First Practice of a normal day :D
Thirty minutes later...
The last fail, and better the other 2 i dont show them...
Audi Q5 €. 8.419,- voordeel. Adrenalin Sport Edition 2.0 TFSI 169 kW/ 230 pk quattro (vsb 13767) R - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Audi Q5 €. 8.419,- voordeel. Adrenalin Sport Edition 2.0 TFSI 169 kW/ 230 pk quattro (vsb 13767) R - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Sonic Adventure DX Part 8 - Get A Load Of This! - Duration: 31:00.Best background 2017!
WTF clipping!
It's weird how this building showed up out of nowhere while I was in the temple.
I am just getting impatient at this point, never a good sign
Final boss time!...sorta
I died a couple times the same stupid way, decided not to show them since each fight was pretty much the same.
Sonic's story is done, as i write this i HAVE done some of the A and B stages for some of the levels (recorded), started Tails story as well as farm rings and animals for my single chao (if you want a specific chao just ask!)
So just sit back and listen to the best part of this game, the music and i will see you next time
Stay beautiful <3
¿Se Expande el Espacio en el Sistema Solar? - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Waterslide Fails - Duration: 2:43.Thankyou for watching
Make sure you like and subscribe
CSGO gambling low 10cent coin flip sites +free skin giveaways - Duration: 2:14:03.-------------------------------------------
Eating My Way Through New Orleans | - Duration: 6:07.hello My beautiful people. I'm really sorry is really Windy here
this is the mississippi. I'm in New Orleans, New Orleans
I don't know , I don't know how you say it
I say new orleans , NOLA, whatever you like and so yeah
thinkin is going to rain im here alone like blogging i just wanted to say hi is been a weird day
Trouble getting here. I'm tired look like crazy. Maybe I have something
Hello,beautiful people so today
We're going to try the famous muffuletta I came to this place not the best place to try it
But like everything is closed right now. It's like a
Agency so I came here let's drive. It doesn't look right do it or anything like that. It's right
I don't know
Much true, but maybe it's going to be like super yummy and stuff
It's really windy today, so I don't know if you can hear me. This is Café Beignet and yes lets try this
ham, pastrami. I hope it's good
it was good but wasn't amazing , so I don't think I'm ever going to eat this again like the bread was bad
like the meat is good
so i guess
im never gonna eat this again, it wasnt like amazing
so now I'm going to eat the shrim tacos the real creole .. thats how you say it ?
i am sorry I don't know but hello ! look how beautiful
This looks so yummy
like let me
this was so good
And I'm going to give it like eight out of ten just because I was super hungry and sometimes when you're hungry you feel like
Everything so good for this shrimp tacos They were
But I am my associate with the brain circuits from you access, but we still
Veterans so we had a chance to retail the screen to the us you would think my believer a fantastic
Hello, so today. I'm trying the Café Beignet
Beignets I hope that's the way you say it and I know everybody goes to like to Café du Monde and try them
But I hate them so much I feel they are like Super bad and so today
I try this one, and they were like really really yummy. I love them. Well. I'm not in love in love, but they're really good
it's like flour with sugar thats a beignet for me flour with sugar and
If you want to try like good one go to Café Beignet instead of Café du Monde Café du Monde they are like i dont know
dry and I don't know these ones are better. So yeah
Temecula Road - Hoping-------------------------------------------
Maduro tilda de "estúpido" e "inmoral" al presidente de Smartmatic por denunciar fraude - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Ultime notizie: Albano, Loredana, Romina e la verità sul selfie "controverso" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 350 e Camera 360 / Distronic / Leder - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Drake & Josh Before and After 2017 - Duration: 2:47.Drake & Josh Before and After 2017
Revelan conversación en la que Trump amenaza a Peña Nieto por cuestionar el muro fronterizo - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Upas: Peppino prende una difficile decisione, Franco lo aiuta - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Live for the Story - Marvão - Duration: 1:45.We're near Marvão, in one of the most beautiful roads of Portugal
with these lines along its path.
I'm using a 100-400 mm lens in order to compact this perspective, and also
the polariser to remove some of the trees' glow.
Magali was sleeping and then she wakes up saying: dolmen, dolmen!
I believe we found a good opportunity to photograph a dolmen under the
night stars later on. But for now, let's continue our journey to Marvão.
As we can see, the artificial lights give a good contrast between
the yellows and the landscape. I'll use a small aperture to get some
diffraction from the lamp posts.
This place is very beautiful, we're visiting an historical Portugal
full of stories yet to tell.
Un mexicano experto en imágenes de volcanes es reconocido como fotógrafo del año de NatGeo - Duration: 4:43.-------------------------------------------
¿Cuáles son los puntos más polémicos del nuevo plan migratorio del presidente Trump? - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Senador de Texas propone extender el muro en la frontera y reforzar las leyes migratorias - Duration: 0:37.-------------------------------------------
Marvel vs Capcom 3 Versus Gameplay 1st Day 1080p 60 FPS - Duration: 14:31.Share, like, subscribe the channel and don´t miss the next video because i´m already cutting it :DDDDDDDDDD
Secret to play over Diminished Chords - Jazz Guitar Lesson - Duration: 9:01.(Jazz Guitar)
- Hi, everybody, my name is Jens Larsen.
One of the questions I get asked most often
is what do I play over a diminished chord?
And the diminished chords can be kinda tricky
to figure out when you're soloing over a jazz standard,
but if you think of it as being just a chord
with a lot of tension that needs to resolve
and focus more on how you resolve it
than what you actually play on it,
then it's not that difficult.
And that's what I'm gonna go over in this video.
If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar,
improvising over changes, quartal harmony
and triad pairs, then subscribe to my channel.
If you wanna make sure not to miss anything,
then press the little bell notification
icon next to the subscribe button.
Let's first look at the different progressions
where we come across diminished chords.
So, a diminished chord always wants to resolve,
so that means there's not a tonic chord.
And it's either gonna be a dominant,
or it's gonna be a subdominant chord.
If we first look at the version where it's a dominant chord,
that could be something like this,
(Jazz Guitar Chords)
where we have a G#dim
resolving up to an A minor chord.
And really what is happening here
is that could just as easily been an E7 flat 9
(Jazz Guitar Chords)
if I just put the E in the bass
and then resolving to an A minor.
So then that way this is a dominant diminished,
and the diminished is really there
instead of a dominant chord.
Another one would be if we have a similar diminished,
so this F diminished or B diminished
in inversion resolving to an Fmaj7.
This is a subdominant chord, it's like a sharp four
diminished because in the key of F,
(Jazz Guitar Chords)
it's like an inversion of a B diminished.
(Jazz Guitar Chords)
And it's resolving to the tonic.
(Jazz Guitar Chords)
And a different variation of this
would also be again an inversion of
the sharp four diminished,
so could we could have the Ab diminished
resolving down to a Gm chord,
which is also quite common.
You have a progression like A minor,
Ab diminished, Gm, C7, and F,
which is a very common progression in jazz standards.
Of these three diminished chords,
I'm sure you don't have too much trouble
playing it when it's a dominant chord,
so playing a G#dim to A minor
could be something like.
