Sunday, February 18, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 18 2018

This evening, Desigual would like to introduce

Monsieur Christian Lacroix.

Hello and welcome to the little fashion theatre.

I have the honour and privilege

of presenting my new capsule collection which I've designed for Desigual...

Isn't it extraordinary?

For more infomation >> Desigual | Exceptionnel! designed by Mr. Christian Lacroix – First Capsule - Duration: 1:18.


María Luisa Fernández | WorkshopOrienta - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> María Luisa Fernández | WorkshopOrienta - Duration: 2:46.


Easy Beginner Abstract Painting Course. | Lucky by John Beckley - Duration: 2:54.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created

a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Easy Beginner Abstract Painting Course. | Lucky by John Beckley - Duration: 2:54.


TAKE 5 results Feb 17 2018 - Duration: 1:45.

TAKE 5 results Feb 17 2018

For more infomation >> TAKE 5 results Feb 17 2018 - Duration: 1:45.


Puigdemont: «El Estado busca dividir a los alumnos catalanes» - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont: «El Estado busca dividir a los alumnos catalanes» - Duration: 2:28.


Learn English for kids in Legoland Dubai theme park ☀️ Educational video with Elias - Duration: 2:57.

Learn English for kids in Legoland Dubai theme park ☀️ Educational video with Elias



This way


Legoland Dubai










Taj Mahal



For more infomation >> Learn English for kids in Legoland Dubai theme park ☀️ Educational video with Elias - Duration: 2:57.


Las fotos que confirman el lío s.exual de Paula Echevarría en un hotel de lujo - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Las fotos que confirman el lío s.exual de Paula Echevarría en un hotel de lujo - Duration: 3:09.



For more infomation >> 3 BÀI TẬP GIẢM MỠ BỤNG CHỮA ĐAU LƯNG CẤP TỐC DÀNH CHO NGƯỜI BẬN RỘN - Duration: 3:46.


OHIO Lottery numbers Feb 17 2018 - Duration: 1:45.

OHIO Lottery numbers Feb 17 2018

For more infomation >> OHIO Lottery numbers Feb 17 2018 - Duration: 1:45.


Edifier S2000 Pro Active 2.0 Speakers Review - Duration: 3:36.

Hello and today we're going to take a very quick look at the Edifier S2000 Pro

Active Speakers. This is a pair of bookshelf speakers, 124 watts of RMS

total power, a lovely looking black front with wooden panels either side.

Around the back you've got the controls and various inputs, you see there you've

optical input, phono input, this can also be connected to via Bluetooth, but

there's no Spotify Connect onboard. There's manual controls around the back

for bass and treble to get this sounding exactly how you want it to. With this

being a pro set of speakers from Edifier everything feels a little bit more

top-notch quality compared to other speakers I have reviewed of theirs.

It has a small screen on the front to show you which inputs you're selecting and

you do that either via the control on the back or via the included remote.

The remote is a really nice-looking bit of kit, you can do everything you need to on

their, volume up, volume down, skipping tracks as well if you're connected via

Bluetooth. As you can see it's got a front grille on, you can pull that off

if you don't like it, I actually quite liked the trim, up to you though it's

personal preference, leave it off or pop it back on, very easy

it simply clipped on and pulls straight off. The connecting wire is a really good

length if you want to have these far apart for decent stereo separation and

sound quality is very good you've heard a track in the background

now let's hear it on my laptop and then we'll play it on the Edifier speakers.


It's quite difficult for me to capture and really demonstrate and do justice to

these speakers because they are so much better than the laptop speakers the

laptop speakers are very tinny, quite painful at loud volumes, the Edifier

speakers fill the room with a lovely warm sound and they're not only good for

music but I'll do a quick demo now of watching a film. The vocals come through

really clearly, really nice stereo sound, you hear the TIE fighters whizzing

around left to right, it's absolutely brilliant set of speakers.

[Film soundtrack]

- We CAN'T outrun them! - We that quad jumper!

- What about that ship?!

- That one's garbage!

- The garbage'll do!

The garbage isn't a problem you'll have in the Edifier speakers case as these

things are really, really, good. Whether it's for movies, music, gaming, these are

great all rounders. I've worked with them while typing up reviews, I've had movies

on them, games on them, I think they look great, they sound fantastic, the only real

downside to these is that there's still no Spotify connects onboard but if

that's not an issue for you you're getting a great sounding set of speakers

that can be used in a wide variety of situations. I'll put a link in the

description below if you want to learn more, if you haven't already please

consider hitting the subscribe button. Tope you found this short review useful

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Edifier S2000 Pro Active 2.0 Speakers Review - Duration: 3:36.


WWE SuperCard S4 FR | ULTRA INSTINCT 👿 - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> WWE SuperCard S4 FR | ULTRA INSTINCT 👿 - Duration: 7:16.


Недешевое ТО и пузыри: каких еще...от Hyundai Creta с пробегом? - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> Недешевое ТО и пузыри: каких еще...от Hyundai Creta с пробегом? - Duration: 8:32.


Edifier S2000 Pro Active 2.0 Speakers Review - Duration: 3:36.

Hello and today we're going to take a very quick look at the Edifier S2000 Pro

Active Speakers. This is a pair of bookshelf speakers, 124 watts of RMS

total power, a lovely looking black front with wooden panels either side.

Around the back you've got the controls and various inputs, you see there you've

optical input, phono input, this can also be connected to via Bluetooth, but

there's no Spotify Connect onboard. There's manual controls around the back

for bass and treble to get this sounding exactly how you want it to. With this

being a pro set of speakers from Edifier everything feels a little bit more

top-notch quality compared to other speakers I have reviewed of theirs.

It has a small screen on the front to show you which inputs you're selecting and

you do that either via the control on the back or via the included remote.

The remote is a really nice-looking bit of kit, you can do everything you need to on

their, volume up, volume down, skipping tracks as well if you're connected via

Bluetooth. As you can see it's got a front grille on, you can pull that off

if you don't like it, I actually quite liked the trim, up to you though it's

personal preference, leave it off or pop it back on, very easy

it simply clipped on and pulls straight off. The connecting wire is a really good

length if you want to have these far apart for decent stereo separation and

sound quality is very good you've heard a track in the background

now let's hear it on my laptop and then we'll play it on the Edifier speakers.


It's quite difficult for me to capture and really demonstrate and do justice to

these speakers because they are so much better than the laptop speakers the

laptop speakers are very tinny, quite painful at loud volumes, the Edifier

speakers fill the room with a lovely warm sound and they're not only good for

music but I'll do a quick demo now of watching a film. The vocals come through

really clearly, really nice stereo sound, you hear the TIE fighters whizzing

around left to right, it's absolutely brilliant set of speakers.

