Sunday, October 8, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 9 2017

And? What do you think?

A little small

But... there are two desks, it's ok to start

Where did you tell me you were working on?

I'm a private investigator

And I just quit BPI

I'll start my own business

I pay you a year in advance

Can you wait a sec?

I'm going to print the contract, so you can sign it

Thank you

Lucio and Atenea? The psychopaths of the puzzle?

I promise I can't stop wondering what the fuck Horacio has to do in all of this


That motherfucker is related to everything

Sastre, how did you enter?

Unlike you, I still have friends who trust me

Guerrero I came to give you my support

Help me please

I have to stop at all costs that Atenea goes to jail

She can't go to jail, she wouldn't tolerate even one day the confinement

But she was already formalized

I'm sorry, but there's not too much we can do for her

No, no. There's always something to do

I'm willing... free her with my own hands...

...and assume the consequences, until we find the killer

I'm with you on that

Well... me too

Maybe I can help you from the inside of the BPI


I guess you won't be an asshole and betray us

Why I always end up in trouble because of you?

I understand if you don't want to be a part of this, but I'll ask you, please don't say anything

It bothers me that you always want to get everything with that face you have

But it's ok

I'm also going to help you free Atena


Calm down Atenea, it's us

Get down, get down!

Lautaro, it's you?



Hurry up! there's no time, run, run!

Release the weapons

We know it's you detectives

Emiliano, put down your weapon and let us go

Please agents

Come to reason

We won't shoot you

You Ivanka, you're my wife, so please release that weapon

You do it first

For fuck's sake, what do you want? you already free Atenea!

Get out of here without trouble

That's impossible Macarena

We're all fucke up, so please be reasonable

It's ok

Put your weapons down

Handcuff them

We were so close, how the fuck did the found us?

Well, it's obvious someone betrayed us

Who else knew about this?


What's wrong with you? I didn't tell him anything

Don't you think it's weird that your husband works in the same building as you and doesn't even come to say hi?

Shut up if you don't want me to beat you up!

Calm down you both

This is not the time to start fighting between us

You're right

It's now when we have to be more united than ever

I also want to thank you for helping me

That's the least

We just fucked up our lives because of your mommy!


Nelson, what happened? do you know what's going to happen with us?

What's going to happen with Atenea?

The entire police is after your mother

There are no traces of her

But I have news...

...about Amparo


No, no, don't worry

She woke up from the coma

She is safe and sound

How was it?

What did Emiliano say?

When will they take us out of here?

What happened?

I just found out something that I can't believe



This will hurt you a lot

Ivanka please, don't make me more nervous

It's about the puzzle psychopath


No, no, no, please don't tell me he attacked my husband

No it's not that

It's him


Amapro revealed it

Horacio is the puzzle psychopath


How am I going to be better?

How would you feel if you were told you married the psychopath you are looking for

I tried to warn you a thousand times Nina, but you wouldn't listen to me

Ok, I know

But love sucks

All my life I've despised women who fall in love like idiots and now look at me

I'm the worst of all

You can't even imagine how it feels

We all make mistakes

Look what happened to me with Minerva

We, women, are stupid who fall in love


Get the cuffs off please

You're releasing us?


You're free until they ask you testify from the Public Prosecutor's Office

With a rooting order, of course

Thank you

Apart from what happens at trial

The high command has already given an order

Never again in your life... will you be able to take up public service jobs

What does that mean?

You will be expelled from the Police Investigative Brigade

Never again in your life will you be infiltrated


Since today you are out of the police

That's not fair

Emiliano we had the obligation of helping Atenea

She was our colleague

Atenea is not a police officer

And she was accused of being an accomplice in the murder of Faustino Santo Domingo

What you did, was to release a woman who was charged

Emiliano it was my fault

They were only helping me

If you want to expel someone expel me but please don't expel them

All of you participated in an assault on a gendarmerie truck, they are going to file charges against you and the BPI

You know what? Don't explain anything else, we understood

I have nothing to do with you

But you will be summoned to declare, just like the others

Partners! thank you for coming

We don't have too much time

Amparo, it's so good to have you back

Thank you

What did you call us for, Macarena?

I set up a private detective agency

It's called "Infiltradas" in honor tu us



The most exciting thing that has happened to me in this last time is cleaning the windows outside

But this is something definite? There's something specific for us?


We're going to catch Horacio Leiva, the puzzle psychopath

We're going to reunite your family Consuelo


I don't get it. If Lucio is in jail who is your client?

Your grandma

Mrs. Libertad?


It's a pride and a relief that you've accepted this mission

Thank you so much Mrs., but we haven't accepted anything yet

I'm convinced that you're the only one capable of catching Leiva

And end this bloodshed

But why us and not the BPI people?

