It's an amazing time to be alive
the serpent seed is underfoot and
Even though is wiggling and thrashing around
The serpent seed it's under foot
God has chosen devil drama to open the gates for us
Sounds and daughters of our creator incarnate Jesus
To set things straight and get things right
We have proven that
We can come together in the spirit
enjoy Forces
against the Evil of this world
And to talk about peace
my good friend
brother in Christ
Mark Taylor is with us
Hey Mark, how's it going?
Thank you, brother
I appreciate you having me on again has a long pleasure to be here I
Send you a few questions that our brothers and sisters had
concerning the election concerning
the future and what's going to happen and
Do you have them with you I?
Do have the courses with me. I think that
One thing I'd like to address to the people that's okay after like the holy Spirit's leading
is that you know we want a tremendous tremendous Victory November 8th and
The Army of God Truly Rose to the occasion and this was not
One person's effort this was a team effort across the board from the only of God not only in America
But all over the world people were praying they were fasting they were interceding from America because they know that whatever happens to
America has a Domino effect around the world
So this is a tremendous victory that we had a november 8th
And I want tell the people and the army of God that this this battle this war is not over we won a battle
But the war is not over we have three objectives that we need to meet and we've met the first objective
Which is that which is one of the biggest ones which was getting donald elected?
But now it's not the time to lay down your weapons of Warfare
The next objective we have is getting Donald trump
inaugurated and
The enemies Kickin he's screamin and they will try and pull a couple things before he is
Inaugurated what you're already seeing right now one of those elect the petition to try to get Hillary Clinton in
As far as the electoral college boats go and all that kind of stuff
So they're going to try and pull some things before them
So the next objective that we need to continue to play fast and war about is getting him to the inauguration
Then the third objective that we need to complete is going to be the first three or four months of his presidency
It's going to be a little Rocky we're going to have some hot spots because when God goes to purge the land
getting the illegals getting the
gangs out of here
Those types of things when God gives the purse the land there is going to be some hot spots and there will be some attacks
You know as far as people trying to attack trump
And what he's trying to do for the united states, and what people have to realize that this is not
Donald trump that's doing this. This is God. That's doing this
So we have three objectives that we really need to to meet right now the fortunes of met now
We have when we move to the next one which is getting him inaugurated
After that will be when God goes to purge the land we need to continue to play
fight and
Not lay down our weapons of warfare. I know there's a lot of people out there
This has been a lengthy battle and people are getting battle weary, but don't lose
Hope don't give up the fight and don't walk away from this because the church
Has passed history is very bad that when they when they win a battle they lay down their arms, and they walk away
We take ground
But we don't hold that ground we have taken a huge piece of ground and now we need to hold that ground at all
Costs, so that's what I wanted to speak to the to to the order of God right now
Last night I watched his interview on 60 minutes
Where when he was asked if it was really going to drain the swamp?
And if he was really going to indict Hillary Clinton for one, I know that he knows a lot more
Than we give him credit for and he is not going to reveal his hand
He's not going to reveal the trump card
And I believe just like he said about isis
He's going to destroy him he's going to get rid of isis
He's not going to let them know how he's going to do it
So, what are you thoughts?
absolutely, you know this was not a time for the people to
To question this man and what he's looking to do because again
It's not Donald trump is doing this it is God that's doing this God is going to expose and he's going to deal with all
the corruption
Now Donald trump may be saying one thing because I believe that
there's a part of Donald Trump's heart that wants to heal the nation and
Bring people together
He doesn't want to divide now having said that whoever is Duj is going to be I believe that is who is going to go?
After a lot of these people and it's corruption because the Clinton foundation itself it may not be the emails that
That they that she goes down for it may be the Clinton foundation is which I believe because that Clinton foundation has its tentacles
so far so wide and so deep all over the earth and they have to be careful how they handle this because
it gives into every aspect of government and governments even
The news Media I mean you name it
I mean you're seeing all this information come out, so it's got to be handled delicately and I think what Mr.
