Monday, August 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 7 2017

Good players, players and

and followers in the shade

sed more than welcome to the channel.

We are on vacation

and he would say "that" giving in

"enemy" territory and I'm

It is that I'm playing compatib saga Hero Series

Super Nes

and I am finding some genuine juegazos

and I'd like I did with The Great Battle 3, share in the channel.

In this case, I'll play The Great Battle 4

Super Nes 1994 the company Banpresto

and if you saw the last game of the series, you will remember that it was a brawler

and now comes full circle Saga

and we go to another game

Metal Slug style

or ,, to me reminded me of the

Robocop vs Terminator MD

which it is the console that I like

It is a game of this style, and alternating

these phases fighting with other Robod vs Robod.

Again our characters

They have to fight evil

and here

SD The Great Battle was called that

because they said SD

Chart type used: Super Deformed

It is consisting of large heads and small bodies

and is a feature of the whole saga.

in the other game does not comment and I would like to highlight.

The game has a spectacular eye candy

It is bright in appearance

and a little movement response fails

but visually is very Japanese style that you will like for sure!

The graphics are of a high standard

and play a tune in very delicious

and little else to say, I'll get to play

I do not want to add much more, I hope you enjoy the game

and as I always say

See you in the next video !!

For more infomation >> The GREAT BATTLE IV Super NES - Duration: 24:04.


Funny Kids Learn Colors after Rain, Rain Go Away / Johny Johny Popular Rhumes Songs for Bad Babies - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Funny Kids Learn Colors after Rain, Rain Go Away / Johny Johny Popular Rhumes Songs for Bad Babies - Duration: 2:08.


Judgment...🔪 [Undertale Comic Dub FR] - Duration: 2:26.

Hi the Pikabos!

Before this video starts

I wanted to tell you that-

The following video may contain spoil about the genocidal end of Undertale

Goob video!

Do you remember me?

Please, if you're listening, let's just forget about all this



That's new.....

Frisk remembers you


Just like they remembered


And Toriel...

and Alphys

And Undyne

What are they doing...

But they aren't in control

Do you know what they did then, Sans?

They killed them, they killed all of them

In cold blood

there was no reason, they just got bored


Do you know what they're doing now?

Don't play along

Kill them

Kill it






No, please Sans, no



No Sans, no


He he he !


Editing & Voice: Pikabry

Comic: NightlightWolf

Music: Toby Fox + Fan

Thank you for Watching

For more infomation >> Judgment...🔪 [Undertale Comic Dub FR] - Duration: 2:26.


Joaquín Prat: "Hablar de Chabelita me da una pereza que te cagas" | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Joaquín Prat: "Hablar de Chabelita me da una pereza que te cagas" | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 2:02.


Estrategias de MARKETING para GENERAR CONVERSACIONES en REDES SOCIALES ✔ - Duration: 6:03.

Do you try to generate conversations with

potential customers in social networks but

Not 're quite satisfied with the


On the day I want to talk about

five simple tips that you will

help to improve the results from

view generation

conversation in your social networks


ails you sure that many cases you

You dedicate yourself to create content for

different social networks as public

but has all the attraction that

You would like

In fact in many cases once

practically there are very few I like or

even and comments do not and this

I feel that the work

que está realizando no está dando los

resultados que esperábamos de de una u

otra manera no que estamos perdiendo el


bueno esto es en parte debido a la gran

cantidad de información que se genera

segundo a segundo

en las distintas redes sociales lo que

hace que aunque nuestro contenido pueda

ser muy interesante para una audiencia

determinada no se está mostrando a esa

audiencia dada la alta competencia que

tenemos a día de hoy en las redes

sociales una de las mejores maneras para

impulsar que este contenido sea más


sin lugar a dudas en hacer uso de la

publicidad de las propias redes sociales

la cual te va a ayudar a acercarte a

quién puede ser tu cliente y con ello

generar una cumbre una mejor

conversación alrededor de ese contenido

hay otras sencillas estrategias que

también te van a ayudar a incrementar

esas conversaciones no interacción que

tus usuarios tienen en tus redes


enfócate en un nicho en muchos casos

intentamos abarcar mucha más audiencia

de la que los recursos de los que

disponemos a día de hoy nos permiten o

dicho de otra manera que éstas

vocalizando a lo mejor en una audiencia

de 500 mil personas

cuando tu presupuesto de marketing para

llegar a ellas es de 200 euros

obviamente es un error ya que con ese

dinero no puedes impactará toda su

audiencia y es por ello que es

preferible dividir tu audiencia en

pequeños nichos con los cuales puedan

llegar a impactar los adecuadamente con

el presupuesto y con los recursos de los

que dispone es actualmente de esta

manera que será más fácil conocer los

gustos de la audiencia y poder ir

adaptando sus contenidos a cada uno para

mejorar los resultados está abierto a

escuchar es algo muy común ver en

muchas redes sociales empresas que


un contenido pero cuando los usuarios

hacen algún comentario quieren dejar

alguna opinión no hay respuesta por

parte de la empresa lo que al final

podemos decir es que las empresas en

general habrá mucho más de lo que

escuchan y sinceramente debemos escuchar

mucho más de lo que hablamos porque

escuchar significa conocer mejor a la

audiencia a ser hacer sentir a la

audiencia mejor ya que verán qué nos

preocupamos por sus dudas por sus

inquietudes por sus preguntas

y todo esto sin lugar a dudas pondrá a

tu público objetivo en una mejor

predisposición para establecer

relaciones comerciales con tu marca

incorporar preguntas abiertas las

preguntas abiertas que ayudarán a a dar

a los usuarios mayores opciones a la

hora de responder a algo que quieras

conocer ya que les permitirá expresarse

de una manera más libre por lo que este

tipo de preguntas te va a permitir en

muchos casos conocer de manera abierta

cierta información sobre un determinado

tema de tu empresa de tu producto

por ejemplo si quieres saber de manera

general que opinan tus clientes de tu

servicio de atención al cliente puede

recurrir a una pregunta tipo

qué piensas de nuestro centro de

atención a clientes

si algo no lo sabes vilo en muchas

ocasiones nos hacen alguna pregunta la

cual desconocemos y para no sentirnos

vulnerables delante de una audiencia no

lo contestamos

o damos una respuesta que no es del todo

adecuada creo que una de las mejores

maneras para establecer una mejor

conversación con los usuarios es

demostrar tu humildad y tu transparencia

por lo tanto si recibes algún tipo de

consulta o pregunta de la cual no está

seguro que su respuesta es preferible

antes que no contestaron contestar algo

inadecuado decirle que en este momento

no lo conoces pero que va a investigar

en ello y si lo vas a hacer saber lo

antes posible

esta es una manera de hacer que los

usuarios vean qué te preocupas por

ellos y que tu marca es algo mucho más

que un ente es algo humano

belgrano un exceso de contenido

distorsiona el mensaje a día de hoy

cada vez dedicamos menos tiempo para

profundizar hablando de manera genérica

en mensajes en redes sociales lo que

buscamos son rápidos

pacto no y en pocos segundos con su

bebé conseguir al menos esa primera


por ello es importante que las redes

sociales se resuelva si compartes

información de una manera por hacer

algún modo esquemática diciendo que al

grano no en evitando todo tipo de

información añadida que en ese momento

no aporta un valor real ya que esa

información que la complementa esta

anterior pues exponerla en tu página

web o en otro canal donde los usuarios

podrán ampliar la por lo tanto y

resumiendo es importante que sigas esta

sede cinco sencillas prácticas para

generar una mejor comunicación con el

público al cual te quieres dirigir a

través de tus redes sociales y como

comentaba al principio en la medida de

lo posible que impulse con la publicidad

de la propia red social

si crees que las empresas tienen que

trabajar todavía mejor sus

conversaciones en las redes sociales

dale me gusta al vídeo y no te pierdas

el video que te sugiero a continuación

suscríbete y gratis a cada haciendo

bien en la foto donde repetidas y si no

te gusta siempre puedes decirme adiós



For more infomation >> Estrategias de MARKETING para GENERAR CONVERSACIONES en REDES SOCIALES ✔ - Duration: 6:03.


