Playing in the park
Let's go
Smart ForFour - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Grande Fratello Vip news: Luca Onestini sarà lasciato da Soleil domani 9/10? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
La odisea de los sobrevivientes para escapar de la masacre en Las Vegas - Duration: 7:24.-------------------------------------------
[TOP SONGS] BEST English Songs 2017 - 2018 Hits-New Songs Playlist The best english love songs 2017 - Duration: 46:06.-------------------------------------------
Dicas de Paris por uma parisiense! - Duration: 6:03.-------------------------------------------
Sobrevivientes narran los minutos de terror durante el tiroteo en Las Vegas - Duration: 9:07.-------------------------------------------
Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Alto - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mini Cooper SD - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
Vietsub - Sản xuất tăm - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
Horripilantes relatos de quienes estaban en Mandalay Bay durante el tiroteo - Duration: 7:12.-------------------------------------------
Calciatore della Premier League in hotel con quattro prostitute dà in escandescenze - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
COMO MONTAR MEU AQUÁRIO INICIANTE? PT 6 QUAIS ANIMAIS TER NO AQUÁRIO? - Duration: 4:28.Part 8 What animals should I put?
In this series of videos we will explain it how to mount your reef up to 120 liters following
my method of assembly.
This type of aquarium supports almost all types of coral with the exception of SPS
demanding of some NPS that due to the complexity would not get along very well.
in this type of aquarium.
Of fish the great majority of the fish of small like clowns, six line, fire fish,
maidens and goby are welcome.
Of invertebrates, we have paguros, mini crafters and turbo snails, avoid all kinds of stars
of the sea and sessile beings, tridacna are not recommended for inexperienced aquarists.
Seahorses by their complexity in the movement of water and food
under no circumstances should they be created by beginners in marine aquarism, I can speak
the same on the pipefish.
Avoid animal level experts like Zanclus, Acanthurus and Gobio Mandarim, besides being
expensive fish are extremely sensitive and require well-matured aquariums and
some cases up to 1000 liters.
Tangs in general are not suitable for aquariums also be avoided.
All these animals will be properly quarantined especially fish since they are vectors
of diseases.
Check our quarantine journal where you can get information about how to quarantine
your fish before putting it on the display main.
We should put the corals first, I recommend start with softs like xenia, mushrooms or
zoanthus, a green star polyps is another good sugestion.
Two LPS of gender Euphilya as Hammer and Frog are ideal, the SPS Montipora and Birdnest
are suitable for beginners as they are resistant and more error tolerant of the hobbyist.
The setting of corals requires that in the first few days,
with dripping and as the days go by being positioned higher up according to their
Corals have different flow requirements and light, as a rule the Hammer are in the middle,
softs like xenias and zoanthus go well in positions lows, and the top SPS where they will pick up
more flow as well and develop faster.
Corals generate less ammonia than fish so your aquarium will stabilize first with
they and how corals are more sensitive than fish in relation to parameters, if you
keep these living corals your fish will be good.
The marine aquarium does not cyclize it matures, this process is complete after one year, but you
you can add animals before this.
You'll have to make sure before you're using biological activators or otherwise,
expect ammonia and nitrites to be undetectable.
Initial maturation takes up to 3 months depending much of the aquarium and the water used.
I recommend using water from the first day of RODI will prevent several future problems.
Fish should be purchased in unique quantities at most two at a time not to overload
the system.
Food should be brief and in a few quantities, fish should not be offered
more food than you can eat and in minimum portions.
It is not necessary to feed the fish more than once a day.
All sick fish should be treated separately. in a hospital aquarium that can actually
be a plastic box of organization for example since the treatment by copper usually
impregnating aquariums and should not be used in main aquarium never under penalty of extermination
all invertebrates.
Avoid encouraging the reproduction of fish in marine aquariums, this is not ideal for
amateur hobbyists but only for large creators because the needs of the fish
are too complex to do in our aquariums.
The reproduction of a simple clown fish for example requires a good amount of phytoplankton
which is quite difficult to cultivate without commenting on the necessary costs
to keep the fry alive in good condition long-term.
In the next video we will see projecting its illumination.
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
LVS Ep 11: You can't use the sink : Minecraft SMP Zedwork LVS - Duration: 28:09.Welcome Ladies and you boys too. I'm Aravero, here as always, and here is... Well,
we're back in apartment 1b in Bluetopia. They didn't tell me the name of the
building so I can't tell you the name of the building, but we're on the Zedwork
server. Alright. In the break... in the break? In between episodes, I've
done a little bit of work in here. Get the right viewpoint. Why do I always
struggle with this, it's right there. Okay, so I've finished closing off all of
these sections like I was talking about. We're doing these gray concrete, light
gray concrete pillars as room dividers They happen to line up with the
outside structure of the building. And then, we had this glass wall here. I've
moved it, I think? Well, it's smaller anyway. I put this red concrete
pillar in here because, every time I was up here trying to figure out how to make
that door work, I kept thinking there was just too much wall over here, and that
little ledge was making things look funny. So, I put that concrete pillar in
there and then I threw this red glass over the top because anything else was
just too heavy. But, this is just the slightest salexis..selecits--
suggestion and it also closes off the space. But let's do a little bit more
decorating in here I won't promise that we'll get it done today, because I want
to save a little time at the end of the episode to go check on what's happening
over at warp X but let's make a start. Right. Here's some supplies in my little
bitty box here. Okay, so I want to get these red nether bricks.
Now, I visited a friend's build, here on Zedwork LVS, the other day and was
reminded of this old school way to make furniture, which I usually don't use. But,
in this case I thought a great big hefty sofa would be the perfect thing in this
room. This is the relatively new red nether brick which just seems to go
perfectly with everything else that's in here. Okay. So then
we have a wall. We have a lot of wall space, so let's try a painting. Let's see,
A painting on the wall, alright c'mere, where the painting go? Okay, go there.
Oh, no no no no no no no don't want big painting, don't want big
painting. Not like that. Give give give. Give. Want.. want one right here. Boink.
There we go. I don't want to cover the whole wall up, there we go. And then, let's
see, um. It needs a little something. Let's try putting lighting up here like you
would light the, like museum lighting, for the painting, right? That could be good.
Okay and that'll take care of lighting on this side of the room probably.
Alright now. What now? What hmm, let's see. We shouldn't need any more lighting over
there. What if we put, like, a planter [burps] Excuse me. Um, in the corner here, I think.
Move box. Alright. Oops. That's no good. Throw some leaves up
there like that. Hmm, alright, let's see, um, see, um, let's see. I think I need
something back in the back there. Let's see, hmm. Oh here, let me put a, oh oh, you
know what would be really good right there? Would be like a little planter
with, um, maybe not. It might be too tall. I was thinking a little planter there with
netherwart. You know what I might just put?
Hmm. Well, I'm gonna leave that as a sofa, so that's gonna be a small corner, so I
don't want anything right there, I don't think. Oh, I need a table. Let's make a
table. Table table table table table, um a table I wanna use a slab of birch and
a bit of red wool for a carpet. Go back in there, because I just don't have too
much stuff in my inventory. Okay, yeah let's do that. Actually, maybe it won't
to use red carpet it might be better... Not
another slab. That, and then carpet. Hmm, let's see. Yeah, I think I'll change the
color, because I want it to be a little more prominent than that. Let's see. Grey
wool. Well, look at this, I've got half a stack of every wool except for gray.
