Saturday, February 17, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 18 2018

hey guys Elina Gives here and oh my god it's been so long since I've talked to

any of you like my mouth actually hurts from not moving for a long time

okay that sounds wrong okay just forget what I just said so I just want to make

this video to update you guys about the whole MPO 2018 journey so about my

progress so far when I came back to lifting consistently uh it was so it

was really hard I mean imagine like months of not

touching the weights in general and even your getting ready mentally kind of

process before you go to the gym... it took a while to get used to

My body became so sore like I'm not kidding that was one part

that was one time it lasted for a about a week and a half where my hams were just

stiff and even sitting down the toilet seat was just so hard and aside from not

feeling comfortable with my body I also experienced a lot of strength loss

unfortunately I couldn't pick up the weights that I was used to and my

starting weights became like the weights I couldn't even lift. There was one time I

tried to pick up 70 kg for deadlift and I used to be able to meet that as my


so after lifting for about three weeks consistently and eating more I did

improve so yay! so I actually have my little diary here.. So back then when I

last recorded my PRs which was in September my bench press was 40 kg

squats was 70kg and deadlift was 100kg. But then when I came back to the

gym January first week my bench press was 30 kg. My squat was 50kg

was 50 kg and my deadlift... I wouldn't even say 70 kg ...I did manage to pull up

one rep and that was it so I guess yeah 70kg but yeah it dropped from 25% to 30%

like that's a lot okay. After three weeks of training

the ones that I just recently recorded

so they went up by 20% to 25%. so that's good!

it may not be huge numbers but for me is just again with a few weeks like less

than a month it went back up so yeah I got very hopeful! Until about a week ago

about a week and I think it was two weeks ago and some of you know who follow me

on Instagram I got involved in an incident on the road.

It got out of hand. I don't really want to go into the details of it but it..

really shook me and I became really afraid of the world from it

people you don't know starting to hurt you scares the hell out of me you know

it really made me lose a bit of hope and confidence about the world

outside and and it sucks because I'm always the type who feels that there's

always good in people and there's always something that you can always have faith

on so it really threw off my own values and my self confidence completely and

what I hated the most was that

other people think ''wow Elina..

you're a wonder woman! She's so strong and so confident!'' But at that moment of time

so weak and vulnerable. So yeah for a few days after the incident I was very insecure

and I was just scared to go anywhere I just didn't want to go out the house

much and if I did it would just be within my housing area.

It affected my confidence as well in doing powerlifting for MPO.... I just felt like

giving up I didn't want to be within the public light I didn't want anybody to

know me anymore.

I just literally wanted to close myself off from the world

it was very bad but fortunately... luckily I have few close friends who brought me

out of the city to the quiet happy town of Ipoh

being away from the hustles and bustles of KL

it made me feel more comfortable and of course having to be able to share

something personal like that with you guys and receiving like a lot like oh my

was just so many nice messages and it really helped me so THANK YOU for pretty

much helping me to gain back my self-confidence and believing again that

there is good in people who generally care about you and and I mean you know I

was like yeah I can't I can't let them down

I need to go and compete

yeah I'm back after two weeks off from the gym and training I know it has it

will affect me a lot in terms of my progress but again

my main goal about this

entire journey was to show that there are times where life will again come and

put a halt to whatever you're trying to achieve but it doesn't mean that you

let it be in the way of you achieving great things in life

so here's me trying

again and despite all I know that I want to be on that platform and just

represent the vegan community at the same time just doing this out of good

experience and for fun and know what it takes to actually compete

alot of people

don't know that it's not just you getting on a platform and lift..

there is a lot of technical rules behind it so just having more insight on how that world

works and teaching it to you guys

yeah! so this is me about a month and a bit

later on my progress I may not be the strongest or the most powerful whatnot

but I'm enjoying what I'm doing and I want you guys to feel motivated to try

powerlifting. it's such a great sport and even just any sport you're

doing or whatever - it doesn't have to be a sport whatever you're doing I just hope you

guys don't give up and if you ever need some high five and self-confidence booster

you can always contact me and I'll totally give you internet high-five

all in all

thank you again

yeah I'll see you guys soon


For more infomation >> I wanted to quit... // MPO 2018 Update - Duration: 8:54.


Pendulum Magician - Top 32 - Regional Febraury 2018, Nuevo Leon, Mexico - Duration: 20:09.

Here we are with...


I'm Falcon!

With Falcon, who got top 32

31, in the last regional in Monterrey


Well, what do you have for us today?

I've got my deck recipe for a Pendulum Magician Deck.

I've always loved them since they came out on Duellist Alliance.

Executor: Oww, you little thing.


Was it, Duellist Alliance?

Apex: Yeah?...

No, Since it came out the Structure Deck..

Apex: Of Magicians, Master of Pendulum.

Yes, Master of Pendulum

Yes, they have always been

Executor: Nobody asked you


Well... Shall we proceed?

Go ahead.

I've got Triple Abyss Actor- Curtain.

Curtain, because it starts the combo inmediately.

Set it, with Duellist Alliance...


You bait an ash, and then you summon it to the field for...

For making electrumite immediately.

Also, if they stop your plays, you can leave it on the field and it has 2200 ATK by his own effect.

There are 3 of them.

Now here comes the real Playmakers.

Which would be...

Triple Chronograph.

And Triple Astrograph.

Apex: Afrograph? Falcon: Astrograph.

They destroy themselves if they are on the scales, obviously.

To summon...

To summon...

Stargazer or Timegazer from the deck.

They are used as Electrumite material

Watcher: Electrolito. Yes, of Electrolito. (Pun on a healthy bevearage sold on convenience stores)

It's useful as combo material or for summoning an Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon

Also it can add you pieces that had already been destroyed, by Electrumite...

Or by any other thing, even by his own effect, if you have Chronograph and another one in your hand, you destroy one, summon...

It gets summoned by his effect, and you search another copy of it.

Is a good interaction between those cards.

We proceed with the deck engine, which give it his name, Pendulum Magicians

We use Dragonpit, as Harmonizing target.

