Thursday, August 3, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 3 2017

Around the world ...

Signs are multiplying ...

You who are not ...

Blind and deaf ...

Open your heart ...

... at the school of prayer

Discover ...

... the Queen of Peace

... in Medjugorje

For more infomation >> Miracle in the Philippines (sun) and text for Medjugorje - Duration: 4:09.


Albano e Romina Power - Felicita Lyrics | K.N.B.T - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Albano e Romina Power - Felicita Lyrics | K.N.B.T - Duration: 1:51.


Nel Monteiro "azar na praia" - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Nel Monteiro "azar na praia" - Duration: 3:49.


YALC Day Two VLOG | Benedict @ YALC - Duration: 39:26.

Hey everyone, it's Maddie and Bee and welcome to day two of YALC!

This day somehow managed to be even busier than Friday. So before we went to Carlie Sorosiak's signing,

which is the first clip we had, we sort of wondered the convention center and I

asked HQ if they were going to do an arc drop of Zenith. We skipped the New

Voices panel, which is where a bunch of debut authors would talk about their

books and their journey into publishing, to hang out by this stand. People had

already started to form a sort of bubble-like crowd around the table and then

eventually when arcs got dropped, it turned into a horrendous

trample sessions. There was pushing and I nearly had a panic attack right in the

middle of them because you could not move. People were shoulder to shoulder

and shoving you above and behind, so it was not a nice place to be.

Evaluate whether or not you want to get in those situations because 100% of the

time they are not worth it. So, the day began quite so sourly, but then it only

got better from then and we got to see some absolutely amazing panels today. It

was the day that a lot of the international authors were doing

signings and panels. We managed to get quite a lot of footage from that and at the very

end of the day Non Pratt was shaving her hair for charity and something pretty

exciting happened which we have some footage of. We also got to hang out with

a lot more people on Saturday than on Friday, and they actually turn up in the

video this time ,so anyone that pops up will leave links to their social media

or YouTube channels in the description so you can find them too. We're

starting this with a sort of PSA for if you're at YALC in future years: make sure to look after yourself and here's the rest of Saturday

Maddie and Bee...oh, I recognise you. wait, book bloggers!

B: We haven't read it yet but you've ended up with a beautiful cover! C: I know, it's so pretty!

I try not to pick favourites, but I really, really love this one! M: It's lovely!

M: We're a big fan of dual perspective things so hopefully it'll be sweet! C: People don't really like dual POV that are both 1st person

because the voices can blur, but I feel like I've done it distinctly enough. No one's commented on it that they could tell who was who yet.

B: It's a male and female in this one, right? C: Yeah! It's a little bit different. I followed you guys reviews and stuff.

M: That's so lovely! C: Yeah, so thank you for doing what you do.

M: Lily's here! Carys: I'm here as well! L: Carys just like-

Lily: We just got our books signed by Carlie Sorosiak. B: She's really adorable.

L: So cute! M: [about Lily] and we've actually been seeing each other a lot over the weekend but this is

just the first time Lily's popping up. L: I've seen you vlogging.

*general chatter* *exciting screaming* [about to explain how we get the arc]

C: Everyone was just standing there and you had to take a photo with those photo frame things and I just was like 'I'll take that!'

C: I had no one to take my photo and this girl took it.

and then I said 'I'll take your photo for you!' M: [to Kate] I seriously thought that the girl was

going to take it for herself, and then she passed it to us and I was like 'aw, you're so sweet.'

L: Bee came back and she was like 'where are they?' M: What's going on? B: Lily was like 'they sprinted.'

L: I just looked and was like 'just go!'

So, Hot Key Books just tweeted saying they were doing a proof drop of something and they

didn't say what so now this is the crowd that forms around the stand when we

have no clue what's happening. Bee is currently in the queue for Alice Broadway.

Only a couple people left.

B: We left the book in our hotel room so we have sticky labels instead! Alice: Oh, see? You genuis!

B: I really enjoyed it. A: Aww, I love it! M: I already like the sound of it.

A: Ooh, cool. What books do you like? What do you love reading? Actually that's such a hard question.

Um, I'm at a book con. M: All the books, everything. B: I'm more like the dystopian

and fantasy sides of this book, and Maddie's more fairytale

M: Yeah, I'm so in to that! A: So I guess the Louise O'Neill - she's got one coming out next year.

M: Got the little sampler for that. A: It's going to be amazing.

A: Have you read After the Fire? B: Not yet, it's on my TBR.

A: It's meant to be like you properly need tissues and-

M: oh, okay! Thank you so much!

Holly: Hi guys, how you doing? M: Good, how are you? H: Good!

M: We absolutely loved Forever Geek. It was the perfect finale. H: Oh, really? That's so nice!

M: There was so much closure that just made it better. H: I focused on that. There's nothing worse than

investing years and years into series and getting to the end and being like 'well, that wasn't worth it!'

M: It was definitely a great end. H: Thank you.

M: Can you see yourself working with Harriet again? H: She's still in my head. I can definitely see myself going back to her at some point.

I need to give her a break, let her do her own thing. She feels so real to me, it feels a bit like

like a mum who's kids are going to university. Needs a bit of time! Both of us need time. M: Have you got anything else planned?

H: I'm working on something new at the moment that I can't really talk about.

But it's in the new, exciting, scary stage. M: Oh, okay! H: Hopefully, I'll have something next year.

B: Did you enjoy your trip across Asia? H: I did. It was exactly what I needed.

I think sometimes you get a little bit caught up with everything being a bit too book related sometimes

you need to get away and remember what it's like in real life. B: Yeah,

Harriet has all the adventures. It was your turn! H: I need to have adventures so I can write about them!

B: Exactly. H: It was brilliant, and I saw pandas!

*cute music*

So we've just taken a second to regroup and reorganise our bags because

we've picked up a few arcs, but not as many as yesterday, not near as many.

You've seen us meet Alice Broadway and then we

got in the queue for Holly Smale and we saw her sign was on the board so we just decided to

sit on the floor because we didn't really have anything else going on so it was time we could sit. M: Yeah. B: And I just wanted my feet

to not be holding any weight! M: exactly! So, we just finished with the Holly Smale signing now and

it was super sweet because now we have all of our Geek Girl books signed

which just feels absolutely wonderful. We've got to meet back up with

Carys and Kate and see what they're doing and then I think we're having lunch before

an unconventional romance panel with Lauren James.

I think we're going to do some wondering and maybe film a bit because we haven't

really filmed all of the publishers stands. We're just by this Harry Potter thing

where people can say what Harry Potter means to them which is pretty cool and then I might

look at books to buy because I haven't done any of that yet and it's already day two.

So, we just bought some books from the Penguin stand as that was the first one we

went to and now we're just kind of looking at what else is on offer.

We bought The Upside of Unrequited and The Miseducation of Cameron Post

Now, this is in our library but this cover is just so gay, like, we needed it.

*cute music*

M: We've just got into the first panel of

the day and it's about genre-bending and V. E. Scwab is on this panel and I'm not really

sure who else it because obviously she's the headliner of this event. C: The only one we know.

M: exactly, the only one we know. But we're sat quite close

to exit so that we can run out and meet Kiran Millwood Hargrave who is going to be

at the Chicken House stall. We're all really excited to get Girl of Ink and Stars

signed as well. It was one of my most hyped moments of today so I hope it all goes well!

Welcome to the Genre-bending panel. M: This is our view. Chair: I'll begin by asking our panelists to give

a little introduction just so we know what book you wrote. MS: I'm Martin Stewart, I'm the author of Riverkeep

and my next book is coming out in January next year. ZC: I'm Zen Cho, I'm the

author of Sorcerer to the Crown which is a historical fantasy novel. It's about England's first African sorcerer

and he has so many problems.

