Monday, August 21, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 21 2017

Let's start counting!

Can you count to twenty?

Here we go!





















That was fun!

For more infomation >> Cuenta Y Muévete | Cancion de Contar y Más Canciones Infantiles - Duration: 51:49.


Robert Fernández aclara el futuro de 2 pilares y vaticina nuevos fichajes - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Robert Fernández aclara el futuro de 2 pilares y vaticina nuevos fichajes - Duration: 2:34.


ECLIPSE 21 AGOSTO: MOVIMIENTOS PLANETARIOS por Sergio Ramos - Duration: 40:59.

For more infomation >> ECLIPSE 21 AGOSTO: MOVIMIENTOS PLANETARIOS por Sergio Ramos - Duration: 40:59.


Zapata de Sunwayfoto en L para la Sony A7 II, A7r II y A7s II - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> Zapata de Sunwayfoto en L para la Sony A7 II, A7r II y A7s II - Duration: 8:20.


Torrecè - Ases - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Torrecè - Ases - Duration: 3:53.


Lary Over - Desnudate (Remix) Ft. Bad Bunny, Almighty, Bryant Myers (Official Audio) - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Lary Over - Desnudate (Remix) Ft. Bad Bunny, Almighty, Bryant Myers (Official Audio) - Duration: 4:55.



Hello guys, welcome back, today I have for you a special padlock

it´s a gift from Adrian Leon, thank you very much Adrian

It is amazing, I love it

It is my favorite padlock

It is the most beautiful of Spanish padlocks I have and

and one of the most beautiful in the collection of course

it´s a LINCE padlock

Plus A-55

is made of steel, it is very heavy, very strong

as you see has a very thick shackle, 12 mm

This would be the key

is IC core padlock, in this case has a LINCE C4

ten active pins, five upper controlling a sidebar and 5 lowers

not spring, as you see works perfect


is not an easy padlock to open with C4

but for me the greatest difficulty lies in the fact

recognizing the fact that it is a ten pinner lock with

with opposing pins, that touch each other, without restriction of movement

which causes when there is a very long lower pin, as is this

the upper pin with a stronger spring pushes him

and lower long pin would be overset from the beginning

I just explain it in my video number #117

the upper pin has a strong spring, pushes the bottom pin

and lower, when it is very long,

low, he leaves the plug, and occupies the bible

whereby it would overset since we start picking

the solution would be to search the top pin that is pushing, compressing it and release tension

by holding the top and release tension, the lower reenters into the plug

and we pik the padlock as usually

once this is done it has no more difficulty that the ten pins

it is perfectly manageable

I will not be able to gut it

as you see this protective plate

is anchored, then I gut it for you so you can see the cylinder but not remove the pins

It is held by two lateral steel bolts, here and here

and I can not get free without deforming, and if he broke the padlock distorted

and certainly do not want to spoil it, I want to keep it in perfect condition

let's pick it, and if I succeed we get the cylinder out and see the plate

Let's go there

I have opened four times, I think

before making the video

a lock very entertaining, very addictive

I´m goling to use a commercial wrench

and a Goso modified pick, I have reduced the size of the flag

To give you an idea

This would be about the original size, although it is also retouched, is slightly larger in its original size

and I left smaller

Let's go there

the first thing we will do will be go for the second upper

there it is

compress and release tension so that the lower pin goes up

There it is, we have it, we aply tension, medium tension and as usually pick it

first nothing

upper second

It makes a click

third nothing

fourth nothing

Fifth is binding, does a click

I was hooked

there it is

fourth nothing

This would be the second. Tried overfly and not overset it again

first is binding

It makes a click

second makes a click

the third makes a click, is the top third

fourth nothing, fifth

back to the first, first lower

set, second is set

third nothing

fourth seems set, fifth is binding, makes a click

fourth a light click

third nothing

second is set

first one click

third one click

fifth one click

fourth a light click

third one click

has two diameters pins, tapered, and that causes

It causes there to retouch a lot

until they are set

fourth looks set

fifth again a click

the lock is well done

third one click

with what progress are minimal

upper second, the first already appears set


nothing, third, fourth

We go over the top

fifth it seems set

fourth, there I touched the third

and the plug make a little turn, the second

first, second, third, fourth, upper fifth seems it´s binding

That is, playing the upper fifth

would open

the uppers were binding at the end, there is a couple that are simply set touching them for passing over

when i´m setting the lowers

we will draw the cylinder out, and so you see what I commented

It is a very nice opening

It really is addictive

It has left a ball bearing

then I put everything in place

I show the cylinder

as you can see

this plate is secured with these steel bolts

on both Sides

the margin here is very small, I'm afraid so try to force her to remove it

it will break

without this sheet

totally ruin the padlock

thus, I will not gut it

you can see the top and bottom pins

and this would be the opening of the LINCE PLUS A-55

a llovely padlock, thank you very much Adrian

and thank you all for your time greetings

For more infomation >> 143 LINCE PLUS A-55 PADLOCK FROM ADRIÁN LEÓN GANZUADO SPP, THANKS ADRIÁN sub eng - Duration: 10:31.


ASMR ✨ TRIPLE and comic answers to questions! ♥ 👸👼😈 [Subtitles][ ASMR Russian ] - Duration: 24:40.

For more infomation >> ASMR ✨ TRIPLE and comic answers to questions! ♥ 👸👼😈 [Subtitles][ ASMR Russian ] - Duration: 24:40.


3 Great Hoaxes You've Never Heard Of | Cool History - Duration: 8:43.

So i think we can all agree that lying, though sometimes necessary, isn't a very good thing.

But sometimes, with enough artistry and follow through, it can become a great thing.

I'm talking hoaxes, hoodwinks, humourous deceptions.

From the catfish behind the original 50 Shades of Grey to convincing the government to celebrate

a serial killer...

Hello, welcome to NerdyAndQuirky, here's some Cool History!

So, the original 50 Shades of Grey.

No I'm not talking about its start as Twilight fanfiction which is an amazing fact on its


Nah, today, I'm sharing with you the original best selling smut with unexpected origins:

Naked Came the Stranger.

It quite fittingly came out in 1969.

In it, a fellow named William Blake cheats on his wife, Gillian Blake, and out of revenge,

she sleeps with assorted men in town, from a rabbi to a mobster to the local homosexual.

Now, this masterpiece was written by Penelope Ashe… kind of.

Actually, not at all.

Naked Came the Stranger was conceived in 1966 by a Newsday writer named Mike McGrady.

Now, he thought the world of literature was going straight downhill.

Bestselling books were sex-filled melodramas.

McGrady believed the American public would buy any garbage, so he recruited some of his

pals to write a goshdarn landfill.

He gave them an outline of the book and told them,

"True excellence in writing will be blue-penciled into oblivion.

There will be an unremitting emphasis on sex."

Sounds just like my english teacher.

McGrady and 24 fellow Newsday writers each wrote a chapter, and some of them had to be

edited because they were too well written.

McGrady then got his sister-in-law, Billie Young, to play the faux-author, Penelope Ashe,

to attend meetings.

She dressed provocatively, gushed about sexual liberation, she went all in, and then out,

and then in.


But if you laughed, give this video a big ol' thumbs up!

Because I am an immature child.

The book was published by Lyle Stuart and a few months in, just as McGrady expected,

it was a success.

The book sold 20 000 copies before McGrady and company decided to confess the truth.

In the second season premiere of The David Frost Show, Penelope Ashe, the sex bomb femme

fatale, was introduced, and then 25 male writers walked onto stage in single file.

Because you know what they say, behind every great woman is 25 dudes.

However, the public's knowledge of the book's origins only improved sales.

Little more than a month later, the book sold 90 000 copies and soon enough it landed on

the New York Times Best-Seller list.

Next, we talk death and murder.

But first, it's sponsor time.

This video was sponsored by Geek Fuel.

They ship out a mystery box for geeks and gamers each month ​that contains an exclusive

t-shirt, like this Firefly one which is now my life, a full downloadable game which I'm

never going to play so congrats to whoever uses this code first, and a few other geeky items.

It's like $50 worth of Comic Con in a box for around $15 plus shipping and handling.

But you can get $3 off if you sign up using

Link in the description.

Alright, back to the video!

So death terrifies me.

And one of the best ways to face your fears is to make them funny.

And that is exactly what Jonathan Swift, author of Gulliver's Travels, did in 18th century London.

Y'see, Swift was the Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin.

So, he was a pretty religious dude.

On the other hand, we've got John Partridge, a big shot astrologist taking shots at the

Anglican church.

Every year, he published the Merlinus Almanac, and medieval almanacs weren't just for farmers

wanting to have a year long weather forecast.

These almanacs had horoscopes and divinations.

They told the future.

Now, Patridge predicted that a fever would claim London, and suddenly, Swift had an idea.

Or rather, Isaac Bickerstaff - Swift's pseudonym - had an idea.

Bickerstaff appeared on the almanac scene in January 1708 with Predictions for the Year


He said he published it "to prevent the people of England from being farther imposed

on by vulgar almanack-makers."

And because he knows the @ button exists, Bickerstaff's first prediction was "but

a trifle…

It relates to Partridge the almanack-maker; I have consulted the stars of his nativity

by my own rules, and find he will infallibly die upon the 29th of March next, about eleven

at night, of a raging fever; therefore I advise him to consider of it, and settle his affairs

in time."

Now this was weirdly specific for any astrologer at the time and Partridge replied with, "His

whole design was nothing but Deceit, / The End of March will plainly show the Cheat."

Because, that's right, we're rhyming y'all.

This is Hamilton in real life.

So March 29th rolls around and in a shocking turn of events, Partridge's death is announced.

Bickerstaff writes an Elegy and an Epitaph in his honour.

Which I am going to… attempt to rap.

Here, five Foot deep, lies on his Back, A Cobler, Starmonger, and Quack;

Who to the Stars in pure Good–will, Does to his best look upward still.

Weep all you Customers that use His Pills, his Almanacks, or Shoes;

And you that did your Fortunes seek, Step to his Grave but once a Week:

This Earth which bears his Body's Print, You'll find has so much Vertue in't,

That I durst pawn my Ears 'twill tell Whate'er concerns you full as well,

In Physick, Stolen Goods, or Love, As he himself could, when above.

That was embarassasing.

I'm sorry for that.

Anyway, March 30th rolls around and an anonymous author confirms Partridge's death with a

pamphlet, The Accomplishment of the First of Mr. Bickerstaff's Predictions.

It even went to note that, although Partridge died, it was 4 hours off.

And suddenly, it's April 1st.

A church bell tolls in Partridge's honour, an undertaker arrives to ask for funeral details…

only to be answered by John Partridge himself.

That's right.

Homie wasn't dead.

But apparently, that didn't mean much.

Mourners unaware of the truth held vigils outside of his home at night, interrupting

his sleep.

People who also found this hilarious kept talking to him like he was a ghost.

And soon enough, Partridge published a pamphlet saying, Uh…

Not dead.

Bickerstaff is just the worst.

But Bickerstaff, evidently the original anonymous author to confirm Partridge's death, acknowledges

the pamphlet but says, "They were sure no man alive ever to writ such damned stuff as

this" and "death is defined by all Philosophers [as a] separation of the soul and body.

[Partridge's wife] has gone about for some time to every Alley in the neighborhood…that

her husband had neither life nor soul in him"

Basically, Partridge has gotta be dead because no living man could write this trash and besides,

even his wife says he's soulless.

