Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 2 2017

New gender system for dinos! ^0^

Males are more variegated than females.

Which makes sense. xD

I think the nesting will be a bit more complicated than before.

I'm not sure. I didn't even try how the system works.

I am a female Herrera and with me there is a male Herrera.

Herrera male disappeared. I have to survive alone.

I will not be your hamburger! :O

These bushes are my best friends. <3

Even if it's a little bit sad...

Pack of the T-Rexes! send me a nest invite. Please. *w*

But this will never happen. :(

A long neck is here. :)

Holy T-Rex! :O

You are a sneaky boy/girl. xD

Dat face. xD

I can see correctly, that Puerta is a male. :)

I'm not sure what gender are these T-Rexes. :'D

Everyone scares me here!! D:

Do not move... .__.

How did he not see me?

Holy.... More Rexes are coming here :O

Is there still the Allo in that bush or not?

I'm alive!

That's incredible!

' Sovicka doesn't remember the name of the server. '

These clips will be only from Sovicka. She is helping me with recording. xD

I don't know what's going on down there.

' I heard the footsteps. But Sovicka didn't hear anything. '

Hmmm... The Utah is a little bit slow?

How many times can Sovicka break her leg?

Let's see. xD

'Sovicka is an endangered species'

She's broken her leg four times!

Sovicka is a rebel!

So cute! <3

This guy is so adorable. :D

It's not easy to have 4x broken leg. :'D

There is an Acro...

We will not go that way where Acro is.

''I hear the footsteps again, but the Sovicka hear anything again.''

That's so bad. :S

LOL! the Acro is broken! :'D

They can't hit the Avocado! :P

WOW! this Acro is protecting the Avocados! :O

That was sooo cool! ^0^

This Acro is a male. :)

I know this skin. :D

They are trotting like a dog. :'D

That's not a friendly Shanty!

It's a cold-blooded murder! :O

Puerta is the boss here! :P

Is it that guy from the past? I think it is. D:

For more infomation >> The Isle | NEW GENDER SYSTEM! NEW SKINS! | #98 [Early Access] - Duration: 17:38.


【信念が軸になる】字幕付き - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 【信念が軸になる】字幕付き - Duration: 3:28.


Temecula Road - Hoping

For more infomation >> Temecula Road - Hoping


"Emma narcotizzata e derubata": la Marrone sotto shock, vacanze finite - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> "Emma narcotizzata e derubata": la Marrone sotto shock, vacanze finite - Duration: 1:27.


Antonella Clerici e Oliver, momento difficile superato: cos'è successo - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Antonella Clerici e Oliver, momento difficile superato: cos'è successo - Duration: 3:22.


Gossip Temptation Island, Selvaggia e Francesco: la proposta di Desirée - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Gossip Temptation Island, Selvaggia e Francesco: la proposta di Desirée - Duration: 3:14.


Elisabetta Gregoraci peso, altezza e piedi: le misure della moglie di Briatore - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Elisabetta Gregoraci peso, altezza e piedi: le misure della moglie di Briatore - Duration: 4:07.


Reforma do MLAT entre privacidade e eficiência | Greg Nojeim, Center for Democracy and Technology - Duration: 52:03.

Now, also thanking the presence of Greg Nojeim

Greg Nojeim is the director of the Center for Democracy and Technology, in the United States

It's based in Washington. And Greg is an expert in many subjects related to Internet policy

It's always a pleasure to hear him speak and we invited Greg to specifically talk about a subject

in which he has been working a lot, he's been making a lot of connections, hearing all the stakeholders

and their visions about this and it's a subject that has been showing up a lot here in the Congress

and that is the international legal assistence. So, we've discussed this a little bit in the morning panel.

The format, the legal framework of the MLATs, these international mutual legal assistence treaties

and Greg is going to speak to us a little bit about the international framework, the proposals for reform

and all of this debate, how it has been seen outside of Brazil. So thanking Greg one more time, I handover to him.

Thank you. I'm Greg.

I'm with the Center for Democracy and technology. I want to thank the InternetLab for making

it possible for me to come here. Dennys, Francisco, Mariana, Jacqueline the entire

staff really thank you very much I really appreciate the opportunity.

I don't get many opportunities to talk to law students, but it always energizes me because

the students tend to have really good questions and respect and I find that a lot of fun

I see a lot of people who are not wearing earphones, is it really the case

that that many people understand English? How come we never see you in streets when

we're looking for directions? Well, just one more thank you and that's the thank you

for coming, you're in a wonderful city, there's a million things to do in here.

Thank you. So, with that said let me

tell a little bit about my organization. I work at a human rights group, the Center for

Democracy and Technology. We are based in Washington DC, we have about 25

people, roughly half of us are lawyers. Guess? We do hire interns but we don't

hate them. If you are able to come to Washington, if you are interested in

interning after I talk, come up afterwards and we'll talk about it.

Yes, yes. Riana was an intern at CDT ten years ago and look where she is!

So my piece of the puzzle at the Center for Democracy and Technology is to try to

ensure privacy as against invasion by the government or by other governments as

well not just the US government. Our major initiative in the United

States is to make the United States law, the statute, consistent with what the

courts have said so far which is that when law enforcement wants to get access

to the contents of communications it needs to get a court order, a warrant

based on a finding, a finding of probable cause that's one of

our major initiatives we won that issue in the courts so far but we don't yet

have it written into the law. I'd like to say that the specialty of my

organization is to bring people together from different backgrounds in within our

space, it's not about ethnic backgrounds or anything like that it's about law

enforcement interests, the interests of companies and the interests of consumers

and the interests of academics. Bring them all around a big table and deal

with a very tough issue and boy, we've got a lot of tough issues nowadays with

new technology. In this case the difficult problem that I want to put

in front of you is helping law enforcement including law enforcement in Brazil gain

access to communications content including content held by US companies

while protecting the rights of Brazilians and Americans and other

people around the world because the providers who hold this data at a

worldwide user base. I'm not going to talk about the surveillance that Edward

Snowden disclosed. I'm not going to do that, unless you ask me about it. The reason

I'm not doing that is because it's a different kind of surveillance, it's

under a whole different statutory scheme in the United States. Actually, there

isn't a really good statutory scheme for that surveillance it's very permissive

particularly with respect to people outside the United States if you ask me

about it and I hope to do there are some major developments I could talk to you about.

Instead, what I want to talk about is surveillance for criminal reasons

the Snowden surveillance was about national security this is surveillance

conducted to solve and prevent crimes.

And really it's the need to conduct the surveillance that law enforcement has is

growing all the time. And there are obstacles to it, Riana talked about one

it's encrypted communication, I'm talking about another: geography. Dealing with the

fact that the police often needs access to data that it is outside their country and

certainly remote from the scene of the crime they are investigating.

This isn't news to you but it was news to me there's been a technological revolution

we've moved data from from our desk drawers, from our homes, into computers

and then even out of computers and into the cloud. Now the data that law

enforcement needs is held by third parties, it's held by companies like Google

and Microsoft and Facebook and Twitter and they don't all get it in the same

way and then create some challenges for law enforcement.

Microsoft is what I call a data localizer, when you sign up for a Hotmail

account Microsoft asks you so where are you and they're asking you that because

they're going to locate your data near you often in your own country.

Google, I don't think they ask that. They didn't ask that that of me when I set up my Gmail account.

But Google is different, Google moves data around, Google is what I call a load

balancer, they are moving data around on their network to balance the load. If things

are busy in India, they might move data away from there to another place where it's

less busy so they can balance the load on their network. Google also shards data,

it devides data into different pieces so that even one email could be held in packets

that are held in different places, different countries even. So whereas Microsoft

is trying to pull data in a static basis and it can live with a rule that talks

about the location of the data as the basis for jurisdiction, for companies like

Google that move data around it's not such a good rule this idea of having

location be determinative of jurisdiction. And for us individuals, one thing that we

really like to know is where is our data, which might be something that is not

answerable by a company that's moving data around like Google. But we also want

to know what law is applying to the data and we can't be sure of that except

to the extent the company tells us what law they are thinking applies to the data.

That's for us, that's for the providers

for law enforcement, it's even harder. You got a policeman here in São Paulo

he's trying to investigate a crime, he wants access to data that could be held in

Seattle, Washington, could be held in Sillicon Valley, it could be somewhere else

it could be in Ireland. But he needs access to that data

to solve that crime and sometimes he needs access to the data of people who

are not Brazilians because the crimes that even local police are investigating

nowadays can be conducted by people who are outside of the country, not in the United

States, either France, they could be in China, they could be anywhere. We have

to deal with this problem, the criminals are not going to wait, they're not going to

not do their crimes while we figure out how to solve this problem and we just

can't keep waiting.

Before I talk about what I think the solution space for the problem is, I want to talk

about what the rules are that govern the surveillance right now

so each country has its own surveillance law and the reality is that because a

lot of the large providers are in the United States, US law becomes relatively

important in this area. So I'm going to talk to you a little bit about what it requires and

what it requires of the providers who operate under it. The law was written back

in 1986. It was a long time ago. The most popular movie at the time, it was Top Gun

with Tom Cruise. That tells you how long ago this was. They haven't really

updated the law in a substantial weight there has been little tinkers along the way

but there's been no real effort to update the statute since it was written

almost 30 years ago. We had the same debate in the United States

that Professor -- and I'll butcher his name -- Sampaio Ferraz

talked about yesterday. We had the same debate: is an electronic

communication, like an email, is it like letters sent through the mail or is it

like intercepting a communication through a wiretap? We had that exact same

debate and the debaters were probably the same types of people that were

debating in here. We had law enforcement, we had the privacy groups, and we had the

companies, all trying to reach decisions about what rules would apply. In the US

we had a compromise we always ends up with compromises.