Because they lack the passion and commitment that you all have?

Each one of you has a very personal reason to get deeply involved in this mission

The only good thing about marrying Faustino was his death

And the inheritance I received as his wife

Several millions of dollars...

...that do not help me at all

What do you think infiltrated...

...a million dollars for each one of you for reuniting my family back?

Faustino's money is stained with the blood of many innocents

We can't accept it

I got you the best technology to work with.

You told me they would accept

But they are right

It's your husband's money

It's dirty

But Consuelo is our people

So we're going to help her




Count on me

And me too

And us

Thank you friends

Mrs. Libertad?


What do you have there?

Let me see

I have nothing

She has a cable

Please don't tell me you're spying on us for the police

I'm sorry Atenea

I told you I don't know how to lie sweetie

Count on us Atenea

For more infomation >> Infiltradas - Macarena & Nina (12) - English Subs - Duration: 13:00.


How the Appearance of Malar Bags can be Reduced with Fillers, and Treating Under Wrinkles - Duration: 6:56.

Thank you for your question.

You submitted your question with several photos and you're asking about the area of what

you refer to as malar bags particularly on the right side of your face, in the cheekbone

area and the wrinkles under your eyes.

And you've been informed that this area is referred to as malar bags and what can

be done for them.

So you're looking for additional guidance and opinion.

Well, I can certainly share with you my approach for situations that are like yours.

It doesn't necessarily apply to everyone who has that term malar bags applied to them

but with the photos you submitted, I can certainly share with you what I've done for patients

like yourself.

A little bit of background, I'm a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon and Fellowship-trained oculofacial

plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

I have been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years.

And helping people improve the eyelid and cheek area has been a very big part of my


And so, in the modern time, we've actually been very fortunate to have additional tools

to help situations like yours.

So to begin with, let's start with this area that it looks like a little bit of a

pouch that's overlying the cheek area.

Certainly, there is validity to the nature of malar bags which is essentially an area

where there is fluid.

And generally speaking, since it's fluid, patients always ask me, "Can you stick a

needle and pull it out?"

The answer is no.

This area represents an area of fluid collection which is often associated with allergies,

sinus issues, smoking as well as just genetics.

So of course, patients are always encouraged to manage their allergies and if they're

smoking, to stop smoking.

Now that being said, we also have to appreciate a more modern understanding of facial aging.

And what that means is essentially we look at people's faces in terms of volume based

on volume loss at several levels in particular, bone structure.

It is well known by various imaging studies that bone loss results in this deflation of

the facial structure in terms of the soft tissue.

The bones are the foundation and the soft tissue drapes over the foundation.

Yes, there's also loss of fat and soft tissue, muscle, etc.

One of the things that we've been able to do to help not eliminate the malar bag in

a situation like yours but to change what the eyes sees when someone looks at you and

that method is called Structural Volumizing.

Structural Volumizing means placement of long lasting fillers such as Juvederm Ultra Plus

and Juvederm Voluma at the bone structure.

And in this particular area, the cheekbone and the area or the malar, submalar zone of

the face, if you could imagine restoring volume, then the accentuation of the malar bag over

a deflated area becomes softened.

And that also restores a lot of cheekbone definition.

So it's not a direct removal but rather a restoration of volume.

This is a common issue and it's certainly, I have found a lot of success in using this

strategy for patients with similar issues.

Now when it comes to wrinkling of skin under your eyes, certainly there are a lot of options.

One of the options that I would probably consider is a laser procedure such as fractional CO2

laser or fractional Erbium laser.

I would use something like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to help the skin quality and to improve

the backbone of the skin.

Certainly with the wrinkling concern, there are a lot of different options.

Usually in my hands, for lighter skin individuals with similar situations, again with the absence

of a physical exam and not looking at the tone of the eyelid about the structure and

integrity of the eyelid anatomy, to avoid any problems from thermal energy being delivered

to the skin, at least for wrinkles, it's fairly straightforward and whatever other

anatomic issues can also be addressed concurrently.

But certainly when it comes to the malar bags concern, in this situation, I think Structural

Volumizing can really make a potential impact for you.

So learn about these options I've described.

Meet with qualified doctors who offer similar options and see if this is a good fit for


So I hope that was helpful, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your question.

For more infomation >> How the Appearance of Malar Bags can be Reduced with Fillers, and Treating Under Wrinkles - Duration: 6:56.


4 consejos para abandonar la queja - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> 4 consejos para abandonar la queja - Duration: 9:42.


Cómo visitar un museo de arte - Johan Idema - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Cómo visitar un museo de arte - Johan Idema - Duration: 3:07.


