Monday, August 21, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 21 2017

Hi and welcome again to Revientor Reborn, this is DCSw in a F-5 and look this cammo

it´s from the sqn 464, the 46 wing, in Gando Canary Island, this sqn was born in 1972 when the F-5 was active as interceptors

the when the mirage F1 come this sqn was vanish and the 462 was generated, this is the representation of this sqn

today I will speak about the electronic warfare

chaff and flares and RWR

let´s see the panel

sim paused and let talk

this is the panel you can see one part to the chaffs and other one to flares

each part have a knob and the knob of the chaff (antiradiation missiles)

there is the option off, single, only one chaff released each time you push the button

program, is run a preset, will speak later of that program

then is the multi option that runs the program only once

Flares have the off, single, the same as before and program, to use the preset of flares

flare is used against IR missiles

there is the flare jettison that you will use only in emergencies like landing with no gears

with that button all flares will be released each 0.2 seconds

you can use that also to try to avoid powerful missiles like Aim9X

look the kneboard, when the engine is off and the plane in ground you can change all those info,

to edit the countermeasure programs you can use the mission editor or the kneeboard

here you will have to use those key combinations to change the values

the default programs have all with 1s

for that if you use the program looks that there is nothing different happening

for that I set all with 2s to explain it better

imagine you run the program, first I will speak about the chaff

chaff bust quantity is 2, that means you will release 2 chaffs, those two chaff are going to be separated 0.2 second (since the first chaff was released)

this sequence is going to be repeated (chaff salvo quantity) 2 times

a remark here, 2 times means the first one is already counting, then there is only the second one

the chaff salvo interval is the time between the sequences are repeated

for that looks like the default program do nothing special because all are 1s

the flare only have two lines, is simple, you only can say how many flares you want to release

you can not repeat sequences here, only how many and what time separation

flare bust count are the number of flares to release and bust interval are the time between the flares

it´s true that flare bust count the options are 2, 4, 8, and C of continuous

in continuous is each 3 second drop a flare until you run out of flares

in the case you are in continuous mode, and you want to stop the program

to cancel the drop, you have to move the flare knob to off

if you only select single the promam stop running but in the moment you set program again, the program continue running for that you have to go through off position

that is how this panel works

very simple

remember the multi is the chaff program only run one time, with out the chaff salvo count

the program is run only once

now for a example

look, all in single that is the countermeasures button,

you can pus single only one system or both, I hit the button and only one is released

now in flare, one of each type is released

program only in chaff and run the program, as you can see the number decrease 2 times

meanwhile only one flare, now both with the program, and you can see the program running both ones

if the chaff are in multi, you will see only release 2 chaff but the program is not repeated

you can have multi and program in flares, it´s independent

that is how the chaff and flare works in the system, you can see the jettison,


look the numbers now when I use the jettison,

did you see how fast it is?

there you can see how fast it is

with this flares you can evade a more complex missile xD

the jettison is permanent moving the counter,

this other small buttons, reset the counter

you can select the different preset

if you mess with that in mid air, you must know that the count it´s not real

if you don't have any flare in this case using the countermeasures button the counter still discounting the number

the you can hear the keyboard, and the flare still decreasing xD

as you can see there is not a good feedback of the total amount

you only have to believe in that

now I will say to you some advice how to use this panel

I will make a program studying the area and see what are the common air defences , of course if Iam going to perform a por up bomb method, you can not take too much attention to the countermeasures, then in that case I will use a program to that specific moment

A flare each 3 second you will have protection 30 second if you only want to spend 10 flares, we keep those 5 to other emergencies

in case of aerial combat I will use manual in both flares or chaff

when ouf of combat zone I will keep the system in single for chaff and off for flares, then in zone of combat with enemies near I would think to set single in flares too

I´d keep the flares in off because someone can shoot you a radiric missile too far away and in this case you don't loose time to change the knobs and you can drop the countermeasures

you know that some sams or airplanes are more susceptible to chaff than other for that a good program could save you faster than a standard one

the best way to employ chaff and flare is drop them when you put the enemy at your 2 or 10 o'clock (45º)

for example a patriot could be defeated using 7 chaffs very quickly dropped (just example)

there is people that study that and make kneeboard of that

the really same vs air therast , you can use multi for Airplanes, and program for a sam

and single to the other engagements

now it´s time to the RwR

look the scope when is on there are some green bars here

in this side on the right that bar is jumping up and down, that is for the pilot know the system is working

when WOW will show a U in the center

this panel is used in several airplanes, for that there are functions no implemented in the real F-5

this rwR is really simple in my opinion too simple and may be not realistic

this is the panel to interact with the system

dim is the bright of the buttons, and audio level

this is the bright of the RwR

the handoff is not working in the F-5, in the F16 works as select the emitter to heard

launch will see working, is a light when someone shoot at you a missile

altitude is other mode, to set the priority of the sams that cover low or hi altitude

to priorice low coverage or not

sa10 is a big and hi cover and sa11 is low cover for example

tgt step is separation will see this in the practice , system test perform a test

unknown will activate ships and unknown emitters

atp/pwr will light when activity is registred in the rwr

system power is the turn on button

the search button I don´t like how this works

in the F16 when you use search the search radar are showed,

like all air bases have a radar that kind of radar will be show when this button is pressed,

but a F-15 have a one radar with different radar modes, but is the same radar, you will see later that now there is nothing, because no one is locking up to us, if you turn on search you will see all the radars

now using search you can see all the contacts

look 2 F16 1 E3 some patriot sams....

I want to know when a E3 look at me not engage me, I don´t like too much that way to work in this RwR

when you enter in cockpit do not forget to turn on the search function xD

in search you will only get 16 emitters , all the american RwR have this inner circle to think about a lethal range

the signal could be weaker or stronger according that the symbol will be drao in or out the lethal circle

the idea is to know when the emitter is in range, is kind of distance idea but not between different symbols

that E3 is further than the F16 and according the RwR looks the same distance

wait to stabilize the flight, some trimming here

the TGT Step is just simple, you can see it now, it´s for make separation between the emitters to see clearly

those F16 in case to be 3 that separation could be lateral too, in this case is one behind the other be casuality

be careful when using target step because it´s not a heading like the normal mode

the heading is close but in the case of the 16s if there was more of them will be laterally separated

the mode by default is open, and you can see 16 targets, or priority, only the most dangerous 6

there you can see the separation

now in priority I only can see the 6 more dangerous emmiters

in open mode, you can see that the ground units are less important for the system

there you can see the 6 contact now

there are 8 contact because the other ones will be pointint to other side

the test you have to hold it and then it starts

some sound and all is working ok as usual in the simulator

unknown is for ships for example, at my 6 must have some but... I do´t know if it is not implemented

and will show to you some radars that are not in the library of the plane with the letter U

active power is just a light

but it´s nos well implemented because have no light while some activity is in the RwR

normally this buttons as lunch if you press it must have a light test

alt low if for low altitude scanning radars to give them priority

power is of or on and when on a self test is inicialitez

some number an the zulu time

there are 3 types of sound in the system

that pii pii is the new guy the new emitter in the RwR

and finally the test is over

and now search and we get some nails

I cut the video to show to you the sound now there is nothing in the rwr

now with search we can see it

that circle is that I am locked in its radar

that sound and the circle flashing means you had been fired a missile

this system ys very demanding for the pilot

because the pilot will have to manage the system all the time to know more threats or search emitters

more missiles incoming

the system have blind spots

now if the contact turn off the radar I will not know if the radar is of or in search mode I will have to manage the rwr

now the emitter could have the radar off or may be just tuned in other heading

may be I still running and there is no one behind, I have to push search function to know it

in friendly zone I will use the search on and then in enemy or hostile zone I will change the mode very often to know what happen near me

each time a new guy song is played I will use immediately the search option

I know what are there and I go back, eventually I will change the option to know if he still there or not an that the way to use it

that is the work load in cockpit with this rwr

may be it´s interesting know what key in the keyboard is that button to use it very quickly

now let see the R-77 to know how active missiles work with thie RwR

there is a mig29 with the R-77 ready to fire

this time of missile is active, with a data link guided phase

for that the rwr will have no info of the shooting

but in DCS you will know because the AI is very stupid using the radar

now I know the contact lock the target on my, may be could be the real life the rwr can know this I am not sure

so you will hear a sound of fire, but you must nos must heard that with this type of missile

there is the fire sound

7 time the piii

now I knot that he shoot at my this is bad, because with this missile that is irreal,

there you can see the M of the R-77

this is kind of chetty

I don´t this I evaded that missile....

a second missile

looks the emitter switch to search mode and I defeat the missiles

Again this button must be in the keyboard to avoid spent time with the mouse

that was the today tutorial I hoe you liked, sorry for the last part of the video with low voice volume, subscribe give a feedback and be happy

do not forget to activate the bell to get the notifications

For more infomation >> DCS: F-5E Tiger II Countermeasures & RWR (AN/ALR-87) - #10 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 33:13.


CICYTEX y el Proyecto FERTINNOWA - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> CICYTEX y el Proyecto FERTINNOWA - Duration: 4:00.


El Solecito regresó para eclipsar estos chistes de Ana Patricia - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> El Solecito regresó para eclipsar estos chistes de Ana Patricia - Duration: 1:24.


Templo Expiatorio del Santísimo Sacramento, Jalisco from the Sky - Duration: 3:51.

Guadalajara has many beautiful old buildings

and among them, those built at the end of the 19th

century are my favorites

One of the buildings that I like the most is the

"Templo Expiatorio del Santísimo Sacramento"

It is in the neo-gothic style

and was built in 75 years,

being finished in 1972.

On Fridays and Saturdays,

it is invaded by families celebrating weddings and

"quinceañera" ceremonies, continuously.

You can see limousines bringing the brides and grooms,

the bridesmaids or hordes of adolescents, on occasion.

The temple was designed by Adamo Boari,

the same Italian architect that designed the Art Nouveau

materpiece: Palacio de Bellas artes and the Palacio de

Correos, both in Mexico City.

The stained glass windows were designed by

Jacques and Gerard Degusseau of Orleans, France.

directed by the painter and artist Maurice Roche.

It has a modern organ built by Giovanni Tamburi in

Pianengo, Italy.

It has three mosaics with golden tesserae, brought from

the Vatican's mosaics factory

The main one has the image of the Lamb of God,

standing on the book of seven seals, an image taken

from the book of Revelation.

On the right side is depicted Tarcisius,

a young man that was martyred during the Roman

empire, at the young age of 14.

On the other side is Pope Pius X, who reigned during the

start of construction of this building.

Its doors are made of granadillo wood

and are inlaid with bronze figures

No, these aren't the flames of the Apocalypse!

In front of the church there is a large plaza where in the

afternoons you can buy delicious Mexican food.

In the surrounding buildings there are cafés, a

vegetarian restaurant, and several Mexican "fondas"

The plaza is usually bustling with tourists, students,

and families, and has a large fountain,

with a sculpture of an agave plant.

Agave is the plant that tequila is made from, which,

together with mariachi music, is one of Jalisco's main


I hope to be able to show you the town of Tequila

in another of my videos.

