Saturday, August 5, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 5 2017


For more infomation >> The Diagon Alley Passive House In Colorado From Workshopl | World's Most Beautiful Cottages - Duration: 4:45.


TV Shows I LOVE // Television Tag! [CC] - Duration: 8:46.

I feel like, because the video is about television, I should be sitting in front

of TV, and not books, but here we are. hello everybody, so a lot of you have requested

over years, probably, that I talk more about television. i watch a lot of TV and

I love TV so so much, so I kind of created a sort of tag just

as a guideline, so I knew like how and what exactly to talk about in regards-

with regards to TV. there wasn't really a good TV tag out there. there was

one but had so many questions, so I just kind of made out my own. if you

want to do this, you're tagged! Congrats! most of this is just a guideline, so that I

could talk about TV more, so here we go. number one, what is your favorite television

show? I mean, I have a lot, and I'm going to cheat because it's my tag. my top

three I always say are Battlestar Galactica, The West Wing, and Gilmore

Girls, but there are so many others that I really consider favourites. specifically

fringe, I think fringe is one of the best shows

on television. I love Pretty Little Liars. I loved castle. number two is your

favorite genre of television show? this is kinda hard for me because I kind of

watch, as you can tell but my favorite shows, i watch things pretty pretty much

across the board. is it political dramas? is it cop shows? is it just shows with

really intelligent emotionally complex women? yes it's all of those. number three

is, what is your least favourite show? there are certain shows that I tried

really heard a good into and just don't care about but I don't actively dislike

any of them, they're just not for me. definitely my least favorite show is The

Bachelor of the Bachelorette. I hate all reality TV, to be honest, it's not for me

I don't watch any of it not even like apathetically in the background. I just

can't listen to it, but the Bachelor and Bachelorette actively make me angry. I don't

understand why people are into it. I don't understand why men and women put

themselves into that position, it doesn't make sense to me. I think it's awful.

sorry if you like it. there's something for everyone.

number four is what is your must rewatched show or favorite show to binge

watch? probably the show I've ever watched the most is Pretty Little Liars

but also Gilmore Girls. Gilmore Girls is actually probably I've rewatched the

most because it's been on way longer. I think just as of the last couple years

it's been pretty little liars. it's between those two. number 5 is, do you

prefer watching things week by week on TV or binge watching it after a season

is completed? or kind of Netflix style. I like watching things week by

week I love that the tradition of it. I think the history of television watching

is really really interesting. I love turning it into kind of an event

every week and like setting aside part of my day to dedicate to something that

I really like. I think that's a great thing about it, kind of like how reading,

you set aside time and it makes it more important as opposed to just like

marathoning something in one day, it's like a long-term commitment. I like that.

when i rewatch things, I'll just like have it on and binge watches so, binge

rewatch but I like week by week regular watching. number six, what are your

favorite television characters? this is hard. I think Anna Torv on Fringe is one

of the best television actors of all time.

please watch fringe, please please do it. I love CJ Craig in the West Wing. I love

William Adama in Battlestar. I love Paris Geller from Gilmore Girls and Hanna

Marin from Pretty Little Liars. Pretty Little Liars, can we just talked about

how Hannah and Ashley Marin are definitely the most compelling part of

that show? their relationship is so solid. I love all the boys in the get down. the

get down is my favorite Netflix show by the way. I probably should have said that

earlier in one of the questions, but the get down is good. there are just so many.

this is so hard. I know as soon as I finish this tag I'm going to like regret not

talking about a certain show or character or something, so I'll probably

be filling the comments or the description with just everything I

forgot. number seven, what are your favorite television ships? Helo and Athena

from Battlestar Galactica are probably my OTP in television land also Luke and

Lorelai, close second, and a closer is Angela and Hodgins from Bones. I adore

them. I love Josh and Donna from The West Wing and Charlie and Zoey from the West

Wing. pretty much all the core relationships on pretty little liars

are my fav. Rory and books in Gilmore Girls. number eight is a show that you

know everyone loves but you could never really get into? the two big ones for me

and these might be controversial are Mad Men and Breaking Bad. I did watch a

significant amount of both and just could not emotionally invest. mad man made me

straight-up angry because it does a really good job of depicting the 1950's

workplace setting and I just did not enjoy it.

I was mad the entire time. I actually studied a bit of Mad Men in my

television class. actually and Breaking Bad, I studied them both which is why

I've watched a lot of them, so like I understand their merit and

their value and they're great but not-- I just don't like either of them. And

breaking bad, again, I just did not care about all of these men, sorry. number nine

what is the show that you fell out of love with? definitely number one for me

is Doctor Who. I loved Doctor Who until about season five and then I just did

not care once pretty much once Moffat took over like his first season as

showrunner was good, it was fine, had some good episodes and after that I just

stopped and I haven't seen any of Peter Capaldi, I have no interest in going back.

Martha Jones is another favorite television character. actually also bones.

I watched it religiously for years and only in the last couple years did I kind

of catch up on the seasons that I missed so I later seasons the bones I was in

and out of. But that was on for like, what, 12 seasons, so like I don't feel too bad

about that. I still love those characters though.

number 10 what show was cancelled too soon?

obviously number one for me is a show that I should have listed in my favourite shows of all

time, Veronica Mars. I love Veronica actually Veronica/Logan, another

one of my favorite ships, though I understand they're a lot more toxic and

I have a lot more issues with them, but it's still like my heart soars when I

see the two of them together. canceled too soon. the film is good but I want, I want

more, but I also would want more 10 years ago or whatever.

also Bunheads, I don't know how many of you watched Bunheads but I quite liked it

and I feel like it just got into its stride as it was canceled.

it took them way too long to figure out what kind of show it was going to be, and

by that point, no one was watching anymore.

and the u.s. killing I feel like kind of jumped the shark. the killing was really

good the first season, second season less so, and the third season sucks.

so it was canceled appropriately but I feel like it could have been really good.

I loved what's-her-name Mireille Enos or whatever, such a good actor. number 11 is

what is your guilty pleasure show? I always say that never feel guilty about

things that make you happy, that aren't like harming other people, so I'm not

guilty about these but I do acknowledge that they're not very good and I still

love them. One would probably be Pretty Little Liars, like, I cried like a baby at the finale so I'm

emotionally invested in something that I know is silly.

also, Shadowhunters. I love that dumb show. everyone's just so

pretty on it, how could you not watch it? and number 12 is what shows are you

currently watching? that can either be rewatching it could be watching for

the first time, but no longer on air or it could be like what's on TV right now.

it's funny because I wrote this list a long time ago and most of these shows

are not anymore, but at the time I was watching Broadchurch, Clique, how to get

away with murder, bones, this is us, all of those are no longer on, at least not right

now, cuz it's summer. some of those they still watch like, I'll probably watch

this is us when it comes back. I wasn't hugely invested. How to Get Away with Murder,

great show, will be watching. Viola Davis is a gift

to us all. what I'm watching this summer is really I watched pretty little liars,

obviously, a lot of freeform stuff to be honest. I will be watching The Fosters

when it comes back, been watching that since the pilot. Shadowhunters, I'm

watching, and also I'm going to watch The Bold Type, which is that new show that

they keep pushing hardcore on Freeform. it's basically Cosmo, it's like the women

of Cosmo, really feminist and cool and it looks kind of obnoxious, but I'm also

into it, so I'll probably tune into that. other than that, I'm just rewatching,

I'm actually watching Bones right now because because it's always on TNT. I'm

I'm watching it on TNT. Hashtag unemployed. I knowing that I want to re-watch

Veronica Mars soon and Battlestar Galactica because on US Netflix which is

awesome. I just love TV. I feel like I'm forgetting something and I'm upset about

it. anyway, let me know what your answers to these questions are in the comments

or make your own video! if you have television shows to recommend to me, feel

free to do so! I'm going to be honest, I've probably heard of it and I've

probably tried watching it and don't like it. Any show I might like, I've

tried watching and the ones I've talked about here are the main ones I've

committed to. It's great form of media, it's it's like a film but you can

get invested in it for a long period of time, and over the course of time. I feel

like you can connect to characters so much more than you can connect to

characters on other forms of media, so television is great. thank you for

watching and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> TV Shows I LOVE // Television Tag! [CC] - Duration: 8:46.


Wangan Midnight - Reina's Existential Crisis [R32 GT-R vs S30 Devil Z vs 964 Blackbird] - Duration: 7:35.

These cars going at ~100km/h feels like traffic pylons.

I am so fast... but why?

What's the difference?

The Devil Z and Blackbird...

Those two give me a strange sensation.... if they were alive and not just machines.

He isn't trying to battle me.

Neither is he attempting an overtake.

Our objectives are the same.

Do you want to convoy with me as we wait for him?

Cruising at above 180km/h

Making a U-turn at Oi,

Returning to Wangan using the loop line. many laps had we taken?

You are just cruising, Blackbird.

So is my GT-R.

I completely understand...

...what you are thinking about.

There he is.

The Devil Z!

The GT-R's power feels different this time.

Let's have a go with it.

Don't do it, Blackbird!

I am the one who is going to drive in the front!


I am keeping them behind me.


...the real battle begins here.

Act. 4: The Third Man

"That's amazing, Reina!"

