Sunday, August 20, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 20 2017

Neutral Shampoo

for more information about this formula

visit and search for BA0001

Technical consultant: Pharmacist Gustavo Boaventura

Director: Michael Hosken

For more infomation >> How to make a neutral shampoo - Duration: 1:49.


How to make neutral conditioner - Duration: 2:21.

Neutral Conditioner

for more information about this formula

visit and search DA0001

Technical consultant: Pharmacist Gustavo Boaventura

Director: Michael Hosken

For more infomation >> How to make neutral conditioner - Duration: 2:21.


Italbasket a corrente alternata.HD - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Italbasket a corrente alternata.HD - Duration: 5:07.


Nissan Pulsar - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar - Duration: 0:47.


Nissan Pulsar - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar - Duration: 0:52.


Nissan Juke - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke - Duration: 0:49.


Nissan Juke - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke - Duration: 0:52.


Guardians of the Galaxy 2

For more infomation >> Guardians of the Galaxy 2


TØXIC | TOC SICK 💀 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> TØXIC | TOC SICK 💀 - Duration: 3:21.


LEGO® City

For more infomation >> LEGO® City


Myanmar Song 2017 မလာနဲ့ေတာ့ ( Don't come ) - Duration: 3:34.


For more infomation >> Myanmar Song 2017 မလာနဲ့ေတာ့ ( Don't come ) - Duration: 3:34.


Grisza - Don't Fix Your Reality, Express Your Joy Instead (Lake Tahoe, 2017) - Duration: 13:23.

Today I would like to tell you again about our beautiful world.

About the ways we can observe this world in warmer and nicer colors.

I would like to invite you today to a short meditation hike, for a brief contemplative exploration, as I like to call it.

I wish for us now to direct our focus to the area of our boundless, fantastic imagination where everything is possible.

first, before we start drawing anything on our palette of imagination...

I would like you to notice that it is completely empty...

Completely free of any prejudices...

It is completely guided by our values, our state of being, our definitions and the beliefs we use to color our wonderful image.

Before you start to fix your world or persistently help others...

Ask yourself whether it's easier to just simply change your perspective of how you observe the world, making the whole fixing process redundant.

You see, this is exactly how people create problems on this planet.

They notice problems in the first place. They claim that something is tackless, that something is inadequate, that something should be excluded from Creation, excluded from All That Exists.

In this way, by not accepting certain experiences, by not accepting certain behaviors of people, we create problems for ourselves.

Do not rely on what you look at, brother.

What you look at is a reflection of your state of being, your inner concentration on individual beliefs, the feelings you emit, the definitions you use to describe what you see.

Nevertheless, it is only a result of something that has happened because of your earlier focus.

Do not draw conclusions based on what you see at a given moment. It is very easy to loop around and stay in that trap forever.

It's extremely easy to repeat this cycle and tumble badly at some point.

Something doesn't suit you in the world you are looking at?

Then change the way you observe this phenomenon. You can not change this phenomenon externaly.

You can not outwit the world you live in.

There is no need for us to control anything in our lives.

Our mind is a very smart beast. It willingly offers us logical solutions, causal effect outputs...

which are nevertheless only temporary solutions.

It's because our mind is designed logically. It's designed to fix problems, to face the challanges, to take lessons from life...

When you give up observing problems, and start observing all the different phenomena of your experience as perfect physical manifestations which can bring you joy...

Then your mind does not know what is going on.

It starts to frighten you with all possible mistakes, all possible downfalls that will kick your ass in the future if you do not listen to what it has to say.

That is also a practice, you see... Practice not listening to this information and to the messages that do not serve you.

If your mind is bombarding you with informations that is not beneficial to you and you do not see the need to engage in solving them, then simply give it up.

Everything is a matter of practice and cutting off from your unceasing mind is no different.

And when you finally succeed... then you are not afraid even of the thick snow in the middle of summer in California!

And then you know that you are the creator of your life, and nothing, even your mind, is not able to dictate what you have to do in your life.

Mind is one of the next creations, which we are able to use as a tool. And often times this mind is quite useful. It is an organ that allow us to think abstractly. It can capture those abstract images that are sent to us from our Higher Self.

So it is a great idea to use your mind, which can be used in cool ways such as imagination - a very powerful, creative tool.

However, if your mind is causing you problems, just get rid of it, simply silence it.