[Film soundtrack]

- We CAN'T outrun them! - We that quad jumper!

- What about that ship?!

- That one's garbage!

- The garbage'll do!

The garbage isn't a problem you'll have in the Edifier speakers case as these

things are really, really, good. Whether it's for movies, music, gaming, these are

great all rounders. I've worked with them while typing up reviews, I've had movies

on them, games on them, I think they look great, they sound fantastic, the only real

downside to these is that there's still no Spotify connects onboard but if

that's not an issue for you you're getting a great sounding set of speakers

that can be used in a wide variety of situations. I'll put a link in the

description below if you want to learn more, if you haven't already please

consider hitting the subscribe button. Tope you found this short review useful

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Edifier S2000 Pro Active 2.0 Speakers Review - Duration: 3:36.


Life In The Community (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:27.

Life In The Community Of Christ:Brothers,even if a person is caught in some transgression,you

who are spiritual should correct that one in a gentle spirit,looking to yourself,so

that you also may not be tempted.Bear one another's burdens and so you will fulfill

the law of Christ.For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing he is deluding

himself each one must examine his own work,and then he will have reason to boast with regard

to himself alone and not with regard to someone else for each will bear his own load .One

who is being instructed in the world should share all good things with his instructor.Let

us not grow tired of doing good,for in due time we shall reap our harvest if we do not

give up so then while we have the opportunity let us do good to all but especially to those

who belong to the family of faith.

For more infomation >> Life In The Community (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:27.


You Were Also Called (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:13.

I,then a prisoner for the Lord,urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have

received with all humility and gentleness with patience bearing with one another through

love striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace one body

and one spirit,as you were also called to the one hope of your call one Lord one faith

one baptism one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all attain

to the unity of faith and knowledge of the son of God to mature manhood to the full stature

of Christ Living the truth in love Build others and you up in love .

For more infomation >> You Were Also Called (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:13.


Children And Parents (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 0:34.

Children And Parents Fathers Do Not Provoke Your Children To Anger, But Bring Them Up

With The Training And Instruction Of The Lord Children,Obey Your Parents In Everything ,For

This Is Pleasing To The Lord.Fathers,Do Not Provoke Your Children,So They May Not Become


For more infomation >> Children And Parents (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 0:34.


Put On (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:13.

Put on righteousness and holiness of truth.No foul language should come out of your mouths

but only such as is good for need edification that it may import grace to those who hear.

And do not grieve the holy spirit of God with which you were sealed for the day of redemption

All bitterness fury anger shouting and reviling must be removed from you along with all malice

And be kind to one another as God has forgiven you in Christ Live in love as Christ Loved


Put on righteousness and holiness of truth.No foul language should come out of your mouths

but only such as is good for need edification that it may import grace to those who hear.

Immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be mentioned among holy ones no obscenity

or silly or suggestive talk which is out of place but instead thanksgiving Live as children

of light for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth.

Put on righteousness and holiness of truth.No foul language should come out of your mouths

but only such as is good for need edification that it may import grace to those who hear.

Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord Take no part in the fruitless works of darkness

; rather expose them,for it is shameful even to mention the things done by them in secret;

but everything exposed by the light becomes visible,for everything that becomes visible

is light.Therefore it says Awake O sleeper arise form the dead and Christ will give you

light.Watch carefully then you live not as foolish persons but as wise making the most

of the opportunity because the days are evil

Put on righteousness and holiness of truth.No foul language should come out of your mouths

but only such as is good for need edification that it may import grace to those who hear.

Therefore do not continue in ignorance but try to understand what is the will of the

Lord And do not get drunk on wine in which lies debauchery Giving thanks always and for

everything in the name of our lord Jesus Christ to God The Father.

For more infomation >> Put On (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:13.


Over All (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:23.

Let the peace of Christ Control Your Hearts The Peace Into Which You Were Also Called

In One Body And Be Thankful Let The Word Of Christ Dwell In You Richly As In All Wisdom

You Teach And Admonish One Another Singing Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs With Gratitude

In Your Hearts To God And Whatever You Do In Word Or Indeed Do Everything In The Name

Of The Lord Jesus Giving Thanks To God The Father Through Him

Over All holy Beloved Compassion Kindness Humility Gentleness And Patience Bearing With

One Another And Forgiving Over All These Put On Love That Is The Bond Of Perfection

This is the will of God Your Holiness That You Refrain From Immorality That Each Of You

Know How To Acquire A Wife For Himself In Holiness and Honor Not In Lustful Passion

As Do The Gentiles who Do Not Know God Not To Take Advantage Of Or Exploit A Brother

In This Matter For The Lord IS An avenger In All These Things As We Told You Before

And Solemnly Affirmed For God Did Not Call Us To Impurity But To HOliness

Over All holy Beloved Compassion Kindness Humility Gentleness And Patience Bearing With

One Another And Forgiving Over All These Put On Love That Is The Bond Of Perfection

Therefore whoever disregards this Disregards not a human being but God Who Also Gives His

Holy Spirit To You.Vigilance But You My Brothers Are Not In Darkness For That Day To Overtake

You Like A Thief.For all of you are children of the light and children of the day.We are

not of the night of darkness Therefore let us not sleep as the rest do but let us stay

alert and sober Those who sleep go to sleep at night and those who are drunk get drunk

at night but since we are of the day let us be sober putting on the breastplate of faith

and love and the helmet that is hope for salvation.

Over All holy Beloved Compassion Kindness Humility Gentleness And Patience Bearing With

One Another And Forgiving Over All These Put On Love That Is The Bond Of Perfection

For more infomation >> Over All (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:23.


日本の仮想通貨取引所口座を不正売却で初摘発!アカウントはマネーロンダリング利用 ネム リップルは大丈夫?暴落の危険は!? - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> 日本の仮想通貨取引所口座を不正売却で初摘発!アカウントはマネーロンダリング利用 ネム リップルは大丈夫?暴落の危険は!? - Duration: 3:00.


6ix9ine Type Beat 2018

For more infomation >> 6ix9ine Type Beat 2018


Bere acqua e miele tutti i giorni - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> Bere acqua e miele tutti i giorni - Duration: 5:57.


Geforce NOW! - co to jest, z czym to się je i czy warto? + TEST W GRACH! (Fortnite, CS:GO, The Crew) - Duration: 19:02.

For more infomation >> Geforce NOW! - co to jest, z czym to się je i czy warto? + TEST W GRACH! (Fortnite, CS:GO, The Crew) - Duration: 19:02.


