Saturday, February 17, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 18 2018











For more infomation >> DARLING - Duration: 6:51.


L13:Compiler Design Tutorial i, Lex And YACC,YACC, Lex, Yet Another Compiler Compiler in hindi - Duration: 13:17.





For more infomation >> L13:Compiler Design Tutorial i, Lex And YACC,YACC, Lex, Yet Another Compiler Compiler in hindi - Duration: 13:17.


【Bve5】テキトーに色々な路線を走ってみる。平昌オリンピックを見ながらやってますw - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> 【Bve5】テキトーに色々な路線を走ってみる。平昌オリンピックを見ながらやってますw - Duration: 11:43.


Baby Shark - Wake Up and M...

For more infomation >> Baby Shark - Wake Up and M...


Tina Cipollari sul trono di Maria De Filippi? La verità | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Tina Cipollari sul trono di Maria De Filippi? La verità | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:50.


Abraham Hicks 2015 😃 - Alinhado, mas sem manifestação - Duration: 12:39.

GUEST: - So, very delighted to be here.

ABRAHAM: - What's up?

GUEST: - When you feel complete and total alignment...

I feel like...

ABRAHAM: - Which translates into what kind of emotions?

GUEST: - Complete and total joy and... Gratitude .

ABRAHAM: - Eagerness.

GUEST: - And the thing that you feel completely in alignment with...

Does not show up.

ABRAHAM: - That's the contradiction to the laws as we know them to be.

GUEST: - Exactly.

ABRAHAM: - So, something's happening.

Maybe you're not quite as in touch with the way you feel as you think you are.

Or maybe there's more to experience.

Maybe there's a deeper desire that you haven't quite ferret it out yet.

Maybe there's more for you to identify as your desire

Because you are deliberate and you are picky

And that's a good thing.

GUEST: - How can I prevent myself from going into a witch-hunt?

As... Okay. I either have what I have or I don't .

What is in the way...

ABRAHAM: - That's really why we've begun talking about the unconditional love

The unconditional of it

Because there isn't anything that anyone wants

Whether it's a material object, or a relationship, or a state of being, or a pile of money, or an experience...

There isn't anything that anybody wants or ever has wanted

That is for any other reason then you believe you will feel better in the having of it.

And so, if you can leave the condition aside for a little bit

Especially when it's feeling like that.

And just focus upon feeling good

Just focus on feeling good.

Focus on other things that do feel good.

Here's the easiest way for you to hear it:

Step one is ask

Step two is source answers.

And step three is allow it.

Step one, two, three.

There will be infinite steps because you keep wanting more clarification.

But step one, step two, step three: that's the basis of the creative process.

There are different steps: step one is an asking step.

Step two isn't even your work.

Step two is the laws of the Universe and the Source within you lining things up

Delivering it to you in vibrational form.

Step three is you put yourself in a place of allowing to be in the receptive mode

So, that you can follow the clues and the trail and the path and the feeling

to the manifestation of what you want.

And so the thing that trips more people up than all other things put together

is that you won't let go of asking.

and in the asking there is the awareness that it hasn't happened yet

so I want this thing I do not have I want this thing I do not have I want

this thing I do not have I want this thing I do not have well cut it out you

have asked it has been duly noted it has been arranged it has been created it has

