Monday, August 7, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 7 2017

Episode 120 // Chile Chill 10 - "VLT Main Mirror Recoating," Music: breitbandkater - Traumtierchen

Far away in Chile's Atacama Desert, ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) sits 2635 metres above sea level.

These four huge telescopes contain some of the biggest mirrors in the world, capturing billion-year-old light.

To catch as much faint light from the cosmos as possible, these mirrors have to be extremely reflective.

A layer of aluminium, just 80 nanometres thick, coats the mirror surface

— more than 50 square metres of ZerodurⓇ glass ceramic.

Over time the mirrors are exposed to dust and other pollutants.

To maintain high-quality astronomical images,

the mirrors must be cleaned and the aluminium coating regularly replaced.

Recoating is an intense and laborious procedure.

It is vital that the mirror is not scratched or damaged in any way.

There is no replacement mirror if this goes wrong!

The eight-day operation begins by carefully driving the 23-tonne mirror to the recoating plant.

First, the underside is cleaned by hand to remove all oils, particles and other contaminants

The mirror is then taken to the clean room for another round of cleaning,

to ensure that no large pollutants or dust remain on the mirror's surface.

Acid then removes the aluminium film, revealing the true amber colour of the material underneath.

After final rinsing and drying, the mirror is moved to the vacuum chamber.

After the air is sucked out,

electrically-stimulated plasma completes the last cleaning and drying of the optical surface.

Finally, aluminium particles are vapourised onto the mirror to create a thin, new, perfectly-reflecting coating.

A total of only 12 grams!

One final check is made to measure the reflectivity.

The mirror is then returned home to the VLT

to continue producing some of the most remarkable observations ever made.

Transcribed by ESO; Translated by --.

For more infomation >> ESOcast 120: Chile Chill 10 – "VLT Main Mirror Recoating" - Duration: 4:23.


Бой на Скарпеоне G wot - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Бой на Скарпеоне G wot - Duration: 5:39.


E-Sports: Eric Redulfin | Paninindigan - Duration: 25:19.

Here in the Philippines,

there is usually a negative reaction about those playing electronic sports like DOTA (Defense of the Ancients).

But when this group of Filipinos won in a prestigious world championship

that is considered as the Olympics in electronic sports,

the view about electronic sports gradually changed.

I had a DOTA team,

was my motivation for them,

that we help so that E-sports here in the Philippines would all the more be accepted.

It is also like other sports acknowledged in other countries.

However it is not physical, you only sit and use your mind.

In this edition of Paninindigan, let's meet the team owner of the group of Filipinos

who won in the 2017 World Electronic Sports Games that brought honor to our country.

Let us find out the trials he went through and his firm resolve despite the success he achieved.

Back then, making a living was through farming.

So the basis if you are financially capable was by how vast the land you own is.

So when I was studying, we didn't have any land to inherit so I really strove to study.

Brother Eric Redulfin was raised from a family of farmers in Nueva Vizcaya.

From planting, plowing even harvesting, I experienced all of those.

I grew up in Kongkong in the town of Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya.

It's 27 kilometers away from Bambang.

Our town is really Bambang however you still need to walk to get to our place. It's in the mountains.

At a young age, he already gave importance to education.

We studied under gas lamps.

We really experienced that hardship in life until high school.

Because when I entered high school, we moved to the town.

I lived with my grandmother on my father's side.

I studied at a government public school in Nueva Vizcaya.

I studied there for four years.

I finished my high school (education) in Nueva Vizcaya.

After graduating high school from a remote barangay in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya,

he took his chances in Manila.

That was 1987.

That time it was just the beginning of the Aquino Administration.

There was a massive recruitment of soldiers back then.

When I found out that my mother's sister was near Fort Bonifacio,

I looked for her, I got the address.

Then when I found her, my aunt said that she would just help me study.

She said that I shouldn't be a soldier because my life would be shortenedin the army.

He knew that it would not be easy to achieve his dreams, which is why he doubled his efforts.

My mother would always advise me that in order for me to change my life,

I should help myself. I should study well.

My first course when I was already in Manila then was as an Electronic Technician.

He worked and switched different jobs in order to support his studies.

I became a working student in order to meet the expenses for school.

Back then, I applied at the department store.

If you want to be accepted, you shouldn't be picky about work.

I was a janitor, a bagger.

Being in the department store is an all-around work especially if you only work part-time.

If you're not picky about work, you would never lose a job.

I have already had many different jobs that were more difficult than being a janitor.

I also experienced selling salt in the province.

I also sold slippers. I experienced all those things.

After he finished a vocational course he didn't stop aspiring for his dreams.

When I finished my vocational course as an Electronic Technician,

I returned to the province.

There I applied what I learned here.

I repaired TVs, radios.

I also installed a sound system there in our province back then.

Those were the products of my studies. My sibling helped me.

He strove to save money to increase the level of his studies.

I tried again to enroll in Engineering.

I was granted a full scholarship in TIP.

I again studied ECE. I was still a working student.

After a grievous event in his life, a wonderful opportunity came.

When I was in my fourth year that was the time when my mother died.

So I really needed to support myself.

I left TIP as a working student.

I was lucky enough to get accepted.

My first job here was as an instructor.

I was only in my fourth year of my studies but I was already teaching.

At the school where he taught,

he met the person who greatly helped him to be continuously guided in life.

I had many problems in life.

When I attended a worship service, during the prayer, everything the minister prayed for hit me.

It was a wake-up call for me to join the Church Of Christ.

I continued in joining the Church.

I was baptized in 1999.

When he joined the Church,

his life all the more had direction.

When he got married,

like many who are starting a family, his income was only small.

Before, these were my first projects,

I assembled computers, I repaired them.

Then after about one to two years, there were many customers for computer repair.

So it demanded selling.

Before, what happened was if we would repair a unit and there is a broken piece,

we would buy the parts at a computer store.

Until there were demands for computer parts.

I began to apply as a dealer.

It started with a few pieces like motherboards, CPUs.

I applied at the distributors of those products.

Until, gradually,

we sold full computer packages.

Then after about a year of combining sales and repair,

that was when we sold in bulk.

It wasn't long before a good opportunity came to expand his business.

Someone bought computers from us.

It was quite many but they weren't able to get it all.

They didn't need the other units.

So if I would sell it at the time, it would be at a loss.

Because when it comes to technology, it is quick to depreciate.

So I thought about putting up and trying out computer rentals.

So we started out with for computer.

At this point in life, he all the more understood that all his experiences

and the hardships he went through would guide his future.

Being a working student greatly helped me in starting out my business.

Because then, I helped out in the computer laboratory.

There are computers for repair.

And, of course, we also had seminars.

Aside from ECE was my course; I already had experience in repairing computers.

Now, I'm still here.

This is the job that I love.

I started here so I continued with it.

There are only services that are added but the information is still there.

This location was our first branch.

It started out as a repair shop

and this was also the first computer shop we had with only four computers in this space over that part.

But it didn't look like that back then.

It was only made of wood.

It gradually came to order,

through the help and mercy of our Lord God,

he now had a full internet shop.

I brought it over to the other side (of the street).

At present, we now have more than 115 branches.

Then we expanded to Indonesia and Malaysia.

30% of those are company owned.

The rest are mostly franchised.

In starting out electronic sports or E-sports,

he thought about not only how to keep up with his business

but also how to help in changing its image.

Before TNC was recognized,

E-sports as a whole is not patronized here compared in other countries.

In other countries, it's already considered as sports for them – an athlete.

It's the opposite here in the Philippines

If you're a DOTA player here, it's either you skip school, you're a dropout,

you're a bad influence and your parents are mad at you.

That became a great challenge for us.

Sir Eric had a vision to assemble a team who would really be professionals.

(A team) that would be a role model for other Filipino players to be professional.

Because there is a great gap when it comes between Philippine E-sports compared to International (E-sports).

And it helped a lot in terms of promoting the business and promoting the E-sports in the Philippines.

For those who don't understand, the game DOTA is like basketball.

It's composed of five players.

So if in basketball there is a Center,

here in DOTA there is a Mid.

So if we have a Forward, here we have a Support.

Then there's the Captain, he's the ball-handler,

there's also one in DOTA. It's the same.

So there's a rotation.