That, that makes perfect sense. Okay, put that one away. Okay,
gray gray gray gray gray. Okay, there's a chair, there's... there's a seat, there's a
painting, there is a table, which I'm not really impressed with if you want to
know the truth of it. Let's see, do I want this plant there. I
don't actually like the plant there. Let's try it over here.
Dunt. There. It's gonna be a little bit of a tight fit to walk through here, but...
Yeah, I do like that better. I don't know why I like that better, but
I like that better. Okay, so another thing I'm thinking of, for is up here, is I'm
going to do, like, was thinking of a tile floor? Like, a checkerboard tile floor,
because, I mean, you have to use checkerboard tile, right? Alright, give
me this. Yeah, it should be enough. Okay, so, let's just say... Do I want to use that one?
I don't need to use that one because... Ooops! There's a hole there. Hehehehe, not because there's a hole there.
I'm thinking that I
don't want that to be a color because outside is going to be... Okay, let's come
back to that. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some Endstoned brick, Endstone
brick in in a diagonal pattern here. Give me that! Goodness, and I thought a raised
floor would be a good idea mm-hmm. Give me that! And then we'll just make
this like our little kitchen area. I was thinking I wanted to have both a kitchen
and a bathroom. Because, I mean, you know, what are you gonna do? Use the sink? So,
anyway, I don't know exactly what I want to do here, except that I might want to
make... Lemme go out here to this crafting table out here. Yeah,
buttons! What a waste of time! Okay, gimme gimme, wood wood wood.
Okay, there we go, trapdoors. Okay, so if I do like a partition wall here... Nope,
not there. It needs to be on this block, but then, raised up. I think I can get a
bathroom that way. Or, at least a little separated space that I can use for a
bathroom.So then, I will need to continue my end stone, not that pile this pile,
here.. so that I can get this nice bright checkerboard pattern through here. I'm
not sure if I want to continue it into the bat--tha--bad--the bathroom.
Okay, so, that'll-that's as far as I've gotten right now. That's the sum total and
extent of all I know, either way, I want to do in that place. I think in the last
episode we set the bed there but I decided I don't like it there. So, let's
try... I think I've got the beds in here. Let's try...Did I say in...did I...No we
didn't do.. What am I thinking? I must be thinking of some other build. Okay so. Bed
here and then birch birch birch birch birch birch birch. Wanna try some birch doors for a
headboard. Not by themselves though, don't get panicky. I just need to start there.
one two, gimme gimme gimme gimme, and that'll give
me three. Stop. Three doors, which will be perfect for that wall. It'll serve two
purposes. It'll serve... one purpose, it'll make a
headboard. I need birch. Of course, I no longer have enough birch planks. Give me.
Okay, so I want birch planks right here, and then-- this is the color of our
bedroom suite, right? Okay, give me this. I don't want the sword, I want the doors.
Okay, the doors are right in the right place. So then we do this, and now we have
a perfectly private bedroom which solves the problem of the
privacy from outside. And if I put, oh gosh, tell me I don't have any cobble. I
don't have any cobble. But, if I put buttons on there or something, we might be able
to make a head table.. head table? That'll work.
More? Let's try stairs here.Okay, so I want, I want a stair here and that can
have, let's see, and let's do some bru... dje dje dje dje dje dje dje,
another dresser right there. So, this will be, like, a vanity. Let's put a coffee pot
right here, with the flower in it, just for kicks, and we need to put, I think,
some grey banners. Let's see. There's three light grey banners. Let's, no, don't
do that. Okay, this is not gonna work quite how I thought. Hmm, not there, okay
that's not gonna work, that's not what I was thinking, that's not really what I
was thinking. hmm hmmm hmmm That's not gonna work. Okay,
What if I do this? Well, where'd the other one go? Where did the other one go? There
was a third one. Oh, there it is. Now see? That's kind of a cool effect the whole
animation, but I'm not sure I'm in love with it. Okay. I'm gonna pretend that's
not there because as I said I have to do things fairly quickly today. Nope, you
know what? I don't like that there. I probably won't like it over there either
will I huh? So if I go there, I could get, like, a dresser. Do we want to have like
an actual door? See.. this is the problem I'm having. I want to be able to look
from all the way down here back to there and see a pretty bedroom. So, I don't
think that means, I don't think I want this here because
that bit right there is gonna work. Okay, so let's do a dresser of two maybe. Okay.
And then, another trick I like to do, is a slab... Oh, I lost light for some reason.
Here's a thing, stick it up there. Okay. Oh, there's an idea. Let's do that.
And you know it can be a light by itself. But I don't like it by itself for a
light and, oh wait, look in the right box that would help.Did I not grab quartz?
Quartz slab, there we go. Light fixture! Yay. Okay, and then I want a dresser in
here, but I'm also thinking I want to have a slab chair, and a slab chair needs
about two blocks. Let's see here. We need to go right here, maybe not there.
Give. And then, a slab chair there like that. Oh, that's a good place for a coffee
pot, maybe I should put the pot over here give me that.
There's a side table, there's a poppy well, no, if it has a poppy in it it's
not a coffee pot is it? Let me try this. This I've made ahead of time, because I
was thinking a banner chair would be nice in here. That's not how you do a
banner chair. No, it's not. This is. There we go
chair. Alright, oh oh oh oh oh, um. I did it backwards.
It goes, it goes, like, a table. Okay, so the table can be here, and then we can put
the coffee pot on top there, and then you have the chair right here. Well, that's
exactly the same place but there's a reason I said I was backwards. Except I
don't think I have any more banners. There's a dark gray banner, not quite the
right colour scheme, but we'll put it here anyway. So now, I've got a chair. Hmm.
Lemme move that over one block. Okay. Slabby slabby slabby slabby. Okay. 'Cuz if I do it
over one block, then I can put that chair there, that banner there, that banner
there, and did I have another one the same color? I did, I did, it's right here.
And then, you have a chair. Okay, so now I have a table, I have a chair, I have this
it's not a real dresser, so I might want to get some buttons and put on the front of
that and make that into a dresser. Or, I'm not sure. Let's come back to that later.
Okay, so I need carpet. Let's get some carpet. We have, like, a lot of floor space
here that's, just, not pretty at the moment. Okay, so I've got some red wool,
here's some red carpet. Here's some gray carpet and I have some light gray if I
decide I don't like it. Let's do like this,
and that and then we'll do.. Where'd grey go? Where'd, where'd grey, I just saw gray. Right?
I did just see grey right? Oh, there it is.
Okay, gray carpet right there. Okay, so it doesn't have to be any particular color
pattern, it's just a carpet, right? Do I want the... I don't really want the carpet
to be all the way up underneath of the thing but let's give it a try anyway.
Mmmm-hmm, give. I guess it could go all the way to the window, why couldn't it? Red.
Alight. Okay, well, if I'm gonna do it like that, then I need to do... then I need
to do... one-two - is that concrete? That's wool. Okay, then I should do this one..
yeah not there. I should do it there, stop, and there. Yeah, okay so that's fine.
