Sunday, August 6, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 6 2017

My name's Takiany

I'm 28 years old.

I told you that I wanted to travel across Europe.

Last week we did a road trip to France.

You're going to see that in the 5 upcoming video's.

"private property"

We visited hospitals,

we drove a lot.

From North to South

Really everywhere.

We went to super awesome castles,

but what happened there earlier.

From an Arabic room.. a chapel!

You all going to see it

In road trip France!

Our trip to France is about to start.

First we're going to an abandoned hospital.

after that we're going to....

... explore an old Château.

And after that we're going to look for a hotel

to get some rest...

... in order to continue our adventure.

But we go to the hospital first, so....

I'm looking forward to it... I'm not sure that oemmie is also looking forward to it.

She's holding the camera.

"Hospital of the weeping baby" North France

How do you feel?

[Oemmie] : Tired...

[Takiany] : Okay, so we reached our first location today.

Like I told you, It's an abandoned hospital.

I'm curious what we're going to find there.

They say that there's still an operation room left.

I think this will be a cool explore, don't you think?

[Oemmie] : I think so...

It smells here...

[Takiany] : What the hell....

[Oemmie] : It really smells bad....

[Takiany] : So, we're on the domain now...

to be specific, on the big parking.

This is the place were all the people who came here parked their cars.

Seemingly we must enter the hospital via the emergency.

But, now the funniest part...

How do they say emergency service in French.

Emergency service....

Service du.....

[Oemmie] : D'urgence

[Takiany] : Something like that.

So the emergency department.

Maybe it's over there in the back.

I heard something.

It might be other explorers.

See, how big the hospital is... see how big!

The neighbour is working in the garden.

I think that we can get inside here.

Damn fence wire...

Oemmie, there's also barbed wire.

[Oemmie] : You always take the hard way.

[Takiany] : What's your back.

Don't step on this thing, it will make a lot of noise.

I told you...

At first sight we can see a lot of vandalism.

I'm going to talk quieter for a sec...

...because the neighbour is still outside.

Let's go to the other side of the hospital.

This room was for the heating boilers,

that were used by the hospital.

To be honest...

it's not that interesting.

I've seen a lot of rooms like this in other hospitals.

And they look all quite the same.

Actually, I think that we're in the basement now.

You can go upstairs here.

Stock tam...

Tampon , what the hell...

Oh, this looks like a storage.

The lighting is coming down.

It's sad to see this,

but it's such a big building.

Don't open, dead inside.

Would this be an elevator?!

No, wait...

[Oemmie] : It's not an elevator.

There's some equipment in here.

It's a coffee machine.

Would this??...

What kind of department was this?

Oemmie doesn't like this place.

[Oemmie] : No, I don't.

[Takiany] : The hospital is huge, so yea...

But it's...

...totally vandalized.


These are...



[Oemmie] : It's X-ray...

[takiany] Yes, some scans from bones.

These are documents and X-ray scans

from all the patients

who ever stayed in this hospital.

Are this brain scans?

What the hell...

It would be awesome if we can find a, x ray machine.

that was used to make all those scans.

I think that they used this...

...It's a sort of...

It's just a copy machine.

There is still a lot left in here...

there are documents all over the place.

But unfortunately it's a mess...


But beside that, there's still so much left behind.

This was an operating room...

As you can see here.. It's a controlled zone.

Probably, it was

forbidden to use your mobile phone in there.

That was the light.

And there was probably a table.

but they took it out of the floor.

But yea, we'll find another room for sure!

I think this was an observation room

where they could look to the operation

from behind this window.

I've no idea how they do it.

[Oemmie] : Oh, damn...

[Takiany] : It's just the wind.

[Oemmie] : I should have close that door.

[Takiany] : It ain't going to stop till we close it.

Which door?

This one!

O, see... this is radiologist.

This room is cracking from every corner.

But it's just the wind.

There are also scans in here.

X ray scans.

Probably there are some...

Let's cover the name of the patient...

... these are digital x ray photo's.

I also need to blur the location.

We went deeper and deeper inside the hospital.

In search for that operating room.

But a hospital is quite big.

So yea, find the room between this mess..

This was a department for pregnant women...

[Oemmie] : A mother house.

[Takiany] : These lights will light up when you press the button above your bed.

We're inside another room now.

There's a Christmas tree upside down...

They putted it upside down...

It's decorated.

There must be an operating room that still looks good.

Air , Oxygene

Wait, they also used this to operate , right?

if there are connections like these.

Once there were people dying here

and the doctors tried to save them.

And this looks like a small lift.

No, they could give some medicines trough this.

After searching for a while,

we finally found an operating room.

And guess what, It's in the emergency department.

Oemmie is inside already.

And I'm going to show the room to you now!


This room looks so untouched.

I'm so happy to see that they didn't destroyed this room.

See all these Erlenmeyer flasks

Lives were saved in this room.

The room next to this one, is also an operating room.

But unfortunately the table is gone.

There is also a special ventilation.

This rooms were quite big.

I also noticed that you

could walk around the operating room.

There's a small window here,

and as you can see. It's a small corridor around the rooms.

So, we're walking in that small corridor now.

So the nurses or doctors...

could walk around all these room.

See, these are the windows were I was talking about.

Here it is.

This are the operating rooms.

The glass is reflecting.

[Oemmie] : how can we get outside?

This is the road.

[Takiany] : First, let's check if there's a mortuary in this hospital.

I bet that Oemmie's not going to like that.

[Oemmie] : I don't want to see it.


I do a lot for you, basement's and other things....

... but I ain't going to visit a mortuary.

OK, this was the first location from our adventure.

The abandoned hospital.

Now we're going to head to the second location.

Let's Go!


We've find a way inside, but I think it's via the basement.

it's like a maze .

Oemmie, what did you say....

For more infomation >> ABANDONED Hospital in FRANCE (Roadtrip 2017) [ENG SUBS CC] - Duration: 10:54.


BREAKING: FBI Data Dump Just Exposed Obama's Nasty Mission To Clear Hillary | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:23.

There has been much speculation over just how criminal the Obama administration was.

Facts have demonstrated that criminal activity took place, but the level of corruption just

keeps getting deeper as each day passes.

The American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) recently put through a Freedom of Information

Act (FOIA) request that revealed what we already suspected: Barack Obama's DoJ colluded with

multiple groups in order to cover up the story of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch meeting

on a Phoenix tarmac just last year.

It was learned that the FBI, under Comey, lied to us, the mainstream media colluded

to get the story buried, and the main goal was to make sure that the story never saw

the light of day.

First, the ACLJ pointed out that the FBI, under Comey, lied about the information that

they had on both Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton.

When a request was sent through to get information on the meeting they got a response back from

the FBI that simply read: "No records responsive to your request were located."

The FBI wanted to steal the records and make sure that no one could request them, even

under the FOIA.

This is a crime in and of itself and should have never occurred.

Sadly, this is just the start.

Secondly, there were hundreds upon hundreds of carefully redacted documents that show

signs of the DOJ being under heavy stress when they found out that Lynch met up with

Clinton, and that people were aware of this meeting.

Why were they so concerned if there was nothing shady going on?

According to The Washington Times, Lynch stated that she talked to Clinton about their grandchildren,

golf, and Brexit.

That certainly doesn't seem the case.

We doubt that The DoJ was concerned that Loretta Lynch's golf record is below average.

The third piece of this puzzle stems from the way that the main stream media colluded

with the DoJ to bury the story.

An email transcript between the DoJ and an employee of The Washington Post featured a

part where the WaPo employee said: "I'm hoping I can put it to rest."

The whole point of the media is to expose the truth, not put unfavorable stories to

rest, and it seems like that is exactly what happened here.

Also, a New York Times reporter told Lynch that he was being "pressed into service"

to cover the story.

Why is that such a huge problem?

You would think that they should be excited about the prospect of a new story to cover.

Instead, the NYT reporter seems more concerned about looking bad because he has to cover

a story that might make Lynch, or anyone else involved, look bad.

It is a shame that the media is working this closely with our government, but there is

no denying the evidence laid out before us.

There seems to be a bigger picture than what we are all seeing here.

The corruption from the previous administration is becoming unraveled at breakneck speeds.

Once the truth is out in the open, these people can finally be prosecuted.

