Sunday, August 6, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 7 2017

How are you, Mrs.Idê? The agency sent you, right?

Yes. Please, come in.

The thing is, she's not feeling well and I need to go out, but it's really quick. I'm just going to my sister's, it's near here.

But I'll explain, it's easy. She's sleeping now, when you hear the alarm, it's time to give her the medicine that is upstairs.

Right. Ok? Thank you! Bye. I'll be right back.

Hi, Bia!

Are you ok?

Where's your medicine?

Where's your medicine?


Oh my God!

What's this?

It's a doll.

It won't open!

Oh my God!

Open the door!

Please, open the door. Please!

Open up!! The door is locked!

Open up!! C'mon! Open the door!

Open the door!

Open up!

Please, come with me.

They just told about this. Come here, please.

They will arrive tonight, in the meddle of the night.

The place is all dusty...

It's simple, just sweep the floor, take off all the dust. I'll be down stairs.

Open up, please! Open the door! Help

God, please! Open up! Open this!


The doll is moving!



Annabelle: Creation

For more infomation >> Annabelle 2 - Annabelle Creation Prank | Câmeras Escondidas (06/08/17) - Duration: 9:14.


ดูแล้วทำ [EP.1] 4 ขั้นตอนทำให้คอมเร็วขึ้น - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> ดูแล้วทำ [EP.1] 4 ขั้นตอนทำให้คอมเร็วขึ้น - Duration: 2:57.


Mal Disappeared - Part 15 - Zombie Outbreak Descendants Project MC2 Disney - Duration: 6:07.

Disney Doll Story

What have I done?


I didn't mean to curse you.

Oh dear.

Oh dear.

Audrey just put a curse on Mal.



Flora, Fauna, Merryweather,

you have to undo this curse on Mal.

But you put it on her.

We can't undo it.




Tell me.

What can I do?

What's done is done.


You are hurting so much inside.

Let it all go.





Has anyone seen Mal?

Fairies wanted to talk to her.

It's all my fault.

What did you do?

Mal is gone.

I cursed her.


You don't even have magic.

But I had it for a brief time and I wasted on cursing Mal.

Welcome to the villain's club.

It seems like you already learned curse 101

You have to help me undo the curse.

What was the curse?

I wished her to disappear.

We have to get Mal back before Ben comes back.



We don't know much about dark magic.

Where did she disappear?

Right here.

She's probably still here.



Not that one.



We are trying every known spells in our spell book to get Mal back.

Oh, If you ask me, I think Mal is just pulling tricks on us.

How do you know?

Because Audrey never had that much magic in the first place.

Here is monster goo.


Could you find out if you can make more cures with this?

I've never seen anything like it.

It's like a primordial soup with extra something I can't explain.

But look at this energy readings.

it's off the chart.

I want to have a look at it too.

Ben, we'll let you know if we find something.

Have you seen Mal?


I'm wondering same thing.

I haven't seen her for awhile now.


Is everything alright?

Yeah, it's exactly the way you left it.

Have you seen Mal?


If you see Mal, tell her I'm back.


Of course.

Evie, I think this is your area of expertise.

I have just the trick.

It's how I make my poison.

You are mixing a little bit of the original cure?

Yes. this is how I make a lot of poisons very fast.


You are thinning out Mal's magic.

Yes, so people don't walk around with Mal's magic anymore.

Looks like we found a way to make lots and lots of doses.

Let's go tell Ben.

I must have done beastly things again.

You are never a beast in my eyes.

Oh Adam.

Come back to me.

Good thing I have you to remind me.

Excellent job.

I will take care of the distribution.

Thanks Prince Charming.

I couldn't have done it without you.

I think the real thanks should go to your friends.



Where did she go?

Oh dear, Ben is here.

Have you seen Mal?

It's not like her to disappear for so long.


I am so sorry.


What have you done?


There you are.


How did you?


I heard you have the cures for everyone now.

Yes, all thanks to you.

Let's go see it.

Audrey, are you coming?


How did she?

Mal, what happened?

Oh, you don't think I lost all my magic, did you?

So you still have some?

Not quite like before, but I still have a little left.

Audrey doesn't have enough magic to put a full blown curse on anyone.

