Thursday, February 15, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 15 2018

When the Wright brothers had to decide

who would be the first to fly their new airplane

off a sand dune, they flipped a coin.

That was fair:

we all know there's an equal chance of getting heads and tails.

But what if they had a more complicated contest?

What if they flipped coins repeatedly,

so that Orville would win as soon as two heads showed up in a row on his coin,

and Wilbur would win as soon as heads was immediately followed by tails on his?

Would each brother still have had an equal chance to be the first in flight?

At first, it may seem they'd still have the same chance of winning.

There are four combinations for two consecutive flips.

And if you do flip a coin just twice,

there's an equal chance of each one -- 25%.

So your intuition might tell you that in any string of coin flips,

each combination would have the same shot at appearing first.

Unfortunately, you'd be wrong.

Wilbur actually has a big advantage in this contest.

Imagine our sequence of coin flips as a sort of board game,

where every flip determines which path we take.

The goal is to get from start to finish.

The heads/tails board looks like this.

And this is the head/head board.

There's one critical difference.

Heads/heads has a move that sends you all the way back to the start

that heads/tails doesn't have.

That's why heads/heads takes longer on average.

So we can demonstrate that this is true using probability and algebra

to calculate the average number of flips it would take to get each combination.

Let's start with the heads/tails board,

and define x to be the average number of flips to advance one step.

Focus only on the arrows.

It has two identical steps,

each with a 50/50 chance of staying in place or moving forward.

Option 1: If we stay in place by getting tails, we waste one flip.

Since we're back in the same place,

on average we must flip x more times to advance one step.

Together with that first flip,

this gives an average of x + 1 total flips to advance.

Option 2: If we get heads and move forward,

then we have taken exactly one total flip to advance one step.

We can now combine option 1 and option 2 with their probabilities

to get this expression.

Solving that for x gives us an average of two moves to advance one step.

Since each step is identical,

we can multiply by two and arrive at four flips to advance two steps.

For heads/heads, the picture isn't as simple.

This time, let y be the average number of flips to move from start to finish.

There are two options for the first move, each with 50/50 odds.

Option 1 is the same as before,

getting tails sends us back to the start,

giving an average of y+1 total flips to finish.

In Option 2, there are two equally likely cases for the next flip.

With heads we'd be done after two flips.

But tails would return us to the start.

Since we'd return after two flips,

we'd then need an average of y+2 flips in total to finish.

So our full expression will be this.

And solving this equation gives us six flips.

So the math calculates that it takes an average of six flips to get heads/heads,

and an average of four to get heads/tails.

And, in fact, that's what you'd see if you tested it for yourself enough times.

Of course, the Wright brothers didn't need to work all this out;

they only flipped the coin once, and Wilbur won.

But it didn't matter: Wilbur's flight failed,

and Orville made aviation history, instead.

Tough luck, Wilbur.

For more infomation >> The coin flip conundrum - Po-Shen Loh - Duration: 4:23.


La nuevas tecnologías financieras - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> La nuevas tecnologías financieras - Duration: 2:32.


Mystic Music For Yoga & Meditation - Relaxing Music - Duration: 3:06:51.

Mystic Music For Yoga & Meditation - Relaxing Music

For more infomation >> Mystic Music For Yoga & Meditation - Relaxing Music - Duration: 3:06:51.


Un Poco Loco - Coco (by SaxPinelin) Sax Cover - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Un Poco Loco - Coco (by SaxPinelin) Sax Cover - Duration: 2:22.


¿Qué nos depara el futuro laboral? - Guudjob Personal Branding Academy - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué nos depara el futuro laboral? - Guudjob Personal Branding Academy - Duration: 2:12.


De los escombros del 19S, rescatan la historia de San Gregorio para exponerla en centro cultural - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> De los escombros del 19S, rescatan la historia de San Gregorio para exponerla en centro cultural - Duration: 2:41.


Comida Casera: Pimentones Rellenos! - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Comida Casera: Pimentones Rellenos! - Duration: 3:21.


Encuentra la mejor jugada Juegan las negras 01 - Duration: 3:30.

In this position Black plays and four possible moves can be chosen.

This is very big, it makes the corner.

Another possibility, this one, to prevent white from playing in this area.

Another possibility, here, to ensure corner while attacking,

and another possibility, here, closing the target.

Which of the four plays is this one? Is this, or this, the correct one?

The correct play is this, boshi on the white stones.

This stone connects all the black stones very well, draws a possible moyo, in the future,

in black in this area, he presses white.

Coordinates very well the position of blacks.

This movement is great, it makes a base, but it allows white to jump in this way,

black must respond, and white lives easily, also leaving these two floating stones,

without base.

It's a big play, but it has this drawback.

Besides this is not yet safe black territory, white could enter here,

I could go in here.

Had these stones been closer, then yes, this move would be correct,

since the white jump does not affect the territory, which is quite closed.

But the position is this.

Right move

It would not be so good if this were for example, there would be some over-concentration.

This movement, it is shimari, it makes the corner, but it is not an urgent movement,

and besides, it's a drip.

The same thing happens with this movement, white could play like that, black, white, black ...

and it's drip for black, white could jump again there.

Therefore, this is the important point in this situation

For more infomation >> Encuentra la mejor jugada Juegan las negras 01 - Duration: 3:30.


CRAZY AND INCREDIBLE VIDEOS YOU SHOULD SEE # 1 VIRAL VIDEOS 2018 if you laugh you lose LoaClips - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> CRAZY AND INCREDIBLE VIDEOS YOU SHOULD SEE # 1 VIRAL VIDEOS 2018 if you laugh you lose LoaClips - Duration: 6:29.


Musica Rilassante Per Leggere - Musica Rilassante Per Studiare - Musica Per Rilassarsi - Duration: 1:04:55.

For more infomation >> Musica Rilassante Per Leggere - Musica Rilassante Per Studiare - Musica Per Rilassarsi - Duration: 1:04:55.


El poder de las comunidades en México | YLAI - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> El poder de las comunidades en México | YLAI - Duration: 0:37.


[SUB ESPAÑOL] [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS' exciting Game room #1 BTS 방탄소년단 | BTS BOMB - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> [SUB ESPAÑOL] [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS' exciting Game room #1 BTS 방탄소년단 | BTS BOMB - Duration: 3:54.


