Saturday, August 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 26 2017

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Hello, today I share

THIS DYE Hojita is the best remedy against rheumatism and migraine.


Maybe you know this plant but for some reason or another always spend quite unnoticed

because this always is often used as decoration for our gardens.

But in case you did not know, laurel plant is a fabulous plant that has

magnificent analgesic properties.

It is for this reason that the laurel tree leaf is a great ally when

treat numerous diseases, such as the very regular and common migraine

which many people suffer today.

But all this does not stop here since the bay leaf besides having an effect

analgesic, is also plays an important role in the digestion of food,

because it enhances and stimulates the digestive process, and said by the way, it helps reduce

the blood sugar.

Laurel healing properties.

Bay leaves used in an infusion are able to relieve stomach discomfort,

reduce gases and are good for intestinal spasms, so help us

have proper digestion and improve kidney pains.

All this thanks to the major essential oils that this sheet has, which

They are cineole and eugenol, which have carminative properties.

In any case if you want to use externally, liquid or cream, this

It is a good antiseptic for skin infections.

Step favors the expulsion of mucus from the upper respiratory tract, as

It is the case of bronchitis.

In addition, these leaves have bactericidal substances.

Dyeing using bay leaves.

One of the most common traditional but very effective ways to leverage the properties

This plant is medicinal by the mother tincture.

So we will show you how to do, to learn to prepare and use it against

overworked muscles, muscle aches, rheumatism, paralyzed limbs and joints


Dyeing is macerating a dry plant in alcohol, the preparation is

very easy and practical.

All you need and must have in order to properly prepare this; is the

bay leaf and a little alcohol.


- 30 grams of fresh laurel leaves.

- 300 ml of 60% alcohol.

How are we going to prepare ?.

For this picaremos bay leaves into small pieces and put it in a jar.

Will add alcohol and tightly close the bottle.

We will place the jar in a warm place and let stand 9-10 days there.

Colaremos tincture after 9-10 days and transfer the resulting liquid

in a bottle that is also sealable.

How we will use ?.

We can use the tincture to massage the painful areas.

Similarly we can use it by consuming ten drops of the same dissolved

in water three times a day before meals.


This herbal remedy bay leaf should not be used for more than one month.

It is recommended that a paisa of at least 15 days before further operations.

Pregnant women and children under 7 years old should not use the bay leaf.

Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

If you like this information interesting, share, subscribe to my channel, it's FREE.

just by clicking on the link below or the image of the middle of the screen and not

forget to turn on notifications.

and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



Los factores que pueden acercar a Coutinho y Di María - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Los factores que pueden acercar a Coutinho y Di María - Duration: 2:29.


Dembélé: un 'viejo zorro' pese a su juventud - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Dembélé: un 'viejo zorro' pese a su juventud - Duration: 3:46.


Las Joyas de la Abuela - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> Las Joyas de la Abuela - Duration: 5:54.


Fairy Tail Ending 2 - Duration: 1:32.

Merry go round, in a world of turning dreams

I'll never forget the side of your face before welcoming the morning

"I don't want to look at your face again" she said over her shoulder

Tears running down your cheek

Always it seems you're about to get drowned in waves of unpredictability

You probaly had to endure your tears

"You're a strong person" is what everyone says, overestimating you

And before you knew it you had lost sight of the real you

The help-mates light which should have shone on you has gone

The truth and lies of that time are all erased

Merry go round, in a world of turning dreams

It's ironic that I'll never forget your face from the side as I welcome the morning

For more infomation >> Fairy Tail Ending 2 - Duration: 1:32.


Guía Saint Seiya Zodiac Brave ; Marin de Águila - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Guía Saint Seiya Zodiac Brave ; Marin de Águila - Duration: 3:20.


【金牌(4)|舉重女子58公斤級|郭婞淳】【2017台北世大運】中華隊奪牌榜 台灣之光全紀錄 - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> 【金牌(4)|舉重女子58公斤級|郭婞淳】【2017台北世大運】中華隊奪牌榜 台灣之光全紀錄 - Duration: 0:28.


【金牌(4)|舉重女子58公斤級|郭婞淳】【2017台北世大運】中華隊奪牌榜 台灣之光全紀錄 - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> 【金牌(4)|舉重女子58公斤級|郭婞淳】【2017台北世大運】中華隊奪牌榜 台灣之光全紀錄 - Duration: 0:56.


[2017 世大運在台北市][英雄出少年][英雄蓋世][羽球][排球][舉重][跆拳道][射箭][跨欄][滑輪溜冰][戴資穎][郭婞淳][阿美族][原住民][台灣之光][猴子哥哥記錄歷史] - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> [2017 世大運在台北市][英雄出少年][英雄蓋世][羽球][排球][舉重][跆拳道][射箭][跨欄][滑輪溜冰][戴資穎][郭婞淳][阿美族][原住民][台灣之光][猴子哥哥記錄歷史] - Duration: 1:36.


Magic Fun House

For more infomation >> Magic Fun House


ALERT: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Announces Shock Reason Trump Pardoned Him | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:19.

The controversy around Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his treatment of illegal immigrants during

his tenure never sizzled out.

Now, President Trump has pardoned him, and the world is outraged — but do they have

a right to feel that way?

The short answer to this questions seems to be a resounding "No."

The Sheriff has stated that the reason he was arrested was due to a politically motivated

witch hunt that was started by Former President Obama, and Eric Holder.

President Trump made it perfectly clear on Twitter why he was pardoning Arpaio.

Trump's message reads, "I am pleased to inform you that I have just granted a full

Pardon to 85 year old American patriot Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

He kept Arizona safe!"

In fact, Arpaio has promised to go public with the torments that he faced waiting for

the trial with Obama and Holder.

He has serious qualms about the way the investigation played out, and obviously, everything that

happened before his pardon.

According to Washington Examiner, Arpaio stated on Hannity, "This goes back to the former

president, and Eric Holder.

Sixty days after they took office, they launched this investigation and here it is.

When I was running for office, contempt of court, misdemeanor.

They did it politically.

The Sheriff went on to explain that he believes that if they can go after him, they can and

will go after anyone.

"I am going to go public and talk about the abuse of the political and justice system."

Arpaio's trouble started when U.S. District Judge, Susan Bolton, ruled that Arpaio was

found in criminal contempt because he failed to listen to another judge, who ordered the

stop of all traffic patrols that unfairly targeted illegal immigrants.

He was found in civil contempt back in May.

During an interview, Arpaio spoke about the things courts did wrong during his trial.

The list is lengthy, and certainly shows that something was not quite right with his case.

Arpaio is alleging to the fact that he was tried without a jury, and that they charged

him with the charge.

He explained that the list goes "on and on," but promised that, "the truth will

come out."

It would not be a surprise to learn that there is something more sinister going on here with

the former Obama administration.

We have to remember — Obama's administration has been labeled the most "lawless" administration

in our history.

He did it!

Trump pardoned Sheriff Joe!

Do you agree with this decision?

Would it be surprising to learn that the government that brought us Operation Fast and Furious

used political power to put someone in prison?

It isn't looking good, especially when you look at the previous administration's track

record, and hear what Arpaio has The National Center for Police Defense President,

James Fortis, was not pleased with Arpaio's conviction, either.

