Friday, August 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 5 2017

The hair is wrapped in lipids and water, this protects it from external damage.

Sometimes prolonged exposure to the sun's rays can penetrate this protective

layer of hair and cause damage such as burned hair, fragility, dehydration

and loss of color, as long as you repair your hair or prevent this happening today in

todo en salud We will show you a very effective hair mask.

The necessary ingredients will be:- 1 avocado

1 banana - Honey

- 1 egg To begin we must extract the white of the

egg, what we are going to use will be the egg yolk, we add it in a container,

then peel the banana and add half of it, now we take the avocado and break a

room and add it, Finally we add a spoonful of honey.

With all the ingredients in the bowl, we begin to crush and mix them

to a homogeneous consistency.

This recipe we must apply in dry hair from the root to the tips,

let it act for 30 minutes and wash the hair as you normally do, doing this treatment

at least 2 times a week results will begin to appear in a very short time.

This recipe will give you benefits like: - It recovers the vitality of the hair

- Strengthens keratin and hair follicles

- Moisturizes capillary fibers - Close open ends

- Leaves hair silky smooth - Returns the brightness

- Eliminates hair fat So if you want to get these benefits

do not hesitate to buy these simple ingredients and prepare this recipe to enjoy

their properties.

We hope this video has been useful to you, remember that your opinion is very important,

so please rate, comment and share, and if you have not subscribed yet, subscribe to

our daily uploads.

For more infomation >> Recover your hair from harm with this homemade recipe that will put your hair like never before - Duration: 2:24.


Maduro logra al fin instalar su Asamblea Constituyente | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Maduro logra al fin instalar su Asamblea Constituyente | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:06.


Avilés Hurtado aprovecha un rechace para colocar el 2-0 de Monterrey sobre Xolos - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Avilés Hurtado aprovecha un rechace para colocar el 2-0 de Monterrey sobre Xolos - Duration: 1:14.


Dethleffs 450 DB LIFESTYLE - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Dethleffs 450 DB LIFESTYLE - Duration: 1:07.


Carles Puyol • Eternal ᴴᴰ - Duration: 4:42.

When you tell someone "Puyol" all these emotions come to you.

The captain, the emblem, a myth of Barcelona.

The maximum reference in the last 14 years.

Carles Puyol retires from our club as the model player.

He is a leader, a unique person.

Because he has been an example in everything he has done in football.

Barça lose a man from the house.

It represents exactly what Barça is.

Work, example, sincerity, honesty.

Leadership, strength, determination.

Purity, concentration and character.


The others often fall asleep and he is 100% all matches.

It is as if Barça lose a piece of soul.

I think there will be a memory and a bit of our heart where Puyol will always be.

In the end people want a person for what they transmit, for what they do and for what they reach people.

Find a Puyol is going to be impossible, it will not exist.

In the north, in the south, in the east, in the west of Spain we will always remember him as a very integral guy.

They are those kind of players, that kind of people that a club like Barcelona should have for life.

Imagining Barça without Puyol is complicated.

It is a myth and will be more with time.

The reason for the call today

is to inform them that at the end of the season I will no longer be a player of F.C. Barcelona.

The club is aware and we agree on both the fact and the form.

We will rescind the contract and we will terminate the remaining two years that remain pending.

After the last two operations so aggressive

it is costing me a lot to recover the level that I demand me to continue here.

More than I thought and much more than the surgeons have told me.

That's why I make this decision.

I have lived the dream of millions of children, I know that it has been a privilege

because for 19 years I got up every morning and did what I like most

which is to train and play football.

I have given everything for Barcelona and for football

then I would like you to remember that, a person who always gave everything for his club.

For more infomation >> Carles Puyol • Eternal ᴴᴰ - Duration: 4:42.


Couple Q&A | 3 YEARS + 100 SUB SPECIAL! - Duration: 14:33.

hey guys hey guys this is Julia from there goes infinity and today we are

doing a questions video so I know you guys requested this a while ago

so I asked you guys on snapchat and on Instagram we decided we picked out about

like 20 to 23 questions out of the 30 something submitted and essentially

we're going to go ahead and answer them all for you today if you aren't

subscribed already go ahead and hit that subscribe button also go ahead and like

my video if you end up enjoying if not don't just like it that's kind of mean

um and also comment down below because I want to know what you guys want and to

keep me posted okay guys so before we get this video

started there are two very important things which I must tell you guys I

literally started posting actively again like a few weeks ago and you guys just

showed up in maths I don't know where you came from but like I was just like

nudging cuz I was sitting at like 98 subscribers and I was like okay somebody

you subscribe and you have 100 and then no joke my sub count with all the way up

to like 108 or 109 and I was like woah more than I thought like oh it's awesome

to see the channel grow like that and it made me really proud of you guys so this

video is part of that and you know since it's timed up so perfectly with my third

