Sunday, August 6, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 6 2017

so I'm here today doing the video for Don't Know Me and we're going to be

doing some daytime and night time shots and we're starting here in this real

broken down old warehouse which could collapse on us at any moment but

that's the fun of guerrilla music video shooting. So this is where the

playback is going to be coming from. Really high tech, and lots of movement of

rubbish to make it even more rubbishy. We like dirt

all the mud on my shoes is so glamorous

we're going to do another shot right now

and I'm going to be sitting on the edge of the warehouse. We're just kindof setting it up

and I'm going to be sitting on this so that

my nice coat doesn't get all messed up

its raining


how can I be satisfied with a life

that won't let me be me

don't know where I've been

trying to find a way to fit in

you don't even know me

I don't know myself

you're turning me into someone else

so we're back again at the location for the video and it stopped raining while ago

which is cool but it has kind of rained so as you can

see, its sort of watery on the floor which is cool but hopefully I won't have to sit too long

water trying to look emotional

you filming me carrying my box?


its cold, its cold, its wet, well it was wet it was

raining and we're just setting up for doing the night time shots. I have a

different outfit, its a sparkly dress which I hand sewed myself. Hopefully

you won't see the terrible stitching that I made on it. We're going to have a bonfire

as well I mean not bonfire like that too big, I mean its going to be like a small

small personal fire. This is my little bonfire

its very pretty.

you don't even know me, I break down

I'm walking in circles, don't know where I've been

trying to find a way to fit in

so this is my (you don't even know me!) you don't even know me. This is my setup with these

kindof cool ball things, well they are balls but

they're like glowing and I don't really know what they're meant to symbolize I guess

maybe like, my feelings or emotions something like that. Going to be doing a lots of kind of

movement that kind of thing, lots of like moody looking through fences. Cool.

So we got everything filmed and I'm back home now, really tired it's like 1:00 in

the morning, yeah so really excited had a really long hard day and it got very

very cold as well at some points, so hopefully the video is gonna look pretty cool

For more infomation >> Ryker Sear - Making of ''Don't Know Me'' Music Video - Duration: 4:01.


Epic Hearthstone Plays #182 - Duration: 11:02.

Link in description

Sweet. Checked

Just... without gay things, OK?

I'm fucked up!



NO! What the hell!?

screw you


Well? yeah this is his only chance to win

yep, understood


he hasn't played Aya yet, that's not cool

Alright, now he'll draw cards with goblin. Find something


Goblin in hand. Understood

High skill guy on JadeDruid this time

ah yesyesyesyes yes!

can I wait one more turn?

Lok'tar Ogar!

Huge thank to all of you who support me on the Patreon

Here much more people than I could count on!

If you want to help too and prevent the closure of this channel,

go to the link in description

Even $1 per month is a big help to me!

If you can't do this on Patreon for some reason

you also can find a link to my PayPal in description, and number of my bank card

(here I talk about my streams on twitch, but it's on russian, cuz my english very bad. Maybe one day I'll be stream in english too, but not now, sorry)

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Here together with you we will make the Hearthstone even more interesting


For more infomation >> Epic Hearthstone Plays #182 - Duration: 11:02.


If Songs Were In Reality | Martin - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> If Songs Were In Reality | Martin - Duration: 3:01.


170805 에프엑스 루나 f(x) LUNA talking about F(x) (With Eng Sub) - SMTOWN in HK - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> 170805 에프엑스 루나 f(x) LUNA talking about F(x) (With Eng Sub) - SMTOWN in HK - Duration: 1:17.


Moana Bad Baby Crying When Learn Colors Becau Cat Tom Destroy Characters Star vs the Forces of Evil - Duration: 2:49.

Moana Bad Baby Crying When Learn Colors Becau Cat Tom Destroy Characters Star vs the Forces of Evil

The Alphabet Song Lyric






Y and Z

Now I know my ABCs

Next time won't you sing with me






Y and Z

Now I know my ABCs

Next time won't you sing with me






Y and Z

Now I know my ABCs

Next time won't you sing with me






Y and Z

Now I know my ABCs

Next time won't you sing with me

For more infomation >> Moana Bad Baby Crying When Learn Colors Becau Cat Tom Destroy Characters Star vs the Forces of Evil - Duration: 2:49.


