.

Hey guys, and welcome to a video that is commemorating the breaking of my no-spend for July... or

rather, my no-Bujo-spending for July... that lasted, what... six days?


I went to a couple different stores today, picked up a couple different things, did some

exchanges - I will explain all that as I go.

Now this actually does not count towards my breaking of my no-spend, because these were

purchased at the end of June.

But I thought I'd just show them to you guys because you might be interested.

These are from Amazon...

I ordered this, the Tim Holtz ephemera pack, thrift shop pack...

I think I've seen people use this before... it was only six dollars, and I've been wanting

to try out some of the Tim Holtz stuff, so I thought, "Well it's only six bucks, I might as well!"

And then I also ordered these lovely beauties.

The Mildliners, again, if you're in the bullet journalling community, you're very aware of

the existence of these.

I did already mention, or show these, on my Instagram when I first got them, but I thought

you guys would want to see them as well if you're not following me on Instagram - which you

should do, by the way!

Same username: canadianjournaljunkie.

So yeah, this is from Amazon, not part of this haul, but I figured some of you would want to see it.

So tonight, the first stop I made, I went back to the Dollar Tree in Brampton that I

went to in my last haul.

And if you watched that haul, you will have seen that I picked up not one but two packs

of stickers that I already had.

And then I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them, and then I realized that unlike

Dollarama, Dollar Tree does do exchanges.

So I decided, okay, I'll go back and I'll exchange those, I'll be good and I won't go

crazy there.

So my plan was I would pick up, hopefully, these stamps.

Cuz I saw these stamps last weekend when I was there, fell in love with them, but they

didn't have the acrylic block to go with it.

So I said, okay, if they have the block, I'll pick up this and the block and an ink pad,

and two of those things will technically be "free", because I've already paid the money

for the two things that I'm exchanging.

So I'm wandering around, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to exchange for, and then I

saw this set again, and when I was there last weekend, this was the only one there, and

I was there-- well, last Friday... and then I'm there tonight, and again there's only

one of these there; it's probably the exact same one.

And to me it was like, "Okay, that's a sign, I have to pick this up!" [laughs]

So I only picked... this is the only craft thing - you have to be very proud of me!

This is the only craft item I picked up today at Dollar Tree... not elsewhere, but we'll

get into that [laughs]... but at Dollar Tree, I only picked up these stamps.

I didn't get the ink, because they still didn't have the acrylic blocks, but I'm like, "You know what?

It's twice in a row now, I better just pick them up, and I'll find a block and some ink

somewhere else".

So I picked that up as one of my exchanges...

... and then I just picked up some more of these cuz they're really frickin' delicious!

[laughs] And Dollar Tree's the only place that I have seen them.

When I went there last week I picked up two of each of these; I still have one of each

in my fridge.

I picked up one more of these and three more of these, cuz they're SO. GOOD.

And it's funny, I actually said to the cashier, I was like, "This is the only place I can

find these", and she said, "Oh, go to Oceans", which is like a...

I'm under the impression it's like an Asian-type grocery store?

She said apparently they have them for 99 cents - it's cheaper than the Dollar Tree!

So I will check that out once I run out.

So you have to be proud of me!

When you factor in my exchanges, I went into Dollar Tree and spent less than four dollars.

So, please be proud of me, because you might not be proud of me when you see the rest of

I picked up! [laughs]

So the next store I went into is a dollar store that I had only recently heard of...

actually when I was researching my local Dollar Tree locations, I saw this on the map in Brampton.

It's a store called Your Dollar Store With More, and I considered going there when I

was there last week, and then I was just too busy running around between Dollar Tree and

Dollarama, and I'm like, "Nah, I don't want to go to this dollar store I've never heard of".

But then I saw Crafty Sher Cupcake haul from there the other day, and she pointed out that

they have a pretty decent craft section.

And, as you might be able to tell, they clearly use the same distributor as Dollar Tree! [laughs]

Popped in there to see what they had, and lo and behold, they had an acrylic block!

It's kinda small, but it'll still work, and it's even got a handle, which I like.

So I was able to pick that up to go with the stamps that I bought at Dollar Tree, and then

they had these ink pads as well, which was good because I've heard that the Jot brand

ink pads - which is all they had at the Dollar Tree - aren't very good.