BA: My name is Ben Aaronovitch, I write the Rivers of London series which is about police men who do magic.

VS: Hi there, I'm Victoria Schwab, I write the Shades of Magic series

and the Monsters of Verity eulogy. I write about strange things that don't fit into one genre.

DV: I'm Dan Vyleta and I'm the author of

Smoke which is all about sin.

M: We're just in the queue now to meet Kiran Millwood Hargrave and she's signing at the Chicken House booth.

The queue goes all the way over there, and we're just waiting for Bee to come back.

M: Oh there you are! We just waiting for this to happen. And Carys got a book.

L: I'm so proud of her. M: We all had it. C: It came highly recommended. L: I'm so proud of her.

*cute music*

K: Oh, I love your t-shirt! (It says Feminist) M: Thank you so much, yeah! I honest loved it [the book]

The story telling was really amazing. K: That's so nice to hear.

M: It reminded me of a Disney movie. K: Oh, that is definitely - can you just say that to, like, a Disney executive?

B: I want Pixar to pick it up! L: We should, like, campaign! K: I feel like Moana is kind of, I know it's not the same.

But it's done like that, you know, the comedy chicken.

B: Moana didn't have a female friend though. L: That's true, that's one of my favourite bits.

LJ: I'm Lauren James, the author of The Next Together series and The Loneliest Girl in the Universe. Today I have with me

Ayisha Malik, the author of the Sophia Khan duology, a Bridget Jones style tell-all

about a publicist writing a book on the Muslim dating scene. The first book was a W. H. Smith fresh talent pick

and has been optioned for TV. Next to her, we have Jennifer E. Smith, who has joined us all the way

from America. X She's the author of eight young adult books, most recently Windfall

about a girl who gives her best friend a winning lottery ticket for his birthday.

Next to her is Paige Toon, the author of 11 romance novels, as well as a YA spinoff of the Johnny Be Good duology

staring the daughter of a pop star, Jessie Jefferson. Her books are best sellers and

chosen for the Zoella book club. Next to me we have Patrice Lawrence, who's first novel Orangeboy,

won the Waterstone's book prize for older children and the YA book prize and

was shortlisted for the Costa Children's Book award. Her latest novel is Indigo Donut, about teens from different social backgrounds.

(Captions to come)

It's after lunch and we've just finished with the Unconventional Romance panel

which was pretty good. M: We've got a bit of a slower afternoon. As for signings,

there's Holly Bourne and Laura Dockrill and Jenny [McLachlan] is going to be at the

Bloomsbury table so hopefully we'll do that. And people have started doing something over

there so are you checking? B: We're camped outside of Hot Key Books because I'm

hoping they're going to announce something to do with The Cruel Prince

and the only thing they have is, like, right there. M: YALC has been pretty cool so

far and there are lots more people here than there were on Friday which is pretty intense,

but apparently tomorrow is a more chill day for us. I'm still really excited that we got to sit in

on that panel and I wanted to go and see Jenny McLachlan talk with her agent, but I think that

coincides with a lot of signings and I know those queues will be longer, so I'll probably

prioritise doing that. Carys and Bee and stalking the HKB table.

We've only been successful so far with I think one of the proof drops we ran to,

and the rest we've been, like, the fifth or something in the

line to be turned away. It's about luck and where you are in the venue. That's why we're here

so hopefully it's our best chance! So, what happened? B: We got these tickets from BKMRK

We have to be there at this exact time [to get the ARC] But, we have Lauren James? Mine's 31 mins away.

They said to wait half an hour for the Lauren signing anyway, so if we just wait until you guys

have got your proofs and then hit it up. I just went to the My Kinda Book stand because they were

doing this thing with cupcakes and she explained it that when you picked a cupcake, you can either

get a plain cupcake or one with a symbol on the bottom and that would give you one prize and I

just assumed, like, oh it's lucky dip.

C: There were loads of cupcakes and three symbols that you could

get or get one with nothing on. I got a crown for I got this Soap and Glory hamper, Which is nice, but like, how?

We all know I have the least space. It couldn't be worse. B: You're buying that new suitcase a la Kate.

M: Carys must have already gone because

I thought I'll have a green cupcake and I just picked it and it has

like penned star on the bottom and I was like, 'what does the star mean?' and the woman on the stand was like:

oh my gosh, that means you've won a year's supply of books from My Kinda Book. I got shuffled to the side and gave my details,

and she was like 'it'll be books from this table

or random stuff, so I don't know what to expect or when it'll arrive.

B: A year's supply is probably twelve books. M: Yeah. C: I read 100 books a year. M: It's really exciting! Thank goodness they didn't give them to me now.

B: How the hell would you have got them home? What else is in your Soap and Glory box?

C: I should probably unpack it so it's easier to put in my case.

I copy of Windfall, which I already have, but I might as well get this one signed now. I got two pins, which - I love pins!

M: Adorable! C: I make-up like this and just popcorn.

C: A body scrub. Kate: That's my favourite one!

C: I've never used it but I've heard great things. I feel like a beauty vlogger now!

Foot cream. *laughter* We're going to need it! Another pin, Happily Ever Lather. That's the best one.

An eye mask and a membership to their book club which I'll definitely sign up to.

It's exciting. B: Yeah, you still won something! C: The woman at the stall was like 'You win!' and I was like 'Yay' and went over to the stall to get the box

and I was carrying all this stuff. But, I feel like I'm on a high now.

M: After saying we weren't doing very well with ARC drops. We were just running to things and not getting anything,

this is pretty insane. B: Amazing! M: It might just be a cupcake but it symbolises more than that.

C: Are you going to eat it or just keep it? M: I'm just gonna- I don't know.

I seriously don't know how long it's been out in the open. *sharp laughter*

M: Lauren and Laini doing their signing right now.

Luckily we've already seen Laini. B: I really like Laini's hair like that. M: It looks good washed out.

*cute music*

M: Hi, Lauren, hi! L: How you doing? B: Good, thank you!

M: You did really well chairing that panel. It was so adorable. L: Adorable? Nice!

B: This out fit is e v e r y t h i n g. Dogs and space?

L: It's everything I love. B: I read this when Maddie was out of the house doing National Trust volunteering

and I phoned her like 'I can't be alone!' *laughter* M: Get here now.

L: Someone at my publisher read it at 2AM and they called up another editor Lovely Walker lady: That was me!

L: It was at my American publisher. *laughs* And they were like 'um, I'm reading the end and I can't read it on my own.' They had to do it on the phone. *laughs*

M: I was trying not to spoil it because I was gasping and Bee was like 'Don't tell me

what's happening so it was pretty insane. I actually loved it. It was all so cinematic!

B: It was the vent scene. I was like 'Nooooo.'

M: Do you think you'll do a short story like you did with the these two? Can we expect it next year?

L: I'm writing the sequel. *An actual gasp* M: No way! L: So, no short story because I wouldn't want to spoil anything

M: It's going to be amazing. L: It'll be a few years yet! M: Yes, you're like a monster when it comes to writing

We always see your update on MyWriteClub like 'Lauren has crushed a goal!'

You do, like, five a day and we're like 'oh my goodness!'