(Jazz Guitar)
And that's kinda easy because
we know where everything is going
You're really used to playing a 5-1 anyway,
and you know how to resolve the different notes
of the diminished arpeggio here to the one chord.
It gets much more difficult when
it's a subdominant chord,
but what I'm going to show you is that
if you take some target notes out of the case
where we're using the dominant diminished,
then it's actually not as difficult to make up lines.
The two examples, where the diminished chord
is functioning as a subdominant chord,
are both in the key of F major.
So just to figure out what scales to use,
if we take the F major scale, that would be this.
(Jazz Guitar)
And we need to have a scale that fits in this key,
and then also contains these notes.
So for the diminished chord, we kinda need to have a
G# in there and we need a B in there.
But that's not so difficult to figure out
because if we take the G and make it into a G sharp,
and the B flat and make that into a B,
then we get this scale.
(Jazz Guitar)
And you might recognize that as being
(Jazz Guitar)
A minor harmonic.
Since it's kinda easy to play lines
with this diminished chord,
the resolve to A minor, so
(Jazz Guitar)
resolving to an A or
(Jazz Guitar)
resolving to a C.
We can try and use those target notes
and then resolve to one of the other chords
and that way it's kinda easier
to just have something to aim for
when we're making lines.
That means that we need to sort of look at
how do we use those target notes
when we're playing towards an Fmaj7
or a Gm7.
So if we take this diminished chord and then go...
(Jazz Guitar)
Then it's easy for an Fmaj7 to just target...
(Jazz Guitar)
The A. So that's not going to be that difficult.
And actually you can do the same with a Gm...
(Jazz Guitar)
But what you get here is that you're then targeting
the nine of the chord,
and you might want to get used to that sound a bit.
But it is easy to play towards it.
(Jazz Guitar)
And in the same way...
(Jazz Guitar)
The C is a chord note and F major release
to create towards, also probably because
an Fmaj7 is actually an Am triad
with an F in the bass.
And for the Gm...
(Jazz Guitar)
We get this sound.
To give you an impression of how this sounds
and how it works, I made two examples
that resolve to the major seven
and two other examples whereas resolving
to the minor seven chord,
so you have an idea about how I made lines on it
and how you can construct your own.
After that, I'm going to give you some tips
on how you can practice this so
that you get it into your ears and into your own playing.
(Jazz Guitar)
In the first example, where I'm resolving
to the major seven, I'm starting on the E
which is of course also, if you're thinking of it as an E7,
it's just the rule of the chord.
And from here, I'm going down to the D
and then I'm running up and down the arpeggio rating
(Jazz Guitar)
and then resolve that to a C, which is of course
the fifth in Fmaj7
(Jazz Guitar)
The second line resolving to Fmaj7
starts on the B and then runs up the diminished arpeggio.
From here, it's a scale run from D to E to F.
And then just using the G# and the B
to insert the A that I resolve to.
(Jazz Guitar Chords)
Which is of course the third of Fmaj7.
Probably the most difficult variation
is when you have the diminished chord resolving down
to Am7 chord.
So in the key of F, you will come across that
in this type of instance,
so Am7, Ab diminished,
Gm7, and then C7 to F.
And that's what I'm going to use for the examples
resolving to the minor seven chord.
(Jazz Guitar)
In this line, I start off with just the Am triad so...
(Jazz Guitar)
And then I go into the diminished chord.
I start on the B, and then out the diminished chord
through just diminished arpeggio...
(Jazz Guitar)
And then I'm going towards the...
(Jazz Guitar)
A, so the ninth of Gm.
And then from here I'm running down
the B flat major 7 arpeggio,
which is the arpeggio from the third...
(Jazz Guitar)
And then the flat nine on the C...
(Jazz Guitar)
And then down to the seven resolving to the fifth of F...
(Jazz Guitar)
In this example, I start with a scale run on the A minor
so I actually just start on the A,
run up the scale to the C...
(Jazz Guitar)
And then using that to just encircle
the third of the Ab diminished...
(Jazz Guitar)
Then here I'm just running down the arpeggio...
(Jazz Guitar)
And I'm resolving that to the C on the Gm7,
further down to the B flat,
and then skipping up to the F
and using the F and the D to encircle the E on the C7,
and I'm using the flat nine to run down the scale to
B flat and resolve that to the A,
which is of course the third of Fmaj7.
The easiest way to get used to this sound
when you have the Ab diminished
resolving down to a Gm7,
is probably to play some lines
and then once they're resolved,
so you're resolving to the target notes,
which is A, or a C,
then you really put the chord under there
so that you can hear how that note really sits
in that sound of the chord.
So that could be something like this...
(Jazz Guitar)
So here I'm just playing a diminished line...
(Jazz Guitar)
Using also the E but for this, just the arpeggio
(Jazz Guitar)
And then resolving that to the A,
and then adding...
(Jazz Guitar Chords)
The rest of the chord under it.
Just to get used to the sound.
Of course you can always later go...
(Jazz Guitar)
To sort of make it into a complete...
(Jazz Guitar Chords)
And the same goes when you're resolving to the 11,
so to the C...
(Jazz Guitar)
That could be something like this...
(Jazz Guitar)
And then from there, you can of course take the line on...
(Jazz Guitar)
If this is the first time you've seen one of my videos,
and you want to learn more about jazz guitar,
about improvising, scale choices, arpeggios,
and stuff like that,
then subscribe to my channel.
I publish a new lesson every Thursday,
and I've been doing this for quite some time.
So there's already really a lot of stuff
available on my channel.
If you want to help me keep making all these videos,
then check out my Patreon page.
I'm very grateful for that small community of people
that are supporting me on Patreon,
and helping me finding the time and the money
to keep making all these videos.
That's about it for this week.
Thank you for watching, and until next week.