been given to you and the clues are forthcoming stop noticing it isn't done

yet get on to other things so if you really want something that you really

want to come ask for some other things because when you take your attention off

that it'll happen that's a really good trick

my other question is about vibration and all of the information out there is

raised vibration well we agree with that but rather than emphasizing raising

vibration we would say allow your vibration to raise by not doing that

thing you do that disallows it imagine a cork floating and let's call

that a high vibration hold it under the water I'm worried about this I'm worried

about that I don't like that now let go of the cork it'll Bob right

back up so you don't have to raise your vibrations just stop doing that thing

you do that puts resistance in it which lowers it which would actually lower the

vibration and make it less peaks and valleys and reduce resistance to any

vibration it always slows the vibration these are laws of physics that you

understand when we met it so we like to say it in this way no longer do that

thing you're doing and how do you know you're doing that thing you don't feel

good while you're doing it negative emotion is always present when you're

doing that thing that lowers vibration not nice to know negative emotion is

always present when you're doing that thing you do that lowers vibration so

I've got negative emotions stop and say oh I've got negative emotion and I'm

doing that thing I do that lowers my vibration and it's keeping me from being

in the receptive mode so I can't follow the clue to the path of things that I

really want so in essence when I meditate or pray or ground and centering

to me it feels calming and a lower vibration it isn't but you see here's

the thing imagine yourself in an airplane you're 30 40 50 thousand feet

in the air and you're going 300 400 500 miles an hour and you look out the

window and everything just looks perfect put that aircraft on the ground at 500

miles an hour where there's more resistance it doesn't feel so perfect

and so you can feel calm in very fast vibration if you are not resistant you

see what we're getting at Esther was on a walkway with about 30 other people a

moving walkway at the airport the other day and she had her bag and

she wasn't walking usually she walks on those moving walkways but there were so

many people sort of ahead of her and behind her that she decided to just

stand there with the rest of them and enjoy the short ride to the end of the

moving walkway and all of a sudden the walkway which had been moving stopped

abruptly and everyone sort of piled over on top of each other because no one was

expecting that they had all adjusted to the speed of the walkway there was a

sort of mental thing this is how fast we're going it's like all the muscles in

their body had adjusted the speed of it and if it had come to the end they would

have all stepped off easily but the fact that the thing came to a stop no one

fell down but everyone really hooted them hollered and they became friendly

with each other in ways that they hadn't expected so because of the adjustment in