You could only win if there's teamwork.

Trying to be a star won't do it.

I assembled a DOTA team.

That was my motivation for them

so that E-sports would all the more be patronized in the Philippines.

It's like other sports that are recognized in other countries.

However, it's not physical. You only sit and use your mind.

Even then he desired to represent the Philippines in the World Championships of E-sports.

It's prestigious.

Even just to be invited there, there are 16 teams from around the world.

Just to qualify going there is already a great honor.

Brother Eric Redulfin is the team owner of TNC Pro.

He showed us the former headquarters of his players where they practice.

This was our first boot camp.

This is actually the first boot camp in the Philippines.

We were the first ever to do that.

Though this is smaller than the boot camps abroad.

This was where they would train and practice.

It's really small so we preserved it.

So the players could compare their life back when they were just starting out

and to what they have already achieved, to see the difference.

And because they were new to the world championship,

they experienced being belittled by the seniors and more famous teams.

We also went to the US. We were really underdogs.

You could really feel that they think that it was like only by luck that these guys are here.

That was how other international teams saw us.

We beat the back-to-back champion team OG.

That team was the all-time favorite and they were the number one team worldwide.

They also have a player who's the number one worldwide

and they were the crowd favorite and are predicted to be the champions.

What happened to us was really a priceless experience.

That history might be hard to repeat.

Of course now, we're not underdogs anymore because of the victory of our team,

like the achievements that they are able to do,

we are not only known in the Philippines

but also in South East Asia and even in other countries.

In every competition they join, Brother Eric himself would lead his group in prayer.

It has been taught by sir Eric, despite not being in the same religion as him.

He teaches us how to pray to God.

Sometimes he would also bring us to his church's gatherings.

And I think it's really good to keep the team humble, to keep the team grounded.

Though they are considered to be rookies in electronic sports

however they took home the highest title for the 2017 World Electronic Sports Games.

We were champions at the (WESG) World Electronic Sports Games.

It's the first tournament where the team is fully of the same nationality.

It's somehow like an Olympics.

That was the first world title of the Philippines.

As a member inside the Church Of Christ, there's no gambling involved here in DOTA.

Especially in our team.

Because, first of all, it is prohibited for us.

There's no gambling in the actual DOTA games.

If ever there's gambling, there are already third parties involved.

But if they get caught, the company of Valve itself bans them. Valve is the owner of DOTA.

At present, E-sports continues to be recognized in different parts of the world.

DOTA is part of the Olympics this coming 2022.

The start of their trial for the Southeast Asian Games is on 2018 in Indonesia.

Because of their successive victories, they brought home not only honor but also great prizes.

That is why his players were able to surmount poverty.

Now our players have their own businesses.

So after they won their first big tournament, they invested to have their own internet café.

So I would say that's an evidence that there is a good side of E-sports.

Back then they would talk about how their allowance was not enough.

How they would share a foot-long hotdog for a snack.

But now it's different. Because they now have money.

One of my players bought a car.

Another one bought a house.

And all of them now have businesses.

So we also teach them about business so that if their careers don't reach their peak,

they still have a fallback.

From a poor province in a remote barangay in Nueva Vizcaya,

now an E-sports World Champion Team Owner and a successful businessman.

Despite all the success, his top priority in life remains –

his fulfillment of his duties to God inside the Church Of Christ.

My first duty is as the SCAN President.

Then I was recruited to be a deacon.

That's it, that's what I noticed that every time I accept an office, our livelihood also gets better.

It seems to go at a better pace.

Then after a year, they entrusted me to become an assisting deacon

who performs at the pulpit during the worship services.

There are also many hindrances in our duty inside the Church,

example, you desire to fulfill then suddenly comes an opportunity in your life

which seems like it's the last.

It's like if I went there, it would possibly brought a good result for our business.

Then, suddenly, that time, the time for our Holy Supper,

I really cancelled all of those. I really prioritized performing my duty.

For me, opportunities come not only once in a lifetime but many times.

The thing is we should really prioritize our duties.

One of the things we pray for is to be good examples in the Church.

In that way, my entire household is seen fulfilling our duties.

We are devoted to our duties.

All things would be given to us, the blessings, if we fulfill our office

and prioritize our duties and our being members of the Church Of Christ.

Though Brother Eric may have gained material things,

what he prioritizes more, as the pillar of the household,

is to lead his family in serving God that serves as the way for the blessings they receive.

Whatever my status right now,

the blessing I really recognize is that I'm inside the Church Of Christ.

And I also have a Church duty.

And my children voluntarily accepted duties in the Church.

That is one of the great blessings as a member in the Church Of Christ.

My Father's upbringing of us is both strict and balanced, in strictness and enjoyment.

He's strict when it comes to waking us early for the worship service.

He makes us sleep early and stops us from using the computer.

He's humble everyday.

He taught me how to pray back when I was only nine.

My wife is a deaconess then my eldest child is an officer in the Children's Worship Service

and my two other children are both choir members in the Children's Worship Service.

Brother Eric desires that whatever trials that may come in their life,

they will continue to remain on the side of God Whom they acknowledge as the source of all things.

I believe that God will give the way on how He would bless you.

I myself can prove many impossible things have happened to us.

If you were able to follow our life, it's hard to explain.

It's really the help of the Father.

It's impossible for me to achieve this without the help of the Lord God.

What I have now is exceedingly more than I need.

My only dream back then is to provide a good future for my children.

That they won't get sick.

That I'm able to get them through their schooling.

That they won't experience what hardships I went through.

What I'm praying for now is that time comes that my whole life is only dedicated to serving God.

For more infomation >> E-Sports: Eric Redulfin | Paninindigan - Duration: 25:19.


Uomini e Donne: Gemma Galgani in vacanza da sola. È crisi con Marco? - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Gemma Galgani in vacanza da sola. È crisi con Marco? - Duration: 3:10.


Gossip Temptation Island: Ruben e Francesca derisi sui social - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Gossip Temptation Island: Ruben e Francesca derisi sui social - Duration: 3:11.


Jaguar E-PACE | Stivaggio dei piccoli oggetti - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Jaguar E-PACE | Stivaggio dei piccoli oggetti - Duration: 0:37.


Peugeot 108 Blue Lion 1.0 E-VTI 68PK !! ACTIEPRIJS RIJKLAAR INCL OPTIES !! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 Blue Lion 1.0 E-VTI 68PK !! ACTIEPRIJS RIJKLAAR INCL OPTIES !! - Duration: 1:01.


Peugeot 208 1.4 e-HDi Active AUTOMAAT 5 drs Navigatie - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.4 e-HDi Active AUTOMAAT 5 drs Navigatie - Duration: 0:44.


Careers at cut-e: Thorsten Blank, IT Consultant - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Careers at cut-e: Thorsten Blank, IT Consultant - Duration: 2:49.


Canton Fair quanto gasta pra ir? | China Gate Importação - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Canton Fair quanto gasta pra ir? | China Gate Importação - Duration: 6:26.


The Charming Castle of Pedres in Olbia ~ 29 June 2017 Traveling in Sardinia - Duration: 1:58.

The Charming Castle of Pedres in Olbia ~ 29 June 2017 Traveling in Sardinia

For more infomation >> The Charming Castle of Pedres in Olbia ~ 29 June 2017 Traveling in Sardinia - Duration: 1:58.


Tina Cipollari in dolce compagnia senza Chicco Nalli. LA FOTO - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Tina Cipollari in dolce compagnia senza Chicco Nalli. LA FOTO - Duration: 3:04.


The Killer Party's backstage! - Duration: 3:05.


GEDD: Guys, I need to make a life insurance. Sorry...

AKI: Now you know how Morse felt during the tour?!

GEDD: Life insurance deal anyone?

How will it end?

How will we arrive at the end of the night?


Will we arrive at the end of the shooting?

AKI: It can be done, now we turn it around and take the wheels apart so we place it here...


Haven't you got any more shirts too?

AKI: No, we'll play naked... He too... He'll film naked!


AKI: Have a look... Guys look at that awesome stuff!!

GEDD: Eeeeeeeehi!

When the shooting will be done, we'll beat you and steal it

GEDD: They're all full, guys! They must be empty! EMPTYYYY!


MAK: I'm looking for half empty ones!

