Friday, August 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 4 2017

I made it!

Hello everyone, I'm BOOWHOWOO.


I made a mini LEGO safe

I tried to make the Lego mini safe

with a dial-lock

The lock doesn't work

if you don't know the pass color to open

Also drawer

does not open.

When you turn the dial in a clockwise direction

and matches between purple and pink to the lock

the key unlocked

and the drawer opens

I put some LEGO parts

in the drawer


Put the drawer in the body

Raise the lock up

like this

and turn the dial anyway


It is locked again

Also the drawer doesn't open.

Let me explain how the inside is.

When I turn the dial without matching color,

The lock doesn't go down

because it gets stuck

at here

When I turn the dial in a clockwise direction

and match between pink and purple point,

A gap comes here

and the lever goes down.

Then the drawer opens.


When I turn the dial

to the other side

You can see this round parts

at the back bottom of the drawer

It catches the lock and doesn't slide forward.

When the dial is turned In a clockwise direction

A gap is made

when the dial has been matched between purple and pink

You can open the drawer like this

Let me try

turning the dial in counter-clockwise

A gap never comes.

So it never unlock

You can open when the dial is turned to clockwise direction.

Here is a gap

It's likely to be stolen because here is a gap.

but don't worry

Here is narrow enough to finger is caught

No one can not take out the contents.

This is

linked with the opposite side

Here and here have linked

Please check out the instruction

in the end of the video.

How was the video today

I hope you like it.

Please give it a try

Thank you for watching today

See you next video!

For more infomation >> How to build a LEGO mini Safe 2 - BOOWHOWOO: LEGO - Duration: 6:35.


Protect the skin in winter - Duration: 3:56.

Medical Network, For Public Health

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

Protect the skin in winter

In dry and cold winter, the skin is prone to dryness and wrinkles, especially for manual workers

Direct contact with the field and outdoor air so the skin, hands and feet dry, cracks uncomfortable and itchy itchy feeling.

Moreover, dry, cracked skin also affects aesthetics, especially for women.

In the locality, there are many kinds of flowers and leaves that can make the skin smooth.

Some of the following medications may be prescribed.

Lesson 1: Strawberry leaves 600g exfoliating leaves, wormwood leaves 16g. All in the pot to get a bath, wash daily. Persistence can whiten the skin.

Lesson 2: 10g dried vegetables, washed, poured into warm water 500ml, color to 300ml, divided into 3 times before meals about 30 minutes to help skin whitening.

Lesson 3: Chrysanthemum flower 30g, the water into boiling, thick, add a little honey made into high.

Each time take 15g, boiling water mixed stirred to drink. It has the effect of skin, anti-aging.

If the dry skin is acne, add it to the dry powder, ground into powder, add honey, twice a day, two times a teaspoon, can make the skin smooth.

Chrysanthemum - Dry skin treatment.

Lesson 4: Pork basil 200g, carrot 100g, radish 100g, seasoning just enough. Beets, carrots washed, shaved slices eaten.

The hooves are washed, cut into pieces, eaten with enough water, and simmered until light.

Then add radishes and carrots to sauces, when seasoned seasoning, north to eat or eat with rice, the week can eat 2-3 times.

The remedy works for everyone, especially people with dry, split, sensitive skin

However, the drug has a diuretic so many urinates, people with diabetes do not take.

If possible, can be used.

Lesson 5: 30g lotus seedlings, 30g fruit 30g, 50g seedlings, 8g long sticky rice, added 500ml water, small flame in 1 hour, added honey is eatable.

Remedies have the effect of blood, leukemia.

Lesson 6: 15 red apples and some ginseng. Put two things into the warm water soak for half an hour, use small fire 30 minutes is to drink.

Can help blood gas, beautify the skin.

In addition, can be combined with pills, such as: grated almonds, crushed with egg yolk

Apply to the face about 15 minutes then take warm water to clean, repeatedly clean white skin.

If dry skin with freckles, then use vinegar 500g, whiskey 50g, two things are mixed into the jar, when shake, once a week, apply to face 15 minutes and then rinse.

Besides can take advantage of flowers such as peach blossom, jasmine ... washed and then take water to bathe

Daily cleansing has the effect of heat, pepper inflammation and soft skin, slow aging and prevent wrinkles.

Medical staff Tran Ba.

The content of this article is coming to an end, invite you to subscribe to the Health Channel and share this video with friends, hopefully the video will bring you many useful things. Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> Protect the skin in winter - Duration: 3:56.