Relanex - Can't Lose This Time - Duration: 3:19.Relanex - Can't Lose This Time
2017: Escape to New York - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Sale site content with the goal of promotion and increase arrived - Duration: 6:31.This idea came to my mind 2-3 months ago when one reader lists "Home business" sent me his resume, in which she said that can write articles on any topic. To have the ability to write articles on any topic is a very wonderful quality, especially for the Internet, where the availability of correct and diverse text promotes site promotion that is a sure sign of increasing profits of a project. If a good article is able to bring the site money, then it is possible to earn. Help a particular project to make money - and you will share the profits. I know there are a lot of good projects that provide useful services to Internet users and earn money from it. But in most cases, these sites have very little traffic. The reason is that page, but the actual descriptions of their services, host a portfolio and contact information do not contain other information. Such sites are difficult to find in the Internet through search engines. You can find them on one or two search phrases (and then, only if you create the project involved specialist on promotion through search engines). In the worst case, they are generally hard to find through search engines. And because of sufficient competition among these firms (many of which manage to be higher in the search results for your desired search phrases), and mainly due to the lack of the firm person who is familiar with the principles of search engines. Therefore, the pages of this website in the search results are very far from the beginning, or even there are not. If you are a professional in writing interesting articles on a particular topic (not necessarily all the topics, enough to have their favorite direction), locate the website on close subjects. It is very important to find a website trying to earn money online, not just Amateur draft. You will get paid for your work only to those sites that will clearly benefit from your good work. For example, you are well versed in cars, particularly in the repair of the car VAZ 2110. And you can create an entire series of articles on repair of this model. Whom you can offer your articles? That's right, website that sells spare parts for this make of car. How to offer your services? You have to prove the author of the project that your article will bring this site further 10-50 new visitors daily (on average one article/page can bring a site 1-5 visitors a day from search engines, but there are options when one article can lead to a website and even 20-40 60-70 new visitors EVERY DAY! but about this we will speak later in my newsletter "site Promotion - a practical course for beginners" - a subscription form for this newsletter you will find on this page in the right column). To refuse this possibility can only be short-sighted author of the project. Know how much a commercial site, pay for advertising your site online? From $ 0.05 per click (and, one click on the category "Cars" is from 0.23 per dollar) to $ 20 per 1000 impressions on If your potential customer wants to get 50 new visitors a day to your website, he will have to pay the Runner a minimum of 11.5 dollars per day. A month accumulates the sum of $ 345, and for the year it will be a substantial sum - more than $ 4,000! You offer your potential customer the same 50 new visitors each day for much less money (e.g., $ 125). Moreover, paying you $ 125 for your series of articles one-time, your client will receive 50 new visitors every day an endless number of days (of course, to maintain such number of new visitors from search engines for a sufficient amount of time will need to nurture new successful articles, but it is economically more profitable than to pay for short-term ads on different advertising sites Runet). Of course, to ensure that you promise to your potential client you calculated the number of new visitors per day (and not just casual visitors, and represent the target audience visiting the website of your client for specific search phrases), you need to understand the principles of search engines and properly arrange pages with content you then offer your potential client. To learn this easy (it is enough to observe the search results of certain search engines or subscribe to the above newsletter "site Promotion - a practical course for beginners"). To prove in this case, the value of your articles for your potential customer easy. Create a website on for example, containing one demo page where you will post one of my articles (why a single article - in order for your potential client doesn't have access to the rest of the valuable material without paying for your services). Check this page HotLog counter and give your potential customer a full access to the statistics page. He can see firsthand that this page comes up a certain number of visitors a day for such search phrases. Your client will easily imagine that if this page were on the website, these visitors would be his potential clients and could earn him extra money. And if he buys you all your 10 articles (for example), his website will get 10 times more new visitors to your site additionally! I think it will not be long with you to bargain... If you don't want to learn the principles of search engines and want to devote your time writing new articles, capitalize on their ability to write articles without knowing the principles of search engines work, will help you the next idea.
Online Therapists UK - Mindfulness Therapy Online - Duration: 4:55.Welcome.
My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional online therapist and I provide online therapy
throughout the world, and many of my clients come from the UK.
I'm from the UK originally, now living in Colorado, and the time difference actually
makes it very convenient for you because it means you can schedule a session in the evening
for you.
If you'd like to learn more about working with with me and the online therapy approach
that I teach, do please go to my website and e-mail me with any questions you may have.
So why do people choose to work with an Online Therapist?
Well, there are many reasons, but certainly availability is a major factor.
Many people just do not have access to the right kind of therapist in their immediate
And also there's a growing number of people who are looking for a more effective alternative
to traditional psychology and counseling that is more commonly available.
A growing number of people are more interested in learning strategies for helping themselves
work out difficult emotions such as anxiety and depression.
There are other approaches than treatment-based approaches available.
So people are turning to the internet to find online therapists who specialize in non-treatment-based
approaches, but rather approaches that are designed to give you the methods, the tools
and the understanding of how to work with your emotions yourself.
And that's my mission as an Online Therapist.
I have developed a number of very practical and effective methods of working with anxiety
and depression based on mindfulness therapy.
This approach that I developed over 20 years ago now, is really based on helping you change
the way that you relate to your emotions and thoughts.
Most of the time we simply get lost in patterns of habitual reactivity when anxiety or depression
is stimulated in the mind.
We simply become totally overwhelmed by it and identified with these emotions and the
thoughts that accompany them.
It is this process of reactive identification that is the real problem and mindfulness therapy
is one of the most effective ways of breaking this cycle of reactive identification, so
that you do not continue to become overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions.
As I say if you would like to learn more, go to my website and email me to schedule
a session or to learn more about the mindfulness approach to working with anxiety and depression.
So I see probably at least 20 to 30 percent of clients in the UK, and others as far away
as Australia or even Japan.
All you need for for online therapy is a good internet connection and Skype and also PayPal
to make your payments for online therapy sessions.
So if you'd like to learn more about the online therapy, do please go to my website and email
me to schedule a trial therapy session.
Thank you.
Stats Help-ThatTutorGuy-------------------------------------------
mi hijo no pronuncia bien la R 👦 Ejercicios para la R 👧 - Duration: 6:00.-------------------------------------------
GEOMETRY DASH - (Hard Demon) - (144hz) 2.1 - SWEET DREAMS BY TRUEASPIRAL - NINE CIRCLES PÚRPURA - Duration: 2:15.First Practice of a normal day :D
Thirty minutes later...
The last fail, and better the other 2 i dont show them...
Audi Q5 €. 8.419,- voordeel. Adrenalin Sport Edition 2.0 TFSI 169 kW/ 230 pk quattro (vsb 13767) R - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Audi Q5 €. 8.419,- voordeel. Adrenalin Sport Edition 2.0 TFSI 169 kW/ 230 pk quattro (vsb 13767) R - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Sonic Adventure DX Part 8 - Get A Load Of This! - Duration: 31:00.Best background 2017!
WTF clipping!
It's weird how this building showed up out of nowhere while I was in the temple.
I am just getting impatient at this point, never a good sign
Final boss time!...sorta
I died a couple times the same stupid way, decided not to show them since each fight was pretty much the same.
Sonic's story is done, as i write this i HAVE done some of the A and B stages for some of the levels (recorded), started Tails story as well as farm rings and animals for my single chao (if you want a specific chao just ask!)
So just sit back and listen to the best part of this game, the music and i will see you next time
Stay beautiful <3
¿Se Expande el Espacio en el Sistema Solar? - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Waterslide Fails - Duration: 2:43.Thankyou for watching
Make sure you like and subscribe
CSGO gambling low 10cent coin flip sites +free skin giveaways - Duration: 2:14:03.-------------------------------------------
Eating My Way Through New Orleans | - Duration: 6:07.hello My beautiful people. I'm really sorry is really Windy here
this is the mississippi. I'm in New Orleans, New Orleans
I don't know , I don't know how you say it
I say new orleans , NOLA, whatever you like and so yeah
thinkin is going to rain im here alone like blogging i just wanted to say hi is been a weird day
Trouble getting here. I'm tired look like crazy. Maybe I have something
Hello,beautiful people so today
We're going to try the famous muffuletta I came to this place not the best place to try it
But like everything is closed right now. It's like a
Agency so I came here let's drive. It doesn't look right do it or anything like that. It's right
I don't know
Much true, but maybe it's going to be like super yummy and stuff
It's really windy today, so I don't know if you can hear me. This is Café Beignet and yes lets try this
ham, pastrami. I hope it's good
it was good but wasn't amazing , so I don't think I'm ever going to eat this again like the bread was bad
like the meat is good
so i guess
im never gonna eat this again, it wasnt like amazing
so now I'm going to eat the shrim tacos the real creole .. thats how you say it ?