How To Be Feminine - How To Be Feminine While Dating - Duration: 11:21.

hello and welcome to feminine success secrets I'm a Candice Oneida the place

women come to become powerfully feminine and I am on a hike today and I've been

having some reflections on feminine and dating I'm currently in the dating pool

right now some have called it the dating swamp the dating quagmire or the dating

crevasse I wanted to pass you some of my reflections with regard to the feminine

masculine polarity in dating I have re-entered the dating pool there's a lot

more clarity and conscious awareness about how I'm doing it why I'm doing it

and I want to share with you some of the discoveries I have a disclaimer and by

no means a relationship coach relationship expert anything like that

this channel has a lot to do with my experiencing pass to you so here goes in

terms of the masculine what is the masculine love to do the meskan loves to

lead and the masculine loves to win and in order to win you over you have to

realize that you are the prize you are the prize you are the thing that he has

to earn your love and your care on your body earn your sexuality

and in order to do this you have to hold inside you that you are the prize you

are the thing that is worthy of his efforts of his leadership worthy for him

to win when I work with a super successful capable already powerful in

their own right people I have noticed about these women often if they have

trouble in the dating process they have trouble in relationships they

unwittingly end up emasculating men this is not going to go down well with the

dating process and of course it won't go down well ultimately in relationship the