Infiltradas - Macarena & Nina (14) - English Subs - Duration: 17:02.



What happened, I thought you were not coming to say goodbye?

You can't go?


C'mon Sastre, tell me, what do you want to tell me?

We already know who beheaded Gangas

It was Lucio

This is not over, Nina


Nina! Nina wake up!

Wake up!

Everything it's burning, wake up!


Nina, wake up!

Fire! wake up!


I have a knife in the back

Get it out, hurry up!

I'm doing it as fast as I can

Get close

Hurry up!

Hurry up! we need to get out of here!


Wake up!

Mrs. Libertad!

Be careful

Help me, help me

Let's go, let's go, hurry up!

Help me with Macarena!

Over here

Be careful Mrs. Libertad, get out


How are you?


Put her in the floor

Put her carefully

Does anyone have a cell phone?

Horacio took it


I'm going to get help

Hurry up, run!

Sastre! Sastre react please, don't do this to me, Sastre wake up!


For God's sake, this girl is completely asphyxiated, we need to help her now

Help to me to move her

Hold her tight

God, please help us!

Help her

God, God!


Thank God

It's the puzzle

It's complete

The Holy Dead

Please sit down

First of all...

...I would like to thank my superiors

My colleagues

And my ex colleagues

Because without the help of all of you, we would never have solved this case


But there's something very important I have to tell you

That I...

I won't accept this award

What happens to your husband?

I hope he doesn't want to quit

I hope not, that would do a great favor to the criminals of this country

I don't want to be misunderstood

It's my fault

I press him too much


I think he doesn't want to compete with the image of his father

What I want to say is that...

This recognition...

It's not only mine

But yours too

Even this ladies

The ex infiltrated agents

Displaced from BPI

An applause for the infiltrated

Get close, please come

I thought you were going to quit

I couldn't do it my love

And I love you for that

Sorry to interrupt this moment, but ...

My daughter is going to be born

My water just broke

Call my midwife, the number is inside my purse


Inhale, exhale, inhale

No, please don't tell me what to do, you haven't had children

Someone prepare a car, fast!

The midwife is not answering

Help me, I can't stand it any more

Well, let's prepare for childbirth, Miquel...

What do you mean let's prepare for the childbirth?

Don't worry I've done this before

Yes, once I had to do it, let's go

To the office, let's go

Let's go fast, she's having the baby

Excuse me

Sit down here

Receive her

I'll put your legs up

There was an accident on the freeway, I'm going to call another ambulance, okay?

Hurry up Emiliano!

Calm down, we're all perfectly prepared to do this

What do you mean we are prepared? We're private detectives not midwifes

We're police officers, we can do it

I'll do it Nina

What do you mean I'll do it? what do you mean...?

I hope ambulance arrive soon, please

Please, you stay calm, you're going to make Amparo more nervous

Look, I'm calmer that all of you together, if you don't calm I swear I'll kick each one of you, please!

Don't worry beautiful

I'm going to help you bring your daughter to the world

Ok my friend, there's little time left

One last effort

C'mon do it

Do it

Here it comes

Like that, like that

Stop, stop, stop

Breath deeply

I can't, I can't

Yes, you can

You can

Good, good

C'mon, c'mon

Here it comes

Calm down

I'll count to three

There's a little time left Ampara, hold on

Sastre better sit, you're playing yourself, really

Breath, fast

Push, push

Here it comes

Just like you

The ambulance arrive, they're here

But she arrived first

She's very impatient

Like the mother

Like a good infiltrated

Three years later

You're going to be the most beautiful bride of the year

The second most beautiful

I'm so nervous Estrella

Calm down girl

This marriage is a historical event


Look, I can't hold it girl

This is my wedding gift for you

Thank you, but I swear it was not necessary

What is this?

This applies to a hair moisturizing treatment

A haircut with tincture

Manicure, pedicure

For a year

And, firming treatment

You have to book an appointment

Because everyone believes that I made these boobs myself

So I have many clients in the aesthetic center

Thanks Estrella, you're the best

Careful, you're going to disarm the hairstyle that costed me so much to do


We are gathered here, on this historical day

To celebrate Nina's and Macarena's Wedding

Nina, Macarena, I declare you, wife and wife

For more infomation >> Infiltradas - Macarena & Nina (14) - English Subs - Duration: 17:02.


Noticias eCommerce del 9 de octubre de 2017 - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Noticias eCommerce del 9 de octubre de 2017 - Duration: 1:17.


¿Cómo aspirar a una residencia permanente mediante la Lotería de Visas? - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo aspirar a una residencia permanente mediante la Lotería de Visas? - Duration: 2:02.


