Sunday, August 6, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 7 2017

If I were a good man

I would go 'till the edge of the world as sunset does

Without thinking to go back.

And if I were a better man

I would hold in hands the key and I would become their saviour,

I would leave all with no fear.

Their raw voices as I watch them dying

Give to my soul a silent song.

As the world begins to break in half

Their breath stops.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

I try to change myself

I doubt if I can do it.

My regret

has become my torment

It's nailed to my mind

I am its penitent.

Say what I lack

Stay with me

I try to forget,

I doubt if I can do it.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

What have I done?

What have I done?

If I were a gentle man

I would let out the monsters I keep

I would ask for their freedom.

And if I were a mortal man

I would unconditionally save all those who I did hurt

In the end, I would see a new day.

But that's not me, I'm not a real man

I am a monster by my own will.

As I contemplate the life I did choose,

I ruined it all on every single of my steps.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

I try to change myself

I doubt if I can.

My regret

has become my torment

It's nailed to my mind

I am its penitent.

Say what I lack

Stay with me

I try to forget,

I doubt if I can.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done to deserve this curse?

I do not know why I condemned myself

Say what you want, I already heard everything.

I want these memories erased from me.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

I try to change myself

I doubt if I can.

My regret

has become my torment

It's nailed to my mind

I am its penitent.

Say what I lack

Stay with me

I try to forget,

I doubt if I can.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

What have I done?

What have I done?

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

I try to change myself

I doubt if I can.

My regret

has become my torment

It's nailed to my mind

I am its penitent.

Say what I lack

Stay with me

I try to forget,

I doubt if I can.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

What have I done?

What have I done?

For more infomation >> [Bruno] Fool's mate (Cover) (Spanish vocaloid) - Duration: 4:33.


La emotiva despedida en altar mar de sus íntimos a Ángel Nieto - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> La emotiva despedida en altar mar de sus íntimos a Ángel Nieto - Duration: 4:46.





Con gran voltereta, Toluca venció 3-2 al Atlas - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Con gran voltereta, Toluca venció 3-2 al Atlas - Duration: 2:50.



(Dabs on them haters)


Fuck dude.



Holy shit.

For more infomation >> SCARCE DABS ON THEM HATERS - Duration: 0:09.


Adieu à la mauvaise haleine,au tartre et aux bactéries nocives présentes dans la bouche - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Adieu à la mauvaise haleine,au tartre et aux bactéries nocives présentes dans la bouche - Duration: 5:07.


love me like u do Lyrics | Ellie Goulding - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> love me like u do Lyrics | Ellie Goulding - Duration: 4:15.


BREAKING: Ben Carson Discovers $500 BILLION Fraud, Trail Leads Straight to Obama | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:31.

The mainstream media seems poised to never allow President Trump to succeed, but it is

impossible to deny the failures of former President Obama.

Reports circulated earlier this year after an audit of the Department of Housing and

Urban Development (HUD) reported almost $520 billion in fraud, waste, and accounting errors.

The half a trillion dollars in waste and fraud mounted under the Obama administration, and

the corruption was only revealed after Dr. Ben Carson was appointed to lead the department,

according to the Daily Wire.

The Office of the Inspector General for HUD reported in March that they were unable to

complete their audit of the Housing Department due to widespread discrepancies in addition

to the $520 billion in accounting errors.

The Inspector General said they were unable to make an opinion on the finances of HUD

due to seven significant deficiencies, eleven material weaknesses, and five errors resulting

from ignoring laws and regulations.

Critics of President Trump and the Republican party attempted to undermine the Inspector

General's findings.

So-called fact checkers at USA Today attempted to downplay Secretary Ben Carson's role

in the investigation.

They point out that the audit began in December – three months before Carson's appointment.

While Ben Carson did not initiate the annual audit, he does deserve credit for exposing

the findings of the Inspector General while taking steps to address the problem.

The Inspector General has been reporting the same structural problems for the last four

years – yet their findings only received media attention after Carson took control

of the department.

The Obama administration downplayed HUD audits and failed to report the Inspector Generals

findings to the public.

HUD made no attempts to adjust their accounting practices in the wake of the scathing reports

until after the election of President Trump.

So, the USA Today fact checkers are correct that Ben Carson did not launch the investigation,

however, they are wrong to downplay the importance of the audit and Ben Carson's unique approach

of actually fixing the errors revealed by the Inspector General.

The Inspector General's report explains that the billions in accounting errors "were

due to an inability to establish a compliant control environment, implement adequate financial

accounting systems, retain key financial staff, and identify appropriate accounting principles

and policies."

Even after obtaining an extension to complete their audit, errors in HUD accounting practices

prevented a full appraisal.

HUD's spokesman Brian Sullivan told reporters at The Daily Caller that "HUD does apply

generally accepted accounting standards," in contradiction to the findings of the audit.

Since 2012 HUD has ignored 63 of the Inspector General's recommendations to solve their

accounting errors.

Brian Bergman, from government watchdog Truth in Accounting, is concerned about HUD's

failure to conform to appropriate accounting standards.

"HUD is a symptom of an inability to learn from history that we keep paying a price for,"

says Bergman.

"That's something you could fix or you should be able to fix and it's problematic

that they haven't.

It may suggest not only an inability but perhaps an unwillingness to do this, which is perhaps

more concerning."

what do you think about this? please share this news and Scroll down to

comment below!

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Ben Carson Discovers $500 BILLION Fraud, Trail Leads Straight to Obama | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:31.


6 Kiểu Trán "TRỜI SINH GIÀU NỨT VÁCH" Muốn Nghèo Khổ Cũng Không Được| Tử Vi Trọn Đời - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 6 Kiểu Trán "TRỜI SINH GIÀU NỨT VÁCH" Muốn Nghèo Khổ Cũng Không Được| Tử Vi Trọn Đời - Duration: 3:46.


DAY6 "What Can I Do(좋은걸 뭐 어떡해)" M/V - Duration: 3:59.

What am I to you

Do you even think about me

You're different every time I see you

I can't figure it out

You're making time for everybody else

But you don't have any time for me

This is unfair, Why you gotta be

Making me impatient

You're bad, and I know it

Then why the hell am I

Chasing you

I like you, I can't help it

I'm already into you

You're messing with me

And I like it

I can't help it, it's what I am

I like you, I can't help it

Though I know it's a dumb thing to do

I just like being with you

I'm such a fool

I'm helpless

The smile you showed me sometimes

Keeps haunting me

One more time, one more time

I want to see your smile again

The texts you sent me someday

I keep looking through them, smiling

I know, I know it

That I'm making a fool of myself

You're bad

And I know it

Then why the hell am I

Chasing you

I like you, I can't help it

I'm already into you

You're messing with me

And I like it

I can't help it, it's what I am

I like you, I can't help it

Though I know it's a dumb thing to do

I just like being with you

I'm such a fool

I'm helpless

You're bad, and I know it

Then why the hell am I

Chasing you

I like you, I can't help it

I'm already into you

You're messing with me

And I like it

I can't help it, it's what I am

I like you, I can't help it

Though I know it's a dumb thing to do

I just like being with you

I'm such a fool

I'm helpless

For more infomation >> DAY6 "What Can I Do(좋은걸 뭐 어떡해)" M/V - Duration: 3:59.


Session 6 - She is waiting for me! People from past life, dolphin songs and healing others - Duration: 35:33.


We're back to that young girl

Can you see her there?