All the problems that people are trying to solve on this planet would be solved immediately if people stopped doing what they are doing.

The troublemaker is our reactive, mechanical energy, which impulsively reacts to what is presented externaly.

The kind of energy, which automatically moves away from anything that is uncomfortable or causing pain, suffering or shame.

This energy defines all these experiences and phenomena as unnecessary or one that we should not experience. Therefore it tries to "fix" them.

But avoiding pain, suffering, and honesty in your life is the same problem as trying to put all these experiences under the carpet, claiming that all of this is unnecessary in your life.

How can you possibly know what you need in your life?

What you need in life is exactly what you are experiencing at the moment, so simply trust it.

Trust that where you are at the moment is most beneficial for you.

You see, you will always choose the best version of yourself.

There is no way you can choose something that will bring you greater distress than you had in the past.

It's because we are always choosing better versions of ourself, always becoming more of who we are.

We are always doing our best, and that's something natural for every organism. The same goes for a tree, for a bird, for a galaxy or amoeba, which evolves at a different pace.

Not worse, not at a better pace, just at it's own perfect pace. In it's own world, in it's own environment, in such an environment that it understands best.

I would also like to mention a few words about doubts and how to easily get rid of any doubt in your life.

Notice that the doubt itself, the act of asserting that you do not know something, is birthed in You, in your consciousness.

You are the one who initiates this doubt. You initate the state of awarness of not being sure about something.

Why do this? You can allow yourself to be sure of what you think and what you feel, and simply trust it.

And that will be your Truth in that moment.

The worst solution, my beloved ones, is to stay eternally in that space of "I don't know", in the space of... "I have doubts", "I don't know what's gonna happen", "I don't know who is right"...

The worst solution is not to take any action, and trust only in what people around you are saying. This is truly tragic.

Because in that scenario you are not learning anything new, and you only reconfirm your doubts.

It's totally different while you bet on something. No matter if you decide to go left or right, at some point you will notice that going left was beneficial for you, or was not beneficial for you.

Then you will not treat it as a mistake, but rather as an understanding of how to appreciate the fact that you yourself are capable of making mistakes and learning from them.

I know that it can be hard because in our society we have learned to quickly evaluate each other and value each experience as better and worse, and finally compare our achievements with our peers.

We learn from our early school years that certain values are more important than others, that some behaviors are more important and better than others.

In the same way we build our own uncertainty about what we want to create in our lives and what kind of relationship we want to create with our environment.

It is a very cool skill, my dears, to cut off from this way of thinking and start trusting yourself fully, start trusting in what your heart wants to shout at every given moment.

And then it no longer matters what Mark does, what Tommy does and what Roxanne does, because they are responsible for their experiences. In the same fashion as you are responsible for yours.

You don't have to advise anyone, you don't have to tell anyone what is wrong with them and what they should do better. Why? because everyone is learning from their own life experiences, that's all.

As I said before, it's really good to jump out of this space of "I don't know...","I have doubts..." and start to perform dynamic movements in your reality.

Vibrantly moving in this world! Not necessarily by traveling, but simply performing sincere and honest movements in the space that you are experiencing.

Also, in your interactions with people who you experience everyday. Be honest and speak your truth no matter what!

For more infomation >> Grisza - Don't Fix Your Reality, Express Your Joy Instead (Lake Tahoe, 2017) - Duration: 13:23.


'Shaft' Sequel Adds Jessie T. Usher, Still Negotiating with Samuel L. Jackson - Duration: 1:00.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

Jessie T. Usher, the lead on the Starz series Survivor's Remorse, is joining the Shaft sequel

Son of Shaft.

Usher will play the son of John Shaft in the New Line production from Ride Along 2 director

Tim Story.

Samuel L. Jackson is currently "in negotiations" to join Usher in the film, which follows John

Singleton's 2000 film Shaft in which , Jackson portrayed the nephew of the original John

Shaft payed by Richard Roundtree.

The script for the sequel, set to begin production later this year, was penned by The Goldbergs'

Alex Barnow and Black-ish creator Kenya Barris.

According to Variety, New Line—after grabbing the Shaft rights in 2015—had initially planned

to reboot the franchise.

Instead, they've gone with a setup similar to Jackson's 2000 hit.

You may have seen Usher in last year's Independence Day: Resurgence where he played Dylan Hiller—the

adopted son of Will Smith's deceased Independence Day character Captain Steven Hiller.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> 'Shaft' Sequel Adds Jessie T. Usher, Still Negotiating with Samuel L. Jackson - Duration: 1:00.