Infiltradas - Macarena & Nina (13) - English Subs - Duration: 10:11.

Asshole! you deleted everything

For fuck's sake

And you?

Sastre, I'm sorry for coming at this hour


I had no one to drink the bottle Libertad gave me

I feel so lonely

And so... stupid

I dreamed with being the first Prefect Woman in the BPI

I ended up being the stupid who married the psychopath

But Nina...


We all have our weaknesses

Don't drink so much, you don't drink

I don't

I don't drink

I've never used drugs

I am what many people might think is the perfect woman

A perfect idiot

But I got tired

I don't want to keep being what others expect from

But that's ok Nina, you have to do whatever you want

Life is short

There's no reason to please others

It's true

That's why...

I'm going to do something I've wanted to do for a long time ago

Nina stop

Stop, stop, stop

What's wrong with you?

Good night

Trauco will be in Inferno Saloon in two hours

Do you have the money?

Yes, I have all the cash here

If Trauco doesn't appear with Piedad and Lautaro we're gonna have to suspend everything

Trauco likes money more than his own life

So I don't think we have any problem

And tonight we'll celebrate all together

You're wrong Ivanka

We'll celebrate when we catch the psychopath

Sastre, can we talk a minute please?

I'm sorry about last night, I don't know what happened to me

Please don't hate me for that

I know what happened to you Nina

You got drunk with champagne


I don't do that my friends

Especially not when they're drunk and they're straight

And on top of that they married a psychopath. Pathetic

You don't have to treat me like that

You know what, Nina?

Worry about you

Go to the psychiatrist

C'mon, let's take turns

You go to sleep for a few hours, and then I go

To be alert until they decrypt the code

I like you Sastre

You're fucking with me Nina Nina

No, I'm serious, I like the way you are




Listen to me Nina

I was already in love with a heterosexual and I had a terrible time with Minerva

In love?

Sastre, please stop imagining things with me, I'm talking like a friend

Like a friend?

You don't kiss your friend in the mouth

Ok, I made a mistake

Don't make too many mistakes then, or I'll end up...

I'll end up...

End up what?

In love with you

Raise your hands Horacio Leiva


I imagine that... won't shoot your husband, right?

Unless you are... insane

And I was right, you're unable to love

Shut up motherfucker the only insane here is you

I love you

Don't be afraid my love

I won't do anything to you

I... married with you for love


I don't know how I could believe you, asshole

Well, maybe now I'm disappointing you, but...

I love you and there is some truth in all this

My love...

...for you... real


If I wouldn't love you

I would have already killed you, did you hear me?


Are you ok?

I'm ok

But I can't get up

Hurry up, open the door, Lucio Santo Domingo must be in here

Disgusting, Sastre what are you doing?

I'm trying it because salt is missing

Hey, but I don't eat things when people put their hands in it

Excuse me, what is happening?

Nothing, it's just that...

We haven't eaten anything in a long time

There's news?

Yes, umm

Estrellita says Trauco knows where our daughters are

Umm yes, I came so you use me as a bait girls

I know men very well and that's not the best place for Trauco not to find the microphone

And where do you want me to put it then, Nina?

Well, I don't know

On the side in any of these seams

Girls can you hurry? I'm very cold

We're finishing but this has to be ok

Estrella, be careful

Because if Trauco finds out...

...that you betrayed him, he's going to kill you, ok?

How did I do it?


Men are liars or womanizers

And this one fits in the two categories

Be careful Nina

Anyone who hears you is going to think you like women

Why are you leaving to Valdivia?

Well because I've had enough, don't you think so?

I don't think so

We're starting a business and it's doing good


And do you think that's reason enough for me to stay here?

Your business?

Yes, but it's not my business, it is the business of all the infiltrated

Don't go Nina


I what?

Well, actually, you can only know?

And since I'm not so clear, I better go

Good luck

Thank you

You too

I wish you the best in all your stuff

I'll miss you

Me too


For more infomation >> Infiltradas - Macarena & Nina (13) - English Subs - Duration: 10:11.


Con multitudinario concierto en Zócalo, recogen fondos para damnificados del terremoto en México - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Con multitudinario concierto en Zócalo, recogen fondos para damnificados del terremoto en México - Duration: 2:13.


Many patients with gastritis have been busted for not knowing these foods soon - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Many patients with gastritis have been busted for not knowing these foods soon - Duration: 4:41.


Descargar LA MOMIA 2017 Full HD Latino 1 Link MEGA y por UTORRENT TOM CRUISE - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Descargar LA MOMIA 2017 Full HD Latino 1 Link MEGA y por UTORRENT TOM CRUISE - Duration: 1:21.


