Friday, August 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 4 2017

Oh no...


Look at the chat

Umm do you know what that means?

Did you lose the stuff?


Oh god...

But hey at least now we see the hole from afar away

NO I FELL IN TO YOUR HOLE!!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Wait a second... How did you die from a falling?

My pickaxe will break soon

How many do you have?

I will go that direction where was that another... AAAAAH!!!!

There's a skeleton

Okay so here's another creeper

Oh yeah, is that the other one?






You know what


I'm a bit stuck here

Look where I am

Okay so there's a creeper on the left and a skeleton in front of us

Okay and then there's that creeper on our left... Do not just go there!

Okay well go then...



GET REKT!! ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿

Cop Life (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

You know that was Deja Vu :D

Wait... no they will not win us

You're right


No Aleksi plays... ???????

Yeah doesn't sometimes play


I like that Marcus has 2 golas, but the least amount of points

I have 0 golas

What about...

I will ram inside!


I will just go inside there!!



We just rekt them!!

Okay... umm... What was it?


Let's try to stop that loading!

While we still can

OH NO WHERE IS IT?!?!?11!?1!?


Haha do you look at that picture? :D

Yes of course!

Wait does it have like 3 circles? Red circles?


Haha XD and is it like a pizza slice?


yes let's do that! XD


Umm.. I can't control this

It doesn't matter!

Umm... I can't control this...




And I lost you...

Airship! This is an ariship!

and I lost you...

I'm still going here XD

Still going here XD

umm... now this is a flaming zeppelin



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Does that dude have a boner?

Is that the guy you are talking about?

What the heck does that dude have?

I will go take a closer look

Wait a second...

What the heck is that?

Oh lol it's his coat

It was the hem of the coat

How did they act like that?

Wanna go here?

Yeah sure...


I will center the ball!!


Do it guys!

Nice! Deja Vu!

Come on! Deja Vu!

[I had Deja Vu playing on Discord]

Safety wall

If one of us flies down


man overboard


Don't. Go. There!

I fell XD

For more infomation >> Random Moments with Buddies - Duration: 10:08.


BREAKING REPORT: 25 Million "Completely Fake" Voters… | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:13.

In a bombshell report, a Pew Center study shows that over 800,000 non-citizens voted

for Democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2015 and failed to take into account

dead and fraudulent voters which totaled over 25 million "registered voters."

IW reports:

In 2012, NPR reported that "more than 1.8 million dead people are currently registered

to vote, and 24 million registrations are either invalid or inaccurate," which is

ironic given how NPR is heavily controlled by Democrats.

And many of the dead, registered voters somehow keep voting Democrat from beyond the grave,

most recently in Philadelphia, Penn. and Colorado.

It's also worth noting that the U.S. population has increased since 2012, meaning that there's

likely more dead and invalid voters than before.

"…The Pew study found that almost 3 million people are registered to vote in more than

one state," NPR added.

That's because when a new resident registers to vote in a state, officials usually never

bother to tell his former state about the change in voter residency.

Under the "catch and release" immigration program by the Obama administration, illegal

aliens were routinely given bus tickets to travel to other states by immigration officials,

so it was theoretically possible for non-citizens to register to vote in a border country illegally,

then register to vote in another state after their taxpayer-funded bus dropped them off.

Clinton won most of the 163 most populous counties in the US that account for half of

the total votes in the election, including dense urban areas in New York and California,

yet she only won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes, which reveals the lack of enthusiasm

voters had for her in comparison to Trump – and that Democrats would have depended

more on illegal votes.

A portion of the 24 million invalid voter registrations combined with a portion of the

1.8 million dead voters and the over 800,000 known illegal voters could explain the difference

of 2.8 million votes, and it's worth noting that the 800,000 figure could be a low, conservative


That said, a popular vote victory is meaningless; if the president was elected by popular vote,

then both Trump and Clinton would have campaigned in entirely different states because only

densely population regions of the U.S. would decide who would become president.

Without the electoral college, the United States of America would be reduced to the

United States of New York and California, with 48 other vassal states.

Yet notice how Clinton campaigned in other, less populated states.

They knew the popular vote was meaningless ahead of the election.

However, the popular vote is useful as a barometer for voter fraud since the most populous countries

are also the most susceptible to election tampering by illegal, invalid and dead voters.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you agree Hillary Clinton should be locked up and Scroll down

to comment below!

For more infomation >> BREAKING REPORT: 25 Million "Completely Fake" Voters… | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:13.


Body of man found on I-95 identified - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Body of man found on I-95 identified - Duration: 1:08.


2 lanes of I-540 east closed near Six Forks Road exit - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> 2 lanes of I-540 east closed near Six Forks Road exit - Duration: 0:24.


Ask An Eye Doc: How do I safely look directly at a solar eclipse? - Duration: 1:28.

- Hi, I'm Dr. Nicole Moos, and this is Ask an Eye Doc,

where I answer your questions on social media.

(energized music)

Jason asks us, "How do I safely watch an eclipse?"

Okay, Jason, so my first piece of advice is

stay inside and watch it on TV.

You're probably not gonna listen to me,

and you're gonna wanna go outside anyways and watch it,

so how do we do that as safely as possible?

One option is wearing a welding mask or welding goggles,

but make sure they're rated number 14.

Anything lower than that could damage your eyes.

An even better option would be the eclipse sunglasses.

You can find them online, but just make sure

that they're labeled with the ISO: 12312-2.

You also want to make sure the company's name

and their address is printed on the glasses.

That's going to make sure it's not a counterfeit.

There's a lot of counterfeit glasses that are out there,

especially when you're searching online,

and you want to make sure

that they're not more than three years old,

and that they're not ripped or wrinkled or scratched.

Make sure you pay attention to those two things

because you could really hurt your eyes if you don't.

Okay, so a couple things that you don't want to do

to look at the solar eclipse.

One, you don't wanna use regular sunglasses.

You don't want to layer those sunglasses

on top of each other.

You don't wanna use 3D glasses,

and you don't wanna look at the sun with your naked eye.

I hope you learned something today,

and if you have any more questions, just #AskAnEyeDoc.

For more infomation >> Ask An Eye Doc: How do I safely look directly at a solar eclipse? - Duration: 1:28.


Jerrod Carmichael: 8 I FULL STAND UP 2017 - Duration: 1:05:14.


And we gonna be okay?

Well you think about that? Oh we got beyond. I think we're gonna be okay? We have a new king


Think we'll be fine

What's important to me to say to you guys is the trans victory?

Is in no way?

indicative of a loss for women

It's not it's not a wolf fool

It is however

another victory good men congratulations guys

We did it again we still got it

Got it still crazy after all these years you guys. Oh, that's the things right

We've been dominated by howling now forever

That's an amazing fill that because the comfortable victory sometimes means I like to do just a guy there

But don't know what miss like seriously celebrate this shit. Don't want to make you feel bad about them

Don't like women are the only minority group is half the population like their fly

we are passionate like them just

Cressida and what that said is going to be freed that?

Today pretty horrible, I think the next Few years. I think will be I guess we'll be okay. I

Don't know trust gunnar like he's going to me on some Vendetta shit, and it's all our fault

there really is Sean's going to be mad and

All we had to do

Was be Kinda nice Patrol

So he has to looks like looking here. You can't even

even hypothetically you like

There's all we had to do all we had to do is be a little nice

cordial at least

We weren't

We are not always so mean oh

No me neither picked on the skin. We picked on is here

the other statue in the middle of New York City, oh

Donald Trump, which is the tiniest penis?

Who doesn't laugh at that shit? We took selfies at under?

And now he's president

Yeah, that's right

The Diljit Bulletin school's got a gun down

That's who dot

Much doesn't very good. We have you tonight. I?

Don't care enough

To you know, I won't pretend to like hear one of you guys, I

Really want to I really?

Wish I felt things

All right, I'm one of those people who just doesn't give a fuck about things

I'll feel strongly about anything

I'll have a call that. I champion a lot of you do and to feel not

Serious above calls as you champion good for you. I'm sure your tweets matter

the side of this check for the right I

Just know I'm not that person. I don't feel strongly about anything. I don't like being had people do

if you have a bumper sticker on your car just

Know we could never be friends

But you care enough about a thing to fuck up a pink jersey

That's insane

I'm just not that person. I want to be well

I'm just I picked all this all the time that only terrible and I just like I flip the channel to watch the news

Trying to pick issues. I try to care about global warming and

I was in Roughly, I

Was a lot

Pretending to care about global warming is a lot that's exhausting

I'm not one of those people. I know it's a real issue, and I know it's destroying the Earth

but I've been reading a lot about it and

none of the consequences


immediate enough

For me to truly. Give a fuck about I know it's right. I know it's the real thing, but I just don't

We're going to be fine

Our children will be fine

Who'll be saving a wonderful

I've grandchildren

Tried confidential to put my grandpa there will be type of guttural reference. I suppose before pickles and plastic pool pump

Let me figure enough they'll figure it out. They'll grow gills if they have to or not or don't die

I'm going to talk about your children if only

There is no issue and I and I tried really hard. I try here at all I

Mean I know global warming is real, but it's not is it that diet

is about


Yeah, really. What's the problem?

You could fall he does well

To shake it

You hope you feel comfortable

feel comfortable

Yeah, what's the problem?

rising Rivers, all right

All extra water there good as to want a bun way. I don't conserve water at all

I'm supposed to they tell me so I live in La and

Like that's a week. They tell us that LI is going to run on water and we're not

We're not really not look at it. Like with LI has fought so many rich people and it forced to actually run up

But you think that are gonna let you bender Gonna let Steven Spielberg run out of walk

If I can happen II think the ball was out these in a shop, we're going to be fun I

Thought through higher album finish ah I don't think about it at all I

Know the biggest problem one of the biggest ones are right about was that we're going to leave a lot of species

you know that are endangered right now because of you know Global Wanna and and

And I've heard that we're going to lose the tightest



don't really need diapers just

Obviously like knowing that beer. We're fine without tigers was I thought you saw Tiger real-life

What a tigers around for like decorations at John's house would good. We don't really beat Iris

I make sure to be a few aqua questions for some of you at a grocery store some day to meet try this like

Mommy who's that on the faucet place?

One are concerned fun on these bed. I said

None of it seems like an issue like none of it. I

Want to care. I really want to feel strongly one thing I

Try and support the troops. I just support the troops. I should start this off with a another support the troops I

Don't I don't know what that means?

None of you really know what that means, we're saying it

I support the troops that sounds nice it sounds sweet, but how do you support them what you tell?

I don't know what to do like mostly is hypothetical situations. I crush it support the troops in a political situation

like it would shrink like

If I worked at Subway the more walk to subway and the truth came in

He ordered like double chains on the family I

Wouldn't charge an extra 30 times

You got enough get out of it with that truth. What are you doing?