It is built on the sides of a volcano of the same name.

That's where agave is cultivated and the drink is distilled

It is an emblematic Mexican drink.

The clock in the church tower is from Germany.

It has four illuminated faces,

and a carrillon of 25 bells

which play 25 musical pieces, sacred and profane.

Some of these are: Ave Maria, the national anthem,

Las Mañanitas, Guadalajara, Adios Mariquita Linda,

Las Golondrinas, México Lindo y Querido

and the March of Zacatecas

A curiosity are the figures of the twelve apostles

that appear three times a day behind small doors

on platforms of an electrical train set.

If you liked this video, I hope you'll leave a comment and

subscribe to this channel, if you haven't already.

Keep flying high!

For more infomation >> Templo Expiatorio del Santísimo Sacramento, Jalisco from the Sky - Duration: 3:51.


Taller Cómo Aplicar Belbin - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Taller Cómo Aplicar Belbin - Duration: 0:26.


Last Day of June Making off Parte 1 Español - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> Last Day of June Making off Parte 1 Español - Duration: 5:57.


La Cave à Théâtre- Acte 8 - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> La Cave à Théâtre- Acte 8 - Duration: 7:28.


Total Solar Eclipse 2017 : Are Your Ready? - #SolarEclipse2017 - Duration: 2:46.

You need three things.

The sun

The moon

and the earth.

Wait, something is not right.

The sun is 400 times larger and is 389.1779396462019 times farther than the distance between the

earth and the moon.

Therefore, the sun seems to be as big as the moon.

That's equal to 194 times to the moon and back again.

Or 117,407 times run around the earth.

People in Yaquina Head Lighthouse in Newport, Oregon have the privilege of first dealing

with this phenomenon.

It starts at 8:46 AM Pacific time and the total eclipse there is at 10:18 AM Pacific


People in Charleston have to wait for their turn, the will be able to see this event as


The center line crosses through 12 states and Atlanta is the best location because from

that position the sun is hidden for 97 percent behind the moon.

This will be the first total solar eclipse in the continental U.S. in 38 years.

So make sure to watch and record it.

I will be live streaming this great event over 4 hours.

Click the label to visit the live stream to bookmark it or click the link in the video


I want to thank my sponsors for all my Patreon club members.

Thanks to them, I can continue my work and you can keep enjoying my videos.

I will make the animations of the planets available on my Patreon page.

Would you also like to help me, visit

Click the videos next to me to watch more of my videos.

I sincerely want to thank you for your time watching this video, it's really appreciated.

I'll see you tomorrow at 3 PM CET

I'm Heathcliff, your host,

For more infomation >> Total Solar Eclipse 2017 : Are Your Ready? - #SolarEclipse2017 - Duration: 2:46.


Nadia Khalun from Willows High School - Inspire Winner (Young Person Award Secondary School) - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Nadia Khalun from Willows High School - Inspire Winner (Young Person Award Secondary School) - Duration: 0:22.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 180 Coupé Automaat AMG Line | AMG Sportpakket |Ambitionpakket - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 180 Coupé Automaat AMG Line | AMG Sportpakket |Ambitionpakket - Duration: 0:59.


¿Por qué COLOMBIA ha DEJADO de CRECER? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 14:57.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué COLOMBIA ha DEJADO de CRECER? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 14:57.


Sergi Roberto: "Lo que quiero es ser importante en este equipo" - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Sergi Roberto: "Lo que quiero es ser importante en este equipo" - Duration: 2:57.


Kombina | Conheça mais sobre a arte de capturar momentos no dia mundial da fotografia - 19 de Agosto - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Conheça mais sobre a arte de capturar momentos no dia mundial da fotografia - 19 de Agosto - Duration: 6:25.


15 Segundos di Altan - Fantasy Party 1990s. - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> 15 Segundos di Altan - Fantasy Party 1990s. - Duration: 1:29.


RETARDTALE Animation: Battle against Tio Charlene Retrasado. - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> RETARDTALE Animation: Battle against Tio Charlene Retrasado. - Duration: 2:16.



For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - NEW CHANGE COUNTRY WITH PUFFIN LIKE ALONE COUNTRY HACK MINICLIP |100%| REAL 2017 - Duration: 8:41.


App Inventor 2 Veja como é simples Criar Aplicativo de Player Áudios SD CARD para Smartphone Android - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> App Inventor 2 Veja como é simples Criar Aplicativo de Player Áudios SD CARD para Smartphone Android - Duration: 9:19.


Lá Thư Cực Lạc .Tụng Kinh Gì Đễ Mẹ Được Vãng Sanh.Vấn Đáp Phật Pháp - Duration: 25:14.

For more infomation >> Lá Thư Cực Lạc .Tụng Kinh Gì Đễ Mẹ Được Vãng Sanh.Vấn Đáp Phật Pháp - Duration: 25:14.


"El mejor plan" de Lourdes Montes: un día en familia|Noticias Habitación - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> "El mejor plan" de Lourdes Montes: un día en familia|Noticias Habitación - Duration: 1:31.


#IDo Music Video

For more infomation >> #IDo Music Video


Ontwikkel in 5 minuten een handlingssysteem met de HGO tool - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Ontwikkel in 5 minuten een handlingssysteem met de HGO tool - Duration: 1:46.


DIY Toy Car Vehicles M&M's Cars 3 Lightning McQueen Learn Colors for Kids Children Toddlers Rhymes - Duration: 16:32.

For more infomation >> DIY Toy Car Vehicles M&M's Cars 3 Lightning McQueen Learn Colors for Kids Children Toddlers Rhymes - Duration: 16:32.


Lương tối thiểu $15 - Ai hưởng lợi - Duration: 5:34.

Progressive politicians love to talk about raising the minimum wage.

It makes them sound caring, compassionate, concerned.

They're on the side of the worker, standing against the greedy employer.

The current call is for a national $15 an hour minimum wage, more than double the current

federal rate of $7.25.

A number of cities and states are already there – including New York, California,

Washington D.C. and Seattle.

Others are considering it.

The left casts the minimum wage debate as a war between employee and employer.

But, most business owners pay their workers as much as they can.

Finding and keeping good people is the hardest part of any employer's job.

I know. For 17 years, I ran CKE restaurants, the parent company of Carl's Jr. and Hardees.

Our company and franchised restaurants employed over 75,000 people, but, as with most retail

businesses, our profit margins were razor thin.

Based on my experience, if we adopt a national minimum wage of $15, here's what will happen:

1. A lot of people will lose their jobs or have their hours reduced.

According to a 2014 Congressional Budget Office study, just a $10 minimum wage would cost

half a million jobs as businesses terminate employees.

Obviously, far more jobs would be lost at $15 an hour.

To survive, employers would have to reduce hours even for workers who manage to keep

their jobs... That's a pay cut.

2.Businesses will close and the jobs they created will disappear.

A recent report from researchers at the Harvard Business School found that each $1 increase

in the minimum wage results in a 4-10% increase in the likelihood of restaurants closing.

An over $7 an hour increase to $15 would be devastating not only for restaurants,

but for small businesses and their employees.

3. Young people will lose that entry-level job opportunity.

My first job was scooping ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins in Cleveland, Ohio in the 1960s.

I was paid just $1 an hour.

But it taught me valuable lessons – like the importance of showing up on time, teamwork,

and presenting a happy demeanor to customers.

No one can get that better job until they have their first job.

4. The cost of all workers will have to go up.

If you hire a dishwasher at $15 an hour, your cooks will be unhappy with their wages.

You're going to have to pay everybody more, which increases labor costs across the board.

That's more pressure on profits.

Too much pressure and you're out of business.

5. Fewer people will open businesses.

$15 an hour is a very steep hill to climb.

Would-be entrepreneurs will do the math on labor costs and realize it's just not worth the risk.

This is a real cost to the economy that we can't measure.

A company that never exists, never employs anyone.

6. Prices for everything will go up as businesses pass higher labor costs along to consumers.

One of two things will happen.

Either consumers won't pay the higher prices and businesses will lay off workers or close.

Or consumers will pay higher prices, and have less money to spend elsewhere.

Either way the higher minimum wage will represent a drag on the overall economy.

Now, this may sound like doom and gloom.

But it's already a reality for many business owners and workers in the cities and states

that are raising the minimum wage.

In San Francisco, AQ, a 2012 James Beard Award finalist for the best new restaurant in America,

saw rising labor costs drive its profit margins down from 8.5% in 2012 to 1.5% by 2015.

So, it shut the doors.

Jeremy Merrin's chain of Cuban restaurants in New York closed two locations because of

minimum wage increases and has raised prices at the restaurants he's still operating.

The minimum wage, he said, "is going up too fast…

We can't catch our breath."

Kevin McNamee is a chiropractor in California.

"I'll be moving my two companies out of Los Angeles," he wrote in a letter to the

New York Times.

"When the city compels me to pay employees $15 an hour, it comes out my pocket.

Last year, my employees made more than I did."

These stories are already all too common.

Expect them to become more so as cities and states pile on the $15 minimum wage bandwagon.

So, if a $15 minimum wage doesn't help workers and doesn't help employers,

who exactly does it help?

Well, maybe just the progressive politicians who manage to mislead voters into believing

that it's the right thing to do.

Sounding caring, compassionate and concerned is all well and good.

But having a job is better.

I'm Andy Puzder for Prager University.

For more infomation >> Lương tối thiểu $15 - Ai hưởng lợi - Duration: 5:34.


Blue Whale Game | 50 days Challenges | Stay Safe | Suicide Prevention - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Blue Whale Game | 50 days Challenges | Stay Safe | Suicide Prevention - Duration: 2:38.


3 món mỹ phẩm để trong tủ lạnh thì hiệu quả gấp 100 lần bình thường mà không phải ai nào cũng biết - Duration: 10:43.

For more infomation >> 3 món mỹ phẩm để trong tủ lạnh thì hiệu quả gấp 100 lần bình thường mà không phải ai nào cũng biết - Duration: 10:43.


Musique douce avec piano et pluie - Duration: 1:03:02.

Soft music with piano and rain for a super powerful relaxation.

Meditation and sound of rain in the background.

Let your mind calm down with this relaxing music.

Helps to relax and unwind.

Ambient music with rain.

Reduces stress.

For more infomation >> Musique douce avec piano et pluie - Duration: 1:03:02.



For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - NEW CHANGE COUNTRY WITH PUFFIN LIKE ALONE COUNTRY HACK MINICLIP |100%| REAL 2017 - Duration: 8:41.


Viet Nam Dream League Soccer 2017 | Trận Đấu Bá Đạo Nhất Lịch Sử | U22 Việt Nam VS U22 Indonesia - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> Viet Nam Dream League Soccer 2017 | Trận Đấu Bá Đạo Nhất Lịch Sử | U22 Việt Nam VS U22 Indonesia - Duration: 12:26.


Fokus x ADM x Peja - Zabierz Mnie (MVP BLEND) - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Fokus x ADM x Peja - Zabierz Mnie (MVP BLEND) - Duration: 4:24.


HD Footage Футаж для видеомонтажа - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> HD Footage Футаж для видеомонтажа - Duration: 0:35.