E-mobility and Santiago's great race - Duration: 2:04.

The good thing is that they hardly cause any pollution.

Sustainable energy is perfect for the planet.

It would be great if all cars were electric in the future.

But also buses, I mean, why not?

We should offer people incentives to buy this type of vehicle

and maybe let them know what we are doing for the environment.

It's good that large companies

are beginning to make an effort not to pollute the world,

by using conventional instruments.

But we need to find sustainable

systems that stand out, like Formula E.

For more infomation >> E-mobility and Santiago's great race - Duration: 2:04.


« David Hallyday est prostré, Laura Smet n'en parlons pas », Bernard Montiel brise le silence - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> « David Hallyday est prostré, Laura Smet n'en parlons pas », Bernard Montiel brise le silence - Duration: 1:19.


Sylvie Tellier enceinte de son troisième enfant - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Sylvie Tellier enceinte de son troisième enfant - Duration: 1:01.


Jagan Mata Latest Hindi Dubbed Movie 2018 | New Hindi Dubbed Tollywood Devotional Movies 2018 - Duration: 2:06:40.

Statutory Warning

For more infomation >> Jagan Mata Latest Hindi Dubbed Movie 2018 | New Hindi Dubbed Tollywood Devotional Movies 2018 - Duration: 2:06:40.


Ultimas Noticias | Cristiano Ronaldo y su increíble parecido a su abuela en una foto - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Ultimas Noticias | Cristiano Ronaldo y su increíble parecido a su abuela en una foto - Duration: 3:46.


Badminton. Long serve in singles - Duration: 1:59.

the LONG SERVE is a shot that is used in the singles

where the aim is to throw the shuttle as high and far as possible

as close to the bottom line

to minimize the attack of the opponent

when increasing the distance with our side

the INITIAL POSITION is with the body semi-inclined with the net

relaxed shoulders, and the arm of the shuttle spread almost completely to the front

the arm of the racket thrown back

the soles of the feet resting on the ground


start a rotation of the arm and hip

pivoting on the forward leg

at the same time release the shuttle in front of the body

after the hitting, the arm ends relaxed over the opposite shoulder

the back foot ends up supported only with the tips of your toes

TYPICAL ERRORS in the Long Service

1) have feet parallel to the net

2) tilt the body in an awkward position forward

3) or being too tense

4) hit only with the wrist, elbow or shoulder

instead of all of them at a time with a continuous movement

5) Finish the arm vertically but on the same side

6) Finish the arm horizontally on the opposite side

7) Uncontrolled stem movement

8) grab the racquet, shorter approaching the hand to the hoop

9) approach both arms before the execution decreasing the range of movement

10) hit with the shuttle close to the body instead of in front of us

11) grab the racket with an incorrect grip

12) spin the racket before the hitting

For more infomation >> Badminton. Long serve in singles - Duration: 1:59.


CJ So Cool Diss

For more infomation >> CJ So Cool Diss


Chyra w "Vogue'u": "To byłoby nieznośne być ciągle zakochanym. Bywa POTWORNIE TRUJĄCE" - Duration: 3:47.

Chyra w "Vogue'u": "To byłoby nieznośne być ciągle zakochanym. Bywa POTWORNIE TRUJĄCE"

Pierwszy numer polskiej edycji Vogue od wczoraj emocjonuje i dzieli tych, którzy pasjonują się modą jak i tych, którzy do tej pory nie mieli w ręce żadnej z egzemplarzy kultowego magazynu.

Najgorętsza dyskusja toczy się wokół okładki z Małgosią Belą i Anją Rubik.

Na stronie internetowej magazynu można przeczytać wywiad z Andrzejem Chyrą.

W obszernej rozmowie aktor zdradza, co sądzi o stanie zakochania:.

Możemy się zastanawiać, czym jest miłość, w jakich występuje odmianach, ale powiedzmy, że mówimy o zakochaniu.

Ja i inni, którzy to przeżyli, wiedzą, że zakochanie bywa bardzo ożywcze, ale potrafi też być potwornie trujące.

To byłoby nieznośne: być ciągle zakochanym - wyznał.

Chyra dosadnie komentuje też polską dyskusję na temat akcji #metoo:.

Przemoc wobec kobiet podpada u nas pod inny kodeks niż na świecie.

Tam godność osoby nie jest zależna od płci.

W każdym razie, dużo mniej niż u nas, gdzie tradycyjne, patriarchalne myślenie powoduje, że niektóre rzeczy wydają się naturalne i dopuszczalne - mówi.

Nie przeszliśmy mentalnej ewolucji na ogólnym poziomie.

W Polsce króluje katolicyzm o zabarwieniu mesjańskim, wiara, że to my zbawimy świat.

Ale mam wrażenie, że ten dominujący dyskurs ma swoje źródła w tradycji wypraw krzyżowych i Świętej Inkwizycji.

U nas palenie czarownic jest w gruncie rzeczy OK.

Tłumacząc to łopatologicznie - czarownice to kobiety, czyli kobiety niosą jakiś podejrzany pierwiastek.

Takich przekonań, stereotypów, jest w naszej mentalności bardzo dużo.

Z jednej strony kobiety są strażniczkami polskości, a z drugiej są kusicielkami - twierdzi aktor.

For more infomation >> Chyra w "Vogue'u": "To byłoby nieznośne być ciągle zakochanym. Bywa POTWORNIE TRUJĄCE" - Duration: 3:47.


খালেদার কারাদণ্ড!বাংলাদেশের রাজনীতি ও নির্বাচন নিয়ে একি বললেন ইউ ইউ প্রধান জ্যঁ ল্যামবার্ট,bd news - Duration: 2:15.




For more infomation >> খালেদার কারাদণ্ড!বাংলাদেশের রাজনীতি ও নির্বাচন নিয়ে একি বললেন ইউ ইউ প্রধান জ্যঁ ল্যামবার্ট,bd news - Duration: 2:15.


Van Gelder bouwt #01 - We gaan de hoogte in!🏗️ - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Van Gelder bouwt #01 - We gaan de hoogte in!🏗️ - Duration: 5:26.


Hyundai i10 1.25I 5DR i-Drive Cool - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.25I 5DR i-Drive Cool - Duration: 0:54.


Hoe een voorwiellager vervangen op een DODGE CALIBER HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 15:35.

