Pasos para abrir una clínica privada, equipos y recaudos que necesitaras - Duration: 1:26.
Montar una embotelladora de agua mineral, pasos y equipos necesarios - Duration: 1:12.
¿Cómo abrir una lavandería? Cuidado de la ropa y servicio de calidad. - Duration: 1:28.
Como lubricar tu Windows 7, 8, 8.1 o 10 - Duration: 15:08.-------------------------------------------
Pasos para abrir una tienda de barrio o bodega - Duration: 1:00.
Cómo montar una frutería - verdulería, consejos a tomar en cuenta - Duration: 1:21.Welcome.
Investing in the sale of raw or sewn foods is always a great profitable business, wherever
you may be, as long as you comply with the legal statutes of the nation where you are.
Since officially, at the medical level, it is recommended to eat about six servings of
vegetables and five fruits per day, demand for these foods has been increasing.
They are very easy to get, since you find them both in supermarkets and in grocery stores.
The advantage of setting up a greengrocer's shop is that
you can sell to the public at a lower price than supermarkets, so customers will try to
buy you before you pay more for the same.
The following factors should be considered when planning to set up a greengrocer: Zone,
if you open it near a supermarket, you can win part of the customers who realize that
you sell them cheaper.
Supply, supply your business once you have decided to set up a greengrocer, with good-looking
and flavorful foods.
Vehicle, it is indispensable to have a truck or small truck to move the merchandise.
When setting up a greengrocer's greengrocer's decor and an extra offer are very important.
Treat the customer with respect and distinction, for more details visit www.grandesnegociosrentables.com
and subscribe to the youtube channel Great profitable businesses.
¿Cómo montar un empresa de control de plagas? Exterminadora - Duration: 1:09.We are all prone to being invaded by a troop of pests, such as ants, cockroaches, mice
or rats, among others, and a common poison is not always enough, besides the risk in
human health that runs, so opening a company Exterminator is a profitable business.
In order to open a pest control company, you need to legally register it in the state entities
responsible for this type of registration.
The company must have a legal name, which is the company name, from which you will be
given a registration number that must be included in the printing of your invoices.
In addition, there is legislation in which regulates the sale, registration and use of
pesticides, pesticides and other biosides.
In turn have a budget, according to each service, taking into account the location of the client,
coupled with this visit the client prudent time after extermination and verify has been
For more details visit www.negociosrentablesfx.com and subscribe to the youtube channel profitable
Negocios Rentables en Marruecos - Duration: 1:39.
Negocios Rentables en República Dominicana - Duration: 1:37.
Pasos para abrir un consultorio dental o clínica odontológica - Duration: 1:29.
Imágenes de satélite de la NASA demuestran que nuestro clima es manipulado - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
¿Por qué CANADÁ NO ES tan PERFECTO como parece? - VisualPolitik - VisualPolitik - Duration: 15:57.-------------------------------------------
🚔Sirena de policía efecto de sonido con luces intermitentes, sonidos de alarma, coche de policía - Duration: 30:21.-------------------------------------------
7 effective beauty ways from fresh lemonade - Duration: 3:38.Medical Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on the mangyte.vn website
7 effective beauty ways from fresh lemonade
Fresh lemon juice can reduce freckles, lumps or use to make cleanser ...
Fresh lemon juice can reduce freckles, lumps or use to make cleanser.
1. Beauty hair.
Lemon juice not only treats hair loss but also helps prevent dandruff.
You can add 5 to 6 drops of lemon juice directly to your scalp, massage gently for 15 minutes, then shampoo.
This will help prevent dandruff, or may also combine coconut oil with lemon juice to treat hair loss.
2. Acne Treatment.
Potassium in lemon can kill some types of bacteria that cause acne.
So, use a cotton swab of lemon juice and leave overnight for overnight.
Second way, you can mix fresh lemon juice with rose water or honey in a 1: 1 ratio.
Apply the mixture on the affected skin twice a day, for about 30 to 40 minutes and then rinse with water.
Third, to prevent acne, you should drink lemon juice every morning, will help the body to neutralize the harmful toxins in general and acne prevention in particular.
3. Blur freckles.
Take an egg white mixed with half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a smooth almond.
Apply this mixture to the freckled skin three times a week, and you will notice that freckles and freckles are reduced.