Charlotte Caniggia (GHVIP), ¿posible víctima de violencia de género? - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Charlotte Caniggia (GHVIP), ¿posible víctima de violencia de género? - Duration: 3:56.


¡Menudo 'dardazo' envenenado el que dirigió Jordi González a Alba Carrillo! - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> ¡Menudo 'dardazo' envenenado el que dirigió Jordi González a Alba Carrillo! - Duration: 2:39.


DENUEDO VLOGS - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> DENUEDO VLOGS - Duration: 1:01.


Ako stiahnuť Plateny Minecraft -Tutorial - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Ako stiahnuť Plateny Minecraft -Tutorial - Duration: 3:28.


Grow up: Are You Still Under Authority; or In Authority! - Duration: 3:07.

Everywhere you go, someone or something is always trying to tell you what to do.

When are you going to begin telling the elements what to do, and even how to do it?

I find two milestones in Jesus' lifestyle interesting and instructive.

At the age of 12, though He wanted so much to, He could not "…go about His father's

business"; that is, to live and fulfill His known purpose because

He was under authority (Luk 2:49-51).

But at 30 years He transitioned to being in authority (Luk 3:22-23).

Have you come of age or are you ready to step into your purpose and begin exercising authority?

God, out Heavenly Father, already chose you to join in fixing this broken cosmos that

He loves dearly (Jn 3:16).

He wants you to change your world (Mar 16:15), and He is ready to supply the power, authority,

and resources you would need (Mat 16:19).

But how can you this if you are still under authority?

For Jesus to get into authority, He loved, learned, and lived for God.

He matured and had to submit to the ministry of true and anointed minister of God (Mat 3:13-15).

To enter into authority with the Holy Spirit (Mat 3:16-17) and begin living His life calling—which

was to fix our broken cosmos by preaching, healing, and doing good to all.

If you want to fulfill your life's purpose and calling, you have to get into authority.

God, our Father depends on you (if you are saved) to help the world experience His change,

love, and grace (Rom 8:19).

That is if you can transition from being under authority; of human thoughts and methods,

to being in authority by the counsel and leadership of God's Holy Spirit.

Are you ready to take your place among the God-kinds who rule and reign in authority

over temptation, sickness, pain, oppression, poverty, and even unpopularity, etc.?

If you are not saved, please contact me, I will help you get into authority.

Common Now, grow up and get in authority

For more infomation >> Grow up: Are You Still Under Authority; or In Authority! - Duration: 3:07.


Những viên SỎI THẬN lấy ra từ cơ thể bệnh nhân làm kinh ngạc giới y học - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Những viên SỎI THẬN lấy ra từ cơ thể bệnh nhân làm kinh ngạc giới y học - Duration: 4:01.


"Love and Not Hate" Official ...

For more infomation >> "Love and Not Hate" Official ...


2 Easy Steps Program to Control Blood Sugar - Duration: 4:49.

fenugreek that is methi hability for diabetes fenugreek a traditional herbal

treatment for diabetes do you know fenugreek is a good

supplement to cure diabetes and keeps you healthy fenugreek seeds contain

fiber and other chemicals that helps to slow digestion and the body's absorption

of carbohydrates and sugar benefits with fenugreek keeping your blood sugar at

normal levels maintain healthy blood glucose levels finna break used in

cooking or generally considered good for health fenugreek seeds helps to control

type 2 diabetes making of fenugreek tea 1 TSP of fenugreek seeds required amount

of water lemon for additional flavor and sugar or honey to sweeten take a crusher

and crush some fenugreek seeds in it boil water in required amount using

kettle or sow crush definably crave slightly and mix with boiled water and

now cover with a lid and leave for 3 minutes

and strain it with a regular strainer use 1/2 TSP lemon juice and 1 TSP honey

to avoid making bitter taste now fenugreek tea is ready to take for

diabetes free and good addition fenugreek tea can take hot or cold take

fenugreek tea daily for good results best ways of consuming fenugreek seeds

or roast dry fenugreek seeds on medium-high heat for one or two minutes

stir frequently and add 1 TSP over Indian curries salads and fry dishes

soaked fenugreek seeds and water overnight keeping them in a jar cover

with a cloth for few days until tiny green shoots up here this clouded

fenugreek seeds can be added to any kind of solids or can take directly tip

fenugreek powder and curd mix works wonder for hail and maintains healthy

scalp homemade medicine to control diabetes

diabetes can be cured naturally by using oil vedic simple home remedies falling

from an sometimes which we don't know let us see how diabetes can cure

naturally by using black cumin and cumin seeds fenugreek seeds and I love seeds

black cumin black cumin seeds decreases high blood glucose levels by increasing

insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake by self cumin seeds help to block

formation of age advance for the glycation end-products

typical in most diabetes fenugreek seeds fenugreek seeds are being used as

traditional herbal treatment for diabetes it is a good supplement to cure

diabetes ingredients fenugreek seeds 25 grams cumin seeds called

jeera 25 grams culinary saves that is black jeera 25 grams and adjoin 25 grams

preparation add fenugreek seeds in hot pan and roast on medium high heat for 1

or 2 minutes stir frequently until it gets red brown in color as shown in

video and keep it aside now fry adjoin black cumin and brown cumin seeds until

it gets light red Brown club to beat

until it gets light red brown color now add fenugreek seeds and oil ingredients

one by one in grinder and switch on mixer to make ingredients into powder

check the powder for solids parts to be grinded and switch on grinders to make

thoroughly fenugreek and black cumin powder is now ready and take it in a

small container box and use it in a regular diet for good results

usage rule mix 1 TSP of fenugreek and black cumin powder in glass of water and

take in daily usage before breakfast and dinner and check diabetis levels for

every 3 days by taking this powder regularly you can

reduce high blood sugar levels thank you for watching this video like and

subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> 2 Easy Steps Program to Control Blood Sugar - Duration: 4:49.


Colors Video for Kids Subway Surfers Shanghai City Animation Children Kids Song - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> Colors Video for Kids Subway Surfers Shanghai City Animation Children Kids Song - Duration: 12:55.


TIN SEAGAME : Giá vé rẻ bất ngờ xem Công Phượng và đồng đội đá SEA Games 29 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> TIN SEAGAME : Giá vé rẻ bất ngờ xem Công Phượng và đồng đội đá SEA Games 29 - Duration: 2:36.


Bootstrap Custom CSS to Form Elements and Inputs-Part2 - Tutorial for Beginners - Duration: 9:54.

Now let's get back to the project and activate the firebug again.

For say, we are now wanting to change the background color of input type text elements


But the text area, or this input type email or this password or anything, those will be

left unchanged.

All we need to do, click the left arrow, select it,

input ID..

This one.

Now we can see that here, if we look into background we can see that this is the same

background property that is going to take place.

Change the color and you can see that all those color

changes are taking place over here.

So we need to do another modification here such as we need to copy this


Now this is another trick that I am about to show you here.

Get back here, banner 7, now this time you don't want any change to take over in all

of your form elements.

This is not the desired output that we are looking for, we are looking for this red color

is practically appeared only this input type text.

Here we are mentioning input...

If we just change the background, for say this one, or you may choose this color code

that you have recently made over here.

For say this one.