She's waiting for me

I'm like a

a light body. She holds her arms out like this.

and the light body floats into her.

About how old is she now?

She's tall so it's hard to say.

And she's...

I'm guessing maybe...


A young woman.

yea she's... taller

She, but she might be

younger and just looks like it.

That's okay.

But she went out

She left the temple and went out into the jungle.

And she was standing out there cause she knew I was coming.

Does she go to the jungle often?

Yea! Is this a place for her to get away?

Yea, alone. Other than...

Being alone in the temple.

She sees the people

Sometimes she gets tired of the people

serving her

all the time.

Was there something she wanted to show you?

She was waiting for you...

Yea there must be

Do you want to ask her?

She's like singing and her voice sounds like a butterfly it's really high

But I ...

It's like... (singing)

It's toning

She's toning.

She just sings that all the time.


It's the chakras


It brings the energy up from the

....from here

The celestial chakras.

Yea it goes up and then up again.

Is she walking through the woods.


palm leaves

there's paths

and she just kind of walks slow and sings while she walks

while she walks

Now I see many things, houses, square houses

And they're like white sand

And lots of people

And how do the people react to her?


They don't go on their knees

But they

they bow.

She's wearing something.

Something like a...

like a bird

or a snake.

And it's like all glittery, jewels. On her head.

Like something that cleopatra wore on her head?

Yea, it kinda looks like that


It's a... a snake and a bird.

And um...


She's barefoot, and she has jewellery an anklet.

What colour are her robes?


They call her the mother. Mother.

Mother or thee mother.


Mut... Mut

But she's just really happy and she walks

And she see's them all.

And she looks them all in the eyes.

She's showing me her people.

She told me I'm going to recognize some of them.

I don't know how that's going to happen.

Let me know if you recognize any of them.

They're all brown skin, dark skin.

Don't look at their skin, look at their soul.

Look into their eyes if you can see them.

They're doing things.

Just stuff.

Every day stuff.

She stops at a man with a twisty beard

and a cane, he has a cane.

I know his eyes but I don't know in this life who this guy is.

It's okay if you don't know.


It's like they can just look and kind of talk without speaking.

People walk by carrying bags of things, moving things around

grain or seeds.

It's all love. They love her.

The man hugs her with his eyes.

because nobody's really allowed to touch her.

He's an elder.

And they kind of nod and then she keeps going.

There's lots, like there's hundreds of people.

They're all just busy.

Some are making art.


And they walk by, they're busy

They always bow when they notice her.

And she's alone.

Just on her own.

And she's not really supposed to be here.

She what?

She escaped, she's not supposed to be alone.

There's a child with like, big round eyes.

Round, dark eyes.

She looks up.

A boy.

And she hugs the boy, it's a young boy.

Don't know who this one is either.

The eyes look familiar to me.

Like I should know.

And all he wears is like a wrap around his waist area.

He's skinny.

I'm getting that it's like her


He also...

just wants to be like, normal.

So he's kind of hiding.

They both sort of are, but he was hiding more.

His eyes are like tiger eye. Tiger's eye.

Like they're that deep.

So she keeps walking and now he's following her.

It's a narrow passageway.

Sometimes people just kind of squeeze by carrying things.

People kiss her feet.

Some of them... they're grateful because she makes sure that they have food

There's always something for them to eat.

They're happy.

It's just their gratitude.

She's still walking. And it's .. ah..

The ground is sand but it's polished it feels polished.

Almost like tile.

Some kind of city.

And it's multi-stories.

It's a multi-story city, there's upper...

Everything is like square boxes, like box shaped

cubes, houses, and it goes up

It's white.

The roof is like palms

On the top the roof is just like palm leaves. There's no storms.

There's mist storms, that's it.

She says, mists.

She keeps, she's going to the water now.

And it's like docks.

Big... square

What are the boats like?

Grass boats

Like uh, shaped almost like a dragon at the front.

They have

an enclosed place, some of them are more enclosed than others.

She's going into the water, I see her leg like she's

stepping in.

Going into the water.

Walking in.

I can see starfish under the water.

It's clear. Very clear water.

Dolphin. There's the dolphin who comes too

So she's by the ocean.


This must be some kind of cove.

That they built.

The dolphin comes and it's singing to her and it

it's projecting something onto her.

It's a projection of it's voice.

I feel it, it's a cone shaped

whooaaahh, I can't make the sound but I can feel it.

It's a wave. Sound waves.

It goes right through her body.

Almost like it shakes up her body and then clears it.


And the brother

doesn't go in the water. It's just her in the water.

I don't think the dolphins do this for anybody else.

Not the same way.

She can talk to them without

saying anything.

She sings...


Do you know what she communicates to them?

Thank you

She says thank you.

And what do they say back to her?

They say love.

Oh nice.

They're friends, they're not like I would say they're

I would say they're like pets but not.

They're like friends.

And there's many many more dolphins out in the sea, but those

two are the main ones.

She doesn't feed them or anything. She doesn't need to.

And now

she looks behind her and all these people come to the shore

to watch. They always come to see.

They love the singing. They hear her singing.

And some of them these people are crying.

They cry for her.

Like, happy.

Doesn't seem like alot is happening

but they feel something.

It's her voice.

Its like the dolphins give her the gift.

They give her the gift of her

singing. Her voice.

That's what they gave her. That's what she wanted to show me.

So even though her father

is the Pharoah

the dolphins

give her

give her the gift of the healing voice.

Her father's side gives a different gift.

The dolphins are from the mother's side.

And now the people sing too, they can't quite sing like her but

they all sing and they're like.. really happy.

Smiling, singing.

A very happy people.

For carrying heavy things around all day.

It doesn't bother any of them.

They all feel connected.

And now that they're sing.. okay, so they're singing to her

and she can feel that in the body, in her body

and she sings back to them.

Like an echo.

And slowly she comes to stand, not so much in the water any more.

Its like her whole body is just vibrating.


From the gift the dolphins give her.

So her gift is her sounds.

The sounds that she makes.

And it all comes from her heart.

But she needs to get recharged. The sun

The sun charges her a little bit.

And the dolphins charge her so that's kind of what happens.

The frequency comes into her.

And when she's charged up she passes it through

like a channel.

In a symbiotic relationship.


And the sound that she makes is

so powerful it passes through everything.

It's timeless.

It's what I'm hearing. Timeless, but like it passes through walls.

There's no walls that stop it.

And people call her the sun.



Cause she's glowing.

They're incredibly happy people.

Golden people.

Now she's heading back.

I think.

Back to where?

To the temple?

Where she lives?


She said she's going to come visit me.

There's a


full of salt water and she can float on it

and meditate.

She astral travels that way too.

How will she visit you, in your dreams?

She'll float into my body.

Like I floated into hers.

But she said I have to...

evoke it

call for it.

It's like I'm in her body, but we're next to each other and talking to each other too.

I'm in there but...

both souls are there.

She feels everything. The air ripples like water ripples.

She walks very slowly.

Back the exact same way.

To the foot of this temple.

There's stairs and there's ramps.

And there's some of those big birds...

big white and grey birds.

That sit there.

They're about this big.

They're huge.

Are they real birds? or statues?

They're real.


They just kind of sit along the sides.

And the temple is carved. Everything in it is carved.

She goes in the front door and there's

a big statue.

It's a black man on one knee.

His hand kind of, one hand up, one hand down on his knee.

And she goes into the room on the right which is dark.

And as she goes into the room it lights up somehow.

I don't know.

There's no windows.