4. Soften the lumpy bottle.
Cut a slice of lemon peel on the lesions in the skin such as elbows, knees, ankles.
Then squeeze the essential oil in the lemon peel to apply on the bottle, dark brown to dark overnight.
You should persist for a week three times, the stain will soft and white again.
5. Use as a cleanser.
Lemon cleanses and exfoliates.
You can apply the following formula to make your own cleanser from fresh lemon juice.
Mix a mixture of lemon juice and some alum, stir until the alum is dissolved.
Then use a cotton pad to absorb this solution and then gently wipe the face.
Let about 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.
6. Use body milk instead.
In addition to cleansing from fresh lemon, you can use lemon juice mixed with tomato juice at a ratio of 1: 1 to make body milk.
After bathing, use a cotton bath to massage your body, massage gently for 10 minutes and then shower with warm water.
7. Lemon juice helps to lose weight.
Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, enhances the detoxifying function of the liver, kidneys, lung support, dialysis, speed up metabolism.
Lemon juice helps to lose weight through suppressing secretions, leading to a decrease in appetite.
Drinking lemon juice with honey every morning will help purify the body and help limit excess fat.
According to VnExpress.
The content of this article is coming to an end, invite you to subscribe to the Health Channel and share this video with friends, hopefully the video will bring you many useful things. Wish you always healthy.
Bad Baby Spongebob Crying for Lollipops Finger Family Nursery Rhyme - Duration: 5:37.Daddy Finger, daddy finger where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger.
Where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Daddy Finger, daddy finger where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger.
where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger.
Where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
【Pokemon GO Moltres 】spicy food for rios (☼Д☼) (YYTV eat spicy than rios) | HK spiciness judgments - Duration: 3:32.寶可夢神獸火焰鳥旁白! (2017/8/1被rios 在香港捉到) Pokemon GO Moltres Narrator (2017/8/1 was caught by rios in Hong Kong) ポケモンファイヤーナレーター (2017/8/1香港でriosに捕まった)
香港人的辣度判定法 Hong Kong spiciness judgments 香港人辛い物判定方法
完全不能吃辣的rios吃辣後,居然(☼Д☼) (許洋洋都比rios能吃辣) spicy food for rios (☼Д☼) (YYTV can eat spicy than rios) 辛い物が苦手なriosは食べてから(☼Д☼)(許洋洋はriosより食べられます)
接著我們來看網路搜尋許洋洋 Then we look at the Internet search YYTV 次は、インターネットで許洋洋を検索します
有沒有新的人介紹我 There is new person to introduce me 誰か私を紹介します
首先是eunicelicious TV The first is eunicelicious TV まずはeunicelicious TV
再來是Twice once A.M.E紅茶 The following is Twice once A.M.E紅茶 次はTwice once A.M.E紅茶
再來是點心 The following is 點心 次は點心
再來是李宜珍 The following is 李宜珍 次は李宜珍
再來是邱語葵 The following is 邱語葵 次は邱語葵
再來是陳文鴻 The following is 陳文鴻 次は陳文鴻
再來是風塵實況 The following is風塵實況 次は風塵實況
如果想要看完整的影片 可以到他們的頻道看喔 If you want to watch the full videos, You can visit their channel 完全版動画を見たい場合はそれらのチャネルを見てください
Hot New Artist You'll Love-------------------------------------------
SISTAR---touch my body+I swear+give it to me+I like that+alone+so cool+ma boy+shake it+loving u mix - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
What to do in gmod when ur bored - Duration: 0:15.Alright let's do this
Get ready m8
2 gud 4 u m8
Kip Compact - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Bad Baby Spongebob Crying for Lollipops Finger Family Nursery Rhyme - Duration: 5:37.Daddy Finger, daddy finger where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger.
Where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Daddy Finger, daddy finger where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger.
where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger.
Where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?
Here I am.
Here I am.
How do you do?
Pasos para abrir una clínica privada, equipos y recaudos que necesitaras - Duration: 1:26.
Pasos para abrir una tienda de barrio o bodega - Duration: 1:00.
Long Quyền Tiểu Tử 2017 - Phim Hành Động Hay, Hài Hước Nhất Full HD Thuyết Minh - Duration: 1:29:28.-------------------------------------------
Pasos para abrir un consultorio dental o clínica odontológica - Duration: 1:29.