We need to start our books, this is insane. L: Go, go, go! I want to read them.

oh yeah

what man


I'm be exciting




as soon as they told us they had an F every month that the like yeah as a

blogger thing I was like I mean I had about how long yeah I throw myself a

surgeon I we still haven't read it yet but it's so

funny in the conservative religious parts Tyler

fairytail tunnel which we didn't going to use creeping around I'm waiting for a

cough drop rituals and I don't mean your system so I'm using our belts mushroom

our light I know that Rania Masri earlier this year God - mm into a time

series - kinari and supposedly and I think you can realize what we have like

a super sister and this runt one I'm pretty sure this is war money said flora

in person so we'll have to go back to that pussies in like 13 yes time release

my sister is racing back and with my face to the front of the queue size B

felony even further and he is still signing and her cue like silver all the

way down here and pretty sure she's like expedite our limit now so she's just

doing it out of the kindness of her heart

I think young

I really really seems to be is happening how to have our things approval gear

think about that I love to travel on Twitter and we can see our ETA which is

this antivirus in some shape or who we are and I am delighted to be going by me

incredible on both you might know you are all have enjoyed hearing Thursday

and so we have b-12 Lili Taylor and Karen Karen siren who didn't talk in

some detail about some of the risks that have inspired and influenced our poets

but I wanted to keep up just talking about living in general and specifically

you know what your relationships he would have been and wasn't grown up we

have you always been recent which you graciously Jasmine City without you be

honest I was very proficient trainer but I was not a good reader and I did enjoy

reading with him as a child I was wholly Tyler I would be incredibly tourism and

want to be contrarian play at all times and so I thought and then they had to be

proposed physical books to read from the young age and all the I have to do see

each every word update enough for reading right if you read each of the

words and he knew he was the works out breathing and it wasn't until my first

an informative reading during which I would say hold on talk about the

he's experiential and I realized that if you've got the right story the world

would disappear from around to do the project we were in where I work no I've

actually grown in a library and didn't grow up living through books that way I

meet job I grew up in court like trickle to trial on whether to be an author of

insignia world colossal there it's the Spencer see all of the things I really

designed the passion for reading tolling bill 1112 guy was always completely with

the exception books and sometime I was a tiny kid my parents was when I was like

three they they thought I'd learn how to read because I memorized all my book

page my page and open to any page my kids they actually up reading if I

wasn't here memorization I was holding my favorite big head but I think about

childhood in books I think about being brusque posters in the child leash this

is early fucking memory because it looks indifferent of the time we lived in

Virginia Beach instinct and there weren't like butchers worth like they

are a little for example have bathroom and I would be so excited when I walk

into the store that I remember that immediately like a puppy I would have to

and everything you know so imagine and now I think this is like a sort of hell

imagine you're brought in terms of the amazing bookstore you can ever imagine

but you just possibly difficulty starting to lead up to it took me much

longer than anybody else in my class will rush me let's revisit explain

defense emember night essentially not wants to read everything once I read all

interesting name to apologies because a little bit of a pain sure and I it's

funny I mean I feel like in a way I'm fertile fit into this panel because I

don't have a really strong memory even though I know I was always a reader and

I remember I was reading I don't necessarily have that many strong

memories a particular book I was in a military families we've moved all the

time so I don't have that sort of I never had a bookshelf preserved in amber

you know but all the metadata a childhood book basically we get left

behind and so I think it's interesting to me that there is a sort of black hole

and my memory what was I reading what were the books that maybe a reader I

don't really know and also the availability of books is interesting

because we didn't always live in english-speaking countries but maybe we

would have a little school library but some time being sorted books for my

uniform formative years with the ETS where in Iraq would have paperback books

that were bought for the interests of like twenty-year-old sailors

and so I read a lot of fantasy and probably you know things that weren't

really indicating things but really for nine years almost drew the identity from

an early age and one of those trilogy is the Harper hall trilogy by Anne

McCaffrey Dragon Ball Dragon cigarette package on which I reread last year and

I just want to say there's so much better than the dragonriders of Pern

books they were really cold out there so good and they're they're such in true

why and cyanide care they weren't really call that I'm not sure suffering an era

published so anyway we prayed and the other one was a Lloyd Alexander and the

Black Cauldron my product was my date but I really remember reading and

reading them books and so that's probably have those rights of service of

my memory for sure so when I was eleven I remember I was really I was cutting

through the Robert Ludlum books like the Thriller device again I'd really start

with and grow up I'd write Boxcar Children I remember that like I did not

care about the psychos were but then I was 11 and obviously I was reading a bit

out of turn I was reading randomly whatever he wanted and my mom had a

friend in Southern California and she called her up whenever paid you know

your daughter's like 11 now choose another book event with

employment certain offenses caring for kids about that age goes to pick up a

book for us can assign Jennifer I don't know the good person in but Omega Harry

Potter and then we should likely right and so how to find Harry Potter is a

sorcerer's stone and my mom brought home penis was really inside he got his

reading my trailer but picked up Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's I was an 11