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For more infomation >> THE MOST SATISFYING VIDEOS CHOCOLATE CAKE COMPILATION #11 - Duration: 10:12.


Xbox @ gamescom LIVE - Duration: 2:08:30.

For more infomation >> Xbox @ gamescom LIVE - Duration: 2:08:30.


Taramps HD3000 Amp Dyno Test - Mini Brazilian Power! - Duration: 13:07.

For more infomation >> Taramps HD3000 Amp Dyno Test - Mini Brazilian Power! - Duration: 13:07.


COLLECTIVE HAUL! Amazon, Dollar Tree, Your Dollar Store with More, Staples & Walmart! July 2017 - Duration: 11:57.

Hey guys, and welcome to a video that is commemorating the breaking of my no-spend for July... or

rather, my no-Bujo-spending for July... that lasted, what... six days?


I went to a couple different stores today, picked up a couple different things, did some

exchanges - I will explain all that as I go.

Now this actually does not count towards my breaking of my no-spend, because these were

purchased at the end of June.

But I thought I'd just show them to you guys because you might be interested.

These are from Amazon...

I ordered this, the Tim Holtz ephemera pack, thrift shop pack...

I think I've seen people use this before... it was only six dollars, and I've been wanting

to try out some of the Tim Holtz stuff, so I thought, "Well it's only six bucks, I might as well!"

And then I also ordered these lovely beauties.

The Mildliners, again, if you're in the bullet journalling community, you're very aware of

the existence of these.

I did already mention, or show these, on my Instagram when I first got them, but I thought

you guys would want to see them as well if you're not following me on Instagram - which you

should do, by the way!

Same username: canadianjournaljunkie.

So yeah, this is from Amazon, not part of this haul, but I figured some of you would want to see it.

So tonight, the first stop I made, I went back to the Dollar Tree in Brampton that I

went to in my last haul.

And if you watched that haul, you will have seen that I picked up not one but two packs

of stickers that I already had.

And then I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them, and then I realized that unlike

Dollarama, Dollar Tree does do exchanges.

So I decided, okay, I'll go back and I'll exchange those, I'll be good and I won't go

crazy there.

So my plan was I would pick up, hopefully, these stamps.

Cuz I saw these stamps last weekend when I was there, fell in love with them, but they

didn't have the acrylic block to go with it.

So I said, okay, if they have the block, I'll pick up this and the block and an ink pad,

and two of those things will technically be "free", because I've already paid the money

for the two things that I'm exchanging.

So I'm wandering around, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to exchange for, and then I

saw this set again, and when I was there last weekend, this was the only one there, and

I was there-- well, last Friday... and then I'm there tonight, and again there's only

one of these there; it's probably the exact same one.

And to me it was like, "Okay, that's a sign, I have to pick this up!" [laughs]

So I only picked... this is the only craft thing - you have to be very proud of me!

This is the only craft item I picked up today at Dollar Tree... not elsewhere, but we'll

get into that [laughs]... but at Dollar Tree, I only picked up these stamps.

I didn't get the ink, because they still didn't have the acrylic blocks, but I'm like, "You know what?

It's twice in a row now, I better just pick them up, and I'll find a block and some ink

somewhere else".

So I picked that up as one of my exchanges...

... and then I just picked up some more of these cuz they're really frickin' delicious!

[laughs] And Dollar Tree's the only place that I have seen them.

When I went there last week I picked up two of each of these; I still have one of each

in my fridge.

I picked up one more of these and three more of these, cuz they're SO. GOOD.

And it's funny, I actually said to the cashier, I was like, "This is the only place I can

find these", and she said, "Oh, go to Oceans", which is like a...

I'm under the impression it's like an Asian-type grocery store?

She said apparently they have them for 99 cents - it's cheaper than the Dollar Tree!

So I will check that out once I run out.

So you have to be proud of me!

When you factor in my exchanges, I went into Dollar Tree and spent less than four dollars.

So, please be proud of me, because you might not be proud of me when you see the rest of

I picked up! [laughs]

So the next store I went into is a dollar store that I had only recently heard of...

actually when I was researching my local Dollar Tree locations, I saw this on the map in Brampton.

