Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 15 2018


Tell me, Juanjo! Where's my son?

I don't know.

He was right here. I went to...


To your mother's house!

I left Calistoga, but I don't know how I got here.

-Where's my son? -I don't know!

Where did you leave him?


What's wrong?

What happened? Where's the baby?

I don't remember. I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

What is it, Joaquin?

We're all worried here, Paco. Did you find Juanjo?


He doesn't remember? That's impossible!

No, Aurora's not answering.

This can't be happening!

Have you seen the time?

The ceremony should've started a while ago.

She's not answering my calls either.

She's obviously with Juanjo. You saw her leave with Paco.

What's the big secret? She could've told us

if Juanjo had gotten into an accident.

Don't say that!

I'm nervous enough as is!

Mom, please calm down.


I just spoke to Paco.

I don't have all the details, but Juanjo lost Emilito.

Oh, God!



Have you seen a three-year-old boy?

-No. -My son is lost!

I just got here. I haven't seen him.

Ask Belkis. She's always here.


Have you seen a three-year-old boy?

-She hasn't seen a thing. -Please help me!

Aurora, calm down. The police are on their way.

We'll find Emilio. Calm down.

Tell me about the places you and the boy visited.

I picked him up at Mercedes'.

I arrived at Calistoga, but I didn't stay long...

When did you get here?

I don't know how...

What? Are you drunk or something?

I'm not drunk!

Look at me!

Look at me!

Your pupils are dilated. You're high!

-I can't be! -Are you high?

I haven't done drugs in years!

Where's my grandson?

What did you do to him, you bastard?

-Calm down! -Where's my grandson?

Negative. There's no trace of the child.

-My son! -Calm down.

There, there.

We'll locate Roberto. He's probably with him.

-Give me that! -No!

That's your second one today.

Stop lecturing me and open that ------- bottle.

You're so stubborn.

The doctor said to take care.

I couldn't care less what the damn doctor said.

I should set this ------- winery on fire.

Pour me one. Shut up and drink with me.

I won't.

I'm sorry to interrupt, but the police are outside

and they are looking for Mr. Roberto.

Please clear your head and tell me exactly what happened.

Can you do that?

Susan, unfortunately we've been unable to locate Roberto.

He's not at the Castañeda bodega or the hotel where he resides.

He's not answering his phone either.

Maybe he's with Roberto.

When was the last time you saw him?

Today he stopped by to deliver a present.

Did you notice anything strange about him?

No! He was actually pleasant.

Did he mention where he was going or what his plans were?

Did he say anything?

Not really.

If he did... I don't remember, Susan.

I know where Roberto is.

I do.


-Roberto! -What?

-What is it? -Do you know where your son is?

With his mother, I guess.

When'd you last see him?

Just hours ago at his grandparents'.

Why? What's going on?

Your son is missing.


How? When did he go missing?

Very well.

Ask him to accompany you to the station so he can help us.


I'll call you later.

Aurora, your son isn't with Roberto.

I'm sorry.

Where is my son, Susan?

Good God, help me!

-Aurora, I swear... -Stay back, Juanjo!

You're under arrest.

You were the last person seen with Emilito.

Therefore, you're responsible for his disappearance.

And you were driving under the influence again!

I'm not high! You have to believe me!

That remains to be seen.

Take him down to the station and run the necessary tests.


You have to believe me!

Damn it, Aurora!

I found something! Come here!

Come here!


It's my son's shoe!

Don't touch it!

Stay back. Cordon off the area.

Go to the station.

You'll be far more useful there.

240 to Headquarters.

I need the help of the canine unit.

Aurora, I'm so confused. What's going on?

I don't know either.

Juanjo can't tell us.

Emilito disappeared.

We went to the place where he went missing

but we couldn't find anything...

I'm desperate!


You bastard!

Hey! What's the matter with you?

He's handcuffed, you coward!

-Don't be such a coward! -Please calm down.

Come with me, please.

We need to calm down. Violence won't help matters.

That's easy for you to say. You didn't lose a child.

If I were Roberto, I wouldn't just punch him.

I'd kick him too.

Your pupils are dilated so don't bother denying it.

-What drug did you use? -I haven't done drugs in years!

No, he didn't seem high.

He looked happy.

Yes, he seemed normal, but you never know with Juan Jose.

He sees me as his worst enemy.

I don't have any enemies, Susan.

If someone hated me so much so as to do something so rotten,

I'd know about it, don't you think?

Do you think someone took Emilito

to stop Aurora and Juanjo from getting married?

Dad hates Juanjo, but he adores Emilito.

He wouldn't do something like that to Aurora or Emilio.

Roberto is capable of such an act, though.

What kind of question is that?

Why do I care if Aurora and Juanjo get married?

I only care about my son.

My son is missing because of that damn junkie!

You think I'd get high on the most important day of my life?

Emilito was in your care and he's missing now.

Once the blood tests come back

and we figure out what drugs you used,

I'll move to file charges against you.

Was it heroine? Ecstasy?

Methamphetamines? What'd you take?

Only a very powerful drug

would make him forget where he left my son.

I don't know, Susan.

I swear I didn't use any drugs.

The tests show you haven't consumed drugs

or alcohol recently.

I told you, but you refused to believe me.

I've known you all your life, Juanjo.

That's why I doubted you.

It says here that you took a painkiller.

I took two pills for some shoulder spasms.

That doesn't explain the temporary amnesia

you claim to suffer.

How'd you end up in the street

without Emilio and unable to remember anything?

I don't know!

I already told you I don't know.

I don't know!

We're missing something.

Let's start from the top.

Tell me everything that happened

after you left Mercedes' with the child.

I don't know.

I don't remember.

I woke up... in a street.

There were prostitutes there.

I turned around and... Emilito was gone.

Juanjo, please make an effort.

You must've made a stop somewhere.

Close your eyes.

Close your eyes

and try to remember the last thing you saw.

<i> I got out of the car.</i>

<i> I turned around and Emilio</i> <i> was still there.</i>

<i> I went to help him out.</i>

<i> Then a car with tinted windows</i> <i> showed up.</i>

<i> There were some guys in it.</i>

<i> What guys?</i>

<i> I don't know who they were.</i>

<i> They were...</i>

<i> I'd never seen them before.</i>

<i> I don't know what we talked</i> <i> about. </i>

<i>I don't remember anything else.</i>

Does Aurora still have cameras outside her home?

Yes, she does.

Get a hold of the security footage of the neighborhood,

in particular the footage from Aurora's home.

We need to find that vehicle.

Right away.

It's lemon balm tea.

It'll sooth your nerves.

I'm not nervous.

I'm terrified.

I don't know where my son is.

Aurora, I don't know how long it'll take us to find Emilio,

but it could take a lot of time and energy.

You must remain calm and strong.

Think of whom you've argued with lately.

Who could've been against you and Juanjo getting married?

Do you think it was Roberto?

Do you?

I don't think so.

He's a good father.

When I told him Juanjo and I were getting married,

he had a very civilized reaction.

I don't think he'd hurt his son.

What about Serena?

Natalia told me Juanjo fired her

and that they were dating until recently.

She had a motive, wouldn't you agree?

Serena has several reasons to hate me, but...

I didn't attend that damn wedding

because Juanjo and I were dating till recently

and Aurora was my best friend.

I didn't feel like putting myself through that hell.


What do you think

-of Juanjo and Aurora? -They're traitors!

And they've been very unfair to me.

Are you happy they were unable to get married?

Are you insinuating I had something to do

with Emilito's disappearance?

Susan, who told you I'd been invited to the wedding?



How dare you?

Serena, now's not...

No, ma'am. Stay out of it.

I was coming to terms with your betrayal,

with being treated like second best as usual,

but I can't believe you'd accuse me of hurting Emilito.

Susan asked and I just...

You said I was capable of kidnapping your son!

-Serena, calm down. -I won't!

I won't calm down.

This is the last thing I'll say to you.