year old breathing about an 11 year old and there's a reason a lot of my books

there considers I call them love letters to that series of trades as it might

sound I would not be a writer if I hadn't learned to love breathing and I

would learn to love reading without Harry Potter it was the first series

that I started reading something and time with past and lately with changing

and I would care about none of it you know when you see a good movie when you

see any movie your brain does the thing or forget about those edges of the

screen here is a movie theater and you forget you're sitting in a movie theater

and leaves out that was the first time that up close enough for me and I forgot

that I was reading words on a page and it became an immersive experience and

one thing out that it was it was transformative and those eventing like I

would never read a book before doing everything I did up until that point was

just learning how to have that experience and ever since entity I think

I was that thinking who won't be able to make other people

they are you know I warmed with that but I mean I own so much as Who I am to

create a person to to those I don't have a desire to touch any of them because

when I'm writing I am writing to a specific version of myself and teaching

like books becoming a time capsule right like look back at something like

Daenerys my very first book story flaw very like kids I would write it

differently if I were writing it as 30 year old means I welcome or try to be a

20 year old age and it is so much time capsule for who I was and I learned

through the writing of it so if I like the writing take we the execution of

each and every book makes me cool idea when I write the next book I learned a

lot about myself see with being come opportunity to give in my books you know

all the time I mean I don't know how many options or intentional of endings

or an obvious I think we know at least some level of certain events I'll have

finished a book and realize what is actually about after we finish the

drafts can realize that and I have to think because I look at over and over

and I didn't have no not about myself you know if I hadn't written a number of

novel power and keep sort of looking at the same thing that's a promise of

insiders and Outsiders like I grew up feeling

you're the matter where I was and I think that I love exploring that economy

in between and how fighters was born outside of a society an outsider who

form a kind of society would feel other to it like all of my main characters in

all of my books are outsiders in polite and yet I want to put them in the

central place of focus and watch how how it changes how the world changed about

everything all my books and I think one of them is identity and who you are and

finding your place in the world of making your place in the world that's

certainly one of them and then I do find myself you know writing about war and

forgiveness and amnesty a lot for some reason it isn't you know anything to do

with my personal history of a you know sort of space you know never never been

in war never than in Harrow for some reason I'm really drawn to the idea of

forgive the enemy of things that are going on ever any any truth change that

you have in power and it going forward and Amethi that can happen to people

what take city to happen time pencil very slice off oil also see me resume a

two thousand four hundred and seventy pounds I'm not alone living people

identity I'll pay you people have no holiday

ultimate the funky bergamot have you very much to volcán simple things it

can presupposes open house we open I think we of course be - chuckling aha i

hack going to be a pretty s attention none of us none of the doing okay so you

have going on 100

some devices individuals probably around there

here's whatever setup and then like it has completely broken so yellow is just

finishing the day for the second time and we stay there until the very end

short nonfat safe ahead which was really lovely there was such community spirit

in that room and everyone was really cheering her on him it was really great

and then the panel before that which was the leader with link lemur visual and

Durant oh it was so amazing like we said so many things that I want teared up a

few of that annex include some really heartwarming here about their own

reading experiences things like that is to be an area are posting and as it come

the batch many did come back everyone was talking about it in the mayor was

like he was difficulty on film but so many people were there they know we can

from different so we needed to an end our current okay too

and we were just talking here about this many provide picture someone call for

you sir we might make a parody account as for Benedict it yells which is like

the best thing ever how would you rate your first London

yeah this well first I'd give it like a three I feel like if I was more than our

five I feel like it would be more exciting if I gone like more exciting

with the actual rooms so now what about you

I'm Marisol I mean that is how food reviewing was you still give it stars

you know right now we're just trying to put everything L okay so so we've

essentially unpacked everything that we had during the day and what was in our

other half of the case and joins prioritizing stepping throughout the

whole weekend Karis have had these bikes couple of

stacks of other books that she brought with her and then all of the books that

she's collected during the day Pat yell yeah they do it good there and then

there's this bag as well that that's what you'll have to in your lion your

whole so yeah so that's going to be awkward

nice like no Batra set as well not only the box carrier and this is this is a

suitcase I've got to fit it all in yeah it's quite small and already thought

yeah I've got a face so I should be able to be seeing books in yeah we've got

other locations book I wonder how many books you've got between you could be 46

that I've got yes you probably want you know definitely not that there this is

insane when we first came we had a lot of food in one half of our suitcase

which I mean we haven't really ate a lot of because we've been we were to find

things and testing on the day yeah exactly we're just doing a lot of

snacking but thank goodness that we have or these tote bags because there guys

are definitely come in handy for keeping one spare stuff and all the freebies

that you can at Yelp like the bookmarks and the chapter samplers and things

we've got so many of those that we're just going to have to carry around sport

bag so which is luck

For more infomation >> YALC Day Two VLOG | Benedict @ YALC - Duration: 39:26.


Mercedes-Benz SLK 250 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz SLK 250 - Duration: 1:06.


Final Fantasy XV: Monster der Tiefe - Teaser Trailer [PS VR] - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Final Fantasy XV: Monster der Tiefe - Teaser Trailer [PS VR] - Duration: 0:55.


Hyundai I30 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai I30 - Duration: 1:08.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:09.


Arte Inca, artesanía, escultura y arquitectura - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Arte Inca, artesanía, escultura y arquitectura - Duration: 1:51.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:08.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:11.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:01.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:03.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:10.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:01.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:11.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:01.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:10.


Sono Nigam ne ungali utha kar azan par...Kutte ki maot marne ko tayyar ho gaya..|| Tanveer Azami, - Duration: 3:47.

Sono Nigam ne ungali utha kar azan par...

Kutte ki maot marne ko tayyar hogaya...

For more infomation >> Sono Nigam ne ungali utha kar azan par...Kutte ki maot marne ko tayyar ho gaya..|| Tanveer Azami, - Duration: 3:47.


Contaminación atmosférica, causas y consecuencias en la salud y medio ambiente - Duration: 1:54.

Welcome to the channel, types of pollution, air pollution has been the subject of discussion

as it is known for the intrusion of different materials and energy forms in the air, ie

all materials and energy elements that may cause some damage , Nuisance or risk in the

well-being or in the health of the alive beings and in general of the environment.

This kind of pollution can be differentiated between planetary or crazy nature.

That is, if the pollution is planetary, it will only affect the equilibrium of the planet

or of certain zones.

On the contrary if we spoke of crazy nature we would face that affects the focus from

which it has been linked and causes him momentary damage.

Among the polluting agents or components we can highlight:

• Primary pollutant component: these are components that are emitted directly into

the air.

For example we could highlight the release of carbon dioxide.

• Secondary pollutant component: these are components that are produced by chemical particles

that are emitted in the atmosphere and are usually combined or developed in the primary

pollutant components.

As environmental consequences of air pollution, affects the climate, has an effect on the

greenhouse effect and weakens the ozone layer.

The effects that they provoke in the alive beings are varied we can find different consequences

that produce an alteration or modification in the health of all the alive beings.

Among all the effects we can highlight the development of asthma, different and varied

diseases of the heart and lung, a high number of heart attacks, dizziness and intense headaches.

For more details visit and subscribe to the environmental pollution


For more infomation >> Contaminación atmosférica, causas y consecuencias en la salud y medio ambiente - Duration: 1:54.


For more infomation >>


Volvo V70 3.0 T6 AWD R-Design Automaat Uniek! 306 PK 1e Eigenaar - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 3.0 T6 AWD R-Design Automaat Uniek! 306 PK 1e Eigenaar - Duration: 0:57.


Joe: Democratic leadership still doesn't get it. - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> Joe: Democratic leadership still doesn't get it. - Duration: 13:01.


Opel Astra 1.0T EDITION, (Navigatie, Parkeersensoren) NETTO DEAL PRIJS - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.0T EDITION, (Navigatie, Parkeersensoren) NETTO DEAL PRIJS - Duration: 0:57.


Opel Astra Sports Tourer 1.0T EDITION (Navigatie, Parkersensoren, 17" LM Velgen) NETTO DEAL PRIJS - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra Sports Tourer 1.0T EDITION (Navigatie, Parkersensoren, 17" LM Velgen) NETTO DEAL PRIJS - Duration: 0:59.


Dan Sultan: Australia Day angst; the craft of songwriting; songs he won't sing - The Feed - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> Dan Sultan: Australia Day angst; the craft of songwriting; songs he won't sing - The Feed - Duration: 8:53.


God's Final Word - Just a Minute! - August 3, 2017 - Duration: 1:01.

What if the Ten Commandments were God's final word to you?

Would it be good news to your soul?

I know you want to say yes, but deep down you know you can't live up to those laws.

It's impossible

You've tried and discovered that Paul's word ring true…

"no one will be declared righteous in his sight through obedience to the law; rather,

through the law we become conscious of sin" (Romans 3:20).

So where does the law leave you?

– judged, condemned, and dead in sin.

That's the Old Covenant, a ministry of condemnation and death.

But thankfully the law was not God's final word.

Live out the full story of the Law and it ends at the foot of this cross.

Look up and see God's final word to you – Jesus Christ.

And he came that you might have life and have it to the full.

For more infomation >> God's Final Word - Just a Minute! - August 3, 2017 - Duration: 1:01.


IRON RYDER: Saves Plane from crashing in the sky | PAW Patrol - Episode 11 | Cartoon for Kids - Duration: 14:33.

SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more funny episodes!

SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more funny episodes!

SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more funny episodes!

SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more funny episodes!

SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more funny episodes!

For more infomation >> IRON RYDER: Saves Plane from crashing in the sky | PAW Patrol - Episode 11 | Cartoon for Kids - Duration: 14:33.