i am sorry I don't know but hello ! look how beautiful
This looks so yummy
like let me
this was so good
And I'm going to give it like eight out of ten just because I was super hungry and sometimes when you're hungry you feel like
Everything so good for this shrimp tacos They were
But I am my associate with the brain circuits from you access, but we still
Veterans so we had a chance to retail the screen to the us you would think my believer a fantastic
Hello, so today. I'm trying the Café Beignet
Beignets I hope that's the way you say it and I know everybody goes to like to Café du Monde and try them
But I hate them so much I feel they are like Super bad and so today
I try this one, and they were like really really yummy. I love them. Well. I'm not in love in love, but they're really good
it's like flour with sugar thats a beignet for me flour with sugar and
If you want to try like good one go to Café Beignet instead of Café du Monde Café du Monde they are like i dont know
dry and I don't know these ones are better. So yeah
Relanex - Can't Lose This Time - Duration: 3:19.Relanex - Can't Lose This Time
Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk GT-Line First Edition - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Nico Klaver over zijn restaurant 't Kalkoentje - Duration: 2:25.Well we are trying to spot the fallow deer.
On Plantage Willem III.
Yes, actually you have to walk here a bit.
Just for a shot. It is so beautiful.
There is no better free range meat than this.
No stress. The best meat with all of these herbs and flowers and...
...all that they eat here.
Those that are being shot... those are the ones we can work with at t Kalkoentje.
We make roulade from the neck and shoulders.
From the back and the haunch we make kebab.
We make all sort of things with the fallow deer.
And it seemed nice to show you how close at t Kalkoentje, you will see... is not further than 500 meters of from the restaurant.
Absolutely amazing for us to be here.
And these black bucks... oh boy oh boy.
I have been here from 1988.
And that is quite some time to have your own restaurant.
29 years ago we said we should begin working with more regional products.
And that is also what makes t Kalkoentje so special.
Fallow deer... we are going to make a main course with fallow deer.
We have the neck meat...
...we use the back, the haunch. We make roulade from the shoulders.
Which is then also bought by guests to bring with them back home.
I always say playing in our restaurant, because that is actually it...
...this style of working only works if you have a lot of fun with it.
We have 12 tables in the restaurant where we have to focus on.
We are relatively with a lot of chefs compared to hosts.
Because I want the guys when they make a dish, to have them also bring it to the table.
Because I feel that the contact with the guest ultimately decides... the guys will develop.
So you do not have the feeling that you are cooking for the anonymous guest at table 10.
But for mr en mrs Jansen.
He (guest from Plantage Willem III) once said Nico if I taste you roulade I still taste the rose leaves from my garden.
Its hilarious but you actually see how much it lives on in your mind.
Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI i-M. Comf. Navi + Cruise - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Bob & Alice - A.I. and the language humans can't understand - Lucien Moreau - PLEXUS - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
Trump's Daughter-In-Law Launches "Real News" Venture To Spread Republican Propaganda - Duration: 3:38.Most people have never heard of Lara Trump, who happens to be Eric Trump's wife, thereby
being Donald Trump's daughter-in-law.
But recently Lara Trump has come into her own little bit of fame by producing a series
of Facebook videos that run every Sunday evening, opposite Game of Thrones, that she posted
on Donald Trump's Facebook page, where she claims to be reporting the "real news".
Because as she points out, and as Donald Trump has pointed out, you can't trust anybody in
the media out there in the world, so it is her job.
Lara Trump has taken on the specific responsibility of being the only person in this country actually
reporting what's really happening in this country.
It's all on Lara Trump, folks.
She is the only one telling us the real stories about the real Donald Trump, and the real
accomplishments that he has had as President of the United States, because that's what
it's all about.
She says she wants to talk about his accomplishments, the good things he's doing that that fake
news media continues to ignore.
What's weird about that is if she's doing videos talking about Trump's accomplishments
... She's actually made several different videos.
I didn't know he had enough accomplishments to fill out an entire minute, let alone several
The even scarier part is that some of these videos have over 40,000 views on them, more
than 10,000 shares, which shows that the little Trumpites and the alt-right all throughout
this country have absolutely no problem listening to this woman, taking her word at face value,
and then spreading it all around.
That's exactly what fake news does.
You post a video, you don't cite any sources, you just make wild claims and accusations,
and you get your idiotic followers who won't bother to do the research behind it to share
it with their people.
That's exactly what everybody's accused the alleged Russian trolls of doing.
Now the Trump administration is literally doing this.
I know Lara Trump's not a member of the administration, but Eric Trump being the president's son,
I think it's pretty safe to say that this is a Trump Administration project.
Lara Trump has absolutely no business getting in front of a camera and talking about Donald
Trump's accomplishments, because there are none to talk about.
Donald Trump has done nothing good for this country.
He's done nothing productive.
All he's done is whine and cry like a giant man-baby, and blamed everything on Democrats,
even though they're the minority party in both the House and the Senate.
Once he couldn't get his Health Care Bill passed, he started also attacking Republicans.
The man is throwing a massive temper tantrum that's now been going on for several months,
but Lara Trump thinks that it's time we start talking about all of Donald Trumps accomplishments.
That's going to be a very short video, if she ever actually gets around to talking about
the good things the President's done.
The rest of us are going to talk about the chaos that this man is creating and the chaos
that his staff and cabinet is creating, and the giant mess that they've made ... That
the rest of us who actually live in reality, unlike Lara and Donald Trump, are going to
have to clean up one day.
Why is HONG KONG in DECLINE? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 12:01.On the 1st of July this year, a very special anniversary was celebrated...
20 years has passed since Hong Kong stopped being part of the United Kingdom and returned
to the People's Republic of China.
They did this under the model: "one country, two systems".
As you know, although China is a dictatorship, Hong Kong was incorporated into the country
as a "Special Administrative Region" where the "Basic Law" applies.
This is a law that grants the citizens of Hong Kong a list of rights and liberties which
would be unthinkable in the rest of China… perhaps with the exception of Macau.
Besides, Hong Kong has its own currency, its own immigration policy, as well as its own
police, customs and courts.
So, in its everyday life, the country works almost as if it were an independent country…
But, hold on a minute here, because I did say "almost"...
Beijing's interference in this island's politics has been getting more and more intense,
and don´t think Beijing is being discreet about about, not at all in fact.
We already told you about it here on VisualPolitik how pro democracy advocates have been tortured
and killed...
So, in order to celebrate this 20th anniversary…
Xi Jinping made his first visit to Hong Kong.
He is the president of China after all.
Well, Xi Jinping's visit was loaded with symbolism, since it has happened at a time
when China has been receiving lots of criticism about Hong Kong.
The visit, dear friends, lasted for three days, and in this short period of time, the
Chinese president has decided to make things pretty clear.
"Any attempt to endanger national sovereignty and security, challenge the power of the central
government [...] or use Hong Kong to carry out infiltration and sabotage activities against
the mainland is an act that crosses the red line, and is absolutely impermissible."