year anniversary of there goes infinity I decided to have this one on the show

oh my gosh we had so much fun filming this so I think you guys are going to

have just as much fun watching it okay guys so we're starting off we have 22

questions that we're answering today so are you ready to go with this yeah well

show actually I have one thing that I forgot for this video so I'm going to

ask you get it for me if that's okay what is it like there's something orange

in my purse you go grab it okay oh my god how did you know how did you

know it's your first time on the channel so I wanted to get you something that

would be just something that you'd enjoy so like you should be my favorite man

like I'm qualified I know I don't want yeah okay so question number one why are

your ranks and rocket League is our first question all right you go first

oh come on can embarrass me um I'm only semi-pro like competitive ranks or

honestly I'm not sure it's not like specified anywhere yeah all right well I

mean like level wise I'm a veteran nice but when I used to play competitive

as a pro um I got challenged early one nice um do you ever get upset

accountable for making so many fun yourself or making too many I do

really I don't know I I love bad puns and margin area that is you who would

win in a lightsaber battle also if you have to choose characters to battle as

but versus each other from the Star Wars universe who would you choose that's a

really long question we actually had a Star Wars battle at Disney we did yes we

did have a lightsaber battle but I don't know if I win I think it's just a draw

because we were close to the cars yeah we didn't win nobody won so I think it

would be a draw nobody would win yeah character-wise who would you choose oh

gosh um I just go for the classic Luke Skywalker I mean okay probably choose

Count Dooku okay true only people that's sure that's actually and it's got like

the tilted lightsabers he's like yes exactly

okay wait that makes me think because Darth Maul would actually be really

great to not be with why exactly yeah like it's like you're

and then it doesn't work to go for the other one like exactly yes you like a

movie for funniest story with you and Campbell oh go oh my gosh I don't know I

don't know wait one funny thing and the fact that we literally went we went on a

walk and just in the morning and the fact that we spent like half an hour

with donkeys oh my gosh yeah yeah the neighbors have like donkeys in their

backyard and we just like talk to the donkey's straight up for half an hour

right exactly you had to tell the story of it yeah yeah so we were at the

Lollapalooza for the Lydia and Julia just got on this swing and she started

just going like hardcore just like yeah our video the whole thing like it's all

my phone and it's hilarious to me so many I know you have so many taste balls

oh the story of the markers yes this was before we were dating

yes yeah yeah we were in entrepreneurship and I was what I became

a kid again got like markers and I stacked them up like six of them and I

put it to my forehead and like Julia get the other side so we were just holding

these six wonders like against our heads and then we just like dropped them all

in like way towards each other it's really really fun it was hilarious

it's just like the loudest thing when they all fell oh my gosh my teachers

just like what dude you're so done with us why are you all so gross the things

that chuckles would be them in a nice way don't you that yeah don't you Zack

are you sure are you sure wait yeah isn't it yes this one is from

Caroline so which one of you kills the spider and which one screams in fear and

encouragement from the other side of the room you know I'd say that neither must

kill the slavery oh no I feel like I'd know the spider I mean I really would

like sometimes the spiders not bothering you that's true that's a year like he's

like all right spider you can have your space exactly I so I think neutral like

neutral yeah we stand like if one of us has to kill the spider

then we'll kill it but right it's just minding its own business then

he met you do you spider spider killing team fighter coming yeah after you Tom

Hall and just to be clear there's not a desperate yes Oh me me that's another

thing we have a little high five and shaving where do you plan to go to

college I think she this is just a hunch I think she's going to you I actually I

think I'm going to Annan but I I really don't have any idea why yeah I user I

don't know where are you going I would never know really like hey Bebo where

should I go to college the hardest why should ever why would you sorta gave me

that I mean a man he like is that another question I don't think so okay

right now I think my favorite band would be one Republic nice yeah that's true

that's actually thought accurate yes it is you know I feel like mine I'll be

years and years maybe I think yeah yeah I think so I think so or uh pentatonix

Pentatonix yes okay that's actually true what is something you do if you're 24

hours to live oh I would go in people yeah we felt like I've been really good

pizza please I don't know that's what you're really

deep on I think I think I'd get like just like the whole squad just like

every single person I know like he's been like a few hours playing Mario Kart

was just a huge full room friends yes yes okay that's actually really good

yeah yeah little hot friends yes she does how did you meet okay so we met it

was 2016 do you think so yeah yeah yeah January 2016 it was at the Deco district

competition and I was competing as my first year and Julia was like an

unofficial officer but yeah so she was the person who was like when judge while

we were practicing roleplay and that's kind of how we met

so we started talking about and we're just like yeah we had everything good

I actually remember like I was at r-tx last summer I was snap sending him a

bunch when I was there and we're no joke likes now Jenny much old times like yes

yes like there was a rocket League booth and I was like oh my gosh Campbell's

gonna love this I was like I sent him like ten pictures of the booths and

stuff and I guess like right after that day we're just like talking nonstop and

I just until October when we actually try to date yeah yeah we went to a few

football games together and then the rest is history present history Bobby

wrote me a poem in ESP out in like three languages it was so cute what tea flavor

do you enjoy sweet on sweet sweet then I still like sweet tea like I'm searching

okay why don't you like sweet tea yeah explain explain why you don't like

17 it's like it's like water with just like a quick bucket of sugar pour it

into it what's it like being gold it's pretty great it is pretty great yeah you

dab that Lea okay wait uh am i doing extension an event okay doubled up

favorite TV show Oh mine's easy I guess I know Jonases okay we will go a little

bit I know the poster is probably my favorite show - yeah yeah yeah yeah it

is also like Sherlock I love a good show I saw somewhere that Sherlock came out

seven years ago and I was like what your favorite pastime texting Julia honestly

yeah yeah texting Gamble's yeah yeah and then like YouTube obviously Thank You yo

games general yeah yeah yeah yeah what did you dress up for Halloween last year

when was young go first I wasn't actually my second screen oh

right yeah yeah yeah yeah that'll happen Alex and I were both assessed and then a

dinosaur and yeah I'll tune it up tonight what

were you Campbell who are you for hold on

I have nothing just Donald Trump actually really really funny no I got a

picture oh my god yeah baby coastin April stop following me there we go

there we go and that I had a costume contest to work and I got second place

without even knowing it best advice you've ever gotten receive received a

lot of good advice over the years okay um one piece of advice was actually for

my grandma essentially she taught me how to negotiate things and I don't know why

but that really stuck with me when she told me about it I was okay I've got

I've got to oh man yeah so the first one was actually from a book that John gave

me oh okay yeah it was it was just like like elite it was a leadership book and

it was just like how the definition of leadership is service and you're

supposed to serve people instead of just being the boss of them that was probably

the best advice I've ever gotten but the best advice I've ever gotten is from the

man himself Yoda do or do not there is not sure if you would choose I mean

inside your own what would you choose oh really difficult Julia you would miss

okay um actually I really like name like Bella I think that's a really cool name

yeah I think that's really I don't know I just like I think that'd be pretty

like thanks wow that's really insightful I get called Cameron a lot yes you do

all right I also get called Caleb a lot yes yes that too honestly

john-paul nothing cool name I really like that on people yeah yeah if you

could move to any country where would you go oh and Poland also I realized to

pull in those well but let no any common it would be easy move like I would just

keep oh yeah I gotta talk one place I would not

is Australia oh my gosh yes knowing everything can kill you that's true

that's true even a king rule about you like how are you both so happy all the

time honestly just in general it's just like

we're just happy campers yeah and I would miss pressing campus what is

something you'd like to get better at I'm seizing what math and writing

science you're good at science or circus I know you're gonna die in this final

question no how do you feel about being asked so many questions so for great I

feel good I feel pretty good no good no that was actually really fun I liked

going through answering those questions that's really fun yeah I know missing

hey guys you guys put some thought provoking questions yes I was actually

good I think she was a pretty good set your question you guys could do another

one okay guys so if you enjoyed that very long video make sure that you again

like comment and subscribe - there goes infinity actually especially like this

video if you would stab Alex back to the lightsaber because that's two likes from

me at least and until next video lovelies

I can smash

For more infomation >> Couple Q&A | 3 YEARS + 100 SUB SPECIAL! - Duration: 14:33.