Bangkok Chronicles Follow My Time Living and Working in Thailand's Capital Part 8 - Duration: 16:54.

hi everyone Simon here Bangkok Chronicles don't know what number today

I'm going to move away from Chinatown come back into platinum wholesale

clothing market when my condo was a lot of subscribers have asked me about

football shirts now but I mentioned before there was some large African

ladies downstairs at the bottom of the condos in the shops who was shipping

lots of clothes one morning whilst I was having breakfast in the carpark section

of the condos I don't chat into one of these ladies

and she we talking about football shirts she invited me down to their shop and

explains that she was buying all these football shirts now in Asia you can buy

counterfeit almost perfect replica football shirts now in my own country in

the UK recently bought one from my stepson and it was about 50 pounds

expensive back then 15 years ago you could buy one of these perfect replica

shirts for three hundred and fifty bars which was five pounds then make seven

and a half US dollars now they're 10 pound so twelve dollars and she showed

me all these shirts she was buying and she was buying all the rector shirts and

shipping them to Africa and other places but I'll explain that I didn't want to

buy and sell counterfeit products but then I noticed that the shirts a lot of

shirts coming in didn't have all the badges on they were the same material

identical the different color shirts that but there was nothing on there's no

footballers names there was no numbers on them there was

nothing saying what club they were and she was printing this stuff on herself

all this price machinery apparently and she was getting badges

and putting them on herself to make them cheaper and better and that got me

thinking and that point I asked her where I could get these shirts from with

nothing on them and she pointed me straight to a little back door of a shop

didn't press now a quick visit I deploy these years for a hundred and fifty bars

any of these all these football club shirts the colors so played shirts blue

white red whatever orange but nothing Martin no marks on them so they're just

apparel they're just shirts such as colored shirts nothing wrong with that

150 some points 200 baht but anyway they were keep his chips that sparked

something in my mind the handbags I was doing homage handbags with no items on

them saying that they were leave it on whatever just look similar I jumped on

the internet did lots of research research I've looked at all these

football shirts and at that time there was really nothing much on the shirts

apart from some printing on them or embroidered badges in those days then

Holograms came out later but even the Holograms were allowed to sticker on a

little badge I investigated the internet and I did it over a few weeks of

searching and talking to people I fired some emails off to companies but could

not locate all these badges and things and stick on numbers and letters that

you could iron on but I then found a company in the UK this company sold all

those letters and the different sizes that all the little packages for the

football clubs even the Holograms badges the you stitch on and the embroidered

patches from the main clubs and after talking to them

they were every badge they sold they paid royalties to the football clubs

they were all aboveboard and anybody bought royalties were paid now me being

nosy and asking them the questions and things I fired emails off to football

clubs an eBay only one Football Club came back to me and that was Tottenham

Hotspur so Thank You Tottenham they came back to me and said I could if I was

buying badges from this company which had registered with them and they were

getting royalties I could sew those badges onto any shares apparel any item

I wanted because I owned the badges and I paid the royalties and I explained to

them in a another email that these shares look the same as their football

shirt same colors and all the rest I'm serving the badges separately for people

to sew on would that contradict because this counterfeit product something no

not at all buying the badges and pen they're also

on the badges you've stitched them on well yet the person who buys the shirts

ditch the lawn it was all legal aboveboard and they would have no

problem with me selling the shirts on eBay with this badge as a pack providing

I put all the disclaimers in and explained the laws once I have that

email from them I copied it after eBay pictures of the shirts pictures the

badges yep it's no problem you it's all copyright it's all you know paying

royalties that was like hitting the jackpot there I was living in platinum

market all these shear plane - it's available for pennies my only problem

was logistics all the badges I want to bring the UK shirts were in Thailand my

customers were all over the world so I made an investment and I bought and it's

quite those badges were quite expensive you know the badges were a set of badges

for one shirt and all the iron-on stickers were five pang

but with calculations I was thinking people are still going to buy these if I

put a shirt for three pound and badges for five eight plus postage he was

packed a 1012 pound still sell under 20 people will pay or maybe it will be 15

and if 5 pound we share profit you could sell a lot of shirts even if you cut it

down to a couple of paint so I ordered about 10 packs of each foot for the top

20 football clubs bought all the shirts 10 of each to wait for the stuff to come

from UK all the badges and stuff not only took about 10 days shirts

photographed everything up on eBay and I made a set template for quick uploading

of all the shirt and I listed all the shirts in the right habit and again I

fired an email to eBay with one of my adverts to see if it was all okay and

yes in those days eBay used to talk to you not now but then they did it was a

nightmare today to get all of eBay on to talk to somebody but in those days all

fine so there it was I had football shirts

what shirts I had football badges they were simple to iron on the badges or

stitch on let's say it was about 11 pounds well for argument's sake let's

say it was 10 pound for shirt and badges shipped off to most places in the world

I put them on and I had 10 of each one of each club on with 10 available on or around the world I've got loads of

inquiries loads of questions load of questions from other eBay is saying you

can't sell this and you and you how can you do this and lots of complaints but

those above board I know prompt eBay at all and I put them

on eBay and I price them at about 20 pound each and they I solved a couple

but they weren't selling well I did my research at that time the

original shirts were only about 28 pound wasn't enough saving for people and I

ended up dropping the price and I put them down to I think it was 14 pound 99

and then as soon as I did that bank they just exploded all the ones I had about

hundred shows it get sold within three or four days completely gone couldn't

believe it and I was making that okay back three

pound 50 shirts after the shipping on average but that was about 350 pound

profit you know that was back then that was twenty thousand bad plus and it was

100 meters from my condo an order over the line for the UK company for the

badges absolutely all aboveboard through the post office and customs you're only

saying sending one sheet at a time he was like in a jiffy bag it was no

problem it was amazing so today can you do it

today yes if you buy a plain shirt it's plain apparel another example you could

go to press down market you can buy a tailored shirt that looks like one of

the top brands and a lot of the top brands okay they've got a label in the

back here and on the top of your pocket they might have some initials and things

you can buy those badges and pay royalties on those badges there's

different companies motocross motorcycle racing shirts were the same I even

dabbled with those you could buy the badges from the same company in Britain

there was Formula One stuff there was all the sports around the world I even

tried an American baseball shirts they went well and it was all from the badges

from the one company you'd go on everything was there go on find the

shirt the tailored shirts I did dabble a bit

and diesel was the brand and you could buy a badge and pay the copyright

royalties for the badge and it goes on the top of the shirt and they they were

pennies again so you're not selling counterfeit products you're selling a

made in showing a made in Malaysia made in Thailand shirts

yep buying badges you paying the royalties you put the two together and

you're selling them online I did that with the shirts and all the different

shirts right through my two years and I made a lot of money with them I ended up

buying hundreds of patches badges at a time from this company in the UK and I

shipped thousands of shirts all over the world everything was written on the ebay

advert it told people everything and how they put the badges on there's pictures

there was pictures of the royalty declaration stemming from this company

they gave me permission to put all their details on because it generated them

more sales but adverts looked fabulous it was all about appearance and it

looked great and the quality of the pictures really good made an absolute

killing on shirts and you still can today so any of you are looking for the

products it took me a while but there's a way around selling online with shirts

that look like football shirts and stuff that's all from platinum market those

shirts if you're going to buy quantity hundreds of shirts at a time you go down

to Bobe market which i think i've marked on my interactive map 11 o'clock at

night through to the back five in the morning the shirts come in and you buy a

bag of 100 shares at a time price goes down a half price because you buy the

quantity tailored shirts as well but you end up by on one side

one color same as the shit so you'd end up with thousands of shirts

it's then the storage problem but these African ladies had the shops and that's

what they were doing they were buying hundreds of shirts thousands put them

all together apparel there you go now the company in the UK I was buying these

badges off that the copyright paid also did all the badges for the handbags now

I didn't go down that route I could have quite easily but if I'm not mistaken you

could buy the badges from this company get the plain homage handbags sell them

together not put them on yourself but sell them together the customer to

decide if they're going to put those on there's a possibility there and purses

wallets very good chance you could do that as well anyway so we're away from

Chinatown today we're in platinum in 2017 Platinum our key is still got all

the little hidden alleyways and all the underground cellars but now in Bangkok

they're building huge mouths all round platinum they're pushing these little

shops inside aircon but all those little shops are still there in the new mouth

but you have to talk and get to know these sellers and look they've usually

got catalogs as well you can look through pictures we'll do another story

on price now because another huge part they're issues

and yes there's a market on shoes to be made money to be made and also another

one is the rock how would you describe it all the musicians around the world

the rock artists and Superstars and singers have like ac/dc and all the

heavy rock bands hatchets and

same design shirt saying badges innings you they're all there in platinum as

well but they also do all the replicas identical ones but don't tell those the

whole section by I found and if you're a punk rocker which is years ago

there's stack of shops at the back of platinum that sells all the metal gear

and nose rings in the earrings and all that punk rock stuff remember seeing

that recently and then another subject will be hats big big market we could go

on for weeks with all these different products but I know some of you guys are

out there trying to find products perhaps you may try to find products

that you can sell online hopefully this will point in the right direction not

those fancy pictures today but thanks for watching and again that interactive

map shows some of the bits for you and that's on my website Lander smiles

Thailand comm YouTube menu that's not pointed it and then a little men your

pop-up interactive map you can have a look and zoom in the moment is just got

the areas where I'm talking about I will add more to it as I learn how to thanks

for watching hope it's this helps you helps some of you I'll see you on the

next video bye tonight

For more infomation >> Bangkok Chronicles Follow My Time Living and Working in Thailand's Capital Part 8 - Duration: 16:54.