And, then I want to do something similar back here.Only I want it to be like a
striped rug, I think. Let's do... I need more red wool. I need more red wool. Okay,
and then we do one-two three-four bom- bom. A striped carpet. I just made a
whole bunch of red wool, red carpet, when I was really thinking gray. Okay, let's
try that
Hopefully, that's close to enough. I want to go around here like this, a striped
carpet. Yeah, there we go, now we have a striped carpet in that room. And I'm
going to get a vanity mirror. Actually, if I get a
vanity mirror this is gonna be too big of a lamp right there, so I'm going to
switch that out and put it here. There we go. And then, there will be something on
that side of the room where it seems like there's nothing. Hmm need a little
bit of lighting on this side too, what shall we do.
I wonder if we could put a thingamabobber in the plant box. I bet we can't,
because, they can't put torches. What does it look like if we throw it up there
anyway. That's not what I was after, no it's not. hmmm. Let's do that.
Okay, so there's light in there. I have a few little odds and bits.
I need to go and get a vanity mirror banner, which I forgot to make when I was
at home. And, we need to figure out what we want to do about a kitchen. So, I'm
afraid I'm gonna have to save that bit for the next episode because I need to
go. We don't have a whole lot of time left before I have to go show you what's
been happening at warp X. So we'll have a few more details to finish up for the
next episode, but let's have a look at what we've got so far. So, yay! It's
almost decorated. Anybody see any kind of empty spot? Or have any ideas that we
should use to finish this off? Go ahead and put them in the comments. And now
let's go to warp X.
Welcome back Ladies, welcome back. This is warp X, or the
project currently known as warp X anyway. Um, and I just wanted to give you an
update on what's happening here. Whoops. Wrong view again. Okay, so we still have
the warp what I have been doing is using these leaves to layout where I
anticipate putting roads. Roads being the first step, of course, in da-da da
designing, I guess. Designing seems like a strange word to use for laying
out roads but. City planning. You need to start with the roads. So, anyway, here's
the road. Basically, the loose idea is I have a roughly...Well, the loose idea was a
circular road around the warp that would define the outskirts of the city, or town,
however you wanna call it. And, this is gonna go down through this cave. And I
haven't checked to see if the cave's horse safe. And, then, so anyway. This idea was to
have a city, bla-bla-bluh, a round road a circular-ish road around the outskirts
of the town to define the edge of the town. And, the reason for that, was because
I've noticed in some of our towns sometimes it was a little confusing
where the end of town was, and where the town rules would apply, and where the
town rules would no longer apply. So, thinking towards that end, I've made a
circular road to define the outside of the town. What the rules are inside of
the town versus what the rules are outside of the town, can be defined by
where the road is running. And this road goes... it's not actually a circle. I'm
going to put onto the screen right now a map that I have made and drawn on using which I'll put a link to in the description below.
I took a picture of the map that's on the wall, I'll show it to you when we
get there, and drew in where I had put the leaves. It's that easy. So, anyway, you
can see that it's not... that's clearly not a very round road at all. But
my intention was only to define a space and it doesn't make any sense, as you can
see over here, where we currently are, there's a nice natural barrier where
I've put these fences that makes sense for the
this side of the of the build. It doesn't make any sense to go over there, because
then it's like, okay, well where do you draw the line? So, I just decided to use
this for a line. This little peephole through here is a natural generation
and here we are, the portal. And as of right now, I've got the map right there
I'm not absolutely sure I'm committed to that location, but it's a good enough
place for now. So, I took a picture of that map as a screenshot put it into and drew those lines on it and made that key. So now, you can see, that
we've done the roads and as I was doing the roads I've created a few other ideas
which would be the square boxes and circles and stuff color-coded there that
indicate other ideas that I intend to incorporate into the town. So, that's
where we are for now.
Welcome back Ladies. Welcome back. I have swapped out my very
very slow donkey for a faster horse from the stables at Vagabond Gate. You can
see that we have made some progress on the roads here at warp X. This, we have
gone with, decided to go with this End stone and dark oak slab pallette for the
roads. I have forgotten that I meant to build a bridge there. Okay, and so we're
gonna go right along here this the terrain is going to look familiar to you
this is where we bumped our head earlier in this episode and it looks like a
taller horse bumps my head taller. That doesn't make sense, I think all the
horses are technically the same size but anyway. So, if we come down here to where
this light is... This here is a road that is in the south side of our map and went
to the docks, if you remember. I believe that was the pink dot. And then, this road
is where we previously turned and that was the farthest extent of town.
So, I'm going this way because what I have done is I have extended the town a
little bit further this way. Because, I found out that the other
warp towns in LVS are a little bit bigger than what I had previously
described and so I decided it would be a good idea to expand this town a little
bit too. And, also, up here on the northwest, let's see...Yeah, I think this is
the north-west side of town. There's a little bit of a Flower Forest
and so I want to include that in the town specifically because I want to set
up a little Botanical Gardens there so the residents will have access to the
Flower Forests for any dye needs that they may have, you know? And then, okay so
all of this section along here is road that we previously did not have planned
with our leaves but that after we made the decision that we wanted to include
the the Flower Forest we did do a leaf blocking stage and then of course went
along and did all of this building. And, so there now is this really long
straight stretch here because in this part of the map it didn't make any sense
to try to follow, like, all of the other places I'm following the natural run of...
Okay, so now this is where the previous row, previous outskirts of town comes and
ties back in and then..So, anyway mostly I just follow the terrain, like how this
loops up this way, and goes up this way, and loops up that way, and goes up that
way. Mostly, I just follow that terrain, but there wasn't really any terrain to
follow in that little straight stretch there and... Get out! Wait, that wasn't
supposed to happen! Come here horse. Get out! Just walk! Thank you.
Okay. Alright, so and here this, this again the stairs follows the terrain up
this way. Okay. So we have here lovely... I swear horses used go up the
stairs better than that. We have farms here, which is a little bit
of an upgrade. Nope, there wasn't any farms here in the previous section.
And you can see that we're using the metal and
wood here. That is because the theme of the town is going to be "industrial
rustic" and here again. So, "industrial rustic" is kind of a combination of
modern and traditional. So you'll have pieces that include like metal and
woods in the same piece, like furniture pieces, and, like, in your houses
and stuff you'll have exposed beams. And, your chandeliers and decorations and
stuff might be... all of that might be the re-purposed materials. That'd be
the kind of design that the re-purposed barn doors would fit into, and making coffee tables
that have pipe legs and things like that. So anyway. And here's our warp pad, so
we're finished and that's all there is to see, except I wanna show you the map.
so we're gonna do a nice little fade in from the old map to the new map now, and
then, um, you can come and have a look at the new hub. Ha ha. We've only just begun
the hub. We've actually spent some time working together on a design, myself and
the Blues, and we have a concept we just have to build it now and we've only just
begun to do the building. So anyway, that's all for now.
Ara doodle doo!
Fear the Walking Dead: 'Daniel's Interrogation' Sneak Peek Ep. 315 - Duration: 1:13.Y-you were with her, with my Ofelia,
when she was bitten. No.
No, I wa-- I wasn't.
Wasn't everyone trapped in a bunker?