¿Cómo montar un empresa de control de plagas? Exterminadora - Duration: 1:09.We are all prone to being invaded by a troop of pests, such as ants, cockroaches, mice
or rats, among others, and a common poison is not always enough, besides the risk in
human health that runs, so opening a company Exterminator is a profitable business.
In order to open a pest control company, you need to legally register it in the state entities
responsible for this type of registration.
The company must have a legal name, which is the company name, from which you will be
given a registration number that must be included in the printing of your invoices.
In addition, there is legislation in which regulates the sale, registration and use of
pesticides, pesticides and other biosides.
In turn have a budget, according to each service, taking into account the location of the client,
coupled with this visit the client prudent time after extermination and verify has been
For more details visit www.negociosrentablesfx.com and subscribe to the youtube channel profitable
¿Cómo abrir una lavandería? Cuidado de la ropa y servicio de calidad. - Duration: 1:28.
Negocios Rentables en Marruecos - Duration: 1:39.
Negocios Rentables en República Dominicana - Duration: 1:37.
Montar una embotelladora de agua mineral, pasos y equipos necesarios - Duration: 1:12.
Abrir un supermercado, recomendaciones, pasos y requerimientos - Duration: 1:20.
Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68 PK 5-DEURS ZUINIGE AUTO - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
How To Make Money Blogging (and how I made $30k blogging last year) - Duration: 12:13.hey guys welcome back to my channel I hope you're having a wonderful day
I'm so excited you're here today because today I am going to be talking
about my most requested topic on my blog and in person which is how do I make
money blogging I'm not only going to talk about how I make money blogging but
also how other bloggers make money too because not all streams of income online
are treated equally there are so many different ways that bloggers make money
and I want to share with you how they do it so let's get started the first way
that bloggers make money blogging is through display advertising this is
probably the easiest way for you to understand how bloggers make money
blogging whenever you go to a website if you see any of those ads on the site
bloggers make money from it so if you go to Nataliebacon.com right now you'll
see ads throughout some of the posts and you'll also see on mobile there's a
little ad in the footer of the screen so I make money blogging that way the thing
with making money this way is that it's all dependent on your traffic the more
traffic you have on your site the more money you'll make blogging so I think
that display advertising is very passive and it's a great way to make money
blogging but it's really hard to make a consistent income blogging just on
display advertising alone unless you have millions of followers on your blog
and millions of pageviews monthly so usually bloggers use display advertising
as one of the many ways to make money blogging it's a good way to diversify
their income the next way that bloggers make money blogging is through sponsored
posts what this means is that a company will work with a blogger to get them to
promote their product or their service on their blog or social media sites so
you might see this with a review post maybe the company sent a blog or
something for them to review or maybe the company is paying the blogger
outright for a review of the product on their blog or social
post I think I've only done like one or two of these in the last three years
they're just not my thing but I know a lot of bloggers can make money this way
the downside is that it's not very passive you have to constantly be
building your relationships with brands making sure you have your social media
package you know ready to pitch to them and it's really more of a b to b
type of way to monetize your blog which means you're a business working with
other businesses b to b versus b to c which is business to customer
which would be like your blog to your readers which is kind of what I prefer
but a lot of bloggers make money through sponsored posts I just don't see it as
the easiest or fastest way to grow your blog and monetize over time the third
way to make money blogging is through affiliate marketing now this is where
you can really make a lot of money blogging I make about one to two
thousand dollars maybe a little more sometimes per month blogging from
affiliate marketing so with affiliate marketing the easiest example I have is
if any of you follow fashion bloggers on Instagram and a lot of times in their
description or even on their blogs they'll have links to products that
they're promoting because it's what they're wearing if you go and click on
one of those products and buy it the fashion bloggers will then and get a
percent of the purchase and whatever that percentage is is worked out between
the blogger and the company so the more that the blogger promotes that product
and the more sales that the blogger makes from that product the more money
she's going to get the best part about affiliate marketing is that the earning
potential is sort of unlimited I use affiliate marketing a lot to promote
different things on my blog like blogging courses and how to learn how to
blog for example making sense of affiliate marketing is a great online
course that I took that teaches you how to learn affiliate marketing so that is
by Michelle from making sense of cents and I will link to her course below the
with affiliate marketing you'll also learn how to sell which is really important for
making money blogging long term if you want to sell your own products starting