But we had a compromise and the compromise was this: for content that is

probably not abandoned, that it's something that the person is probably going to want to

use in the future we adopted a rule that said there needs to be a court order

it's called a warrant based on a finding of probable cause which is a very high

level of proof. It requires a showing of a likelihood of crimes and a likelihood

that the information being sought will help solve that crime. Both of those forms are

required to get content in the United States. For non content or

information about who you emailed and who emailed you it's a lower standard

there's also a court order but you don't have to make that same level of

connection to the crime and that same level of certainty about a crime being

committed. For information that we call subscriber information it was a lower

standard still. This is information like who had this IP address -- Internet Protocol

Address -- at this day, at this time and that's relevant to a criminal

investigation because it shows where you went on the Internet

who is at the page at that time. Information like who belongs to this email address to

whose email address is this? That kind of information you don't need a court order for

under US law. Just a supoena, that's a demand written up by law enforcement. A subpoena

will do the trick. So they wrote this -- you can say the result, it kind of

makes sense for the most sensitive data you need the most evidence of crimes and

you need a judge to sign off on it. For intermediate level sensitive data --

traffic information -- you need a judge to sign off on it but you don't need the

same level of proof and for the less sensitive information you don't need a

judge and you don't need a strong level of proof. So I think that came out close to right

and it's very similar to the rules that have been adopted in Brazil and it's

similar to rules that are adopted in other countries. And one more thing, that

rule about needing probable cause, it applies without discrimination.

If you're in the United States and US law enforcement wants to investigate you

or they want to investigate me it's the same rule for both of us. it's not discriminatory.

So advance the clock from 1986 when there was no Google, there was no Twitter, there

was no Facebook to today. When all these companies that hold all this data exist and they

have a global database. What did the Americans do? They took the law that had

been written around a domestic rule and applied it to the international request

they were receiving -- and other countries do the same thing. When a country wants

access to what's a physical search conducted in another country, they think

there's evidence in this house in France and they want a search to be done of

this house in France, they don't send their police officers across the border

into France to search the house. They go to the French authorities with which

they have a mutual legal assistance treaty and prevail on the French to

search that house in France and that's the way the Americans did it with data.

They treated it like physical searches, there was not another regime to provide assistance.

So when another government wants data held by a US provider, the

American government says to that government "don't demand it of the provider,

demand it of us and we will apply on your behalf for a warrant under US law to get

this information" that's the way it has been working for a number of years until, I

think, fairly recently. So what does that process action look like

I'm the police officer in São Paulo I want data that is held by a US company

I go to the central authority in Brazil which was represented here yesterday by

Carolina Yumi de Souza, they go to her and say "help us get this data" and what

does she do? She doesn't go to Google and say "give us the data" -- she might, but she shouldn't.

She goes to the United States Department of Justice --

our central authority and she says "we want this data" and the Department of Justice

says "well, if you want that data, give us what we need to go in front of a US

judge and prove probable cause" that's what's going on in most demands

for these disclosures of content that fail. Fail because of a failure to

provide enough information to reach this probable cause threshold.

Now, this is -- in the United States it is unlawful for a US provider to disclose

content subject to US jurisdiction to anyone absent a warrant issued by a US

judge based on a finding of probable cause. Now, as Jacqueline has pointed out

to me more than a few times, but some of the providers are disclosing content

to Brazilian authorities when they demand it. How can this be? I think

that that's either because they are taking the position that the data is

being held is not under US jurisdiction if they're a Microsoft, they have

localized data in Brazil, Microsoft will take the position that Brazilian process will

reach it or if they're a company that moves data round like a Google they are

probably taking the position that there's a conflict of laws and under

international law concepts of comity that means respect for different

countries' laws, they do an analysis and if the Brazilian interest in the data

exceeds the US interest, they make the disclosure

that way. Now in addition to this probable causes built in the US law, there's other

protections that are built in: free expression; the Department of Justice in the

United States does not insist went a demand for a disclosure which it made to

US authorities -- and it is being made to US authorities, right? Because they're going

from the judge, would violate a person's free expression rights. They

require tool criminality so that there's no effort by the US Department of Justice to

assist with a prosecution of a crime of insulting a King in Thailand and they get

those requests, they turn them down. And they only entertain requests

for serious crimes for which the punishment would be a year or more.

There was one case that the Department of Justice likes to talk about when it

received an MLAT request for a stolen chicken case.

And they said "no, this is a stolen chicken, we're not going to bother with

it because it's just not enough, it's just not important enough to put in the

resources". Enough information is given to the judge, the judge complies for the warrant -- I'm sorry

-- enough information is given to the Department of Justice, it applies for the

warrant from a judge, the judge grants the warrant, the word goes to the

provider, the provider makes the disclosure to the Department of Justice

in the United States, the Department of Justice in the United States removes your

relevant data and turns it over to central authority in Brazil, the central authority

-- I'm going too fast -- the central authority in Brazil discloses it to the São Paulo

policeman on average ten months after he made the request, he's grown a long beard

waiting for this data to show up for an Internet crime that he's

investigating. It doesn't take a scientist to know that's not a

system that's going to work. In addition, that policeman in São Paulo that wants this

data, this whole system is okay to him, it's opaque, he can't see through it

he doesn't know if the data is coming, he doesn't know when it's coming and it's

very frustrating for him to do this. I mean, on the US side it is

an expensive thing, it costs money to hire the prosecutor who goes in front of

the judge -- got to hire the judge too -- and to gather data and to make

these disclosures. It takes time and it takes money.

And you know what? Those prosecutors who are receiving these requests from the

central authority in the United States they have other things to do,

they do. There are big local crimes that need to be solved and if they aren't

solved they threaten the career of the prosecutor. So he's got a hundred cases,

one of them's from Brazil, 99 of them are from local, which one is he gonna

prioritize? Which ones are you going to prioritize? And that's the way it's been

working. They just haven't put in the resources

and the person power to process the requests that they're getting on a timely

basis. The United States receives more than 3,000 MLAT

requests -- I'm sorry -- it receives more than 3,000 MLAT

requests each year and it makes about a thousand MLAT requests itself. When

you look at the big picture here, what the United States is essentially doing

is exporting its own law, right? It's getting these requests, it's applying

US rules to the requests that are coming in from the rest of the world. It

means that for a country like Brazil where digital evidence becomes harder to

obtain -- and perhaps it should -- but you know what?

It also means that for countries like Russia and China digital evidence becomes

harder to obtain -- and it probably should be. It probably should be.

Because the way the US system is working, it is closing down requests that

can be used to persecute people, persecute dissenters those demands are

simply not matched in this system. So it does serve a valuable human rights

protective function. And when I think about solutions that solve problems and make it

easier for the prosecutor Brazil to get data I'm also thinking about the person

in China and the person in Russia who might need some protection from an MLAT

system that works. So before we get to the solutions, I want to mention one

other thing: I have been talking so far about the disclosure of contenThe

non content rules in the United States, they're very different. As I said, you don't

have to meet probable cause, but you know what else? The non content rules, they

don't apply to governmental demands when the government is a foreign

government. Hear this: under US law, if there is a demand for traffic data -- whom

emaild whom -- if that demand comes from Brazil or any other country, a US

provider can disclose that information voluntarily. If that demand comes from

the US government, they cannot. They can't. They have to tell the US

government "you go get a court order" even though we can disclose this data to

every other government in the world, the US government needs a court order. To my

mind, that's screwing. That needs to be changed, it shouldn't be

the case -- and the data that can be disclosed is not just data of non Americans, if

the government of Brazil comes to Google to get my Gmail, Google can

disclose that information to the government of Brazil, they couldn't do

that to the American government. They could do it to any other government and that

seems something that should be faced as well.

Well, I've described a problem. It's a big one.

It's not gonna last though because I think all the players in the system

believe it needs to be fixed. Criminal investigations that are too important to the public

safety and they're being ???. It's unfair to providers who are stuck in the

middle between competing legal regimes. I mean, people like to say about these "it's

hard to have a lot of sympathy about a billion-dollar company" but they really

are made up of real people, they have employees they have families and

when they get put in jail for not complying with a request it's a big deal

and I think that we have to account for that as well. It's unfair to us consumers

too because we don't know what rules apply to our data. So I'll talk about

three other solutions that I think are progressing along more than the others

that have been talked about these are not things that are at the discussion form

level there are more things that I think are real and are moving towards fruition

and they kind of fall into two categories.

One is what I call the brute force solutions and the other is the

collaborative legal solutions and you're never going to guess which ones I'm going to favor -- it is the

collaborative one. The brute force solutions, you know, some Brazilian judges are

engaging in some of these, they include arresting executives of providers who

fail to comply with demands even if there is a competing legal regime. They're

solutions like closing down services like WhatsApp. They are compel data

localization, that's another brute force solution which Marco Civil has rejected

in large part. Government hacking, of which Riana talked about a little bit,

which is government's hacking into services because they can't get the data

through other legal means, so they use their own means to get the data. And the

final brute force is compelling backdoors to encryption which again Riana talked

about. All those solutions have downsized. If you compel backdoors you make

everybody less secure because you make a backdoor for the bad guys as well. If

the government is hacking into email and sending you a message saying "click here",

you think it's from a friend and it turns out it's the government trying to

get your data to install malware on your device. Too much of that and people

aren't gonna trust the Internet anymore -- anymore than they do now. Compel data

localization hurts startups, and it's even fisher, it makes it harder for particularly voice

based services to function. So what we prefer are more collaborative legal

solutions. What are the goals of these solutions? First to protect rights,

rights to privacy, rights to free expression and not to facilitate

disclosures to violators of rights or to cases where the prosecution itself

is a violation of privacy. Our solutions have to facilitate

law-enforcement access and it has to be at scale and the scale is going to be as

large today and it's going to be immense going forward. Most crimes, I think, will be

investigated based on digital evidence as we move forward. It's got to be fast

it's got to be clear and it's got to be fair at the country level, there has to

be reciprocity. Meaning, if one country is required to live by particular rules

well, those rules have to be good for other countries as well. The three

solutions that are kind of meeting these criteria, they're being discussed right

now, are also grouped into three different types of groups. There's

bilateral agreements between countries, which in my view is probably the most

promising in the short term. There's multilateral approaches and then there's

what I call the club of nations approach. For the bilaterals,

what's going on in the United States as this idea starts to catch on, is the notion

that the United States would lift this block in US law which prohibits the

providers from disclosing information to requesting the countries, lift that block if the

requesting country meets a series of human rights based criteria so

this would this would supplement but not supplant mutual legal assistance treaties

so the way this would work would be there'd be a statute adopted in the

United States that would say "this requirement is probable cause" it doesn't

apply when there is an agreement between the two countries, it permits the demand.