When is the Carabao Cup third round draw? All you need to know as Arsenal, Liverpool and Man U - Duration: 3:07.

When is the Carabao Cup third round draw? All you need to know as Arsenal, Liverpool and Man United enter

This week sees the Carabao Cup second round take place, as the majority of Premier League teams join the fray.

All-but the seven clubs who qualified for European competition are in action on Tuesday and Wednesday night as they look to book their name in the draw for the third round, when the big boys come out to play.

Liverpool, Everton, Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham and both of the Manchester clubs all lurk in the next round of the competition, as Jose Mourinhos side look to defend the trophy they won last season. car.

But when does the draw for the third round take place? And how can you follow it?. Heres all you need to know. When and where does the draw take place?.

The draw for the third round takes place in Beijing, China on Thursday 24th August. What time does the draw take place?.

Youll like this one. The draw will take place at 11. 15am, local time in Beijing. Thats right, FOUR OCLOCK IN THE MORNING. Set your alarms, folks.

Where can you watch the draw?. Do you really want to watch it? You really should be asleep at the time.

If you have a job or perhaps some parental responsibilities which demand youre up at that time, then fair enough, but otherwise, dont watch it. Sleep is important to a healthy, happy existance.

Come to MirrorFootball when you wake up and you can see who your team has drawn. When will the third round matches take place?. They will all be played week commencing September 18th. At normal footballing times. Who is in the hat?.

The 25 winners from round two, plus the seven sides how qualified for European football last season: Chelsea, Tottenham, Manchester City, Liverpool, Arsenal, Everton and Manchester United. Nope. Anyone can draw anyone. What are the draw numbers?.

They will be revealed once the round two ties are completed on Wednesday night.

For more infomation >> When is the Carabao Cup third round draw? All you need to know as Arsenal, Liverpool and Man U - Duration: 3:07.


I attempt to learn Brazilian Portuguese in ONE WEEK | #Spon - Duration: 20:27.

For more infomation >> I attempt to learn Brazilian Portuguese in ONE WEEK | #Spon - Duration: 20:27.


I parassiti che vivono nel letto di casa amano e odiano certi colori | K.N.B.T - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> I parassiti che vivono nel letto di casa amano e odiano certi colori | K.N.B.T - Duration: 7:50.


Seranovi 10 epizoda (Kralj i ja) - Duration: 1:14:09.

For more infomation >> Seranovi 10 epizoda (Kralj i ja) - Duration: 1:14:09.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Go! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Go! - Duration: 1:00.


Tears III: Celine Farach x Hoaprox (Official Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Tears III: Celine Farach x Hoaprox (Official Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:03.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I Aspiration | Airco - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I Aspiration | Airco - Duration: 1:02.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION Safety Sense, 1e eigenaar - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION Safety Sense, 1e eigenaar - Duration: 0:59.


TG5 - Paolo Gentiloni si rivlge a Barcellona ''I TERRORISTI NON CI NEGHERANNO LA NOSTRA LIBERTà'' - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> TG5 - Paolo Gentiloni si rivlge a Barcellona ''I TERRORISTI NON CI NEGHERANNO LA NOSTRA LIBERTà'' - Duration: 0:30.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I Aspiration | Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I Aspiration | Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.


Bipolar Disorder Recovery. Really?! - Duration: 2:27.

Hey guys. It's Hannah.

Recovery and bipolar disorder.

If you've watched my previous videos,

you know this term "recovery"

is something I do not use.

It is a term that I do not use often.

Which, if you have not seen my previous videos,

please subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Recovery means being in the process of

eventually being healed;

if that makes sense. Okay?

I'm not like a dictionary expert.

For example, when I think of recovery,

I think of someone who has

broken their arm.

Sam broke his arm.

Sam went to physical therapy for a year.

And after a year, Sam was healed.

And now 20 years later, Sam shares this story

at parties about how when he was 10 years old,

he fell off the swing set and broke his arm. Haha. Okay.

With bipolar disorder, I don't do that.

I'm not like:

"Hey! Jeez guys, remember that time I was 7

and I got bipolar disorder?

Thank God I went to therapy and got rid of that."


In my life, living with bipolar 2 disorder,

that word "recovery" -

you know, when I see it used -

bipolar disorder recovery, depression recovery,

it sets me up for failure.

I've already accepted this condition as being long-term.

It's never going away.

I go to therapy. I do the best I can to manage it

but my life is going to be filled with ups and downs.

Highs and lows.

That's just the way it is.

So if I say that I'm in this process of recovery

and then I go through a deep, dark depression

or I get really high,

I'm going to feel feel like a failure.

That I did something wrong

and I have to start all over in the recovery process;

which is just not fair.

So do you understand what I'm talking

about when I say "recovery"?

I mean it's like this new term that's always used.

What does it mean to you?

Do you use it?

What are your thoughts?

Please share this video with those around you.

I can't wait to see your comments.

And I will see you next week.


For more infomation >> Bipolar Disorder Recovery. Really?! - Duration: 2:27.


Of Monsters and Mushrooms, Ch. 8 🎙️ a Funny Post-Apocalyptic Audiobook Series 🎙️ by Lesley Herron - Duration: 34:20.

Tall Tale TV!

SciFi and Fantasy Short Story Audiobooks.

Of Monsters and Mushrooms by Lesley Herron

Chapter 8, Hericium

Attila stirred, his brain slowly turning back on.

Everything hurt.

He hadn't opened his eyes yet, but he could feel the warmth of the fire next to him.

" that...," Attila mumbled, sniffing the air.


Brig never spoiled them with bacon.

It was just too expensive for them.

Attila tried sitting up, but found he couldn't make his body move much passed a feeble wiggle,

even though there was the temptation of crisp, sizzling pork motivating him.

He didn't want to open his eyes just yet.

He wanted to hold onto the strange dream he had been having.

The memories were starting to fragment, but he could remember a few things.

There was a doctor?

And a man in a red coat?

It was like trying to keep a firm grasp on water, as the fragments began to slip away.

There was definitely a hamster.

That much he was sure about, even if it was wearing a pair of combat boots.

Attila groaned, his hangover starting to kick in.

His head throbbed and his throat was dry and itchy.

He could taste the dust in his mouth, and would have to reprimand Brig later for letting

him fall asleep on his stomach.

Unable to coordinate his motor skills, Attila settled for laying on the cold hard ground,

content with smelling the food.

He gave up on trying to hold onto faded remnants of his dream, and opened his eye.

The night sky was shrouded and dotted with stars.

Attila could see a tinge of green invading his peripheral.

Daybreak was on it's way.

Suddenly a familiar flooding of blinding light seared through his good eye and directly into

the back of his skull.

He let out a scream of pain and recoiled, trying to shield his face with his hand.

"It's okay!

He's Alive."

Even through a response of groans, Attila recognized that voice.

It certainly hadn't been a dream.

"What happened!?

Where are we?," Attila blurted out as he sat upright to escape the flashlight.

Pain erupted throughout his body as his neurons slowly realized he had changed positions.

Attila struggled through it to focus on the most important issue.

"Where's the food!?"

Errik chuckled as he tucked away his pen light.

"We saved you a plate."

Attila snatched the food from Errik's outstretched hands.

Food was, perhaps, too generous of a term.

He stared at the lump of gray porridge.

It looked as if someone had added water to dried out potatoes and then crushed them into

a general shape of a lopsided pancake and grilled them.

Well, burnt them.

Attila made a face and poked at it, cautiously, with a finger.

It jiggled.

He raised an eyebrow at Errik.

"Don't give me that look.," Errik started, jabbing a finger over at his brother.

"He made it."

Vel grimaced at being tossed beneath the proverbial bus.


If you want me to build something, I can build it.," he said, his voice irritable with

a tinge of hurt.

"If you want me to break something, I can do that.

If you want me to take you to a monster infested gate through underground tunnels, I can do

that too.

But I can't do all that -and- cook.

So shut up and eat it."

Something didn't seem to add up.

There was a large gap in Attila's memory.

The last thing he could remember was Vel calling them over to look at a rat, but instead there

had been...something clicked back into place.

Attila scowled over at Evan.

"Not cool, man."

Evan smiled, his face full of unashamed laughter.

"Not my fault you can't take a punch.," he taunted, that grin never faltering.

"Who's 'cute' now, ya' big baby?"

Attila made a noise of both surprise and insult.

"Why you little..."

Attila picked up one of the gooey 'pancakes' and made to toss it at Evan.

"Hey!," Vel barked again.

"You throw that and I -will- make you eat it off the ground!"

Evan was on his feet, pulling out a pair of tiny knives.

"Bring it on, poncho boy!"

Errik stepped in between the three of them, pushing Attila back.

He didn't want to have to drag his friend any further into the caves then they already


"Evan, you said you know the way out of here.

Hopefully you really do and that this isn't some ruse to rob us."

"Of course I know the way outta here.

And if I wanted to rob ya' I wouldn't have waited 'till we were this far into the caves

ta do it.

I ought ta charge you extra for saying that!," Evan snapped, brandishing his tiny knives


Errik raised his hands in surrender.

"Whoa, sorry!

Just making light of the situation.

So...where do we go from here?"

Evan seemed to relax.

"Well we're still in the cavern.

But we've about reached the ruins of the ol' Under Well.

Gotta get to the world pillar, then it's just up and out.

Should only take like, eh, six hours or so."

Errik could remember the moment when he first laid his eyes upon the original gleaming city

of Under Well, with all it's bright lights and sparkling gems.

He could almost remember how it glowed with a warmth that filled him with a happiness

that, really, had nothing to do with the actual lights.

Now it was less than a shadow of it's former glory, a broken pile of rubble and decay.

What were once spotless shining surfaces, were now dulled with dust and debris.

Broken homes, shattered pathways, and sink holes dotted the landscapes.

Borer Worms.

They had suddenly appeared, with no warning.

No one was sure where they came from, and while they did not feast on flesh, they had

been highly territorial.

The beasts fought with one another, and the inhabitants of the Under Well.

The city fought back, and in the end eradicated them all.

But not before the clash brought down the ceiling.

That all-protecting canopy that had kept out the toxic mushroom spores.

The inhabitants were forced to flea, and recreate their metropolis deeper in the bowels of what

was once a great aquifer.

What was left was a twisting maze of caves, tunnels, and remnants of an old city.

There at the heart of the Under Well, just like in the newer one, was a less grand version

of the towering spire of ivory stone.

But a sinkhole beneath it had caused it's collapse, and the once gleaming beacon was

now shattered into pieces, creating a path that disappeared into the thick of the glowing

mushroom forest.

"That's what we gotta use to get out of here.," Evan said, pointing to the spire.

He used his tiny hand to gesture to the other end of the broken ivory summit.

The mushrooms teetered and towered over each other, competing with one another to be the


The largest mushroom loomed above the rest, it's cap resting neatly, and conveniently,

against an outcropping that led to a large storm drain.

"Just make sure to have your breathers ready."

"Mph mpho mmph mphhph mmmph-mmm!," Attila exclaimed over a full mouth.