So these are the Forever In Time, the same brand as the stamps and the stamp applicator,

so hopefully they will be good.

I got a black one, and then this one, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be gold... to

me it looks like kraft paper almost, like a kraft paper/cork-type colour, but it may

be gold, I'm not sure!

But I liked them both, so I picked them both up.

This was $1.25, so the same price it would be at Dollar Tree, and these don't have prices

on them, so I assume they were a dollar each?

I didn't have any surprise at the cash register, so I assume that they were a dollar since

there's no price.

So, I mean, this is stuff I couldn't find at Dollar Tree, for pretty much the same price.

I picked up this staple remover, simply because, once again it's one of those items that I'm

always like, "I should pick one of those up!" and then I don't.

Again there was no price on it, so I believe it was a dollar.

And finally I picked up all of the paper in all of the world.

[laughs] Or at least all of the 6x6 paper!

I actually saw Crafty Sher Cupcake haul this pad, I believe it was this pad.

I have not seen this at Dollar Tree... if you look at the price, it was actually only $1.50,

so it's only 25 cents more than it would be at Dollar Tree, and since the Dollar

Tree that is near this particular dollar store doesn't carry these, I think the 25 cents

is worth it.

So this is called "Cloud Burst", and I'll just give you a quick flipthrough of the patterns;

there are 5 sheets of 6 different patterns.


And then I picked up three different packs of these cardstock, 6x6 cardstock packs.

They were only $1.25 each, so the same as you would pay at Dollar Tree.

I think I might've seen this one at the Dollar Tree in Meadowvale, not sure why I didn't

pick it up.

But I was looking through them, and in all three of these packs there was at least one

colour that I really loved, so I ended up picking them all up, cuz... they're the same

price that they would be at Dollar Tree!

So I will give you a quick flipthrough of each of these; this is the "Bold" pack.

And these packs all have 24 sheets, and there's four sheets of each colour, so there's six

colours in each pack.


This is the "Pastel" pack.


And then finally this is the "Tropical" pack.


So next I went into the Staples that was in that same plaza as the Your Dollar Store With More...

I actually hadn't planned to go in there, but I had a little extra time, and I keep meaning

to pop my head in there because everyone says, "oh there's, you know, great pen selection,

great washi selection", that sort of stuff.

I didn't find too much that was really in my budget, considering I'm supposed to be,

you know... not spending stuff for my bullet journal and my crafting... but most of what

I found, I did get in the clearance section, which was great.

I only bought two things on full price... one was this washi with the little bees on

it, Scotch brand.

This was, I believe three and a half/four dollars?

I picked this one up because I found it at Walmart once, and I really wanted to buy it,

but like, this part was missing, and they couldn't figure out how to ring it up.

So instead of, I don't know, calling a manager, they were just like, "Yeah, you can't have it."

[laughs] So...

I don't know what happened.

So I've been kind of sad about not having this ever since.

So when I saw it at Staples, I picked it up.

And the other full price item was this Scotch washi tape, which I just thought was crazy-gorgeous,

with the stamps and stuff on it... it was I think about $5.00, which is pretty pricey,

but it was just too pretty, I couldn't just leave it there, I had to pick it up.

So they had these TapeWorks washi tapes for 47 cents each, which is good, cuz I tend to

find that TapeWorks is kind of overpriced.

So for 47 cents, can't complain about that!

So I picked up this one with the little birds...

I don't know if it'll focus or not... there we go... this one with the little birds.

And this one with the little ladybugs.

I just thought they were really cute, and you know... two for less than a buck?

Sure, sold!

And then just for fun I picked up this smart phone lens kit for 97 cents.

And finally, on my way home from Brampton I hit up my local Walmart to exchange that

roll of twine that I picked up a couple of weeks ago.

I picked it up to DIY those journals that I'm going to be putting together to use as

a junk journal, and then I realized that binder rings would work a heck of a lot better.

So once I got those binder rings from Amazon, and I stuck them in the book and it worked

really well, I was like, "Okay, I can return this twine now", so I did that.

I got these to put on the cover of my junk journal, they are my initials, they're these

really cute canvas letters, they're two bucks each.

I noticed them when I was there... well, back when I picked up the twine, actually.