Mere Raske Qamar New Bollywood song 2017 latest - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Mere Raske Qamar New Bollywood song 2017 latest - Duration: 3:04.


Should you lose what you lov...

For more infomation >> Should you lose what you lov...


সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ৯ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ Bangla News Today - Duration: 12:02.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ৯ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ Bangla News Today - Duration: 12:02.


Spotify® RapCaviar

For more infomation >> Spotify® RapCaviar


9/14/17 7:58 AM (I-5, Williams, CA 95987, USA) - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> 9/14/17 7:58 AM (I-5, Williams, CA 95987, USA) - Duration: 3:02.


9/14/17 7:55 AM (I-5, Williams, CA 95987, USA) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 9/14/17 7:55 AM (I-5, Williams, CA 95987, USA) - Duration: 3:07.


9/14/17 7:52 AM (I-5, Williams, CA 95987, USA) - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 9/14/17 7:52 AM (I-5, Williams, CA 95987, USA) - Duration: 3:10.


You're My Drama S1 Q&A (PART 1) - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> You're My Drama S1 Q&A (PART 1) - Duration: 10:44.


JEALOUS OF MYSELF, by Helge Kaj's Trio With Friends - July 2017 - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> JEALOUS OF MYSELF, by Helge Kaj's Trio With Friends - July 2017 - Duration: 6:52.


DIY TUTORIAL - Maternity tulle skirt - Duration: 7:41.


Hi and welcome to this episode on my channel!

You might be wondering why I'm here

with a naked female body.

That's because this is my tailor's dummy,

and today I'm going to do a maternity skirt in tulle.

You've might seen that I use my pink one

and when I got that I was a bit disappointed.

The skirts are really expensive,

and I saw how easy the desgin was.

so I thought "why should I pay for this when I can do it?"

So that's what we're doing toay!

You need: elastic string a good pair of scissors 20 m tulle

Then you cut really long bits of the tulle

you can also rip but it's harder to get a straight edge,

The good thing is that this only need

to look good in the pictures,

so you don't have to be so careful when you cut.

My tulle is a bit wrinkled,

because it's been in a plastic bag for too long,

but it's supposed to be wrinkled so it doesn't matter.

I've tied the elastic string around the waist,

and I'll take my tulle snippets and try

to make a loop in the middle of them.

And then I use the loop to make a knot.

And then you repeat this a hundred times.

This will be like on television,

because I've prepared a skirt

with half of the tulle already.

I love how it looks!

I feel like I'm being watched...

What do you say Lyra? Does it look good?

It takes for ever to do this

but I like crafting.

But you still have to think about what it costs to buy a skirt.

I think most of them cost about 1500 SEK

and then shipping also costs.

And I think it's fun to do this since you can chose color

and I think my tulle costed about 400 SEK.

And I like having handmade things to offer my clients

I do a lot of knitting for my newborns,

and the whole experience of booking me is me.

Or not me, but my brand is

from hand made skirts to hand made framed art

that I also produce in my studio.

It's hard to get a full body frame

but look!

It's so pretty!

Crafting gone good!

For more infomation >> DIY TUTORIAL - Maternity tulle skirt - Duration: 7:41.


완벽한 옆태로 나날이 '리즈 경신' 중인 트와이스 쯔위 - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> 완벽한 옆태로 나날이 '리즈 경신' 중인 트와이스 쯔위 - Duration: 2:13.


은지원 아내 이혼 사유, 박근혜 관계, 아버지 엄마 - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> 은지원 아내 이혼 사유, 박근혜 관계, 아버지 엄마 - Duration: 8:13.


Søren venter på sit 3. hjerte - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Søren venter på sit 3. hjerte - Duration: 2:41.


조윤선 남편 박성엽 변호사 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> 조윤선 남편 박성엽 변호사 - Duration: 4:37.


At the Post Office - Learn German for Beginners A1/A2 #32 - Deutsch lernen - Duration: 4:33.

Employee: 90 cents for the stamp and 15 Euros 89 cents for the parcel makes 16 Euros 79 cents.

Cool music.

Employee: Good morning. How can I help you?

Customer: I would like to send this package and a letter,

but I am from the USA and I don't know how all of that works in Germany.

Employee: First I have to ask, if the letter is supposed to be sent inside of Germany, the EU or somewhere else.

Customer: It is supposed to be sent to the USA.

Employee: Postcards and standard letters cost 90 cents.

If the letter is a bit heavier, but still less than 235 millimeters long,

125 millimeters tall and 10 millimeters thick, you can send it as a compact letter.

That costs 1 Euro 90.

If it is heavier than 50 grams, it has be be sent as a large letter or a maxi-letter.