So, even though everyone escaped with their lives… we just witnessed a murder.

Speaking of which…

In 1971, Tom Moore Junior, the House representative of Waco, Texas nominated Albert de Salvo for


Basically an award by the State that says, "Hey, you dun good!"

And Moore's argument was: "This compassionate gentleman's dedication and devotion to his

work has enabled the weak and the lonely throughout the nation to achieve and maintain a new degree

of concern for their future.

He has been officially recognized by the state of Massachusetts for his noted activities

and unconventional techniques involving population control and applied psychology"

And the resolution was passed unanimously.

The thing is: Albert de Salvo was the Boston Strangler responsible for the deaths of 13

women in the Boston area between 1962 and 1964…

Overall, a monster.

So why did Tom Moore do this?

Was he just a big fan?


He wanted to show that no legislator actually reads each proposal before passing them.

Probably because it's really time consuming and doesn't usually matter more than a sign

of good will… but this time.

Maybe they should've given it a second glance.

So, that was just some Cool History on hoaxes.

Now, what about you guys?

What was your favourite hoax: the sexiest catfish of all time, the savage acts of Isaac

Bickerstaff, or Texans love Murderers?

Tell me down below.

If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to NerdyAndQuirky and hit the bell to be notified every time

there's a new Cool History.

And if you wanna keep on learning, check out my other videos including pranks done by famous


But either way, have a lovely day.

For more infomation >> 3 Great Hoaxes You've Never Heard Of | Cool History - Duration: 8:43.


HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS? - Duration: 3:05.

Tools for life.

How to solve problems?

Problem solving is what we do when we don´t know what to do.

How do we resolve it? We use to follow this sequence.

What is my problem? How can I solve it?

How am I solving it? How well have I done it?

Put, what happens when we face a complex problem or it requieres many resources or

it require much time? How can we find more creative and effective solutions?

With method. Alex Osborn was a publicist and author about creativity.

He was the inventor of brainstorming and of the CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING.

Alex designed the creative problem solving

with three stages. First: DATA, second IDEAS, and third: SOLUTION.

Let´s explain his method.

Problem Solving Osborn. One, FACTS, definition, determine and formulate the

problem in detail. Preparation, search and analyze the significan data.

Two, IDEAS, creation, ideas thinking for solutions and their variants.

Determination, selecting, adding and reprocessing ideas. And third, SOLUTION

evaluation, verify the different options

Implement, choose and implement the solution.

Things that we often miss. Not searching and analyze all de significant data, create only one solution, testing the selected solution.

I recommend you Eduardo Punset´s book

EXCUSAS PARA NO PENSAR. I leave you the link in the description.

I am Jesús Rodríguez and this is TOOLS FOR LIFE.

If you have enjoyed this video, please, subscribe to my channel.

For more infomation >> HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS? - Duration: 3:05.


El Relicario de San José - Duration: 23:56.

The Reliquary of Saint Joseph

Today we will begin a new cycle with the Most Chaste Heart,

Who for a little more than four years has been transmitting His Instructions to us.

In 2015, Saint Joseph transmitted a cycle of daily messages to us;

in 2016 there was a cycle of weekly messages

while at the same time He would come every day in private Apparitions

to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús to tell the story of His life,

which will be published in the form of a book when He so indicates

and today we will open ourselves to learn what the Divine Will is for the coming cycle.

To begin this new phase with Saint Joseph,

we will study something that is more than an instruction;

it is a gift and a Grace from Heaven for humanity.

We will place ourselves before the Reliquary of Saint Joseph,

where His Chaste and Divine Heart rests.

On the 19th of March, 2017,

when we celebrated the fourth anniversary of the Apparitions of Saint Joseph,

at the request of the Divine Messengers

I was carrying out a task at the Marian Center of Aurora, in Uruguay.

On that day, I received Saint Joseph in a private manner, and His message was transmitted live

live in the meeting of prayer that we hold every 19th in union with the Chaste Heart.

On that day, the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

was conducting the meeting of prayer,

preparing hearts to listen to the words of Saint Joseph

and also to receive the daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace.

When Our Holy Mother came, She brought us a surprise.

She came with the Reliquary of Saint Joseph, talking about it

and spiritually storing it here, in the House of the Pilgrim,

at the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil.

When we received the request of Mary to study this message

and produce a program about it,

I confess that I saw myself before a great mystery,

because I felt that we should first contemplate and seek this Reliquary,

to then let it be known to humanity through this study.

Thus, during the pilgrimage in Europe,

I sought a way to approach this Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph,

and twice, Saint Joseph brought us close to It and explained a little more about this mystery to us.

Here today we will study the message of Mary, Rose of Peace,

and we will shortly go deeper into the Grace that it is to be before the Reliquary of Saint Joseph.

The Virgin Mary began the message placing in our hands the Reliquary of Saint Joseph, saying:

"My dear children,

today I leave in your hands

Sacred Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,

as an offering of My Celestial Spouse

and in gratitude for all that up to this day

has been lovingly manifested.

This Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph

Joseph will be your tool for the battle

against human indifference

and will be the impulse

towards a continuous fraternity among beings,

for in this Sacred Reliquary

there is the Divine Heart of Saint Joseph,

honoured by the angels of Heaven

as the spiritual model because of His sanctity,


and service."

Studying these words, and letting them echo in our hearts,

we wondered why and for what is this Sacred Reliquary being given to us in this time.

We are in definitive times for humanity; this we already know.

But many times our consciousness finds it difficult to truly believe

that this is so,

and we demonstrate this through our actions, feelings, and thoughts;

and this is what the Virgin Mary calls human indifference.

Because many times we understand Her warnings;

we can see the reality of humanity, which deteriorates and goes astray more each day;

we can feel within ourselves that aspects

and energies emerge to be purified that we were ignorant of,

and notwithstanding this, a part of our consciousness seems to not accept

believe that a permanent change is necessary.

Sometimes our excuse is that we are not capable of doing something great, significant,

something that may cause an impact in our consciousness, making us feel it was a definite change.

This is why the Reliquary of Saint Joseph comes;

to demonstrate to us that the definition of the human consciousness

begins in the simplest things,

which are the roots of a life without love.

The Sacred Reliquary comes to help us overcome indifference,

awakening in us the sense of fraternity,

which is nothing more than the smallest things:

placing the other first, to give them the best opportunity,

to make the other feel well, having everything they need,

have them feel welcomed, loved, and supported.

Here we understand that the Plan of God is taking form in details,

in the small fraternal acts that show to the Universe what we truly are.

The Reliquary of Saint Joseph was placed in our hands

so that we may contemplate it all the time,

always remembering this model that summons us to holiness,

humility, and to service

a way to fully express what God thought for us,

and that, like Saint Joseph, we may attain the Divine Spirit,

a complete union with our Celestial Father.

Continuing with the message of Mary, She tells us:

"May this Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph

that I place today in your hands

motivate you to the continuous

awakening of unconditional service,

so that new souls

may embrace this proposal.

Through the Most Chaste Heart

Heart may you live the service to your fellow beings and to the Kingdoms of Nature,

building and regenerating all of humanity."

The Reliquary of Saint Joseph is placed before our heart

and in our hands as a mirror,

where we can find the truth about ourselves,

since it expresses the Thought of God for the whole planet.

This reliquary does not hold within itself a Divine Exception;

it holds a human heart just like ours,

but which decided to find all Life through service,

the path towards unity with God.

the path towards unity with God.

it is not only so that we may contemplate it and be before it for a few instants.

inspires us to take action, to serve, and to become examples of this service;

it summons us, we also,

to be living mirrors so that others may find a path to transform their own lives

and to again find their Divine Purpose.

We are before these words very simply and in humility,

as someone who faces a truth,

a law;

we remain before this Reliquary,

allowing it to transform us and inspire us,

and then we put into practice what it awakens as an impulse within us;

we begin to see the responses of life,

the awakening of souls in the simple things,

how the human heart gradually regenerates,

within us and then around us.

The need of this time is what must move our consciousnesses

to experience this to which the Virgin Mary

and Saint Joseph call us,

so that the words and time don't pass away,

so that the Divine Tools not pass away without our using them,

to overcome the indifference of this world which begins in our inner being.

In the following passage, Mary tells us:

"This Sacred Reliquary which Your Heavenly Mother presents to you today

today is the fundamental relic that Saint Joseph constituted

when He humbly entered the Kingdom of the Heavens.

It was this Sacred Reliquary of the Heart of Saint Joseph

that the Eternal Father received

from his loyal servant,

after He was uplifted to the Heavens

in soul and spirit."

These words lead us into understanding, as we can

how sacred this Reliquary is that is given to us.

is the mystery of the humility of Saint Joseph,

who having fully lived the archetype of God for humanity,

gives up the whole of His experience, remaining in the wholeness of being nothing.

And after passing through the Hands of God,

today this Reliquary is placed in our little hands,

as a unique treasure that makes us feel the great planetary need.

The Creator and His Messengers give us all the Graces,

all the tools, all the keys, all the impulses that they can.

And after the Most Holy Mary gave us the Rose of Her Heart

which represents that which is most pure that She attained as Divine Consciousness;

today Saint Joseph places His Reliquary in our hands.

If we reflect upon these absolute surrenders of Divinity to humanity,

let us think then of how little it is that we are willing to serve more,

to think more of the other,

to live those experiences of love and of forgiveness

that will only make us grow and that will heal our consciousnesses.

There are only benefits in this life, there is only wholeness in serving,

a feeling that we are finally making life in this world worthwhile.

If those, who are not only our guide, but the guide and the example of the whole Universe,

place themselves amidst the least of creatures and give them everything that they are,

why must it be a burden for us to give so little to them?

Why don't we decide to give more?

Let us allow the Reliquary of Saint Joseph

to place us before this new cycle in a different way,

but willing to value all that God has given us,

with our life and our heart to the Celestial Present

that the Creator has granted us so that we may regenerate the human consciousness

Let us continue to read the message,

letting the impulses grow within us.

In the following excerpt, the Virgin Mary tells us:

"As a member of humanity,

Saint Joseph brought to the Universe

the living example of love for knowledge and instruction.

Saint Joseph was considered by Adonai

to be the guardian of souls,

and for the human race, this Sacred Reliquary represents

the possibility of imitating a human example,

as was the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

This Sacred Reliquary which the Universe presents to you today

is the spiritual symbol for souls

souls that it is possible on Earth to experience human transformation and redemption."

And here we are today, in a place where universal knowledge

and instruction have always been the engine of our transformation

and the reason for our perseverance in spiritual life.

Now, a little more is necessary,

a love that motivates us not only to go on studying and informing ourselves,

but allowing this experience to transform us,

guide us into redemption and give us the valor and the courage to be different,

to overcome our human resistances and tendencies,

our indifference, so that like Saint Joseph,

we may humbly be examples for others

Let us think of God,

of His Hope and of His Heart that perseveres in the human project,

many times bearing with the incomprehension of those

who do not see in humanity a true spiritual future.

Let us think of the moment in which we will have to return to the Universe to face the Father:

what shall we place inside the Reliquary of our evolution?

In what was our heart and with what is it filled?

What shall we offer He Who gave us everything,

including Himself, so that we could continue to learn

and grow on this Earth, so that we could have the opportunity of living redemption?