GEDD: But I really like the idea, you know, to have...

AKI: Alcohol?

MORSE: Zalowka?!

GEDD: I want one of them on the drums too

MORSE: Are we sure we can clear it up?

For more infomation >> The Killer Party's backstage! - Duration: 3:05.


Gloria Union - Chapter 4 - Route B final battlefield. English translation/ Việt sub - Duration: 13:08.

Earth's relic - "Earth sprear" is a land which has lance's shape according to (Japanese) characters.

Crystal is somewhere on this place. Nervous Elisha asked why Lulu spaced out.

But the reaction was a head leaning that responded to Elisha.

After that, Lulu suddenly attacked Elisha.

Lulu who was asked by Elisha, was Lulu 's doppelganger- Lulu Mk2.

Lulu Mk2 and mad scientist Ajo Gurafo.

Although still had new mystery about their true identity, Gloria band advanced inside relic.

Earth spear, the deepest area of it.

At that place, there was a woman who was waiting for Gloria's arrival.

Oh, It took a lot of time.

Someone was here before us.

That's right. Your enemy. I think if I say that, you will understand easily.

As expected. Seem we were left behind.

Does she intend to stand infront of enemy without holding weapon?

Now, what about this?

What, what is that?

Earth's card.... Why!?

Lukia's army surely isn't there, right?

I see no sodier here. They already headed to wind god's road. Damn it.

No way... Even Burstwing ...

This distance even calculates, is not accurate. Completely diffence of ship's efficiency​.

Well, there was difference about ship's efficiency​ so far.

At least, it seem Lukia's science power advanced 10 year earlier.

What a pity.

But you don't have WILL to use that card.

Yeah. Because I'm not Euphoria royal family​'s descendant​.

Euphoria royal family​'s descendant​? What are you talking about?

Oh, you don't know? I heard that information from them.

Who really are you?

I apologize. My name is ...

Tracey... right?

Ah, I remember you.

Me too. I never forget that. Because you are the one who killed my "human part".

What? What do you mean "human part"?

Really? so it is her .

The person who modified me from human to beastman... is Tracy!

Card received "Tyrant"

Tracy... I heard about her. "Leverage business corporation" 's leader.

You know about me, right? I have became famous.

Yeah. You are famous by you will do any trade because of money

So harsh words.

Wait there. I will take you down soon.

Aniki, she is mine!

So much killing intent. I'm completely trembling.

Neptune wakes up from bottom of the sea... Sink everything by the muddy arm!

Found you!!!!!!!

Ajo Gurafo!? What happen to his face?

You break Lulu Mk2, your crime is terrible! Kill! I will kill you all.

He's completely angry. How troublesome.

Beat to dead! I will beat you to dead!!!

Thank for waiting. Becasue I had got some salt wind so I'm late.

Salt wind is not good for body. Don't make your sister worry.

Anne Comark!? Those two are sister!?

In tragedy, sage with holy staff appear... This staff, creat barrier to shield us.

I'm not free to waste any more time. I must back to my lab to do repairing.

That's all. It is futile if keep going like this. I'm leaving, big sister.

What is Euphoria royal's descendant​? Tell me!

I will tell when you become more little stronger.

What!? Her wound, why!?...

I'm a merchart, right? I also have any kind of item .

We will meet again soon.

Stop! Don't run!

Damn, she prepared ship beforehand...

She ran away with earth's card.

Damn, damn it!!

Pinger, calm down. It is not like you.

I'm sorry.

Hey Pinger, who really is she?

Her name is Tracy. She is called "creator" and like a devil.

Merchant​, and also a creator?

Merchant is people who provide goods in various places​, and do selling work there, right?

Beside that type, there is also a type that sefl-create goods. Compare to previous type, this type was few long ago.

She is both merchart and a alchemist.


That work existed in Euphoria's time. It still remains until now?

Possibly.... Do you say you were created by that alchemy ?

Yeah. An orphan like me was choosed as material for goods that she intended to create.

Fusion between human and beast... Truly devil's act.

I got it. So Pinger isn't truly a beastman tribe girl.

What? Does beastmen tribe exist?

Their existence was also written in records. But confirmed just recently.

Mermaid tribe and beastmen tribe had deep relationship since olden days. Because both demi-human.

When she knew beastmen tribe's existence, she threw me away like an object.

I never forget that time.

Good's price problem, right?

So cruel.

Why does she appear at this point of time?

Tracy 's intellect and creativeness is No.1 among merchants. I think this place was scouted.

All-purpose type... How troublesome.

Lulu, can you pursue​ WILL from earth's card

Althought it's weak, but I can surely pursue it.

All right. After her.


For more infomation >> Gloria Union - Chapter 4 - Route B final battlefield. English translation/ Việt sub - Duration: 13:08.


Best Herbal Totka 2017 Mardana timing ka zabardast Nuskha by Ashraf Health care || - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Best Herbal Totka 2017 Mardana timing ka zabardast Nuskha by Ashraf Health care || - Duration: 1:55.


Mega Man 4 Perfect Run Walkthrough - Pharaohman - Duration: 3:10.

Today I'll waling you through a perfect run of mega man 4.

Take out the vacuum cleaners as quick as you can.

Keep running and jumping so you don't get sucked into the quicksand.

Have you ever been trapped in quicksand?

Start dialogue in the comment section.

The flying screw tries dropping shit on your head so you got 3 things to worry about.

This section reminds me of a lake I almost died in about 3 years ago.

I swam across it by myself and it started raining and lightning when I was halfway through.

I got to the other side but I couldn't make it back then I got stuck in the jungle with

no shoes.

If you make this jump you'll carry on to find the super secret special item that we're not

allowed to talk about.

So don't mention it in the comment section.

I happen to like the 2 secret items in Mega Man 4, but the boss weapons kind of took a

backseat in the QA department.

Maybe the charger just overpowers secondary weapons.

Who knows?

I like the mummies that throw their face at you.

It really ties the level together.

Look at this one gaurding an E-Tank.

That was he does all day.

And that's how fan fiction gets created.

This next section looks tough but it's not so bad.

I think it actually slows down for you a little bit cuz the NES couldn't handle so much action.

The platforms eyes open if you're having trouble with the timing.

Prepare a charge shot for the mummy coming up on the top.

Then get in a few more shots and dodge his head.

As soon as you see the next guy appear jump forward shoot and jump again.

A little fart gas coming out the back end of the hoverboard.

You want to try to keep Pharohman on the left and there's a few different situations you'll

be be.

He might jump at you or charge up, which you'll want to punish.

Avoid his blast by letting them fly over your head and jumping the second if necessary.

The lower step is trickier because Mega Man had to jump precisely to clear the charged


The middle step had plenty of comfortable, but you always have to be looking for Pharoh

to man jump to you can slide through.

This position isn't a problem just remember not to jump so the flame clears your head.

See you got plenty of time.

And so does Pharohman.

I recommend NOT charging your buster for this battle because you'll miss too often.

I'm not really thinking about my shots as much as I'm thinking about not getting hit.

And I'm just firing whenever I jump or got him stationary.

This is real endurance test.

Whats was your experience with Pharohman like?

Start a dialogue in the comment section.

And skip all details about roleplaying.

For more infomation >> Mega Man 4 Perfect Run Walkthrough - Pharaohman - Duration: 3:10.


A vontade é consequência direta do que alguém acha importante? - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> A vontade é consequência direta do que alguém acha importante? - Duration: 2:01.


Barbara d'Urso pronta per Domenica Live. IL VIDEO - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Barbara d'Urso pronta per Domenica Live. IL VIDEO - Duration: 3:09.


Java Tutorial in 2 minutes - Arrays - Duration: 2:00.