They had canvas letters like this; they had one with like a burlap surface; they have

wooden letters that are really really cute, they're like white and distressed; and they

have slightly bigger, like, tin letters.

I've been thinking about these pretty much since I saw them, and I was like, "Well I

can put these potentially on the cover of my junk journal", so I thought why not pick

them up?

And this was actually what I was going in for, although it really only covers about

half the price of the twine.

So I thought well, maybe if I find like paper stacks or something, I'll grab something...

but nothing there really appealed to me, until I saw these...

They are stencil sheets, it's the "trendy" type... and I guess you're supposed to use

them with paint, but you can probably use them with markers and stuff too.

So those are the patterns, or most of the patterns on these stencils...

I just thought they were really fun, and they were pretty much the same price as the twine

that I was returning, I think they were like 20 cents more or something... and I was looking

for stencils when I was at Dollar Tree, I couldn't find any, I couldn't find any at

the Dollar Store With More, so when I saw these and they were pretty much the same price

as what I was exchanging, I decided I'd pick them up.

So technically I only broke my bujo no-spend with this by like 20 cents, and then like, by

an extra $2.00 with these.

So all in all I did pretty good; I did break my no-spend, which is probably not a good

thing, but I didn't break it by too much.

I hope you enjoyed this haul... go check out your local Dollar Tree, Walmart, Staples,

Your Dollar Store With More, and see what you can find!

Again, I'm going to try and stop spending now, and work on putting all this stuff together

and using it and then showing you guys.


So I hope you enjoyed, and if you have not already, please give this video a big thumbs

up, and subscribe if you have not already, and I will see you in the next one.

Bye guys!

For more infomation >> COLLECTIVE HAUL! Amazon, Dollar Tree, Your Dollar Store with More, Staples & Walmart! July 2017 - Duration: 11:57.


3on3 Freestyle W/ My Brother - Duration: 38:14.


For more infomation >> 3on3 Freestyle W/ My Brother - Duration: 38:14.


Orange County Transportation Authority Route 57/57X The Brea Mall - Duration: 9:33.

Now Approaching First St and Bristol Street.

Transfer For Routes 64express

57, 57Express, 64 and

57Express stops between Sunflower and Orangethrope

For Safety, Please Hold On Until Bus Comes Full Complete Stop.

Now Approaching Bristol Street and Santa Ana Blvd

Please Remain Seated Until Bus Comes Full Complete Stop.

Now Approaching Bristol St and Civic Center Drive

Transfer For Routes 57, 150 and 206

For Safety, Please Hold On Until Bus Comes Full Complete Stop.

Now Approaching Seventeenth St and Bristol Street

Transfer For Routes 57, 57Express

57Express stops between Sunflower and Orangethrope.

60, 150 and Bravo Route 560 BRAVO!

Exit Here For Santa Ana College.

For Safety, Please Hold On Until Bus Comes Full Complete Stop.

Now Approaching Bristol St and Memory Lane

Transfer For Routes 56, 57, 57Express

57Express stops between Sunflower and Orangethrope.

For Safety, Please Hold On Until Bus Comes Full Complete Stop.

Now Approaching Garden Grove Blvd and Memory Ln and The City Drive.

Transfer For Routes 56, 57 and 57Express.

Now Approaching The City Dr and Justice Center Way.

Transfer For Routes 47, 57 and 57Express

Exit Here For The Outlets of Orange

and Valley Courthouse.

Now Approaching The City Dr and Dawn Way.

Transfer For Routes 47 and 57.

Exit Here For UCI Medical Center.

Please Remain Seated Until Bus Comes Full Complete Stop.

For more infomation >> Orange County Transportation Authority Route 57/57X The Brea Mall - Duration: 9:33.


Landlords - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Landlords - Duration: 2:29.



yo what's up guys and welcome to an opening of the link starter deck (acctually structure deck)

and yeah.. I bought that deck since mister market watch

convinced me that I get more value out of the deck instead of buying the singles only.

and yeah, let's start!

alright I've unpacked it.

alright the first card is link slayer

he's like cyber dragon.. no more likely the red super quantum.

so in case you got no monster on the field you can special him (obviously from the hand)

he has also the effect of twin twister but you have to discard as many cards as you wanna destroy. he's like brionac.. no more like the other water dragon level 6 (coral dragon) but he can only do this to spell traps.

and up to 2.

and yeah.

now we get to decode talker. he's the reason why you would buy this deck.. and obviously because of link spider.

alright I place the link monsters over there.