It is clear that Obama and Lynch did everything they could to cover for Hillary Clinton.

Should they all be investigated by President Trump?

Let everyone know in the poll below!

Should Obama, Lynch, and Hillary Be Investigated?

If you believe that there was collusion from the mainstream media with the DOJ, please

share this news and Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> BREAKING: FBI Data Dump Just Exposed Obama's Nasty Mission To Clear Hillary | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:23.


Encontrinho da Ana Nutella - MiniMundos - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Encontrinho da Ana Nutella - MiniMundos - Duration: 2:07.


Ford Focus Wagon 1.8 Limited - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus Wagon 1.8 Limited - Duration: 1:01.


Let's play overwatch Placement games? also RIP HEADPHONES!!! - Duration: 12:01.

well I gues I fucked up somehow.

cause I haven't even published the placement games for season 4...

short summary.

Yo, what's up guys and welcome to a new ranked game of overwatch

best start ever.

best start ever!

someone of our team dced (disconnected)

I'll see you in the next game.

oh are you serious?

that had to be!

oh common! why? every time!

only cause they know they haven't even a slight chance of winning!

ok seriously now*

I'll see what elo I got into real quick

and well I'd say hope to see you again next time.

and now season 5 arrived.

not sure how they handle that but in league of legends for example every season is 1 year long (so 1 season per year)

but it seems like these were already 2 seasons. maybe they handle it based on seasons in the year (you know, spring summer autumn winter)

well whatever. I'll see you in the game again.

ok since I didn't really play Overwatch at all between the two seasons I have to warm up playing.. so I might play a little shitty..

But yeah we will see.

they are the placement games again so whatever.

I will just through the games.. so

that you see how I jump through these games (note* nope that won't work. just single games per video)

I will try to cut them to about 10 minutes.

so it fits to the theme of the newer videos. I also did a kingdom hearts part about 10 to 11 minutes for example.

I also uploaded a part of final fantasy xv just recently. Not sure if I should "publish" overwatch or final fantasy first (did an overwatch vs finals fantasy xv video after that)

but yeah.. you will see what will be published first. This video should be around 10 minutes.. and yeah, hope you'll enjoy.

oh that's the knew one.. I don't know her.

yup it's her.

oh well whatever.

what out! behind you!

behind me? that's our hanzo!

yeah damn where's a heal point?

it should be here? nope.

oh there it is.

something went up here didn't he? doesn't seem like it.

oh man he's too high

oh yes.

I missed that one. that a hanzo appears infront of me and 1 shots me...

oh he didn't acctually 1 shot me (not full life)

I gues.

ah fuck.

oh this was really bad.


here should be a heal point? nope it's dangerouse over there.

oh here's one.

oh only 1 minute remaining...


what? he healed for too much...

well the main thing is that i don't lag right now. that's something.


junkrat you shit!

oh god.

yeah sure.

yup that one's lost

we won't get through that first point.

but whatever.

and I'm alive again and got 6 seconds left to get to that point.. congratulations

what? over time?

ok that was acctually pretty good.

this was a close one but still good.

"I would be faster if I just walk"

yeah sorry.

mh.. they could flank us so I'll go this way.

oh junkrat had the same idea.. that's not good.

ok back there was a hanzo

argh that's not good.. there are even more.

but they chase me..

I gues over there is that prison thing and there's also a heal point.

oh lucky he's in our team

huh? who shot me? oh it was soldier.

we have to kill that soldier

comon attack them

attack them it's overtime!


gonna play another round of father thorbjörn.

they fuckin surrendered..

oh well that was the first game...

oh well they all dced..

we played 2v6!

oh well

let's do the next one.

For more infomation >> Let's play overwatch Placement games? also RIP HEADPHONES!!! - Duration: 12:01.


Wie Dich Momentum in neue Erfolgshöhen katapultiert! - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> Wie Dich Momentum in neue Erfolgshöhen katapultiert! - Duration: 10:45.


Portal 2 | Course of Knallhart - Duration: 54:44.

For more infomation >> Portal 2 | Course of Knallhart - Duration: 54:44.


Hitman: Codename 47 | Mission 5 - No commentary [Rus text] - Duration: 29:19.

For more infomation >> Hitman: Codename 47 | Mission 5 - No commentary [Rus text] - Duration: 29:19.


Female nurse self finger sex with friends live IMO | Video leak - Duration: 3:58.

Female nurse self finger sex

For more infomation >> Female nurse self finger sex with friends live IMO | Video leak - Duration: 3:58.


How to Make Popsicle Stick House FIRE WITH MATCHES STICK - Duration: 10:57.

How to Make Popsicle Stick House FIRE WITH MATCHES STICK

For more infomation >> How to Make Popsicle Stick House FIRE WITH MATCHES STICK - Duration: 10:57.


Al Bano come Justin Bieber: 'Odio e violenza, chiudo i miei profili social' | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Al Bano come Justin Bieber: 'Odio e violenza, chiudo i miei profili social' | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:31.


Making a Pizza with *NO HANDS* Challenge | Chef Pete - Duration: 9:29.

Chef Pete here, and I think that I'm such an amazing chef that

I reckon I could make a pizza with my hands tied behind my back

so that's what I'm gonna prove to you today, but before all of that

I'm gonna hand you over quickly to the less attractive Pete

Thanks Chef Pete!

So I went and checked my PO Box the other day and waiting for me there

was this, and written on this

it says "Open on a..."

and I'm guessing it says video, but the postage service have put a sticker over it so

I guess I have to open this in a video

It's from a guy called Will Morich or Morich

This looks interesting... Oh my!

What is this!? But this...

is I'm guessing he's drawn a picture of me

riding a tiger and it looks like the tiger

is farting out a rainbow or something

I didn't know what to expect when I opened that envelope, but this surpassed expectations

so thank you Will, you can check out his YouTube and check out his instagram

If anyone else wants to send me something then I'll put my PO Box address on the screen

that was incredible, thank you for sending that, and also, just a heads up

BananaNan shirts are only gonna be on sale for like three more days so

if you want one you better grab it quick

I'm off to go ride my tiger, so I'll hand you back to Chef Pete

First things first, lets tie me up

Aydin, you're an expert at tying guys up...

Don't do it too tight, I don't want to lose my hands, I just want them tied together

There we have it, my hands tied behind my back

and now I'm ready to start cooking my pizza

Number one, making the base

put the flour into a large bowl

then stir in the yeast and salt

that sounds simple enough, I need 300 grams of flour

I need the scales

I can't get it! I'm so close to getting them

I can't flip them over now! They're the wrong way round

No one said I couldn't use my feet


What if I blow it? Do you reckon if I blow into it

It'll blow the flour out and into the bowl

I've dug to deep now, I can't use the spoon to flip it out, ok

Probably could've done this in the first place

Oh look at that

It says "no mess" on the package but

I think that doesn't apply to people who aren't using their hands

There's going to be flour everywhere now

I've accidentally made this easier for myself, I've made a hole in the bottom so

Oh no!

This is the first ingredient, and look how well I'm doing

I was trying to throw it back onto the table

It's on my foot now!

Lets make flour angels

Make the most out of a bad situation

I've just made it even easier for myself

That's probably about 300 grams

What's next? Then stir in the yeast and salt

Ok, that's not gonna work, I was just making out with a salt shaker

We can get rid of this

We don't need the flour anymore- Oh no we do!

To dust the table

There's enough flour on the table to dust it already

I'm surprised I didn't knock myself out then

I had no hands to stop me falling

AYDIN: Do you want a hand up?

PETE: Cheers, yeah

I think luckily my head broke my fall

and I got the salt in there so that's a good thing

How am I meant to- my head really hurts

How am I meant to open this?

Yeah! That is impressive, did you see that?

Ok, now I need to rip it open

This is so hard, I need to take my other sock off

Don't worry, I washed my feet before this video, gotta have good hygiene in the kitchen

That's what I always say


Ah yes I think I've got it

Is it safe to stand on one leg trying to pour a bag of yeast while standing on a kitchen table?

Look at that! I have mastered the art of no hands cooking

Three ingredients down, what's next?

Make a well and pour in 200ml of warm water

I need to make a well first in the flour

That's a good well

Now it looks like I have a really white beard

That was the easiest bit so far... Olive, I need to put olive oil in!?