But why did you scare Audrey like that?

Oh, you had to see the look on her face when she thought she really put a curse on me.

you are tricky, Mal.

I think she was hurting so much inside, she was living but not really living.

So I granted her wish.

Disappear for a few hours.

I think Audrey actually likes you a lot.

She just doesn't want to show it.

For more infomation >> Mal Disappeared - Part 15 - Zombie Outbreak Descendants Project MC2 Disney - Duration: 6:07.


Our Indonesian Garden Update - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> Our Indonesian Garden Update - Duration: 6:46.


Natural Cures | Top 5 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar You Don't Know About - Duration: 3:34.

Top 5 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar You Don�t Know About

Amazing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar You Don�t Know About

Have you ever used apple cider vinegar?

Do you know about the advantages of this simple ingredient (apple cider vinegar)?

There is calcium, potassium, magnesium; phosphorous, chlorine, copper, iron and vitamin in apple

cider vinegar and all of these nutrients are very beneficial for you.

In today�s video, I am going to tell you about some Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

that will surprise you.

List of Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar I am sharing some important uses of Apple

Cider Vinegar with you.

You can get Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar by simply following these tips at home.

1.Cure of Sore Throat

You can use apple cider vinegar to get rid of a sore throat.

It has acidic properties and thus, it helps to kill the bacteria that cause infection.

For this remedy, you will need


Vinegar, one-fourth cup Warm water, one-fourth cup

Procedure: Mix water and apple cider vinegar and make

a solution.

How to Use: Use this solution to gargle after every one


2.Blood Pressure & High Cholesterol

The use of apple cider vinegar is also effective for a good health of your heart.

It regulates blood pressure and lowers bad cholesterol levels.

For this remedy, you need

Ingredients: Water, one glass

Apple cider vinegar, one tsp

Procedure: Mix one tsp of apple cider vinegar and one

glass of water.

How to Use: Drink this water daily to stay away from all

kinds of heart diseases.

3.Enhances Your Beauty

The beauty of a person is a reflection of his/her nature and personality.

If you want to enhance your beauty and get rid of dull and boring character than, make

your habit to use Apple Cider Vinegar on a daily basis to get amazing beauty Benefits

of Apple Cider Vinegar.


A few drops of apple cider vinegar


Take a few drops of apple cider vinegar.

How to Use:

You can also use apple cider vinegar to enhance your beauty.

For this, massage your skin with a few drops of apple cider vinegar and you will get a

soft and smooth skin.

4.Treats Obesity

Obesity is a common and worst issue of almost every single person nowadays.

The use of apple cider vinegar is just fantastic to get rid of obesity.

For this remedy, you will need:


Apple cider vinegar, one spoon Water, one glass


Now, mix one spoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water.

How to Use:

Drink this water on an empty stomach to get rid of your fat body.

You may add honey in this water for a sweet taste.

5.Get Shiny Hair

Hair is a prominent and beauty attraction element of a woman as well as man.

To get long and shiny hair, you have to use the given remedy to obtain shiny hair naturally.


Apple cider vinegar, two tbsp Water, one cup


Mix the ingredients well and make a solution.

How to Use:

Use this solution after shampooing your hair and it will make your hair shiny

For more infomation >> Natural Cures | Top 5 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar You Don't Know About - Duration: 3:34.


Ray Donovan | Next on Episode 2 | Season 5 - Duration: 0:50.

What's going on? Terry, something about a whorehouse.


You're gonna talk to a hooker on our anniversary?



Natalie James is here.

So, what can I do for you?

I'm afraid to go home.

-Shit. -The wedding's today.

Welcome to the Donovans.

Two ancient Irish families finally brought together.

Oh! Bunch! [ Indistinct shouting ]


For more infomation >> Ray Donovan | Next on Episode 2 | Season 5 - Duration: 0:50.


WHAT I ATE FOR A WEEK | dahyeshka - Duration: 18:18.

For more infomation >> WHAT I ATE FOR A WEEK | dahyeshka - Duration: 18:18.


Maxine Waters Accuses Harvard Law Prof. Of "Racism"… So He Hits Back With A Gut Punch | Top Stories - Duration: 1:37.