As the Virgin Mary tells us:

"May this Sacred Reliquary,

lovingly offered by Saint Joseph to the Divine Father,

from now onward

the symbol of persistence and of faith

the face of every human

and materialistic condition."

On the 19th of March, 2017,

the Virgin Mary not only gave us the Grace

of having the Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph in our hands for a few instants,

but She also consecrated the House of the Pilgrim to the Chaste Heart,

leaving this Holy Reliquary in its spiritual counterpart

so that this impulse may be nourished and grow within us,

and through us, in all of humanity.

She tells us:

"This Sacred Reliquary

will remain spiritually deposited and displayed

in the spiritual counterpart of the House of the Pilgrim,

so that all souls in the world who reach this place

may through prayer find this sacred teraphin

that today the Chaste Heart gives you through the Immaculate Mother.

May this sacred teraphin be worked with every coming 19th day

by missionary and prayerful souls,

so that in these times there may be reparation

for the grave outrages from the wars in the world,

for the exploitation of children,

for the women being sold on the streets,

for the loneliness of the sick,

for the death of the innocents,

and for the harmful destruction of the Mineral, Plant, Animal, and Devic Kingdoms."

Let us see how, with so little, the Divine Messengers are willing to do so much.

Let us honor and thank this Holy Reliquary for being among us,

available for us to find, and so that through it

we may render a service to the whole planetary consciousness.

Let us truly believe that if we pray, at least on the 19th of each month,

in union with the Reliquary of Saint Joseph,

all these situations will be remedied

and we will be able to offer a relief to the Consciousness of God

and to the wounded spirit of the planet.

May this 19th be just an impulse

for everything that this Holy Reliquary will inspire us to live every day.

us allow our spirit to be moved, our soul to speak

and express within us,

because humanity needs it and so do we.

Let us feel the Infinite Grace of God through the presence of the Reliquary of Saint Joseph

at the Marian Center of Figueira and in each one of us.

And let us be consequent with the Chaste Heart

that this cycle that is beginning finds us a little more awake

and willing to respond to the Celestial Call.

"May this teraphin

be the bridge of communication for all with God,

and in this way, He will not pour out Justice,

but rather pure and infinite Mercy.

thank you for responding to Saint Joseph,

because these last four years of work

allowed this Grace that Your Heavenly Mother brings you today.

Who loves you in union with the Love of Saint Joseph,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace,"

The Marian Center of Figueira, here in the interior of Minas Gerais, in Brazil,

is open to all the missionary souls that decide to find

in the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph a path for service,

for humility, and for the transformation of the human condition.

May the greatest service of these times be the redemption of each one of us,

so that others may find a path through our example,

so that souls may see the Work of the Divine Messengers imprinted in our lives,

and so that the Creator may make of us instruments

so that His Mercy may continue to pour out,

rescuing and remedying this world.

We encourage you all to come to the House of the Pilgrim,

which is a simple place, like the Heart of Saint Joseph,

but which holds Great and Infinite Graces, because God has placed His Heart here.

will continue to go deeper on the Reliquary of Saint Joseph,

since He Himself has given us some special messages

that complement this revelation of His Heart.

In the programs that will follow,

will also continue with the study of the daily messages of Saint Joseph,

and in this way, we place a little seed in the human consciousness

that is up to each one of us to cause to sprout,

grow, and become a tree of the new life.

Thank you all very much.

We will see you in the next Meeting with the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

For more infomation >> El Relicario de San José - Duration: 23:56.


Ladybug Versus Male - ladybug season 2 🐞 The Miraculous Moon Games # 55 - Duration: 14:27.

For more infomation >> Ladybug Versus Male - ladybug season 2 🐞 The Miraculous Moon Games # 55 - Duration: 14:27.


Messi | solo ante el peligro - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Messi | solo ante el peligro - Duration: 3:26.


Brigitte et Emmanuel Macron, des vacances très polémiques - [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Brigitte et Emmanuel Macron, des vacances très polémiques - [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:14.


Elektra Vault Addons Kodi, A Best Live Tv Kodi Addons 2017 - Duration: 3:22.

Elektra Vault Addons is one of best live tv kodi addons 2017

For watch movies with high quality, 4 k movies & many great sports tv channels are available in there and working so well.

Update latest address install Elektra vault addons & more other great and popular addons kodi at add:

For more infomation >> Elektra Vault Addons Kodi, A Best Live Tv Kodi Addons 2017 - Duration: 3:22.


Model Decoy - "Bulletproof Coffee" [Luke Cage Demo] - Duration: 2:49.

It's a long trip.

You want somethin to drink?

I was set up for somethin hot and dark before y'all messed that up.

Sweet Christmas.

Oh I really miss my bed Handstands up on the ledge, to get bloodflow

back to my head Last night was a haze of blue and red, seduced

by sirens to the fight.

I try to make things alright.

I need some bulletproof coffee, no sugar no cream, butter, hot water. Make it strong like me.

When I get it, you'll see. That was all I really needed.

Some bulletproof coffee, no sugar no cream. Just butter, hot water. Make it strong like me.

When I get my hands on it, you'll see. That was all I really needed.

Sweet Christmas.

I'm sick of runnin since I came out the rubble, man.

I'm workin hard doin doubles and Ready to snap like a rubber band

Marvin Gaye woulda named me the Trouble Man Because it makes me wanna holler, I swear y'all

Better hand me the swear jar

On Pop's swivel chair, I keep my hands dirty and my conscience clear.

But I need some bulletproof coffee, no sugar no cream, butter, hot water.

Make it strong like me.

When I get it, you'll see.

That was all I really needed.

Some bulletproof coffee, no sugar no cream, butter, hot water.

Make it strong like me.

In a minute, you'll see.

That was all I really needed.

You like my Biggie photo?

Me too.

You know what draws your eye when you look at that?

The crown.

Cause everybody wants to be the king.

[Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, Harlem's Paradise is proud to present: Mr. Cornell Stokes!!!

I just see the bigger picture.

You can stand aside and judge, but the inscription on my crown says King of the Hill

You can bet I won't budge or back down.

So you ran through a crack house.


I been here since the Guiliani crackdowns.

In fact now, Connie's payin for your actions.

I'm an owner, you can sit with the redshirts, benchwarmer. Practice.

[Stokes V.O.] Carl Lucas. [laughs] That's a square ass name, man.

If my mama named me that, I'd change my name to Luke Cage too.

Bulletproof coffee, no sugar no cream

Butter, hot water. Make it strong like me.

When I get it, you'll see. That was all I really needed. Some bulletproof coffee... no sugar, no cream...

For more infomation >> Model Decoy - "Bulletproof Coffee" [Luke Cage Demo] - Duration: 2:49.


Bad Baby Steals Chips Learn Colors With Bad Kids Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme Song for Kids - Duration: 10:51.

Bad Baby Steals Chips Learn Colors With Bad Kids Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme Song for Kids

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Steals Chips Learn Colors With Bad Kids Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme Song for Kids - Duration: 10:51.


Thug Life - All the classics 38 - Duration: 5:45.

He's got issues with his feet

It's the weirdest thing

He always breaks them

How many people can they fit on the boat?

Let's try this again


1, 2 , 3

For more infomation >> Thug Life - All the classics 38 - Duration: 5:45.


Lá Thư Cực Lạc .Thần Thông Và Cảm Ứng.Vấn Đáp Phật Pháp - Duration: 21:02.

For more infomation >> Lá Thư Cực Lạc .Thần Thông Và Cảm Ứng.Vấn Đáp Phật Pháp - Duration: 21:02.


Make Money Online

For more infomation >> Make Money Online


Kylie's Kids: U Of M Tech Helps In Twins' Separation Surgery - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Kylie's Kids: U Of M Tech Helps In Twins' Separation Surgery - Duration: 3:34.


Borys LBD & MC Śmiechu - Uczta u Dionizosa prod. Borys LBD - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Borys LBD & MC Śmiechu - Uczta u Dionizosa prod. Borys LBD - Duration: 5:35.


See, this is why I don't play Skywars - Duration: 4:18.

Oh kay! Let's play some bedwars!





Why am I in the skywars lobby?

I don't even like skywars...


Skywars sucks though....

Screw it I'm playing.


im trapped





So you just get stuff from here...

k let's kill someone

and you're....

.. not here

There you are -o-

im gonna die im gonna die im gonna die im gonna die

Well that was uncalled for.

where are youuuu




run run

run run run





No. Bg.

No. Bg. Bye.

No. Bg. Bye. Go away.

maybe if i look for challenge ideas


oh look at that


kinda challenge is this lol

imma set it to 30

what the hell

i cant see clearly

who plays like this

omg help me

at least inventory stays the same




must go up to kill someone

ok let's just camp here and hope for the best


This is too hard.





when i want u

what the hell

i give up.

i need a new outro

kinda outro is this crap


this is humiliatin



hit notif bell




For more infomation >> See, this is why I don't play Skywars - Duration: 4:18.


Mazda 323 fastbreak 1.6 comfort - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda 323 fastbreak 1.6 comfort - Duration: 0:59.


Dziad(ostwo)-ek powtornie czyli kolejny wyleg .Akwarysta Niedzielny - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Dziad(ostwo)-ek powtornie czyli kolejny wyleg .Akwarysta Niedzielny - Duration: 0:55.


Ford Focus 100 pk 5-DRS | Navi | Airco | Lichtmetaal | Lage Kmstand - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 100 pk 5-DRS | Navi | Airco | Lichtmetaal | Lage Kmstand - Duration: 0:59.


Hoe een voorste onderarm van de achter ophanging vervangen op een BMW 3 E90 HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:05.

Use a torx №T40 and a combination spanner №21

Use spanners № 18

For more infomation >> Hoe een voorste onderarm van de achter ophanging vervangen op een BMW 3 E90 HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:05.


Thug Life - All the classics 38 - Duration: 5:45.

He's got issues with his feet

It's the weirdest thing

He always breaks them

How many people can they fit on the boat?

Let's try this again


1, 2 , 3

For more infomation >> Thug Life - All the classics 38 - Duration: 5:45.


চোখের পানি ধরে রাখতে পারবেন না || বন্যায় মানুষের আহাজারি নিয়ে প্রতিবেদন || Bangladesh flood 2017 - Duration: 4:06.

Subscribe Us

For more infomation >> চোখের পানি ধরে রাখতে পারবেন না || বন্যায় মানুষের আহাজারি নিয়ে প্রতিবেদন || Bangladesh flood 2017 - Duration: 4:06.


U22 Thái Lan sẽ phải về nước… "quét chùa" vì SEA Games 29? - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> U22 Thái Lan sẽ phải về nước… "quét chùa" vì SEA Games 29? - Duration: 1:36.


President Donald Trump to announce 'path forward' for US in Afghanistan , white house announced - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> President Donald Trump to announce 'path forward' for US in Afghanistan , white house announced - Duration: 1:26.


See, this is why I don't play Skywars - Duration: 4:18.

Oh kay! Let's play some bedwars!





Why am I in the skywars lobby?

I don't even like skywars...


Skywars sucks though....

Screw it I'm playing.


im trapped





So you just get stuff from here...

k let's kill someone

and you're....

.. not here

There you are -o-

im gonna die im gonna die im gonna die im gonna die

Well that was uncalled for.

where are youuuu




run run

run run run





No. Bg.

No. Bg. Bye.