the momentum and so vibration is like that in other words you can have a

smooth steady ride or you can have a sort of halting jerky ride picture the

wheel and sticking a stick in is it's sort of the best analogy that we have

for the discord that you apply to your own momentum from time to time when you

meditate you're quieting your mind when you quiet your mind you stop thought

when you stop thought you stopped all resistance so meditation really is a

nice state of being appreciation is to appreciation is a wonderful state of

allowing the natural momentum of who you are to flow yeah helpful extremely so

when I stop focusing on the lack of a romantic relationship it will appear

because it's in your vortex and it has already become and your attention to

what isn't happening will not allow what has already happened to be realized by

you when the thought comes back the thought that says the thought that says

where is she how come she hasn't shown up yet

so when she is not showed up after I feel taste

I feel the elation and the experience so you're depending in that moment of

discomfort on the condition to support the emotion that's what you've got to

stop doing because you can support the emotion by focusing on other things or

by anticipating that or by imagining that or by just enjoying positive

emotion that would be like let's say that there are ten programs available to

you on your television and you have your remote control handy and you turn it to

one and it isn't pleasing to you but you sit there and you just demand that it

turn into something that's pleasing to you I really don't like this program I

hope it changes I don't like any of those actors I hope that they become

different and wouldn't it just be logical to just check around to explore

some other channels or some other subjects so when the subject that you

are exploring doesn't please you check around look to other subjects like the

power of your mind or the thrill of meditation or the feeling of clarity or

how well things are going relative to business just change the subject to

something that allows your connection that's really an important thing to

understand isn't it have we convinced you that the connection is really what

you're reaching for the connection is what matters the connection is where

your resources are is where your clarity is it's where all of the fun is is

certainly where the leading edges is certainly where you rendezvous with

everything that you want and who you really are have we convinced you of the

importance of connection and so what you're wanting to connect with is your

source not your lover connect with your source and then find your lover don't

need your lover to find your source source is available all the time connect

to that and then everything else will follow everything else will follow but

if you need something else to be different than it is in order to feel

good now you're going about it in the backwards way

got that don't you you really do have that that matters so much do you believe

that you have the ability to feel the way you want to feel mostly do you

believe that there are conditions that prevent you from feeling good yeah

sometimes things are hard do you believe that you could get a good night's sleep

and wake up and focus a little differently and feel better yes of

course you do you've done it frequently do you believe that the people in your

world in your life especially those up close oh it to you to behave in ways

that keep you happy yes yes you do you do believe that yes

you do you do believe that but that's not working out very well is it in other

words nothing will alienate those up close to you more than convincing them

that they need to be different so that you can feel good you can get away with

it for a little while but it gets really old really fast doesn't it and your

children will not allow you to get away with it they know better coming in have

you noticed and so when you begin to take

responsibility for the way you feel and you don't demand that something be

different than it is right now this red-hot minute and you show yourself

that you have the ability to self-soothe that's really what it is

to self-soothe which is the same thing as to self aligned to align with self

when you show yourself that you have the ability to do that then you've taught

yourself that you can tap into this empowerment and then ideas flow impulses

are right and that's when those rendevouz happen you say but you can't

find someone when you think they're missing it defies law so you meet some

great person they're everything you want and you're just looking at them like

can't be you because who I'm looking for I can't find and there they are they're

screaming at you it's me it's me it's really me your inner being says it's her

it's her it's really her and you're saying I've been looking and looking and

looking and looking looking and looking and looking and

looking and looking and she's saying look closer look closer I can't find you

I can't find you it really is that bold you're looking right at them and saying

I don't see you I don't see you anywhere because you are blind to what you're

really looking for unless you're tuned in tapped in turned

on and then you're always in the right place at the right time enough

For more infomation >> Abraham Hicks 2015 😃 - Alinhado, mas sem manifestação - Duration: 12:39.


Magic infinite card for any holiday - Duration: 4:05.

Magic infinite card


Today we will make a magic endless postcard.

After all, we have so many holidays ahead:

Valentine's Day, February 23, March 8 and I think many have a birthday.

Of course I would like a magic postcard to fulfill any desires.

Just imagine.

I want sweets

Well, now I want nuts

Something I wanted to drink, I'll pour myself some juice.

That would be cool.

But still it's a dream.

But in reality we will make a very interesting and unusual postcard.

It is necessary to prepare 4 squares of paper or cardboard with sides 10 by 10 centimeters.

Next, we divide the squares into two parts.

It turned out 8 rectangles.

Then divide the rectangle in half.

To do this, use a ruler to measure 5 centimeters and put a mark.

Now bend the edges of the rectangle to the center.

We repeat this with all the rectangles.

Turn the rectangles and apply the glue to the places I'm showing.

Now perpendicularly glue the following two rectangles.

Next, turn the workpiece and open it.

It is necessary to put glue on two large squares in the center and on four small squares in the corners.

We glue the following two rectangles.

Turn the workpiece and open.

We apply glue on the entire surface and glue the last two rectangles.

In order for the glue to dry, leave the postcard for a while under the press.

After that, you can draw or paste some pictures.

If you paste, the pictures will need to be cut in the center.

So we have a very cool endless postcard.

Such a card can be presented for any holiday.

But for today everything. For the time being, do not forget to subscribe to the channel.

For more infomation >> Magic infinite card for any holiday - Duration: 4:05.


IU經紀人眼中沒有她?IU對女團來說是偶像,對經紀人來說是路人! - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> IU經紀人眼中沒有她?IU對女團來說是偶像,對經紀人來說是路人! - Duration: 4:47.


GALATASARAY | Son Sayfa | 18 ŞUBAT 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Son Sayfa | 18 ŞUBAT 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 10:59.


마지막 종착항으로 항해중인 스페인 항모 Principe de Asturias R-11 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> 마지막 종착항으로 항해중인 스페인 항모 Principe de Asturias R-11 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 3:13.


DARLING - Duration: 6:51.











For more infomation >> DARLING - Duration: 6:51.


L13:Compiler Design Tutorial i, Lex And YACC,YACC, Lex, Yet Another Compiler Compiler in hindi - Duration: 13:17.





For more infomation >> L13:Compiler Design Tutorial i, Lex And YACC,YACC, Lex, Yet Another Compiler Compiler in hindi - Duration: 13:17.


【Bve5】テキトーに色々な路線を走ってみる。平昌オリンピックを見ながらやってますw - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> 【Bve5】テキトーに色々な路線を走ってみる。平昌オリンピックを見ながらやってますw - Duration: 11:43.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


O Magnum Mysterium - T. Luis de Victoria | Ertugrul Oguz Firat Choir - Duration: 3:01.