Using sidecutting pliers remove the cotter pin

Use a socket №32

Use a socket №18

Use a combination spanner №18

Use a socket №10

Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18

Use a socket №21 and a combination spanner №21

Take out the wheel bearing snap ring

Press out the wheel bearing using a hydraulic press

For more infomation >> Hoe een voorwiellager vervangen op een DODGE CALIBER HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 15:35.


Kia Rio DynamicLine met Cruise, Navi, LMV en 7jr garantie - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio DynamicLine met Cruise, Navi, LMV en 7jr garantie - Duration: 0:54.


Solar Eclipse 2018 : सूर्य ग्रहण 16 फरवरी जानें ग्रहण का सही समय और मुहूर्त || Surya Grahan 2018 - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Solar Eclipse 2018 : सूर्य ग्रहण 16 फरवरी जानें ग्रहण का सही समय और मुहूर्त || Surya Grahan 2018 - Duration: 1:18.


Musica Rilassante Per Leggere - Musica Rilassante Per Studiare - Musica Per Rilassarsi - Duration: 1:04:55.

For more infomation >> Musica Rilassante Per Leggere - Musica Rilassante Per Studiare - Musica Per Rilassarsi - Duration: 1:04:55.


Seksi dan Anggun Jadi Model Sampul Majalah, Black Pink Banjir Pujian - Duration: 1:13.

Seksi dan Anggun Jadi Model Sampul Majalah, Black Pink Banjir Pujian

Saat ini Black Pink memang sedang tak banyak berkegiatan, namun bukan berarti mereka menganggur.

Grup beranggotakan 4 orang tersebut baru-baru ini menjalani pemotretan dengan majalah Marie Claire.

Bukan pemotretan biasa, Black Pink juga ditunjuk menjadi model sampul. Foto sampul majalah Marie Claire yang menampilkan Jisoo dan kawan-kawan diunggah di akun Instagram @fromyg Selasa (13/2) kemarin.

Pada foto ini, para member Black Pink terlihat anggun serta seksi tanpa harus buka-bukaan.

Jennie, Rose dan Lisa mengenakan dress hitam sedangkan Jisoo berpose berbaring mengenakan dress putih tanpa lengan.

Foto pemotretan Black Pink ini menjadi pembicaraan netter di situs komunitas online. Tak sedikit netter yang memberikan pujian untuk grup bentukan YG Entertainment itu.

Wow, daebak, lihat aura mereka, komentar netter. Black Pink memang dewi, kata netter lainnya.

Mereka mempesona dan keren. Serius, semua member cantik. Black Pink aku akan selalu mendukung kalian, ujar yang lain.

For more infomation >> Seksi dan Anggun Jadi Model Sampul Majalah, Black Pink Banjir Pujian - Duration: 1:13.


Kia Rio 1.2 5-drs BusinessLine met Airco, Cruise en 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.2 5-drs BusinessLine met Airco, Cruise en 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 0:54.


Francesco Monte non ha denunciato la Henger: ecco quali sarebbero i motivi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Francesco Monte non ha denunciato la Henger: ecco quali sarebbero i motivi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.


Wie DODGE CALIBER Radlager vorne wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 15:35.

Using sidecutting pliers remove the cotter pin

Use a socket №32

Use a socket №18

Use a combination spanner №18

Use a socket №10

Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18

Use a socket №21 and a combination spanner №21

Take out the wheel bearing snap ring

Press out the wheel bearing using a hydraulic press

For more infomation >> Wie DODGE CALIBER Radlager vorne wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 15:35.


Loredana Lecciso torna da Al Bano: Valigie in vista per tornare a Cellino? I dubbi rimangono - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Loredana Lecciso torna da Al Bano: Valigie in vista per tornare a Cellino? I dubbi rimangono - Duration: 5:28.


Uomini e donne, Tina umilia Gemma: il gesto shock nella prossima puntata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, Tina umilia Gemma: il gesto shock nella prossima puntata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.


L'Isola dei Famosi, Eva Henger stupisce tutti, fa un passo indietro: ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> L'Isola dei Famosi, Eva Henger stupisce tutti, fa un passo indietro: ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:53.


Jagan Mata Latest Hindi Dubbed Movie 2018 | New Hindi Dubbed Tollywood Devotional Movies 2018 - Duration: 2:06:40.

Statutory Warning

For more infomation >> Jagan Mata Latest Hindi Dubbed Movie 2018 | New Hindi Dubbed Tollywood Devotional Movies 2018 - Duration: 2:06:40.


Audi A3 1.6 TDI 110pk Lease Edition Led koplampen - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 1.6 TDI 110pk Lease Edition Led koplampen - Duration: 0:57.


Nadia Rinaldi smentisce Eva Henger: 'Non ho visto Francesco fumare marijuana' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Nadia Rinaldi smentisce Eva Henger: 'Non ho visto Francesco fumare marijuana' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:52.


ライブ配信 VRChatのアンテMAPに期待したい - Duration: 2:10:54.

For more infomation >> ライブ配信 VRChatのアンテMAPに期待したい - Duration: 2:10:54.


BALIK TUTMA SİMÜLATÖR (Just Fishing) - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> BALIK TUTMA SİMÜLATÖR (Just Fishing) - Duration: 10:26.


Drake Type Beat 2018

For more infomation >> Drake Type Beat 2018


Erster Weltkrieg I Die Schuldfrage I musstewissen Geschichte - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Erster Weltkrieg I Die Schuldfrage I musstewissen Geschichte - Duration: 7:11.


I Believe in the Future of Haiti - Duration: 0:48.

[TEXT: Miguelito Jerome, Haiti] For the future of Haiti in the next five years,

I'd like to see that Haiti become the biggest tech hub in the Caribbean,

and to change the stereotypes that people have about Haiti.

[TEXT: Watson Cesaire, Haiti] I look forward to seeing

that the next generation of new leaders

will collaborate in order to influence and guide

the next generation of the youngest people in Haiti.

[TEXT: Jacquelin Alcius] I'm most looking forward to see

a good community of young leaders

emerge in order to face the big challenges of Haiti.

But only entrepreneurs and leaders can transform the challenges into opportunities.

[GRAPHIC: Join the Network, YLAI Network, YLAI.STATE.GOV]

For more infomation >> I Believe in the Future of Haiti - Duration: 0:48.