Colored Cars, Cartoons about Cars for children Cars Superheroes Series for Boys Cool Race - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> Colored Cars, Cartoons about Cars for children Cars Superheroes Series for Boys Cool Race - Duration: 10:24.


Schoolboy Q type beat

For more infomation >> Schoolboy Q type beat


Arizona и Minotaur. «НавоевалЪ» № 28 [World of Warships] - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> Arizona и Minotaur. «НавоевалЪ» № 28 [World of Warships] - Duration: 7:25.


stuffed Drying. Better Than Burgers. #Gotovimsia - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> stuffed Drying. Better Than Burgers. #Gotovimsia - Duration: 4:19.


{MINI ANIMATION} That moment your parent walks in... - Duration: 0:17.




Not you obviously!


For more infomation >> {MINI ANIMATION} That moment your parent walks in... - Duration: 0:17.


MAYBE YOU'RE THE IDIOT? - Duration: 5:21.

Hello my little Beastsss, here another day in Entre Beastssss

Today I was thinking a little bit and I have remembered one of the phrases I said

in one of my videos: "Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree,

It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid"

The idea to record this video is because the other day I was watching a movie

It is a Bollywood film "Like Stars on Earth" in English and Spanish:

"Estrellas en la Tierra" this movie was recommended by a good friend

I can not say her name because she said she was going to unsubscribe if I said it

so ...... [chuckles]

In the scenes that I have included in this video, I've tried not put spoilers

but just in case, watch out! The film is about a child...

...a dyslexic child, but in this case a dislexiaa .....

Sorry, I'm waiting for the dog's food that I have not received yet

and I was just looking if the package has arrived is a dyslexia but very very severe

this child was sent to a special school (boarding school)

because they think he is lazy and undisciplined

and therefore, he needs a lesson

We found a character, who is the arts' teacher

who is going to help him

Here you can see two things, because as you can see is a quirky art teacher

like many people would say, very childish, who plays the fool

to me a perfect person, with a lot of energy

which is at the end of the day, the way to teach children, I think...

and the second point, there is where the boy appears: Ishan

before this scene he has been insulted "fool" in quotes "by teachers"

his parents have called him idiot a thousand times, messy

He has been called useless, typical in this society

when one is different

Here in the scene we can see

we see how the teacher is looking Ishan's notebook

then we see the pattern of his mistakes. So he decides to go to see his parents

We see here, the usual

The typical father saying: no, his son ....

... my child is bad and misbehaves

and he misbehaves, and misbehaves and misbehaves

Then this teacher teaches them a lesson, and tells them: No!

there is a pattern that repeats itself and

the child is not silly, there is a learning problem

he does not fully understand the words

But the father is determined, completely blind

No, no, my child misbehaves and that's all

Then he makes a demonstration

Now the father can feel what his son feels

Just because he can not read, he has been always incriminated and people has called him silly, stupid, fool

bad very bad, silly, silly.

The problem here is that the kid has come to believe it

he thinks he is silly and ...

his confidence has been destroyed,

he has even stopped doing things that he loved

and he is in a complete depression, I'm talking about painting

it was what he loved the most

if this movie were real life,

If this teacher had not appeared, so ...

the boy had continued in a world where no one was paying attention to him

because he could not read, because he did not know how to write

and just because he was a "bad and rebellious child".

with the teacher help and teaching him in the way his brain works

in the way he learns, he managed to be a person like everyone else

and started to pain again and he found the passion in it

because what he needed was someone who understood him

In this society we are taught in that way, that these people who can not do something

like the others, these different people, we have to reject them

after all they are silly

If we do not understand something like this with our own kind

How are we going to understand animals?

How we understand that an animal has a point of view and a way to learn

for example, how many animals learn through images?

because in this society, we teach us to be all clones

and who leave the rule is wrong, because this person can not do that

It is wrong because according to everyone, the person does not want to be like the others

And now I ask myself this question, Yes, the same question in the title

maybe you're the idiot? by not understand the difference

That's all my children and my little Beasts, give it a like, comment

suscribeeeeeee, and nothing, and ciao Entre Beastssss

For more infomation >> MAYBE YOU'RE THE IDIOT? - Duration: 5:21.


Games for Kids Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Minions Kids Song Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 11:28.

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Learn Colors with Subway Surfers Vs Minions Kids Song Video iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 11:28.


Partynextdoor x Tory Lanez T...

For more infomation >> Partynextdoor x Tory Lanez T...


Science Conferences: Do I Crawl Like a Horse or a Hippo? - Duration: 5:08.

I think most scientists have a love-hate relationship with science.