way you feel worthy and understand yourself has the prize is a few things

this is about you having to understand your inherent value through who you are

through what you be and this is tricky for my successful capable women because

they've often identified themselves with what they do and what they produce what

if the man that you really want to need actually just wants you for who you are

once you for what you shine once you for how you be how you hold this beautiful

space in your heart how you care well taken out presses your feeling to that

now one of the ways to do this is to be really really clear on your boundaries

so boundaries come in different ways I've created a whole video on boundaries

so I'll put a connection up here as to how to access that

so create boundaries boundaries about how you treated boundaries about

sexuality in the early dating places boundaries around how he treats other

people now I talked about brown bees I want to be really clear that this has a

lot more to do with inner boundaries in a value that has to do with anything you

do or say outside of yourself one thing that's tricky about what I just said for

my successful powerful is capable woman is that she can do

everything she doesn't need a man to decide on locations or lead first or

anything like that she's very confident to do that let's

think of this dating game a bit like winning an Olympic medal you be in the

middle you are the prize you're the middle there is nothing too masculine

what's more than to wind win your heart to win your soul to win your body to be

his own the masculine is about forward movement it's about action it's about

decisiveness decision it's about you know the competitive side of the

masculine is good in this scenario let him win you let him win you as a prize

now the feminine part of this is holding your value holding your boundaries and

creating a receptive inviting environment invite him inside you you

invite him toward you masculine penetrates it moves forward

and if he moves forward you receive his movement forward you invite him and if

you like him you invite him in a little bit deeper you invite him a little bit

more the party boundary sewer is a lot of clarity about what you want what you

like what you don't like now I think I know women think that it's your start

sounding bitchy or naggy or something if you talk about what you like and don't

like there's a way to do it it's not like that one thing I don't like that I

don't like that that would be the princess in my model I call negative

desire doesn't work for anybody but positive is I be hmm instead of that

what I would really really love what would make me really really happy is I'd

like to go here I'd like to do this you see one thing we need to realize about

the masculine is about the men's masculine is there much simpler than us

and honestly if he's moving toward you he really wants to make you happy I need

you just like that thinking for a sec the masculine actually wants to serve

the feminine it wants to make the feminine happy it wants to draw out your

feminine through his beautiful masculine force you got to constantly asking

yourself the question how can I do that how can I create a space of invitation

how can I welcome his beautiful masculine toward me and into me now the

last thing I want to talk to you about today was creating standards as part of

your values and how you value yourself we could call that a baseline that

nobody nothing goes underneath right that's a clarity about all those things

I spoke about before Clary about who you want what you want and how you want to

be treated how you want to feel when I talk about what you want who you want

I'm not talking about some freaking shopping list of a guy that's not right

that's like that's not you talking about a human being here what you really want

to do in that exercise is what I feel with this person how I want to feel I'm

hoping at your answer is I want to freaking be able to be myself I want to

really be able to be myself in order that he can be himself and they can be

just co-creative evolutionary juicy pathways between you that should be the

only answer I want to be able to be myself now I'm going to credit this

piece to one of my dear friends Tracey Stanton who's an incredible

relationship coach they'll put a link to a video interview we did here together

she said that she notices that successful powerful women create these

high standards but the messed up dating in ear drops and it drops and it drops

and it drops what happens is you start dating and then you come across some guy

and what we're looking for in dating is a sense of matching when I speak of

matching I'm talking about matching on 4 levels

I'm talking about an intellectual matching I'm talking about a spiritual

matching and then there's the physical matching and an energetic matching now

what I've done in the past is I'd go oh he's so hot but he's not too bright

right or wow he's so creative and so intelligent so brilliant but there's no

attraction and so of those four things that I see that are really important

things to match in relationship you've got one or two of them and then

something happens at us where we go well maybe I should just stay with this

person because there won't be somebody better out there oh no it's so wrong I

think you need to realize that 99 out of 100 men out there are going to be

kissing frogs and to find that rear match it's going to take some time and

patience you know that song they did in the 70s love the one you with and I love

the one you will be clearly compassionate and say I don't think

we're a match for each other I said that a lot of times as a man you can do it

compassionately and greet gracefully in a way that they don't feel that they're

masculine is bruised and then you gracefully move on and then you just

reassert this level yep so I've got to my destination today and in some of my

final reflections on the dating process in the masculine feminine dynamic

between men and women I thing I just wanted to put out there as a question is

you know let yourself be a woman let yourself be soft let yourself be fluid

let yourself feel the vulnerability of the dating process is extremely

vulnerable I know it is so for me understand that it is for him to even if

he's a little bit bolstered and protective and much showing up for

whatever he's doing just be gentle be gentle with him he's doing his best and

allow his masculine to come forth and we do that as a woman by creating this

we create space we create expansion we create a space for them to come to order

and then we gratefully receive a beautiful gift of is masculine as it

comes to water if you liked the video today give me a thumbs up

and if you'd like to put some comments below and your experiences with the

dating if you are in the dating sphere and remember when you have the courage

to go out there and shine you give others permission to do the same so

let's go out there and shine this week bye bye for now

For more infomation >> How To Be Feminine - How To Be Feminine While Dating - Duration: 11:21.


Dekarangers' First Henshin and Roll Call - Duration: 0:38.

I told you to not give orders!

When DekaBase receives the call...

...they transmit particle shape remembering space metal DekaMetal

It equips on their bodies to form DekaSuits

For more infomation >> Dekarangers' First Henshin and Roll Call - Duration: 0:38.


Gurren no yumiya French cover - Shingeki no kyojin By GameCube aZ09 - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Gurren no yumiya French cover - Shingeki no kyojin By GameCube aZ09 - Duration: 1:44.


Supposed To Be A Minecraft Channel? - Duration: 2:08.

Hey, so.. someone suggested I make story videos.

You know.. just stories shown through doodles

so you don't all run away

from my immensely slow content creating.

Anyway, I was thinking of what story to tell as

my first video of this genre, when I thought,

"Hey! Why don't I talk about the plans I initially had for a youtube channel!"

So here we are.

And if you've read the title, you can guess it.

Younger little me wanted to have Minecraft Channel!

Now hold up, I wasn't going to be a gamer, coz.. pft.. I can't be a gamer.

And the reasons for that might be in a video.. or series on its own,

called 'Why I'm Not A Gamer.'

But I digress.

No, I wasn't going to be a Minecraft gaming channel.

I wanted to have a Minecraft SERIES.

It was supposed to be in the genre of storytelling and humour.

But sadly, I had no idea how to edit, record, or have

any friends with Minecraft who would, or be willing to help me out as playing the characters.

I was also terribly shy back then and I was too afraid to ask anyone on the internet for help.

