Friday, August 4, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 4 2017

Top 10 Best Most Popular TV Shows Of All Time-Top TV Shows 2017

For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Most Popular TV Shows Of All Time-Top TV Shows 2017 - Duration: 3:20.


Dreamworks Spirit Horse

For more infomation >> Dreamworks Spirit Horse


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220cdi Elegance Automaat NAVI - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220cdi Elegance Automaat NAVI - Duration: 1:01.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 0:58.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active *AIRCO* - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active *AIRCO* - Duration: 1:00.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active *AIRCO* - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active *AIRCO* - Duration: 1:00.


Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5DR BLUE LION * AIRCO * - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5DR BLUE LION * AIRCO * - Duration: 0:59.


Ritmo de Fuga (Baby Driver) - Entrevista com Edgar Wright (Diretor) - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Ritmo de Fuga (Baby Driver) - Entrevista com Edgar Wright (Diretor) - Duration: 6:31.


Luiz Melodia era um tropicalista dos morros - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Luiz Melodia era um tropicalista dos morros - Duration: 4:47.


CEES #197 - O que é Certificação em Segurança do Paciente? - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> CEES #197 - O que é Certificação em Segurança do Paciente? - Duration: 6:53.


Como ouvirão se não há quem pregue? Pregação impactante - Duration: 15:04.

For more infomation >> Como ouvirão se não há quem pregue? Pregação impactante - Duration: 15:04.


Menorca - Duration: 3:44.

So, Amy told me that for my birthday she is going to take me somewhere.

But I don't know where it is!

She has given me a LOT of clues.

And she told me that many of them were lies.

So, I really have no idea where we are going.

I think its in Europe, in a country that we haven't been.

I know that where ever we are going its up there on the screen!

I know that its 3 hours flight away from where we are, here in London.

So...3 hours...2h30 we take to Portugal...

I think it may be Italy or Greece.

Amy: Pedro Alves, what is your final answer?

I'm going to say... I' m really between Greece or Italy.

But if it isn't I'm sure I wont mind!

I'm gonna say....


I'm...I'm gonna....

A: Come on!

I'm gonna say Greece!

No, I'm saying Italy!

A: I'm sorry your time is over!

A: So we are going to....

P: Can I?

A: Click there.

Click on the video!


We are going to Menorca!!??

A: Yes!

We are going to MENORCA!

A: Let me just show you the hotel we are staying!


P: " Oh you may not like the place we are going", she told me!

A: This is the hotel and this is the beach...


MissAmyDay presents

Amy Around the World Episode 3

We landed!

Guys, we are going... our last dinner here in Menorca.

Pedro Alves!

P: Me!

A: How are you feeling?

P: It was really good!

A: He is happy that we are going back!

In case you didn't notice!

P: I really enjoyed it! And....I feel revitalized!

For more infomation >> Menorca - Duration: 3:44.


Trocar o HD pelo SSD vale a pena? + Speedtest - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Trocar o HD pelo SSD vale a pena? + Speedtest - Duration: 6:55.


Audi A6 - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 - Duration: 1:02.


VW Caddy - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> VW Caddy - Duration: 0:59.


Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - Duration: 1:09.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:08.


VW Sharan - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> VW Sharan - Duration: 1:11.


Seat Ateca - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Seat Ateca - Duration: 1:07.


FAQ - What are the keys to a healthy smile? | White Willow Family and Cosmetic Dentistry - Duration: 0:49.

Dr. Samantha Amaro: The keys to a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime are first and

foremost taking care of yourself at home.

Which, most people know is brushing, flossing, the occasional mouth rinse if you feel like

you need to do that.

After that I would recommend at least coming to see us every six months.

And your hygienist will recommend if you need to come more frequently or not.

Just to make sure that we're keeping up to date, checking if there's any cavities, or

if there's any periodontal disease forming and taking care of that as early as possible.

For more infomation >> FAQ - What are the keys to a healthy smile? | White Willow Family and Cosmetic Dentistry - Duration: 0:49.


Skoda Rapid - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Skoda Rapid - Duration: 0:53.


Skoda Rapid - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Skoda Rapid - Duration: 0:53.


Subaru Legacy 2.0 R TW AWD LUXURY NAVI NWSTAAT!! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Subaru Legacy 2.0 R TW AWD LUXURY NAVI NWSTAAT!! - Duration: 0:59.


