Thursday, February 15, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 15 2018

Rainy night and we worked all day We both got jobs 'cause there's bills to pay

We got something they can't take away Our love, our lives

Close the door, leave the cold outside I don't need nothing when I'm by your side

We got something that'll never die Our dreams, our pride

My heart beats like a drum (all night) Flesh to flesh, one to one (and it's alright)

And I'll never let go cause There's something I know deep inside

You were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

We got something to believe in Even if we don't know where we stand

Only God would know the reasons But I bet he must have had a plan

'Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

Light a candle, blow the world away Table for two on a TV tray

It ain't fancy, baby that's OK Our time, our way

So hold me close better hang on tight Buckle up, baby, it's a bumpy ride

We're two kids hitching down the road of life Our world, our fight

If we stand side by side (all night) There's a chance we'll get by (and it's alright)

And I'll know that you'll be live In my heart 'til the day that I die

'Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

We got something to believe in Even if we don't know where we stand

Only God would know the reasons But I bet he must have had a plan

'Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

My heart beats like a drum (all night) Flesh to flesh, one to one (and it's alright)

And I'll never let go cause There's something I know deep inside

'Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

We got something to believe in Even if we don't know where we stand

Only God would know the reasons But I bet he must have had a plan

'Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

You were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man


© EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group

For non-commercial use only.

Data from: LyricFind

For more infomation >> #Borntobemybaby #BonJovi #Cover February 15, 2018 - Duration: 4:35.


Talking Tom and Friends - Landlord in Love | Season 2 Episode 23 - Duration: 11:07.

-Lamp shot! -Wah!

[Hank] Couch shot!

[Angela] Fridge shot!

Ow! Hey!

Whoa! A computer-Ben-juice-cup shot! That's game!

-Woo hoo! Yeah! -[Angela] Good job, Tom.

-Are you guys still playing garage-pong? -Uh...

-Aw, man! I missed it! -[Tom] Sorry, Ginger.

-♪ Pajama, pajama... ♪ -I was practicing all day.

But Ms. Vanthrax made me stay after school

because I was distracting people - with my mad skills!

Throwing a ball in a classroom is distracting? Since when?

She just loves punishing me!

I'll tell you what, Ginger, I'm ready to go another round.

Because this garage will always be a place where garage-pong is not a crime!

-Hey! -Oh, no! It's the landlord!

Tom, you hit His Highness right in the eye-ness.

Prithee, m'lord, do not kick us off your lands for this grand offense.

Kick you out? For playing pong-ping? Never!

[all] Phew!

I am kicking you out because I am selling this place.

- What?! - So, you have to leave. Bye bye!

-Wait! -Oh!

♪ Wa-oah ♪

Why are you selling your house?

Uh... real estate deals are complicated and boring.

But maybe it will make sense to you if I explain it in song.

[♪ tropical music]

♪ I want to live on tropical island ♪

♪ Eat coconuts and frolic on semi-dry land ♪

♪ Oh, party and play aboard yachts on the seas ♪

♪ Ride down the lava on tiki skis ♪

♪ And most of all ♪

♪ Finally find love of my life! ♪

-Aw! -This is our home! What will we do?

"Wah, wah, wah." You are soft and weak.

When I was boy in mountain village, I sleep on thorn bushes

with blankets made of rocks.

Oh, but you whine when I sell garage.

Cos it's also our office!

Maybe new owner lets you stay.

You know, he says you guys are best friends.

Really? Who's the new owner?

Er, something like eh, starts with C, like the sound a bird makes. C.O.O--

What?! The CEO?!

He's not our best friend. He's our worst enemy.

Eh. When I was your age we had real enemy -

the people-biting-fury-fish that would bite us when we swim in Lake Ouchie.

Why would you swim in Lake Ouchie?

Believe me, much safer than Lake Yikes. [thunder claps]

Please! No! Anybody but the CEO. Landlord, come back!

Call me by my island name now - Sandlord.

-[chuckles] -Ugh.

-Uh, Hank. Why are you gardening? -I'm not gardening, Tom.

I'm digging up my plants so I can take them with me.

Hank, don't give up yet, okay? We're not leaving without a fight.

Okay. Back you go, little buddies.



CEO, what are you doing here?

Gloating. I've beaten you, Tom,

-Barton, Fredo, Minnie. -Uh...

Don't correct me. Your names don't matter.

-[helicopter whirrs] -[Ben] Whoa! What is that?

It's the first piece for my Museum of Me!

[CEO] That's what I'm putting in here when I kick you to the curb.

I think it will look good in the place where your hopes and dreams used to go,

don't you?

[evil laugh]

I will not let him get this garage.

Hey there, Landlord. I'm the CEO's brother.

He told me to buy the garage for him. So let's close this deal. What do you say?

If you are CEO's brother, why are you so hairy?

Uh... shaving is for poor people!

Whatever you say, brother of CEO.

-[Landlord laughs] -Yes!

As long as you bring me the bathtub full of money as payment,

we can close the deal.

How about we close this deal with a trusting business handshake?

No handshake. We agreed, bathtub full of money!

I see. Good day, sir.

We need another plan.

[♪ tropical music]

Aloha, Landlord. Sit down, have a coconut!

And now we present a song guaranteed to make you want to keep the garage.

♪ You don't need to go to a tropical island ♪

♪ We have coconuts and fake sand, too ♪

♪ No need for the big waves of the ocean

♪ We can leave the garden hose running for you ♪


Now, point me to the love of my life and maybe I stay.

We don't have that part yet, but have you ever tried skimboarding?

Hm. All right. Show's over.

-No? -Start packing.

Are you actually giving up on the garage, after all it's done for you?

It's over, Ginger. We tried everything.

-Coconuts, sand, disguises... -Even skimboarding.

We couldn't give the landlord what he wanted most of all.

♪ The love of his life ♪

The love of his life, huh?

I have an idea that might solve both our problems.

Something happened at detention today with Ms. Vanthrax.

I was cleaning the masks that she uses to scare the children into behaving.

Some of them are of her.


Ms. Vanthrax, this is a creepy punishment

when all I did was draw a picture of you - as a cyclops!

-[Ginger giggles] -Hm! Thanks for noticing.

I live alone, so I've got nothing to do

but think of creative ways to punish children!

[evil laugh]

Ms. Vanthrax is single and the landlord wants to mingle.

So if we get them together, she'll be too busy to punish me.

And if the landlord is in love,

he won't want to leave, which means he won't sell the garage.

I think you're on to something.

[violin scraping tunelessly]

Well, I guess people do need lessons to play these things.

Let me try. I watch a lot of violin-based television.


[plays a beautiful scale]


TV, you've never failed me. [knock on door]

She's here! Guys, remember - be romantic.

I'm here about your ad for the masks that can scare children--


I never thought I'd see you in the fast-paced world of scary masks.

I think you'll find that this night is full of surprises.

I just want the masks.

What's your hurry? Please, come on in.

Oh, no. I see what's going on here.

You arranged this romantic situation

to set me up with an available gentleman, didn't you?

-[♪ Da-da-da-duh!] -Er, no.

Everyone assumes a beautiful, sophisticated gal like myself

is looking for a man - well, I'm not!

-[♪ Da-da-da-duh!] -But you said...

I mean, I heard you just sit around all day thinking of punishments!

-[Hank playing "Beethoven's 5th symphony"] -Yes! That's what I love to do.

And that's what I'll be doing for the rest of the evening!


Okay, Tom, show me this rare mold you found growing in kitchen.

What's going on here?

-[Hank plays romantic tune] -Did you arrange this romantic situation

to set me up with this distinguished lady?

Absurd, isn't it?

-Oh, no. It's not working. -They just need a little more of a push.

[clears throat] Wow! You guys really figured us out!

Darn! We hoped tricking you would be easy.

Easy? That's the problem with you! You want everything to be easy!

Mm, so true! Kids these days are soft and weak.

Yes, they are.

[landlord] You tell me more about how kids have it these days.

Well, they're always complaining.

Such complaining, right? Yes, yes. [chuckles]

When I was a child, we never complained.

And we used to sleep on rocks with thorn bushes for blankets.

-Ah, tell me more... Yes. -[flirtatious laugh]

It's working. We're going to get to keep the keep the garage!