That costs 3 Euros 70 to 17 Euros.

Registered letters cost 2 Euros 50.

Customer:I only have a postcard.

Employee: Then you just need a stamp.

You can get them here.

If the address and the stamp are already on the postcard,

you can leave it with me and I will send it on.

Customer: Cool. That is exactly as it is in the USA.

And what do I do with the package?

Employee: How large is the package?

Customer: I am sending this book to New York City.

Employee: Then it wouldn't be a package, it would be a parcel, because it is lighter than 2 kilograms.

A parcel can be sent anywhere in the world.

To send a parcel to the USA costs 15 Euros and 89 cents.

Would you also like insurance for that?

Customer: How much does the insurance cost? Why do I need an insurance?

Employee: DHL parcel international with insurance will only be delivered to the recipient or an authorized agent with a signature.

In case of loss or damage of the parcel, DHL is responsible for the quoted or stamped receipt up to 50 Euros.

That only costs 3 Euros 20.

Customer:I think I don't need that.

It already costs more to send the parcel than the book that I am sending.

Employee: 90 cents for the stamp and 15 Euros 89 cents for the parcel makes 16 Euros 79 cents.

Customer:I have here 10, 15, 16, Euros 50, 70, 75, 6, 7, 8, 79 cents.

Employee: Now I just need the address of the recipient.

Customer: 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, USA

Employee: Ok. I am typing that onto the packaging label… and what is your address?

Customer: 6161 Center Grove Road, Edwardsville, IL 62025, USA.

Employee: It will take a week or two before it will be delivered.

Sometimes it takes a bit longer, because the American customs office holds packages for a bit longer.

Customer: Why? It is a book.

Employee: No idea. The Americans are afraid of parcels?

Customer: Maybe we are afraid of books, especially if they are educational books.

Employee: Yes. Educational books are especially dangerous in America.

What would happen if someone were to learn something from them.

Customer: How terrible!

For more infomation >> At the Post Office - Learn German for Beginners A1/A2 #32 - Deutsch lernen - Duration: 4:33.


English phrases to describe your 'BOSS' – Free English Speaking Classes Online - Duration: 11:52.

For more infomation >> English phrases to describe your 'BOSS' – Free English Speaking Classes Online - Duration: 11:52.


호랑이 훈장님한테 먼저 쪼르르 달려가 사랑고백한 '친화력甲' 승재 (영상) - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 호랑이 훈장님한테 먼저 쪼르르 달려가 사랑고백한 '친화력甲' 승재 (영상) - Duration: 2:28.


Виды и сорта гиацинтов - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Виды и сорта гиацинтов - Duration: 4:37.


추신수의 내조의 여왕 하원미씨는 이미 두아이에 엄마지만 완전 대학생같은 미모를 유지 하고 있어서 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 추신수의 내조의 여왕 하원미씨는 이미 두아이에 엄마지만 완전 대학생같은 미모를 유지 하고 있어서 - Duration: 2:55.


十大真相 谷歌 Google 【有趣的事实】中英CC字幕 - Duration: 7:08.

Subtitle by Wei Jun Won

Ever since the launch in 1998 Google is well-known for his special logo designs

or as they're officially called doodles

The very first doodle look like this

and was created because the two founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin was going to

attend the festival and therefore wanted to inform their users that they would be unavailable for the weekend

Since then over 1,700 doodles have been created and used on Google's homepage

Google's official logo has had a few minor changes as well

and at one point it had an exclamation mark at the end

similar to the Yahoo logo

Even though Google is arguably the most important Internet service in the world

The homepage which is using the html5 markup language contains 23 errors in the code

if you don't know what this means don't worry the errors won't cost you any trouble

However it could and definitely should be fixed

Google was originally meant to be called backrub

because of how the system handle search results

and at one time it was suggested to call it the What Box

It was later changed to Google which is

the mathematical term for the number one followed by a hundred zeroes

However because of a misspelling Google became Google

and the two creators decided to use that instead

In 2009, a programmer at Google accidentally blocked every website in Google's index

and thus practically putting a halt to the whole internet for almost an hour

The problem occurred when a programmer entered a forward slash in Google's registry of blocked websites

and as you probably know pretty much every website address contains a forward slash

So that mistake of one single character blocked out the whole internet

"Don't be evil" is the unofficial corporate motto for Google

Google employee Paul Buchheit also the creator of gmail suggested a slogan at meeting in early 2000