If you want to choose this color code get back here and paste it over here.

Now get back to your project, reload and...

We are undone.

So I think first of all we should change this one, this .form-control we don't have a need

of this.

Practically every kind of input type which is text in format that

will be having this background color.

So this is the format.

Now we can try our luck with it.

So let's...

Press control + s, get back to our project and reload and now we can see that the background

of this input type text has been successfully changed.

So now lets move on to our next item.

We can see that the enter address field, it is also executing the same background property

as we can see here in this enter address field.

So the thing is both of them are practical using the same input type and that is text.

Now if we look into this label here, we see that it is a little bit of congested.

So now let's concentrate to customize this label condition.

That is why we will be now activating our firebug element, now let's

select this enter name and we can see that the label enter name here..

It has a different separate class which has a

display of inline-block and a Max-width of hundred percent.

Now what if we are providing a background color here.

All we need to do we need to see the result.

And we can see that this is the output.

And here if we provide a margin-bottom of 10px, now we can see that

it is practically leaving a margin-bottom of 10px but on the other hand this glyphicon

of right one it is not lying exact vertical middle position as it was in its

previous cases.

So it is obvious that we need to make some changes over here too.

So that is why first of all we are copying this class name we are getting back to our

custom.css and here hundred this Banner7..

No we are not practically creating any class here you are just customizing the

label element, just stay cautious here about it.

Now, what was the property..

Margin-bottom actually so we are now making it permanent.

So we have made this modification in our custom.css and here,

press control + s, when you get back to your project and reload.

And now we can see that this change has been taken place.

Now let's see it over here.

Here it is.

Margin-bottom 10px.

Now another thing, on the other hand we can see that this glyph icons those are practically

shifting into a little bit of top position.

So we need to fix such they lye in the exact vertical middle position.

So that is why now we are coming back to our glyphicons here..

Glyphicon ok or glyph icon class as a whole, it is

practically using thug glyphicon class.

You can see that this is the glyph icon class.

Just copy it.

Get back to our custom.css and here.

Again you need to create another...

This time we are providing a margin-top..

I think it is more.

So all we need to do we need to change it to 10px.

Make it to a 5px one, reload, and now we can see

that it is exactly in the position in the exact vertical middle position as it should

have been in a previous case.

So if you just enter into mobile responsive preview, here it is..

It is maintaining the same exact vertical middle position in case of mobile preview.

Just now got it and you can see that this thing is

executing exact property as we can see here.

Rotate again, you see..

Under any condition, under any dimension or definition it is practically executing the

same exact thing.

So there's nothing problem with it.

Press control + shift + m, and get back to your original preview.

So we have successfully customized all those things, all those glyphicons, all those labels.

If you want to change the color here, and you can see that the color of

this label has been changed.

So this is how you can make all those changes over here.

Get back to your project.

Activate firebug.

Now this time we are going to make some changes over here, on hovering those

table properties such that the background color will be changed only.

So first of all, let's get back to our index HTML and

just about here, we have used table-bordered, now we are using a table-hover condition here.

Press control + s, get back to your project and you can see that on

hovering this things, those are practically getting changed.

The background color is practically getting changed.

Just get back to your bootstrap.min.css.

we are practically using table-hover condition, right?

And it was a class.

Just type it.

Here you can see that in this first selection we can see that .table-hover

all of its tbody, all of its rows, under hover condition will be executing this background


Just copy this whole class name along with all of its properties

into custom.css, and this is practically coming under banner9.

So all we need to do we need to get back to banner9 here.

Always remember to classify all of those things accordingly and synchronized.

You have to synchronize them.

You are practically using here banner9, that is why you are customizing all those attributes

over here, under this Banner9 segment.

Here is the class banner9, control + v, this one, press control + s,

get back to your project and reload and you can see, now if you just hover your mouse

you can see that we have successfully changed this background color property under

hover condition.

If you are not satisfied yes, then just get back to your project, and here you may

enter... or you may enter this one..

Reload, and you can see that the green background color is being generated on hovering this

individual table rows.

The first thing is we are never going to make any kind of changes here in this bootstrap.min.css,

second thing is, We Will first detect every, each and every single

properties from here we will be clicking any of these properties and will be looking for

that particular class over here.

If it is present here, then it is alright, if it is not present here then we will be

looking for the same class here in this bootstrap.min.css.

You need to make those changes over here, into this firebug

control panel and then you have to look for those classes inside this bootstrap.min.css

and if found all you need to do you need to copy all of them and then you

need to get back to your custom.css and you need to place them over here.

In the next tutorial we are about to make these changes on custom upload, that means

on this position.

We are about to make customization of this and this will be

the final part of this form element series.

If you have liked our tutorial then do not hesitate hit that red subscribe button down


Stay tuned for more.

Hope to see you guys in the next tutorial, till

then, bye.

For more infomation >> Bootstrap Custom CSS to Form Elements and Inputs-Part2 - Tutorial for Beginners - Duration: 9:54.


What's my motivation?

For more infomation >> What's my motivation?


Testing cheap WHOL SAW, DRILL BITS, STEP DRILL BIT - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Testing cheap WHOL SAW, DRILL BITS, STEP DRILL BIT - Duration: 6:54.


BMW X3 2.0I XDRIVE EXECUTIVE - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0I XDRIVE EXECUTIVE - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI i-Drive C.Pl RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI i-Drive C.Pl RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:43.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI BLUE 135PK * NAVIGATIE * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI BLUE 135PK * NAVIGATIE * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 0:41.


Opel Corsa 1.4i Swing - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4i Swing - Duration: 0:49.


Bridge of light (Icelandic) Subs + Trans - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Bridge of light (Icelandic) Subs + Trans - Duration: 2:59.


How to Control Your Emotions - A Woman's Secret Superpower - Duration: 5:29.

With more than 10 years in woman's ministry I've realized that women are more powerful

than we realize.

Today I want to talk about a woman's secret superpower and how we can use it to be the

women God is calling us to be.

Stay tuned!


Hello Beloved!

I'm Christina Patterson, founder and President of Beloved Women where we encourage and empower

women in the love of Jesus Christ and the truth of God's Word.

If you're new here welcome!

I post new videos every week so please be sure to subscribe so you never miss a video.

And for those of you returning, welcome back Beloved.

Today I want to introduce a new series called "Matters of the Heart".

This entire series is dedicated to learning how to develop and maintain emotional wellness.

And by emotional wellness I mean how we process our emotions, how we respond to our feelings,

and how we allow them to lead the course of our lives.

And if there is a book in the Bible that is going to guide us and help us on this journey

it is the book of Psalms.

This book uses the word heart 127 times.

That is more than any other book in the Bible.

The Psalms uses poetry and songs to express a vast range of emotions and feelings from

anger to joy, anxiety to desire, from guilt to gratefulness, from despair to insecurity.

We're going to discuss all these emotions and more over the next few weeks by studying

through the Psalms to become the emotionally healthy women God is calling us to be.

I like to think of our feelings and emotions as indicators that tell us what's going on

in our hearts.

When it comes to our physical bodies, pain is a sign that something is wrong and endurance

is a sign of heath.

Our physical body gives us signs to let us know the condition of our bodies.

In the same way, our heart sends off signals to let us know of its condition in the form

of feelings and emotions.

We can feel happiness, depression, excitement, insecurity, hope, defensiveness, gratitude,

anger, desire, and more.

Now this is by no means a complete list of our feelings and emotions.

As complex beings there are numerous emotions to experience and feeling to well . . . feel.

On top of that we're usually feeling multiple emotions at one time.

Many women, myself included, would say we're emotional beings.

But I think when we say this, many times, we think of it in a negative way.