[laughing] This is crazy.

But tell me, how do you feel about... tropical islands?

I've always wanted to live on one.

[♪ tropical music]

♪ I finally live on tropical island ♪

♪ Cos I found the love of my life! ♪

♪ I'm the love of his life! ♪

But guys, if they run away to a tropical island, we still lose the garage.

Agh! After a series of nail-biting ups and downs,

our plan is ultimately just a down, down, downer!

But Ms. Vanthrax is going away, so half the plan worked - my half!

-[Tom] Good for you, Ginger. -[Ginger] Ugh.

I'm going to regret this!

-Oh! -Take that, Vanthrax!

Ginger! I don't know what you were thinking,

but you've just arrowed yourself into a week's detention.

Oh, no, a week's detention?

Well, I guess I deserve it for being rambunctious. Wait a minute!

♪ You can't give me detention ♪

♪ You're going to be on a tropical island! ♪


Oh. I'm sorry, handsome.

I can't leave this town when everything I love is here.

Specifically, I mean many children that need to be punished.

I understand. In that case...

I'm not selling.

-I can't leave this remarkable woman. -Woo-hoo!

-Yes! All right! -You did it, Ginger!

-You saved the garage! -Watch out!

You're about to get detention from a beautiful lady!


-And after that, dinner? -I'd like that.

And I hope you like third grade, cos you're never leaving it!

[Ginger screams]

Remember my sacrifice!

Wow. That was one brave kid.

[finishes with flourish]


For more infomation >> Talking Tom and Friends - Landlord in Love | Season 2 Episode 23 - Duration: 11:07.


Archimedean Dynasty Full Movie All Cutscenes - Duration: 29:25.

In the deep sea you're not on the ground just because you stopped sinking

Peacetime is hard times for mercy's like me I used to be grateful for every job

No matter how boring or senseless it was it's part of my routine to provide protection for supply boats and transports it

Was my job to guard a sulphur shipment heading from the Gulf of Bengal for the Argentine basin

Now sulfur isn't a particularly attractive prize for pirates or an artist's so I got to wondering why a

Protective convoy was necessary especially since they've been few pirate attacks recently

the captain of the transporter insisted on taking the slalom room for the melee archipelago

crossing the South Pacific so as to round Cape Horn

I thought maybe he wanted to give himself in the crew a little entertainment in the Pleasure Dome to the Mele archipelago a few ores

Some surface simulation who knows I had nothing against the idea we passed south of the domes and headed straight for the South Pacific Basin

They came at us from every direction a torpedo exploding close off my bow jolted me from my daydreams a

Small fleet of fighter boats under the flag of the show goon and circled us it probably wasn't monarchists just bandits from the tornado zone

as a greeting they sent us a flash shark, which penetrated the outer wall of the freighter and knocked out its electrical system a

Hungry swarm of bull sharks was after me

It's no fun in a fix like that if you've only got a dilapidated boat with one firing top

The automatic finder picked out the approaching torpedoes and sent them to the bottom one after the other

Well the only thing I could do was fire a few feeble thresher sharks against the agile boats

Then three things happened at once my location system failed an

Explosion astern set my boat rolling and a smart show goon bomber

Flashing painted deeds appeared hovering right in front of me

I might have known that she was behind it all my own personal nightmare from the depths of the tornado zone

I closed the valves on my suit crawled into the escape hatch and angrily jettisoned my lifeboat with a blast of compressed air


Not a second too soon

my crippled boat rolled over and sank into darkness as the grinning bombers draped my titanium capsule with a salvo of

arcade stuff

One glance at the freighter confirmed what I feared two enemy votes at dock Don the crew was being dealt with already

Before I passed out I thought of my failure and I wondered why the hell the anarchists needed sulfur so bad


came to freezing on a cold metal floor

And I didn't know which was sharper the features of the woman or the blade of the knife

She threatened me with she was a russo-japanese named homeroom

Which means red dragon a long time ago in a penal colony in the Sea of Okhotsk I slept with her

but at that moment feelings of nostalgia stayed deep she was the enemy always had been I

Defeated her once in a fight at the edge of the sandwich trench and spared her life

She's like me and our paths have crossed often, and she's always my enemy

We didn't talk much she said it would be child's play to slit my throat

but the world still needed me now that evil was reaching out of the depths I

Don't know what she meant by that, but it was the first time I ever heard fear in her voice

The Ronin didn't kill me she did the same as I have done at the sandwich trench

She gave me a tank full of breathing gas and expelled me from a lock into the ocean

The breathing gas had almost run out when an Atlantic or freighter picked me up?

They brought me to the Argentine basin quite unpleasant meeting with my employer was waiting for me

That's where this whole damn business started

The ship that this junk dealer foisted off on me didn't offer a lot of comfort

He wasn't particularly agile, but it was lightly armed and to my surprise. It was watertight

I wasn't in a position to make many demands because I just screwed up a pretty good job

I picked up Perry LaSalle who was seething with rage and on his way to see my employer El Topo

El Topo the mole so named because he hides his eyes from the light

Except when it comes from the surveillance monitors in his dismal mountain fortress the mole is a powerful force behind the scenes

And he has access to the most important power centers in acqua. I was sure that here I'd find out

What was really on board that freighter?


Trucks has a worldwide monopoly on JumpShip manufacturing and technology up to now

Nobody's been able to explain to me

How they managed to accelerate their jump ships ships as long as 500 meters to an underwater speed of 500 miles per hour

Among other things the ships have a so-called dipole drive an endless chain of series connected

Electromagnets that charged the water molecules alternately positive and negative setting them in rotation an extensive system of vanes

Offers the attack surface needed to convert the energy of rotation

Into sheer energy if it weren't for the ships and the network of jump points covering aqua the world wouldn't go round

Anywhere near as fast?

No wonder

El Topo was trying to break and trucks as monopolies fast transport as well as the production of breathing gas and energy

Are almost entirely in its hands if in trucks his boss ever got a notion to close up shop chaos would rule over aqua

On the eastern edge of the tornado zone off the coast of South America the busier narcos have closed off a rock cave in the

Continental slope and filled it with heliox breathing gas

Atacama city is called the dream of every inhabitant of aqua who yearns to feel solid ground underfoot once in their life

In this chaotic labyrinth of rocks pipes and tunnels I expect to track down

Likely in a bar serving cold girls and warm beer

We're on our way to one of the most exciting places in the tornado zone the station's off Galapagos

Apart from their inventive minds and their unscrupulousness the inhabitants of the tornado zone have two principal sources of income

harvesting mineral rich manganese nodules and producing synthetic protein around the sulfur rich volcanic vents off Galapagos

Which reach 350 degrees Celsius?

Giant tubeworms and mussels contain bacteria that can process sulfur and produce carbohydrates out of carbon dioxide and water

The bacteria in turn form nourishment for the muscles worms and crabs which are the most cheaply produced animal proteins

Protein is highly valued and much in demand in aqua

The director of this part of the tornado zone ivan king is a tough customer he wants higher prices for protein

That's why he's holding a fully laden freighter from bento is unlimited. He along with the crew. It's my job to change his mind


capital of the Atlantic Federation home of freedom democracy and

unfettered money-making on the eve of the six hundredth anniversary of the ocean settlement its cleaving would

Spit-and-polish like the inviting entrance of a whore tank for me

It's too clean to save you always know what the next day will bring and the citizens are so content. They've completely forgotten

They're locked up a thousand meters

Deep in a gas filled terrarium for me

Freedom means more than just the right to inhale all the lavender scented alien ox I want

Behind the giant lux in the Strait of Gibraltar Heights the greatest collection of human trash in all aqua

under command of the notorious captain sorrow they are an army of outcasts

Criminals and terrorists hunted all over the world. They meet here to plan raids piracy and terrorism

To kill a monster of this size best thing to do is knock off its head

I'll bet anything sorrows band of marauders and cutthroats will scatter over the seven seas if they lose their leader

But it's not just a matter of taking captain sorrow prisoner the entire fortress needs to be knocked out

in one stroke

That's about it aqua has been liberated from one more legend the cutthroat captain's sorrow

Floating bombay

the people of the Klan's Union from the Arabian Indian sphere

Primarily care about beautifying their existence their masters of rare arts like underwater painting

And they have a thorough understanding of how to raise swarms of shining bioluminescent fungal spores

But it's not just the culture of beauty they've mastered

But also the culture of communication and when it comes to the clans union and communication that means trade

Here you find everything from secret dipole drives for fighter drones to the latest weapons and weapons guidance systems

The bazaars of the floating city are bursting with technical achievements from the remotest corners of aqua

They say that in floating bombay you can buy a smuggled weapon before it's even invented

I've never heard it denied

The channels Andy papers are all talking about one thing the cataclysmic undersea quakes near the mcquarrie Ridge in the southern Indian Ocean

The first reports tell us thousands of dead

The JumpStart was completely destroyed making immediate assistance impossible

The strange thing is this they've got a sophisticated warning system

But it wasn't able to predict the catastrophe and there weren't any aftershocks

Many of the tabloid broadcasts are reporting that strange objects

Which could only have come from the surface of the earth?