Hyundai ix20 1.6I I-CATCHER - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6I I-CATCHER - Duration: 1:00.


VRChat #7 - i'm confused - Duration: 13:43.


what's going on here?








what's wrong with your...



what have you done




oh hello




help me




oh hello can you..



someone pls


i'm so bored






i am here for 10 minutes... can you guys help me?



what you doing?!

what's going on there







oh thanks ^^





good job

For more infomation >> VRChat #7 - i'm confused - Duration: 13:43.


Come fare i popcorn nel forno a microonde - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Come fare i popcorn nel forno a microonde - Duration: 2:06.


VLOG| We're all struggling with this... in 798 art district [ArtistFelix] - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> VLOG| We're all struggling with this... in 798 art district [ArtistFelix] - Duration: 3:46.


My Thoughts On AUSTRALIA DAY. . . . - Duration: 14:00.

So today, I want to talk about

Australia Day, this is a topic which a lot of people been talking about for a very long time

the original Australians the aboriginals friends they liked to call that

Invasion day and the

Original elder that I am in contact with he calls its survival day

There's a lot of discussion about changing the date

This has been going around and around for a very very long time

And I would like to discuss this today, and have a real conversation

For once because when I look at Facebook

There's tribalism going on when I look at the the anywhere on the internet. There's there's all of this

Vicious name-calling, and there's your side versus my side

I don't think we have actually had a real conversation about this now is changing the day

some type of a gateway drug to get other kind of

Symbolistic meaningless things changed now when I think about changing the day isn't really that important now

To a lot of people these days

They might see it is important and me me personally if it was really that big of a deal I would be 100%

Open to changing the day change it to any day you want change the date

Perfectly fine with me you want to change Australia to will change the name of Australia

Personally these things are just symbols

Change these change the flag if you want

these things are symbols these things are meaningless symbols and

They're irrelevant to the big picture. You know anything about how the world works, and how history of countries and

Civilizations have evolved throughout the entire history of the planet people have been invaded and slaughtered over

And over and over again, and it's going to continue to happen over and over and over again

And the challenge that we have today is no matter who is born here. No matter

What civilization you come from or if you came from 50 million generations?

Staying in this same country

If we do not work together as a nation as the end of the living is going to drop if you do not focus on

building a better

multicultural society here today our entire


Can crumble per capita. I think it's like forty four thousand dollars per capita

We we we are one of the richest countries per capita in the world the standard of living is the best in the world

Melbourne is that has the highest standard of living than any other city in the world

And it's been that way for about seven years

Australia is one of the luckiest countries in the world of still the lucky country and what would be the right track in my opinion


Would like to say say a percentage of every company over a hundred employees so big companies

they have to have a percentage of each demographic within them I

Think that is the way that we can equally share the wealth within the country this type of tribalism is

Ancient, and it doesn't exist anymore for a reason because it failed

Countries need to get together, and they need to be stable they need to be integrated

They need to be able to all speak the same language or they need to be able to communicate

They need to be able to work together

now I don't know if that's

That's a bad thing to say but keep in mind as of white Australia enough to be careful what I say because I can't say

Anything rational at all because I'm accused of everything

I can't say anything rational as a white Australian even even the white media will tear me apart because they're

They're liberal. Fools as it is liberal fools destroy countries by the way. I totally understand - 200 years ago

That was totally unfair. I totally understand that that was totally unfair and for them to adapt to the rules mid-game

Was totally unfair on them

But that is only the beginning of what could happen in the near future if we don't understand how to play the game together

Here right now me growing up as a young child in school

I was taught and when they showed the books. They showed us our history, and they showed these white people

Shooting and taking advantage of these black people now as a young child

Do you think that you understand that that was history children don't understand the difference?

So do you know what often happens is the the Asian kid is born the same same age as me?

Just looks at me as if I'm a bad person


Doesn't and doesn't take responsibility for anything even though. We're both born in the same school the same generation the same

immigrants from overseas a young black kid

Sits there and on an original Australian kid looks at the book and then would look at me and and just think instantly

Or white people when they get older they kill people

That's what you're teaching kids in the school, and that's what I was taught and as a young child. I was taught that

Fundamentally the color of my skin means that I am evil

Means that fundamentally the color of my skin means that I am racist


Just being me and being born in this country even though I'm from immigrant parents

I am responsible for things that happen 250 years ago

we're in another generation and they're being taught that all white people are bad and

the the guilt that us what Australians have

But you'd have an Asian kid born the same age

You'll grow up without any guilt at all because he's not reading in the books or Asian people are bad

They're not able to differentiate the difference and the same thing is the black and the Asian and the subcontinent kids

They're all growing up in Australia. There's multicultural society. They just think Oh

white people bad

So Dave must be bad all white men must be bad

When he grows up he's going to be bad

White kids going to schools today looking at it and in the back of their mind. They're being taught that they're bad

had this white Australian man guilt

Pushed on them my entire life

It has been not only from immigrants coming here and just looking at me and just fundamentally telling me that I am bad myself

I constantly double-check what I'm saying even in this video. I'm like

Oh should I be saying that do I have the right to say that am I allowed to?

Speak my mind. Do I have the freedom to say something logical and fair?

No, I don't because I am a white man from Australia

I'm I have been taught from an early age that I am fundamentally evil and

All of my friends have to if I can't save that I'm a white


white privilege and all those things

I'm not seeing any privilege personally all I'm saying is and all what feeling is that?

I am responsible for all the bad things in the world and especially the bad things that happen in Australia even though

I wasn't there two hundred years ago

And I'm not related to anyone that was there two hundred years ago that?

Doesn't mean that bad things didn't happen and that doesn't mean that bad things. Don't happen all around the world

I'm not discounting what has happened, and I'm not discounting all the bad things all around the world all I'm trying to say is that?

we're into a new generation and it's time we start to work together to build a

real strong stable

United Australia

and if we don't we all are going to suffer, but I think it is time that we have a real conversation and

That's going to take some maturity on everybody's part

Recently I sat down and I was at the bus stop

And I like to talk to people and there's this lady from China, and she's saying yeah

all the white people they're so bad the white Australians are so bad here I

Was like why why so she said all what they did to the aboriginals what they continue to do the every and I was like


Was like yeah, they did a lot of bad things, but she was in a way she was telling me that I'm fundamentally bad

Even though I'm Anna I even though I was born here

She's she's immigrated here, and I said to her that now that you're an immigrant here

What has happened in the past is now your responsibility, too?