Xi Jinping
In other words, for Beijing all that stuff freedom of speech and democracy in Hong Kong
has a lot of limits, and they are certainly not going to allow any activist or politician
to let things get out of hand and challenge Beijing's control in any way.
And, hey, Xi Jinping didn't just limit to let them go with a warning… absolutely not.
The president of China also used his visit to preside over the largest military march
in the history of Hong Kong… with Chinese troops, of course.
He also attended the inaugural speech of Carrie Lam, the new Chief Executive in Hong Kong,
who is sort-of like the president of the island...
Anyway, Xi Jinping, is the "superior authority", and even though the Basic Law clearly forbids
him from meddling in local politics, he did take the opportunity to ask the new Chief
Executive two things: First, he asked about the passing of an anti-subversion
law in order to convict all dissidents who dare to defend such things as democracy or
independence for Hong Kong.
And second, the approval of a plan of "patriotic education" for the youth...
Yep, you heard it right.
That is what happens in dictatorships, they like kids to be educated about their obedience
to the regime.
So, as you can imagine, Hong Kong citizens are not especially willing to do this… and
on the 1st July 60,000 people demonstrated demanding more freedom and democracy.
"I urge the people of Hong Kong: do not give up ... Once we give up then we will for
certain slowly deteriorate into what is becoming of China today".
Avery Ng, the chairman of the League of Social Democrats.
That is what things are like in Hong Kong, and here at VisualPolitik, we will continue
to pay close attention to the developing situation (don't forget to subscribe if you haven't
or ready for updates).
So now that this 20th anniversary has taken place, there are some questions we can't
help but ask:
How did Hong Kong do in the last 20 years?
Has it changed much?
And what is the current situation?
Well, let's have a look.
Perhaps the best news after these 20 years is that Hong Kong is, simply, still Hong Kong,
a city completely different to the rest of China.
Let me elaborate here...
Hong Kong is still the wealthiest and freest city in China.
Courts work, the media are not under the control of censorship, and political debate is vibrant…
Vibrant enough, in fact, that protests against China are quite frequent.
In fact, a demonstration for freedom with more than 60,000 people against Xi Jinping's
visit is a good example of this.
Furthermore, during these years, economic growth has been an average of a 3.3% every
year, andthis is a decent figure.
It might not be as high as in other Asian countries like Singapore, or some non-Asian
countries, like Ireland, but it is still higher than the growth rate of most rich countries.
The fact that, during this time, more than 1 million Chinese have moved to Hong Kong
in search of a better future.
The city has also consolidated its position as a leading financial city globally.
The number of publicly listed companies on the exchange has increased three times since
1997 and market capitalization reached $3.2 trillion by 2016, that´s equal to almost
all Germany's GDP.
Also, with 60 million tourists a year, Hong Kong has also become quite a power in the
tourist sector.
However, hold on a minute, because the country is also showing symptoms which could indicate
that their model is getting obsolete.
It is true that economic growth on this island has been decent, but it is also true that
is has slowed down with time.
Further, savings have collapsed and the future seems worse, and not just for the political
"This is probably the worst time in 20 years for Hong Kong".
John Tsang Chun-wah, Former Financial Secretary of Hong Kong.
There is an increasing feeling that Hong Kong hasn´t succeeded in adapting to the modern
economic environment, and that there is a risk of them becoming a short of cheap, tacky,
theme park for businessmen and tourists.
Maybe it is in the cities of the Pearl River Delta where the lack of drive from Hong Kong
can be better understood.
This is the region which Hong Kong belongs to, and traditionally, the city had been the
centre of attention.
Today, this is just not the case.
Take a look at Shenzhen, for example.
This Chinese city was nothing but a poor fishing town of 50,000 inhabitants 30 years ago.
Today, Shenzhen in a massive city with a population of more than 15 million people.
It has as many companies in the Fortune 500 as Hong Kong and it is an important high-tech
centre which holds notable companies like Tencent and Huawei.
Well, many believe it is Shenzhen, not Hong Kong, who is destined to be the major player
in the area...
And consider this other stat: in 1997, Hong Kong represented 20% of the Chinese economy,
today it is less than 3%.
That illustrates well just how much things are changing.
"Hong Kong's economy is stuck, with remarkably little change to show for the last two decades".
Simon Cartledge.
And the truth is: no, this has very little to do with luck.
Hong Kong has made many significant mistakes.
So, well, what are the major ones?
Well, these two are a good place to start:
First, there is the housing market, which has been a total disaster.
Real estate prices in Hong Kong have gone through the ceiling.
The prices are so crazy that most of its citizens know the only chance they have to get a house
is to get a public one.
And the odds of that happening are really low.
And when there aren't enough houses available, all spaces become very expensive, and this
makes it complicated for start-ups and new companies to establish themselves here.
And this triggers crazy situations like this one:
"Hong Kong Parking Space Sells for Record $664,300".
And, the problem here is not a lack of land, not at all, less than 25% of Hong Kong´s
surface is urbanised and there are other possibilities, like using the sea.
Land is definitely not the issue.
Look, Hong Kong has a very free economy, the freest in the world according to the Index
of Economic Freedom, but it is not free when it comes to land, housing and town planning.
In Hong Kong, the government is the one in charge of the housing sector, and it has been
a complete failure in the last few decades.
"There are over 200 hectares of land available for building in the urban areas.
The shortage of housing is real but that is because of deliberate manipulation of the
market by the government."
John Wright, a barrister and chairman of Friends of Sai Kung.
Pay attention here, because housing developments have been frozen because of a law from the
colonial times.
For decades, the local government leased farmers land in order to grow rice.
These communities support the government in Beijing and nobody wants to mess with them.
It's a totally crazy system…
And some are suspicious, and they have good reason to be...
The government may have tried to garner favour from some oligarchs with big real estate deals…
Some convictions have showed this corruption and have confirmed the suspicious links between
government workers and the real estate magnates of Hong Kong.
That might explain why 7 of the 14 richest real estate investors globally are from Hong
And that leads us to another issue, the growing amount of crony capitalism…
Most people agree, capitalism has lost strength in the last years to a system with a similar
name, but a totally different essence, and that is "crony capitalism."
"Under the British, the government was pro-business but not of business.
Since 1997 business interests have been baked into the political system.
Conflicts of interest have multiplied.
Cronyism has grown".
The Economist.
In many sectors, competition has been replaced by well-connected oligopolies and monopolies.
And the worst is things are getting worse as China is regaining power in the city.
As an example, the Liaison Office, which is like the Chinese delegation there, is even
giving out loans with better conditions to "friendly companies" in order to increase
their influence and political power.
Want to know what is required to get one?
Well, you need connections...
And to make it all worse, this is all surrounded by the political conflict that we have already
told you about...
Anyway, it is Carrie Lam's mission to address all these problems.
But her legitimacy is also questionable, after all she wasn't elected by the citizens,
she was elected by a group of people who are led by Beijing's directive.
There was a time, dear viewer, when Hong Kong was thought to be the city on a hill for China's
political change.
Unfortunately though, things look quite different nowadays.