ソ・イングク、Jellyfishエンターテインメントと専属契約満了…「お互いの道を応援」 - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> ソ・イングク、Jellyfishエンターテインメントと専属契約満了…「お互いの道を応援」 - Duration: 1:37.


banners free - Duration: 1:36.


For more infomation >> banners free - Duration: 1:36.


La Última Vez - Anuel AA - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> La Última Vez - Anuel AA - Duration: 4:24.


Khổng Tử dạy 5 Loại Người Đểu Giả nên tránh càng xa càng tốt kẻo rước Họa Vào Thân| Tử Vi Trọn Đời - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Khổng Tử dạy 5 Loại Người Đểu Giả nên tránh càng xa càng tốt kẻo rước Họa Vào Thân| Tử Vi Trọn Đời - Duration: 3:09.


ベイルの希望はマンチェスター・U行き? MSNの次はBBCも消滅か - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> ベイルの希望はマンチェスター・U行き? MSNの次はBBCも消滅か - Duration: 5:17.


Como Configurar Una Modem Access Point En Modo Access Point Maxnet Configuracion De Modem Maxnet Mod - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> Como Configurar Una Modem Access Point En Modo Access Point Maxnet Configuracion De Modem Maxnet Mod - Duration: 6:27.


Aloo Palak (Potato Spinach) With English Subtitle | Cook With Fariha (2017) - Duration: 4:01.

Hello Friends

Today we are going to make Aloo Palak (Potato Spinach)

I have taken 2 bunch of Spinch,

wash it properly and cut

I have here Potatoes boiled and roughly cut

In Spices, we need

Let's make it

Add oil in Pan or cooking pot

whatever you are using

And Onion in it

We'll Fry This

Once It's changing Color

Don't Over Fry

It's Perfect Color (Golden Brown)

Then We'll Add Tomatoes

While mixing

And add Ginger & Garlic Paste

Stove is on medium heat right now

And Green Chilies added

Then Add Spices

Red Chili Powder

Crushed Red Chili

Garam Masala Powder

After adding all spices, we parch gravy properly

Salt to taste

And Some Water Approximately 2-3 Tablespoon

So our Gravy cooks properly and don't burn

See Friends, our gravy parched

Now we'll add spinach in it

I have washed Spinach 3-4 times after cutting

To remove any dust or to clean properly

You should do the same

Then we'll let it dissolve in gravy

Spinach left some water

parch it properly in gravy

Once done then add Potatoes

After mixing, add Dried Fenugreek Leaves

Add with the help of hands

It will Delicious

Mix it well

Now we'll let it cook for some time

Around 2-3 Minutes

It's Ready Now

I'll show you in serving tray

You can Garnish With Butter Slices

or Desi Ghee

Must Try, If you like it then

Like, Share, Comment

Share with your Friends

And Please Subscribe My Channel for More Videos, Good Bye

For more infomation >> Aloo Palak (Potato Spinach) With English Subtitle | Cook With Fariha (2017) - Duration: 4:01.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-I LINEA TERRA , TREKHAAK , AIRCO , MISTL V , EL VOOR - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-I LINEA TERRA , TREKHAAK , AIRCO , MISTL V , EL VOOR - Duration: 1:02.





Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION 1e eigenaar,topstaat!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION 1e eigenaar,topstaat!! - Duration: 1:01.


Mookie's live and sub shout outs - Duration: 48:41.

For more infomation >> Mookie's live and sub shout outs - Duration: 48:41.


Ahnku Couple MV (the most beautiful happen - ENG SUB) - Duration: 3:58.

♪ I'm the happiest with you ♪

♪ You are here and that's just enough for me ♪

♪ We have to go this way ♪

♪ Until the end together ♪

♪ Until the end together ♪

♪ Let's love that I've lost ♪

♪ To be found with you ♪

♪ Anywhere empty, be your place ♪

♪ be your place ♪

♪ You are the most beautiful happen in my life ♪

♪ You are the reason for my laughs ♪

♪ You are my day and my night, ♪

♪ and my weeks and my years ♪

♪ You are all my moments ♪

♪ Thank you for changing me ♪

♪ Believe it to make my world with you ♪

♪ We are belong each other ♪

♪ I promised you ♪

♪ And change means that I'm happy with you ♪

♪ You are the most beautiful happen in my life ♪

♪ You are the reason for my laughs ♪

♪ You are my day and my night, ♪

♪ and my weeks and my years ♪

♪ You are all my moments ♪

For more infomation >> Ahnku Couple MV (the most beautiful happen - ENG SUB) - Duration: 3:58.


Turning an Insert for a Cello Anchor on the Table Saw - Duration: 3:09.

I have a friend who is a cellist.

To keep the cello in place while playing, cellists often use an endpin stop or anchor,

which is basically a strap that has a cup shaped piece for the cello's endpin on one

end, and a loop that attaches to a chair's leg on the other.

This cup is sometimes made out of metal and sometime out of plastic.

The metal ones tend to damage the endpin, and the plastic ones, well, get damaged by


So I wanted to make her a wooden insert to go in the anchor so she should use it again.

I had this piece of very hard Brazilian Walnut which I think will last pretty long.

The insert, which will look like a small cup, needs to have a hole in the middle.

Because I only had a spade bit the size I wanted, and those don't leave the bottom

of the hole flat like forstner bits, I decided to drill a hole all the way through, and glue

it to another flat piece.

I also made a sacrificial pine piece with a bolt running through it, so I could so I

could use a drill to turn the work-piece.

I glued the stack together with plenty of glue, and left it to dry.

The accuracy here is not critical.

You'll see at the end why it's actually a good thing if the hole is not perfectly


Once the glue dried, I could turn the work-piece and make it fit into the endpin anochor . I

don't have a leave, so…

I used a drill my new table saw.

It looks like I'm not even touching the blade, but it removes quite a lot of material.

Turning it was so much fun that I was carried away a bit and turned it a bit too small.