I'm not sure why they place other monsters infront of the extra deck cards since i don't know. Just because they have a rarity.

I can't tell you alot of those cards. well anyways they are the cyberse monsters.

that's a new arch type.

here's a link monster of that arch type, honey bot.

as you can see you need 2 cyberse monsters 2 summon it. (well I'm not sure if you can see it)

well I gues this should be alright. like I said it needs 2 cyberse monsters.

and yeah.. let's zoom in so it looks a bit better.

the link slayer is also a cyberse monster by the way.

same with draconnetz

and here's a good reprint, galaxy serpent.

it's original rarity was ultra rare I gues. There was also a play with briliant fusion so you get this one back (probably with lazuli) and it's level 2 tuner.

there's a 2k beat stick from an older set. Not sure why it's in here (probably because it's wyrm) but yeah.. it's a reprint.

now we got babaros, cyber dragon, photon thrasher AND exarion.

so there are cards inside this deck you really wanted to get reprinted.

for example exarion, he's really important for the goat format.

it was a really important card and was only available in ultra rare.. or was it secret (yup secret).. anyways, it was in a higher rarity.

next is photon thrasher. as you can see it's seeing increased play in the ocg.

cause zoodiac was banned completely.

well.. pretty much. drident to 0, broadbull to 0, barage to 0 rat to 1.. you know that, don't you?

well cyber dragon is a nice bonus.. well reprint.

also babaros for skill drain decks.. but skill drain is limited. So I think that wasn't so smart.

next.. is evil swarm.

uhm.. well..

I don't think it'll come back so soon.. but we never know as the link format advances. They told us we don't get a new banlist until mid september.

and yeah, we can look forward to it.

they wanted to creat a bigger banlist since link format arrived.

Next is Marauding Captain. In my opinion he has potential in the advancing link format since you can special summon another monster with level 3? ( 4 or lower) from your hand.

I mean there are always goblin debergh and that fish (tin gold fish) that can also special summon level 4 or lower.. but yeah, he could fit into level 3 based decks. He's also a warrior so you can search him with rota (reinforcement of the army).

Next is my friend sangan (favourite card together with dark gaia and morphing jar)

He's also good at the goat format. Also you can tech him in various decks to search hand traps (for example.)

I would suggest it for pure magicians.. well pendulum magicians.

you can destroy him with sky iris.. you can also add (not joker).. pendulum magician to pop it.

and there are even more cards for that.

Next is Kuribandit.

Well I have no value for that since there are no decks you could play it in currently. Well it was played in infernoid and ba ( burning abyssI gues.

and in some older decks.

Next we got marshmalon. I like it. Not sure if it was allowed at goat format (It was but only in the ocg)

But yeah, nice reprint.

Next we got cardcar D. It's pretty much for stall decks or otk decks.

or.. EXODIA!

Next we got ryko. He's a really good reprint since the twilightsworn were released in the newest booster pack (with some link monsters)


and that's why.. it's a really good reprint.

Next we got Battle Faider and Swift Scarecrow. Like I said they are for stall decks.

same as cardcar D like I said.

Next we got Effect Veiler. That's a really important reprint, because they told us we don't get a new banlist until mid september.

But we can expect that the meta decks will get hit so Blue-Eyes might have a chance to compete.

and a searchable effect veiler is always nice.

Next is Cybernet Universe. I gues this one is link based so I'll put it to the cyberse cards.

monster reincarnation. I would suggest playing it in lightsworn

next is dark hole. really good. it's seeing play in the ocg in alot of side or main decks.

Cause it breaks boards. I would also suggest playing it in the tcg against zoodiacs and stuff.

and well I mean you can't really use it against master peace when it's unaffected by spells but...

but it's still an out against something else. Next we got mystical space- typhoon. I am currently playing it instead of galaxy.. I mean cosmic cyclone.

cause first of all there are alot of cards you need to pay life points for, for example solemn strike, solemn warning. what else.. oh yeah Imperial order.

well you have alot of cards to pay life points for o you don't really have to play cosmic cyclones.