"You're so cute!"

"We should get her autograph while we can!"

"Yeah! Me too!"

"Everybody, let me introduce"

"This girl will be working with us today."

"Her name is Reina Akikawa."

Nice to meet you!

"Pleased to meet you too, do your best!"

Yes, I will!

"Smile more!"

"Yes, just like that! Nice!"

"You are cute! Good, good!"

"Reina, you are so good looking!"

"You are completely different! So pretty!"

I am so jealous! Both of you are now college students...

"What are you talking about? Your job is so much better!"

"I agree!"


"Smile more!"

"Look over here!"

"Lift up your hair."

It is hard to breathe...

I feel like throwing up...

"Is there anything you would want, Reina?"

Huh? Not really...

When did I became lonely?

When did I started to become so alone?

Tell me, GT-R.

What are my feelings?

What is my purpose here?

Why am I racing here at this moment?

I don't understand!

I used to be able to forget everything when racing here.

But right now...

Right now it is different!

Those two are different from me!

But I will still race on.

This is where the winner will be decided!

I can keep them behind me!

You can do it, right GT-R?

Why do I race on the Wangan!?


Tell me!

For more infomation >> Wangan Midnight - Reina's Existential Crisis [R32 GT-R vs S30 Devil Z vs 964 Blackbird] - Duration: 7:35.


ये है रक्षा बंधन का सही समय - Duration: 2:15.

ये है रक्षा बंधन का सही समय

For more infomation >> ये है रक्षा बंधन का सही समय - Duration: 2:15.


Uomini e Donne, ritorno di fiamma tra Marco e Federica? Ecco l'indiscrezione | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, ritorno di fiamma tra Marco e Federica? Ecco l'indiscrezione | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:43.


Gossip Novella 2000: Giletti innamorato di un'attrice, Benji e Fede e Mariano Di Vaio nel nuovo... - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Gossip Novella 2000: Giletti innamorato di un'attrice, Benji e Fede e Mariano Di Vaio nel nuovo... - Duration: 3:39.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Coupé 250 AMBITION NAVI AUTOMAAT RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Coupé 250 AMBITION NAVI AUTOMAAT RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:54.


Peugeot 208 1.4 E-HDI Active *Automaat*Navi*5drs* - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.4 E-HDI Active *Automaat*Navi*5drs* - Duration: 0:59.


Melody canta hit de Anitta, Pabllo Vittar e Major Lazer 'Sua Cara'|brazil news - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Melody canta hit de Anitta, Pabllo Vittar e Major Lazer 'Sua Cara'|brazil news - Duration: 2:01.


THE FLOOR IS LAVA with Marinette and Adrien ☯ Miraculous ladybug season 2 #27 JJ's Toys - Duration: 14:01.

For more infomation >> THE FLOOR IS LAVA with Marinette and Adrien ☯ Miraculous ladybug season 2 #27 JJ's Toys - Duration: 14:01.


Appunti Condivisi: l'intervista di Nicola Guarino ed Attilio Cordaro ad Ellebibox RadioOne - Duration: 14:56.

For more infomation >> Appunti Condivisi: l'intervista di Nicola Guarino ed Attilio Cordaro ad Ellebibox RadioOne - Duration: 14:56.


(Tsugi00006) - Duration: 2:16.

Today is a problem of Tsugi no Itte!

This position, Gote played 45Fu.

Sente, who wants to continue attacking, has a good move.

Who wants to think without help, pause the video while you think.

After some hints and commentaries, there is the answer.

If you're greedy and chase Gin with 12Fu, 22Gin, DoNariKyo, DoGin there is no followup.

You can 24Fu too, but DoGin, and for 14Kyo, he defend with 22Gin, and it's not enough.

24Kei looks good too, but DoFu, DoFu and he drops 27Fu. This isn't enough, too.

So, we go to define with 21Kaku.

If 31Kin, 43Kei and match is decided.

There is the defense with 54Kaku, but 32KakuNari, DoKaku, 23NariKyo, DoKaku, 24Fu,

14Kaku, and with 23FuNari, Sente is winning.

Returning to 2nd move, instead of 54Kaku, if 22Gin, 24Fu, DoFu, 22NariKyo, if DoKin,

with 65KakuNari Sente is ahead.

For 22NariKyo, if plays DoGin, instead of DoKin, you continue attacking with 24Hisha.

At last, for 21Kaku, if he attacks with 46Fu, 32KakuNari, DoHisha, 23Kyo.

Sente's attack is pressuring the piece which was attacking, standing in advantage.

Thanks for watching!

Any doubts or suggestions, contact us commenting this video.

I'm posting on Tuesdays Tsume Shogi for beginners, with mate on 3 or 5 moves, on Thursdays, mate on 7 or 9 moves,

on Fridays mate on 11 moves or more and on Saturday I'm posting Tsugi no Itte problems (Random Level).

See you next time!

For more infomation >> (Tsugi00006) - Duration: 2:16.


Workout for ARM | 高比 Gobby - Duration: 9:22.


For more infomation >> Workout for ARM | 高比 Gobby - Duration: 9:22.



For more infomation >> ESCALANDO A PAREDE COM BUG DO MINECRAFT! - Duration: 24:20.


Polish Food - Eating Pierogi taste test in Krakow, Poland - Duration: 11:28.

Well good day good day there.

It is a very good day.

So it is our first day here in Poland.

In Krakow.

In Krakow.

Or however you say it properly.


And anyways we've got Pierogi on our minds.

We are going to get pierogies.

Oh and we're so hungry.

We even we're even crossing the river to go find it today.

We've been willing to cross a river to go have pierogi.

That shows how dedicated we are.

This is awesome.

Like this is a gigantic menu just outside of the restaurant here.

Check that out.

So we are kicking off our first full day in Krakow with pierogies.

What else?

The most popular Polish dish.

This is something that everyone knows about.

Even in Canada we've got like frozen pierogi.

So it is popular.

They are not nearly as good as the freshly made ones.


Here in Poland.

But yeah.

It is something that kind of we are kind of subsisting off of pierogies in the winter

in Canada.


When we were in Kingston a few years ago.

It is like a really hearty meal.

You know when it is cold out and you just need something that is going to fill you up

and sit there for a few hours.

Pierogi always a good idea.

But it is summer here but we're still going to have them anyways.

We're still having it.


And actually we had some yesterday at the train station but it was just like a quick

little snack and it wasn't a place that specialized in them so it wasn't amazing.

This place literally specializes in them.

This is their menu.

And we spotted this place yesterday when we were heading to our apartment so we like we're

coming back.

We placed four orders.


And each order comes with 10 pierogi so that is 40 pierogies that we're going to be eating

for just 2 of us.

20 each!


We may get defeated by this.

We might have to take some home.

And to drink we are having?

I got compote.

I got myself 2 compotes.

No I'm just kidding.

At first Sam was like I'm going to have some beer and then we saw this and we were like

no let's try that instead.

Yeah, this is cheaper and probably more refreshing.


So this is a nice summer drink and I can spot apple.

It looks like green apple and strawberry.

I spot strawberry and I believe there is some berries at the bottom.

Alright, so have a sip and tell us.

What does compote taste like?


It tastes like a natural sort of slightly watered down um natural fruit juice.


So that is really cool.

It is very refreshing and yeah we're going to need this so we're saving this for the

pierogies which a lot of them will be savory so.


And I'm guessing quite salty as well.

So 20 plump savory dumplings have showed up at our table.

They sure have.

Check it out.

So we ordered two savory kinds.

I think the first one was the Ruskie.

Ruskie or something which is the traditional one which is like mashed potatoes and cheese.

And the other one we got fancy.

We got like mushrooms, feta and something else.

No, wasn't it walnuts or something?


It was walnuts.

Those are the ones over here.

So yeah oh and it comes with like caramelized onions on top.


So let's try this.

These were steaming a few seconds ago so I'm going to try not to burn myself.


Is it good?

This is so much better than what we had yesterday.


That was like fast food yesterday.

This is fresh and homemade.

Yesterday they were kind of like sad.

Sad pierogi.

Like the filling is so creamy and smooth and kind of garlic-y and peppery.

It is just so nice.

Is it?

Oh man.


Are you going in for more?

Honestly, they feel so light I think I'm going to have no problem finishing off these 10

and then another 10.

This is great.

No, I think we have 20 sweet ones in fact.

Oh my gosh.

I don't know what we were thinking but yeah.


Alright, Sammy boy what you have been waiting for.

I have been waiting for this Pierogi.

These Polish dumplings like I think out of all the dumplings I've had around the world

these are some of my favorite.


These are just so so good.

And I'm cutting it in half here.

Oh my gosh there is so much filling.


You know you're getting a good pierogi when it is just stuffed.

You know it is just like stuffed with filling.

If it is stingy with that if it is just a little bit in there that is how you know it

is pretty bad.

Anyways, these are stuffed so let's try it.

Oh la lah.


What do you think?

Just so good.

I know.

Isn't it creamy?

It is like so smooth.


The filling is so light.

I'm so hungry and we're going to have no problem eating these.

I know.

I 100% agree with you.

I love these.

Oh my gosh.

I just wish I could eat these everywhere in the world that I went at anytime I wanted


I'm just sitting here with my mouth watering while Sam takes photo after photo.