So I made another blank.

This time I was more careful and took my time to keep measuring and verifying that I'm

not removing too much material.

When I got closer to the final dimensions, I switched to a chisel to so I could be a

bit more precise.

As I got to a good fit I cut off the part I needed on the table saw.

Before making the cut I made sure that I won't hit the bolt inside.

And then it was just a matter of cleaning up a little bit.

When I did the glue-up I said that it's not crucial to get the hole precisely in the


This is because now I can orient the insert in a way the thicker part will be on the anchor's

far end.

Hopefully this will give a little bit more material to wear through before I have to

make a new one.

Till next time, thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Turning an Insert for a Cello Anchor on the Table Saw - Duration: 3:09.


Arsene Wenger: It would be suicide to talk about Alexis Sanchez's Arsenal future - Duration: 2:09.

Arsene Wenger: It would be suicide to talk about Alexis Sanchez's Arsenal future

  Alexis Sanchez is into the final year of his contract, but has yet to agree an extension. Manchester City and Paris Saint-Germain are both interested in signing him, with the former prepared to offer him weekly wages close to £400,000.

The Gunners have already signed Alexandre Lacazette for a club-record fee of £52.5million, but keeping Sanchez for another year at least would no doubt be a big boost.

Sanchez returned to training for the Gunners today in an open session, and looked to be in good spirits, even appearing to kiss the club badge.

And Wenger has explained why he doesn't want to be drawn into the debate over whether Sanchez stays or leaves. "That is again something that I do not want to come back on, he said.

"We know we have a duty to inform people, but to talk about some things is not information anymore - it is suicide.

"Every negotiation has to be a little bit secret.  "The transparency of society is very pushy but we have to resist a little bit, as much as we can." Sanchez finished as the Gunners' top scorer last term, with 30 in all competitions.

For more infomation >> Arsene Wenger: It would be suicide to talk about Alexis Sanchez's Arsenal future - Duration: 2:09.


Im so sorry! (Please read Description!) - Duration: 0:21.


Im so sorry for not posting videos lately...

If I get the chance to make a video I promise I will make that my chance and make the video!

Well I guess that's all for now! Im really sorry for the shortest videos yet! Again Im sorry for not making videos lately I hope you will forgive me! Ok.. BAIII! MUAH

For more infomation >> Im so sorry! (Please read Description!) - Duration: 0:21.


#247 [Web TV] 4 Steps To Confident Sales Calls - Duration: 6:54.

Hello and welcome!

Janet Beckers here with your tip of the week!

And today we will be talking about sales calls and potential clients.

How do you do it without feeling nervous, feeling the pressure, and feeling all "salesy".

So if that sounds like a problem that you struggle with, stay tuned because I've got

a 4-step process to help you!

So this question today comes from Terry Bahat from Coworkspace, one of our members of the

community and she asked the question: How do you ever get over that apprehension that

you get when you're going to make a phone call to potential clients and a script just

won't cut it?

What do you do?

So there's a few things to address here, a whole topic on its own, but let me just

give you a quick rundown.

Number 1 is you should never ever be cold calling somebody because you're calling

them because you see them as a potential client.

You want people to be asking if they can get on the phone with you, not you going to them.

The way you can be doing that is lots of different ways but it's attraction marketing and it

could be as simple as giving really good value and good tips and sharing good things say

on Facebook, through your blog, it could be a much more sophisticated way - through a

webinar, podcasting, presenting on stage, or presenting at a local event.

What ever it is, you are the person that is seen as having the solution for them and now

they have come to you asking for more information.

That is step number 1.

Number 2 - You just do not get on the phone with anybody.

Just because somebody says they would like to have a phone call with you doesn't mean

they are going to get one.

So you have got to be flipping this around thinking "You know what, I only got a certain

amount of time, I am not going to spend my time on people that are not my avatar.

" If I think that I will not be able to help them or I don't think that they are

really serious about the transformation that they are wanting, I'd lovingly send them

somewhere else.

So what you want to do is to get a little bit of information about them first to say

" I only got a certain number of vacancies, let me see what is it that you are wanting

to help with so I can see if I can help you.

That could be as simple as you having a chat backwards and forwards- whether it's going

to be in Facebook Messenger because they liked something that you said  on Facebook, or

email or an actual application form.

Any of those ways, you want to pre-qualify them.

Finding out a little bit more about their goals, what sort of help they are looking


If it's someone that you could actually help, then you will go "Let's make the

time to call"

Then we are now up to Step #3 when you're actually getting on the call.

Because this process you've followed to start with, you are not the person there who

is trying to sell them into something.

You are the person who's seen as if you can help them and to see if they're going

to be the right person for you.

It's already a different feeling isn't it?

You are not the person who is trying to get a customer.

The next thing you want to look at is when you get on that call, your focus is very much

on "let me get to know you so I know what it is you're needing the help with" Because

you may not be the right person for them.

So if your focus is very much on getting to know them then at the end, you will be able

to know if they are going to be right.

Even though you might be thinking, "You know what this extra 10 grand, 15 grand, 5

grand, 3 grand, 2 grand- Whatever it is that a customer might represent to you, and I'm

like this too.

Sometimes I think "Man, that extra $1500 would come in so handy this month, but you

cannot bring that energy in a sales call.

Your call is going to be about them.

And you could be like at the end " You know what I don't think I'm the right person

for you, you need this or you need that" This is a completely different energy that

you are bringing to what you do.

So you're focusing on them.

So I have a 4-step process that I guide people through so I can get super clear on what they

need but that's for another call.

Step #4 is once you were able to work through them and go "You know what, this what your

goals are, these are the steps you need to get there" Then you can say to them "Look

these are the steps that I can see you're going to need to take- you can try doing it

yourself or do you want some help with that.

Let me know if you need some help and I can let you know what I do."

That's the extent of the sales part- is "do you want some help with that?"

And if they say that they will need some help then great let me show you what I do.

That's what it is at the end.

It's completely different.

That way you are not feeling nervous.

You know that you can help them and you will also see if they are the right person to be

working with you.

It's a different energy.

So I hope that helps you.

This is all the marketing that makes the sale easy rather than focus being on the sale.

So if you are finding the sale really stressful, have a look at your marketing because the

whole lead up of attracting and pre-qualifying is the marketing.

So I suggest that's where you should be looking.

I hope that gives you some help.