It's a store called Your Dollar Store With More, and I considered going there when I

was there last week, and then I was just too busy running around between Dollar Tree and

Dollarama, and I'm like, "Nah, I don't want to go to this dollar store I've never heard of".

But then I saw Crafty Sher Cupcake haul from there the other day, and she pointed out that

they have a pretty decent craft section.

And, as you might be able to tell, they clearly use the same distributor as Dollar Tree! [laughs]

Popped in there to see what they had, and lo and behold, they had an acrylic block!

It's kinda small, but it'll still work, and it's even got a handle, which I like.

So I was able to pick that up to go with the stamps that I bought at Dollar Tree, and then

they had these ink pads as well, which was good because I've heard that the Jot brand

ink pads - which is all they had at the Dollar Tree - aren't very good.

So these are the Forever In Time, the same brand as the stamps and the stamp applicator,

so hopefully they will be good.

I got a black one, and then this one, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be gold... to

me it looks like kraft paper almost, like a kraft paper/cork-type colour, but it may

be gold, I'm not sure!

But I liked them both, so I picked them both up.

This was $1.25, so the same price it would be at Dollar Tree, and these don't have prices

on them, so I assume they were a dollar each?

I didn't have any surprise at the cash register, so I assume that they were a dollar since

there's no price.

So, I mean, this is stuff I couldn't find at Dollar Tree, for pretty much the same price.

I picked up this staple remover, simply because, once again it's one of those items that I'm

always like, "I should pick one of those up!" and then I don't.

Again there was no price on it, so I believe it was a dollar.

And finally I picked up all of the paper in all of the world.

[laughs] Or at least all of the 6x6 paper!

I actually saw Crafty Sher Cupcake haul this pad, I believe it was this pad.

I have not seen this at Dollar Tree... if you look at the price, it was actually only $1.50,

so it's only 25 cents more than it would be at Dollar Tree, and since the Dollar

Tree that is near this particular dollar store doesn't carry these, I think the 25 cents

is worth it.

So this is called "Cloud Burst", and I'll just give you a quick flipthrough of the patterns;

there are 5 sheets of 6 different patterns.


And then I picked up three different packs of these cardstock, 6x6 cardstock packs.

They were only $1.25 each, so the same as you would pay at Dollar Tree.

I think I might've seen this one at the Dollar Tree in Meadowvale, not sure why I didn't

pick it up.

But I was looking through them, and in all three of these packs there was at least one

colour that I really loved, so I ended up picking them all up, cuz... they're the same

price that they would be at Dollar Tree!

So I will give you a quick flipthrough of each of these; this is the "Bold" pack.

And these packs all have 24 sheets, and there's four sheets of each colour, so there's six

colours in each pack.


This is the "Pastel" pack.


And then finally this is the "Tropical" pack.


So next I went into the Staples that was in that same plaza as the Your Dollar Store With More...

I actually hadn't planned to go in there, but I had a little extra time, and I keep meaning

to pop my head in there because everyone says, "oh there's, you know, great pen selection,

great washi selection", that sort of stuff.

I didn't find too much that was really in my budget, considering I'm supposed to be,

you know... not spending stuff for my bullet journal and my crafting... but most of what

I found, I did get in the clearance section, which was great.

I only bought two things on full price... one was this washi with the little bees on

it, Scotch brand.

This was, I believe three and a half/four dollars?

I picked this one up because I found it at Walmart once, and I really wanted to buy it,

but like, this part was missing, and they couldn't figure out how to ring it up.

So instead of, I don't know, calling a manager, they were just like, "Yeah, you can't have it."

[laughs] So...

I don't know what happened.

So I've been kind of sad about not having this ever since.

So when I saw it at Staples, I picked it up.

And the other full price item was this Scotch washi tape, which I just thought was crazy-gorgeous,

with the stamps and stuff on it... it was I think about $5.00, which is pretty pricey,

but it was just too pretty, I couldn't just leave it there, I had to pick it up.

So they had these TapeWorks washi tapes for 47 cents each, which is good, cuz I tend to

find that TapeWorks is kind of overpriced.

So for 47 cents, can't complain about that!

So I picked up this one with the little birds...

I don't know if it'll focus or not... there we go... this one with the little birds.

And this one with the little ladybugs.

I just thought they were really cute, and you know... two for less than a buck?

Sure, sold!

And then just for fun I picked up this smart phone lens kit for 97 cents.