Stop it!

Ah, the things we do to show you these things guys.

Oh, wow.

Look at that.

This is the second savory plate of pierogi.

This is the one that has mushrooms, feta and walnuts.

Check that out.

I know.

It looks awesome.

So yeah, I'm going in.



Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh those are fresh mushrooms.

Oh my gosh.

Do you like those just as much or even more that the first?


I may like this more.

It is so good.

The mushrooms are so flavorful.


Like none of that canned champignon.

Uh uh.


Like we got in the Buenos Aires calzone.

Oh yeah.

The calzone.

This is like earthy and so rich.



And in he goes.

Yeah, dissection.



Oh my.

Oh my that looks so good.

That is sexy food.

Right there people.

Sexy food right there.

I feel like I've died and gone to pierogi heaven.


Because these are amazing and look the dessert ones have actually arrived.

They arrived.




And apparently if you look down here this is like a milk dipping sauce or something.

Those look so good but let's finish those mushroom ones.

Oh my gosh.


Save some for me.


I don't even know how but we somehow managed to eat 20 savory pierogi.

I feel like I'm bursting at the seams.

Dun dun dun 20 pierogies bite the dust.


Now we have 20 more.

Dessert, oh my gosh.

Yeah, so when we were in Warsaw we actually tried some so fruit ones but this is our first

time ever to try the chocolate ones so this will be really interesting.

I wonder if there is chocolate inside.

I have no idea.

I'm going to take it for a swim here in the sauce.

And just take a big bite.



Oh my gosh those are amazing.


They taste like.

They actually taste a lot like pancakes.

Like chocolate pancakes.



Do you want to cut one in half?

And show us?


What is in there.

Yeah, it tastes like chocolate pancakes.

And this is like a sweet milk.

Oh wow.

Oh, that squirted something out.

Look at that.

Oh, it is like banana inside.

Of course.

Oh yeah.

I forgot.

I forgot that we ordered those.

You know what this actually reminds me of?

It reminds me of the Thai banana sweet roti pancakes we were having.

Yeah, those were good.

Yeah, it has like that familiar taste.

It took me a second to place it but yeah look at the banana in there.

They do it in Poland too.



Oh my gosh.

Still a bit of room?

You know what?

Eating is sometimes feels like an endurance sport.


I'm not kidding.

It is a full contact endurance sport.

Oh my gosh.

So chocolate, banana and some of this creamy custard.

While I was thinking of that custard it kind of reminds me a bit of rice pudding.


These are served cold.



Do you like it?

Yeah, it is so similar to banana pancakes.

It is quite good.

Banana pancakes in dumpling form.


But you know what?

I'm excited for the strawberry ones.

Those look delectable.

You want to just dig right in?


Let's just go for it.

Just go for it.

And you can see the actual strawberry inside.

Oh, woah.

Oh, that squirted.


These are a little bit smaller.

Like they are not quite as plump which is probably a good thing because there is the


Because I'm kind of struggling.

I'm struggling at this point.

Struggling not to destroy it.

And you contaminated the sauce.



It is red.


Anyways, how is it?


That is really really good.

It is such a nice summer dessert.


It is just filled with seasonal fruits.


Let's get you choosing your favorite.

Who will it be?

Chocolate or strawberry.

Will it be chocolate?

Will it be strawberry?

Strawberry chocolate.

Oh, the tension.

The drama.


Oh, okay.

If I was right now I'm kind of craving fruit.


So I'm going to say the strawberry wins.


But if I was craving chocolate then the chocolate would win.

They are both like they are on par with each other but I'm craving especially strawberries

right now so yeah this is my favorite of the two dessert ones.

And you know it is nice that it is a little bit tart.


It is not sweet like a jam.

Yeah, exactly.

It still retains its natural flavor.


So yeah, two savory pierogies and two dessert pierogi.

40 in total.

That is kind of nuts.

So that was a mission and a half.

But oh my gosh.

What did we just do?

We ate 40.

We ate 40 pierogi.

I feel like we deserve a gold medal in like the gluttony olympics or something.


That was I wonder what the record is?


How many pierogies.

Has one person ate.

Did we just break a Guinness World Record here?



But that was pretty much the ultimate pierogi taste test.

Two savories, two dessert pierogi.

I mean if you're going to try Polish food you absolutely have to try pierogi.

And we really lucked out with this place.

We didn't find it in a guidebook or even a recommendation we just while we were getting

groceries last night we walked by here and there is a really loud ambulance.

Do do do do.

That is going past.

Anyways, yeah that maybe they are coming to rescue me because my belly is about to explode.

But anyways yeah I think we'll be coming back here for sure.

We've got a whole week ahead of us.

We'll be coming back here for pleasure and uh yeah pierogi in Poland guys.

You've got to try it.

And price point for this meal?

Oh, so yeah price point.

Price point.

So it was 56 Zloty which roughly is 13 Euros and that included our two drinks and 40 pierogi.


Yeah, it was pretty good value as well.

Now time for a nap.

Time for an enormous siesta.


For more infomation >> Polish Food - Eating Pierogi taste test in Krakow, Poland - Duration: 11:28.


FyberTest - Antik Riyal - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> FyberTest - Antik Riyal - Duration: 3:21.


Продолжение Re Zero. Кровавая вендетта | 5 часть. - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Продолжение Re Zero. Кровавая вендетта | 5 часть. - Duration: 8:14.


ये है रक्षा बंधन का सही समय - Duration: 2:15.

ये है रक्षा बंधन का सही समय

For more infomation >> ये है रक्षा बंधन का सही समय - Duration: 2:15.


Gearbest Brasil app - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> Gearbest Brasil app - Duration: 5:54.


Justin Bieber cancela gira Purpose – UPDATE! - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber cancela gira Purpose – UPDATE! - Duration: 2:08.


Otra mujer demanda a Usher por contagiarle herpes! - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Otra mujer demanda a Usher por contagiarle herpes! - Duration: 1:49.


Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên - Những ca khúc nhẹ nhàng tâm trạng hay nhất về tình yêu ! - Duration: 37:51.

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên | ĐĂNG KÍ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM VIDEO TIẾP THEO NHÉ

For more infomation >> Playlist Tháng 8: Tình không tên - Những ca khúc nhẹ nhàng tâm trạng hay nhất về tình yêu ! - Duration: 37:51.


Supercoppa Germania, Borussia-Bayern: la finale in diretta - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Supercoppa Germania, Borussia-Bayern: la finale in diretta - Duration: 1:39.


Guardians of the Galaxy 2

For more infomation >> Guardians of the Galaxy 2


The Diagon Alley Passive House In Colorado From Workshopl | World's Most Beautiful Cottages - Duration: 4:45.


For more infomation >> The Diagon Alley Passive House In Colorado From Workshopl | World's Most Beautiful Cottages - Duration: 4:45.


TV Shows I LOVE // Television Tag! [CC] - Duration: 8:46.

I feel like, because the video is about television, I should be sitting in front

of TV, and not books, but here we are. hello everybody, so a lot of you have requested

over years, probably, that I talk more about television. i watch a lot of TV and

I love TV so so much, so I kind of created a sort of tag just

as a guideline, so I knew like how and what exactly to talk about in regards-

with regards to TV. there wasn't really a good TV tag out there. there was

one but had so many questions, so I just kind of made out my own. if you

want to do this, you're tagged! Congrats! most of this is just a guideline, so that I

could talk about TV more, so here we go. number one, what is your favorite television

show? I mean, I have a lot, and I'm going to cheat because it's my tag. my top

three I always say are Battlestar Galactica, The West Wing, and Gilmore

Girls, but there are so many others that I really consider favourites. specifically

fringe, I think fringe is one of the best shows

on television. I love Pretty Little Liars. I loved castle. number two is your

favorite genre of television show? this is kinda hard for me because I kind of

watch, as you can tell but my favorite shows, i watch things pretty pretty much

across the board. is it political dramas? is it cop shows? is it just shows with

really intelligent emotionally complex women? yes it's all of those. number three

is, what is your least favourite show? there are certain shows that I tried

really heard a good into and just don't care about but I don't actively dislike

any of them, they're just not for me. definitely my least favorite show is The

Bachelor of the Bachelorette. I hate all reality TV, to be honest, it's not for me

I don't watch any of it not even like apathetically in the background. I just

can't listen to it, but the Bachelor and Bachelorette actively make me angry. I don't

understand why people are into it. I don't understand why men and women put

themselves into that position, it doesn't make sense to me. I think it's awful.

sorry if you like it. there's something for everyone.

number four is what is your must rewatched show or favorite show to binge

watch? probably the show I've ever watched the most is Pretty Little Liars

but also Gilmore Girls. Gilmore Girls is actually probably I've rewatched the

most because it's been on way longer. I think just as of the last couple years

it's been pretty little liars. it's between those two. number 5 is, do you

prefer watching things week by week on TV or binge watching it after a season

is completed? or kind of Netflix style. I like watching things week by

week I love that the tradition of it. I think the history of television watching

is really really interesting. I love turning it into kind of an event

every week and like setting aside part of my day to dedicate to something that

I really like. I think that's a great thing about it, kind of like how reading,

you set aside time and it makes it more important as opposed to just like

marathoning something in one day, it's like a long-term commitment. I like that.