No. Bg. Bye. Go away.

maybe if i look for challenge ideas


oh look at that


kinda challenge is this lol

imma set it to 30

what the hell

i cant see clearly

who plays like this

omg help me

at least inventory stays the same




must go up to kill someone

ok let's just camp here and hope for the best


This is too hard.





when i want u

what the hell

i give up.

i need a new outro

kinda outro is this crap


this is humiliatin



hit notif bell




For more infomation >> See, this is why I don't play Skywars - Duration: 4:18.


I am a Thoughtful Guy - Animated - Duration: 1:16.

I am a thoughtful guy, I think about a lot of things.

I am a thoughtful guy,

I think a lot of thought about a lot of things.

I think how do I know that you and me

See the same colours the same way when you and me see ?

Is my red blue for you or my green your green too?

Could it be true we see differing hues?

And say we do then how would we discover this fact? And even if we did

would there be any impact? I don't think this would affect us personally,

But I think it would have ripple affects throughout the interior design industry.

I think about if I was turned into an ant,

I'd want my loved ones to know so I thought of a plan,

I'd gather twigs and leaves and write my name on the ground,

Then I'd wait for my family and friends to crowd around.

But now I'm thinking that when they saw it,

They'd think the human me wrote it and an ant was crawling on it.

And not realising the ant me was really the real me,

In a strange twist of faith I think they'd probably kill me.

For more infomation >> I am a Thoughtful Guy - Animated - Duration: 1:16.


Why I Learned German: American Speaking German - Duration: 1:18.

Hey all, welcome to my new video!

I wanted to tell you

Why I actually decided

To study German

Let's go!

When I was 16 I flew to Nuremberg, Germany

To give 2 genetics presentations

At the European Society of Human Genetics

When I was there I realized

That I

Loved the German language and culture

And since then I realized

I am interested in foreign languages

At University I didn't only study German

But also science because

I want to be a dentist

And there are certain science classes you need

To apply to dental school.

My German is not perfect

But currently I am studying for

the B2 or C1 test

I am not completely sure and

I also began studying Spanish and French

and I also find these languages great!

So yeah that's the reason (I learned German)

Thanks for watching my video

If there's questions please write me in the comments

Subscribe and if you like my video

Please give it a thumbs up! Bye!

For more infomation >> Why I Learned German: American Speaking German - Duration: 1:18.


I am a Guilty Reader - Duration: 7:32.

The Book Police are out there

*Typewriter Typing*

Haló Strangeos, I'm Rachel Verna

and I have a confession.

I'm a guilty reader

sort of.

So this is a tag started by ReadsLikeWildFire and I just thought I would do this one.

Have you ever re-gifted a book?


My instant answer was No, I would never do this but I have because...

One time my mum specificity told me not to go to Tesco and buy any books but I went and

I brought my Christmas present which was Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel so I ended up having

two copies of that book because my mum couldn't take it back.

Tesco would not take it back so I ended up giving that to my sister to read.

I think she was only ever meant to be borrowing it but I'm not getting that back.

Have you ever said you've read a book when you haven't?


I might have lied and said I finished a book that I hadn't for school but I would eventually

go finish the book that I hadn't so not really. No.

Have you ever borrowed a book and not returned it?

Yes, Yes I have.

I come from a family of book thieves.

We steal stuff from schools when it comes to books.

My sibling did, my siblings told me to do it, I did it.

I did from Primary School.

I stole this like Ghost book that I couldn't actually, but I was like I'll be able to read

this someday so I stole it when I was in Primary 7 and I've never looked back.

I hated that school.

I also moved when I was in first year.

When I was twelve whatever, you figure out what that is your schooling.

When I was in first year I moved secondary school so I like decided I make the concious decision

to I'm just going to keep this book for kicks.

It was really random but choose to keep the Princess Diaries the fifth one.

I forget what its called in the UK.

I know the titles are different. But it's the fifth one.

Actually, I might not have choose to stole that one.

But I could have returned it and I never did and the funny thing is they actually asked

my friend about it who was still there and still spoke to us and she like ask me about

it and was like I don't know what they talking about.

I don't where that book is.

Yeah, but I stole Princess Diaries 5.

Go me.

Have you ever read a series out of order?

Yes, by accident.

I have never did this on purpose.

My library had a lot of books. My library has a lot of books in the middle of series and

not the first one or last ones.

Just middle book. Always.

So I did do it a few times when I borrowed from the library and I've accidentally requested

books from NetGalley and read them series out of order.

Because of NetGalley by accident too.

This was really before I spent a lot of time on GoodReads.

Fun fact: I have been a member of NetGalley before I was on BookTube.

Like I randomly joined it one day because someone told me about it on a form.

Never used it before I joined BookTube though.

Have you ever spoiled a book for someone?

Not on Purpose.

Yes and No.

I'm bad I like to lie to people about what spoilers are.

Well, I like to lie to my sister.

Like I've told her characters die when they don't

which sounds awful.

Am I a terrible person?


I don't know why I do it.

I just like, I like to lie to her for stupid shit and she can never tell when I'm lying

so like if she reading something I just make up weird bullshit.

Like she was reading the Gone Series and I was like.

Yeah, I looked it up how it ends and I was just like tell it lies about it.

I think I told her the main character all get pregnant or something.

So I have spoiled a few books I really hate.

I'm spoiling to save you.

Have you ever doggy eared a book?


I would never.

Seriously, I've never.

I don't damage books.

Have you ever told someone you don't own a book when you do?

I don't think I have.

Maybe there's a chance I would have told someone I didn't own a book cause I didn't want them

to borrow it.

But no.

That's the only reason I wouldn't tell anyone but I don't think I have.

Have you ever told someone you haven't read a book when you have?


I've stood in Shocked.

The deputy Headmaster of school.

The vice-principal is probably what you call him.

Came up to me when I was reading one of the 'House Of Night' books.

I think it was like the first one, and might, I think it was 'House Of Night' it actually

meant have been something else actually.

But like He was saying is 'Oh, that one of those Twilight books

and I'm like reading them and I don't see the big deal and I just stood in silence like

I don't know what to say to you that

you've read Twilight.


Why would you do that?

He was an English Teacher so

eur when Twilight was passable.

The thing is we were told they some many more mature wiser people told us how bad Twilight was.

and the coy way is it's very prettily written and you know it is. But not good.

and Stephenie Myer lies all the time.

So I guess not really but whatever.

Have you every skipped a chapter or a section of a book?

The answer would have been no till I read House of Leaves, I didn't read all the Appendices.

Okay, I didn't read the Quote one and I didn't go through the Index and with House of Leaves

there's a chance the index might have been important.

But I didn't look through it.

Yeah, No.

But then again an appendix is technically not part of a book.

I do often skip a head sometimes and I was going to see like er I bored what's going

to happen okay. and I usually go back.

Actually, I skipped ahead in The Finisher by David Baldacci or whatever it's called.

I'll put it here.

I never went back.

I skipped to the end and did a review based on that.

I did say I hadn't finished the full book but I knew how it ended.

I did do a disclaimer kay?

I linked that down below if you're interested.

Have you ever bad mouthed a book you actually liked?


No, I haven't did this.

So this was I'm a Guilty Reader Tag.

I don't think I was that Guilty but

we are all Guilty of Sins.

So comment down below if you did this tag or whatever.

Subscribe, do all that stuff.

I will see you weirdos next time where I will be running from the Book Police.


*turning Click noises* My lightening gone weird.

Stephenie Myer is a liarrrrr.

Eur, there's no way in hell she hasn't read Vampire Fiction, she just lying.

Like You can tell she has.

You have to be careful of the Book Police.

There out there.

For more infomation >> I am a Guilty Reader - Duration: 7:32.


Real Estate Investing - Equity Questions - Q&A #9 - Duration: 14:49.

It is that time again. We've got Q&A coming your way. Kris Krohn here on

Limitless TV with over a hundred videos on real estate investing and you've got

questions and today you get the answers.

First question of the day comes from Michael Levan. He makes it sound

unrealistically easy. It's not that easy just to walk into equity. Michael

whatever you want to believe. I'll tell you right now that if you drop a

comment in the link box below I'm sitting on three live deals right now

and guess what all three of them have in common?

Equity. I kind of cheated though I made it easy for myself because I built a

team over years and spent a lot of money to put them in place so that they can do

what they do. So it's easy for me now but there was a price to pay and learning

how to do it and in the beginning when you don't have those resources you got

to kind of go into the longhand version of it. I'm offering everyone today a

shortcut if you want to just take my cheat and walk right in my deals you can

do that. And Michael if it's really hard for you and you've been struggling

and it's unrealistic then let me give you one of my deals okay?

Next, Joe Silva.

So say your tenant ruins the house or loses their job and can't or won't pay

the monthly rent. How can you prevent a person, getting a person like that? Well

so this is a really fantastic question Joe. When I go into my nationwide markets,

the market has over 300 sub markets. Let's take Orlando for a moment I'm

looking at a picture of the Orlando city map on the wall in front of me and on

this map it's got this hard in this huge area for the county of Kissimmee.

Kissimmee is right underneath the Orlando Parks. In that demographic, the

majority of people that live there all work at Disneyland. The majority of those

people make $60,000 a year plus those people have a very easy time

affording the payments and rent for the houses of that type of style. So the

nice thing is Disney is generally very very secure in their jobs. That's a very

high income for the area and that's only one of the things that I look for in the

demographics before evaluating going into a particularly area so for this

particular area what really works for me in Orlando is that I've got really

strong performing job. Phoenix was the same way, Vegas was the same way, so go

into a strong market place. This is the benefit of going into a city that has

millions of people into an area that has a lot to draw from and has a strong

economic pull and really good jobs. There's a lot of areas where you can do

real estate where you know the economy is definitely not

that booming, you've got more Urban Development. It's kind of a smaller

location lacking population and you can get yourself in the opposite mess. And so

what should you be looking for? You should be looking for a really strong

market and a house that is outside the ghetto that's going to perform for you.

These videos talk about how you can do that. Of course my team will set you

up with those as well.

Stanley Ho.

Every house you buy you use

the equity from it to buy another?

Ooh! I love this question. Whenever I can

Stanley, I do. While I am in the building phase, most people watching these videos

they're not multimillionaires. And so the question is especially for those of you

that talk about debt you're like, well I want to stay out of debt. Okay we're

going to control debt for a sort, for a short period of time. How I'd pay off my

houses? Not by paying off the debt. I pay them off by controlling for a period of

time and then releasing them. I buy a house for $100,000. it's worth 150. I

control it. I make a cash flow. I got tax benefits.

And five years later, the

markets right. I sell it and I sell it for one hundred and seventy thousand


Well I probably in that five or seven year period of time only paid off

five thousand dollars on the houses loan why? Because when I get a loan from the

bank, majority of that just goes to the interest. If I wanted to be serious about

paying it off. It would take me 30 years to do that with with the bank or I could

put it on 15-year mortgage and all of a sudden I'm negative cash flow on the

property or I could take the extra cash flowing and apply it to the property and

see if I can pay it down faster. I'm not trying to pay out the house. In seven

years I don't want it. You know what happens after a tenant lives in a house

for seven years? You don't want it anymore. So I hold a home for a period of

time generally and then I swap it into something else.