with affiliate marketing is really the way to go because you'll learn how to
sell you'll learn about sales pages you'll learn about email marketing
without going through the process of potentially creating a product that no
one wants to buy so affiliate marketing is a really great place for bloggers to
start making money and it's one of my favorite ways to make money blogging the
next way that bloggers make money blogging is through selling digital
product on their site whether it's ebooks online courses or something else
entirely you can actually sell things on your website like in a store that's
oftentimes how people do it like they'll have an online store or link to ebooks
or courses and that's where they're selling their own digital products the
amazing thing about digital products is that there's absolutely no shipping or
handling of the physical product you just set it up to a customer or reader
buys your product through your website and then you have a system in place
where the website sends that digital product to the customer and you have to
do nothing on the back end so once you're promoting your product it's
really passive after that after you've created it and are promoting it you
don't have to constantly do the shipping and handling that comes with physical
product this is one of the best ways to make money online I dabbled in it a little
bit when I started blogging but I didn't know anything about sales or marketing
or you know affiliate marketing so I shut down my store I'm going to actually
get back into it I'm working on a product right now but for right now I
focus on the other ways to make money so I can do a better job of selling
digital products once I feel like my blog is ready the nice thing about
digital products versus affiliate marketing is that you're totally in
control of the product you're selling so if you want to stop selling your eBook
or stop selling your eCourse or change the price or do whatever it's yours you
created it and no one can take that away from you whereas affiliate marketing
you're totally dependent on the company that created the product now you didn't
have to do any of the creation of the product but if the company turns around
and says okay well we're not going to do this affiliate program anymore and you
were making a lot of money every month from it you are going to be SOL if
they shut that down I mean just in a day I had it happen a big affiliate just
decided to no longer offer the program through affiliate marketing and that
just wiped it out for me so there's a little bit more of a risk there but on
the other hand you didn't have to create any of the product so you're not out
much another way that bloggers make money blogging is through selling
physical products just like digital products you can have an online store or
some other way like through Etsy or other platform that you can create physical
products and sell them now as you heard me say about digital products how nice
it is we don't actually have to do shipping and handling with physical
products there's so much that you have to do you're basically running an
e-commerce store this is something that you know it takes a lot of work and you
need to know what you're doing I've never really sold products I
dabbled in selling jewelry for a little bit but it was a lot of work and not
something that I felt like I could monetize very easily and make money from
long term so I just decided to nix that I'm not against it in the future but I
think again you should start with affiliate marketing and then go into
selling digital products and then physical products I think that there's a certain
level that you have to reach to really master sales and marketing and making
money online before you get to the selling product point I just took a
course actually by create and go called six figure blogger that talked a lot
about how to create digital products online
they have digital products and physical products they have ebooks online courses
and things they sell a probiotic on their
health and wellness website but they also run create and go where they teach
bloggers how to monetize their blogs so if you're interested in learning how to
make money blogging with digital products I will link to that course
below the course is something that I think will truly be a game-changer for
me and monetization of my blog which right now is a top priority for me so if
you're interested in learning more I'll send you the links below those are the
main ways that bloggers make money blogging strictly from their blog it's
either display advertising sponsored posts affiliate marketing digital
products or physical products but you can also make money online not
necessarily through your blog but through doing freelance work and a lot
of times this is one thing with blogging but I like to make the distinction that
it is different it's not something that you're working on on your blog with
freelance writing you are writing for other sites and getting paid for it
you're doing freelance work you can do this as a virtual assistant as well
I have posts about how to become a freelance writer and a virtual assistant
that I'll link to in the show notes below these are great ways to make money
blogging especially in the very beginning of your blogging journey I did
it and I know tons of other bloggers who do that I would just encourage you to be
careful over time if you want to really monetize your blog and really make that
income passive and really find a way to make a lot of money blogging freelance
writing and VA work isn't necessarily the route that I would recommend because
you are going to be paid specifically for your services so it's not passive at
all as I said in the beginning I use display advertising on my blog I use