when i rewatch things, I'll just like have it on and binge watches so, binge

rewatch but I like week by week regular watching. number six, what are your

favorite television characters? this is hard. I think Anna Torv on Fringe is one

of the best television actors of all time.

please watch fringe, please please do it. I love CJ Craig in the West Wing. I love

William Adama in Battlestar. I love Paris Geller from Gilmore Girls and Hanna

Marin from Pretty Little Liars. Pretty Little Liars, can we just talked about

how Hannah and Ashley Marin are definitely the most compelling part of

that show? their relationship is so solid. I love all the boys in the get down. the

get down is my favorite Netflix show by the way. I probably should have said that

earlier in one of the questions, but the get down is good. there are just so many.

this is so hard. I know as soon as I finish this tag I'm going to like regret not

talking about a certain show or character or something, so I'll probably

be filling the comments or the description with just everything I

forgot. number seven, what are your favorite television ships? Helo and Athena

from Battlestar Galactica are probably my OTP in television land also Luke and

Lorelai, close second, and a closer is Angela and Hodgins from Bones. I adore

them. I love Josh and Donna from The West Wing and Charlie and Zoey from the West

Wing. pretty much all the core relationships on pretty little liars

are my fav. Rory and books in Gilmore Girls. number eight is a show that you

know everyone loves but you could never really get into? the two big ones for me

and these might be controversial are Mad Men and Breaking Bad. I did watch a

significant amount of both and just could not emotionally invest. mad man made me

straight-up angry because it does a really good job of depicting the 1950's

workplace setting and I just did not enjoy it.

I was mad the entire time. I actually studied a bit of Mad Men in my

television class. actually and Breaking Bad, I studied them both which is why

I've watched a lot of them, so like I understand their merit and

their value and they're great but not-- I just don't like either of them. And

breaking bad, again, I just did not care about all of these men, sorry. number nine

what is the show that you fell out of love with? definitely number one for me

is Doctor Who. I loved Doctor Who until about season five and then I just did

not care once pretty much once Moffat took over like his first season as

showrunner was good, it was fine, had some good episodes and after that I just

stopped and I haven't seen any of Peter Capaldi, I have no interest in going back.

Martha Jones is another favorite television character. actually also bones.

I watched it religiously for years and only in the last couple years did I kind

of catch up on the seasons that I missed so I later seasons the bones I was in

and out of. But that was on for like, what, 12 seasons, so like I don't feel too bad

about that. I still love those characters though.

number 10 what show was cancelled too soon?

obviously number one for me is a show that I should have listed in my favourite shows of all

time, Veronica Mars. I love Veronica actually Veronica/Logan, another

one of my favorite ships, though I understand they're a lot more toxic and

I have a lot more issues with them, but it's still like my heart soars when I

see the two of them together. canceled too soon. the film is good but I want, I want

more, but I also would want more 10 years ago or whatever.

also Bunheads, I don't know how many of you watched Bunheads but I quite liked it

and I feel like it just got into its stride as it was canceled.

it took them way too long to figure out what kind of show it was going to be, and

by that point, no one was watching anymore.

and the u.s. killing I feel like kind of jumped the shark. the killing was really

good the first season, second season less so, and the third season sucks.

so it was canceled appropriately but I feel like it could have been really good.

I loved what's-her-name Mireille Enos or whatever, such a good actor. number 11 is

what is your guilty pleasure show? I always say that never feel guilty about

things that make you happy, that aren't like harming other people, so I'm not

guilty about these but I do acknowledge that they're not very good and I still

love them. One would probably be Pretty Little Liars, like, I cried like a baby at the finale so I'm

emotionally invested in something that I know is silly.

also, Shadowhunters. I love that dumb show. everyone's just so

pretty on it, how could you not watch it? and number 12 is what shows are you

currently watching? that can either be rewatching it could be watching for

the first time, but no longer on air or it could be like what's on TV right now.

it's funny because I wrote this list a long time ago and most of these shows

are not anymore, but at the time I was watching Broadchurch, Clique, how to get

away with murder, bones, this is us, all of those are no longer on, at least not right

now, cuz it's summer. some of those they still watch like, I'll probably watch

this is us when it comes back. I wasn't hugely invested. How to Get Away with Murder,

great show, will be watching. Viola Davis is a gift

to us all. what I'm watching this summer is really I watched pretty little liars,

obviously, a lot of freeform stuff to be honest. I will be watching The Fosters

when it comes back, been watching that since the pilot. Shadowhunters, I'm

watching, and also I'm going to watch The Bold Type, which is that new show that

they keep pushing hardcore on Freeform. it's basically Cosmo, it's like the women

of Cosmo, really feminist and cool and it looks kind of obnoxious, but I'm also

into it, so I'll probably tune into that. other than that, I'm just rewatching,

I'm actually watching Bones right now because because it's always on TNT. I'm

I'm watching it on TNT. Hashtag unemployed. I knowing that I want to re-watch

Veronica Mars soon and Battlestar Galactica because on US Netflix which is

awesome. I just love TV. I feel like I'm forgetting something and I'm upset about

it. anyway, let me know what your answers to these questions are in the comments

or make your own video! if you have television shows to recommend to me, feel

free to do so! I'm going to be honest, I've probably heard of it and I've

probably tried watching it and don't like it. Any show I might like, I've

tried watching and the ones I've talked about here are the main ones I've

committed to. It's great form of media, it's it's like a film but you can

get invested in it for a long period of time, and over the course of time. I feel

like you can connect to characters so much more than you can connect to

characters on other forms of media, so television is great. thank you for

watching and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> TV Shows I LOVE // Television Tag! [CC] - Duration: 8:46.


Wangan Midnight - Reina's Existential Crisis [R32 GT-R vs S30 Devil Z vs 964 Blackbird] - Duration: 7:35.

These cars going at ~100km/h feels like traffic pylons.

I am so fast... but why?

What's the difference?

The Devil Z and Blackbird...

Those two give me a strange sensation.... if they were alive and not just machines.

He isn't trying to battle me.

Neither is he attempting an overtake.

Our objectives are the same.

Do you want to convoy with me as we wait for him?

Cruising at above 180km/h

Making a U-turn at Oi,

Returning to Wangan using the loop line. many laps had we taken?

You are just cruising, Blackbird.

So is my GT-R.

I completely understand...

...what you are thinking about.

There he is.

The Devil Z!

The GT-R's power feels different this time.

Let's have a go with it.

Don't do it, Blackbird!

I am the one who is going to drive in the front!


I am keeping them behind me.


...the real battle begins here.

Act. 4: The Third Man

"That's amazing, Reina!"

"You're so cute!"

"We should get her autograph while we can!"

"Yeah! Me too!"

"Everybody, let me introduce"

"This girl will be working with us today."

"Her name is Reina Akikawa."

Nice to meet you!

"Pleased to meet you too, do your best!"

Yes, I will!

"Smile more!"

"Yes, just like that! Nice!"

"You are cute! Good, good!"

"Reina, you are so good looking!"

"You are completely different! So pretty!"

I am so jealous! Both of you are now college students...

"What are you talking about? Your job is so much better!"

"I agree!"


"Smile more!"

"Look over here!"

"Lift up your hair."

It is hard to breathe...

I feel like throwing up...

"Is there anything you would want, Reina?"

Huh? Not really...

When did I became lonely?

When did I started to become so alone?

Tell me, GT-R.

What are my feelings?

What is my purpose here?

Why am I racing here at this moment?

I don't understand!

I used to be able to forget everything when racing here.

But right now...

Right now it is different!

Those two are different from me!

But I will still race on.

This is where the winner will be decided!

I can keep them behind me!

You can do it, right GT-R?

Why do I race on the Wangan!?


Tell me!

For more infomation >> Wangan Midnight - Reina's Existential Crisis [R32 GT-R vs S30 Devil Z vs 964 Blackbird] - Duration: 7:35.


ये है रक्षा बंधन का सही समय - Duration: 2:15.

ये है रक्षा बंधन का सही समय

For more infomation >> ये है रक्षा बंधन का सही समय - Duration: 2:15.


Secrets- Marie Parie

For more infomation >> Secrets- Marie Parie


I can't wait [meme] [shitpost] - Duration: 0:31.

I can't wait to

sit inside a classroom.

I can't wait to

run around a gym.

I can't wait to

wake up at 6:30...



*The glass cracked*

this is hell


I can't wait to

do a lot of homework.

I can't wait to

take the SATs.

I can't wait to

disappoint my parents (She needs to disconnect the Internet!)


Pony Princess good.

High School great.


For more infomation >> I can't wait [meme] [shitpost] - Duration: 0:31.


Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T SPORT *All-in prijs! * Leder - Airco* - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T SPORT *All-in prijs! * Leder - Airco* - Duration: 1:21.


ШОК Лучшие видео приколы 2017 юмор ржака ЧЕЛЛЕНДЖ - Don't Rock the Boat - NEW - Duration: 12:47.

For more infomation >> ШОК Лучшие видео приколы 2017 юмор ржака ЧЕЛЛЕНДЖ - Don't Rock the Boat - NEW - Duration: 12:47.