Как попасть в #ТОП. #Инструменты продвижения в соцсетях. #Подбор ключевых слов через mutagen. - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Как попасть в #ТОП. #Инструменты продвижения в соцсетях. #Подбор ключевых слов через mutagen. - Duration: 5:34.


Yummy Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Ice Cream! - Duration: 9:30.

here's my number one tip to prevent the ice cream from falling off the cone

yeahjust jammer in there yeah that's never falling off I'm making coconut

ginger ice cream you got to watch this I

don't know who came up with this quote but it's awesome you can eat a treat as

long as you make it from scratch now maybe it was I don't know the fun guys

at Ben & Jerry's or maybe it was the Baskin Robbins people or it might have

been the Dairy Queen I don't know but two thumbs up because I think it's a

genius plan when it comes to eating premium ice cream and that's what we're

going to make on the show today we're going to make coconut ginger ice

cream and big news it's gluten free yes there's gluten and a lot of ice creams

but not in mine and it's lactose free for all the people who can't do dairy

I'm sorry but I did create this recipe for you and for my son and here's here's

a big deal you remember I don't know if you do but you should watch the episode

where I try to sell all those ice cream sandwiches around the street and I rode

around in my bike well I'm not going to do that this time

no I didn't make any money and I ate them anyway but the point is I'm not

going to share this ice cream I know that's terrible and Scott sneaks all the

best treats in this house and so I'm going to hide it from him because he's

like an ice cream brick okay so obvious your uncle we're not going to tell him

anything all right so oh hey I am just so excited

that I'm not a Pioneer Woman I mean I thought I wanted to be a Pioneer Woman

until you know the whole outhouse thing came up but anyway to make ice cream it

was like an all-day affair first of all you had to have a day off second you had

to find a bucket a big big bucket okay then you had to get ice and always look

like a commodity back then man and then you had to ship it

and it took forever and then you had to line the bucket with the ice and then

you put rock salt or pickling salt or so I'm kind of big salt to make it cold and

then you had to put more ice and then you had to go and make the custard put

it in a bucket and then put the bucket in the bucket and then stir it because

you know before churning came they used to make it by hand like with a wooden

spoon or something and they took out people didn't was a woman's job I mean

no one's going to help her she turning and turning and and then hopefully you

know by the end of the day like she could eat it in a bowl right okay so I

mean I'm talking like an all-day affair and and they thought they call that a

treat ah well they made it from scratch but I call that tenacity what I call a

treat is my Breville smart scoop ice cream machine it is genius

it's like put the stuff in push the button and it makes it so all I'm saying

is I'm really glad I'm not a pioneer and I've got this Breville and we have a big

surprise coming up at the end of the show stick around and see how you might

be able to get a Breville ice-cream machine to make premium ice cream you

only need a few ingredients I'm making a lactose free one so I'm using coconut

milk now coconut milk comes in different kinds of fat alright so you can get

light which is about three to five grams of fat per serving or you can get the

higher end which is about 12 to 15 depending on the brand I'm using full

fat in this one but make you know you can totally do the light version if you

want but it's taking the place of you know heavy cream or whipped cream which

is what you would put into an ice cream it's made with milk so you need you need

fat you need sugar this recipe only calls for a quarter plus two tablespoons

a quarter cup plus 2 tablespoons of white granulated sugar that's like

hardly anything and then I'm using some candied ginger that I've minced up and

an egg because you have to make a custard first so you're going to whisk

up the egg and then you're going to heat up the

coconut milk it's we're just going to pour this into about a two and a half

quart pot you turn the heat on and then you're going to add the sugar and you're

going to stir it with a whisk until the sugar dissolves it happens really

quickly and then when the milk starts to steam will temper the egg so the coconut

milk and the sugar is starting to steam so you're going to remove about a half a

cup of the coconut milk and then I'm going to whisk it slowly into the egg

because if I add a cold egg into the hot milk

it'll curdle and you'll basically have scrambled eggs this is called tempering

an egg so when you've got the egg and the warm coconut milk mixed together

you're going to whisk that back into the pot and then you won't have any cooked

pieces of egg because that is you gross gonna stir this with a flat spoon I like

this wooden spoon so that nothing sticks to the bottom and this takes anywhere

between three to five to six minutes depending on how high your heat is I

like to do it at Brown medium because they don't want to scald it or burn it

but yeah just be patient it's not like you're a pioneer okay

you don't want to boil this you don't want to come to a rolling boil but you

do want to make sure that the egg is cooked so it has to kind of simmer and

when it's actually the right thickness it will start to bubble but one of the

tricks is is that you put a metal spoon in and when it coats the whole thing

without dripping off its it's ready okay it's coating but it's still kind of

looking you see that drip it should not be even dripping so it's not quite ready

so you can see how around the edge is it's starting to bubble that's

perfection now I'm going to dip my spoon in and you see it stays coated so it's

actually the right consistency excellent so you're going to remove it from the

heat and then you have to chill it so now we're going to chill it and has to

get to be the custard has to chill for at least four hours and I like to make

this overnight if I'm going to make ice cream the next day here's a neat idea

this is one of those canning funnels that I used when I make jam and it's

kind of a double function so that I don't spill this all over the place oh

my goodness I was so smart and this is going to go in the refrigerator and I

know what you're thinking you're going all my goodness she forgot the ginger no

I didn't because on my Breville ice cream machine a little Bell dings and

English will Goss's wings and that's when I put in all my bells and whistles

and I'm going to put the ginger in them okay into the fridge they go all right

it's been chilled for four hours and this is a little internal basket that

I'm or bucket that I'm going to put in and this is the the basically the part

that's churning it so you stick it in tall on it right in there and then I put

it on it was hot so it's filled I'm just going to pour that into the ice cream

you maker now if you have an ice cream maker at home I mean it's basically the

same rules but because the Breville one is like so smart I don't have to do

anything but this so I'm going to go pour this in now and into the ice cream

maker it goes the ice cream is ready now you can serve it right out of this or

you can scoop it out and put it into containers and then store it in your

freezer I'm going to put it with my personal stash way far away from

anything Scott or everyone because but oh hey

eat it within about a week because premium ice cream is better when it's

eaten Conor within that first week Oh big news here's our giveaway our

giveaway is for the Breville Smart scoop whoa so exciting now listen if you're a

Canadian subscriber give me your favorite ice cream with the hashtag

homemade ice cream to enter and we're going to have the draw on this date and

you have a chance to get this and it's so I mean I love my smart scoop okay so

I'm going to go all pioneer woman and I'm going to serve it in a bowl no I'm

not I'm going to put it in it in an edible Bowl okay till next time wishing

you peace love and fiber oh my god that's good

For more infomation >> Yummy Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Ice Cream! - Duration: 9:30.