It's all painted walls.

All the walls are painted with people.

Pictures of people.

It almost looks like they carry someone on a stretcher.

But I don't think that's what it really is.

That's what it looks like in some of the pictures I see.

The ceiling seems low for her.

She's kinda tall.

And there's stone.

it's like a stone bed, she lies on it.

Is that like, her room?

Or what does she do there?

She definately is lying down to sleep.


There's a stand for her head. A little head stand.

Like that

Some light came on when she walked in and it's still on.

But she can still sleep.

It's a low light.

I want you to go forward in that life.

Once she sleeps.

You think? Mmm, ya.

Okay let's go forward.

Let's go forward to another

to a significant event in that life.

Maybe when she's a little older.

Something that'll give you a little more understanding in what she

what she does and

who she


yeah i see a lineup of people that come to her at the temple.

A line up and she talks to each one. She's

they come.

So in the temple there was a room to the left and that's where they go

they line up outside the temple and go in there.

A receiving room


With her chair.

And is she the only one there to receive them?

She sits in the chair.

It's a stone chair.

No there's other people they just stand there.

Her mother's not there?

No. I don't see the mother.

It's like ummmm...

I see a man holding something like a

not a staff but maybe

a with a pointed tip.

He stands against the wall.

He's got something over his face. Like with ears.

It's not his face.

But he's got eyes, eye holes he sees through.

He's wearing gold.


I can see skin but gold plating.

Would it be some kind of priest or

I think he's a guard.

a guard of some sort. Watch.

But then there's another woman in white. Like umm

Kind of a servant or there's a few of them actually.


They help bring people in and out.

They hold them.

Their arms.

Some of these people are very old.

And what is she doing?

is she counselling them or healing them or blessing them or?

yeah all those things. She

It depends on what the person needs.

They come in

And they have a wish or a need or a problem or an illness.

Sometimes they feel sick.

And its like she can just

She takes it away.

How does she do this?

Does she look at their aura or chakras or just their energy?

Do you know how she's doing it?

She feels them inside her, where it hurts or where there is a problem.


So it's like an echo. Her body echoes their body.

But she also sometimes just talks to them.

She can feel their energy.

If there's a tightness or a swelling.

And sometimes she gives them a bracelet to wear.

It looks gold or copper maybe.

Why would she do that?

What is it something that will, is it just a gift or is it something that wil benefit them.

It's supposed to help them somehow

energy supposed to help them.


it draws in more light to them.

brings them more light, energy, power.

The temple is kind of

triangular shaped in different parts.

That's supposed to focus energy.

Like a pyramid on top?


yeah its got, it is a temple its not the pyramid but it's like

a pyramid shape. Pyramid shapes all over.

To focus the energy.

Especially over the roof of the room that she is in.

I think there's some kind of music.

I don't know if its like a light, somebody's playing the gong lightly.

Or what, but there's ringing.

So when the priestesses bring somebody in

and they might either hold them, their arm or they might kneel

if they can.

And then they all kind of hum


They all do it.


It's a high hum.

It's not low it's all in

this area of the bones.

So do they speak words at all or is it all just this

toning and humming?

I can hear words sometimes.


I can't hear words right now.

They don't need to right now. They just kinda look and nod at each other.

In this place they don't need to speak.


Yeah, everyone sort of just knows.

They know

what they are doing.

together. They work together.

And there is scents, like something's burning.

And there is somebody with a feather that's

that waves it across, around the person.

Does she do this every day?

Very much, almost every day.

There is a season for it.

I guess there's a season for it.

For healing like this.

I don't know what the season is.

It's something to do with the stars.

And its very old or sick or weak people that come.

So would there be another season for other people?

Yea. That season is when she talks from the pyramid.

It doesn't need to be specific then. It's more like a general

Like a general boost.

She gives boosts. Like her energy boosts everybody.


Her frequency gets so high

that just being around her makes other people high.

Higher frequency.

Can you go forward again to see if she lives a life

of like a priestess, or does she get married and have a family?

Um hmm

She gets married and has a family?

She has a husband.

Her husband is her brother.

And he's big. I don't know if it's the same child.


He's big and he's really like muscular.



And sometimes they wear a striped skirt but he's just wearing.

like a ...white this time.

And jewellery.

And the relationship is

interesting, it's very sexual

It's all about

the energy raising both of their energy vibration



I don't see yet if they eventually have kids

They have ritualistic sex and non ritualistic sex both

Whats the difference?

Sometimes other people are watching

waiting for there's like prophetic

prophecy after she has like an orgasm she'll go

so high

that sometimes people wait to hear what she sees or says

and other times it's just because she loves her husband.

they have alot of sex

but they love each other too I mean everyone is very loving

but they are like

It's like an infinite

unconditional kind of

two halves

and he's different than her very different

he's not quite as

spiritual I guess? or as in tune.

He's not quite as sensitive.

See if you can go forward to see if they have children

I see a baby.

She's holding a baby in white.

Is it a girl or a boy?

It's a girl.

I am just wondering if she'll grow up to be the same as

as her mother took her to the temple will she one day take her baby to the temple?

It's the family

It's the family.

The royal family. Two bloods.

Two different bloods in this royal

It's like a high, the highest because they are two different royal bloods.

The highest in the

the highest in the world?

She's very young when she has the baby too.

I think.

Only one, only one baby.

She tells me because she dies.

She dies?

When she has the baby?

Nope, no just after.

But then the baby is I think taken and hidden

Until she's old enough

Like kept a secret, I don't know really what happens

How old is the baby when she dies?

Oh the baby doesn't die.

No, how old is the baby when she dies?


Oh wow.

And will the baby carry on in her

I don't think so

I think it just is, becomes hidden.

Who would hide it?

Priestess. One of the others, yeah.

For more infomation >> Session 6 - She is waiting for me! People from past life, dolphin songs and healing others - Duration: 35:33.


An ENFP and INFP Romance? #askdan Is It Possible?! - Duration: 10:12.

hey Dan here and we have another askdan question coming from Germany today now

before I get into the question a little housekeeping if you do want to send me

in a question the best way to do it is through my website you'll see a tab

right at the top there in the menu called a Stan and submit the question

that way I love you guys but I get questions sent

on YouTube messages which I didn't even know was a thing until recently I get

questions sent on my Facebook page and all over the place so I eventually see

those but sometimes I don't see them for weeks or months so if you really want to

send something through a Stannah on the website now let's get to this question I

am Sasha from Germany and I've just seen your YouTube video about how to succeed

in your business or career that's a video for ENFP link but this isn't the

topic I felt like writing your vote I just discovered myself to be a true mix

of ENFP and INTP and I'm wondering if you have ever dated an INFP girl me

dating ever no never I'm asking what I'm asking because I got

to know an INFP girl at a party two weeks ago and I'm a hundred percent sure

we both felt a deep connection out of the blue a couple more things he had her

take the test and which of course an INFP would would love and let's see so

then he's mentioning some traits oh but would confused me if she was extremely

extroverted social behavior in a group of seminary people maybe she is acting

very outgoing all the time to prevent going inside her head or do you think

this could be another explanation for such kinds of rest restlessness for an

INFP do you have some other tips with how to deal with infps especially an

INFP girl that shows interest in me thank you for your answer or perhaps you

could make a video about this topic which is what I'm doing so my first

thought I'm going to get into I know fees and I do have some experience in

terms of dating with infps as well just not that my personal experience

necessarily matters but one of the things that jumps out on me here and I

know it's funny coming from the guy who makes videos about personality type and

all that right I should really encourage you to be

obsessed with it but I got to say don't be so obsessed with it

that we you know there's more to personality type that I purely relied on

the personality type in terms of who I was dating I would not be with my

partner right now now you might have seen a video I filmed about eight months

ago about how I'm an ENFP also dating an ENFP which is not something recommended

in general like in the literature and it's an awesome relationship and it

still is and so there is something to be said with a compatibility and at the end