Destroyed the entire station with the effect of a massive bomb I don't believe it the surface is dead

Nothing living will ever come down to us, and we are never going up there again

The star of Bengali I did its best

after the incident with a strange Cruiser every minute counted for getting aid to the victims of the horrific undersea quake

But what had happened?

Nobody in the star of bengali. A-- had ever seen such a ship

When it was directly over us we didn't hear anything except a powerful vibration

All of our electronic gear shorted out as if we'd sailed into a powerful magnetic storm

Home lumen spoken of evil from the depths

it became clear to me that she must have meant what we had here because it was like nothing I'd ever seen and

Whatever it was it sure hadn't come to preach the gospel of peace

You could look on the machina antarctica as a sort of outpost to the tornado zone

Except that here it isn't lively anarchy that dominates, but rather that dull

Problem-solving atmosphere common to all peak headed technocrats who never look over the edge of their test tubes

ever since Boris Santiago's mercenaries abducted the ingenious

Scientists frits Rasmussen in put him to work in the manganese natural fields of the South Pacific the atmosphere here is dreary

er and more uncertain than before the chief scientist Victor of Arnhem a melancholy man who puts his faith in technology


Familiar to me only from a few noteworthy

Interviews in which he gravely predicted the end of gasps breathing humans and the rise of liquid breathing Fishman

I've heard from El Topo that that crazy bond helm has already created a prototype of the liquid breathing artificial human

He calls his mobile aquatic us

No matter what a civilized man thinks of the amphibian consensus of favor

He's got a vision his idea of slotting me and his manager of the famous sex charged glows E on board

Santiago's big fat mama was carefully thought out and put through

The crew of the floating fortress needs some diversion, so it seems I'm guaranteed to be received with open arms

Once I'm aboard the mega freighter. I shouldn't find it hard to enter into Santiago's service

That'll let me keep an eye out in peace and quiet for Fritz

Responsible who's being held captive and if need be I can put Boris Santiago and his whole pompous floating imperial court out of action

In the area of the cape verde rise all hell is broken loose in

Armada of mutinous mock soldiers is threatening the de Gush Etzion there that by itself would be enough reason to get angry

But general cocks is afraid that the rumor is true and a fleet of the Shogun's warships is headed there as well if so

They'll be entering the territory of the Atlantic Federation for the first time in ages which would amount to an open declaration of war

The diggers are the pariahs of the world's oceans?

Their job consists of digging up the palm layer that sickening mass of dead organic particles that covers the surface of the ocean

most importantly

exploitation of these particles produces the much-needed nitrogen which fertilizes the farming facilities

The diggers work so close to the surface that they're exposed to high doses of radioactive radiation which is in turn?

responsible for their frequent appearance of mutations in their ranks

All over aqua people disparage the diggers the mutants and treat them as lepers

The adherents of the muck cult want to wipe the diggers out to the last man in their warped view the poem layer represents the

Personification of the god monk and every digger harvest is a wound to his divine body

The show Gulen government is also in a state of permanent war with the diggers from the regard is serious competitors in nitrogen production

Attacks on big RC Onan by the show whose books for by bands of monks are a daily occurrence in aqua

The leader of the cape verde diggers is theodore brown a revered telepathically endowed mutant they call the great magician Merlin

At the moment at any rate his magical powers are failing in the face of impending military annihilation and a more effective protection

seems to be called for

The top command of the Atlantic Federation is sounded a war alarm and on the monitors of the bridge we

continually receive horrific reports from the Red Sea

The situation has become more desperate

The attack of the monarchist troops on the dig estación of the cape verde rise seems to have been a diversion

The main target of the show who the government appears to be the Red Sea which is under the territorial regime of the clans Union

their unbelievable natural resources their

Petroleum diamonds gold platinum and the titanium that's critical for the construction of boats and stations

The first attack wave of the army of the Shogun government is over

under the command of General Sui Akira the monarchists are carrying out a brutal massacre of the protection force of the Atlantic Federation

The monarchists can make life hell for you every mistake is failing the fighter pilots face a considerable challenge

maneuvering in the shallow waters of the Strait and the threat from radioactive surface contamination only makes it that much worse

As if it weren't bad enough that we have to deal with the powerful Armada from the showroom government now

We're in the line of fire of some of the buy ons cruisers

We're under way to the Mariana Trench the deepest Valley in the world summoned by a by aunt alarm

the monarchists operate their geothermal power station in the trench

converting magmatic energy from the Earth's interior

into electricity

The geology of the Earth's crust is particularly unstable there an Admiral voice jia ping

Suspects the bayan sir trying to exploit this fact to set off an undersea quake

News has come through that the raging battles in the Red Sea have cooled down an undersea quake of catastrophic

magnitude destroyed the stations and habitations of the clans Union in the Arabian Sea

No survivors. I've seen it before

the right displacement of the Earth's crust and a powerful tsunami

Arises stirring up the sea sucking the polluted surface layers into the depths no one can survive

It's becoming clear that these undersea quakes are not just whims of nature

The Ronin comb roof called the by Anse evil from the death the monks doctored the growling from the depths

I'd bet my last credits that they're right the undersea quakes are being intentionally unleashed

The devil only knows what machines the by Anse have that can mobilize the very crust of the earth against the people of aqua


Don't like jobs that take me into sherwin territory years ago

I supposedly insulted his majesty and after a rigged trial. I was sent to a penal colony in the Sea of Okhotsk

Thanks to the Ronin who loom I was able to escape

Nobody has ever seen the show going after lung in person

But that simply makes him the most powerful phantom on earth

His feared loved and honored by his subjects though some are said to be dissidents

It seems to me as if everybody here is in lockstep for the strong ones there are only two courses

Climb as high as they can in the officers Corps or run

The BionX were clever not even our smallest robotic rescue unit can dive that deep a

Slightly build man might just be able to squeeze inside, but nobody could breathe down here at a pressure of 1,200 atmospheres

Um to design and build a machine that could take over rescue operations in this abyss

I've got an idea

El Topo has organized the transportation of troops from the Atlantic by jump ship

Floating Bombay was the locus

all available

fighting units of the Atlantic Federation of the showroom government and of the clans Union are on their way to pay their respects to

Serbians bridgehead off the coast of Australia

The scientists suspected the central guidance unit of the Serbian is in the center of a tube

protected by several concentric rearranged rings made of an unknown titanium ceramic alloy

It doesn't look like it'll do any good to destroy the individual protective walls with heavy fire from the plasma cannon the center

The innermost heart is almost certainly secured by separate mechanisms and could probably would stand the blast from an h-bomb

However if we can set off the seismo bomb in the immediate vicinity of the center

There's a chance we can annihilate the Serbian bridgehead

Of course the buy-ins have been expecting us they've formed around their center in several defensive rings our

Ponderous battleships won't have an easy time against the mobility of their units the plan is clear

our side must breach the baiance defensive rings with smaller fighting ships and try to briefly disable their biomass and

Electronics with a massive blast of the EMS weapon if we throw everything we have at them in a blistering assault our