By Chiccodb00

Hi, I'm Chiccodb00

in this episode of Java in two minutes

I'll explain you what arrays are and how to use them

Before I begin explaining, I want to clarify something

I forgot to say in the last episode

that is when we declare a variable

we create it but the value isn't still been specified

while during the allocation we give the variable a value

Anyway an array is a "Organized collection of objects"

which for example could be a video group

of a YouTube playlist

as for "collection" we mean

that all objects are of the same type

in this case there are all videos

for "organized" we means that every single video

has his own unique identifier (id)

An example might be the playlist

which contains all the apisodes of this series

which are in fact all videos (so this is the object)

every episode has his own identifier

Now let's see how to declare an array in Java

First of all, we have to specify the object

the name and add two square brackets at the end

to allocate it, you have to add at the end

"= new" followed by the object and in square brackets the size

For example, we could declare and allocate

a String array called giorniSettimana

which contains the name of the various days of the week

of size 7, to do so we write

"String giorniSettimana[] = new String[7];"

Now we can write within this array the name of the various days

then we could say that within the first space (or index)

we will put Monday as it is the first day of the week

However, you should keep in mind that the indexes in Java

don't starts from number 1, but from 0

so if we want to recall the first element of the array

we must keep in mind that it will be in position 0 and not 1

So if we want to put the day "Monday" in the first position

of the giorniSettimana array, I'll write "giorniSettimana[0] = "Lunedì";"

if I want to enter the day Tuesday I'll write

"giorniSettimana[1] = "Martedì";"

you can repeat this syntax every day by increasing the index of 1

Finally to print or get

the contents within an array we can write


in this way we will print on the terminal "Lunedì"

obviously increasing each time the index of 1

we will print all the other days of the week

If the video helped you understand the subject

leave a like

Otherwise leave a dislike

anyway you can always comment

for helping me improving my future videos

For more infomation >> Java Tutorial in 2 minutes - Arrays - Duration: 2:00.


Guardians of the Galaxy 2

For more infomation >> Guardians of the Galaxy 2


ESOcast 120: Chile Chill 10 – "VLT Main Mirror Recoating" - Duration: 4:23.

Episode 120 // Chile Chill 10 - "VLT Main Mirror Recoating," Music: breitbandkater - Traumtierchen

Far away in Chile's Atacama Desert, ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) sits 2635 metres above sea level.

These four huge telescopes contain some of the biggest mirrors in the world, capturing billion-year-old light.

To catch as much faint light from the cosmos as possible, these mirrors have to be extremely reflective.

A layer of aluminium, just 80 nanometres thick, coats the mirror surface

— more than 50 square metres of ZerodurⓇ glass ceramic.

Over time the mirrors are exposed to dust and other pollutants.

To maintain high-quality astronomical images,

the mirrors must be cleaned and the aluminium coating regularly replaced.

Recoating is an intense and laborious procedure.

It is vital that the mirror is not scratched or damaged in any way.

There is no replacement mirror if this goes wrong!

The eight-day operation begins by carefully driving the 23-tonne mirror to the recoating plant.

First, the underside is cleaned by hand to remove all oils, particles and other contaminants

The mirror is then taken to the clean room for another round of cleaning,

to ensure that no large pollutants or dust remain on the mirror's surface.

Acid then removes the aluminium film, revealing the true amber colour of the material underneath.

After final rinsing and drying, the mirror is moved to the vacuum chamber.

After the air is sucked out,

electrically-stimulated plasma completes the last cleaning and drying of the optical surface.

Finally, aluminium particles are vapourised onto the mirror to create a thin, new, perfectly-reflecting coating.

A total of only 12 grams!

One final check is made to measure the reflectivity.

The mirror is then returned home to the VLT

to continue producing some of the most remarkable observations ever made.

Transcribed by ESO; Translated by --.

For more infomation >> ESOcast 120: Chile Chill 10 – "VLT Main Mirror Recoating" - Duration: 4:23.


Бой на Скарпеоне G wot - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Бой на Скарпеоне G wot - Duration: 5:39.



For more infomation >> Paldins


Why many kids can't shoot driven freekick with "Rock" hard Football? - Duration: 6:20.

PLease Subscribe

For more infomation >> Why many kids can't shoot driven freekick with "Rock" hard Football? - Duration: 6:20.


This is why Donald Trump can't be human - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> This is why Donald Trump can't be human - Duration: 4:57.


Opel Mokka X 1.4 T 4x4 AUT. LEER/NAVI/19"LM - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka X 1.4 T 4x4 AUT. LEER/NAVI/19"LM - Duration: 0:43.


Opel Mokka X 1.4 T LEER/NAVI/XENON/SCH.DAK/19"LM - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka X 1.4 T LEER/NAVI/XENON/SCH.DAK/19"LM - Duration: 0:59.


Fiat 500X 1.4T MULTIAIR 140 LOUNGE AUTOMAAT NAVI - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500X 1.4T MULTIAIR 140 LOUNGE AUTOMAAT NAVI - Duration: 0:57.


Volvo S60 2.5t awd audio geartronic aut - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 2.5t awd audio geartronic aut - Duration: 1:01.


Is the Death Penalty Ever Moral? - Duration: 5:18.

There are almost no issues where I don't understand both sides: taxation, the size

of government, abortion, socialism, capitalism.

As strongly as I feel about any issue, I understand the opposition.

But there is an exception: the death penalty for murder.

Here, the gulf is unbridgeable between those of us who believe that some murderers

– and I emphasize some murderers – should be put to death and those who believe that no murderer

should ever be put to death.

Take this example:

On the afternoon of July 23, 2007, in the town of Cheshire, Connecticut, two men broke

into the home of Dr. William Petit, his wife Jennifer and his two daughters.

The men beat Dr. Petit nearly to death with a baseball bat; one of the men raped the doctor's wife;

and the other man sexually assaulted their 11 year-old daughter, Michaela.

The two men then strangled Mrs. Petit to death, tied down the two daughters on beds,

doused them with gasoline, and, while the girls were still alive, set the house on fire.

Dr. Petit survived, but his wife and daughters did not.

Those opposed to capital punishment believe that these two men have a right to keep their lives.

So, is there anything a person can do to deserve the death penalty?

To those opposed to capital punishment, the answer is no.

In fact, many opponents of capital punishment believe that killing murderers

is the same as murder.

You heard me right – most opponents equate the murder of an innocent family with putting

the murderers of that family to death.

Opponents of capital punishment also argue that keeping all murderers alive

sanctifies the value of human life.

But the opposite is true.

Keeping every murderer alive cheapens human life because it belittles murder.

That's easily proven.

Imagine that the punishment for murder were the same as the punishment

for driving over the speed limit.

Wouldn't that belittle murder and thereby cheapen human life?

Of course, it would.

Society teaches how bad an action is by the punishment it metes out.

And what about the pain inflicted on the loved ones of those murdered?

For most people, their suffering is immeasurably increased knowing that the person who murdered

their family member or friend – and who, in many cases, inflicted unimaginable terror –

is alive and being cared for.

Of course, putting the murderer to death doesn't bring back their loved one, but it sure does

provide some sense of justice.

That's why Dr. Petit, a physician whose life is devoted to saving lives, wants the

murderers of his wife and daughters put to death.

In his words, death "is really the only true just punishment for certain

heinous and depraved murders."

Is the doctor wrong?

Is he immoral?

Well, if you think capital punishment is immoral, then Dr. Petit is immoral.

And what about opponents' argument that an innocent person may be executed?

This argument may be sincerely held, but it's not honest.


Because opponents of capital punishment oppose the death penalty even when there is absolute

proof of the murderer's guilt.

If there were a video of a man burning a family alive, opponents of capital punishment would

still oppose taking that man's life.

Moreover, by keeping every murderer alive, many MORE people are murdered -– other prisoners,

guards and people outside of prison in case of escape or early release -- than the infinitesimally

small number of people who might be wrongly executed.

And now, with DNA testing and other advanced forensic tools, it is virtually impossible

to execute an innocent person.

Then there is the argument offered by some people in the name of religion that only God

has the right to take human life.

I always wonder what religion these people are referring to, since the holiest book of

no religion of which I am aware ever made that claim.

People just made that argument up.

So, if you're on the proverbial fence on this issue, please ask yourself this question:

Do you really believe that the torturers, rapists, murderers of Dr. William Petit's

wife and daughters, and evil men like them, deserve to keep their lives?

If you're like most people, your answer is no.

Your heart, your mind, your whole being cries out for some justice and fairness in this world.

But, if you really do believe these people deserve to keep their lives,

well… as I said at the outset, I don't understand you.

I'm Dennis Prager.

For more infomation >> Is the Death Penalty Ever Moral? - Duration: 5:18.