There are bits of science we love, such as solving problems and learning something new

about the world, and stuff we hate, such as hitting a brick wall for months straight or

doing stuff we like less that are just part of the academic dance.

However, something I think we all enjoy is a good conference: it's the opportunity

to visit a new place, to meet new people, to reunite with old faces - and of course,

a chance to see other people's research as well as present your own…

and that's exactly what I was up to a few week ago, so I thought I'd take you with me

[intro sequence]

I've already brought you to a few YouTube conferences before - but today I wanted

to take you the other half of my life: that is, the science conferences.

Welcome to SEB.

SEB stands for the Society for Experimental Biology, and it was actually my very first

conference back in 2015.

That was in Prague, and I remember it being very vibrant, colourful and perfect for meeting

other academics.

I've always found conferences to be very energising and motivating.

It's really easy to fall into the PhD slump, and for me conferences have always been the

perfect antidote.

It was actually in fact a conference that inspired me to start Draw Curiosity in the

first place, and it has always been conferences that have motivated me to get back on with

my work.

Academic conferences usually have several elements to them:

Firstly and most importantly, it's a chance to showcase your research.

You can do this through posters, which neatly display your research during designated poster

sessions, which allow you to explain it one on one to anyone interested, or through talks,

which usually last around 15 minutes.

This year, I gave a talk in the Open Biomechanics session - if you didn't know, I study the

kinematics of insect flight and I presented a comparison of wing beat kinematics across

three species of fly.

Secondly, there are also exhibitors - usually journals and press companies that sell books,

and companies that create specialist equipment such as high speed cameras, respirometers

and the like will be there.

Thirdly, there are special satellite sessions on other topics such as careers and science

communication aimed at the younger attendees like myself to explore our options and expand

our skills for the future.

These are generally some of my favourite sessions because I find they are extremely focused,

very well put together and they really motivate me to try out new stuff.

And finally, there are many occasions to get sociable.

SEB has always been excellent at hosting plenty of dinners for people to meet and discuss

different topics, giving everyone a chance to mingle and of course, there's the end of

conference party, where everyone gets together and eats an even fancier dinner and then dances

the night away.

It is my opinion that all PhD students should definitely take their supervisors to a hard

house party at least once in their lifetime.

For me there are two best bits to conferences.

For one, I love taking a short break - discovering a new country, trying out a new language,

tasting new food, seeing things from a different perspective…

And the other is I love meeting people, I love meeting other researchers, talking to

them about their work.

For example, I had the pleasure of meeting Anna Stöckl who has done some really interesting

research on spatial summation and night vision in moths, or Esther Odekunle, who works on

the neurobiology of starfish.

It was also great to see old friends from other biomechanics labs, and in fact, Zoe

Self and Jim Usherwood put together the most memorable poster I have ever come across.

They prompted us to find out whether we crawled like horses or hippos, and if you know me

at all - of course I had to find out and apparently, I crawl more like a horse.

One of the more pleasant surprises this year was apparently my talk won third best prize

in the Open Biomechanics session.

This was quite unexpected, but a very welcome self esteem boost.

To be honest, it's actually been a recurring theme since becoming a DPhil student that

I worry that my work, or my videos, or that any output in general isn't good enough.

Some might call this impostor syndrome, but instances like these give me a chance to try

and change that perception of myself.

Overall, SEB was as ever, a motivating and inspiring conference, Sweden was lovely and

a country I would definitely love to visit again in the future, and most importantly,

I've returned to my PhD refreshed and energised for the final stretch.

And… before you go, I've got two little announcements!

Firstly, if you like this kind of video and you're into the cool kid stuff, I've actually

been using snapchat a lot recently to, sort of, cover my daily life as a PhD student and

science communicator and some other bits in between.

Those of you who've found it in my description seem to enjoy it, so I thought I'd mention

it a bit more officially here.

And secondly, I'm going to be at Summer in the City tomorrow Saturday!

I'll be on the Science on YouTube Panel at 4pm in Panel Room C - so please do come

say hello, it would be a pleasure.

And as always, thank you so much for watching me, and I'll see you in the next one!


[Translated by {your name} into {language}]

For more infomation >> Science Conferences: Do I Crawl Like a Horse or a Hippo? - Duration: 5:08.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz Breaks Silence On Arrested IT Staffer Imran Awan: 'I Would Do It Again'! - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Debbie Wasserman Schultz Breaks Silence On Arrested IT Staffer Imran Awan: 'I Would Do It Again'! - Duration: 2:24.


I-20 Construction - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> I-20 Construction - Duration: 0:19.