I've got an idea

It just shook everywhere!

Now we need to beat it with a wooden spoon


Would you say that looks done?

Well it's done enough for my standards, they're not very high

Now I need to leave it to rise, so let's move it out of the way for a sec

Make the tomato sauce, mix the tomato, basil and crushed garlic together

How am I meant to open this? Feet are basically hands

why can't I open this?

While we figure out how to open that, lets move onto the basil

Easy mate

and now the crushed garlic, we need to add a crushed garlic

the best way to crush garlic is with the hardest part of your body

I'm pretty sure that's how they do it in professional restaurants

100 percent

Oh no!

I put it in the wrong bowl

oh well, who doesn't like a garlic pizza base

So how am I meant to get that open?

Aydin, can you open it for me?

I feel like a failure as a professional chef

I feel like I've let down the whole entire industry

by asking you to do this

AYDIN: You just asked me to open it PETE: If you were a real chef

you'll know that you can use any work surface

as a cooking area

that's why I powdered the flour with flower before cooking on it to kill all the germs

This is disgusting! This is gross!

That is our pizza sauce

Nice and fine, that's exactly how you want it, you want more basil than tomato

that's where all the flavour's at

We need to roll out the dough then knead it

There we go, there's my dough

nicely prepared, lets knead it, and the best way to knead it

it's kind of obvious in the name, is to use your knee

Now lets roll it out, I'm not going to be able to use a rolling pin, I might have to use myself to roll it out

That's gonna break my arm, that's not gonna work

It's stuck to me now! How do we roll it?

Let's add the sauce!

Now time to add the cheese

I've made a hole in the top of the cheese and I can suck out the mozzarella now

It's stuck to the table

time to put it in the oven

Now you just need to cook it for 10 minutes

So I made my pizza using no hands, but

I'm aloud to taste it using hands so

This is exciting!

Pizza's ready!

Here it is, my delicious pizza!

It's a little under done but that's how I like it

It's not actually bad! The dough's actually quite nice

I'd definitely make this again, but next time I might use my hands

well I consider this no handed pizza success

Thank you for watching, if you enjoyed it please give it a thumbs up

and subscribe for mew videos every Thursday and Sunday

I'll see you next Thursday, goodbye!

For more infomation >> Making a Pizza with *NO HANDS* Challenge | Chef Pete - Duration: 9:29.


I can't feel anything - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> I can't feel anything - Duration: 0:35.


Beautiful Gold Find After 3 Minutes Of Hunting! - Duration: 42:20.


This is a very "trashy" place.

You will see uninterrupted footage until my gold find.

Starting now!

First target.

Just a piece of foil.

Foil again...

The discrimination is set to "3". That's why iron may sound "good" to you.

Holes from other detectorists.

Boars are doing its part too.

I have no idea what it is.


Iron again.

4 small holes...

This was my "where are the finds" hand sign.

Sounds good only from this angle.


Solid gold, it was soldered to something else.

I discovered nice engraving at the back of the stone (I will show you pictures at the end).

Stick as a reference point...

I'm not expecting finding anything related to it, but who knows.

Something tiny.

The sensitivity of this pin pointer could be better...

It's a ring from a small bird.

Again tiny stuff, this time I have no idea...

No HF coil needed...

A shotgun cartridge.

It's a badge.


A lead bullet.


Look, a small hole.

And a target next to it.

Looks like Roman coin to me.

With a crust on it.

This was unexpected.

Surface find...

Modern (EU) "20 Cent" coin.

From 2002.

It's all iron.

Hmm, difficult to say...

Next hole.

And a deep target next to it.

Could be iron, but I have to be sure.

It took me quite a while...

Almost there...

Could be a key...

~8.6" (22cm) depth.

To be honest, I saw the "key shape" at home first.

Sounds like iron from this angle.

The soil is partially loose. Maybe someone was already digging here.

It's out, I misjudged the depth a little bit.

Oh no, it's a chain, that was risky from my side...

...but after a signal like this, I wasn't expecting anything good.

Everything in one piece...

It's hard to see on a 2D screen, but there are holes everywhere...

This area was bombed during the WWII. The big iron signals are bomb parts.

A lead bullet.

Looks (to me) like part of a bell.


A button at the surface.

Ring from a pigeon.

Always nice to find.

He/she came from a long distance to die here.

I'm out of shape today...

Hmm, a big piece of lead folded together.

I have no idea.

A "lead ball"...

No hunt without anti rage vaccine.


It looks "old", but what is it...

With a pattern.


Look at the leafs!

That was low.

It took me by surprise...

I'm trying very hard not to shake.

I reacted to the sound and could not "catch" him on cam.

Please take a look in the description below - I added more details.

Is he coming back? Is he going to kill me?

He was turning left somewhere in the distance.

That was awesome.

I'm still trying very hard not to shake :D.


From a giant tent?

It's a nice looking button.

It's just trash.

The time is up - I have to go.

Please wait for the pictures.

It was a short but intense hunt.

Modern (EU) "20 Cent" coin (2002).

The lead collection.

The pigeon came from Belgium.

Another tiny bird died too...

Chunk of folded lead.

Probably a bell.

Any suggestions about this badge?

It really looks like a key.

I'm not sure about this object...

Sorry, I'm not very familiar with buttons either.

Probably a Roman coin.

I wonder how old this chain could be...

The beautiful gold find.

Feels heavy for its size.

With interesting engraving.

Size comparison.


And treasure... Hunting time: 1h:30m

For more infomation >> Beautiful Gold Find After 3 Minutes Of Hunting! - Duration: 42:20.


HUSBAND DOES MY MAKEUP - Mój mąż robi mi makijaż [Subtitles/Napisy] - Duration: 14:41.

For more infomation >> HUSBAND DOES MY MAKEUP - Mój mąż robi mi makijaż [Subtitles/Napisy] - Duration: 14:41.



For more infomation >> TEEN WORKOUT ROUTINE + BEING FIT || MIA DIAZ❤️ - Duration: 5:01.


I HAVE NO CLUE | I Don't Even Game - Duration: 14:20.

hello everyone it's me jayskibean welcome to I don't even game this is actually a

sequel I don't even know which I just actually came out with today just went

live today so this video is probably going to go on a day after today

did I J just record so anyway we're just gonna hi please this game has no

instructions please go right please thanks please enjoy your stay please

this is why big all know why is it so fast once the text up fast

lol what how did you get past the invisible wall okay you got in key one

you lost your key in great hi I lost my key is used but you need keys you need a

key to get not a key a key not an key hey like the letter A iron and led to

egg oh you just press it once you hold it down that goes to put the fruit open

the door yeah been a while since someone came to this part slow down sir I found

a spy keys what it be too careful okay so what they do with the spikey I'm just

gonna run read through the spy keys too many spy keys cannot live to witness

these scary oh no no oh my god one wonderful

barbecue pizza that young man just stole my purse you found in purse

please welcome to two police HQ do not make mess please okay and lady wants to

explode us with a bomb purse you can fit okay as you seem to secret first please

stand in line for two metal detector were ahead more fun after this

commercial break oh just I'll have to wait in line

housing illegal so you have if you see the should cute button press the Q

button all your worries ago keep up drop weapons plates and even bombs Q you

dropped a purse bum okay yay here we go what use such a hurry for will you told

me to go right so I'm running hey well slow down to Bronco this is random DUI

chests also I'm gonna need you to save the alphabet backwards okay Oh Z why

oh god no I'm so bad at eggs um oh man I'm so bad at doing the valpha bat l

alphabet backwards you guys are gonna have to bear with me here because I

don't even know um g MZ f e d is CBA okay all right all right you're not

drunk or driving juking Pass okay good I'm glad I was so bad

welcome back students in Weather Channel by watching to prevent bad weather from

happening okay not what are these whales you what Oh kit can I run do I still run