This is the worst thing you've ever done to me.

I adore your son.

I realize now I need to leave.

I won't let you destroy me.

Serena, that's not what happened!

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 55 | Telemundo - Duration: 13:31.


Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 73 | Telemundo - Duration: 18:46.




I said don't move!

You sure you aren't pregnant?

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

I can't be pregnant. No way I'm ready for a kid.

Revenge or death.

You'll have both.

Not sure in what order, though.

I freed up some time to see you,

so you'd better make the best of it.

We're going to have a grand old time.

These bastards are in for a surprise.

Run! Grenade!

-Leave now! -Run!

-Hey! -Dad!




Thank you, young man.

<i> What's up, Aceros?</i>

What the hell is this?

<i> What'd you expect?</i>

<i>Mario Casas wasn't the only one</i> <i> with tricks up his sleeve!</i>

I'm giving your family the royal treatment!



Looks like someone's having fun!


Amaro... you think we'd let you get away with this?

Hell no.

We're Hurricane Acero.

Mess with us... and you're toast.

You think we're finished? Let me tell you something.

We want to pop a cap in your ass now more than ever.

We're stronger than you.

You can't destroy us.

Say whatever you want.

I'm immune to curses! Heck, I am a curse!

It's like he can hear us... and see us.

He must have planted cameras and mics somewhere here.

You're a coward taking out your rage on the innocent, Amaro.

Take it out on me! Have some -----!

One versus the other. Boss against boss.

Oh, Chavita...

<i> I've got more ----- than</i> <i> the entire Acero male line.</i>

<i> I'll mess with you because</i> <i> I damn well feel like it.</i>

<i> Besides, death is sweeter</i> <i> when it's preceded by torture.</i>

<i> Tearing you to shreds</i> <i> is much more fun.</i>

<i> Feast your eyes</i> <i> on this sideshow!</i>

I hope it makes you want to gouge them out!

<i> That's what I'd do, Chava!</i> <i> Honestly!</i>

At least that way, you wouldn't see what happens to your mother

and Aracely's daughter.



Calm down.

Hey! Sit him down.

Relax, buddy.


Just breathe.

<i> I hope you aren't that weak</i> <i> once you face me, Chava,</i>

'cause you won't last a single round!

<i> Get this,</i> <i> you sick son of a bitch.</i>

When I find you, I'm not going to arrest you...

I'm going to destroy you.

I'll exterminate you like the ------- vermin you are!

Pah! I wanna see you try, you damn gringo!

You insipid ----. Bet you can't!

You can't find me...

<i> You can't find me!</i>

<i>Just make sure you do it before</i> <i> I turn your mother into stew.</i>

<i> She is an old hen, after all.</i>

<i> You deserve that and worse</i> <i> after all you've done to me.</i>

<i> What'd you expect?</i>

<i> I still haven't forgotten</i> <i> about that merch you stole!</i>

<i> You killed Cheneque,</i> <i> my finest hitman!</i>

<i>It's quite the list, paleface...</i>

<i>and I've got it all jotted down.</i>

Right in here.

I'll remember it once I'm through with your mother.

If you lay a ------- finger on her...

you'll regret ever being born, you ----------!

Oh, I'm laying all eight on her!

I've always wanted to try an older woman.

Come here!

Don't worry, gringo.

Get up!

Actually, I think Indira's been checking your mother out!

This Indio has learned well!

That's why my father taught him everything.

He sure learns fast for an animal.

Sure does, sir.

Dogs may learn new tricks, but they're still animals.

Don't I deserve a little credit?

I'm the one who placed all the cameras.

Fine, I'll stay quiet.

<i> Tell him, copper!</i>

<i> Tell him what a fun time your</i> <i> former mother-in-law's having.</i>

<i> Go on! </i> <i> Tell him!</i>

<i> She's doing just fine.</i>

<i> You're too down, copper.</i>

If I were you...

I'd let out my stress on this old hag.

It's the least that gringo deserves

<i> after dumping you for Coyote, </i>

<i>turning your family against you,</i> <i> and getting you fired...</i>

<i> That's right, sweetheart.</i>

<i> He arrested you himself!</i>

Women and children are sacred in this business.

Indio Amaro crossed the line...

and you're going to pay for what he did.

I told you there was a serious war coming...

and you didn't believe me.

This is just the beginning.

I won't ask you again. Where is Indio's ranch?

Answer me, damn it!

You want to die?

Speak up!


Tell me!

Where are these people being held?

Don't you dare hurt my mother, Indira.

Or I swear I'll take it out on your family.

<i> I'm not like you, Phillips.</i>

How do you like it here, ma'am?

This is great!

That's good... especially because you aren't getting out.

Leave my mother alone!

If you hurt her, Indira, your family will pay!

I'm going to leave her in the same place as the others...

<i> underground!</i>

Rooster's bastard son will be there, too.

You think they're searching for us?

No, Felipe. I don't think so.

I know so.

They must be looking everywhere for us.

We just have to sit tight.

We've been through far worse things before.

You think your post can save you, Quintanilla?

Mayors are a dime a dozen in Mexico.

<i> And while things</i> <i> may seem bleak...</i>

<i> so long as we're still</i> <i> breathing, there's hope.</i>

I'm not your average mayor.

I'm Rooster Quintanilla.

If you want to mess with me... bring it on.

Killing your little Debora was no sweat...

killing your other slutty wife will be the same.

<i> I'm not afraid of you.</i>

<i> Not yet, but once I send you</i> <i> your kid's head...</i>

The entire Matamoros police department is after you.

Listen up, you bastard.

It's only a matter of time before they find you.

You've nowhere to hide, Amaro.

As for you, Chavita. Prepare for the worst.

If you're a hurricane, then I'm a ------------- tsunami!

<i> We go way back. </i>

<i> We've been at war</i> <i> ever since you were born.</i>

<i> You don't just forget</i> <i> these debts...</i>

and there's only one way to pay them off.

With blood.

You're a curious one.

Think back on your past.

You gained an enemy through bloodshed,

and now it's your blood he's after.

You come from a line of murderers.

You killed Briseida Montero, my boss Teca Martinez, and Owl!

And you're next.

Well, hurry up!

I'm just about dying to slice your wife's neck open...

<i> but not before getting</i> <i> to the goods.</i>

<i> I'd kill the devil himself</i> <i> for my family.</i>

<i> If I were you, Amaro...</i> <i> I'd start running.</i>

<i> You took the first strike.</i> <i> Now it's our turn.</i>

I'm going to rip your heart out, Amaro...

or whatever's left of it.

<i> Wouldn't be the only thing</i> <i> I'm missing.</i>

<i> At least I'm better off</i> <i> than Pepita!</i>

<i> Isn't that right, Pepita?</i> <i> I'm talking to you!</i>

<i> Come on.</i>

<i> -Whatever you say, boss.</i> <i> -That's it!</i>

<i> What I say goes!</i>

I am the boss, aren't I?

<i> I make the orders here</i> <i> and I order them to die!</i>

Come and get it, Amaro. We'll be waiting.

We're right here, you son of a bitch.

Speaking of which, I'm only interested in one person.

That damn Coyote.

She's the only prey I'm after.

I want Vicenta Acero and I want her now!

You alright, ma'am?

Yes... yes, I'm sorry.

It's just that getting a visa was like a dream come true.

Your dreams will soon come true as well.

You'll see.

Yes, although I hope to be as lucky as you were.

Any idea when we're finally crossing?

We're all feeling nervous since we don't know any details.

Many of us are wondering if this is going to work.

I understand.

I don't really have any details on the crossing, either...

but I can tell you this much.

Vicenta Acero will fulfill her promise.

Know why I'm so sure of it?

Vicenta took me across when I was still pregnant.

<i> That's when I realized she</i> <i> wasn't like the other coyotes.</i>

<i> Vicenta would risk her life</i> <i> to save her migrants.</i>

<i>She's the best coyote out there.</i>

<i> Vicenta's my friend.</i>

My sister.