Wizarding Weekend - Harry Potter Festival in Ithaca, NY | Traveler's Notebook Vlog - Duration: 6:46.

[Magical orchestral music]

We're driving over to Ithaca's wizarding weekend! I'm so excited for it! I

can't wait. I have no idea what to expect but I have a feeling it's gonna be

really fun. It's really beautiful here and it's early, but I am read.y I'm so

excited. We're gonna be performing and setting up a table and selling cute

things, I'm wearing my little bowtruckle. I can't wait! Ahh!

[Magical orchestral music]

This looks like it's gonna be amazing. There's lots of places to walk and I'm

excited to go like, walk around and see everything. This is awesome, everyone's

dressed up! The weather is beautiful! I'm so ready for this.

That went by really fast! This was a really fun day. The performance was really

fun because it was like, right here in the middle of this huge area so a lot of

people heard me playing and came over! It's just been a completely magical day.

Events like this remind me really just the scope of how big the Harry Potter

fandom is and so many people's lives have been touched by these books and

it's really fun just getting all together in one space! There have been

amazing costumes, there were a lot of really cool booths, I was telling my plush

toys and my new felt handmade pins and it was just a really fun day! So if you

live anywhere near Ithaca New York, definitely keep an eye out for the

wizarding weekend next year because it was really fun. To start off my travelers

notebook spread about Wizarding weekend, I'm printing a few photos on the Prynt

Pocket printer. You plug your phone into it, select a photo, and it prints onto

Zink sticker paper which has adhesive on the back and that makes it super

convenient for travellers notebooks! I'm still pretty new to this printer, so I

haven't quite figured out the best way to edit the photos to correct for the

color difference from what's on my screen and I also wish I didn't have to

take my phone case off in order to use it, but for saving quick memories, I like

it a lot and it's added so much to my travel journal. I love being able to

print small photos so easily, otherwise I keep putting it off and they just say on

my phone forever! This printer was sent to me by the wonderful Amy Tangerine

whose YouTube channel is incredibly creative and inspiring.

She sells these printers in her online shop at if you would

like one too! Now that I have my main elements ready to go, I am arranging them

on the pages and gluing them down. This journaling card is from a shop I really

love called in a creative bubble, by the way, I will link to everything I'm using

and mentioning in the video description below. I'm using pencil to write out a

header for this spread, then inking over it with tombow mono drawing pens and

some faux calligraphy. The location is written with a prismacolor brush marker

which I'm still getting used to using. Then, I'm underlining the date with some

metallic washi tape I received in a subscription box! One thing I like to do

lately to tie in the photos with my various handwritten elements is to

freehand a messy border around them and after adding a bit more of that washi

tape, I'm jotting a few blocks of text about our trip to

Ithaca for Wizarding weekend! I like to use a really fine pen for this and fill

up the bigger spaces around the spread. After I labeled the photos with little

captions, I added some Harry Potter inspired doodles to the remaining open

spaces. My journaling style has been pretty simple lately. I definitely could

be using more stickers or color but I find that I'm happier with it when I

keep it a bit more focused. And there's my traveler's notebook spread for Ithaca's

Wizarding weekend! I hope that you enjoyed tagging along with me for the

event and seeing how I documented it after. Thanks for watching and I'll see

you soon!

For more infomation >> Wizarding Weekend - Harry Potter Festival in Ithaca, NY | Traveler's Notebook Vlog - Duration: 6:46.


Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion, Airco - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion, Airco - Duration: 0:47.


Francesco Monte non ha denunciato la Henger: ecco quali sarebbero i motivi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Francesco Monte non ha denunciato la Henger: ecco quali sarebbero i motivi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.


CHỢ QUÊ TẾT DÂN DÃ quận 7 giữa lòng SÀI GÒN HOA LỆ 29 TẾT XUÂN MẬU TUẤT I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 24:35.

For more infomation >> CHỢ QUÊ TẾT DÂN DÃ quận 7 giữa lòng SÀI GÒN HOA LỆ 29 TẾT XUÂN MẬU TUẤT I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 24:35.


The search for a Swedish 50-meter spruce - Part 1 - Duration: 5:47.

Searching for a 50-meter spruce in Sweden

Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU) gave us som hot spots where tall spruces could be expected

One of them in Mölnbacka, Värmland, Sweden

But first, we checked the equipment

(We use a Haglöf Vertex Laser Geo measuring device)

I don't know if it's accurate...35 meters

That's not so impressive!

We found the stand

It's bent

It's with great hardship we are going to measure some spruces

It's difficult to get far enough from the tree for a optimal distance required for the laser device

Fredrik is climbing a slope with fallen trees so it takes a while to crawl into position.

45 meter

Now we have got deep into the woods me and Torbjörn.

Here is a couple which we have measured and it's this one left of me who is the tallest.

It's 45,3 meter

I can't really say it's the tallest I ever measured. But it is as I never have measured before.

It's pretty high!

We will come back here in spring and bring Fredrik Tåndemåla (expert in measurment) with us

To verify the height data

As we are somewhat amateurs in measuring with laser

Have I showed this?

No, show me!

Its a very advanced laser measuring device from Haglöfs: Vertex Laser Geo

Which probably is smarter than both me and Torbjörn together

Which have som influence on the operation and handling

We blame poor sight

Yes, but the terrain is difficult, you can show a wiev Torbjörn

The expert told us we should measure from double tree length in distance

Thats almost impossible here

Here is steep, some boulders and wind thrown trees and also smaller trees

So, its very difficult to get a good view here

The ground is influenced by hyperite minerals

Its rather awesome to see this three spruces almost on the same spot.

How many cubic meters? 10?

I guess it's wood enough to build a house if all three would be sawn to lumber.

Amazing they are growing so close together

Yes, two of them almost at the same stump

Here we have found something really impressive!

Yes, this is big!

Rather thick, 45,5 meter high...

The largest today!

Yes, defnitely by volume

It feels like there are taller trees but we havn't been able to measure

As it is 45 meter high an so thick, it might hold 10 cubic meters?

What's the diameter?

Where is breast height?

It could be appr 100 cm (40 in)

And 45 meters height. It feels almost as an North American

It would be an experience to hear the sound of the falling

(It has 12,5 cubic meters of wood)

It's interesting, we found those trees that SLU (the university) found by analyzing remote laser data

Question is if we got the right measurement data? We will soon find out.