In fact, he calls it the day that he lost faith in our justice system.

Fortis provided an amazing point — one that needs to be considered before anyone gets

upset over this pardon by President Trump.

The president of the NCPD stated, "I sat through three days of testimony and it was

clear from the beginning that the DOJ had no evidence to make their case."

He concluded, "There is no way a jury would have determined that the Sheriff willfully

and intentionally violated the judge's order."

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> ALERT: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Announces Shock Reason Trump Pardoned Him | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:19.


JUST IN: McCain Betrays Arpaio After Pardon | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:22.

As Arizona's senator, John McCain has worked with former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio

for decades upon decades.

Yet after Arpaio was granted a pardon by President Donald Trump, McCain stabbed him in the back.

On Friday night, McCain voiced his disapproval at Trump's pardon of the hardcore, legendary

sheriff, who was charged with a "misdemeanor contempt-of-court charge" for defying a

judge's orders that he stop conducting immigration patrols./

Arapio called the entire ordeal a "witch-hunt" by the Obama administration and billionaire

George Soros' far-left activist groups — he was facing jail time at a scheduled October


McCain sabotaged all trust Arpaio had in him, saying in a statement that "no one is above

the law" and "sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their

commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold."

In addition, McCain stated that, "by pardoning Arpaio, Trump undermines respect of rule of


Lastly, he also says Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you agree that John McCain is a complete disgrace!

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> JUST IN: McCain Betrays Arpaio After Pardon | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:22.


Portal 2 | Race mit HadamardLP - Duration: 2:40:57.

For more infomation >> Portal 2 | Race mit HadamardLP - Duration: 2:40:57.


My Version of Triggers: 我的版本的触发器 - Duration: 8:48.


而我的丈夫杰夫·韦伯是我的客座作家 在我的博客

你可以找到网站地址 博客附加到此视频

我们都从一个定义写出来 触发。

杰夫写了他的版本的触发器 他的观点和我是


你可以找到这个的网站信息 引用也附加到这个视频。

好的,所以触发器的定义是:根据 到,A触发器

是一种记录磁带或 闪回运送人



个人触发器,我必须处理 作为我治愈的一部分。


所以从自由女神的第15页那里读 书我引用:"当我上课音乐了



我是因为我不喜欢听音乐, 特别是软音乐,因为我会永远


那么我怎么愈合呢在五年内 我的美术训练,古典音乐是



所以我成了古典音乐的艺术家 在后台

在上课的同时,我也工作 在那里,我在那里有一个工作室。


沉浸在每一天,随着时间的推移,它给了我一个欣赏 为了今天


所以从我自由女神的第18页读书 书我引用:我不知道我的孩子是不是



但是因为我痛苦而且显然没有 听得好,我不记得他们了


之后,我丈夫试图联系诊所 20年,但只有人挂在他身上。



当我以我应该的方式寻求耶和华时 画这些照片为无罪,我怎么可能


无罪的故事,以及如何保持 它简单和孩子般的,使无罪




我意识到神正在说回去 到罪恶的开始,并把它

纸 - 这就是我做的。

我把纸上的东西放过来 我的思想20年。



这是我的书,叫做自由女士: 治疗后的堕胎故事"。

我其实有一本图画书 中间。



好的,这是我自己的肖像,何时 我在8周怀孕了你。

(转页)我不能告诉任何人,现在不是 一个


我如何养育这个孩子,没有钱,没有帮助, 没有我的情况的怜悯。


和孤独,我看不到任何其他的 办法。



(转页)然后我醒来,我意识到, 我做了什么?




(转页)这是下一张图片,20年 我已经流下了悲伤和哀悼的泪水


下一张照片,主耶稣,请原谅 我,无罪请原谅我,请自己




耶稣弯腰,他挑起我和他 带我



谢谢主啊,我做了一张天上的照片 有十字架。




我说,主愿意有一天像大卫王, 说:"我去看孩子。"

好的,我们来总结一下,我分享了两个 我的个人触发器示例和我如何处理


产生触发器的最终结果 倒叙。


同时学习新技能 在艺术它改变了我的思想和情感



治疗,触发器不应该是 强大。

他们不应该是这样的 任何人。


他们对年龄的温和,就像在我的音乐中一样 例。

在我的回忆榜上,上帝让我画画 写下那些闪烁的东西






当没有话可以表达的时候 痛苦,做艺术释放它。

我有一个我想要的经文 读给你







那样的方式 - 从来没有,永远不会。

我们的贸易工具不用于营销 或操纵,但它们是为了拆除



我们使用我们强大的神工具进行粉碎 扭曲的哲学,破坏障碍

竖起反对神的真理,适合 每一个松散的思想和情感和冲动



我们的工具已经准备就绪,可以清理 每个障碍的地面和建设生活




了解你所做的一切 触发。



亲爱的上帝,帮助我找出我的触发因素 是。

指导我了解他们和你怎么样 要我去处理



嗯,我参考了我的书 这个视频。



如果你做任何捐款,我会给你一个 我的书的免费副本或你可以




For more infomation >> My Version of Triggers: 我的版本的触发器 - Duration: 8:48.


Magic Fun House

For more infomation >> Magic Fun House



hello this is Tony Tornado if you like my video give it a thumbs up

don't forget to share it around with your friends

and most importantly leave a comment down below i want to hear what your thoughts are

Mantha get over here now

come here what come here

come here what i got to show you something

why are you acting like a psycho kid

why do you have that camera come here

put that down i got to show you something important

no cause your acting like a crazy brother

come here now i am here come around here

come around the car

I have to show you something important

cause you won't put that down just come here

there's something wrong with my car now

and I swear to god i'm going to go fucking crazy



are you watching yeah




do you see that look come here

stop being a crazy psycho brother fat kid

can you please look at this for a second and shut up look look look

watch this see i'm turning the key

yeah i see

why is it doing this

I don't know why

I don't know why I don't know


you were out here you should know

you should know

why is my car not starting I don't know

what did you so to my car I didn't do anything you psycho brother

what did you do to my car I didn't do anything you are acting crazy

your acting like a crazy brother stop

stop acting all crazy stop this raging craziness

Samantha what did you do to my car I didn't do anything answer the question truthfully right now

you were out here watching my car what did you do to my car

I didn't do anything tell me the truth right now what the fuck did you do to my car

I didn't do anything tell me now

what did you do stop what did you do to my car

stop acting crazy

what did you do to my car I didn't do anything

what did you do

get out get out go get out

get out

get out get out

get out get out now

get out

get out

you don't wanna tell me you don't wanna tell me I did tell you

you were responsible for my car I asked you to do one thing and you couldn't do it

why didn't you do it why didn't you watch my car it was your responsibility

I didn't do anything you know you know

no I don't know I didn't do anything to it

why won't my car start Samantha I don't know answer the question

I don't know tell the truth I really don't know tell the truth

I don't know how can you not know

I don't know how can you not know

tell me the truth I don't know how can you not know

you were responsible for it

stop acting all psycho raging and stop acting crazy

stop acting like a crazy psycho raging brother

get out

get out now get out

get out

get out go outside

get out

get out of my house

no get out no

get the fuck out no get out no

give me my camera no give me it no

give me my camera no give me

give me it no give me it

get out

get out

it was your responsibility to watch my car and you choose not to fucking listen to me

you never listen

i'm done with you Samantha i'm done

i'm done ok

get away from me right now

get away

get away

stay away

stay away from me

don't even come near me i'm done with your shit you hear me

i'm done I didn't do anything

that's exactly what the problem is you didn't do shit

I don't see why you had to throw your tools on the floor

you psycho raging fat kid brother

For more infomation >> CRAZY BROTHER FREAKS OUT OVER CAR! - Duration: 5:33.