O great mystery,

and wonderful sacrament,

O great mystery,

and wonderful sacrament,

that animals

that animals should see the new-born Lord,

should see the new-born Lord,

lying in a manger.

Blessed is the Virgin,

whose womb was worthy

To bear Jesus Christ the Lord.


For more infomation >> O Magnum Mysterium - T. Luis de Victoria | Ertugrul Oguz Firat Choir - Duration: 3:01.


Hair2wear Christie Brinkley Extension 16" - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Hair2wear Christie Brinkley Extension 16" - Duration: 2:17.


'Mad Dog' Mattis Goes Rogue – Makes TERRIFYING Announcement - Duration: 14:43.

'Mad Dog' Mattis Goes Rogue – Makes TERRIFYING Announcement

During Barack Obama's time in the White House, he allowed America's enemies to walk

all over us.

Now that Donald Trump is in office, however, he has been letting foreign powers know that

they can no longer mess with the U.S.

The Hill reported that Trump's Secretary of Defense James "Mad Dog" Mattis reinforced

this point this week when he indicated that the U.S. will strike the Syrian regime again

if it uses sarin gas.

"We're on the record and you all have seen how we reacted to that, so they would

be ill-advised to go back to violating the chemical convention," Mattis said.

He went on to say that it was clear Syria has weaponized chlorine, but added that he

doesn't have evidence of sarin use.

"We're even more concerned about the possibility of sarin use," he said.

"I don't have the evidence.

What I'm saying is groups on the ground, [nongovernmental organizations] NGOs, fighters

on the ground said that sarin has been used.

So we are looking for evidence.

I don't have evidence."

This came a day after Mattis discussed his plans for the military with GOP lawmakers.

"I'm not subtle," Mattis said.

"I need to make the military more lethal.

Some people think I'm supposed to be an equal-opportunity employer."

This comes after Fox News reported that a top U.S. military official just confirmed

that the military defeat of ISIS could be just "weeks" away.

U.S. Central Command General Joseph Votel said this while speaking at Jordan's National

Defense School on Monday.

"The timeline for the military defeat of ISIS can now be measured in weeks," Votel

said, going on to warn that there is still "very tough fighting" going on in the

Middle Euphrates River Valley.

It had preciously been reported that the terrorist group has lost 98 percent of the land it once

held — with half of ISIS' so-called "caliphate" having been recaptured since President Trump

took office.

These gains are what led to Votel's assessment came after changes in the rules of engagement,

instituted over the last year.

"The rules of engagement under the Obama administration were onerous.

I mean what are we doing having individual target determination being conducted in the

White House, which in some cases adds weeks and weeks," said retired Air Force Lt. Gen.

David Deptula, the former head of U.S. Air Force intelligence.

"The limitations that were put on actually resulted in greater civilian casualties."

SHARE this story if you support what the Trump administration

is doing!

For more infomation >> 'Mad Dog' Mattis Goes Rogue – Makes TERRIFYING Announcement - Duration: 14:43.


DARLING - Duration: 6:51.











For more infomation >> DARLING - Duration: 6:51.


MVP Tests Their One Second K-pop Knowledge - Episode 5 | SHOOK - Duration: 16:31.

Hey it's Fei!

Today I'm hosting a new show with Soompi,

coming to you on CREATED by Viki!

The show's called SHOOK,

where we celebrate some of the talent you guys nominated

for the 13th Annual Soompi Awards!

Today I have a very fun group with me,

they recently debuted and they made a huge impact!

Please welcome MVP!


Hello! We're MVP!

The group name "MVP" means

"Most Valuable Player",

and shows how we will always do our ultimate best on stage!

Okay, now we will do an individual introduction!

I'm the leader of MVP,

I'm a multi player - I can sing and dance!

I'm the leader, Kang Han! Nice to meet you!

Hello I'm P.K, in charge of main performance and rap in MVP!

Nice to meet you!

Hello I'm the baby twin and

talented one, Been!

Hello I'm the lead vocalist of MVP,

the talented maknae-on-top Sion!