She'll take us to the States, I promise.

Thank you for those reassuring words.

I've gotta go check up on the kids now.

See you later.

Vicenta, please call me back.

I need to know how Mrs. Victoria, my sister,

and the kids are doing.

This is all my fault.

None of this would've happened if we hadn't gone partying

after I got my visa.

Please, Vicenta. Please call me.

What's your fault, Aida? Why are you crying?

It's nothing, sweetie.

I came back, but everyone else stayed behind partying.

Why didn't you stay?

Because I had to come look after you guys.

You're the most important thing we have in life.

But we aren't even related... or are we?

Well, soon you'll learn that bloodlines

aren't as important as the family we choose.

-Amaro's watching us. -Yeah.

You need to cut the signal from that monitor.

Got it.

Alright, Amaro.

If you want me, come and get me.

You don't need to take Chayo, Mrs. Victoria, and the kids.

I'll trade you my life for my family's.


<i> That's how it always is...</i>

Freaking Vicenta Acero always playing the martyr.

Saint Coyote!

You ain't no saint!

<i> Saints are usually</i> <i> the biggest sinners...</i>

<i> and sinners should be</i> <i> sentenced to life!</i>

<i> From the moment you came into</i> <i>my life, you ruined everything.</i>

You took my people, my migrants, my slaves...

you even took out my damn president!

My business was ruined because of you.

You took away my son Shark II.

Those people weren't yours, Amaro.

You stole them all.

Can't you see you're alone in this?

You destroy everything you touch.

And damn proud of it!

That's exactly what I'll do to you.

Destroy you like the cancer you are.

What you did to Governor Chucho Casares

<i> is nothing compared to</i> <i> what I'm going to do to you.</i>

I'm coming for you, Vicenta!

You're mine!

No more Mr. Nice Guy, you wench!

I dragged myself for you.

I turned into some pathetic loser to play your game!

Don't say that, boss.

You aren't a pathetic loser.

Everything's going according to plan, boss.

It's all falling into place.

We practically have the Aceros cornered.

We had that bitch Debora killed.

Salvador was left without an heir.

Their bloodline is finished!

It's game over for the Acero clan.

Plus, we have their family.

You tell me who's winning this game.

You talk too much, Amaro. Your tongue's gonna fall off.

I gave you everything, bitch.

Don't you realize this is a game?

<i> After all I did</i> <i> for your family...</i>

<i>I even got that dumb bitch Aida</i> <i> her visa.</i>

<i> I've had to put up</i> <i> with insults...</i>

<i> put up with seeing you</i> <i> and that gringo.</i>

A game, you idiot?

You think this is a game?

We'll see.

<i> I bled for you, Vicenta.</i>

<i> Now it's your family's turn</i> <i> to bleed.</i>

<i> They're taking</i> <i> their last breaths.</i>

No praying, Pepa!

God can't hear you here!

So you're gonna answer my prayers?

He's going to kill him.

Let him.

It's the least that rapist traitor deserves.

It's me you want, isn't it?

I'm waiting, Amaro! Come on!

Baby... what are you doing?

You've got ovaries, woman.

Bigger ones than Pepa!

That's right. You're the one I want...

in exchange for my prisoners.

I'd rather feed one mouth than four.

Dream on, idiot.

Don't you dare touch Vicenta. Don't even look at her.

If you take her, you're taking us all on.

She isn't alone.

We're a family... and we're gonna rip you apart.

You're all useless.

The Coyote's the only one I want!

She's going to work for me.

Don't you know the routes better than anyone?


<i> That's what I want!</i>

<i> I want you to show me.</i>

I want to cross the border like you do.

Indira over here was no help.

And now with Owl dead and buried...

you'll be hunting migrants for the big boss, Chenta.

Good, sturdy ones, too. Ones I can actually use!

<i> No kids or useless women.</i>

Just like Sara Acero worked for Teca Martinez.

Nice touch, Amaro.

Good job!

Once you're here,

you'll realize loyalty isn't unconditional.

Everyone has a price. Everything can be bought.

<i> Even loyalty.</i>

<i> I want you to be my queen!</i>

Only then will you get your family back in one piece.


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 73 | Telemundo - Duration: 18:46.


José José | Capítulo 23 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 14:48.


Victor Frank.

I heard... you do million-dollar deals with the senator.

I want to be your business partner.

<i> I just have to go</i> <i> to Ciudad Juarez,</i>

<i> sign Pepe's tour contract,</i> <i> and that's it.</i>

<i> You spent years there drinking</i> <i> like no tomorrow!</i>

I'm a changed Chumo now, Mom.

That's Leti's husband.

You cannot pass.

Where are you taking him?

You need to go to a hospital. Let's go.

It's too late.

What happened, honey?

I can't find my jewelry anywhere.

I hope I didn't lose it while moving out.

You promised you wouldn't drink.

-I only had two! -That's not true!

-We have a serious problem. -What?

We're bankrupt!

This is your fault.

Do you regret marrying me now that I'm broke?


No! This isn't about money.

Jose, it isn't that!

Will you calm down!

You need to learn to control yourself.

Oh, shut up!

I'm not 15 anymore. I know what I'm doing.

I know, but you're so out of control sometimes,

I tend to forget that.

What can you tell me now?

What right do you have to reproach me?

You practically abandoned me as a child.

Now you're taking Jose's side? You don't even know him.

But I know you and you can't control your temper!

I know I'm the worst daughter out there.

Of course I can't control my temper.

I can't even talk to Jose.

He sees it as confrontation.

I'm pleased you've calmed down, sweetie.

Your screams earlier were heard throughout the house.

I can't believe this.

The great, hardworking Jose Jose is now penniless.

He's broke.


My dear Blondie.

I enjoy your presence at the mayor's functions,

but here comes the true test.

You're starting to scare me, sweetheart.

This sounds like a spy movie! Am I going on a mission?

This is serious, Blondie.

Armando is my adversary. Do you follow?


Adversaries, huh? Sounds medieval.

Blondie, in politics... so long as you're smiling,

you're effectively stabbing your enemy in the back.

-Do you follow? -Oh, perfectly.

That's exactly how things are in show business, too.

So, are you going to tell me why he's your adversary?

He wants to use his influence as governor

to be named Director of State Public Works.


What do you mean, "So?" I want that position!

That's where the highest state budgets are handled.

That's where you come in.

Blondie... I want you to ensnare him.

You know, charm him.

That's it?

Not quite.

Armando's extremely conservative.

He'd never even consider dabbling in adultery.

Oh, don't worry.

Trust me.

The more "conservative" they claim to be, the easier.

You're the expert.

I want to be happy!

I'm sorry to remind you,

but your problems began the moment you married that boy!

Look. Jose's a good guy.

Besides, Natalia, he's your husband!

You have to support him in good times and bad.

That's just nonsense.

If he can't support her, he's worthless!

If you've nothing good to say about Jose, stay out of it.

You're right. I should go.

I've more important things to do.

Thank you.

I don't know, Mr. Abel.

Between the fraud and my issues with Kiki,

I wish I could turn back time

and go back to the good old days.

Damn, Pepe.

I don't know what to tell you.

I thought you were happy and that business was booming.

Well, that's not the case... but I will rise, Mr. Abel.

You'll see.

I've no doubt about it...

but are you saying you regret getting married?


Kiki's an incredible, smart, cultured woman...

but she's also very troubled.

Take it easy, champ.

That bottle isn't going anywhere.

Sorry if I'm butting in, but what's the problem?

Don't you two get along?

We get along very well.

We love spending time together

and the passion is still alive...

but passion leads to anger and screaming

and it all goes downhill from there, just like that.

Let me rephrase the question.

If you were to put your relationship on a scale,

would you say you're more happy than unhappy?

Seriously, Chumo.

-I was as drunk as a skunk! -Yeah!

