What's up TEAMMBL? It's musicbyLUKAS!
If you guys like Kingsley and you like song parodies, then you'll love the video we just put out on TEAMMBL TWO.
We took the song "Baby got back" and turned it into "Kitty Got Back"
SO head over there after this video to watch & subscribe.
So KSHMR recently did this amazing interview with WAVES in which he revealed a bunch of production secrets.
And as you guys know, this guy just keeps making hit after hit so we definitely want to pay attention to what he has to say.
After reading the interview I took away 10 valuable KSHMR secrets that I wanted to share with you guys, and that's what today's video is about
And if you guys want to read the entire interview after this video is over you can find the link to it in the description below
Alright guys, let's get to it
Number 1 is use your music to create the world you want
When KSHMR was younger his parents separated and this caused a lot of frustration for him
But he found an outlet and for him that outlet was music, to help him create the world he wanted
If you want to be successful as a DJ then you have to live that life as a successful DJ, you have to make music that is going to get you there
So you can create that world you want
Number 2, use influences around you that are personal to you to create your own music
KSHMR talks about how his father came from India and brought with him his love of Bollywood
And The Beatles and how when he was younger he didn't really relate to that, he didn't really get it and he wasn't exactly proud of it
But as he got older he started to appreciate where he came from and he started to appreciate that heritage
And he used things like that as well as exotic instruments of India and incorporated them into his music
Which gave him this really cool appeal and made his music sound really original, it's one of the things we think about, today when we think about KSHMR, is his originality
And just the unique vibes of the instruments he uses and the way his melodies work
So what he did, was he was able to use where he came from, his heritage, to be able to put that into his music to make it special
So I hear a lot of producers that're nervous about where they came from, they don't necessarily want everyone to know about their background
They're not even exactly proud of it, but if you really think about it, it's what makes you interesting and unique
So maybe you're from some exotic country or you have some kind of special skill or you're good at playing some kind of instrument that's not traditional in electronic music
You can use those kind of things that environment that you came from to make your music and your art
Be more unique and more special and people will appreciate it more because it will be more real and authentic
Number 3, be human with your music
They were talking to KSHMR, in the interview, about he does the pitch bending that he does, how he comes up with little notes and chords here and there
That aren't usual in electronic music
And KSHMR had this to say, he talked about how a real human, when they're playing an instrument, they don't have everything perfect
It's not all perfectly 100% EQ'd, the velocity of each note is not always the top
And there's something that sounds more natural about that, and more authentic, which is why he does the pitch bending
And why he likes to sneak in little notes here and there, to make it sound more real
And I think this is really important and it's part of what makes KSHMR's music so relatable
So what you can think about is, for instance when you open up your piano roll, if you make all the notes from just like a piano being played
Have all the same velocity, it's not gonna sound real
If you really listen to someone play piano live on the stage or in an acoustic version
You notice how they play some notes softer and some notes more intense to be able to build that emotion
And you lose that when you make it sound so robotic
So I think that this is an incredible production secret for you to be able to try to think about how to play music like a real person would play it and not just from a melody loop
To try and make it more real keep those pitch bends, keep those little notes here and there
Definitely make sure that it's all on time and you know on tempo, but to try to make it more real
Number 4, make something inspiring to keep the momentum going
KSHMR says that it's all about making the sound inspiring as quickly as possible to keep the momentum going for he listener
For example one of the plug ins that he likes to use to be able to do this is the Renaissance Compressor
He talks about how it's all about subtleness
And how it's able to make the vocal have the compressed sound without making it sound overly harsh
And this just goes again to KSHMR raw authenticness
And the way he makes it subtle is what also makes it more raw and more real
So it all plays into the KSHMR style
And KSHMR knows that if he can get you inspired right in the beginning
Right in the first 10 seconds of the track even, that he can keep you listening and want to hear more
So that's his whole goal when he gets into the studio, and is making a track is to be able to find a way to get the listener inspired as quickly as possible
So just make sure you remember that your goal is to hook the listener right away to keep listening to your track
Because they're not gonna give you much time when they're listening especially if you are a DJ or producer that they've never heard of before
So you gotta make sure you grab their attention and something inspiring is really a good way to do that
Number 5, pay attention to your stereo field.
So in the interview they asked him, they said, "KSHMR of course you like to be subtle, but how do you get these huge mixes, they sound incredible."