Flat Belly Secret | Here are Top 5 Weight loss Teas - Duration: 4:39.

TOP 5 amazing teas for weight loss here are five amazing teas to reduce weight

one green tea green tea aids digestion and it helps to reduce weight it is rich

in flavonoids which control diabetes it is good source of zinc magnesium and

vitamin G green tea prevents cardiovascular diseases fights cancer it

is low in glycemic index improves memory strengthens bones green tea is high in

nutrients minerals proteins and fibers which help to reduce excess weight

preparation take a pan boil a cup of water or the hot water into the mug and

add some green tea leaves steep the tea leaves for one to two minutes let your

teeth cool down for a few moments and strain it enjoy your perfect cup of

green tea mint tea mint tea is low in calories it contains a number of

essential oils that helps to reduce the fat in the body mint tea is rich in

antioxidants it has antimicrobial and anti viral agents mint contains menthol

which inflammatory release stomach disorders promotes immune system and

reduce this bad break preparation take a pan boil some water add some fresh mint

leaves and Aloise boil for 10 minutes now take a cup and strain the water into


you can add honey to enhance the taste but it is optional now the tasty

refreshing delicious mint tea is ready it reduces weight in a short time ginger

tea ginger tea Hudson weight loss misty's so delicious and tasty it Hudson

weight loss and flat belly ginger tea helps in digestion and prevents ovarian

cancer it improves blood circulation and promotes heart health now let us see the

preparation of ginger tea take a pan with two cups of water add ginger pieces

and allow it to boil for 10 to 15 minutes after boiling strain it into a

cup now the ginger tea is ready to soak you

can add honey to enhance the taste but it is optional this tea reduces the

weight and burns unwanted fat in the belly region lemon tea

lemon tea has to reduce weight in the body it detoxifies your body and boost

immune system lemon tea gives glow to the skin and it

freshens the great preparation take a pan with some water add few fresh lemon

leaves and boil for 5 minutes now take a glass and strain the water squeeze the

lemon into the water and add 1 TSP of honey and mix well lemon tea is ready

it makes you so refreshing by drinking this you can get flat belly and reduce

weight in a short time turmeric tea turmeric is full of health benefits its

act as anti-inflammatory it reduces weight and increases immunity as it is

rich in antioxidants it promotes weight loss preparation take a pan and add 2

cups of water and boil it add 1 TSP of turmeric for peppercorns 1/2 inch ginger

2 cardamom and a loo to boil for 10 minutes now

strain into a cup the turmeric tea is ready by drinking this tea you can get

flat belly and it promotes excess weight loss this tea also reduces cold cough

flu and so many other diseases thank you for watching this video

like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Flat Belly Secret | Here are Top 5 Weight loss Teas - Duration: 4:39.


Bhai Gurbir Singh Tarntarni - Aavho Bheney - Best Kirtan✔ - Duration: 44:59.

For more infomation >> Bhai Gurbir Singh Tarntarni - Aavho Bheney - Best Kirtan✔ - Duration: 44:59.


自己做Nasi Lemak Burger 【MUKBANG】 with (ENG SUBTITLES) - Duration: 14:58.

Hi everyone

I'm EmachaK

Time to eat So I'm going to make a mukbang video today

So I'm going to make a mukbang video today

when I browsed the internet this morning

Everything is about

Everything is about

Nasi lemak burger

So I'm going to make my own version of nasi lemak burger

So I'm going to make my own version of nasi lemak burger

So I'm going to make my own version of nasi lemak burger

I went to buy some ingredients for this recipe just now

Of course the main ingredient

Nasi lemak

Sunny side up!

And this nasi lemak consider quite cheap

I meant around the area I'm staying

Next ingredient is

Fried drumstick

It is so big

An egg

Anyone knows how I'm gonna cook?

I bet you have no idea Please continue watching

Let's get started


I'm going to

Separate all the ingredients from this nasi lemak

Egg, rice, and everthing

I'm going to separate them

So I prepared a container

To put them separately

Let's start

First, I take out the egg

So difficult to scoop it

The amount of sambal they gave were quite little

But still we have to separate them

It's important

Next is the anchovies

Next is the anchovies




All the rice I'm going to make it into bun

for this burger recipe

Let me put them into this bowl

It's such a big portion of rice

A big bowl

Then I'm going to

crack the egg

Whisk the egg


So I'm going to whisk the egg now

I realised that I cracked in the eggshell as well

Let me get it out

The easiest way is

use eggshell to get eggshell out

Whisk Whisk Whisk

This is how it looks like

So I'm going to mix it together with my rice

Mix them

Mix the egg and rice together

I hope this recipe works

Because this is my first time

to try this recipe


I prepared a small bowl

To put the rice I mixed just now

Push it like this

To make it into bun shape

This little guy

is an eletric pan

Switch on

Put some oil

I use coconut oil so is healthier

It's getting hot

so fast

After heating

I'm going to fry my rice bun

Please turn out nicely

It doesn't hold in shape

So I'm going to reshape it

Let it fry for few more minutes

3 minutes later I'm going to flip it

It holds in shape!

Time to prepare another rice bun

Done preparing

Let me check this out first

It really hold in shape nicely

Let it fry a little more

I never thought that it will turn out nicely

So now I'm going to take it out of the pan

Second bun is ready to cook

Second bun is ready to cook

Is the same way to cook as the first one

so I'll skip this

Done making rice bun

I have to tell you The second bun I made

Let me grab this

Is better than the first one

I'm so sorry the rice is swinging

Surprisingly they hold in shape nicely

So crispy

So now I'm going to cut this drumstick

make it fit to the burger

So sorry... Camera loses focus

Just kidding😏

So juicy

Don't worry I washed my hand before

The drumstick tastes so good!!!

All set

First I put

one bun



Spread sambal sauce first

All the anchovies and peanuts will spread together with the sambal

All the anchovies and peanuts will spread together with the sambal

Next is our

pretty meat

Follow with cucumber

Feel like not big enough to put

That's right

After cucumber


sunny side up

last step is put the second bun on top

last step is put the second bun on top

Big size nasi lemak



It's pretty big

How to bite

Let me show you how I eat it

I'm going show you how I finish this burger

Mukbang time

also this drumstick


Is very big

I'm worry about it won't hold in shape anymore after the first bite

Quite difficult to grab

Looks like this

Let's start eating


It's so delicious!

It keeps dropping

Messy job

Big bite

No joke Is so delicious

Can I open a restaurant

So good

Pardon I look terrible while eating

But is really delicious

Almost halfway

The combination of sambal and everthing is just perfect

The chicken as well

The cucumber give it an

added fresh taste

Everyone please give it a try!

If you want the rice bun

If you want the rice bun

hold in shape better

hold in shape better

I think you can put more egg into the rice

I think you can put more egg into the rice

Because I put too much rice and the egg

so is not enough to hold them nicely

Oh yea My burger is budget version

I think is cheaper than

you eat it outside so is budget burger

so why not give it a try

Seriously It's not bad

To make a nasi lemak into a burger

Is so good

Okay...I'm going to get fat after eating this

Nobody wants me😭

It's okay I used to it

Super delicious

Almost finish


Peanut works well in this recipe

It's really different from you eat normal nasi lemak

It's different

Because after frying the rice

Because after frying the rice so it is crispy on the outside

Trust me

It is different from you eat normal nasi lemak

Actually it dropped a lot I'm going to finish it

And the chicken!