When we think of someone that's emotional we think they are only controlled by their

feelings, they are unpredictable and drama filled.

Now while unchecked feelings can lead to all of this, feelings and emotions in and of themselves

are not bad.

God gives us feelings and even He feels.

Like anything God has given us it can be used out of context, out of order, and out of line

with what He desires for our lives and all this leads to is confusion and frustration.

However, if we can learn how to use what God has given us, like our emotions, in line with

His will and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can truly experience power, freedom

and emotional stability.

[bctt tweet=" Feelings and emotions are indicators that tell us what's going on in our hearts."

username="msbelovedtina"] Think of your typical super hero.

They find out they have this super power yet they don't know how to use it.

They mistakenly hurt innocent people and suffer from frustration because they have this great

power what seems to be causing more harm than good.

However, as the hero learns to control their power they can now use it to disable their

enemy and rescue those they love and serve.

I believe our emotions are the same way.

They can be our uncontrolled super power when we don't know how to manage them, causing

us to unintentionally hurting those around us and especially ourselves.

But what great peace and restoration our emotions and feelings bring when we finally learn how

to use them for their intended God-given purpose.

So, how do we clearly hear the signals our heart is sending us so we can respond in a

healthy way that brings growth and maturity?

Well, that's what this entire series is all about?

If you're tired of being pushed around by your feelings, bullied by your emotions, and

confused by your heart; then this is the series for you.

I invite you to join me here each Monday as we search the Psalms to learn how to become

emotionally stable, mature, and well.

So be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of this.

But before you go I want you to comment and let me know, right now in this season of your

life what emotion are you experiencing the most?

I can't wait to chat more in the comments.

And if you're excited about this series and think it will be helpful please like this

video and share it with a sister-friend.

You never know who might need some Beloved encouragement today.

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As always thank you so much for watching and until next time be beautiful, be blessed and


You are officially invited to the 2017 Beloved Women's Conference this October 14 in Raleigh,


This one day event is filled with inspirational speakers, fun entertainment, breakout sessions

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For more infomation >> How to Control Your Emotions - A Woman's Secret Superpower - Duration: 5:29.


TRUMPWATCH: "The most presidential since Lincoln" - Duration: 5:09.

Hello welcome to the first episode of Trumpwatch.

A segment where we look at some of the things the president says and laugh at them because

they make no sense.

So our buddy Trump was having a jolly old time at an Ohio rally a couple days ago and

he said something pretty bizarre

so let's hear it.

So what do we know by this point?

Well we've established that trump thinks that political correctness is easy for him...

Uhm... no it's not.

We've also established that "they" and I guess he's talking about the media, say

Trump is not presidential.

Which we then learn is a good thing because that's not what gets things done.

So I want you to remember that, really focus on the fact that, being presidential doesn't

get things done and not being presidential is a good thing.

Okay, so, am I the only one who's kind of confused by the leap of logic that just took

place in the last 20 seconds?

Because I'm pretty sure we went from "being presidential is not the way to get things

done" to "Abraham Lincoln is the only one who can be more presidential than him".

Okay so, Lincoln was the most presidential president of all time.

He is also widely regarded as the greatest president by most people,

which, I assume, would imply that he got some things done.

So how the hell did Lincoln get things done by being the most presidential if that's

not the way you get things done?

And how the hell are you going to get things done if you can be the second most presidential

and being presidential doesn't get things done?

Are you going to be the second most presidential yet the most unpresidential president at the

same time?

Does Donald Trump exist in a quantum superposition where he can be the both but also neither


Does he occupy a different realm of existence where he's not bounded by our physical laws

thus allowing him to be defined by both antonyms at the same time?

Is this all a part of his 4D chess that I'm just too stupid to understand?

Of course not.

Because it's just some stupid bullshit that Trump said.

And of course he's not really trying to convey anything, there's no message being

sent here.

He's only there to bolster his own fucking ego.

He goes out, he confidently says some stupid shit and once he adds in that "Tremendous,

believe me" that's when the audience of clueless suckers just erupts in applause and

cheering and they're too stupid to realize that they're cheering absolute fucking nonsense.

Speaking of the audience, let's take a look at what we've got here.

We've got, old bitch, old bitch, old bitch, old bitch, bootleg Glenn Beck over here checking

the fuck out of his phone, This dude whose entire wardrobe consists of Trump's merchandise

and whose genetics chose a very amusing way of distributing his eyes on his face.

And then we have this guy.

Unbuttoned shirt, a MAGA hat and a skin tone 2 shades too dark to be at a Trump rally.

This guy acts like he's been hibernating for the past 6 months and has no idea where

the fuck he is or whats going on.

After Trump says some dumb shit about how the media says he's not presidential the

rest of the audience goes into a loud roar while it takes this dude 3 seconds to process reality

and force out this idiotic confused face as if to condescendingly feign disbelief in those

silly people who say bad things about Trump.

After that, he reassures himself about his whereabouts, and goes back to vacantly staring

into the abyss.

And the longer I look at him the more I realize, that I too am staring into the abyss.

Because you know how you can just look at some people's eyes and the expression on

their face and tell that there's absolutely nothing going on inside their heads.

You can just sense the emptiness of their minds oozing out of their eyes.

That's what i see when I look at this guy.

That's what I see at this other guy.

That's what I see when I look at bootleg Glenn Beck, and the real Glenn Beck while

we're at it, and that's exactly what I see when I look at the guy spewing nonsense

in the middle.

So the next time you wonder why the world is so fucked up, and why the election came

down to Donald Trump and Hillary *ungghh*.

Hillary *bleghhh* Hi…

I gotta puke.

Remember that these are the kind of people you share the planet with.

Drones with no thoughts of their own who brainlessly applaud and cheer on absolute fucking gibberish

because it comes from the mouth of the president, or the head of the party their family raised

them into supporting.

And if you think that this is just a small example of stupidity and really shouldn't

be taken too seriously, consider this.

If people are so easily letting stupid shit like this slide, without thinking, imagine

how much more complexly worded bullshit you can throw at them before they realize that

they're being covered in shit, because I'm willing to bet that you're more likely to

run out of shit to throw at them than any of these people are likely to notice the fucking


For more infomation >> TRUMPWATCH: "The most presidential since Lincoln" - Duration: 5:09.


김병만 '정글의 법칙' 잠시 하차..추성훈·류담·노우진 등 합류 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> 김병만 '정글의 법칙' 잠시 하차..추성훈·류담·노우진 등 합류 - Duration: 1:56.


David Guetta ft. Justin Bieber "2U" (karaoke+chords) - Duration: 3:40.

David Guetta ft. Justin Bieber "2U" (karaoke+chords)

For more infomation >> David Guetta ft. Justin Bieber "2U" (karaoke+chords) - Duration: 3:40.


David Guetta ft. Justin Bieber "2U" (karaoke+) - Duration: 3:40.

David Guetta ft. Justin Bieber "2U" (karaoke+)

For more infomation >> David Guetta ft. Justin Bieber "2U" (karaoke+) - Duration: 3:40.