Trump's trying to do is he's trying to heal the nation because there's been so much hate business ilet's
division in this country that he's trying to bring the love and
the unity back together for the people and then whoever comes in at the DOj
That's who I believe is going to handle a lot of stuff they're looking for something that he says
That they can use to fuel the fire
And so he knows that therefore he is being politically correct
So that he can have a smooth consistent yeah, absolutely. I mean Donald trump is
Probably one of the smartest guys. We'll have an office, and I mean and not trying to demean anyone else who's been in office
But he's a very intelligent man, and I mean you don't get to where he's at
not knowing what you're doing and
You know even admitted himself? He's been on the other side
He knows how the other side walks, which is an advantage so I mean when you have that type of individual of it
That's coming into office who knows how the other the inner workings of that beast so to speak
He can go after it and his administration. I believe will go after it so right now
What their media is trying to portray and I think is going to be?
They're going to try and harm him with Loss
They're going to try and tarnish him right now because again you're seeing what's happening on the streets
I'm getting a lot of flack from the
Christian community about Donald Trump, and mainly is because it doesn't fit in the
biblical prophetic timeline
You know I get call the pulse prophet a deceiver and other names that I can't really repeat
Yeah, I
Have been brutally attack. I mean literally brutally attacked either the natural or in the spiritual and
a lot of it has been from those who call themselves evangelicals and
It is amazing to me how
The church at the heart of the church is worth at it
Actually breaks my heart even seeing it because you know this is not about
One person this is not about this is about a team effort sure about God's army coming together as a team
We don't have to always agree on everything and proof of that was november 8th. So that we don't have to always agree on
Theology or whatever the case may be but we come together in the spirit
what we did before November 8 and on November 8
We joined together in the spirit in one line one accord one heart for one common goal
And that's the type of victories that you will see but we had a liver break
and it's trying to is the religious mindset the legalistic and the critical spirit of people that are having a hard time because
It does become Sorenson house or war and we're talking about the 501C3 system last time
We spoke and that system is under judgment the church is under judgment. God is cleaning out the corruption in the church and
There are churches as we know it is going to be done in a whole different light from here on out
I believe and whether it's going to be media whether it's going to be through at the marketplace
Home churches, you're going to see popping up everywhere. You're seeing a mass exodus from the church right now literally
I'm getting bombarded with email. So people
Tell me that they don't go to church anymore because they're tired of what they're seeing
So God is going to begin to deal with the corruption in the church
Now one of the signs that was given or my prophetic words that I lived that
Because would quake when Donald trump was elected is an we just had a massive earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand
now why Christchurch new zealand because that is a sign for a couple of things one it was a sign that that type of
That deciphered all stop coming in that the earth would quake that was the first one, but the second one is is that
Christchurch the church itself. I believe is coming under judgment, and that was a sign for it now the interesting thing about
The earthquake in New Zealand was that the last time they had an earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand
Was in 2011 the same year that prophecy was written
Well, well, that's oh
yeah, so and I mean so and
With you doing your research sorts of matter out
Like we always talked about so it's a matter of I tell people don't take my word for this stuff
So it's a matter out is that Christchurch new zealand it located in the middle of what's called the ring of fire
Now we have to discern is what is that ring the fire?
That or this covenant, so to speak that the church is in with that. God won't do away with that's under judgment, so to speak
So that's just something for the people to meditate on and to search out on their own I
Understand that there is also a large unn
Ground military base there as well for those who don't know in the United States
There is approximately
129 Underground military bases
That been under construction as early as the 1940s this bases
connect with each other underground
By using Leviton Trains which can go up to Mac two in speeds
so if you are wondering
Where trillions of dollars have gone?
Unaccounted there is a black budget any stop secret
Those base New Mexico, which is one of the largest underground?
bases in the Country
Has seven levels
To about three miles deep most bases are around one mile deep
But this one goes down one a little farther
You know I haven't searched that matter out you know
But I did what I wouldn't put it past them because I mean look at the evils going on on the surface
That's coming out for wikileaks
True like a spirit cooking that was going on that came out law that the Clinton campaign was into so look
What was gone with planned parenthood that came out?
You know selling the body parts, so if you've got this kind of evil going on in
Plain sight on top of the ground as a journalist called on underground no again
I have not searched that out, but I wouldn't put it past them. I really wouldn't but I mean
When are you coming into it? I want what God is exposing everything right now everything is going to come to the surface
It doesn't matter if it's underground or not. It's going to come to the surface because God's going to reveal it
God's going to deal with it
and that's what we just have to have walk and faith that god's going to deal with it period That's right and
Conspiracy theories you know
Alex Jones stuff, but now is no longer a conspiracy all that is coming up to the surface
but even then they doubt
Like and you know that the thing is is that um?
used to be a conspiracy theory like the illuminati or the new world order that used to be a conspiracy theory years back and
now you have even people on the street who are not even Christians talking about the Mueller order and the
Illuminati now, it's common
Common language now so what used to be a conspiracy theories no other conspiracy theories
Do you have non-Christians that are even talking about on the street?