August Book Haul + Wrap Up 2017! - Duration: 6:49.

Hi everyone, it's Sandy and today I will be sharing my August book haul and

wrap-up. I didn't buy any books in August but I

did win a giveaway, which was hosted by one of my friends, Lannie from Bibliosaurusrex

Her channel is great. I think she's hilarious and if you're not

subscribed to her, definitely check her

out. I will leave a link to her channel in

the description box below. In her giveaway, she was giving away two books.

The first book in that giveaway was The Novice by Taran Matharu. This is the first

book in the Summoner series and the second book in the giveaway is The

Inquisition, which is the second book in the Summoner series. I've heard really

great things about the series. I can't wait to read them. I've watched quite a

few reviews of these books on BookTube, and in all the reviews that I've watched,

I've heard really great things about these books. Even though I've seen so

many reviews, I can't seem to remember what this book is about but from the

synopsis it follows our main character, Fletcher, who has the rare ability to

summon demons. So that was my very small book haul. Now I'm going to get into the

wrap-up portion of the video. I'm actually filming this wrap up pretty

early. At the moment that I'm filming, it is currently August 16th and if you're

wondering why I'm filming so early, if you didn't already know, I will actually

be studying abroad in Vietnam this upcoming fall semester, so I'm pre-

filming a bunch of videos. I'm going to be leaving 4 days from now and I'm

pretty sure I won't get that much reading done towards the end of August

because I will be adjusting to living in Vietnam and with my new classes. This is

going to be my last formal sit-down wrap-up video that

you'll be seeing in a few months. While in Vietnam I think I'm going to try

doing vlog style wrap-ups. I don't know if that will actually happen. I don't want

to make any promises but I'm going to try. During the summer there were quite a

few readathons going on and I've been really enjoying watching all these

reading vlogs, so hopefully I'm able to film those while I'm in Vietnam and

hopefully they're interesting enough for you guys to watch. Currently I have

already finished four books in the month of August and the first book that I read

is And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. This is a mystery book that

follows ten people who are invited to an island and slowly being killed off one

by one. Agatha Christie is a well-known mystery

writer and I haven't read any of her books before so I was really excited

going into this one. I wasn't necessarily disappointed with this book but I

expected better because of how well-known Agatha Christie is for her

writing. I just found the writing and the story to not be as compelling as I hoped.

I still really enjoyed the whole mystery aspect. I really love the whole

atmosphere and how it takes place on an island. No one can get off this island

and they're all suspicious of one another. Since this story follows 10

different characters, we are pretty much immediately introduced to them at the

very beginning of the book and it made it very difficult to follow since there

are so many characters. I also really like how these characters aren't the

greatest people. They all have their flaws and they've all done something not

so great in their past. I do like how things were revealed at the end but

overall, I thought the story wasn't like the best. I didn't love the story, I didn't

hate it either but I thought it was better than okay, so that is why I rated

this book a 3.5 out of 5 stars. The next book that I finished is Under Rose-Tainted

Skies by Louise Gornall. This is an own voices book with mental health

representation and it follows our main character Norah, who has agoraphobia, OCD,

and anxiety. I've heard really great things about this book and I haven't

read many mental health novels and I definitely want to read more, so that is

one of the main reasons why I picked this book up. Since this is an own voices

novel, you can definitely feel and see how it was so authentic

and raw. I felt like I learned so much from this book, especially since we are

reading from Norah's point of view and we are able to read her thought processes. I

also want to give a trigger warning for this book for self harm. Also, there is

romance in this book and while I wasn't very invested in the romance or had any

strong feelings about it, I do like the love interest Luke as an individual. I

really liked that he didn't cure Norah and that he was very supportive and

encouraging and I really loved seeing that.

Overall, I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars. The third book that I finished in

August is A Million Worlds With You by Claudia Gray. This is the third and final

book in the Firebird trilogy. The first book in this trilogy is called A

Thousand Pieces of You and it follows our main character Marguerite, who has this

Firebird necklace that allows her to travel to different parallel universes,

and that was basically my favorite thing of the whole trilogy. I loved seeing the

different parallel universes and I think we got to see quite a lot of the

different universes in this book especially. I did listen to this book as

an audiobook. I think I waited too long to pick this book up that when I finally

did, I was no longer invested in the characters or the story. There are a lot

of life-and-death situations that I enjoyed reading about because it added

a lot of intensity to the story. I mainly picked this book up because it was

available on Overdrive so I decided like why not, I might as well

finish this trilogy. I did like the story but I just didn't care as much so that

is why I ended up rating this book a 3 out of 5 stars.

Honestly, I feel like this is a series that you should binge-read because I

think you would have a much more enjoyable experience. And the very last

book that I finished in August is a book that I have been wanting to read

forever and that is The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I don't really know how

to describe this book but it basically follows a circus that goes to

different locations unannounced. It stays there for a few nights before moving on.

So many people love this book so I did kind of go into this book with high

expectations and I did really like the story but I don't love it as much as

other people do. One of my favorite things about this book would definitely

be the writing. I think the writing is so beautiful and so enchanting. And the

descriptions of the circus is just everything. The descriptions of the

circus is so vivid and it makes me wish it was real and makes me want to visit

it so bad. And I just love the whole atmosphere of the circus. I love the

whole concept of the circus moving to different locations unannounced and that

it only opens at night. I think the pacing of the story is pretty slow. It took

me almost two weeks to get through this book. This book does have quite a handful

of different point of views and I wasn't a big fan of all the perspectives. The

perspectives would switch around quite a lot and I would have preferred if we

only stuck to like two or three people. So there's also some sort of challenge

going on that we find out at the beginning of the book but we aren't

given a lot of details about this challenge. The characters don't know much

about what this challenge is and I didn't like not knowing. I also didn't

care that much about the two main characters Celia and Marcus. However, I do

really like the dynamic between Bailey and the twins,

Poppet and Widget. I really enjoyed reading about them and seeing the twins

introduce Bailey to the circus and I thought their friendship was really cute.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars.

So those are all the books that I read in the month of August. I hope you guys

enjoyed this video. If you've read any of the books that I mentioned, please let me know

your thoughts in the comments below and I will see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> August Book Haul + Wrap Up 2017! - Duration: 6:49.


Volvo V50 1.6D EDITION I CRUISE / CLIMA / NIEUWE APK - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 1.6D EDITION I CRUISE / CLIMA / NIEUWE APK - Duration: 1:02.


Updated Grimoire Tour // Riley - Duration: 8:37.

Witchcraft by Frank Sinatra playing

Hey guys! It's me, Riley, and today I'm gonna show you my Grimoire.