it's not just windy wind in this run I threw the wind just run dude for you -

why you - just run just broken it isn't it broken did I break the keep oh I hope

I didn't break keyboard or something cuz he's like he's freaking out if he's

supposed to be I think he is I think it's just the wind

I think it's the wind is the wind it's got to be the wind come on you happy man

come on yeah yeah I am beginning to think that this place never ends is

beginning to think that's like separate is a games name this place it seems the

killer tried this like thousand million times

yeah well I'm a triad million and then five something I do honor your

commitment is open but I do honor my commitment for if you succeeds and takes

might as well go fly perseverance is something although I am a persons of

cheat codes oh okay whoa what is all this thing what is this what's this me

don't know what to do here oh I just press X I press accident work since yay

I did man I lost all my keys can you help

lol no the door do you found a key oh you have to press the a key hold on to

your key hold on to your four key for 404 key - disappeared in great please

watch your step please residential area ahead okay

I'm to color designer of this town Oh okay thank you want to see my shiny

badges no it's about time to showed up to babysit a there's two baby aren't you

got a little baby Oh in about four years I'll be back here

again don't leave until then okay okay I won't leave till four years do I

have to say I'm present all the buttons a bunch time oh you dropped a baby

oh you press Q to drop the baby oh no I'm moving along and nothing to see here

okay nin just be ready praying ninja turtle I have practice in digit I dare

Patterson ninja skills okay uh you see a ninja people's pain in jig

dudes just stop there young one no one needs to hurry okay

Juke a she must do one very 13:37 thing you must show me to number one ninja

tool ninja rule don't be a scene the number one ninja

rule uh show me to 2q e a and um I just go press

all this buttons well bristled show me the number one and

your rule why you shoot it where you just showed the number one rules

patience and Silas oh you don't do anything sure well done assume they pass

okay don't do something about tire it's okay I'll wear haze and moms and their

problems so just take it easy Kay welcome to the pirate hospital we heal

your bodies to full health one hey Fran of where you going okay bye hey dude oh

we healed your body to full health hope to see you again

okay attack by monster oh okay we healed you ride full health so to see you to

get attacked by monster what do I do with the monster then how do I get past

you people full health hope to see you again until I get passed so I had to old

ninja I have to do the ninja thing and wait do I

do I wait - do I wait dad touch it I don't want to touch it I don't want to

touch the monster I don't want to touch I know

okay so what what you just go slow is that we got oh you go too fast and he

does the thing hopes to see Chu kin okay so don't run past him you got to be slow

hey Sophie Sophie Sophie easy easy oh I'm not touching anything I'm just

kind of holding it Lily stop licking my foot seriously now's not the time okay

what you aren't wearing eyepatch can I have an eyepatch my patches are cool let

me ask you aren't you actually a pot in pirate uh yes yes no no no how how does

I answer question are you a so you really are then show me the best pirate

Grouch you has a girl okay you are legit I've always wondered this so what if I

do I'm just pressing all the buttons I suppose you can fast very interesting

knowledge facts okay strange things have happened - just be sure to keep an eye

on your sanity okay I'm missing like half the dialogue in this don't walk to

next screen you'll lose progress - end is near notice how you can never turn

back okay please please ignore all ghosts and ghost land

oh hi ghost as you know flew a little further and I has been Dicker's okay boo

actually afraid act afraid and you shall pass ah how do I send afraid ah after

the phrase here to slip them do and okay kay thanks bye I pressed one what does

the one do I don't know what one does mr. spooky to ghosts and you two need to

stop watching these movie seriously okay waffle even though I'm ghost I changed

your controls mortal oh my geez really oh oh aw no it was fun while I stood

Timothy is the greatest racer in all the ghost lanes but you're not from here is

you aren't you here to something okay okay

Jew get the head start I it'll I'll be there till they win - whoa whoa

Timothy smart forcing the losers tell you one web since you lost you cannot go

see to King but look on your face says Judah info tell me what is the 30 lives

code I really must know what is the 30 lives code what what are you talking

about oh okay okay okay oh oh I'm just present random buttons impressions I ran

two buttons press press press press press press fit press D press press is a

press edy pressing buttons o Kings o suck on that game for de effort okay

yeah me too kind of seriously going to talk to the king - king is angry he

plays control all the ghost lands okay why are please don't read for something

King we've worked for hours and hours dude ha who goes there

what are you doing in my Gardens and in my face no time for - I'm taking control

- ghost lands - landish under something Jew cannot controlled you can not

control one okay okay I'm gonna control boom why how'd

you do that how did you get to control Kirsty's mortals okay

curse you mortals hi new king something goes why does it go so fast - can't read

that fast no more ghost lands key party for two guys be too careful the bad

things always happen along this way house do you think you're talking to

ghosts please notice Jews entering restricted area okay please stop please

charnel no dude spikes against a greetings I am to automate an entry bot

too fast you must answer a series of questions please answer simply with the

letters yes or no also do not consume bagels over my chances aren't you

allowed to enter this facility yes who are jus not allowed to enter

this facility no I'm not not allowed I see would you like to walk away from

this facility no okay do you want to get into this facility a lot right yes

hmm even if I just stole all of your cookies hypothetical yes I still do well

you do not do not want it what do you not not not not not it yes I think also

you do not hate this facility right right okay do you want to go in this

facility sarcasm no okay juju no no no no no yes err everything this is

something Chris oh no no no should see me oh good and now alright what's the

word nobbled Oh paddy paddy start with what is the word nobody Oviedo what what

is the word I'm good in well that was painless you may into the spill it's

okay thanks for not eating any bagels please

welcome yourself to the cenotes intopia labs okay what what how did you get in

here don't go the robots will find you Jude you're not real am i right all this

time captivity is making me the crazy your do dare human halt

if Dubin slaves stop right there stop it's something about resistance oh yeah

all units may have your attention please please please capture your escaped slave

into labs wait squadron slave is right here stop stop you're turning into your

right now Joo has made a mess here and I is unsatisfied now I'm a sent you to

where Juba long all the way all the way back in times okay hi please this game

has no instructions please go right book what

wait else pretend truly nothing can dampen your well this creation is null

please hold on to but firmly entering the reactor core okay

warning reactor core access denied a non remote override is disabled please hold

refer to code log directory at law will blob sources what okay we're back to the

reaction core and I couldn't get the website to work like it's about to be

like longer directory to this I can get I couldn't figure it out so I googled it

I got the code right here on the cellphone yeah it's a true gamer right

here alright it's n CH s BD fu i q-- b wi b

da KS b c XB y oq v i didn't where's awesome okay put the phone away along

with my pride and we're gonna go we're sit it alone is that we should make run

for the exit people oh oh there's color now i always told you to the grass is

greener over here will hole remember means press Q fur and tasty brew game

complete seconds take in five hundred forty nine point six now that isn't true

that is the truth that is not true it took me way longer than that you guys

know it took me way longer than that because I can figure out that code and I

got stuck and I had to restart and I don't know the alphabet backwards so

anyway this is the true ending finally I hope you guys enjoyed if you guys did

enjoy make sure you to slap that like button underneath the video and until

next time see you guys later

For more infomation >> I HAVE NO CLUE | I Don't Even Game - Duration: 14:20.


July Wrap Up 2017! - Duration: 8:27.

Hi everyone, it's Sandy and today I'm going to be talking about all the books that I

read in July. I had a really great reading month and I ended up reading

eight books. The first book that I finished is a book that has been on my

TBR for so long and it is A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab. This book is a

little bit difficult to explain but it has to do with parallel worlds and it

follows our two main characters Kell and Lila. At the beginning of the book, Kell

and Lila are complete strangers but they end up crossing paths and then they end

up working together. I really enjoyed reading about the world. The parallel

worlds in this universe has to do with different Londons. I think the author does

a wonderful job describing the different London's and their different political

dynamics. It was just really fascinating to learn about. The book did have a bit

of a slow start but once I was about 150 pages in, I was really into the story. I

really loved that the characters are complex and they have their flaws. This

book is told in dual point of views and I really like reading from Kell and Lila

and I really love their dynamic with one another. I especially loved Lila's

character - she's really stubborn but she's so fierce. I ended up rating this

book a 4 out of 5 stars and I can't wait to continue on with the rest of the

series. The next two books that I finished are City of Glass and City of

Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare. This was my second time reading these books

and I actually listened to them as an audiobook. I honestly don't really have

much to say about these books. I still really enjoyed them. I loved the

characters. Since there are so many Shadowhunter books out there, it's so

interesting to see how the hate against Downworlders started in the Mortal

Instruments and seeing how it like slowly progress until The Dark Artifices.