And she disagreed with me

She she disagree, but but yeah if you're an immigrant to Australia

You need to take responsibility for the past just as I have

We can't just have this as a race thing

Everybody needs to take responsibility the original Australian

who I've made videos with in the past and

He in no uncertain terms said. Yeah, we need to get everyone together and then

Send everybody back to their countries that they're not from here

Is that really the way he thinks and I dug a little bit deeper, and yes, that's actually how he thinks and I

Didn't want to tell him that that's not going to happen because it's just not going to happen

People are being left behind all over the world right now because they're not keeping up they think that they can still

have these

Outdated mentalities, and and if that's that's the way in Aboriginal elder thinks

And he's letting down his community has go back to where he come from has that worked

No, I think this is probably

I don't know before my time this this term was probably when we start to get a lot of immigration before I was born

This go back to work. If you don't like it go back to where have you come from this type of attitude?

Is outdated and if you look around yourself?

That's never gonna work in fact Australia's economy

Because we're not having enough children we need immigrants into this country, and we need more immigrants

Look at Japan for an example

they're not letting immigrants into their country their economy has gone from the

Economy in the world and their their about their entire economies about the crumble. That's why Australia is allowing immigrants into the country on mass

Because we need more people here, and if you think that you're gonna stop that you're very naive. I would even say stupid

Focusing on the dates of things or focusing on the flag color focusing on all of these

relevant aspects of society

They're not there. They're not irrelevant, but they're not as important as

Having a job having an income having an integrated society having peace

Having law and order having all of the the most important and also having secure borders so that we don't get invaded

the these are the most important things changing the date is so important and it is such a big issue I

Think why not just change the date

But but it cannot be used as a gateway drug to

Changing other things Jake the mosque as Jake the mosque was saying once. We're warriors

And he's an individual. He's a real man. He stands and he stands on his own two feet

He doesn't rely on the gang and and people that rely on the gang

and they're not really in the stick their head out and and

being individual

they're the real cowards of the world if you only stay in your own clay whole tribe and you're not an

Individual you need to focus on what's better for

The overall society not just for your individual tribe the best example is the Nazis

yeah, I

Don't think anyone here really sees Captain Cook is some sort of a hero. I don't know anyone

That's like Oh Captain Cook's our hero. We've got to save the date

I don't think it really matters because the

People there were a lot of convicts

There are a lot of criminals apparently that came straight afterwards that is suffering on all sides here, and there. It's not just one-sided


When there's conflict within the country?

Everybody suffers hey, this is just my opinions on

What has been a big topic for a long time? I'm open to doing whatever it is

That will bring us together if you're against changing the the date

You're probably thinking that this was probably some sort of a gateway drug to other changes

Then the original Australians you need to comfort these people we need to have this conversation

Click the subscribe button the subscribers keep ticking over. Thank you guys for keep subscribing and

I made this other video here. This is with an original elder, and I just let him talk

I just let him go he he said we had a particular topic

But he wasn't feeling that topic at that time so I was like

Let it go. Let's just go with what you want to what you want to discuss and I thought?

This is a really good video. I think you should listen to this video as well and

I'll be seeing you guys in the next video

For more infomation >> My Thoughts On AUSTRALIA DAY. . . . - Duration: 14:00.


GTA5 AT Venice Beach VLOG 🌴 - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> GTA5 AT Venice Beach VLOG 🌴 - Duration: 5:38.


LEGO parts 📦 #220 - Duration: 11:29.