And if there's one thing that I will say that George soros the obamas and the clintons have done is they have fully
Exposed the illuminati and the new world war totally so they have done that they have brought it out into the open if nothing else
So you know even even God can use the most evil people on Earth?
To do good you know and so now the people are paying attention they're seeing this stuff taking place
And you know it will get dealt with you're seeing it right now
You got they got a def blow
November 9 November 8. So you're seeing what you were talking about earlier that it's just as kicking ass cream
that's not liking what it's doing, and it's going to do anything it can to retain and stay in power, so
That's not going to happen is this this lucifer elaine
So to speak is coming to an end period And gods feeling it was dealt a huge duff world of a break they talking about
Searching the matter out
I'd like to recommend the brothers and sisters out there to
look into the other version of
The sounds of God coming down to the daughters of man you got offspring
That became the man a renowned
This were the rulers of the Earth back in those days
They were large in stature
were very intelligent and
they ruled the Earth and
People saw them as gods
There is the same plot lines that have ruled the Earth
for thousands of years to the present
these people are very smart very intelligent and
There are masters of Deception
The antichrist has been ruling the earth for thousands of years it has a lot to do with what's happening right now
And it'll help you understand what we're dealing with
restarts the cabal
Definitely, I encourage people to research research the cabal because the cabal it is the shadow government
You know there was a lot of prophecies flying around
Talking about how president Obama was going to be the last president yes, well
They were probably right partly wrong and all of that right was he is going to be the last president in the sense that all
Presidents including him before him a lot of mostly locals. They were told what to do and what to say yes, I that all
So and when you know who the cabal is they are tapped into some of the highest demonic forces on Earth or masters of immune?
manipulation and that sort of deception they know how to manipulate governments currencies
You name it so I mean when you understand you have to know your enemy before you can defeat your enemy, so yeah
search the matter out and search out the cabal and what they stand for who they are what they're into and
It'll you will start beginning to get the revelation of what's going on here
It has been total psychological warfare since the beginning till now you know if you look at the media everything's colluded
Everything that thinks our spirit takes our discernment, and that's what they have done very successfully
Until now this is where we break away, and we find out. What's really going on behind the curtains
right right
And you know the lord told me during this election that the news Media
Because they are part of the new world war the part of that movement, but both agenda. They've been bought and paid for that
They were doing actually psyops on the people the same psyops that were happening in the Korean War Vietnam war
Or two or the enemy would come over the radio or the loudspeakers, and they would say hey, you're surrounded
You know you're going to be overrun. You know lay down your arms. You're not going to be able to win well
That was the same thing you saw going on in the news media during electoral process
Because they were saying all the time all the polls were wrong all the news Media was wrong
You know I kept telling people don't listen to the mainstream news
They'd hit because they're doing psyops on people then it was done to demoralize the people just like it was in wartime
That's what that's for and it was it was actually working in a lot of cases
And I mean you know the bombardment that was coming during his election was just incredible like nothing else. I'd ever seen her experience
Yeah, I mean, you know
She had to really be walking by Faith. That's what I told people because I was getting bored with emails
Or my phone was just ringing off the hook. Hey, what's going to happen next it's like look
I don't have all the answers. I don't have a step-by-step. What's going to happen all I know is the end result
this is where we as the army of God are going to have to continue to fight and
to my faith and
Believe that god's going to do exactly what he said he was going to do
He's a miracle of how many people are waking up not only here in our country
But all over the world
he showed in the elation that even though she had I don't know how many millions of
Votes she try to steal we got together
We did what was right? We we followed our spirit. We follow ethics certainly
We didn't we didn't stay with the media. So he's really quite amazing. What's happening?