affiliate marketing on my blog and I hope to use digital products to maybe
physical products in the future to make money blogging last year I made thirty
thousand dollars blogging and this is a gross number so this doesn't include the
taxes that I paid and the expenses that I had but it's a legitimate side
business and that's how I've been able to take a
50% pay cut by quitting my job as an attorney and still be able to pay down
my student loan debt so blogging for me has been a lifesaver and I highly
recommend it if there's something that you're passionate about and want a way
to make money on the side I'll link below to my five day blogging bootcamp it's a
free email course that can get you started with starting your own blog and
I also have recommendations for I'll launch a blog course and six figure blogger
if you already have a blog this is probably the best place to start
monetizing and then I have a blogging quick start guide which is an ebook that
you can download for free and all of it will get you up and running with a
blog and I think once you have sort of mastered that and have your blog up and
running then you can take time and focus on how to make money blogging okay
that's about it for this video if you have any questions please let me know I
know a lot of people are confused and sort of you know glaze over when I start
talking about how people make money blogging but you can actually do it so
please don't be discouraged and just put forth the effort and keep learning about
blogging and you'll be there before you know it thanks again for watching and
I'll see you next week bye bye
SISTAR---touch my body+I swear+give it to me+I like that+alone+so cool+ma boy+shake it+loving u mix - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V DIFFÉRENCE ACC/CV/TREKH. - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Vluchten naar Libanon, geloof in goede afloop I Together for Refugees I VluchtelingenWerk Nederland - Duration: 0:30.And you can't be sure of anything, because everything will end. But I believe.....
..I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe in you and me!
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY | 5-drs | Sport design | Airco - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai ix20 1.6I I-VISION | Climate Control | Cruise Control | Trekhaak - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY met Airco/Navi - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY 5-deurs | 1e eig. | - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I NOW 5-deurs | Airco | Elek.ramen | LM-velgen - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Grill Zone Barbecue Grill Brush 3 Tips to Great Grilling - Duration: 1:42.Grill Zone Barbecue Grill Brush Blue Rhino Global Sourcing Barbecue grill brush cleaner 3 tips to great barbecue grilling
hi it's AlaskaGranny there are three tips for getting the best use out of
your barbecue grill make sure you pre-heat your grill keep your grill clean and use
quality barbecue grill tools my barbecue brush you can see has been completely used up it's
no longer useful so I headed over to my True Value Hardware Store and bought a
new Grill Zone Barbecue brush Blue Rhino Global Sourcing I like this grill brush because it has three parts to it it has a black scrubby
surface it has steel bristles and then it has a truly swirly brush with metal
ridges on the end all designed to clean the barbecue grill while I neglected to read the very fine print on the back of the grill brush label from Grill Zone
which says do not use the black scrubby portion of the grill brush abrasive scrubber pad on a hot grill so you can see
the very first time I heated up my grill and I went to clean it with the grill zone barbecue grill brush I melted the
black brush abrasive scrubber pad so unfortunately the black scrubby pad on my new grill brush is no longer very useful on
my brush but I really like the metal stainless steel bristles and the twirly brush on the end
of my new Grill Zone barbecue tool make sure you follow the three tips to keep your
grilling as successful as possible pre-heat your grill keep your barbecue grill clean and
use some good quality barbecue grill tools make sure you read the fine print if you buy a new
grill brush
learn more at alaskagranny.com please subscribe to the AlaskaGranny channel
Hyundai Getz 1.3I GL 5-drs | - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Roblox Deep Space Tycoon Saving - Why I In Space (codes) #1 - Duration: 16:04.-------------------------------------------
Freyfaxi - Worshipping In Ancient Scandinavia - Duration: 10:49.Swedish: May heaven and earth make me glorious
May Lord Ingui and the wise sage god Woden make me glorious
May I attain the glory of divine light
May this great glory never abandon me
May it never abandon my people, among whom let me be a speaker of truth
Hello friends my name is Arith Härger and today I'm going to talk about Freyfaxi, now I know that I've already
talked about Freyfaxi in the previous video and I leave a link down
below in the description so you might watch it but there was more I wanted to
tell you about this northern European pagan tradition and since I didn't want
to extend the previous video so much well I'm making this video solely to
talk about free Freyfaxi, today I'm going to give you a more academical approach to
this celebration by giving you a couple of examples of the Cult of Freyr so
you might understand that to our Norse ancestors the god of Agriculture and
fertility was one of the most important most worshiped and beloved deities
in the Norse pantheon so let's get started
every religion is always changing and
no matter how hard we try to follow the footsteps of our ancestors we will never