Rep. Maxine Waters got the beatdown of a lifetime — and by someone in her own party.

Harvard lawyer and moderate Democrat Alan Dershowitz was accused of being "absolutely

racist" by the outspoken California congresswoman after his comments regarding special counsel

Robert Mueller's grand jury, saying that it would, in effect, have an "ethnic and

racial composition" that would not suit President Trump and his administration.

"Being black doesn't give you a license to call people racist any more than being

Jewish gives you a license to call people anti-Semitic," Dershowitz told Abby Huntsman

on "Fox and Friends Weekend."

He continued in his attack on Waters: "She doesn't know what she's talking about.

First of all, I wasn't talking about the grand jury.

I was talking about the petty jury.

Grand jury doesn't matter.

A grand jury will indict a ham sandwich if the prosecutor wants it to."

Dershowitz then delivered a knockout blow, exposing Waters lack of knowledge and frequent


"If I had said that race didn't matter, she'd have called me a racist," Dershowitz


"She throws around the term so loosely and so inappropriately, and it weakens her credibility

just by calling everybody a racist by calling me a racist, when she calls real racists racists,

nobody is going to believe her."

what do you think about this? please share this news if you agree with Alan

Dershowitz and Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Maxine Waters Accuses Harvard Law Prof. Of "Racism"… So He Hits Back With A Gut Punch | Top Stories - Duration: 1:37.


Jay Manuel Beauty Photo Illusion Concealer Light - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Jay Manuel Beauty Photo Illusion Concealer Light - Duration: 3:21.


SmiteWith Trixz #Xboxone - Duration: 2:35:42.

For more infomation >> SmiteWith Trixz #Xboxone - Duration: 2:35:42.


Chinese FM urges North Korea to stop missile and nuclear provocations - Duration: 0:53.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged his North Korean counterpart... to refrain from

conducting additional missile and nuclear tests.

Just a matter of hours after the UN Security Council unanimously approved tough new sanctions

on the regime,...

Minister Wang sat down with North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho on the sidelines of the

ASEAN meetings in Manila.

The Chinese diplomat,... in what he called in an in-depth conversation with Ri,... said

he issued a standard statement calling on the two Koreas and the U.S. to exercise restraint

and make the right choices.

In regards to the North returning to the six-party nuclear talks,...

Wang said although it won't be easy to bring Pyongyang back to the table,... dialogue is

the sole and the most accurate way to solve the issue.

For more infomation >> Chinese FM urges North Korea to stop missile and nuclear provocations - Duration: 0:53.


How to Build Self Discipline [ENG SUBs] - Duration: 7:08.

Hello Friends,

I had made a video for you about motivation and discipline before.

And I told you that discipline is more important than motivation.

Of course, it is easier said than done.

Many people don't know how to gain discipline already.

I, for all my life, was a guy who was mostly disciplined about sports.

But, there was something that made it easier for me.

I already loved doing sports.

I was always involved in sports and enjoyed that.

I always tried different things.

But, this is not the case for everyone.

Later on in my life, I had to face something that I had to get disciplined about.

I was doing sports but I wasn't eating clean.

This kept me going till the age of 25-26.

So I wasn't gaining weight as long as I was exercising no matter what I eat.

I was able to maintain my physique.

But, as I get older, slowly I began to gain weight.

I even got fat in a year.

Then, I realized that I had to put things in order about nutrition the same way as I developed self discipline about training.

And I developed some tactics about this.

So, I am gonna talk about these things while giving my own real life examples.


If your goal is to gain self discipline about a subject then this should be your final destination.

Because, instead of grinding every day, doing a simple daily task is much easier.

For example, when it comes to dieting,

if you choose a diet plan that you can continue doing in the long term, instead of one that gives you fast results but is also not sustainable,

you decrease the chance of losing the results you accomplished.

Because, you can continue doing that.

Also, it will be easier for you to do that every day.

To create a habit, you have to do the same thing again and again for a long period of time.

So, the more you set it as a life style, the more you adapt it to your daily life,

the easier it will be for you to do it again and again for days.


Your workout or nutrition plan, it doesn't matter how perfect they are, if you don't apply them, they are all garbage.