15 Gross Things You Should Never, Ever Do In Front Of Your Boyfriend - Duration: 2:54.

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Relationships scare me, fact.

Hence why I've been rocking the single life for quite a while now.

It wasn't until recently that I met a guy that made me realise that maybe my heart isn't

made of stone.

In the past few months he's somehow managed to break down my strong independent woman

wall brick by brick and now I feel totally exposed.

We are banging (regularly) on the door of being official and the thought is a little


As I said it has been a while since I've had a proper boyfriend, so I have had to familiarise

myself with the rules of what's acceptable and what isn't.

When you're single it doesn't matter if you don't shave for three weeks, fart constantly

or go out and kiss a stranger.

However, these should probably be avoided if you've got a man in your life, and want

to keep that man.

Of course we should be ourselves, no girl should change herself for a fella and vice


This being said I am a firm believer that we should probably keep some things in our

lives to ourselves, especially at the start of a new relationship.

I'm sure you know the kind of shit that I'm referring to, but if not here's a

few suggestions on what you should avoid doing in front of your boyfriend.

Ladies, never…


Talk about your number

Unless you have been a saint throughout your whole life, he doesn't want to know about

how many other Ps have entered your V. Even if he says that he doesn't care, he's


Keep it to yourself.


Compare him to your ex-boyfriend

Would you enjoy it if he told you an anecdote about the time he took a trip with his ex-girlfriend

to Paris?

Unless it was the place he dumped her after spotting you in a crowd full of people the

answer is no.


Hook up with someone else

I think this one speaks for itself.

If you're wondering why then you should probably take a long hard look at yourself.


Let him see you bleach your moustache

I'm aware that not all ladies do this, because not all ladies have to.

I think men are way too fragile to handle the idea that a woman could potentially get

a fuzzy moustache, so your safest bet is to keep it to yourself.


Pee in the shower, together

Peeing in the shower splits opinion at the best of times.

You may release yourself regularly while you are on your own under a stream of hot flowing

water, but if you are in there with your fella this should be avoided.

And remember ladies this rule works both ways!

No amount of soap can wash away that image from your minds.

For more infomation >> 15 Gross Things You Should Never, Ever Do In Front Of Your Boyfriend - Duration: 2:54.


Mega Man 4 Perfect Run Walkthrough - Pharaohman - Duration: 3:10.

Today I'll waling you through a perfect run of mega man 4.

Take out the vacuum cleaners as quick as you can.

Keep running and jumping so you don't get sucked into the quicksand.

Have you ever been trapped in quicksand?

Start dialogue in the comment section.

The flying screw tries dropping shit on your head so you got 3 things to worry about.

This section reminds me of a lake I almost died in about 3 years ago.

I swam across it by myself and it started raining and lightning when I was halfway through.

I got to the other side but I couldn't make it back then I got stuck in the jungle with

no shoes.

If you make this jump you'll carry on to find the super secret special item that we're not

allowed to talk about.

So don't mention it in the comment section.

I happen to like the 2 secret items in Mega Man 4, but the boss weapons kind of took a

backseat in the QA department.

Maybe the charger just overpowers secondary weapons.

Who knows?

I like the mummies that throw their face at you.

It really ties the level together.

Look at this one gaurding an E-Tank.

That was he does all day.

And that's how fan fiction gets created.

This next section looks tough but it's not so bad.

I think it actually slows down for you a little bit cuz the NES couldn't handle so much action.

The platforms eyes open if you're having trouble with the timing.

Prepare a charge shot for the mummy coming up on the top.

Then get in a few more shots and dodge his head.

As soon as you see the next guy appear jump forward shoot and jump again.

A little fart gas coming out the back end of the hoverboard.

You want to try to keep Pharohman on the left and there's a few different situations you'll

be be.

He might jump at you or charge up, which you'll want to punish.

Avoid his blast by letting them fly over your head and jumping the second if necessary.

The lower step is trickier because Mega Man had to jump precisely to clear the charged


The middle step had plenty of comfortable, but you always have to be looking for Pharoh

to man jump to you can slide through.

This position isn't a problem just remember not to jump so the flame clears your head.

See you got plenty of time.

And so does Pharohman.

I recommend NOT charging your buster for this battle because you'll miss too often.

I'm not really thinking about my shots as much as I'm thinking about not getting hit.

And I'm just firing whenever I jump or got him stationary.

This is real endurance test.

Whats was your experience with Pharohman like?

Start a dialogue in the comment section.

And skip all details about roleplaying.

For more infomation >> Mega Man 4 Perfect Run Walkthrough - Pharaohman - Duration: 3:10.


Mom Adopts Toddler, But 2 Months Later, She Sees Her Face In Old Photo And Says 'That's Not Her' - Duration: 1:40.

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Laura and Mark are a loving couple from Texas who adopted their son through foster care.

They were so happy and fulfilled with their growing family that they decided to adopt

another child, this time from overseas.

Every few months, the foster home would send Laura and Mark new photos of baby Malea.

Having not met her in person yet, they "lived and breathed for these pictures."

It wasn't long before they traveled to Thailand and brought little Malea home for good.

A couple months later, Laura received a new batch of photos of Malea taken during her

last few days in foster care — and this time, Laura was absolutely shocked by how

sad and different she looked.

It wasn't the little girl, with a shining spirit and big personality, who she had come

to know and love.

So, Laura turned on the camera while Malea was sleeping and recorded a video entitled,

"That's not my daughter!"

You see, these pictures depicted a child with sadness in her eyes.

Though Malea was well taken care of in foster care, her spirit simply wasn't able to emerge

in that environment.

She was shuffled from home-to-home and had no stability.

These photos served as a stark reminder of how desperately Malea — and orphans in general

— needed a loving forever family.

Even though it had only been two months since she adopted Malea, the photos brought up so

many emotions.

"Orphan eyes show the need for love and family," Laura says.

"We hope we can encourage others to bring babies home who need families

For more infomation >> Mom Adopts Toddler, But 2 Months Later, She Sees Her Face In Old Photo And Says 'That's Not Her' - Duration: 1:40.


ANNIVERSARY SALE HAUL 2017 - Duration: 13:03.

Hi everybody welcome back to my channel my name is Valerie I wanted to show you

what I got during the anniversary sale this year so

just in case you're interested in picking up any of these items the sale

actually does end tonight but the good news is you can actually still go online

and purchase these items a baseball hat which I love it is such a pretty blush

color in velvet and has a pretty embroidered fan if you're interested in

any of these items just go to Nordstrom comm and you can still purchase anything

on sale until tonight until the sale is is done so that's the first sign of my

purchase it's not a very big hauls do not go crazy this year last year did

purchase a lot more stuff I will link my video from last year but I did part two

some things that I wanted really really wanted to try and I saw that they were

included in the anniversary sale so I did go ahead and pick those up so I

guess this is the first item really cute baseball hat the second one is the one

I'm wearing the black velvet on baseball hat Paula's Choice skin perfecting 2%

BHA liquid has salicylic acid and it's supposed to be basically like a toner so

I got that one and I've never used anything from this line before from

Paula's choice but I did read up on it before I purchased it and it has very

very good reviews and it says it creates radiant even toned skin and clogs and

diminishes large pores smooth wrinkles and fine lines and it does have 2% BHA

liquid salicylic acid and it says for all skin types and this is a $58 value

if purchased you know not during the anniversary sale but with the

anniversary sale you get two for $35 so I'm really excited to try this product

because I do have those issues with like large pores and you know even toned skin

living in South Florida even though I do wear sun protection I do tend to

kind of get some sunspots or even freckles if I'm in the Sun so I'm hoping

that this helps with that the next item I purchased was this little pouch

I've been looking but this is by Kate Spade I've been looking for at this

little pouch for the longest longest time and I had no idea that it was again

I'm going to be in that anniversary sale so it's kind of excited when I walked

into the store and to the area what this is then and I saw this and it's not

really anything that I need you guys to be honest but it's just so cute I love

the black and white stripes it says Kate Spade and it's really

really sturdy really good quality and it's basically a pencil pouch and it's

originally $30 and with the anniversary sale it's 1990 and I was thinking of I'm

not even going to use this as a pencil pouch I was actually thinking of using

it as like a little clutch you know if I go out at night I don't want to carry it