I definitely look forward to continuing on with the last two books but I

probably won't start City of Lost Souls immediately since I just need kind of a

break from the Shadowhunter world, but I definitely hope to finish rereading this

series by the end of the year. The next book that I finished is Far From You by

Tess Sharpe. This book follows Sophie, who has nearly died twice. First, it was a car

accident that left her disabled and with an addiction to drugs in order to cope

with her chronic pain. And second, it was what everyone thinks was a drug deal

gone wrong where her best friend Mina was shot and killed in her presence and

Sophie was left alive. However, Sophie has been in recovery for months and she is

determined to piece together the truth of why Mina was targeted and who the

murderer was. This book was an emotional and compelling story that took me by

complete surprise. I just devoured

this book from the very start. It is told from alternating past and present

timelines. The alternating timelines is also not chronological, which is

something that I usually don't like but in this case, it works incredibly well

for the story. It allowed the author to reveal bits and pieces of the mystery

but also allowed readers to get to know Sophie more as a character and how

meaningful her relationship with Mina was. In the book, it is explicitly stated

that Sophie is bisexual and I really love that we have this representation. I

really love the whole portrayal of Sophie and Mina's friendship and

relationship and that it was a huge focus of the story. This book does tackle

a lot of tough subjects from chronic pain, drug addiction, sobriety, and losing

a loved one. I think this story is beautiful yet gut-wrenchingly tragic.

Although I wasn't blown away by the big reveal at the end, there was an element

to it that I really wasn't expecting. Overall, I really enjoyed the story. I

gave it 5 out of 5 stars and I highly recommend it. The next book I finished is

Little Monsters by Kara Thomas. This is a new release that actually came out

in July. This book follows Kacey, who moves to a different town in order to

live with her father. Everyone in town seems to be really nice

and she does meet 2 girls who become her closest friends. They pretty much invite

her to do everything with them but one night, there is like this biggest party

of the year and they don't bring her along. The day following this party, one

of her friends, Bailey, goes missing and no one knows where she is.

And soon enough, everyone in town seems to think that Kacey has something to do

with Bailey's disappearance. This book was definitely a really quick read that

was pretty enjoyable and kept me interested the entire time. Even though

this was a fast read, the pacing of the story did feel a bit slow at times. I

really liked that there were quite a few unreliable characters including our main

character Kacey. I have really mixed feelings about Kacey's character. She did

do quite a few things in this book that I found to be very frustrating and dumb

but I still really liked reading from her point of view. The ending was

unexpected and it did surprise me. However, the way the story wrapped

just felt pretty rushed. I ended up rating this book a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

The next book that I finished is Summer Days and Summer Nights edited by

Stephanie Perkins. This is an anthology that contains 12 short stories written

by 12 different authors that revolve around the theme of summer. As an

anthology overall, I would rate it a 3 out of 5 stars. I don't want to go into

depth about this book because there are 12

different short stories and I don't want to talk about each and every single one

of them. Although this book has to do with summer, I felt like a lot of the

stories weren't very like summer-y. There is definitely a variety of different

types of stories. All these stories aren't just contemporary. There are some

sci-fi stories in there as well. I just wasn't a fan of a lot of the

stories so I didn't enjoy the anthology that much as a whole. Some of the

short stories that I really enjoyed were like the last four stories in this

anthology. I thought they were really great and I really enjoyed those ones

but a majority of the stories I just thought were like okay and I just really

wasn't into them so I ended up rating this book a 3 out of 5 overall. The next

book I finished is I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo.

This book follows Desi Lee, who is an overachiever at everything but fails

when it comes to romance. When a new guy transfers to her school, she is

immediately attracted to him and is determined to win him over by studying

Korean dramas and following a step-by-step guide that she creates

based on the typical plot points that are seen in these dramas. I thought

this book was so cute and I can't stop gushing over it. I adored it so much.

First off, I do want to say that this book can be very ridiculous and dramatic at

times. The main character does make a lot of questionable choices that are pretty

crazy and I don't agree with. However, I think her choices do add a pretty fun

and comedic touch to the story. Although I don't watch any Korean dramas, I do

have a few friends who do. They always talk about the ridiculous and dramatic

things that occur in these dramas. Desi's story is basically a Korean

drama in book form, which is why I was sort of able to look past Desi's

decisions and that's not me saying that her decisions are acceptable and okay.

She does go through a lot of extremes in order to try to win this guy over but

since this whole story is a Korean drama in book form, based on the context of

Korean dramas, I don't really mind her decisions that much but I can definitely

see why some people wouldn't like Desi's character. I thought the romance

was super cute and I was rooting for them the entire time. Also, this book

includes a wonderful friendship. Desi's best friends, Wes and Fiona, are

really supportive of her. Desi tells them everything. There are no secrets

between them. I also really wish we had more scenes of them together but I'm

pretty happy with all the scenes that we got. I really like that one of Desi's

best friends was with a guy and that their relationship was platonic, which is

something we don't see a lot in YA books. I also want to

mention that Fiona is Mexican-American and she likes girls, so I really love

that we have this representation in the book. Desi is Korean-American and I

really love seeing her relationship with her dad and I also really enjoyed the

incorporation of Korean culture throughout this book. Desi is such a

quirky and nerdy character who can be pretty awkward at times. Personally, I

related to her a lot and I really enjoyed reading from her point of view.

Overall, I really love this book. I thought it was super cute and if you're

looking for a really cute contemporary and if you really like K-dramas, then I

highly recommend this book. I think this is the perfect rom-com book that's very

easy to get into and it has a great balance of hilarious and heartwarming

moments. I rated this book a 4.5 out of 5 stars. And the last book that I finished

in July is The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi. I don't even know where to

begin to describe this book but it follows our main character, Maya, who has this

horoscope that promises a marriage of death and destruction. This book involves

Indian folklore and mythology and unfortunately, I didn't like it very much.

I thought the characters were pretty flat. I really didn't care about them

very much. The author does have beautiful writing but her descriptions can be too

much that it takes the reader away from what's actually happening, which made the

story pretty confusing and I didn't really know what was going on for a

majority of the story. I also didn't really feel a connection between the two

main characters so I didn't really care about the romance very much. I was just

confused reading this book so I ended up rating it a 2 out of 5 stars. Those are all

the books I read in the month of July. If you've read any of these books, let me

know your thoughts in the comments. Thank you so much for watching this video. I

hope you enjoyed it and I will see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> July Wrap Up 2017! - Duration: 8:27.


Bridge of light (Swedish) Subs + Trans - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Bridge of light (Swedish) Subs + Trans - Duration: 3:08.


7 NEW iPhone Life Hacks That ACTUALLY Work! - Duration: 8:32.

guys it's like a hundred degrees in my apartment I'm not even kidding so your

girl is sweating whoa hey guys it's Adrienne and welcome back to my channel

in today's video I'm showing you guys a seven new iPhone life hacks that you

need to know and that absolutely work so as we obviously know the iPhone eight or

whatever they're going to call it is going to be coming out in the next

couple months I personally know I'm very excited to make videos about that and

maybe potentially get a new phone probably will but I really thought that

I had exhausted the iPhone 7 slash iOS 10 lifehacks until the other day when I

randomly like figured out seven more so this is what I would like to call heaven

hitting new iPhone my pack that I did not discover and that you guys are going

to find out right here comment down below what type of phone you guys have

right now and if you're contemplating getting a new phone or getting the new

iPhone when it comes out let me know I'm super curious and want to know also if

you're new here and you didn't see my last video I'm doing a huge back to

school supplies giveaway so if you're still in school and you would like to

enter my giveaway just simply click the link in the description box below and

that's how you enter the winner will be announced on August 10th via Instagram

so be sure to follow me on Instagram and turn on my post notifications so that

you guys are the personnel who won the giveaway and there are two prizes all

right without further ado let's get into the hack so the first half is called

guided access now I did not know that this existed but essentially if you give

someone your phone to borrow or maybe you have kids and you don't want them

playing around with everything else home girls just trying to look at your notes

you don't want them snooping through your photos so if you turn on guided

access and set certain restrictions that person will not be able to exit the app

they're on basically like a parental lock slash privacy control so this is

how you do it so first go to your settings and I like to type in guided

just so that I can find it way more easily so I search guided click on

guided access and then here you can turn on the toggle for guided access and what