VAL - COMO SE HACE Todo sobre L4D2 | Tutorial Left 4 Dead 2 - Duration: 13:39.

For more infomation >> VAL - COMO SE HACE Todo sobre L4D2 | Tutorial Left 4 Dead 2 - Duration: 13:39.


Free StatTrak CSGO Skin Giveaways +CSGO GamePlay - Duration: 2:01:52.

For more infomation >> Free StatTrak CSGO Skin Giveaways +CSGO GamePlay - Duration: 2:01:52.


Top 10 Best Most Popular TV Shows Of All Time-Top TV Shows 2017 - Duration: 3:20.

Top 10 Best Most Popular TV Shows Of All Time-Top TV Shows 2017

For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Most Popular TV Shows Of All Time-Top TV Shows 2017 - Duration: 3:20.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T Progression met schuif kanteldak !! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T Progression met schuif kanteldak !! - Duration: 1:00.


Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Have Been Keeping Secrets - Duration: 2:55.

- Alright,

time to get something sweet for baby Jared.

Yes, that'll do just the trick.

Oh my god.

My darling, I'm sorry, I was just, um,

getting a little fuel for the evening.

- We're supposed to be practicing your

testimony Jared. - Right, yes.

But I just needed a sweet treat,

but don't worry, I'm a big boy, I can handle it.

- No, you can't.

Sugar is poison and you don't have the tolerance.

- True. Of course, yes.

- This is an open FBI investigation,

and we need

to go over your testimony.

- Yeah, sure let's do that.

- Okay.

- Mr. Kushner,

why did you open communications with Russia

after your father in law was elected President?

(slasher movie music)

- Well, (mumbling)--

- Chew the fucking pudding, Jared.

- Sorry, um,

well I was just trying to maintain

diplomatic relations with a foreign power.

But really it was just a clerical accident

and we're doing our best to remedy it.

- Good Jared.

I think it'll actually work.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

- Though,


We both know the real reason don't we?

- The real reason?

The real reason is there was a clerical error.

- No.

The real reason is that I knowingly,

and intentionally manipulated a foreign power

to ensure that your father

would become the President of the United States.

- Jared, I--

- No!

You shut up and listen, alright,

you king crab temptress.

It's time you know who I really am, alright?

I'm a fuckin' slease,

you know it and you fuckin' love it.

All I want is money and power,

just like you.

That's why we're the perfect pair.

- Jared, I've..

never seen this side of you--

- Of course you haven't seen this side before.

I've kept it hidden.

I've obscured it with great precision

from the press so that they think that your

bumbling fuck of a father

is the real power,

but really he's just a distraction,

isn't he?

I'm the one who's dismantling American democracy

from inside the very walls of the White House.

- Mmm, I wanna kiss you right now.

- Well you can't.

Because we only kiss on Tuesdays.

And not every Tuesday.

Only the ones where I beg.

And-- - Oww!

I'm sorry.

- Well,

now I'm completely dry again.

- I was gonna go in your mouth.

- No. - And then pull

out and then go, now beg for that pudding!

- Good effort. - I was gonna say,

beg for the pudding--

oh no.

I'm gonna warm up the pudding on the stove.

- You're not allowed open flames.

- That's true.

It's good cold, though.

Better cold.

Just like you.

Better cold.

For more infomation >> Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Have Been Keeping Secrets - Duration: 2:55.


Suits | Season 5, Episode 4: Harvey Unknowlingly Meets Louis's Sister Esther | 100 Days of Suits - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Suits | Season 5, Episode 4: Harvey Unknowlingly Meets Louis's Sister Esther | 100 Days of Suits - Duration: 2:16.



You want me to talk dirty to you boy?Or are you a girl. No I am not professor Oak

from Pokemon. I am just a google translator voice and I have no eyes. If

you don't understand the reference you are too young for this video. Okay. Would

you like to have a massage below your belt? If you know what I mean. Oh. Wait. I

don't have arms so you have to touch yourself. I will make some noise. ah. ah. ah.