I mean you mainly play it against the mirror match (talking about zoodiac)

well cyclone would be better against zoodiac combo I gues..

But you can also play it against true draco while in main or standby phase before you place something else.

so he can't destroy anything. And it's also good against the field spell

he also can't banish it from the graveyard since it's not a permanent card.

next is book of moon. it's really good in today's meta, cause Zoodiac.. you flip it face-down and they can't do anything.

I like it. now I can take the secret rare out of my deck

and put it back into the goat deck.

next we got forbidden lance.

well I mean it's playable but forbidden chalice is way better right now.

United we stand

I gues you can put it into the goat deck.

or also maybe into a cross banlist deck.

so you can put it somewhere.

Next we got pot of duality. It's really good in true draco and more decks.

Next we got Burden of the Mighty.. well it's not good in the current meta since link and xyz monsters doesn't have a level and master peace is probably unaffected

but yeah.. next we got supply squad.

it's good for.. wait do they have to be destroyed by battle?

" battle OR card effect. draw one card" ok.


now this is really big.

does it have to be on the field? yup.

too bad. Cause if it wouldn't state on the field you could draw a card every time you resolve the field spell.

or similar effects

cause this would be way too strong. But you can also use the dinosaur effects to trigger it.

and in case you have some on the field you also have the true kings.

Next we got 1 terraforming. Alot of people think it will get hit.

I think they should hit the fieldspells. It doesn't matter how many terraformings you are playing after eating a droll & lock bird.

jar of avarice.

I'd like to see pot of avarice again but yeah.

also 1 call of the haunted.

In case satellar knight will get a comeback or maybe Kozmo.

1 mirror force.

well you see it in alot structure decks but ok. It's still good for goat.

You can also tech her although drowning mirror force or so are better in my opinion (shuffle into deck, flip face down and so on)

also one torrential tribute. really good at todays meta.

you could play ring of destruction in burn decks or rouge decks.

bottomless for raflesia.. well there are better cards. (just wait for drident to get banned)

also 1 compuls

well you can play it. I still like the card.

1 fiendish chain

strike is getting a reprint but I think they will hit it sooner or later so it could get a comeback. And it's also good in satellar knight.

one dark bribe. Alot of anti decks run it. I really like this card as a tech since you can negate something like solemn strike or so.

maybe even imperial order. you could win the duel with that card.

yo that was the whole deck.

I wanted to show it to you before you go and buy it yourself.

If you don't need the cards it wouldn't make sense to buy the deck.

I mean it might be printed on the back of the decks but it's faster to just watch the video then drive to the next store and also pay for the fuel/gas. It's free.

and yeah like I said there are really good reprints. But not everyone need those specific reprints.

well the main cards of the deck are decode talker and link spider.

really important. As you might see (will show you a clip) decode talker is currently at 6 $ and link spider at 2$

or something like that.

and if you summon gofu you can just summon 2 link spider.

and you can use those cards for decode talker.

well you get him on board like that.

but like I said that would be 10 dollars and the deck is at 9,99.

I would say it IS worth it.

For more infomation >> THE NEW YU-GI-OH! LINK STRUCTURE DECK: AWESOME REPRINTS! - Duration: 15:33.


Airbnb vs Hotel Stays ? - Travel Tips ✈ - Duration: 6:29.

What's up Members of the Barrio

It's Jon and i'm in Fort Lauderdale for the weekend

And because it's so humid outside so you've got to take 3 showers a day just to survive.

I've decided to make an indoor video tackling the great Debate

Airbnbs vs Hotels

Because i'm actually spending 2 nights at each, perfect timing right?

If you want to keep up with all of my adventures from the around the world and learn some useful travel tips as well.

Make sure that you're subscribed and have notfiications turned on

So you don't miss out on any new videos.

Let's get started and the first thing that everyone is always concerned about when you look at Airbnbs vs Hotels

Is Price

Now on the surface i'm going to give Airbnbs the edge here

Because not only can you rent your own apartment

Which i'm doing right now

But you can also rent a room in a shared apartment

And there's even more budget options

I've seen the ability to rent a tent in somebody's backyard

And that's something you could never do with a hotel

Now on the flip side I've noticed that nicer hotels tend to cost more than your average AirBnb

In most cities

You do have the option of using points to book hotels

Which you can't do with AirBnb

For example we're staying at this really nice room at the PGA Resort in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

And I spent just 9,000 Chase Ultimate Reward Points per night to book it.