Nice to meet you!

Hello I'm the main vocalist of MVP, Gi Taek! Nice to meet you!

Hello! I'm the MVP of MVP, the rapper Rayoon!

Nice to meet you!

Hello I'm the older twin and

vocalist of MVP, Jin!

Nice to know you guys!

I heard that 2017 was very busy for you guys!

So what were some of the highlights?

Us, MVP debuted sweetly on the 14th of March,

we were in many music programs afterwards,

updated a lot of our member's amazing videos on SNS,

and recently, we were in different tv programs,

showing our name more to the public.

We were busy. Yup, busy.

Very busy.

It was our stretch in order to head over to Brazil,

to South America!


We were doing that a lot.

It was a big step for us.

Yup it was a huge leap.

So now I'm curious,

what are your plans for 2018 then?



Plans for this year!

Okay, plans for this year!

Hey I understood that!

You understood

In 2018,

shouldn't we make a...

comeback like everyone is thinking?

Yup you're right.

Making a comeback with good music and showing our fans good things,

I think that's our new year's resolution.

Musul-year comeback.

Yup. Musul-year comeback.

You guys were also nominated for the Rookie of the Year for the Soompi Awards!

How do you guys feel?

Oh...I understood that, of course.

I think our leader will have to talk about this...

We were nominated for Rookie of the Year...

Can you tell everyone how we feel?

I want to say something too!

Oh, is that so?

Then our maknae should say something!

It's every singer's dream, isn't it?


Us, MVP will work really hard to not only be nominated,

but so that we can win it as well.

Did we really get nominated?

Oh we really got nominated?

Rookie of the Year is every singer's dream really!


You know how we did the interview when we debuted?


Even in that interview, we said that

we wanted to become the Rookie of the Year...

Yeah we said that we wanted to become Rookie of the Year...

But we weren't.

But since we were nominated this time!

We'll do our best, and get it!


Rookie of the Year award get!


all your hard work was recognized by the fans all around the world!

And that's why we brought you guys to SHOOK!

Because on this show,

we like to celebrate some of the talent

that were nominated

to highlight your charms!

With that being said, for today's episode of SHOOK,

we are going to have a very fun misson!

Where we test some of your abilities, and

it's a K-Pop knowledge test!


You guys ready?

What is the mission?

So this game was really popular with our fans last year,

So I'm really excited for you guys to try it out!

Are you guys confident that you guys are going to know some of the K-Pop hits?

Yes of course, we're very confident!

Of course!

Because we're idols...

It's our wanna-bes.

Yeah because it's our wanna-bes.

We'll know even if we only hear 0.5 seconds!

0.5 seconds!

So out of all you guys, who listens to music the most?

We generally all like music...

But we all kinda like different genres.

Yeah we like different genres.

We like different genres so...

We have different taste but...

We all listen to idol music.

Yup that's right.

That's what we listen to in common.


And the strongest here is...

Our Been.


We think it's Been.

He listens to music even as he goes to sleep!

He REALLY loves K-Pop!

We all love K-Pop too, of course, but...

I think Been might be very good at this...

Oh... So I guess it's going to be a really hard competition!

Are you guys ready?



Let's go!!!

Let's get it!

Now it's time to split up the teams, so

are you guys ready to split up?

And guess what:

I'm going to be on a team!

Happy happy happy!!!



We're going to do rock paper scissors, but

there's only going to be rock or paper.

Is this paper?

Ah, scissor scissor scissor!

Rock, scissor, paper!


No there's no such thing!

There's no paper!

We're just SAYING "rock scissor paper"!

Again again

Rock, scissor, paper!

Rock, scissor, paper!

Then I'll just take these two.

We'll take him.


Four to four like this?

Okay okay


So we're going to start with two members from each team going first!

Which two members wanna go first?

Why don't the two maknaes go first?

Okay maknaes then us.

Two maknaes go together.

Are you ready?






3, 2...





"You... You're mine..."


"You're My Destiny"

"I Am You, You Are Me"

"You're My Destiny"!




3, 2...

"O Sole Mio"?