Yeah, absolutely and I like to answer a couple questions are
Always from I guess that was sent unto you could you sent me some of the questions?
from Natalie and she was talking about
About possibly they were worried about trump getting assassinated
Like JfK, and I want to address that because what you're seeing right now
Again is that siop thing coming on and and you're seeing the enemy
Lightening Donald trump. You're seeing it every day and the news media is not reporting on it
Or you know it's the alternative news me that people are going to
Start listening to at this point. Yes
But in the top prophecy it says that he will be protected by God stutters, so I'm not worried about it
But does that mean that we stop praying for Donald trump absolutely not because the enemy is going to be throwing the fiery arrows
Any way that he possibly can and from any direction that he can?
Because again you're talking about toppling this new world order and pushing it back into the abyss where it belongs
So that the gospel can go Forth throughout the earth so his answer an analyst question he will be protected
He has his own protection
God his hand upon him you'll be protected with God's feathers
And what that prophecy talks about and I encourage people to go back and read that in the jump policy
But you will be protected you
Know already a couple sentences here is they will say things about this man the enemy
But it will not affect them and they shall go off for him like the duck now
Here's the answer to that question as the feathers of it does protect it sews my feathers protect
This next president so there's what God saying. Hey
I am going to protect them which means that God's got his own forces surrounding trump and
What would you continue to pray for them?
So that that's that's one thing. We want to continue to do is is to pray for them and his administration
there was another question on here by caring and
It's not the commander in Chief prophecy again says they will spend billions to keep this president
And how did they try to keep the bomber in well? I learned how much and long ago where?
They were talking about billions. Have already been spent and will really never know truly
how much money has been spent to keep obama in as you have to understand the prophetic a
Lot of times this stuff can be literal or to be metaphorical
But everybody for the last how long since this thing has started that said a hillary Clinton presidency is an Obama third term
Now they have spent
all billion the quarry of the article where how much money was spent
To get her in and how much money was spent to keep trump out?
That's what you got to look at the total number because you got to remember George Soros is
Funding these riots right now
He is funding black lives matter how much money was spent?
to try to sway the people to try to intimidate the people to keep Donald trump out and to get hillary Clinton and so when
He's taking account all of that. That's what those billions come in
Because you're talking about an unlimited war chest basically
On the new world order that was trying to do this and behind the scenes of people who were paid to do things say things
So will really never know how much was truly stunt
another question here from
Says the Old given Mark Taylor any word on the coming of Jesus or description of how the bride of Christ will step up to
the plate and
What it will take to get the bride to this place?
Well, I think the answer that course is going to be what we've been talking about all along is the army of God stepping up
Coming into the spirit as one like we did on november 8th
pushing back this entity called the New World order and
Really, this is kind of because you know all across they talk about isis
and it is taking over some the illuminati like this is the 4th to like kind of like the Nazis World War 2 and
It's come full circle again
Is it war priscilla me and basically that we're going to push this entity called isis back, but at the same time
They're also going to push those who are behind isis, which is the illuminati your solos?
all these people they're going to get pushed back as well and as we push them back as the army of God in a
spiritual realm you'll see it taking place in the natural on the ground we'll work with the military and as they're pushed back or
Tribunals which I believe are coming and I'll get into that in a minute
As we push this entity back the gospel will follow and go throughout all the earth
Now the tribunals. I believe there are tribunals that are coming because what we talked about earlier
Your this corruption with the Clinton foundation is going to go so deep and so wide worldwide
I believe there are triangles that are that are coming, and it will be some of the most watched television
In years and it will go on for years. It'll make the nuremberg
Trials I believe we let the cakewalk wittily it'll look maybe we like nothing because there'll be so many involved in this
It's just going to blow people's minds, but the thing we got to remember is that sometimes it's darkest before the dawn
yeah, it's going to potus the land of America and
After that first three or four months. What's got purchased the land and as hot spots are gone
You're going to see you're going to see acceleration from chomp in his administration like we've never seen before
It's going to make people's head spend. I mean look what he's already doing, but there's not even an office
He's already accomplishing things. He's gotten calls to the president next so no putin
Army from all over the world people congratulating willing to work with him or this past
Administration there was nothing but division and hate so this man is already accomplishing things right now
He's not even in office, and then they go. I mean yeah, and they fear they fear you know
Absolutely, they're kissing up to them now because they fear and they know what's going on. These they know is spiritual
You know they know they know that the rain is over. So you know they just don't know. What is it? Yeah, they're kissing up
And just dawned on me. I didn't answer a question earlier, and it was statement
Or it was about how president Obama's going to be the last president
So he is going to be the last president of being an oracle because you're no longer going to see oracle's in the white house
That's done it over with that's done what you're going to see Come forth now is
true Leadership like doll Shop
True leadership that cannot be bought and paid for by the new world order. You know that's the difference
That's yes, Obama is the last president
but no
He's not in a sense that he will no longer be in tentacled the presidency will not be local anymore
It will be the leadership that comes forth. That's right amen and in whatever happens here in America is going to
Transform into the world, so this will have a domino effect out there all right fool
Domino effect full victory
And I won't think that that people ask me you know
We're you know who's going to who's the antichrist and who's the beast and what we don't realize is that we have been living in?