2 Easy Steps Program to Control Blood Sugar - Duration: 4:49.

fenugreek that is methi hability for diabetes fenugreek a traditional herbal

treatment for diabetes do you know fenugreek is a good

supplement to cure diabetes and keeps you healthy fenugreek seeds contain

fiber and other chemicals that helps to slow digestion and the body's absorption

of carbohydrates and sugar benefits with fenugreek keeping your blood sugar at

normal levels maintain healthy blood glucose levels finna break used in

cooking or generally considered good for health fenugreek seeds helps to control

type 2 diabetes making of fenugreek tea 1 TSP of fenugreek seeds required amount

of water lemon for additional flavor and sugar or honey to sweeten take a crusher

and crush some fenugreek seeds in it boil water in required amount using

kettle or sow crush definably crave slightly and mix with boiled water and

now cover with a lid and leave for 3 minutes

and strain it with a regular strainer use 1/2 TSP lemon juice and 1 TSP honey

to avoid making bitter taste now fenugreek tea is ready to take for

diabetes free and good addition fenugreek tea can take hot or cold take

fenugreek tea daily for good results best ways of consuming fenugreek seeds

or roast dry fenugreek seeds on medium-high heat for one or two minutes

stir frequently and add 1 TSP over Indian curries salads and fry dishes

soaked fenugreek seeds and water overnight keeping them in a jar cover

with a cloth for few days until tiny green shoots up here this clouded

fenugreek seeds can be added to any kind of solids or can take directly tip

fenugreek powder and curd mix works wonder for hail and maintains healthy

scalp homemade medicine to control diabetes

diabetes can be cured naturally by using oil vedic simple home remedies falling

from an sometimes which we don't know let us see how diabetes can cure

naturally by using black cumin and cumin seeds fenugreek seeds and I love seeds

black cumin black cumin seeds decreases high blood glucose levels by increasing

insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake by self cumin seeds help to block

formation of age advance for the glycation end-products

typical in most diabetes fenugreek seeds fenugreek seeds are being used as

traditional herbal treatment for diabetes it is a good supplement to cure

diabetes ingredients fenugreek seeds 25 grams cumin seeds called

jeera 25 grams culinary saves that is black jeera 25 grams and adjoin 25 grams

preparation add fenugreek seeds in hot pan and roast on medium high heat for 1

or 2 minutes stir frequently until it gets red brown in color as shown in

video and keep it aside now fry adjoin black cumin and brown cumin seeds until

it gets light red Brown club to beat

until it gets light red brown color now add fenugreek seeds and oil ingredients

one by one in grinder and switch on mixer to make ingredients into powder

check the powder for solids parts to be grinded and switch on grinders to make

thoroughly fenugreek and black cumin powder is now ready and take it in a

small container box and use it in a regular diet for good results

usage rule mix 1 TSP of fenugreek and black cumin powder in glass of water and

take in daily usage before breakfast and dinner and check diabetis levels for

every 3 days by taking this powder regularly you can

reduce high blood sugar levels thank you for watching this video like and

subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> 2 Easy Steps Program to Control Blood Sugar - Duration: 4:49.


【MUKBANG】 [High Calories] 50 Macaron & 8 French Baked Canelé From Amazon! About 5000kcal [Click CC] - Duration: 5:30.

Hello! Kinoshita Yuka! (Zero effort garbage subs by ~Aphexx)

today ~!


50 pieces of macaroons

Eight canele

This is "Futaba Chatei" shops of sweets

selling macaroons and canelé

I bought on Amazon

Oh so many macaroons makes me happy!

It is cute and colorful!

I love these canelé

Let's eat!

So First macaroons of this orange

all bagged individually

flavor is written in the bag

This colorful color, so good ♪

~ N! !

And refreshing taste of orange

It is Truly delicious cold cream inside

Whether or not the next is not uncommon?

Chocolate mint


I wonder if you see it contains a chocolate cookie in the


This is perfectly mint taste

It blue, it's not foodlike

But it is delicious

The following is a strawberry

In cream mixed white chocolate and strawberry taste

Milky feel

The following are white peach

~ N!

It sweet scent of white peach will spread in the mouth

It contains the dried fruit of white peach

Also try to eat canelé

I wonder what is canelé

It's unique, this texture

its very soft and chewy

Truly hard


You know ~!

can you see?

very moist, and chewy

~ N! !

Oh, delicious!

It is a little crisp surface

same as bread pudding but more softer and chewier

a more baked version of it

It is in!

I think I'm tasty else taking a crispy outer

I know I love it!

The bottom is crisp

Delicious ♪

It is very tasty and slightly sweet


I think the color is beautiful

cream Inside is different from all that is contained in the


Blueberry aroma is deep

Next is green tea

~ N! It is a fragrant green tea

Outside of the macaroons are crisp

inside is moist

delicious cream in middle

Salt caramel

~ N!

And salt accents the flavors

enhancing the sweetness of caramel


Wonder if coconut is on this surface

Ah! Coconut texture and flavor will spread in the mouth


It contains chocolate cream


It is rich

Among the macaroons eating now

it is richest

After all sweet things it goes well with coffee!

The remaining 16 pieces

It has become lonely

It is sesame

It is quite thick smell and taste of sesame

There is honey sweetness

So the last one

and a good smell of ~ strawberry ♪

N ~ ♪

Macaroons 50 and canelé, it was Truly delicious

I think both are my favorite candies

And I This "Futaba Chatei" shop of macaroons

sells so many flavors

Maybe over 16 kinds

But there are more various types depending on the time

Canelé it also was really delicious!

It is soft chewy texture

unlike anything else

not overly sweet

the slight sweetness is very delicious

Bottom was crisp, there and also sounds good!

Sweet things will make you happy!

Since its very delicious

By all means please try it everyone

also Thank you for watching!

if this video is good and hit the like button 👍

Subscribe as well please!

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [High Calories] 50 Macaron & 8 French Baked Canelé From Amazon! About 5000kcal [Click CC] - Duration: 5:30.


Bootstrap Custom CSS to Form Elements and Inputs-Part2 - Tutorial for Beginners - Duration: 9:54.

Now let's get back to the project and activate the firebug again.

For say, we are now wanting to change the background color of input type text elements


But the text area, or this input type email or this password or anything, those will be

left unchanged.

All we need to do, click the left arrow, select it,

input ID..

This one.

Now we can see that here, if we look into background we can see that this is the same

background property that is going to take place.

Change the color and you can see that all those color

changes are taking place over here.

So we need to do another modification here such as we need to copy this


Now this is another trick that I am about to show you here.

Get back here, banner 7, now this time you don't want any change to take over in all

of your form elements.

This is not the desired output that we are looking for, we are looking for this red color

is practically appeared only this input type text.

Here we are mentioning input...

If we just change the background, for say this one, or you may choose this color code

that you have recently made over here.

For say this one.

If you want to choose this color code get back here and paste it over here.

Now get back to your project, reload and...

We are undone.

So I think first of all we should change this one, this .form-control we don't have a need

of this.

Practically every kind of input type which is text in format that

will be having this background color.

So this is the format.

Now we can try our luck with it.

So let's...

Press control + s, get back to our project and reload and now we can see that the background

of this input type text has been successfully changed.

So now lets move on to our next item.

We can see that the enter address field, it is also executing the same background property

as we can see here in this enter address field.

So the thing is both of them are practical using the same input type and that is text.

Now if we look into this label here, we see that it is a little bit of congested.

So now let's concentrate to customize this label condition.

That is why we will be now activating our firebug element, now let's

select this enter name and we can see that the label enter name here..

It has a different separate class which has a

display of inline-block and a Max-width of hundred percent.

Now what if we are providing a background color here.

All we need to do we need to see the result.

And we can see that this is the output.

And here if we provide a margin-bottom of 10px, now we can see that

it is practically leaving a margin-bottom of 10px but on the other hand this glyphicon

of right one it is not lying exact vertical middle position as it was in its

previous cases.

So it is obvious that we need to make some changes over here too.

So that is why first of all we are copying this class name we are getting back to our

custom.css and here hundred this Banner7..

No we are not practically creating any class here you are just customizing the

label element, just stay cautious here about it.

Now, what was the property..

Margin-bottom actually so we are now making it permanent.

So we have made this modification in our custom.css and here,

press control + s, when you get back to your project and reload.

And now we can see that this change has been taken place.