of the video I'll mention a compatibility chart I have like there's

certain types that are not a good fit and there's certain types of are good

fit but as long as you're sort of within that realm you don't have to overthink

it so much right so I'm all for testing your friends and people you're dating

tell them about my videos my books awesome but don't necessarily overthink

all this sometimes the myers-briggs for all the benefits it has it can also end

up creating these limiting beliefs and I've also found where I've tried to

force things with someone that was the perfect compatibility type and it just

it really wasn't actually the right fit but it was like well my rig said we

should have a romantic spark so let's try it out so an ENFP and an INFP

well one reason that you probably feel this connection it makes total sense is

NF is an infps or both very intuitive people and we both interact with the

world through our emotions in one way or the other right we do it differently but

and basically we experience life through intuition and emotion and we're both

idealist as well so like falling in love and fairytales and all that is is

relatively appealing to us present company included and so I can definitely

understand that sort of deep connection right away it makes total sense

my advice in terms of an INFP and this is definitely coming from my

own experience as an ENFP we can be quite over the top sometimes and

sometimes we say things we don't follow through it sometimes often maybe and so

from the female point of view an ENFP guy can often come off as like a liar

you know he said he felt this he just wanted to

get me into bed and that's not actually what the guy is experiencing the guy is

like feeling those emotions in the moment and then if changes or something

shifts or whatever it is infps tend to be and this is more coming

from my own dating experience not from me as the professional who writes books

or whatever keep that in mind in my experience in dating that infps tend to

be fairly sensitive and slow to open themselves up and so if they do open

themselves up to you I you as an ENFP have a bit of a responsibility to be

responsible you know to follow up their on your word to you know be aware of the

of her feelings I'm sure this can happen the other way as well you know

male-female reversing that all around in that but being really yeah sensitive of

their feelings because for you what might be easy to sort of open up and put

yourself out there and fall for someone might not be nearly so easy for them and

so you might find in a situation where there is the risk of kind of over

promising or losing interest quickly and potentially hurting someone not that

that happened in my past or anything but that is something I would include there

the other thing I would say is part of your question you were asking about how

she would have such extroverted social behavior right if she was an INFP

and this goes back to my point about don't overthink the types too too much

because there's more than just your type that plays into this right confidence

plays a big role confidence and anxiety but anxiety is very much related to

confidence some of my early books are on this topic and there's a big interplay

between basically your belief in yourself and then feeling anxiety right

because if you feel really confident in your ability to handle a situation it's

less likely you'll feel anxious so you can have many cases like apparently from

the general typing like jay-z and Arnold Schwarzenegger are INTJs well these are

not people that you would probably see at an event and think wow that's like a

shy introvert right because they have a lot of confidence they have a lot of

Drive and they've learned how to handle themselves in social

situations and all that so you can have an extroverted type who may be more shy

in social situations because of some insecurities or because of anxiety and

you can also have it where you'll have someone who is maybe an introverted type

but it doesn't mean that when they're with friends and stuff they can't be

like loud and telling stories and all that as well it's just more of a where

they get their energy from so one of the key ways to tell whether you're truly an

introvert or extrovert it's not whether you like people because most people like

people or that but it's how you get your energy so as a extrovert usually you

need to be around people that energizes you right if you stay home for two or

three days and you're an extrovert you'll get really down and you're like I

need people where introverts tend to find social social situations more

overwhelming sorry I shouldn't say overwhelming but tiring so I have some

friends here good friends of mine they're a couple and they're both

introverts I'm I mean I haven't had them do the test but I'm 99% sure and if

there's like a big party they will come out to be polite to sort of meet

everyone but they'll maybe spend an hour and then

go because it's just not like a great environment for them but they love to

organize like small dinners for friends or see friends and all that you're not

opposed to like hanging out talking and all that day they love that it's just

about the kind of social event and that as well

so I don't know if that answers your question but I don't necessarily you

know depending on the social environment it doesn't necessarily say too much

about type but again the thing I will leave you on is regardless of exactly

you know where she falls on the type there's a little more to that I found in

my own case in a relationship with another ENFP which there are some

challenges sometimes but being like learning to be more mature and kind of

think things through of just acknowledging our strengths and our

weaknesses and then appreciating each other for who we are has been really

powerful so if you find that you and Miss INFP here have have a connection

and it keeps going and growing keep that in mind of accepting the other person

for who they are and really what I found helpful is taking time

to be grateful for the other person like think about all the amazing traits they

have and then when some of them may be frustrating traits come up it's not

going to bug you as much because you've sort of built up that buffer of like all

the great things about that person so I did mention that I have a compatibility

chart I'll share with you this is something that I'm just putting up here

so if you'd like it I'll put a link here and you'll be able to get this

compatibility chart which will show you like all the 16 types and who's sort of

a red zone like never date who like it could possibly be a good fit and who

like you could be a great match with but again it's not a hundred percent

so sometimes trust your heart as well and with that you'll also get a

five-part email training which is all about how to use your personality type

and your knowledge of your personality type to create the most awesome life for

you and again that's all free and there'll be the link popping up or it's

already popped up I think it's this side but I always miss it's this one of these

sides you're going to see a link okay come on you're good at computers you can

do it alright catch you another video soon subscribe to the channel love you

guys awesome

For more infomation >> An ENFP and INFP Romance? #askdan Is It Possible?! - Duration: 10:12.


How to Book Cheap Flights: Top 3 Apps to Save Money on Flights - Duration: 3:36.

Hey guys, it's Kaitlyn here, the Frugal Millennial.

So today I wanted to share with you my top apps for saving money when booking travel.

So a lot of people do their travel over holidays.

And as we all know, holidays can be some of the most expensive times to travel so using

apps that have algorithms that have figured out airlines pricing schedules are really

going to help you save, especially during those high traffic times, like holidays.

So the first app that I always use when I'm looking to book travel is the Hopper App.

So the Hopper App has actually figured out the airline algorithm for pricing tickets.

So all you do is you log in to the app, you type in where you want to travel from and

where you want to go, the dates, and then from there, you can set an alert to let you

know when prices are going to go up or down.

So I get alerts from Hopper every day for my upcoming trips that I'm going to book and

so that lets me know when it's time for me to book my ticket.

So I actually just came back from Cancun a couple of weeks ago and I scored an awesome

deal on nonstop flights to Cancun, I ended up saving about $300 on them by setting an

alert on the Hopper App to let me know when the prices were going to drop.

My second favorite app that I always use when Iook to travel is the SkipLagged App.

So the SkipLagged App essentially has you do the same thing, you put in where you're

wanting to travel from as well as your destination and the dates.

It works best if you're looking to book oneway tickets or two separate oneway tickets.

I wouldn't recommend it if you're looking to book a roundtrip ticket and here's why:

say you want to go from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

You're looking up flights, you're not seeing really great prices so you check the SkipLagged


Sometimes airlines have routes that aren't as full but have stops.