And the question becomes: What will be the future of Hong Kong?
Will it be the light or the shadows that win?
Well, now it is your turn, please do leave your opinion in the comments below, as well
as in this survey.
And if you enjoyed our video, please hit like, and do click the 'subscribe' button to stay
tuned for our new videos twice a week!
Also, check out our friends at the Reconsider Media Podcast - they provided the vocals in
this episode that were not mine!
And as always, thanks for watching!
[TWD] Beth Greene Transformation - Duration: 5:49.-------------------------------------------
How to fix Bluetooth problem in Windows 10 (Four Simple Methods) - Duration: 3:47.How to fix Bluetooth problem in Windows 10 (Four Simple Methods)
Method #1
go to device manager
update all items under Bluetooth
you need Bluetooth driver if you don't have anything under bluetooth
Method #2
Open Services
open Bluetooth Support
set it to automatic and start/restart the service
Method #4
Go to control panel
hardware and sound
hardware and devices
Method #4
tun on Bluetooth!
now go to settings
turn on Bluetooth here
enable these two
pair your device and enjoy!
EL CHIGÜIRE BIPOLAR | 2017 HAVEL PRIZE ACCEPTANCE SPEECH - Duration: 10:13.(audience clapping)
My name is Srdja Popovic,
proud to be on this stage for the third time
as a member of marvelous Oslo family,
now in the most thrilling role.
Presenting the Václav Havel Prize
for Creative Activism.
We don't need to spend words
about the importance of personality
and the mission of Václav Havel,
the poet, the playwriter, the dreamer, the revolutionary,
the father of developed revolution
that inspired Eastern Europe.
What some of you may not know
that he also served as a chair of Human Rights Foundation,
and he's also responsible
for us sitting today at this place.
2012 with the support of Vaclav's wife Dagmar,
this marvelous prize was established.
It has been given to the most creative activists
across the world.
Some people carrying it on the stage where Pussy Riot
or famous Turkish Standing Man, Erdem Gunduz,
and it goes to the people that fight authoritarianism
with a great spirit of creativity.
Of course, it's in the shape of the goddess of democracy,
erected by Tienanmen students.
Also comes with a nice prize of 350,000 Norwegian crowns.
Now, let me underline a little bit
why creativity and humor really matters,
in nonviolent struggles,
working with movements across the world,
we learn some things.
Humor breaks fear.
Nothing breaks fear and apathy stronger
than the humor and creativity.
Humor makes your movement cool and then,
so people want to join.
Most important, mocking people in power
brings them to stupid mistake.
It made Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic
arresting a petrol barrel with his face.
Made Vladimir Putin banning a protest
staged by a little kinder toys.
And it made Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe
banning the selling of Zimbabwean's flag
by street vendor this year.
This is the power of creativity.
This year's prize goes to something I'll try
to pronounce well, and yes,
it's called Bipolar Capybara, or Chigüire Bipolar.
It's a satirical website in Venezuela,
run by genius three people.
They came to the idea that mocking
the authoritarian will work.
They started with producing the humorous news,
and since 2008, they are building the name in prominence.
They made a little series where they put all the presidents
of the Latin American countries on an island.
They got 50 million views on the internet.
They have the following of 1.7 million people on Twitter,
which is why the President of Venezuela
actually accused them that they own Twitter.
(audience laughing)
So, without further notice,
and underlining the honor and great message
that this outlined, I'm calling Elio Casale,
Oswaldo Graziani, and Juan Andrés Ravell
to join us on this stage (audience clapping)
and read this well-deserved prize.
May the force be with you,
and may the hope you're bringing
to Venezuela keep us around the world.
- Thank you very much indeed.
- It's such a pleasure and honor,
and it's very heavy.
Beware, we need to practice this.
Okay, one, two, three.
- Thank you.
- Thank you. (audience cheering)
- Thank you. - Thank you very much.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Good work.
- Thank you very much for this opportunity and this prize.
We are actually, don't, are not very good
at public speaking, but we do videos,
so we decide to make a video to explain
what's happening in Venezuela,
and how do we cope with that.
Okay, so roll the video.
- [Narrator] If you live in Venezuela
and turn on the TV,
everybody has one of those by the way,
you'll see this.
(latin music)
(crowds yelling)
(gun firing)
So what is really happening in Venezuela?
(dramatic music)
What the (bleep) is the other 20 percent thinking?
(latin music)
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(latin music)
(dramatic music) Maybe, just maybe,
humor will help us stop the music.
(audience clapping)
- Thank you.
Thank you. - Thank you.
- So, actually, since we made this video
just a couple days ago,
seven more people have been killed.
All of them young people, so it's very sad
what is happening right now.
And we actually know humor by itself,
or satire, or comedy, won't bring democracy
back in Venezuela, but it truly can help
start a conversation.
We believe that this is not a battle between people,
but it's a battle of ideas,
so this is a good way to start a conversation.
- Yeah, as satirists, the only thing we can do
is connect our readers with the harsh facts
that they, the serious journalism, can,
in a different way, they can do it.
- Yeah, well, I'd like to close by thanking
the Oslo Freedom Forum.
I'd like to thank the foundation.
They have been really good to us.
And, we'd like to share this award
with the people back in our hometown,
Caracas, Venezuela.
The people working on this video,
the people working on the Chigüire,
and there are a big group of creative producers,
yeah, sound people, - designers.
- designers, illustrators.
- This is a collective work.
It's not just us, it's a group of people that help.
- Yeah, and this is theirs too.
We're taking the credit right now,
but there's a lot of people (audience chuckling)
behind this project, yeah,
and we don't want to take credit (laughs).
And finally, we'd like to dedicate it
to the people who are right now, in Venezuela,
doing creative dissent, which is a name I love,
because I didn't think of us as that.
We didn't think of us as creative dissenters,
or whatever, how you conjugate that,
but we feel it's very, very important
what they are doing, and not only us
on the web, but people, there's musicians on the street
who are being thrown tear gas, and they have been killed,
and they're just playing the violin or el cuatro.
And there's people, there are a lot of silent,
invisible people helping the resistance.
Doctors who are not getting paid to attend those people,
or people raising money for example, comedians
that are doing shows, just to raise money
so the people in the Green Cross, which are the students
from the universities there,
attending the protestors during the rallies.
So there's a lot of people,
and there's a lot of silent, hidden heroes
behind this moment in Venezuela.
So we want to dedicate this to them.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.
- Venezuela! (audience clapping)
Thank you, thank you.
Brent Fikowki on Why He Drinks Zevia - Duration: 0:52.(upbeat music)
- I think one of the misconceptions people have
with soda, or really anything in a can is,
they associate soda with an unhealthy lifestyle.
I think that a lot of people have that perception
that soda is bad for you.
Anything that I'm putting into me I need to make sure
that it's going to maximize my potential as an athlete.
When I am craving something sweet Zevia's really great,
because you can still have that flavor,
and that nostalgia of drinking a delicious soda,
without having to worry about how it's gonna
negatively effect my performance.
For me as an athlete I think Zevia has done a really great
job creating delicious sodas in a can that are healthy.