But it's realized I could do over a certain people. I want to do more

So what I did with my feet in first class for a troop returning home. No of course not it's crazy

You just please 15 hours, and I'm gonna think you could do another five in economy trip

To their face, and that's fucked up I get it

I have a little brother

Who joined the Army reserves?

We joined our reserves, and I was really proud

I was so proud when we all learn and who we realize that made them kind of arrogant

Like a little arrogant. I know that this I was back home

We're trying to find a movie to watch together, and I wanted to watch like zero Dark Thirty

About how we might kill bin laden because I've never seen it before and he shut it down is such an arrogant one

Who's like no? I don't want to watch that movie. It's not accurate

We would have never killed a lot like that

To which I responded first of all they did little wing

What you learn depend on?

And then I get really quickly. I'll say the three hottest things I said during that argument

Kingdom one I said both you know dr.. T. And the reserves the only based on the real life event

We good then I said you are essentially in a flash mob in camouflage

Right that's right

and then

Okay, the third thing

I've had you're not going to let them none of you going to laugh at it because you good people

I could feel it you want suit

Good adults, but you guys don't stand for sure

But you just put things on summer

That's what being a good adorable

But most are you going to forget that in the context of an argument I?

Thought this was a billion ok in context I

Said I don't know why you're criticizing that film when more people have died and movie theaters than in the army reserves


like your expression

let me try it I

Plotted on I'm trying. That's really the point of all this shit. I just want you to know I'm really trying

I'm really trying. I'm trying to care and feel things and I feel strongly about things

The thing that I care about the most is like you know I care about black issues. I

Want to be a better black person?

I'll know how to be a

Great part person, I really done. I want to God bless

let okay black person

Okay, I'm not the one

Not the best of them somewhere in the middle. I want to I want to light its heart

the time being a grade by person so a lot of work is I being

Exid's Austin being black it is yeah, yeah

We Wanna work right every fucking day I

Wake up, and if it's added something else a lot of work. It's a lot of what I mean sure it looks fun

the special were like Dancing

One quarter the hair Duncan - somebody should with the reason right it does a lot of fucking work

Like it's a burden

Right it's a fucking burden you know with white people

do not

Explain that please ma'am. Oh

Right you are you're beautiful on it, but he would have to focus

Is it there my life? She's had right? Yes, the poeple. I mean big white box

It's a lot if grandma relies, you will be a secret

right a hundred

Being a fucking black person Cos Tanner. God danny you got another fucking 400

My accountant doesn't sing understand that being the only nigger that made it out is a business expense

A lot of very serious person they're going right not anybody speakers good planners in jail. They caught the

justify, but

It's hard because in fact like me I grab for I

don't really poor and like and now I buy like

all of My life is

Just me trying to overcompensate for poor childhood

It's me buying dumb shit to fix a broken childhood. That's all it is

About a lot of dumb shit about a lot of shoes a lot of thinkers

in fact when I kinda see like as young black God in their shoes nothing asked them who hurt you

After what went horribly wrong. I'm tell me every pair Jewelers comes with a story

I'm collided to the shit to the groom fool

I've a lot of cereal I

Do a lot of spirit?

Bolton cuz

We had the real grown up, but it wasn't a good time. It was all like bullshit

Like all my cereal came in like a brown box, and if it's cereal

Assistant now I buy like a lot of cereal

like a lot

Like a lot you

Know let's be real I bar

nothing that feature what toby

Nickel you'll never have to

Mysterio iconic selling it is something

All of it is exhausted, and I want to be a great black person you

Want to connect I wanted to more. I want to give back. I try and give back I

don't like donate to like black causes an ordinary like I

want to get more but

it's hard because

Mostly I'm being very truthful. He does is I don't connect with like the names of black causes and organizations and some

Because like the name sound really antiquated

Right I want to give like the united negro College fund

all know Nene groans

That's not any united runs. Ology. Yeah


Give this I got so much money thing like this in a negative school point

I know a lot of it is to go to see this modern up the capable


Just a different school iqbal. I want us to be

further along with what we are

You know where they want us to be and and I?

Think that maybe we think differently you know it's a different generation for maybe

Different values different things we hold on to like if I'm being honest what he does and I really am

Like Jay-Z means way more to me than one with it

It's not even close. I'm being real stuff is not even

I know every GV lyric I only know like four bars of by the drinking

It's not about a fountain there right and then like a child's got to go chasing waterfalls

This was animals I wish for oprah distance Pietschmann


that lots of balls represented black person I I'm

afraid to share

its life

Okay, well don't break. I can silently I need you I?

Feel really crazy finish it out. Loud in public, and I need you, okay, all right. I

Forgot the niggas. I didn't know Mama caught the other day

And I had a decision it

You know what I did I?

turned around on the back of Stub I

Got a hot chocolate awaited. That's a no

Like this show past. I was afraid I was our friend

It's get why why would I feel that way I feel horrible about that?

Maybe they were nice

They're probably nice then what about it connected

Talked about that until tomorrow for like 15 minutes a bit of things

Won't maybe not maybe they would mean

maybe they robbed me even

Worse I sell me a bunch of mixed things

What's it done, physically?

And like this just habit

How many things the child feel ailment?

And the care about things I really don't

And I was focusing about tigers. I want to care about animal Rights, I

I don't as if there's a whole different fourth of all animals a

Lot of you, don't you could feel it you don't know weird

I'm not going to have an animal. I just won't care of it. It was a done

Here that I'm Fierce



now that's not no, that's what that means so life is if I leave here and

Like on my way home. I hit a school. I'm not going to stop the car

Before good spell this what happens to 12 grams gonna hit the side that's been mass shooting everybody got shit to do

Mr.. Spock

Not going to stop here and I try to kill a living dead

I want you to know that it means a lot to me you know that I tried it really really had a dog I


Just a notic kill that dog. Oh my God ah didn't kill the dog

She retired alone after 15-5 killer words

Now I really tried and I tried to love that dog I

Tried really hard to like care about it. I try to like feel something. I let her like freaking the bear for me

I'm going to let my face

even though that disgusted

It is I know what they say about dogs now being cleaner than ours, but that's just doesn't like people made up to justify that

Like I'm never emotional for she did that on the red. She's a disgusting

disgusting beeping I tried I

Think the dog out there like a dead ex-girlfriend. I would give away

Didn't work. I

Thought it was going to make me softer and warmer. That's the that's the goal you know

Just to be nice and warm and care of those things in and I just I don't and I don't know what's going to do

I'm happy

I've got it. I want a girlfriend

Yeah, I don't. I mostly want Jocasta Grandma

I know you have to have a girlfriend for that

She did a really pressure on Instagram, you gotta have a golfer

They can't all be selfies right so it should be in the picture sometime

See a lot of moments constant will be nice to have the bullpen

because long apart and

assaulting people

Account accountable and up all I want to get on the paddle boat, but what's delightful?

But you gotta have the golfing first, but I will definitely

Can just get unaccountable money in it?

Both basketball shorts and Mike peters decisis these other suck down the drain. That's what I'm saying

But I'll have the one point and I thought about this a lot

I was trying to figure out why I don't have a girlfriend because I know deep down in my heart

I'm an amazing boyfriend I

Really am no, I'm really great at it another great percent, but I know that being a great boyfriend is exhausting

It is it's exhausting and it's a thankless job. They bring funny friends here tonight. We don't get the credit they deserve

And you know I know - they're just like thankful. I could chief applause brave and no girlfriend in her class

All right, there's a thankless job and girlfriends with the do boyfriends like fuck you. Oh

She's a guitar

What it is to be my boyfriend is a lot of work?

It really is like you got a you're not a human being anymore your boyfriend

You relinquish being a human being like you're just

60 40 to 60% word for and 40% speed or whatever the fuck your name is

Fuck it. I

Got to do boyfriend things you got to think like a boyfriend so all the work

Being a great board for me to get a life

Answer questions. You don't have the answer to

You do girls ask a lot of questions a lot of questions that seem really innocent on the surface, but it's like really

always deeper

Than what it sounds like you're always like I always mean something bored

That sounds so sweet just cause of like

What do you think?

nice and running

down 100

not their

Questions. Go deeper like more ads especially

Bosses like what's wrong. I?

Don't know what's wrong. That's how much in the game

Hopefully, I forgive my father my hat son

To be my boyfriend means you got a text

Because like not only do you have to like responder types you also have to send like random unsolicited happy time?

You know just random 3 p.m.. Thinking about you. We did not

Did not at all

it's nice you're thinking about important shit like a sandwich or


You gotta finish it. It's a lot jack the grouse is a lot

If you don't believe me just ask the very hard thing with Via touch

And then sit back and wait for like the 6 paragraph problem

Because it's always much too much information. I can't handle it like I asked the girl

They was issues just like you know what I learned today

even at my weakness

It's still fine strengthen going and almost constant

response, but I said I'm so lazy almost buzzing like

Crazy Feelin

So much work

And I could do it we could all do it

I know I could touch the girl at the end of the day. I could sense something like hey

I know, it's been a rough day and work


That place will fall apart without you


quite frankly

something better

Cause I'm gonna think that yeah, that's a great text message a great done

effectively 6003

I got your answer

Because what nice message. I'm going to curative, but I could have thought I could have all like a laughs hopes to be physician

- good afternoon

One set small never be in a relationship

You know what I end up like the girl at the end of the day

you up

There's only like three letters, but then I just feel the word you I'll go play

freedom to verify a

Terrifying fear about not finding the right

Girl, and I don't know what that means

We say the right girl. Oh, no that means. I really would like a girl goes like oh

No, it's just like accepts that some people and the right of change that would be nice

number nine you

Agree, right young the truth. We did it let's become you. Thank you very much

It's the green on animals, but with that


Like tech people earning like a tree

Like that things that I don't think you should keep unless you've heard it

I think we need to bring integrity back into adultery, but I don't think that

Everybody should just keep


work harmful

But if you get cheated on and the person who cheated on you makes less money than you

You should pump the corner and dessert

Function we wanted meter we want to have it important to get it fixed

They're acting like a lot of rather like a trash bag in a widdle civic

National Civic

You said it's not the first choice gone

But if you get cheated all in a person who cheated on you makes more than you

Know just stop and think about it for a few minutes

Before you do anything crazy

Think about what you've been, how far you?

Now what time was their coaching on the one and it is why took a golf club that she spoke this table you remember that?

Did you have me feel about that?

now but

He does not suffice now, but it didn't hurt ty get up last night

Bend insist upon our time would bid after his wife once was calm. He

Didn't buy another cloth. They gave him another

because even if adulterer response about buick

He argued

It's hard to follow Chi I get it. I know those talk about it. I know makes you feel weird

We like to ignore it largely as a society

There the rings of Fairy tales won't have people

Like knowledge does not be so much by any of us ahead. We can handle the sequel to a fairy tale

Cinderella - which is called with Gender Roller after the prince

How come you didn't come home last night?