Want to see me finish it

Please continue watching

The drumstick is really big

Really big

I think that's about it

Hope you guys enjoy my video

Thanks for watching

If you enjoy this video Please give me a thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel

Here is my latest video

and some others video

Yeah I finished the drumstick

Thank you so much for watching Bye Bye❤️

For more infomation >> 自己做Nasi Lemak Burger 【MUKBANG】 with (ENG SUBTITLES) - Duration: 14:58.


Thursday 08/03 Daily Round-up - Duration: 6:16.

Thank you for watching CWN NEWS Daily Round-up

Good Morning and Happy Thursday everyone.

First of all, I am sorry if you see any video lags or delays on the LIVESTREAM.

We have DSL.

I'm back from doing some out of the office assignments.

Today about 7:00PM until 8:00PM; the CWN NEWS website will go offline for a critical update.

We will post any news stories during that time on our social media accounts.

There is some fake news going around now.

MSN posted some fake news "NASA is hiring someone to protect Earth from aliens" which

we looked into it.

Nasa is looking for a Planetary Protection Officer.

But it has nothing to do with fighting off aliens.

You can find both links for the job posting and what MSN put up.

Fake News never wins in America these days.

The truth always comes out.

Now here is the real job description: This position is assigned to Office of Safety

and Mission Assurance for Planetary Protection.

Planetary protection is concerned with the avoidance of organic-constituent and biological

contamination in human and robotic space exploration.

NASA maintains policies for planetary protection applicable to all space flight missions that

may intentionally or unintentionally carry Earth organisms and organic constituents to

the planets or other solar system bodies, and any mission employing spacecraft, which

are intended to return to Earth and its biosphere

The department of state: will have an press briefing at 2pm.

Secretary Tillerson departs on travel to Manila, Bangkok, and Kuala Lumpur.

Deputy Secretary Sullivan attends meetings and briefings, at the Department of State.

Under Secretary Shannon is on travel to Williamsburg, Virginia through August 5.

Acting Assistant Secretary Thornton accompanies Secretary Tillerson on travel to Manila, Bangkok,

and Kuala Lumpur.

Acting Assistant Secretary and Acting Special Representative Wells is on travel to New Delhi,

India and Islamabad, Pakistan from July 30 through August 8.

The U.S Senate will Convene and resume at 10:00am consideration of the motion to proceed

to H.R.2430 FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017.

The U.S Congress is in recess until Friday at 1:00pm.

No hearings is scheduled for today.

President Trump public agenda; In the morning, President Trump will receive

his daily intelligence briefing.

The President will then meet with National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster.

Later in the morning, the President will participate in a Department of Veterans Affairs Telehealth


In the evening, the President will depart the White House for Joint Base Andrews, en

route to Huntington, West Virginia.

The President will then participate in a Make America Great Again Rally.

Later in the evening, the President will depart Huntington, West Virginia for Washington,

D.C., en route to the White House.

For the press briefing, The briefing schedule will be updated in the sometime today.

You will be able to see that on our website by mid-morning.

For Vice President Pence public agenda; today Vice President Pence will travel to Nashville,

Tennessee to keynote the Tennessee Republican Party's 2017 Statesmen's Dinner, then

he will return to Washington DC.

Lastly, I will be back on Friday to deliver the daily roundup.

Like always comment, like or dislike.

It helps empower me to make better video's for public interest.

Hit subscribe and click on that bell!

Have a successful day everyone and thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Thursday 08/03 Daily Round-up - Duration: 6:16.


Rome || Until You Die [HBD Olya] - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Rome || Until You Die [HBD Olya] - Duration: 5:06.


Opel Corsa 1.2-16V Business - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.2-16V Business - Duration: 0:50.


Leonore Davidoff: Before the Feminist Revival - Duration: 0:50.

Because we're talking about a period when there was no obvious Feminist Movement publicly

going on, aren't we?

I mean, the word was completely dead.

And the Banks's published an article, not too long after that, in which they said Feminism

was finished.

But of course, they were interested in it.

No, this is the 1950s, it couldn't have been deader.

Just to have chosen to work on something like that, put me outside serious sociology.


And that was one reason, I think, that I couldn't see any future for it.

For more infomation >> Leonore Davidoff: Before the Feminist Revival - Duration: 0:50.


Man Utd Express Interest In Signing £31m International After Talks With Agent - Duration: 2:39.

Man Utd Express Interest In Signing £31m International After Talks With Agent

Managers are now pressing ahead with their plans for the summer transfer window so we'll bring you all the latest news and gossip from around the globe.

Today, Man Utd are linked with Leander Dendoncker…

Dendoncker has emerged as one of the brightest prospects in Belgian football after progressing through the Anderlecht youth system

to become a first team regular while he's also earned his first cap for the Belgian national team.

The 22-year-old caught Jose Mourinho's eye after scoring against United during their Europa League quarter-final clash last season

and the Portuguese boss had words with the midfielder after the final whistle.

The Mirror claim that United have scouted Dendoncker extensively and would have been impressed

by what they saw as he played every minute to help Anderlecht win the title last season.

It seems Mourinho has stepped-up his interest as the Mirror are citing a report from the Manchester Evening News that claims United

have already made contact with the midfielders representatives to discuss a possible move.

Understandably, Anderlecht are reluctant to lose their key man and the report suggests

they would demand up to £31m for his signature if a club like United come calling.

Mourinho has been in the market for a defensive midfielder this summer to act as a long-term replacement for Michael Carrick and 6ft 2in Dendoncker

would certainly fit the sort of criteria the 'Special One' is looking for.

However, after recently wrapping-up the signing of Nemanja Matic from Chelsea, the newspaper says sources close to the player

feel any deal with United is unlikely to happen this summer.

The youngster would struggle to hold down a regular place if he moved to Old Trafford this summer

so it makes sense he stays at Anderlecht and continues to develop his skills.

No doubt the Manchester giants will continue to monitor his progress over the coming season and Mourinho may decide to renew

his interest in 12 months time if Dendoncker continues to impress.

For more infomation >> Man Utd Express Interest In Signing £31m International After Talks With Agent - Duration: 2:39.


Virgoun (cover) - Naomi VN - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Virgoun (cover) - Naomi VN - Duration: 3:07.


Injustice 2 Hack Cheats - Injustice 2 Free Gems - Works on both iOS and Android - Duration: 3:24.

hello everyone you can get this amount of gems and credits in injustice 2

right now with a simple trick just make sure you watch the whole video and follow

the steps shown in it okay so what you need to do first is to go to this website you

will have a link to it in the first comment also the link to it is injustice

2 make games easier access it and once you get here what you need to do

first is to, first select your device, in my case it's Android then enter your

username I'm just gonna enter mine in here then you have to select the amount of

gems and credits that you want, okay and then make sure you leave these enabled

your encryption for proxy connection and then hit start generator here, now we

have to confirm that the details below are correct, check your username

your platform and the amount of gems and credits that you entered and if

everything is okay just hit confirm here now we have to wait for 10-15 seconds

until this completes and once completed we are going to be asked for a

human verification which means we have to complete a quick offer this is because

there's a lot of bot activity on the website and they just spam it so much

I'm going to complete one for you to show you how it's done

ok so just choose one of these offers and now I have to wait a few seconds

until my offer is loading up

okay so what I have to do here is to answer these questions and now I have to

enter my email as you can see I have already used these twice before I also

did it for a friend too, just enter your email in here and then hit continue

okay so as you can see it says thank you now I'm just going to log into the game

to show that my game has been updated

so I've just logged into the game and as you can see my resources are now loading up

I just wanted to say that this is limited to the first 200 people so hurry

up and get yours immediately by going to the web address shown in the first comment

and that would be all guys, I really hope I helped you, thanks for

watching, and good bye!

Injustice 2 Gems Hack

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