This is where most of the people get stuck when they are trying to motivate themselves.

They are trying to make wonderful plans, they are struggling with too many details.


But, at the end of the day they don't put it into action.

Right or wrong, it may has small errors, take a step for your plan no matter how small it is.

Repeat tomorrow, and the day after.

If you continue exercising your plan like this, step by step, you will not only make progress

but also this plan will turn into a habit for you.

And after turning it into a habit, things will get much easier.

You have a plan, you began to exercise it.

It is a progress that goes day by day.

But, human beings are emotional. Every day is not the same.

Different instincts may effect you.

For instance, you wake up in the morning, you have a diet plan,

there are things you should eat and there are things that you should not eat.

Let's say you wanted to eat something that you should not.

In this case, THINK!


For a moment, think and remember you long term goal.

If you do this, because you will also think about the effort you gave, you won't do that mistake.

Or, the exact opposite;

your plan was to go out for a run in the morning.

But, when you wake up you didn't want to.

In cases like this, get into action immediately!

Get out!

If you think, negative thoughts, the laziness of your mind, withhold you from getting into action.

Stop thinking immediately, move on.

So, if you are facing instincts that are against your goals, STOP AND THINK!

But, if there is a task waiting in front of you, DON'T THINK AND GET INTO ACTION!


Of course, you should have a long term plan.

But, don't think too much about the long term details of the plan.

Just focus on your actual task.

If you only over analyze, you may skip or quit.

At this point I am going to do self criticism.

If you have noticed, the first parts of this video was taken in cold weather.

But, don't get fooled by the rain, it is summer now.

I didn't follow this principle for this video.

As a result of this, the production of the video was delayed.

Why didn't I follow this principle?

Because I had many things to tell you about this subject.

And, I over analyzed to put the things that I wanted to say together.

So, the video was delayed.

But, instead of doing this, if I had packaged the things I had already said and left the rest for another video,

meaning finishing my actual task, I would have already said something to you.

Unfortunately, I am just doing this.

That means, there will be a sequel to this video.

I hope, the things I told you in this video will be helpful to you.

I will be glad if you write your comments on what you think about the things I said.

Because, if any of you apply them I would like to know your experiences.

Thanks for watching.

See you again.

For more infomation >> How to Build Self Discipline [ENG SUBs] - Duration: 7:08.


When the nyan bites. - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> When the nyan bites. - Duration: 0:36.


Venezuela supresses uprising at military base - Duration: 1:23.

Japan marked the 72nd anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Sunday with Prime

Minister Shinzo Abe renewing calls for a move toward a world free of nuclear weapons.

Tens of thousands of people gathered at the Peace Memorial Park

to honor the victims, including survivors and representatives of some 80 countries.

Speaking at the ceremony, Abe said Japan hoped to push for a world without nuclear weapons

in a way that all countries can agree.

Last month, Japan sided with countries possessing nuclear arms in dismissing a UN treaty banning

atomic weapons.

Abe added that both nuclear-weapons and non-nuclear weapons states needed to work together to

pursue a denuclearized world.

For more infomation >> Venezuela supresses uprising at military base - Duration: 1:23.


Sade Greatest Hits Live Collection 2017 - The Best Of Sade - Sade Playlist Full ALbum - Duration: 1:25:51.

For more infomation >> Sade Greatest Hits Live Collection 2017 - The Best Of Sade - Sade Playlist Full ALbum - Duration: 1:25:51.


Lawless Jakarta: First Tattoo and The Meaning Behind It - Duration: 1:02.

This is your first tattoo, right?

Yeah, my first tattoo.

How do you feel?

It's exciting, actually I've been planning to do this since January.

Ah okay.

So, I want to have a tattoo, I know the wordings but I haven't decided whether I want that tattoo or not.

I usually take my time on deciding something, if in the last minute I still want it, then I'll do it.

And turns out I still want this.

After 6 months, I still want tattoo with that design, in that place with that meanings.

Then here I am today making my first tattoo.

What is your consideration to make that tattoo?

The word is Uppekha. It's a Pali, means equanimity, balance. Balance in our mind.

So we are not distracted by pains or pleasure. In making decision, we need to be balanced.

That's the meaning and I want that to be my life principle.

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