I hope that helps you Terry.

I know that there are a lot of people that are exactly on the same boat.

you know what, it's something that I struggled with for the first few years but now I don't

find sales calls stressful at all because it's just really can I help or not?

If you have some tips around this I'd love to hear from you, leave your comments down

below, If you have a friend that is struggling with the same pressure, please pass this on

and I really do hope this could help them.

Okay, see you!

For more infomation >> #247 [Web TV] 4 Steps To Confident Sales Calls - Duration: 6:54.


Couple Q&A | 3 YEARS + 100 SUB SPECIAL! - Duration: 14:33.

hey guys hey guys this is Julia from there goes infinity and today we are

doing a questions video so I know you guys requested this a while ago

so I asked you guys on snapchat and on Instagram we decided we picked out about

like 20 to 23 questions out of the 30 something submitted and essentially

we're going to go ahead and answer them all for you today if you aren't

subscribed already go ahead and hit that subscribe button also go ahead and like

my video if you end up enjoying if not don't just like it that's kind of mean

um and also comment down below because I want to know what you guys want and to

keep me posted okay guys so before we get this video

started there are two very important things which I must tell you guys I

literally started posting actively again like a few weeks ago and you guys just

showed up in maths I don't know where you came from but like I was just like

nudging cuz I was sitting at like 98 subscribers and I was like okay somebody

you subscribe and you have 100 and then no joke my sub count with all the way up

to like 108 or 109 and I was like woah more than I thought like oh it's awesome

to see the channel grow like that and it made me really proud of you guys so this

video is part of that and you know since it's timed up so perfectly with my third

year anniversary of there goes infinity I decided to have this one on the show

oh my gosh we had so much fun filming this so I think you guys are going to

have just as much fun watching it okay guys so we're starting off we have 22

questions that we're answering today so are you ready to go with this yeah well

show actually I have one thing that I forgot for this video so I'm going to

ask you get it for me if that's okay what is it like there's something orange

in my purse you go grab it okay oh my god how did you know how did you

know it's your first time on the channel so I wanted to get you something that

would be just something that you'd enjoy so like you should be my favorite man

like I'm qualified I know I don't want yeah okay so question number one why are

your ranks and rocket League is our first question all right you go first

oh come on can embarrass me um I'm only semi-pro like competitive ranks or

honestly I'm not sure it's not like specified anywhere yeah all right well I

mean like level wise I'm a veteran nice but when I used to play competitive

as a pro um I got challenged early one nice um do you ever get upset

accountable for making so many fun yourself or making too many I do

really I don't know I I love bad puns and margin area that is you who would

win in a lightsaber battle also if you have to choose characters to battle as

but versus each other from the Star Wars universe who would you choose that's a

really long question we actually had a Star Wars battle at Disney we did yes we

did have a lightsaber battle but I don't know if I win I think it's just a draw

because we were close to the cars yeah we didn't win nobody won so I think it

would be a draw nobody would win yeah character-wise who would you choose oh

gosh um I just go for the classic Luke Skywalker I mean okay probably choose

Count Dooku okay true only people that's sure that's actually and it's got like

the tilted lightsabers he's like yes exactly

okay wait that makes me think because Darth Maul would actually be really

great to not be with why exactly yeah like it's like you're

and then it doesn't work to go for the other one like exactly yes you like a

movie for funniest story with you and Campbell oh go oh my gosh I don't know I

don't know wait one funny thing and the fact that we literally went we went on a

walk and just in the morning and the fact that we spent like half an hour

with donkeys oh my gosh yeah yeah the neighbors have like donkeys in their

backyard and we just like talk to the donkey's straight up for half an hour

right exactly you had to tell the story of it yeah yeah so we were at the

Lollapalooza for the Lydia and Julia just got on this swing and she started

just going like hardcore just like yeah our video the whole thing like it's all

my phone and it's hilarious to me so many I know you have so many taste balls

oh the story of the markers yes this was before we were dating

yes yeah yeah we were in entrepreneurship and I was what I became

a kid again got like markers and I stacked them up like six of them and I

put it to my forehead and like Julia get the other side so we were just holding

these six wonders like against our heads and then we just like dropped them all

in like way towards each other it's really really fun it was hilarious

it's just like the loudest thing when they all fell oh my gosh my teachers

just like what dude you're so done with us why are you all so gross the things

that chuckles would be them in a nice way don't you that yeah don't you Zack

are you sure are you sure wait yeah isn't it yes this one is from

Caroline so which one of you kills the spider and which one screams in fear and

encouragement from the other side of the room you know I'd say that neither must

kill the slavery oh no I feel like I'd know the spider I mean I really would

like sometimes the spiders not bothering you that's true that's a year like he's

like all right spider you can have your space exactly I so I think neutral like

neutral yeah we stand like if one of us has to kill the spider

then we'll kill it but right it's just minding its own business then

he met you do you spider spider killing team fighter coming yeah after you Tom

Hall and just to be clear there's not a desperate yes Oh me me that's another

thing we have a little high five and shaving where do you plan to go to

college I think she this is just a hunch I think she's going to you I actually I

think I'm going to Annan but I I really don't have any idea why yeah I user I

don't know where are you going I would never know really like hey Bebo where

should I go to college the hardest why should ever why would you sorta gave me

that I mean a man he like is that another question I don't think so okay

right now I think my favorite band would be one Republic nice yeah that's true

that's actually thought accurate yes it is you know I feel like mine I'll be

years and years maybe I think yeah yeah I think so I think so or uh pentatonix

Pentatonix yes okay that's actually true what is something you do if you're 24

hours to live oh I would go in people yeah we felt like I've been really good

pizza please I don't know that's what you're really

deep on I think I think I'd get like just like the whole squad just like

every single person I know like he's been like a few hours playing Mario Kart

was just a huge full room friends yes yes okay that's actually really good

yeah yeah little hot friends yes she does how did you meet okay so we met it

was 2016 do you think so yeah yeah yeah January 2016 it was at the Deco district

competition and I was competing as my first year and Julia was like an

unofficial officer but yeah so she was the person who was like when judge while

we were practicing roleplay and that's kind of how we met

so we started talking about and we're just like yeah we had everything good

I actually remember like I was at r-tx last summer I was snap sending him a

bunch when I was there and we're no joke likes now Jenny much old times like yes

yes like there was a rocket League booth and I was like oh my gosh Campbell's

gonna love this I was like I sent him like ten pictures of the booths and

stuff and I guess like right after that day we're just like talking nonstop and

I just until October when we actually try to date yeah yeah we went to a few

football games together and then the rest is history present history Bobby

wrote me a poem in ESP out in like three languages it was so cute what tea flavor