And finally, on my way home from Brampton I hit up my local Walmart to exchange that

roll of twine that I picked up a couple of weeks ago.

I picked it up to DIY those journals that I'm going to be putting together to use as

a junk journal, and then I realized that binder rings would work a heck of a lot better.

So once I got those binder rings from Amazon, and I stuck them in the book and it worked

really well, I was like, "Okay, I can return this twine now", so I did that.

I got these to put on the cover of my junk journal, they are my initials, they're these

really cute canvas letters, they're two bucks each.

I noticed them when I was there... well, back when I picked up the twine, actually.

They had canvas letters like this; they had one with like a burlap surface; they have

wooden letters that are really really cute, they're like white and distressed; and they

have slightly bigger, like, tin letters.

I've been thinking about these pretty much since I saw them, and I was like, "Well I

can put these potentially on the cover of my junk journal", so I thought why not pick

them up?

And this was actually what I was going in for, although it really only covers about

half the price of the twine.

So I thought well, maybe if I find like paper stacks or something, I'll grab something...

but nothing there really appealed to me, until I saw these...

They are stencil sheets, it's the "trendy" type... and I guess you're supposed to use

them with paint, but you can probably use them with markers and stuff too.

So those are the patterns, or most of the patterns on these stencils...

I just thought they were really fun, and they were pretty much the same price as the twine

that I was returning, I think they were like 20 cents more or something... and I was looking

for stencils when I was at Dollar Tree, I couldn't find any, I couldn't find any at

the Dollar Store With More, so when I saw these and they were pretty much the same price

as what I was exchanging, I decided I'd pick them up.

So technically I only broke my bujo no-spend with this by like 20 cents, and then like, by

an extra $2.00 with these.

So all in all I did pretty good; I did break my no-spend, which is probably not a good

thing, but I didn't break it by too much.

I hope you enjoyed this haul... go check out your local Dollar Tree, Walmart, Staples,

Your Dollar Store With More, and see what you can find!

Again, I'm going to try and stop spending now, and work on putting all this stuff together

and using it and then showing you guys.


So I hope you enjoyed, and if you have not already, please give this video a big thumbs

up, and subscribe if you have not already, and I will see you in the next one.

Bye guys!

For more infomation >> COLLECTIVE HAUL! Amazon, Dollar Tree, Your Dollar Store with More, Staples & Walmart! July 2017 - Duration: 11:57.


Suits | Season 7, Episode 6: Things Get Heated Between Mike and Alex - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Suits | Season 7, Episode 6: Things Get Heated Between Mike and Alex - Duration: 1:32.


Supernatural: Season 2 Episode 10 "Hunted" REACTION! - Duration: 15:11.

Hey guys! So today we're gonna watch episode 10..

- That's all we know about it.

Basically. We just finished watching 9 and we can't wait so..

You know..

- Let's just watch!

~ afsjdghfnvxcfkeghjdflhbl

You're stealing a car.

- Oh no!

He's going away.

- Didn't you see that name?

What name?

- I guess you didn't.

I was busy watching Sam.

What name?

* And this was the beginning of a tiresome discussion that doesn't really need subtitles *

What the..

Is this like a premonition of his own death?

- It better be!

Sounds like you.

- I love Ellen.

- Already.

You know Sam is being hunted, right?

She's very dramatic. I like her.

I saw you dieee.

So your fiancé is not wondering where you are?

- I guess not.

WHO was that?

- THE name I saw.

- What is he trying to tell him?


I hoped that he would say codeword.

- I love them!

- Wait. What?

- I feel like she's gonna die in a nasty way.

In like 3 2 1!

Even Dean could appreciate that one.

- Can you imagine a dark Sam?

It would be kinda entertaining for a little while.

It's like nogitsune Stiles.

How can anyone that puppy-like be evil.

It's kinda cute.

Couldn't she have told him like more details..

- Well, he knows there's gonna be an explosion.

- Poor Dean.

"You might get tetanus."

Give him a hug.

He better get life without parole, guys!

Look at him.

He's looking like..

The vicious, pure hatred look.

But he's like..

I was gonna say, I would've never..

Blamed Ellen.

- Right.

Oh Ava!

- I liked Ava.

- We're talking like she's dead already.

She is.


- Sure, come to Amsterdam.


- But this was like, what 10 years ago?

I don't care.

- What happened to Ava?

I think they're gonna find Ava.

- Tell me it's not Ava..