But 45,5 meter is not bad att all!

No, we are satisfied so far.

But our search for 50+ continues!

To be continued at

The search for 50 meter spruce in Sweden

For more infomation >> The search for a Swedish 50-meter spruce - Part 1 - Duration: 5:47.


Loredana Lecciso torna da Al Bano Carrisi? Valigie in vista per tornare a Cellino? I dubbi rimangono - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Loredana Lecciso torna da Al Bano Carrisi? Valigie in vista per tornare a Cellino? I dubbi rimangono - Duration: 6:19.


Hyundai i20 1.2i Business Edition, Airco - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i Business Edition, Airco - Duration: 0:47.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i Pro, Climate, Cruise - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i Pro, Climate, Cruise - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai i20 1.2 HP i-Motion Comfort, Climate, Cruise - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2 HP i-Motion Comfort, Climate, Cruise - Duration: 1:00.


Mazda Premacy 1.8i Exclusive APK 13-02-2019 Airco!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mazda Premacy 1.8i Exclusive APK 13-02-2019 Airco!! - Duration: 1:01.


2 Olathe North seniors deliver flowers to every girl in school - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 2 Olathe North seniors deliver flowers to every girl in school - Duration: 1:06.


Hyundai i10 1.25I 5DR i-Drive Cool - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.25I 5DR i-Drive Cool - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-Play 5-drs. CLIMA/CAMERA/LED/MEDIA - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-Play 5-drs. CLIMA/CAMERA/LED/MEDIA - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 69pk 5D Aspiration X-Sport - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 69pk 5D Aspiration X-Sport - Duration: 1:00.


I got bored - Duration: 0:02.


For more infomation >> I got bored - Duration: 0:02.


BMW 3 Serie 325 i Cabrio Automaat,Leer,Hardtop - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 325 i Cabrio Automaat,Leer,Hardtop - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai ix35 1.6I GDI BUSINESS EDITION NAVI.TREKHAAK.ECC.1e EIG - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6I GDI BUSINESS EDITION NAVI.TREKHAAK.ECC.1e EIG - Duration: 1:01.


Laff Mobb's Laff Tracks - Not My Roaches (ft. Smokey Suarez) | truTV - Duration: 2:17.

She say, "Ohhhh!

Now, I don't know whose roaches these is,

but these are not my roaches!"

I'm like, "Bitch, he got two pieces of I.D.

with your address.

That's your roach.

He grew up in this apartment.

Got the female roach here in the picture, too."

And she like, "You know she pregnant."

[ Laughter ]

Act like you ain't never seen a roach in your --

And the worst time to find out when a woman got roaches

is when you having sex.

That is the worst time, fellas.

Don't you hate that [bleep]?

'Cause it [bleep] your concentration up.

'Cause it usually happens when we hitting it from the back,

'cause that's when we be concentrating.

We always concentrating when we hitting it from the back.

We concentrating.

We doing our thing.

Then you see something go across the wall -- whhht!

Your [bleep] disappear.

Now your concentration's [bleep] up.

Now everything you feel on your body, you think it's a roach.

Now you don't know where the roach went.


You feel something going across your neck and...

"Bitch, you got roaches!"

You start sweating.

You go, "Aah!"

"I don't know whose roaches these is,

but these are not my roaches!"


[ Laughter and applause ]

I hate ghetto roaches, too.

I hate them roaches. You ever have them roaches?

They're show-off roaches.

A lot of people know what I'm talking about.

You don't see them all week till company comes

when they want to walk through there.

"My back hurt! I been in the wall for four days!"

[ Laughter ]

"Keep me in the wall."

[ Laughter ]

Fellas, you ever put your juice on the side of the bed,

and you put your drink on the side of the bed --

You be watching the game. You come back.

He got his feet in your juice.

He watching the game with ya.

"Kobe scored 40!"

"Get the [bleep] out of my juice.

Get out my juice!

Get the [bleep] out of my juice."

[ Cheers and applause ]

For more infomation >> Laff Mobb's Laff Tracks - Not My Roaches (ft. Smokey Suarez) | truTV - Duration: 2:17.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer


SmackDown Türkçe Altyazı | Randy Orton Üstaddan R - K - O ŞOV!!! - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> SmackDown Türkçe Altyazı | Randy Orton Üstaddan R - K - O ŞOV!!! - Duration: 7:12.


Lucas chora ao falar da noiva no BBB: 'ela tem o direito de não me querer mais' | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Lucas chora ao falar da noiva no BBB: 'ela tem o direito de não me querer mais' | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:19.


Aula de italiano com música: Bella ciao - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Aula de italiano com música: Bella ciao - Duration: 4:20.


Women and Girls in Science International Day - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Women and Girls in Science International Day - Duration: 1:15.


#MakeWavesMoveMountains Mantra - Duration: 1:09.

We are a force.

A magnetic force.

A force to be reckoned with.

We seek the seasons,

the south swells

and the nuking powder.

We seek movement

and we seek change.

We're progressive.




Our inertia propels us forward,

and we won't be stopped.

Whether it's wind,




or stereotypes,

we rock our own vibes without trepidation.

Our style flows from real.





We move united,

taking the lead from those girls before us.

We are trailblazers,

natural beauties

and global gypsies.

Grooving through this life under sunburnt skies.

Here's an invitation to join our trip.

To put your heart into it.

To draw new lines

and to show others that they can do the same.

Make Waves.

Move Mountains.

For more infomation >> #MakeWavesMoveMountains Mantra - Duration: 1:09.


Eliminada do BBB18, Ana Paula vai tentar carreira de atriz: "espero que o Brasil me aceite" - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Eliminada do BBB18, Ana Paula vai tentar carreira de atriz: "espero que o Brasil me aceite" - Duration: 6:09.


BBB18: Gleici se DECLARA à Wagner e REAÇÃO dele IMPRESSIONA - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Gleici se DECLARA à Wagner e REAÇÃO dele IMPRESSIONA - Duration: 1:13.


[LEGENDADO - PT BR]: BTS concede pequena entrevista para Billborard - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> [LEGENDADO - PT BR]: BTS concede pequena entrevista para Billborard - Duration: 2:54.


This Is Why You Recognize The Cast Of Black Panther - Duration: 10:18.