Errik turned to find Attila half way through eating one of the leftover 'pancakes'.

He gave Attila a questioning look.

With a bit of effort, Attila managed to pry his jaw open.


They're not that bad after you get past the outer crust.

They're just...a bit hard to chew."

He took another bite, chewed it for a few moments, and swallowed hard, before he repeated

himself, " I thought you said they weren't dangerous?"

"Those ones aren't.," Errik stated, pointing at the glowing forest.

"But what's drifting down from the gap in the ceiling there is.

We're fine here though, just don't get too close before putting on your mask."

Content with that answer, Attila took another bite of his 'pancake', and followed behind


The kid was leading the group, and more than once they had lost sight of him behind the

bits of rubble that littered the street.

They slid down a loose dirt slope, and came level with the edge of the ruins.

Several tunnels tore up out of the ground, pathways left courtesy of the worms.

Errik and Vel, thankfully, had missed out on the upheaval, and as a result had never

seen one of the creatures in the flesh.

But the size of some of the tunnels indicated that the largest ones had been about ten feet

in diameter.

Errik shook away that thought, and was grateful they had been driven to extinction nearly

a century ago.

"This tunnel leads straight to the mushrooms.

We could easily follow this one there and avoid all this unstable terrain.," Evan

mentioned, stopping at the entrance to a tunnel that towered over them.

"But I hear running water over that way, so we should resupply before we head topside."

"Holy cannoli!," Attila replied.

"Was this made by one of those worm things?"

Vel raised a brow, his face impassive.

"What else do you think it could be?"

Attila scratched at his eye patch, shrugged.

"Okay but, do we really want to stroll right in there like it's a road to a candy kingdom

or something?

What if one of them attacks us in there?"

Attila gave an uneasy glance at the tunnel's dark entrance before sidestepping it to follow

the group.

"Don't worry.," Errik replied, giving Attila a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

Since his hand was still wrapped in cement, it knocked Attila forward a step or two.

"There aren't any worms in there.

They've been dead for decades."

Attila smiled, his shoulders relaxing despite the bruising slap to them.

"Oh good.

That makes our job easy!"

Vel stopped walking, turning around to face Attila with a suspicious glare.

"What job?," he and Errik asked simultaneously.

"You know.

The job Madam Whisper wanted us to do?"

Attila looked back and forth between the two blank stares facing him.

"To kill the borer worms?"

Vel's eyebrows shot up.


Errik grabbed Attila by the poncho and hauled him closer.

"The Borer Worms are back?


Attila pulled a face.

Usually Vel was the one to lose his temper and Errik kept his cool.

Confused at the sudden reversal of roles, Attila opened his mouth to respond.

Vel pushed Errik out of the way and grabbed Attila by the poncho, lifting him off his


"And you promised to kill them?"

He jerked Attila closer until their faces were almost touching.

"With just THE THREE OF US?!?"

There's that temper, Attila thought, wincing at being yelled at.

But surely he had told them.

But, then again they had been pretty busy.

"Maybe I did forget.

But why did you think she let us leave with duffle bags full of gear?"

Errik pointed an accusing finger at him.

"We thought it was because you did the horizontal rattle!"

"Even -I'm- not that good.," Attila scoffed.

Vel was tightening his grip on the poncho with his mechanical hand, pulling the fabric

tighter and tighter around Attila's neck.

"You...sunnova-" "Hey!"

Evan jumped on a toppled statue of an animal bound general, some thirty feet away.

"If you three jerks are done arguing about who's the prettiest, it sounds like we're

getting close to the water.

I just need one of ya' to spot it.

My line of sight"

Vel dropped Attila, who's face had started to drain of color, and cocked an ear, trying

to locate the source of the gurgling stream.

It was echoing off the cavern's tall ceiling, bouncing around until it was almost impossible

to tell where it was coming from.

It almost sounded like the scuttling of feet.

Thousands of scurrying feet.

"I don't...," Vel paused, straining to find the direction of sound.

"I don't think that's water."

The sound of skittering grew suddenly louder, until it was almost deafening.

A wall, some thirty feet away crumbled to dust as a long, serpentine body smashed through


What Madam Whisper had generously called a worm was so far from it, that it was almost


Uncurling itself to nearly the length of a bus, was a long, segmented creature as wide

as a man.

It's body was encased in a thick, dull gray armor.

Two sets of legs jutted out at every segment on it's body, each one ending in a hard sharp


Two giant stingers split from the tip of it's tail end, and it's face was a rounded bony

mass of recessed eye sockets surrounding a three sided jaw.

The creature began to rear up at it's mid way point, making itself taller as it opened

it's hard billed mouth and let out a cry that shook the ground.

And then it dove, snapping it's jaws around Evan and leaving behind only a single tiny

combat boot.

"IAN!," Attila cried out, his hand outstretched in Evan's direction.

"Run.," Errik choked out, as the creature began scurrying towards them at an alarming


It was if he was telling only himself this, as his voice was barely a whisper.

He tried to take his own advice, but he found himself unable to move his legs.

It was as if he were trapped in quicksand.

He watched in horror as the worm reared it's body back before snapping forward again, moving

with lightning speed straight for him.

It's hard billed mouth split open into three sections, offering him a view of it's circular

maw filled with thousands of tiny, flat teeth.

Vel reached out and slammed his metal fist in the side of the worm's head.

The worm spiraled off course and flew past Errik, it's feet clacking against his arm

as it passed.

Vel dived on top of the creature, struggling to reach the neck of the wriggling mass.

"If you're done just standing there all useless like, you could give me a hand!,"

he cried out, not just to Errik but Attila as well.

At the sound of an order, Attila sprang into action.

He reached into one of the duffle bags and hauled out a can of bug repellent.

"Hold it still!"

Vel was straddling the creature, as it bucked and writhed beneath him, trying to damage

it with blows to it's bony spine.

"No you idiot!

We need-" The worm slammed itself into a large stalagmite trying to dislodge it's rider.


Vel managed to hang on, but just barely.

Errik remained frozen.

There were just too many legs.

Nobody had ever said they had legs!

Who the hell named these things!?

They were clearly -not- worms.

Attila ran into the path of the creature, waving his hands frantically in the air.


Look at me you over sized roly poly!"

The worm swung around, opening it's jaws wide.

And Attila tossed the canister into the worm's open maw.

He let out a loud whoop of laughter as it crunched down.

A small -pop- sounded as the canister exploded.

The worm spit out the broken pieces and began charging Attila, who turned tail and ran.

"What was that about?," Vel cried out.

He reached down, grabbing on the beasts legs near what would be the knee joint and yanked

back hard.

The appendage was never designed to move passed a certain range, and it snapped clean off.

The worm lurched to a stop, letting out a shrill shriek in agony.

"I thought it would explode it's head or something!," Attila complained.

"Guaranteed to work on all insects my ass."

The worm tried it's best to wriggle itself around and bite Vel, it's jaws snapping and

gnashing angrily.

But it's armor plating, again, restricted it's range.

Vel gave a small snort of laughter as he reached down and removed another leg.

Attila decided to take a page out of Vel's book and rushed in, grabbing one of the appendages.

"This is for Alvin!"

He wrenched up on the leg, but lacked the upper body strength that Vel had.


The worm flexed the leg Attila was attempting to remove and it sent him sprawling into one

of the large tunnels that peppered the landscape.


Errik shook his head, trying to snap out of his paralysis.

Just pretend it's a snake.

He told himself.

Snakes don't have legs.

He looked over at his brother, who was prying off another leg, aiding in Errik's self delusion.

It wasn't a bad strategy, hobbling the creature, but it wasn't a solution.

Even if they had removed all of it's front legs, it would still be able to move.

And if they went for the back legs, they would be in range of it's mouth.

The answer to their problem was elementary.

They were screwed.

"Oh crap..."

Vel let go of the leg he was trying to pry from the beast and watched as the creature

reared up, higher into the air.

It reached the pinnacle of it's arc, and began to topple backwards.

The worm was going to crush him by falling on him.

Vel threw himself to the side, as the beast crashed into the ground.

But now he was extracted, and the worm was out for revenge.

Errik watched in horror as the worm stumbled after Vel, it's limping gate causing it to

fall over every few strides.

Skitter skitter crash.

Skitter skitter crash.

"Get the fifty cal!," Vel yelled.

Errik blinked.

"The what?"

Vel dived out of the way as the worm gave a lopsided lunge.

He was backed into a small alcove in the cavern wall.

"The big ass gun!"


Errik ran over to the duffle bag, and pulled out a ridiculously powerful looking rifle.

"Now what?"

"Now what!?," Vel repeated angrily, a touch of sarcasm on his words.

His hands shooting up to push against the worm's head, trying to keep the beast from

crushing him.


Errik hoisted the gun into the crook of his shoulder.

"No need to get snippy.," he mumbled as he lined up the shot.

He reached for the trigger, but his cement cast clanked against the side of the trigger


He tried several more times from various angles.

"What the hell-" Vel was pushed hard against the wall of the alcove as the creature maneuvered

it's giant head to fit in the tiny space.

"-is taking so long!"

"I'm trying!"

Errik tried reversing hands, but without the ability to grip the barrel, the gun just kept

slipping out of his hands.

"I think we need a plan b!"

Vel let loose a string of expletives that seemed to offend even the worm.


But don't blame me if I shoot you by mistake!"

He lined up the rifle with his good hand, using his cement fist for support, and pulled

the trigger.


Errik felt his shoulder dislocate from the kickback, and his wrist hyper extend as the

gun checked itself out of his grip.

He sucked air through his grit teeth, and opened his eyes.

The bullet seemed to have connected with the worm, right near it's face, but ricocheted

off it's armor and buried itself into a stalactite somewhere above it.

Vel watched, in horror, as the worm freed itself and tore off straight for Errik.

He had no way to intercept, as the worm was now between the two of them.



Errik froze again, the mass of legs and exoskeleton bearing down on him.

The jaws split apart and it lunged.

His primal instincts took over, and he swatted at it.

The concrete cast around his hand shattered and the worm slumped to it's side, dazed.

"Did you just bitch slap it?," Vel asked, having extricated himself from the alcove

to move next to his brother.

He spotted Errik's left arm hanging limp at his side.

"Are you okay."

Errik winced and nodded.

"I'm fine, it just needs to-" The monster's tail end thrashed angrily against

the cavern floor, trying to line up it's stingers.

The resulting rumble shook the entire cave, and rattled the stalagmites.

Another angry thrash and a slew of sharp jagged rocks began dropping from the ceiling.

Errik and Vel narrowly avoided two large stalactites, as a third slammed into the worm.

Blood, the color of sapphires, began to ooze from the creatures wound as it's front end

flailed and screeched in pain.

Suddenly a dagger burst out of one of it's eye sockets, and the worm gave a final spasm.

The dagger retracted, only to exit from another eye socket.

The worm toppled over, finally dead, and Evan climbed out from between it's slack jaws.

He was covered head to toe in slime, blue blood, and digestive juices.

He pointed his little knife at Vel.

"I'm chargin' extra for this!"

Vel couldn't help the smile that crept up on his face.