This this

Oh wait this

Hey, HEY



"Perfect Man"?

I have absolutely no clue...

Hint: Super Junior!


Just guess anything!


Super Junior's "So I"


Can you let us listen a little longer?

Okay since you said pass...

The answer was "Sorry Sorry".


It was the Answer version.




"Shadow"! "Shadow"!


This wasn't a practice game, right?


Okay, next!

Answer answer!

Gfriend's "Me Gustas Tu"!




Why does it sound like "6 O'clock My Hometown"* to me? *A generic Korean show about rural life

Wait wait what's the English name for it?

Don't know it in English!


"Wedding Dress"!







THE... THAT...

Wait I just have to listen to it a little more...

Ah, MVP's "Take It"!

What's that show that little kids watch!

For little kids!

Something story!

Block B's "Toy"!


Block B's "Toy"!




IU's "Palette"



Wait I heard this before!






VIXX's "Shangri-La"!


He kept mouthing the answer to his team right here!!!

No no no




Gummy's "When You Come Back"!

It's from <Descendents of the Sun>...

OH the...



I don't know the title...

Yoo Si Jin

Yoo Si Jin!

Wait what am I saying...


It's from a drama.


♪ I~ love~ you~ ♪



♪ Are you listening~♪

Yoon Mi-Rae's "I Love You"!

Gummy's "Are you Listening"

♪ When I see you... ♪


Yoon Mirae's "You".



Maybe it's not "To You" but "To Her"?


Okay we'll pass!

The answer was Yoon Mirae's "Always".


Always. Always.



Oh ANSWER! SF9's...



OH SF9's "Easy Love"!




HyunA's "Bubble Pop"!


♪ Re~~~ Bye~~♪



AKMU's "Dinosaur"!

Producer, can you give us something more common?

What's the word...????

Re... Re bum...


Re bye... "RE BYE"!!!!!!!







You have to sit down! YOU HAVE TO SIT DOWN!

Answer! Answer!

EXID's "Up and Down"!


Okay the final scores are...

6 to 4! [T/N: Oops, the score is 6:5]


Are you ready?


Let's get it!

Bolbbalgan4's "We Loved"



Crayon Pop's "Bar Bar Bar"!

Got it right!

Rayoon, what's his name?

Ah, Strong Baby.

Strong Baby???


Strong Baby, Kang Han!

Kang Han is strong baby!


Seventeen's "Missing"!


Wait no!!!

He said "Missing" instead of "Don't Wanna Cry!"

Seventeen's "Don't Wanna Cry"!

Seventeen's "Don't Wanna Cry"!

He should've said "Don't Wanna Cry"!

♪ Don't wanna cry ♪

Are you kidding me?

C'mon c'mon c'mon!


"I Don't Know"?



"Me Too Me Too Me Too"?

Apink's "Mr.Chu"!


♪ Mr. Chu ♪

♪ On your lips, chu ♪

Hey hey,

be quiet.


"Hands Up"!




Wait no this isn't it...


4Minute's "Huh"?

4Minute's "Huh"!



"Again & Again"

Oh we losttt

Oh wait I know this




"One Day"...

Oh!!! The!!!


"One Day"!


One day one day one day!

3, 2, 1, ring ring!

Ring ring ring!!!

Out out


BTS's "Just One Day"!





Hey hey be quiet be quiet!

Be quiet!



2NE1's "I Am The Best"

Yeah this was it!

He knows THIS?


Isn't it that???

Roy Kim's "Whistle"!

3, 2...




NU'EST's "Hello"!




Highlight's "Plz Don't You Be Sad"


Highlight's "Plz Don't Be Sad"!

It doesn't have the "you"!

Keep your head in the game!

"Plz Don't You Be Sad" haha

Hey boy~


Good boy!

[whistles in the background]

You don't know this??

Go away!


BLACKPINK's "Whistle"!

Roy Kim's "Whistle"!

We won♪

Wait you're not on our team!

It's 13:9!


Unfortunately, that's all the time we have today...

and you know who the winning team and losing team are...

We're the winning team.

Thank you guys so much for joining us today!

Can you say bye to the viewers?