So this is what you open up to and in

here is a book blessing

It's um very rudimentary, but... rudimentary but it's functioning for now.

I'm gonna make a better one once I get closer to finishing the book

And then this, which is a watercolor of my hand.

But I made the mistake of drawing with pen first, as you can see but whatever

Says, "Secrets of the earth for those who know to keep them"

And under this little postage stamp is a... I think the word is pentacle.

Oh if you see these like orange sticky notes, they're like hiding my name or names of people I know

In this case, it's hiding my name

Cause I used my real, non-magickal name here

So this got a little bit messy but uh it says "I think I love you better now" just like always

Except now it also says some lyrics from the song "Long Live" by Taylor Swift around the edge.

On the next page, I have like what I want like basically a warning to those who try to read the book

And what I want to happen to the book after I die

"Careful how you proceed, good man, you are now in my domain"

So this is my page on water as an element and this was a poem I wrote called Child of the Sea

And yes my initials are ET, yes I am a space alien (I wish)

This is my page for the Triple G-ddess, this is a page for Artemis, and then this is going to be working with her.

And then the same for Hestia. This is her information this is gonna be working with her. Athena. This is gonna be a page on the divine masculine, the horned G-d.

Ares... no... woah, what am I saying. Apollo!

This is gonna be a page on working with him. Hermes.

And so, here I have one of my favorite pages.

State of Grace by Taylor Swift is one of my favorite songs, and so I made a page for it.

And this is what I always, like, think of when I hear the song. A red background with a sun. So that's what I painted.

Oh um, a little bit of a trigger warning for Nazi imagery. So if you wanna skip to the place where there's not Nazi imagery, I'll leave the time description you can skip to.

3... 2... 1...

Ok so umm if you've been on my channel you know I have a Jewish background.

And that, of course, comes with a lot of history.

So I made a page about Remember Us

which is basically a project where Jewish teens, before they get Bat Mitzvahed or Bar Mitzvahed

can get a name and they remember that name every year on the anniversary of their Bar or Bat Mitzvah

And then over here I have thoughts on like intersectionality because, you know, I am white, so in that I do have a lot of privilege and power.

But I'm also Jewish, which umm has historically been very oppressed.

And so I put my thoughts on that

And then I have (first lines of mourner's kaddish) which is the first little part of the mourner's kaddish.

Then I have a page on Salem. So this is like an explanation on kind of what happened, this... these

Are the names of everyone tried, found guilty, and executed. Everyone tried, and whether or not they were found guilty or innocent they died but weren't executed.

The names of all the accusers, what it stands for, and here I'm gonna write about my trip to the Salem Witch Museum which is happening soon.

This is a page on a character from one of my books that I'm writing, who is a witch.

Her name is Skylar Sofia Jannings and I wrote a page about her. I still have a lot more to write but I haven't written the book.

Well, I have written a lot of the book, but umm I haven't written enough that I still feel like I don't know her

enough to make the whole two pages on her yet so I wrote a little bit.

This is a bit on my Zodiac, and of course the notes are covering up my birthday.

But yeah, so my sun sign is Scorpio, my moon sign is Leo, my ascending sign is Taurus

And then I wrote about my conclusions.

This is going to be a page for Yemaya and Olokun. I'm pretty sure I'm pronouncing those totally wrong, and I'm sorry about that

But yeah, that's gonna be a page for them

A page for casting and closing a circle.

I know most people call it opening the circle but it makes more sense to me to call it closing the circle.

This is gonna be a page on the Solar and Lunar eclipse

This is gonna be a page for Yule, Imbolc, those two pages I like.

Ostara... I like the idea behind it but the paint effed up. It's like an Easter egg and I tried to do a little paint designs on it.

So this is for Beltain, and let me explain

So originally this was meant to be like a diamond ring

But then I wanted to turn it into like an infinity sign with a diamond on top.

But then that didn't work out, so it ended up being a

filled in black circle with a white-out infinity sign and then a pen infinity sign inside it.

Those two pages aren't my best

This is my page for Litha, this is my page for Lammas, which I really like the corn.

Obviously I haven't written in these yet

Mabon, I really like that one, and then Samhain. I really like that one.

This is sort of a really weird version of a portable altar space. So, obviously you got the pentacle.And then you say, "Don't you worry child, there's a plan for you"

I have a lot of song references in my book

And then this is the last page I have. So, someone did a tarot reading for me and she pulled this card. So I wrote about the conclusions she made... and that's all I got.

So ummm.. this grimoire has changed a lot since my last video, which was the first video I ever uploaded to

this channel. Originally, I was still gonna keep it in a binder and I decided I didn't like that idea.

And I put it a tiny little leather-bound notebook. It was less than the size of my hand, and my hand is tiny.

But then that didn't work out because I screwed up a lot of the pages and I just... I wasn't really into it.

And so then I put it in a different notebook, but I didn't have any color or anything I just wrote stuff out.

And now I've made this, which is way more personal to me and it's not just about information , cause I know the information now.

It's about me. And my stuff.

So yeah. That's what's going on with my grimoire. I'll see you guys soon.

For more infomation >> Updated Grimoire Tour // Riley - Duration: 8:37.


Dr Schlesinger Testimonial Story Ultimate Silhouettplasty Jessica P II - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Dr Schlesinger Testimonial Story Ultimate Silhouettplasty Jessica P II - Duration: 4:52.


Arsenal transfer news: Galatasaray plot Alex Iwobi loan, talks being planned - Duration: 2:05.

Arsenal transfer news: Galatasaray plot Alex Iwobi loan, talks being planned - report

  Iwobi, 21, became a regular first-team player for Arsenal last season and was rewarded for his talents with a new long-term contract in April.  However, he has failed to hit the ground running this season after making one Premier League appearance so far this term.  He started on the bench for Arsenal in their 4-3 win over Leicester, but failed to get on the pitch.

And he had an 11-minute cameo in the 1-0 defeat to Stoke last weekend.  The Nigeria international could feature in the Premier League clash against Liverpool tomorrow (4:00pm).  But he likely to start on the bench once again with Alexis Sanchez set to make his much anticipated return from injury.  However, Turkish outlet Takvim claim he could be set for a shock move away from the Emirates this summer.  It is said Galatasaray are interested in taking him on loan for the season.  This is something Arsene Wenger could welcome as his development could be boosted by starting on a regular basis.  The report adds Galatasaray sporting director Cenk Ergun could fly to London next week for talks with the Gunners to try and get a deal over the line.  Iwobi is contracted to Arsenal until the summer of 2020. .

For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news: Galatasaray plot Alex Iwobi loan, talks being planned - Duration: 2:05.


Oggi Uomini e Donne, Clarissa e Federico al settimo cielo: l'ultima novità - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Oggi Uomini e Donne, Clarissa e Federico al settimo cielo: l'ultima novità - Duration: 3:30.


HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL THEN AND NOW 2017 - Disney Channel Stars Before and After 2017 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL THEN AND NOW 2017 - Disney Channel Stars Before and After 2017 - Duration: 2:37.


|C01.1| Triple-C: "Ace of Voices... Ost" • Upside Down - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> |C01.1| Triple-C: "Ace of Voices... Ost" • Upside Down - Duration: 3:25.