He later explained that the slogan was sort of a jab

towards other companies and competitors at the time that

They felt were kind of exploiting their users to some extent

Nevertheless the motto is not used officially in any way

So you won't see a tagline under the homepage logo any time soon

Google has a lot of weird language options

For starters it's available in

Klingon as well as leet speak pig latin as a pirate

and as a shelter swedish chef

From the Muppets

You can also make the Google Translate service beatbox

Yeah you heard that right

Here is how

Go to translate

Set the translator to translate from German - German

Insert something like this in the Translate box

Click the speaker symbol to listen

be amazed

The reason Google's homepage is so bare is due to the fact that the founders

didn't know HTML and just wanted a quick interface

In fact for a very long time Google didn't even have a submit button

and the only way you could search was by hitting the enter key

Google has quite a lot of Easter eggs and hidden features

here are some examples

If you search for askew the whole page will tilt slightly to the right

When searching for answer to life the universe and everything

Google will bring up the calculator and display the number 42

It's a reference to the book and movie The Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy

By entering once in a blue moon into the search bar

You get this equation as a result

If you search for anagram

Google suggests a phrase "nag a ram" which isn't a real word

But indeed is an anagram for the word anagram

If you hover over the in famous I'm feeling lucky button

It changes to say something else such as I'm feeling wonderful

Ever felt like you don't really know what to search for to find what you want

Welfare not fellow internet dweller

Google has tons of special features called operators to help you restrict

your search to find exactly what you want

Here's some examples

if you want to search for something on a specific site

You can write site colon and then the desired site in question

like this

Want to search for a phrase not each individual word

then use quotation marks around it

If I want to search for a house

but I don't want result from the TV show house

I can use a hyphen along with the word TV

This will exclude all results which has the word TV in it

If you only want results within a specific time frame

enter two years with two periods in between

If this isn't what you need there's a lot more of them

Go to Google and search for google operators to find what else you can do

Depending on what google services you use

Google might know a whole lot about you

Use Chrome they know every website you've ever visited

and every time you search for something on Google not only do they know what you search for

They also know what you do on website which feature ads by Google

Have an Android phone they may know where you are at all times

They may have all of your sent to receive the emails your appointments

and even your last known location

They know what you're watching and whom you're calling

They may even have photos of you which includes face recognition technology

that can automatically identify you and your friends in new photos

You might say Google knows more about you than your mother

We can only watch as the world crumbles on the googles ever intending world domination

Get your free ice cream, free ice cream

Hi there boys and girls

Who they should know there's no such thing as a free ice

Give me a dozen full-body scans

Come on kids get your ice cream

I already know you favorite flavor

Subtitle by Wei Jun Won, Subscribe my channel for more

For more infomation >> 十大真相 谷歌 Google 【有趣的事实】中英CC字幕 - Duration: 7:08.


ਗਲੀਂ ਅਸੀ ਚੰਗੀਆ - Bhai Anantvir Singh Usa - Duration: 37:06.

ਮਃ ੧ ॥ ਗਲੀਂ ਅਸੀ ਚੰਗੀਆ ਆਚਾਰੀ ਬੁਰੀਆਹ ॥ ਮਨਹੁ ਕੁਸੁਧਾ ਕਾਲੀਆ ਬਾਹਰਿ ਚਿਟਵੀਆਹ ॥ ਰੀਸਾ ਕਰਿਹ ਤਿਨਾੜੀਆ ਜੋ ਸੇਵਹਿ ਦਰੁ ਖੜੀਆਹ ॥ ਨਾਲਿ ਖਸਮੈ ਰਤੀਆ ਮਾਣਹਿ ਸੁਖਿ ਰਲੀਆਹ ॥ ਹੋਦੈ ਤਾਣਿ ਨਿਤਾਣੀਆ ਰਹਹਿ ਨਿਮਾਨਣੀਆਹ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ ਜਨਮੁ ਸਕਾਰਥਾ ਜੇ ਤਿਨ ਕੈ ਸੰਗਿ ਮਿਲਾਹ ॥੨॥