The prince just filling a dictum like this, I reckon you come together I

Don't make the dresses with Mike, but I make you

Pause the film would just be personify can every girl with a village ball pummel hair falls off instructors

Judy in Advance is what it's about being like used to be a beast now. You're a monster


Know so fucked up. I can do hope you guys understand that love is don't online


nothing for Nabel money jazz on A

couple of

it is

We're all smart people probably right I get it

enough all of us in the bold it but whatever

We're smart people with it. Don't and then we get dumbest shit when it comes to life

Really because we want to believe in like the the beautiful version of God

the Fairytale version the way, it's supposed to look and sound or feel or

people's intentions on

Want people do the things they do like it? We don't want to believe the reality of one so we believe crazy shit

but we don't we believe


proposed because of wealth

And that's just not true

It's not why a man proposes being

In fact that's not the last emotion in a appeals right before it deposits long no

The last emotion appeals are before the polls is is it wrong



It's fucking thoughts justified in his head bullshit

fine feasible wedding Gown fine

That we can be fun what?

All the way, I think inviting someone to a wedding is one of the rudest things you could possibly

Without a stop doing that altogether you got to stop no one wants to go to your wedding

I would like to see why when I wear what it was but

What no one wants to go?

It's kind of something. I shoot buy you a gift

All the watching make a decision that's hope so

You know marriage isn't an accomplishment. It's a decision then I close and get you a toaster I

Always get a toaster that's not go to the wedding yes. I get it fourth wife if I believe in a marriage

probably Napkin

then two slices and what they were going to fall upon was that the boss wasn't going to do it on that goddamn, so

what we don't want lean

Really crazy shit when it comes whoop. This is going to be maybe a little fucked up. I can't ah he doesn't feeling

We believe our grandparents actually loved each other

Do you think that?

Come on. Let's be adult about the shit come on. That's not why they were together for 50 years

they were together for that long because

You thought I didn't have one option

Like she doesn't she only got married because it was a different time and she was feeling a lot of pressure, too

Because she was about to turn 14 I

Thought it was like you got to get very Gloria

McGary nothing without no band whatever

They said the woman in the forties

And she patted saw some dude on the street named John and Gotta fix trucks and like yeah

I think I did a bit family around that fuckin

God, if it wasn't in love because love knows. I'm not done with a lot of bullshit

She's married to your grandpa

And who is that didn't really?

You know you know your grandpa like as a man as a husband you can really know

How usually was I'm sure nice. God sweet. God sure he kept worthless originals pocket

but as a husband as a

husband all of our plans fathers

Were horrible pieces of shit?

All of them I know that's a lot of ill with but they all work like they just learned that husband is a new

Concept that shit wasn't created to like a bit 80s when fairly fast came up. That was like

Like his rental was a good husband at best was a mostly distant

That's the best grandpa husband again when I shut down. He doesn't want to talk about things

ignores family issues

Pretend on who isn't gay

That's the best version of it at work, and then die so dark, but fuck it with her

She probably needs a grandma I

Know don't really love this find that problem. Maybe not look yet

Come again. It was a different time and

He was in a war

No, just one thing inner man

what about the cranberry for

Trigger this flashback

And real Charlie push the grandma on the pages. God it was John

Subliminally family record, but she dealt with it sometimes I was worried a bit strong back then

But my brother wasn't really that happy, but I didn't want to see that

I didn't want to see the truth of bowser in this field. It's all just to make up things in my head, you know

I'll just make up feelings for I'd fear and why oh look this grandma


because she loves the net

Not because it's the only way I know how to move time for

So that's done. Now you like them. I like that has to suck up all

the Trauma Bay Kentucky's

Country has a great recipe

Not because without these cookies. I happen to identity



I'm sure that your grandma

That's planet. Don't man the slightest order. I really just wanted towards

that get that accepts the realities of one degree the realities of

And also we're talking about cheating. I don't want to make this quick. I don't mean it to sound


You know I think that men earn the right to change

I think on internal energy if you girl makes way more than God please. What are you waiting for when?


By fisher what's going I?

Think about this whole time like if I were married to Beyonce right now


my current financial state

And I heard these rumors

that beyonce were cheating on me alright and

Then finally one morning over breakfast. I actually built up enough courage



Or sitting at the table. She was a consummate a little nervous

Touch a flip not talking


On the contrary in the shop. Don't pick it up when I began to

Translate Gonna ask us after ya, say

Are you cheating on me?

and even if Beyonce

Not giving a fuck about my feeling

Like not caring how response affected me inside

Just let me get in my eyes. It was like

Yeah, she doing

that she had a fistful of eggs like a

The cocktail Monster and it really got my heart

And it really pulled me up inside

You know what I do. You're not hanover

I've batches and shut the fuck up

But yeah, I forgot the elections. You know how hard is it what I think about this a lot like the things elusive deal with

Be honest, I could get me

But I won't be wearing sunglasses the front slit. I love that's not where it was built atul

luck with

She's talked about she's on Paul right now. She's just dead

fuck his

Fire comes up with honest and got a number where the fire is and does a lot. I'm not the best husband, okay?

Trusting what Elsa would do as we get a little?

Beyonce could like my mom what?


Despite what you like?

Home all bad and my fault call to my mom and like embassy we did to catch them on Let's see the big question


but I'm a felon against a

Lot of the idea of like love and relationships and things sounds so foreign and so fucked up today. I'm alone I

Know what the I?

Actually believe it

This is this may be divisive

But I for one believe that life begins at plan B

But you haven't lived

But if you see a girl you barely trust

Swallow a plan B

Really there is no greater joy

on her there's no better feeling I

Could describe to you if you thought it's a baby. It's

Amazing like the cousin Phyllis who and ironically enough is having a child why does the closest to the bosses?

Just swallow the pill it finally and then drink a glass of water and the water wash away the fears of tomorrow

Oh my God the peas and Ivan kids we better than advocate


and if you disagree with Suzie probably got kids and

W really I mean now. I'm sure the kid is just

Too great a fuel miracle

Gradually a little business a performative miracle

You know the difference between a miracle animus Baker's

two trimesters

If I always the way to do so about that, I like this blessing got it


Would like to be one parents this beast honestly puppet is what parents and speaks about the kids without using words like

Justice or advance

But just focus on helping kids on the spoon how the kids doing in life stodgy like this. There's like look. There's my son

He's in the best grade


He reads like a fucking fifth grader

For the next president it is will mold along to the next house in this reason the regular do

The best me hope it doesn't burn or anybody

Just one can talk like that

Then maybe I was a suffolk don't again sir. Maybe not I don't know

I think that being a parent in the lawmakers who want to work I?

Really think that being a parent is essentially a twelve year investigation

Into making sure your kid wasn't molested

Yeah, I just don't everybody what it is. I really think that like because kids say a lot of things that makes me nervous

You know they allude of things you just want to keep them safe they see things

Evan if he does this all the time like I was back home and

all my nephew said was

People think we had stuff in the bathroom sometime

that's been a

You put the next four hours be like what people what happened anybody the doctor?

Also being a period watch the daughter should roast on the children

We're Kamath roll the leg efficient

If you don't agree that my advocate is way better

Than Havoc it is because you never watch Mari

Because if you seen at least one episode of mine

You know that when a man is told

He's not the fun

he Gets Aa

Fan he dances not happy you have to be dance and a time baby to me

This would be so happy I

Would be if all the tuneups not the pop, oh boy, I don't think on the dance

I think I will practice more with strength I

just give one old Tiger Woods victory I

Can't anyone just like a little

Strange like that. I'm really pilcher's them when perhaps key features

Like not really an option

of course anything obviously, but I

strongly could

What do we got really suggested yeah? I think I'm frank nesbit. Oh my God

We're gonna take care of that right?

Just a little herb. I'll take care of I mean getting abortion. I'm actually wearing good shot. We got

Untold I

Don't call it that anymore. I really I think the labels of its up. I think that getting an abortion should be coffee and pro-life

It just depends on we've recovered

My life y'all play with them all life

goes up into that I

Try to make them sound cute though

like a really important thing that I've learned an

Important life lesson that I want to share with you guys is that if you're going to ask a woman to?

get an abortion if you got to do it if the situation calls for

You got to make that shit sound adorable

But you do when you ask you can't even use your regular voice

No, booklet abortionist, too abrasive the lake's water shaking last night in Jurassic park. You got to make it sell

Fun you're going to make it sound like a fun activity

That the two of you that it is together

on a Saturday

But you got to make it sound delightful

But she's like hey, I think I'm pregnant you gotta go alright well

Come on. Water. We'll just go down to the doctor


none of them Final Olga

Can't feel it

Yes of fear

a lot of Fears I think of Terracotta

Afraid to go ball before pump me on it

That's a big here. I think nothing a lot. I'm not gonna fall, but also this little Rihanna. Yeah, and it's like this race

And I've got him in the top three. That's like not double to here

but number three Fear is

the coffin in the net and if I never see fear


Isis I think the ice is a lot

I'm afraid isis you got think hard

Cuz it's so brave with you

You know isis he never considered

I'm terrified isis. I think about them a lot

Like in all my plans. I think about isis, I think about

Go on so places like cheetah Abel

Like anytime. I leave my home. I have to think about where I'm going only go to places isis the tools up

Really I got to bite it - a lesbian wedding

And I'm ready one two go I

Really did I just couldn't?

skip's Canape invitation thinking I

feel like

You don't matter like I sit here the b. Story. I have to see the yellow tape it make me nervous

Only go to places life is written

it dictates all my fault and all my actions decisions, but this drought that we're going to go to the movies at

8 p.m. On a Friday night

Like what are you crazy?

That's just when isis thinks I go to the moon

I will see you at 11 a.m.. Monday morning


that side not even double another one fear I

love faded my Fear is

I'm afraid of rape accusations

Really, and I've been avoiding them

By doing this thing where I just don't rape anybody

Thank you. Patrick. Therefore my foot now. I don't know where you don't know what's going to happen

So now I'm on free to be on today. I'm not going to rape anybody. I'm just afraid of the accusation perhaps

It's irrational I get that it's irrational, but I'm just a friend of there being some sort of like


We're not talking about two people someone who went yeah, I would like that sexist yeah

We don't say it out. Loud. He'll communicate enough to affect

shit sounds Gross I

Think they would want to ask the thing to request things and it's isis too much

Like I don't want to hold up. I can't say to a young woman suck my dick that sounds rough

With the heart of a young lady us. I'm gonna wrap down

That's what lives in something to fear and also some sex gets kind of Rapey sometimes

It does it really does, but as most because choking is in right now

You guys know?