Accident near I-70 north split - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Accident near I-70 north split - Duration: 0:38.


{MINI ANIMATION} That moment your parent walks in... - Duration: 0:17.




Not you obviously!


For more infomation >> {MINI ANIMATION} That moment your parent walks in... - Duration: 0:17.


Citroën C2 1.1i VTR Pack Ecc - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.1i VTR Pack Ecc - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai Getz 1.3i GLS AIRCO, NIEUWE APK - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.3i GLS AIRCO, NIEUWE APK - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I DYNAMIC 7P. -Pack | Navigatie | Climate | Safety-sense - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I DYNAMIC 7P. -Pack | Navigatie | Climate | Safety-sense - Duration: 0:57.


Kia Rio 1.2 I 5DRS, TREKHAAK, BLUETOOTH EN NAVI. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.2 I 5DRS, TREKHAAK, BLUETOOTH EN NAVI. - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai Accent 1.4I DYNAMIC JOY Lage KM stand !! - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Accent 1.4I DYNAMIC JOY Lage KM stand !! - Duration: 0:49.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol 7p. Climate C,Cruise C,Pdc,7 persoons!!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol 7p. Climate C,Cruise C,Pdc,7 persoons!!! - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY 5-deurs | Sport design | Airco - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY 5-deurs | Sport design | Airco - Duration: 0:56.


Ledelse i Dag - Lisbeth Knudsen - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Ledelse i Dag - Lisbeth Knudsen - Duration: 0:32.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I COMFORT / LED / AIRCO / KEURIGE STAAT !! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I COMFORT / LED / AIRCO / KEURIGE STAAT !! - Duration: 0:58.



For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I IDOLS ELEK. RAMEN, COMPLETE ONDERHOUDSHISTORIE!!! - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I Dynamic, CVT Automaat, Navi, Lage Km! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I Dynamic, CVT Automaat, Navi, Lage Km! - Duration: 0:58.


Turning strangers into characters ~ Frannerd - Duration: 11:17.

For more infomation >> Turning strangers into characters ~ Frannerd - Duration: 11:17.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Luna (Climate/Cruise/Trekhaak/PDC/LMV) - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Luna (Climate/Cruise/Trekhaak/PDC/LMV) - Duration: 0:41.


Citroën C3 1.4I ATTRACTION / AIRCO / 65000KM. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4I ATTRACTION / AIRCO / 65000KM. - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY 5-deurs | Airco | Touchscreen | Camera - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY 5-deurs | Airco | Touchscreen | Camera - Duration: 0:43.


The Keys of Death & Hell

For more infomation >> The Keys of Death & Hell


El talento se detecta o se desarrolla - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> El talento se detecta o se desarrolla - Duration: 0:57.


Pronatec tem 575 mil vagas para cursos gratuitos em todo o País - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> Pronatec tem 575 mil vagas para cursos gratuitos em todo o País - Duration: 8:05.


Update: 1.13 Final Fantasy XV- Nova quest,Exosuits,Cross chains,Melusina,Carnaval - Duration: 22:37.

So, what´s up? I´m Rinku.

And today I´m bringing another Final Fantasy XV video

and in this exact day that I´m recording this video

(stupid fake laugh) ok this one was good

But yeah like I was saying

before Prompto interrupted me

In this exact day, day 31st

of July of 2017

an update for FFXV released

It added this...Magitek suits

something like that,

a new quest to defeat

a kind of D(a)emon

That girl they were talking about,

you saw the cutscene

and it looks like they added a new mechanic too

the Cross Chains

they were in FFXV before

But then they were taken out and replaced

for this Link Strike

I think that´s how they´re called

For more infomation >> Update: 1.13 Final Fantasy XV- Nova quest,Exosuits,Cross chains,Melusina,Carnaval - Duration: 22:37.


【MUKBANG】Tasty Moist Salmon! 100 Sushi + 4 Udon Servings + 4 Egg Custard! 10236kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 5:40.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~)

so today! tadaa I ordered 200 pieces (100) of sushi from a place called 'Gin no Sara'

along with 4 dishes of udon noodles and 4 Japanese custard

and I prepped my own miso soup which weighs 1kg

and I've ordered their "red" course of sushi for today

it sounds as though their fatty salmon here are only around for a limited time

sushi looks amazing itadakimasu

lets kick things off with their fatty salmon

its so fatty with a nice mouthfeel its so plump and delish

oh yeah before I forget we've got 50 pieces of sushi per plate totalling 100 pieces