everybody I has a bag this time not a box and in this bag I expect to find

Lego stuffs because this is not a haul of items from Brooklyn cat brick link

calm no that's nothing to do is brick link whatsoever this is directly from

Lego Lego bricks and pieces ordering service let me just see if there's any

paperwork in here I need to slip out paid invoice a couple bags of parts I

almost forgot about this because I placed the order some months ago it took

a while to get here because this actually ended up getting shipped from

let's see it looks like it was shipped from the UK interesting so these showed

up and I was quick to get a bunch of them because that gray color the light

green color and it's magnificent I'll be using hopefully all of these in my

planetary defense floor space and I didn't even realize that these have been

changed again I think that's different and maybe I just don't recognize that

shape on the underside because of the color you know no I'm used to these

either being white or dark grey I like dark grey they've been in other colors

as well they've made so many different varieties of this type of piece with

this same overall shape but with different specific designs for how the

the kind of trellising lattices is is done in there just using different

amounts of plastic making them stronger while being more efficient but all that

is just that this is main water here with so many different types of pieces

got a bunch of these from the I think these are strictly from the London Eye

from the architecture skyline set they're in white

and similarly these I believe from that same set at least where they first

released I got some of those I just had all of this stuff on kind of a a wat

list the general want list was a combination of a brick link want list

that I maintain and just following the new pieces section of the database of

brick set comm you can sort by or filter by by dates released for new parts and

in there you'll see a lot of parts that have existed for a long time they've

just gotten new part numbers or maybe they've gotten very slight upgrades to

the design obviously I needed a bunch of these for rail crossings in my city and

this is just all mixed up so lots of pieces are being embedded in there to

get some of that stuff out later probably

but yeah anytime new pieces come out and major release seasons I tend to make a

note of stuff that I want in terms of the parts especially from from sets that

I'm not going to keep or from sets that only have a handful of pieces or maybe

one or two have a given piece and I want lots of that piece all right let's do

this let's see what else I got here so black train doors and there should be

hopefully not just rights but also some left's in there

left's here we go that's pears are always good excellent also got some

windows for those they have more windows now than I have doors good problem to

have though much better than having too many doors and not enough windows to put

in so I got those brand-new in both the the light blue translates blue in that

trance black or trance dark brown color I'm not gonna sort all these things I'm

just picking out some of the the major things that are kind of getting in the

way obviously there are a ton of these as

well just in the brown color I think those might be useful for some some

custom foliage work now these arrive all right I may use

that as as the official color I was thinking about using that as the

official color for workers in my dock area but I didn't have enough of them

but I forgot that I had ordered some these will probably be used on some

custom vehicles so I got multiple pairs of these the two brick high doors these

are gonna be useful as well I have a bunch of these in old light gray but

this is just white here no gray caps as well you see a bunch of printed two by

twos with the blog appearance on it that's good stuff some replacements for

these I used a few of them what was it for I guess on on that recent train

these are cool these will be used for some track maintenance and/or vehicle

maintenance mocks for my passenger train system just had to get those yeah you

know as well come up with for that crane I don't know you'll see should be

multiple with these I think yeah - there we go

a couple of them always nice to get prints and or stickers of LEGO sets in

Lego scale bunch of stop signs I don't know if I'm gonna use these or some

other but I didn't get a bunch of these they're really cheap anyway dark grey

squared-off vendors may be used for things other than vehicles these will

definitely be used for a texture might use them in some some builds to

represent some some technical things I have a couple of them but I got a bunch

of them here specifically to use for creating texture similarly these these

now older style flowers with the gray color probably be used for small texture

in some miniature mini micro and or nano scale planetary defense force stuff

I've got some of these corner pieces in the light gray and also the white this

is from elves just thought those might be useful utensils to use for something

some kind of custom special detail this also first came out in a architecture

set and it just seems like a nice little bit of texture a bit of a detail some

more of these windows in in yellow I think I have enough of them you need to

stop buying those for a while but got some more and then a bunch of light gray

and a dark gray and silver see if I have any other styles or maybe one other

style that I'm not seeing here but the six millimeter wide wheels that I

standardized upon for regular cars in in my city regular minifig cars

yeah good too good to get in some relatively generic colors and oh yeah I

got some of these corner pieces in in black some of these in white as well

they'll be used for planetary defense force enemies and then brown will be

useful for just general terrain texturing and possibly some custom

foliage and okay cut through those things relatively quickly I'm sure there

are some things that I'm not pointing out I mean these will just be used as

base mostly be used as bases for custom foliage you know bushes or trees and

things probably something in here that I've that I have missed that's that's

very obvious but these will probably be used for some some trees as well I think

maybe maybe not it's just a lot more useful color than

the red I have a bunch of those in red now yeah I'm not seeing anything okay I

mean you're looking from a different angle than I am but I think I got most

of it you can see anything else today did I miss you can certainly see better

than I can from your angle at this point so that's that not a lot of this will

actually be used soon some of the things that I said will be for for foliage will

start to be used beyond that I would like to get back to working on some more

cars for my city just regular cars I should probably do that soon that's fun

some of these will get used up I do have an immediate need for a couple of finish

finished off crossing sections and these doors probably won't be used anytime

soon a lot of the white pieces will be used for again planetary defense force

enemies and yeah that's that good stuff really glad that Lego has this this

service available again it's just bricks in pieces you just go there and as long

as it's not the first couple months after the holiday season when they

actually shut it down to make sure that they focus on just just fulfilling

orders for actual replacements you know actual customer service requests when

people get all their Christmas gifts and then you know there

a small percentage of them that have malformed or missing parts so they shut

down direct ordering from this service in order to just focus on customers and

buyers of sets and other than that it's open year round pretty much and you just

need to know either the set that a part you're interested in comes from or it's

part ID number and you can get either of those pieces of information from brick

link just by going through the browse you know interface or a trick set calm

especially for some of the newer sets you can get pretty complete inventories

there as well I'm gonna start putting these away and continue working on some

other custom stuff and I'll be talking to you in soon thanks for watching

For more infomation >> LEGO parts 📦 #220 - Duration: 11:29.


Rana & Posidas - 勇気 Yuki (Acoustic) - Duration: 3:46.

Not making sure whether the courage is left

You averted the eyes from your mind willing to change

From the beginning you even refused to put your hand to the chest

Not asking yourself why the excuse came to mind immediately

So when you consider which one to choose

The path more difficult would be right

Under the decision, however cowardly you may be

You can find no way of escape

Which way will you take

Which way will you take

Didn't you want to run away from your mind not trying to change

Didn't you expect that in the past

So when you consider which one to choose

The path more difficult would be right

A powerful enemy enables you to fight passionately

Your usual hesitation would disappear

Which way will you take

Which way will you take

Which way will you take

Which way will you take

For more infomation >> Rana & Posidas - 勇気 Yuki (Acoustic) - Duration: 3:46.


Olympians, visitors celebrate Lunar New Year's holiday at PyeongChang Olympics - Duration: 2:58.

The Lunar New Year, or Seollal, is overlapping with the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics,

so the athletes, reporters and even spectators in the host cities of Pyeongchang and Gangneung

... took time out to celebrate the holiday.

Lee Ji-won shows us how they spent Seol there.

At the Korea House in Gangneung Olympic Park, a traditional ritual was held on the morning

of Seol for athletes and officials who were not able to spend the holiday with their families.

Culture Minister Do Jong-hwan and the President of the Korea Sports and Olympic Committee,

Lee Ki-heung, were in attendance as well as Team Korea's lugers, who represented the athletes,...

as the rest are busy preparing for or competing in their events.

It's the first time such a ceremony has been held during the Winter Olympics.

"I'm the eldest son, so I should be in charge of these rituals at home, but I haven't been

able to for the past few years due to my training.

Spending the Lunar New Year like this makes me feel better and reminds me of my family

as well."

While most know the traditions like the back of their hand,... for others,... the ceremony

is a brand new experience.

"I was a little bit nervous before because it was my first time to celebrate Seollal.

And indeed to take part in it was still a little bit different but it was a good experience."

The ritual was also laid on for reporters and volunteers working at the Olympics during

the holiday.

Together with Gangwon-do Province Governor Choi Moon-soon, Koreans at the Gangwon Media

Center in Gangneung greeted their ancestors.

"And at a lot of festivals and events in the area,... including the Gangneung Traditional

Culture and Play Experience, visitors can also enjoy Korea's traditional games and get

a firsthand feel for the Lunar New Year."

From the traditional board game Yutnori,... to the simpler tuho or pitch-pot and jaegichagi

or hacky sack,... the games spark cheers, screams and groans from the players.

In another corner, booths offer handicraft activities,... including paper flower making,

so visitors from overseas can take part of their Korean experience back home with them.

"I think it's interesting for the foreign spectators who come to the Olympic Games because

it seems to be a part of Korean tradition, like the calligraphy which we don't know very

much in Germany."

The events are in line with Korea's efforts to make the PyeongChang Winter Olympics a

"culture Olympics,"... and the timing of the Seollal holiday provided the organizers with

the perfect opportunity to show international visitors a slice of the country's traditional


And for Koreans, it made their Olympic experience all the more unforgettable.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News, Gangneung.

For more infomation >> Olympians, visitors celebrate Lunar New Year's holiday at PyeongChang Olympics - Duration: 2:58.