I've barely use it for his effect of discarding a Pendulum and destroy a Spell or Trap card

In fact, I destroyed one of my own scales.

We use 3 Oafdragon Magician

For retrieving resources from the Extra deck to the Hand.

We use 3 for consistency, we want to draw it.

Triple Wisdom Eye

It serves as any scale.

Also, when we destroy by Electrumite effect we can add another Oafdragon Magician, we are always going to have one in hand.

An to summon another Astrograph from the Extra deck and the hand.

Wisdom Eye a 3 it's the MVP, it moves the deck on itw own , nothing more to say.

Also, 2 scales 8

This one is usesul for bringing...

Astrograph, Chronograph, who are in the GY by using them as Xyz Materials.

Two of them.


Triple Purple Poison Magician.

Which makes all your plays, they can become a Battle Trap, basically.

Apex: And has 2100 DEF

Yeah, she has a big booty.

We use 3

Y 3 Harmonizing Magician

La verdadera MVP, besides Wisdom Eye Magician.

Apex: There's a lot of MVP in this deck


Normally, a man and a woman.

We are donde with pendulums.

Now the handtraps.

We only use two.

Apex: Two ogre?

Three of them can brick your hand.

And you can draw it with Electrumite, the electrolito.

Now we proceed with the spell cards.

Triple Wavering Eyes on main deck.

Because, as we all know, the deck that could be called the best deck, is the Magician.

Obviously there cannot be a mirror match without them.

Apex: Of course.


3 Duellist Alliance, because you are always going to have a scale

And if you not, if you are facing an opponent, it's like "Meh, Duelist Alliance"

Apex: Answer this, Falcon What?

Apex: Why Duellist Alliance didn't came out in Duellist Alliance?

*I'm so done*

We continue with the spells.

Book of Moon.

I use it for... Apex: Why Book of Moon?

I use it for stopping any monster or dangerous play.

Like, Ultimate Conductor of our great player Executor, which is playing right now.

You can stop it in Battle Phase.

One Monster Reborn, obviously.

Oh, wanna show to the camara?

LOB, second edition.

But, is still "Magic"

One Star Pendulumgraph

Apex: Why only one?

You want to draw it? No.

You want to search it with Duellist Alliance also we dont have a lot of targets anymore.

Of Duellist Alliance only Pendulum Call, Star Pendulumgraph y la Trampa.

Also Pendulumgraph

We are done with the spells, now for the traps

Three Spacetime.

Apex: ¿That's all?

There's only 3 Spacetime.

Honestely, these are one of the best traps cards on YGO history.

The fact that you can protect your scales with Timestar Magician,and sending one of your opponent cards to the GY.

It gets over a lot of protective effects, as we know, a lot of monsters are unaffected by destruction or target.

It sends to the GY and doesn't target.

That's the Main Deck, 40 cards.

Now we go to the Extra Deck

We use...

A copy of Psy-Frame Omega.

Because, we utilize a lot of level 4 monsters and our Tuner is level 4.

You can bait ogre, or any other thing.

It doesn't hurt you if it gets destroyed.

Ignister, it's a must in any Pendulum Deck

There's a reason why is limited.

It can trigger the effects of all your magicians

Because they all trigger on destruction.

Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing

Just for destroying the field and atacking directly

Or, if your opponent has a problematic monster, Damage, attack, you destroy it and make damage equal to the monster original ATK 0:09:15.020,0:09:18.100 3500 if we are talking about Ultimate Conductor Tyranno

Executor: What? Watcher: Negate this.

Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon, for negating or interrumping.

Watcher: Negate this.

As you always going to have face up Pendulum Monsters in the Extra Deck, is a must, besides you summon it with Absolute Dragon, using it as a Link Material.

If you summon it on your second turn you can bounce a monster from your opponent and attack.

The true MVP of fusions.

Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom.

Executor: I hate it.

You can copy the effect of Ultimate Conductor.

Or Vortex Dragon effect, or Electrumite


It copies the effect, the name and, in the case of Ultimate Conductor Tyranno

It hits and you do 1000 damage

But it's more useful with the effect of Electrumite of destroying a scale

And adding another Pendulum to the Extra Deck

Now we move on with the XYZ

Absolute Dragon, to summon it with Astrograph, because it's level 7, and to use it as a material.

I never use it for his Utopia-like effect.

Norito, for negating Spells and Traps.

Watcher: Negate this.

Because you use 6 level 6 monsters, it's not hard to summon it.

Timestar Magician a 2

I never used it, only against a Dinosaur...

Yes, against a Dinosaur, a Dino Wyrm which faced... Apex: Executor Yeah, Executor

Him, in combination with the trap, is a devastating combo.

And you can add anything to your hand.

Even from the Extra Deck, I didnt know that, until a week and a half.

Apex: He is an idiot.

I know.

Bagooska, there's no party, you dont need to say a lot about him.

Apex: Only that you don't like to play the game.


Supreme King Dragon, Dark Rebellion.

To get over any monster.

Attack, Damage, detach material, it becames 0, I make 2500 plus... 3500 in case of Ultimate Conductor.

Now for the links, in this case I only use one IB

Because when I'm making links, it's more useful to have her than a decode talker by her own effect of not being destroyed if it's linked

Almost always is going to be linked to a Decode Talker

A Picador Criminal Mutilador (Pun based on the spanish name on Decode Talker)

One Heavymetalfoes Electrumite, because I'm poor and dont have money to buy another one.

One was enough for making combos.

Obviously I needed another one to get a better place, better standing.

Watcher: Salty.

And finally, two Decode Talker... I dont know why I run two

I would replace it with two Electrumite and a Decode.

And... that's the Extra Deck

Now we going to the side deck.

An ABC Dragon Buster

Because I thought there was going to be a lot of ABC players... I didn't duel anyone.

Apex: Oh, I see.

A small error on my plan.

Triple Chaos Hunter

I love her..

Apex: As everyone on these team does.

She gave me the victory against a 60 card deck, the match ended in a draw just because of her.

It's the MVP of the Side Deck

Apex: It's the team waifu.