Most. I was outside trying to stop the horde.
You were outside? Yeah.
You saw it coming?
I mean, not until it was too late.
How could you miss it?
Well, it just came from somewhere out in --
in the wilderness, and, um...
Troy saw it.
Then he came. He warned me.
Yeah, we thought maybe we could redirect it.
But by that point, it was just too close, and --
...too big to fight.
But Ofelia
was in the bunker with Alicia.
She saved Alicia's life.
Texas Judge Just Slaps America, He Denied 1 Important Request From President Trump - Duration: 23:07.Texas Judge Just Slaps America, He Denied 1 Important Request From President Trump
Of the considerable number of states to take part in the open rebellion against the White
House, I never thought it'd be Texas.
It's not ordinarily along these lines.
Representative Greg Abbot has been driving the charge against Sanctuary Cities.
Residents regard the hymn, the Second Amendment, and don't give careful consideration to
Furthermore, they see that it is so imperative to have an ID to vote.
So when a Texas judge declines to participate with Trump's examinations concerning voter
You need to ponder what he's concerned the President will discover.
Via IJR:
A Texas judge blocked the Trump administration from receiving data it requested as part of
its investigation into voter fraud.
Kris Kobach, Kansas's secretary of State, is leading the effort that, in part, seeks
to gather voter-specific information, including things like Social Security numbers.
Kobach and Vice President Mike Pence lead the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election
The issue is straightforward – regardless of how often Democrats deny it, voter fraud
Furthermore, in case we're regularly going to have a genuine and working vote based system,
we have to discover it and fix it.
The least demanding approach to do that is by scouring the voting records in each state.
Which implies, obviously, that the states need to send in the correct records to investigate.
No data implies no outcomes.
It's quite recently entertaining that Texas, of all states, would be the state to deny
the President comes about.
In any case, it's not simply Texas.
Almost every state has been declining to collaborate with the White House.
It nearly influences you to ponder exactly how profound the extortion goes.
Eight states refused to release any data to the commission, while many others agreed to
turn over public data while chastising the commission in the process.
A handful of groups have sued to block the commission's request.
Opposing the President by declining to collaborate resembles the famous activity right now.
In any case, it won't help choose honest to goodness leaders.
Just genuine votes do that.
Also, sooner or later, we will need to see those genuine votes.
It's anything but difficult to score political indicates by imagining guard individuals'
It's harder to collaborate with an examination that may humiliate you with its discoveries.
How about we trust more states pick the overcome alternative, regardless of the possibility
that humiliating.
What do you think about this?
Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.
you for reading.
Larry Doesn't Need Tongs | Curb Your Enthusiasm (2017) | Season 9 - Duration: 1:59.♪ ("CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM" THEME MUSIC PLAYING) ♪
Excuse me.
Are you in charge of the-- the cookies?
Um, yeah, I guess so. (CHUCKLES)
So, you oversee the whole cookie operation?
Uh, I don't bake them,
-but I-- -Well, they're not baked,
they're-- they're bought in a store,
but that's neither here nor there.
Let me just ask you about the display here.
-Okay. -Was this whole idea yours?
The display, the tongs, the whole thing?
-Um-- -'Cause I have to tell you,
the tong is not a friend of the cookie
by any stretch of the imagination.
Okay. You must be Mr. Dancer.
-Yes. Yes. -CLAUDIA: Yes.
-LARRY DAVID: I am. -Okay.
What I believe you should be thinking about
is separating the cookies
so people can use their fingers and not the tongs.
No friend of the cookie.
May I just demonstrate what I'm talking about?
-No, sir. Please don't. -Watch how easy this is.
-It's kind of hotel policy. -See-- see how easy I picked that out?
-It was so simple. -MAN: Mr. Dancer...
I successfully was able to find your pajama bottoms,
and I see that you are not using our tongs again.
No, I was just merely demonstrating something to her.
I asked him to use the tongs.
-MAN: I know you did, Claudia. Thank you very much. -Thank you.
By the way, you're not even in charge of the cookies.
Claudia is.
MAN: I asked you to please follow our policy,
and you're no longer a guest here, actually,
so I'm just asking you to just respect that.
Uh, what?! What?!
Oh, my God!
The tongs dropped on the floor, you put them back on the table?!
-I wiped them. -She wiped them.
(STAMMERS) That's like eating off the floor,
it's the same thing.
-It's not at all the same. -It is the same thing!
You might as well put the floor on the table!
-MAN: Okay, you know what--? -This is a disgrace!
Okay, you know what is a disgrace?
-That we're having this conversation, again. -LARRY: It is a disgrace.
And here is what I'm gonna say to you right now.
Don't ever return to this hotel.
-I'm serious. -Oh yeah.
-Like I wanna return to a hotel -Or I will call the cops.
that's serving Pepperidge Farm cookies,
and trying to pass them off as like you have a pastry chef!
Fine, if you do, I will call the police,
Mr. Buck Dancer.
Fear the Walking Dead: Next on: 'Things Bad Begun' Ep. 315 - Duration: 0:41.On the next episode of AMC's "Fear the Walking Dead"...
[Glass shatters, tires screech]
Madison: Killing drives some people mad.
Gets easier every time.
Man #1: You know who I am?
Man #2: Your mother's in trouble, Nick.
Come on.
[Man grunts]
Release the river to the people.
Questions keep turning in my mind.
For more "Fear the Walking Dead,"
go to
Perth Royal Show 2017 - Crisp Owl Vlog #1 - Duration: 9:05.It's uh - 10:30am and it's completely empty, like there's no-one
here because of this - rotten weather, so
let - let's see this main alley domain down here (lol can i english?)
Absolutely no-one at all
[embarrassed laughter]
Well - if I ever wanted a girlfriend
it ain't gonna happen now
'cause I look like a complete a total dickhead
here's the mother of the dick
It's now 2:07pm
caught up with some friends
and we're gonna be looking for some rides
now - maybe some food, who knows but -
anything can happen
[♪ Home Among the Gumtrees ♪]
extreme :|
ohh, just ruined this video (dammit woman)
'Owen Wilson Wow'
[Screaming in Chinese]
Please keep a firm arm around them (children)
at all times as the ride can be a little rough and bumpy
Firm arm
Firm arm
Such an Asian Driver (well... you're... white?)
I'll get you for that!
How was that Chris?
Of course, I'm getting all the Asian driver jokes
like - like that's original, haw - HAW!
[distant screams]
Not that drenched
It's 4:19pm
and we're just having a cheeky chill before we - do something else I don't know
what we're going to do Find more food?
Go drinking?
It's been 15 minutes since my last entry already resorted to alcohol (not sponsored)
[masculine dance duet]
This is the start of gambling addiction
That's what I call 'fire' works
Aw this is 'lit'
huehuehuehueheuue yes
'More Owen Wilson wows'
[uncontrollable laughter]
Three cheers for the - bluregrgehroom
I like how he got shot down:
three cheers for bang bang bang
[slapping some fine hiney]
aw that was a good slap that was a good slap
I got a hearty beef stew in my hand
you got a - you got a few cheeky squeeze
AW - heckin (yeah heckin) - I won this big boy
oh wow
What will we name him?