Psycho Cat Women's T Shirt By Jeff Haynie Review | - Duration: 1:09.Hey guys, Jess here from, and I have this amazing shirt I want to show you.
It is the Psycho Cat T-Shirt, and it's exclusive only at, and it has this gorgeous
design by the one and only Jeff Haynie!
He is a huge cat supporter, he donates to cat shelters and he's a brilliant artist!
I absolutely love him!
This shirt comes in three different colors.
We have the black, purple and red.
This shirt also varies in different sizes from small all the way up to 3XL.
And, this shirt is a 100% pre-shrunk cotton.
So, if you think that you want to rock this amazing Psycho Cat Shirt, and I think everybody
should just so we can show of his amazing artwork, then I recommend going on
and picking one up today!
Thanks! :)
2017 back to school message - Duration: 1:13.Hello, I'm Deputy Dale Henderson with the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office School Resource Unit.
in case you have not heard by now school starts tomorrow.
With that in mind we want to encourage you to have a plan.
Not only a plan for the first day of school, but one that you can use for the entire school year.
Leave early, give yourself plenty of time.
Car rider lines are going to be long
So, have patience, be respectful
When we rush we have accidents.
Our Sheriff's Office Facebook page provides traffic alerts, so that you can
Have information on where these obstacles and accidents are.
Probably one of the most important things is to watch out for our children.
There'll be children loading and unloading school buses
They'll be on the sidewalks as well as the crosswalks.
The Sheriff's Office Facebook Channel provides videos on school bus safety and cross walk safety.
Take a look at those
We want you to have a great school year. So be careful and as always
Stay Safe Forsyth
Minecraft Store Episode Three: The Crook and the Rich Guy - Duration: 3:00.RICH GUY: Aiee! A crook!
CROOK: I'm here to make a legal purchase. Don't worry.
RICH GUY: Well then, how may I help you?
CROOK: I would like to purchase a diamond.
CROOK: I'll give you some gold dust for it!
CROOK: Oops. I won't use that sword, don't worry.
CROOK: Alright, I've had enough. You are stereotyping me based on me being a convicted felon! Don't judge a book by its cover!
RICH GUY: Fine! I will get you your diamond.
CROOK: My diamond?
CROOK: What are you doing? Where's my diamond?
CROOK: There's the payment.
CROOK: Enough! I will throw bricks at you!
RICH GUY: There! Take your diamond and go away! You've done enough.
CROOK: You haven't seen the last of me!
CROOK: My store now.
Bison ranching in Alberta: a lifestyle, not a job | We Are The Best - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
MSP mailtime! (1) - Duration: 4:04.-------------------------------------------
Emma Skye Jewelry Designs TexturedLink Necklace - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
SHOULDA WOULDA COULDA - Duration: 3:13.Hi This time I decided to start with a very simple
American English expression which sounds like
"shoulda woulda coulda"
actually, all these words
shoulda, woulda and coulda
can appear in American English individually because all of them are
the reductions of "should have", "would have" and "could have"
"a" at the end of these words is simply the reduction of "have"
Make sure that the sound "a" at the end of these words is distinct and of course that
there is silent "l" in all these words, but I think that's clear
Take a look at some examples with all these words individually
I shoulda listened to your advice I should have listened to your advice
The same is with "woulda" I woulda come to that party
I shoulda left home earlier so that I woulda been on time
Coulda - the same It coulda been worse
I coulda gone on and on about this topic, but I figure you have the gist of it by now
Note that after these contractions we use the third verb form, or past participle, as
we do after the full forms like "should have", "would have" and "could have"
Does it sound familiar?
Of course it does, because this is simply the Third Conditional structure
So we use these words when we talk about some imaginary situations in the past, we regret
about it, or we give advice about this situation in the past
So it's simply the Third Conditional If I had studied for the exam, I coulda passed
We coulda gone travelling if we had bought the tickets earlier
But I promised to tell you about the expression "shoulda woulda coulda",
or "woulda coulda shoulda", or any option you like
So the expression "shoulda woulda coulda" is just a little bit longer way to say "Oh well"
when you don't know what to respond to the person who is complaining to you, or
is telling you about their missed opportunities
You just don't get what you are expected to say, so just answer with "shoulda, woulda, coulda"
For example
If I had met that deadline, I would have entered the university
Shoulda, woulda, coulda
What can I say?
You missed the deadline, you are not studying at the university now
So let's forget about that You just suggest: "Let's shorten the discussion
which focuses on the past, because what's the point of all this conversation?"
I think that's it for today Thank you for watching this video
Самоделки, Кулибины и Удивительная техника ✦ Amazing Homemade Inventions ✦ 74 ✦ LUCKY - Duration: 6:25.Have you ever seen infinity?
It's very easy to do with his own hands
First we prepare a mirror
Then we take the LED strip
And glued on the perimeter
Then tinted film
Sticking to prepared for the shape of the mirror glass
Then we glue everything together
And Voila!
A three-dimensional digital space?
Today it can not only be seen
But also to hold the hands
And do not even just hold it
And completely manage it
With my own hands today
You can even make fly a drone
And not just to make, but to fly
Well, if it is necessary to overcome an obstacle
Clever dog made with hands too
He'll just jump over
And this little quadric
Having neither screws nor wings
Our hands taught to overcome such heights
Which are not subject to any cross-country vehicle
Thank you for watching!
And if you liked the video put Like and subscribe to the channel!
What Missions Have Been Cancelled? The Alternative History of Space Exploration - Duration: 11:41.People love to imagine alternative history, what could have happened if a certain battle
or political event went the other way.
Would the Nazis have won World War II?
Would there been a nuclear war over the Cuban Missile Crisis?
It's a fascinating concept, and I really enjoy this kind of speculation.
In fact, there's a great channel you should check out if you haven't already called
Alternate History Hub.
Lots of great space related alternate history as well as other topics.
Anyway, because I've been doing space journalism for so long, I've seen the creation and
then cancellation of many space-related projects and missions.
Some make sense, there was too much technological risk, the project was over budget, while others
seem a little short sighted.
In this episode, I wanted to take a look back at some projects and missions that were developed
to various stages and then cancelled.
What science could we have gotten from the mission?
What did we ultimately get?
It's the alternative history of astronomy and space exploration.
I'm going to present the three missions that I was most excited about, and the saddest
to lose.
If you listen to Astronomy Cast, you know, that podcast about space and astronomy that
I've been doing for 10 years with the astronomer Dr. Pamela Gay, where we cover topics in space
and astronomy, you'll know that my greatest sadness is the loss of the Terrestrial Planet
The Kepler Space Telescope, which has already given us a treasure trove of planetary discoveries
was actually supposed to be the first part of a trilogy of space-based planetary observatories.
The second spacecraft in the series was called the Space Interferometry Mission, or SIM.
Unlike Kepler, which uses a single mirror, SIM was going to test the idea of interferometry,
where you combine the light from multiple mirrors into a single observation.
This idea is used successfully here on Earth, but it had never been tried in space (and
still hasn't).
You would think that by having two mirrors, your telescope would act like the combined
surface area of both.
But what actually happens is you get a resolution equal to the separation of the mirrors.