And his reaction was that he really likes to pay attention to the stereo field and that a lot producers go overboard and just try to make one particular sound really fat and wide
But what KSHMR does to get multiple sound and give them each their own space in the stereo field
And he says when you do this you actually create a much fuller mix and it's part of the reason why he has these incredible, huge mixes
So the whole point of this is to make sure you pay attention to the stereo field, a lot of producers get really caught in the EQ
And they pay no attention to which sound should be more mono, which sound should be more stereo, and that's definitely something you need to give a lot of attention to
if you want your mixes to have that full and fat sound
Number 6, Share
KSHMR was asked about this because of course he's collaborated with some of the biggest DJ's in the world and they said to him
KSHMR do you ever share presents and patches with these other producers and he said of course!
He said that who better to get presets from than the people that you look up to
For example , Headhunters is one of his favorite producers that he's worked with and he said he still use some of the presets in his new music, because they just sound so good
And another note that he hit on was that there's this weird thing about how some producers feel that if they share how they make their music
Or what their secrets are that other people are going to dethrone them and make them not the people they used to be
And that there's going to be too much competition, everyone can do it, what they do
And basically KSHMR says that that's stupid and that if you think that you're so easy to copy, that someone who just learned how you make your tracks that they can all of a sudden make the exact same hits as you
without the same inspiration or feelings or background or talent that there is something wrong
And I have to agree here because it's true if your idea, lets say that you have this amazing top secret idea
If you told it to someone and they were so easily able to copy it and get successful from that idea before you then the idea is probably not that good of an idea because
Your execution, not the idea, is what matters
So be like KSHMR and never be afraid to share because you never know what you're gonna get in return
Number 7, use your mistakes
In the interview they ask KSHMR how he delivers his hits so consistently
And one of the things he says to this day some of his biggest hits have come from his mistakes
and he said that must of the magic is an accident and that it never feels like magic if you spend hours working on it
KSHMR says that when he gets in the studio what he really likes to do is just throw ideas around and see what really works
So he'll work on a bunch of different ideas and try to figure out which ones are bad which ones are good
And he said that nothings really changed from the beginning of when he was producing then to now
Except for the fact that he's quicker what's working and what's not
So just keep throwing ideas around like KSHMR because maybe one of your mistakes will be your next big hit
Number 8, surprise yourself
At this point in the interview they were talking to KSHMR about how he creates such catchy melodies
And he said that there's a lot of science behind it, people try to come up with how catchy melodies are made, but for him, he just likes to make something that surprises him
And the way that he can do that is by trying to throw in a weird note there, trying to make the chord a little bit different
And that that makes it sound catchy and unique
He kind of just sees what happens and he usually surprises himself
Now me personally I play piano, been playing piano for a long time, and I have grown into these patterns of habit where I play certain chords
And sometimes they don't sound as unique, they're not surprising me because I play them all the time
So one of the things that I do is I will play those chords
Record it into Logic and then I will open up my piano roll and start messing with those notes by hand
And it's really cool because sometimes you can come up with unique chords and patterns
Chop up the notes, do some stuff to make it sound different and I think that can help it be more catchy
Number 9, find your personal touch, then use it
They asked KSHMR how he is so good at remixes and what he said is truly incredible
He was talking about how you just gotta give a track, the original track, what it doesn't have
For example if he's remixing a pop song he doesn't want to give it more pop
He doesn't want to give it more happiness and excitement
He gives it more darkness, he tries to go the other way with it
Just like when he gets a track that's really organic sounding and raw, he tries to make it more synthy and this is really cool because for example
Why would you give a really progressive house track more progressiveness when you remix it, you wanna give it something different, something that the listeners not exactly expecting
A different flavor, a different vibe, so I think this is really powerful and if you pay attention to this rule you can start making some incredible remixes like KSHMR
Number 10, keep it simple
They asked KSHMR a really important question here, which is do you need to know music theory in order to produce good tracks
And what he had to say was that if you can't just produce a track with a piano and a great melody, if you need all the bell and whistles, all the fanciest plug ins to do it
Then you're not really a good producer in his book
So what KSHMR is saying here, if you can't just do the simplest of things and make it sound good there's really not a point to start adding all those bells and whistles to a full production
Any of those songs by KSHMR with those crazy melodies would sound super sick on the piano and many versions have already been made so
Just think of the subtleness before you start adding all the intensities.
I hope you guys liked this video about KSHMR's production secrets and if you have any other DJ's or producers that you wanna know their production process how they do things
Be sure to comment below
And remember guys, it is all about teamwork, we got new videos every Weekend to Wednesday so if you're not a member of the team yet! Hit that subscribe button
Alright guys, I'm musicbyLUKAS, this is DJ Katled, and we will see you next video
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Also we have a brand new channel, TEAMMBL TWO with some super dope and hilarious videos plus behind the scenes vlogs
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