So it's 8:20pm we just watched the fireworks, we're getting a Boost and -
Boost's ahoy!
yeah yeah
Nervous Laughter EP - how much is it?
$10 $10 - is it online?
Yes! Bandcamp
We're doing - one last circuit through side show alley and probably going home.
It's been - it's been a good day - it's been a very good day.
How have you found today?
Good's the word.
You heard it first here at the 2017 Royal Show.
By IGA, not Woolies.
And that's the Royal Show for another year!
Thanks folks
Thanks - thanks for watching
Thanks everyone at home Thanks Mum
Thank - thanks mum.
Did she just confess something on camera?
She - she's dying
and no-one will know why (hueheuheuheuh)
or will they (nah probs not aye)
...stopping at the next one
PLOPPIN YES (yes. ploppin)
This is the best - shot
That is the best shot I have ever taken in my whole entire life
Because it stopped dead -
..directly in front of the camera
of the camera
Hakuna Matata
It means - no fish
in the - km - in the chi - ken.
what is it?
no - *derp*
Do you even English?
I was trying to spit it out and I don't know what hephpehn
aw, I dunno - I think you had a mini stroke.
How do you do?
Welcome to Dialogue Box
this is the uh - Special Chairlift Edition
yeah so - today we're gonna be talking about:
'What it means to be a Christian'
Now there's a couple of things to cover there
First you gotta have good memes
And then you gotta be bad at presenting such
Yep - that is - that is correct.
Memes? Yes (rip)
M-memes yes.
That is a perfect example.
uh, what else I think that covers it.
(Yeah that's it)
pretty much all it takes, that's uh there you go (Thanks for joining us in today's-)
See you next time on Dialogue Box (Thanks for joining us in today's Dialogue Box, yep)
and uh - yeah subscribe for more future content.
Yeah like and subscribe and follow our our our
cousin channel.
Crisp Pow Well Whatever your name is, Crisp Owl?
Crisp Owl yep f-f-for great gaming content
for great video game memes
secret ending subtitles? wow!
Idubbbz diss track on Ricegum was amazing
Official! Look For What Homeland Security Committee Just Approved $10 Billion, You'll Be Surprised - Duration: 23:07.Official!
Look For What Homeland Security Committee Just Approved $10 Billion, You'll Be Surprised
A large portion of the news about government and cash nowadays is awful news.
What's more, we've one additional thing to add to the heap.
The actuality is, conditions, and corrupt lib government officials, have almost figured
out how to obstruct Trump's function towards saving this nation a considerable measure
of cash.
How about we spend a few billion there.
They'll require a few billion dollars also.
In light of present conditions, we'll have no cash left.
So ten billion more dollars is a major ordeal… unless it's being spent on us for a change.
Say thanks to God it's being spent on the Border Wall.
Via Breitbart:
The provision funding the construction came as part of a border security spending proposal
that will reimburse states for up to $35 million for their costs of using National Guard troops
to supplement border security efforts in their state.
It also includes $5 billion to increase security at ports of entry.
We've heard variants of this story sometime recently, and they all end a similar way.
'The wall is being built,' 'the wall is subsidized,' 'the wall has started'
– every one of them has finished with 'Democrats obstructed progress,' 'liberals had a
tantrum,' or 'Ryan can't do his job.'
What's distinctive about today, at that point?
Two things, really.
One, the cash has officially endured the House.
A large portion of the excursion's as of now done.
Also, two, the assets are to be passed the extremely same way that everybody was murmuring
around half a month prior – by ties the Border Wall to DACA.
Which implies, more or less, that Trump has been making and expediting bargains this whole
While every other person was whining, and crying about working together… Trump was
setting up arrangements.
What's more, I'm almost certain that is precisely what he guaranteed to do on the
campaign trail.
Obviously, every time an arrangement is made, you ordinarily discover sore failures.
The Democrats have lost no time satisfying that part.
The committee's ranking Democrat, Rep. Bennie Thompson attempted to change the name of the
bill to the "Taking Americans' Land to Build Trump's Wall Act of 2017."
That proposal failed.
A futile bit of enactment fizzled.
Yet, a real arrangement is almost wrapped up its way through Congress.
It ought to be evident who the genuine experts are here.
What do you think about this?
Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.
for reading.
H/T Breitbart
Lets try Battlefront II Beta Multiplayer - Duration: 2:23:16.-------------------------------------------
MORGAN FREEMAN'S LIKE #5 - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Studio Portrait Lighting with Smith Victor CooLED lights & Smith Victor 19" Bi-Color LED Ring Light - Duration: 11:34.In this episode - Part 4 of my LED light series I'm gonna show you some lights from Smith
Victor that include a series of three LED studio lights that look more like studio strobes
and you can attach modifiers like you do with a strobe.
I'll also add a bi-color ring light into the mix and show you that ring lights are not
just for circle catchlights and YouTube videos.
Stay tuned!
Hey gang!
My name is Joe Edelman and my mission is to help photographers like YOU to develop a solid
understanding of the HOWS & WHYS behind great photography so that you can achieve your goals
as a photographer.
I have to tell you I am having a lot of fun with this LED lighting series and it is really
refreshing to get back to basics and work with continuous lighting in the studio.
So let's dive in...
Smith Victor has been around for my entire career and was founded by photographer James
H. Smith in the late 1800's.
The company has been at the forefront of lighting, beginning with flash powder and the powder
cabinets that created even light, and then flash bulbs in the 1920's and then the famous
Photoflood incandescent bulbs and later quartz lights, strobes and now LED studio lights.
I learned lighting as a teenager using Smith Victor Adapta-Light reflectors and Photoflood
bulbs and what thrills me with these new Smith Victor LED lights is that they are designed
to be basic, reliable, durable lights, with no gimmicky bells and whistles.
They provide high quality light - they are easy to use and extremely reliable.
First up is the CooLED Series of LED studio lights.
There are three models - the CooLED 20, 50 and 100.
All three of these units are single chip LED's with a color temperature of 5,200k and they
are dimmable through 5 steps.
With all metal construction, these units are built to last.
They are fan cooled but REALLY quiet.
Just 32db of noise which is not audible over 3 feet away so they can easily be used for
video production.
Each has a standard 5/8" stand receptacle and an umbrella mount.
Let's start with the CooLED100.
This unit is built to look like a studio strobe and act like a studio strobe.
It weighs just 6.1lbs and has a Bowens mount for adding speedrings, soft boxes, snoots
and pretty much any modifier that fits a Bowens mount.
The unit has a 100watt LED bulb that puts out about 10,000 Lumens of light which is
equivalent to a 1,000 watt incandescent bulb.
This bulb is rated for 50,000 hours of use.
This is an AC only unit that can be powered with an external battery pack like the Photogenic
ION Inverter or a Paul C. Buff Vagabond Mini.
The CooLED100 ships with an 8" 90-degree beam angle reflector, an ac adapter and the
removable frosted dome and diffuser sock.
Next up - the CooLED50.
Also built like a studio strobe with an all metal casing, and weighing just __ lbs, the
CoolLED50 also has a Bowens mount and ships with two barn doors included in the package.