Battleships can press forward and engage the heavy beyond cruisers

They've all come

the mole under captain callosum

oh the shinto one with Admiral Voyager ping on board the star of been gaya under the command of galakrond rule and

the polar with captain Lopez and Admiral pika

That's the way I'll always remember the brave Ronin

Grinning into the heart of Hell

Carrying with her the most powerful bomb of all time




anarchist the

Red dragon brought the steel heart of the monster to the melting point

The moment she was gone in the shockwaves of the raging plasma I mister

The mighty shockwaves of the exploding bridgehead said our heaviest battleships rocking like helpless jellyfish

Water began to boil from the energy that was released water that for fractions of a second took on the consistency of salty gel

It hissed and bubbled

Precipitating its mineral components to the bottom of the sea

The gases that have been set free rose and mighty glistening orbs towards the surface

The surface that we certainly would never see the wild unknown surface

corroded by poison mid radiation an unattainable paradise of hellish dangers

for some the epitome of archaic horror for others a

lighted beacon in an endless quest or lost origin

I gave general cocks that tired salute and signed off

The Triton sailed with the other ships to home waters while I spent a moment in the darkness

Listening to the faint echoes of the last battle one

We had destroyed the Serbian at least that part lying beneath the surface of the sea

our scientists suspect a significant portion of the bridgehead lies on the continent of Australia itself

Perhaps we've met our own future in the by anse

Perhaps we and they would have learned if there had been any readiness to do so

But when was learning ever long in the mind of any species

For more infomation >> Archimedean Dynasty Full Movie All Cutscenes - Duration: 29:25.


Tragicomedia - Estopa - Cover by Matias Neiff (EN SUBS) - Duration: 3:25.


I who live on the moon want to give you

My grain of sand

you live in a lagoon

of the night imprisoned

of inopportune laughter

cries worth

jails of bitterness

words that are chains

because you do not serve your sentence of nights in sailing

I am your train

if you are not my novel

I am your tragicomedy

you climb me like foam

I go down your hip

if you get on the moon

You will see a full moon

that your eyes looked at me

and the moon fell from the sky

that your words spoke to me

although lately I do not understand you

but I get so bad

every time I get your hair pink

almost like a weirdo

a new species of insect

that no no no no

that's why he thinks

that I am a dream

dream that i think

send me a kiss

call me one of these days

I'm in the subway without coverage

and at the stop of your waist

and thank me is sad figure

tell me a story give me madness

because if not then I invent it

and if I have to die

let me die in spring

to be able to take root

and always live by your side

and if you have to leave

take me in a suitcase

I promise not to weigh you

you try not to lose it

that your eyes looked at me

and the moon fell from the sky

that your words spoke to me

although lately I do not understand you

but I get so bad

every time I get your hair pink

almost like a weirdo

a new species of insect

that no no no no

that's why he thinks

that I am a dream dream that i think

send me a kiss call me one of these days

I'm in the subway without coverage

and at the stop of your waist

and thank me this sad figure

tell me a story give me madness

because if not then I invent it

For more infomation >> Tragicomedia - Estopa - Cover by Matias Neiff (EN SUBS) - Duration: 3:25.


El drama del colaborador de Sálvame que ha acabado convertido en juguete roto - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> El drama del colaborador de Sálvame que ha acabado convertido en juguete roto - Duration: 3:51.


Bacon potatoes - #CocinaConFlandy - Duration: 3:10.

Hello everybody! I am Andy and today i'm going to teach you how to make

bacon potatoes :)

The first thing we have to do is wash well our potatoes

And we are going to put them in a sauce pan

for cooking them afterwards.

We add water, to cover them

And then put them on the stove

Add some salt

And let them cook for 20 minutes after the water starts to boil

In the meantime, we are going to

use some smoked bacon

After reading the ingredients, it only has pork meat

and it has nothing from egg or egglike.

So I can eat it. It only may have soy traces

So the soy allergic is better to avoid them (unless your soy allergy is not that bad)

Then we take the bacon from the bag

and we cut it in strips

We are going to put a pan on the fire

And we are going to add the bacon

or the panceta without any oil

because it has fat, and that is enought to fry it

And the bacon is ready when it is crunchy

To see if the potatoes are ready, there is a very quick way

That is to put inside a knife

And if this knife enters and gets out easilly

they are ready

Now only remains to wash them in cold water

and remove the skin, and cut them in the shape you want

It can be in cubes, or in another shape

as you like them to be

In a sauce pan we are going to put some oil

To saltee our potatoes

so it can get this nice brown color on the sides

And then we add the bacon

We let them cook for maybe 10 minutes, and they are ready

I wish that you like this video and have a great day :D!

For more infomation >> Bacon potatoes - #CocinaConFlandy - Duration: 3:10.


Lucas Lucco & Pabllo Vittar - Paraíso Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Lucas Lucco & Pabllo Vittar - Paraíso Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 5:44.


Skin Care Routine - Skin Care Routine Tips - Duration: 10:35.

Skin Care Routine - Skin Care Routine Tips

For more infomation >> Skin Care Routine - Skin Care Routine Tips - Duration: 10:35.


Mazda CX-5 VS Volkswagen Tiguan – Tug of War - Duration: 1:51.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself. To have or not to have.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 VS Volkswagen Tiguan – Tug of War - Duration: 1:51.


Gorro a ganchillo/crochet con pompón muy fácil - Duration: 13:11.

For more infomation >> Gorro a ganchillo/crochet con pompón muy fácil - Duration: 13:11.


Semana 21 de embarazo | Sexto mes | Embarazo semana a semana - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Semana 21 de embarazo | Sexto mes | Embarazo semana a semana - Duration: 1:29.


Losantos salta con Ana Rosa Quintana en Telecinco: "No me faltes al respeto" - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Losantos salta con Ana Rosa Quintana en Telecinco: "No me faltes al respeto" - Duration: 3:37.


Guía Impact! Madara Rank S Cost u28 No Pearls! || Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing - Duration: 13:42.

Hello and welcome to Pleitos, Pleitos Summon. I'm Haser and we are going to try to do the cost u28 objective on S Rank

This is the team i'm going to use

Hardest thing of this mission is the 3rd stage. Final Boss deals a lot of damage, puts himself a barrier and boosts his own attack

I was thinking about using 5* Kiba because you destroy barriers with his dupe but i couldnt because i really need 2 healers here

*Emulator crashed*

Okay we are here again, emu crashed. We are going to deal all dmg we can

You can let zetsu alive (safer) or just let madara or obito alive. You can stall in every mob of this stage

Here i put myself in a struggle. Just use Naruto's SM jutsu to one of the mini bosses and finish him off with the other ninjas. Then stall. Or let zetsu alive, but you gotta survive until your Naruto SM has Ultimate so you can kill both madara and obito with his ulti

Stall finishes at 05:37

Here i'm going to ult him with Naruto SM and finish him with the others. We will stall on boss map so we have Naruto's ult ASSAP.

I do another fail here: space out the units, please

The idea is to go to third map with first row Kabuto front line instead of Lee, because Madara will ult first line as soon as you enter to 3rd map

We are going to heal and stall until Naruto's ult is up

Tank with Kuro as she has %dmg reduction

Use as many ults as you can when Madara's barrier is down

Slip damage is key so try to slip him as soon as possible so we deal more damage

Don't let Naruto SM or Lee near Madara because you will be destroyed (you will see it later...)

Barrier is down so i jutsu him

Another BIG FAIL: No need to use Naruto's ult yet. As he can ignore barrier you can wait another turn so you don't put your Naruto in front of his ulti because you could die as you can see now

We have no healing so we gotta go with everything and ult with lee


So this is it, thanks for watching and hope you enjoyed!

For more infomation >> Guía Impact! Madara Rank S Cost u28 No Pearls! || Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing - Duration: 13:42.


El servicio de inteligencia de Bélgica saca fotografías a quienes se reúnen con Puigdemont - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> El servicio de inteligencia de Bélgica saca fotografías a quienes se reúnen con Puigdemont - Duration: 5:37.


El mensaje de Puigdemont en danés - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> El mensaje de Puigdemont en danés - Duration: 1:11.


Cómo crear códigos de barras con caracteres de control como TAB o ENTER - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Cómo crear códigos de barras con caracteres de control como TAB o ENTER - Duration: 2:07.