next up is some flame kissed fatty salmon

its got that fabulous taste to this that is so yummy

eggs are always so delish

this is their med fatty tuna

the yummy tuna and rice go perfectly together

next up is this fluke I love fluke so much that I asked for them to substitute

their squid for x-tra fluke

its so nice and fatty I just can't get enough of this stuff

fluke is also tasty if you flash grill them for a few seconds

this is their north sea iwashi sardine

the sardine and ginger pair nicely

time to sample their udon noodles cold udon noodles are so perfect for the hot summer days

such a simple yummy dish

oh wait it wasn't their med fatty tuna but it was just a tuna

this however is their med fatty tuna you can totally see the difference in fat


next up is their seafood egg custard its got stuff like crab and scallops

fabulous tasting broth and custard intermix with the wonderful seafood flavors

its even got shitake mushrooms

even some shrimps as well

tadaa I'll add some sesame chili oil to the udon noodles

its got fried garlic in it

ahhhh its red now

the garlic is so crispy and the flavor of this dish is enhanced with the extra sweet and spiciness

50 pieces are now done

salmon roe

they pop in your mouth and I love that yumminess that explodes out of them

wait... uhh what exactly is coming out of these things I wonder


crab is so jam packed full of flavors

I love how its so uniquely different from fish or other meats

sweet shrimp

the meat is so nice and sweet

gr. onion and fatty tuna

the udon noodles are all done

and lastly I'll have this flame kissed fatty salmon


the sushi was so wonderfully delish

the salmon was especially yummy today

the flame kissed ones and the regular ones were equally as yummy

but if I had to choose I might go towards the flame kissed ones

the med fatty tuna was also yummy

and the really fatty tuna is sooooo yummy ain't it

be it salmon or tuna today's 100 pieces of sushi and 4 helpings of udon

oh and the 4 egg custards were so heavenly to have today

these were all so yummy won't you all please give them a try?

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and sub buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】Tasty Moist Salmon! 100 Sushi + 4 Udon Servings + 4 Egg Custard! 10236kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 5:40.


Amazing Knuckleball,Deadball,Topspin Free kicks EP.9 By sidekickzer - Duration: 3:39.

Please Subscribe

For more infomation >> Amazing Knuckleball,Deadball,Topspin Free kicks EP.9 By sidekickzer - Duration: 3:39.


[Ultra HD] VT-Arriva 147-es busz - MZC-880 2017.08.03 18:35:43 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> [Ultra HD] VT-Arriva 147-es busz - MZC-880 2017.08.03 18:35:43 - Duration: 2:56.


Birches In Finnish Folklore (Finnish With Subs) - Duration: 2:54.

Hello. It is Niina and you are watching Fairychamber Channel.

In Finland birch is most common deciduous tree.

In Finland we have three kind of birch trees Hieskoivu, Rauduskoivu and Tunturikoivu in Lapland.

Birch can live up to 300 years and the talles birch trees can be 40 meters high.

Birch has been important tree for great amount of people.

Birch trees were sacred to different Finno-Ugric tribes, Baltic tribes and

among different slavic tribes.

Russian word for birch tree...Something I can not pronounce so I will write it here somewhere.

in Russian word birch also means protection.

In Komi and Udmurt languages word kaski also meant birch tree.

Kaskeaminen means burn clearing.

People burned down forest to make farming land.

Sometimes people burned bit too much so they had extra bare land left.

Then in many occasions people started to grow birches in that land.

Birch trees have symbolized goodness, purity, summer and warmth.

Finnish word koivu (birch) is proto finno-ugric word.

Different northern tribes have their own myths about the world tree.

For the Mordva people the world tree was birch.

Beginning of all life lied in the roots of the birch tree. Sap going up and down inside the tree

symbolized the continues of life.

Leaves were the cover of the night sky.

In Finland birch wood has been building material.

People have made wheels and wooden crockery from birch wood.

Birch trees were chopped into fire wood.

People have made skiis and sleighs from birch wood.

Birch wood was used to make handles for axes and hammers.

Birch bark was used in everything.

Same way as we use plastic now days to make all kinds of things.

Only difference is that bark composes.

Birch bark was used to make crockery, boxes, shoes and tinder.

For ancient inhabitants of what is now known as Finland birch barks was also first writing paper.

People also drank sap of the birch tree. One old Finnish name for March was Mahlakuu (sap motnth).

People drank bark sap during the spring time so that they would feel fresh after the long winter.

Birch trees had important role in every day life in ancient Finland.

As always feel free to share my folklore videos to everyone who´s interested.

Thank you for watching guys. I´ll see you on my next video. )O(

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