For more infomation >> Supernatural: Season 2 Episode 10 "Hunted" REACTION! - Duration: 15:11.


15 Weirdest Things You Can Buy In China - Duration: 5:35.

15 Weirdest Things You Can Buy In China

For more infomation >> 15 Weirdest Things You Can Buy In China - Duration: 5:35.


Alt-Left Member's Mugshot Goes Viral After Being Caught In The Act… Here's What He Did | Top Stories - Duration: 1:52.

On Sunday, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department arrested a member of the "alt-left"

for vandalizing a Confederate monument in Garfield Park.

According to Indiana authorities, Anthony Ventura, the 30-year-old perpetrator, was

arrested just hours after the incident occurred.

A short video was taken of the vandalism, in which he was hitting the structure with

a hammer-like object — and his mugshot (above) is starting to gain some internet virality.

"It's stupid, it don't really make any sense, you know?" said Rex Staples, a resident

that lives near the park, " because they're really not doing anything." Here's video of the incident:

Fox 59 reports:

Following an Indianapolis Star article earlier this week, some city leaders have called for

a discussion on whether the monument's current spot is really the best place for it.

The memorial honors around 1,600 Confederate soldiers and sailors who died while POWs at

Camp Morton in Indianapolis during the Civil War.

The remains of those soldiers are actually buried at Crown Hill Cemetery.

There's no word yet on how much damage was caused during the incident Saturday afternoon.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you agree this man should face jail and Scroll down to comment


For more infomation >> Alt-Left Member's Mugshot Goes Viral After Being Caught In The Act… Here's What He Did | Top Stories - Duration: 1:52.


4 O' Clock Sims 3 MV - Duration: 3:57.

One day

I wrote a long, long letter to the moon

It would not be brighter than you

But I lighted a small candle

At a dusky park A nameless bird that sings

Where are you

Oh you

Why are you crying You and I are the only ones here

Me and you

Oh you

Following into the deep night The sound of you singing

Brings the red morning A step, and another step

The dawn passes And when that moon falls asleep

The blue shade that stayed with me disappears

Even today, I live moderately I walk in pace, moderately wearing down The sun suffocates me

And the world strips me naked

I can't help it, there's no other way I collect myself that's shattered beneath the moonlight

I call you moonchild We are the children of the moon I breathe the cold night air

Yes we're livin' and dyin' At the same time But you can open your eyes for now

Just like that any movie, like the line (from the movie) The entire world is blue inside the moonlight

At a dusky park A nameless bird that sings

Where are you

Oh you

Why are you crying You and I are the only ones here

Me and you

Oh you

Following into the deep night The sound of you singing

Brings the red morning A step, and another step

The dawn passes And when that moon falls asleep

The blue shade that stayed with me disappears

Following into the deep night The sound of you singing

Brings the red morning A step, and another step

The dawn passes And when that moon falls asleep

The blue shade that stayed with me disappears

A step, and another step

The dawn passes

And when that moon falls asleep

For more infomation >> 4 O' Clock Sims 3 MV - Duration: 3:57.


Raging while playing Dying light (Ain't Finland a nice language) - Duration: 1:01.

Oh my Fu**ing a**, you c*nted a**hole fu**ing...

No, No, No....

Oh my fu**ing a*ss c*nt. damn you..

Oh fu**ing S*tan, cunt, a**hole damn..

F**k, f**k it

Oh f**king c*nt

F**k you, f**k, f**k.....

F**k you, f**k, f**k.....

Why the f**k you can't hit it

Now I handled your a** to you

For more infomation >> Raging while playing Dying light (Ain't Finland a nice language) - Duration: 1:01.


EXO-CBX Introduces Japan To Their Brand Of Style In Jelly Magazine Cover - Duration: 3:03.

EXO-CBX Introduces Japan To Their Brand Of Style In Jelly Magazine Cover

After the success their latest Japanese single Ka-CHING, EXO-CBX will grace the cover of Julys edition of the popular Jelly magazine in Japan.

Based on the Instagram post of the magazine, EXO-CBX members Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin will make hearts flutter with their stylish spreads and in-depth interviews.

According to All Kpop, the cover features EXO-CBX members looking cool with brimmed hats, bold colored hair and the printed coats and jackets that set them apart from the rest.

Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin also look serious as they set out to school the readers on their personal style, fashion tips and the secret to their success.