The antichrist system since since the beginning of time since we were first deceived
So for thousands of years we've been in the antichrist system
All right, and that's all that's just all right now. That's right and this doesn't help a huge oil, whatever I'm right
That's right. This is a system that
It's over this is the system. That's fighting to to keep control, but it's you know
This is an amazing time to be alive
Yeah, and there's a another question here from ann
Says could you please ask Mark what average American citizen?
Instituto our new president electable so his mandate aside from our prayers
But he see Chillin are hillary and bill Clinton as well as door solos other release being brought to justice
Yes, I do
because I wrote that prophecy time is up for those who are corrupt and
that means senators Congressmen
judges at the local State Federal
Levels it doesn't matter who they are and that includes the church. I didn't put that in the time as up for those were corrupt
But it also includes those in the church, but the another one had talked about well
I said that the clintons awarded over a year ago
fourteen months ago
And it talked about that the clintons were going to go down including bill
So I think you know one of the things that a huge sign was given now
We were doing a leading a national prayer movement the national prayer call every morning from ninety nine fifteen has started it on Labor Day
Led and we had a different person leaving the prayer each day and we had over 10,000 people on the phone call each day and
I let
Mary Colebrook was one of them to lead it
And I had led it on 9/11 she want to be a stand-in for the first responders being a firefighter
so I stood in and I
spent almost two days before the lord asking what he wanted me to pray about and
I want to pass this on as well because this is a porter and one was telling me that his church was playing, too
generalized of prayer so this also goes into the
Question that was just asked is that we need to be target focused Prayers Target focus repentance?
So I spent two days before the war because I didn't want to see from the help with this was just too important
This is warfare was the biggest battle and spiritual battle American history, so on 9/11 I
Did Target focus repentance with Target focus prayer I?
Hung up the phone at 9:17 now
Somebody can fact check me on this got a hundred percent
And it was somewhere around nine thirty four about a hundred twenty five minutes later
Because I specifically asked in that prayer with thousands of people in agreement
I asked career after I've done the target focused repentance to ask Lord to remove those who are corrupt and
replace them with God's army and
109 17 about 9:30 for some line Now Hillary Clinton collapsed for the entire world to see
Her shoe came off now. This was a huge sign
Not only to what I was hearing, but this is what happens now am I saying I had to do that no
But that's what happens when you do target focused prayer and repentance
Thousands of people in agreement in the spiritual realm, but we had on the phone that day
And there was a sign that that's what can take place, but also
that that machine
That new world order because that's what she stands for she stands for that new world order is
Going to come crashing down is going to collapse as you lost her shoe, and they would lose their peace
Now look at what's coming out in the news right now
You have people like harry reid who are saying that they're in fear right now now if the other side's turn whether they're in fear
See we've been in fear because of Obama all these years now the tides have turned now
We've won the victory as far as this battle is concerned now the other side's walking in fear
So they have lost their peace, so this is a prime opportunity
For the church to literally go out and hit the streets and start getting some of these people while they're in that fear
So I mean this is a good opportunity, but that's what happens when the church comes together in one heart one accord
In unity we don't always agree with everything, but when you have a common goal a common mission
That's the end result and that was a huge sign
Saying that the new world order was going to collapse and they would lose their peace
And they will have no place to hide
Yeah, now the only other ways they're going to have to hide is to come in or Jesus spirit
Under the window or that the other way and they have the opportunity to to come to christ and in a lot of them have
They're coming to christ. I see it every day you know yeah, it's really
on a spiritual
Awakening it's a shaking of the church. I guess you can say
it's a separation of the weed and the
Tears I mean there's so much of stuff happening right now. It's overwhelming
Yeah, absolutely and I mean this is a separation of the weak from the tears
and I mean I
Said in the first true news interview people go back and listen to it that this electoral process was going to parallel
What was going on the church and we've seen that throughout this entire election. We've seen
people who have publicly came out and
Didn't whining they did with trump, and it's like. What folks you have two choices you have light and dark
whether you agree with him
or you don't agree with him or watchmen you don't like him the fact of the matter is that
If you did not vote that was a vote for the dark side
So you know God will hold people accountable for this and it was absolutely I talked about it being a promotion test
this is a test for the body of Christ because
People who are ready to get promoted out of the body christ and into the army of God?