Dr. Cristy Lopez - Duration: 1:21.

Hello, I'm Dr.

Cristy Lopez psychologist and coach. It is my absolute belief that no one has to remain stuck!

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For more infomation >> Dr. Cristy Lopez - Duration: 1:21.


The Pubg Chronicles: operation lay low - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> The Pubg Chronicles: operation lay low - Duration: 0:28.


Pâtes au beurre (Meme) - Duration: 0:09.

Mom I'm hungry !

I made you pasta with butter my darling

Pasta, pasta, pasta, pasta, pasta, pasta, pasta, butter pasta

For more infomation >> Pâtes au beurre (Meme) - Duration: 0:09.


Fly's Thoughts on McGregor Vs. Mayweather - Teaser - Duration: 0:21.

Next time on a Ti7 story

What'd You Say?

I don't know man McGregor. Let's go McGreggor

Will this project actually get Released?

Not if I keep making, shitty, Dragon Ball videos

The trailer's coming soon

For more infomation >> Fly's Thoughts on McGregor Vs. Mayweather - Teaser - Duration: 0:21.


God Sees Us - Duration: 11:34.

I'm taking time out of writing a new tract,

getting another one ready to print, and chomping at the bit

to hand out this one for September 2017,

to give you an important message:

God sees us.

No matter what we do, say or think, day or night,

God knows everything --including what you just thought.

And that, too.

It is now 37 years since the Lord brought me to Himself

in repentance --37 years tonight,

when I'm recording this.

Would you like to be let in on what -- just about everyone

who has known me over the last 37 years also knows?

I'll tell you, as simply as possible, how I was brought to repentance

37 years ago.

You'll want to watch this to the end.


Hi, I'm David Daniels from Chick Publications.

37 years ago I lived on Tamyram Road,

south of Joshua Tree,

North of the San Andreas fault.

That's the actual fault line there.

I took these pictures myself.

Lots of people in my drama class at Palm Springs High

knew what I was like.

There I am, right there.

A lot of my friends recognize themselves in these pictures.

I played Beatles on my guitar, I'd ride my Suzuki 90,

and spout philosophy from Unity and est and Religious Science.

God started getting my attention the summer after

I graduated Palm Springs High School in 1980.

I have to skip so many details to keep it to the main points.

I could go on for hours.

But to sum up, by mid-August I had decided to try

to attain spiritual power by going the moral route.

In other words, I had decided to,

pardon the expression, "go for the light side of the force."

And so Sunday, August 24th, I actually wrote that in a note

to my Unity minister, Ronel Sinstead.

I figured that somehow I'd attain spiritual power

by blending all the religions together, removing a few dos and don'ts,

that sort of thing.

That night, my dad and I went to the Theater

in Cathedral City, and watched a movie

with some occult spells in it.

I decided to try one spell out.

It was Sunday night, 9:00 pm when we left the theater.

It was a clear night, almost a full moon,

when I started reciting the spell.

Then the hills over the San Andreas Fault

started lining with clouds from the east, from Indio.

When we turned off Ramon Road onto 1000 Palms Canyon Road,

I decided to add (I'm ashamed to say it)

power to the spell, by ending it with these words

"in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost."

And the clouds got bigger over the fault line hills.

By 9:45 we were home.

Then I got up onto our flat-topped roof

of the squatter's shack, and I looked at those clouds

to the southeast, that it looked like I had called up.

It seemed like my life had led up to this moment.

I pointed to the clouds and I said,

"In the name of the Father, and the Son,

and the Holy Ghost, lightning, STRIKE!"

And it did.


No spell had ever acted so fast for me before.

I got all excited.

I thought of the Christian Science Cross and Crown seal,

with the words, "Heal the sick, raise the dead,

cleanse the lepers, cast out demons"

I thought, I'm in my final incarnation.

I can be a Christian Science healer.

And then I said the stupidest thing I could say;

"I am a prophet of God!"

And then I heard a voice.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,

shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;

but he that doeth the will of my Father

which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord,

have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name

have cast out devils? and in thy name

done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them,

I never knew you: depart from me,

ye that work iniquity.

I later found out that was Matthew 7:21-23.

And do you know what image was in my mind?

That naked guy in front of the big sign at Judgment,

that said, THIS WAS YOUR LIFE!

I am leaving so much out.

If we meet sometime, I can tell you more.

But I have to summarize.

That night the Lord gave me my first Bible lesson.

That is a story in itself.

And probably an hour after that, I went to a storage shack,

and found that I had 13 Chick tracts.

So I started my repentant life before the Lord

with 13 Chick tracts and my mule-choking King James Bible.

The next day I started reading Genesis and Matthew,

Old and New Testaments.

And I never stopped.

After that I dedicated everything in me to Christ,

was baptized, went to Bible college,

linguistics training, seminary.

In my years in high school, I had known only one Christian:

David Rhodes.

He told me he's the one who gave me the Chick tracts.

But just before our 20 year reunion for the class of 1980,

David had said to a friend, basically this:

"Of all the people I've known in my life,

the one I'm sure won't get saved is David Daniels."

I don't blame him!

I looked pretty far away from Biblical Christianity.

But guess what?

God saw me, and brought me to Himself

at the right time.

And what seed did God have planted in my mind?

This Was Your Life -- a Chick tract.

You see, what David couldn't have known

(because I never told him)

was that 8 years before, on June 7, 1972,

a man I'd never seen before or since, came by my apartment

and asked me if I wanted to read this.

This Was Your Life!

And I read it out loud to him.

Then he asked if I would like to receive Jesus

as my Saviour.

And I said Yes.

So we turned to page 23 and I prayed that prayer.

And God saw me.

As many of you know, after he left,

I had no one to guide me.

And I became a Mormon for four years.

But during that time, I would bike, skateboard

or walk across town to the Christian Light Bookstore

in Ontario and buy the newest Chick tract

for a nickel when it came out.

Even while I was a Mormon!

And when I went to my friend Chad's house,

he and his brother Craig had a whole pile of Chick tracts

lying around their room.

When I stayed the night, I'd read them all --

even though I didn't understand them.

So some Chick tracts I bought, my friends had some,

and even David in high school gave me some.

Seeds were being planted all that time,

even when it looked like I was as lost as could be.

So when the Lord called me back to Himself in repentance,

God had seen me all those years.

He had been tending to my soil all that time,

making me ready to leave all that other stuff behind

to follow Him, no matter what, consciously and openly,

when the time was right.

What I'm saying is this.

Look where I am today.

Look at what I do.

Could anyone on earth have predicted that would happen?

I never thought I'd be here, doing this.

When we hand out gospel tracts we have no idea what will happen.

So not just when I hand out Chick tracts to the servers

or people I meet, but when I leave them lying around,

I am spreading seeds to nurture someone's soil.

God sees them, and He knows when they're ready.

And if there's a Christian willing to be used by God,


They can receive the Lord right there and then.

We have no idea who or how or when it will happen.

But it does.

But what if that man didn't hand me This Was Your Life?

What if Chad and Craig didn't have those Chick tracts

lying around?