There are downsides, you can only see brighter objects, but the boost in resolution is very
In fact, this is why people talk about the powerful kinds of telescopes that could be
built if you put equal telescopes on opposite sides of the Solar System, for example.
It's as if you had a telescope with the resolution of the size of the Solar System.
Once launched, SIM would be the most powerful extrasolar planet ever launched, and it would
have have been capable of turning up Earth-sized worlds orbiting nearby Sun-like stars in the
habitable zone.
In other words, it would have found Earth 2.0.
But the third part of the trilogy is the one I miss the most: The Terrestrial Planet Finder,
cancelled in 2011.
This mission would have been built on the success of SIM to fly a formation of space
telescopes to act as a single large telescope.
It's job would be to help us discover planets, and more importantly, help us find out if
they have life on them.
The instrument would have used a coronagraph to block the light from stars to see the fainter
planets orbiting them in infrared light.
With hundreds of times the observing power of Hubble, the TPF would be able to measure
the composition of exoplanet atmospheres.
Find an atmosphere with ozone and it's a clear indication there's life present.
And if it could detect the air pollution from an advanced civilization, then we'd know
we're not alone in the Universe.
Although I'm sad to lose SIM and the Terrestrial Planet Finder, there's hope.
Astronomers are planning and building several new ground and space-based telescopes that
will have the same capability or even greater.
And if it ever gets built, the LUVOIR mission will put a 16-meter telescope into space.
That will change everything.
We'll talk more about the upcoming super telescopes in future episodes.
Now, it's time to go to Europa and look for life.
The search for life in the Solar System is all about the search for water.
That's because wherever we find liquid water here on Earth, we find life.
Is that true for other places than Earth?
We don't know.
One of the great discoveries from NASA's Voyager program was realization that three
of Jupiter's large moons: Europa, Ganymede and Callisto had a huge amount of liquid water,
kept warm by tidal interactions with Jupiter, and covered by a thick icy shell.
This sounded like the perfect place to go searching for life.
In 2004, Northrop Grumman began the development of a spacecraft with a range of revolutionary
capabilities called the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter, or JIMO.
Instead of a traditional chemical engine, this spacecraft would be equipped with 8 highly
efficient ion engines powered by a small nuclear fission reactor.
The reactor would have generated thousands of times the electricity of other spacecraft
power plants, which would power the engines.
With this configuration, JIMO would be capable of visiting each of Jupiter's icy moons.
Not just flybys, but it would be capable of going into orbit, examining each moon for
several months, and even deploying a lander for Europa.
If the mission had gone ahead, there would have been three separate launches in 2015
to low Earth orbit: two booster transfer stages, and then the actual probe.
The transfer stages would have kicked JIMO into the trajectory to reach Jupiter by 2021.
It would have arrived first at Callisto, studied it for three months, then switched to Ganymede
for three months, and finally arrived at Europa where it would have lived out its final days,
studying this intriguing world until 2025.
During this period, NASA was tasked with the Constellation Program, which shifted budgets
to human space exploration, and canceled several ambitious projects like JIMO.
This cancellation is even more sad now that we know there are active geysers on Europa,
and the food for bacterial life has been detected at Enceladus.
It would be the perfect time to have an enormous, nuclear powered mega probe orbiting the Jovian
ESA and NASA partnered up with something called the Europa Jupiter System Mission, but this
was cancelled in 2011, and now ESA is building their own probe called the Jupiter Icy Moon
Explorer mission, or JUICE.
And NASA is working on its own mission called the Europa Clipper, which will visit the moon
in the 2020s.
Unfortunately, the lander portion of the mission was canceled earlier this year, so it'll
just be an orbiter.
It's better than nothing, though.
I've talked about two groups of missions that were canceled, and there's one more
to go.
But before I get to it, I'd like to thank Björn Poppe, David Gell, and the rest of
our 764 patrons for their generous support.
If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to
Now I'm going to cross the ocean to Europe, and look at a cancelled program from the European
Space Agency: the Hermes spaceplane.
This was originally proposed in 1975 as an alternative to the much larger NASA space
Hermes would have only been capable of carrying 3 astronauts to orbit, but only a few tonnes
of cargo.
Which in retrospect was a pretty good idea, and is the direction NASA went after cancelling
the space shuttle.
The project officially began in 1985, investigating a 6-person spaceplane.
After the Challenger disaster, ESA wanted to give astronauts a chance to escape a disaster,
so it was decided it should have 3 ejection seats instead.
Hermes spaceplanes would have been carried to space atop Europe's new Ariane rockets,
and would be capable of 30 successive re-entries before they needed to be overhauled.
Each Hermes would have been capable of keeping a crew of 3 astronauts alive for 40 days,
with extended missions lasting 90 days.
It would have been capable of docking with various space stations, under human control
or autonomously.
Hermes was ultimately canceled in 1992, as ESA transferred its efforts into supporting
the International Space Station, and relying on the space shuttle to carry its astronauts
to orbit.
Although they never gained the ability to send humans to space, ESA is still pursuing
the space plane and lifting body concept.
As part of their Future Launchers Preparatory Program, ESA has been continuing to investigate
space planes.
In 2015, they launched the Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle, which was the first time a lifting
body ever made a re-entry from orbital velocity.
It had no wings, but flaps that could control its attitude.
It final landing was with parachutes in the Pacific Ocean.
For its next test, the IXV will try a runway landing.
If this works out, I'm sure we'll see more spacecraft based on this lifting body
concept as a way to return cargo and people from orbit, and even other worlds.
As I was working on this episode, I considered many more cancelled missions.
Let's take a moment to remember the X-33 which was an attempt to build a single stage
to orbit spacecraft.
The Constellation Program, which would have had humans set foot on the Moon again.
The Pluto Kuiper Express, which would have sent a probe to Pluto and Charon… okay,
New Horizons replaced it and did that.
There was the Comet Rendezvous and Flyby Mission, which would have sent a Cassini-class spacecraft
to a comet.
That was cancelled, but Rosetta accomplished most of its science goals.
For all the successful missions out there, many more were developed and then canceled.
Some because of budget problems or technological risk, and others because of a shift in the
political climate.
But what I've found time and time again is that specific goals to get achieved in the
Even if a specific mission, instrument or spacecraft is canceled, the science goals
If it was worth doing, some version of it eventually does get done.
Although it sucks to see your favorite missions cancelled, it's all part of the process.
Were there any missions I missed?
Which canceled missions make you the saddest?
Which are you glad got cut?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
In our next episode, we look back fondly on the Voyager spacecraft, which are still going
after all these years.
They gave us our first look at the outer Solar System, and we still rely on their observations
to this day.
That's next time.
It's time for another playlist, all about the alternative history of space exploration.
I'm going to link you to a few interesting videos about what might have happened if things
had gone differently.
Starting with Alternate History Hub's take on what would happen if the Soviets landed
first on the Moon.
A Civilization 6 video about the Vikings colonizing space.
A video from Amy Shira Teitel about the cancelled Apollo missions.
What if NASA had the US military's budget.
And finally, an hour-long lecture from Neil DeGrasse Tyson at the 28th National Space
ESA and NASA partnered up called the - hmm hold on...
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