If you hadn't helped me out with the percussion solo,

everyone would've totally found out!

Oh, Pachi.

Been a while since I took a trip down memory lane.

Well, then.

Now that we're on solid ground, how about some rum or tequila?

Well, I have a meeting in about an hour and a half.

Come on!

How about you go to your meeting?

Then tonight you can meet me at Lalo Cartas' bar.

That joint still exists?

Yeah, man!

Seriously, Pachi?

We're all going there tonight. Join us!

So, you down?

I don't know yet.

I'll have to see after the meeting.

See you there, Chumo! Have a good one!


I searched, but they aren't there.

Are you sure they didn't disappear before the move?

How, Negra?

My customers never go inside the house.

Much less into my room.

Then who does?

Think, woman!

I forgot to get eggs for the meatballs.

I'll get them!

The money's in my room.

On top of the table. I need to check on the rice.

Well, there's also what happened today.

That girl's pregnant,

yet she's running like she's in the Olympics!

If Gonzalo finds out about this,

all hell will break loose!

I know it.

You think Minerva...?

Don't worry.

The doctors will tell us how your husband's doing.

Help! Emergency!

Sweet Virgin! That's Minerva!

I need a gurney!

Minerva! Mine...

What happened?

I'm going to lose my baby!

Do you know her?

Yes, we're family.

I need an operating room!

Oh, Sweet Virgin, please save that mother and child!

It's in your hands now.

You just wait. Cheers.

I'll handle the committee.

Speak of the devil.

Just a moment.

Frank! Great to see you.

I never thought you'd invite me to the party.

Especially given the current state of things.

My dear Armando.

Let's not let politics affect our friendship

as party members.

Come, now. Let's make peace.

So you'll step aside

so that the public works position is mine?

Always so succinct.

I'd rather we didn't talk business.

This party is... spectacular.

I'll go greet your guests.


Mr. Ledezma.

You don't know how happy I am to finally meet you.

I admire you so much for your moral leadership.

And you are...?

I work at Mr. Frank's office. Public relations.

-Do you have a name? -Of course I do!

But you can call me Blondie. Everyone calls me that.

I like making friends. After all, I am from the north.

Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon?


Blondie from Naucalpan. I think I know you.

Yes, you probably do. I am on TV a lot.

No. You think I was born yesterday?

You think I don't know women like you?


How about that?

Pass me another! Another one!

-Thanks. -Cheers!

<i> Hello?</i> Thank God I reached you.

I'm at Tacuba Hospital. How do I break this to you?

It's about Mine and the baby...

They were just admitted to the hospital.

<i> She didn't look well.</i>


We need information to check Minerva in.

<i> Yes, I'm coming.</i>

<i> Margarita, I've gotta go.</i>

I called so you could alert Gonzalo.

I'll tell him, but please be on the lookout

in case Gonzalo arrives before we do.

Yes, don't worry. I'll keep an eye out.

May God protect us.

Now I have to break the bad news to my son.

Oh, Sweet Virgin!

Please protect him.

Don't let him fall again.

I feel like I'm sinking.

There's too much weight on my shoulders.

I need to get my head out of this swamp

to catch a glimpse of happiness.

What bad timing.

My secretary's on her lunch break.

I'll make it quick.

Javier Solares.

Mrs. Margarita.

To what do I owe this honor?

Sir, you'll have to forgive me,

but I don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, please!

I'm sure Frank hired you.

The photographer's probably on standby at the motel.

You'll have to forgive me again,

but you are insulting me, sir.

Well, then!

So you work at the mayor's office.

I find that fascinating.

So, tell me. What's your position?

I work for the office of...

Actually, my specialty is scoping out jerks like you.

If you'll excuse me.

Pardon me.

Be right back.

Why do bad things keep happening to me, Pepe?

Why always me?

Calm down.

Relax, Gonzalo. Please.

Don't get ahead of yourself.

Calm down.

The doctors are doing everything they can

to save them.

Can you come to the hospital with me?

Of course. You don't even have to ask.

Take as much time as you need. That goes without saying.

I'll tell the engineer.

Thanks, boss.

If you need anything, just ask.

Please keep me informed.

Thank you. Goodbye.

For more infomation >> José José | Capítulo 23 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 14:48.


Pánico en una escuela secundaria de Florida: 17 muertos y decenas de heridos - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Pánico en una escuela secundaria de Florida: 17 muertos y decenas de heridos - Duration: 2:29.


Guillermo Vázquez valoró los tres puntos de visita ante Pumas en la lucha por no descender - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Guillermo Vázquez valoró los tres puntos de visita ante Pumas en la lucha por no descender - Duration: 0:40.


TUTORIAL of Magic: The Knife Sharpener Gag - Duration: 3:15.

Do not subscribe to this channel,

it's only for magicians

Hello colleagues

Today I will not talk about my "spinner"

but of other objects that spin

I leave my "fitget spinner" on the plate

and I give it a little boost

surely it has ever happened to you

that when trying to cut a steak, the knife does not cut

this can be solved very easily

taking a plate

placing the plate on the edge of the table

we give the dish a boost to turn

and when the plate rotates at high speed

sharpen the knife with the plate

If the dish loses speed

we give it a new impulse

now it rotates really fast

at the end the plate stops, like the "spinner"

and the blade is well sharpened

goodbye friends

Did you like this homemade trick to sharpen knives?

(the "fitget spinner" rotates


it is an optical and acoustic illusion

It is a simple "gag"

ideal for a desktop

making believe that a plate turns

and that we sharpen a knife

we need a totally smooth plate

no drawings and no scalloped edge

we place the plate on our knees

we will support the tip of the feet

with the raised heel

we hold the plate like this

we simulate that we give the dish a boost

and we move our knees like this

so the plate will "tremble"

and it will make noise

the knife will also make noise

all this will create the illusion that the plate turns quickly

and that we're sharpening the knife

I think it's a very curious illusion

I hope you have liked this nice "gag"

goodbye, see you in the next video

For more infomation >> TUTORIAL of Magic: The Knife Sharpener Gag - Duration: 3:15.


Short Magazine Lee-Enfield ► Top 10 favourite depictions in videogames - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Short Magazine Lee-Enfield ► Top 10 favourite depictions in videogames - Duration: 8:01.


Nguy Cơ Mắc Bệnh Gút Do Ăn Uống, Nhậu Nhẹt Dịp Tết - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Nguy Cơ Mắc Bệnh Gút Do Ăn Uống, Nhậu Nhẹt Dịp Tết - Duration: 10:54.


Talking Tom Gold Run Android Gameplay - Talking Tom Cowboy VS Blades of Brim - Epic Snow Run Update - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Gold Run Android Gameplay - Talking Tom Cowboy VS Blades of Brim - Epic Snow Run Update - Duration: 13:04.


Famosos y compañeros despidieron a Débora Pérez Volpin - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Famosos y compañeros despidieron a Débora Pérez Volpin - Duration: 1:17.


El día en que Andy Kusnetzoff quiso conquistar a Débora Pérez Volpin - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> El día en que Andy Kusnetzoff quiso conquistar a Débora Pérez Volpin - Duration: 2:16.


Watch your favorite paranorm...

For more infomation >> Watch your favorite paranorm...


খালেদার কারাবাসের এক সপ্তাহের পর BNP কেন আনন্দে আত্মহারা দেখুন !! Latest Bangla News - Duration: 2:20.

Khaleda Zia Jail

For more infomation >> খালেদার কারাবাসের এক সপ্তাহের পর BNP কেন আনন্দে আত্মহারা দেখুন !! Latest Bangla News - Duration: 2:20.


Montage - Battlefield 1 - Duration: 1:24.

First of all, my name is Wilson or Leong Kah Ming and I am from group A02A.

Well, this is my website and it called battlefield 1. This is my home page.

Basically, my website containing a lot of information such a content, and main

characters in six different campaign, and also awesome and attractive video gameplay.