that allows you to do is set your own passcode set your own time limit and

basically when you triple click the home button from then on out you can set what

the restrictions are going to be and then you can give someone your phone let

them use it and they'll be restricted to whatever you set it to so let's give it

a try I have my accessibility shortcut on so

that just means when you triple click it so I'm going to go to Instagram

I mean and from here I'm going to triple click and as you see it says guided

access it says circle areas on the screen you

would like to disable so say I want them to not be able to go into my DM I'm

going to circle my DM and that's it we're just going to do that and then I

click start so that's where you enter the passcode that you have made in order

to allow this to happen so back in the settings you can set your passcode

whatever you want it to be I'm just not going to do it right now but that's how

you do that and I thought it was super interesting like I don't feel like I

would need to use this very often but if I did give a stranger my phone to make a

phone call it would keep them from being able to access any other app things like

that so my next hack has to do with making it easier when you're typing a

long message to make edits because we all know it's super annoying the

backspace forever but also we know that you can kind of click on the word and

magnify it and go like this but it still gets hard and it's very finicky so when

you're trying to be like very precise and go to a certain letter of a word

this is a great tip I didn't know this but the keyboard is actually forced

touch so if you click on any key on the keyboard or just anywhere on the

keyboard and you just hold it down it goes like that and as you notice it

creates this mouse so with that Mouse you can literally put it anywhere so I

can put it right in between there and it's just so much easier than anything

else people have said to do like yes you can do this but it just sometimes

doesn't work and gets weird so this is like a full print pack - always always

always go exactly where you need to go in a paragraph the next hack is to

reduce motion on your phone if you don't like how much animation there is see how

when I click on the app and then I click away from the app it kind of does that

zoom in zoom out effect a lot of people don't like that it takes longer for the

app to actually load and some people just want it to be quick they don't like

the look of that motion I personally like the look at that motion so I keep

mine on but if you do want to get rid of it all you do is go to your settings

type in reduce in the search bar and when you see reduce motion click on that

you turn that on you will notice that there is no longer a motion it is now

this weird dissolving thing which I don't love so I'm going to turn it back

off but there you have it my next hack has to do with widgets now I'm sure you

guys are familiar with widgets basically certain apps have widget which you can

then add into your notification screen which you get to by basically swiping

left so widgets are a thing that a lot of people know about however there are

so many widgets that I didn't realize exist that are so helpful so right now

I'm just going to tell you about one but there are so many more you can find

recently I found this one called snap staff and this is just really helpful

for me I know it sounds like it's for snapchat but it's not

but snapped out the snap stats is an app that basically tells you a lot about

your phone the data usage you have the storage you have the RAM the disk space

so it's just a super easy way to figure out all this information without having

to search in your phone like yes your phone under settings somewhere showed

you how much storage you have versus how much you've used but for me it's just

nice and easy to put it all in one place so I love using this widget it's just

super nice to be able to check like oh I have a hundred and seventy three

gigabytes free yeah also like amen to the whole 256 gigabyte phone it's so so

helpful but anyway so that's just one widget again there are so many apps that

have other widgets I suggest doing some research you can utilize these to the

best of your advantage like more than you probably are now and I suggest doing

it so my next hack is actually to make a touch ID with the same finger twice it

sounds weird and unnecessary but even doing touch ID a lot of times there are

failed attempts and like maybe your finger just wasn't quite at the right

angle so in order to avoid ever having a failed attempt to unlock your phone

which actually happens to me kind of a lot you can simply do a second touch ID

for the same finger that'll just allow your phone to have like every single

angle of your finger that way it really reduces the amount of failed attempts

I'm just going to add a fingerprint and do my thumb all over again and there you

have it the next hack that is actually I think my favorite hack because I've used

it so many times and it's very very simple so you know when you go over to

your notifications by scrolling down I would always

individually like X out of not each one but each day it would be like recent ID

X I say yesterday ID X I the day before X eyes

well if you click and hold the X button it actually says clear all

education and that literally means all notification so I love this one I'm

going to go ahead and clear those babies I've been using this non-stop people are

like well you can do that and I'm sorry if you already knew that I did not know

that so I'm like yeah all right you guys and the last hack number seven is

actually one I've already talked about before but the reason I'm reiterating it

in this video is because I have straight-up saved people's like luck not

lives but I've saved people by telling them about this like in the moment I've

had two or more friends literally be like oh my god I just accidentally

deleted this really important email and I can't find it and it's like in the

trash forever and I'm like girl I got you so basically in order to undo almost

almost any action on your iPhone you literally shake your phone so I'm just

going to show you the example with the typing because it's the easiest thing I

know how to show you guys but seriously if you remember the tack try it next

time you do something accidentally on your phone that you didn't mean to do so

I'm just going to type yay then if you shake your phone it'll say undo typing

undo and it undoes now it doesn't work for every single thing however I

literally have saved a couple people who have accidentally done something wrong

for example maybe you're selecting all your photos that you want to delete and

you're going through your entire camera rolls like 3000 photos then you like

accidentally uncheck them all if you shake your phone and click on do they'll

come back that sort of thing where it just is annoying and it saved your life

so yeah those are my seven iPhone life hacks that are new that I discovered I

know I made so many of these videos but it's because I actually keep discovering

new things I will continue to do videos for you guys like this if you liked it

give it a thumbs up so that I know and I can make more hopefully when the new

phone comes out it's awesome and I will do a ton of videos reviewing that or

whatever I'm also considering doing some like Amazon tech weed product review

type situations so let me know if that's something you're interested in I love

you guys so much thank you for watching subscribe if you haven't already and I

will see you in my next video bye

For more infomation >> 7 NEW iPhone Life Hacks That ACTUALLY Work! - Duration: 8:32.


DST Stream @ 4pm Central US time! This is a test/announcement - Duration: 4:30.

I made chat bigger than this for the stream

For more infomation >> DST Stream @ 4pm Central US time! This is a test/announcement - Duration: 4:30.


📣 Launching my first Enamel Pin Set on Kickstarter! 🌟 - Duration: 2:30.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel!

In this video I want to present you a project I've been working on for weeks!

I've created a set of collector enamel pins and I launched a Kickstarter campaign to help

me fund them, just a few days ago!

I called this series 'Pastel Forest Elements'.

It is composed of 4 animals, each representing an element.

The Ember Fox for Fire

The Sparkle Otter for Water

the Cloud Owl for Air

and the Moss Deer for Earth.

I designed them in a cute cartoony way and I think they would be perfect for any pins

collector and animal lovers.

I unfortunately didn't think of recording the entire process but basically, I sketched

my ideas on paper first, trying different animals and shapes.

I picked one idea for each animal and imported the drawings in Illustrator.

Then I refined the design and gave them all the same style, to create a cohesive project.

I also made sure the lines were thick enough to meet the requirements for manufacturing,

because they can't be too thin, and I picked the colors using my Pantone book.

I wanted pastel colors for a softer, cuter look but I was limited to 5 colours for each pins,

so this was a bit of a challenge.

Once I was done with the designs, I worked on my Kickstarter campaign and here we are.

Now, the only thing left to do is to reach all the stretch goals to unlock all the pins

and get them manufactured!

And that's why I need your help!

If you are interested in buying them, you can pledge through the Kickstarter website

to get a pack of 1, 2, 3 or 4 pins!

We unlocked 1 so far, in less then 48 hours, and they is still 25 days to go.

So let's do this!

You will find more info on the page of the campaign, the link is in the description box below.

Thank you so much for watching!

I hope you will like the pins.

I will come back next week with a new art video, BYE!

For more infomation >> 📣 Launching my first Enamel Pin Set on Kickstarter! 🌟 - Duration: 2:30.


English for Spanish Speakers 41 - My sister broke 'his' or 'her' phone? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:04.

Hello once again everyone, and welcome back to 'One English Tip in One Minute

for Spanish Speakers' where each week I talk about, in detail, one common

English mistake made by those who speak Spanish as a mother tongue, and this is

the 41st video number 41.

I'm not quite sure if I told you this before, but I'm totally appreciative of

the fact that you're working to improve your English...but, really, good job, please

keep it up. In these videos, I show you a slide, and on the slide there are two

sentences: One is the correct way a native English speaker would say it,

the other is the wrong way that many Spanish speakers say it, and you have to decide

which one is correct . Please do that now. Read the sentences, listen to me read

the sentences, pause the video, think about your answer and I will talk about

the answer in the slide that follows this slide.