Try Not to Laugh or Grin Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2017 | Funniest Cute Kids Fails of August 2017 - Duration: 10:04.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Try Not to Laugh or Grin Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2017 | Funniest Cute Kids Fails of August 2017 - Duration: 10:04.


The Truth About Clothes Moths - Duration: 3:48.

The Truth About Clothes Moths

The common "clothes moth", "clothing moth" or to give its street name, Tineola

bisselliella, doesn't actually eat clothes.

In fact, clothing moths don't even possess the ability to eat- they don't have a mouth.

Once they become a moth, rather than waste their time eating, they simply mate, the female

lays her eggs, and then they die at some point.

Meaning the most damage to your clothes you could realistically expect from an adult clothing

moth is a stain if you go postal on one with a newspaper.

So how did these moths get associated with eating clothes?

It's the moth babies you need to be wary of, which are able to get proteins they need

from keratin- in other words, virtually any organic fibre derived from an animal.

And boy do those things have an appetite.

The full list of things clothes moth larvae can eat is pretty insane- basically they can

eat and survive on virtually any natural fibre.

They've been known to eat wool, cashmere, silk, cotton, linen, fur, feathers, hair,

lint, carpets, the bristles of brushes, pet fur and even dust.

On top of this, the larvae will also, if no food is present, cut, not eat through non-natural

fibres like polyester to reach your ever dwindling supply of wool underwear.

The fibres the larva eats eventually also ends up becoming a part of the cocoon it spins

for itself so it can become a moth and stop having to eat sweaty boxer shorts and get

down to the much more fun act of mating.

If their voracious appetite isn't bad enough, the larvae are also notably hardy and difficult

to kill through indirect means.

For example, the larvae and eggs of a clothes moth can easily survive temperature extremes

as high as 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees F) and as low as -8 degrees C (17.6 degrees

F) for short periods.

As such, it's recommended that you expose them to such extremes for at least a half

an hour to really make sure they're all dead.

As explained above, larvae will straight up chew through whatever they need to in order

to get to their food, which for the eagle eyed ones amongst you probably stood out as

a little odd.

If the adult moth sensed a wool sweater in a wardrobe, why would it lay its eggs on a

spandrels Borat mankini?

Well this is because the larvae and moths are actually drawn to the moisture in certain

clothes because the larvae must get the moisture they need through their food.

This is also the reason dry cleaning your clothes is an effective moth deterrent.

You might have guessed from this that clothing moths and their larvae are also attracted

to dirty clothes, in particular ones dirtied by sweat, as sweat contains not only moisture

but salt and other minerals the larvae needs to survive.

But, bottom line, the moths themselves aren't doing the damage, it is their children, which

is also typically true for humans…

For more infomation >> The Truth About Clothes Moths - Duration: 3:48.


Flowey Speedpaint (Undertale) -- Memories - Duration: 6:57.

Ting ting ting ting ting ting ting

ting ting ting ting ting ting

Ting ting ting ting ting ting ting

ting ting ting ting ting ting!

Ting ting ting ting ting ting ting

ting ting ting ting ting ting

Ting ting ting ting ting ting ting

ting ting ting ting ting ting!

(epic increase) Ting ting ting ting ting ting ting

ting ting ting ting ting ting

Ting ting ting ting ting ting ting

ting ting ting ting ting ting!

For more infomation >> Flowey Speedpaint (Undertale) -- Memories - Duration: 6:57.


🎮 PAW Patrol: Mission PAW - Rescue Run | Fun Nickelodeon Jr Pups Save Cartoon Games for Kids - Duration: 23:50.

Paw Patrol pups to the rescue halfway. Yes

Welcome to the paw patroller our possum the transport vehicle now the paw patrol can save the day in

Places Beyond Adventure Bay

This is the big screen where we got our rescue mission tap it to roll out on a rescue

Have to rescue awards button to see the reward you earned for completing rescues

Let's get started have the big screen to see we need go help

Paw Patrol is on a roll

This is the big jungle

Command use a monkey climbed an ancient statue and swiped a necklace we have to get to it and put the necklace back where it

belongs Chase can pieces on that cake

Step right or left the guide chief of the ancient ruins make sure wow

Up we go

Up we go

going up

we go

What fun?

We made it and there's Mandy's hobbs of work

Give you now roll line to the other side the chains can zipline across them here. I come please

You silly monkey come on right travelling we put an end to Mandy's monkey business

You're on a roll what a great rescue taps a special room hMM puppetry

Boss and job there are even more rescues

Matea the parents got caught in a temple when a pile of rocks fell in front of the door sounds like a mission for rubble

rubble on the double

filter screens right and left to help drive rubble diggers back and Forth to clear the rocks

He built it you're doing great

Those rocks won't stop

He cleared a path to the temple Zone now. We need to get the temple door open

It's a puzzle look at the colors on the temple door and catch the tiles on the ground and match them

You're on a roll what a great recipe when you're ready hmm puck treat

What a pup-tacular?

Rescue there are even more rescues this mission is Captain turbot when exploring in the dark caves and got lost

Baba trolls to the rescue we need a super spy chase is on the case

brags bobbing around the cave to help find Captain Turban watch out I

hear you Captain Turbot

I think we're getting closer. I

hear you Captain Turbot

dragged night-vision goggles around

We're getting closer. Keep looking. I think we're getting closer. I

hear you Captain Turbot

We're getting closer keep looking

I'm serving there. You are. We saved Captain Turbot

Chase Pal Captain Turbot, but it's still dark draw a circle around the cap to shine a light for him to see

Let's shine a little light on the situation

Now you can see Captain turbot. Let's see a rat in this case

Nice work the rescue was a success when you read awsome pup trees

Hoss and job cap on another rescue to check it out the pope Mandy the monkey swipes my pup Pad and ran into the jungle

We have to find her we'll ready for kickoff

It's time to fly draw a circle around skies Cappello to help sure that you're doing it. Yeah here we go

Now tilt your screen left and right just helps guys ear her costumes. Go around the toll free

Whoa banana, I know that

We've got Mandy and the pup pack. Thanks for the pup-tacular house

Nice work the rusty was a success hMM puppetry

Cost job, there are even more rescues

Patatas nest is damaged and that's not good for her eggs

We can use marshalls ladder to get to the nest and Rocky can I'm fired up for this rescue green means go

so Marshall rains left so we can get going and

Doors Air

great horse climb up Rocky careful

Excellent work, Rocky patch the nips Kappa McKay is eggs to help some French


Look at them. They're adorable awesome job

Nice work the rescue was a success


Wild jungle rescuing let's get the road to the next mission paw patrol is on a roll

Tap on a rescue to check it out the paw patch barber you me and Farmer Al found a rare dinosaur bone

We have to help dig it up, so it can go to a museum when it's time to dig it's time for Rebel I?

can dig

Was your finger around help rubble dig up the boat?

Let's Dig in

- left country I'm an Aussie, so nervous

He found the dino bone. It's the biggest bone. I've ever seen rubble can use

For halfway done now have to race to keep tapping

The Dino Bone is out great job

Nice work the rescue was a success awesome up tree

Great work on the farm. Let's roll paw patrol is on a roll tap on a rescue the farm

Whoops farmer out pigs are going to escape if his broken fences and sticks. This is your kind of fix admission, Rocky

green means go

Rocky can use the recycled parts to fix up the fence with your help tell Rocky drag atPs of respite to

Positively, I don't love it reuse it opossum fence looks great

Draw circles around the screws to type them

Nice nice and tight


Done this bench is definitely Keepsake safe

Now farmer Al's page will be safe on the farm

Nice work the rescue was a success when you're ready hmM puck tree

Awesome job cap on another rescue - check it out this mission needs the paw patrol the big parade is today

But a balloon float has drifted away with Chickaletta in it police pup

Chase can use his launchers and pastas I've got a tennis ball launcher

perfect for this mission

help Chase lotus launcher with tennis balls

Draw circles around chains Roger to help lotus nice now. We're ready

fire away

see, ya

Fill up my launcher again

Nice now. We're ready time to pop some balloons

Fill up my launcher again

Nice now. We're ready look at it, and up sky nice shot

Nice shot all right we got Chickaletta down on the ground where she belongs

Nice work the rescue was a success cats a special reward badge to find a possum pup trees

What a pop tacular rescue, there are even more rescues

Chickaletta ran into the corn maze and got lost we need to find her a

Spy drone can help us find Chickaletta his super spy chase will solve this mystery, and I'm fired up to help

Ratchet Broke Viewfinder around spot, Chickaletta

What's under there check it out for Marshall help Marshall wipe away the popcorn the sheep. Take away

That got Chickaletta. Let's keep looking wretched world Viewfinder around watch

What's under there check it out for Marshal help Marshal wipe away the popcorn to see if it's Chickaletta

That's not Chickaletta. Let's keep looking brat cheese thrown you winder a rabb

Let's see what that is help Marshal wipe away the pasta to keep Chiklis

Perfect head home. Let's get you back to Mayor Goodway

Nice work the rescue was a success awesome pop hurry

What a pup-tacular?