Wow(Emoji)..... Lastly is for people who interesting in this game you can download by

clicking this icon and it will lead you to the official website.

If you facing any problem, you can click the email

from above. I reply you as soon as possible.

For more infomation >> Montage - Battlefield 1 - Duration: 1:24.


Unloading Oldest metro Rotterdam on the depot #50jaarMetro - Duration: 10:10.

Metro vehicle 5024

For more infomation >> Unloading Oldest metro Rotterdam on the depot #50jaarMetro - Duration: 10:10.


Dziesięć przykazań odcinek 7 - Duration: 1:22:28.

For more infomation >> Dziesięć przykazań odcinek 7 - Duration: 1:22:28.


Talking Tom Gold Run Android Gameplay - Talking Tom Cowboy VS Blades of Brim - Epic Snow Run Update - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Gold Run Android Gameplay - Talking Tom Cowboy VS Blades of Brim - Epic Snow Run Update - Duration: 13:04.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


MORNING ROUTINE | How I start my day | Daily meditation | Breakfast | Exercise | No make-up lazy day - Duration: 6:23.

Good morning guys :)

Oh, it's cold outside

But I like waking up and feeling the fresh air

How are you doing? Hope you're well

okay so today I was supposed to have a photo shoot

but it was cancelled because the girl doesn't feel good and she asked me to photograph her tomorrow

and I thought that I will film a morning routine video as well as what I eat in a day

hope it will be interesting for you guys

I start my mornings with meditation. it helps me be in positive and focused on

my goals during the day

I usually wake up around 9:00 in the morning

I would like to wake up earlier but it's hard for me

because at night I'm very creative

I can edit videos and photos and do everything just everything

I become really inspired at night and it's hard for me to go to bed

because I'm too excited

ok then I'm going to make some tea

after breakfast I usually do some work

check out social media and reply to all the messages emails etc

and after that I do a quick warm-up or workout

I can't work out right after the breakfast

so I wait about an hour and do some exercises and cycling

So, I was cycling for about 30 minutes

And I think it will be enough for today

because it took me more time to do all of my morning stuff

because I was filming video obviously so

I'm going to take a shower and I'm gonna do some work

So guys I took a shower and it feels amazing

and after the shower I've applied on my face

lotion with hyaluronic acid by hada labo

I've showed it to guys in my previous videos before

and this shocking toner

you know on the days when I don't really have a lot of time I only use these two things after showering

you know I have a video about my skincare routine you can check it out I will leave the link down below

so that's it guys hope this video was interesting for you

I'm going to do some work now

on the days when I don't have any appointments or like photoshoot

I don't wear any makeup at all

so I'm going to stay like this

except I'm going to dry my hair of course

and so yeah that's it thank you so much for watching

please consider subscribing if you like they just like this

And see you next time! bye :)

For more infomation >> MORNING ROUTINE | How I start my day | Daily meditation | Breakfast | Exercise | No make-up lazy day - Duration: 6:23.


Funny indian pranks - videos whatsapp - Funny Videos 2018 I Bet , You Can't Hold Your Laugh! - Duration: 4:16.

Thanks for Watching

I Hope You Enjoy This Video

If You Like This Video Than

Thank Don't forget to click on Subscribe Button

Also Click on Bell icon for latest updates

For more infomation >> Funny indian pranks - videos whatsapp - Funny Videos 2018 I Bet , You Can't Hold Your Laugh! - Duration: 4:16.


BTS | Canvas Backdrop Photo Shoot | RAW Project - Duration: 2:26.

Ok Ceci


for you



What's your favorite color?


Cats or Dogs?


Are you sure?

Yes, I have three

Favorite movie?


An actor you have a crush on?

Keith Powers

Your favorite band?



We're done for today!


For more infomation >> BTS | Canvas Backdrop Photo Shoot | RAW Project - Duration: 2:26.


Rabbit Finger Family Song - Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 2:16.

Come and meet the finger family

They're so cute, they're so cute

Come on, children don't be shy now

Sing with me, sing with me

For more infomation >> Rabbit Finger Family Song - Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 2:16.


Alexander fortæller om inQvations faciliteter - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Alexander fortæller om inQvations faciliteter - Duration: 0:44.


Honton ko Patlay Karne ki 2 Remedies|How to Get Slim Lips and Pink Lips By Rani G in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 4:38.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Honton ko Patlay Karne ki 2 Remedies|How to Get Slim Lips and Pink Lips By Rani G in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 4:38.


Mr. Binek's Class- Episode 1: The Fields of Flavor - Duration: 8:49.



BINEK (off screen): Josh!

JOSH: Yes, Mr. Binek?

BINEK (off screen): What the hell is this?!

JOSH: A cigarette?

BINEK: What do you think you're doing?! Bringing THIS smack into MY school?!

JOSH: It's not mine.

BINEK: Josh! Don't YOU bullshit me!

You're ALWAYS getting involved in some sort of stupid crap like this!

So come clean!

JOSH: It's NOT mine!

BINEK: You think smoking makes you cool or something? Huh?!

Well gee wiz! Look at me! I'm Josh! I'm so cool! I smoke cigarettes!

All the girls now wanna have SEX with ME!




Charlotte, hold my calls.

Mr. Binek, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but as an instructor of this institution it's your job to educate the DANGERS of smoking. Not PROMOTE it!

BINEK: What? What are you talking about?

JOHNSON: Come on! Don't play stupid! I SAW what you did out there!

BINEK: Oh? Oh wait a minute! You mean what happened out there?.

No! No! See. Well, okay, this is what happened.

You see, that Josh kid, well, he's just a bastard and the thing about it is

JOHNSON: Listen, this school's reputation is now at STAKE!

YOU need to get back out there and do damage control.

Right NOW!

BINEK: Pfft, reputation? Are you fucking kidding me?

This is a grade school for god sakes!

Hell, I think half of my students out there are retarded!

JOHNSON: Then do it for you job. Now get out of my office!


I don't know what I'm gonna do, Zach.

It seems like the harder I try to learn the little bastards a thing or two, the worse things get!

I could lose my job over this! What the hell am I going to do?

ZACH (off screen): Huh? Oh!

Well, I could help you out, dude!

BINEK: Really?

ZACH: Yeah! I know lots about smoking!

I'll teach them some stuff in NO time and shit!

BINEK: Wow! That would be great!

While you're teaching the class stuff, I'll bring principal Johnson in just to show him just how responsible I am!

ZACH: Cool, dude!

BINEK: Yeah!

*School bell ringing*

All right, you little bastards! Listen up!

I've asked a guest speaker to come in today to teach you's what smoking is all about!

Especiall you Josh.

All right! Put your hands together for mister, er, Mister Zach!



Don't worry, I'll take it from here, Binek.

Here you go! Could you pass these out for me, dude?

JOSH: What are you doing?!

ZACH: Okay, so like, what I am handing out here are called Starter Packs.

You don't get the full benefit from these.

But, well.

You guys are young and shit and you gotta start somewhere.

CHARLOTTE (off screen): Mr. Johnson, Mr. Binek is here to see you.

JOHNSON: Oh for the love of... tell him I'm in a meeting please.

BINEK (off screen): Let me in you bitch!

JOHNSON: Send him in.

BINEK: You wanna see some god damned responsibility?!

Get your ass up and come with me!

VIDEO NARRATOR: What cigarette do you smoke doctor?

Once again the brand named most was Ponies!

Yes, according to this repeated nationwide survey, more doctors smoke Ponies than any other cigarette!

Why not switch to Ponies for the next 30 days?

And see what a difference it makes in YOUR smoking enjoyment!

ZACH: Okay, so now that we know the benefits of smoking, let's talk about brands!

Of course, you could go with Brand A or B.

But they really add a tickle to the old thoat, you know?

Not to mention, if you want smooth everlasting goodness

You're gonna wanna ride the fields of rich tabacco flavor.

So why not ride those fields on a pony?

BINEK: Yep! I got an expert in the field!