Yeah, it's the team waifu.

Triple Imperial Iron Wall

Executor: Dont get my playmat dirty with that trash.

You have Imperial Iron wall?

Executor: No, I was talking about your deck. Ah.

Executor: And your hands.

Triple Imperial Iron Wall, because I hate Evenly Matched

I never used it, they used Evenly Matched on me. And I lose that duel, and that match.

Apex: What a surprise

Triple Trapito. (A pun of boy "traps")

Apex: Trap Eater.

They didn't expect it.

Apex: I'm seeing it and I'm not expecting it.

They didn't expect it, the ones who were sidecking Anti-Spell Fragrance.

Because there was a lot of people sidecking Anti-Spell Fragrance, in the second and third duel.

Honestly is, besides...

Apex: Chaos Hunter?

Chaos Hunter, this one won me a lot of duels.

Also because it has an 1900 ATK, it's a beast.

Apex: But it says that it's a fiend


Triple Reaper, I never used it.

I didnt have to.

Because thay always let me start.

Against Pendulum Magician and Trickstar, they weren´t necesary.


I was going first, so I had the numbers advantage.

And so, I never used them.

And double Pendulum Call.

I put them on Side Deck, because I didnt wanted them alongside Wavering Eyes

And if I know they were going to use Twin Twisters, or any other Magician player their Wavering.

I would prefer for my scales to not be destroyed and it can be searched by Duellist Alliance.

And that's all.

Apex: Which didn't came out in Duellist Alliance.

No, it didn't came out in Duellist Alliance.

And that's all.

Apex: Which decks you faced?

I faced a Dino, Trickstar... no, two Trickstar.

I lost against a Pendulum Magician

I lost against a Trickstar...


I've wrote them down.




A 60 card deck, Chaos Hunter was of great help.

I didnt summoned her by his own effect, it was pendulum summon and the guy forfeit

A Paleofrog and a Spyral.

Paleofrog managed to stop me in the first and second duel, the third the Trapito was very useful.

Apex: Trap Eater.

The Spyral player arrived late and he recieved a Game Loss and then i won that duel, but there wasnt a lot of interactions.

I was controlling him and he couldnt do anything.

And, two Scrambled Eggs.

Apex: Of course, best card ever.

And a chicken on main deck.

Apex: You obviously need targets Si.

Apex: Well, anything else you want to add?


Executor can suck my d*ck

Watcher: Y tu a mi.

Executor: If we didn't face off was god will

I'd have f*ck you up, you would have eaten the table.

Apex: Oh, right, he is Watcher.

Watcher: Hi.

He... tried...

Executor: Watching.


Apex *coughs* Top 100.

Watcher: Hey, don't put me in such high spot.

It was like Farfa "Table 500"

Yeah, with his deck... Watcher: Tindangle, Prediction Princess, Fusion.

Shadoll, yes

With my ace card.


Well, that's all.

Thank you so much.

You can watch a version of this deck in the channel, well, is a pre-banlist version.

I'm going to update the version we have.

Thanks for watching the channel.

Apex: Thank you Falcon.

For more infomation >> Pendulum Magician - Top 32 - Regional Febraury 2018, Nuevo Leon, Mexico - Duration: 20:09.


Efecto Moyano: una medida de los recolectores dejó las calles de la Ciudad llenas de basura - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Efecto Moyano: una medida de los recolectores dejó las calles de la Ciudad llenas de basura - Duration: 2:31.


8 Ball Pool - Game Play In Berlin With Priya 50 Million Coins Shot 2018 - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - Game Play In Berlin With Priya 50 Million Coins Shot 2018 - Duration: 2:10.


Voyager Book Review: Book Club Week 2 - Duration: 4:06.

Hi guys!

This is my "Voyager" Book Review on Melissa Elise TV so stay tuned!

What's up everyone!

I'm Melissa Elise and you're watching Melissa Elise TV.

Welcome to week 2 of book club for Voyager.

I really enjoyed this week's reading to let jump right in...

I am so happy that Claire is finally back with Jamie.

Diana took her sweet time getting her especially with Claire eating that peanut butter and

jelly sandwich before going on to find him.

I get it though because she does have apprehension about finding him and what his life might

be like now, but all seems well so far, at least between them.

The rest of their world seems to be burning down around them, but they're together and

that's all that really matter right?

I am loving the whole smuggling business Jamie has going.

It's a real family affair with Fergus making the drops after Jamie Roy (one of his aliases)has

made the deal and their little decoy system with the police chase.

He's got a team of guys who cut the liquor and bottle it.

Jamie's a regular bootlegger.

Definitely a profession more suited for a single man tho so Claire's return will have

to change things even though she doesn't seem to have any objections to it really,

unlike Ian.

It is great to see Ian again, Jamie's brother-in-law, but the circumstances could be better...

There's also the return of Fergus, it's funny I hadn't really thought of him as

a 30 year old Man until Claire said it, but it's beautiful to see how he's grown,

but stayed the same with his French wit and precarious nature.

Claire encounters a few new characters as well, the two main ones being Mr. Mr. Willoughby

(Yi Tien Cho) and Young Ian.

Mr. Willoughby is far from a sweet little drunk, this character reminds me more of the

guy from the hangover so far... but I hope to see more sides to him soon.

Young Ian on the other hand is an adorable drunk.

He strikes me as a young version of Jamie instead of Ian, character wise.

I'm sure he had bits of his father in him, but he has Jamie's almost blind courage

and nack for finding trouble.

It is sweet how he looks up to Jamie and I liked the passage after the fire when Ian

tells his dad he won't go home with him that night because he was afraid to tell him

he thinks he killed a man, but he trust his uncle and looks to him for guidance.

There's a lot of love between them especially in that scene.

So far as themes and symbols the obvious theme of this book is definitely voyages...

Claire takes the first going back through the stones to find Jamie and there's definitely

more to come.

I haven't seen any overt symbols yet, but I want to flashback to book two for a second

and just saw I was totally right about Jamie being Claire's dragonfly In Amber.