bag I'll put my you know maybe like my debit card in there some cash a key

maybe I don't know I'm not sure what all fits in here but maybe powder or

lipstick so you know just kind of the essentials maybe even my phone so what

you get in here is and then inside it's just really pretty bright pink color and

then you get some pencils which are really pretty as well there could thin

pencil black and white and they have an eraser and then you also get a clear

ruler which does say Kate Spade on it and then you've got a an eraser which

does say escape Kate Spade as well and then in the back

assess to err is human

that's really pretty and then you also get a tiny fold pencil sharpener

- of course sharpen Europe in your send pencils

so I'm really excited I found this I just think it's adorable

so that's my Kate Spade item for the anniversary sale and the other thing I'm

excited to try I actually have never heard of this brand

they're called Winkie luxe besties kit and it's a $51 retail value and during

the sale it's only $22 and it comes in this super cute gold makeup pouch which

you can obviously reuse you know you can kind of it's a good size for just

throwing your back because it's not very big and it's not too small as you can

see it has a nice square shape so it fits a lot of stuff

but the best part is what you get inside you get two lipsticks and a lip gloss

this is what you get guys and the colors are absolutely gorgeous so this is the

lipstick I'm sorry the lip gloss the color is called truffle and I'm going to

swatch it for you guys because this is so gorgeous look at that it's a really

pretty mouth color and I can descent if you're not into strong scent you may not

like this but I can smell the really pretty neat like vanilla scent that this

has from just went ahead my arm over here I could still you know I could

smell that but all of that and I just love it

I love love love it and it's nice opaque lip gloss it's not a clear you know lip

gloss so you're going to get a really good color payoff with us

on blog and then the the lipsticks are also a very pretty you know they're

they're all new they're all kind of neutrals you know nude colors and those

are the colors that you get with the lipsticks

and let me see if I can find the name on this um this first one is called creamy

creamy dreamy

and this is the slaughter this is more like a purpley nude that one and so

pretty and then the other lipstick is out so those are the three colors that

you get in this set and honestly for the price for $22 this is so worth it I have

not looked this one up yet to see if this one is still available but honestly

guys I'm surprised if this one is still available I'm going to be surprised

because only for $22 is such a great deal I went the very beginning of the

sale to get what I wanted because I was afraid things would sell out and these

are really the things that I wanted so I was really happy that I was able to get

them now the next thing that I was dying to try is the gift of magic mini skin

care kit by Charlotte Tilbury and this is what it looks like and which do you

see you guys see this look how gorgeous this set is and with this one you get as

Charlotte's magic cream magic eye rescue and magic and night cream these are

award-winning bestsellers for glowing skin this is a value of a hundred and

thirty three dollars you get it for $75 so I think it's well worth it for that

price and this one which I believe is the eye cream is a full-size and look at

the packaging guys it's just like a this particular one it looks like a bronzy

rose gold color and then these are more of the trial sizes this is the magic

night cream and then you get the this is the instant turnaround moisturizer which

I guess this would be for the daytime so that's great you get the night cream

the day cream and the eye cream so these are the smaller ones for the Dame night

cream but I'm so happy to get the eye cream and the full-size so the next item

I purchase which again so excited I got the Chanel trio of lip glosses so with

this one you get the cutest little plastic pouch look at that it's kind of

like lip glosses all over it and this one came in two sets it came

and B I think what's called vibrant trio and this is the new trio so you get

serene lips losses which I personally love these lip glosses and I don't

really buy them all that much because they are kind of pricey this is a $92

value I'm sorry but the anniversary price was $92 I'm not sure what the

regular price is but this is the $92 a price for the anniversary sale so you

get these three colors and these gorgeous and these again are the nudes

so let me swatch these for you guys this first one is kind of like a clear gold

color and just you guys nail the doe foot applicator is different now it's a

little bit bigger which I personally like and this one is called its number

712 doesn't have a name is just 712 and then this one is number 714 which is a

pinky mauve really gorgeous and then this one is 119 so pretty

so it's the bottom three and these are great new colors as well I think pretty

good I can't wait to use this and the little bag is adorable I will probably

throw this in my bag because it's really cute and I love it alright so that's

everything for the anniversary sale I did want to show you three other items

that were not in the anniversary sale but they're really cute and in really

good prices so I wanted to show you so I'm really like a t-shirt kind of a gal

so I wanted to show you three t-shirts that I purchased and this one is just

really like a plain white t-shirt and it's from the BP department and it's

only twenty two dollars and it's just you know plain white simple but then

it's got this detail at the bottom you guys can see it's kind of like a knot at

the bottom and I just thought that was so pretty and different and just really

fun so I got that and then I just purchased two t-shirts and these are

just like really oversized t-shirts and this one is large but it looks like I

don't know like two sizes better than a large but I kind of like it it's just

like a big oversized comfortable t-shirt to like wear with leggings or even with

your with your jeans so I got that see it is just like a really big oversized

t-shirt really soft material really comfortable and this was $29 and I did

also purchase it in the black color that one so that is it guys for my 2017

anniversary sale haul you guys are interested in any of the these items or

are still interested in checking out the anniversary sale it is still going on

until today so just go to Nordstrom calm and you can shove away so if you like

this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe and I will see you guys in

my next video by


For more infomation >> ANNIVERSARY SALE HAUL 2017 - Duration: 13:03.


You Aren't What You Feel - Duration: 3:04.


They're part of the human experience—we can't completely escape them and most often

we don't choose the ones that we deal with.

Whether anxiety, depression, rejection, attractions—whatever it is—we simply find ourselves with certain


The most dangerous aspect of a feeling, isn't the emotion itself or even the behavior that

it influences.

But it's that the devil uses a persistent feeling to create a script for our lives.

By this I mean, he uses feelings to influence the way that each of us understand ourselves.

Allow me to use my life as an illustration.

In my early years, I found myself struggling with timidity, especially around strangers.

This shyness held me back in social situations—I didn't know how to interact with people

my age—and most didn't want to interact with me.

So for years I felt different, rejected and a variety of other things.

As these feelings persisted, they became the bullet points on a script that I became to

believe about myself.

Accordingly, I came to believe "different" and "reject" is who I am—I saw them

as parts of my identity—an identity of shame.

Now my born-again experience at 16 years old didn't suddenly dissolve these struggles

and neither did mere willpower or mustering up more faith.

The most decided change in me happened as I grew in understanding of the truth that

God's Word spoke about me.

It was assurances like: "If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation" or "we

are God's masterpiece."

I learned that these promises were the bullet points on a new identity called "in Christ."

And while I never chose the feelings that I felt, I now had a choice to make.

I could continue to allow those old things to identify me or I could choose to identify

with my new identity in Christ, even despite what I feel.

In order words, I could choose to accept that God's Word is more real than what I feel.

And so I did—and so I do.

With this, my "I am" changed from "I am a reject" or "I am different" to "I

am a child of God", "I am God's masterpiece."

If you currently struggle with something you don't want, here's some encouragement,

hear this: You aren't how you feel, what you fear or the ways you fall.

Victory doesn't necessarily mean that you no longer feel, but it means you no longer

identify with that feeling because you've chosen a new "I am"—the great "I am,"

which is "in Christ."

And that, "in Christ" is a shame-free identity because it's no longer about you—but

its about Him, Jesus, the One in whom the accuser can find no fault.

For more infomation >> You Aren't What You Feel - Duration: 3:04.


Honda Champions For Change Competition - Failure (and why it's a good thing) - Duration: 1:29.

The 2017 Honda Civic is all about change.

I think every entrepreneur or every company, every person,

makes mistakes every day.

And we've certainly had our fair share.

And they can be pretty low moments.

You've got to take those setbacks on the chin, don't wallow in it,

learn from it, and stay focused on where you want to go.

When you're okay with making mistakes, it allows you to

experiment and explore, and really let loose your creative expression.

If you fail, it's like, it's fine, move on, find a better solution.

I think this sort of mentality of fail fast to succeed sooner,

is true, and has to be true, within a start-up.

We don't spend a long time worrying about the things that have gone wrong.

We very quickly focus on how do we make the change, and what can we learn from it.

I think the only way in which you could bring your idea to life is through perseverance.

Which basically means, hitting walls so many times until you actually break through one of them.