González Pons se aparta de los candidatos del PP a Valencia - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> González Pons se aparta de los candidatos del PP a Valencia - Duration: 4:52.


La paciencia, una clave para el éxito - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> La paciencia, una clave para el éxito - Duration: 2:03.


Relaxing Instrumental Study ...

For more infomation >> Relaxing Instrumental Study ...



So we've decided to leave the fabulously astonishingly beautiful area

around Pedjaul, and we've chosen a day where it's pretty windy-ish...

Very wet.

Typical tropical weather. You know, one perfect day and in the next it's at all

grey and like this. Anyway we've got wind on the nose, there's 15 knots of it, and it's

only about a 12-15 mile passage. But the end bits gonna be very interesting...

We've got shoals, we've got reefs either side, and we're gonna have to weave our way

through using some waypoints before we can set anchor... At waterfall Bay.

So we'll keep you posted

So we're here, but where's the waterfall? Aha. The reason the waterfall isn't here is

because we didn't go to Waterfall Bay in the end! As you may have seen earlier,

it's a pretty crappy day, overcast, rain, quite a bit of wind, waves all that stuff

that you get when you're in a boat. So as we were going along we kept seeing some

rather interesting bits of land and islands with little nooks and crannies.

So we had another look at the charts, and we chose to come here instead.

It's a village, it's obviously a fishing village because there are fish traps and fish

farms all along here. Doesn't have a name, we're not quite sure where it is. We're

go and investigate tomorrow, but at the moment... it's lovely here, it's really

very, very pretty. Surrounded by mountains, high mountains, loads of jungle and

pretty houses.

We've had two atrocious days of weather. Very heavy rain, thick dark clouds...

so it's not been great for videoing, photography, or even jumping in the

dinghy exploring. But today we've had a break, and it's a little bit overcast

still but we've got blue patches. And we've just hopped in the dinghy

and we're going to go ashore to this little village here which we're anchored

up by. It's a kind of v-shaped bay, with coral reefs all around it. And along one

side of the reefs are these fishing, stilted...

I suppose they're fish traps really, fish farms maybe, with little sheds on top

of some of them. And it is set in among the... - I forgot the name, I found the

name yesterday because it was in one of the charts we were using - but this has

a name, this bay, it's a strait. Very sort of fjord-like. And this village,

certainly from the boat, looks quite pretty. So we thought we'd go ashore and

have a look.

It's very shallow around here. The village is almost divided in two halves, a couple of

houses up to the north, and then a few more down to the south of the mosque.

But then in the middle they've got this huge, great big area, which is extremely

shallow. So shallow in fact that we had to park the dinghy up in the water, tied to

a little mangrove growth there. And so we're just going to go for a wander

behind me. And there is a road, there is actually a road, even though a lot of these

islands are very independent, they do seem to be linked somewhat by tracks and


One thing I think quite a few of you may ask of these villages,

seemingly stuck in the middle of nowhere, is where they get their water from?

Well, in this village as we walk past the little clearing heading up into the

hills, we can see on the floor a number of plastic pipes, and they meet the main

pathway where I'm standing now. And they shoot off in that direction, that

direction, and a few more to feed the houses in front of us. So there's

obviously some kind of natural spring up in the hill, which they're feeding from.

Well this is a first, we've never seen this before...

I don't think in the Anambas yet. We see these, we call them "longtails" - of course

that's the Thai name for the fishing boats here - But they're all wood,

and hand-made. This is the first time that we've actually seen them being made.

We've got two guys behind me here, who are just currently... they're

actually caulking and putting in the waterproofing between each wooden

slat. They're using some kind of gum resin... don't know what is, no idea.

They're literally using their hands to bead the caulking into each slat.

You can see behind me on this side, the pile of hardwood that they're using.

It's a red hardwood. Not sure what it is, probably indigenous to the islands.

But it's beautiful, it really is a beautiful work of art.

So you can see already, Liz has managed to pick up three children, one of whom is

our guide, "Wayne Rooney" I think his name is. And he's very sweetly given Liz an

hibiscus, a very big pink hibiscus, as a welcoming present.

Unusually for these islands, we're actually over a hill.

You can see Esper in the distance over there

And I say unusually because most of these islands, most of these villages,

are like this. All the buildings are on sea level. They seem to have some

kind of walkway along here which isn't finished. Either that or it is some kind

of breakwater.

But instead, we have ascended a short hill you can hear...

how unfit I am by me being out of breath. And we've climbed up the hill to get a

lovely perspective of our anchorage.

The boys seem to be taking us somewhere in

particular, we've no idea where.

So Wayne Rooney here, has been showing me the

mango trees, which I think they planted, because they seem very, very proud of

them, in amongst all the coconuts.

School? Sekolah? Yeah!...OK.

Yeah, that's what they say: "Pom-pom"... Which is the name of course of these boats I

forgot the name of them. Of course! They're called this because they make a noise,

the single-cylinder (I think they're single-cylinder engines)

When you hear them motor past, going pom-pom-pom-om-pom...

Hence the name!

We were just saying it smells nice!

Fresh-cut wood. Love it. Love it.

And a slight hint of epoxy or something...probably not epoxy... I don't know what it is...

So it's called pom-pom!

These kids are great! We're just following them around, and

they're taking us to all the sights. We've just seen a pom-pom, as we know

what they're called now, they're "longtail boats" on one side. And we're now going to

go to the school, which even without Google Translate we worked out that

sekolah (or a esekolah) I'll check it later, is very clearly "school". So this I know

is new because I've checked Google Earth on satellite images and on satellite

images: this is just a great big space. So they've raised the trees here to

make way for the school, so I think this is relatively new. And they're obviously

very proud of it ,because they've been racing around this pathway to get us

here, so we can find... go and have a look at their new school!

What is this, Wayne Rooney? What is this? Strawberry?


I was told this is "books-books". We've got a little case here,

with some books and magazines and pamphlets and things over here.

And another one over there in the corner. Other than that, it's completely

just plain white floor. It all looks quite new. So I think this is great.

They're obviously investing quite a bit of money in education here, which is marvellous.

And you said in the other building they had a big atlas. Yeah, in the other

building here, which is also quite new compared to there, was a big, big picture

taking up the whole of one wall of the world! And then on the other,

opposite corner, there was one just of Asia, almost the same size.

This is old, it's falling apart, there's holes in the roof.

Generator, by the looks of things.

We found the football pitch, which is behind me. It's a little bit overgrown,

though. It's probably a bit too hot to play football, so why not dry your

hide out, instead?

As we've been walking through the village with our entourage,

I've been trying the few words that I know in Bahasa, but mainly using my phone,

to find out if they had fish? No. If they had anything else? No. If there was

a shop? No. And if we could get a coffee? No. Anyway... this is the shop.

And apparently, they're gonna do us a coffee, which is brilliant.

Inside the shop!

This is the grocery store, which sell basics. And Sen and Ha, who are sitting over here,

Sen is by the window, and he is a teacher at the nursery school and the

primary school that we went to visit. And this is Ha, and Ha is the proprietor of

the shop. He is very kindly, rather than just selling us the sachet of coffee

and a tea, he's actually made us tea and coffee because we were a little bit

dehydrated. And, of course, we have the usual entourage of the boys as well, who

are watching our every move. So we say "terima kasih!" Thank you very much, thank you.

Did you get that? Yeah. His name is Bajar not Wayne Rooney, no not Wayne Rooney.

You have Rooney on your back, on here Rooney. Yes. [Laughter]

There's a cengkeh tree, here. Can you explain what that is?

What a cengkeh tree?

Yeah. A cengkeh tree is a clove tree. And there are a few of them around here, and some of

the guys farm them and they're very, very intense because you

have to pick tiny tiny buds, and then you have to wait six months for them to dry

them into the things that we see as cloves in the supermarket. That's a tree there!

So we're making our way back now. It's been a very interesting afternoon, walking around

with the boys, getting a little guided tour, and meeting some of the local

people, and stopping off for a coffee as well. And in fact Sen, who was the teacher,

explained to us that we're the first boat that they have seen in the village!

So that's quite exciting! And quite possibly the first time that these boys

have ever seen a drone, and some big, fat English tourist walking along talking

to himself in front of the camera.