She says in chapter 26, page 366 "He had been fixed in my memory for so long, glowing

but static, like an insect frozen in Amber."

And not just any insect, she goes on to say...

"Now Time had begun to run again for us, and the dragonfly was in flight before me,..."

Diana's use of symbolism is so well developed, in general she planets information well in

her story's that come around in near perfect if a only a little contrived conclusions.

That's it for me this week, but of course I want to hear from you! this may seem like

an obvious one but I'm curious of your thought, is Jamie's attempt at parenting Young Ian

his making up for not being able to parent Bree of Willie?

let talk about it in the comment section!

Thanks for watching guys and I'll see you next week!

If you enjoyed this video like and subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> Voyager Book Review: Book Club Week 2 - Duration: 4:06.


Débora Pérez Volpin: le autopsia apunta a que hubo errores en endoscopia - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Débora Pérez Volpin: le autopsia apunta a que hubo errores en endoscopia - Duration: 4:22.


Awesome Playground For Kids at the Carribean Fun Playtime with Max and Children Songs - Duration: 5:59.

Awesome Playground For Kids at the Carribean Fun Playtime with Max and Children Nursery Rhymes Songs

For more infomation >> Awesome Playground For Kids at the Carribean Fun Playtime with Max and Children Songs - Duration: 5:59.


Hip, Buttock & Low Back Pain...

For more infomation >> Hip, Buttock & Low Back Pain...


Star Trek: Bajoran Republic - Duration: 9:23.

With a history stretching back over 500 000 years, the people of Bajor created civilizations

which embraced science, philosophy and art, creating a rich and unique culture before

humans had even learned to speak.

In time, their people were contacted by mysterious Non-corporeal aliens, who seemed to have a

connection to this planet and population.

Describing themselves as "of Bajor", they came to be worshipped as gods and granted

visions to certain Bajorans through a device called the Orb of the Prophets, the first

of which was given to their people roughly 30 000 years before the founding of the 24th

century Bajoran Republic.

Yet there was a dark side to their growing religion as some of these Prophets rebelled

against the will of the others, and were exiled from their dimension, which could only be

accessed through a wormhole located near Bajor.

These fallen gods were known as Pah-wraiths, and represent cruelty and injustice, the evil

adversaries to the venerated prophets.

As part of the continuing struggle between them, both a Prophet and Pah-wraith were entombed

in a stone tablet, to await the day they would be released by the Emissary and finish their


Over thousands of years 8 more Orbs were given to the Bajorans, becoming highly prized religious

artefacts, though the visions they granted were often vague and open to interpretation.

Through there interactions with the Orb of Prophecy and Change, religious leaders began

to write about their experiences, creating prophecies like those concerning the future

Emissary of Bajor.

Although this religion seemed to successfully spread throughout the planet, making their

shared spirituality a core feature of Bajoran culture and civilization, their people remained

politically divided, developing into factions which competed with one another and sometimes

went to war.

By the 16the century, Bajoran technology had developed to the point where they could launch

lightships into space, designed for short range travel.

However on one occasion a ship was transported to Cardassia Prime, 5 light years away, when

it made contact with Tachyon Eddies that created a warp style jump through space.

Unfortunately the voyage did heavy damage to the ship causing it to crash land on the

planet, and while this was a noteworthy historical landmark for the Bajorans, the later Cardassian

government denied these early flights ever took place, until the 24th century when Benjamin

Sisko and his son proved the journey was possible, forcing them to admit the truth.

By the 22nd century Bajoran culture had developed to embrace a caste system, whereby an individual's

purpose in life was determined by the caste or D'jarra into which they were born, such

as the Te'nari who were deemed to be lower in the social order then the Ih'valla who

were artists and sculpters.

During this century, the Bajorans would inadvertently discover the temple of the prophets, where

their gods resided, as their ships started by pass by the location of the wormhole.

When the religious leader Kai Taluno saw the great portal open up before him, he described

it as his ship nearly being swallowed by the heavens.

Later the great poet Akorem Laan also encountered the wormhole when his ship became trapped

within, living in the realm of the prophets for 200 years before he was released back

into the Alpha Quadrant.

In 2279, Bajor took a great step towards bringing peace to their planet, when the factions of

Paqu and Navot signed a treaty to establish borders.

However nothing would work to unite the Bajoran people more than the transformation that occurred

in the 24th century, when their planet was occupied and annexed by a greater military


Although the Bajorans had an ancient culture and were a relatively advanced species, establishing

colonies on other planets like Golana, the Cardassian Union came to see them as primitive

and backwards, as their own technology was roughly a century more advanced.

And so in 2319 the Cardassian military established a presence on their planet, offering to help

modernize their society, in exchange for access to the planets abundant natural resources.

The Bajorans, seeing how powerful these aliens were, did not originally offer much resistance,

allowing for the Cardassian Union to formally annex the planet in 2328.

However over the next 40 years, the Cardassians proved to be ruthless overlords, mocking the

primitive religious beliefs of the local population while using them as forced labor and steal

their natural resources.

Many came to see them as cruel oppressors, committing various atrocities like indiscriminate

killings, performing cruel medical experiments on Bajoran subjects, and exploiting comfort

women, who were forced to be intimate with Cardassian officers.

Although some Bajorans went along with the new order, forming a Government which served

as puppets to the Cardassian, others were unwilling to accept subjugation, creating

a rebel movement of decentralized terrorist cells, using guerrilla tactics to kill their

oppressors as well as collaborators.

Many officials chose to respond harshly to these attacks, however this approach only

served to entice the Bajorans further into rebellion, and so one of their officers chose

to employ a different tactic, hoping that a more gentle hand would quell the unrest.

For 5 years, the Prefect of Bajor Gul Dukat, oversaw the construction of Terok Nor, an

ore processing facility orbiting above their planet, which became the central seat of authority

for the Cardassian commander.

From there Dukat, who arrogantly considered the Bajorans his children, made new laws he

hoped would endear him to the people, cutting labor camp output quotas by fifty percent,

abolishing child labor, and improving medical care and food rations.