I saw other Christian pamphlets over the years,

but I never read them.

They were over my head.

And they were full of words.

But the comic tracts grabbed me, even when I didn't

get all the doctrine.

For instance, after reading The Thing

and Bewitched, I destroyed my Ouija board.

I got that message clear.

Well, things might have been quite different.

I am so thankful for all those Chick tracts.

And what's amazing is how God turned things around,

even after my Bible college professors

totally trashed Chick tracts and Jack Chick

and told us all sorts of lies about them...

and that no one could get saved with them...

We know that's a lie.

I'm proof.

God also saw Jack Chick, and gave him a vision,

to make it easy to spread the gospel

in the modern, busy world.

So if you want to be part of God's work of sowing the seed

of the word of God, and you don't have time

to stand there and talk with everyone you see,

if you're busy, like everyone else, there is a solution.

Do like David and Chad and others did for me.

Give tracts.

Pick ones you like.

Pray over them.

Leave them places.

And let the paper missionaries get more soil ready.

You have no idea what fruit they will bear.

God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

For more infomation >> God Sees Us - Duration: 11:34.


산사의 배신, 아이스 드래곤의 등장, 세르세이와 화이트 워커가 손을 맞잡는다? 왕좌의 게임 시즌7 충격과 경악의 예상 시나리오 톱10 - Daily Newsletter - Duration: 15:08.

For more infomation >> 산사의 배신, 아이스 드래곤의 등장, 세르세이와 화이트 워커가 손을 맞잡는다? 왕좌의 게임 시즌7 충격과 경악의 예상 시나리오 톱10 - Daily Newsletter - Duration: 15:08.


How to improve self esteem in relationships - Online Mindfulness Therapy - Duration: 6:51.

So I'm often asked how to improve self-esteem in relationships.

This is a very interesting area really to examine what it is that actually causes low

self-esteem for most people.

Low self-esteem is produced by habitual reactive thinking reactive thoughts that basically

feeds the emotion of low self-esteem not feeling adequate, feeling helpless, feeling very small

in relationship to other people, to the challenges of life in general.

In relationships it's feeling that that you're not able to stand up for yourself and your

needs in that relationship.

That you're not worthy of that relationship, and so on.

All of these kinds of reactive thinking is what really fuels low self-esteem.

So the first job is to literally take a piece of paper and write down all of those habitual

reactive thoughts that are associated with low self-esteem.

Just make a big list of them.

Now the second part of the process of building self-esteem uses mindfulness therapy which

is what I specialize in and that I offer online through Skype therapy sessions.

If you're interested in scheduling Skype therapy sessions with me then please go to my website

and email me and we can schedule a session.

But the principle here of mindfulness therapy is quite different than conventional talking


So, in mindfulness therapy we do not try to negate those thoughts, those reactive thoughts

that create the self esteem.

You do not try to fight them.

We do not even try to replace them with positive thoughts.

Generally that approach is not going to be effective, simply because those self-critical

thoughts that are affecting your self-esteem and your confidence have an emotional charge,

and you can't just replace them with other thoughts that don't have an equally strong

emotional charge.

So we don't try to get rid of them at all.

What we try to do is change our relationship to them.

This is the central theme of mindfulness therapy.

The real problem is actually not the thoughts, it's just the fact that we become identified

with that we've basically become those thoughts.

We blindly allow those thoughts to overwhelm us and to control us.

In mindfulness training and mindfulness meditation, particularly, we actually learn to change

our relationship to those thoughts so that we stay as the Observer observing thoughts,

rather than becoming lost in the thoughts.

When you develop this conscious relationship that essentially frees you from the influence

of those thoughts, and the more that you focus mindfulness on those thoughts the freer you


So, what I teach is to meditate on those thoughts that you have assembled in your list.

You take each thought and you hold it in the mind consciously and even with friendliness,

as well.

That's very important because that also frees you from the influence of the thoughts.

The more friendly you can be to the thought, the freer you become and the greater self-esteem

you will develop, because self-esteem really develops quite naturally when we break free

from those thoughts.

So we learn to meditate on all of the thoughts that fuel that self-esteem and the emotion

of low self-esteem, itself, that feeling of helplessness and vulnerability or hurt that

lies beneath the thoughts, we learn to form a friendly and conscious relationship with

that emotion also, because it very much needs your caring quality of mind.

It needs that.

It's like a child.

It needs the love of its parent in order to grow up healthy.

And it's exactly the same with the underlying emotions that fuel those reactive thoughts

that feed the low self-esteem.

That underlying emotion desperately needs your love, and that's a very important part

of the training of mindfulness meditation on low self-esteem.

So if you would like to learn more about the mindfulness approach to building self-esteem

and also self-confidence in relationships, then please go to my website and email me

to schedule a therapy session via Skype to help you in this process.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> How to improve self esteem in relationships - Online Mindfulness Therapy - Duration: 6:51.


First video| Playing Hilton Hotels! - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> First video| Playing Hilton Hotels! - Duration: 1:55.


Exploring Justice: 探索正义 - Duration: 8:21.