So, that's the end of this week's episode, which was set in the rather beautiful

little village of... Air Putih, it's called, which is "white water" in Indonesian.

Now we've been waxing lyrical about the last few places we've visited, haven't we?

But I know that Liz just wanted to add a little something at the end of this

video. Yes, I did, I just wanted to say that those children completely stole my

heart. And in fact the whole village did. They were so welcoming, and so fresh and

innocent, and just delightful. Sen, the school teacher, is Bajar's

father, and he told us quite a lot of stories which we weren't able to cover.

Anyway, the children... they don't have any phones, not any any kind of electronic

gadgets to play with, they spend all their time outside running around among the

trees, helping parents, helping the workers there. And they were

just full of joy. And full of knowledge as well. They really knew their

stuff when it came to plants, machinery, the environment in

which they live. They were so switched on. They educated us, they really did.

They taught me the names of the trees and the fruits in their language,

and they got me to identify trees, they'd point at them and say, "what's that?" So by

the end of the day I felt quite knowledgeable! Hmm, and tearful. Yes I did.

I did have a little tear when I got back to the boat, because I had enjoyed that

day more than any other, I have to say. Yeah, quite special. Well, anyway, that's

the end of the episode. Don't forget if you enjoy watching our channel then

please hit that like button, and also if you enjoyed this episode then please do

share it because it really helps us if you can share it across your own social

media. So we appreciate that, thank you very much! Now, this week this week we are

going to be putting that big question to our Patrons, which is... where are we going

to go sailing next season? By the time this goes live we will

have asked them. So if you want to get involved in that, then please do check

out our Patreon page, and be one of the couple of hundred or so that will be

voting on where we go next. It's a big decision. In the meantime,

Peace and fair winds!

For more infomation >> FIRST SAILBOAT EVER TO COME HERE! - SAILING FOLLOWTHEBOAT Ep 95 - Duration: 21:34.


Mazda CX-5 VS Volkswagen Tiguan – Tug of War - Duration: 1:51.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself. To have or not to have.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 VS Volkswagen Tiguan – Tug of War - Duration: 1:51.


Kelyache Kaap Recipe In Marathi | केळ्याचे काप | Spicy And Crispy Raw Banana Fry | Sonali - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Kelyache Kaap Recipe In Marathi | केळ्याचे काप | Spicy And Crispy Raw Banana Fry | Sonali - Duration: 3:11.


Quỹ Trung Mỹ Nhân Tập 11 Nosub - Duration: 46:00.

For more infomation >> Quỹ Trung Mỹ Nhân Tập 11 Nosub - Duration: 46:00.


Quỹ Trung Mỹ Nhân Tập 9 Nosub - Duration: 45:22.

For more infomation >> Quỹ Trung Mỹ Nhân Tập 9 Nosub - Duration: 45:22.




For more infomation >> DOUBLE CHIN | HOW TO GET RID OF DOUBLE CHIN | BEAUTY TIPS | Beauty Expert - Duration: 3:14.


Seat Altea 1.2 TSI 105pk Copa Business - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Seat Altea 1.2 TSI 105pk Copa Business - Duration: 1:01.


Seat Ibiza 1.2 TSI 105pk 5drs Ecomotive Style - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.2 TSI 105pk 5drs Ecomotive Style - Duration: 0:55.


Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 110KW Design Pro L, Spring Advance - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 110KW Design Pro L, Spring Advance - Duration: 0:58.


Shayari Status | Best Cute & Lovely Love Status| Shayari Status in Hindi - Duration: 0:29.

Whatsapp Status Shayari

For more infomation >> Shayari Status | Best Cute & Lovely Love Status| Shayari Status in Hindi - Duration: 0:29.


Kia Rio 1.2 5 drs. BusinessLine in nette staat met 7Jr. Garantie!! - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.2 5 drs. BusinessLine in nette staat met 7Jr. Garantie!! - Duration: 0:44.


Opel Grandland X Business Executive 1.6 CDTi 120pk - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Grandland X Business Executive 1.6 CDTi 120pk - Duration: 1:00.


Wieso geben Parteien unhaltbare Versprechen ab, Prof. Dr. Thomas Apolte? - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Wieso geben Parteien unhaltbare Versprechen ab, Prof. Dr. Thomas Apolte? - Duration: 6:07.


Dla taty 2 - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Dla taty 2 - Duration: 1:53.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


WHAT PERSONALITY TYPE AM I? | Myers Briggs 16 Personality Test (sott ita) - Duration: 12:45.

For more infomation >> WHAT PERSONALITY TYPE AM I? | Myers Briggs 16 Personality Test (sott ita) - Duration: 12:45.


How to Install Raspbian Headless and Wireless? Yes, I Know IT ! Ep 19 - Duration: 11:57.

I've bought a Raspberry Pi 3.

If you're not familiar with that type of device, this is a small computer designed around few

chips soldered on a single circuit board.

I plan to install the Raspbian Operating system on that board.

And there are already millions of videos showing how to do it.

But ... I have a particular issue: as you may see, besides the board, ... a micro-SD

memory card ... and a power supply.

... I only have a laptop.

No external monitor.

No HDMI cable.

No USB Keyboard.

And not even an Ethernet plug on my computer.

So here is my challenge: installing Raspian headless and wireless...

Our journey will start on the official Raspberry Pi website where we can download an image

of Raspbian to install.

You have the choice between two images.

Here I will use the MINIMAL image since I don't NEED the overhead of running a graphical

layer ... on a headless system.

From here, I could just click on the download button to get the compressed image.

And if you want, you can do it.

But as of myself, I will follow a slightly more complex process

because I want to ENSURE the authenticity of the downloaded image, before installing

it on my Raspberry Pi.

Since the Raspberry Pi foundation uses redirections here, I must first locate the real URL of

the image:

Ok, here it is.

Now let's download the image ... AND ... its signature:

At this point, we have two files:

the compressed image file and

the corresponding digital signature file.

But, is this sufficient to test the file authenticity?


because, GPG needs to compare the signature with the KEY of the signing


Therefore, we must import that key before going further:



Before that, you should check that you see on your terminal EXACTLY the same number as


because ANYBODY could have sign that file

And since you should NEVER blindly trust what you find on the Internet, I STRONGLY encourage

you to check, using another source, if that fingerprint is REALLY the one corresponding

to the Raspberry Pi Foundation downloads signing key.

Once you are confident enough, you may finally add the corresponding key to your keychain:

and NOW, you can verify the image authenticity BASED on that key.

If you see the message "GOOD SIGNATURE", great, that means the file is the genuine one.

By the way, pay special attention to that warning.

It is just a reminder that you cannot TRUST that image more than the source that gave

you the signing key fingerprint.

This is the root of the concept of CHAIN OF TRUST.

You trust the image because you've trusted the signature.

And you've trusted the signature because you've trusted the signing key.

And you've trusted the signing key because you've trusted the key fingerprint.

And you've trusted the key fingerprint because... you've trusted me.

Now I'm pretty sure I have the genuine Raspbian image on my computer.

In a moment we will copy that image onto the memory card.

But for that, we need to know which device name is assigned by the kernel to the memory


On my system, the memory card is known as ... .


As you can see, my memory card contains just one partition.

It is pretty typical for a brand new card.

Before going further, it's safer to ensure NO partition is mounted because we will overwrite

the whole card content:

Ok, we are now ready to copy the image onto the card, so let's do it:

Finally, since in the process we have overwritten the partition table of the device, it doesn't

hurt to ask to the kernel to reload it:

If you have a keyboard and an external monitor to connect to your Raspberry Pi, you've done

all that is needed, and you are ready to boot the board from the memory card.

But it is not my case.

Since I'm setting up a headless system, I have to find another way to access the board.

SSH is the solution.

But for security reasons, SSH access it is not enabled by default on Raspbian.

But this can be changed just by adding a sentinel file on the memory card.

So, let's mount the Raspbian boot partition on my computer to do that:

Here you can see all the files on the boot partition of the Raspbian Image.

And creating the sentinel file to run SSH on startup is trivial:

Remember: I install a headless AND wireless system.

So, not only I want to access the system through SSH, but I also want the Raspberry Pi to connect

to my wireless network at startup.