That's called pulling the equity from one house into the other but sometimes

you can do it prematurely. So if I get a really good deal on the house and the

markets moving, I can refinance some of the equity out of the house and still

keep the first one keep the cash flow and have the money sitting in a

different house also earning money. now the same dollar that's sitting here

is also sitting where? Here! On this house I'm making 10% per annum. Put over here

what am I making? I can't calculate it it's not my money. I

mean it is kind of. It came, but it's in that other house. Oh my gosh looks

like an infinite return. Yeah I got my money making money for me in multiple

places at once and so when I can borrow from a house while still keeping a 20%

position in it, as long as this house below the median I do that all day long.

That works. Sometimes houses don't have that extra equity to pull out the only

way to get the equity out is by selling it. And you know what? There is a life

cycle for every house. Right now when you walk in should be your highest position

of profits and then over time you start getting a diminishing return. Again one

of the other reasons why I'm not holding on to that house forever.

If I can walk in with a bootie, you know pirate bootie with a big pile of equity and I

can transfer that into another home that also has equity, now in snowballing

equities and cash flows and that's why I pull money out of one home and put it

into another. Great question.

Okay Eden10. She says, this video, he must have

watched the video where I talked about my very first house because he says,

what a good informative video sir after you've paid the $5,000 on the first home

what's the next step? how do you actually pay the bank's loan for the next month?

Friend, if I'm living in the house it's a primary residence then I gotta pay for

that. It's either I'm paying for rent or I'm paying my house. If I pay my house at

least that can go towards equity. When I bought that very first house, I was

renting for 400 a months. I got myself into a mortgage that was $800 a month. 800 is

way bigger than 400. But because I could rent the basement at first for 550 a

month then, what I was actually paying was about two hundred and fifty a month.

So I was throwing, instead of throwing money away at rent, I was actually putting it

into a house that was pretty cool. Then was able to refinance it, lower the rate,

and then the entire basement covered my entire mortgage. That was so cool to live

for free. So your first year, first step, is to make sure you pay your mortgage

just like you would pay rent except now it's doing more for you and the second

step is what I did later. Because they bought it with the equity which created

that situation for me I was able a year later to use that equity. Tapped into it

with the refinance and use it to buy my second home. Second home was so much

nicer than my first home but I wasn't buying it for me and I did never live in

it it was actually three almost three times bigger than my first house. It was

still bought below the median. I got a crazy deal on it.

That house made me a pile of money because it was more important for my

money to work for me than elevating my standard of living. And so keep

snowballing your real estate. Buy a smart investment. If you're having trouble

finding one then reach out to me and my team in the comments below and and let's

hook you up.

Brian to drove oh.

Yes, but how do you use that money to buy another

investment property? As an example, if I got an equity loan for $40,000 and the

property is worth a hundred thousand do I have to apply to another mortgage? and

what happens if I can't pay off that equity loan?

Okay this is a really really

good question I want you to see this math. Brian thank you for asking this.

I got a $40,000 line of equity that means that I've got $40,000 of equity in

a home and if I pull out this $40,000 then my mortgage will go up. It's like

having a mortgage tied to a credit card or a bank account and so that 40,000

that you borrow ,it needs to make sense where you put it. Because if I just put

it into a house boat that cost $100,000 and it has this thing that I can't pay

and it doesn't produce cash flow, well that's just consumer debt. It's not a

business, it's not making me money, it's a bad debt. But if I want to pull that

$40,000 out and place it another home, if that home has equity that then becomes

its downpayment. That's going to lower its payment that's going to create a

cash flow and the cash flow between the two homes should be greater than

whatever your expenses are. So the other thing is you ask how do I qualify for a

second mortgage. Here's the cool way the map, the math works. Most banks are going

to take 70 to 80 percent of the rent that you're getting on a contract and

they'll apply it towards the debt. So when I bought my first house it had the

eight hundred dollar payment and then I had the payment dropped to five hundred

a month with the lower interest rate. Something cool happened. I went and put a

tenant in that home at $1,000 a month and I want to buy something different.

And the bank said, oh okay but you've got this $500 debt. Oh here's the rent

contract. Well what's 70 percent of a thousand a month? $700. seven hundred

and five hundred that means that my DTI, my debt to income ratio actually went

down and my income went up? Yup!

Buying my second property made me look even more

financially attractive to the bank but that can only happen if you're buying smart with

equity and the right price range. So that's exactly how you do it.


Kris, why single-family homes?

Hushpuppy, single-family homes. Such a good question

Why not multifamily apartments that are valued by their NOI divided by their cap rate? I

invest in single-family homes to. But all the traditional gurus say invest in

multi families to scale. You won hundreds of houses around the country. Clearly

there's a reason you prefer them over multifamily.

Hushpuppy, I like your name.

There is a reason why I do single-family homes over, over multifamily. First of all,

When you get into multifamily, when you look first at triplexes and for plexes, most

of those sell in the market without equity. And if I can buy a home with

equity I would prefer that than a four-plex without equity. Also, have you

ever had a bad renter? Well now imagine a home with four bad renters. Four-plex for

me? if I can't get the equity the play doesn't make sense. However, if I have the

chance to go in our multi-family with ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, units I

can do that but now that takes millions of dollars. So some people will go from

single family into bigger projects. I do this from time to time but more single

family homes does not equal harder to manage than one single project. I employ

property managers. I apply, employ a tax accountant. Guess what? It's, it's honestly

not much work doing one compared to the other and so it's really a matter of

what's working for you. If single families is tearing it up for

you? then do it and do it more. Never leave what's working for an unknown of

what may not work. You always want to go from what's working to something better

and it's good if it looks better on paper but it's also really important

hushpuppy to check with with someone else with a bigger knowledge bank on

that particular deal and have them review it and tell you about maybe some

of the pitfalls and trial and error of higher taxes or higher property

management fees or some of the things that you just may not be thinking about

before you make a change in strategy so you can walk in with as much knowledge

as possible. But for the most part an apartment complex for a hundred

people or a hundred single-family homes for me? not a lot of work difference and

100 homes are diversified. That one project is not. Those are just a couple

of the reasons. Okay the last question that we have for today is coming to us

from Phillip Sofia.

Thanks Kris! quite an appropriate video in the situation I'm

in. What are your thoughts on investing in gold? I really like this one. There's a

good question. Most people that I know that do precious metals are kind of

preparing for end of the world. When you take a look at the investment of gold

again I don't buy gold with equity and it's speculative. What does speculative mean?

Means that I'm a gambler. Means that I'm going to Vegas. And friends, don't ever

invite me to go to Vegas with you. I'm just telling you right now I suck at


Like if I brought money I'd probably lose all of it. I'm sure no

one's ever done that before. But put me in real estate, partner up with me, put me

at your side. Guess what? it's going to be like going to Vegas with a winner. I know

how to play those high stakes game with a lot of safety. So let's compare that

out because this is a really good question Phillip. Right now, if I invest

in gold I call it speculative because great I

bought a thousand dollars worth of gold now what? uh-oh the value of gold went up

100%. Yay I made money!

Gold went down 20%. Oh I lost, I got no control and I do

own a physical property. I do like that I can touch and hold the gold. What I don't

like is that I'm not walking in with equity and I'm just hoping that the

market goes up. In real estate, I'm not hoping the market goes up I bought the

waiver Warren Buffett talks about. I bought with equity. I bought with instant

equity. I bought below market. I got my cash flow. Here's my definition of

investment this will help you. Is what you're going to buy, gonna pay you every

month? Gold does not make babies.

It will not pay you every month. So you know what?

It's not an investment, it's speculative. Speculative investments or things

that truly I try to stay away from or only put a teensy-weensy little bit of

my money in. I love being able to control my assets as much as I can and real

estate afford so much more opportunity for me than that/

I'm going to take one

more question.

I sold my home, my real estate agent

charging me 6% and she was a friend. Did I get ripped off?

Friend, you didn't get

ripped off. That's what realtors do. If they help you

buy and sell the home, the same home, they're going on 3% on

each side for a total of six percent. Anytime I have a listing with an agent

and they're going to do both sides I asked them to do both sides at a reduced

rate so that we're not really getting into a greed factor and to help a

brother out. So the realtor that right now has been

selling off a dozen of my homes every other month, I've asked them to do it for

one and a half instead of three percent but six percent is otherwise considered

standard. I do like to get a deal and sometimes I get what I want that often

happens with Realtors.

Friends. thanks so much for joining us today fantastic

questions keep them coming in.

Wow! that was a lot of questions. Good work! Put me

to work again! You know how you do that? When you watch these videos, I want you

to comment below. Make a lot more questions and then I'll shoot more

videos like this because personally I hope we get to meet in person

face-to-face at one of my 3 day real estate training events called limitless

wealth intensive. But you know what? other than that, keep shooting the questions

and let me keep providing as much helpful response as possible to help you

successfully invest in real estate.

For more infomation >> Real Estate Investing - Equity Questions - Q&A #9 - Duration: 14:49.


Hyundai Getz 1.4i Active Cool - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.4i Active Cool - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V DIFFÉRENCE CLimaat 102730 km - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V DIFFÉRENCE CLimaat 102730 km - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Avensis Verso 2.0i Linea Luna 5p. Cruise control, airco, trekhaak. Apk Sept-18, rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Toyota Avensis Verso 2.0i Linea Luna 5p. Cruise control, airco, trekhaak. Apk Sept-18, rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:44.


Honda Civic Tourer 1.8i VTEC Elegance Navigatie 2017 Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic Tourer 1.8i VTEC Elegance Navigatie 2017 Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën C3 Pluriel 1.4i ZEER GOEDE ONDERHOUDEN CABRIO VAN 1E EIGENAAR - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 Pluriel 1.4i ZEER GOEDE ONDERHOUDEN CABRIO VAN 1E EIGENAAR - Duration: 1:01.


Gemma Eats…BARCELONA Food Tour | CHURROS and La Boqueria MARKET, BEST Spanish Food - Duration: 11:41.

I left the hotel this morning determined to come here and have this dish, and I was not disappointed

Food is my true passion.

I'm Gemma Stafford, a professional chef and host of Bigger Bolder Baking.

So that means great food is a huge part of my every day life.

You've seen me boldly bake over the top recipes.

Now travel with me on my culinary adventures around the world.

In this episode of Gemma Eats, I'm in Barcelona Spain bathing in churros and chocolate, exploring

the most amazing food market and eating my new favorite breakfast dish, and I've even

found where the original Kronut came from.

All right now on Gemma Eats.

In Spain, they put so much care and effort into every meal including breakfast.

I'm here in Barcelona and I'm really excited to try some traditional churros and really

thick hot chocolate.

Where the churro originated from is still unclear, but I trust that the Spanish know

a thing or two about making them.

Located off the busy street of the famous Las Ramblas, this is Granja Viader, a family

business that was started almost 150 years ago.

Five generations later, the milk and eggs are still brought from their family farm to

make some of their amazing treats including their churros.

Look at that.

This is one way to start your day off.

Churros are a really simple pastry.

All they are are shoe pastry which is what you make profiteroles with.

They deep fry them until they are lovely golden brown, they toss them in a little bit of sugar,

and then you eat them when they are nice and warm.

They're crunchy, they're not too sweet.

Oh my gosh, this hot chocolate is absolutely amazing.

I could bathe in this.

For your hot chocolate, you have to make sure that it is really thick like this one so it

will coat your churro.

The great thing about it is that it's not overly sweet so they really balance each other

out really well.

So I've said this before but the best churros I've ever had have actually been in Napa

in Northern California, but I have to admit, being here in Barcelona and having this traditional

dish here, this might be the top of my list.