I'm not choking you're hot right did you not know that all choking is hot choking biggest Okavango the citizen?

Every buddy. It does not sound very wasteful

You know they're just forwarding

Everybody something everybody except me. I'm not jumping I would like to jump I do I just can't I don't know

Mostly because I stay put a lot of white girls

Don't know business some of us in the black hand

around the port for Nexus building


Can you tell my hand gets cooler than that I can hear silence?

If you guys took them son, what is wonderful? You're not fair chunk. Don't jump for me?

Smoothly saw half the size

Falls about you just want to make sure you're on the same page. You know

that's why now after sex because of my fear of these accusations like

Ascend a very lovely text message

Really like a delightful text

One that reads. I just want to thank you

for that great consensual sex yeah

please confirm one for ya

The only thing weirder than finding out your father has a second family

It's fun enough that you guys are that second Santa

not on should we talk about

For more infomation >> Jerrod Carmichael: 8 I FULL STAND UP 2017 - Duration: 1:05:14.


How to Transform The Last Knight Sqweeks - The Man From Toone - Duration: 3:59.

Today we're going to transform Sqweeks.

Hi everyone, I'm The Man From Toone and today I'm going to show you how to transform

The Last Knight Sqweeks.

Lets get started and transform him into a moped mode.

Now lets transform the maintenance bay into a cargo trailer.

And there you have it, Sqweeks in moped mode with his trailer.

Now lets get everything transformed back, starting with the trailer.

Now lets get Sqweeks back to Robot mode

And here he is folks, Sqweeks back in his robot mode.

I want to thank you for watching.

If you liked the video, please hit the like and subscribe buttons below.

I am The Man From Toone and I'll see you on the next video.

Take care and have a great day!

For more infomation >> How to Transform The Last Knight Sqweeks - The Man From Toone - Duration: 3:59.


Arsene Wenger slams Neymar transfer to PSG and says 'once a country owns a club, everything - Duration: 4:32.

Arsene Wenger slams Neymar transfer to PSG and says 'once a country owns a club, everything is possible'

WHEN Arsene Wenger finally signed his new Arsenal  contract in May,  he was assured that he could challenge for any player in the transfer market.

Nine weeks on and the harsh reality of football's new financial power structure has already excluded Wenger from football's top table.

Paris Saint-Germain have broken up a legendary Barcelona strike trio by signng Neymar – leaving Luis Suarez and Lionel Messi at the Nou Camp.

Gunners manager Arsene Wenger says the football world has suffered a sudden revolution now that some clubs are using huge financial backing to splash out.

Neymar's £198million world-record move from Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain has led the Gunners manager to conclude  it is now impossible to put a valuation on any player.

Because whatever the asking price might be, the Emirates club  simply cannot match the kind of money which the Arab-backed superpowers are now willing to pay.

PSG, bankrolled by the Qatari Sports Investment group for the past six years, have somehow found their way around Uefa's Financial Fair Play rules to snatch Brazilian superstar Neymar from one of the biggest and richest clubs in the world.

A bewildered Wenger said: "Once a country owns a club, everything is possible.

And, of course, we cannot compete at that level. This transfer is the consequence of the ownerships which have completely changed the whole landscape of football in the last 15 years.

The transfer of Brail superstar Neymar from Barcelona to PSG has changed the accepted order of things in European football.

Arsene Wenger has seen Arsenal double the pay of Mesut Ozil, as well as Alexis Sanchez, as they face up the increased spending among Arab-backed Euro giants.

"It becomes very difficult to respect Financial Fair Play because inflation is accelerating so fast that it is now beyond calculation or rationality.

"We crossed the £100m line last year and now, only one year later, we are already breaking the £200m  barrier.

"When you think that it looked unreasonable when Trevor Francis became the first £1m player, it shows you the distance we have travelled and how big football has become.

Neynmar was beginning to rival Lionel Messi for the role of Nou Camps main man.

"You cannot justify the numbers any more because we are no longer in a period where you think 'If I invest this much in a player, I will get that much back'. We are beyond that now.

"I have always supported football living within its own resources. "We still live with rationality. We are not the only ones. I think 99 per cent of the clubs do the same.

"But this transfer will have implications for everyone because of the consequences it will provoke.

Neymar trained with Barcelona for the last time ahead of his move to PSG.   Neymars lawyers arrive at Barcelona to pay his release fee for PSG.

"When Barcelona want to buy a player the other club will say, 'My friends, you have £250m in your pocket'. So what today costs £50m will cost them £100m.

"You can no longer calculate what a player is worth. The price of a player now depends solely on the identity of the buyer and what that club can  afford to spend.

"The financial potential of the buyer decides the price of today's players. "And if other clubs do not have that money, it becomes purely a monopoly.

The future of much-wanted Arsenal superstar Alexis Sanchez is still unclear.

Neymar, 25, will become football's first £½m-a-week footballer when he eventually completes his eye-watering move from the Nou Camp to the Parc des Princes. He will earn £250m over the next five years.

The knock-on effect of those wages are already being felt across Europe, with Arsenal offering to double the wages of top earners Mesut Ozil and Alexis Sanchez this summer.

Arsenal and Chile star Alexis Sanchez is still being linked with a move away from the Emirates but boss Arsene Wenger still expects the frontman to stay.

Wenger  admitted: "You can't look at the figures in their absolute value any more because the wages in football have not been in line with everyday society for a long time.

"The numbers now are like the NBA in basketball. They are not comparable to normal life. "They were already out of context — and with every new deal like Neymar, it just becomes a bit extra.

  In-limbo Arsenal star Alexis Sanchez kisses the Arsenal badge during training session.

For more infomation >> Arsene Wenger slams Neymar transfer to PSG and says 'once a country owns a club, everything - Duration: 4:32.



(Messaging disabled until request is accepted)


Used to call me Hateboy, Hateboy!

Told me "Stay in yo lane boy, lane boy"

Messed with me like a fraile toy, fraile toy

Didnt care like a dogs chew toy, chew toy

I just wanted this to end

Wanted to be friends

Till we broke our promises

I knew a new friendship would be impossible

But nothing is improbable

I just want to be friends

I just want this to end

Wanted this to bend

Had to defend

My mercy slowly defeaned

I wont pretend

I wont offend

back track and slowly comprehend

Used to call me Hateboy, Hateboy

Told me "Stay in yo lane boy, lane boy"

Messed with me like a fraile toy, fraile toy

Didnt care like a dogs chew toy, chew toy

We both made mistakes

We should have slammed on the brakes

Its like anger came back at us

And i want to discuss

I wanna work this one out

Find out what this is about

X marks the spot

Figure it out and we have another shot

Used to call me Hateboy, Hateboy

Told me "Stay in yo lane boy, lane boy"

Messed with me like a fraile toy, fraile toy

Didnt care like a dogs chew toy, chew toy (ECHO)

For more infomation >> HATEBOY - CONSEQUENCE | NOWHERE TO HIDE ALBUM | MUSIC VIDEO || - Duration: 2:09.


10 Biggest Animals That Ever Lived on Earth - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> 10 Biggest Animals That Ever Lived on Earth - Duration: 5:06.


Abuelo Ring - A Doorbell Cam Telenovella - Duration: 1:04.

Please! Please!

Help me! Help me!

Help me! My . . my . my grandson

is taking my checks . . .

from Social Security! Help me! Help me!

Everything is fine here.

We don't need any help.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Abuelo Ring - A Doorbell Cam Telenovella - Duration: 1:04.


Parents Fighting In Chuck E Cheese (NEW) - Duration: 1:35.

This channel does not support violence or bullying

There are consequences when you decide to get violent or bully anyone

It can lead to jail time and one blow to the head can kill someone and you can face 20 years or life in prison

Think before you act especially in front of the kids

Do not try this at home or anywhere else


For more infomation >> Parents Fighting In Chuck E Cheese (NEW) - Duration: 1:35.


Holy Hallucinations 44: Homo vs Homo Part 3 - Duration: 25:14.

Oh, hello Carl.

I didn't notice you down there – I'd thought you'd gone off to stretch your legs.


What's that?

They're still feeling a little wobbly, are they?

Well, I can't say I'm too surprised, but I suppose that's for the best since it means

we can finish off this extended lesson by ripping off the Elastoplast right in one go

so you can get back to your own channel to let Pisspants and your other cronies lick

your wounds for you.

With that said, though, I need to pause for a moment to correct a mistake of mine because,

very much unlike you Carl, accuracy is important to me.

You see, in the previous two videos of this series of arse-oriented educational episodes,

I mistakenly referred to the title of your videographic catastrophe as "Best Critique

of Evolution You Will Ever Hear."

This came to pass because some time ago I'd started a script to address that particular

digital clusterfuck but never got around to finishing it.

So, when the extant abomination was first brought to my attention I chose to use parts

of that earlier introduction for this one, and in doing so was careless enough to forget

to update the title of your little artistic endeavor.

This error escaped my notice until now, and while it makes absolutely no difference to

any of the arguments I've inserted thus far, I wanted to correct it here for the record.

Now, with that out of the way, Carl, let's get back to putting you out of your misery.

As you know, I noticed that during the course of your video you squeezed out an occasional

Joycean nugget that was unrelated to your two main cadaveric theses, and I promised

my viewers that I wouldn't let the comedic opportunity of sharing them pass.

Thus, while you've been recovering, I've taken the time to gather them up in one place,

and so while you're bracing yourself for the next lesson, I'll play the first clip.

"The problem was… is that these skeletons were only three-and-a-half feet tall, and

they were very human-like… in many respects, and they also had characteristics of chimpanzees

and apes in other respects."

Now that you've had a chance to hear yourself, Carl, did you spot what you did there?

But wait… don't answer that because I don't want to have to bend over to pick

up the coprolite, and instead let me do it for you.

Aside from implying that chimpanzees aren't apes, which, against my better judgement I'll

attribute to a slip of the tongue rather than a product of your boundless ignorance, you

plainly admit that the Flores specimens displayed both ape-like and human-like morphological


Needless to say, I was somewhat taken aback by this because there's a special phrase

that scientists use to describe a specimen that displays a mosaic of primitive and derived

characters, Carl – and you may have heard of it – it's called a transitional form.

You know?

Exactly the kind of form you and your fellow Yahweh-loving, science-denying, thought-allergic,

fact-phobic, reality-averse bumpkins will deny at the drop of a choirboy's skivvies

even when it's inserted forcibly into your most posterior of circular orifices.

The kinds of forms whose existence Charles Darwin presciently predicted in his theory

of biological evolution which, funnily enough, also provides a beautifully elegant explanation

of their existence while invoking only observable and verifiable physical phenomena within a

perfectly cogent and internally consistent conceptual framework, and without even once

needing to resort to invoking the trans-dimensional prestidigitation of a mysteriously elusive

cosmic pixie.