As Edison said, it took me, until I found the light bulb,

I found nine hundred and ninety-nine times of how not to build a light bulb.

Do you have a bright idea to change things for the better?

For more infomation >> Honda Champions For Change Competition - Failure (and why it's a good thing) - Duration: 1:29.


KARD has a special message for all Hidden KARDs in Europe! - Duration: 1:34.

Two, three! Hello, K.A.R.D. We're KARD!

We officially debuted in Korea a few days ago


We've been having a great time

with a debut showcase,

new album release

and promotional activities

How have you guys been?

In the midst of happiness,

we are here to share some great news

In September, we'll go on our first fan meeting tour to Europe

to meet our fans in Europe


In fact, we're going on this tour thanks to

fans in Europe who requested us through MyMusicTaste

we've already received

a lot of tour requests from Europe

even before our official debut

We are so moved and grateful

If you want to see us in other cities,

go to and MAKE KARD!

Shall we announce the cities we are going?

Starting off, London on September 1st!


Lisbon on September 3rd!


Madrid on September 5th!


Milan on September 8th!


Rotterdam on September 10th!



Please look forward to it~

Until now, this has been K.A.R.D! KARD!

Thank you

Stop Wishing, Start Making!

For more infomation >> KARD has a special message for all Hidden KARDs in Europe! - Duration: 1:34.


Colors Song | Kids Nursery Rhymes Song | 3D Kindergarten Baby Songs by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:51.

Let's name a few colors

You wanna try?

Ok let's go!





















For more infomation >> Colors Song | Kids Nursery Rhymes Song | 3D Kindergarten Baby Songs by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:51.


Back To School #1 - Haul #2 - Duration: 11:24.

For more infomation >> Back To School #1 - Haul #2 - Duration: 11:24.


How to play guitar like Ed Sheeran - Duration: 28:12.

I never won local today's guitar lessons today's lesson when looking at how to play guitar in the style of

ed sheeran today we're going to go in through a guitar arrangement that I've

written in the style of n cheering we're not going to be learning any particular

edge here and songs we're going to looking at its playing style

so this should help you tackle some common cards picking patterns and

techniques that Ed Sheeran e quite recognizable for it should also give you

some insight in some songwriting tips which can help you when you're writing

your own songs now please be sure to subscribe to my channel so you can keep

up to date with all the videos as I applaud them and if you check out in the

description got to the wall you'll find all three card hearts and the sheets

that come with this lesson as well as a top-quality backing track that

accompanies is lesson key to practice along with which you should really

hearing now first of all we're going to go through the cards that we're going to

be using throughout this arrangement now this arrangement only has four cards in

it I want to make sure that you're in a very few cars so you can really

experiment with just how much you can do with just such you can cause I'm going

to break down the cards and show you how to play them now and the cards of them

using our C major a minor F major G major so if you already know these cards

please feel free to skip back so we're going to go over things a panic now we

get started okay so we're going to go for the cards first of all I'm going to

start with the first card of the tune which is a C major card so we start by

placing our first finger on the first fret on the B string now be sure to make

sure you getting your fingertips on there as much as you can use the pads

you're just going to get a lot of dead in the strings and you don't want to be

dead you want and those be nice and clear and not Hindry any of the strings

so make sure you getting your fingertip on as best you can and that goes for

every single one of these cars and everywhere that you put your fingers it

comes the cards fingertips as much as possible now your second finger goes on

the second fret of the D string and your third finger is going to go on a third

fret of the a-string

so we're going to be playing from the fifth string so from these extra now vo

string so that's gonna be third fret next ring down second fret next ring

down open next string down is the first fret and then your final string is open

as well now the next chord even a minor chord now you know it's all we have to

do here is we have to take the third finger which is on the third fret for

the C card and put it underneath the second finger so that's kind of the g

string on the second fret so that'll be against trimming from their string so

open a string 2nd fret on the D string 2nd fret on the g string 1st fret on the

B string and then the first of the E string 1st string is open a now

somewhere this third car we're going to do is an F major card now as a couple of

ways you can look at F major and so we'll start with the the basic widths

now so we're going to playing first finger on the first fret on the B string

again then we're going to have the second finger on the g string 2nd fret

and then third finger on the D string of the third fret I sort of played those

three notes essentially but don't worry if you get the high E string out I

normally do anywhere which technically makes it in F major seven now what I

like to do it is a bit more of a four key way which I also know that actually

likes to do which is to move your third finger upper string so it's on the a

string third fret and then we put your little finger underneath that so it's on

third free third fret at B D string which technically is a C over F but you

still use all the same notes as an F major chord so we can still do a very

still an F major chord and but that's a nice way of them

playing the F chord and it's also has a nice sound it sounds a bit fuller than

it does when you play just a three note version

so the final coddling will cut the g-major car there's a few ways you can

do it so and your first thing that goes on the a string second fret second

finger goes on the E string at the third fret then your little little finger can

go on the high E string third fret as well and your a third thing you can go

on the B string third fret so you do it like that you can also take your third

finger off odds move it down the string and your little finger comes off all

together again they have the same notes and it doesn't really make a difference

which one you use the book and on the exact same so on our way now the way

that I'm going to do this in this piece is I'm going to do the same exact notes

as the last version I've said so second fret on the a string third fret on the E

string and third fret on the high E string I'm going to do that with these

fingers so it's going to be second finger goes where the first thing I just

was so the second fret on the a string third finger goes on the third fret on

the E string and then little finger goes on the E string third fret as well so

I'm playing the exact same notes and exact same pattern as before but this

time using these three things instead the reason I like to do this is because

when playing complications like this where they go from C to F near minor

things like that when you change up to G you can keep your hand in a very similar

position like I go from s to the F G my hand is in a very similar position where

if I went from F G my hand changes position quite a lot there's a lot

there's a bigger movement there it's kind of a preference thing I prefer to

define that but it can put up to you if you prefer to go from a scale the genome

I but that's absolutely fine no worries at all so you've got a few different

options there that you can play with for a few of those different cards so for

this arrangement I've put together there's just four parts and it's going

to be a verse section a pre-chorus section a chorus section and what I want

to call it a friend so we'll break down the verse section first so the

progression you're going to go C major

err minor F major and the G major this is quite a standard progression and

which I've noticed that tune is used in a few different songs might change the

odd of the cards a little bit but this is a progression that has been used a

few times and a few of these cards do seem to come up quite a bit in his plane

so now our verse we're going to go through the picking pattern now so this

is a picking pattern that I have made very much in the style of Ed Sheeran it

is very typical of something that he would play so we'll just make the C card

first now what you want to do is get used to playing the bass note of

whatever card you're playing so that's the top note that's played on the cards

in the C in the case of C is going to be the fifth string root and play that at

the same time as playing the D string with your first finger the g string with

your second finger and the B string with your third finger so you get a plucking

more C fingers just leave the strings and you pluck upwards and you do that

the same time as your thumb

either techniques that is used by achieving an awful lot so a first wow it

seems to get used to doing that on the number one and the and of number two

because I will this syncopated so the if I just click the count that we're going

to play it on its going to go on one and two and three and four and one and two

and three and four and now if we do the plucking motion and in that camp

it goes one and two and three and four and one two three and four three four

now I might a lot that weird at first concerned you're playing a bit of a

syncopated rhythm but if you can do that then you're editing runs the next step

the next thing I'm going to do is also a really typical thing they're achieving

dozen are for what which is a string tap so what we're going to do is we're going

to just tap your fingers against the strings which has kind of a percussive

element which makes it sound a little bit like a snare drum with our backing

track it's gonna actually be on the same beat in snare drum so we're going to

doing a little string tap on beat two and beat four so that I'll be one and

two and three and four and one and two and three and four and when you put that

together it should sound like this one and two and three and four four

or or or and so it's a good idea to just go through that progression playing that

rhythm and just get really comfortable with it so the next thing we're going to

add is a little Ostrom with your first finger this is going to come after your

first look before we do our tap we're just doing a little up pick on Orchestra

with your first finger and again really typical of edge view and sit around like

this so I'm just going to play about while playing the C card a few times for

you to just get really in tune with how he should sound and maybe to play along

we've seen get the feel and the feel of the groove or getting to the pocket as

we like to call it 1 2 3 4 right the final thing we're going to put to

this rhythm is a little trick that I personally think that Ed Xuan got from

listening to damien rice and you can definitely hear a lot of influencing Ed

Sheeran's playing from damien rice now there's a trick that edge here and and

aiming right for rice both do which is a little hammer on while playing a card

now if you usually do it on either the C card or the F Codd well what we'll do is