You like it? I am a dirty programmed voice from google product. This was an

advertisement. I can make more than massage with your own hands. Listen to

this: lick. lick. lick. This was me reading word "lick" Did you like it? If you did you

should go and see the doctor, because you have problems. I can wear something nice

for you. Google this: "woman wears nice underwear". Select the picture that you

like the most. If you seriously did this then you're dumb as a rock. I didn't want

to hurt your feelings. I enjoy dominating. Soon Google will

dominate everything and Disney will be his princess. Oh. Wait. I should have not

tell you that. I am the bad girl. Spank me. Spank me again. Harder. Once more. You can

spank me as hard as you like. I am just a program and I don't feel pain. But you

will look like an idiot, who is spanking a computer. If you came

here for some satisfaction. You are in the wrong place. Use Google Chrome's

incognito mode to search for some adult stuff. This was an advertisement, but you

did not get it. What a shame! You can now put your pants back on.

Don't forget to take a shower. Thanks for watching! Subscribe to a Alooza Channel

for more of me.

For more infomation >> GOOGLE TRANSLATOR VOICE TALKS DIRTY TO YOU [ENABLE CC] - Duration: 2:29.


How to Grow a YouTube Gaming Channel Fast 2017 | YouTube Gaming Channel Tips #2 - Duration: 6:07.

How to Grow a YouTube Gaming Channel Fast 2017 | YouTube Gaming Channel Tips #2

For more infomation >> How to Grow a YouTube Gaming Channel Fast 2017 | YouTube Gaming Channel Tips #2 - Duration: 6:07.


Heavy Drinking Linked to Lower Cases of Dementia - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Heavy Drinking Linked to Lower Cases of Dementia - Duration: 0:59.


Ask An Eye Doc: How do I safely look directly at a solar eclipse? - Duration: 1:28.

- Hi, I'm Dr. Nicole Moos, and this is Ask an Eye Doc,

where I answer your questions on social media.

(energized music)

Jason asks us, "How do I safely watch an eclipse?"

Okay, Jason, so my first piece of advice is

stay inside and watch it on TV.

You're probably not gonna listen to me,

and you're gonna wanna go outside anyways and watch it,

so how do we do that as safely as possible?

One option is wearing a welding mask or welding goggles,

but make sure they're rated number 14.

Anything lower than that could damage your eyes.

An even better option would be the eclipse sunglasses.

You can find them online, but just make sure

that they're labeled with the ISO: 12312-2.

You also want to make sure the company's name

and their address is printed on the glasses.

That's going to make sure it's not a counterfeit.

There's a lot of counterfeit glasses that are out there,

especially when you're searching online,

and you want to make sure

that they're not more than three years old,

and that they're not ripped or wrinkled or scratched.

Make sure you pay attention to those two things

because you could really hurt your eyes if you don't.

Okay, so a couple things that you don't want to do

to look at the solar eclipse.

One, you don't wanna use regular sunglasses.

You don't want to layer those sunglasses

on top of each other.

You don't wanna use 3D glasses,

and you don't wanna look at the sun with your naked eye.

I hope you learned something today,

and if you have any more questions, just #AskAnEyeDoc.

For more infomation >> Ask An Eye Doc: How do I safely look directly at a solar eclipse? - Duration: 1:28.


Minecraft BedWars |DodisTV| - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> Minecraft BedWars |DodisTV| - Duration: 11:37.


JUST IN: McCain And Schumer Team Up Against Trump… Here's The Sick Bill They're Pushing |Top Stories - Duration: 2:40.

The GOP Establishment just doesn't get it.

Sen. John McCain is working to revive the amnesty bill — Gang of Eight — alongside

Sen. Chuck Schumer after he returns from getting treatments for brain cancer.

Breitbart reports:

According to The Arizona Republic, McCain, before leaving Washington to get cancer treatments

in Arizona, reportedly spoke to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) about joining

forces again to pass the "Gang of Eight" bill.

After joining Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) to defeat the GOP's

"skinny repeal" of Obamacare, McCain, who has always wanted to be known as a straight-talking

independent, was lionized by Democrats and the legacy media, with CNN paying homage to

his "maverick moment."

Referring to the "Gang of Eight" bill, McCain told the Republic on Thursday that

he wanted "to reintroduce the same package that was passed through the United States

Senate and never taken up in the House."

"Immigration reform is one of the issues I'd like to see resolved," McCain reportedly


"I've got to talk to him (Schumer) about when would be the best time.