So your ticket might actually be from San Francisco to Los Angeles to San Diego but

you instead of going that second leg from Los Angles to San Diego you would just get

off the plane after going from San Francisco to Los Angeles and for some reason the ticket

going from San Francisco to Los Angeles to San Diego is going to be cheaper than a direct

flight from just San Francisco to Los Angeles.

Keep in mind, when you're using SkipLagged you obviously can't be checking luggage so

you have to have your luggage carried on with you and second, you want to make sure you

book oneway tickets because airlines have the right to cancel your return trip if they

find out that you didn't actually go to your final destination.

So keep that in mind, it can be a really great way to score some awesome deals, especially

if you're traveling from one major city to another major city.

My third favorite app that I always use is going to be the Skyscanner App.

A lot of people have heard of Skyscanner, it's a really great database of airlines and

airline tickets and so like all of these other websites, you type in where you're coming

from, where you're going, and the dates.

And with that, if you have specific flights that you want to take, you can set alerts

from there and it will alert you when the price of that ticket is either going to rise

of drop so you know exactly you should buy.

So there you have it, let me know if you've used any of these apps and what your experience

has been like and be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you've found that using these

apps has been really helpful and has saved you money.

And don't forget to subscribe to my channel for all of my frugal tips.

For more infomation >> How to Book Cheap Flights: Top 3 Apps to Save Money on Flights - Duration: 3:36.


AUGUST 2017 TBR | xreadingsolacex [CC] - Duration: 10:19.

Hello you gorgeous individuals, it's Kav here and as you can tell I am in a

different space - I finally got myself some lights, so that I could film inside

and that I could have better lighting in my videos. So, I'm still kind of working with

the background a bit and everything - I apologize if anything isn't necessarily

perfect, this is my first time filming in this new space, so I'm gonna try to get

more used to it and see what looks best in my videos, so I hope you can just

stick with me while I do that, but the lighting and such is finally good and I

can finally have my bookshelf in my videos, so that's really cool. I know this

shelf seems really bare and this is the most bare shelf on my bookshelf - all the

other ones are completely filled, so it's kind of unfortunate that this is the one

in the background, but I promise you I have some good books down there. Anyway,

with a new month I'm going to be bringing you all a new TBR, so today I'm

going to be sharing with you all my August TBR because doing a TBR in July

really helped me keep up with my reading goals, so I decided to do it again in

August and see if it continues to help me. The first book on my TBR is THE REST

OF US JUST LIVE HERE by Patrick Ness. I have actually already finished this one -

I started it on my trip back and I completely enjoyed it, so I ended up

finishing it already and I completely loved it, but I don't want to go too much

into my thoughts because I can talk more about that in my wrap-up, so I'll just

give you all a brief summary, I guess, of what this is about. THE REST OF US JUST

LIVE HERE is basically a story, that, instead of focusing on the Chosen One

focuses on the ordinary kids, so it's an interesting play on the "Chosen One" trope

and I've only read one of Patrick Ness' books before and that was A MONSTER

CALLS - I'll link my review somewhere so you all can check that out, but I

absolutely adored that novel so so much and I hear from many people that this is

their favorite Patrick Ness book, so I decided to pick it up myself and I loved

it this one as well and I really real recommended it. I think that he has a way of

bringing something so unique to his books that not many writers can do, that's

what I've noticed from what I've read of him, so I do recommend him - he's probably

going to become one of my favorite authors as I read more of his work if it

all adds up to how lovely these two books have been. The next book on my list

is THE LIBRARY OF FATES by Aditi Khorana. This is the August Book Bound Society book

of the month and if you checked out my July TBR you would know that I joined

Book Bound Society last month, so I'm really excited to read this one because

this has been on my list since I first heard about it, so now I finally get the

chance to read it with some other lovely people. THE LIBRARY OF FATES deals a lot with

Indian mythology and many of you may know that I am Indian myself and Indian

mythology is something I grew up learning and experiencing and I take pride in my

culture, so I'm really excited to see a book written by someone who also has

lived this life and has learned this culture and really knows it firsthand

because it's just so exciting to see my culture represented in a book. The next

book I have on my list is PASHMINA by Nidhi Chanani. This is another book

relating to India in some way. I was lucky enough to receive a signed copy of

this - what I believe is a graphic novel, for the life of me I'm still horrible at

telling the difference between graphic novels and comic books, but from what

I've understood that this would be considered a graphic novel. I was lucky

enough to get a signed version of this from my friend, Shenwei, who is an amazing

member of the bookish community and I profusely apologize if I butchered that

in any way - I talk a lot about how important it is to pronounce people of

colors' names correctly, so I really really apologize, I forgot to check with

the them before filming this video, but they are an amazing member of the

bookish community and I admire them so so much, so I am really fortunate to have

received this graphic novel from them that deals with a teen who is kind of

learning about her culture and her being Indian for the first time because she

hasn't really gotten that opportunity as her mom

hasn't really discussed any of that with her and her mom is the only parent she

has in her life, so she doesn't really have that opportunity to really learn

about that, but through this graphic novel she does experience that and I'm

so so excited to read it because I just, again, love seeing my culture and people

like me showcased in books and in other forms of storytelling. The next book I

have on my list is actually an ARC. It is MASK OF SHADOWS by Linsey Miller and I

talked about how I love seeing parts of myself showcased in forms of literature

or media and this has a gender-fluid main character which some of you may

know that I identify as gender-fluid/non-binary, I will link the video

where I talk more about that and my experiences being queer somewhere in the

description or up here. This book is basically a fantasy story that follows a

gender-fluid pickpocket and I'm really excited to read it because of all my

friends who've gotten ARCs, they've had just brilliant things to say about this, so I'm

really excited to see a gender-fluid main character in fantasy because that

just sounds amazing, I've never seen that before. To be honest, I don't know that

I've ever seen a gender-fluid main character in any books, at least not in

any books in print form that have been published, so I'm really really excited

to read this one because I've heard just brilliant things about it and I'm

excited to see myself represented. The next book on my list is also an ARC.

It is HOW TO MAKE A WISH by Ashley Herring Blake and I know this book came

out in May and I'm horrible for not getting to it till now - I suck when it

comes to physical ARCs because I always think of them as books when they're

really ARCs because they're in paper so they seem like books to me, but I'm so

so upset that I haven't gotten to it yet, but I've heard absolutely amazing things

about this and I was lucky enough to receive a copy of this ARC from my

friend Riley and while I mention that - I received my copy of MASK OF SHADOWS

from my friend Cat and I will link all the people who have given me any of

these books in the description below, so that you all can go and support them.