After this sweet breakfast, I couldn't help but wander the streets of Barcelona.

These back streets are filled with the hustle and bustle of every day life.

I was on my way to a legendary place that I was so excited to experience.

La Boqueria is a popular tourist destination and according

to some locals, it's not quite where they would go on a daily basis but I found it vibrant

and filled with so many culinary possibilities.

I'm here inside La Boqueria Market in Barcelona, one of the most famous food markets.

I already know what I want to eat inside so let's go.

This is really amazing.

There's a lot of fresh fruit vendors but they do all of these juices along with fresh

fruit cups and things like that.

It's absolutely incredible and its only like two Euros.

You can see its pretty much every fruit you can imagine.

Fruit is so pretty.

Cherries are in season so they are everywhere right now.

And then all the fresh berries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, absolutely gorgeous.

There's a really good mix in this market of fresh produce and restaurants but for sure

you know everything is coming locally sourced.

But after my sweet breakfast, I was on the hunt for a bite that was a little more savory,

like jamon or Spain's famous cured ham.

The curing process can take up to a year but sometimes stretches for many years to give

the meat an incredible flavor.

My choice today was more of a sampler which I ended up referring to as a "ham cone."

So you'll see here in Barcelona that a lot of the butchers and the delis, they sell little

cones like this full of jamon and cheese, a little bit of breadsticks, something like


I think it's absolutely genius and it's only a couple of dollars.

This jamon is really soft.

Look at that, at how tender it is.

But more importantly how thin it is.

I could eat ham comes all day long.

This is kind of a Spanish version of fast food, which I am all about.

If there was more fast food in the world like this, I think we'd be doing okay.

Definitely be very happy.

Check out all of these gorgeous Spanish olives.

You can actually smell in the air where we are right now.

It's go that lovely saltiness that olives have.


I definitely have to eat more olives while I'm here.

This is how you know a place is good: because there is a whole pile of like, little grannies

and locals hanging around.

When I got anchovies the other day, I thought I was getting what she just told me now are

boquerones, but they're kinda…

I thought that they were like sardines but they're a really cheap little fish you can

get here as a tapas.

It's white fish.

It's absolutely delicious and I have to get some more while I'm here.

And given my passion for seafood, I had to make my way to that section.

Oh look it, over here.

I haven't seen these in a very, very long time.

These are called periwinkles.

We actually used to fish these in Ireland.

As kids we used to go down to the beach and get them off rocks, and then bring them up

to our neighbors house and she would put them in a big pot of boiling water and cook them.

And then you get, like, a little pin and you, like, fish out the periwinkle.

They were so good.

It's amazing.

I can't believe I saw those.

Look it, mussels…You have mussels, prawns, squid, which is just huge here and in abundance.

I have to admit, I actually think I've had some of the best seafood of my life here in

Barcelona the past few days.

It's been absolutely incredible.

This is what we're going to be having for breakfast, so I'm going to find myself some


And then I found my dream destination, El Quim.

Executive Chef Quim Marquez and his team bring creativity and their passion for beautiful

and well prepared food to anyone who has the great fortune to try it.

Do you see the shrimp that she got?

Did you see the shrimp that she got?

Oh, I've got to get some of that.

Squid and eggs or foie gras, eggs, and mushrooms?

Oh, it looks really good.

So when coming to La Boqueria, I looked online and this is one of the most popular spots.

They do eggs like nobody's business.

So I've decided I'm going to get eggs with squid.

They look amazing and also, the squid comes from straight the water out there so why not

get what's local and fresh and amazing.

Everybody's dish looks really good.


Thank you.

Oh yeah, baby.

Fresh squid just sautéed off over two fried eggs.

Here they fry their eggs in olive oil so they almost kind of deep fry their eggs.

You can see they're nice and kind of bubbly and crispy around the sides.

And they're just barely cooked, do you see that?

They are just perfectly cooked.

Oh man, this is my kind of heaven.

This is why I love Spain.

It is amazing food done simply.

You don't have to do a whole lot to squid to make it taste good and the very same with


Squid tastes like the sea.

It doesn't taste like fish.

It isn't chewy.

It's soft and it tastes like the sea.

Absolutely gorgeous.

To get the true impact of the kitchen, just check out this monitor that shows you all

of the kitchen stations.

In a very tight space, these guys do a lot to create a variety of amazing dishes.

I don't think I've actually ever had anything like this squid before.

Look how tiny it is.

You're going to have to trust me, it is like, just barely sautéed, really soft.

This is how you should enjoy squid.

If you were to taste this dish with your eyes closed, you would never guess that it is squid.

The squid in Barcelona is so different from the squid I've had all over the world.

They know how to cook it just right and best of all, it tastes like the sea air.

Absolutely amazing.

It's kind of sweet.

It's a little bit creamy.

Their produce served with eggs, just simple fried eggs, I mean, come on.

I left the hotel this morning determined to come here and have this dish, and I am not


So after this amazing dish, I decided to continue my breakfast theme with another something


So Barcelona has pretty much done me in.

I am absolutely stuffed but I saved room for one more thing, a xuxo.

Now this is a traditional Catalonia pastry.

Usually you have it in the morning time and if I rip it open for you guys, it is full

of custard.

Now this is a traditional dish and I'm starting to think the Cronut acutally came from this

because it is pretty similar to a fried croissant with a filling on the inside.

This is so unbelievably good.

A little bit of sugar on the outside, it really is like a mix of a croissant and a doughnut


Yeah, these guys know how to do breakfast.

It's crispy on the outside without being kind of greasy.

It's soft in the middle.

And do you see all of those lovely layers of pastry?

Then you've got a lovely, soft vanilla custard in the middle.

It's absolutely insane.

And then, of course, sugary coating on the outside.

Breakfast of champions.

Barcelona is a wonderland of amazing fresh food done right.

While I was just a visitor for a few days, the locals make you feel right at home.

I learned quickly that Barcelona is not just a place; it's a feeling.

Coming up next week on Gemma Eats…I'm back in Barcelona: I'm taking you on a secret food tour of

Barcelona's hidden gems to enjoy great food and even drink wine just like the locals do.

All right here, on Gemma Eats.

For more infomation >> Gemma Eats…BARCELONA Food Tour | CHURROS and La Boqueria MARKET, BEST Spanish Food - Duration: 11:41.


Volvo S40 2.0 I 16V AUT Europa Prestige - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volvo S40 2.0 I 16V AUT Europa Prestige - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Sol | Cruise | Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Sol | Cruise | Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.


BMW X3 2.0I xDrive High Executive (Glazen dak/19"LMV/LEER/LED/NAV.) - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0I xDrive High Executive (Glazen dak/19"LMV/LEER/LED/NAV.) - Duration: 0:42.


Chrysler Voyager 2.4I SE LUXE Airco ECC 6 Captainchairs Cruise control Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Chrysler Voyager 2.4I SE LUXE Airco ECC 6 Captainchairs Cruise control Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Deal 5 Deurs Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Deal 5 Deurs Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:01.


3 Great Hoaxes You've Never Heard Of | Cool History - Duration: 8:43.

So i think we can all agree that lying, though sometimes necessary, isn't a very good thing.

But sometimes, with enough artistry and follow through, it can become a great thing.

I'm talking hoaxes, hoodwinks, humourous deceptions.

From the catfish behind the original 50 Shades of Grey to convincing the government to celebrate

a serial killer...

Hello, welcome to NerdyAndQuirky, here's some Cool History!

So, the original 50 Shades of Grey.

No I'm not talking about its start as Twilight fanfiction which is an amazing fact on its


Nah, today, I'm sharing with you the original best selling smut with unexpected origins:

Naked Came the Stranger.

It quite fittingly came out in 1969.

In it, a fellow named William Blake cheats on his wife, Gillian Blake, and out of revenge,

she sleeps with assorted men in town, from a rabbi to a mobster to the local homosexual.

Now, this masterpiece was written by Penelope Ashe… kind of.

Actually, not at all.

Naked Came the Stranger was conceived in 1966 by a Newsday writer named Mike McGrady.

Now, he thought the world of literature was going straight downhill.

Bestselling books were sex-filled melodramas.

McGrady believed the American public would buy any garbage, so he recruited some of his

pals to write a goshdarn landfill.

He gave them an outline of the book and told them,

"True excellence in writing will be blue-penciled into oblivion.

There will be an unremitting emphasis on sex."

Sounds just like my english teacher.

McGrady and 24 fellow Newsday writers each wrote a chapter, and some of them had to be

edited because they were too well written.

McGrady then got his sister-in-law, Billie Young, to play the faux-author, Penelope Ashe,

to attend meetings.

She dressed provocatively, gushed about sexual liberation, she went all in, and then out,

and then in.


But if you laughed, give this video a big ol' thumbs up!

Because I am an immature child.

The book was published by Lyle Stuart and a few months in, just as McGrady expected,

it was a success.

The book sold 20 000 copies before McGrady and company decided to confess the truth.

In the second season premiere of The David Frost Show, Penelope Ashe, the sex bomb femme

fatale, was introduced, and then 25 male writers walked onto stage in single file.

Because you know what they say, behind every great woman is 25 dudes.

However, the public's knowledge of the book's origins only improved sales.

Little more than a month later, the book sold 90 000 copies and soon enough it landed on

the New York Times Best-Seller list.

Next, we talk death and murder.

But first, it's sponsor time.

This video was sponsored by Geek Fuel.

They ship out a mystery box for geeks and gamers each month ​that contains an exclusive

t-shirt, like this Firefly one which is now my life, a full downloadable game which I'm

never going to play so congrats to whoever uses this code first, and a few other geeky items.

It's like $50 worth of Comic Con in a box for around $15 plus shipping and handling.

But you can get $3 off if you sign up using

Link in the description.

Alright, back to the video!

So death terrifies me.

And one of the best ways to face your fears is to make them funny.

And that is exactly what Jonathan Swift, author of Gulliver's Travels, did in 18th century London.

Y'see, Swift was the Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin.

So, he was a pretty religious dude.

On the other hand, we've got John Partridge, a big shot astrologist taking shots at the

Anglican church.

Every year, he published the Merlinus Almanac, and medieval almanacs weren't just for farmers

wanting to have a year long weather forecast.

These almanacs had horoscopes and divinations.

They told the future.

Now, Patridge predicted that a fever would claim London, and suddenly, Swift had an idea.

Or rather, Isaac Bickerstaff - Swift's pseudonym - had an idea.

Bickerstaff appeared on the almanac scene in January 1708 with Predictions for the Year


He said he published it "to prevent the people of England from being farther imposed

on by vulgar almanack-makers."

And because he knows the @ button exists, Bickerstaff's first prediction was "but

a trifle…

It relates to Partridge the almanack-maker; I have consulted the stars of his nativity

by my own rules, and find he will infallibly die upon the 29th of March next, about eleven

at night, of a raging fever; therefore I advise him to consider of it, and settle his affairs

in time."

Now this was weirdly specific for any astrologer at the time and Partridge replied with, "His

whole design was nothing but Deceit, / The End of March will plainly show the Cheat."

Because, that's right, we're rhyming y'all.

This is Hamilton in real life.

So March 29th rolls around and in a shocking turn of events, Partridge's death is announced.

Bickerstaff writes an Elegy and an Epitaph in his honour.

Which I am going to… attempt to rap.

Here, five Foot deep, lies on his Back, A Cobler, Starmonger, and Quack;

Who to the Stars in pure Good–will, Does to his best look upward still.