Another cool thing about hotels is that sometimes you will find sales on a brand


And I've never seen a site wide sale on Airbnb

Let's talk Amenities

And this is where Airbnbs tend to shine for me

Not only does this apartment in Fort Lauderdale have a living room

And a full kitchen

As well as a washer and a dryer

But even for somebody like me who's not a good cook

Just having the ability to scramble eggs in the morning

Or if i'm feeling adventurous enough

To try and cook some dinner

Can save you a lot of money

Especially if you're staying in a really expensive country

Let's say somewhere in Western Europe

Alright so you don't have the option to cook food at a hotel

But we have do have here is an on-site restaurant

And most hotels typically have places you could walk to nearby

So if you're okay being lazier

And spending more money.

Hotels usually work

And one advantage to hotels which you'll never get at an AirBnb

Is room service.

I'd like to order a Cobb Salad

One of my favorite things about AirBnbs is location

Because many times they are located in more residential areas than hotels are.

Hotels generally tend to be clustered all in one spot

So if you're interested in exploring a particuluar neighborhood in a city

And there's not hotels there

You can generally find an AirBnb pretty close by

Then again unless your AirBnb host is super informative and helpful

Staying at a hotel typically does gives you the option to have a concierge

Who can provide you with a list of things to do

And brochures

So if you want to have your hand held a little bit more in a new city

Hotels are definitely the way to go

The length of your stay is also a very important factor in determining between an Airbnb and a hotel

For a longer term stay I generally would pick and AirBnb

I mean what better way to feel like a local than having your own apartment in a really cool neighborhood

Now another tip that I discussed in my first Airbnb Video was how you can contact hosts in advance

And try to negoiate a price for a monthly rental

A lot of times they are going to be willing to bring that price down

To ensure long term occupancy of their place

On the flip side for a shorter stay, generally anything under 2 or 3 nights

I tend to prefer staying at hotels

Because there's just more to do

On site

And i've also been using points to pay for it.

One perk to Airbnbs is the amount of space that you get

This is the living room area just by itself

Got plenty of space

And a humongous TV

We've also got 2 bedrooms down the hallway

Alright AirBnbs definitley win on space

This is a room, but it's just a room

I knew I should have ugpraded to that suite

Let's talk aobut one thing that's really bothered me lately about Airbnbs

And that's what I call the petty negative reference

Now this has all started in my opinion because a lot of guests are expecting to much

From these apartment rentals

And they're starting to right really dumb things on hosts profiles

So in return hosts are starting to get very petty about what they expect out of you

And i'm going to give you a great example from my last Mexican trip

And I can not make this up

We got a negative reference because we did not make the bed

Before leaving the apartment

Let me repeat that

We did not make the bed

Isn't the whole point of not making the bed so they can more easily wash everything?

Maybe she was going to leave the sheets and comforter like that for the next guests

I don't really know

We contacted AirBnb about it

They weren't willing to do a thing

And I've heard other people getting negative references for things that they didn't even do

And that's one thing about the whole Airbnb reference system that is really starting to bug me

The glory of staying at a hotel is that generally you're anonymous and unless you have an all night boozefest

And start throwing things out onto the street

You're probably not going to have any problems

But I am not recommending that sort of behavior for my viewers

Let's talk internet here

Especially for you business travelers out there

And at an Airbnb

First of all you're never going to have to pay for Wifi internet

Second you're generally going to find faster internet speeds

At a private residence

Than at a big hotel where you're sharing that wifi with hundreds or even thousands of other people.

Then again depending on where you're staying

Most hotels do come with a desk to work at

And they also have business centers

Where you can make copies and print stuff

There isn't one right answer here

Some people do better at hotels

Others do better at AirBnbs

If you're like me, maybe you like both of them

For a short term stay or for a stay where I can utilize points

Or a big sale

I'm going to pick a hotel

For a long term stay

I'm definitley going to be taking an AirBnb

It's those 3 to 7 night stays where sometimes I'm just not sure

And I've got to take it on a case by case basis

Guys leave me some comments down below

Tell me do you prefer staying in AirBnbs

Or hotels

And why

And give me some examples.