This unit has a 50watt, 5,000 lumens LED bulb which is equivalent to a 500 watt incandescent
This is an AC unit that does have an optional DC power pack available from Smith Victor
or you could also power these with an external battery pack like the Photogenic ION Inverter
or a Paul C. Buff Vagabond Mini.
Like the CooLED100, the CooLED50 also ships with an 8" reflector, ac adapter and the
removable frosted dome and diffuser sock.
Last in the CooLED series is the CooLED20.
Weighing in at just 3.4 lbs. with the included barndoors.
This baby unit has a 200watt, 2,000 lumens LED bulb that puts out the equivalent of a
200 watt incandescent bulb.
The CooLED20 ships with a tungsten filter, diffusion filter, filter pouch, AC adapter
and handle.
And the fourth light I am using in this video is the newest addition to Smith Victor's LED
lineup - it's their 19" Bi-Color Ring Light
This is not a basic ringlight.
With a CRI of 95 and 6000 lumens of light, this ring light has fully dimmable output
and adjustable color temperature from 3000k up to 5500k.
The housing is a very strong ABS plastic and aluminum mix.
Also rated for 50,000 hours of bulb use, this ring light ships with a flexible stand mount
that has a rubber grip so that it can be used handheld, a ball head adapter for mounting
small cameras or microphones, the ac power cord, padded carrying case and a wired remote
control that allows you to control both the power and color temperature of the light.
The circular ring lights have been a favorite with YouTube beauty bloggers for quite some
time now and for still shooters they create an interesting circular catchlight.
This is one of those things that photographers ether love or hate.
Me - I think they're cool - but somewhat over done at this point - so my goal is to use
the ring light a bit differently.
First, here's a simple headshot that I did with the 19" bi-color ring light as my main
light and the CooLED20 behind Monae and aimed up at the #24 Savage Orange paper backdrop.
You can see the ring light provides a beautiful even light with quick fall off.
Then by adding some blue tulle material and some flowers that Monae crafted into a headpiece
- we have a simple beauty shot.
In both of these examples, Monae is about 4 feet from the background.
If I move her closer to the background and remove the background light - I can get a
darker orange background and a little more drama to the overall feel of the image.
You can see in this behind the scenes shot that I have the light high in front of Monae
and I am shooting through the ring light.
Moving on to the CooLEDs.
I started with just the CooLED100 in a Photoflex Medium softbox for this first set-up.
Remember the CooLED100 and 50 both have Bowens mounts, so you can attach modifiers - which
is an awesome feature.
For this first portrait, Monae is directly in front of a Savage Black seamless backdrop
and the light is placed just above my camera lens.
Because I have her seated so close to the backdrop, it will appear as a very dark gray
instead of black.
This was an intentional choice.
Shooting tethered with my TetherTools TetherBLOCK and cables, I have my laptop set-up in the
Digital ala Cart case so that I can monitor the shots while I shoot.
This is just the one light above the camera and slightly to the right so that I would
still have soft shadows and some depth to the face.
I did not use any reflectors.
I also thought that this set-up would make an interesting black and white image as well,
so while I was shooting - I did convert a few frames to black and white with the Capture
One Pro software to see if any lighting tweaks were needed for the black and white and I
was happy with it - no changes necessary.
Next up I moved Monae away from the background and added the CooLED50 as a background light.
This background light turns the black background to a medium gray with a gradient to dark gray
as the light falls off.
Still with the CooLED100 in the medium softbox that is now on camera right - I switched to
a lower camera angle and had Monae look towards the light for a more dramatic feel.
I've carefully placed my main light so that I don't have harsh shadows from her nose
- but so that I do get sharp fall-off on the camera left side of her face.
Then by simply adding a yellow gel to the CooLED50 in the background I can change the
feel of the shot to this.
Also notice that to help give the shot a bit of a different look - I have closed the yellow
jacket to hide the cleavage and rust colored top that is underneath.
Next up I am going to add the CooLED20 as a rim light on camera left.
The rim is placed a little high and behind her to add some additional depth to the shadow
area on the camera left side of Monae's face.
You can see that it also adds a hint of highlights to her hair on the shadow side as well.
If I move the yellow gel to my rim light and then place a blue gel over the CooLED50 in
the background, I arrive at this look which is by far my favorite.
Just a quick review…
Two lights, Two lights with the yellow gel on the background, Three lights and then three
lights with a yellow gel on the rim and a blue gel on the background.
I wanted to do a shot the included all four of the Smith Victor lights, so my next challenge
was to see how I could integrate the ring light.
Remember that a ring light - is still a light.
In this case a light with a 19" diameter so there is no rule that says you have to
shoot through it and that you have to have those circle catchlights.
You can use it as a background light like you see here or even use it as a main light,
a rim light or a hair light.
Buying a ring light just to get the circle is a lot of money to spend for an effect that
you won't use that often.
The way you balance the GEARtographer side of your personality with the financially responsible
side… remember that these lights have a lot of different uses.
Heck - they even look cool if you include them in the shot.
I'll show you what I mean in a minute.
Still with the same cool hair style, Monae changed to a purple top and added some sparkly
rhinestones and a lace choker.
I knew that I wanted to be a bit more dramatic with this look and also that I wanted to involve
the ring light in some way.
I started with the CooLED100 still in the Photoflex Medium softbox and placed on camera
right almost far enough away from the camera to create a Rembrandt shadow - but not quite,
because I'm not really a fan of that triangular shadow that you get with Rembrandt lighting
- so I usually stop just a bit short.
The CooLED50 is aimed at the background with a blue gel and this is the result.
Now it's time to experiment with the ring light.
I know you thought that I meant to add it as a light source.
Well kind of.
First I placed it behind Monae and dialed the power all the way down to eliminate any
flare from the light.
The rest of the set-up is the same as the previous portrait.
Next I decide to go with a horizontal shot and using the flexible stand mount I was able
to lower it over Monae's head for this finished result.
Now look closely you will see that her purple top to does have some wrinkles and they are
not the same on each side.
For my taste - this shot needed some solid symmetry so I did a little Photoshop magic
and removed the wrinkles on her top and then flipped one side over to mirror the other
- giving me a very clean and symmetrical look.
I promise to do a video in the future about flipping parts of your beauty images to get
this kind of feel.
I mentioned that the 19" Bi-Color Ring light which is a brand new light from Smith Victor
has a CRI of 95.
You may have noticed that I didn't mention the CRI of the CoolLED series.
That's because I wanted you to see the images first and I wanted to remind you that unless
you are shooting something that requires exact color - CRI is NOT something that you should
stress over or pay more for.
The CooLED series of lights have a CRI in the mid 80's which is more than adequate
for photographing people.
Next up in the LED lighting series - The wrap-up.
I have shown you 6 cool and interesting LED lights and I have shown you just how versatile
and easy they are to work with.
I want to take a few minutes and do a quick review of them and also mention a few of the
other styles of LED lights that I didn't discuss in this series - just to give you
a sense of where they all fit into the mix.
Until then, I hope you found this useful.
Please hit that thumbs up and subscribe so that you don't miss any videos and until
next time go pick up that camera and shoot something because your BEST shot - it's
your NEXT shot, so keep learning, keep thinking, keep shooting.
'Larry Mouths Off to a Cop' Ep. 3 Teaser | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Season 9 - Duration: 0:43.You have no compassion,
have no caring about another human being...