Rescue tap on another rescue to check it out farmer Yumi's pigs are on the loose

We need to get them back into their pen rock these pigs will be home in no time chase is on the case

Tap each ear of corn so Rocky can put it in the 10

perfect Sooie Sooie Angry - Rick

- rick the corn is in the pen. Thanks for helping

Help Chase get the pig home by playing them into the pen with your fingernail bang right out piggies. Oh

Nice job. These pigs Rip well piggies. Oh big is accounted for oh way to go

Nice work the rescue was a success whoo palm tree

Awesome job there are even more rescues the hump

Farmer Al's pigs are going to escape. It is broke tap on a rescue - check it out. This is a

Chickaletta was playing in Captain Turbot iving bail, and it's sunk to the bottom of the bay we have two rescuer

We need okay, let's dive it

Rag Zuma's rescue arm to the guidance Elf to grab it garbage way to go

Hilt left and right to spear this up watch out for school decision passing whale we don't want to bump into them

and can accomplish

Nice work the recipe was a success

Whoa, whoa a book tree

What a pop tacular rescue tap on another rep Cali gotten zuma's hovercraft and zoomed out to open water

Now she's stranded first. We need to get up high to find let's take to the skies

ready for woof-woof rescue

Guy needs your help to find Charlie cap to top and bottom of the screen he'll loose side and watch out for storm clouds

This is tough tacular

Keep a lookout for tally take a look out for time

Here we come this popular I see her

a thermometer no fever pouch

every nothing broken a

Blanket this will keep you nice and warm Callie. Oh

That bear we rescued Charlie Tasha what?

You're on a roll. What a great rescue

Haha Country

Awesome job cap on another rescue to check in Captain turbot needs our help the propeller fell off his boat and sunk to the bottom

Now we stranded do my ready set get wet

Let's dive in

Tap right and left to help zuma swim around you and schools of fish they need you to get to the propeller

Cap over here watch out for seaweed

Can I go?

Can I go?

All I do is to the teller just get forward to the children. It should go from here

Make sure you make sure you almost almost keep going. Oh mom. Make sure you're alright. That's perfect

Let's get this back to Cap'n Turbot

You're on a roll. What a great rescue hmm hot crease?

What a pup-tacular?

Rescue a baby dolphin accidentally swam into water. That's too shallow

We have to get him back to deep water rubble can take it see I'm ready to dig in ready set get wet

Your finger to wipe away the sand and helps get a water pack

Use your finger to swipe away sand and make a water pack

Rubble made a pass now. You have to help itself follows back out cease water will

Wake up the baby dolphins back to the bag mission accomplished

Nice work the rest E16. It's awesome fucking

Awesome, just we need to get that bhide out of the lighthouse and over to the farm where a beam can be a bee that

Rocky can use a smoker to make Pita Grainy install this pups gotta fly

Read your finger to guide the smoke over each be

smoking great work baby night will be

Raw, why is the hive Society grab it and go?

hostel missing country honey dreams buddy

You're on a roll. What a great rescue awesome poetry

Great job at the Bay. Let's see where else we can help

For more infomation >> 🎮 PAW Patrol: Mission PAW - Rescue Run | Fun Nickelodeon Jr Pups Save Cartoon Games for Kids - Duration: 23:50.


How to LEVITATE Pencil Lead - Duration: 2:50.

Greetings fellow nerds.

In a previous video I showed that pyrolytic graphite was diamagnetic

and could be stably levitated over some magnets.

Unfortunately pyrolytic graphite is very expensive for the amateur.

Not really worth buying if all you're going to do is look at it and poke it a few times.

As it turns out, some types of pencil lead, which is actually graphite,

is also diamagnetic and can be levitated.

It's not as strong, but it still works.

Now first you need to find pencil lead that's diamagnetic.

To do this just lay it out and approach it with the poles of a magnet.

It should move away.

This proves the graphite is diamagnetic and will always be repelled by the magnet.

Not all pencil lead will do this though,

some have iron filings or other magnetic materials and will actually be attracted by magnet.

If this is the case you'll need to find another brand of pencil lead.

Also the pencil lead should be as thin as possible, this one is 0.5 mm.

Thicker leads have a lower cross sectional area to volume ratio and thus will be too heavy to levitate.

Now let's get started.

First you'll need to arrange an array of small but strong neodymium magnets

in a checkerboard fashion with alternating north and south faces.

I'm using round magnets but square magnets are also fine.

Once it's laid out just place the pencil lead on top.

And there you go, it is levitating.

It's not as high as pure pyrolytic graphite, but it's visible.

The best position I found was this diagonal 2 by 1 magnet orientation.

It's most stable and you can press on it without it falling off easily.

You can try a straight orientation, but as you can see here,

it's much more delicate and needs a little jiggling to get into just the right spot.

It's a tad higher than the 2 by 1 diagonal orientation.

But as you can see, just touch it and it falls off.

A 1 by 1 diagonal does not levitate at all, so stick with the 2 by 1.

Let's see now, this is the best we can do to levitate it.

But is there anyway to levitate it even higher?

We cannot use a thicker pencil lead as mentioned before.

Using stronger magnets is an option.

But a much cheaper approach is to add another upward force to the pencil lead.

How do we do that? We cheat by using water.

Simply place the magnet array in a container of water.

Place the pencil lead in and you'll find it floats noticeably higher than before.

This is a great demonstration of the property of buoyancy.

The pencil lead displaces an equal volume of water

and therefore experiences an upward force of the weight of water that was displaced.

This added buoyant force pushes the pencil lead higher.

And there you have it.

We apply the separate concepts of diamagnetism and buoyancy to levitate pencil lead.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, rate and comment.

For more infomation >> How to LEVITATE Pencil Lead - Duration: 2:50.


Generals Serving Trump Secretly Agreed To Never Leave Him Unsupervised - Duration: 3:37.

One of the hallmarks of the Trump Administration has been the fact that Donald Trump likes

to surround himself with high ranking officials from the military.

That's why we have James Mattis, and John Kelly both within the White House, both were

generals, highly decorated, and they serve around Trump.

They hang around Trump.

They always seem to be just around Trump.

According to a new report, that's not by accident.

A new report says that both Kelly and Mattis got together after their appointments to the

Trump Administration ... This was long before Kelly became the Chief of Staff to Donald

Trump ... And they agreed that they would never leave the President by himself so that

they could constantly monitor what this mad man does.

In fact, according to their little verbal agreement they had, one of them, regardless

of where the President was traveling, would always stay at the White House, even if Donald

Trump is out of the country, so that they could monitor what he's saying, what he's

doing, and what he's ordering.

To put it in its most simple form, these two highly decorated military generals do not

trust Donald Trump enough to make decisions on his own, so they made a pact to stick together,

to always constantly ... Whatever the odds ... Keep an eye on this man to make sure he

doesn't basically blow up this country or, more likely, blow up another country.

And that's really saying something, folks.

A lot of people thought we could just pick any idiot off the street and make them President

of the United States like we did with Trump, because Republicans thought it would be awesome

to see what happens when we run government like a business.

And as it turns out, you actually need somebody that kinda knows a little bit about politics,

and, more importantly, somebody that knows at least the slightest little bit about foreign


Because that is what these military people are concerned about.

They don't give a damn about him cutting Medicaid by $800 billion, or cutting food stamp programs,

or giving tax cuts to the rich.

These men only care about not letting Donald Trump destroy another country.

Now, they need to be concerned about all of it, but at least they're focusing on not letting

Donald Trump launch a nuclear war, which admittedly would be pretty bad for us.

But, Donald Trump's insistence on doing this hyper-militarism presidency is very reminiscent

of the old fascist and Nazi dictators from the 1930s and '40s, because that is exactly

what they did.

Didn't really have much experience in military affairs, so they surrounded themselves with

all these military leaders who helped to prop them up and were calling the shots behind

the scenes.

Kind of a good parallel to what Donald Trump is doing today.

But the fact that these men who know a lot about military service ... I don't want to

get into their records ... Whether you like them or not, they do know a thing or two about

the military and about foreign affairs, and at least they understand how dangerous Donald

Trump can be if they don't keep a constant eye on him.

Having them there at this point, given this information, may not be such a bad thing.

For more infomation >> Generals Serving Trump Secretly Agreed To Never Leave Him Unsupervised - Duration: 3:37.


1020 Sq Ft Small House with Garage, Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 3:01.

1020 Sq. Ft. Small House with Garage

For more infomation >> 1020 Sq Ft Small House with Garage, Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 3:01.


5 Indian Television Actors who Dated One and Married Another | You Won't Believe - Duration: 3:59.

5 Indian Television Actors who Dated One and Married Another You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> 5 Indian Television Actors who Dated One and Married Another | You Won't Believe - Duration: 3:59.


Geoff Gulevich's Rocky Mountain Slayer | GMBN Pro Bikes - Duration: 5:14.

- Welcome to another Pro Bike,

and this is Geoff Gulevich's Rocky Mountain Slayer.

(techno drumbeat)

Right, a little a bit of information about Geoff Gulevich

if you don't know him, he's an all mountain rider,

adventure rider, he's all over the world.

He used to compete in slope style and dirt jump

back in the day, but I'm gonna start off with his frame.

This is the Rocky Mountain Slayer.

It's 170 mm of travel, all mountain bike.

Full carbon triangle front and rear.

Right, moving on to the drivetrain,

I'm going to start off with these pedals.