Marvel's bigwigs have a knack for topnotch casting, and Black Panther, the Marvel Cinematic

Universe's 2018 venture into the Kingdom of Wakanda, is no exception.

This film's sprawling cast includes familiar faces and new additions to the MCU, and, as

you may have already noticed, many of Wakanda's heroes and villains look — and sound — very


Let's take a look at where you've already seen the talented men and women behind Marvel's

Black Panther.

Chadwick Boseman - T'Challa/Black Panther

As king of the isolated Kingdom of Wakanda and the man behind the Black Panther mask,

T'Challa has become both the political and literal protector of his people following

the death of his father, T'Chaka, during the events of Captain America: Civil War.

So we'd say he probably has a few more responsibilities than the average guy.

T'Challa actor Chadwick Boseman has appeared in a number of hugely successful bio-pics,

portraying Jackie Robinson in 42, James Brown in Get On Up, and a young Thurgood Marshall

in the aptly titled Marshall.

But the British American Drama Academy graduate got his start with a series of minor roles

in procedural dramas and soaps in the early 2000s.

In 2010, he landed his first recurring role on the psychological drama Persons Unknown.

Not bad — especially considering Boseman, who's also a playwright, initially wanted

to stick to writing and directing.

Danai Gurira - Okoye

Okoye may seem like a newcomer to Marvel fans who stick to the flicks, but, in the comics,

she plays a pivotal role in the survival of not only T'Challa himself, but the whole of


As a member of the reinstated Dora Milaje — T'Challa's personal order of bodyguards

— Okoye is tasked with protecting Black Panther at all costs…even if he doesn't

look like he needs much protection.

It's no surprise that actress Danai Gurira's Marvel counterpart looks like she knows how

to handle herself with a deadly weapon.

After all, she trained with a legit sword master in preparation to play Michonne on

AMC's The Walking Dead.

She's also shown off the acting chops she developed at the Tisch School of the Arts,

going on to portray one half of a Nigerian couple struggling through fertility issues

in the 2013 drama Mother of George.

She'd return to the big screen in the 2017 biopic All Eyez on Me, playing Afeni Shakur,

mother of late rapper Tupac Shakur.

Michael B. Jordan - Erik Stevens/Killmonger

When Erik Stevens chose his supervillain pseudonym, subtlety must have been the last thing on

his mind.

We all know what kind of message a guy with the name "Killmonger" is trying to get across.

A former black ops soldier with a vendetta against T'Challa, Killmonger finds himself

teaming up with arms dealer Klaue in his quest for the Wakandan throne.

If you've got any taste in TV, you'll immediately recognize actor Michael B. Jordan from his

portrayal of Wallace in The Wire.

Following his season-long stint on the HBO hit, Jordan took his talents to Friday Night

Lights, joining the cast for its fourth and fifth seasons as Vince Howard.

In 2013, Jordan worked with future Black Panther director Ryan Coogler, portraying shooting

victim Oscar Grant in 2015's Fruitvale Station.

He'd later earn acclaim for his work in the Rocky spinoff Creed — and star in the ill-fated

Fantastic Four reboot, but we don't need to talk about that here.

Lupita Nyong'o - Nakia

Like Okoye, Nakia is a member of the Dora Milaje — but rather than remaining by King

T'Challa's side, the blade-wielding spy sneaks around the globe, gathering intel to keep

the isolated nation of Wakanda protected and informed.

Actress Lupita Nyong'o got her first big break in the heartrending 12 Years a Slave, which

snagged the young star an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.

But sci-fi and fantasy fans will most likely recognize her as the voice of Maz Kanata in

the Star Wars sequel trilogy.

She also provided a vocal performance for The Jungle Book's Raksha, wolf mother to Mowgli,

in the 2016 live-action reimagining.

Forest Whitaker - Zuri

Drawing comparisons to Star Wars' Obi-Wan Kenobi, Zuri is a spiritual figure akin to

a shaman with strong links to T'Challa's father, T'Chaka.

Part of the Black Panther's inner circle, Zuri plays many roles, including advisor,

mentor, and spiritual guide to the young Wakandan King.

Forest Whitaker is an actor renowned for his adaptability.

In other words: no matter what kind of films you're into, chances are you've seen this

brilliant actor somewhere.

Dig a gruesome, gritty historical piece every now and then?

You'll recognize Whitaker from his portrayal of former Ugandan president Idi Amin in 2008's

The Last King of Scotland.

Into genre-bending hip-hop samurai bloodbaths?

No prob.

You'll know him as the titular character from Jim Jarmusch's Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai.

And, as his appearance in Black Panther attests, he isn't averse to the occasional blockbuster

— in fact, he was recently seen in a galaxy far, far away, playing the guerrilla Rebel

known as Saw Gerrera in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Angela Bassett - Ramonda

The recently widowed Queen Mother of Wakanda, Ramonda has seen better days since the death

of her late husband and former Wakandan king T'Chaka.

But even in the face of such personal and political tragedy, Queen Ramonda persists

as a driving force on her son's high council.

Angela Bassett, who portrays the Wakandan matriarch in MCU's Black Panther, has cemented

herself as a veritable legend on the big and small screens.

In the '90s, she starred in a string of critically acclaimed films like Malcolm X, What's Love

Got to Do With It, How Stella Got Her Groove Back, and Waiting to Exhale.

But Bassett would later bring her talents to television, nabbing big roles in a number

of Ryan Murphy-run shows like American Horror Story and FOX police procedural 9-1-1 alongside

fellow AHS alum Connie Britton.

Daniel Kaluuya - W'Kabi

Hostile toward outsiders and endlessly loyal to his allies — especially T'Challa — W'Kabi

is a force to be reckoned with.

Not only is W'Kabi Black Panther's right-hand man, but the chief of Wakandan security is

also a capable warrior to boot.

W'Kabi actor Daniel Kaluuya appeared in a handful of films in the early 2000s — along

with a recurring role in the British drama Skins and a well-received performance in an

episode of Black Mirror.

But it was a minor role in 2013's Kick-Ass 2 as Black Death that jumpstarted his rise

to fame.

He would go on to become a household name in 2017, when he starred in the award-winning

psychological thriller Get Out.

Florence Kasumba - Ayo

A member of the Dora Milaje, Ayo leads T'Challa's security unit with confidence and poise.