So, what's your explanation for the existence of this mix of traits you've admitted to,


Did the pixie undergo an existential crisis one day, unable to decide whether its true

image was that of a chippendale or a chimpanzee?

Or does Homo floresiensis represent one of its countless failed attempts to produce an

intelligent creationist?

Or is it a result of him reaching for that trusty mud puddle and mistakenly scooping

up an elephant turd?

You see?

I could go on indefinitely like a creationist, pulling ad hoc explanations out of my arse,

without even breaking a sweat.

It's so easy for you odious reptiles, isn't it Carl?

Actually, when I say 'you', I don't really mean you, because I realize that your

hobbled perspicacity presents an insurmountable barrier that prevents you from dreaming up

your own such rationalizations.

Thus, your other option would be to fall back onto one of two putrescent old creationist


The first is the denial of the blindingly obvious, where half of you vacuous simpletons

declare that any given form is clearly an example of an ancestral species while the

other half announce the very same fossil is clearly a descendant, and all of you demonstrate

how you have not the slightest inking of a fucking clue.

The second would be to admit to the nature of the specimen as you did here, but then

claim that all its discovery has done is create two new missing links that now need to be

discovered to satisfy your eternally insatiable demands.

Thus, when someone like this glabrous nematode opined, back in Holy Hallucinations 9, that

for a whale evolutionary series to be convincing "to be honest with you, you'd need twenty",

one can almost guarantee that.

once the twentieth such fossil is finally inserted, the two-faced little fucknugget

will clench his cheeks, turn around, and declare that that's not good enough and now he needs


It's this latter reprehensible and pitiful excuse for argumentation that I suspect would

be your favored choice of dishonesty should you actually be confronted with your own stupidity,

Carl, because elsewhere in your video, you also said this:

"And so, back in 2003, they declared it to be some kind of great evolutionary find

– perhaps the missing link, and, er… you know… just another missing link."

Honestly, Carl, don't you ever pause for just a moment to divert your words past even

the vague vicinity of your consciousness before you puke them out onto the internet?

Because while the stream-of-consciousness thing might work well for some, it tends to

be quite a little less than effective when you have the sentience of a potato.

So not only have you now acknowledged that Homo floresiensis is a transitional form,

but also that other hominid/hominin transitions have also been discovered – all in a video

in which you doggedly maintain your infantile assertion than Mankind is only 6000 years

old and evolved in an instant from a fistful of Wonder Clay and an undercooked McRib under

the guidance of mystical pan-cosmic entity which is somehow both incorporeal and a dead

ringer for Charlton Heston.

This, I posit, places you into the "new links required" school of fucktardism by

default, even though you're apparently too ignorant to realize that LB1 almost certainly

doesn't represent a direct ancestor of our species but rather a cousin to that direct

lineage, which nevertheless provides significant insights into the actual forms our ancestors

took during the course of our evolution.

This all leaves us with the question of why you saw fit to make these admissions in your

video, Carl?

Was it because you don't really believe your anti-evolutionary rhetoric but continue

spouting it because you give not one single shit about values such as honesty, decency,

honor, truth or progress if they run counter to the nauseatingly repugnant and backward

agenda you're pushing like a crack dealer in a kindergarten?

Or was it a Freudian slip, Carl – a desperate, stifled cry for help from your subconscious

as it flails around frantically trying to extricate itself and escape from the steaming

mire of ignorance, deceit and delusion that you've buried it in.

Or was it because you're just too stupid to even contemplate the implications of the

words you emit from your ignorant yap like the torrential spray from a fire hydrant that's

been accidentally plumbed into a sewer line and then run over by a tank?

Who knows what's going on in that kaleidoscopic virtual reality inside your cranium?

It could be any one of these possibilities, or all of them, or even one or more that couldn't

even be conceived by someone not suffering from your special kind of dementia.

But whatever it is, might I suggest that you would do well to pin it down and get it under

control, because otherwise it'll continue to lead you to pwn yourself in your own videos

much harder and far more hilariously than I ever could.

"And there's an artist's rendition [smug chuckle].

I mean, boy, that's pretty detailed, coming from some bone fragments and… and a partial


So, Smugly, just "some bone fragments and a partial skull," is it?

Well, when it comes to the skull, the images of it that were in the article you used in

your dismal crap-fest of a video seem to suggest that a more accurate description would be

"almost fucking complete!"

To be fair, the authors of the original Nature paper that described the discovery actually

used the phrase "fairly complete cranium and mandible," but then they were writing

for arguably the world's most prestigious science journal and not addressing a desiccated

creationist dingleberry, and so they presumably didn't feel need to resort to the linguistic

liberties that I need to take when making my videos, because they're not in the business

of heaping fully deserved scorn and ridicule on delusional, unprincipled, deceitful piss-pots.

So, did that image skip your notice as you scrolled through the Sun article salivating

like a deranged loon at the prospect of finding something new to lie about, Carl?

Or did the drool make its way through your keyboard and short out the Pentium Pro in

your laptop before you got to it?

Then again, perhaps Ken's biblical glasses prevented you from perceiving it because they

did an exceptionally fine job of blocking out the reality glare?

Of course, another possibility is that you saw the fucker perfectly clearly but still

referred to it as "partial" because it suited your nefarious and despicable agenda

and because you're a filthy, lying puddle of impotent jizz.

As for the remaining "bone fragments", it's strange that you neglected to mention

that these included a pair essentially intact legs, one intact and one partial arm, a partial

pelvis and a partial hand, which en face would seem to provide just a little more detail

than you're insinuating here, eh Carl?

It's also strange that while you referred the plural "skeletons" in the first clip

you never bothered to mention that these consisted of partial remains of thirteen other individuals,

albeit none anywhere as complete has LB1.

Furthermore, just a year after the description of LB1 and in a second Nature paper reporting

more of the remains the authors wrote that they could "…now reconstruct the body

proportions of H. floresiensis with some certainty."

And do you know where you can find a citation of that paper, Carl?

Why in the very same Wikipedia page you were slavering over in half of your video, and

who's references you seemed to be so intent on harping on about but not actually reading.

I mean, what the fuck is wrong with you Carl?

Even your factually vacuous, intellectually desolate dogma can be defended more competently

than the way you do it.

You don't research your subject in any depth whatsoever to at least try and make your bullshit

just a little less exhaustive.

You don't provide any references in any of your videos to any of the material you're

projectile defecating despite the alleged import you claim to place on source citation.

You don't check your videos for errors prior to flushing them onto the web, and you don't

even make a pretense of acting in a manner that's even passingly concordant with the

teachings of the founder of the religion you claim that you follow.

It's almost as if you're deliberately going out to make yourself, and therefore

by proxy all creationists, look like a collection of lazy, incompetent, lobotomized gibbons.

I can only think of two possibilities here, Carl.

Either you're really an undercover atheist who's been working diligently for decades

to make the religious look like unhinged, mentally-castrated loons, or you're so firmly

in the grasp of a case of biblically-fueled Dunning-Kruger Syndrome that even the violent

insertion of a hard-back copy of the DSM-5 into your alimentary canal wouldn't snap

you out of it.

And as for any sane Christians watching this, don't think that Pastor Carl's stupidity

isn't rubbing itself at least partly onto you, because I can bet with near certainty

that there are plenty of stupid atheists out there, let alone adherents of other faiths,

who would be happy to paint you with exactly the same brush I've been using to "freshen

up" Mister Gallups.

And so, you'd be well advised to perhaps consider lifting a finger occasionally by

climbing into the pigsty and putting the good pastor and his ilk in their place instead

of leaving all the dirty work to me.

"Now, look at another artist's rendition.

Oh my gosh!

I mean, first of all, it's rather sexual.

Second of all, it's… horrific looking.

Thirdly, it is an artist's rendition.

this came out of somebody's mind… they didn't find anything like this.

They took the fragments and they constructed this artist's rendition to make us think,

er, that… and, and look how humanoid it looks, way more human than ape-like.

So, what are they trying to say?

It's not a human, yet they draw a humanoid… erm… rendition of it.

An X-rated humanoid rendition of it [smug chuckle]."

Man, you really drank the Kool-Aid here Carl, so let's take a closer look at what you

subsequently threw up.

Firstly, regardless of the rendition, I fail to see what your puritanical distaste for

hirsute wumba jumbas, nor your critique of the aesthetics of Homo floresiensis' appearance,

has to do with the misinformation you've positively steeped your video in.

Of course, if you really think that this constitutes X-rated material, then might I suggest you

withdraw immediately from the internet and start running like all buggery in the opposite

direction lest you shit your pants after clicking on that ad for that

keeps popping up whenever you're on the Answers In Genesis website.

Secondly, obviously "they didn't find anything like this" you numbnut.

Do your really think that your audience is quite so paralytically stupid that you needed

to explain that?

No, wait… on second thought, perhaps you have a point there.

In any case, despite your facepalmingly inane self-contradiction that this reconstruction

was simply the product of "somebody's mind" which was simultaneously produced

with the aid of skeletal fragments, the fact is that this rendition didn't exactly spring

forth from the fertile imagination of an artist in the same way that a creationist's claim

materializes out of nothing and springs forth from their arsehole.

No, you see Carl, there's a whole field called forensic facial reconstruction that

specializes in rendering facial features from craniomandibular remains and that is used

with remarkable success to identify long-dead murder victims.

However, such reconstructions seldom consist of a sculptor taking a glance at skull and

then letting their imagination roam as freely as Kent Hovind's does when he's pondering

his tax return.

Instead, they consider any remaining soft tissue that might be attached to the skeleton

and utilize extensive empirical datasets of muscle sizes and thicknesses.

In fact, if you'd done any actual research for your piece whatsoever, you would have

found the website of the actual artist that produced the model in question and found that

she didn't just start slapping together some clay in the hope of coming up with something

that looked just a step or two more evolved than the average creationist.

Instead, she used – guess what?

– the exact same methods employed in forensic medicine.

Hopefully even you can understand what that sudden short, sharp ano-centric sensation

was Carl, but just in case you don't – it was me placing your claim that this image

simply "came out of somebody's mind" back from whence you'd fished it.

My third point addresses a possible objection you might have should you, by some miracle,

think of it Carl.

You see, it's obviously true that there were no soft tissue remains associated with

the Liang Bua remains to aid with reconstruction, and also that current datasets on facial musculature

are based on modern Homo sapiens since we have, by definition, no such data on other


So should you want to go there, Carl, be aware that, contrary to what you may think, these

reconstructions are not in any way scientific evidence and that attacking them would be

as effective as calling a Muslim an atheist because he doesn't eat kosher or talk to

a ceiling every Sunday.