"Tenacious little squirt, aren't you?"

"Um, Vel.

About my shoulder?," Errik whimpered.

"Oh, right!"

Vel reached over and jerked up on Errik's arm, forcing the joint roughly back into it's


His brother let out his own string of expletives, and Vel laughed.

"Oh, don't be such a baby.

Look at Evan.

He got eaten alive.," he said, gesturing to the kid, who was using a severed worm leg

to scrape goop off himself.

"You don't see him complaining."

Errik gave his brother a dirty look.

"Speaking of complainers...," he paused, looking around.

"Where's Attila?"

Attila heaved on the leg, his mighty muscles bulging with the effort.

The creatures leg did not break off as it had for Vel.

There must be some sort of trick.

But no worries, there wasn't an insect alive that could stand up to the great Slayer of

the Forty!

Suddenly, Attila was flying through the air.

He didn't recall initiating a tactical retreat, but what other explanation could there be?

After he was the great- "Oof!"

All the air left Attila's lungs as he landed hard and slid across the ground.

His momentum carried him over the lip of a steep vertical shaft.

As the battle slipped away from view, he let loose a heroic battle cry to inspire his comrades.


The shaft dropped a good fifty feet before it began to gently level out.

Attila slid down the tunnel ramp, before coming, face first, to a halt.

He pushed himself up, spitting out a mouthful of dirt and gravel.

The soft glow of small cave mushrooms lit the way, illuminating the single shaft.

He couldn't go back, the climb back up would be impossible to scale.

Onward then, into the unknown!

After half an hour of searching, the group decided Attila was either lost, dead, or had

run away.

In any event, they reasoned that he knew their target was the storm drain above the collapsed


And a vote, two to one, decreed to stop looking, and let him find his own way up.

They would head for the summit and wait for him there.

The encounter with the worm left them a more than a little reluctant to travel the tunnels,

so they opted for the slow trek through the ruins of old Under Well.

The ascent up to the storm drain was possibly more terrifying than the giant worm.

The tower was a smooth round ramp laying on a steep angle.

Coated with a luminous mucous, it was slick and slippery.

Errik nearly slid off the edge twice, only to be saved by quickly grabbing a hold of

his brother's red duster.

"Sorry!," he called out each time.

After cresting the uppermost part of the tower, they were forced to climb their way up through

the mushroom forest.

At this point Errik pulled out a breather for himself, and modified a spare to fit over

Evan's entire head.

Vel simply pressed a small button on his coat collar and a sinister metal mask slid into

place over his features.

Safe from the snowfall of spores they began leaping from crown to crown.

Or in Evan's case, being tossed from crown to crown.

Vel and Errik made a bit of a game out of seeing who could toss him further.

Evan was less than amused.

Attila plucked another glowing mushroom as he walked through the tunnel, tucking it into

his hat band next to twenty some odd others.

After walking into several walls in especially dark portions of the cave, he had decided

he need a light source.

His solution was to strap glowing mushrooms to every available surface of his body.

On the plus side he was now putting off more light than an industrial flood lamp, but he

also looked like a shaved, glowing yeti with a bad case of the boils.

He was very proud of his bright idea.

Attila approached another fork in the tunnel.

The eighth so far.

He shined himself down both pathways before choosing the one that sloped upwards the most,

going on the assumption that eventually it would lead him topside.

He'd had to retrace his steps more than once when a path had suddenly curved too sharp

for him to advance, but all in all it wasn't a bad way to travel.

And then he saw it.



And then realized daylight meant he had left the cave all together, and his friends.


He slumped a little, and turned around.

Pouting, he snatched another mushroom off the wall and jammed it into his belt with

a huff.

Errik looked out at the city expanse below them.

There was still no sign of Attila.

"You guys think he's okay?"

"Who cares?," grunted Vel, as he made a face and chucked their bag of gear to the

next mushroom.

"If he doesn't show, that just means we can go home."

Errik was gingerly wrapping his hand with a length of fabric ripped from his coat.

It would have to do until they got to the surface, and he could safely raid the contents

of their duffle bag.

"Yeah, but I still kind of feel bad."

He cinched the fabric tight and flexed his fingers gingerly.

It wasn't as good as an actual cast, but at least this one didn't weigh ten pounds.

Evan laid a tiny hand on Errik's shin, reassuringly.

"Look at it this way.

You only dragged him down here, so it's not your fault he's most likely dead or dying

of dehydration.

It could happen to anybody!"

Errik picked up the pint sized teen by his jacket and flung him like a shot put.

"Nice distance.," Vel grunted.

The mushroom they were standing on gave an ominous rumble.

Dirt fell from the ceiling, coating them in a fine layer of dust.

"What the hell was that?," Vel asked in a growl, his metal shifting and bristling

as if he were readying himself for another fight.

"We killed the worm right?

So perhaps it's just the cavern...settling?," Errik offered.

They were still several jumps away from the storm drain.

"Uh, guys.

You might wanna hurry it up.

There's somethin' down there."

Evan was peering over the edge of the mushroom cap, pointing at something in the dark below.

Errik and Vel leaned over the edge.

And in unison, they both sighed, "Dammit."

The mushroom began to shake violently as a massive worm began skittering it's way up

the stalk, and it began to lean under the creature's massive weight.

Vel grabbed Errik by his coat and hauled him up, shoving him towards the next mushroom.


Errik and Vel leapt the rapidly growing divide, rolling as they landed.

The mushroom they had just vacated began to topple as a worm the size of legend clambered

atop it's crown.

It was wider than both of them were tall, a true behemoth of the arthropod world.

Errik grabbed the bag of gear and moved to throw it to the next landing.

"Leave it!," Vel barked.

"I'll grab short stuff here and let's go!"

"Hey!," Evan protested as Vel unceremoniously picked him up by the arm like a rag doll.

The worm tried to propel itself at them from the toppling stalk, but fell short and latched

onto the trunk of their mushroom nearly halfway down.

The crown beneath them began to shake and buck as the creature started charging it's

way up towards them.

One more leap and they were close enough to scale up the stone wall to the storm drain.

The drain itself was massive.

A tank could drive through this tunnel with ease.

Or, as luck would have it, a giant killer worm.


How far to the exit?," Vel called back, as they pelted down the tunnel.

Evan was clinging to Vel's back with his little arms wrapped around his neck.

"Not too far.

Just go left, right, two lefts and another right."

"Two rights and a left?"


Left, right, two lefts-" "Just tell us when we get there!," snapped

Errik from behind them.

The tunnel was starting to shake, stones falling from the ceiling as the worm hurled itself

down the corridor.

They reached the first fork.

"Left!," cried Evan, tugging on Vel's collar as if he was steering.

They rounded the bend and cried out in pain, throwing their arms up to shield their eyes.

Through the fabric of his coat, Errik could just make out something moving around.

Glowing like a roman candle.

"What the hell is that!?"

"Heh hey!

I found you guys!," Attila said, literally beaming with joy.

"What are"

"Who cares!," Vel shouted, pushing past the human glow-stick.

"We need to move!"

Dust and rock erupted behind them as the worm continued to plow through the tunnel.

It skittered to a sharp halt, it's lengthy segmented body piling up behind it like a

traffic jam.

It's dozen or so eyes blinked furiously as it tried to asses the situation.

Attila assumed a wide stance, his hands poised by his sides, fingers twitching like a gunfight

waiting for high noon.

"You guys go!

I got this!"

When no one replied, Attila looked over his shoulder to see they had already abandoned



Come on!

That was such a great line too!"

He refocused his attention on the worm.

This was it.

The last one had escaped his wrath.

But this one would face the full might of the Great Slayer!

The worm chittered, clacking it's jaws uncertainly.

This glowing creature wasn't running.

And it smelled like rotten mushrooms.

The worm wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

Was it food?

Was it challenging him?

"Waaahh!," yelled the little mushroom beast and it began throwing little chunks

of itself in the worm's direction.

That meant, what, a challenge?


Go right!

No your other right!," Evan shouted in Vel's ear.

"The exit is right up there!"

"Guys!," Errik panted.

"Where's Attila?"

Vel looked over his shoulder and swore.

"Not again!"

He pulled Evan off his back and handed him to Errik.

"You guys go, I'll head back and save the idiot."

Vel sprinted back the way he had come.

Frigging moron and his frigging quest.

If they frigging survived this he'd frigging kill him.

How hard was it to keep up?

He hit the next fork in the tunnel.

Was it left or right?


"Attila!," Vel called down the tunnels.

No answer.

Great, so now he was going to get himself hopelessly lost in a tunnel with a giant centipede

worm thing just to find the guy he couldn't stand.

Why the hell had he gone after him?

A sound echoed down the corridor to the right.

Vel cocked his ear as the sound began to get louder.

"aaAAHH!," Attila screeched, as he pelted down the path towards Vel, lobbing grenades

over his shoulder.


A series of deafening explosions rattled the tunnel, causing huge chunks of ceiling to

fall around them.

The screams of the worm echoed behind them, fury tinging the shrill sound wave.

Vel scrabbled, wide eyed, behind Attila.

Two more grenades flew over Vel's head.

"!?," he roared, but the explosions and the sound of the collapsing

tunnel drowned him out.

Vel could see the exit, but he could also see the ceiling above them starting to buckle.

He grabbed Attila by the mushroom and dove, the ground swallowing the cave behind them.

The dirt settled around them, shafts of sun breaking through the cloud of dust and debris.

The cries of the worm had ceased, and the ground was no longer shaking.

Attila pushed himself up to his feet, and the sun lit him from behind, much like a hero

from a storybook.


This was part 8 of the epic, ongoing series by Lesley Herron.

Of Monsters to Mushrooms is a crossover fanfiction mixing her own characters and settings with

a few of those created by Author J.D. Wiley.

What started as a four chapter short story has now evolved into a full length novel with

over 20 chapters planned out already.

When Lesley isn't torturing poor Attila, or subjecting Vel to mental anguish, she loves

to draw, craft, and binge watch Netflix.


. . . . . . .aaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Well that was fun!

For more infomation >> Of Monsters and Mushrooms, Ch. 8 🎙️ a Funny Post-Apocalyptic Audiobook Series 🎙️ by Lesley Herron - Duration: 34:20.


SECOND CHANNEL??? - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> SECOND CHANNEL??? - Duration: 0:38.


613 Sq. Ft. Small House in the Woods of Sweden | Adorable Small House Design - Duration: 2:05.

613 Sq. Ft. Small House in the Woods of Sweden

For more infomation >> 613 Sq. Ft. Small House in the Woods of Sweden | Adorable Small House Design - Duration: 2:05.


Lara | How Eastern Shaped My Courage - Duration: 2:40.

This Fall I'll be starting my 8th year teaching French at Wellsboro High School.

The community at Eastern really encouraged me to get involved and become a leader.

Whether it was as an RA, teaching assistant, peer tutor, all of those things gave me the

confidence to lead.

I had theology classes at Eastern that I still have the notes from that I revisit.

Professors here were just so incredible that those notes were never something I was willing

to let go.

And I remember I had a Spanish professor who gave me a specific assignment to attend a

cultural event in the area and through that I went to an awesome festival at Penn's Landing.