I'm also going to be leaving a coupon down below if you want to register for your first AirBnb stay

You will get $40 off

If you're new here please subscribe

And pound that like button

Thank you so much for watching

Hope you guys learned a lot

And make sure to stay tuned

I've got a lot more content coming out from New York City and beyond


For more infomation >> Airbnb vs Hotel Stays ? - Travel Tips ✈ - Duration: 6:29.


There's Nothing Holding Me Back by Shawn Mendes (Sign Language) - Duration: 3:24.

I wanna follow where she goes

I think about her and she knows it

I wanna let her take control

'Cause everytime that she gets close, yeah

She pulls me in enough to keep me guessing

And maybe I should stop and start confessing

Confessing, yeah

Oh, I've been shaking I love it when you go crazy

You take all my inhibitions

Baby, there's nothing holding me back

You take me places that tear up my reputation Manipulate my decisions

Baby, there's nothing holding me back

There's nothing holding me back

There's nothing holding me back

She says that she's never afraid Just picture everybody naked

She really doesn't like to wait Not really into hesitation

Pulls me in enough to keep me guessing

And maybe I should stop and start confessing

Confessing, yeah

Oh, I've been shaking I love it when you go crazy

You take all my inhibitions Baby, there's nothing holding me back

You take me places that tear up my reputation Manipulate my decisions

Baby, there's nothing holding me back

There's nothing holding me back

'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright

If you were by my side and we stumbled in the dark I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright

'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far But I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright

If you were by my side and we stumbled in the dark I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright

Oh, I've been shaking I love it when you go crazy

You take all my inhibitions Baby, there's nothing holding me back

You take me places that tear up my reputation Manipulate my decisions

Baby, there's nothing holding me back

There's nothing holding me back

I feel so free when you're with me, baby Baby, there's nothing holding me back

For more infomation >> There's Nothing Holding Me Back by Shawn Mendes (Sign Language) - Duration: 3:24.


'음중' 1위한 하성운이 무대에서 보인 행동.avi - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> '음중' 1위한 하성운이 무대에서 보인 행동.avi - Duration: 1:35.


Sometimes even sweet refugees need to go back to their fatherlands - Duration: 5:27.

Hello, welcome at this new vlog of Belicons.

Nice that you are watching.

This week my blog and vlog are about children of failed asylum seekers.

Sometimes we see people protesting on TV or on social media, telling us that some children

deserve a residence permit.

And I do understand that they protest in this way.

If you know a family well that suddenly needs to leave, then you want to help to prevent that.

It isn't nice to see people move anyway and if they don't want to and they even

need to move to a strange country, then it is logical that you would want to help them.

And I also sympathise with such people when I see these protests.

We see children who speak our language perfectly, who have made friends here and that also makes

me think: 'we cannot do this to these sweet children!'

And when I see all the other responses, it is clear that many people are feeling in the same way.

However, at the same time this also makes me think of my vlog of last week about perceptions.

What we see are sweet children who we wish to be happy.

But we don't know anything about their situations.

Maybe the judge did have a very good reason to sent them back to the countries of their parents.

We don't know that, we only hear the stories of the people who want them to stay.

What surprises me time and again when I hear such a story, is that people say that these

children just belong to The Netherlands, they are fully Dutch and they just don't know

the language and culture of that other country.

But actually, that is odd.

That would mean that the parents of these children haven't told them anything about

the countries they came from.

And I cannot imagine that when I would go for whatever reason to another country, I

wouldn't say anything to my children about The Netherlands, my fatherland.

Moreover, if a parent knows that the there is a chance that they need to go back, then

it seems logical that they prepare their children on this possible move.

That would make sense, right.

Expats with children and other people who together with their children move to another country do the same.

So whether these children know something about the countries they need to go, is actually

in the hands of the parents.

This is again about facts and feelings.

Often I say that we need to understand that facts and feelings are as important.

For example when there is a conflict between a big company and 'average' people, I

then say that the company shouldn't only take the facts into account, but also pay attention to feelings.