Okay? And each country entering into these agreements would do it voluntarily

evaluating the other country's laws and saying to itself "do we make these laws

meed good, strong human rights standards?". What this does -- and I should say there are

certain advantages to this bilateral approach, first it deals with what I call

"the Russia problem". Russia has probably a poor human rights

record when it comes to prosecuting people but it also needs to solve crimes and

so you've gotta have a system that allows the Russians to get data. In this

idea of a bilateral agreement, there would not be one between the United States

and Russia. The Russians would go through the MLAT system and it would be the

responsibility of the US government to turn down the request that seemed like a

violation of rights. But another country, for example a Brazil or United Kingdom

they might be able to get the agreement and make the direct demands of


In the way I'm looking at this as a human rights advocate is that this is an

opportunity to raise standards for surveillance demands. We're looking at

things like billing into the US law a requirement of due process, there'd have

to be basic trial rights from the country making the demands, no torture, no

cruel and inhumane treatment, there have to be a strong factual basis for the

demand, factual basis for the crime in to believe that the information about the

crime would be there in the data being sought, independent authorization --

preferably by a judge -- particularity which is kind of a proportionality

concept, no bulk collection under these bilateral agreements, there ought to be

notice, so if your data is demanded and it's given up you get noticed --

it can happen after the fact, but at least it would get noticed. Certain transparency

requirements so that people would know how often this power was being used and

also incredible process for choosing which countries would have this bilateral agreements.

The United States, as I think I mentioned, has already negotiated one of these

treaties, it's been appreciated with the United Kingdom. It can't come into effect

yet because the US law that would clear the way for these agreements has not

yet been introduced or passed and there's going to be a fight about what the

standards are for these agreements and we're going to be trying to get these

the strongest standards that we can. You know, when the UK -- until last year, the United

Kingdom did not require a judicial officer to

issue warrants for content. It was all done at the level of the Home Secretary

who is the equivalent of the chief prosecutor in the country, they changed

their law under pressure from privacy groups in the UK and under pressure from

the United States which wanted to have an agreement with them like I just

described so that the prospect of having one of these agreements helped the UK come

to the conclusion that it needed to have judicial involvement in the issue of these

warrants. When I think about these bilateral agreements, I think "well, what

countries will want them? Brazil will want one" and then I ask myself and

I'll be asking civil society groups in Brazil "what are the holes in

Brazilian law that ought to be plugged, that ought to be dealt with in this process

so that Brazil could get one of these agreements, and one hole that I

understand exists is that there's a good, strong standard, we know what it is but

law enforcement here wants access to information in real time -- a wiretap -- but

that the standard for stored data this is perhaps not so clear. Maybe there

could be some clarification that would be Brazil's ticket to one of these agreements.

That's how I'm looking into these things. What's the status of this legislation, of this idea?

There was a hearing at the US Senate Judiciary Committee last week, the idea

of bilateral agreements was well received, the Committee Chairman

expressed an interest in having legislation by year-end.

I think that's very ambitious and the other body would also have to act the House and I think

we're looking at an 18-month timeline or something like that.

Another option is what I call the multilateral privilege and this is

coming mostly from Europe, it would be a protocol to an existing convention

called the Budapest Cybercrimes Convention to which Brazil

is not a party but it could be a party to the protocol even though it's not a

party to the treaty itself. This treaty was negotiated mostly among European

countries and it mostly applies to European and North American countries. It governs

with a light touch access to data across borders, it's mostly about process not

power. The protocol could well be about power, many of the civil liberties

advocates around the world criticize the Budapest convention

because it doesn't pay enough attention to human rights, ensuring that the

demands that it facilitates respect human rights. The protocol could worsen

the problem but we don't yet know what the

parameters for this protocol will be, there's to be an announcement sometime

in mid-June -- that's next month -- about what the parameters of that protocol will be and

their goal is to adopt one within the next few years. And finally another

approach is what I call the club of patience approach, it is being

discussed at the EU at a meeting on June 8th when the Justice and Home

Affairs ministers of the member states, they're going to be discussing-making

production orders issued in one member state in the EU binding in another

state, provided that state is given notice. They're also discussing

non-binding options and they're also looking beyond the twelve of Nations

that are in the European Union toward multilateral and bilateral approaches.

So what I'd like to leave you with us is just this thought. There are options, these

brute-force options that are being exercised by some countries I think they

are not healthy for the Internet and there is a prospect for I think other

solutions that are bilateral multilateral or group of

Nations that could work to serve the interests of law enforcement, of human

rights advocates, and of the providers that have to live

with that decision to make. Thanks much, I look forward to your questions.

I want to thank Greg Nojeim for his presentation, that in a very didactic manner offered us

a general panorama of what are the existing questions in this discussion about international legal assistance.

I think it was a great complement for this morning's panel

in which we were discussing these difficulties from the standpoint of the Public Attorney's Office here in Brazil

and now we could hear a little bit more about how is this situation it the US.

I'm going to open for questions, so who has questions, please manifest yourself.

But I'm going to exercise my prerogative of being on the table and I'm going to make a question myself.

During your presentation, and this is an argument and a diagnosis that we hear when talking about this subject --

the recurring idea that the US Department of Justice has little interest in reforming this system

or in investing more money, training more people --

indeed it is an expansive system, indeed there is the clear necessity of prioritizing cases

being investigated in the US, and not international cases.

In your opinion, what could generate or raise any interest in the US government for maybe

investing more in a solution or in restructuring it in a way to tend to the expectations and demands

of authorities in other countries, so is the pressure for American interests that needs to be done in the US government?

Since it subsidiaries in other countries are going through different pressures and drastic measures.

How do these drastic measures impact the government?

So, for example, when there is the blocking of an application like WhatsApp, does this

impact any major interest of the government in establishing these systems or

is there any strategy that can be carried out in order to increase the interest in this kind of mechanism in the US?

That's a really good question. So, I think that actually the problem is

less with the Department of Justice and more with the US Congress. It's partly

with the Department of Justice because they could prioritize foreign demands

higher than domestic demands and that's very hard for them to do, just because of

the pressures that they're under. To their credit, the Department of Justice

they've done two things: first they asked Congress "okay, let's

centralize the processing of MLAT requests from foreign governments, when

the MLAT request comes in to the Department of Justice, give us the

ability to go in front of a judge in Washington DC as opposed to having to go

out to California or Washington State or Chicago, let us process it in Washington

DC. We'll build up a cadre of really smart prosecutors and they'll go in front of a

judge who is really experienced in dealing with these MLAT requests from

from other governments, and we'll do it all in Washington". And they got a statutory

authority to do that but they didn't get the money that they asked for to do it.

So Congress said "yeah, go ahead, great idea here Jane, but we're not going to

give you more money to do it .We're not going to give you more people and

I'm going to ask you spend your money elsewhere". To me that's

a problem of the Congress as opposed to of the Department of Justice. They could

do things that I consider small helps but they would I think make the world a

little better for the policeman in São Paulo who has grown that long beard

and is investigating this crime, they could adopt an electronic filing system that

would better prompt the foreign law enforcement to provide the information

needed to meet the US standards. They could have a tracking system so that the

policeman who was wondering "is my MLAT request going to be granted?" would know

where it stands in the process. They could even give an estimate of how long

they think it will take for that MLAT to be processed. They could report

numbers, they don't even report numbers on a regular basis. The numbers that I

gave you were reported just to support their request for more money. I don't

have an annual report from them on the numbers of MLAT requests they make or the

numbers that they receive. And there is not a public accounting of

the size of the backlog. We know the backlog is thousands of MLAT

requests but they don't report it, we don't know what these numbers are. So I

think there's some things they could do but they're not going to solve the big problem.


Good evening, my name is Pedro. I'm also a law student, but in PUC.

And you talked a lot about international assitance, etc.

But I wanted, one the one hand, to bring up the Snowden topic that you wanted to talk about and also

ask about the Patriot Act, that allows the US government to intercept

with a legal process different from the one you mentioned and I wanted to know how does this process

work and how can it be used to attack activists and people like Snowden?

So, the USA Patriot Act was enacted right after the attacks of 9/11 and it has a

number of different provisions that -- a lot of them are not really relevant to

what we're talking about today, some of the more objectionable provisions of

Patriot Act are related to immigrants and there was a provision that allowed the

government to detain a person who is coming to United States for seven days

without explanation, which is not permitted under the Constitution. Other

provisions, I don't remember one that specifically went after the dissenters.

Do you, Riana? What a lot of what it did was loosen rules around surveillance, it

enacted one of the statutes section 215 which was the authority for some of the

disclosures that Edward Snowden made. They were the disclosures about the

collecting of phone records in the United States but I think the Patriot

Act compared to this other statute that perhaps they wouldn't talk about but I'm going to

talk about now. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,

it's really not that impactful on people outside the United States.

There was this other statute that was enacted, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

section 702 of that statute it's the one that authorizes the government to

surveil people outside the United States without a court order, without a warrant

and based on just the collection of information relevant to foreign policy.