fully understand the essence of their spiritual beliefs and it's very common
to see that every religion and it doesn't matter if it's polytheistic or
monotheistic but every religion has its spiritual branches and this also happens
with the northern European pagan traditions there are some who prefer
just to worship the Aesir others only the Vanir and of course there are those
who worship the gods of the underworld and the deities with a more primal concept
and obviously there are those who just want to worship one deity and
focus on that one archetype
suffice it to say that for most neo-pagans who practice the northern european pagan traditions they prefer to
worship just Odin or perhaps just Thór or the both of them it seems that these
two deities are very famous amongst neo-pagans and everything else in this
spiritual tradition seems of no importance however for our ancestors it
was obviously different the majority of the populace they were farmers herders
fishermen so they would prefer to worship deities connected with fertility
deities who gave them plenty rather than deities connected with death sacrifice
and war and talking about that the God Odin for instance he is a God
connected with war sacrifice and death rather than wisdom and magic as we
commonly think today so the Cult of Odin was a very restricted one and only for
certain elite of the society but about the Cult of Odin for another video with
this being said I will move on to the real subject of this video
to our Norse/Germanic ancestors one of the most worship deities was the god Freyr
a God worshiped since the Iron Age or perhaps even further back all the way to
the Middle Ages , Fricco or Freyr - a name which appears to be identical with the
Teutonic word represented in Old English as " frea" meaning King or Lord
the god Freyr was mostly worshipped at Uppsala - Sweden - but there are some historians and
archaeologists that have stated that a certain image of Freyr existed and it
was used for worshipping in Thrandheim - Norway - and it was carried there from
Sweden, there are certain stories that mentioned this very image being carried
around the country and to which people offered sacrifices so I cannot say it
was a common practice but it indeed existed this ritual this sort of
ceremony carrying an image around and people making offerings to it more or
less like in the Christian tradition for instance
when people carry the image of Christ or the Virgin Mary or some saint in a
procession and we have Tacitus a roman senator a politician of the roman empire
and a historian of some sorts he mentions a certain cult with these
similarities in ihs "Germania" an image of a goddess being carried in a cart and
taken into a forest into a sacred grove and sacrifices being offered to this
goddess in her honor mostly human sacrifices well in this case just human
sacrifices people being immolated
o f course there were many sacrifices to the God Freyr but mostly animal sacrifices for instance there is
an account of black oxen being sacrificed to the god Freyr by the
mythical hero Hading and these sacrifices were often called Frodblod or Frodblót
by the Swedes meaning "Freyr's sacrifices" and there are frequent
occurrences of the name Freyr being included in Swedish and Danish place
names which indicates the prevalence of the Cult of Freyr in both of those countries
worshiping the God Freyr was very popular in Sweden and as I've said
in this video and I have given you a couple of examples it became a common
practice in certain places in Norway and from there it was carried into Iceland
by the first settlers and these settlers being the Norwegian aristocracy fleeing
from Norway because of religious and political persecution
as late as the 10th century there are historical accounts that represent the people of
Thrandheim as refusing to break their image of the God Freyr under King Olaf Tyggvason's orders
and this was a time when Christianity was already spreading
throughout Norway and the people of Thrandheim refused this kingly command
because they had long served this deity and the deity had done good to them
and there are folk accounts from the people of Thrandheim and that state that
this deity talked with them and show them things to come and gave them
peace and prosperity and it was customary in the great festivals to
drink in honor to God Freyr to secure this peace this prosperity - plenty
and I'm remembering now there is another account of a piece of jewelry - a talisman
in which an image of Freyr was marked in silver and it's it's mentioned
as having been owned by one of the petty kings of Norway and more or less in the
ninth century if memory doesn't fail me and this was given by King Harald to Ingimund
so as you can see there are historical accounts and archaeological
evidences that shows us the importance the god Freyr had to our Norse
ancestors and how popular he was in Sweden and some parts of Norway and even
in Iceland the traces of a popular Cult of Freyr are very clear and more than
one prominent person mentions this cult in the sagas for instance one saga one
account from Thorgrim - Brother-in-law of Gisli Sursson - in this saga it is
mentioned that Thorgrim, himself wanted to make a festival at the beginning of
winter to greet winter in honor to the God Freyr making another sacrifice to
the god Freyr now from this saga and from other sagas
and other accounts I've picked parts and I've summarized them a lot so I could
tell you and show you once again how popular the cult of Freyr was in ancient
Scandinavia and even in for these people who were polytheistic many
in these societies worshiped just one deity and that one dated being Freyr
so if you don't mind I will tell you some some more accounts and other sagas very
much summarized and well let's just do it . . .