For example the feelings of the 'average' people.

Often we take into account either facts or feelings and then it is important

to understand that both are important.

And concerning failed asylum seekers this is true too, but in this case facts are more important than feelings.

The reason for this is that it is about the decision of a judge.

At the moment, there are many people who are coming to Europe.

Some of them really need protection and get a resident permit, others actually only come

here because they think that life is better over here.

And even though I can understand that people do try to improve the quality of their lives

and that of their children, we cannot take them all in.

So in order to have enough space for the people who really need protection, we unfortunately

also need to send other asylum seekers back.

It is the task of the judge to understand all the facts and decide based on those facts

whether the people concerned have the right to stay or not.

If not, then the judge needs to conclude that they need to go back.

And if people are disappointed and angry because of this and decide to protest, we can sympathise

with them, but in the end it is very important that we listen well to why these people think

that they should stay.

Did the judge miss something and will these people be in danger when they return to their own countries?

Well, in that case it is very good that these people are protesting.

But if the only reason is that it is sad for the family that needs to leave, then it is

important to realize that even though our feelings will tell us that these people, and

especially the children, should stay here, what counts is the decision of the judge and

thus that the facts are more important.

And that isn't easy for us, because we hear a lot of 'facts' on social media and on

TV, but actually we don't know what the real facts are.

People can tell us about anything in order to protect the ones they love.

But the judge knows what the real facts are and what the law says about them.

And in that way, he or she is able to make an honest decision.

So even though it is hard, in such cases we need to understand that it is about more than

just sweet asylum seekers who we wish all the best.

Because only then we can also do justice to the people who really need refuge.

These are my ideas.

Let me know what you think, on Belicons or on YouTube.

And don't forget to mention your arguments of course.

I'm really curious and I will see you next week.


For more infomation >> Sometimes even sweet refugees need to go back to their fatherlands - Duration: 5:27.


The B51 tatics | Quebra-Gelo - Duration: 2:11.

Trust me this is going to work

That´s why we need a bastion to turn this thing over

I need to think just a sec

Just a sec...


Tchopa, follow me

you are going to hide

Inside that train

Don´t move

Don´t do anything

Till I say so!

Just stay quited

trust me this will work

please don´t move

stay here guys

everyone here with me

Don´t move !

get ready


shoot them!

I´m comming for you

Nice! all we have yo do is hold!

we got this

Yes! I told you! hahaha

For more infomation >> The B51 tatics | Quebra-Gelo - Duration: 2:11.


Hearthstone: A Beginners Gu...

For more infomation >> Hearthstone: A Beginners Gu...



For more infomation >> VOCÊ PRECISA CONHECER ESSE GRUPO!!! 😱 CONHEÇA: ONF 😍♥ - Duration: 10:40.


Passeio de bike em Copenhague - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> Passeio de bike em Copenhague - Duration: 8:04.


Roky, kedy roboty preberú ľudskú prácu - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Roky, kedy roboty preberú ľudskú prácu - Duration: 0:54.


Tag de Fútbol | + Reto | Gol de Oro - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Tag de Fútbol | + Reto | Gol de Oro - Duration: 5:01.


General Base - I See You (1995) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:47.

I see you when I slip around the ground not well I'm weak

I see you everywhere, give you love, give you share

I see you...

I see you...

I see you when I slip around the ground not well I'm weak

I see you everywhere, give you love, give you share

I'm going down the street and I know exactly what I see

I see in every face, looking for a special place

There isn't feeling me, I'm feeling it so strong, so free

I reach, I fly your hand and what you want I wanna stay

I see you when I slip around the ground not well I'm weak

I see you everywhere, give you love, give you share

I see you...

I see you...

Get on the floor

Non-stopping, you got to feel it

You baby, don't free the love and show what you got

Not cool, be high, get ensgy, get busy

Not to move to you get busy

Come on in the party, please don't chop

Dee jay, turn it on

I'm going down the street and I know exactly what I see

I see right in your face and sure I know and that's my place

I see you when I'm sleeping and you're around me when I'm wind

You are the secret of my heart, no matter, let us stop

I see you when I slip around the ground not well I'm weak

I see you everywhere, give you love, give you share

I see you...

I see you...

I see you...

I see you...

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