As a result, there was a twenty percent drop in labor camp death rates.

However, this in no way appeased the rebels, who demanded their complete withdrawal from

the planet, and so only a month after Dukat took command, they targeting and destroyed

an orbital drydock killing two hundred Cardassians.

After that, the resistance forces attempted to assassinate Dukat on 5 separate occasions,

and so seeing no reward for his acts of compassion, Dukat came to loathe the Bajorans, reversing

his policies to become even more cruel and oppressive.

Nevertheless, by 2369 the Bajorans had done so much damage and caused such chaos among

the occupation army, the Cardassians withdrew from the conflict, granting victory to Bajor.

Having underwent such a drastic transformation during this century, the Bajoran people were

no longer comfortable with a caste system and remaining politically divided, and so

the planet united under a Provisional Bajoran government, attempting to create a modern,

advanced civilization that could join the galactic community around them.

To aid them in this cause, they befriended the United Federation of Planets, who agreed

to help them rebuild their planet in the hopes they might one day be considered for membership

in the Federation.

However, despite their good intentions, the political situation on bajor remained volatile

for some time, as many of their people had come to distrust alien powers, creating a

xenophobic anti-alien movements called The Circle, which attempted a coup against the

government only a year after the end of the occupation.

However the attempt failed and by 2371, their situation had begun to stabilize, even taking

a step towards normalizing relations relations between Bajor and Cardassia, with the signing

of a treaty that recognized Bajor's sovereignty.

Although some continued to distrust alien powers, their relationship with the Federation

grew stronger due in large part to the Bajoran belief that Commander Benjamin Sisko, the

Federation Officer assigned to Deep Space Nine, was the long awaited Emmissary of the


Although it was a role he did not want, he soon came to accept the position after receiving

a number of visions which made it clear he had a role to play in the future of Bajor.

As a result, in 2373, when the Bajoran Republic was ready to formally join the Federation,

they pulled out of the agreement at the last moment, on the advice of Ben Sisko, who had

been warned through a vision, that Bajor must stand alone if it was to survive.

Perhaps proving the wisdom of this decision, the Alpha Quadrant was soon invaded by the

Dominion of the Gamma Quadrant, who moved their forces through the Bajoran wormhole

and quickly allied with the Cardassian Union.

Yet because Bajor had remained independent, they were able to sign a non-aggression treaty

and largely stayed out of the fighting that erupted throughout the quadrant.

Although the Dominion made fast advances, capturing Deep Space Nine and taking possession

of the wormhole, the Federation and Klingon alliance soon took it back, thanks to the

intervention of the prophets, who, at the request of Sisko, caused an entire armada

of dominion ship to disappear inside the wormhole, making them unable to bring reinforcements

into the Alpha Quadrant.

Soon the Romulans joined the alliance and in time they gained victory over the invading

forces, signing the treaty of Bajor in 2375.

After their victory, the role of the Emissary was finally coming to a close, with Sisko

journeying to the fire caves of Bajor to confront Dukat who was now in league with the Pah Wraiths.

After a brief battle, Sisko sees only one way to end it, and grabs ducat, throwing both

of them and the sacred Book of the Kosst Amojan into the fire pit, sealing them away forever.

No longer facing threats from the Dominion, Cardassians or Pah-wraiths, Bajor was now

in a position to thrive and prosper without interference, continuing to worship and be

guided by the Prophets of the Celestial Temple.

For more infomation >> Star Trek: Bajoran Republic - Duration: 9:23.


8 Ball Pool - Game Play In Berlin With Priya 50 Million Coins Shot 2018 - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - Game Play In Berlin With Priya 50 Million Coins Shot 2018 - Duration: 2:10.


TAKESUE Tokyo premium soy sauce RAMEN noodles 900yen - Duration: 1:22.

TAKESUE-TOKYO-Premium Soy sauce Ramenlarge SIZE Noodle 900 yen Impression I tried

TAKESUE - TOKYO - Premium is crowded and waiting time is long

Moderate volume at large SIZE Noodle

Soy sauce Ramen plus Niku egg donburi is a safe volume.

With Chicken Scallops Ramen large SIZE Noodle feels quite a lot.

Pudding should have been coffee and caramel pudding (wandering)

Recently Saturdays and Sundays are often crowded even in the closing hours at night.

When family members or multiple pairs of customers overlap, the rotation becomes overwhelmingly slow.

As we are eating all the basic menus all the time, I dared to think that there is no need to eat until lining up in the queue.

If limited noodles or maybe it will line up.

For more infomation >> TAKESUE Tokyo premium soy sauce RAMEN noodles 900yen - Duration: 1:22.


সরাসরি আজকের দুপুরের বাংলা খবর ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 10:35.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের দুপুরের বাংলা খবর ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 10:35.


이재용 딸 인스타 이원주 나이 학교? 아들 이지호 마리화나 루머|TKRTV - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> 이재용 딸 인스타 이원주 나이 학교? 아들 이지호 마리화나 루머|TKRTV - Duration: 5:03.


Awesome Playground For Kids at the Carribean Fun Playtime with Max and Children Songs - Duration: 5:59.

Awesome Playground For Kids at the Carribean Fun Playtime with Max and Children Nursery Rhymes Songs

For more infomation >> Awesome Playground For Kids at the Carribean Fun Playtime with Max and Children Songs - Duration: 5:59.


헨리 여동생 휘트니 라우 나이 국적 형 미스토론토 출신!|TKRTV - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 헨리 여동생 휘트니 라우 나이 국적 형 미스토론토 출신!|TKRTV - Duration: 2:49.


Duty (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 0:59.

The husband fulfill his duty toward his wife,and like wise the wife toward her husband.

A wife does not have authority over her own body,but rather her husband and similarly

a husband does not have authority over his body,but rather his wife.

The husband fulfill his duty toward his wife,and like wise the wife toward her husband.

Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent for a time,to be free for prayer

but the return to one another so that Satan may not attempt you through your lack of self

control.This i say by concession,however no command

The husband fulfill his duty toward his wife,and like wise the wife toward her husband.