this was their chance right here and
You know it breaks my heart that some people missed it
But I mean you know doesn't mean that they've missed the kind of thing it just means it you know
It's like the body of Christ being a basic training so to speak
And so you know to look it at some point
You know they will get elevated again
And they will come out of the basic training and people loaded into the army of God
That's not to say the people in the body of Christ didn't have an effect
because they did but
God pulled the veil back on a lot of people and
Really, I only think he had to pull the veil back because they exposed themselves when they came out publicly
denouncing trump people in the body and
You know they call a lot of grief over it so I mean so God
I think you're going to see church done in a whole different light. It's not going to be done
The way it was in years past. It's going to be a very very hard transition for
Those who are religious the religious mindset a critical mindset the legalistic mindset there's going to be very hard transition for them
And I think you're going to see some churches
literally the doors closed
I think you're going to see some people removed from the pulpits because of the corruption is going
whether its financial whether it's the Moral corruption
I mean look at how many came out that even through news is reporting on
Some of these churches with the ball issues that we're coming out to hit the mainstream news Media
I mean, so you're all these things you're saying come to light. You know God's church
He's called us to a place to be a curse spotless bride and like now the church has got a lot of dirt on regards
And God's trying to clean us out and this is a good thing
There's anything so I don't want people to take this a bad thing because it's not this is a good thing
God is trying to bring us to a place of purity and this the sons and daughters of the hairy father throughout the Earth are
Awake and we are paying attention
That is amazing other words were breaking away from their
Colluded my manipulating
Mechanisms we have been deceived on all fronts. We have been deceived
From science through history and through religions so as we go forward just remember you know never surrender our discernment
And we're going to get there. You know search a matter out. You know what we have to do as
The Army of God or even if the junk is the body of Christ is that we have got to stop listening to?
other people's information or
revelation and living off of that we have to come to a place or
Research the matter out will we gain knowledge
And then God will give us the revelation is really that we need for discernment. We've got to take our discernment back
We have so it's almost like we've given up up our flight
If you remain with it, we'll give up earth light which is like the sermon almost and so because we live in such a fast-paced
Society is that people don't want to take the time to search them out of themselves and to hear for themselves
They will rather have someone else do it for them
And then you want to come back after that and and criticize the course that they don't agree with it, so I mean
That's why I want to encourage people search the matter out get your revelation and your wisdom and your knowledge
By searching Tamatera Fm. And hearing God's voice yourself. Yes, when you give your life to christ
We asked him to come into our lives in private the holy spirit comes in and we are his
We don't belong to any church. We don't belong to any doctrine. We are his you know we were given this creation and
We cannot surrendered it of course you know because serpent seed has had control of it for thousands of years
He gave it to us for us to nourish and protected so once
we do what we're supposed to do take our control of our creation and
Clean it up and drain the swamp
That's when his kingdom comes, and he's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven
We're coming in some of the most exciting times
To be alive America's best days are ahead of her are there going to be some hot spots like we talked about yes
There's going to be some hot spots
You know we're not being naive that there's going to be some quakes or tornadoes or hurricanes and stuff like that throughout the Earth
We know those things are coming you know, but the point being is is that orion from exciting time?
And you know God's lord is going to go forth
People are going to come into the kingdom of God
so that's that's what's exciting to me is seeing the victory that we just that we just had and
More victories to come so don't lay down your arms. Now's not the time to lay down your arms
You know armor out get in a fight
Amen amen
Well mark, it's been great having you on again, and hopefully we can do this
More often thank you for having
A pleasure to be here again, just speak to all those who on your channel appreciate you guys having me honor with you
Yeah, thank you man. We'll do it again soon. Absolutely. God bless you my brother. All right. God bless you. Thank you
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