He's in there right now teaching them everything they need to know!

So, um, can I ask you something?


BINEK: Why are you so uptight all the time?

You got a woman?

Maybe you should have yourself some of that sex to ease the tension!

I heard that works great!


ZACH: What the hell?

Oh! I know what's wrong, little dude!

I keep forgetting you guys are beginners

Here, try this!

BINEK: I'm telling ya, this is gonna change your entire mind about me!

JOHNSON: Yeah? Well, I guess we'll see about that.

BINEK: What's up?

What the hell?!


ZACH: Wanna smoke, dude?

For more infomation >> Mr. Binek's Class- Episode 1: The Fields of Flavor - Duration: 8:49.


Eat Slower For Weight Loss??? - Duration: 3:10.

42% less likely to be obese

whats up guys it's Matt from Macro Lean and in this video I'm going to be looking and

breaking down an article that I found on the Express online ,about "how eating

slower" can help you lose weight. But before we get into that if you're

watching this on YouTube? I suggest you hit that subscribe button and that bell

button to get notified every time I drop new content. But looking at the

headline it says "This morning's Dr. Chris says "Eat slow to lose weight-wait

this long after eating" Dr. Chris urged people to eat slower to help them lose

weight. Your body will know if it's full after 20 minutes. It takes around 20

minutes for the food to go down and you won't know if you're full or not

immediately after eating. Slow eaters tend to be healthier and have a

healthier lifestyle according to researchers. I completely agree on this

and I'm guilty like many people of eating while I'm doing something like

working or watching TV and you're kind of unconsciously. Just shovelling food

down, not chewing properly and you end up finishing a meal and not feeling full.

Not feeling satisfied! so I think slowing down for mind and body has tons

of benefits. He goes on to say "avoiding snacks within two hours of bedtime and

cutting back on after dinner snacks will also help you lose weight" I mean that's

a given right? if you chew your food properly you'll feel fuller, you're much

less likely to go and overeat taking in more calories, taking more food that you

don't need and push yourself into a calorie surplus. His comments came after a

Japanese study revealed 'eating slower could help people lose weight' Almost

sixty thousand people were analyzed in a study: They were all asked whether they ate

fast or ate slow. compared to those that ate their meals very quickly people who

ate their meals at a regular speed were twenty nine percent less likely to be

obese, those who ate slowly were 42 percent less likely to be obese.

The proof is in the pudding right? you eat slower you're going to help

digest that food better, you're not gonna have to put extra stress on the body or is

gonna break down partially chewed, partially digested food. So you're gonna

give your body less stress, and you're gonna feel fuller. It says eating quickly

has also been linked to impaired glucose intolerance and insulin

resistance. It may take fast eaters longer to feel full the research

suggested. So I completely agree this article. Like with my own experience I've

eaten too fast in the past, so many times I'm definitely trying to be more

conscious when I eat. And even come from that more spiritual mindset where eating

is a kind of holy sacred thing. it's giving us sustenance, it is helping us

sustain our physical body. so by slowing down obviously it's better for the mind

cos I think we rush around too fast in life anyway, and obviously it's better

for the body. You're going to feel fuller for longer and it's probably gonna stop

you snacking and overeating especially after dinner. But what do you think about

this? Do you think you've eaten too fast or you eat too fast? Could you slow down

and therefore feel fuller and stay within your calorie number? Let me know

what you think and until next time :)

For more infomation >> Eat Slower For Weight Loss??? - Duration: 3:10.


Le mie letture - "Vento Largo" di Francesco Biamonti - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Le mie letture - "Vento Largo" di Francesco Biamonti - Duration: 5:12.


[BTS] Osaka Part3 : Got pulled over by a COP!!! - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> [BTS] Osaka Part3 : Got pulled over by a COP!!! - Duration: 10:03.


Georgia Police officer Makes Citizen Behead His Own Dog! - Duration: 6:14.

hi react this we have cut my dog's hair yes did you to cut remove the doll head

yeah yeah that's a that's why you refused all right I will take you to

jail and charged you it was go to jail I'll cut your dog's head off that was


no tasting right now I'm investigator Hollis you not gonna talk to me you know

my deputy right there yeah really

you're not gonna talk me either by late okay you're gonna say you're gonna

either listen and be heard you know I tell you what I will take you to jail

and charge you and we'll sandwich the lawyer what when I get there when I get

that gig huh and I'll make it think I'm gonna join your lokay once the Georgia

law what do not bring I tell you what sir you can see that and try to require

all you want to record okay I'm protecting myself

you don't I react so you have to cut my dog's head did you remove the doll head

yeah yeah that's that's why you refused right I ain't you just told me you were

handling control dude I was I don't never have to do this

for me Roberto barn for this is my opinion I just don't think

back it up and I put it in on some fucker bags it has that have nothing

else to put it in a hollowed-out a man this is what you wanted right this

here then they come up with with their clipboards I need you to sign here I

don't even know what I signed I was so upset and he was giving us information

on how to take the head to revert health department because she you can hear on

video saying she couldn't come unit she was sick and you know she she's not

allowed to you at all she said that you know who's officers

not allowed to transport in the head but I can't you know a parent lock and toss

something for everybody take it up that's what we do drug a boy

around back there I was I take it forced me by gunpoint

you know but it was go to jail I'll cut your dog's head off that was

long they said it if I could get the dogs to a bed and have them remove it

but he said that's gonna cost you some money I don't think I should have had to

remove my dog's head off people were saying you know I had a choice and my

two choices were remove it he wouldn't let me after the fact that

told him you know there's no way I can you know get to a vet pay on you know

and you know all this other stuff I said I just I said well then your option is

you remove those I did what I had to Dave hey guys it's

Jesse with AI nameless so this was originally back in December 2017 so a

couple months ago but I saw that their petition is coming up and they are

almost at their goal of two hundred and ten thousand signatures and I figured

I'd post this and get us all to go to the petition sign it so they can reach

their goal they're this close to getting this officer fired and this guy's was

ridiculous he could have gone about it so many different ways it was disgusting

I mean I feel so bad for the dude and a poor dog this cop deserves to be fired

this is you know just abusing the force abusing the power of the badge whatever

you want to call it it is just not right so let's do our part guys and let's have

this guy get some justice on this one but bear with me guys I don't have a

laptop at the moment but I'm trying to get his videos out there as I can it's

little bit of a rough spots and somebody broke into my car but I will keep trying

to put out as much as I can when I can bear with me guys and until then be safe

stay strong you'll be back as soon as possible

the People's War it is our war we are the fighters I get them fight it with

all that his energy may God defend the right

For more infomation >> Georgia Police officer Makes Citizen Behead His Own Dog! - Duration: 6:14.



We were up & ready by 6am toady

Our body clock was now set

as per the timezone of this region

due to our experiences over past few days of travel

Post breakfast we hit the road to explore Menchukha valley

The etymology of the word "Menchukha" is as follows

"Men" = medicine, "Chu"= water

"Kha"= snow or as some experts also put , "mouth"

The etymology can be loosely translated as

Medicinal water from snow OR

Medicinal valley carved from Snow water

Located at 6000 ft above mean sea level

Menchukha valley is encapsulated by snow peaks

and enveloped by lush green meadows carved

from the flowing "Siang" river which leaves us spellbound

Memba & Ramo tribes primarily inhabit this valley

though we can also find people from

Tagin & Libo tribes

Being close to Tibet, Tibetian Buddhism is predominantly followed

There are no hotels at Menchukha

Lodging is facilitated through various Homestays

which can be availed as per budget

However post completion of the ambitious Tran-Arunachal Highway

I believe Menchukha to become one of the

major tourism hubs of Arunachal Pradesh

We decided to first visit the

Menchukha cultural or craft centre

The centre was established around 1965 (apologies not 1962)

by Indias first & only lady prime minister

Smt Indira Gandhiji

Here one can be informed about the

Tribal & traditonal handicraft culture of Menchukha

through shawls, matteress & buddhist paintings

One can also see a reflection of ancient

tribal culture of Arunachal Pradesh through

archival pictures of them posted here

Due to commerce of handicrafts through this centre

it has ensured economic stability to the local tribes

Tourist can purchase the handicrafts at "fixed price" at this centre

Though the handicrafts created here are

similar in design & make to traditional methodology

but as of present times the thread used in

especially in creation of "shawls" & "matteress"

is not sourced from from Local sheep wool also known as "Uun"

but the thread is now sourced from

wholesale markets of India

primarily from Guwahati & Ludhiana

However we were very lucky today

Scrutinizing various handicrafts on display

a specific mattress caught my eye

whose design patter & thread was

distinct from other mattress on display

On enquiry it came to our knowledge that

the concerned mattress is a antique sample piece

which luckily is still on display

This mattress created before 1962

It is unique & traditionally created art with

local sheep wool thread "uun"