I really enjoyed.

And I actually found a church I stayed at until I moved from the area that was a Spanish

speaking and English speaking church.

There's a French proverb, Qui ne risque rien n'a rien, which means who risks nothing has nothing.

It's kind of like their version of, nothing ventured nothing gained.

And that's something that I try to pull over into my classroom.

Because when a classroom is a safe space students can start taking risks and start learning

a language.

The spirit of trying to create an enviornment where it's ok to take risks came from being

at Eastern.

Because the community at Eastern really opened up their arms and meets people where they are

and accepts them.

I don't teach at a Christian school but I think it can be done in different ways.

I think my students do feel safer to participate in class and to take the risk when learning

a language.

When you are new to a career or seven years into a career or maybe forever, you have the

temptation to think that you're not doing it right.

That you're kinda of like, fake it till you make it, you're just kind of an impostor.

And to really believe that you have what it takes to make a difference and to inspire a generation

of students to discover something, takes courage.

I don't think it's within all of us to believe that you can inspire others.

I don't know that I would call myself a risk taker before I found my home at Eastern.

Being in a new environment, surrounded by people that believed in you and believed that

you were capable and worthwhile and loved and believed in your ability to go beyond what

you previously thought was possible.

Yeah, I think that definitely helped me to become someone that was more courageous.

Thank you Eastern. Merci beaucoup

For more infomation >> Lara | How Eastern Shaped My Courage - Duration: 2:40.


RETARDTALE Animation: Battle against Tio Charlene Retrasado. - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> RETARDTALE Animation: Battle against Tio Charlene Retrasado. - Duration: 2:16.


How to Make a Spiral Vegetable Tart - Saw it on Pinterest, nailed it! - Duration: 5:00.

hi welcome to my video this week I'm sharing a recipe for this extremely

attractive and delicious spiral vegetable tart that I saw on Pinterest

and immediately knew I had to try I did do a couple things differently to make

life a bit easier starting with the frozen pie crust I picked it up at the

store baked it according to the instructions and I would do this again

it really saved a lot of time you're also going to need some beautiful summer

vegetables and I chose yellow and green zucchini as well as carrots and I sliced

these lengthways with my mandolin slicer I did cut the zucchinis in a specific

way before slicing them to make sure that each piece had some of the skin on

it and those details can be found in the

blog post along with the complete recipe so please go ahead and check that out

now you'll see here that the slices are very flexible because I use the

mandoline slicer but I think you could probably get the same effect from a

vegetable peeler the carrot of course is a little bit stiffer but it's still

fairly easy to work with and you'll see as I make this pie in the video that you

can incorporate the carrot quite easily you will also need some passata some

fresh basil leaves as well as you know 1 to 2 cloves of garlic go ahead and blend

those up don't add any salt because you're going to be using some cheese as

well any cheese you like and that can be salty so I would you know salt

conservatively then what you need to do next is layer this tomato puree along

the bottom of the pie but don't lay it on too thick because you don't want the

moisture from this to seep into the pie crust and weaken it along the bottom

next layer the cheese on top of the tomato puree now what I do in the next

part is start to create the spiral pattern which I guarantee you is easier

than it looks I started with a piece of zucchini and wrapped it as tightly as I

could around my finger and placed it in the center of the pie then I picked up

another piece of zucchini and wrapped it around

now the carrot as I mentioned earlier is not a flexible but you know if you have

some smaller pieces or even if you break up a couple pieces you'll find that it's

easier to just place those strategically and it's okay if some of the carrot

pieces don't wrap completely around in fact it's probably better if they don't

you simply want that beautiful orange to pop out from amidst the green and yellow

of the zucchini what's more as you continue to create this pattern you'll

notice that eventually even the zucchini pieces won't wrap completely around each

other and that's okay because with the sauce and cheese at the bottom holding

this all together you will soon discover that this is in fact much easier than

you might have thought initially now here you can see I'm down to my last few

pieces and when you reach this point just try to shove things in where you

can this pie will look absolutely gorgeous even if you let go of the

pattern you started with in the beginning before putting your pie into

the oven you need to brush it with some oil canola oil or vegetable oil either

of those will do and isyes in mind with some salt and pepper as well as some

dried I think I use an Italian blend of dry herbs but you need to use L de

Provence and that would be great once you've done that the pie needs to bake

at 350 degrees for about 40 to 45 minutes now when this pie comes out of

the oven it is a thing of beauty I mean to look at it it's gorgeous now the only

thing I did is I tried to create a little bit of space between the slices

with the toothpick because we did start to collapse inward but the pie was

really sturdy and it which stood me poking at it was a toothpick just fine

you can garnish your pie if you want but I only did this because I had some

leftover basil it's beautiful on its own now I had some difficulty getting my pie

out of the dish I'm not going to lie and I think that was because of the pie

server that I was using I think it was just you know decorative probably good

to look at not very functional in future I would use something a little bit a

little bit more sturdy and there you have it a really impressive pie both in

terms of how it looks and how it tastes bought

on Pinterest nailed it I think this would serve six people at

the most and if you give it a go take a photo post it on Instagram and

tag me in your food creations what I can see what you're making thanks for

watching Hawaii


For more infomation >> How to Make a Spiral Vegetable Tart - Saw it on Pinterest, nailed it! - Duration: 5:00.


Caron Cupcakes Yarn - Duration: 1:26.

No Words Spoken... Music Played Throughout

For more infomation >> Caron Cupcakes Yarn - Duration: 1:26.


You Have 24 Hours In A Day - Student Motivation - Duration: 6:59.

you know one time my mom said you need to get a job I said I already have a job

I'm just not getting paid yet basically I think that you know everyone in the

world is capable of living outside the role or beyond the roles that they place

themselves in no matter what it is you know you're not just a dad you're

not just a banker you're not just a brother or a son or a convict

it doesn't matter like everyone is is bigger much bigger infinitely bigger

than the roles they place themselves in and is capable of reaching potential

greater than anything they could imagine most of the time people sell themselves

short on their goals if you're already on a list

do you still just sell yourself short sometime like every day that's the human

condition you know we just we think we're we think we have a ceiling when it

comes to our potential and the and the real and the truth is that there is no

ceiling I think you gotta have a dream first you know for me it always starts

with a dream because I can get I can go through any adversity when I have a

dream something I'm passionate about when I'm not excited about something

then I want to give up or I don't want to do it yeah I want to go back to

thinking about my dream right and so I think first we have to figure out what

is our dream and go on a journey in a path to achieving that I always say I

kind of give out the same advice about one first being a self motivator getting

out there and because there are so many naysayers there's so many haters there's

so many people are going to say you can't do this there's so many people who

love to poke holes in everyone's ideas that you have to build yourself up every

day you have to be the one to say no this idea is brilliant this will happen

this is going to you know speaking it into existence you've got to step out

there and literally make something out of nothing create it if you want it be it

live it walk it generate it do you think that that's one of the keys to success

or it has been for you just claiming it and speaking it into existence? Yeah walking the walk

and being about even it you know even that idea faking it to you make it I

mean that's what hip-hop was built on right think about it you got to really

step out on it and when others are going to say no you can't do it say no it can be

done it just hasn't been done before and I'll be the first I'm a believer bro

like I see things and I want to make them real no matter how how hard it

takes no matter what obstacles no matter how many embarrassing meetings I have to

imagine it's happening when I leave doesn't matter

I'm a doer and a freaking make it happen er look everyone has a problem with time

but the day is 24 hours and we sleep 6 now I know there's some out there that

say wow wow wow wow I need 8 but I say to sleep a little faster because the bottom

line is we have six hours of sleep 24 hours are available so if 18 hours now

available do your work your family your hobbies and also to learn something new

or to do something new which could easily be that you want to learn a new

language or that you want to read and as a New Year's resolution I have to read a

book every week or you say I'm going to go and reshape my party so you're going

to go and take this hour out of your schedule and say I'm going to train an

hour every day so this is for most people a huge challenge but it is

totally doable I can tell them because the kind of things that I did when I came

to this country I mean I went to school I was working in construction I was

working out my five hours a day I was taking acting classes from 8 o'clock at

night to 12 midnight I was doing all of those things I wanted to make sure that

out of the 24 hours of the day that I don't waste one single hour those hours

were too precious and so there just want to tell people don't give me this thing

I have a difficult time at the time and I don't have time for this now that you

have time you make the time dopamine is the feeling that you found something

you're looking for or do you accomplish something you set out to accomplish so

you know that feeling you get when you cross something off your to-do list

that's dopamine feels awesome you know when you when you have a goal to hit and

you achieve that goal you're like yes you feel like you've won something right

that's dopamine the whole purpose of dopamine is to make sure that we get

stuff done right the historical reason for dopamine we would never eat if we

only waited to get until we got hungry because there's no guarantee that we

would find food so dopamine exists to help us go looking

for food we get dopamine when we eat which is one of the reasons we like

eating and so when you see something that reminds you of something that feels

good we want to do the behavior that helps us get that feeling right so let's

say you're out there going for a walk and you see an apple tree in the

distance you get a small hit of dopamine and then what it does is it focuses us

on our goals and now we start walking towards the apple tree and as the apple

tree starts to get a little bigger we feel like we're making progress you get

another little shot of dopamine and another little shot of dopamine until you

get to the tree and you're like yes okay this is why we're told you must write

down your goals your goals must be tangible there's a there's a biological

reason for that we are very very visually oriented animals you have to be

able to see the goal for it to biologically stay focused right if you

don't write down your goals if you can't see your goals it's very hard to get

motivated to get inspired one of the greatest enemies of fulfillment of

purpose is procrastination and broken focus if you start now and you say 365

days from today's date this is what I want to accomplish and you do one a day

pulls that focus this one thing I did I'm focusing you do one a day at the end

of one year you will have made 365 steps

towards fulfilment of purpose have a vision for why you're studying so

hard because you're going to be working really hard when you study now some

nights you're going to be working really hard getting really exhausted you have

to keep the ultimate vision in mind of why you're doing all this stuff never

lose sight of that that's really important

Subscribe for more student motivation videos!


For more infomation >> You Have 24 Hours In A Day - Student Motivation - Duration: 6:59.


Making of Last Day of June: part 1 - feat. Steven Wilson (PEGI) - Duration: 5:57.

Yeah, I mean, as I say,

this has been a kind of Epiphany for me, you know

I didn't realize games

could be this beautiful or this emotionally engaging and

I've long said actually that one of my ambitions

was to score a movie

and in a way I feel like I've done it now

Basically the history of this

as far as I'm concerned

It was a couple of years ago

I was asked if

I would be okay with

the Drive Home song and the video

that Jess Cope had created for Drive Home

and the characters that Hajo Muller had created

being used as the basis for

a computer game

and I had no idea really...