That's because the sole intent of these kinds of models is to sate the very human

instinct of curiosity that drives us to want to know what these creatures might have looked


It is the very same curiosity that first led our ancestors out of the forests and onto

the savannahs, that led to the discovery of fire and the invention of agriculture, that

led Copernicus to propose that the Earth orbits the Sun, that led Darwin to put forward the

Origin of the Species and that led Einstein to turn physics on its head.

It is also the very same curiosity that creationists mercilessly stifle in themselves and their

children for fear that it might one day lead them, kicking and screaming, to the edge of

reality and beyond.

Thus, the actual accuracy of such reconstructions bears no relation to the veracity of the scientific

data and biological interpretations that underpin them, and while it's hoped that the care

taken in their production has resulted in at least an approximate likeness, only most

monumentally ignorant of boobs would place any more significance on them than being the

mere curios that they are.

Finally, let's finish with your incredulity that the reconstruction is a humanoid form.

The question here, of course Carl, is what the fuck, exactly, you thought it should look


A fucking pineapple?

Of course, I'm joking because you did qualify yourself for a change by indicating that you

expected it to be more ape-like.

Why you thought this remains somewhat of a mystery, not least because it's quite clear

from all the literature that the scientists working on these discoveries consider it to

be a hominin and not a hominid.

I'm joking again, of course, because your ignorance isn't a mystery at all, as it's

equally clear you did nothing more to research this subject than to give Wikipedia the most

perfunctory of perusals while steadfastly maintaining your ignorance in all other respects.

However, what truly does remain a mystery is why, despite this self-imposed perpetual

ignorance of yours you weren't clued-in by the genus name they gave it: Homo.

Are you really that dumb Carl, or are the rusty cogs of that dilapidated jalopy of a

brain of yours only jolted into action by a twat across the head with a copy of the

King James?

So, to answer your question, Carl, what they're trying to say, or more accurately what they

did say but you were far, far too dense to pick up on, is that Homo floresiensis is more

closely related to us than we are to the great apes, you irredeemable cretin.

OK, we're almost done, but you'll be glad to know I've definitely saved the best for


I must say that you really are full of surprises, Carl, because every time you make me think

you've achieved sublime perfection – that you've crested the zenith of the infinite

possibilities of human stupidity – you find a way out-do yourself.

In this case the epic moment came when you reached up for the stars and shattered the

fucktard ceiling by saying this: "But, by the way, the guy that invented

the word 'Hobbit' is now, um, considering some legal action against them for stealing

his word from his books and, er, movies."

His name, Carl, was John Ronald Reuel Tolkien and he's be dead since nineteen-seventy-fucking-three.

Thus, if he really is considering legal action it's a bigger miracle than William Lane

Craig coming out of a debate looking like a legitimate academic philosopher rather than

an intellectually bankrupt assclown.

On top of that, it wasn't even the Tolkien estate that was threatening suit, but rather

the company to which it had sold the rights to his work, and on top of that they weren't

suing the scientists in question but rather a low-budget movie studio for their use of

the word in the title of their exploitative release, "Age of the Hobbits."

In a different incident a scientist, who was stupid enough to ask for it, was denied permission

to use the word in a talk he was giving on Homo floresiensis by the same organization,

but this neither involved a law suit nor the scientists associated with the discovery or

its documentation.

I asked it earlier, but now I feel the need to ask it again.

What the fuck is wrong with you, Carl?

You were wrong on every conceivable point here despite all of this information being

in the Wikipedia article you claimed you were reading.

It's very difficult to imagine a scenario here where you were deliberately lying because

of the immensity of the down-side of how it makes you look.

So what on Earth could have moved you to expectorate this particularly laughable collection of

miserably erroneous and muddled words and syllables?

Are you really this stupid?


Or have you just been telling lies for so long that you've convinced yourself that

everything that comes out must be de facto true, and so have long since given up on checking

any of your cranial flatulence for congruence with reality before you release its rancid

noxiousness into public?

Whatever the answer, Carl, I would ask any of your subscribers who are watching this,

no matter what their stance on any of the other points I've had issue with in your

video, to at least pause for a moment and ask themselves this question: if you could

be so wrong and so ignorant on something so straightforward and simple, then could you,

just perhaps, also be wrong on the turd mountain of anti-science propaganda you've been peddling

to them over the years?

And again, for any sane Christians out there, I'd suggest you ask yourselves how you think

this unmitigated, feckless oaf reflects on your beliefs, and whether this might warrant

you doing something more than just standing by and letting him smear his filthy excrement

over your religion and your God while he's doing the same to modern science.

For more infomation >> Holy Hallucinations 44: Homo vs Homo Part 3 - Duration: 25:14.


Glass mosaic for beginners - Duration: 5:02.

Hi everyone!

In this video I'm going to show you how to decorate an

object using glass mosaics.

This is a beginner tutorial and I'll list some of the

materials used in the video in the description box.

You'll need an object you want to decorate.

Something out of stone is a great choice.

My bunny is made out of an unknown, hard material.

I think it's some kind of PU foam.

You'll also need glass mosaics.

These three types are commonly used and easy to work


The first option is regular, smooth, colored glass.

This needs to be cut into the sizes and shapes you


The second option are glass mosaics that come on


They're smooth on one side and have ridges on the

other side.

The third option are bizantino or smalti mosaics, which

is what I'm going to use.

They're very thick pieces of irregular shaped glass.

Choose which ever glass you want to use, as I'm

showing you the very basic technique.

Of course you'll need glue.

Mosaics glue, strong craft glue or industrial glue will all


You're also going to need mosaic grout, water, a mixing

container and wooden spoon, rubber gloves, a dust

mask, some rubber spatulas and clean rags.

And for your final step you'll need a sponge, water and

more rags.

Since this is a basic tutorial, we're going to use our

mosaics as they are.

Cover your entire object with your mosaics, leaving

small gaps in between the pieces.

This is going to take a while, because you will want to

make sure your pieces fit the shape of your object as

well as possible.

Try to keep the gaps small wherever you can as it will

make for a better result!

It's up to you how you want to line up your mosaics.

I'm trying to lay them out in more or less straight rows,

as I think it looks better.

I want random colors everywhere, but if you want to

make shapes or lines with your colors, of course go

right ahead!

This can be quite a puzzle, so take your time!


When you've covered your surface and you're happy

with how that looks, glue your pieces in place.

You can put the glue onto the surface and stick the

mosaics onto it or add the glue to your pieces one by


I'm choosing that last option as it's easier for my


Let dry overnight or longer if you can.

24 hours is ideal, but you can get away with a shorter

drying time if you're very careful when doing the


Don't forget to cover your workspace with plastic or


Prepare your grout by following the instructions on the


Make sure you're already wearing your dust mask for

this step!

Each manufacturer has their specific instructions.

If you're confused about the measurements, just make

sure your grout is easy to spread out, but isn't too


If you want your grout to have a specific color,

you can easily color it by adding some acrylic paint.

Cover your pieces of glass with the grout.

Do this carefully, but quickly.

I love using these rubber spatulas.

They're actually meant for dyeing your hair, but [laughs]

they're perfect for crafting.

My grout didn't stick to the sides of my object very well,

so I'm going to paint those white later on.

When every gap is filled up with grout, leave your project

alone for 10 to 20 minutes.

Then wet a sponge, squeeze it well, and gently go over

your glass.

This will already clean off most of the grout that got

onto the glass.

When your object has dried a bit more, you can carefully

rub off the rest with a clean rag.

Mosaics are a fun and easy way to decorate a plain

looking object.

Be sure to give it a try, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

And the results are beautiful!

Thank you so much for watching.

I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you did, don't

forget to click the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE for more

videos. Thank you. Byeee!

For more infomation >> Glass mosaic for beginners - Duration: 5:02.


Fraggle Rock Theme Song - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Fraggle Rock Theme Song - Duration: 1:04.


Impractical Jokers - Murr Wigs Out (Punishment) | truTV - Duration: 3:03.

Come on, what's going on?

Here we go.


What is this?!

Oh, my God!

No, no!

That hair's going on that head.

[ Laughter ]

You know how we always said

how funny it'd be to make a wig of his hair

that you have to wear for the rest of the season?

That was a joke, guys!

Oh, that was no joke!

[ Laughter ]

And here we are.

Here it is? This is it. Release the kraken.

Let's do this.


All: ...two, three.

Oh, my God!

[ Laughing ] It's got the wave.

Q: Oh, my God.



Oh, my God.

All right, here we go.

All right. Here we go. Turn around.

You got to turn around.

Don't look!

You're looking over my shoulder.

I saw you!

Oh, my God!

Murr: On three, turn around.

One, two, three.

[ Laughter ]

Look at this. Look.

What does it look like?

Is it bad?

Oh, my God!

[ Laughter ]

Oh, my God.

So, Murr, you have to go get a passport photo.

[ Laughter ]

We made you get

a driver's-license photo

when you had no hair on your head.

And now we're making you

get a passport photo

when you have that.

Stop screwing with my travel!

How long does a passport -- isn't it like 10 years?

10 years.

[ Laughter ]

So, you just have to go ask people

where the passport office is.

Q: I don't think you're ready for the responsibility

of having

great hair like that.

You think it's just flipping around looking sexy, it's not.

With great hair

comes great responsibility.

Yeah, you got

that right, pal.

It smells like Q.

What does

it smell like?

It smells like whiskey

and pot.

[ Laughter ]

All you got to do is find the passport place, buddy.

I'm in

a hairy situation.

I got to get a new passport fast.

[ Coughs ]

I'm choking on my hair.

Oh, okay.

I got plenty more, so it's okay.

It's okay.

When you go there, is it free or do you have to pay? [toupée]

You have to pay.

[ Laughter ]

Q, how did you have this

on your head?

This is day one.


This is months.

We're coming into the summertime, too.

Do I have to comb it? Do I have to wash it?

No, you can't wash it or comb it.

That's as fresh as the hair's gonna be, right now.

It's only getting worse,

is your point?

It's deteriorating.

It's like me.

[ Laughter ]

So, that's it.

Now you got to go get a passport photo.

Man: Guess what came in.

[ Laughter ]

Is this my passport?


Oh, my God.

Are you kidding me?!

Oh, my God.

Wow. You are never getting through TSA.

Oh, my God.

Do you have your license on you?

Look at this. You know what's funny?

When he doesn't

have the hair

and he shows this, they're gonna be like,

"What? Do you have anything else?"

[ Laughter ]

And it's that.

He takes the license out.

You need two proofs of ID?

There you go.

Well, the good news is, your hair came in really nice.

[ Laughter ]

For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers - Murr Wigs Out (Punishment) | truTV - Duration: 3:03.


Manchester United 2 Sampdoria 1: Nemanja Matic debuts as goals from Juan Mata and Mkhitaryan - Duration: 4:10.