So.. that idea died out. And later on..

boom. Animation.

So… this might be a short video,

but hey, don't wanna bore you guys out on this first story vid.

This is just a testing out thing.. if you think I should do more of these vids, just tell me in the comments.

I'm not going to be that typical youtube who tells you to like and subscribe.

Because.. psst.. who am I to tell you that, its your choice.

But all I want you to do is have a cookie, and have a nice day.

Or… if you're watching this at night or late evening… have a nice day tomorrow!

For more infomation >> Supposed To Be A Minecraft Channel? - Duration: 2:08.


Mr Bean Cruel vs Mr Bean Good Hearted / Captain America And Ironman Protect Mr Bean Good Hearted - Duration: 16:56.

For more infomation >> Mr Bean Cruel vs Mr Bean Good Hearted / Captain America And Ironman Protect Mr Bean Good Hearted - Duration: 16:56.


10 Easy Natural Home Remedies To Stop Dandruff | how to remove dandruff in 7 days - Duration: 8:06.

10 Easy Natural Home Remedies To Stop Dandruff Dandruff is one of the most common issues

in the majority of the age group in both men as well as in women.

It is not such a big problem to solve but don't be ignored also.

Here is Top Best Ways to Prevent and Treat Dandruff.

You are ready to move for a party with a dress, makeup and finally, you see white dandruff

on your shoulders while comb your mood spoil and you get irritated with it.

To remove dandruff from your scalp permanently for that you need patience and needn't go

out for taking advice with expertise.

There are many products available in the market that help you in removing dandruff like anti

dandruff shampoo or dandruff free shampoo which can help in short term but not for the

long terms.

So tries some of the home remedies to remove dandruff as well as they don't damage your

hair comparatively to those products which are chemical based.

Dandruff itself is not a big problem but leads to other problems like pimples, acne, and

many skin disease.

You may lose our confidence and feel embarrassment in a group.

There may be various causes for dandruff like lifestyle, habits, diet, hygiene and stress.

But you need not worry now we will bring you simple remedies to get rid off from dandruff.

Number 1.

Fenugreek seeds Fenugreek seeds are rich in vitamin sand minerals

which gives nourishment to your hairs and apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature maintain

ph level of the scalp as well as prohibit the growth of the yeast.

How to Use It 2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds.

2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar.

Soak fenugreek seeds in water for a night.

Next morning grind the fenugreek seeds to form the paste.

Add apple cider vinegar in it.

Apply this paste on your scalp and hairs and leave for 30 minutes for dry.

Wash your hair with mild shampoo.

Repeat the procedure 3-4 times in a week.

Number 2.

Lemon and Coconut Oil Massage Coconut oil penetrates into the roots of the

hairs and it has regeneration property that can treat dandruff and boost for re growth

for the hairs.

Lemon is acidic in nature so it prevents the growth of the yeast in the scalp.

How to Use It 2 tbsp of coconut oil.

2 tbsp of lemon juice.

Heat the oil and mix lemon juice in it.

Gently massage with this mixture to your scalp and leave for 20 minutes.

Wash your hairs with a mild shampoo.

Repeat the procedure twice in a week.

Number 3.

Baking Soda Baking soda removes dead cells from the scalp

and fight with the fungus causing dandruff.

Excess of the oil on the scalp can be reduced by the use of the baking soda.

How to Use It.

2 tsp of baking soda.

Wash your hairs with water and now rub baking soda on your scalp for few minutes and then

wash with the mild shampoo.

Number 4.

Curd Curd gives shine and softness to your hairs

as well as it fights against with dandruff causing fungus.

How to Use It 2 tbsp of curd.

Few drops of lemon juice.

Take curd and mix with the lemon juice in a bowl.

Apply this mixture on your scalp and leave for 30 minutes.

Wash your hairs with a mild shampoo.

Number 5.

Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil has an anti inflammatory property

and the higher rate of the penetrate power which makes it one of the best remedies for


How to Use It 1-2 tsp of tea tree oil.

Regular shampoo.

Mix tea tree oil in your regular shampoo.

Now shampoo your hairs with this mixture properly and rub it gently.