That statute actually expires at the end of this year, it's going to get

reauthorized and we're going to fight about what reforms the statute will undergo in

connection with this reauthorization debate. One major development that

happened just last week was 30 of the largest tech companies in the United

States got behind a substantial reform agenda and the most substantial piece of

it is to say that this surveillance can only be conducted for good reasons

like to prevent terrorism, to prevent sabotage, espionage, attacks on US forces

and allied forces. So it really was, I thought, in important statement from some of

these tech companies. You know, we civil liberties groups, we're going to say this

all the time but to have the tech companies come out and say the same thing

it was very useful and I think it will be important to this debate.

Any more questions?

Artur? Jacqueline?

Good evening, my name is Artur Péricles, I'm a masters student here at the faculty. My question has more

to do with the subject that we were discussing. I wanted to know what you

think about the problem of data collection at the borders, when people arrive by plane in the US,

the new policy on this, of demanding

that people unblock their phones so that immigration officers

can examine them.

I think it's a disaster.

I really do, I really do.

It affects non-citizens who are visiting the United States, it makes them less

likely to visit, there are conferences that have been moved outside the United

States because of those requirements. It also chills people's use of the very

communications tools that have made them more productive and more integrated into

into society. I really think it's a disastrous move for United States and I'm

really worried that other countries are going to follow and it doesn't apply just to

non-citizens coming in, for citizens when we're at the border, we don't have the

same constitutional rights -- we have the same rights but there are more

exceptions built into them as we're entering the United States. My company has

required all of these international travelers to delete their email accounts

before returning to the United States, we reinstall them once we get in, but we

have to delete them when we come in and the idea is that we don't want the

government to have access to our communications even though we're not

doing anything wrong and I gotta say as an American it really hurts me

especially that it's my government doing this to me

and there's not a lot that it can be done about it. There are challenges that

are pending to this, and I know that the Electronic Frontier Foundation is actively

looking for more cases. I don't know exactly where they're going to go but I

anticipate that this problem is going to get worse

because we've got Mr. Trump talking about extreme vetting. His first order on

extreme vetting was held up by the courts so is the second order but

they're looking for more and more ways to do it and they're looking at social

media passwords, that's one of the things that they might demand.

I want once again to thank Greg and ask for a round of applause.

For more infomation >> Reforma do MLAT entre privacidade e eficiência | Greg Nojeim, Center for Democracy and Technology - Duration: 52:03.


O debate americano sobre vigilância e criptografia | Riana Pfefferkorn, Stanford Law School - Duration: 57:43.

For more infomation >> O debate americano sobre vigilância e criptografia | Riana Pfefferkorn, Stanford Law School - Duration: 57:43.


K.C Undercover Before and After 2017 - Duration: 2:58.

K.C Undercover Before and After 2017

For more infomation >> K.C Undercover Before and After 2017 - Duration: 2:58.


Where To See A Tribute Performance To Carole King's Album "Tapestry" In Las Vegas - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Where To See A Tribute Performance To Carole King's Album "Tapestry" In Las Vegas - Duration: 7:03.



For more infomation >> ROTINA DA MANHÃ - DEPOIS DAS FÉRIAS . - Duration: 9:38.


Sara di Temptation Island: battuta velenosa su Antonella Fiodelisi? - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Sara di Temptation Island: battuta velenosa su Antonella Fiodelisi? - Duration: 4:09.


Do Re Mi [Me Tekst] | Këngë për fëmijë - Duration: 2:59.

Do-Re-Mi, Do-Re-Mi What are you doing on the piano, uncle

Do-Re-Mi, Do-Re-Mi What are you doing on the piano, uncle

Do-Re-Mi, Do-Re-Mi What are you doing on the piano, uncle

Do-Re-Mi, Do-Re-Mi What are you doing on the piano, uncle

I'm knitting a song for you, children Let's sing it all together

Throughout the field and mountain In concert, in festival

I'm knitting a song for you, children Let's sing it all together

Throughout the field and mountain And in festival

I'm knitting a song for you, children Let's sing it all together

Throughout the field and mountain And in festival

Re-Mi-Do, Re-Mi-Do Uncle, teach me the song

Re-Mi-Do, Re-Mi-Do Uncle, teach me the song

Re-Mi-Do, Re-Mi-Do Uncle, teach me the song

Re-Mi-Do, Re-Mi-Do Uncle, teach me the song

Let's sing it all around Where our parents work

And when us children sing We make handymen happy

Let's sing it all around Where our parents work

And when us children sing Oh, how happy we make them

Let's sing it all around Where our parents work

And when us children sing We make handymen happy

Mi-Do-Re, Mi-Do-Re The notes knit a new song

Mi-Do-Re, Mi-Do-Re The notes knit a new song

Mi-Do-Re, Mi-Do-Re The notes knit a new song

Mi-Do-Re, Mi-Do-Re The notes knit a new song

This song of ours receives wings It flies just like a bird

Our life is spring Hence, we always sing

This song of ours receives wings It flies just like a bird

Our life is spring Hence, we always sing

This song of ours receives wings It flies just like a bird

Our life is spring Hence, we always sing

For more infomation >> Do Re Mi [Me Tekst] | Këngë për fëmijë - Duration: 2:59.


O Kung Fu para Negócios - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> O Kung Fu para Negócios - Duration: 3:29.


The Conjuring - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> The Conjuring - Duration: 4:52.


What Happens If You Sleep With Bra On - Duration: 3:33.

Hello ladies.

Old wives' tales would have it that sleeping with a bra on will cause your boobs to sag.

But in contrast to that, iconic beauty Marilyn Monroe apparently used to sleep with a bra

on every night in order to prevent them from sagging.

So which is it?

What's the truth in the matter; will sleeping with a bra on actually have any impact on

the shape/size/perkiness of your breasts - either for better or for worse - or could it have

any other implications for your health?

Well, basically breast sagging is an inevitable fact of life for women as they age.

The reason being is because the connective tissue holding breasts in place loses its

elasticity over time.

There are various different factors that can contribute to the increased likelihood of

sagging breasts, including "pregnancy and breastfeeding, genetics, smoking, dramatic

weight-loss or gain, and perhaps even high-intensity activity".

Because of that, it is very hard to measure the effect of wearing a bra to bed, with so

many other factors having far more significant effects.

Let's think about this from a scientific point of view.

Sagging is caused by the downwards pull of gravity on the mass of your breasts.

That's why bigger breasts sag more, as there's more fat within the tissue for gravity to

work on.

When you're lying down flat, the effect of gravity pushes the breast tissue back towards

your chest, instead of down towards your toes.

So, wearing a bra (the purpose of which is ultimately to support breasts from below)

is essentially redundant in bed, as breasts naturally compress back down onto the chest.

Based on this gravity logic, prolonged periods of lying down (regardless of whether you're

wearing a bra or not) probably would prevent boobs from sagging long-term.

But this would require longer than your average 7/8 hour sleep, and who wants to lie down

for 20 hours a day just to make sure your breasts remain perky when you hit the menopause?

Not me.

So that seems to be the sagging issue resolved: it's unlikely to have any real effect.

But what about any other health implications an all-nighter in your bra might have?

With regard to the breast tissue itself: if your bra often leaves impressions in your

skin from being too tight, then wearing it 24/7 won't give the skin a chance to recover

and bounce back from these, leading to long-term indents in the tissue.

Then aside from the breasts themselves, there's a lot going on by way of important anatomy

around the chest area: from muscles to vessels, lymph nodes to nerves.

If your bra is too tight, you may be restricting your blood supply to the breasts and surrounding


The same goes for the lymphatic system: a tight bra may restrict the flow of lymph to

the many important lymph nodes around the breast and armpit, hindering the system's

vital function of flushing toxic waste-products from the body.

As for the conclusion, it's probably best to steer clear from wearing a bra in bed,

and that's not to mention the effect it might have on your quality of sleep, especially

if it's underwired.

The bottom line is that there are plenty of reasons you shouldn't wear your bra to bed;

breast sagging just isn't one of them.

For more infomation >> What Happens If You Sleep With Bra On - Duration: 3:33.


Opel Agila 1.2 Njoy Duo Color two tone,bj.2002,NAP uitdraai met 78093 km.en APK tot 12/2017,kleine e - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Opel Agila 1.2 Njoy Duo Color two tone,bj.2002,NAP uitdraai met 78093 km.en APK tot 12/2017,kleine e - Duration: 0:58.


Things You Should Know About Your Oven - Duration: 2:36.

Hi I'm Mike are you a new home owner? or new to cooking?

Today I'm going to be sharing with you a few things you need to know about your oven in

front of us we have our oven now keep in mind your oven may look different however all of

the tips I am going to give you here today should be applicable to your oven opening

the oven door while backing can decrease the temperature inside anywhere between 30 and

50 degrees Fahrenheit every time you open it so be careful you are not opening the door

to much while the oven is on this way we do not damage the inside of the oven or ruin

our meal it is easy to burn your hands on items you forget were inside the next time

your preheating your oven so I recommend that you that you take out any items that you usually

store inside of the oven and you take them out completely or you store them in the bottom

drawer of the oven now keep in mind that you may have a broiler pan like us please do not

put any type of pots and pans on this broiler pan you are just simply going to have to store

it outside of the oven if you are using your oven regularly I suggest that you clean it

at least once a month this will help prevent any grease fires or build up in your range

it will help it keep it working efficiently never try to extinguish any type of grease

fire with water instead make sure you have a designated place for a fire extinguisher

in your kitchen if you have a as range make sure that the flame on the gas range isn't

bigger than the pot that you are using if you have a as range always make sure that

the surface burner flame should not be bigger than the pot if you have an electric range

please make sure to turn off the burner after each use when using a pot or a pan on your

range make sure that the substance you are cooking is inside of the pot before you set

it down on the burner this will cause damage to your pans and range if you do not do this

do a routine maintenance on your range and make sure that all of the parts on the range

are working effectively if you are having any problems with your range or you need any

replacement parts for your range please go to the repair help section on our website

Thanks for watching our video your support is what allows us to keep creating these free

content for you to enjoy please like, comment, or share, and if you really enjoyed our video

please subscribe down below

For more infomation >> Things You Should Know About Your Oven - Duration: 2:36.