Manchester United 2 Sampdoria 1: Nemanja Matic debuts as goals from Juan Mata and Henrikh Mkhitaryan give Jose Mourinho a boost

IT was hardly the sexiest move of the summer – but it's one which has already aroused feelings Manchester United fans were in danger of forgetting.

Nemanja Matic will never be one of United's headling-grabbing stars – even if it did cost £40 milliion to bring him from Chelsea at the start of the week. Henrikh Mkhitaryan gave Manchester United the lead as Manchester United won 2-1.

Juan Mata scored the winner as Manchester United won 2-1 against Sampdoria.   Manchester United new boy Romelu Lukaku is really competitive with Paul Pogba.

But he could well prove one of the most astute signings Jose Mourinho ever makes in his attempts to put a 21st title in the Old Trafford trophy cabinet.

For while it is still far too early to seriously start dreaming, there is definitely a new wind of optimism blowing around M16 once again. A feeling of hope and belief they haven't held for nearly five years.

A sense that, if nothing else, they can mount a genuine assault on the summit once more, rather than just the top four.

And while Romelu Lukaku's goals, Paul Pogba's style and Henrikh Mkhitaryan's wizardry will all be vital components, Matic's contribution will be equally so. We got a glimpse of that with a 45-minute bow in a Red shirt last night.

Nemanja Matic made his first start since joining Manchester United from Chelsea.

Nemanja Matic says sorry to a fan after the ball blasted into the crowd. A half which showed the backline can look forward to a steely-walled protection over the months ahead.

A half which will have left future opponents already rubbing shins in painful anticipation – as Sampdoria's Lucas Torreira in particular was doing after one robust challenge.

Mind you, the biggest casualty was a female fan whose glasses were on the wrong end of a blocked challenge from the new boy which flew into the crowd, and saw him follow suit as he checked on her health.

Yet just as pleasing was the way Matic, a cough and a spit into United life, bossed his team-mates into position, barked out orders when to run, when to stay, and generally took a grip.

Henrikh Mkhitaryan celebrates after giving Manchester United a well-deserved lead.

Dennis Praet scored the equaliser with a neat finish from the edge of the area.

Much like United did in the 45 minutes he was on the pitch in fact, before he was given a breather in the second half, with Tuesday's Super Cup against Real Madrid in mind.

Worryingly, with Matic out of the way, United slackened a vice-like grip on things and – as so often last season – threatened to blow a game they had totally dominated.

As so often last term, all they had managed was a solitary goal, from a Henrikh Mkhitaryan header after as bizarre and chaotic a 60 seconds as you will see in a long while.

Dennis Praet netted the equaliser with under 20 minutes to play. It started with a rush of blood from Daley Blind which had David De Gea scurrying and diving to stop an ill-placed backpass finding the corner.

That led to every United played packing the six yard box from the resulting indirect free kick – but less than a minute later they were the ones celebrating a goal.

After a body-on-the-line bout of blocking and pinballing saw off the danger, Antonio Valencia pounced quickest.

Ander Herrera of Manchester United scores a goal which is adjudged as offside.

Juan Mata netted the winner late on for Manchester United.   Nemanja Matic feels great about joining Manchester United.

He fed Henrikh Mkhitaryan, who picked out Matteo Darmian beyond the far post – and when he returned the favour, the Armenian headed the opener.

United were in cruise control, but got hit by a sucker punch themselves when Chris Smalling made a hash of clearing Karol LInetty's cross and Dennis Praet finished the rebound.

At least this time they found a way back, courtesy of Juan Mata's neat finish after Anthony Martial's even neater tee-up.

So now it is off to Macedonia and that Super Cup clash with Real Madrid, before the serious stuff starts in ten days. The early signs are there could be a happier ending this time around.

For more infomation >> Manchester United 2 Sampdoria 1: Nemanja Matic debuts as goals from Juan Mata and Mkhitaryan - Duration: 4:10.


Impractical Jokers: After Party - Reflecting on Murr's New Look | truTV - Duration: 1:36.

in Staten Island, New York, and joining with me, of course,

to talk about tonight's episode are all four of the Jokers.

-Yes. -Yes.

Fatone: Welcome, welcome. How we feeling today?


-So good!

So good. You look great.

[ Laughs ] I look great?

-Yeah. It's amazing. -I used to look like this.

[ Laughter ]

And now I look like this.

Yeah, but you do realize, like, you're able to take that off now.

Yeah. You only have to wear it on "Jokers."

Yeah, nobody told you you had to wear that all the time.

-Are you serious?! -Let your hair down!

-Nobody told me that! -Let my hair down!

You know what? I'm keeping it!

-It fits you. It fits you.

-No, it doesn't fit me.

Right? Does it look sexy on Murr?

[ Cheers and applause ]

It actually -- It fits you. It's handmade to fit you.

There's a size difference between his head and my head.

So when they made the wig for him, they shrunk it down.

And when I try to put it on,

it doesn't fit.

It sits like up here and, like, flows down.

I have a small, little pea head.

He's got a huge...

I have a Fred Flintstone head.

Joe: You're like a Rottweiler.

Will you try to put your own hair back on?

-Oh, my God! Can I? -Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

It doesn't work.

Sal: Murr, I never thought you'd part with hair once you had it.

[ Laughter ]

It's sitting -- It's sitting

3 feet above your head!

-That does not look any good. -Oh, my God.

It looks like you.

I'm back, baby!

No. No. You don't want to be.

[ Laughter ]

I'm back! I'm back!

Just get that off. It looks horrible.

I forgot!

I forgot it was a wig.

For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers: After Party - Reflecting on Murr's New Look | truTV - Duration: 1:36.


WV Live - It's ON!, Episode 18 - Duration: 12:48.

Flye first returns to the U.S.

and it's bigger than ever the launch of advantage lite, and

the biggest game changer for Miami gets paid off,

I'm hungry.

All that's coming up, you're watching WV live.


Hello and welcome back to episode 18 of WV live, where

we read the news, so you don't have to.

I'm your host Scott Caldwell.

Oh my gosh, y'all.

Boot camp Miami was ridiculous.

Our international brothers and sisters, you guys get a pass,

it was a long way, but if you live in the U.S.

and you weren't there, you missed out.

One, the training content was just flat out incredible, like

next level good.

Gave you a little salsa

Travis just flew, Byron melted people's brains, and we

witnessed the coronation of Erixies the first.

It was amazing.

But the announcements?

Oh brother, you might want to hit pause and go grab an extra

pair of drawers, because after you here all this it's

possible you might soil yourself.

You've been warned.

Let's jump in.

Saturday morning kicked off big with the news flye first

is back.

After originally concluding in the states earlier this year,

and a successful international offering that started back in

May, we've put thousands of cards out in the market as

part of our flye first beta testing program.

Well, good news boys and girls, Eddie Head shared that

we had roughly 100,000 more cards we want to get in to

your hot little hands.

So, if you're outside the U.S.

flye first global has been extended and will run from

July 22nd, to August 18th, then from August 19th to

September 18th.

All the same rules apply.

The last qualification period closed down on July 21st, so

those people will get their notification in the weeks

ahead, then once the next period ends August 18th, that

group will be given the chance to order as well, and so on.

Now, for those in the U.S.

we're shaking things up a little bit so first off,

surprise the U.S.

program actually started July 1st and is running through

August 18th, then from August 19th to September 18th, and

just like before, if you make one DreamTrips Gold or

Platinum sale, or two basic DreamTrips sales, you'll

qualify to purchase a flye beta card during the beta

program, for $120.

Of course, if you do, you'll then receive a $50 credit

toward the final production cards, but here's where it

gets different, for the US promotion to get the cards

into your hands even faster since they're shipping

locally, we're actually closing out qualifications

every week.

So, anyone who qualified between July 1st, and midnight

on Tuesday July 25th, which would be the Tuesday

immediately following the announcement, they've already

received their invitation to order a card.

Then every Tuesday at midnight central during the promotion,

we'll close out another round.

That means taking action now matters.

If someone qualifies by Tuesday, they'll be in line

ahead of a whole weeks worth of other qualifiers.

Our goal is to get these cards in your hands as quickly as


And, just so you know, the promotion is based on supply.

Once these cards are gone, they gone, so take action now

and you could have that green blinking light in your wallet

before the masses.

Next up, meet your coaches, this is something that the

leaders have been clamoring for for months, and it's

finally here.

Let me ask you a question, have you ever bought tickets

to see a band or a movie that you knew nothing about, like

never heard their music, or never saw a trailer,

completely site unseen?

Probably not, except for some rare instances, maybe if there

was a girl involved.

Well, at WorldVentures we've got some of the most talented,

dynamic, successful trainers on the planet and they provide

so much value at our events that it's almost silly.

If you're a brand new rep, you don't know who Byron Schrag,

or James Lee or Scott Ross is, so it's a challenge to promote

them effectively, well, not anymore.

Starting with the next round of RTEs in September, you'll

be seeing meet your coaches profile PDFs as links on an


That way you can learn more about who's coming and share

that with your team.

Each profile will tell you whether your coach is a

regional trainer, lead regional trainer or knighted

trainer, will show you there rank, their personality type,

their bio, some quotes, as well as where to find them in

Voyager or Draft time University.

It's a fantastic tool we think will make a huge difference in

driving attendance at events, so keep your eyes peeled.

Moving on to Rovia, president Jim Mitch took the stage in

Miami this weekend to drop some serious updates on us the

big takeaway, nobody does what we do Jim shared about the

unique value of our DreamTrips product, Rovia's global

influence and it's ongoing cultivation of strategic

partnerships, he highlighted Rovia's preferred partnership

with virtuoso, the number one influent brand in the travel

space, then we get a chance to hear from two special guests

speakers Dondra Ritzenthaler from celebrity cruises and

Mariana Suarez from Azul beach resorts, and guys, they love

us, our relationships with top resorts cruise lines and

entertainment venues like celebrity or Azul continue to

create better experiences for our customers around the world

as well as for you the reps who market our memberships,

Jim pointed out that by strengthening our product

through partnerships, we're building exclusivity and

adding credibility.

Jim also celebrated Rovia's debut at number 40 on travel

weekly's 2017 power list of the top leaders in the travel

industry, that's big.

This kind of leverage and relationship building just

goes to show you that we've got a product to be proud of,

and basically, things are just going to keep getting better.

Next up Advantage Lite.

This is another big one.

As most of you probably know, we have a training

subscription program called the WorldVentures Advantage.

It's been around for a number of years and it's great.

For just 20 bucks a month, you get access to this massive

library of WorldVentures training audios and videos, as

well as the subscription to voyager magazine, our

bimonthly publication which features interviews and

profiles of top income earners, recognition, monthly

updates, etcetera.

It also comes with a subscription to the monthly

success magazine, monthly drive time university

overdrive CDs, and more.