Weep all you Customers that use His Pills, his Almanacks, or Shoes;

And you that did your Fortunes seek, Step to his Grave but once a Week:

This Earth which bears his Body's Print, You'll find has so much Vertue in't,

That I durst pawn my Ears 'twill tell Whate'er concerns you full as well,

In Physick, Stolen Goods, or Love, As he himself could, when above.

That was embarassasing.

I'm sorry for that.

Anyway, March 30th rolls around and an anonymous author confirms Partridge's death with a

pamphlet, The Accomplishment of the First of Mr. Bickerstaff's Predictions.

It even went to note that, although Partridge died, it was 4 hours off.

And suddenly, it's April 1st.

A church bell tolls in Partridge's honour, an undertaker arrives to ask for funeral details…

only to be answered by John Partridge himself.

That's right.

Homie wasn't dead.

But apparently, that didn't mean much.

Mourners unaware of the truth held vigils outside of his home at night, interrupting

his sleep.

People who also found this hilarious kept talking to him like he was a ghost.

And soon enough, Partridge published a pamphlet saying, Uh…

Not dead.

Bickerstaff is just the worst.

But Bickerstaff, evidently the original anonymous author to confirm Partridge's death, acknowledges

the pamphlet but says, "They were sure no man alive ever to writ such damned stuff as

this" and "death is defined by all Philosophers [as a] separation of the soul and body.

[Partridge's wife] has gone about for some time to every Alley in the neighborhood…that

her husband had neither life nor soul in him"

Basically, Partridge has gotta be dead because no living man could write this trash and besides,

even his wife says he's soulless.

So, even though everyone escaped with their lives… we just witnessed a murder.

Speaking of which…

In 1971, Tom Moore Junior, the House representative of Waco, Texas nominated Albert de Salvo for


Basically an award by the State that says, "Hey, you dun good!"

And Moore's argument was: "This compassionate gentleman's dedication and devotion to his

work has enabled the weak and the lonely throughout the nation to achieve and maintain a new degree

of concern for their future.

He has been officially recognized by the state of Massachusetts for his noted activities

and unconventional techniques involving population control and applied psychology"

And the resolution was passed unanimously.

The thing is: Albert de Salvo was the Boston Strangler responsible for the deaths of 13

women in the Boston area between 1962 and 1964…

Overall, a monster.

So why did Tom Moore do this?

Was he just a big fan?


He wanted to show that no legislator actually reads each proposal before passing them.

Probably because it's really time consuming and doesn't usually matter more than a sign

of good will… but this time.

Maybe they should've given it a second glance.

So, that was just some Cool History on hoaxes.

Now, what about you guys?

What was your favourite hoax: the sexiest catfish of all time, the savage acts of Isaac

Bickerstaff, or Texans love Murderers?

Tell me down below.

If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to NerdyAndQuirky and hit the bell to be notified every time

there's a new Cool History.

And if you wanna keep on learning, check out my other videos including pranks done by famous


But either way, have a lovely day.

For more infomation >> 3 Great Hoaxes You've Never Heard Of | Cool History - Duration: 8:43.


Life Worth Living is Hard Work - Duration: 6:33.

Hey everybody and welcome to the video.

Today we're talking about pushing forward when things get tough, what I've been up

to lately, and some new gear I'm shooting this video with.

Let's get into it.

I'm actually coming to you two weeks later from the last video that you guys saw.

I had an issue with my computer.

I had a service battery warning and the trackpad started acting up so I had to take it in to

get serviced.

I normally like to keep a little bit of a lead time just in case anything comes up.

If I'm not able to make a video I want to make sure and still have that scheduled and


So I typically will keep an extra week's worth of videos, I used that up because I had to

send in my laptop, but I just got it back and all is well again.

It's been a pretty nice couple of weeks though, I felt like I was in a little bit of a creative

funk so I figured between that and my laptop breaking I'd kind of lean into it and take

a few days off and relax and get everything back up and going again.

But I had a point I wanted to bring up for all of you, trying to lose weight, or all

of you that are working towards goals right now.

If anyone's been struggling or having a really hard time, not sure if they should give up

or keep going, or what they should do, just know a life worth living is going to be hard.

So if you're really struggling with something that you're working towards right now, ask

yourself if there would be a better option that would make your life easier, but if it's

something you really want.

Because I'm sure that whatever you're working towards is what you really want in your life

and it's probably worth the work.

Not sure exactly what I'm trying to get at with that message, but just remember what

you're working for and why you're working for it and let that fuel you when things get


One other piece of news, I don't know if you guys have been able to tell yet but I actually

got a fun new piece of gear for my camera.

I got a motorized gimbal stabilizer called a Zhiyun Crane.

It's a handheld stabilizer, it just let's me get really smooth footage without having

to have a big two-handed rig so I can walk and talk to you guys and not have that blair

witch shaky cam.

So hopefully it looks really good, I got the gimbal and then my laptop broke so I didn't

really get a chance to test it so this is my first time using it.

So yeah, let me know what you think in the comments down below, I'm really excited to

have this for the explore series because those are a little bit more cinematic so I can get

some really cool sweeping shots and do a lot of stuff I wasn't able to before.

One other thing I wanted to talk and ask you guys about, I've been thinking about starting

up doing vlogs again, is that something you guys would want to see?

If so, definitely let me know in the comments.

I'm just really excited to be creating for all of you.

And speaking of the channel, and all of you guys, we actually hit 10,000 subscribers the

other day which is just unbelievable.

10,000 people just absolutely blows my mind.

So just thank you all so much for being there to support me.

I don't even have the words for it.

I have a lot of cool ideas for things I want to do with the channel as I continue to get

better equipped with new gear, and new knowledge of how to actually make the videos but things

have been good.

Nice and quiet.

I had a little bit of hiatus there so it gave me some time to relax, spend some time with

my wife, watch some TV, I watched and completely finished a Netflix series called Ozark, has

anyone else seen it?

It is one of the best TV Shows I've seen in a long time so definitely check that out if

you haven't yet.

It's kind of dark though, so keep that in mind it's pretty heavy and it's pretty dark

but if that's something that you enjoy definitely check it out.

Trying to think of what else I've been up to, I got to see a concert the other day,

someone that works in my apartment building, his band had a show and he invited me out

which was really fun.

In general, we've just been out and about enjoying this lovely summer, I can sense the

fall coming.

As much as I am disappointed for summer to end, fall is my favorite season of the year.

I've also got family coming into town in September which is going to be great.

It was a little bit of a hectic week this week with the computer breaking, but things

are in general going really well.

Testing out this gimbal, like I said this was the first time I'm using it I am so excited

to take some time and play around with this.

I know you guys mostly just enjoy the easier walking and talking sort of videos, but I

really love, I've been loving all of the videography work.

I went to school for graphic design and it's something I don't really get to do very much,

and I used to be in a band and I used to play shows, and that's also something I haven't

done in a long time, so it's been a really good creative outlet for me to have this and

continue to learn and continue to try and get better.

I've realized, wether it's weight loss, or binge watching a TV show, or getting into

a hobby, I always have to have something to sink my teeth into or I go a little crazy.

I like being busy, I like being active, and just experiencing things.

I'm glad to have you here with me.

But I did want to say I've decided another thing I want to start doing with these 'Walk

With Me's', I want you guys to share--- share your situation or share what you're struggling

with in the comments if you have any questions or troubles with your weight loss.

It get's a little tough sometimes because I'm not trying to lose weight, I don't have

these real-world scenarios that come up that often for me where I'm struggling.

So if anyone out there is having a really tough time, I would almost like to use your

comment as a platform to talk about more weight loss topics.

So if that's something you'd be comfortable with, let me know down below and maybe next

weeks episode we can deep-dive and try and help one person on a 'Walk With Me' here and


I think that would be fun, let me know if you guys like that idea.

And if you are new here, make sure to subscribe, I put out these every Monday and I put out

other videos every Friday, and give the video a like if you did enjoy it, it really helps

me out a ton.

But until next time, I will talk to you all later.

Have a good one.

For more infomation >> Life Worth Living is Hard Work - Duration: 6:33.


Borys LBD & MC Śmiechu - Uczta u Dionizosa prod. Borys LBD - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Borys LBD & MC Śmiechu - Uczta u Dionizosa prod. Borys LBD - Duration: 5:35.


Rebel Son - Mr. Confederate Man (Charlottesville, Virginia) - Duration: 1:21.

I was just a little boy in elementary school

English and Math and Science class

Learning the golden rule

I learned how to add and how to subtract

How to multiply and divide

I learned about bugs and I learned about plants

And I learned how to read and write

But my most favorite class of all was my last class of the day

When my history teacher would tell us tales of old times long gone away

I was amazed at the way she knew all the people and their names and the places and the dates

Cuz when I first learned about General Lee and his 13 rebel states

For more infomation >> Rebel Son - Mr. Confederate Man (Charlottesville, Virginia) - Duration: 1:21.


Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Semana Vocacional nos convida a refletir sobre o chamado de Deus - 21 de Agosto - Duration: 15:26.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Semana Vocacional nos convida a refletir sobre o chamado de Deus - 21 de Agosto - Duration: 15:26.


Tame The Track - Focus RS 360 Gamescom VR challenge - Duration: 4:23.

Are you ready?

Let's begin.

Welcome to Spa Francorchamp in Belgium,

chosen to push you

and the Ford Focus RS to the limit.

Located in depths of the Ardennes Forest,

this is the ultimate proving ground.

The corners are fast and the weather is unpredictable,

this isn't going to be easy so pay attention!

Your car today is the new 2017 Ford Focus RS,

straight out of the Ford Performance garage.

With all-wheel drive,

350 brake horsepower

and some sticky tyres

it is the perfect car

for you to prove yourself

and your pace.

To set the fastest lap

you're going to have to push it to its limit.

To help you get the most out of the RS,

Harry Tincknell,

one of our Ford Performance Drivers,

will show you the ropes around this legendary track.

Watch closely.

To follow Harry's hot lap when you're on track,

keep an eye on the special gauges we've had fitted to your car.

If you do, you're guaranteed to be quick.

Here we go.

Listen carefully.

Eau Rouge,

the most famous racing corner in the world.

Approach no faster than 140kph.

A small dab on the brakes

will help you take all the curb on the right

and go flat out up the hill.

Make sure to make the most of the left curb

as we go over the top of the rise.

We are now on the Kemmel Straight.

Here you can push the RS

all the way to 220 kph.

Once you're in 6th gear,

make sure you look far into the distance

for your braking point.

The next corner will approach really fast.

Hard on the brakes and into Le Comme Chicane.

Down into 3rd Gear,

100 kph.

It's important to set yourself up for the final section of the corner.

Use all the right curb and the left curb,

staying on the left as you exit.

This will help you carry as much speed as possible for the Brussels Hairpin.

Brake very hard here,

apex early

and let the RS's all-wheel drive system do the work.

Now, we need to maximise speed for Pouhon,

one of the hardest corners on the track.

Into 4th gear at over 125 kph.

Apply a small dab of brakes on entry

to help the car turn in.

Allow the car to drift wide

keeping speed up

before turning back in for the second left.

You should now be at full throttle.

3rd Gear into Les Fagnes Chicane at 100kph.

Brake as you pass the bridge

so the car hits the right hand curb.

Follow around using all the exit curb.

Get back to the left quickly for Stavilo One.