The centre generally displays sample pieces

from newly created designs for sale

We requested them to sell us this mattress

The manager initially refused as it was a sample piece

But on persistence & seeing our interest

he finally agreed to let us have it

To our amazement, As per centre rules

we got the mattress as per the fixed price of "1800rs"

but we were completely aware of the in-genuinity

& in-valuability of this historical handicraft from Memba tribe

From the craft centre we proceeded

towards near located Menchukha Gompa

The monastery was closed & empty when we arrived

We observed some activity in a room

located amidst the Gompa campus

On close inspection we observed few artisans

working on a sculpture of Guru Padmasambhav

The activity was governed by the Head Lama of this Gompa

The head Lama being busy we could not

have any interaction with him

One of his associates informed us that

the present Gompa is recently established

Menchukha old & ancient "Samgten Yongcha Gompa"

is located on a hill roughly 3 kms from here

We could observe the Gompa from here

14th century Samgten Gompa is more ancient

than the famed "Tawang Gompa" of Arunachal

To visit this Gompa one needs to drive

to Kargong Village located 3km from Menchukha village

Then we need to cross a foot bridge over Siang river

to arrive at the west side of Kargonog village

From here a steep uphill trek of 2km

make one arrive at the beautiful monastery

The monastery is home to ancient

& beautiful idol of Guru Padmasambhav

We can also observe beautiful masks

representing Tibetian mythical animals here

These masks are used during the "Chaam festival"

Chaam is a dance festival of Tibetian buddhism

where these masks are used alongwith colorful dress

Being located on a hill , the Gompa offers

beautiful & panoramic views of mechuka valley

We decided to visit "Samgten Gompa"

I would like to inform the viewers at this point that

the road from Menchuka to San=mgten Gompa

ahead takes us to "Yarlung"

which is located on Indo-China border

Yarlung is the last point of visit

for Indian citizens

There is an Indian army post at Yarlung beyond which 1km

is the ITBP (Indo-Tibetian Border Police) post

Beyond ITBP post lies

the McMohan Line

Before the 1962 Indo-China War, local inhabitants

exercised cultural & economic activities with tibet

through the Lola Pass located on the McMohan line

From Yarlung we can observe

peaks controlled by China

If visitors desire to wish the Mcmohan line

they require to obtain a special visit permit

from Indian Government

Enroute just befor Yarlung lies the

"Gurudwara Menchukha Sahib"

The Sikh Community documents this location

as the place where "Guru Nanak" took a bath

in Siang on his return journey from Tibet

Visitors can also observe a "Hanuman Temple" enroute

The temple signifies a rock cliff located opposite to it

which resembles the face of Lord Hanuman

This natural formation is supposed to be created by

Air Erosion phenomena

Enroute we were looking out for the footbridge over Siang

leading to base of "Samgten Gompa"

Though we could constantly observe the Gompa

we were unable to find any directions towards the footbridge

Enjoying the amazing visuals enroute

we finally saw a footbridge over siang

which probably lead to the base of Gompa

After crossing the footbridge

we started walking through a dense & unclear pathway

towards the base of the Gompa

After a trek of 2km we came across

a small temple enveloped with prayer flags

beyond which there was a dead end

Probably this was created due to a

large Rock landslide

We could not find any path beyond this temple

which assured our fears that we had taken

a wrong path to the Gompa

We started our return journey towards our car

This detour cost us 2hrs

We started driving in a hope to find some locals

who can guide us towards the Gompa

After some effort & difficulty we finally

came across a local who informed us that

the previous path we had taken was the

original path to the Gompa which as of present

was closed due to a massive landslide few years back

He guided us towards the functional route of Gompa

It was 2pm by now

On scrutinizing the Gompa route

we quickly interpreted that the entire activity

Of Gompa visit & Menchuka return would cost us

approximate 3 hours of time

We also recollected that our home-stay host

had invited us at 4pm to inform about

the culture & handicrafts of Memba tribe

Un-wantingly we decided to suspend our visit

to Gompa & Yarlung

We had a brief lunch at Menchuka market

On reaching our home-stay as expected

our host was waiting for us

with all handicrafts

My name is "Ringzhin"

but all people lovingly address me as "Nana"

I belong to "Memba tribe" & follow Buddhism

I am born & bought up in Menchuka

The idea of establishing this homestay occurred

to me & my husband during our visit to Guwahati

We did not find a good room to stay in any Guwahati hotel

We found a lodge who provided

only room to stay & utensils to cook

we had to bring our own food supplies

This idea stuck with us & when we returned to Mechukha

we decided to establish this homestay to facilitate tourist

as apart from Inspection bungalow of Government

there was no other lodging facility for tourist

we gained knowledge from our Guwahati experience

We had gone to Guwahati for medical treatment

This slik garment is called "tobu"

This upper green garment si called "Phume"

This wear is called "Pangdin"

This is worn only by married women

You can accept it similar to "mangalsutra"

worn by married indian women

This necklace was gifted to me by

my grandparents during my wedding

Its very ancient made from rare beads

This attire is worn in all festivals

Similar to diwali in Hinduism we have

our "Genzen Gomje" festival

Similarly we also wear in all celebratory functions

like party or marriage

This is my belt

Its an antique from Tibet made from silver

This was also gifted by my grandparents

for my wedding

The design of my dress is traditional

but the cloth material is aourced from

Bomdilla (India), Nepal or Bhutan

The old cloth material was very heavy

& hence these days people prefer lighter material

though the design is strictly traditional

The original dress takes almost a month to craft

Only the design itself takes one month

Since its handmade its very expensive

hence very few buy it.

Also its very heavy to wear

hence very few people make it & buy it

So slowly this art is now becoming extinct

This garment us see is called "Tibba Bushi"

Tibba Bushi means "Monkey(Tibba) Skin"

Made from Monkey skin this is a female garment

This was primary garment when

cloth tailoring was not known

Ladies used to wear this all time for work

and to protect from cold as covering

This is the outer side

the fur is inner side which gives heat

This stitch you observe on the side

comes from another animal called "Tam"

Tamba is a cat like animal found

alongside river & feeds on fish

This stitch is made from its skin

& the rest of it comprising of long hairs

is made from monkey skin

This liner is made from skin of "Tam"

a cat like creature feeding on fish

This is "Tibba Bushi" ladies garment

The monkey skin is soaked in water for week

then it is oiled processed ,

its a very difficult painstaking process

Post that the upper layer is peeled

it takes lot of time, months to craete

This is also a traditional ladies garment

It is made from sheep wool thread "Uun"

This is very old antique

during times of my great grandparents

This is made from sheep wool thread

with traditional weaving method

We also have male garment variety of this

in form of jackets etc

We color this with natural dye from a local tree

We first create color in water from the tree bark

We then soak the sheep wool thread in it to get the red color

This black garment you see is its male counterpart

This gets its black color from black soil

We mix soil in water and then soak the garment

to obtain black color for this male garment

Me: "So this are all natural dyes" She: "Yes"