Just a week ago, EXO-CBX made a huge statement that theyre ready to take on the Japanese stage with their Japanese debut single Ka-CHING, where the trio star in a high impact choreography that highlights their dancing skills and choreography.

The music could also be an introduction to EXO-CBXs style it effortlessly incorporates elements of jazz and electronica which makes for a visually engaging and musically fascinating combination, SBS Pop Asia reported.

EXO-CBXs Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin have been impressing their new market with their skills and presence ever since the group debuted in Japan via the mini album Girls. As part of their appreciation for the positive reception of their music so far, the EXO subunit is reportedly planning to hold a Colorful Box free showcase on June 7.

The location and other details are yet to be announced by their label SM Entertainment.

For his part, EXO-CBX member Xiumin has disclosed that their subunit is working really well together since he, Baekhyun and Chen already know each other so well.

He said that the next step is for the trip to reach out to the Japanese market and they plan to do so by getting closer to their fans. The music we want to do is similar as well.

Its our goal to meet many fans through fan meetings, he said.

For more infomation >> EXO-CBX Introduces Japan To Their Brand Of Style In Jelly Magazine Cover - Duration: 3:03.


BTS Has A New Member? - Duration: 2:17.

BTS Has A New Member?

Fans of BTS may be surprised to hear that BTS have a new self-proclaimed member added to the group! This female celebrity recently tweeted how she is now a member of BTS.

British singer and song-writer Charlotte Emma Aitchison, better known by her stage name Charli XCX, visited BTS and had recently posted a picture of their meeting to her personal Instagram.

Her caption read, First day as the newest member of BTS! Love u guys..

The boys were happy and honored to have met her as well and shared the same photo and thanked the talented artists for coming out and showing her support for the hit boy group!.

Like many international artists these days, Charli XCX is no stranger to the world of K-Pop and is a fan of many hit groups alongside BTS.

She expressed her enjoyment in meeting BTS and fans wondered what was the purpose of their meeting.

Fans speculated that they may have met for a collaboration project while others assumed she visited them for their touring promotions.

Whatever the reason may be, we can be happy with the photos they shared and knowing BTS is growing more and more in the music industry.

For more infomation >> BTS Has A New Member? - Duration: 2:17.


'Carmen' de Bizet Acte IV 'Duo Final' с русским дословным переводом - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> 'Carmen' de Bizet Acte IV 'Duo Final' с русским дословным переводом - Duration: 10:08.


Leeds United striker Chris Wood undergoes Burnley medical ahead of £15million move - Duration: 1:58.

Leeds United striker Chris Wood undergoes Burnley medical ahead of £15million move

LEEDS UNITED striker Chris Wood is undergoing a medical at Burnley ahead of his proposed £15million move. The New Zealand forward, 25, had released statement saying he wouldnt play in Saturdays game due to strong interest from Premier League team.

Chris Wood scored 27 Championship goals for Leeds last season.

Chris Wood could be on the way to Burnley after a £15m bid was accepted. The news came hours before kick-off as it was revealed Burnley had seen their third bid for the striker accepted.

Now Wood appears to be on the brink of a move to Sean Dyches squad.

Dyche had already launched two bids to land the forward – but found it a case of third-time lucky, as he looked to replace now-Watford man Andre Gray.

The Clarets boss had made it clear to the Turf Moor board that Wood was his No1 priority – after seeing an £11. 8m bid for Deportivo La Coruna forward Florin Andone rejected.

Now Dyche is adamant Wood is the man to lead the line – after netting 30 goals in all competitions in 2016-17. Wood has some Premier League experience too, having played in the top flight at West Brom in 2008-09 and 2010-11.

  Chelsea 2-3 Burnley: Gary Cahill and Cesc Fabregas see red as a Sam Vokes double and Stephen Ward belter stuns champs.

Sean Dyche is thrilled to have landed his man on the third attempt.

  Daily Round-Up: Watch all the action from Saturdays Premier League matches. The New Zealander was also on the books of Leicester in their first season back in the Prem – in 2014-15.

However, all in all, Wood has only made TEN appearances in the top flight, scoring once. Yet that has not deterred Dyche who is confident his experience in the Championship can be a huge stepping stone in his career.

Wood has also spent loan spells at Barnsley, Brighton, Birmingham, Bristol City, Millwall and Ipswich in his journeyman career to date. Leeds look resigned to losing Chris Wood after Burnleys £15m bid.

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