How To Figure Out What Is Causing Your Dryer To Squeak - Duration: 5:06.

Hi I'm Mike and today I am going to help you diagnose the reason why your dryer is making

a squeaking sound and I'm also going to give you some parts that you may need to replace

in order to fix this you may need a Phillips head screw driver and a puddy knife in order

to to complete this project in front of us we have a Maytag centennial dryer now your

dryer may look different because their are many different brands and makes and models

however I am going to show you a bunch of ways that you can diagnose your problem and

it will work on your dryer as well in order for us to diagnose this washer we are going

to need to run it for a little bit in order to where the squeaking is coming from now

the squeaking may be coming from three possible places and that is the back of the dryer on

top of the dryer of in the bottom of the cabinet this squeaking can come from parts on the

dryer that may become worn out and may need to be replaced the bearings are located behind

the back panel of the dryer usually our dryer however does not have bearings so I won't

be able to show you that but I do recommend taking a look at your owners manual to see

how you could remove that back panel and I would defiantly check the bearings if you

do have them a lot of times they become rusted and may need to be lubed or replaced so now

I am going to gain access to the inside of the dryer by removing the top panel of the

dryer now like I said previously this may not work the same on your model number however

you can take a look at your owners manual it should help you understand how to remove

the top panel of your dryer so I am going to remove the lint screen the two screws holding

the top panel to the lint trap using a puddy knife I am just going to pop open the top

so now I am going to lift the top panel of the dryer and I am going to make sure that

either you put it against the wall or build some kind of support system this way we do

not damage anything on the top of the dryer so if you noticed you have a loud screeching

noise coming from the top of the dryer the belt is usually the cause of the problem belts

over time can become fray of shift on the drum and this will cause the drum to make

a lot of noise so I recommend taking a good look at your belt even if you think the problem

is anywhere else because these belts typically break pretty easily so if you took at your

belt and you notice that the belt is fine and there does not really seem to be any problem

with it you can probably determine that the squeaking is coming from the bottom of the

dryer I am going to show you a few parts that could be giving you trouble and could be causing

the squeaking in order to gain access to the bottom of the dryer I am going to have to

take off this front panel and I am going to do that by first unclipping this switch and

next I am going to have to remove screws on the inside of the dryer that are holding this

panel in once both of those screws have been removed I am going to take the front panel

and I am just going to pull it up now I had to pull the drum on my model but depending

on you model you may not have to to do that so just keep that in mind another part we

can also look for is the dryer seal now this seal is held in with an adhesive and sometimes

the adhesive can get to hot and met so here see our seal that it is starting to come off

and that is what is causing the squeaking for us because the dryer drum when it is in

motion is rubbing up against this panel right here so we are going to have to replace that

so we figured out our problem however if you noticed that your seal is okay we can go ahead

and take a look at some other issues that you may have in the bottom of the drum the

next part we are going to take a look at is the idler pulley and the idler pulley is going

to be located right here depending on your make or model it should relatively look the

same if it begins to ware out over time because it constantly moving the belt to the dryer

and sometimes the plastic on the idler pulley can get melted off due to the heat so I would

defiantly take a look and see if the idler pulley is the cause of the blame if you notice

that your idler pulley is not the issue I would also take a look at the motor of the

dryer now our motor is located in the back of the idler pulley your motor should be located

there to the motor helps rotate the belt with this metal piece right here where the belt

is wrapped around now sometimes the motor can become weakened over time if you have

had your dryer model for a couple of years it could possibly be the case any of the parts

I showed you here today could be the reason why your dryer is squeaking you can find an

OEM original equipment manufactured replacement part on our website Thanks for watching our


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For more infomation >> How To Figure Out What Is Causing Your Dryer To Squeak - Duration: 5:06.


How to make a CONTOURING | Presiana Makeup - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> How to make a CONTOURING | Presiana Makeup - Duration: 3:50.


How To Fix A Shaky Washing Machine - Duration: 2:53.

Hi, I'm Jordan.

Having a shaky or wobbly washer is one of the most common problems people have when

trouble shooting water issues.

Let's take a look at the different reasons why your washer maybe wobbling and how to

fix them.

Here I have my washer model, your washer model may look different, however, the information

I give you here today will be applicable both to front load and top load washer model.

The unbalanced load is the most common reasons why your washer could be shaky and it's the

easiest to fix.

An unbalanced load is just when all of your clothes get stuck on one side of the washer

causing a weight distribution issue.

To fix this, simply open your washer and evenly distribute the clothes.

These are the leveling legs on your model, however, your legs may look different based

on your model.

Leveling legs are used to balance and support the washing machine and are made to be adjustable

so you can lower the washing machine the way you need to, so it will be leveled.

May sure all leveling legs are intact and the washing machine is sitting firmly on all

of them.

Also, inspect that the rubber feet are in good condition.

If any of these objects are worn, damaged or broken, you simply just need to replace


Suspension springs stabilize the washer tubes and absorb the vibration while the washing

machine is in the spin cycle.

If this suspension spring breaks, your washer might be unbalanced and this ultimately causes

it to shake during a cycle.

To fix this, you need to remove the top handle of the washing machine and check to see if

the spring is damaged.

Also, look out for stretching, usually if one is damaged you will most likely want to

replace all of them.

Since we have a top load washer, I'm going to show you what their shock absorbers look like.

Now, this is a shock absorber, however, your model may look different but they still

operate the same.

The shock absorber dims the vibration of a washing machine.

When these shock absorbers become damaged, unbalanced loads will cause your washer to

be wobbly.

This can also create a loud dinging noise, which is not pleasant.

Make sure your shock absorbers are correctly installed and in the right position.

To do this you need to remove the front panel or rear panel to access them, when this happens.

Also, inspect that these shock absorbers are not damaged or worn.

These symptoms can cause the machine to shake as well.

If you need to replace any of the parts we talked about today, you can find an O.E.M.

replacement part on our site.

Thanks for watching!

You're support helps us to create these free videos for you to enjoy.

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And if you liked our video please subscribe down below.

For more infomation >> How To Fix A Shaky Washing Machine - Duration: 2:53.


Common Reasons Why Your Washer Is Leaking - Duration: 2:44.

Hi, I'm Jordan.

Today I'm going to show you some possible reasons on why your washer maybe leaking.

Having a leaky washer can be very dangerous when it's in use.

Especially, if there are leaking puddles on the floor.

This is our washer model, however, your washer may look different keep in mind these same

techniques can apply to yours too.

So, how do we check our washer?

Let's start with reasons for over filling your washer and how it can cause those annoying


Check to see if your pressure switch is working properly.

If not it can cause the water to overfill during the beginning of the cycle.

Also, you might want to check the air dome tube, which activates the switch.

Usually, the switch is located behind the control panel.

The switch will be right here and the tube, also called the pressure switch hose, will

be located right here.

Another reason for leaking, is do to an inoperative fill valve.

During the fill cycle unplugged the washer to see if the water will stop.

If the water does not stop your fill valve might need to be replaced.

And just like before, its going to be located behind the control panel, which is right here.

The door seal, might be another culprit for your washer leaking.There might be a torn

hole somewhere that is preventing the door from closing properly, which can lead to leaking

from your washer.

If the water is leaking from the inside of the washer you must identify which part of

the cycle it is happening at.

Improper loading and improper detergent usage can cause the system to malfunction.

I also recommend you check for any cracks or possible fractures on the door gaskets,

air dome and the outer tube.

Other mechanically causes could be related to the pump not removing the water fast enough

and causing water to spill all over the top of the tub.

Unsecured drain hoses and unsecured pump valves may also cause this condition.

If you see water leaking from your water inlet valve it is recommended to examine and see

if the inlet hoses are connected properly.

If the hoses are not connected properly be sure to re-plug the hoses and check to see

if they are working efficiently, when in use.

If your washing machine is not working for different reasons, please check out our website

to find out what parts you might need to fix the problem.

Thanks for watching.

Your support helps us to make these free videos for you to enjoy.

Please, like, comment and share.

And if you really like our video, please subscribe down below.

For more infomation >> Common Reasons Why Your Washer Is Leaking - Duration: 2:44.


FDA Biomarker Program

For more infomation >> FDA Biomarker Program


Du minecraft - Duration: 1:12:54.

For more infomation >> Du minecraft - Duration: 1:12:54.


The Isle | NEW GENDER SYSTEM! NEW SKINS! | #98 [Early Access] - Duration: 17:38.

New gender system for dinos! ^0^

Males are more variegated than females.

Which makes sense. xD

I think the nesting will be a bit more complicated than before.

I'm not sure. I didn't even try how the system works.

I am a female Herrera and with me there is a male Herrera.

Herrera male disappeared. I have to survive alone.

I will not be your hamburger! :O

These bushes are my best friends. <3

Even if it's a little bit sad...

Pack of the T-Rexes! send me a nest invite. Please. *w*

But this will never happen. :(

A long neck is here. :)

Holy T-Rex! :O

You are a sneaky boy/girl. xD

Dat face. xD

I can see correctly, that Puerta is a male. :)

I'm not sure what gender are these T-Rexes. :'D

Everyone scares me here!! D:

Do not move... .__.

How did he not see me?

Holy.... More Rexes are coming here :O

Is there still the Allo in that bush or not?

I'm alive!

That's incredible!

' Sovicka doesn't remember the name of the server. '

These clips will be only from Sovicka. She is helping me with recording. xD

I don't know what's going on down there.

' I heard the footsteps. But Sovicka didn't hear anything. '

Hmmm... The Utah is a little bit slow?

How many times can Sovicka break her leg?