Now let's see it over here.

Here it is.

Margin-bottom 10px.

Now another thing, on the other hand we can see that this glyph icons those are practically

shifting into a little bit of top position.

So we need to fix such they lye in the exact vertical middle position.

So that is why now we are coming back to our glyphicons here..

Glyphicon ok or glyph icon class as a whole, it is

practically using thug glyphicon class.

You can see that this is the glyph icon class.

Just copy it.

Get back to our custom.css and here.

Again you need to create another...

This time we are providing a margin-top..

I think it is more.

So all we need to do we need to change it to 10px.

Make it to a 5px one, reload, and now we can see

that it is exactly in the position in the exact vertical middle position as it should

have been in a previous case.

So if you just enter into mobile responsive preview, here it is..

It is maintaining the same exact vertical middle position in case of mobile preview.

Just now got it and you can see that this thing is

executing exact property as we can see here.

Rotate again, you see..

Under any condition, under any dimension or definition it is practically executing the

same exact thing.

So there's nothing problem with it.

Press control + shift + m, and get back to your original preview.

So we have successfully customized all those things, all those glyphicons, all those labels.

If you want to change the color here, and you can see that the color of

this label has been changed.

So this is how you can make all those changes over here.

Get back to your project.

Activate firebug.

Now this time we are going to make some changes over here, on hovering those

table properties such that the background color will be changed only.

So first of all, let's get back to our index HTML and

just about here, we have used table-bordered, now we are using a table-hover condition here.

Press control + s, get back to your project and you can see that on

hovering this things, those are practically getting changed.

The background color is practically getting changed.

Just get back to your bootstrap.min.css.

we are practically using table-hover condition, right?

And it was a class.

Just type it.

Here you can see that in this first selection we can see that .table-hover

all of its tbody, all of its rows, under hover condition will be executing this background


Just copy this whole class name along with all of its properties

into custom.css, and this is practically coming under banner9.

So all we need to do we need to get back to banner9 here.

Always remember to classify all of those things accordingly and synchronized.

You have to synchronize them.

You are practically using here banner9, that is why you are customizing all those attributes

over here, under this Banner9 segment.

Here is the class banner9, control + v, this one, press control + s,

get back to your project and reload and you can see, now if you just hover your mouse

you can see that we have successfully changed this background color property under

hover condition.

If you are not satisfied yes, then just get back to your project, and here you may

enter... or you may enter this one..

Reload, and you can see that the green background color is being generated on hovering this

individual table rows.

The first thing is we are never going to make any kind of changes here in this bootstrap.min.css,

second thing is, We Will first detect every, each and every single

properties from here we will be clicking any of these properties and will be looking for

that particular class over here.

If it is present here, then it is alright, if it is not present here then we will be

looking for the same class here in this bootstrap.min.css.

You need to make those changes over here, into this firebug

control panel and then you have to look for those classes inside this bootstrap.min.css

and if found all you need to do you need to copy all of them and then you

need to get back to your custom.css and you need to place them over here.

In the next tutorial we are about to make these changes on custom upload, that means

on this position.

We are about to make customization of this and this will be

the final part of this form element series.

If you have liked our tutorial then do not hesitate hit that red subscribe button down


Stay tuned for more.

Hope to see you guys in the next tutorial, till

then, bye.

For more infomation >> Bootstrap Custom CSS to Form Elements and Inputs-Part2 - Tutorial for Beginners - Duration: 9:54.


Maa Kalinka Doli Batkhem (माँ कालिंका डोली बटखेम ) चमत्कारों की देवी - Duration: 31:32.

It is said that

before the creation of Universe, there is Shakti(Power)

first, it gave birth to Life and then to living organisms.

All universe know her as "Devi Bhagwati"

Namaskar, you all are welcome here to watch this program of "Lands of Gods - Uttarakhand"

where you watch all shows in your Regional Language with Freedom <3

Today we are going to visit Batkhem which is behind me.

Today we will know about A Doli. She gives all solution to all problems without knowing.

"Goddess Bhagawati" has a Powerful Avatar "Goddess Kali."

Goddess Kali is known in the whole universe.

There is a place in Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand where Doli of Goddess Kali has established.

we know this place as "Doli Maa Kalinka"

it's in village Batkhem, Tehri Garhwal

She is living here as a powerful and a active form of Doli

Goddess Bhagwati saved this universe through her powers.

Once upon a time, there were two brothers Shumbh and Nishumbh.

they disturbed the whole universe.

God has requested Goddess Bhagwati to kill them, she fight war with Demons.

Chand and Mund try to attack her but she got angrier.

from her anger, Maa Kali avatar manifested.

She killed both of them, from then and till now she is protecting us.

To get rid of torture and injustice all gods and goddess gave birth to the new power, which is most powerful in this universe

we know her as Goddess Bhagwati

Goddess Kali is an avatar of Powerful Bhagwati

she kills Chand and Mund that's why we know her as Goddess Chamunda

because her colour is Dark that's why we know her as Goddess Kali

Rakesh Lal has tributed his life to make Goddess Kalinka's Doli Happy.

let's talk with him, how did he got connected to this place?

My name is Rakesh lal

I came from Bhaniwala ( Uttarakhand )

Bhaniwala is my village Doli was there in Dinesh Sing's house

everyone was there to watch Doli, so I went there.

when i visited her

Doli was dancing in Crowed

I was too far from Doli, she called me.

where Mandan (Dance ) happen I got there by her signs.

She told me to Play Dhol

it was a miracle how did she recognize me that I play dhol

I was blessed with her powers and I took dhol and played Dhol and her Goddess Doli Danced.

she danced a lot. There was a priest who has a ability to connect with the goddess Kali

Goddess tell me that you will be my servant

for always.

I will bless you and your family with miracles.


I said, "everyone has said that but how can I believe?"

when I came here regularly at this temple

I got attached with this temple.

When I came here for the first time, Batkhem

first, she danced and she settled down. She took Holi water


there was a small girl who held her hands with rice, holy water and after that

when she opened her hands

before 5 minutes Hariyali appeared.

in that Hariyali there is no Barley or Rice

that's pure created from Rice

that's miracle of goddess

I believe in her on that miracle.

I thank you, Goddess Kali

she has a avatar in Kalyug

people says there is no God & Goddess

there are Gods and Goddess, Goddess Kali Avatar in Powerful

she live with God Shiva

Goddess MahaKali

her festival is Beautiful

I thank you, Goddess Maa I have two daughters

elder daughter is 12 years old and little one is of 9 years of age

Mata said I will bless you with Boy, and really it happen

now he is two and half years old, I thank you, Goddess for your blessings

that's how I got connected with her

I serve you my life my Goddess Bhagwati, Forever.

you played perfect Dhol

will you teach your boy your knowledge of DHol and is he going to serve here like you?

yes if he wants to

these days all children has different goals

most of them want to become Doctor, Engineer and teacher.

if he wants to work here, I going to bring him here.

he will be with me

if he wants then sure

Goddess has given me everything if he wants to work here it will be a blessing for me.

in next episode, we will see how did she do the miracles

how did she do a miracle with Holy water, Rice and Milk that's what we are going to watch next

to visit Doli, there are tons of people came from different places

without asking them problems, Doli read their minds and tell them their problems

and then she write solution of their problems on the wall.

we will watch that on next episode

till then take care and we will meet soon

Namaste! Namaste ! Namaste!

For more infomation >> Maa Kalinka Doli Batkhem (माँ कालिंका डोली बटखेम ) चमत्कारों की देवी - Duration: 31:32.