This book features a bisexual main character and a love interest of color

and has a female by female romance and some of you may know that I am actually

biromantic myself, so this month is a great month for

reading books that represent me in some way. I've heard great things about this

novel and I'm so so so excited to finally get to this ARC because it has

been way too long and I have been putting this off for too long, but August

is known as ARC August which I actually just discovered at the beginning of this

month, so I guess it's fitting that I read my two unread arcs this month. The last

book I have on my list for this month is TASH HEARTS TOLSTOY by Kathryn Ormsbee and

this book features an asexual main character. Some of you might know that I

identify as asexual myself, so I decided to wrap it up this month by having books

that represent all different aspects of me which I am so so fortunate to finally

see because it has been a long time coming

to getting diverse media published and we still have a long ways to go of course,

but it is so nice to see that there is a month where I have a book for every

single part of me, although I do hope that one day I have books for multiple

aspects of myself, but that is a discussion for a different day. Basically,

TASH HEARTS TOLSTOY is a book that I have heard amazing things about and it

features an Internet personality actually as well. From what I understand,

the main character has a web series, so I'm really excited to see where it goes

and how it deals with that and deals with kind of implementing this idea of

modern media and, like, what modern teenagers tend to do - especially for people like us

who are so involved in an online community and also having an asexual

main character because those are two aspects that I can really identify with -

I'm also an online personality who is very very involved in an online

community, so I'm really excited to see both parts of myself in this book and

I'm just super excited to read it because I have heard great things about

it as well. Those are all the books I have on my list this month and I am so

so excited to read them all because, as I said, all of them other than THE REST OF

US JUST LIVE HERE represent me in some way, so I'm

really excited to be able to see that in literature and they're also all books

that I've heard amazing things about from fellow booktubers/friends,

so I'm really excited to finally get to all of these novels this month and I'd

love to hear if any of you all have read these books, so let me know in the

comments down below - have you read any of these books? or let me know what your

August TBR is and I will have the diversity and trigger warnings for all of

these books listed in the description below, I do that for all of my TBRs/

wrap-up/book hauls or any other videos where I share with you all

a list of books, so that you all can have all the information before going

into one of these novels, so I will do my best to make sure all of that is 100%

accurate for you all and, as I said, I will also have all of the people who sent

me any of these books linked in the description below, so that you all can

find them and send them some love because it's a wonderful community we

have and I would love to share the love with some other members of this

community. Thank you all so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed this video

and if you did please give it a like and subscribe because that stuff makes me

happy and, as I said, leave a comment down below letting me know what your August

TBR is or letting me know if you've read any of these books and, if so, what

your thoughts are. If you have subscribed, be sure to click that little notification

bell, so that you get notified and never miss whenever I post a new video because

this month I'm posting two videos a week instead of one, so that is double the fun.

I hope you all are having a lovely day or night wherever you are, please remember

you're beautiful and you deserve the world, and I will see you this Wednesday

with a brand new video, goodbye!

For more infomation >> AUGUST 2017 TBR | xreadingsolacex [CC] - Duration: 10:19.


How to CHANGE WhatsApp theme without ROOT - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> How to CHANGE WhatsApp theme without ROOT - Duration: 2:47.


Full face with $8 pallet: everyday school makeup tutorial - Duration: 7:12.

hi guys um last video I did was about...... no it was about school so I wanna do

another video about school but this time about make up lemme close my door cause i know its

loud the tv. so the lighting in this video isn't specifically very perfect.. i-it doesnt have to be

because this is just a little quick video about just showing y'all everyday

make up for high school high school no one really cares how you do ya make up go all

out if you want to um don't if you dont but ugh it's pretty hard to do your

makeup every day and have it flawless like you just left the mac store..... so I'm

just going to show you easy way to do your makeup...... like if you're having a bad

day.. just feel like you need makeup or ..if you just want... to wear some makeup that day

kay first thing I'm going to do.... a little bit of foundation underneath my

eyes um I don't wear foundation a lot because if you wear foundation every

day your skin is getting messed up especially when time that's when

you get a lot of stress and you don't want to put on top of that makeup

because you're already getting stress pimples like I know I'm already

getting stress pimples, ooo that hurt, but like you dont wanna put on top of that

I'm going to put it underneath my eyes and if I feel like this some other place

I should put it like this is one weird pimple that eyes my couples usually

don't turn a different color so I would have to worry about it but that ones

darker than other parts my face-i that's all but I'm going to be putting I'm just

going to take this wet sponge

I so blend it out and think that's all in the deformation and the main part of

this video is this palette right here I got this palette from a good cross and

you know usually you're kind of skeptical about using stuff from losses

you don't know if they're really going to be good because those are cheap stuff

but really it has some good colleague stuff for some cheap prices so here it

is it has basically a bunch of cool tones but all that's both like I like it

so much because it add stuff darker than me usually when you get new palettes

like this you can never find something darker than especially if you're black

so I think I'm going to do a shimmery lid shimmer shimmer trim really hot

summery ways just to I don't know brighten up lies I don't like when I

shadow falls there so I always do my shadow really weird like this

and then for the shimmer I took this color and I'm going to use this dark

color right here just for decreased I don't really go too crazy at the crease

I'll show you this for a day before I hope you all did not see that

all right so there it is not just in case some glitter got on there you're

going to go back with my foundation just to cover it up

so I'm going to take the dark that I use to my crease I'm going to put it

underneath my eyelid and then to the top of the lid I add a little bit a lot I

don't know if you can see it create a little bit more bed now that your eyes

then you can go ahead and do your eyebrows as you do on normal and I will

do it off camera but if you want to see how I do my eyebrows I have serious IROC

tutorials on my channel the link is in the description also another on the

eyebrows on next thing to do with just the contrary

all right so that's all medical now going to

after that it just looks like and the look is complete and you can go to

school this is the finished look only place any foundation I have and the $8

at Ross Arnold are gonna see it there but I hope you do because responsibly

it's so versatile and you can use it for anything I thought I'd like to say I

wish I could give you guys a word of advice right now I can't think of

anything well anyway like and subscribe if you

like this video I hope you guys try this out glows together blows over

For more infomation >> Full face with $8 pallet: everyday school makeup tutorial - Duration: 7:12.


Tori Bowie of the US dips for gold ahead of Marie-Josée Ta Lou in 100m final. - Duration: 3:01.

As it went in the men's 100m final, so it followed in the women's race on Sunday night. Elaine Thompson, Jamaica's Olympic champion, was beaten by Tori Bowie, the US athlete who had finished second behind her in Rio last year. If anything

Thompson was an even heavier favourite to win than Usain Bolt had been but where he finished third, she came in fifth. Bowie pipped Marie-Josée Ta Lou

from Cote d'Ivoire, with a dive across the line. Her winning time was 10.85sec and Ta Lou was less than a single hundredth of a second behind her. Dafne Schippers was third in 10.96.

Thompson finished in 10.98. She had run 10.84 in the semi-final earlier in the evening and 10.71 at the Jamaican Championships back in July. She was the favourite right until the gun went but then she stumbled leaving the blocks. From

there she was never able to get back into the race. She seemed to tighten up as she tried to chase down Ta Lou, two lanes over. Ta Lou led until the very final strides, when Bowie, gaining all the while, threw herself in a dive over the line and off her

feet. She did not know she had won until someone told her and even then she was not sure she believed them. "I had no idea. All I knew was I wanted to give it everything I've got," Bowie said. "Am I really world champion?"

wie is one of those talented athletes who had her pick of a bunch of disciplines. She has a personal best of 6.95m in the long jump and

13.09m in the triple jump. They will likely stay that way, since she has grown into such a great sprinter since she started taking it seriously in 2014.

Thompson was gracious to a fault. "I came out here with a brave heart and a strong mind. It didn't go as I had planned but at the end of the day I have to give those girls a lot of credit," she said. "I'm disappointed but I'm healthy and I'm

njury free so I'll pick myself up and move forward." She had been suffering with an achilles injury earlier in the season but said she was fine now. "I can't complain. I can't re-run that race. It is what it is. I have to give those girls lots of

credit, congratulate them and continue to push forward," she said. "I've a bright future. I'm only 25. There's a lot coming up in front of me. This defeat will help me push forward in 2019, 2020."