Well, in case $20 was just not quite in the budget for you,

we're excited now offering another option that's a

complete no-brainer.

For just $5.99 a month, you'll have access to a digital only

version of the voyager magazine, as well as all the

digital versions of drive time university overdrive.

Yeah, 6 bucks.

It's 20 cents a day in the US that's less than a Chipotle

burrito, and twice as tasty.

Not only that but both Advantage and Advantage Lite

subscribers will also be given access to a new Facebook group

called the secret Advantage.

In it you'll get to see special Facebook live messages

from our knighted trainers as well as Mark Accetta maybe a

few execs.

We've been busy the last few weeks getting everyone added,

it's a manual process, but once you're in, I think you

might find that the secret advantage group is worth $6

just by itself.

Now, the Advantage Lite program is currently available

through your back office.

To get it, simply log in, go to my account, click upgrade,

scroll down, and select whichever Advantage option is

best for you.

And in the next few weeks, it'll get even better, as our

development team should be finishing the final touches on

integrating it into the DreamTrips app under the more

button so you'll have all that fantastic digital content

right in the palm of your hand.

Make sure you subscribe today.

Moving on hey NMDs you just got a pay raise, that's right

starting August 1st and continuing through October

31st we're running a promotion where national marketing

directors will now receive $1500 per month for their

DreamCar bonus instead of the usual $1000.

NMDs as well as IMDs made some sacrifices with regard to

double cycle several months ago when we made some

compensation plan adjustments so we could pay out more to

new reps and we want to show them some love.

So if you're an NMD already hope you enjoy that.

And if you're an IMD shooting or NMD well we just gave you

500 more reasons to get there, get to it.

Turning to WorldVentures Foundation news 2 really cool

things in Miami the foundation did a 50/50 raffle where you

could make a donation and get a ticket in a drawing then the

winner would actually get half of what was raised.

Well after raising $10,410 we drew Jeff Barn's name who

promptly decided to give back the $5000.

Tip of the hat to you Jeff look at that big ole heart to


At boot camp we also announced a 17 in Seventeen Guatemala

giveaway, part of our initiative to build 17 bottles

schools in Guatemala this year.

You have until August 31st to start your own fundraising


Just go to click donate now then go to

existing campaigns and click become a fundraiser.

The person that raises the most funds will get a

Voluntour for 2 to help build a bottle school.

Now it's not open to teams these are individual

fundraisers and airfare is not included in the giveaway.

But if you'd like to help make a difference and especially if

you haven't been on a bottle school trip yet well here's

your chance.

Again that runs until August 31st so head to to get started.

All right now let's talk about another big announcement this

was the grand daddy of all the announcements and it brought

the crowd to their feet again and again.

Are you hungry?

What if I told you there was a way to get paid when people


Well starting later this year that's exactly what's going to


DreamTrips Local is about to change your business in a

major way.

First off let's break down how DreamTrips Local works.

When a merchant becomes part of our network they agree to

pay us a percentage of the bill between 15 and 25% when

you dine there or use their services as a marketing fee.

That's because if it wasn't for DreamTrips Local our

member might have eaten elsewhere.

And this is what allows us to offer you DreamTrips points.

And this is great for them because unlike most other

programs out there they're not paying if people don't use the


Because with us you check in on your DreamTrips app, scan

the receipt, etc and so we know you've actually been


And once flye card rolls out we'll be able to track that in

an even more seamless and frictionless manner.

With me so far?


Well here's where it gets good.

Starting later this year November 1st is the target

date we're going to start paying commissions on the

marketing dollars we collect.

So I'm a rep and I sign you up as a DreamTrip customer and

you go out to dinner at one of our partner restaurants you'll

earn DreamTrips points back so you can dine your way toward a


But because I'm the rep who enrolled you I'll earn a small

percentage of the bill in commissions.

It's based on levels so once you're qualified any of you're

personal customers and any customers they refer and so on

we'll pay you 6% of those marketing dollars.

When you enroll a rep that starts your next level, level


Any customers enrolled by that rep you sponsor we'll pay 4%

then down to 4% on the next level 3% and finally 3% on the

5th level.

That's 5 levels you can get paid off of as your rate


Still with me?

Ok get this when we launch flye to the public so someone

who's neither a rep nor a DreamTrips customer they'll

still be able to earn points when they dine.

Now they earn half as many points as a DreamTrips member

but you'll still be paid on them the same.

Not only that but if a flye card holder who is not a rep

or a member refers another flye card holder that still

counts as the same level.

So you could sell one card to a friend have that card lead

to a referral daisy chain to 4 or 5 customers and you'll earn

6% of all the marketing dollars of all of them every

time they dine with DreamTrips Local.

As Byron put it Sunday night this is stupid.

We're basically giving you the opportunity to be paid off I'm


Obviously there's lots more to come on this specific terms

and conditions and all that and as I said our projected

launch isn't until November 1st at the earliest but get

excited because between that and the flye card there's

going to be a whole new ball game.

Ok let's talk membership pricing.

With all the incredible things rolling out and the major

enhancements and the product offering I mean we're offering

over 5000 slamming trips a year.

It's time for a small increase in monthly membership fees.

Don't worry it's just 5 bucks.

So effective August 1st DreamTrips standard fees will

increase to $29.99 a month and DreamTrips Gold will increase

to $54.99 a month.

That's for both new and existing customers worldwide

except in our African markets where the increase will only

be $1.99 for each membership level.

Platinum pricing will stay the same worldwide.

We believe these changes will have no major impact on your

sales and these small increases will allow us to

continue driving innovation and enhancement we're offering

at the same rapid rate for the months ahead.

So we appreciate your support on this and that extra $5 a

month also means you get 60 more DreamTrip points to

travel with each year.

Finally a View from the Edge, that's right hard to believe

it but it's that time of year again.

Marc Accetta and his cavalcade of characters are coming to a

country near you this fall.

The View begins its 5 continent tour with Pretoria

South Africa September 15-17.

Then it's Hong Kong September 29-October 1st.

Down under to Australia October 15-17.

Back to the states for fabulous Los Vegas October

27-29 before giving the west end a run for its money in

London England November 17-19.

Marc and the team are working nonstop between now and then

to deliver another memorable weekend.

If you haven't already made plans to be there let me

suggest you get on that.

I've seen the show 12 times now and Marc never fails to

deliver more surprises and memorable moments every time.

If you haven't watched the new promotional video for this

year do that after we finish.

Ben Hogan, Marc's resident video Wizard delivered the

hottest video I've ever seen for the View.

Production wise it's just awesome.

But also manages to more clearly articulate just what

the view actually is and why you should go and then any

other promotional video I've seen in the last decade.

It's something you really must see to believe.

Plus as we usually do at major events and especially as we

get closer to the official launch of flye it's safe to

say we'll have more announcements to send you out

of the theater on fire.

So head to, lock in your seats today.

Well that does it for this episode.

If you've got any feedback or suggestions kick us an email


Until next time I'm your host Scott Caldwell this has been

WV live where we read the news so you don't have to.


For more infomation >> WV Live - It's ON!, Episode 18 - Duration: 12:48.


Impractical Jokers - Murr Wants a Pretzel | truTV - Duration: 1:52.

Murr: What do I look like?

[ Laughs ] I look so stupid.

He forgot he was gonna be wearing this hair.

Joe: In case you've been living under a rock,

this is why Murray's hair looks like this.


Sal: Murr, he will be wearing

Q's hair as a wig.

Sal: Oh, my God!

[ Laughter ]

Oh, my God. I feel like such an ass[Bleep]

[ Laughter ]

Guys, they're giving away a $100 gift card every 15 minutes

if you're in the food court.

Do you guys

want to sign up for it?

It's super easy.

We're in, we're in!

Ow, that hurt actually,

kind of.

It did, it did, actually, believe it or not.

You got to -- you got to work out.

Thanks, enjoy. You got it.

Here's the text, buddy.

Murr can see everything we're texting.

And he wrote back "Thank you."

All right, Murr -- you're already at one.

There you go.

I got a response.

[ Cellphone clicking ]

What am "I" texting them?

Sal: You guys lift? You got muscles AF.

[ Laughs ] I can't even look.

[ Laughter ]

Joe: He's laughing.

Yeah, you're good.

Sal: He's writing back! He's writing back!


[ Laughter ]

You got a double. He got a double off of one!

Yeah, he got a two-for-one on that one, buddy.

So you're up to three already, Murr.

[ Laughs ] This is so embarrassing.

All right, Murr -- I just sent one.

[ Laughing ] Oh, my gosh.

-He sent it. He's got it.

-All right, here we go.


[ Laughing ] Oh, my God.

[ Laughter ]

He wrote back, "Um sure."

He keeps answering.


I can't even look.

Is he looking at his phone?

For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers - Murr Wants a Pretzel | truTV - Duration: 1:52.


The Chris Gethard Show - Piñata vs. Angry New Yorker | truTV - Duration: 1:53.













>> LIZ.
































>> OH, NO!



>> OH, GOD.








For more infomation >> The Chris Gethard Show - Piñata vs. Angry New Yorker | truTV - Duration: 1:53.


OCG - The return of Infinite Contest Glitch in Overwatch on Temple of Anubis - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> OCG - The return of Infinite Contest Glitch in Overwatch on Temple of Anubis - Duration: 2:25.


Modernização Trabalhista: Como fica o teletrabalho? - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Modernização Trabalhista: Como fica o teletrabalho? - Duration: 0:44.


🔴 PUMP, Hawking says ETs are close - FACEBOOK DISABLED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 🔴 PUMP, Hawking says ETs are close - FACEBOOK DISABLED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - Duration: 3:50.


Como ouvirão se não há quem pregue? Pregação impactante - Duration: 15:04.

For more infomation >> Como ouvirão se não há quem pregue? Pregação impactante - Duration: 15:04.


Uniforme Tradicional | Paródia "Stressed Out" | Homem-Aranha: De Volta ao Lar - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Uniforme Tradicional | Paródia "Stressed Out" | Homem-Aranha: De Volta ao Lar - Duration: 3:39.


The Chris Gethard Show - Piñata vs. Angry New Yorker | truTV - Duration: 1:53.













>> LIZ.
































>> OH, NO!



>> OH, GOD.








For more infomation >> The Chris Gethard Show - Piñata vs. Angry New Yorker | truTV - Duration: 1:53.


TSIC x Dradan - Bola de Neve. (Prod. TSIC) - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> TSIC x Dradan - Bola de Neve. (Prod. TSIC) - Duration: 4:25.


Jengibre Razones Para Incluirlo en tu Dieta - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Jengibre Razones Para Incluirlo en tu Dieta - Duration: 3:33.


Premium Apple ID With Password iOS 9 to 11 | Get Paid Apps and Games From AppStore - Duration: 1:54.

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