ਰਾਗੁ ਸੂਹੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ਘਰੁ ੬ Raag Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Sixth House: ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪਾਸਿ ਬੇਨੰਤੀਆ ਮਿਲੈ ਨਾਮੁ ਆਧਾਰਾ ॥ I offer this prayer to the True Guru, to bless me with the sustenance of the Naam. ਤੁਠਾ ਸਚਾ ਪਾਤਿਸਾਹੁ ਤਾਪੁ ਗਇਆ ਸੰਸਾਰਾ ॥੧॥ When the True King is pleased, the world is rid of its diseases. ||1|| ਭਗਤਾ ਕੀ ਟੇਕ ਤੂੰ ਸੰਤਾ ਕੀ ਓਟ ਤੂੰ ਸਚਾ ਸਿਰਜਨਹਾਰਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ You are the Support of Your devotees, and the Shelter of the Saints, O True Creator Lord. ||1||Pause|| ਸਚੁ ਤੇਰੀ ਸਾਮਗਰੀ ਸਚੁ ਤੇਰਾ ਦਰਬਾਰਾ ॥ True are Your devices, and True is Your Court. ਸਚੁ ਤੇਰੇ ਖਾਜੀਨਿਆ ਸਚੁ ਤੇਰਾ ਪਾਸਾਰਾ ॥੨॥ True are Your treasures, and True is Your expanse. ||2|| ਤੇਰਾ ਰੂਪੁ ਅਗੰਮੁ ਹੈ ਅਨੂਪੁ ਤੇਰਾ ਦਰਸਾਰਾ ॥ Your Form is inaccessible, and Your Vision is incomparably beautiful. ਹਉ ਕੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਤੇਰਿਆ ਸੇਵਕਾ ਜਿਨ੍ਹ੍ਹ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਪਿਆਰਾ ॥੩॥ I am a sacrifice to Your servants; they love Your Name, O Lord. ||3||ਸਭੇ ਇਛਾ ਪੂਰੀਆ ਜਾ ਪਾਇਆ ਅਗਮ ਅਪਾਰਾ ॥ All desires are fulfilled, when the Inaccessible and Infinite Lord is obtained. ਗੁਰੁ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮੁ ਤੇਰਿਆ ਚਰਣਾ ਕਉ ਬਲਿਹਾਰਾ ॥੪॥੧॥੪੭॥ Guru Nanak has met the Supreme Lord God; I am a sacrifice to Your Feet. ||4||1||47||

For more infomation >> ਗਲੀਂ ਅਸੀ ਚੰਗੀਆ - Bhai Anantvir Singh Usa - Duration: 37:06.


막 찍은 셀카도 '청순미' 돋는 가을 여신 천우희 (사진) - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> 막 찍은 셀카도 '청순미' 돋는 가을 여신 천우희 (사진) - Duration: 2:00.


ATEX è solo per cose elettriche? E il ventilatore? - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> ATEX è solo per cose elettriche? E il ventilatore? - Duration: 1:34.


Le Palace d'Anfa in Casablanca, Morocco (Africa). The best of Le Palace d'Anfa in Casablanca - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Le Palace d'Anfa in Casablanca, Morocco (Africa). The best of Le Palace d'Anfa in Casablanca - Duration: 5:02.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Hawaii Five-0 - Unaccounted For - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Hawaii Five-0 - Unaccounted For - Duration: 1:55.


Hawaii Five-0 - Business Partners - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Hawaii Five-0 - Business Partners - Duration: 0:58.


Postavit se korupci a neblábolit - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Postavit se korupci a neblábolit - Duration: 0:21.


Despicable! Columbus Day Just Banned And Replaced With… - Duration: 16:46.


Columbus Day Just Banned And Replaced With…

Liberals have been on a mission for a considerable length of time to get Columbus Day banned

in light of the fact that they think that its "offensive."

Now, liberals have prevailed with regards to getting Columbus Day renamed as Indigenous

People's Day in Los Angeles, California.

Fox News announced that the Los Angeles City Council just voted to replace Christopher

Columbus' holiday with a celebration of indigenous people.

The proposition to replace this occasion was initially introduced by Councilman Mitch O'Farrell,

an individual from the Wyandotte Nation tribe, in view of what he called "Columbus' legacy

of extreme violence, enslavement and brutality" and "the affliction, devastation of societies,

and subjugation of Los Angeles' original indigenous people, who were here thousands

of years before anyone else."

The main individual to vote against the movement was Councilman Joe Buscaino, who favored Italian-Americans

against the occasion change.

Numerous Italian-Americans see Columbus Day as a festival of their Italian legacy.

"With or without Columbus, Italians will continue to celebrate their sacrifices and

contributions to this great country and our great city," Buscaino said after the vote.

Christopher Columbus has turned into a troublesome figure as a few history specialists assert

the leader conferred barbarities against the Native Americans he encountered when he came

to America.

Nonetheless, the National Christopher Columbus Association insists that Columbus himself

isn't in charge of any violence against Native Americans.

"It is a huge error to blame Christopher Columbus the man for (genocide) at all,"

said Patrick Korten, a board member of the Association.

"He bore no responsibility for it and as a matter of fact, if you do the slightest

little bit of history on the man and read his diaries, and what was said about him following

the years of the discovery, it is clear that Columbus personally had great affection for

the indigenous people he encountered and went out of his way to order his men not to abuse

them in any fashion."

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.

Thank you for reading.

H/T Fox


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