do you enjoy sweet on sweet sweet then I still like sweet tea like I'm searching

okay why don't you like sweet tea yeah explain explain why you don't like

17 it's like it's like water with just like a quick bucket of sugar pour it

into it what's it like being gold it's pretty great it is pretty great yeah you

dab that Lea okay wait uh am i doing extension an event okay doubled up

favorite TV show Oh mine's easy I guess I know Jonases okay we will go a little

bit I know the poster is probably my favorite show - yeah yeah yeah yeah it

is also like Sherlock I love a good show I saw somewhere that Sherlock came out

seven years ago and I was like what your favorite pastime texting Julia honestly

yeah yeah texting Gamble's yeah yeah and then like YouTube obviously Thank You yo

games general yeah yeah yeah yeah what did you dress up for Halloween last year

when was young go first I wasn't actually my second screen oh

right yeah yeah yeah yeah that'll happen Alex and I were both assessed and then a

dinosaur and yeah I'll tune it up tonight what

were you Campbell who are you for hold on

I have nothing just Donald Trump actually really really funny no I got a

picture oh my god yeah baby coastin April stop following me there we go

there we go and that I had a costume contest to work and I got second place

without even knowing it best advice you've ever gotten receive received a

lot of good advice over the years okay um one piece of advice was actually for

my grandma essentially she taught me how to negotiate things and I don't know why

but that really stuck with me when she told me about it I was okay I've got

I've got to oh man yeah so the first one was actually from a book that John gave

me oh okay yeah it was it was just like like elite it was a leadership book and

it was just like how the definition of leadership is service and you're

supposed to serve people instead of just being the boss of them that was probably

the best advice I've ever gotten but the best advice I've ever gotten is from the

man himself Yoda do or do not there is not sure if you would choose I mean

inside your own what would you choose oh really difficult Julia you would miss

okay um actually I really like name like Bella I think that's a really cool name

yeah I think that's really I don't know I just like I think that'd be pretty

like thanks wow that's really insightful I get called Cameron a lot yes you do

all right I also get called Caleb a lot yes yes that too honestly

john-paul nothing cool name I really like that on people yeah yeah if you

could move to any country where would you go oh and Poland also I realized to

pull in those well but let no any common it would be easy move like I would just

keep oh yeah I gotta talk one place I would not

is Australia oh my gosh yes knowing everything can kill you that's true

that's true even a king rule about you like how are you both so happy all the

time honestly just in general it's just like

we're just happy campers yeah and I would miss pressing campus what is

something you'd like to get better at I'm seizing what math and writing

science you're good at science or circus I know you're gonna die in this final

question no how do you feel about being asked so many questions so for great I

feel good I feel pretty good no good no that was actually really fun I liked

going through answering those questions that's really fun yeah I know missing

hey guys you guys put some thought provoking questions yes I was actually

good I think she was a pretty good set your question you guys could do another

one okay guys so if you enjoyed that very long video make sure that you again

like comment and subscribe - there goes infinity actually especially like this

video if you would stab Alex back to the lightsaber because that's two likes from

me at least and until next video lovelies

I can smash

For more infomation >> Couple Q&A | 3 YEARS + 100 SUB SPECIAL! - Duration: 14:33.


Arsenal v Chelsea: Antonio Conte reveals he has two injuries for Community Shield clash - Duration: 2:06.

Arsenal v Chelsea: Antonio Conte reveals he has two injuries for Community Shield clash

Blues boss Antonio Conte revealed the news ahead of the seasons curtain-raiser at Wembley on Sunday. Both are long-term injury problems for Chelsea and are unlikely to be fit for the start of the Premier League campaign a week later.

Conte explained: Only two players, Eden Hazard and Bakayoko [aren't available]. They are working to be available soon. For the first PL match? No. There are recovering very well but they are not still ready to start the season.

You know very well about Eden, an ankle problem, after a surgery it is right to respect the time needed. Chelsea boss Antonio Conte has given an injury update on his squad.

Same for Bakayoko, surgery in his knee, they are hoping to recover very well. The news means new signings Alvaro Morata and Antonio Rudiger could take part against the Gunners.

Diego Costa is unlikely to feature though after being told he is surplus to requirements at Chelsea. The Blues will want revenge after Arsenal lifted the FA Cup at their expense just a few short months ago.

After the Wembley contest Chelsea will turn their attention to the top flight. Their first match sees Conte welcome Burnley to Stamford Bridge on Saturday, August 12.

For more infomation >> Arsenal v Chelsea: Antonio Conte reveals he has two injuries for Community Shield clash - Duration: 2:06.


'최진실 딸' 최준희 "흉터가 증거..홍진경 이모도 안다" 2차 심경 - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> '최진실 딸' 최준희 "흉터가 증거..홍진경 이모도 안다" 2차 심경 - Duration: 3:55.


REACTION Girls' Generation 소녀시대_All Night_Music Video (Documentary Ver.) - Duration: 9:39.

Hi guys all right? I'm back now we will make the reaction of All Night!

Documentary version, which is a larger version from what I saw.

They will release after the normal version only music

and this version of the documentary will have them talking

they will speak in Korean, you will not understand now

You will cry, will make

will be moved in the same way and then we see the translation

that's how things happen. without ado

the staff know that I am number one Sone

Brazil and I am very excited about these 10 years.

of Girls Generation and Jessica, who is no longer Girls Generation

But it's still in our hearts, Jessica.

my love, here too you can not see.

And let's go. All Night. 1 2 3 and have

Then the music also seems to be good.

Look at this choreography

God bless lot Girls' Generation

Tiffany was the one that suffered because she could not speak Korean.

Then my God, why?


Guys, what say?

Longer I want this mv version without documentary because the choreography seems to be perfect.

Oh my God

I'm sick people, so I can not go no harm.

People what to say? I can not feel anything, just inside.

That Girls' Generation is the best Korean group, Asia and the world

Hyoyeon do not kill me

I'm going badly, very badly

Ah the scene with the drag queen

10 years have been difficult for them.