Wash your hairs with water.

Number 6.

Egg Yolk Egg yolk contains biotin which is the remedy

to treat dandruff and it is rich in vitamins and minerals which give nourishment to the


How to Use It 2 egg yolk.

Whipped 2 egg yolk sin a bowl and apply on your scalp.

Leave for 30 minutes to dry and then wash your hairs with a mild shampoo.

Number 7.

Aloe Vera Aloe Vera has anti bacterial and anti fungal

properties which fight against with dandruff causing fungus.

It is a rich source of the anti oxidant and vitamins which are necessary for the growth

of the hairs also.

How to Use It 2 tbsp of aloe Vera gel.

Extract gel from the aloe Vera leaf and apply on the scalp.

Leave for 30 minutes for dry and then wash your hairs with a mild shampoo.

Number 8.

Olive Oil and Neem Neem leaves act as anti fungal agent and treat


Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and anti oxidant which provides nourishment for the hair growth.

How to Use It 4 tbsp of olive oil.

Few neem leaves.

Crush the neem leaves to make powder, now add this powder into olive oil and apply on

the scalp.

Leave for 30 minutes.

Wash your hairs with a mild shampoo.

Number 9.

Aspirin Aspirin contains salicylate that removes dead

cells from the scalp and helps in the treatment of dandruff.

How to Use It 2 aspirin tablets.

Regular shampoo.

Crush aspirin tablets in powder and mix with your regular shampoo.

Apply this paste on your scalp and leave for 2 minutes.

Wash your hairs with water.

Numbare 10.

Lemon juice Lemon juice is acidic in nature maintains

the ph of the scalp and treat dandruff.

How to Use It 4 tsp of lemon juice.

Extract the juice from lemon and apply on the scalp.

Leave for 30 minutes and wash with mild shampoo.

Above are the certain home remedies you can follow and can treat dandruff permanently.

Hopefully you will like these Home Remedies To Treat Dandruff.

These are really very effective.

Thank you for watching Like, comments and share my Videos

Subscribe to more Natural Beauty Secrets....

For more infomation >> 10 Easy Natural Home Remedies To Stop Dandruff | how to remove dandruff in 7 days - Duration: 8:06.


TOP 10 Tries - Crusaders Rugby 2017 - Duration: 5:43.











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For more infomation >> TOP 10 Tries - Crusaders Rugby 2017 - Duration: 5:43.


[022] 3937km in Vietnam: Phong Nha-Ke Bang - Duration: 8:34.

We're still at Phong Nha-Ke Bang.

Next to the cave we visited yesterday.

We stayed for some filming despite the light rain.

And it's still amazing!

I do miss clouds atop mountains though but that's all.

It's good! It's great! And it's rather cool here.

We're on Ho-Chi-Minh trail.

The famous road used during the war linking Hanoi to Ho-Chi-Minh-City.

We're still inside Phong Nha-Ke Bang near the Dark cave and on our way to the Paradise cave.

The road is absolutely gorgeous so I stopped for some filming.

We're now at the Paradise cave.

People say that it's the most beautiful cave around the area.

Son Doong cave is huge but Paradise cave offers spectacular sights.

Well, let's go!

You can either walk or take an electric car.

The walk takes 35mins.

The choice was easy to make.

Even with the lift, we still have to climb now.

I don't know how long it takes but it's not short!

Well, you have to suffer to really enjoy!

We reached the end.

It was impressive indeed but I still prefer Phong Nha cave with the boat ride.

The atmosphere there was much better.

Paradise cave is more famous though...

Last meal before leaving Phong Nha-Ke Bang.

I will miss it a lot...

Next destination is Ninh Binh, it's known as the "Halong Bay on land".

Phong Nha-Ke Bang reminds me a lot of Halong Bay as well so it might be quite similar but more touristic.

It's a 8hours ride though so not sure if I'll be able to film there.

We might just spend the day only to get there.

We shall see...

Phong Nha was a very nice discovery!

It's amazing!

It offers everything, nature, caves, activities, swimming, etc.

It's gorgeous!

And quiet too!