For that, we will create a wireless configuration file onto the boot partition:

The first half of the file is pretty standard:

Then we will add the credentials for the RaspberryPi to connect to the WiFi access point:

And ... that's all for the WiFi settings.

We have now completed our specific configuration.

Let's unmount the card...

...remove it from the card reader...

... and plug it into the raspberry pi.

But at this point, we still have a ... little problem.

To access the Raspberry Pi through SSH, we will need its IP address.

But how to know that since we are running a headless system?

A brute force solution would try all possible addresses on the network until you find the

one used by your Raspberry Pi.

But I wanted to show you a more subtle solution

For that, you will need the `tcpdump` utility.

That tool is used to capture all traffic that can be seen on your computer network interfaces.

Here, we will specifically look for the traffic related to the DHCP and ARP protocols.

DHCP is the protocol used by a device to obtain an IP address on your network.

And ARP is used to inform the different hosts of the network of the owner of a given IP


In addition, to reduce the noise, I will add an extra filter to consider only broadcast


Let's now boot the Raspberry Pi and see what appends.

And ... after few seconds ... bingo!

I can see a device, ... presumably my Raspberry Pi,... looking for a DHCP server.

Then, I see the DHCP server using the ARP protocol to check if a given IP address is


And I see now the device signaling it has accepted that offer.

And in its turn checking if the address was REALLY available,

and finally, the device is advertising itself as the new OWNER of that IP address.

I'm pretty confident this device IS my Raspberry PI.

But there is a slight chance all this traffic could be originated from ANOTHER new device

on the network.

So, let's check that to be sure:

OK, I'm now connected to my Raspberry Pi.

And if I try the `ip addr show` command, ... I will retrieve most of the information we've

collected from the network.

And we've almost done for this video.

But before leaving you, I cannot insist enough you MUST change the default password of your


Let's disconnect now from the board... ...and reconnect using the new password.

Ok, it works.

Now it's your turn to play.

You may, for example, turn that board into an HTTP server, or an IoT device or anything


The limit is your imagination, so don't hesitate to share your ideas in the comment section


As of myself, I still have some work to do: if you remember, I said I bought a Raspberry


Well, in fact, I bought several of them to build a computing cluster.

But that will be another story.

So, subscribe to my channel if you don't want to miss that!

For more infomation >> How to Install Raspbian Headless and Wireless? Yes, I Know IT ! Ep 19 - Duration: 11:57.


VERDENS DYBESTE STED - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> VERDENS DYBESTE STED - Duration: 4:33.


Ny udstiller i HUSET Middelfart: Sonne Huse - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Ny udstiller i HUSET Middelfart: Sonne Huse - Duration: 0:36.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 1:01.


Hitler i Ekumenizm - Parodia (napisy PL) - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> Hitler i Ekumenizm - Parodia (napisy PL) - Duration: 10:00.


Wybory i udogodnienia po brytyjsku - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Wybory i udogodnienia po brytyjsku - Duration: 1:52.


Askedrengen - hovedtrailer - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Askedrengen - hovedtrailer - Duration: 1:57.


How to Sculpt a Matte Acrylic Extension without Top Coating - Duration: 16:56.

For more infomation >> How to Sculpt a Matte Acrylic Extension without Top Coating - Duration: 16:56.


[NAPISY] Roberto Soldić: Chcę zostać w KSW. Niczego nie brakuje tej organizacji - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> [NAPISY] Roberto Soldić: Chcę zostać w KSW. Niczego nie brakuje tej organizacji - Duration: 6:41.


Kasia Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel zbijają kokosy na młodych parach. To był strzał w dziesiątkę - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Kasia Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel zbijają kokosy na młodych parach. To był strzał w dziesiątkę - Duration: 3:13.


kitchen table becomes junk journal page - Duration: 3:02.

In this video I'll show you how I got this tile pattern

to this old purple table

first: clean it

then sand with a metallic cleaning sponge

to get a little vintage look

print out the tile pattern

find the right place to begin

glue it on the table with mod podge

remove the paper with water and fingers

add more tile patterns

at this point my printer has given up

but I used it anyway

paper removed (still wet in this picture)

some coffee...

here it is painted with green and yellow acrylic paint

rubbed it off after drying a little bit

to get this effect on it

little details of the pattern are coming out through the paint

add some golden paint (sorry, looks brown in the video)

now I wanted to come out the tiles a little more

and add some more visible parts of the pattern

I taped the table and painted narrow lines

and that's it!

For more infomation >> kitchen table becomes junk journal page - Duration: 3:02.


#Borntobemybaby #BonJovi #Cover February 15, 2018 - Duration: 4:35.

Rainy night and we worked all day We both got jobs 'cause there's bills to pay

We got something they can't take away Our love, our lives

Close the door, leave the cold outside I don't need nothing when I'm by your side

We got something that'll never die Our dreams, our pride

My heart beats like a drum (all night) Flesh to flesh, one to one (and it's alright)

And I'll never let go cause There's something I know deep inside

You were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

We got something to believe in Even if we don't know where we stand

Only God would know the reasons But I bet he must have had a plan

'Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

Light a candle, blow the world away Table for two on a TV tray

It ain't fancy, baby that's OK Our time, our way

So hold me close better hang on tight Buckle up, baby, it's a bumpy ride

We're two kids hitching down the road of life Our world, our fight

If we stand side by side (all night) There's a chance we'll get by (and it's alright)

And I'll know that you'll be live In my heart 'til the day that I die

'Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

We got something to believe in Even if we don't know where we stand

Only God would know the reasons But I bet he must have had a plan

'Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

My heart beats like a drum (all night) Flesh to flesh, one to one (and it's alright)

And I'll never let go cause There's something I know deep inside

'Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

We got something to believe in Even if we don't know where we stand

Only God would know the reasons But I bet he must have had a plan

'Cause you were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man

You were born to be my baby And baby, I was made to be your man


© EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group

For non-commercial use only.

Data from: LyricFind

For more infomation >> #Borntobemybaby #BonJovi #Cover February 15, 2018 - Duration: 4:35.


Momoland - Boom Boom Cover || Korean || Karaoke - Duration: 3:29.

I already spoiled it

Please don't kill me

JooE is crying

For more infomation >> Momoland - Boom Boom Cover || Korean || Karaoke - Duration: 3:29.


Cruise Blues - Duration: 0:51.

[Phone ringing]

My grandpa's the smartest person I know...

aside from my mom and dad.

Oh, and my brother Sebastian, he's super smart.

My sister Charlotte doesn't act like it, but she's smart too.

"This is your captain speaking. You've just won a cruise!"

Turns out, me and Mou are the real brains of the family.

For more infomation >> Cruise Blues - Duration: 0:51.


08 Expressions to say "Someone is right" - Free English Speaking Lessons online - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> 08 Expressions to say "Someone is right" - Free English Speaking Lessons online - Duration: 10:07.


Hexen: Beyond Heretic (No OoB/Glide - Figther - Skill 1) in 40:15.09 by SauloAndrade - Duration: 42:29.

Hey everybody! This is my speedrun of "Hexen: Beyond Heretic",

one of my favorite games during my childhood.

Released in 1995 for the MS-Dos, besides I played the Sega Saturn version of the game.

This video is also a proof of concept for a new speedrun category

I call "No Out of Bounds / No Glide", where I don't execute the Glide trick or try, by any means,

to get outside the playable area or to squish between small spaces as a shortcut.

This is based on the old route before 2017 World Record

and it's next to the way intended by the developers to play the game.

Problem is: it's larger than the actual route.

In fact, while the Figther World Record is 9 minutes and 57 seconds,

my PB in this conceptual category is around 45 minutes.

Well, why speedrun the game with old strats?

When I was a child, my Sega Saturn cannot save my progress.

I was forced to finish the game in 24 hours,

or before I pass the joystick to one of my brothers to play.

Somehow I managed to finish the game in 12 hours.

Years later, when i got the PC version of the game (and thanks to the modern source ports),

I leraned to finish the game (in a casual way) in 8 hours. Then 4 hours...

then I heard about speedruns.

Hexen always give me the fear of the death:

death by a monster, death by being crushed, death by falling down...

also, I have a time restriction challenge.