Really, I had no conception at all what that meant

what a computer game in 2017 or 2015, as it was then

would look like

but at the same time I thought

No skin off my nose

Sure, if somebody wants to try

you know, I'd be very happy

To see what they could come up with

I really had no idea what to expect

It all started when I heard this song called Drive Home

and when I saw the video

I was literally blown away

by the emotional impact that that video had

It's wonderful when something just kind of works

Besides being an incredible musician

to me Steven Wilson

is one of the greatest composer alive today

Steven Wilson music allowed me to dream

while making Last Day of June

Massimo has been developing this game

as he's been listening to my music

and with the music very much as the foundation

Listen to his music while, you know

picturing out the story and

the situation for Last Day of June

was an incredible journey for me as well

The music that's been taken and used for this game

Spans a relatively long period of time

in my music making history, I mean

some of the tracks stay back early 2000, 2001, 2002

some of them are quite recently, are routines from 2015

so comparatively new

I think I feel there's sometimes

a lingering theme between these records

regardless of the kind of style he wants to explore into

And picking up this kind of lingering theme was a sort of

like a journey through his mind and

it was like mind blowing experience with me

So I've actually gone back and I've put it together

and I've edited together and I've sequenced it

in a way that felt

in a logical and like a good listening experience

based on the music that Massimo used in the game

and it really all feels like...

It feels like it was all written

for specifically...

For one project

I have this sort of like

extremely visual relationship with music in general

because whenever I hear sounds and melodies or like

you know, moods created by music

I see pictures in my mind and I...

It's like I'm creating a real-time music video

for what I hear

And that was the same process that I applied

to the creation of Last Day of June

With the difference that

the source material was Steven Wilson's music

And, as a fan myself

that was like incredibly, incredibly interesting

and stimulating as well

The game in many ways

as indeed the video

has grown out of the original story

and the music

I think his way of making musics is extremely unique

and he managed basically to build his own style

through the years and

I respect him because

he's not afraid of trying new things

He takes risks

and that's not very common in the music industry

as well as not common in another industry

in entertainment industry in general

This new album I've written: "To the bone"

is all about truth and it's about the idea of truth


as perception

You know, as human beings

we talked about this concept of truth

but I think a lot of the time truth is a kind of

abstract concept

that is almost unobtainable

So, he has the ability to mix

this kind of melancholic feeling

and melancholy for me is one of the

most important feelings

in the human range of emotions

probably the most beautiful one

and he has the, you know

the power to be melancholic but open up

to like brighter spaces as well

at the same time and within the same piece

I think I can see now how definitely

computer games can be


in the way that you know any art form can be art

they have reached...

they seem to reach that point of maturity now

it's a beautiful juxtaposition of music




and if that's going on

I'll definitely have more of that very soon

For more infomation >> Making of Last Day of June: part 1 - feat. Steven Wilson (PEGI) - Duration: 5:57.


Car window gasket replacement. Car window ruber trim replacement Urdu Hindi. - Duration: 11:57.

In this video I will show how to replace the rear window glass rubber gasket or rubber trim piece.

We will be replacing this car rear window glass gasket or rubber trim piece. this rubber gasket you can see become very old and brittle due to weather effect.

Here is the new gasket or replacement gasket. I put it under the sun to preheat is a little to make it soften.

Here as you can see the older gasket had been repaired which is deflorating the beauty of the car.

This gasket must be replaced due to these very reasons as it become ugly now.

The way to replace this old gasket is to remove the older one from the window and replace it with a new part. Here is one plastic end finishing part which we will provide in the end of the process.

This finishing piece is coming with the replacement new gasket. So there is no big worry for the replacement parts.

We will remove the older gasket. We can be using kitchen knife also sometimes to remove the older gasket from the window glass.

We can start removing this gasket using our hands only and also there is dust and mud accumulated underneath. This dust and mud will also be removed with.

The dust and mud we will wash with water in brush in the end when the gasket will be removed. There should be no dust and debris under the gasket and glass.

We will stick the new gasket using the RTV silicon of black color. The RTV is ideal to stick the gasket with the window.

If you have the silicon tube gun then it will very good and you will need a wide sticking transparent tape also to stick the gasket temporarily with the glass and body after the application of silicon.

The tape we will remove latter on after the silicon settlement. also you will need a small blade kitchen knife for the job.

Also sure you need the replacement gasket. Now I start attempting this job.

Maybe I will not record each and every step due to length of the video and here it is too hot. The camera have heat limitation. Anyhow I will record all the necessary steps of the job.

Anyhow whatever will be recorded you will get benefit from it and you will be able to learn so much from it and will be able to attempt the job yourself.

In this way we are starting our job. I will start pulling the gasket using my hands. This will cut down the silicon underneath and the gasket may come off.

If this may breakdown during the process, even it is not a problem because it is an older part and we will replace it with the new one eventually.

As it breakdown, no problem; we will start removing it from other location.

So in this way we will pull off all the gasket from the window and will remove it from.

As you can see there is a lot of accumulated dust and mud underneath the old gasket. We will wash all the mud and dust using water and brush.

Also we will remove and cut down the old silicon which had been stick to the glass and body.

Then latter on we will fix new silicon in place and will make it settling down.

Here underneath little is remaining, we will pull it gently and will remove it from.

The silicon part we can remove using a knife. We will cut it from the glass and body. We will take care of the body not to scratch it with knife.

Remove all parts of the old silicon but don't scratch the body and paint.

We will wash the window slot using water and brush. We will wash down all mud and dust from the area. Also we will cut down the older silicon to make place for the new silicon. The removal of the older silicon is a must.

This mud and dust is accumulated from air when we use the car for our regular purpose.

Also we will clean the glass sides and will wash all debris from. Everything must be very very much cleaned before placing a new gasket.

Dear friends I fixed half part of the gasket. Now I am showing the remaining half portion of the gasket to be installed and will film it to show you the details.

I just set up the gasket using silicon first and then latter on I put on the sticking transparent tape on the glass and body.

The purpose of the tape is to temporarily stick the gasket to the body and glass after fixing it with silicon.

As the silicon needs time to be fixed and settled. that's why we fix tape to temporarily stick the gasket to the glass and body.

If the excess silicon may grime the glass, it would not be a big problem then. Because you can easily clean it easily. You can even clean it latter on using regular gasoline or you can even scratch it from.

Now we will attempt the remaining job so that you people may understand the job how to do it.

I am removing a little bit tape from here as under this area the job had not been done.

The first step here is to fill in the silicon RTV in the grove between glass and body. So we are filling the silicon now.

We are starting filling in silicon from the top of the grove. We will fill in the silicon evenly. Not too less and not too much.

We will put some small quantity of silicon on the gasket also. Because this will be stuck to body and glass.

Now after putting silicon on the gasket and in the grove, I am starting to fix the gasket in its place. This is a job of care to fix the gasket properly.

Do the job with care and gradually. Also keep a piece of rag with you are you will need to clean the excess silicon when it will be settled.

I would wipe all the excess silicon while it is not yet dried. If will may dry, even you can clean it.

Now we will stick the tapes on the top of this gasket to make it hold in its position. We will fix tapes all around the gasket.

Now we are almost done. I stick the tape to all the places on the gasket will let it settle for a day or two. Anyhow we can still use the car during this period.

After settling down we will fix this small plastic trim piece. We will also fix this plastic piece with same silicon. And will stick it using tapes.

We can even apply silicon latter on where it is needed. This job is of beauty and neatness. Take your time to do the job with beauty and neatness. Your work should seen professional and like company work.

As you can see the quality of work. The market professionals have experience but are not doing the work with such quality as it needs very hard work and take much more time to do it with beauty and neatness.

I hope the people who watched this video will be able to replace their cars glass gasket easily themselves.

This job you can do better than a pro. You can do it in very less cost if you do it yourself. The labor charges for such a job is nearly the same as the item and materiel price or cost. So you can save money doing it yourself.

I will do more trim parts and rubber parts replacement jobs on this car. I will try to film them and will upload them also for you people more understanding and learning. So stay tuned for future videos.

We will also replace the window glass channels rubber gaskets.

Stay tuned for the future videos. Also give like, subscribe on channel and share with your friends. Thanks.

For more infomation >> Car window gasket replacement. Car window ruber trim replacement Urdu Hindi. - Duration: 11:57.


Learn Marine Mammals & Ani...

For more infomation >> Learn Marine Mammals & Ani...


Pra onde vai o dinheiro? - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Pra onde vai o dinheiro? - Duration: 1:08.


JUTTUTUOKIO ILMAN AUTOPILOTTIA | Chatting w/o autopilot - Duration: 6:36.


I wanted to end the day with some real talk. To chat honestly and with my own voice.

I wanted to have a little chat about everything that's been on my mind.

On the other hand I feel very frustrated...

... and then I also feel really relieved.

Frustrated because I can't believe how I've let myself go like that.

Now I'm not only talking about physical shape.

Although I am in the worst shape I've ever been.

But I mean in general.

I've had this like...

What? I have a hair on my finger...

... I've had like an autopilot mode on.

Like the kind that uses the minimal amount of energy.

And which helps you through all stressful situations.

But that has led to me not taking care of myself, at all.

I actually noticed this when we were on the road trip.

We were there with my friends... so one night...

The auto mode just suddenly snapped off.

And I realised that, damn, I have this auto mode on even with my own friends.

And my auto mode is like, if you turn it on it's like...

"Yeah! Really? Oh my......"

So horrible.

But I realised that I was starting to be like that with my friends, or had been for a while already.

It's like a "cashier" mode.

As neutral and chipper as possible. And a bit dumb.

It's the kind of person that...

It's the kind of person that helps you through every situation.

No one really pays any attention to you.

Just a person who uses as little energy as possible.

But as soon as I got home from the road trip I put everything in order.

Because I've been like...

If we talk about my physical shape, I've paid that way too expensive gym card every month for nothing.

I haven't been there once. In months.

I've been eating what ever I've felt like just to keep my mood up somehow.

Then I haven't taken care of my looks.

This hair is so horrible.

Like a medieval cocker spaniel fur.

It's practically dead all th way down from here.

And then like general health stuff... my teeth should be checked and all that.

I've let my self...

To be honest I've really let my self go in all ways.

Something that I'm really pissed about is that I forgot my own style.

I forgot everything I enjoy about clothes.

I just bought everything like "what ever just something easy..."

And my biggest problem is that how I'm able to fix this situation!

How can I fix my wardrobe? Because I can't wear those clothes.

But then why am I relieved?

It's because I noticed this.

And I have motivation to put everything back on track, fix things.

You know, I think this thing feels a lot better not, too.

Somehow because now that I'm honest to my self I can also be honest to you.

You know what I mean?

I've been somehow....

I've just been lost.

I've practically just had a blank stare and been like "let's just do something..."

I don't know. Now I feel good.

I'm so happy that I took a time-out.

And cut thing off.

Now I've had time to be with myself, think about things and see how the wheels have turned in so wrong direction.

I hope that I've talked about everything I wanted to talk about.

Once again I had like million things I wanted to talk about. But I'm sure I forgot something again.

But if there's something I want to say...

If you feel like you have an autopilot mode on...

And you are not yourself. Then snap it off.

And if there's something that stops you from doing that then make decisions.

You'll feel so much better afterwards.

Make decisions that really take your life the way you want it to go.

Make decisions that make your life better.

Because no one else is going to do that for you.

So that kind of lesson to the end...