There's some partial truth to that.
T, can you get a lemon with that, please?
It's short for Ted.
Never gave me any little nicknames.
You could've called me L-vid.
-As a term of endearment? -Yeah.
Like, "Let's spoon, L-vid"?
POLICE OFFICER: Bad decision to honk at a police officer.
Oh, what-- Why? Are you above the beep?
I'm a police officer, I protect your rights.
-My rights to beep! -You gettin' smart with me, boy?
I'm not getting smart. I am smart.
It's Happening! The House Passes Budget And Allows GOP To Move Forward With … - Duration: 23:07.-------------------------------------------
[TOP SONGS] BEST English Songs 2017 - 2018 Hits-New Songs Playlist The best english love songs 2017 - Duration: 46:06.-------------------------------------------
The Observer Is The Observed | J.Krishnamurti - Duration: 8:39.Hello everyone, my name is Andrew and welcome to the video.
So today I'd like to talk about an interesting question by Jiddu krishnamurti.
He asks, "Can we look at something so completely, that the space between the observer and the
thing observed disappears?"
So before we get into this question, I'd like for us together to go into what is the observer
and the observed?
And then together try and understand what K means when he says, the observer is the
So the observer is the ego, I, me or the psychological center, and this psychological center always
has a limited space and within this limited space are the objects of observation, or the
things that are observed by the observer.
Now what is the observer and the observed essentially?
Essentially we can see, if we go into this and watch our own thought process, we can
see that factually the Observer is an image that we have built up by accumulating knowledge
throughout time.
So basically, we have our own experiences and our brain records these sensory experiences
where we're using our perception or hearing or smelling all that, our brain is recording
everything these senses are picking up, and then it records it as an experience and stores
it in the brain cells as knowledge and this knowledge is kept in our mental collection,
storage, or hard drive known as memory.
And we re-member, you know we go back to this memory in order to talk about ourselves, talk
about who I am, or think about ourselves, think about who I am.
So essentially, the observer is the past, is thought, is an image that has been built
up through time, and when we look at the thing observed, whenever we look at something, now
we have been taught conditioned or influenced to look at something and attach a mental symbol
or word or label to that thing, therefore we can easily recognize, you know, like re-cognize,
so we can easily go back to our memory and pull it out as knowledge, so we can think
about it.
So we can identify it.
So the thing that is observed, is also essentially a thought, just as the observer is also essentially
a thought.
So what I think K is getting at here when he says the Observer is the observed, is that
whenever we are aware of a thing that is observed, then there must be some kind of Observer who
has experienced that, who has seen that thing, and recorded that thing into an experience,
into knowledge, and is now therefore, both are acting together, you know, observer as
thought and the thing as thought.
So now he talks about, can we look at something so completely, to where this limited space
between the observer and the thing observed, disappears.
Now when the space is there this limited space, which is separation or division, psychologically,
this brings about a lot of conflict right?
A Lot of suffering?
Because we can see that when we are facing something, when we are trying to handle something,
we have been taught to handle it in numerous ways, that tend to bring about further confusion
and further frustration.
So like let's take, you know, for example, when we try to escape from something into
something pleasurable, well then if I'm escaping my anger by just bottling it up and going
to the movies or something, well then that anger is really still there I didn't really
deal with this problem, and therefore this anger is really just like kind of... is probably
idol or also could be growing.
And there's also resistance, now whatever we resist psychologically, like, "I don't
want to be angry, I want to be a peaceful nice person."
Well then we start to live in fear, because we're trying not to be something.
I might be, I might still be angry, and I'm in fear, and you know there's also suppression.
Where we suppress our emotions, how we really feel, because we want to be something else.
Now all of this is just some of the numerous ways that we have been taught to handle these
things that are observed, these things which we see as different or separate from us, you
know these are some of the ways we were taught to handle this, and these ways bring about
these unnecessary conflicts, as we just talked about.
So when krishnamurti talks about looking at something so completely to where that separation,
that division is no longer there, then what did we stumble upon?
Now don't take my word for it, don't take my answer for it, question me, question all
of this, and do it and see it for yourself.
You know see that what K refers to, you know, we stumble upon something that is immeasurable,
that is timeless, that I like to say is, unthinkable, because once we think about it, then we have
already introduced that limited space, that, that false sense of wholeness, which is really
the seed of conflict the seed of suffering.
So essentially the observer is the observed on an essential, fundamental level and when
we look at something so completely, fully attentive, with all of our senses, then we
stumble upon something where there is no conflict, no suffering whatsoever.
So thank you all for hanging out with me in this video, thanks again for watching, and
as always stay awesome, and I will see you all next time, alright, bye bye.
Portable USB Bluetooth for Home Theater Working 2017 - Duration: 1:47.Subscribe to our channel technozech
and click the bell icon
For latest technology videos
Portable Dual Battery Boxes Comparison - Accelerate Auto Electrics & Air Conditioning - Duration: 3:59.Hi, guys, Andrew here from
Accelerate Auto Electrics & Air Conditioning
on the Sunshine Coast.
Today, we're gonna look at some
of the options that are available
for portable dual battery boxes.
Portable dual battery boxes have become
increasingly popular due to their
ability to be moved as needed.
Here we have the Thunder 12-volt Battery Box.
The Thunder Battery Box provides
12 and 240 volt power for common
devices and appliances, acting as a dual battery system
to manage solar and in-vehicle charge.
It features a 7 stage smart charger
to maintain battery condition.
The unit is compatible with all types of battery,
although we always recommend the AGM.
Setting up the battery box is simple,
with a step-by-step guide
that helps you select your type of battery.
It remembers the last battery you used
and will warn you if there's a fault during the charge.
Some of the features include:
control panel with LCD, 6 amp,
7 stage AC/DC smart charger,
300-watt, 240-volt modified sine wave inverter,
two 10-amp cigarette sockets, it's also
got a 50-amp Anderson plug, a 5-volt USB port,
and an isolator switch.
Both these jump start terminals are protected as well.
A great feature that is unique to the Thunder
is the built-in charger that allows you
to plug it directly into 240-volt to charge the battery.
Like most other portable battery boxes,
if you wanna charge it from your car's alternator,
you'll need to install an isolator
or a DC/DC charger like these.
The next one here is a Projecta Power-Hub.
Similar to the Thunder, it turns your 12-volt battery
into a convenient, versatile, and user-friendly device.
With 10 power outlets, the Power-Hub allows you
total freedom to charge or power
multiple devices simultaneously.
Its versatility makes it ideal for a wide range
of applications, including camping, caravanning,
on the work site, in the backyard,
or four-wheel-drive expeditions.
The Power-Hub is ergonomically designed
for outdoor applications with gutters moulded
into the top housing to allow water
to drain away from vital electronics.
There are waterproof covers to shield the plugs
and sockets, with a slot that allows the cords
to remain plugged-in while the cover is closed.
The handle provides maximum grip comfort
and double as tie-down points to secure it
from moving around in your vehicle.
Some of the features include a 2.4-inch, full colour,
LCD display, 300-watt, 240-volt pure sine wave inverter,
two USB ports, two cigarette lighter sockets,
two angled sockets, a 50-amp, heavy-duty Anderson plug,
two Merrit sockets, and some DC/DC output terminals.