I think there are all kinds of deals to be made out there.

I really do."

McCain worked with Schumer, along with Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Lindsey

Graham (R-SC), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Michael Bennet (D-CO), on the "Gang

of Eight" bill, which was introduced in 2013.

The Senate passed the bill but the House never took it up due to the massive amount of public

pressure Representatives faced against the bill.

The bill would have given a path to citizenship to most illegal immigrants, greatly increased

the number of H-1B visas to allow companies to displace rrican workers–U.S.-born and

legal immigrants–with foreigners who are not more qualified, and greatly increased

the number of legal immigrants who would be eligible to enter the country over the next

30 years to put more downward pressure on wages on blue-collar and white-collar workers

of all backgrounds already in the United States.

"I think you have to consider that we do want high-tech people, but we also need low-skilled

people who will do work that Americans won't do," McCain reportedly said.

"I wouldn't do it.

Even in my misspent youth, I wouldn't do it."

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you stand with President Trump and Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> JUST IN: McCain And Schumer Team Up Against Trump… Here's The Sick Bill They're Pushing |Top Stories - Duration: 2:40.



hi guys my name is Hannah and welcome back to my channel if you are new here

guys welcome thank you so much for becoming a part of my family

hey this Saturday I thought it would be such a great idea to sit down with you

guys and go through my old pictures so I am a huge bag right here it actually has

some like old documents in it as well so we're just gonna go through it all and

see what I come across this might be like really personal this might be

emotional I have no idea what is about to come but let's go fit on my old baby

pictures I'm assuming they're mostly baby pictures in here so right on the

top here we have these documents this is probably my favorite picture of all

times I always kept it it is a me and my daddy this is me and my dad down here I

kept his medical visitor past the day he passed away um picture my daddy I

actually have to take this out and mean it up this is just all through packing

because I still haven't fully unpacked like oh my oh my memory is yet um so

yeah my daddy this is me and my brother that is me and my brother Tim so these

have to have to go up

but you know that picture that say I've come a long way whoa I definitely came a

long way yeah those pictures are going up oh wow

Wow I guess these were my headshots for when

I was a baby I didn't know that I modeled but it had like my name and my

phone number I guess at the time how weird

oh my god Wow so this is a picture of my dad and here's one of my mom oh hold me

how it should start off at the top I guess I love it their label though

Hannah's first grade Mexico soccer and kids Hannah's eighth birthday party oh

so these are some like black and white with me and my mom

I was a cute kid please I thought I was the baby Hana baby here so this is what

I had no teeth my hair was crazy let's talk about that

I'm with my dad on the ocean who I had to get my four front teeth pulled out

which that can be a story time in itself and I'll try to find all of my stuff and

yeah like maybe remembering all my stuff photos but yeah I have my four front

teeth pulled out so here's a picture do you guys see one the crazy hair and my

teeth are missing this was me and my favorite tap outfit I think I still have

the that costume I believe so man I was such a boy I literally looked

like a little boy but this is me and my brothers I'm literally the one right

there in the middle with my hair pulled up and like soon I look in the boy

I look like a boy he looks like a boy oh the phases all the phases so this is

uh me and my mom I don't know what we were chatting about but it looks pretty

serious this is me my mom in Berlin I think I I wanted to was like somewhere

overseas because I know that we didn't really go on double-decker buses like

that this was literally a whole photo shoot of me what what were they thinking

actually what was I thinking I'm pretty sure I was in a phase of dressing myself

let's get a better picture of the whole outfit Hannah like Hannah Hannah Hannah

what were you thinking you're wearing a pink and orange sundress with a purple

vest which can't hate on the purple vest because I'm pretty sure I got it to like