For more infomation >> Duty (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 0:59.



For more infomation >> KÖHNƏ REP MUSİQİLƏRİMİ DİNLƏYİRƏM - Duration: 5:34.


Best in Class Free Legendary King Cue in Miniclip 8 Ball Pool! No Mod/No Hack /No Apk - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Best in Class Free Legendary King Cue in Miniclip 8 Ball Pool! No Mod/No Hack /No Apk - Duration: 2:20.


How to draw Beach for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw Beach for kids


Śpiewające Brzdące - Biedronka i muchomor (Nowy Teledysk) - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Śpiewające Brzdące - Biedronka i muchomor (Nowy Teledysk) - Duration: 2:22.


I wanted to quit... // MPO 2018 Update - Duration: 8:54.

hey guys Elina Gives here and oh my god it's been so long since I've talked to

any of you like my mouth actually hurts from not moving for a long time

okay that sounds wrong okay just forget what I just said so I just want to make

this video to update you guys about the whole MPO 2018 journey so about my

progress so far when I came back to lifting consistently uh it was so it

was really hard I mean imagine like months of not

touching the weights in general and even your getting ready mentally kind of

process before you go to the gym... it took a while to get used to

My body became so sore like I'm not kidding that was one part

that was one time it lasted for a about a week and a half where my hams were just

stiff and even sitting down the toilet seat was just so hard and aside from not

feeling comfortable with my body I also experienced a lot of strength loss

unfortunately I couldn't pick up the weights that I was used to and my

starting weights became like the weights I couldn't even lift. There was one time I

tried to pick up 70 kg for deadlift and I used to be able to meet that as my


so after lifting for about three weeks consistently and eating more I did

improve so yay! so I actually have my little diary here.. So back then when I

last recorded my PRs which was in September my bench press was 40 kg

squats was 70kg and deadlift was 100kg. But then when I came back to the

gym January first week my bench press was 30 kg. My squat was 50kg

was 50 kg and my deadlift... I wouldn't even say 70 kg ...I did manage to pull up

one rep and that was it so I guess yeah 70kg but yeah it dropped from 25% to 30%

like that's a lot okay. After three weeks of training

the ones that I just recently recorded

so they went up by 20% to 25%. so that's good!

it may not be huge numbers but for me is just again with a few weeks like less

than a month it went back up so yeah I got very hopeful! Until about a week ago

about a week and I think it was two weeks ago and some of you know who follow me

on Instagram I got involved in an incident on the road.

It got out of hand. I don't really want to go into the details of it but it..

really shook me and I became really afraid of the world from it

people you don't know starting to hurt you scares the hell out of me you know

it really made me lose a bit of hope and confidence about the world

outside and and it sucks because I'm always the type who feels that there's

always good in people and there's always something that you can always have faith

on so it really threw off my own values and my self confidence completely and

what I hated the most was that

other people think ''wow Elina..

you're a wonder woman! She's so strong and so confident!'' But at that moment of time

so weak and vulnerable. So yeah for a few days after the incident I was very insecure

and I was just scared to go anywhere I just didn't want to go out the house

much and if I did it would just be within my housing area.

It affected my confidence as well in doing powerlifting for MPO.... I just felt like

giving up I didn't want to be within the public light I didn't want anybody to

know me anymore.

I just literally wanted to close myself off from the world

it was very bad but fortunately... luckily I have few close friends who brought me

out of the city to the quiet happy town of Ipoh

being away from the hustles and bustles of KL

it made me feel more comfortable and of course having to be able to share

something personal like that with you guys and receiving like a lot like oh my

was just so many nice messages and it really helped me so THANK YOU for pretty

much helping me to gain back my self-confidence and believing again that

there is good in people who generally care about you and and I mean you know I

was like yeah I can't I can't let them down

I need to go and compete

yeah I'm back after two weeks off from the gym and training I know it has it

will affect me a lot in terms of my progress but again

my main goal about this

entire journey was to show that there are times where life will again come and

put a halt to whatever you're trying to achieve but it doesn't mean that you

let it be in the way of you achieving great things in life

so here's me trying

again and despite all I know that I want to be on that platform and just

represent the vegan community at the same time just doing this out of good

experience and for fun and know what it takes to actually compete

alot of people

don't know that it's not just you getting on a platform and lift..

there is a lot of technical rules behind it so just having more insight on how that world

works and teaching it to you guys

yeah! so this is me about a month and a bit

later on my progress I may not be the strongest or the most powerful whatnot

but I'm enjoying what I'm doing and I want you guys to feel motivated to try

powerlifting. it's such a great sport and even just any sport you're

doing or whatever - it doesn't have to be a sport whatever you're doing I just hope you

guys don't give up and if you ever need some high five and self-confidence booster

you can always contact me and I'll totally give you internet high-five

all in all

thank you again

yeah I'll see you guys soon


For more infomation >> I wanted to quit... // MPO 2018 Update - Duration: 8:54.


I can't push it down!!!!!! Grace Suction Mug - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> I can't push it down!!!!!! Grace Suction Mug - Duration: 2:02.


Me and my friends JK I have NON - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Me and my friends JK I have NON - Duration: 2:49.


نصائح وتوجيهات للشباب المسلم تجاه نفسه ودينه وأمَّته - Duration: 27:37.

For more infomation >> نصائح وتوجيهات للشباب المسلم تجاه نفسه ودينه وأمَّته - Duration: 27:37.