Let's see. xD

'Sovicka is an endangered species'

She's broken her leg four times!

Sovicka is a rebel!

So cute! <3

This guy is so adorable. :D

It's not easy to have 4x broken leg. :'D

There is an Acro...

We will not go that way where Acro is.

''I hear the footsteps again, but the Sovicka hear anything again.''

That's so bad. :S

LOL! the Acro is broken! :'D

They can't hit the Avocado! :P

WOW! this Acro is protecting the Avocados! :O

That was sooo cool! ^0^

This Acro is a male. :)

I know this skin. :D

They are trotting like a dog. :'D

That's not a friendly Shanty!

It's a cold-blooded murder! :O

Puerta is the boss here! :P

Is it that guy from the past? I think it is. D:

For more infomation >> The Isle | NEW GENDER SYSTEM! NEW SKINS! | #98 [Early Access] - Duration: 17:38.


【信念が軸になる】字幕付き - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 【信念が軸になる】字幕付き - Duration: 3:28.


CKY - Replaceable

For more infomation >> CKY - Replaceable


Fixing A Washing Machine That Won't Drain - Duration: 3:10.

Hi I'm Jordan.

Is your washing machine not draining correctly, or not at all?

Today I'm going to show you why this might be happening and how to possibly fix your


When working on any appliance that has an electrical current, you need to unplug the

machine or turn off the fuse at the circuit breaker to ensure your own safety.

Not doing to can be hazardous.

Before we begin, remember to check your owner's manual for troubleshooting methods.

You will get an idea about the certain things you need to be looking for as you inspect

the unit.

Also, the compartments to get into your unit might not be in the front.

Try to locate where you can access the inside of your unit.

If you have to pull it out, make sure you have enough space around you to pull out the

unit in order to inspect it.

As a part of all repairs, you should take a picture with your phone or label parts with

numbers before taking things apart in order to remember how to resemble your unit when

you're done.

Here I have my washing machine model.

Please keep in mind that your washing machine may look different than mine, however, this

video can still apply to your washing machine.

The drain pump is responsible for pumping out the water from your system.

If it's damaged or broken, your washer will obviously not drain out the water.

In order to check this part, you'll have to access the inside of your unit and locate

the pump.

Before you replace this unit, you should take apart the hosing from the pump, and check

the pump for any small pieces of clothing like socks or wash rags that could've gotten

into your system.

Also, make sure there are no nicks or obstructions to any of the hoses.

If there are, it can be a reason why your system isn't draining properly.

If your pump is clear, it may be time to replace the unit.

The drive belt is a long band that connects the drive motor to your transmission of your


When inspecting your unit, make sure this belt is not loose, frayed, or broken.

In any of the three cases it will make it hard for the tub to spin and do its proper

job to move the parts that help drain the system.

If your drive belt is broken, be sure to check the rim of the inside of your unit.

Any pieces of clothing that get stuck around the top of the basket can cause the pulley

to work harder than it has to and it might slip or damage your unit.

Once removed, you can replace your drive belt as simply as removing clamps and sliding the

belt off the transmission and motor pulleys.

The lid switch assembly's job is to prevent the washer from running if the lid is open.

So when the assembly fails, the water will not drain from the system.

Check to see if the wiring of the lid switch is damaged and also check to see if the switch

itself is damaged.

Replacing the lid switch is easy and will only take a few minutes.

If you need to replace any of the parts we talked about today, you can find an OEM replacement

part on our site.

Thanks for watching!

Your support helps us to create these free videos for you to enjoy.

Please like, comment, and share.

And if you really like our video, please subscribe down below.

For more infomation >> Fixing A Washing Machine That Won't Drain - Duration: 3:10.


Why Won't My Top-Load Washer Start? - Duration: 2:46.

Hi, I'm Mike and today I'm going to show you a few things you may want to check on your washer,

in order to get it started working properly again.

So, before we open up the washer and start taking a look at a few different parts that

we may need to replace, I suggest that you unplug the washing machine and then plug it

back in and see if that will do the trick.

If that doesn't work, then I suggest unplugging the washer and taking a look at the outlet.

Sometimes outlets will become damaged and it will stop working over time.

If you check the outlet and make sure everything looks O.K. then I would take a look at the

circuit breaker and make sure that the line of power that is going to the washer hasn't


If the incoming power source looks OK and you checked your circuit breaker, I would

then look at the power cord.

Make sure that it is not frayed or damaged because this can also effect the amount of

electricity into the washer.

After you check the power source and the power cord and you noticed that there is nothing

wrong with either of those things, I would than begin taking a look at a few parts on

your washer model.

First part I would look at it is the lid switch.

The lid switch is what tells the washing machine that the door is shut, which will let it begin

its cycle.

You may need to replace the lid switch if you notice that the top of the lid switch

is cracked or baldly damaged.

The wiring to the switch is also frayed or damaged or if the top of the switch is missing.

If you took a look at your lid switch and noticed that there is nothing blatantly wrong

with it, I would than take a look at the control board.

The control board is located behind the knobs at the front assembly.

I would take a look at the control boar and make sure that all the wires are connected

and I would also take a look at any burn marks on the control board, signaling that something

has shorted out.

Some washer models have a timer here, instead of a control board, I suggest taking a look

at that as well.

The timer is what tells the washing machine how long to operate and when to operate so

I would take a look at that and make sure that there is nothing wrong with the timer

as well.

If you need any of the parts we mentioned in this video, you can find the specific replacement

for your range using your part number or your model number.

Thanks for watching our video.

Your support is what allows us to keep putting up this free content for you to enjoy.

If you liked our video please like, comment or share.

And if you really enjoyed out video please subscribe down below.

For more infomation >> Why Won't My Top-Load Washer Start? - Duration: 2:46.


Donald Trump Says Important People Are Calling To Praise Him. It Isn't True - Duration: 3:42.

Most people in this country understand that Donald Trump has a very real problem with

telling the truth.

He's not an honest guy, he's not a trustworthy guy, and he's not shy about making things

up, even when they're easily verifiably false.

In fact, that's what he's done in the last week.

According to Donald Trump, he has received two wonderfully amazing phone calls in the

last week.

The first one came from the Boy Scouts, telling him what a great job he did at that speech,

and how much everybody loved it, that was just one of the greatest things they've seen

in their life.

The second phone call he got was from the President of Mexico, congratulating him on

what a great job he is doing on border security here in the United States.

They just love it down there.

Everything's great, Donald Trump's just the greatest guy that ever lived.

Here's the thing, neither of those phone calls actually ever happened.

Donald Trump claimed that he got the phone call from the leader of the Boy Scouts and

from the President of Mexico, to congratulate him and tell him how awesome he is.

Then both groups had to come out and say, "No, we actually didn't call you.

Why are you making this up?"

Now, it's one thing for him to go out there and lie and say, "Look, I'm getting emails

all the time, I'm getting phone calls, people telling me how much they love me."

We the public can't necessarily prove that that's not true.

But when you start saying a specific person called you, yeah, that person can easily say,

"Yeah, I didn't.

Would you like to check my call log?

I don't personally like the guy, and not a fan of what he's doing."

That's basically what's happened at this point.

Donald Trump got busted lying twice about two phone calls that never happened.

And the reason he's even lying about it in the first place is because he needs to stroke

his own ego, because that's all he has.

He wants to think that people like what he's doing.

He wants to think that people are congratulating him and think he's doing a great job, because

that's what his little bubble is all about.

But once he steps outside that bubble, he understands that the Boy Scout leader had

to friggin' apologize to the public for how disgusting Donald Trump's speech was.

And the President of Mexico does not care what Donald Trump is doing, and he makes damn

sure everybody knows that he's not paying for the stupid wall that Trump still wants

to build.

Donald Trump does not have any friends.

Donald Trump does not have any allies.

The only people in this country that think he's doing a good job and want to congratulate

him are the alt-right, and the people he has surrounded himself and his cabinet with.

Some of them, I imagine most of them probably don't want to congratulate him either, because

they're terrified of losing their jobs.

But that is the reality that we live in, folks.

Donald Trump is not a member of that reality.

He is in his own little mental illness, dangerously narcissistic bubble, where he thinks all the

great things are happening for him, where he thinks everybody thinks he's doing a good

job, because he refuses to accept the truth and admit that the majority of this country

doesn't like him.

We don't like what he's saying, we don't like what he's doing, and almost half of us are

ready to get his ass impeached and get him out

of office.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Says Important People Are Calling To Praise Him. It Isn't True - Duration: 3:42.


Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan 1.8t Linear - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan 1.8t Linear - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI i-M. Comf. Navi + Cruise - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI i-M. Comf. Navi + Cruise - Duration: 0:57.


Beautiful Wife Of Indian Cricketers Shocking Look Without Makeup | You Won't Believe - Duration: 5:20.

Beautiful Wife Of Indian Cricketers Shocking Look Without Makeup | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> Beautiful Wife Of Indian Cricketers Shocking Look Without Makeup | You Won't Believe - Duration: 5:20.


Smoked out eyeliner tutorial - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Smoked out eyeliner tutorial - Duration: 4:35.


"Keeping the Look Loose": Embodying Change with the Brooklyn Youth Chorus - Duration: 7:56.

[Woman] Why? Why?

Why isn't my expectation me?

Strapped in with vulnerability.

Dressed against self-doubt.

It looks as if when my looks don't reflect you,

No one including me,

Will say, "Beautiful."

Why can't I keep the look loose?

(street sounds)

I wanted to write this piece about body image

because it's something that affects all girls

in different ways.

There's this one acceptable way

that you're supposed to look,

and anyone who doesn't look like that

is not acceptable.

Beauty isn't something you can tangibly represent

in one image, or something you can sell.

It's not one person

or one type of person or one race.

Growing up as a woman in society

and as a person in society,

you're basically constantly bombarded

with over-sexualized images of women

who look a certain way

that's unattainable for most people,

it makes you feel ashamed of yourself.