Introduced to viewers in Captain America: Civil War, she nearly came to blows with Black

Widow, during a confrontation about everybody's favorite big cat on campus.

While she's appeared in a number of German shows and movies, actress Florence Kasumba

is still relatively new to American film and television.

The soon-to-be star has only appeared in a handful of productions like 2017's hugely

successful Wonder Woman movie in which she played Senator Acantha.

And in 2016, she joined the cast of the short-lived Emerald City, an edgy reimagining of The Wizard

of Oz in which she played the Wicked Witch of the East.

Letitia Wright - Shuri

T'Challa's half-sister Shuri is definitely a runner-up for biggest badass in Wakanda.

With super smarts to rival the likes of Tony Stark and a penchant for powerful weaponry

— like her panther-faced blaster gloves — Shuri isn't afraid to take her tech-savvy

talents to the battlefield alongside her brother and the Dora Milaje.

Let's get one thing straight: Letitia Wright deserves all the roles.

She showed that she could lead a feature film in 2015, when she took center stage in the

award-winning Urban Hymn.

In fact, 2015 proved a huge year for Wright: not only did she snag a recurring role in

the sci-fi drama Humans, but she was also tapped to portray a central character in the

Doctor Who episode "Face the Raven."

While she's mostly credited with bit roles in British television shows like Top Boy,

Coming Up, and Chasing Shadows, she also starred in the Black Mirror episode "Black Museum"

as Nish, a visitor to the titular tourist attraction.

Winston Duke - M'Baku

M'Baku — known in the Black Panther comics as the super offensively named Man-Ape — will

thankfully not be taking his source material's pseudonym when he makes his MCU debut.

However, the young Jabari tribe leader doesn't look any less menacing, even if he's swapped

out his comic counterpart's full gorilla hide suit for more practical armor.

While M'Baku is a pretty well-known and feared comic book villain, the man behind the tattered

breastplate, Winston Duke, is relatively new to acting.

Duke, who has a background in theatre, began his television acting career in 2014 when

he guest starred on an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit as a high school

football player.

That same year, the actor returned to the crime thriller genre, portraying Mini in a

seven-episode arc of CBS crime thriller Person of Interest.

Martin Freeman - Everett Ross

First introduced in Captain America: Civil War, Everett Ross is a CIA operative and former

head of the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

In Black Panther, Ross finds himself at odds with the vibranium-hungry Ulysses Klaue.

As it turns out, the smuggler isn't exactly about to go down without a fight.

Actor Martin Freeman is everywhere: from portraying Dr. John H. Watson in BBC's Sherlock opposite

fellow MCU-er Benedict Cumberbatch to stepping into the furry, oversized feet of Bilbo Baggins

in the Hobbit trilogy, Freeman's filmography resembles a laundry list of big-name flicks,

quirky TV shows, and everything in between.

After getting his big break on the British version of The Office, Freeman would go on

to star in a number of mostly comedic films including Edgar Wright's Three Flavours Cornetto

Trilogy and 2005's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, in which he played reluctant

and newly-evicted-from-Earth protagonist Arthur Dent.

Andy Serkis - Ulysses Klaue

One of the most exciting new additions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe has got to be

Ulysses Klaue, our resident sociopathic South African arms dealer who was first introduced

in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

While actor Andy Serkis brings sadistic charm and a roguish look to the role, comic fans

will likely associate the name "Klaw" with Marvel's token sonic disruptor-wielding supervillain

made of living sound.

Believe it or not, mo-cap mogul Andy Serkis had only been working on TV and film for around

six years before Peter Jackson cast him as Gollum in The Fellowship of the Ring in 2001.

It was this role that inspired the "cyber-thespian" to dedicate his career — or, at least, a

good chunk of it — to motion capture performance.

Serkis reprised his role as Gollum in Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy, and he's lent his talent

to the Star Wars sequel films as Supreme Leader Snoke.

But he's perhaps best known for his portrayal of Caesar, the tragic protagonist of the Planet

of the Apes films.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> This Is Why You Recognize The Cast Of Black Panther - Duration: 10:18.


Porque NÃO deve MONTAR seu PC AGORA - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Porque NÃO deve MONTAR seu PC AGORA - Duration: 3:26.


Types of Car Passengers | Types of People in a Car | Types of Passengers | ft. Hetanshi | Mr Advani - Duration: 4:15.


What's up?

I'm fine!

Let's go!


Where is Akshat?


He couldn't come, he was busy.


So you are going to drive.

I hope you know how to do drive a car.

Will you be able to drive?

Yes, What's the problem?

I can't drive?


Mr. Advani Presents 'Types of Car Passengers'.

Number 1) The Complaint Box!

Wear your seatbelt Hetanshi, what are you doing?

One minute!

Girls no…

I'm wearing it, wait!

Arey, steering.. what are you doing?


Wait, I can drive.

Why isn't AC not working in your car?

It's working dude.

You've bought new car, right?

Such a crap!

I told you buy the new swift.

So you should have gifted me the new car.

Oh god!

Look in the front and drive, how are you driving?

I know how to drive, chill!

*Panics* okay okay chill.. nothing happened.

Number 2) Chatterbox!

And now this Labdhi and all have gone to the Chinese temple, Even I want to go to the Chinese


And I added Nupur Ma'am on snapchat, she's so cute, she's putting all puppy filters….

*chatters* Please I want to give her the milk, please please!

She was like 'no' I was like 'pleeeeaaassee' then I finally gave her the milk.

My Grandmother was upset but it's okay.

Number 3) The Boring One!

So you want to listen to music?


It's okay, I think it's fine!


Did you speak to Aditi about yesterday?

Yeah, I spoke to her, she's fine.


Do you want AC?

Yeah, as you wish, it's your car after all.

Number 4) The DJ!

DJ waale mera gaana tu chala de, tunuk tunuk tunuk tunn tara rarar, Luka Chhuppi boht huyi,

shawa shawa mahiya say shawa shawa.

Number 5) Listen there's pothole ahead, please drive slowly, I want to apply the lipstick.


Listen, this is really cute, come, you also come.


I'm driving!

Arey 1 second, Okay fast!

Number 6) The Navigator!

From here, you to take second left, not this one, the next one.

Oh God!

It's re-routing, I think we had to take that first left, we'll have to take U turn.


I'll take a U turn.

I'm so sorry!

There's roundabout ahead and you to take the 3rd exit.