我有机会寻求正义 在许多方面。

我们来看看3种不同的正义: 政治方式,文化方式和


政治方式: 我通过参与做了政治方式


在这两个地方,我公开分享了我的见证 在明尼苏达州的圆形大厅里面

国会大厦在圣保罗,明尼苏达州和在 美国最高法院的步骤


在我去华盛顿的时候 DC。

我在那里与一个国家组织叫 沉默没有更多的运动意识。

我是一小群人分享的一部分 我们的流产证词。

我参加了分享我的见证 全国青年集会。

第二天,我参加了国家纪念馆 为未出生的服务,在那里举行


有一个领导集团 那里。

有些是亲职组织的领导 和美国各部。

其他也是美国的国家宗教代表 和许多职业生涯的参议员和律师

代表我们国家的司法制度 都参加了这个纪念碑。


服务后,我迎来了另一个 为我们的国家和未出生的人祈祷的空间


所以在这里,我站在人人共处 不同的宗教背景。

看到团结在一起是惊人的 民族为未出生而祷告。

我们每个人都相信没关系 宗教或职业我们做了什么。

我们都聚在一起站起来祷告 并为那些不能为自己做的人说话。

我们都同意我们每个人都有权利 在地球上生活,没有人


我们也为所有的妇女祈祷 和失去未出生的孩子的男人得到


当我离开华盛顿特区时,我也参与其中 与行政高官,司法部



我们的使命是帮助人们找到正义 并在全球范围内恢复堕胎。


"为没有声音的人说话, 为所有的下来和离去的人的权利。



其中一些游行和事件依然存在 今天发生

看看你的社区和国家 正在做什么,看看你可以做什么来参与

并经历这种政治正义 以健康的方式


我是我去华盛顿的周年纪念日 DC参与这些活动。

它特别录制关于正义的视频 在这一天。

文化方式: 我一直在看Longmire电视节目。


与印度的夏延有很多的交往 保留。

在整个系列中总是有 关于正义的冲突和言论


最近的一个演出有一个女孩被强奸和她 正义的方法是杀死这个人


你也会在整个电视节目中注意到 通过夏延人的评论

他们总是试图恢复 白人从他们那里获得正义。

也许你是文化遗产的一部分 总是寻求正义,永远不会


也许你住在一个有国家的地方 没有正义,你似乎没有希望


在整个节目中,你也看到他们的 回收他们被偷走的方式



上帝说我们不应该报复和采取 复仇。




"不要报仇,不要勉强 你的任何人。




每个人都试图从领导中获得帮助, 但只有上帝才会使我们正义。

个人方式: 正义意味着公义和正义


在堕胎领域与上帝同在 恢复了我个人的正确生活意识


与他同在是我的个人形式 正义。

我有幸做了很棒的事情 为全人类寻求正义的事情


但可能是最健康的赋权方式 我觉得正义是我和他在一起的时候




但它的作用是让你有能力 举起你的头,继续生活。


它是一种超自然的新能量感 他给了我


每个人都通过表达来寻求正义 他们的个人权利和自由。

上帝总是想给我们他的正义 让我们在这个地球上有一个生活


由于他的正义的应许,我可以去 面对我日常生活的挑战。


正义对邪恶没有意义; 寻求神的人知道里面和外面。



你可以在正义之路找到我,那就是那里 我走在正大道的交叉路口,

把生命交给爱我的人,填补 他们的胳膊有生命的生命!



For more infomation >> Exploring Justice: 探索正义 - Duration: 8:21.


Four Losses: 四损失 - Duration: 8:41.


你有没有坐在教学和听到 流产,流产,死胎,

突发性婴儿死亡综合征并思考 你呢,哦,还有那些话。




今天的主题是:什么是流产,流产, 死胎,突发性婴儿死亡综合征和


您可以找到每个的网站链接 这些定义附于这个视频。

流产的定义意味着:也称为 自愿堕胎

从...中除去胚胎或胎儿 子宫为了结束怀孕。

流产的定义意味着:驱逐 胎儿在​​生存之前尤其可行

怀孕三至七个月之间; 自发流产

死胎的定义意味着:诞生 死亡的孩子或生物体。

突发性婴儿死亡综合征也知道 作为(SIDS):指的是意想不到的,不明原因的


看流产的定义和 流产,都意味着同样的事情。


引自Lady Liberty工作簿第76-77页。

这是我的工作簿,我的Lady Liberty工作簿 我会从中引用很多


有流产,死胎, 突发性婴儿死亡综合征和堕胎



我们的社会提供更多的支持和理解 对于这些损失,除了堕胎。

但还是有很多误会 关于每种类型的死亡。

一些明显的区别是女人 谁中止,选择终止她的怀孕。

母亲经历流产,死胎 或突发性婴儿死亡综合征,没有选择


结果,体验这些的母亲 死亡类型更集中在这个问题上


引自Lady Liberty工作簿上的页面 73。

每个损失都会带来干扰和情绪 痛苦进入我们的生活。


你不能祈祷,这是一种情感 处理。

作为人,我们需要经历悲伤,而不是 周围。

在今天的文化中,当我们失去一个亲人的时候 或朋友,我们被允许时间向外



人们可以接受葬礼 离开,假期,有时甚至延长

在某人死亡之后休假 靠近他们

在你有一个不一样的情况下也是如此 流产。

大多数情况下,人们没有时间向外 悲伤。

妇女和男子选择堕胎被抓住 在堕胎者之间相信

堕胎只不过是一块纸巾, 和相信流产的亲戚们



因此,不鼓励女性和男性 或允许向外表达他们的悲伤。

一切都在堕胎后隐藏起来, 包括父母的损失感


引自"我的夫人自由工作簿" 74。


以赛亚书53:3(NLT) 他被藐视和拒绝,一个悲伤的人,


我们把背对着他,看了看 另一种方式。


引用自由女士工作簿再次 第77页。


马太福音27:46(NIV) 大约第九个小时,耶稣在a

大声的声音,"伊洛伊,伊洛伊,喇嘛sabachthani?" 这意味着"我的上帝,我的上帝,你为什么呢?


没有回答"为什么"的问题。 可以让我们生气,但在某些时候你的

"为什么"的问题?会转向"可以做什么" 我从这个经验中获益吗?


在圣经中,保罗来接受他为什么这样做 在监狱里受苦

提摩太后书1:12(NIRV) 这就是为什么我痛苦的方式。



我相信他能照顾好什么 我给了他

我可以相信他,直到他回来的那一天 作为法官。

这也是我们作为堕胎的情况 妇女,知道为什么我们是痛苦的没有



但是,知道"为什么"可能使我们更接近 接受我们必须经历的事情


在结束时, 这些都可以与你的生活有关吗?


这个视频给你和你朋友的信息 万一遇到这些损失。

如果你在一个关系中;通过同居 或已经结婚,并且你经历过一个

孩子承受损失,这个教学可以 确认你的经验或解释你的


希望这个教学给你一个更好的 了解什么差异

流产,流产,死胎和突发 婴儿死亡综合征是。



For more infomation >> Four Losses: 四损失 - Duration: 8:41.


Happy Mother's and Father's Day: 母亲节和父亲节快乐 - Duration: 7:21.







认识到并应付a的损失 孩子可以很难。


这个视频,因为我的消息我们如何回应 为了两天的庆祝是一样的。


速度在大卫王戴维的故事在撒母耳记上,章节 11和12。

我其实正在改写 消息和


大卫睡着了,结婚的巴舍谢巴 女人。






他尝试了几次让乌利亚去 睡觉与Bathsheba,以便人们会



他试图用食物的礼物贿赂乌利亚, 他让他喝醉了



大卫的计划都受到了乌利亚的挫败 不和他的妻子睡觉


而是用国王的宫殿睡觉 仆人,因为他的主人正在粗暴



大卫的计划再次被挫败和大卫 让他回到战场

在那里他被放在前线,他 在战斗中死亡



大卫送给巴斯舍巴并带走 Bathsheba作为他的妻子。


耶和华将先知的内拿先生送给大卫 给他




内森说:"耶和华赦免你, 因为你的亵渎


大卫花了一个星期的祷告和禁食 他们生病的孩子。






当孩子活着时,他不会听 对他们,如果他们说



死了,问仆人,"他死了吗? 他们说:"是的。

大卫起身洗了自己,穿着衣服 和

去圣所去敬拜耶和华 并回来吃饭。

仆人问:"怎么了 你和

大卫回答说:"孩子活着的时候 我禁食和哭泣,认为神可能有



在撒母耳记上12:23;那就是大卫的回应 回来说,但现在他已经死了,为什么要




我会去找他,但他不会回来 对我来说。

这个经文给了我们希望,我们可以 与我们的孩子团聚

我可以肯定与我的孩子团聚 天堂

因为我已经接受耶稣为我的主, 堕胎之后,当我


有这么多的这些章节揭示 我们可以从关于计划外的怀孕中学到,


饶恕;但我真的很想集中精力 帮助您与孩子团聚。


并感到羞耻,他的行动结束了 杀死一个无辜的人的生命。



同样的事情在今天发生,人们 怀孕了,我们是这样

羞于发生的事情和耻辱 导致我们中止我们的孩子。





这可能不是理想的生活环境 你想给你的孩子生命,但是



意外的怀孕,给你,而不是一个 无计划。

所以也许你不跟随上帝 东西,但是,你有

生下或抚养了一个失去的孩子 死亡或堕胎。


我们通过大卫王大卫的故事说他的孩子 去天堂


与你的孩子团聚,但你只是 不入基督教

为了与你的孩子团聚, 你必须得到


所以我想邀请你和我一起祷告 并给你机会接受耶稣。





谢谢你死在十字架上,上升 从死里复活,使我能活下去。








For more infomation >> Happy Mother's and Father's Day: 母亲节和父亲节快乐 - Duration: 7:21.