Like looking though Instagram,

like I always feel like, "Oh, am I not pretty enough?

"Am I not skinny enough?"

'Cause I see girls who are like skinny,

and they get so much attention about them.

It's like I need to stop worrying about this,

like that's not who I am.

Worry about who I am.

Growing up,

I'd been living in the mindset that

it is better to be white.

As a four-year-old,

I actually remember saying to my mom one day,

"You know Ma,

I'm not really feeling my black skin anymore,

like I don't wanna be black."

And that's such,

of course, i didn't like realize

how significant that was at the time.

But like now,

it's like I was basically

denying myself.

Of course, I've grown to love myself.

I'm really great friends with myself.

But, there's still that idea

that's been enforced in this society

that like being African American

and having curly hair and curves

is not as beautiful.

Every time I look back,

you were looking without seeing the me that is me.

Even as I turn the corner,

you are defining me.

Whatever I am wearing,

I am also wearing you. Let me have that thing.

Let me have me. Let's keep the look loose.

I don't know, I took me a very, very long time

as a woman to sort of feel

more comfortable in my body,

and even now, I don't feel totally comfortable.

It's not as bad as it was when I was 16,

but it's still there.

I'm half Indian,

I have a southern Indian body.

It does really conform

to what the Western standards our body is suppose to be,

and so, I've always struggled

with accepting what I look like.

For me, writing this piece

was sort of to put this empowering language

out there for the girls

and give them some agency.

That's why the piece has all of the body percussion in it.

To get them, to put them in their bodies

and give them a little more power.

(Choir sings)

When did I part ways with myself?

That's so, it's so true

and in my own personal scenario situation.

Like, my hair as an example.

It's such a huge part of who I am.

I have very, very curly hair

'cause I'm half Puerto Rican, half Haitian

so my hair's big.

But, I've been wearing it up in this bun

since the fourth grade because I was always

very self conscious or embarrassed

that people who didn't have hair like mine

would question it or wouldn't think it was pretty.

[Interviewer] Let me see your bun.

I've gotten really good.

It's not one of those foam donut things.

I just twist it and then I, yeah.

[Interviewer] I wanna ask you to sit up

in your chair, to close your eyes,

and if it feels wrong we won't do it,

but I wanna see what happens if you say those lyrics

and you take your hair out of your bun.

Just breathe.

Oh my god.

[Interviewer] Just breathe. Just breathe.

I'm right here. Just breathe.

Just breathe.

Saying the lyrics?

[Interviewer] Mmhmm.

Why? Why?

I don't, I don't feel comfortable.

[Interviewer] It's okay.

And that's a real shame that I don't feel

comfortable enough to just take my hair

out of the elastic and that will be the goal.

To be able to just walk out of my house

with my ugh, you know?

But, unfortunately, I'm not there yet.

I will get there, eventually.

Just, I don't think I'm there yet.

I am really inspired by the singers

it just makes me teary.

I so want them to, I don't know,

to find that agency and the power within themselves

and for it not to take them 20 years,

like it took me or other people that I know.

[Ariel] Being me can't mean I'm running away

from a world of magnificence.

When magnificence is named for me.

Shake out your stare. Keep your eyes soft.

[Voiceover] Who I am is who to see,

so keep your look loose.

[Grace] To love what is born, not made,

to be in my body as me.

[Avery] I want to finally uncover my face and see.

That the sweetness of me is the sweetness of you

keeping the look loose.

(choir sings)

The most important thing is for you to come in

and speak whatever your truth is.

For more infomation >> "Keeping the Look Loose": Embodying Change with the Brooklyn Youth Chorus - Duration: 7:56.


The discovery of penicillin in a song! - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> The discovery of penicillin in a song! - Duration: 1:27.


What Happens If You Sleep With Bra On - Duration: 3:33.

Hello ladies.

Old wives' tales would have it that sleeping with a bra on will cause your boobs to sag.

But in contrast to that, iconic beauty Marilyn Monroe apparently used to sleep with a bra

on every night in order to prevent them from sagging.

So which is it?

What's the truth in the matter; will sleeping with a bra on actually have any impact on

the shape/size/perkiness of your breasts - either for better or for worse - or could it have

any other implications for your health?

Well, basically breast sagging is an inevitable fact of life for women as they age.

The reason being is because the connective tissue holding breasts in place loses its

elasticity over time.

There are various different factors that can contribute to the increased likelihood of

sagging breasts, including "pregnancy and breastfeeding, genetics, smoking, dramatic

weight-loss or gain, and perhaps even high-intensity activity".

Because of that, it is very hard to measure the effect of wearing a bra to bed, with so

many other factors having far more significant effects.

Let's think about this from a scientific point of view.

Sagging is caused by the downwards pull of gravity on the mass of your breasts.

That's why bigger breasts sag more, as there's more fat within the tissue for gravity to

work on.

When you're lying down flat, the effect of gravity pushes the breast tissue back towards

your chest, instead of down towards your toes.

So, wearing a bra (the purpose of which is ultimately to support breasts from below)

is essentially redundant in bed, as breasts naturally compress back down onto the chest.

Based on this gravity logic, prolonged periods of lying down (regardless of whether you're

wearing a bra or not) probably would prevent boobs from sagging long-term.

But this would require longer than your average 7/8 hour sleep, and who wants to lie down

for 20 hours a day just to make sure your breasts remain perky when you hit the menopause?

Not me.

So that seems to be the sagging issue resolved: it's unlikely to have any real effect.

But what about any other health implications an all-nighter in your bra might have?

With regard to the breast tissue itself: if your bra often leaves impressions in your

skin from being too tight, then wearing it 24/7 won't give the skin a chance to recover

and bounce back from these, leading to long-term indents in the tissue.

Then aside from the breasts themselves, there's a lot going on by way of important anatomy

around the chest area: from muscles to vessels, lymph nodes to nerves.

If your bra is too tight, you may be restricting your blood supply to the breasts and surrounding


The same goes for the lymphatic system: a tight bra may restrict the flow of lymph to

the many important lymph nodes around the breast and armpit, hindering the system's

vital function of flushing toxic waste-products from the body.

As for the conclusion, it's probably best to steer clear from wearing a bra in bed,

and that's not to mention the effect it might have on your quality of sleep, especially

if it's underwired.

The bottom line is that there are plenty of reasons you shouldn't wear your bra to bed;

breast sagging just isn't one of them.

For more infomation >> What Happens If You Sleep With Bra On - Duration: 3:33.


The Isle | NEW GENDER SYSTEM! NEW SKINS! | #98 [Early Access] - Duration: 17:38.

New gender system for dinos! ^0^

Males are more variegated than females.

Which makes sense. xD

I think the nesting will be a bit more complicated than before.

I'm not sure. I didn't even try how the system works.

I am a female Herrera and with me there is a male Herrera.

Herrera male disappeared. I have to survive alone.

I will not be your hamburger! :O

These bushes are my best friends. <3

Even if it's a little bit sad...

Pack of the T-Rexes! send me a nest invite. Please. *w*

But this will never happen. :(

A long neck is here. :)

Holy T-Rex! :O

You are a sneaky boy/girl. xD

Dat face. xD

I can see correctly, that Puerta is a male. :)

I'm not sure what gender are these T-Rexes. :'D

Everyone scares me here!! D:

Do not move... .__.

How did he not see me?

Holy.... More Rexes are coming here :O

Is there still the Allo in that bush or not?

I'm alive!

That's incredible!

' Sovicka doesn't remember the name of the server. '

These clips will be only from Sovicka. She is helping me with recording. xD

I don't know what's going on down there.

' I heard the footsteps. But Sovicka didn't hear anything. '

Hmmm... The Utah is a little bit slow?

How many times can Sovicka break her leg?

Let's see. xD

'Sovicka is an endangered species'

She's broken her leg four times!

Sovicka is a rebel!

So cute! <3

This guy is so adorable. :D

It's not easy to have 4x broken leg. :'D

There is an Acro...

We will not go that way where Acro is.

''I hear the footsteps again, but the Sovicka hear anything again.''

That's so bad. :S

LOL! the Acro is broken! :'D

They can't hit the Avocado! :P

WOW! this Acro is protecting the Avocados! :O

That was sooo cool! ^0^

This Acro is a male. :)

I know this skin. :D

They are trotting like a dog. :'D

That's not a friendly Shanty!

It's a cold-blooded murder! :O

Puerta is the boss here! :P

Is it that guy from the past? I think it is. D:

For more infomation >> The Isle | NEW GENDER SYSTEM! NEW SKINS! | #98 [Early Access] - Duration: 17:38.


BLOWING UP CREEPER WORLD!! - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> BLOWING UP CREEPER WORLD!! - Duration: 6:12.


Learn English Words - GAMBIT - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:20.

Gambit something done or said in order to gain a benefit or advantage

Once again my sister got a free lunch by performing her gambit of leaving her purse at home.

The general's gambit did not pay off, and soon we were surrounded by enemy soldiers.

Do you think the singer's song-leaking gambit will pay off with huge album sales?

Each time the prosecutor thought he had won the jury over, the defense team used a gambit

to have evidence thrown out of court.

Jill used a fake pregnancy as a gambit to get a millionaire to marry her.

Gambit something done or said in order to gain a benefit or advantage

Gambit something done or said in order to gain a benefit or advantage

Gambit something done or said in order to gain a benefit or advantage

For more infomation >> Learn English Words - GAMBIT - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:20.


Things You Should Know About Your Oven - Duration: 2:36.

Hi I'm Mike are you a new home owner? or new to cooking?