Especially with the output of Jessica

Become a fan is very difficult people

What to say? I can not express myself. I'm...

Sick I can not

For those who are a fan of Hyoyeon and see ... OMG

See her going through all, more prominent now. At first she had almost nothing

was not remembered in the group, I had almost no lines

A group that has already left an integral

Not see them there in the middle with them on this release

this celebration of 10 years

It is very sad, who is a fan

I just want to dance version of two songs because I want to learn now!

See them happy, makes me a little sad because I wanted him to be the 9

But always rooting for 8 + 1

People, to kill a heart of a Sone

10 years is a lot, I'm a fan to 7 years

And I suffer much, guess who is from the beginning. And look, I'm sick.

Girls' Generation thank you for existing.

And I hope someday to go on the show for you. Come pro Please Brazil!

Anyway, I'm sick I can not express myself right I need to see a thousand times.

And this will be so long that it already has 7 and I here winding

Thanks to you who saw this video here, if you liked gives like comments, shares

do not forget to subscribe to the channel and see in the next video thanks

you being Sone comments! Goodbye

For more infomation >> REACTION Girls' Generation 소녀시대_All Night_Music Video (Documentary Ver.) - Duration: 9:39.


Conte hits out at Chelsea's lack of signings and the sale of Nemanja Matic to title rivals MU - Duration: 2:02.

Antonio Conte hits out at Chelsea's lack of signings and the sale of Nemanja Matic to title rivals Manchester United

Angry Antonio Conte has hit out at Chelsea's lack of transfer action and the sale of Nemanja Matic, warning: "This will be the most difficult season of my career as a coach for sure.

The Premier League-winning boss fears his squad is not strong enough to sustain another title challenge after selling seven players and signing only four this summer. Antonio Conte is frustrated at the lack of signings made by champions Chelsea.

Former Real Madrid striker Alvaro Morata is the main buy made for Chelsea this summer – but it is not good enough for boss Antonio Conte.

And in a clear sign all is not well at the club, he made no attempt to hide his annoyance at the decision to sell midfielder Matic to Manchester United in a £40million deal this week.

Asked why the Serbian international had been allowed to sign for a direct title rival, Conte snapped: "You will have to ask the club about this. "We have a very small squad and it's very important to improve the numerical aspect.

One new player will not be enough. We need more players. "It's important that the club knows my opinion and they are trying to do the best for our team. But now we have to wait.

Midfielder Nemanja Matic has switched from Chelsea to Man Utd for £40m.

Antonio Conte claims he is facing the hardest season of his career – with Chelsea.

Serbian midfield anchorman Nemanja Matic has been reunited with ex-Chelsea chief Jose Mourinho – but this time at Old Trafford.

Antonio Conte still hopes Chelsea will make more buys before the Prem season.   Antonio Conte says he wants his Chelsea team to avoid a Mourinho season. Keep up to date with ALL the transfer news and gossip on our blog.

For more infomation >> Conte hits out at Chelsea's lack of signings and the sale of Nemanja Matic to title rivals MU - Duration: 2:02.


Gossip: Belen Rodriguez pronta a tornare con Stefano? Lo 'scoop' | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Gossip: Belen Rodriguez pronta a tornare con Stefano? Lo 'scoop' | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:24.


Writing The Subtitle Dont Watch - Duration: 10:40.

Hello YouTube!!

Sorrry im writing the Subtitle

For more infomation >> Writing The Subtitle Dont Watch - Duration: 10:40.


Twilight - New Cash Shop WoW Battle Pet, Is It Good? - Duration: 3:22.


I'm Hazel, and today I'm taking a look at the brand new cash shop pet, Twilight!

We'll go over it's model, stats, moves and see how it does in battle.

If you're confused about how that guy got a blue one when yours is yellow, it's because

Twilight changes color.

It's like a mood ring, but a cat.It'll flip between Purple, yellow and a bright teal blue

pretty often, much like the Fae Dragon.

Twilight's big adorable eyes resemble Mischief the Fel Kitten, but it's got these distinct

extra sort of fin whiskers that remind me of dragonfly wings.

This whole thing is very Avatar.

We've got the Standard Issue roster of cat animations including sleeping, stretching,

yawning and jumping in your lap for a nap if you target and /sit.

For stats, we're looking 1424 health, 277 attack, and 293 speed.

As far as I can see that's a solid, balanced stat set.

The speed is fast enough that syou'll often get extra Pounce damage without crippling

your attack stat or your health.

For Twilight's first move you can take Pounce or the new Twilight Fire, in the second slot

we have Spore Shrooms or Surge of Light, and third we have Drain Power or Call Darkness.

Obviously you've got a big combo here with Call Darkness and Surge of Light, which is

going to be really effective against any sort of healing dragon such as the emerald protowhelp.

It's not earthshatteringly overpowered or anything, but I'd call this perfectly useful.

Welp, now that we've adopted a cute little baby kitten it's time to throw it into battle

to see if it lives.

So, that's Twilight!

You can get it for 10USD or regional equivalent or 30 if you want the bundle with the matching


The mount is very nice looking.

It matches the pet, but has these lovely feathered wings that only appear once you start to fly.

Now that I've seen that I'm a little sad that the pet doesn't sprout little wings too.

Either way, this is still a very good looking pet if you're into the whole cash shop thing,

or if you can scrape up the gold for a WoW token you can get it that way.

Thanks for watching, let me know what you think and have a wonderful, wonderful day.


For more infomation >> Twilight - New Cash Shop WoW Battle Pet, Is It Good? - Duration: 3:22.


Liverpool Transfer News: Coutinho to Barca claim, rivals want Van Dijk talks, Kent exit - Duration: 2:56.

Liverpool Transfer News: Coutinho to Barca claim, rivals want Van Dijk talks, Kent exit

Philippe Coutinho is heading to Barcelona this summer, journalist Julien Laurens claims. The Liverpool star has been tipped to replace Neymar at the Nou Camp following his move to Paris St-Germain and Laurens is backing him to make the switch.

He said on ESPN FC: "Yeah I do. I think this one is far more advanced than the Dembele one.

"I think they're flirting with Dembele if you want whereas with Coutinho they've already spoken to him, his agent, probably even to Liverpool at some point.

"They will make a huge offer if they haven't already made a big offer, an offer that will be very hard to reject for Liverpool.