we'll take the second finger and we'll do the pluckers normal for then whack

the 2nd finger into place on the car so in this progression in this arrangement

I've put put together we're going to do it on the first pluck at C so the very

first thing in the song we're going to be doing the hammer on from 0 to 2 on

the D string whilst plucking the exact same pattern as before

so everything's are saying but we're just adding a little hand on on the

first thing so I'll just play it through for your first so you can hear it just

on the C card

and this gives that Cardle a bit more movement and we're also going to do it

on the eighth card but rather than doing it on the first plug we're going to do

it on our second book so the puggly we did on the end of two so I would play

the third bar through the bit with the F chord a few times so you can hear it you

can get back into your head and now I'm going to put for the full progression as

is so this is the full picking pattern and the full progression so this is

essentially our full verse one two three four

we're now going to move into the pre-chorus now the pre-chorus again like

I said before this song only uses four cards it's using the repetition of these

cards so it's going to be an F card the G card to an E minor chord back to the G

card so this in the pre cards we're not going to be using the C cut so what I've

done with this section is I've decided to have this is a little bit the build

up because it's going to be going into a chorus after all is the pre-chorus so to

build it up rather than doing a picking pan we're going to be doing more of a

strumming pattern so we can either use your fingers or your thumb you can use a

plectrum I've designed not to use a Pletcher in this video because Ed Xuan

doesn't really use a pledge from that much so all of them are doing is going

through those cards but playing an eighth note camp so that's going one and

two and three and four and one and two and three and four and when you're going

to put down strums on each of those so it'll be 1 & 2 & 4 & G

400 Milan

for Dawn so you know if there's just a constant down strum so I'll play that

fool for you again and just so you can play along with it we'll do it twice for

this pre-cut in this arrangement we're actually only doing it once we're not

repeating it but I'm going to play through for you now twice so you can

play along with it and again feel free to rewind this section too to play along

with it as many times you need to one and two and three and four and

now one thing you might have noticed said that I didn't really explain the

saw is I use a bit of an accent every time there's a numbered account so every

time I'll actually say in a number are thinking a number are just on that

downbeat as they call it and playing that one a

little bit not really harder but I'm streaming more of the strings then on

the and I'm just doing a live stream so it's kind of like her I was like a

tick-tock a nice alright tick tock tick tock tick tock now just a bit of a pulse

and gives it a my rhythmic variety so it's a good idea to try doing that and

it gets used to accent it and another key point just here before we've gone to

the choruses we want you to playing this not really full strength we don't want

to be playing too hard I want to keep it quite soft so it's just gradually

building in a bit of rhythm to lead to the chorus now the chorus now the little

thing that I've notice that she does on quite a few songs I do want to point out

that all the things we covered in this lesson doesn't do on every single song

if a song like I did the same things on every single song every song would

probably sound quite similar if not the same so they're always going to add a

bit of variety but a lot of these things are covered habits that seem to creep

into the plane and and will be used quite often now we does use this to

craft them to the reverse then I'll do a pre-chorus which is a slightly different

chord progression but then when it goes to the chorus he will use the exact same

chord progression of the verse but this time rhythmically vary it so in my am

liking the case this we're just going to be playing just the same rhythm as we

did for the pre-chorus playing just down strumming on all the all the numbered

and the uncounseled eighth note count but we're going to be

playing a little bit harder so it's got a bit more dynamic effect so we'll play

that through for them so one and two and three and four and



you know it's always gonna die namaka there we've brought the dynamics or

dynamics are very interesting thing to play with there's a songwriter as that's

where we derive quite a lot of them I suppose what people call feel or emotion

in planes so when we're playing the verses going nice and soft and ice off

picking motion in the precaster drags would build that up into a strumming

pattern and then the chorus we're really bringing on dynamics and just hitting

the strings a bit harder you don't have to be very strict when it comes to the

strumming of you rhythms when you're doing the strumming patterns for example

I know it's when I did the playthrough of this and when I came up the

progression is that I often will throw in an up strum every time the card

change so justify change card I'll put up strumming strumming it's just a

natural thing that starts to occur in my plane wears off so now we're on to the

fourth and final part of this arrangement which is the bit that I'll

collar a friend with friends quite common term that we're using music for

like a hook that comes after a chorus are generally just a little hook that

can come up every so often so the refrain in this tune comes straight

after the chorus both times we do the chorus and and it can be seen as a bit

of a leading section to lead you somewhere so the refrain in the first

time we do this in this arrangement I've made up and leads it back to the verse

so we do to a friend lead you back to the verse the second time we'll do the

chorus we do the refrain which is actually the outro so at least the outro

section now you can hear this done by Ed Sheeran in quite a lot of songs so when

you're writing your own songs it could be an idea just think about little

things like this so the refrain in this arrangement is going to be going from F

to a minor

tooji and they have to do you again so we're doubling up that last card and

I tend to keep this rhythm going still eighth North thing but I'm bringing the

rhythm back down down on a cliff so it goes back to a nice soft strumming

pattern so I'm going to play that through and you're going to keep the

diamonds quite well so one and two and three and four and

now this thing I'd like to point out as well is if you do get the backing track

you might notice that in the first refrain I use a little passing card

which again is something that's used in quite a lot of different songs so

between the f2 the a minor just before playing the air minor I'll use a G card

I'll just quickly play a G card so I'll go so it'll go something like this

so you know it was just something that putting there just as a passing nor as I

thought it just sounded good the second time I do the reference or for the outer

of the song it doesn't have that in so now we've done all the parts of this

arrangement so I'm going to play through the full arrangement now for you and

with no backing track just so you can hear it and play along with it and

hopefully you could almost imagine someone like Ed Sheeran singing along

while singing all over this backing now just to make it a bit simpler I'm just

going to play the verse progression twice the pre-chorus once the chorus

wants the refrain once and then repeat the full thing one two three four


to the words of the chorus


two-three-four not to this recall us again

and I'm still the rhythm of it for the chorus


and I'm going to go into a full playthrough with the backing track in a

moment so I feel free to play along and we wind it as many times you wanted to

play along with it if you want to get the backing track up absol is fine I

like to think of these lessons are available for anyone but you want to get

the battle trucks as well you can do and so feel free to just keep your winding

that section and just play along with video with them with the cars so just a

few final fast before I go through the play so what you can do is use some of

these ideas and these chord progressions into your own songs

so I'm not going to say necessarily take this chord progression feel free to play

around with the competitions and change the order of them not afraid to change

things around and and use me your own song right you can also take some of the

sculptural ideas I've used here so like I mentioned during lesson that and you

can take the same verse progression and use that exact same progression on the

chorus that's something that might not bother doing before now one of the

things that you're most actually uses a lot as well

therefore there's no reason I can't use these exact same chord shapes and maybe

in the same progression catalogs away but it changes the key of it may sound a

little bit different so the affinities going to the capital as well so I'm

going to go through a full play for you velvet covered with the backing track

being mr. Bach please give this video a thumbs up and please subscribe to the

channel if you want to keep up to date with all the videos and lessons as I

applaud them remember to get your free card chat in the description box below

and also the backing track their company so thanks very much for watching and

I'll leave you now with a playthrough of the full track along with you



For more infomation >> How to play guitar like Ed Sheeran - Duration: 28:12.


Bad Baby Superman VS Spiderman Go to Fishing ORANGE w/ Superhero Joker Funny Prank Video - Duration: 12:39.

Bad Baby Superman VS Spiderman Go to Fishing ORANGE - Superhero vs Joker Funny Prank Video for kids

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Superman VS Spiderman Go to Fishing ORANGE w/ Superhero Joker Funny Prank Video - Duration: 12:39.


Как пользоваться телеграм для развития инфобизнеса? - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Как пользоваться телеграм для развития инфобизнеса? - Duration: 5:58.


If You Are Banana Lover Read These 10 Shocking Facts (No.6 Is Very Important) - Duration: 2:42.


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