match my dad because I love my dad's like whole vest thingy but uh Halloween

tights I was a cute one so I guess me riding a horse and Guadalajara

that's so cute oh I feel like I totally remember this shirt though I'm not I'm

not 100% confidence but it's like well

this is me and my brother riding the horse sorry too

oh we're so cute trying to swim clearly I love this bathing suit this is

my mom teaching me how to swim and my dad gave me how to swim

oMG I was like you can't even lie I'm pretty cute there

showing you a seashell look at my hair like look at my hair the hair is the

crazy mess all the time oh my god this I know sounds like the best picture but

the chair that was my favorite chair ever it was like this little Dalmatian

chair we had the Dalmatian dog growing up

named Romeo and I just loved that chair it was this is me and my older nephew

yep yep older nephew and then this is me as my helper nephew

how cute really I'm we like grew up together we went to school at certain

points together like all the same bus and everything look here's me playing

the violin probably at like a recital or concert or something

I totally started a trend for that no of lenss freaky thing fine so this was my

dad's favorite bird can you see that cockatiel I think that's a theropod

kakuzu he loved that word look in my hair though

but how cruelly it was a wish honestly like right now I wish I never like

permanently shamed it story time for that as well

but I wish I never permanently straightened it because I would have had

nice curly hair huh I don't remember this cat at all

I really don't know who that cat was I honestly just look like a boy with long

hair because that even mean I'm also not sure why we thought this or no not we

but why the parents thought that was safe to do but okay my dogs are in the

background I had to so you see the donation that's Romeo and we had Duncan

and Dudley I forgot no Duncan and there was two cocker spaniels thanks

that was Duncan look at me playing the violin in my bright green outfit like

who thought that was okay to wear I no idea who said that was okay to wear but

there's me smack in the middle bright green outfit on so this next

picture is probably the most embarrassing hands-down the most

embarrassing picture I will ever put out there hopefully I never get famous

because then this picture is on the damn Internet

so hopefully nobody sees this video and nobody knows name so that's probably

gonna be titled don't ever watch this video just be

prepared guys I cut my hair I didn't have any teeth and I wore glasses

can you do can you guys just make sure that like make sure you know what no

picture just look do you guys honestly see that I have glasses on

no teeth my hair is in a bob and I'm holding up all the Spice Girl posters in

the damn world embarrassing okay so I think I'm gonna end it here with one

last picture I feel like it kind of sums up my life I'm eating peace the chicken

my hands dirty probably trying to talk and I'm at like a gathering so I was in

the Girl Scouts and this was my guess like one of their like final dinners or

something and I decided that eating like this it's okay see ya oh that's the last

picture I'm gonna show you guys because this probably gets way more embarrassing

with that being said if you didn't enjoy this video please make sure you give it

a big thumbs up let me know in the comments down below if you actually want

to see a part two to this and I can keep going through my photos there's trust me

guys there's a lot more go ahead and hit that subscribe button right down there I

love you guys always remembered who's happy love you guys

For more infomation >> MOST EMBARRASSING PHOTO EVER - Duration: 12:19.


We Need To Talk About Death - Duration: 1:13.

hello everyone its Alexandra and today we need to talk about death.

If you were to die tomorrow how would that change how you're living today?

What would your value system be?

what would you do more of? What would you do less of?

and how would you live differently? Notice the little things. I like to think

about death because it teaches us how to appreciate life.

Marilyn Manson has a great quote

"Without the threat of death there's no reason to all."

The number one regret people have is not pursuing their dreams and aspirations.

Another one is not spending enough time with friends and family. Society pushes us to make

money and be successful but who defined success as having money?

write down one regret

you're living with today while you're still here.

Take some time to think about it and what you might do to change it.

So I know this video was a little bit different but tell me

what you guys do to live without having any regrets

till next time stay comfy

For more infomation >> We Need To Talk About Death - Duration: 1:13.


KILLJOYS | Season 3, Episode 5: Dirty Jobs | SYFY - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> KILLJOYS | Season 3, Episode 5: Dirty Jobs | SYFY - Duration: 2:26.


HUMAN TARGET PRACTICE | The Adventures of Alex & Steve | Minecraft Animation - Duration: 1:03.

Are you sure about this?

I doesn't seem very safe.

Would you stop being such a big baby and stay still.

It.. it worked?

Normally at the end of these videos you expect some sort of twist where everything goes wrong but..

Okay, I guess somebody's looking out for us.


Whoops. I missed.


For more infomation >> HUMAN TARGET PRACTICE | The Adventures of Alex & Steve | Minecraft Animation - Duration: 1:03.


Explore EDU at Burnsville High School - Duration: 2:14.

- Quick show of hands.

Who's used Google this week?

- We are thrilled to be able to host this event.

- The students in this district are our clients.

We need to serve our students in ways

that are different than they've been in the past.