Like the Thunder, it can fit 130-amp AGM battery as well.
The Power-Hub does not come with a built-in charger,
but it's priced accordingly, so for the difference,
you could purchase a charger.
Similar to the Thunder, they both need the DC/DC isolator
or smart charger to charge from the vehicle.
Okay, here we have one of our own custom battery boxes.
This one here is our basic model.
The main advantage of the customer battery box is
we can fit it with exactly what you want.
We can fit as many different types of sockets, meters,
and different Anderson plugs as you can possibly think of.
The other advantage is that we can fit different DC/DC
chargers inside the lid, meaning it's a bit more compact
and it's a lot easier to swap between different vehicles
as the DC/DC charger remains in the box.
If you've got an older vehicle, we can use the SBI12
as well, and that'll work quite well.
The main saving with these is we don't have to add anything
you don't need, so we can build these to suit a budget.
We always use the 130-amp AGM battery,
and we find these are a great option for people
who want something a bit more flexible and a bit custom.
These are just a few of the options currently available.
If you would like a price or options
on a custom battery box, shoot us an email
to or give us a call
at 1300 227 353.
Boise teen fighting cancer who asked for birthday cards is doing well after surgery - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
PIZZA HUT VS INTUITIVE SOLUTIONS PIZZA HUT WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE 2 AND WHO PAYS MORE - Duration: 5:53.hey guys I thought this would be a really important video to do so that you
guys can see the difference between between the two companies excuse me I'm
currently on my break so I pretty much had a half an hour break but I said I
have to do this video so you guys don't get confused okay so we're gonna start
with intuitive solutions intuitive solution Pizza Hut is not actually Pizza
Hut it's not the company it is a third-party customer service provider
who Pizza Hut the franchisee outsources their work to so they have a customer
service call center Pizza Hut the franchise but they also outsource some
of their work and find other customer servant customer service agents
elsewhere so intuitive solution Pizza Hut is different than Pizza Hut -
franchisee and I'm gonna tell you briefly what is different between Pizza
Hut the franchisee which is the actual company intuitive solution which is the
third-party customer service agent provider for Pizza Hut
ok the difference between the two is Pizza Hut which I'll show you in a
minute is the blue chip company which is the franchisee the actual company
intuitive solutions is an agency that employs agents like myself to work and
they pay you per order like Pizza Hut the franchisee does but the only thing
different between intuitive solutions is they only pay you per order they don't
pay you per transfer of a call and Pizza Hut the company does so if I was to
choose between the two I honestly would if you were basically looking to make
a little bit more money I will work for the franchisee Pizza Hut and this is the
franchisee here Pizza Hut here this the actual household name that we all
know Pizza Hut with Pizza Hut you get paid per call you know and when I say
pay pay per call I don't mean somebody calls and you get paid for that call
know when they call and they order you get paid per order and if they're
calling because they're having a complaint about their food or their food
is late or they want to ask a question that the call center cannot answer or
they want to have the store order their food because they don't like dealing
with the call center whatever the reasons for why a customer has to be or
wants to be transferred to the store Pizza Hut the franchisee the actual
company if you were the customer service calls as an agent on contract world for
them you get paid per call for each order and you get paid per transfer with
intuitive solutions and let's go back to intuitive solutions so we don't get
confused if you work for intuitive solution which
is the third-party company that Pizza Hut outsources their work - you only get
paid per order you don't get paid for your transfers so if I worked ten hours
shift at Pizza Hut and I worked a 10-hour shift at intuitive solutions
where would I make the most money in those 10 hour days out the week that I
work it would not be at intuitive solutions and the reason for that again
is because they only pay you per order not each transfer that you do Pizza pays
you per order and pay and they also pay you per transfer so keep that in mind
when you are going onto contract world that you want to get every bang for your
buck you want to work smarter not harder so if I was you
intuitive solutions is an option to apply for but I think that you should
also apply for Pizza Hut the franchisee as well and see which one picks you
first and if it so happens that intuitive solution picks you and you're
really eager to work or you need work because you need to pay bills or
whatever's going on in your life then if intuitive solution picks you first then
I will go with that but I would go with Pizza Hut if you could wait for the
answer from them because you get paid per order and you get paid per transfer
where intuitive solutions again they only pay you per order and they don't
pay you for your transfers so with that all being said I hope that I made this
extremely clear the difference between the two companies please subscribe share
and like this video and make it a favorite and please I
really put a lot of emphasis on sharing my videos please share the videos and
let a lot of other people know that might not know about this company that
there are jobs online that you can do and make money from home bye for now
Especially Tiny House for Privacy and a Bigger Family - Duration: 2:07.Especially Tiny House for Privacy and a Bigger Familyi
Will & Jack | Satellite (Will and Grace) - Duration: 3:44.I want someone that I have something in common with.
You know, a shared history.
Right? You want to have, like, a shorthand.
Right? Exactly.
Do you want a, uh...
Yeah. Diet if you have it.
Are you, uh...
No, no, we ate.
Yeah, I guess we just have to believe
that person's still out there.
Oh, he has to be.
The one time I needed you to be there for me
I don't know why I'm surprised
You don't give a crap about anyone but yourself
I screwed up.
What-- what is this gonna cost me?
Not much.
Just a friend.
Forget it, Jack.
I'm done
I know you're not that angry
'cause you didn't slam the door.
Slam the door. Jack.
You know, there are three things
in this world you can count on:
death, taxes,
tonight's gonna be great.
I think it's fantastic you're getting out there again.
and watch. you'll see.
everything's gonna be just fine.
Remember that time at Matt Stokes' party,
where we met for the first time?
And I was in such deep denial about being gay,
and you think everybody's gay.
No, not everybody,
just me...
And you
you came up to me.
We didn't know each other that well.
You pulled me aside and you said,
"Aren't you tired yet?"
It's a drag pretending to be something you're not.
So you took me to clubs
and introduced me to people,
made me realize what I'd been missing
by not being myself
and I'm thankful for that.
It's Jack
The man you are gonna spend the rest of your life with is Jack.
Who's the prettiest lady in this room?
You spurned a Broadway legend for me
I wanted to prove to you that I really care about you, Will
And you did
Besides, you're a catch.
You will always be a catch,
no matter how old you are.
Here's my secret
I admire you, Jack
because you are more yourself
than anyone else I have ever known.
You are always one step ahead of me
I hate that about you!
And I love that about you!
I hate that I couldn't take care of one little kid.
You're right. I'd suck as a dad.
Will, you're gonna be an awesome dad.
You're caring. You're thoughtful. You're generous.
You're just saying that to make me feel better.
No, I'm not.
You're gonna be a great dad
because for the last 10 years you've been a great one to me.
And to two of my favorite people
whose commitment to each other
has inspired me to look for love in my own life
Will Truman and Jack McFarland get married already
I think Jack may have feelings for me.
Of course he does.
He's always had a thing for you.
am I even capable of having a relationship?
Of course!
You just haven't found anyone who's good enough for you yet
What are you thinking?
What are you thinking?
That early Madonna's the best.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
Well, I'm glad we're on the same page.
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