Okay, it was awesome first of all,

it was awesome to play the game with Fei here!

And Soompi filmed us together so beautifully - thank you for that!

We had so much fun today!

I think we were able to be so active because we got so excited!


Yeah actively!

The games were really new and

we had so much fun!

It was our first time playing this game!

We had fun!

We should play this occasionally at home too!

Yeah we should do it at our place!

The winning team will get to do the dishes!

Yeah that sounds good!

Yeah do the dishes!


Happy 20th anniversay Soompi!

We'll become MVPs that work really hard as well!

It was...

Right now MVP!

Thank you!

1, 2, 3...

Right now MVP! Hello it's MVP!

Should we introduce ourselves?

Okay, first,

who are you?

Me... Me...??

Who are you?

I'm me! I'm me!

I'm yours

♪ I'm yours ♪

I'm the lead vocalist, Sion!

Ohhh you're Sion. Sion.

I'm the main vocalist, Gi Taek.

The baseball coach.

Yup the baseball coach.

Okay here I go!

I'm P.K, in charge of the main performance!

Hey heyyyyy

Hey why are you doing that!

Wait Been has to introduce himself!

Been is the last main!

Hello! I'm the baby twin of MVP and...

Hey no no no!!!

Hello I'm MVP's Jin!

Get out!!!


Get out get out!!!


You shouldn't be doing this!

Okay anyways,

us MVPs,

Gi Taek, Sion, Been and I became the winners today!

Yeah that's right!

So we were given the promotion time!

Yeah this guy in front! Just ignore him!

Yup yup

We're planning to do our best as MVP in 2018 as well!

We're going to show you lots of things,

so please look forward to it!

Okay why don't our maknae Sion do the last ment deliciously!

Hello I'm the maknae, Sion!

I'll become a hardworking maknae Sion from now on as well!

Thank you!



Okay yes I'll do that

Thank you!


Love us!

For more infomation >> MVP Tests Their One Second K-pop Knowledge - Episode 5 | SHOOK - Duration: 16:31.


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For more infomation >> நடிகை சினேகாவின் வாழ்கையை புரட்டிபோட்ட பிரபல டான்ஸ் மாஸ்டர் கலா | Tamil Cinema News Latest Seithigal - Duration: 1:26.


Trying JAPANESE Lunch Pak SANDWICHES | 1480 FLAVORS to TRY! 山崎製パン 味覚検査 - Duration: 12:40.

Today I am with my puppies

Chibi Hey Chibi

and Moco

Come here Moco

This is my baby Moco.

We are going to taste Lunchu paku

Now Japan is and always will be the land of strange yet

surprising snacks

sandwiches gadgets

the list goes on but

Today when you think of a sandwich, what do you think about? Me personally....

I think about grilled cheese

Philly cheese ham and cheese a sub, but today. I am going to taste

yamazaki pan lunch packu

Now yamazaki pan was founded in 1948, but I don't need to be telling you all this

But what is a lunch packu?

Well imagine this before I show you

you have to snow-white pieces of bread with a filling spread and

squish together there is no crust and

All the edges are sealed

it's like a bread ravioli now in Japan they call them lunch packs or lunch packu and

It's basically two square

Sandwiches bread ravioli in a package and or you can get four

Because it's a variety pack and they do offer

Some pretty crazy flavors, but it's quite simple

They offer sweet sandwiches. They offer savory sandwiches and they offer weird


But without further ado, let's get into and show you what I have so

Number one here. This is a lunch pack once. I open up. You'll get it, but this one here is

Quite simple you can see the picture here and in Japanese that says tamago, but this is an egg


I Have so many here

Number two

This here in English would be croquette number three

this might be a little strange, but I like it anyways this one here is yakisoba and


Number four

Ham cutlet

That might be good number five number five is a variety pack this one here is egg

egg ....yep.... tuna


Roasted ham and one is a sausage inside and the last one I picked up today

And I am dying, and I cannot wait to try this is

curry and cheese and

If you notice all the other ones they didn't have this logo here

And it basically tells you go heat it up

Alright, so number one is the egg we're gonna open it up here and basically when you take it out