Today I'm going to be sharing with you a few things you need to know about your oven in

front of us we have our oven now keep in mind your oven may look different however all of

the tips I am going to give you here today should be applicable to your oven opening

the oven door while backing can decrease the temperature inside anywhere between 30 and

50 degrees Fahrenheit every time you open it so be careful you are not opening the door

to much while the oven is on this way we do not damage the inside of the oven or ruin

our meal it is easy to burn your hands on items you forget were inside the next time

your preheating your oven so I recommend that you that you take out any items that you usually

store inside of the oven and you take them out completely or you store them in the bottom

drawer of the oven now keep in mind that you may have a broiler pan like us please do not

put any type of pots and pans on this broiler pan you are just simply going to have to store

it outside of the oven if you are using your oven regularly I suggest that you clean it

at least once a month this will help prevent any grease fires or build up in your range

it will help it keep it working efficiently never try to extinguish any type of grease

fire with water instead make sure you have a designated place for a fire extinguisher

in your kitchen if you have a as range make sure that the flame on the gas range isn't

bigger than the pot that you are using if you have a as range always make sure that

the surface burner flame should not be bigger than the pot if you have an electric range

please make sure to turn off the burner after each use when using a pot or a pan on your

range make sure that the substance you are cooking is inside of the pot before you set

it down on the burner this will cause damage to your pans and range if you do not do this

do a routine maintenance on your range and make sure that all of the parts on the range

are working effectively if you are having any problems with your range or you need any

replacement parts for your range please go to the repair help section on our website

Thanks for watching our video your support is what allows us to keep creating these free

content for you to enjoy please like, comment, or share, and if you really enjoyed our video

please subscribe down below

For more infomation >> Things You Should Know About Your Oven - Duration: 2:36.


Learn English Words - ENCOMIUM - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:33.

Encomium speech or piece of writing that warmly praises someone or something; tribute

Mrs. Poundstone was surprised and delighted on the last day of school when the students

in her most difficult class presented her with an encomium they had written, praising

her work as a teacher.

After William wrote an encomium applauding all the improvements that the principal had

made at the school, he offered to read it to the crowd at the retirement party.

Since Cheryl has never expected to be recognized for her volunteer work, she was embarrassed

by the encomium someone wrote in the charity's monthly newsletter.

Even though you love pepperoni pizza, don't you think it's a little silly to write an

encomium glorifying it?

Encomium speech or piece of writing that warmly praises someone or something; tribute

Encomium speech or piece of writing that warmly praises someone or something; tribute

Encomium speech or piece of writing that warmly praises someone or something; tribute

For more infomation >> Learn English Words - ENCOMIUM - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:33.


My North—Episode 26: Steve Zahn - Duration: 2:26.

That was my whole existence as a kid.

I mean, I was you know,

my first, my allowance,

the first thing I bought with

my allowance, this is true,

is a canoe.

I used Grumman, a wind damaged

Grumman, from up there on 35-W.

Played football at Cooper.

You know, I corned the tassel

down in Mankato.

I-- haha, I mean.

Hi, I'm am Steve Zahn and this

is My North.

Anyway, I wanted to be an

actor, and I was living at home.

And one of my mentors,

Frank Plut,

brilliant director and teacher,

convinced me to go to this

audition and said,

"This is a perfect play for you,

and it's at the Old Log dinner theater."

I said, "Yeah, but that's-- you

know that's like,

you know professional, I can't.

It's against the rules, I can't go."

He's like ,"Go."

And I went and auditioned and I got the part

and that was my baptism into-into

the world of theater.

It was a-- it was a blast.

It was really a blast.

Matinees, 800 seat house,

prime rib, good prime rib.

It was a great-great job.

In Plymouth Junior High,

I was in Plymouth Junoir High.

And Ert Jones-Hermerding, he's great,

he was my football coach

in high school,

but I met him because he had an

improv group.

And if you got invited into the

improv group, in ninth grade,

you spent with eight people

like three hours all day.

It was structured you'd have speech,

lunch, break, something else,

and you--and you met as an improv group.

Where does that happen in schools?

Because of that I do what I do, period.

If I wasn't exposed to that,

I don't know if I would have--

would have found that stuff.

I don't know if I would have

had that encouragement to, you know,

go on and just go,

"I think I'm going to be an actor."

I wouldn't know what to do.

What a great thing as

a kid to experience.

But um, still a Vikes fans,

still love the Twins.

You know, I want the Wild to do well.

Minnesota is still a very huge

part of my-my life.

My folks still live there.

My sister Nancy.


She lives in Maaayer.

As I say Mayer, she says Maaayer.

We live out in Maaayer.

And she makes tater-tot casserole.

For more infomation >> My North—Episode 26: Steve Zahn - Duration: 2:26.


Why Does My New Oven Smell and Produce Smoke? - Duration: 2:07.

Hi I'm Jordan, is your new oven smoking when you turn it on?

Don't worry, it's completely normal and I'll show you how to fix it.

When ovens are produced, sometimes protective oils are added in the oven cavity.

When they first run, sometimes these oils can be burned or emit a bad smell.

For your own safety if a heavy gas smell is coming from your oven, please turn it off

along with your gas line.

If it continues, open a window, vacate your home, and contact your local gas supplier.

Another reason why your oven may smoke or smell is because it is so new.

When your oven is new, your insulation is also new, so it hasn't been exposed to high

heat yet.

Once your insulation is used to the heat, it shouldn't smell anymore.

These are a couple ways to prepare and break in your oven.

So we're going to start by opening the oven door.

Next, with a soapy cloth, you're going to look for any areas that have any buildup or

residue in them, such as the glass, the racks, or anywhere else inside.

Remember to dry off any areas that you wet up with a towel or a cloth.

Next open your windows to allow proper ventilation, turn on your oven to about 500 degrees Fahrenheit

for about 30 minutes to an hour.

Your oven may have a self clean button, which should also work.

This process locks and automatically cleans the oven.

Note that this can take 1 to 4 hours.

After following these steps, your oven should be smelling normal.

If you need any parts or cleaning supplies for your oven, you can find them on our website.

Thanks for watching, your support helps us to create these free videos for you to enjoy.

Please like, comment, and share, and if you really liked our video, please subscribe down


For more infomation >> Why Does My New Oven Smell and Produce Smoke? - Duration: 2:07.




Go, Dad, Go

We´ve Arrived, finally.

Which time is it? 11 O´Clock?

Historic moment.

Goodbye people, you stood in line, goodbye.

As you can see, this is full, full.

(Surprise) Is that a Dolphin?

Ah, thats a Dolphin.

Oh, so cute!

Look, so cute.

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How To Figure Out What Is Causing Your Dryer To Squeak - Duration: 5:06.

Hi I'm Mike and today I am going to help you diagnose the reason why your dryer is making

a squeaking sound and I'm also going to give you some parts that you may need to replace

in order to fix this you may need a Phillips head screw driver and a puddy knife in order

to to complete this project in front of us we have a Maytag centennial dryer now your

dryer may look different because their are many different brands and makes and models

however I am going to show you a bunch of ways that you can diagnose your problem and

it will work on your dryer as well in order for us to diagnose this washer we are going

to need to run it for a little bit in order to where the squeaking is coming from now

the squeaking may be coming from three possible places and that is the back of the dryer on

top of the dryer of in the bottom of the cabinet this squeaking can come from parts on the

dryer that may become worn out and may need to be replaced the bearings are located behind

the back panel of the dryer usually our dryer however does not have bearings so I won't

be able to show you that but I do recommend taking a look at your owners manual to see

how you could remove that back panel and I would defiantly check the bearings if you

do have them a lot of times they become rusted and may need to be lubed or replaced so now

I am going to gain access to the inside of the dryer by removing the top panel of the

dryer now like I said previously this may not work the same on your model number however

you can take a look at your owners manual it should help you understand how to remove

the top panel of your dryer so I am going to remove the lint screen the two screws holding

the top panel to the lint trap using a puddy knife I am just going to pop open the top

so now I am going to lift the top panel of the dryer and I am going to make sure that

either you put it against the wall or build some kind of support system this way we do

not damage anything on the top of the dryer so if you noticed you have a loud screeching

noise coming from the top of the dryer the belt is usually the cause of the problem belts

over time can become fray of shift on the drum and this will cause the drum to make

a lot of noise so I recommend taking a good look at your belt even if you think the problem

is anywhere else because these belts typically break pretty easily so if you took at your

belt and you notice that the belt is fine and there does not really seem to be any problem

with it you can probably determine that the squeaking is coming from the bottom of the

dryer I am going to show you a few parts that could be giving you trouble and could be causing

the squeaking in order to gain access to the bottom of the dryer I am going to have to

take off this front panel and I am going to do that by first unclipping this switch and

next I am going to have to remove screws on the inside of the dryer that are holding this

panel in once both of those screws have been removed I am going to take the front panel

and I am just going to pull it up now I had to pull the drum on my model but depending

on you model you may not have to to do that so just keep that in mind another part we

can also look for is the dryer seal now this seal is held in with an adhesive and sometimes

the adhesive can get to hot and met so here see our seal that it is starting to come off

and that is what is causing the squeaking for us because the dryer drum when it is in

motion is rubbing up against this panel right here so we are going to have to replace that

so we figured out our problem however if you noticed that your seal is okay we can go ahead

and take a look at some other issues that you may have in the bottom of the drum the

next part we are going to take a look at is the idler pulley and the idler pulley is going

to be located right here depending on your make or model it should relatively look the

same if it begins to ware out over time because it constantly moving the belt to the dryer

and sometimes the plastic on the idler pulley can get melted off due to the heat so I would

defiantly take a look and see if the idler pulley is the cause of the blame if you notice

that your idler pulley is not the issue I would also take a look at the motor of the

dryer now our motor is located in the back of the idler pulley your motor should be located

there to the motor helps rotate the belt with this metal piece right here where the belt

is wrapped around now sometimes the motor can become weakened over time if you have

had your dryer model for a couple of years it could possibly be the case any of the parts

I showed you here today could be the reason why your dryer is squeaking you can find an

OEM original equipment manufactured replacement part on our website Thanks for watching our


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