when Thorgrim was murdered and had
been laid in a grave mound it was noticed that the snow never lay on the
south or west sides of the mound and the ground never froze there it was supposed
that Thorgrim was so highly esteemed by the god Freyr himself for the offerings
he made to him that the god did not wish Thorgrim's mound to freeze
great attachment to this deity also appears in the story of Hrafnkel which I've mentioned in
the previous video who loved no other god more than Freyr and gave the deity o
his most valuable possessions
among the offerings was a horse (Hrafnkel's own horse)
which on that account bore the name of Freyfaxi,
another Freyfaxi belonged to Brand in Vatnsdal and most people believed that he had
a religious reverence for the horse
horses owned by Freyr are also mentioned as
existing in Thrandheim in the days of Olaf Tryggvason by the end of the
10th century so Freyfaxi became the well-known name for the cult of Freyr
and the celebration to him during August
alright friends I hope you have enjoyed
this video all the links to my social media are down below at the description
thank you so much for watching see you on the next video and as always
tack för idag! (thank you for today!)
Dark Sorceries OP!? - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
史蒂芬·柯瑞 - 世界的重量 || Stephen Curry -Follow Your Dream (Career Mix) - Duration: 4:24.-------------------------------------------
Superstar JYPNation - Upgrading Cards (Part 13 : TWICE 'KNOCK KNOCK' (R31-R33)) - Duration: 1:33.Hello, everyone! I'm LUMINØUS.
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See you next time!
Speeder Guide | Playstyle & Items - Battle Bay - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
Iwan Rheon on Getting Eaten by Dogs on Game of Thrones - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
30 Days of Advice: Day 7 - Ask Questions - Duration: 0:29.If I was to have a coffee with my 18-year-old self
this morning, I'd give him this one piece of advice
Ask questions
Too many of us live our life and just take things
as the status quo but what I've learned is
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Take a moment and look at your life
and look at everything that you can question
Never take it on that it can't be changed
or can't be undone
So my advice to my 18-year-old self this morning is
Ask loads of questions
See you tomorrow
Iwan Rheon on Making Marvel's Inhumans - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Free Baby Sign Language C...-------------------------------------------
Pasos para abrir una tienda de barrio o bodega - Duration: 1:00.
Como lubricar tu Windows 7, 8, 8.1 o 10 - Duration: 15:08.-------------------------------------------
21 - O Garoto Levado de Bremen - Legendado Pt Br - Duration: 24:23.-------------------------------------------
Pasos para abrir un consultorio dental o clínica odontológica - Duration: 1:29.
5 inovații pe care mi le-aș dori de la o bancă (moldovenească) - Duration: 8:37.-------------------------------------------
¿Cómo abrir una lavandería? Cuidado de la ropa y servicio de calidad. - Duration: 1:28.
¿Cómo montar un empresa de control de plagas? Exterminadora - Duration: 1:09.We are all prone to being invaded by a troop of pests, such as ants, cockroaches, mice
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Negocios Rentables en República Dominicana - Duration: 1:37.
EDUCAZIONE FISICA nelle scuole - Qui non va proprio! - Duration: 4:47.-------------------------------------------
Abrir un supermercado, recomendaciones, pasos y requerimientos - Duration: 1:20.
【Pokemon GO Moltres 】spicy food for rios (☼Д☼) (YYTV eat spicy than rios) | HK spiciness judgments - Duration: 3:32.寶可夢神獸火焰鳥旁白! (2017/8/1被rios 在香港捉到) Pokemon GO Moltres Narrator (2017/8/1 was caught by rios in Hong Kong) ポケモンファイヤーナレーター (2017/8/1香港でriosに捕まった)
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