You're in very good company - you might even be in the majority - if you got this wrong or you just took a wild guess and

happened to get it right. What it means is you have to start studying this a bit

more. To put you on that studying path, I've given you three sentences to study

from. You should memorize the sentences in their entirety, you should

review them -- really drill them into your brain -- and then put into practice what

you've learned through speaking or writing or both. As I often say, it's

a very good idea to go out of these videos as well, and to use the many

resources that are out there.

For more infomation >> English for Spanish Speakers 41 - My sister broke 'his' or 'her' phone? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:04.


(WR) Crash Bandicoot NST Platinum Relic Speedrun : Road To Nowhere 49:48 - Duration: 2:13.

Beware Headphone Users :3

For more infomation >> (WR) Crash Bandicoot NST Platinum Relic Speedrun : Road To Nowhere 49:48 - Duration: 2:13.


Pan Goferek - Duration: 15:12.

My name is Janusz Gostkiewicz, I am 67 years old.

The reason of my interests was...

The idea came when we meet w

The idea came when... We've met in Olsztynek with my family in Christmas Eve

My brother in law

Jan Mrozowski who was an owner of car repair shop, said...

In meantime i was working in FARUM -

company which was producent of medical apparatus in Nidzica

I was working there

in the assembly department

I was responsible for assembling medical tables for X-Rays

Most of them came from

German Democratic Republic and Czechoslovakia

Then we were aassembling one apparatus

and the it was sent to Comecon

It was years beetween 1973 - 1982

... so in meantime we've met at Christmas Eve,

My brother in law said,

I have my own company, so maybe you can start your own?

There is a new school next to,

there is enough space,

Maybe you could start something small

After this talk, when i came to my home, I started to wondering

The place next to school is pretty good,

so maybe i should start with my own little building?

For more infomation >> Pan Goferek - Duration: 15:12.



Because Annotations are done, I just wanna say that this video was uploaded on my new main channel and some things that I say in this video was meant for that channel, not this one.

For more infomation >> DOING CRAZY THINGS IN PUBLIC!! (CRINGEY) - Duration: 4:14.


What recycling looks like in Russia - Duration: 2:05.

Hi there! Today is the first Saturday of the month and that means I can take some

of my trash for recycle. Let's see what we have.

Now I have to sort the trash a little. Let's do it.

As you could notice we collect not the all trash just plastic bags and packing

of milk and juice. And yes, we have collected that trash for three or four


I did it. Let's go to the recycle center.

We did it. Bye-bye. Take care of yourself and the planet!

For more infomation >> What recycling looks like in Russia - Duration: 2:05.



For more infomation >> HIDE AND SEEK WITH LITTLE BROTHER IN HAUNTED HOUSE!!! (In OUR House) - Duration: 11:20.


Voice lines for ANTONIOCOMEDYVIDEOS - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Voice lines for ANTONIOCOMEDYVIDEOS - Duration: 0:24.


《我的前半生》观众辩论赛到此结束,请各位有序退场 - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> 《我的前半生》观众辩论赛到此结束,请各位有序退场 - Duration: 5:32.


Get Free HDTV Today

For more infomation >> Get Free HDTV Today


O dia em que o Brasil desafiou a França (Felipe Dideus) - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> O dia em que o Brasil desafiou a França (Felipe Dideus) - Duration: 9:48.


Carpeta Redonda a crochet o ganchillo Parte 2 tutorial paso a paso - Duration: 19:23.

For more infomation >> Carpeta Redonda a crochet o ganchillo Parte 2 tutorial paso a paso - Duration: 19:23.


Como equilibrar sua profissão com o futuro - VEDA 06 - Duration: 2:49.

Hi guys, my name's Edney Souza and I'm know as Interney

I'm a marketing consultant but graduated in "data processing"

I'm sharing this because that's all about. My first tip is that you are not your carreer.

This is something I'd love someone has told me in my youth,

I gratuated in data processing, got my degree

because the market I was in used to inly respect and hire the ones with degree.

You may live nowadays a completely different reality.

Maybe you don't need the degree to be a successfull professional in your chosen carreer

So before you got desperate thinking if

you must be in college, think about your dreamy professional life.

Find out if the market you'd like to be is still demanding a degree

And only decide YES if it makes sense.

College can be a satisfaction, you can study

new skills, disciplines, learn some new carreer path

something that's considered interesting by you.

Another thing I'd love someone has told me before in my early carreer

is that you need to work hard, that's true

But if you don't spare a time of your days

if you don't separate a part of your time to have fun and relax

you won't have mental sanity in the future. I'm not saying that you must follow

the eight hour labor rules.

Some people say that the right path is eight hours relaxing, eight hours at work

and eight hours having fun.

There's moments in our lives that if we don't work really hard

twelve, fourteen, sixteen hours, you are screwed up.

because the market demands that. But don't set this up as a target for life.

In some moment you MUST reduce the work volume and frequency

so think that working hard is ok, but it's something temporary.

If you are working hard and that's the only way that you feel is ok for your

surviving, there's someting wrong and you need to reinvent your future.

So It's basically the message I'd say to you.

Find your carreer as soon as you can. Not necessarely something that

damands a degree because maybe you'll start working to old.

Be prepared to do a job rotation in the moment you wish to do that.

Work hard!

But create something that in the future you will have time

to relax, a time to try new experiences in your life.

And to do your mental hygiene.


Thank you and king regards

Bye, bye.

For more infomation >> Como equilibrar sua profissão com o futuro - VEDA 06 - Duration: 2:49.


Vida de Inseto: Sobre Ideias, Coragem e Medo - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> Vida de Inseto: Sobre Ideias, Coragem e Medo - Duration: 9:00.


1291 Telemensagem dia dos Pais para Esposo Distante (Esposa e filhos) - Completa - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> 1291 Telemensagem dia dos Pais para Esposo Distante (Esposa e filhos) - Completa - Duration: 1:37.


Pan Goferek - Duration: 15:12.

My name is Janusz Gostkiewicz, I am 67 years old.

The reason of my interests was...

The idea came when we meet w

The idea came when... We've met in Olsztynek with my family in Christmas Eve

My brother in law

Jan Mrozowski who was an owner of car repair shop, said...

In meantime i was working in FARUM -

company which was producent of medical apparatus in Nidzica

I was working there

in the assembly department

I was responsible for assembling medical tables for X-Rays

Most of them came from

German Democratic Republic and Czechoslovakia

Then we were aassembling one apparatus

and the it was sent to Comecon

It was years beetween 1973 - 1982

... so in meantime we've met at Christmas Eve,

My brother in law said,

I have my own company, so maybe you can start your own?

There is a new school next to,

there is enough space,

Maybe you could start something small

After this talk, when i came to my home, I started to wondering

The place next to school is pretty good,

so maybe i should start with my own little building?

For more infomation >> Pan Goferek - Duration: 15:12.


Missão Palotina 2017 #SomosMelhoresJuntos - Duration: 21:58.

For more infomation >> Missão Palotina 2017 #SomosMelhoresJuntos - Duration: 21:58.


Curta metragem - "À espera de quem?" - Duration: 28:49.

A challenge, an exciting challenge.

It is difficult, visceral I'd say...

Visceral... that's why I thought of women!

But I'm not the first in this, other groups haver already set up that way.

I've read about those plays.

I'm thinking of an even bigger challenge. I would like to work with strangers.


I think this way.

Done, let's try our luck.

If that works out, you know where we can get, right?

I know... I know!


Wow, that's cool!

Uh huh...

Okay! We'll meet you there!


Okay, alright, then... Deal... Bye...

How cool!

Funny, I was looking at all these women, all these girls... it's all so nostalgic!

I can imagine. There were so many awards, even international ones.

Yeah... my Estragon was... a good Estragon...

And what about you? Any news from... Vladimir?

No, none

15 years, Caíque... we had a life and a good talent.

How can you?

Family... her family invaded our house,

took her out of there, took her out of the country and I could not do anything!

I do not forgive myself much until today, but...

finally... I live here...

trying to find on someone, what I lost in me, when I lost her. Understood?

I'd say this is a little insane, isn't it?