Influenster February 2018 Unboxing - Duration: 3:03.

everybody welcome back to my channel so today's videos and unboxing it's an

Influenster box I'm so excited I haven't gotten one in a while if you'd like to

see what I got then please keep on watching make sure you subscribe to my

channel hit that notification balle upload a video every single day of the

week and I don't want you to miss any so influencers a free sampling service they

have an app for Android and iPhone I'll definitely go check them out they are

yeah it's absolutely free I'll leave their information down below

in the description box for you guys but this is the Claire L root touch-up

temporary so super excited let's see what I got so guys uh influencer boxes

are always packed very very nicely which is amazing okay

so let's see the temporary Clairol root touch-up concealing powder okay

so life's too short to worry about roots it looks like it comes in six shades

black medium brown dark brown red light brown and blonde so that's nice okay so

what I actually got I got an actual full-size product this

is the Clairol temporary root touch-up and I got it in the shade light brown

see now

oh that is some sleek packaging that's pretty nice

okay guys full-size mirror which is really really nice

and then it has the actual brow powder and a nice little brush so I'm just

gonna hurry up and swatch it for you guys I'm not going to do a full review

that will be in another video but that is gorgeous it's nice not smearing it

really is a powder looks like it's pretty transfer proof that's awesome no

smell but yeah I cannot wait to try this out I love the packaging super super

cute packaging so yeah thank you so much influence or thank you so much Clara I

cannot wait to try this out for you guys thank you so much for watching I hope

you did enjoy this short and sweet unboxing if you did then please go ahead

and give it a thumbs up also share this video I'd love to get the word out about

Influenster as much as possible it's a really awesome sampling little service

like so it's completely free also make sure you follow me on my other social

media twitter facebook Instagram and snapchat is all at budget glam babe and

I will see you guys tomorrow for another video

have a great one guys


For more infomation >> Influenster February 2018 Unboxing - Duration: 3:03.


(#12) I think its not only about the views... - Oakura Bay, New Zealand | Travels (#29) - Duration: 2:32.

Swing woman...

I can't!

I caan't :)

I think I realized that this journey isn't about seeing views like this one...

but its more about understanding what I am like, who I am

Who I am for real

We're in New Zealand not more than 2 weeks now and so many things have already happened

So many things didn't go along with the plan

And after all... everything was fine, all the stress was in vain

It is just the very beginning but I already know that I will learn A LOT about myself

We will also learn a lot about ourselves with Kasia (as in couple)

And of course it will be a great keepsake

And as a bonus: we will see all those nice places

But anyway - This trip is not about views

Its about noticing and learning who we truly are, what we like, what we don't

Its about noticing how we behave in certain situations, often uncomfortable

or when the plans don't work out

And because I am a huge fan of planning and having things organized

when everything runs smoothly

I am already learning that not everything can be planned

oh well.. life I guess :)

For more infomation >> (#12) I think its not only about the views... - Oakura Bay, New Zealand | Travels (#29) - Duration: 2:32.


M JAK MIŁOŚĆ, odc. 931. OŚWIADCZYNY ROBERTA. Kasia waha się czy zostać żoną Roberta - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> M JAK MIŁOŚĆ, odc. 931. OŚWIADCZYNY ROBERTA. Kasia waha się czy zostać żoną Roberta - Duration: 4:26.


Build your own Tesla coil. - Duration: 10:49.

Hi all, and welcome again to a new video on my channel.

Today we are going to do something shocking, and no it's not a shock giving device...

like I made some time ago!

It is a Tesla coil, and it has nothing to do with a Tesla car!

I can hear the sparks!

What we need are 3 capacitors from 3.9 nanofarad

a PVC pipe.

Some tape.

around 40 meters of copper wire, and a small cutter.

And almost forgot. An electric fly zapper, but that's still in the mail.

Yes. The package has arrived!

Fly zapper!

We need this part!

This will not work anymore.

We 1st need to wind the secondary coil with 420 winding's of copper wire around the PVC pipe.

That is about 40 meters of wire!

Make sure you leave some wire sticking out!

Use some tape to stick the wire on the PVC tube.

Lets start winding the coil......





Pffff... That was a lot of work!

420 winding's!

I used tape to make sure it stayed in place.

And now I need to 3D print some parts.

This one needs to be 25.

This one needs to be 25 too.

And now print it!

Looking good.

The coil with 420 winding's.....

will go on top of this. Make sure you line the wire up so it will go through the open space.

When all is done it will sit ontop of the bottom part.

Now we are going to replace the original capacitor with the other one's

Lets make the capacitor bank.

I have already made the holes in the 3D printed design.

Now I need to solder them.

So.. We are on day two.

Let's wire it all up.

Connect the wire to the capacitor.

Put the wire through one of the holes going to the capacitor...

and put a bolt through it.

Do the same to the other side of the capacitor bank, but now use a loose wire.

Now we will make the spark gap.

Use the wire coming from the capacitor bank,

Put it through here.

And put a bolt through it.

Do the same to the other side.

The gap will be around 1 mm when done.

The nice thing about this system is that you can adjust it very easily.

I have made the primary coil with 8 1/2 winding's

I used a toilet roll to wind it on, and tape to keep it in place.

It needs to go over the secondary coil

Be really careful when placing it, so you will not break anything!

Now we need to connect the primary coil to the bottom part.

Use a bolt to do so. Put the bottom wire and top wire through the hole.

Make sure they are together.

I will show you the wire diagram now!

Everything is wired up as should. only thing missing is the power supply!

But we will add that last.

Now we are going to put everything together.

Put the bolts in like so.

Now we need to make the ground.

Use tinfoil with one side of sticky tape.

Make sure when sticking it on that you connect the copper wire to it!

Stick it all the way around.

We still need something for the toroid!

Let me think.. Where can I find one?

Yes... I found one... There....

The top wire of the secondary coil needs to be connected to the toroid.

Use the screw to connect it to.

Make sure you tight the screw up.

When done glue it on top of the secondary coil like so.

And lady's and gentleman.... Wil it work?

Let's turn it on.. I can hear the spark's!

Light off....

The fluorescent lamp is flickering!

Look.. No wires are attached to the fluorescent lamp!

it's working!

Unfortunately it is not very powerful!

It is because I used a cheap fly zapper.

The two screws from the spark gap...

where you see the spark's..

When you touch them you will get zapped!

It's about the same strength as the schok device I build in a previous video.

You have been warned!

So be prepared when trying!

See you again at my next vlog!

For more infomation >> Build your own Tesla coil. - Duration: 10:49.


Elusive Target: The Twins!! #11 | Agent 47 | HITMAN 2016 (PC) Gameplay - Duration: 3:19:45.