If this garment later discolors we can

repeat the process to regain it

These all handicrafts are rich & heavy

Nowadays we make with low quality thread

Design is same but thread is lighter & low quality

we use this antiques rarely during functions or demonstrations

These are handmade antique shoes

created again from animal skin

Any animal skin can be used

This is antique, you can observe its torn a bit

This upper part is made from Sheep wool thread

This is gents shoes, similarly we have ladies shoes too

Ladies shoes are also made in similar manner

but difference is in design

Gents shoes have this "W" shaped design

It takes lots of time to make

Each part needs to be processed separately

This shoe making art is now nearly extinct

These shoes does not spoil

The may go a bit soft in water

& again become tight on drying

and on wearing it regains shape of the feet

Our main festival is "Lossar"

Earlier times hunting was main source of food

People used to keep water boiling & go hunting

Nowadays hunting is banned

Even fishing is banned

If accidentally fish gets stuck in the rod

people request to throw them back in water

The more tourist come here , we are happy

but locals here must not get influenced

by modern culture but must

try preserve & promote our culture

If modern things are promoted then the

uniqueness & sanctity of our culture will be lost

Like we wear these antique clothes, but if

youth start prioritizing modern designs due to

ease of wear than the uniqueness of this valley will be lost

Youth must not run behind ease & comfort

I think we must promote our culture which is unique

in forn of our houses, lifestyle, clothes & festivals

There was a very recent period when all this

was nearly extinct but now with awareness

we try educate locals to preserve their assets

We request them to display their dress during festivals

& not just stock them up in attic

It was almost 5pm when we wound up the interview

We rested a bit and had our dinner by 8pm

Our host had prepared local delicacies for dinner

which included chicken & most importantly

cooked pumpkin & cucumber vegetable

These two preparation were one of most unique

& tastiest delicacies of my traveling history

After a informatively satisfying day & an

relishing sumptuous dinner we hit the bed by 10pm

In the next part I will describe our journey

from Menchuka to Ziro village

I hope this part documentary presentation was

informative & entertaining for our viewers


For more infomation >> AMAZING ARUNACHAL PART 5 [HINDI WITH SUBS] - Duration: 18:17.


Trygge byrum - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Trygge byrum - Duration: 1:56.


The Psychical Apparatus - Sigmund Freud - Duration: 15:06.

For more infomation >> The Psychical Apparatus - Sigmund Freud - Duration: 15:06.


Mitt Romney delays Senate announcement after Florida shooting - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Mitt Romney delays Senate announcement after Florida shooting - Duration: 2:00.


[快樂氰化物] :誰養到了小狗 ? (中文字幕) - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> [快樂氰化物] :誰養到了小狗 ? (中文字幕) - Duration: 2:01.


ब्रेड पनीर बॉल्स | Bread Paneer Balls | ब्रेड पनीर बॉल्स बनाने की विधि | नाश्ता बनाने की आसान विधि - Duration: 1:27.

Hello friends welcome to Parul Ka Zaika

Today I am going to make Bread Paneer Balls

Please don't forget to press the subscribe and bell icon button

So that you get instant notifications of my new & upcoming videos

Let's see the ingredients required to prepare Bread Paneer Balls

6 crumbled bread slices

250 grams grated cottage cheese

2 pouches of maggi masala

1 teaspoon of black pepper powder

Salt to taste

And oil for fry

To start with put crumbled bread, cottage cheese in a bowl

Maggi masala, black pepper powder, salt and mix well

And make a dough

Next make small balls like this

Prepare all the balls the same way

This balls are ready to fry

Fry them on medium flame until golden brown

Once it golden brown remove them on the plate

Fry all the balls the same way

Yummy and easy Bread Paneer Balls are ready to serve

If you have liked this recipe

Then please don't forget to click subscribe button on this side

And click on this side to watch my other videos

Soon l'll be uploading more recipes

Till then stay foody and stay healthy

For more infomation >> ब्रेड पनीर बॉल्स | Bread Paneer Balls | ब्रेड पनीर बॉल्स बनाने की विधि | नाश्ता बनाने की आसान विधि - Duration: 1:27.


Bread Paneer Balls | ब्रेड पनीर बॉल्स | Easy Recipe | Quick Party Appetizer - Duration: 1:24.

Hello friends welcome to Parul Ka Zaika

Today I am going to make Bread Paneer Balls

Please don't forget to press the subscribe and bell icon button

So that you get instant notifications of my new & upcoming videos

Let's see the ingredients required to prepare Bread Paneer Balls

6 crumbled bread slices

250 grams grated cottage cheese

2 pouches of maggi masala

1 teaspoon of black pepper powder

Salt to taste

And oil for fry

To start with put crumbled bread, cottage cheese in a bowl

Maggi masala, black pepper powder, salt and mix well

And make a dough

Next make small balls like this

Prepare all the balls the same way

This balls are ready to fry

Fry them on medium flame until golden brown

Once it golden brown remove them on the plate

Fry all the balls the same way

Yummy and easy Bread Paneer Balls are ready to serve

If you have liked this recipe

Then please don't forget to click subscribe button on this side

And click on this side to watch my other videos

Soon l'll be uploading more recipes

Till then stay foody and stay healthy

For more infomation >> Bread Paneer Balls | ब्रेड पनीर बॉल्स | Easy Recipe | Quick Party Appetizer - Duration: 1:24.


Flag and anthem of Bangladesh - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Flag and anthem of Bangladesh - Duration: 2:28.


CDC Worst Whooping Cough Epidemic in 50 Years - Duration: 1:59.

CDC worst whooping cough epidemic in 50 years

nine babies have died so far from an epidemic of pertussis otherwise known as whooping cough have the centers for disease control and

prevention has announced the academic which has been building over recent months is now

the worst the nation has seen in more than half a century

and the CDC is urging adults to be vaccinated to stem the tide of the bacterial disease

and has more the academic has killed nine babies Tsao far and babies are by

far the most vulnerable to the disease also known as pertussis

the U.S. Centers for disease control and prevention says the best way to protect them is to vaccinate the adults around them

and to vaccinate pregnant women so their babies are born with some immunity

as of today Nationwide nearly 18,000 cases have been reported to the CDC

the CDC's Dr. and shoots at told reporters in a conference call

that is nearly twice as many as reported last year

we may be on track for a record high pertussis rate this year

she added we may need to go back to 1959 to find as many cases

I think there may be more coming to a place near you

the last record year was 2010

win 27,000 cases were reported and 27 people died in 1959

40,000 cases were reported

in 2008 whooping cough killed 195,000 people globally according to the world health organization

For more infomation >> CDC Worst Whooping Cough Epidemic in 50 Years - Duration: 1:59.


Final Space Premiere

For more infomation >> Final Space Premiere


69 DONO GOAL ༼ つ ◕o◕ ༽つ GIVEAWAY @ 69 - Duration: 7:07:53.

For more infomation >> 69 DONO GOAL ༼ つ ◕o◕ ༽つ GIVEAWAY @ 69 - Duration: 7:07:53.


HSN | Colleen Lopez Gemstone Jewelry 02.15.2018 - 12 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Colleen Lopez Gemstone Jewelry 02.15.2018 - 12 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


Le mie letture - "Vento Largo" di Francesco Biamonti - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Le mie letture - "Vento Largo" di Francesco Biamonti - Duration: 5:12.


Dziesięć przykazań odcinek 7 - Duration: 1:22:28.

For more infomation >> Dziesięć przykazań odcinek 7 - Duration: 1:22:28.


시간 순삭, 이젠 믿고 보는 강동원 오늘 개봉한 '골든슬럼버 의 실시간 반응 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 시간 순삭, 이젠 믿고 보는 강동원 오늘 개봉한 '골든슬럼버 의 실시간 반응 - Duration: 3:33.


Talking Tom Gold Run Android Gameplay - Talking Tom Cowboy VS Blades of Brim - Epic Snow Run Update - Duration: 13:04.

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