20 Michael Jacksoni parimat muusikavideot (1. osa) - Duration: 22:07.

Hey, it's me Piret

As you can read from the title

I'm going to show you

my favourite Michael Jackson music videos

as you can tell

my favourite childhood singer was Michael Jackson

Since then his music and videos

has influenced me a lot

so this is part of my life

I have seen many questions like

What is your favourite song

what is your favourite music video

You can't answer to a question

what is your favourite Michael Jackson music video

whith one answer

I tried to put together 20

favourite music videos from Michael Jackson

If you like to see the whole videos

Then I put the links below and you can watch them if you got interested

This video is going to be in two parts

becose no one will watch 20 videos in row

so... part 2 is coming

But this is my top 20

Let's watch!

20th place

They are all so little

They had their own cartoon

That was shown on TV

I have not seen them many because...

when i finally got to see MTV then

the Jackson 5 madness was already over


very cool

19th video

Those pants and boots

And now... 18th

When you think about video or a song that is epic

then this is one of the most epic videos

many Cliches


to unite the world

how we all should be like brothers and sisters

loving each other


Michael's smile

he is so happy there

pixie dust

Jackson 5 are like huge gigants


over the town

what are you?


oo... Jesus


Tito... play your guitar!

In dictionary there should be this video next to the word "epic"

To explain what is epic

what a noble moment

And then they understood

that we are all one

very cute

17th video

I like this video alone for the colors

and for the athmosphare

I remember that..

I was watching the TV and thinking

ok Susie... whay are you dancing on the table

ouyeah... a little dance

cool braid

little maracas

16th video

this was at the time one of the longest

or it was the longest music video of all time

about 11min long

of course Macaulay Culkin

Like me when i was little and father is coming

Put the music down

how long can you listen to that one record

I guess so...

if he is still alive

that's good...

what?... is that Michael in this desert

dancing at some tribe party

That white shirt...


I have a similar one

we were riding a bicycle with my friend

I was riding the bike and she was standing on the luggage rack

i was riding and singing the chorus

she was standing back and singing

"tiri liri li li tiri liri liri liii"

and we ride around our home town

there were times

And i remember we were dancing in the livingroom

She went to a dance troupe

and they had a dance to this song

she danced it to me and I was jealous

because I could not dance this dance

Ouyeah... legendary rap verse.

Macaulay Culkin

Top of the Statue of Liberty

And the ending.... notorious ending

they banned it and everything

because it is too vulgar

This always scared me


This makes you move

Panther's voice is coming through

Only place that seemed a bit...

and the wind

And that also doesn't seem weird

I only thought that

why we don't have Sewer valves like that

with a wind like Marilyn Monroe or Michael in this video

He is ripping apart absolutely decent shirt

too much money

We are here in poverty

and of course The Simpsons on top of everything

what else typical 90's

Cliche... most popular thing

on top of everything


another one of the most beautiful songs and videos

This wasn't written by himself

R. Kelly made the song

It was just when he married Lisa Marie Presley

and it seemed aaa...

we can see inside their marriage a bit

Of course this is how they spent their days

somewhere between Roman pillars

I remember that Michael's new haircut

It was very hot topic

I remember my mother did the same haircut

she just went to the hairdressers and told

please cut my hair like "You Are Not Alone" haircut

green screen

Michael, we can see your belly button

14th place

Stranger In Moscow

black and white... beautyful

Michael, whay are you so sad?

I remember I was waiting for the rain

and then listened that song with headphones

13th place

and of course 3T

song made with his nephews

It seemed to me... oh my god!

what a video

most beautiful people put together

of course black and white

It might be the sappiest boy band ever

they were so cute

they were so beautiful

in pajamas and so cute

just look at him

black and white works all the time

just look

a little band-aid on the chest

cream for my soul

12th place

and of course legendary

Earth Song

I like this song basically for it's message and strength

with what else than with your position and music

to try to save and change the world

when this video came it was like...

I think that after showing this video

they started to think more about the rainforests

But i guess they haven't stopped the problem

and the dead wake up

almost like Thriller

with zombies

one of the saddest part was when they killed the seals

it's everyday like this but we don't see this

11th place

I like this video because of how cool it's made

Like a collage cut together

the idea and of course the song also

I just like how purposely bad green screen

i can see that he is sitting on a chair

and it's like ouyeah... I'm flying


when i got license I'm gonna also drive like this

Elizabeth Taylor

Bubbles! His ape

his pet

Muscles, his snake

I also wanted a snake

By the way they built the roller coaster around him for that video

It is not drawn in computer or anything

they built a mini...

roller coaster around him

I have seen the pictures

But I'm gonna finish here

and let's watch the best 10 videos

next time

For more infomation >> 20 Michael Jacksoni parimat muusikavideot (1. osa) - Duration: 22:07.


Opel Movano 2.3 CDTI L1H2 (126pk) Airco /Elek. pakket /2-zitbank voor /armsteun /Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Movano 2.3 CDTI L1H2 (126pk) Airco /Elek. pakket /2-zitbank voor /armsteun /Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.


Dad creates 'magic wheelchairs' that make kids feel like rockstars - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Dad creates 'magic wheelchairs' that make kids feel like rockstars - Duration: 1:25.


The Cult of Hecate - Duration: 12:05.

hello friends my name is Arith Härgerr and today i'm going to talk about Hecate

now if you have been around this channel for the past few months you know

that when I talk about mythology and the gods I usually talk about the deities

from the Norse pantheon but Hecate was one of the goddesses

I have studied while I was taking my degree in history and archaeology and I

found her extremely fascinating and since her celebration is so close at

hand I thought it would be interesting to make a video about her so let's get started

the goddess Hecate has been one of the

most controversial deities within the framework of nowadays pagan revival with

many variations over time since ancient Greece and ancient Rome her cult is

shrouded in mystery well the most likely date for her cult for her celebration is the

first fortnight of the month of August the first half of this month and people

tend to make this celebration at the 13th of August

let's start with the basics who is Hecate so Hecate is the goddess of night and mystery and magic

she is associated with the doors between this world and the next the world of the

spirits and she's considered to be the patroness of those who practice

witchcraft a limited aspect of shamanism and people used to make offerings to her

in places where two paths would cross an embodiment of two different realities

and in such places a lot of torches were lit because despite being a goddess

associated with mystery and the night and darkness in fact the

festivities in her honor would begin at every morning of the days of the new

moon and unlike most people think or say

around the internet that she's a goddesss associated with the full moon well

in truth at the beginning she was associated with light and the days of

the new moon and this association with the full moon is, well . . . because of this

connection -her connection with magic mystery and witchcraft

Hecate was a nocturnal deity linked to both life and death and she was called

the "most beloved", "the queen of the world of the spirits" and the "goddess of

witchcraft" but her most ancient aspect was a triple goddess a goddess

controlling the heavens the underworld and the mortal realm

she is known by many names such as Enodia referring to a path, "the one of the paths" a reference

to her cult in Crossroads as I said before an earthly symbol of two

different realities two different worlds and crossingover and she's also known

as Propylaea and I'm sorry but my old Greek isn't as good as my Latin and my Latin

isn't as good as my Old Norse but I will do my best so Propylaea - the one at

the door a reference to her aspect as guardian of the underworld being at the

door at the gates at the entrance of the underworld to receive the dead and also

Propolos the the one who guides and Phosphoros the bringer of light and of

course Prytania the queen of the dead

in her aspect as goddess of the crossroads

the Greeks in such places would place poles with masks and each mask looking

in different directions because these were places of sacrifice sacrifices for

protection because Hecate is also associated with the wilderness the

inhospitable places and people needed protection when there was the need to

travel into such places to face the natural world away from civilization

stepping into chaos and we can actually see here certain similarities with the

old Northern European spirituality two polarities - order and chaos - the gods

associated with order are the gods associated with the law justice

household poetry and so on the civilized aspects of the of the human being and

the gods associated with chaos are the gods also associated with fire magic nature