Thompson had qualified in 10.84 without ever seeming to approach full throttle. She was slowest but one to react to the gun, promptly shot into the lead and then wound down when there were still 30 metres or so to go. It was the kind of run

that makes the bookies race to cut their odds, which were already so short they seemed silly. But then the 10.71 Thompson ran in June was not just the fastest time in the world this year; it was faster than anyone else competing here had

ever run by a stretch. The only woman around who has matched it, Thompson's training partner Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, is not competing here because she is heavily pregnant

f Thompson had run as well as she is capable of, she would have won by a streak. Instead she will have to wait a long while for another shot. She could have run the double this week, as she did in Rio last year, but her coach, Stephen Francis,

ecided that he did not want her to compete in the 200m. He says Thompson will not compete in both sprints at a major championship again until the next Olympic Games in 2020. She insisted she did not regret the decision and has said before

hat she felt the two events were a lot to take on in Rio, though one would never have guessed it from the way she ran. Bowie, on the other hand, has entered both but has not made her mind up whether

she will actually start in the 200m heats. She said that she is up for it but wanted to sleep on the decision before making up her mind for sure.

For more infomation >> Tori Bowie of the US dips for gold ahead of Marie-Josée Ta Lou in 100m final. - Duration: 3:01.


Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho issues hands-off warning to Inter Milan over Martial - Duration: 2:16.

Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho issues hands-off warning to Inter Milan over Anthony Martial

JOSE MOURINHO is adamant Anthony Martial is not leaving Old Trafford. That scuppers any hopes Inter Milan had of including the Manchester United forward as a make-weight in a deal for Ivan Perisic.

Anthony Martial is not heading for Inter Milan, says Jose Mourinho.

United could be left paying a straight £50million if they want Ivan Perisic. Instead, United could be left paying a straight £50million in a cash deal for the Croatia international winger.

It had been reported that Martial had agreed to join Inter as part of any Perisic deal. But progress stalled with the clubs unable to agree a fee.

Now Mourinho is in no doubt over his plans for Frenchman Martial this season. He said: "Everybody's in the plan — the plan is to have a good squad, not a good team, a good squad with options.

"We need options and different players. Lukaku, Martial and Rashford are all different and we need everybody, and it's going to be good.".

Martial took a back step last season under Mourinho.

But the Frenchman is obviously still very much part of his managers plans. Martials time at Old Trafford got off to a flying start under Louis van Gaal but his development stalled last term following Mourinhos appointment.

He was criticised publicly by the Special One and saw his game time limited after a run of poor form. Mourinho is known for prioritising short-term gains over player development and a loan deal may suit Martial in the long run.

  Incredible Anthony Martial footwork stumps Real Madrid defence. The forward, 21, would be all-but guaranteed first-team football in Serie A, while United would benefit from 28-year-old Perisic's experience.

Keep up to date with all the latest news, gossip, rumours and done deals in SunSport's live transfer blog.

Mourinho, meanwhile, has bought central Victor Lindelof, striker Romelu Lukaku and defensive midfielder Nemanja Matic so far this summer as he prepares for a dual assault on the Premier League and Champions League.

For more infomation >> Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho issues hands-off warning to Inter Milan over Martial - Duration: 2:16.


25282 - Duration: 15:53.

For more infomation >> 25282 - Duration: 15:53.


Destiny 2 GamePlay! Crusible and Strike - Duration: 29:31.

Sorry for the music cut off ;(

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 GamePlay! Crusible and Strike - Duration: 29:31.


FLIPS IN A DIVING CENTER!! حركات باركور بالمسبح - Duration: 5:38.

currently I am on the top of the highest rooftop in Canada

with the height of 2.5 m

this is how scary the view is

never mind my voice since i just woke up

the weather is nice today

and I am using my phone as a mic since the gopro built in mic sucks :(

Anyways today I am hitting a diving center

I am gonna do some flips off the diving board into the water and it should be fun :D

but for now im gonna try to build a ramp like the one shown on the screen...

this ramp helps a lot in flipping

so I am going to collect all the wooden pallets i have and start building it up

As you guys see i have enough wood to build up a ramp

but i neither have a saw to cut the wooden pieces nor the drill to build them up

so i am gonna find a way to make it happen

not as i expected but it works :)

and I am heading to the diving center now

see you there

just left the center

it was so noisy i couldn't talk inside

but I recorded what i did inside and I am gonna make an edit out of them

now I am gonna eat somewhere and go back home

Alright guys I am home now, I am gonna end the video here because there is nothing else I am gonna do today ... hope you guys enjoyed the video

see you guys in the next one

peace out!

For more infomation >> FLIPS IN A DIVING CENTER!! حركات باركور بالمسبح - Duration: 5:38.


최준용 아내(부인)유선희 이혼사유와 위자료/최준용아들 - Duration: 20:23.

For more infomation >> 최준용 아내(부인)유선희 이혼사유와 위자료/최준용아들 - Duration: 20:23.


오미희 전남편 이혼사유- 애정이 애증에서 증오로 - Duration: 14:20.

For more infomation >> 오미희 전남편 이혼사유- 애정이 애증에서 증오로 - Duration: 14:20.


【真相】她被黃曉明拋棄,揭舊愛「醜聞」,與李易峰相戀,最近搭上朴海鎮 - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> 【真相】她被黃曉明拋棄,揭舊愛「醜聞」,與李易峰相戀,最近搭上朴海鎮 - Duration: 7:13.


BMW bringing a "very exciting surprise" to Frankfurt Motor Show - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> BMW bringing a "very exciting surprise" to Frankfurt Motor Show - Duration: 1:41.


'I'm gonna get fat & grow a beard' Bolt misses gold but celebrates with KFC meal - Duration: 2:23.

'I'm gonna get fat & grow a beard' Bolt misses gold but celebrates with KFC meal

The party-loving legend was spotted at VIP club The Box in Soho after missing out on 100m gold.

He and his girlfriend Kasi Bennett had dined on KFC food, which was stacked high on a table at his hotel room after he clinched bronze at the IAAF World Championships in London.

BRONZE: Bolt last night lost to drug cheat Gatlin in his last ever race.

Drug cheat American Justin Gatlin, 35, gatecrashed Bolt's retirement party by winning. Last night the IAAF moved the medal ceremony from a primetime TV slot of 8pm to 6.50pm.

The move appeared to be designed to minimise embarrassment after Gatlin was booed throughout his appearances at the championships because he has been banned twice for drugs offences.

LET LOOSE: Bolt and his girlfriend Kasi Bennett had dined on KFC food.

But the move seem to have little effect as the sprinter was greeted with a mixture of cheers and boos on the podium. Usain, 30, told his fans on Snapchat he was sorry he had not won.

He said: "Yo Snapchatters it's been a long career but s*** happens.

OUR HERO: Fans do Usain's famous celebration in his home village.

"I apologise I didn't win I gave it my best shot. Team Jamaica forever." He thanked his fans for travelling from Jamaica for his final solo track showdown at Queen Elizabeth Park in Stratford.

Meanwhile plans are already in the pipeline to celebrate the sporting legend with a "Bolt village" theme park in his home village of Sherwood Content in Jamaica.

For more infomation >> 'I'm gonna get fat & grow a beard' Bolt misses gold but celebrates with KFC meal - Duration: 2:23.


The Rise of the Empath and the Narcissist | Conscious Reminder - Duration: 4:42.

The Rise of the Empath and the Narcissist

It seems like every other day I am seeing an article on my Facebook feed about narcissists,

empaths and romances between narcissists and empaths.