Everytime the game tried to slow me down

because of the gameplay, because of a puzzle I failed to solve, because of my Sega Saturn hardware limitations...

Even with all of these restrictions, I managed to have fun playing Hexen

and that is what really matters.

Doing a speedrun like this is the only way I found to finish my favorite game as fast as possible

and, at the same time, have fun.

Also, I can beat the game that always challenge me when I was a child

inside the game own rules.

I don't blame the actual route with all of the Out of Bounds, Glides and stuff.

It's amazing to see how broken Hexen is comparing to Heretic and Doom.

But if what really matters is find a way to break the game rules, no problem!

One day I will learn every trick used in the actual speedrun,

so I can complete the game in under 15 minutes (maybe less). Maybe, one day, I grab this WR for me.

But for now, I will try to show my talent in one of my favorite games in all my life

and show it for those who don't even heard about.

For more infomation >> Hexen: Beyond Heretic (No OoB/Glide - Figther - Skill 1) in 40:15.09 by SauloAndrade - Duration: 42:29.


Why You Should Trust Your Sense of Smell - Vibrant Blue Oils, Jodi Cohen - Duration: 3:17.

so I get a lot of questions should you use an essential oil that doesn't smell

good to you the answer is actually no we are intuitively drawn to what our body

means both in our sense of smell and in our sense of taste for example you may

crave a hamburger if you need iron or chocolate if you need magnesium it's

important to trust your intuition and your sense of smell because it's always

a good guide of what your body really needs hi I'm Jodi Cohen I'm the founder

of Vibrant Blue Oils and I have helped over 20,000 people regaining their

vibrant health through this specific and targeted use of essential oils and I

want to help you start feeling better with less work so when I'm working with

a client I'll always have them smell a blend and make sure it smells good to

them this is really important before you start using it the blend you need most

will often smell delicious to you which kind of validates that your body needs

it right and it's interesting as clients begin to heal the oils seem to change

their fragrance like one client shared that the intestinal mucosa always smells

the best so divine that I just want to eat it up which makes sense right

because my small intestine suffered the most damage with my

colitis but when I began using the gall bladder she reacted to it in the same

way she couldn't get enough of it and kept craving the fragrance but then

after her gallbladder started to heal she suddenly stopped craving it and

didn't find the smell as enticing you may know that our sense of smell is

critical to our survival and it's the first of all of our senses to develop

even before we are born our sense of smell is fully formed and functioning

research also shows that smell is the most sensitive of the senses interesting

right people can remember smells with 65% accuracy after a year while visual

recall is about 50% after three months it's interesting to note that

a woman's sense of smell is much stronger than a man's and is heightened

even more during the first half of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy so trust

when you crave a fragrance it's your body's innate intelligence communicating

what it needs to be healthy and this does not necessarily mean that an oil

will not be beneficial to you if you don't enjoy the fragrance but you may

find yourself inexplicably drawn to a particular oil or oil blend because your

body is asking for it

hi I'm Jodi Cohen founder of Vibrant Blue Oils thank you so much for watching this

YouTube video please don't forget to subscribe by clicking the circle at the

bottom of this screen and if you want to access more free essential oil trainings

just visit you can find this link

in the video description thank you again

For more infomation >> Why You Should Trust Your Sense of Smell - Vibrant Blue Oils, Jodi Cohen - Duration: 3:17.


Territorial Behaviour! - Simon's Cat | LOGIC - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> Territorial Behaviour! - Simon's Cat | LOGIC - Duration: 10:48.


Shayari Status | Best Cute & Lovely Love Status| Shayari Status in Hindi - Duration: 0:29.

Whatsapp Status Shayari

For more infomation >> Shayari Status | Best Cute & Lovely Love Status| Shayari Status in Hindi - Duration: 0:29.


The tree of sauce

For more infomation >> The tree of sauce


O show de hipnose em Las Vegas | Marc Savard - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> O show de hipnose em Las Vegas | Marc Savard - Duration: 9:16.


Cómo crear códigos de barras con caracteres de control como TAB o ENTER - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Cómo crear códigos de barras con caracteres de control como TAB o ENTER - Duration: 2:07.


Vanilda Bordieri, Trio R3 e Melkinho - Pra Deus É Nada (Ao Vivo) - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Vanilda Bordieri, Trio R3 e Melkinho - Pra Deus É Nada (Ao Vivo) - Duration: 5:11.


BBB18: namorado vê Jéssica assediando Lucas e diz o que fará a partir de agora - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> BBB18: namorado vê Jéssica assediando Lucas e diz o que fará a partir de agora - Duration: 3:48.


Maísa, do SBT, divulga registro beijando o 1º namorado e fãs enlouquecem - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Maísa, do SBT, divulga registro beijando o 1º namorado e fãs enlouquecem - Duration: 3:44.


Doug V X Geração Sensimilla - Tudo Ocorre de Acordo Com o Plano (Prod. B-Gud) - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Doug V X Geração Sensimilla - Tudo Ocorre de Acordo Com o Plano (Prod. B-Gud) - Duration: 2:52.


O que é EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA? | Ciência do Corpo S01E01 - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> O que é EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA? | Ciência do Corpo S01E01 - Duration: 13:04.


Lucas chora ao falar da noiva no BBB: 'ela tem o direito de não me querer mais' - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Lucas chora ao falar da noiva no BBB: 'ela tem o direito de não me querer mais' - Duration: 4:38.


Come risolvere il freezing o blocco del sistema con Windows 10 - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Come risolvere il freezing o blocco del sistema con Windows 10 - Duration: 3:20.


BBB18: namorado vê Jéssica assediando Lucas e diz o que fará a partir de agora - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> BBB18: namorado vê Jéssica assediando Lucas e diz o que fará a partir de agora - Duration: 4:04.


IndigoSAD - IndigoSaiyan | IndigoZvo | IndigoMota | IndigoRvrri (Prod. Rizzi) - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> IndigoSAD - IndigoSaiyan | IndigoZvo | IndigoMota | IndigoRvrri (Prod. Rizzi) - Duration: 4:08.


Bacon potatoes - #CocinaConFlandy - Duration: 3:10.

Hello everybody! I am Andy and today i'm going to teach you how to make

bacon potatoes :)

The first thing we have to do is wash well our potatoes

And we are going to put them in a sauce pan

for cooking them afterwards.

We add water, to cover them

And then put them on the stove

Add some salt

And let them cook for 20 minutes after the water starts to boil

In the meantime, we are going to

use some smoked bacon

After reading the ingredients, it only has pork meat

and it has nothing from egg or egglike.

So I can eat it. It only may have soy traces

So the soy allergic is better to avoid them (unless your soy allergy is not that bad)

Then we take the bacon from the bag

and we cut it in strips

We are going to put a pan on the fire

And we are going to add the bacon

or the panceta without any oil

because it has fat, and that is enought to fry it

And the bacon is ready when it is crunchy

To see if the potatoes are ready, there is a very quick way

That is to put inside a knife

And if this knife enters and gets out easilly

they are ready

Now only remains to wash them in cold water

and remove the skin, and cut them in the shape you want

It can be in cubes, or in another shape

as you like them to be

In a sauce pan we are going to put some oil

To saltee our potatoes

so it can get this nice brown color on the sides

And then we add the bacon

We let them cook for maybe 10 minutes, and they are ready

I wish that you like this video and have a great day :D!

For more infomation >> Bacon potatoes - #CocinaConFlandy - Duration: 3:10.


Superlógica Xperience 2017: Machine learning na economia da recorrência - Duration: 37:44.

For more infomation >> Superlógica Xperience 2017: Machine learning na economia da recorrência - Duration: 37:44.


"STILL GOOD" Marisa Monte - Cover Noz Sound - 4K - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> "STILL GOOD" Marisa Monte - Cover Noz Sound - 4K - Duration: 3:51.


Direito Administrativo - Atos Administrativos - Profª Sonia Leticia de Mello Cardoso - Duration: 15:33.

For more infomation >> Direito Administrativo - Atos Administrativos - Profª Sonia Leticia de Mello Cardoso - Duration: 15:33.


Mazda CX-5 VS Volkswagen Tiguan – Tug of War - Duration: 1:51.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself. To have or not to have.

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