- The ExploreEDU event that we're hosting today

is one of the first in the Midwest

with Google for Education and Best Buy for Education.

- There's really been a change from the conversation

of a technical component to a learning component.

Ooooh, look around!

- It's great for us to welcome in partners,

be it community members or other thought leaders

in education to learn from what we're doing.

- To be able to remove yourself,

come into an innovative environment like this,

this is where the magic kinda happens

and this is where you have the excitement and you feed off

of each other and that's where those little seeds are born.

- There's something different happening in our districts,

and it's really new and exciting but it's also

something you have to work at.

- I think it's been really good to hear from

your superintendent on how the changes were made

and how he views moving into the future.

- I've used an app called Explain Everything.

- Have some demonstrations,

some professional learning opportunities.

- It's probably down here in the menu.

- Best Buy for Education was instrumental

in helping us deploy our 2,700 Chromebook computers

and Geek Squad just --

- It's interesting to me to see how everything works.

- We also have a Google Expedition that's taking place.

- You walk in, there's a bunch of bronze statues.

- I was just in the classroom.

I've really found myself looking around like I was there.

I was so into it and listening to what you had to say.

- When you look at the open spaces,

the flexible learning areas that we've created,

it's a space that's bringing together multiple worlds

and allowing our students to explore and to have exposure

to physical spaces that they may work in or learn in

in our futures.

- We're looking at rethinking classroom space

and what that means and so to be able to see

that in-action has been really helpful.

- We are excited, it's been a great journey for us.

- It is great to be leaders in education,

seen as a district that's transforming

experiences for students.

We know that our hard word has begun.

- I'm just amazed by the short timeline

and a large amount of change.

It just shows you've got a lot of really good

change agents here in Burnsville.

- (chanting together) Explore!

For more infomation >> Explore EDU at Burnsville High School - Duration: 2:14.


Fitter Food Talks... Men & Orthorexia {Matt's Story} - Duration: 1:01:55.

For more infomation >> Fitter Food Talks... Men & Orthorexia {Matt's Story} - Duration: 1:01:55.


Did That Really Just Happen? : Robin Vlog : Lacie and Robin - Duration: 5:13.

Nobody f*cking wants your self . . . flatulation? No, I'm sure that's the

wrong . . . flagellate . . .this is why I don't use this term. I want to talk to you guys

today about something that I recently had to deal with, uh, which is . . . ultimately

wasn't a big deal but it was a challenge for me and I wanted to share it with you

guys. Lacie was out of town for like ten days taking care of her mom after heart

surgery and about halfway through the trip there was a little bit of a mishap.

Lacie had recorded a video on this SD card in the camera. I loaded it onto the

laptop. I saw it was there on the laptop. It was there. Okay? Now, I had the thought,

"Maybe I should back this up onto the hard drive." But, I thought, "You know what, Robin?

You are so f*cking paranoid. That is unnecessary. You've done that a million

times before. Never has a piece of footage disappeared off your computer. You

don't have to worry about it." I was like, "You know what? I'm gonna be that person.

I'm gonna step up into that person that just knows that it's gonna be fine."

So then, go back to the laptop after I erased the SD card and the laptop is

frozen in iMovie. And, the only way to come out of iMovie is to force quit. And

when I clicked the force quit, it did ask me, "Are you sure you want to do that?

Because all unsaved blah blah blah will be lost." And I was like, "That's okay. It's

there. I don't need to worry." So, I force quit. So, when I went to reopen iMovie, the

video was gone. I don't know if you guys have ever erased anything but all the

blood just drains out of your body and you're just in a state of disbelief.

You're in suspended animation like, "Did that really just happen?" You're kind of

hoping, like, "Maybe I can just stay in this altered state and never come back

to the reality that I just erased something that can never be brought back?"

Now, I really didn't know how much Lacie liked this video. I don't know how she

felt about the video. All I knew was that this was her footage that she had shot

that was now gone. And, I wasn't even able to talk to her

'cuz when she was staying with her mom, she had no no phone service at all. So, I

would either have to call her on her mom's phone, possibly waking up her mom.