So, not the first one, not the second one, you have to take the 3rd left.

Right there, this left only you have to take.

Number 7) The one on calls!

I'm going to have food now with Nitin, I'm with him.

You have time for Sushma, you don't have time for me.

Putting stories and all, you never put stories with me.


I'm with Nitin, I'm not going to say all that.


No, don't do that.

It's not going to happen.

Number 8) The Lazy one!

Put feet down!


Arey, Chill Heta.

Don't drop it in my car, it's a new car.

I'm sorry!

This is very tasty.


Eat, Drink, Live and Enjoy the life!

This is what you say in Gujarati, Right?

Yes, but please keep your legs down.

Do you want to have this?



Yes, Sure!

Okay, just have one.


I'm Driving.

Thank you guys for watching this video and she helped me in this video.

Isn't she awesome?

Yes, I'm!

She makes amazing videos.

Go check her Instagram @hetanshi_thacker Follow me on insyagram, facebook and twitter.

Comment below and let me know how did you like this video?

Give me that cute little thumbs up.

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 'Mr. Advani' This is Mr. Advani signing off, hope we meet


For more infomation >> Types of Car Passengers | Types of People in a Car | Types of Passengers | ft. Hetanshi | Mr Advani - Duration: 4:15.


How to repair gigabyte ga-h61m-ds2 Motherboard | reset problem | power problem | Bios problem|bangla - Duration: 14:11.

How to repair gigabyte ga-h61m-ds2 Motherboard | reset problem | power problem | Bios problem|bangla

For more infomation >> How to repair gigabyte ga-h61m-ds2 Motherboard | reset problem | power problem | Bios problem|bangla - Duration: 14:11.


Musica Rilassante Per Leggere - Musica Rilassante Per Studiare - Musica Per Rilassarsi - Duration: 1:04:55.

For more infomation >> Musica Rilassante Per Leggere - Musica Rilassante Per Studiare - Musica Per Rilassarsi - Duration: 1:04:55.


The END of Loot Boxes? Live Action Sword Art Online!! Colossus Tops Chart, More CW Superheroes - MNM - Duration: 1:42.

You guys, it actually happened!

I have internet.

Granted, it kinda sucks.

But, I have internet.

Let's talk nerd.

In a bit of my very favorite thing news, Sword Art Online - I don't care if you hate it,

I don't care.

I don't want your opinion this time. (slightly sarcastic)

Looks like Sword Art Online is getting a live action series on Netflix, and I am so excited.

The Shadow of the Colossus PS4 remake has officially reached the top of the charts in

the UK, so step it up US.

What is really important about this, you guys, is that compared to it's original sales on

the PS2, it has skyrocketed.

Which is much deserved, this game is a landmark and a masterpiece, and it's wonderful to see it

getting the acclaim it deserves.

In "Hey, maybe don't do that" news, the CW has officially added two hours into it's time

slot on Sundays starting in October.

Maybe more superhero shows... can we not though?

And then in some political news, US Senator Maggie Hassan has officially sent off a letter

to the ESRB requesting them to reconsider the loot boxes situation.

If you're unfamiliar with this situation, there is a big uproar in the gaming community

saying that this is gambling and that it needs to be watched and it needs to be held under

the ESRB's restraints.

Interested to see how this thing plays out, what do you guys think about loot boxes?

Do you think they should be restrained?

Or should they continue to go the way that they are?

Are they a health concern or maybe not?

I don't know, I'm interested to hear your opinion.

Me personally, I am into anything that protects the people is what I want.

If the restraints are going to harm people, then I don't want those.

But also, if the games are, then I don't want that.

And that's all that I have for you guys today, I'm going to go play with my internet now.

I encourage you to join in that conversation down below.

Be sure to share this video with anyone who may need to hear the news.

All the links and sources are down in the description box usual.

And I will see you guys next nerd!

For more infomation >> The END of Loot Boxes? Live Action Sword Art Online!! Colossus Tops Chart, More CW Superheroes - MNM - Duration: 1:42.


Co Alkohol robi z YouTuberami [Rafatus,Rafonix,Gural,DanielMagical] - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Co Alkohol robi z YouTuberami [Rafatus,Rafonix,Gural,DanielMagical] - Duration: 1:54.


Hot oil treatment to Regrow hair fall ,dry scalp, itching,irritatino by alopecia areata. - Duration: 8:35.

For more infomation >> Hot oil treatment to Regrow hair fall ,dry scalp, itching,irritatino by alopecia areata. - Duration: 8:35.


Jak vyměnit ložisko předního kola na DODGE CALIBER NÁVOD | AUTODOC - Duration: 15:35.

Using sidecutting pliers remove the cotter pin

Use a socket №32

Use a socket №18

Use a combination spanner №18

Use a socket №10

Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18

Use a socket №21 and a combination spanner №21

Take out the wheel bearing snap ring

Press out the wheel bearing using a hydraulic press

For more infomation >> Jak vyměnit ložisko předního kola na DODGE CALIBER NÁVOD | AUTODOC - Duration: 15:35.


Pequenos Gastos - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Pequenos Gastos - Duration: 1:17.


Encuentra la mejor jugada Juegan las negras 01 - Duration: 3:30.

In this position Black plays and four possible moves can be chosen.

This is very big, it makes the corner.

Another possibility, this one, to prevent white from playing in this area.

Another possibility, here, to ensure corner while attacking,

and another possibility, here, closing the target.

Which of the four plays is this one? Is this, or this, the correct one?

The correct play is this, boshi on the white stones.

This stone connects all the black stones very well, draws a possible moyo, in the future,

in black in this area, he presses white.

Coordinates very well the position of blacks.

This movement is great, it makes a base, but it allows white to jump in this way,

black must respond, and white lives easily, also leaving these two floating stones,

without base.

It's a big play, but it has this drawback.

Besides this is not yet safe black territory, white could enter here,

I could go in here.

Had these stones been closer, then yes, this move would be correct,

since the white jump does not affect the territory, which is quite closed.

But the position is this.

Right move

It would not be so good if this were for example, there would be some over-concentration.

This movement, it is shimari, it makes the corner, but it is not an urgent movement,

and besides, it's a drip.

The same thing happens with this movement, white could play like that, black, white, black ...

and it's drip for black, white could jump again there.

Therefore, this is the important point in this situation

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