Eat Onion For Control Diabetes || Onion Treatment For Diabetes | Use Onions to Lower Blood Sugar - Duration: 11:51.

diabetics suffered from high levels of blood sugar which can be either because

the body does not produce sufficient insulin or if the cells stop responding

to the insulin produced by the body onions may have a hypoglycemic effect

for people with diabetes the sulfur compounds in onions normally as methyl

system and the flavonoid quercetin may be responsible for the effects on blood

sugar onions with lemon is a perfect combination for people with diabetes

onion and lemon both may help diabetes to cure naturally lemons are rich in

antioxidant vitamin C the vitamin C is essential for making collagen which

helps keep the arteries smooth and pliable lemons are included in the list

of superfoods that should be a part of your diet according to the American

Diabetes Association one onion and lemon broth squeeze the juice of a grated

onion through a thin cloth mix the juice with the lemon juice drink this twice a

day test your blood sugar and cholesterol levels regularly to see how

you are doing 2 garlic garlic has many unmarried benefits recent studies have

shown that garlic can increase insulin production a hormone that turns glucose

into energy and controls type 2 diabetes furthermore consuming large quantities

of raw garlic reduces blood sugar levels have to use garlic in order to benefit

from garlic you need to eat raw garlic regularly warmed up garlic loses most of

its beneficial properties you should consume from 500 milligrams 2,000

milligrams of garlic a day which adds up to one or two fresh raw garlic cloves

another alternative would be drinking garlic water for 200 milliliters of

water in a cup and add one mentioned clove of garlic let it sit for some time

so if the garlic's properties can be observed into the water and drink it

throughout the day control blood pressure normally with onion and honey

high blood pressure also known as hypertension is a serious health problem

that can lead to heart attacks strokes and kidney failure

literature readings 140 by 90 and above known as high BP to control high blood

pressure naturally we need two to three onions and honey firstly clean the

onions and cut into pieces

add these pieces into your blender and blend thoroughly now take this mixture

out and squeeze juice from it take an empty bowl and 1 tablespoon of onion

juice and add one tablespoon of honey

finally mix thoroughly and consume it early in the morning and evening follow

this remedy regularly and depth cue from high blood pressure

health benefits of audience onions not only provide an excellent taste for our

dish plates but provide the periodic and antibacterial properties the cleans and

detox our bodies to eliminate disease onions contain a high amount of sulfur

compounds which not only give onions they're recognizable smell but are also

powerful detoxifying agents with more than hundred sulfur-containing compounds

onions can help prevent and treat elements from diabetes to heart disease

with daily consumption here are 5 surprising ways onions can cleanse your

body to eliminate disease diabetes your high intake of onions could mean the

lower the level of glucose the essential oil of an onion early profile disulfide

is found to mediate this perfect and low blood sugar levels by increasing the

amount of free insulin that is available the Allen profile displayed competes

with the insulin which is also a disel fight to offer a this a liver where the

insulin is inactivated this is what leads to an increase in insulin

available which lowers blood sugar levels in 1975 study found onions

essential oil electri a significant fall in blood

glucose levels and their significant rise in the serum of insulin

after being administered just sits normal volunteers after a 12-hour fast

hasta ma audience have antihistamine effects due to christine and antioxidant

that acts like an antihistamine and an anti-inflammatory agent in test tubes

quercetin has proven to prevent immune cells from releasing histamine which are

chemicals that cause allergic reaction based on this observation researchers

believed the antioxidants may reduce histamine and other allergic or

inflammatory chemicals in the body and can be a promising estimate treatment

cancer onehans can help reduce cancer risk when combined with chemicals found

in these two cooking ingredients a 2006 study found the combination of onions

and turmeric creates a synergistic effect that reduces both the size and

number of pancreas hosts in the intestine therefore reducing colon

cancer risk regularly consuming onions can help detoxify potential carcinogens

since they contain our burner sulfur compounds heart disease this visible is

considered to exit the heart protective properties of red wine onions are

involved in maintaining good blood pressure inhibit hardening of the

arteries and keep the arteries elastic tooth decay raw onions may make our

birth string but they can actually improve our oral health

simply chewing a raw onion can strengthen teeth and eliminate bacteria

that can lead to tooth decay two or three minutes of chewing on an onion can

kill most germs in the mouth to stay healthy and prevent the onset of these

diseases eat an onion a day to keep the doctor away

surprising uses of onions rich in antioxidants thought to prevent cancer

diabetes and even the common cold onions are nothing if not a superfood

the same properties that make onions a great food to eat also make them great

for other things from healing your skin to cleaning metal

rubbing an onion on your skin is a simple way to repel bugs soothe inside

bites and stings rubbing onion on to bug bites will help to ease the pain soothe

a sore throat making onion tea is a great remedy for soothing sore throats

on the stovetop boiled water with onion peels in it about one cup of water for

the peels of half an onion bring to your boil remove onion and serve by taking

this onion tea you can soothe your sore throat use in place of smelling salts

overwork yourself feeling light-headed only sorry great natural remedy to use

instead of smelling salts is the pain of burns rubbing onions aren't to burns

helps soothe the pain remove splinters have splintered that just won't budge a

piece of raw onion to it hold tight for about an hour before removing the onion

polish metal sliced onion and then crush it combine crushed onion with water with

a cloth dab it on the metal surface rub until clean get rid of that faint smell

the same mixture described before polishing metal works great for

combating the unpleasant and sometimes unhealthy orders of paints and varnishes

clean sponges a way to reuse unnecessary packaging the mesh is a perfect tool to

clean all that junk that builds upon sponges

cut it up into smaller pieces for best results clean your grill chop an onion

in half and turn on your grill using a fork glide the onion on a grill to scrub

it clean these are all the surprising uses of onion only two ingredients and

you can say goodbye to diabetes forever diabetes is a common health condition

that appears when the body is no longer capable of making the needed amount of

insulin or cannot use it in an efficient way

pancreas is the organ that produces the hormone insulin

enables the glucose takes from the food to go to the cells in the body and there

it is transformed into energy used by different tissues and organs in order to

perform their job diabetes can be very dangerous disease and can lead to health

damage and leather complications but on the other hand people who are diagnosed

with diabetes can also live their life without any complications and the

reasons for this or good treatments that can improve our life but not everyone

can offer good medical treatments and for some of them it is quite irritating

to have to inject insulin every single day here we will present to you natural

ways for treating diabetes and you will discover the most efficient 100% natural

safe and cheap treatment for diabetes you will only need two basic ingredients

that you can find in your kitchen this is the recipe for this amazing syrup for

treating diabetes ingredients we need 6 lemons and 300 grams of celery

preparation first wash the celery nicely and grated and put it in a pot squeeze

the lemons inside the pot and cover it and place it inside a bigger pot full

with water put the pot on heat until the water in the bigger part starts to boil

when it starts to boil lower the heat and leave it to simmer for about 2 arts

take the pots from the heat and let them cool totally before you open them then

store the mixture awhile and place it in the fridge consummation

it is recommended to consume 1 tablespoon of this remedy every day

about 30 minutes before having breakfast the prepare mixture will be enough to

consume for 2 months about the time when the blood sugar levels will begin to

normalize thank you for watching this video like

and subscribe for more videos


For more infomation >> Eat Onion For Control Diabetes || Onion Treatment For Diabetes | Use Onions to Lower Blood Sugar - Duration: 11:51.