Both empaths and narcissist are buzz words that people seem to be using more and more to describe themselves or people they know.

What it is interesting is that I have observed that narcissist are like the shadow of the empath.

Whatever the light touches also casts a shadow, and I feel that both narcissists and empaths are one side of the same coin.

What is a Narcissist?

Firstly, narcissism is a mental disorder, however today the term is being used more freely to describe people who most likely are living

from a place of extreme ego.

No one is born a narcissistic, it is a behavior pattern that is developed over time.

Narcissists are described as being manipulative, lacking empathy, having split personalities,

being controlling and having a heightened sense of self importance.

On a deeper level however, perhaps the narcissist is an empath themselves, but just can't seem to figure out how to handle all of their


This then results in them shutting out their emotions, feeding the ego and turning into a seemingly emotionless person.

Perhaps a narcissist has so much empathy that they don't know what to do with, so it manifests as them displaying narcissistic tendencies.

What is an Empath?

The term empath is also being used more freely to describe people who are highly intuitive and extremely sensitive to energy.

We are all intuitive and sensitive to energy to some degree, but empaths are here to light the way and to hold the torch for other people

to follow.

Empaths are here to increase our awareness to energy and that we are all energetic beings.

The same goes for the narcissist, they are simply holding the torch to expose the ego and how it can take over and make the person seem

almost inhumane.

Empaths and narcissist have always been around, but as our consciousness continues to evolve,

we are becoming more aware of these behaviour patterns.

Why Empaths and Narcissists Attract

If we look at narcissists who are empaths that simply cannot use their gifts, then it would make sense as to why an empath and a narcissist

would be attracted to one another.

Both the empath and the narcissist would recognize themselves in one another.

The empath would want to cure and help the narcissist and the narcissist would want to learn and perhaps even suck energy from the empath

as a way to cope.

Often we view the narcissist as a spineless villain who is out to take advantage of the empath,

but perhaps really deep down on a subconscious level, the narcissist is trying to understand how the empath has been able to use their


Of course, this doesn't mean that the empath should tolerate or become a victim of the narcissists behaviour,

but perhaps this may explain why an empath would get sucked into this type of relationship.

On a deeper level, the empath can see the narcissists cry for help and guidance.

In this type of relationship, the empath is responding to something much deeper and below the surface.

There is no doubt that the empath is the narcissists greatest teacher, it is just up to the narcissist to embrace the lesson.

But it is important to understand that it is not the empaths responsibility to change the ways of the narcissist.

For those empaths who have been or currently are in a relationship with someone displaying narcissistic behavior,

it is important to understand that you are not responsible for healing them.

Only the narcissist can do that when they realize that they too are an energetic being that has been gripped by the fear of the ego.

Just the same, the narcissist is most likely going to be the empaths greatest teacher as it will help to expand their gifts and expose any

self-limiting beliefs that are blocking the empath from living their life to the fullest.

For more infomation >> The Rise of the Empath and the Narcissist | Conscious Reminder - Duration: 4:42.


ROBLOX Gameplay #2: NERF FPS! - Duration: 12:27.

Hello there, my fans! Ryan Tuber here.

I apologize for some inactivity recently, I've been kind of busy lately.

Anyways, I am going to play NERF FPS 2017, made by IsaacThePooper. (Yes, really)

NERF FPS 2017 is a FPS based on the ever popular brand known as NERF.

It has a selection of blasters you can choose and customize.

For now. my primary is the Stryfe. It has a decent semi automatic fire rate and more attachments than most other blasters.

Lets go!

Here we have my secondary, the Rival Apollo. It has a faster reload and much better accuracy than the Maverick and the Strongarm, as well as extra capactity, but a slower firerate.

Also, its model appears to be glitched. The purple outline is kind of distracting.

Got 'em!



Okay, time to swing back in!

You stole my kill!


Moving in!


Darn it...

What the heck?

Okay, lets not do that again...

Come out of there!

Oh yeah, double kill!

Shot through the window!

My team won!

Alright. next match.

Got you!



Both of you, gotcha!

Woo! Triple!


Recon down!

Double tag!

Aint nobody got time for ADS!



Triple tag!

Got the guest!


Popped your head!


Not sure why I did that...

Now I'll use the Hyperfire. It has god full auto performance, but there is no spare ammo.

Gotta get the EOTECH...




Are you serious? I got him!

Sprayed down!

You too!



Darn it...




The Bandoiler gamepass does nothing to fix the 1 mag problem on the Hyperfire...

Darts in your body!

Shot you up!


I will end the subtitles here. I will finish them later.

For more infomation >> ROBLOX Gameplay #2: NERF FPS! - Duration: 12:27.


【Undertale】RE : Incarnation [ VIETSUB CC ] - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> 【Undertale】RE : Incarnation [ VIETSUB CC ] - Duration: 3:20.


Lawsuit over voter data to head to court - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Lawsuit over voter data to head to court - Duration: 1:35.


BLOOD STRIKE-KIT OURO #1 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> BLOOD STRIKE-KIT OURO #1 - Duration: 2:53.


Российские футболистки - сурдлимпийские чемпионки. Сурдлимпиада 2017. Самсун. С субтитрами - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> Российские футболистки - сурдлимпийские чемпионки. Сурдлимпиада 2017. Самсун. С субтитрами - Duration: 10:15.


[Bruno] Fool's mate (Cover) (Spanish vocaloid) - Duration: 4:33.

If I were a good man

I would go 'till the edge of the world as sunset does

Without thinking to go back.

And if I were a better man

I would hold in hands the key and I would become their saviour,

I would leave all with no fear.

Their raw voices as I watch them dying

Give to my soul a silent song.

As the world begins to break in half

Their breath stops.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

I try to change myself

I doubt if I can do it.

My regret

has become my torment

It's nailed to my mind

I am its penitent.

Say what I lack

Stay with me

I try to forget,

I doubt if I can do it.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

What have I done?

What have I done?

If I were a gentle man

I would let out the monsters I keep

I would ask for their freedom.

And if I were a mortal man

I would unconditionally save all those who I did hurt

In the end, I would see a new day.

But that's not me, I'm not a real man

I am a monster by my own will.

As I contemplate the life I did choose,

I ruined it all on every single of my steps.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

I try to change myself

I doubt if I can.

My regret

has become my torment

It's nailed to my mind

I am its penitent.

Say what I lack

Stay with me

I try to forget,

I doubt if I can.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done to deserve this curse?

I do not know why I condemned myself

Say what you want, I already heard everything.

I want these memories erased from me.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

I try to change myself

I doubt if I can.

My regret

has become my torment

It's nailed to my mind

I am its penitent.

Say what I lack

Stay with me

I try to forget,

I doubt if I can.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

What have I done?

What have I done?

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

I try to change myself

I doubt if I can.

My regret

has become my torment

It's nailed to my mind

I am its penitent.

Say what I lack

Stay with me

I try to forget,

I doubt if I can.

Mother, I'm sorry,

Father, I'm a good son.

What have I done?

What have I done?

For more infomation >> [Bruno] Fool's mate (Cover) (Spanish vocaloid) - Duration: 4:33.


•2 VISUALS JAPAS IMVU | lBunnyz - Duration: 1:51.

Hii' loves <3

I'm new to yt

I'm new to yt, i I hope you greet me

with affection!

I brought u 2 imvu visuals

So let's start

First Look!

First Look!

Second Visual!

Second Visual!

I hope u enjoyed! Okay? Kisses and Until the next video :3

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