Yes... It may be, but if I can get it Caíque, maybe this pain will ease or, who knows, go away!

Really? Do you really think that? It's her? Is she still abroad?

Probably, married, with children...

You know Mi, I can not understand, how can you go through this whole process?

You know what, it's hurting less than I imagined.

It seems I'm going to put the bugs out... it's the antidote, made from the poison itself.

I did not think we'd have so many applications.

Yeah, me neither! I'm separating some very interesting ones! Than, we change

Okay, I also separated some, we change later!

Wow, we exaggerate on time! I'm hungry! Let's eat something?

Please, fast!

Mi, this one you circled with red pen, Is she...


Hmmm... saved the name already!

Darling, I read this application at least 10 times.

Well... if you found it interesting...

A lot!

But have you thought what role?

I want you to tell me!

That's right!... I was reading here, she's very interesting, see? Is she beautiful?

I don´t know, I intend to know soon...

And, do you want to know my opinion?

Sure, you can talk!

To me, she's Vladimir!

I thought it as well!

Let our intuition be correct!


it's her...

Hi Caíque...


Of course, sure, of course.

See you later, take care!


Good morning, sweetheart!!!

Good morning! Guess who did I just talk to?

Wow! So early on? With your mother?

Funny, with my mother I'll talk later! Come on, one more chance!

Another cute one?

No!!! Let's go, telepathy!

Stop mocking, speak up!

I'll only say the initials... Mi...




We'll meet today, at 6:00 p.m.!

Quickly you! Did you say anything else?

Anything else? Like?

Like... I do not know... something else...

No, no, no... we'll talk about this later!

All right then!


A little... I mean... a lot !!!

Back to work, I'll call the other girls and then we talk, okay?

Okay, I'll see something here on stage.

Hey, I want to know about that girl over there, okay?


Lavínia? All right? Could you come and take the test at 6:00pm today? OK. Thank you. Bye Bye!

Ah... but it has been three months since he is with me. he is so sweet, so cute. You have to see him at home, so loving...

Guys, I love dogs. I have two dogs.

Wow, two? It's not difficult, is it?

- Of course not, a mess, too tight, I love it! - Crazy...

I don´t care.... Love it...

Girls, do you have a way to go home?

Yes, I'll go by car!

What about the other girls?

They're already waiting for me, by the way, I have to go! Bye, see you later.

Bye, see you later.


Ah... I, alright, I live very near here! One block.

I'll take you!

Don't mind it...

I'll take you! I will not take the risk!


Of losing you!

Oh really?

Let´s go!


Ok, come on, come on, it'll be easier this way, I'll take you...

Can I?

Of course!

So, are you enjoying it?

I'm loving it!


Yeah, the rehearsal today was awesome... Whose dog is that?

Must be from here!

Ah... I love dogs, very cool!

Yeah... I heard you say that you like it very much ... So? Are you enjoying it then?

Oh... I... I'm enjoying it a lot. The group is very good. Lavinia is very good, right?

Hmmm... humm... she's cute!

She is so talented!

I was impressed, I'm overjoyed!

You are too!

You think?


Ah... we do what we can!

Did you kept it?

You forgot.


I'm not understanding... are you back?

No, not yet!

Not Yet!

I missed you so much...

Complicated Dani, it's complicated. And what about your family?

You know my family, you know...

Ah I know, I sure know...

They did what they did because they wanted me to get you out of my heart

They... they got us separated in a very rude way and it's obvious that the bad one of "history" was me

you made of your life what they determined and I came here

to join the pieces that were ripped apart. 15 years Dani...

But I miss you so much, so so much!

I know, I know I'm making you nervous.

Is not like this Dani, is that to talk about it after all this time

as far as I know, you have family, husband, children... don't you?

I have...

I know you're outraged by

everything that happened, but I miss you, I really miss you, I wanted to see you...

I passed in front of the theater... you're setting the play, our play...

Are they known?

No, not yet...

Not yet...

Dani, I hope this presentation is a watershed in their life, including mine.

You do not forgive me, do you?

It's not that Dani, I did not want you to think I want you bad, but

it's been so long, it took me a long time to get this black cloud off my head.

When are you leaving here?

In two weeks.

In two weeks...

But... if you ask me to stay... I stay.

You have completely lost your mind!

You think I'm crazy?

I wanted a new life...

New life? You have family Goddammit. And I... I have my dignity,

I took me a long time to create strength, however I created,

to face any other adversity, all adversities.

You are with someone?

No, but my heart is filling with light again!

Do we have any chances?

Our chance to be happy ended that day, Dani!

I should know that, right?

Take it!

Yeah, I hung up the cell phone.

Yeah, I got a rather unexpected visit...

Oh, you wont believe it...


I felt very strange ...

Yeah, I don't know, she said a lot of things, I also said, she left crying and left me Here, with Estragon's syndrome...

like... I don't know... strange...


Waiting for a new Vladimir...

You know Caíque, when I saw Milena for the first time there in the theater,

I felt something that I didn't fell for so long.

An ice, a chill, something I had not felt for a long time.


I'm going to move out of here in fifteen days

What do you mean?

My father received a transfer of work and the whole family will have to go.

Wow... I did not expect that...

Be well!

I´m so sorry!

Forget it, it's okay, changes are just like that, do you want to talk to them?

No, can you explain to them?

All right, count on me, be well, okay?



What's going on?

Lavínia left the group.

We need a new Estragon, or an old, who knows?


I know you've already played this character. I have newspaper clippings and magazines from all of your presentations.

I can't believe it, you have newspaper clippings and magazines...

If you want, I can show you!

Of course I want!


Of Course!

I mean it!



Can we talk some more?

Of course!

I do not know if I can tell you this, I do not know if I have the right to ask you this

but I think you could evaluate the possibility of getting on the scene again

have you ever imagined that?

The two of us on the scene? Imagine?

Beautiful, that's what you said, but it's been so long Milena!

Ah... stop it Michelle, I'm sure he's here, inside of you!


Who else?



Milena, what would become of Estragon without Vladimir?

Put this out, this will... this will set you free.

Will it?

Yes, it will... yes...


Think about it!

Hi, Milena, good morning!

Is everything all right?


It seems that you were distracted, what was it about?

Thinking about what you told me!

Just what I told you?

No, no... what you did too!

You know, you should consider my request.

Why should I... consider your request?

Because you are beautiful

You have an enviable talent

and I am completely in love with you!

What do you think? What do you say?

It's all right then!

So come on, let's rehearse! Let's Start!


Hey, Hey, Hey, what is this about, baby?

Take a look at this! Look!

WOW! Have we been nominated?

Yea we were, we were nominated!

I love you! I love you so much, so so much...

I love you too!

For more infomation >> Curta metragem - "À espera de quem?" - Duration: 28:49.


Farming Simulator 17 CASE MAXXUM MXM 190 & REDROCK BOOM SLURRY SPREADER - Duration: 10:59.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The CASE MAXXUM MXM 190 And The REDROCK BOOM SLURRY SPREADER.

CASE MAXXUM MXM 190 2 Front Attacher Setup Front Loader 3Wheel Setup 190Hp 40Km/h Top Speed



REDROCK BOOM SLURRY SPREADER 13.638l Capacity 10m Working Width 12Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 135Hp

You can move the pipe with mouse

I use the NLD MAN TGS 18 480 And the Semi Barrel CUSTOM ROAD TRAIN PACK To fill the Slurry Spreader


If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 CASE MAXXUM MXM 190 & REDROCK BOOM SLURRY SPREADER - Duration: 10:59.


Encontrinho da Ana Nutella - MiniMundos - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Encontrinho da Ana Nutella - MiniMundos - Duration: 2:07.


Youtubers life 2 Bölüm Yeni Evimize Taşındık Okulla Alakamız kalmadı - Duration: 30:47.

For more infomation >> Youtubers life 2 Bölüm Yeni Evimize Taşındık Okulla Alakamız kalmadı - Duration: 30:47.


RIO ACIMA (Up the river - 1930) - Duration: 1:24:41.

For more infomation >> RIO ACIMA (Up the river - 1930) - Duration: 1:24:41.


How to Make Popsicle Stick House FIRE WITH MATCHES STICK - Duration: 10:57.

How to Make Popsicle Stick House FIRE WITH MATCHES STICK

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