Magic Fun House

For more infomation >> Magic Fun House


İşaret dili Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli O Sensin ki | Mazen Dorra - Video - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> İşaret dili Maher Zain & Mustafa Ceceli O Sensin ki | Mazen Dorra - Video - Duration: 1:01.


Knee Stretches - Duration: 7:00.

welcome to knee stretches in this video I'm gonna share with you the best knee

stretches hello my name is Yumi today I'll make sure you'll feel better after

stretching with me so please watch as I demonstrate all the great stretches

let's get started first let's start with an easy knee stretch so let's put your

feet together grab your toes with your hands by sitting like this you are

stretching your knee from inside here okay

so sit up straight and exhaling lean forward let's send your tailbone back

first and slowly go down you can stop wherever you want if you can go down all

the way like this go ahead now put your awareness around your knees here feeling

a great stretch through your knees very easy but very effective stretch good now

we're gonna stretch your knee from different direction so let's bend your

right knee and right foot out okay now put your hands behind you send your

tailbone forward from here slowly lean back you can stay here or if you can

lean on your forearms go ahead okay see how you feel around your knee or if you

can lie on your back go ahead if you like to get a little bit more stretch

okay you can bend your left knee and bring any towards your chest you can

feel deeper nice stretch here and slowly return we'll do the other side so let's

come up okay then Jay left knee first okay hands

behind you send your tailbone forward and lean back let's get onto your

forearms here and see how you feel if this is enough please stay here or if

you can lie on your back go ahead and if you like to get a little bit more

stretch you can bend your right knee and bring any towards your chest

another inhalation and exhalation let's a little bit closer here and slowly

encou and slowly push yourself up and let's take a nice breath so the next one

is another great knee stretch let's get our kidneys on your heels get put your

hands on the floor and let's shift your hips to your left and stretch your right

leg back okay move your left knee towards your right okay and then let's

flex your left foot to protect your knee okay and then bring your hips over to

the center open up your chest and throat look up and slowly lean forward okay so

let's see how you feel around your knee here if this is enough please stay here

or if you can go a little bit deeper you can rest your forehead on your hands or

on the floor wherever you feel comfortable please stay there and you

can stay as long as you like but now I'm going to come back okay and then bend

your right knee and hold your foot with your right hand and bring a heel towards

your seat another great stretch here for your knee and slowly let go now let's do

the other side okay so let's um shift your hips to your right and stretch your

left leg straight back now move your right foot to your left and flex your

foot okay to protect your knee okay bring your hips over through the center

open up your chest and throat and look up from here slowly go down and see how

you feel on this side compared to the other side if you can go a little bit

deeper you can rest your forehead on the floor or you can even reach your arms

forward breathing to your right knee to stretch and slowly push yourself up and

then generously and hold your foot and bring the heel towards a seat

now you're stretching up left me this la girl good so the next one we're gonna

stretch the back of your knees okay let's get onto your knees and hands on

the floor tuck your toes under okay lift your hip pressure shoulders back okay

bring your hip between your arms bend your knees until just sit bone up

towards the sky straight your knees I get lawyer shoulder stuff now I want you

to bend your right knee and press your left heel down into the earth to get a

good stretch through the back of your left knee here feeling a great stretch

and bend your left knee now lawyer right heel down and breathe into the back of

your right knee good and bend your right knee feeling a good stretch through the

back of your left leg good and Benja left knee put your

awareness around your back of your right knee here and slowly light and press

your shoulders back stretching both knees here good and slowly move your

shoulders over your hands and put your knees down and let's take a nice breath

now the next one let's see if you can put your legs outside like this okay if

this is hard for you this is a very intense stretch but so if this is very

hard for you you can use the blanket and put this under you like this okay and

then you can just sit on the blanket you can still feel a great stretch through

your knee here if you like you can put your hands behind you okay and put your

awareness around your knees to stretch and slowly come back and let's sit cross

over yeah and let's take a nice breath

I'll be posting more videos to help solve your problems if you have any

requests I'll make a video for you so please subscribe and if you like this

video please click the like button below share this with your friends and please

let me know which of the stretches you found the most beneficial in a comment

section thank you so much for joining knee stretches namaste

For more infomation >> Knee Stretches - Duration: 7:00.



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Hello, today I share

THIS DYE Hojita is the best remedy against rheumatism and migraine.


Maybe you know this plant but for some reason or another always spend quite unnoticed

because this always is often used as decoration for our gardens.

But in case you did not know, laurel plant is a fabulous plant that has

magnificent analgesic properties.

It is for this reason that the laurel tree leaf is a great ally when

treat numerous diseases, such as the very regular and common migraine

which many people suffer today.

But all this does not stop here since the bay leaf besides having an effect

analgesic, is also plays an important role in the digestion of food,

because it enhances and stimulates the digestive process, and said by the way, it helps reduce

the blood sugar.

Laurel healing properties.

Bay leaves used in an infusion are able to relieve stomach discomfort,

reduce gases and are good for intestinal spasms, so help us

have proper digestion and improve kidney pains.

All this thanks to the major essential oils that this sheet has, which

They are cineole and eugenol, which have carminative properties.

In any case if you want to use externally, liquid or cream, this

It is a good antiseptic for skin infections.

Step favors the expulsion of mucus from the upper respiratory tract, as

It is the case of bronchitis.

In addition, these leaves have bactericidal substances.

Dyeing using bay leaves.

One of the most common traditional but very effective ways to leverage the properties

This plant is medicinal by the mother tincture.

So we will show you how to do, to learn to prepare and use it against

overworked muscles, muscle aches, rheumatism, paralyzed limbs and joints


Dyeing is macerating a dry plant in alcohol, the preparation is

very easy and practical.

All you need and must have in order to properly prepare this; is the

bay leaf and a little alcohol.


- 30 grams of fresh laurel leaves.

- 300 ml of 60% alcohol.

How are we going to prepare ?.

For this picaremos bay leaves into small pieces and put it in a jar.

Will add alcohol and tightly close the bottle.

We will place the jar in a warm place and let stand 9-10 days there.

Colaremos tincture after 9-10 days and transfer the resulting liquid

in a bottle that is also sealable.

How we will use ?.

We can use the tincture to massage the painful areas.

Similarly we can use it by consuming ten drops of the same dissolved

in water three times a day before meals.


This herbal remedy bay leaf should not be used for more than one month.

It is recommended that a paisa of at least 15 days before further operations.

Pregnant women and children under 7 years old should not use the bay leaf.

Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

If you like this information interesting, share, subscribe to my channel, it's FREE.

just by clicking on the link below or the image of the middle of the screen and not

forget to turn on notifications.

and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.

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