"You know I don't know the Liverpool owners that well and I don't know how strong they are if they want to keep Coutinho or not but it will very hard to turn down the offer Barcelona are going to put on the table.".

Julien Laurens says Philippe Coutinho is heading to Barcelona this summer.

Chelsea are hopeful Southampton will open talks over a move for Virgil van Dijk. The Dutch defender looked set to join Liverpool this summer but the Blues are now in the race to sign the 26-year-old.

Reports last night claimed the Blues are readying a £50m bid for the former Celtic man. And the Evening Standard say Chelsea are hopeful of entering negotiations with Southampton for the defender.

They reckon theyre in with a chance of landing Van Dijk, with Southampton furious at Liverpool.

Aston Villa are leading the race to sign Liverpool ace Ryan Kent, the Birmingham Mail claim. The 20-year-old is yet to make a senior appearance for the Reds but the attacker did feature under Jurgen Klopp in pre-season.

And according to the Mail, Liverpool have decided to loan out the youngster this campaign and hes most likely to head to Villa Park to link up with Steve Bruce.

Leeds and Middlesbrough are also tracking Kent and are keen to land the youngster.

For more infomation >> Liverpool Transfer News: Coutinho to Barca claim, rivals want Van Dijk talks, Kent exit - Duration: 2:56.


Olivier Giroud to Everton: Ronald Koeman 6/4 to sign Arsenal striker this summer - Duration: 2:47.

Olivier Giroud to Everton: Ronald Koeman 6/4 to sign Arsenal striker this summer

The France international, 30, has endured criticism throughout his five-year spell at the Emirates. But he's managed to bang in 98 goals in 226 appearances for Arsenal, with 16 of those coming last term despite his limited role.

Giroud faces another battle to be Arsene Wenger's No.1 striker next season following the arrival of Alexandre Lacazette from Lyon.

And he's admitted he could move on to pastures new this summer with a queue of teams said to be interested in securing his services. Olivier Giroud has admitted he could leave Arsenal this summer after five years in north London.

Ahead of Arsenal's tour of Australia and China, Giroud said: It (leaving) is an option to be honest with you. I'm here in pre-season, I wanted to travel.

Some people asked me if I am going to travel or not and of course, I am Arsenal player and for the moment I am here so I just want to prepare well for the season and we will see later. Everton have been linked with a move to sign Giroud as a replacement for Romelu Lukaku.

And Betfair have got the Toffees at 6/4 to get him on-board before August 31's 10pm deadline.

Everton boss Ronald Koeman wants Arsenal ace Olivier Giroud at Goodison Park next season.

West Ham are the next best priced English side at 25/1, with Leicester and Southampton at longer odds of 50/1 and 66/1 respectively. Betfair have Arsenal odds-on at 2/5 to be Giroud's club come September 1 though.

The Gunners kick-off the 2017/18 Premier League campaign when Leicester travel to north London next Friday. And Giroud will be hoping he's handed a start against the Foxes - providing Everton haven't snapped him up by then.

For more infomation >> Olivier Giroud to Everton: Ronald Koeman 6/4 to sign Arsenal striker this summer - Duration: 2:47.


Manchester City vs West Ham 3-0 | All Goals & Highlights - Friendly 04.08.2017 - Duration: 6:27.

SUBSCRIBE for Channel !! Thank you

For more infomation >> Manchester City vs West Ham 3-0 | All Goals & Highlights - Friendly 04.08.2017 - Duration: 6:27.


O que John Galt faria? - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> O que John Galt faria? - Duration: 2:44.


Homilia Diária.605: A devoção católica ao Menino Jesus (Dedicação de Santa Maria Maior, 5 de agosto) - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Homilia Diária.605: A devoção católica ao Menino Jesus (Dedicação de Santa Maria Maior, 5 de agosto) - Duration: 5:14.


Recover your hair from harm with this homemade recipe that will put your hair like never before - Duration: 2:24.

The hair is wrapped in lipids and water, this protects it from external damage.

Sometimes prolonged exposure to the sun's rays can penetrate this protective

layer of hair and cause damage such as burned hair, fragility, dehydration

and loss of color, as long as you repair your hair or prevent this happening today in

todo en salud We will show you a very effective hair mask.

The necessary ingredients will be:- 1 avocado

1 banana - Honey

- 1 egg To begin we must extract the white of the

egg, what we are going to use will be the egg yolk, we add it in a container,

then peel the banana and add half of it, now we take the avocado and break a

room and add it, Finally we add a spoonful of honey.

With all the ingredients in the bowl, we begin to crush and mix them

to a homogeneous consistency.

This recipe we must apply in dry hair from the root to the tips,

let it act for 30 minutes and wash the hair as you normally do, doing this treatment

at least 2 times a week results will begin to appear in a very short time.

This recipe will give you benefits like: - It recovers the vitality of the hair

- Strengthens keratin and hair follicles

- Moisturizes capillary fibers - Close open ends

- Leaves hair silky smooth - Returns the brightness

- Eliminates hair fat So if you want to get these benefits

do not hesitate to buy these simple ingredients and prepare this recipe to enjoy

their properties.

We hope this video has been useful to you, remember that your opinion is very important,

so please rate, comment and share, and if you have not subscribed yet, subscribe to

our daily uploads.

For more infomation >> Recover your hair from harm with this homemade recipe that will put your hair like never before - Duration: 2:24.


Equipo legal de "El Chapo" dice que enviarlo a Nueva York fue ilegal - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Equipo legal de "El Chapo" dice que enviarlo a Nueva York fue ilegal - Duration: 0:41.


5 de agosto de 2017 - 2 minutos com ELE - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> 5 de agosto de 2017 - 2 minutos com ELE - Duration: 1:57.


【知育菓子】原來知育菓子的味道居然是........ | 食玩系列一有點傻 - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> 【知育菓子】原來知育菓子的味道居然是........ | 食玩系列一有點傻 - Duration: 6:30.


PRIDE Турция 2017. Бизнес встреча pride int - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> PRIDE Турция 2017. Бизнес встреча pride int - Duration: 1:51.


Mestre o que é Veneno? Video Motivacional 2017 em Portugues Brasileiro, Qualidade HD - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Mestre o que é Veneno? Video Motivacional 2017 em Portugues Brasileiro, Qualidade HD - Duration: 3:12.


banners free - Duration: 1:36.


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