the more primitive natural wild aspect of human being

and as I have said before she is the goddess who guides - Propolos - and the one who brings light - Phosphoros

and also the one who brings knowledge and these three aspects are connected if

we take a look at the symbol of the serpent which is also connected with the

goddess Hecate the serpent of rebirth the serpent of knowledge a symbol of the

labyrinth of knowledge through which Hecate guides mankind not only to

achieve knowledge but also to achieve the fire of life itself and I

quote from the Chaldean Oracles and I believe in English is pronounced "Xaldean"

and I will quote "the life producing breasts of Hecate, that very Living Light

that dresses itself of matter to manifest existence"

a bit confusing really I know but this means that to mankind Hekate is a mother figure a giver

of light and life transforming energy into matter and that matter creates

existence itself - life

and as I've already told you even being a goddess

associated with darkness and night and death well not just death but

the cycle of life and death belonging to that cycle the processions in her honor

had a lot of light involved illumination was very important during the cult

of this goddess and people used to carry torches during the processions with a lot of food offerings

and since this is the time of the first harvest of the year as

I have already talked about in other videos and other celebrations during the

month of August her aspect as the goddess who guides the dead towards regeneration she was invoked

during this time of the year precisely due to the magic involved in

regeneration she was invoked to ward off storms that

might harm the crops

Hecate was considered to be the

patroness of priestesses sorceress and witches she is the goddess connected

with healing prophecy visions magic enchantments and the moon associated with

warding off evil spirits and associated with wisdom and wealth the victory and

also associated with regeneration purification and transformation almost

everything almost every field of expertise when it comes to magical work

so this shows that this goddess was worshipped for a long time and her cult

prevailed the passage of time and the many and different needs of the

societies so she's a goddess who prevailed and was certainly too

important otherwise she wouldn't be associated with so much stuff

for instance to better show you how important and how old this goddess is

there was another goddess with the same name - Hekate - an Egyptian goddess

symbolized by the body of a woman with the head of a frog and the Frog being an

animal associated with fecundity so this was a primordial goddess a goddess who

appeared in the beginning of times in the times of creation when life started

to come forth from the primordial waters and therefore

the association with frogs and swamps with this goddess, swamps being those shapeless

chaotic realms from which life came so this association with creation shows us

the legacy left by the ancestors of our ancestors from a time when the first

humans started to communicate with each other the living proof of the oral traditions

so the 13th of August was a very important date in the ancient

greco-roman calendars a day dedicated to the cult of this goddess when she was

invoked to bless and to protect the harvests against the European summer storms

in the Christian tradition the celebration of the Ascension of the

Virgin Mary is celebrated at the 15th of August also a celebration to ask for

protection and well this celebration was superimposed over the cult of Hecate

precisely to try to erase the memory of such a controversial deity and

unfortunately with the passage of time the origins of this cult and its true

meaning were lost and forgotten and only the fear instilled by the Christian

Church was preserved in relation to Hecate and her cult

and now you might be thinking what is my point with this last observation it's not to create hatred

on the contrary I would like to leave a little message to you and to our future generations

I see that in this new century there are

a lot of pagan revival movements to reconstruct the old pagan ways

people are turning to the old traditions and I think it's up to our generation to have

the duty to the truth to register the truth of the old traditions using social

sciences such as history archaeology anthropology and so on I understand that

for most neo-pagans Hecate is just a simple goddess of witchcraft

but that shouldn't be the attitude towards this goddess or any other deity

our generation has the duty to leave behind a proper legacy to our

future generations a lot of knowledge was already lost probably forever so

let's not just stick to what is simple easier comfortable let's keep

researching and give to our descendants something more palpable tangible more

real to hold on to

thank you for today

For more infomation >> The Cult of Hecate - Duration: 12:05.


30 Days of Advice: Day 11 - Respect! - Duration: 0:21.

One piece of advice today

To my 18-year-old self if went went for a coffee

On this wet and dreary day is Respect!

Never underestimate how respect

Plays a big difference in your life

In life, there will always be people who

Got different views than you

But once you respect them

They'll live a really good life

See you tomorrow for an extra piece of advice

And have a super day


For more infomation >> 30 Days of Advice: Day 11 - Respect! - Duration: 0:21.


Travis Scott x Gucci Mane Ty...

For more infomation >> Travis Scott x Gucci Mane Ty...


(060817) Wanna One V LIVE 쇼콘 카운트다운 라이브!! SUB INDO - Duration: 15:46.

For more infomation >> (060817) Wanna One V LIVE 쇼콘 카운트다운 라이브!! SUB INDO - Duration: 15:46.


Best Love Song | Mere Rashke Qamar Love Hot Song Latest HD 2017 | love song-raksha bandhan song - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Best Love Song | Mere Rashke Qamar Love Hot Song Latest HD 2017 | love song-raksha bandhan song - Duration: 3:58.


【MUKBANG】 [High Calories] 50 Macaron & 8 French Baked Canelé From Amazon! About 5000kcal [Click CC] - Duration: 5:30.

Hello! Kinoshita Yuka! (Zero effort garbage subs by ~Aphexx)

today ~!


50 pieces of macaroons

Eight canele

This is "Futaba Chatei" shops of sweets

selling macaroons and canelé

I bought on Amazon

Oh so many macaroons makes me happy!

It is cute and colorful!

I love these canelé

Let's eat!

So First macaroons of this orange

all bagged individually

flavor is written in the bag

This colorful color, so good ♪

~ N! !

And refreshing taste of orange

It is Truly delicious cold cream inside

Whether or not the next is not uncommon?

Chocolate mint


I wonder if you see it contains a chocolate cookie in the


This is perfectly mint taste

It blue, it's not foodlike

But it is delicious

The following is a strawberry

In cream mixed white chocolate and strawberry taste

Milky feel

The following are white peach

~ N!

It sweet scent of white peach will spread in the mouth

It contains the dried fruit of white peach

Also try to eat canelé

I wonder what is canelé

It's unique, this texture

its very soft and chewy

Truly hard


You know ~!

can you see?

very moist, and chewy

~ N! !

Oh, delicious!

It is a little crisp surface

same as bread pudding but more softer and chewier

a more baked version of it

It is in!

I think I'm tasty else taking a crispy outer

I know I love it!

The bottom is crisp

Delicious ♪

It is very tasty and slightly sweet


I think the color is beautiful

cream Inside is different from all that is contained in the


Blueberry aroma is deep

Next is green tea

~ N! It is a fragrant green tea

Outside of the macaroons are crisp

inside is moist

delicious cream in middle

Salt caramel

~ N!

And salt accents the flavors

enhancing the sweetness of caramel


Wonder if coconut is on this surface

Ah! Coconut texture and flavor will spread in the mouth


It contains chocolate cream


It is rich

Among the macaroons eating now

it is richest

After all sweet things it goes well with coffee!

The remaining 16 pieces

It has become lonely

It is sesame

It is quite thick smell and taste of sesame

There is honey sweetness

So the last one

and a good smell of ~ strawberry ♪

N ~ ♪

Macaroons 50 and canelé, it was Truly delicious

I think both are my favorite candies

And I This "Futaba Chatei" shop of macaroons

sells so many flavors

Maybe over 16 kinds

But there are more various types depending on the time

Canelé it also was really delicious!

It is soft chewy texture

unlike anything else

not overly sweet

the slight sweetness is very delicious

Bottom was crisp, there and also sounds good!

Sweet things will make you happy!

Since its very delicious

By all means please try it everyone

also Thank you for watching!

if this video is good and hit the like button 👍

Subscribe as well please!

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