For more infomation >> [022] 3937km in Vietnam: Phong Nha-Ke Bang - Duration: 8:34.


"Első Lépés" - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> "Első Lépés" - Duration: 4:14.



For more infomation >> GEOMETRY DASH - LEVEL REQUESTS - BUILDING A LAYOUT - Duration: 2:40.


The Seven Hills of #Rome : #Catholic #Jesuit #Rome #Vatican #Paedophile #Abuse #Evil - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> The Seven Hills of #Rome : #Catholic #Jesuit #Rome #Vatican #Paedophile #Abuse #Evil - Duration: 10:29.


10 Basic Wardrobe Essentials- Every Girl's Must-haves - Duration: 9:54.

hey Guys welcome to my channel, its been a minute right

we haven't had a proper chat video into it and that's what we have had to

continue slow which you get into actually last so I'll try and cover

again from science chain anyways I'm gonna get with a very interesting

fashion segments related videos and when I talk about the same basic essential

people that every girl needs to help in their wardrobe and don't confuse this

for basic pieces I mean basic essential pieces those are two different things

well if you do not have these pieces when we do rather not book grandma sent

a glass of wine some orange juice a cup of coffee whatever you find so we're

going to create you a bomb-ass shopping list so let's go wait a minute I think

I'm forgetting something you guys know the drill don't forget to subscribe if

you haven't and if you don't click that notification vocal I know you fight

every time you do upload I'll give you a second to subscribe but I'm feeling

generous a good your palate next thing give me a thumbs up if you guys want to

see more fashion segments on my channel and laughs yummy down below a kit for

videos you get going to see more on my channel and let's go before I jump into

the video I have few exciting news to share with you first in first I'll be

announcing the winner 100 subscribers giveaway which I promise to be announced

after two weeks 50 LVN and find out if you're actually the win I will get to

check everything home with you secondly I'll be sharing with you my

secret tips that have been swearing by Anna pretty sure that will be helping an

individual of their six will be and then find out what's life-changing major

secrets that I'll be sharing with you and all those really dramatic but let's

just start the video the first one on my stand essential list is very basic you

wouldn't even think about it's a white t-shirt so there are three types of

white t-shirts that I personally know and all the variations actually drawn

from that the person on the list is this one you have the wrong snake or acrylic

as majority college and this is the most base

most classic type of partition I might even explain this is a variation of the

white t-shirt because this one has a graffiti words on it the second one is

this or this one has a cochlea which is a deeper version of the round neck the

next one you have this type of t-shirt this is a deep V but this is more video

go to the long sleeve it has some extra details with the pocket and the buttons

and the next bit is this one there Chris very nice white shirt this is the most

versatile piece ever if you have you actually beginning to build a wardrobe

the first thing you actually need is a crisp white shirt you can basically wait

and you will again work with anything you say I think that actually just want

a white shirt on its own as an output so you can delay and also John is only can

actually tell you something else you get up later than an octopus with a bikini

body batik it is a monotonic olomana sweatshirt with juice short skirt you

name it why should really something you should really invest on every gentleman

in doubt or on confused on what to wear oh I have to go somewhere and they

really have very do watch where I mean we all have those days let's be honest

so I always have this particular rule that I skipped by a fit around like

street fashion as new celebrities often it with a lot of question I call

the next level of three that you have to have a bottom a top and a surface effect

this is what I'm actually going to talk about you have this classier more

dressed type of jacket with details on the column is a boyfriend bomber jacket

it looks like so this one is also leather this is by Burberry I showed you

it in my junior with you now this motor or by color jacket this is my comment a

huge disclaimer you can do not need to have all these pieces that I'm showing

you but I'm actually trying to give you a wider variety three days to actually

fix from terms of Blazers you have to type the on a single breasted which

looks like so then you also have this is a double breasted if you can see and

also a pop of color I have one in red this is what can actually you have 17 in

an outfit yes I said unfair I'm sticking with it but you gather for yourself we

have one of my favorite apps which of basic piece this is a little black

and LBD first things first you actually need an LBD event brought in your way

out to the whites and the grades and the news and the beach and camo and moderate