Jak wyszukać jacht z ubezpieczeniem kaucji? - YACHTIC.EU - Duration: 0:45.

How to search for yacht with bail insurance?

Only thing you have to do is choose right option in search page

That umbrella with Euro sign with it

What you see is a list of yachts, which have ability to insurance bail

In description of offer you will find exact informations

About this insurance.

On the bottom of the page, in part „Additional service"

you can easily check its conditions

and its price.

Thanks for your attention and have a good luck with looking for a yacht!

For more infomation >> Jak wyszukać jacht z ubezpieczeniem kaucji? - YACHTIC.EU - Duration: 0:45.


A Better Version! - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> A Better Version! - Duration: 1:49.


New! Maybelline Super Cushion Ultra Cover Cushion Review - Duration: 19:04.

For more infomation >> New! Maybelline Super Cushion Ultra Cover Cushion Review - Duration: 19:04.


How it Feels to Perish - Duration: 0:34.

Alfred: Hello Guys. Funton Here. I decided to do something different.

I will die today.

[Epic Music Plays]

[Everything starts to explode one by one and everyone goes extinct]

For more infomation >> How it Feels to Perish - Duration: 0:34.


✔✔ "코디가 '배운 변태'라고?"…아이돌, 하네스짤.gif ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ "코디가 '배운 변태'라고?"…아이돌, 하네스짤.gif ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 2:02.


Easy Beginner Abstract Painting Course. | Lucky by John Beckley - Duration: 2:54.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created

a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Easy Beginner Abstract Painting Course. | Lucky by John Beckley - Duration: 2:54.



Hey what's up everybody? It is Cory here.

I am near the Temple of Literature, called Văn Miếu, and that is actually across the street.

That's the entrance gate.

So the Temple of Literature was a place where a lot of students went to become doctors, professors...

Very scholarly people from a long time ago would go there.

That is Vietnam's first National University.

After the students are finished with doing all their studies and exams over there

they would come over to this side of the street.

And this area is called Hồ Văn, and that is Lake Văn.

And around here, it's very peaceful, it's very tranquil.

And so the students would come here, they would have tea, they would eat snacks,

they would philosophize with each other,

they would debate.

They would just do all kinds of leisurely things around this area.

Right now, during Tết, during the Lunar New Year week

you can come here and they setup this kind of like mock ancient village.

And they have a lot of different artisans, and craftsman selling goods.

And especially right in the front part, in the courtyard, there's a bunch of very talented calligraphy artists.

What I mean by calligraphy is they do the Chinese characters.

And they do amazing brushwork, and so we're going to go check that out.

I'll probably pick up a scroll for my home, and uhhmmm... yeah, let's go guys!

So they have a book and you can choose the writing that you want done on the scroll.

This one doesn't have any English, but some of these guys do speak some English.

So you can choose the different type of paper that you want for the scroll.

Once they're done, he's using the blowdryer to dry off all the ink.

So I hope you guys enjoyed this kind of like chill walk around Lake Văn.

And I got my scroll, I'm going to hang it up in my house.

It's a really nice addition and a great way to start off the new year.

Give this video a thumbs up, subscribe to the channel, and I'll see you guys next time.


For more infomation >> LUNAR NEW YEAR Tết CALLIGRAPHY FESTIVAL in HANOI 2018 | LIFE IN VIETNAM - Duration: 5:47.


How to Trim or Split a Layer on After Effects - Duration: 1:26.

Here is my project file and I want to trim that

Select that layer which you want to split or trim and choose Edit > Split Layer

Or the hotkey shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+D and mac Cmd+Shift+D

This will split the layer at the position of the Current Time Indicator (the red line).

You can split or trim whatever you want

Slice them by different size

Press (Ctrl+Shift+D) at a same time on selected layer

This will work on audio, video, or image layers.

This may help you a lot if you are a new on adobe after effects.

Please be sure to subscribe us and hit the bell icon to never miss our any video. thank you.

For more infomation >> How to Trim or Split a Layer on After Effects - Duration: 1:26.


Official Rampage Trailer

For more infomation >> Official Rampage Trailer


QI XL Series O Episode 16 - Overseas HD Subtitles (17th February 2018) - Duration: 44:14.

For more infomation >> QI XL Series O Episode 16 - Overseas HD Subtitles (17th February 2018) - Duration: 44:14.


Mówię o Bogu jako kobiecie - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Mówię o Bogu jako kobiecie - Duration: 2:24.


ユーチューバー養成講座の先生のチャンネルをみつけたけど。。。Japanese YouTuber School Sucks... - Duration: 3:48.

Hey, kids it's me PDRsan

Since I made the Japanese YouTube School video

I've been trying to find Jun-sensei's channel

and I finally have


I did some research, but couldn't find anything

How did you find his channel?


*mumbles something*


One of my viewers told me on twitter

Wow, you really can't do anything by yourself can you?

Shit it!







Remember how angry Mimei was the last time you did a kamehameha indoors!?!?


So today we will be checking The teacher of the YouTube School's channel

but first

No matter what his channel is like you have to promise me

1. That you won't go and send hate to his channel

2. Don't go to his channel and go on a disliking spree

Got it?

These two things are

Not okay


Let's click this link that my follower Yuse-san sent me

and check out Jun-sensei's videos



Let's check out a different video

Hi and welcome to the Yo-kai Watch Channel

(insert name of the gatcha)

I did the gatcha 14 times

and this is what I got

What am I supposed to say to this....

Hey, can you help me out here....

Oh, right...

Let's just watch one more video


I was wondering if you needed anymore teacher at your YouTube school

After watching this I figured one thing out

the reason they showed some crappy Snow video when they introduced Jun-sensei on that TV show

is because his whole channel is Yo-kai Watch

They'd probably get in trouble if they showed any of his videos

That's so fucking sad...

Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b and don't forget to subscribe ^^

Would any of you consider going to a YouTuber school?

Also if you would like to go, what kind of things would you like to learn (Don't worry I'm not going to start a school XD)

and check out my last video if you haven't!


For more infomation >> ユーチューバー養成講座の先生のチャンネルをみつけたけど。。。Japanese YouTuber School Sucks... - Duration: 3:48.


Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 18/02/2018 - OLHAI PARA MIM - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 18/02/2018 - OLHAI PARA MIM - Duration: 2:11.