Stay in third gear.

There's a long straight coming up,

so start pushing it!

Stay on the curb and shift up to 4th gear.

Turn in and open up the corner

for a fast exit from Stavilo Two.

You should now be pushing the RS to the max.

If you don't, you will lose critical time.

Make sure to use all the exit curb here

so that you have full speed

into the final turn,

The Bus Stop Chicane.

You need to be hard on the brakes

to scrub off your speed.

Change down to second gear

as you turn into the curb.

Blip the throttle and turn into the left curb.

Use all the exit curb as you accelerate out

onto the start finish straight.

And that is a lap around Spa.

I know it was a lot to take in

but I hope you were watching closely.

Harry managed to set a lap time of 00:02:53:80

Do you think you have what it takes

to beat him?

Apply what you learnt here

and I'm sure you'll be rapid.


it's time for you to prove yourself.

Good Luck on the track!

For more infomation >> Tame The Track - Focus RS 360 Gamescom VR challenge - Duration: 4:23.


Get super silky and glossy hair in 1 day | balo ko chamakdar banane ka gharelu nuskha - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Get super silky and glossy hair in 1 day | balo ko chamakdar banane ka gharelu nuskha - Duration: 2:18.


Borys LBD & MC Śmiechu - Uczta u Dionizosa prod. Borys LBD - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Borys LBD & MC Śmiechu - Uczta u Dionizosa prod. Borys LBD - Duration: 5:35.


Terra da Padroeira | Relembre os bons momentos da roça e conheça mais sobre o Tropeirismo! - Duration: 33:10.

For more infomation >> Terra da Padroeira | Relembre os bons momentos da roça e conheça mais sobre o Tropeirismo! - Duration: 33:10.


Abduções alienígenas, terrores noturnos, paralisia do sono. A cura - Duration: 1:42:21.

For more infomation >> Abduções alienígenas, terrores noturnos, paralisia do sono. A cura - Duration: 1:42:21.


Wymiana przedni dolny wahacz w tylnym zawieszeniu BMW 3 E90 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:05.

Use a torx №T40 and a combination spanner №21

Use spanners № 18

For more infomation >> Wymiana przedni dolny wahacz w tylnym zawieszeniu BMW 3 E90 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:05.



Hello guys, welcome back, today I have for you a special padlock

it´s a gift from Adrian Leon, thank you very much Adrian

It is amazing, I love it

It is my favorite padlock

It is the most beautiful of Spanish padlocks I have and

and one of the most beautiful in the collection of course

it´s a LINCE padlock

Plus A-55

is made of steel, it is very heavy, very strong

as you see has a very thick shackle, 12 mm

This would be the key

is IC core padlock, in this case has a LINCE C4

ten active pins, five upper controlling a sidebar and 5 lowers

not spring, as you see works perfect


is not an easy padlock to open with C4

but for me the greatest difficulty lies in the fact

recognizing the fact that it is a ten pinner lock with

with opposing pins, that touch each other, without restriction of movement

which causes when there is a very long lower pin, as is this

the upper pin with a stronger spring pushes him

and lower long pin would be overset from the beginning

I just explain it in my video number #117

the upper pin has a strong spring, pushes the bottom pin

and lower, when it is very long,

low, he leaves the plug, and occupies the bible

whereby it would overset since we start picking

the solution would be to search the top pin that is pushing, compressing it and release tension

by holding the top and release tension, the lower reenters into the plug

and we pik the padlock as usually

once this is done it has no more difficulty that the ten pins

it is perfectly manageable

I will not be able to gut it

as you see this protective plate

is anchored, then I gut it for you so you can see the cylinder but not remove the pins

It is held by two lateral steel bolts, here and here

and I can not get free without deforming, and if he broke the padlock distorted

and certainly do not want to spoil it, I want to keep it in perfect condition

let's pick it, and if I succeed we get the cylinder out and see the plate

Let's go there

I have opened four times, I think

before making the video

a lock very entertaining, very addictive

I´m goling to use a commercial wrench

and a Goso modified pick, I have reduced the size of the flag

To give you an idea

This would be about the original size, although it is also retouched, is slightly larger in its original size

and I left smaller

Let's go there

the first thing we will do will be go for the second upper

there it is

compress and release tension so that the lower pin goes up

There it is, we have it, we aply tension, medium tension and as usually pick it

first nothing

upper second

It makes a click

third nothing

fourth nothing

Fifth is binding, does a click

I was hooked

there it is

fourth nothing

This would be the second. Tried overfly and not overset it again

first is binding

It makes a click

second makes a click

the third makes a click, is the top third

fourth nothing, fifth

back to the first, first lower

set, second is set

third nothing

fourth seems set, fifth is binding, makes a click

fourth a light click

third nothing

second is set

first one click

third one click

fifth one click

fourth a light click

third one click

has two diameters pins, tapered, and that causes

It causes there to retouch a lot

until they are set

fourth looks set

fifth again a click

the lock is well done

third one click

with what progress are minimal

upper second, the first already appears set


nothing, third, fourth

We go over the top

fifth it seems set

fourth, there I touched the third

and the plug make a little turn, the second

first, second, third, fourth, upper fifth seems it´s binding

That is, playing the upper fifth

would open

the uppers were binding at the end, there is a couple that are simply set touching them for passing over

when i´m setting the lowers

we will draw the cylinder out, and so you see what I commented

It is a very nice opening

It really is addictive

It has left a ball bearing

then I put everything in place

I show the cylinder

as you can see

this plate is secured with these steel bolts

on both Sides

the margin here is very small, I'm afraid so try to force her to remove it

it will break

without this sheet

totally ruin the padlock

thus, I will not gut it

you can see the top and bottom pins

and this would be the opening of the LINCE PLUS A-55

a llovely padlock, thank you very much Adrian

and thank you all for your time greetings

For more infomation >> 143 LINCE PLUS A-55 PADLOCK FROM ADRIÁN LEÓN GANZUADO SPP, THANKS ADRIÁN sub eng - Duration: 10:31.


Terra da Padroeira | Ao Pé da Estrada - João Vitor e Isaac/Marcelo Silva e Ryan - 20 de Agosto - Duration: 21:00.

For more infomation >> Terra da Padroeira | Ao Pé da Estrada - João Vitor e Isaac/Marcelo Silva e Ryan - 20 de Agosto - Duration: 21:00.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 0:41.


Thug Life - All the classics 38 - Duration: 5:45.

He's got issues with his feet

It's the weirdest thing

He always breaks them

How many people can they fit on the boat?

Let's try this again


1, 2 , 3

For more infomation >> Thug Life - All the classics 38 - Duration: 5:45.


Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Mensagem de Fé: a importância da catequese na formação - 21 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Mensagem de Fé: a importância da catequese na formação - 21 de Agosto de 2017 - Duration: 6:57.


Cibi velenosi in tavola: ogni giorno mangiamo alimenti potenzialmente mortali | K.N.B.T - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Cibi velenosi in tavola: ogni giorno mangiamo alimenti potenzialmente mortali | K.N.B.T - Duration: 6:20.


Ladybug Versus Male - ladybug season 2 🐞 The Miraculous Moon Games # 55 - Duration: 14:27.

For more infomation >> Ladybug Versus Male - ladybug season 2 🐞 The Miraculous Moon Games # 55 - Duration: 14:27.


Fanfic of thrones - teorias dos fãs, usadas em Game of thrones (English subtitles) - Duration: 6:20.

Hi people! I'm Dessa, this is "Louca dos livros"

And today we're gonna talk about the fan theories of "A song of ice and fire"

used in the game of thrones show

Each time a fan of "A song of ice and fire"

closes A Dance with dragons book, the last one of the series

he jumps to the internet to search for theories

that if he doesn't have one of his own

Everybody knows the showrunners of game of thrones

are big fans of the book series

so why not wonder they also did that?

That they went to foruns aswell to get ideas?

So today I brought 6 theories

that I found on the internet

dated before the show or at least before the season it went on

used on Game of thrones series

and some more fanservice than really to be confirmed by the author

warning: this video has a lot of spoilers of all books released related to a song of ice and fire

and spoilers of the show til now (episode 6, season 7)

The first theory, the most basic one

one of the most accepted

It's just search on google that appears hundreads topics about it

That is Rhaegar + Lyanna = Jon Snow

This theory is very widespread

And I think probably it will be proven in the books

But one thing you find on several of these topics

about the paternity of jon snow

Is that Rhaegar and Lyanna probably married secretly in Dorne

I confess that none of them talk about the annulment of Rhaegar's marriage to Elia

Most think it would be a polygamous relationship

rather than a prior marriage annulment

But they then used this theory

that Rhaegar and Lyanna married secretly

And that jon would actually be legitimate

Why do not talk about marriage annulment in these theories?

Because it is known that Rhaegar is unlikely to have anything to annul the marriage to Elia.

being that he already has up to two children.

And he believed that the dragon has three heads,

so he needed another son, which Elia Martell could no longer give.

Then why would he turn the two children into bastards?

Since this marriage is no longer legitimate.

So, this is proof that before the series talk about the paternity of Jon Snow, it was already much discussed in the forums on the Internet.

For the second theory I have here a topic

Of the forum A song of ice and fire, from

With the exact title of: Could Melisandre ressurrect Jon Snow?

June of 2012, my friends.

5 years ago

Jon Snow was not even close to resurrecting in the series.

The third theory is the most fanservice of all I'm going to talk about here today.

That is Coldhands' theory to be Benjen Stark.

The Stark's missing uncle.

Why do I say this is the most fan service?

It was very widespread in the time that came out A Dance with Dragons

But George Martin has already said no.

If you read carefully

You can tell that Bran, when he finds Coldhands

does not recognize him.

Would not he recognize his own uncle?

For those who do not remember, the character Coldhands appears the last time Jon goes beyond the Wall

And he called him Uncle Benjen

4th topic used in the series

Jon Snow King in the North

Jon Snow is one of the favorites of the crowd

one of the most talked about, most theorized.

So it's obvious that everyone wanted him to be legitimized,

it's obvious that everyone wanted him to be the child of important people,

And that he would rise again.

So nothing more natural than a theory about Jon being king of the north

And also nothing more fanservice since he is so dear

This theory that I also found in, from 2008

Is based, in fact, a document

made by Robb Stark

In which he says who will be his successor

Since he still does not have children and his brothers were killed

He believes they were killed, Bran and Rickon

The number 5 is a theory that the guy who wrote was thinking very far away

Because Tyrion in the books is nowhere near Daenerys,

He is in the same continent as her and even in the same city, but they go to totally separate ways and he does not even come close to Daenerys

And anyway, this guy here on Reddit in 2013, wrote

"I like the idea of Tyrion helping Daenerys take Casterly Rock by using the sewers"

Exactly what happens now in season 7 of Game of thrones

And the last theory I bring to you today

This one here I did not imagine that someone had written so perfectly

But this forum user from wrote

"I think the fact we learnt about ice dragons in aDwD suggests one of dany's dragons will die during the fight with the others, and come back as a wight"

Now you tell me guys, all these people are psychic?

Or the producers, affectionately nicknamed D&D,

have been reading a lot of forums around?

Tell me what you think here in the comments.

Also do not forget to tell me the theories that you think they used and I did not comment here

Maybe this video can have a 'part 2'

Like the video if you enjoyed it

Subscribe for the channel if it's your first time here

And I'll wait for you in the next video

kisses and bye


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