when it comes to a little black dress you really can't go wrong dressed up or

down an LBD can take you from what to after-hours to a date match hanging out

with the girls or simply picking up the kids after soccer practice

the major key comes down to accessorizing next up it'll be Nevada

athleisure wear what is an athleisure wear house cannot be the way the type of

ultra does make paparazzi or internationally for workout or other

athletic activity with the change of simon trends which has been incorporated

into work school after our second degree or sweat pants and leggings basically

next up inlets and basic essentials that every girl needs in our group are

actually shot my personal favorite there are a few points that actually negative

and robust basic pieces and just to mention by a few at one that we have

here this is just like a basic daily shot and alternative to this is actually

based this is a leather with spikes details over here this is a bit more

edgy and if you actually should practice at work is to invest it and then we have

most common types of shows that up there actually denims the first one that i

have to show you is this one this is just like a body shot and it has some

like ragged detail so the next week is actually universally loved

it is common it's versatile and every girl deserves a pair or chain of this

and i'm talking about the denim chambray whatever you call it denim jeans

chambray for this particular it may have like a million but the variety goes from

like a lighter wash and mid wash in the dark wash lastly I am more partial to

skinny so you can have skinny jeans you can have good legs you can have straight

leg whatever you so next up is actually something about really well with the

pair of jeans that I just showed you and if you know me clearly oh you've been

following me for quite a bit on my social media when you actually know I

have been a fan of very big to basic pieces and this is actually a dating

shirt so here here I have two this is a lighter wash and here we have a

gosh I hope it of the body don't make blocks every time and also on my latest

post I'll talk about styling and denim on denim trend like a celebrity and I'll

see reduce - again emission reduction and check out a shared memory this last

this is not my personal favorite gold is not in my personal cell as much however

I still own a couple pieces and it is actually a skirt so get several scraps

out there but if you can just get building on what rope then you need to

get yourself a black mid length skirt like this one this is a full-on stretch

sheet material and put alternative to a black Midland skirt is actually a mini

skirt like this one so for this one it is miksa and form-fitting but it depends

on how you dress it if you dress it up you can actually wear for work if you're

work is allowed you a good ability to a full black skirt is actually a white

shirt so here I have this one this mesh it'll give you the illusion of a long

anchor but it's really short and really classic depending on how you dress it's

very happy gave my two cents on the chain basic pieces that every girl needs

to have in your wardrobe I really hope this was useful as some of you can

actually check notes from this and if you do have like a full functional

wardrobe or just begins from your wardrobe like I did with other people

that you really need to invest only for I find out I did promise you two things

I'll be announcing the winner of the giveaway and a little something Indian

so for the winner of the giveaway well I'm really happy and proud to announce

story from India your Instagram and snapchat name is dollars based so

congratulations contact me on how I can actually send your goods to you give me

a comment down below your address so that I find a way to actually send your

goods congratulation and thank you to everybody else who I'd actually

participated in the giveaway and we really spent all the last thing and my

personal god of secret chips of different books that I actually stick my

going to actually do shopping to avoid in from mine and the first thing I

actually do or I question myself is will this particular dish that I'm about to

bite screech with half of the things that I already own if not grow you do

not need that leather single there our second thing you need to ask

selphie on this particular piece Rama goes by will I be able to wear it in

area also this is the type of question you need to ask yourself when you

actually about to buy into drink I know trends can be really really annoying

especially when you see all those good Instagram pictures that your friends are

posting or whatever the whole idea behind trends is transfer window and the

first thing you need to ask yourself is listing connect under the test of time

of steps and watches if you actually think the material is really shitty you

do not need that kind of negative image in your life let that shit go girl the

last thing is more of a challenge than an attribute and I call it a challenge

for this something that is really hard even for me sometimes if you actually

see something that you really think you really really like I'll go home give it

24 hours if you're still thinking you're still deciding to actually get the piece

then go in and get it this is actually very helpful to avoid impulse purchase

to next 10 days and all of this sort of change I really had a great time making

this video and I hope you found it useful it's also few days next time

don't forget to subscribe comment down below give me a thumbs up you know all

that good stuff so

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