No but really.

Because it happens so sneakily.

And the time goes so quickly when you're just in this fog.

You're gonna have to stop at some point and think.

Now I have this like "Ah, lovely, I know again..."

...what I want. I know again who I am.

How I sound like. What I am.

How I dress... All these things opened up to me.

And it feels so good, it feels so good!

Because it's been a while ago that I've really talked, to you too, as a real me.

There's always been something.

To me personally it hasn't felt real.

And I know I talked about the language earlier, but not just that.

So now I feel good about this all.

I hope I didn't bore you with my little opening.

But hey...

Bye, bye.

For more infomation >> JUTTUTUOKIO ILMAN AUTOPILOTTIA | Chatting w/o autopilot - Duration: 6:36.


Já Que Você Não Me Quer Mais - Seu Cuca (Toca na Rua) Nossa Toca - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Já Que Você Não Me Quer Mais - Seu Cuca (Toca na Rua) Nossa Toca - Duration: 2:41.


Jersey Matters - Stephen Gardner part 2 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Jersey Matters - Stephen Gardner part 2 - Duration: 4:37.


Kombina | Aprenda a fazer uma bolsinha clutch com Carol Viralta - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Aprenda a fazer uma bolsinha clutch com Carol Viralta - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 13:01.


[Japanese ASMR] Unboxing DR-40 / Mic Test / ASMR Triggers! - Duration: 1:00:56.

For more infomation >> [Japanese ASMR] Unboxing DR-40 / Mic Test / ASMR Triggers! - Duration: 1:00:56.


Taller Cómo Aplicar Belbin - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Taller Cómo Aplicar Belbin - Duration: 0:26.


Judge MInty - A Judge Dredd - Legendado - Duration: 27:01.

For more infomation >> Judge MInty - A Judge Dredd - Legendado - Duration: 27:01.


I parassiti che vivono nel letto di casa amano e odiano certi colori | K.N.B.T - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> I parassiti che vivono nel letto di casa amano e odiano certi colori | K.N.B.T - Duration: 7:50.


Fala Deus - Minibanda - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Fala Deus - Minibanda - Duration: 3:15.


Nadia Khalun from Willows High School - Inspire Winner (Young Person Award Secondary School) - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Nadia Khalun from Willows High School - Inspire Winner (Young Person Award Secondary School) - Duration: 0:22.


Kombina | Aprenda a fazer um quadro de origamis com Miriam Lima - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 13:48.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Aprenda a fazer um quadro de origamis com Miriam Lima - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 13:48.


Kombina | Bete e Rogério fazem mais um desafio do diretor, confira! - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Bete e Rogério fazem mais um desafio do diretor, confira! - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 7:39.


Kombina | Conheça mais sobre a arte de capturar momentos no dia mundial da fotografia - 19 de Agosto - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Conheça mais sobre a arte de capturar momentos no dia mundial da fotografia - 19 de Agosto - Duration: 6:25.


Kombina | Almofada com quilting por Eliana Brunelli - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Almofada com quilting por Eliana Brunelli - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 9:27.


Kombina | Saiba como fazer parte da família Campanha dos Devotos! - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Saiba como fazer parte da família Campanha dos Devotos! - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 4:16.


Prô. Leticia - Glossário de Gramática - Adjetivo - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Prô. Leticia - Glossário de Gramática - Adjetivo - Duration: 0:41.


Kombina | Comunidade Shalom apresenta fé e arte na semana vocacional - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Comunidade Shalom apresenta fé e arte na semana vocacional - 19 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 7:09.


Fokus x ADM x Peja - Zabierz Mnie (MVP BLEND) - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Fokus x ADM x Peja - Zabierz Mnie (MVP BLEND) - Duration: 4:24.


Atatürk'e Ölümünü Söyleyen Seccade - Duration: 7:12.

Merhaba Araştıran İnsanlar!

Gazi Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK hakkında ölümünden yıllar önce gelişen esrarengiz olayları

aktaracağım bir kült tv videosuyla sizlerle beraberiz

Kurtuluş savaşı'nın mağlupları arasında İngilizlerin saflarında mücadele veren

Hintli bir Mihrace de vardı.

İmkansızlıklara yokluklara rağmen özgürlüğe giden yolda ki başlarının sırrını oda

merak ediyordu.

Henüz birkaç yıl evvel işgal için geldikleri İstanbul'a şimdi bu sırrı öğrenmek

ve muzaffer komutanı yakından tanımak için Mustafa Kemal Paşayı ziyarete gelen yabancı

heyete dahil olmuştu.

Ankara her ne kadar başkent olsa da Atatürk ziyaretçilerin ve devlet adamlarının büyük

bir kısmını İstanbul'da kabul ediyordu.

Gazi bir zamanlar işgal kuvvetlerinin karargahı olan Tepebaşında ki Pera Palas otelin de

101 numaralı odaya yerleşmiş ve kapılarını tüm ziyaretçilere açmıştı.

Yıl 1929'du Atatürk pencereden yoldan geçen insanları izlerken derin düşüncelere


Derken kapı çalındı ve yaveri içeri girerek "Paşam Hintli bir mihrace sizi ziyaret

etmek istiyor."


Gazi şaşırmıştı, O dönemlerde İngiltere'nin sömürgesi olan Hindistan ile şimdiye kadar

kısıtlı diplomatik ilişkiler dışında gayr-ı resmi hiçbir ziyaretçisi olmamıştı

genç Cumhuriyetin.

Mustafa Kemal Paşa merakla "İçeri buyur edin."


Az sonra içeriye ilginç tuğlu sarığı, cicili biçili altın işlemeli elbisesi ile

bir Mihrace girdi.

Kahveler içildi Sohbetler edildi.

Devrin sorunları uzun uzadıya tartışıldı.

Atatürk'ün merakı yerini hayranlığa bıraktı.

Gelen düşman bir ziyaretçi idi.

Kurtuluş savaşının mağlup İngiliz orduları üyesi Mihrace galip baş komutanı ziyaret


Mihracede gelmeden önce paşanın savaşlardan dolayı onlara düşmanlık beslediği kanısını


Ancak edilen sohbetlerin ardından Mustafa Kemal Paşa'nın barışa ve insanlığa

olan inancının farkına vardı.

Bir süre sonra söz Hindistanın kültürü ve sosyolojik yapısına oradan da Ezoterik

öğretileri ve kadim tarihine geldi.

Gazi'nin bu konulara olan merakını iyi gözlemleyen Mihrace Hint öğretileri hakkında

kapsamlı bilgiler verdi.

Daha sonra paşanın iltifatlarına mazhar olup Atatürk tarafından kendisine altın

işlemeli bir cep saati hediye edildi.

Atatürk'ten çok etkilenen ve hayranlık besleyen Mihrace bu ziyaretin ardından önce

İngiltere'ye oradan da Vatanı olan Hindistan'a gitti.

Ülkesine döndükten sonra Atatürk'e yaptığı jest karşısında özel bir hediye vermek

için araştırmalara başladı.

Bir çok seçeneğin arasında dönemin Hindistan resmi devlet kahinine Atatürk'e özel bir

hediye hazırlaması emri verildi.

Kahin aynı zamanda bir panditti.

Hindistan'da vedik astrologlara pandit deniliyordu.

Bu ehil kişi Paşa'nın vedik astroloji yani batı astrolojisinden farklı olarak

Hint astrolojisine göre haritasını çıkartarak önemli olayları bir nesneye işlemeyi uygun


Astroloji kişinin kendi içinde ki, potansiyellerine, kişisel gücüne ve bu hayata geliş nedenine

ışık tutan bir ilim ve öğreti biçimi iken, Hint Astrolojisi ise bu yolculuğu ruh

vasıtasıyla yapan, ruh ve bedeni bir bütün olarak algılayan, sonuç alırken kaderi,

karmayı, ruhun kendi labirentlerini de sistemin içine dahil eden eski ve kadim bir astroloji


Hint astrolojisi kendi başına bir sistem, özel matematiksel hesaplar, farklı bir astronomik

detay kullanır ve Batı Astrolojisi olarak bilinen Modern Astrolojinin bir kolu veya

türevi değil, farklı ama özgün bir astroloji sistemidir.

Batı Astrolojisi ile teknik kullanımları ve yorumlama biçimleri farklıdır.

Bu öğretinin esaslarına göre Atatürk için özel olarak hazırlanan halı şeklinde

ki seccade aynı sene içerisinde İstanbul'a gönderilir ve bir heyet ile Atatürk'e

takdim edilir.

Gazi bu hediyeyi korumasına vererek müsait bir yerde sergilenmesini emreder.

Seccade Pera Palas otelinde bulunan Atatürk'ün kaldığı 101 nolu odanın duvarına asılır.

Halı büyüklüğündeki seccadenin kenarında fil şekilleri vardı.

Ama orta yerde gül yaprağının dalları uzanıyor tam namaz kılarken alnın secdeye

uzandığı yerde yuvarlak bir daire ve içinde bir saat şekli olduğu belli olan akrep ve

yelkovan görüntüsü yer almakta.

Latin rakamları ile yapılan saat 09.07'yi gösteriyor.

Üstelik de akrep ve yelkovanın bağlantı göbeğinden de on bir adet çubuk çıkıyordu.

Bahsi geçen on bir çubuk "kasım ayını" göstermiş olsa…

Çünkü kasım ayı on birinci aydır.

Ayrıca yine saatin kenarlarını 10 adet kasım çiçeği ile süslenmiştir.

Saatin de 09.07'yi göstermesi Atatürk'ün gerçek ölüm anını gösterdiği konuyu

araştıran kişilerce ileri sürülüyor.

Her ne kadar Atatürk 10 kasım 1938 tarihinde 9'u 5 geçe ölmüş ise de bu onun kalbinin

ve nabzının durmasıdır.

Gerçekte bir veya iki dakika sonra beyin ölümü gerçekleşir.

Pera Palas oteli 101 no'lu odadaki halı büyüklüğünde ama namaz kılmak için

seccade özelliği taşıyan eşya "Atatürk'ün ölüm anını" şaşırtıcı şekilde


Hediye edildiği sırada hiç kimse bahsi geçen seccadenin sırrına vakıf olamadı.

Genç Cumhuriyet'i reformlarla kasıp kavuran Atatürk'e aynı günlerde verilen bu "ölüm

anını gösteren seccade" bir insanın kaderinin nasıl sonuçlanacağı hakkında

ibret dolu bilgiler sunuyordu.

Gazi'nin vefatından bir süre sonra daha önce halıyı görmüş bazı milletvekilleri

durumdan şüphelenerek Hintlilerin Çanakkale'de aldıkları malubiyetleri azm edemeyerek suikast

düzenlediği üzerine tezler ortaya atmış bunun üzerine dönemin Adalet bakanlığı

Seccade hakkında gizli bir soruşturma yürütmüştür.

Tahkikatta kayda değer bir suç olgusuna ulaşılamayıp dosya takipsizlikle sonuçlandırılmıştır.

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paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna katılabilmek

için Kült TV'ye abone olmayı unutmayın.

Gelecek videoda görüşünceye kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!

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