For more infomation >> Elusive Target: The Twins!! #11 | Agent 47 | HITMAN 2016 (PC) Gameplay - Duration: 3:19:45.


8 Ball Pool - Game Play In Berlin With Priya 50 Million Coins Shot 2018 - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - Game Play In Berlin With Priya 50 Million Coins Shot 2018 - Duration: 2:10.


Jack Sprat | Nursery Rhymes | By HuggyBoBo - Duration: 3:02.

Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean.

And so between the two of them they ate the platter clean.

Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean.

And so between the two of them they licked the platter clean.

Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean.

And so between the two of them they ate the platter clean.

Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean.

And so between the two of them they licked the platter clean.

Let's sing that again

Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean.

And so between the two of them they ate the platter clean.

Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean.

And so between the two of them they licked the platter clean.

Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean.

And so between the two of them they ate the platter clean.

Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean.

And so between the two of them they licked the platter clean.

For more infomation >> Jack Sprat | Nursery Rhymes | By HuggyBoBo - Duration: 3:02.


'언니네' 김영근, 15kg 감량비법은 토마토와 바나나 - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> '언니네' 김영근, 15kg 감량비법은 토마토와 바나나 - Duration: 1:28.



For more infomation >> KÖHNƏ REP MUSİQİLƏRİMİ DİNLƏYİRƏM - Duration: 5:34.


윤성빈 경기 도중 관중석에서 포착된 김연아.jpg - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 윤성빈 경기 도중 관중석에서 포착된 김연아.jpg - Duration: 2:17.


Caramel Hair Color with Highlights (2018) - Duration: 6:45.


Welcome Back to Sheryl TV.

Today our video about: Caramel Hair Color with Highlights.

Before We begin..

Don't forget to Subscribe and hit the Notification button.

So you won't miss the next great videos from us!

Recently, caramel color has been gaining popularity among ladies searching for a new alternative

to common blondes and brunettes.

This gorgeous, candy sweet hue looks best when paired with complimentary or contrasting

shades; however, if you're daring, this shade can be created all over your head.

If you're considering taking the plunge and going caramel, check out these stunning

caramel hair color ideas!

We have a variety of high and low-lights, ombres, and fuller-coverage caramel styles

guaranteed to inspire you.

One of the pictured styles may even wind up being your next color!

Look through these caramel color ideas and let us know what you think!

For more infomation >> Caramel Hair Color with Highlights (2018) - Duration: 6:45.


Duty (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 0:59.

The husband fulfill his duty toward his wife,and like wise the wife toward her husband.

A wife does not have authority over her own body,but rather her husband and similarly

a husband does not have authority over his body,but rather his wife.

The husband fulfill his duty toward his wife,and like wise the wife toward her husband.

Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent for a time,to be free for prayer

but the return to one another so that Satan may not attempt you through your lack of self

control.This i say by concession,however no command

The husband fulfill his duty toward his wife,and like wise the wife toward her husband.

For more infomation >> Duty (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 0:59.


【NEO】カメリア・コンプレックス / Camellia Complex - buzzG【歌ってみた】 - Duration: 4:27.

I've always known your regrets

I knew that deep within, you're always by yourself

After the spotlights go out

on the night before the wedding, you were crying

Spinning, spinning, the wheel of fate

The bells of blessing,

as if mocking at our secret,

the sound dryly rings out

Until death do us part, will we be able to fulfill each other?

Deceiving each other? Hating each other?

Those tears, this pain,

I guess I won't ever forget them

The moment when we missed each other as you swayed by

Those eyes that never look back,

what are they looking at?

Whether its a love story, or a happy ending

They're all diminished by the magic of time, leaving no trace behind

And now he, you and I

are just relying on these personas that we created

Ending, ending story

The bells of blessing

echoed this script without main characters in pranks

and faded away

Oh, dear the star that the empty me encountered

My chest's tightened, it's going to fall apart

That day as if bearing the pain, the song of your laugh

is still shining brightly now

Until death do us part, will we be able to fulfill each other?

Deluding each other? Hating each other?

Those tears, this pain

I'll carry them all

The moment when you passed by the person you love by heart

In those eyes that will never look back

may I have a place there someday?

Don't go, please don't go

All I want is you to smile All I want is to smile with you

vocal: NEO

For more infomation >> 【NEO】カメリア・コンプレックス / Camellia Complex - buzzG【歌ってみた】 - Duration: 4:27.


Awesome Playground For Kids at the Carribean Fun Playtime with Max and Children Songs - Duration: 5:59.

Awesome Playground For Kids at the Carribean Fun Playtime with Max and Children Nursery Rhymes Songs

For more infomation >> Awesome Playground For Kids at the Carribean Fun Playtime with Max and Children Songs - Duration: 5:59.


Gemma Galgani attacca Tina e rivela alla Toffanin: 'Proposta audace a Giorgio' | M.C.G.S - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Gemma Galgani attacca Tina e rivela alla Toffanin: 'Proposta audace a Giorgio' | M.C.G.S - Duration: 6:11.


LEGO® Marvel Black Panther...

For more infomation >> LEGO® Marvel Black Panther...


(#12) I think its not only about the views... - Oakura Bay, New Zealand | Travels (#29) - Duration: 2:32.

Swing woman...

I can't!

I caan't :)

I think I realized that this journey isn't about seeing views like this one...

but its more about understanding what I am like, who I am

Who I am for real

We're in New Zealand not more than 2 weeks now and so many things have already happened

So many things didn't go along with the plan

And after all... everything was fine, all the stress was in vain

It is just the very beginning but I already know that I will learn A LOT about myself

We will also learn a lot about ourselves with Kasia (as in couple)

And of course it will be a great keepsake

And as a bonus: we will see all those nice places

But anyway - This trip is not about views

Its about noticing and learning who we truly are, what we like, what we don't

Its about noticing how we behave in certain situations, often uncomfortable

or when the plans don't work out

And because I am a huge fan of planning and having things organized

when everything runs smoothly

I am already learning that not everything can be planned

oh well.. life I guess :)

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