These are the Shimano XTR SPD pedals.

So, he's clipped in for those descents.

His feet are clipped in and not gonna move around

and bounce off in those huge descents.

Moving on to the crank arms,

these are the Shimano Deore XT at 170 mm.

These are one by 11, and then that front sprocket is a 30 tooth.

So, I guess that's for all those huge climbs

that he's gonna be doing up there.

Right, and to change those gears smoothly

he's running a Shimano Deore XT

long-cage derailleur right here.

Right, the wheel build on this bike

to keep him rolling out there,

this is a Sun Ringle Charger Expert.

And that's built onto an SRX 148 hub.

And the rubber on this, to give him more grip out there

is a Maxxis High Roller 2, 3C ply.

So that's three different compounds of rubber

that make this tyre.

Right, moving onto the braking power of this bike.

It's Shimano Saint four-part brake.

It has a 180mm rotor on the rear.

Wheel build much like the rear.

It's a Sun Ringle Charger Expert,

built onto the same hub, that's the SRX hub.

And then the rubber, different this time.

It's a Maxxis Minion DHF Super Tacky.

The force where it takes all that punishment

out there on the trails.

These are the Manitou Mattoc Pros.

170mm of travel, settings on, not too sure,

I'm going to have to ask him.

Right, moving on to the saddle where he spends

a lot of time climbing those huge mountains out there

in the world.

It's an Ergon SME 3S saddle.

And that's strapped to this Manitou Jack dropper.

And that's 150mm.

Right, moving up to the cockpit

where he keeps this bike in control

out there on the trail, I'm gonna start off here

with the grips, these are Ergon GA2 grips.

I love the colour.

Moving onto the brakes, these are the Shimano Saint levers,

front and rear.

And then you've got a Shimano Deore XT shifter right there.

And you've got the nice Manitou Jack

drop poster lever just there.

Moving onto the bars, these are the Answer 810s

with, don't know, question I'm gonna have to ask him.

For the stem, this is a 30mm stem,

and this is the Answer Atac stem.

Okay, weight spec of this whole bike comes in at 28.5 pounds

which is 12.9 kilos.

That is light for a 170mm travel bike.

All right, enough of me talking about your bike, Geoff.

I've got a few.

- I got you a beer.

- Oh, I did forget, cheers.

Cheers, I've got a few questions for you.

- Mhm.

- First off, the bar width.

People would like to know your bar width.

- I'm running the 810 bar uncut, so 810.

I don't know what that translates into in inches,

but it's pretty darn wide.

- It's pretty wide, yeah, yeah.

Okay, next question, tyre pressure, front and rear.

- Well, if I'm riding a bike park like here,

I'll generally stick to around the 32 PSI range.

- Okay.

- If I'm on actual trail,

then I'll probably lower it to about 28 in the rear

and probably around the same in the front.

- Right, moving onto the frame, what size frame is this?

- I'm running the large Slayer here.

- Wicked, and you said, so you've got the Slayer here,

so how come you chose this one over the Altitude?

- Well, I prefer the Slayer because it has a little more

travel than the altitude.

It's a little better for bigger hits

that I like to do going faster.

And that's just my type of bike.

- Exactly, more of aggressive riding.

So, talk about aggressive riding.

So, you've got Shimano Saint.

- I do, I prefer the Saint brakes over the XT, or the XTR,

because they have a little more power.

And when you're at higher speeds,

it just gives you that little extra bit of confidence.

- So, you went for the Shimano Deore XT

drivetrain. - Drivetrain.

- So you didn't go for the Saint all around.

- No, I prefer the 11-speed just for riding on the shore

and steep climbs.

You need that extra gearing just to get up there

and feel comfortable.

- [Host] Yeah, and that I guess is a little bit

lighter as well.

- [Geoff] Definitely.

- Yeah, and then front forks,

you've got the Manitou Mattocs.

- I do.

- Pros, so settings on this.

Do you have them super stiff?

I know you used to do all the slopestyle courses

and dirt jumping, so is that super stiff

or is that all changed out now?

- It's a little more supple now

for trail riding and downhill.

It's still definitely quite stiffer

than your average fork, just for bigger hits

and higher speeds.

- Wicked.

All right, Geoff, thank you so much

for showing off your bike and giving us

the insight of your full bike setup

on your Rocky Mountain Slayer.

If you want to know what downhill versus enduro

is all about, click just down here.

And if you want to set up your suspension correctly,

click over here.

Don't forget to click this rad little globe right here

and you won't miss another video.

- And if you like this bike, give it a good old thumbs up.

- Definitely.

For more infomation >> Geoff Gulevich's Rocky Mountain Slayer | GMBN Pro Bikes - Duration: 5:14.


5 Ways You Can Play FIFA 18 *EARLY* and *FREE* 😏 - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways You Can Play FIFA 18 *EARLY* and *FREE* 😏 - Duration: 10:14.


Bullet Force Hack and Cheats Coins and Gold - Duration: 3:04.

Hi all, let me show you how you can generate free gold and coins for a Bullet Force

Start your browser and navigate where our tool is located

Type your username ( you can find it in Bullet Force game settings )

Then select your platform - IOS for Iphone/Ipad/Ipod or Android for tablest and phones

Enable encryption and click CONNECT

Select the amount of Credits and Gold you want to have

Then click on Generate

If anybody from your WIFI, home, school or 3G/LTE network connection used this tool today,you will be requested for Human verification steps

This is done in simple way - choose and install 2 free apps from Appstore/Playstore

Now select first app, once done then repeat for 2nd

Once installed, please open and play/run BOTH applications for at least 45 seconds

You have to play it to prove you're a human !

This is in fact a real human verification

Once both application has been running at least for 45 seconds, please go back and run Bullet Force game

Now ... you should see your coins and gold increasing.....

We are done here.... in case it doesn't work, try to repeat all the steps once again, but DO NOT ENABLE encryption. Some providers has a troubles with that.

Thank you

For more infomation >> Bullet Force Hack and Cheats Coins and Gold - Duration: 3:04.


Los Magnificos 1983 "La bestia en el vientre de un boeing" (Audio Latino, Brigada A) - Duration: 46:08.

For more infomation >> Los Magnificos 1983 "La bestia en el vientre de un boeing" (Audio Latino, Brigada A) - Duration: 46:08.


Polish Food - Eating Pierogi taste test in Krakow, Poland - Duration: 11:28.

Well good day good day there.

It is a very good day.

So it is our first day here in Poland.

In Krakow.

In Krakow.

Or however you say it properly.


And anyways we've got Pierogi on our minds.

We are going to get pierogies.

Oh and we're so hungry.

We even we're even crossing the river to go find it today.

We've been willing to cross a river to go have pierogi.

That shows how dedicated we are.

This is awesome.

Like this is a gigantic menu just outside of the restaurant here.

Check that out.

So we are kicking off our first full day in Krakow with pierogies.

What else?

The most popular Polish dish.

This is something that everyone knows about.

Even in Canada we've got like frozen pierogi.

So it is popular.

They are not nearly as good as the freshly made ones.


Here in Poland.

But yeah.

It is something that kind of we are kind of subsisting off of pierogies in the winter

in Canada.


When we were in Kingston a few years ago.

It is like a really hearty meal.

You know when it is cold out and you just need something that is going to fill you up

and sit there for a few hours.

Pierogi always a good idea.

But it is summer here but we're still going to have them anyways.

We're still having it.


And actually we had some yesterday at the train station but it was just like a quick

little snack and it wasn't a place that specialized in them so it wasn't amazing.

This place literally specializes in them.

This is their menu.

And we spotted this place yesterday when we were heading to our apartment so we like we're

coming back.

We placed four orders.


And each order comes with 10 pierogi so that is 40 pierogies that we're going to be eating

for just 2 of us.

20 each!


We may get defeated by this.

We might have to take some home.

And to drink we are having?

I got compote.

I got myself 2 compotes.

No I'm just kidding.

At first Sam was like I'm going to have some beer and then we saw this and we were like

no let's try that instead.

Yeah, this is cheaper and probably more refreshing.


So this is a nice summer drink and I can spot apple.

It looks like green apple and strawberry.

I spot strawberry and I believe there is some berries at the bottom.

Alright, so have a sip and tell us.

What does compote taste like?


It tastes like a natural sort of slightly watered down um natural fruit juice.


So that is really cool.

It is very refreshing and yeah we're going to need this so we're saving this for the

pierogies which a lot of them will be savory so.


And I'm guessing quite salty as well.

So 20 plump savory dumplings have showed up at our table.

They sure have.

Check it out.

So we ordered two savory kinds.

I think the first one was the Ruskie.

Ruskie or something which is the traditional one which is like mashed potatoes and cheese.

And the other one we got fancy.

We got like mushrooms, feta and something else.

No, wasn't it walnuts or something?


It was walnuts.

Those are the ones over here.

So yeah oh and it comes with like caramelized onions on top.


So let's try this.

These were steaming a few seconds ago so I'm going to try not to burn myself.


Is it good?

This is so much better than what we had yesterday.


That was like fast food yesterday.

This is fresh and homemade.

Yesterday they were kind of like sad.

Sad pierogi.

Like the filling is so creamy and smooth and kind of garlic-y and peppery.