That's what you're looking at and you can see that the edges are all sealed

It's quite thin and

Dive right into it so this one is the egg

Not bad an egg salad sandwich really it's actually pretty good

The filling it's not so much, but this isn't meant to be a lunch

number two is

the croquettes

it's a little bit thicker but



I'll just bite the corner

So here you can see the croquette inside a

Little bit of sauce inside

You can see here, it doesn't quite go to the edge

And on top here you can see that it has an actual sauce

there... not bad good for a savory sandwich all right

number three

Yakisoba and mayo


I don't like this one

Number four is the ham cutlet I hope it's better than the yakisoba

Little piece here ......all right

Here is the Ham cutlet looks like

Better flavor than the yakisoba and the croquette

Because I like ham

Let's dissect this one

So I'm gonna open it up here

That's all it is inside. It's like a little medallion of

Deep-fried ham

but it's not bad for you know a sandwich, and this actually might be really good for kids out there

Put it in they're you know kind of like a Lunchables type of thing I guess that's the Japanese equivalent to back home Lunchables

number five

as I try to finish this

So opening up number five


going to spread them out like a deck of cards here, I'm going to take a bite of the sausage one first

It's sausage

This is the roasted ham, but it's more like a minced ham or a deviled ham

This one here is the tuna

That's just regular tuna canned tuna

Which means this one is probably the egg just like the first one. I had the egg here

Let's see if there's a difference in taste

Of course that's the egg

The other egg, they're exactly the same and the last one is curry and cheese

But I need to go heat it up

I'll be back

Okay, so I'm back....tatatata...It's hot!

All right, so I have you the curry and cheese

You see the curry in there

I love curry. I love cheese

Oh Man that's good

I Never thought curry and cheese in a sandwich would be good. Good idea Yamazaki pan.

Oh tough decision well

After tasting everything here. Oh, it's still hot

After tasting everything out of the six sandwiches the egg as number one

the curry and cheese as number two number three will be the variety pack the egg the tuna the

roasted ham or the deviled ham and the sausage

i know

Definitely last is that yakisoba one

the roast ham maybe at four

No that would be 5 and the croquette at number four but definitely definitely


yakisoba and mayo was last in mind

There are over


different kinds of sandwiches like this in Japan that Yamazaki Pan has made some are

discontinued some are seasonal and

some are

Regional so you might have some stuff, that's only available in

Hokkaido you might have stuff only

available in Kanto or Tokyo in Kanto or

Kansai which is Osaka area ...AND just on a side note. I had to write them down because I would never remembered all these flavors

when I was looking at the website

Which I'll leave a link in the description below. Go check it out. There's

74 pages

20 sandwich per Page

1480 sandwiches, and I was looking through them and I was like wow my god

There's so many things out there, but some things that kind of made me go hmm

Mousse milk

Caramel coffee

Yeah, I like this one sandwiched flavor

squid fried


pumpkin cream

I find that weird but might be good

Spaghetti and cheese which

actually, I thought was weird at first but

After tasting the yakisoba I think I'd rather have the spaghetti and cheese than the yakisoba and mayo

That's my review on the lunch paku Yamazaki pan

These sandwiches are available everywhere in Japan and honestly

after 12 years

Today was the first time I had tried more than one

only because

if you notice

I got them for 52 yen?

because the due date was

Today you can see February 17th there

Typically these sandwiches will range in price in grocery stores from 89 yen

maybe for an egg or something simple up to

200 yen

And they actually do have a few stores around Japan that

primarily sell just these sandwiches and

There is a store in the closest one to me would be the Ikebukuro store

The specialty shop selling just these sandwiches, but you can get them anywhere in any grocery store

convenience store

so there's no sense in going to those stores anyways

Unless you're looking for a specialty flavor then you gotta go to the store

So if you liked this video give it a thumbs up you haven't subscribe subscribe and hit that bell


Keep it real ya'll

For more infomation >> Trying JAPANESE Lunch Pak SANDWICHES | 1480 FLAVORS to TRY! 山崎製パン 味覚検査 - Duration: 12:40.


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