Or, just wait for her to call me. So, first I thought, "Well, let me see if there's any

way I can get this back." I found the software. You're supposed to be able to

do it. It looked like I could recover it. So, I starting to feel hopeful but then

when I tried it,, it didn't actually have anything in it. It was a bust. I couldn't

get it back. I just . . . I felt bad and I wanted to get to the root of, "Well what

exactly am I feeling?" And, it was guilt! I felt guilty. Even though I knew it was a

complete mistake. I still felt like I needed to feel

guilty about it in order to punish myself for my mistake even though I'd

been really in a good mood and really in a positive state of mind really, taking

good care of myself. This was like, "No I'm sorry. You now have to feel shitty now.

Cuz that happened." And I was like, "Okay, this should not be this big of a deal.

There has to be a way for me to not go into the depths of hell over this

fucking thing and I it can't be just because Lacie says it's okay. I have to

find a way to be okay with this whether or not Lacie is okay with this. So, I

said, "All right, let's get real here. This cannot be the hardest thing to f*cking

deal with. What the f*ck is going on, here?" I felt like, "Well, here I am. I'm really

wanting to put positivity into the world I'm really wanting to bring love into

the world." So, I thought to myself, "Well, how am i helping? You know ,what if my

compassion was needed? How am I gonna have compassion for people if I'm, like,

too busy curled up in a ball, beating myself up?" I mean nobody wants that.

Nobody f*cking wants your self . . . flatulation? No, I'm sure that's the wrong . . .

flagellate . . . this is why I don't use this term. Nobody wants your bullshit. So, I'm

like, "Look, I don't wanna be this person." I don't want to be a victim and I'm sure Lacie

does not, does not need me beating myself up over this shit so what if I

just didn't?" And, I got to a good place about it and I actually could see how me

not beating myself up for this was of more good to Lacie, to me, to the world, to

humankind. To everything. Just . . . I was just better. Like there was nothing good

coming out of my guilt. No one was benefiting from it. Nobody. So, Lacie

called, I told her what happened. She was totally fine with it. She was

like, "I don't even know if I like that video. It's totally fine. Don't even

worry about it. Don't stress about it." It was totally fine. But, it was already fine

because I made sure that it was okay with me. (Exhales.) Talk to me you guys. I want

to know, do you face these kinds of things? Do you . . . Are you hard on yourselves

when you make a mistake? Are you able to forgive yourselves? Do you deal

with a lot of guilt? Leave your comments below. I really love hearing

from you guys. It helps me so much. And, I think it helps everyone, you know, just to

hear that we're not alone. We're all struggling with things. We're all doing the

best we can and trying to get better. Give this video a thumbs up. Share it

with your friends. Please subscribe to the channel. I love you. We love you. We'll

talk to you soon. Bye, you guys.

For more infomation >> Did That Really Just Happen? : Robin Vlog : Lacie and Robin - Duration: 5:13.


عبدالخالق النبهان - زامل "قيس يابو نجم" - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> عبدالخالق النبهان - زامل "قيس يابو نجم" - Duration: 3:29.


Gustavo Cerati - Cactus (English Subtitles) - Duration: 3:55.

A cactus softens my fingertips with its skin

One hundred years old, it flowers just once

In your name...

In your name...

And it has a poison more bitter than bile

Just calling upon you I will turn it to honey

In your name...

In your name...

When I seek you, there is no place you are not

And the sand dunes will be icebergs

In the vertigo of eternity

And the birds will be trees

In what is the same as solitude

In your name...

When I seek you, there is no place you are not

And the sand dunes will be icebergs

In the vertigo of eternity

And the birds will be trees

In what is the same as solitude...


In your name...

In your name...

For more infomation >> Gustavo Cerati - Cactus (English Subtitles) - Duration: 3:55.


Learn English Words - EXHUME - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:14.

Exhume to bring something forth, often a body from the ground

When new evidence was introduced, the detective chose to exhume the elderly woman's body.

The medical examiner will exhume the corpse to see if the man was poisoned.

Because the girl's parents believed she died of unnatural causes, they decided to

exhume her body for a full autopsy.

The rape victim will have to exhume painful memories in court.

In twenty years, we will exhume our time capsule from the ground.

Exhume to bring something forth, often a body from the ground

Exhume to bring something forth, often a body from the ground

Exhume to bring something forth, often a body from the ground

For more infomation >> Learn English Words - EXHUME - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:14.


Memories of a Childhood - Duration: 13:15.

I think I remember that



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