It is just so nice.

Is it?

Oh man.


Are you going in for more?

Honestly, they feel so light I think I'm going to have no problem finishing off these 10

and then another 10.

This is great.

No, I think we have 20 sweet ones in fact.

Oh my gosh.

I don't know what we were thinking but yeah.


Alright, Sammy boy what you have been waiting for.

I have been waiting for this Pierogi.

These Polish dumplings like I think out of all the dumplings I've had around the world

these are some of my favorite.


These are just so so good.

And I'm cutting it in half here.

Oh my gosh there is so much filling.


You know you're getting a good pierogi when it is just stuffed.

You know it is just like stuffed with filling.

If it is stingy with that if it is just a little bit in there that is how you know it

is pretty bad.

Anyways, these are stuffed so let's try it.

Oh la lah.


What do you think?

Just so good.

I know.

Isn't it creamy?

It is like so smooth.


The filling is so light.

I'm so hungry and we're going to have no problem eating these.

I know.

I 100% agree with you.

I love these.

Oh my gosh.

I just wish I could eat these everywhere in the world that I went at anytime I wanted


I'm just sitting here with my mouth watering while Sam takes photo after photo.

Stop it!

Ah, the things we do to show you these things guys.

Oh, wow.

Look at that.

This is the second savory plate of pierogi.

This is the one that has mushrooms, feta and walnuts.

Check that out.

I know.

It looks awesome.

So yeah, I'm going in.



Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh those are fresh mushrooms.

Oh my gosh.

Do you like those just as much or even more that the first?


I may like this more.

It is so good.

The mushrooms are so flavorful.


Like none of that canned champignon.

Uh uh.


Like we got in the Buenos Aires calzone.

Oh yeah.

The calzone.

This is like earthy and so rich.



And in he goes.

Yeah, dissection.



Oh my.

Oh my that looks so good.

That is sexy food.

Right there people.

Sexy food right there.

I feel like I've died and gone to pierogi heaven.


Because these are amazing and look the dessert ones have actually arrived.

They arrived.




And apparently if you look down here this is like a milk dipping sauce or something.

Those look so good but let's finish those mushroom ones.

Oh my gosh.


Save some for me.


I don't even know how but we somehow managed to eat 20 savory pierogi.

I feel like I'm bursting at the seams.

Dun dun dun 20 pierogies bite the dust.


Now we have 20 more.

Dessert, oh my gosh.

Yeah, so when we were in Warsaw we actually tried some so fruit ones but this is our first

time ever to try the chocolate ones so this will be really interesting.

I wonder if there is chocolate inside.

I have no idea.

I'm going to take it for a swim here in the sauce.

And just take a big bite.



Oh my gosh those are amazing.


They taste like.

They actually taste a lot like pancakes.

Like chocolate pancakes.



Do you want to cut one in half?

And show us?


What is in there.

Yeah, it tastes like chocolate pancakes.

And this is like a sweet milk.

Oh wow.

Oh, that squirted something out.

Look at that.

Oh, it is like banana inside.

Of course.

Oh yeah.

I forgot.

I forgot that we ordered those.

You know what this actually reminds me of?

It reminds me of the Thai banana sweet roti pancakes we were having.

Yeah, those were good.

Yeah, it has like that familiar taste.

It took me a second to place it but yeah look at the banana in there.

They do it in Poland too.



Oh my gosh.

Still a bit of room?

You know what?

Eating is sometimes feels like an endurance sport.


I'm not kidding.

It is a full contact endurance sport.

Oh my gosh.

So chocolate, banana and some of this creamy custard.

While I was thinking of that custard it kind of reminds me a bit of rice pudding.


These are served cold.



Do you like it?

Yeah, it is so similar to banana pancakes.

It is quite good.

Banana pancakes in dumpling form.


But you know what?

I'm excited for the strawberry ones.

Those look delectable.

You want to just dig right in?


Let's just go for it.

Just go for it.

And you can see the actual strawberry inside.

Oh, woah.

Oh, that squirted.


These are a little bit smaller.

Like they are not quite as plump which is probably a good thing because there is the


Because I'm kind of struggling.

I'm struggling at this point.

Struggling not to destroy it.

And you contaminated the sauce.



It is red.


Anyways, how is it?


That is really really good.

It is such a nice summer dessert.


It is just filled with seasonal fruits.


Let's get you choosing your favorite.

Who will it be?

Chocolate or strawberry.

Will it be chocolate?

Will it be strawberry?

Strawberry chocolate.

Oh, the tension.

The drama.


Oh, okay.

If I was right now I'm kind of craving fruit.


So I'm going to say the strawberry wins.


But if I was craving chocolate then the chocolate would win.

They are both like they are on par with each other but I'm craving especially strawberries

right now so yeah this is my favorite of the two dessert ones.

And you know it is nice that it is a little bit tart.


It is not sweet like a jam.

Yeah, exactly.

It still retains its natural flavor.


So yeah, two savory pierogies and two dessert pierogi.

40 in total.

That is kind of nuts.

So that was a mission and a half.

But oh my gosh.

What did we just do?

We ate 40.

We ate 40 pierogi.

I feel like we deserve a gold medal in like the gluttony olympics or something.


That was I wonder what the record is?


How many pierogies.

Has one person ate.

Did we just break a Guinness World Record here?



But that was pretty much the ultimate pierogi taste test.

Two savories, two dessert pierogi.

I mean if you're going to try Polish food you absolutely have to try pierogi.

And we really lucked out with this place.

We didn't find it in a guidebook or even a recommendation we just while we were getting

groceries last night we walked by here and there is a really loud ambulance.

Do do do do.

That is going past.

Anyways, yeah that maybe they are coming to rescue me because my belly is about to explode.

But anyways yeah I think we'll be coming back here for sure.

We've got a whole week ahead of us.

We'll be coming back here for pleasure and uh yeah pierogi in Poland guys.

You've got to try it.

And price point for this meal?

Oh, so yeah price point.

Price point.

So it was 56 Zloty which roughly is 13 Euros and that included our two drinks and 40 pierogi.


Yeah, it was pretty good value as well.

Now time for a nap.

Time for an enormous siesta.


For more infomation >> Polish Food - Eating Pierogi taste test in Krakow, Poland - Duration: 11:28.


Dancer Spiderman And Deadpool With Scream Use DANCE NOTE In Real Life, Funny Black Spiderman Name - Duration: 19:52.

For more infomation >> Dancer Spiderman And Deadpool With Scream Use DANCE NOTE In Real Life, Funny Black Spiderman Name - Duration: 19:52.


Emotional Farah strikes gold as Bolt powers on. - Duration: 3:41.

Sir Mo Farah said it was "amazing" to complete the first stage of his golden track finale after a thrilling defence of his 10,000m title at the World Championships at London Stadium last night

The 34-year-old, who will retire from the track later this month, won in 26 minutes 49.51 seconds to claim his sixth world title.

Farah shrugged off continued doping allegations to mount a second defence of the 10,000m in London after victories in Moscow in 2013 and Beijing two years ago.

It was amazing. I had to get my head around it and I got a bit emotional at the start. I had to get in the zone," he said.

It wasn't an easy race. I work on everything and it's been a long journey.

What a way to end my career in London. It's special," added Farah, who will bid for the double when he goes for gold in the 5,000m next Saturday.

I knew at 12 laps to go when they went hard from there I knew it was going to be tough. It was about believing in my sprint finish and knowing that I have been in that position before. It helped a lot having that experience.

That was a special moment for me. I miss spending time with them (my family). "To have my family on the track is very special. Anything is possible if you train hard," added Farah

Usain Bolt was left furious with his performance, despite moving a step closer to a golden goodbye as he cruised through the 100m heats.

Back at the stadium where the Jamaican declared himself a "living legend" after retaining his 100m and 200m titles at the 2012 Olympics, the 30-year-old had to recover from an awful start to win his heat in 10.07 seconds.

Bolt, who is bringing the curtain down on his glittering career at these championships, was met with the customary huge cheers whenever he appeared on the big screen.

He whispered "number one" when the camera panned to him on the start line, but the shake of the head at the finish was proof he was less than happy with his run.

Bolt's start has been his chief - perhaps only - problem throughout his career, no great surprise for a sprinter who stands 6ft 5in. "That was very bad," Bolt said.

I stumbled coming out of the blocks. I'm not very fond of these blocks. I think these are the worst ones I've ever experienced. I have to get this start together because I can't keep doing this.

It's shaky. When I did my warm-up it (the blocks) pushed back. It is just not what I am used to, not as sturdy or firm."

Meanwhile, Ciara Mageean endured a nightmare race in last night's 1,500m first round heat.

The Portaferry runner - Ireland's top middle distance athlete - was never up with the leaders in an admittedly tough heat and eventually finished 13th in what was for her a modest time of four minutes 10.60 seconds

This was a particularly bitter blow for the 25-year-old as she has been enjoying her best season ever

Genzebe Dibaba of Ethiopia appeared to stroll across the line for victory in 4.02.67 just ahead of Caster Semenya. GB's Jessica Judd celebrated with a PB in sixth place of 4.03.73.

For more infomation >> Emotional Farah strikes gold as Bolt powers on. - Duration: 3:41.


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