Geforce NOW! - co to jest, z czym to się je i czy warto? + TEST W GRACH! (Fortnite, CS:GO, The Crew) - Duration: 19:02.

For more infomation >> Geforce NOW! - co to jest, z czym to się je i czy warto? + TEST W GRACH! (Fortnite, CS:GO, The Crew) - Duration: 19:02.


LEGO parts 📦 #220 - Duration: 11:29.

everybody I has a bag this time not a box and in this bag I expect to find

Lego stuffs because this is not a haul of items from Brooklyn cat brick link

calm no that's nothing to do is brick link whatsoever this is directly from

Lego Lego bricks and pieces ordering service let me just see if there's any

paperwork in here I need to slip out paid invoice a couple bags of parts I

almost forgot about this because I placed the order some months ago it took

a while to get here because this actually ended up getting shipped from

let's see it looks like it was shipped from the UK interesting so these showed

up and I was quick to get a bunch of them because that gray color the light

green color and it's magnificent I'll be using hopefully all of these in my

planetary defense floor space and I didn't even realize that these have been

changed again I think that's different and maybe I just don't recognize that

shape on the underside because of the color you know no I'm used to these

either being white or dark grey I like dark grey they've been in other colors

as well they've made so many different varieties of this type of piece with

this same overall shape but with different specific designs for how the

the kind of trellising lattices is is done in there just using different

amounts of plastic making them stronger while being more efficient but all that

is just that this is main water here with so many different types of pieces

got a bunch of these from the I think these are strictly from the London Eye

from the architecture skyline set they're in white

and similarly these I believe from that same set at least where they first

released I got some of those I just had all of this stuff on kind of a a wat

list the general want list was a combination of a brick link want list

that I maintain and just following the new pieces section of the database of

brick set comm you can sort by or filter by by dates released for new parts and

in there you'll see a lot of parts that have existed for a long time they've

just gotten new part numbers or maybe they've gotten very slight upgrades to

the design obviously I needed a bunch of these for rail crossings in my city and

this is just all mixed up so lots of pieces are being embedded in there to

get some of that stuff out later probably

but yeah anytime new pieces come out and major release seasons I tend to make a

note of stuff that I want in terms of the parts especially from from sets that

I'm not going to keep or from sets that only have a handful of pieces or maybe

one or two have a given piece and I want lots of that piece all right let's do

this let's see what else I got here so black train doors and there should be

hopefully not just rights but also some left's in there

left's here we go that's pears are always good excellent also got some

windows for those they have more windows now than I have doors good problem to

have though much better than having too many doors and not enough windows to put

in so I got those brand-new in both the the light blue translates blue in that

trance black or trance dark brown color I'm not gonna sort all these things I'm

just picking out some of the the major things that are kind of getting in the

way obviously there are a ton of these as

well just in the brown color I think those might be useful for some some

custom foliage work now these arrive all right I may use

that as as the official color I was thinking about using that as the

official color for workers in my dock area but I didn't have enough of them

but I forgot that I had ordered some these will probably be used on some

custom vehicles so I got multiple pairs of these the two brick high doors these

are gonna be useful as well I have a bunch of these in old light gray but

this is just white here no gray caps as well you see a bunch of printed two by

twos with the blog appearance on it that's good stuff some replacements for

these I used a few of them what was it for I guess on on that recent train

these are cool these will be used for some track maintenance and/or vehicle

maintenance mocks for my passenger train system just had to get those yeah you

know as well come up with for that crane I don't know you'll see should be

multiple with these I think yeah - there we go

a couple of them always nice to get prints and or stickers of LEGO sets in

Lego scale bunch of stop signs I don't know if I'm gonna use these or some

other but I didn't get a bunch of these they're really cheap anyway dark grey

squared-off vendors may be used for things other than vehicles these will

definitely be used for a texture might use them in some some builds to

represent some some technical things I have a couple of them but I got a bunch

of them here specifically to use for creating texture similarly these these

now older style flowers with the gray color probably be used for small texture

in some miniature mini micro and or nano scale planetary defense force stuff

I've got some of these corner pieces in the light gray and also the white this

is from elves just thought those might be useful utensils to use for something

some kind of custom special detail this also first came out in a architecture

set and it just seems like a nice little bit of texture a bit of a detail some

more of these windows in in yellow I think I have enough of them you need to

stop buying those for a while but got some more and then a bunch of light gray

and a dark gray and silver see if I have any other styles or maybe one other

style that I'm not seeing here but the six millimeter wide wheels that I

standardized upon for regular cars in in my city regular minifig cars

yeah good too good to get in some relatively generic colors and oh yeah I

got some of these corner pieces in in black some of these in white as well

they'll be used for planetary defense force enemies and then brown will be

useful for just general terrain texturing and possibly some custom

foliage and okay cut through those things relatively quickly I'm sure there

are some things that I'm not pointing out I mean these will just be used as

base mostly be used as bases for custom foliage you know bushes or trees and

things probably something in here that I've that I have missed that's that's

very obvious but these will probably be used for some some trees as well I think

maybe maybe not it's just a lot more useful color than

the red I have a bunch of those in red now yeah I'm not seeing anything okay I

mean you're looking from a different angle than I am but I think I got most

of it you can see anything else today did I miss you can certainly see better

than I can from your angle at this point so that's that not a lot of this will

actually be used soon some of the things that I said will be for for foliage will

start to be used beyond that I would like to get back to working on some more

cars for my city just regular cars I should probably do that soon that's fun

some of these will get used up I do have an immediate need for a couple of finish

finished off crossing sections and these doors probably won't be used anytime

soon a lot of the white pieces will be used for again planetary defense force

enemies and yeah that's that good stuff really glad that Lego has this this

service available again it's just bricks in pieces you just go there and as long

as it's not the first couple months after the holiday season when they

actually shut it down to make sure that they focus on just just fulfilling

orders for actual replacements you know actual customer service requests when

people get all their Christmas gifts and then you know there

a small percentage of them that have malformed or missing parts so they shut

down direct ordering from this service in order to just focus on customers and

buyers of sets and other than that it's open year round pretty much and you just

need to know either the set that a part you're interested in comes from or it's

part ID number and you can get either of those pieces of information from brick

link just by going through the browse you know interface or a trick set calm

especially for some of the newer sets you can get pretty complete inventories

there as well I'm gonna start putting these away and continue working on some

other custom stuff and I'll be talking to you in soon thanks for watching

For more infomation >> LEGO parts 📦 #220 - Duration: 11:29.


王源将拍新戏,女主引发猜想! | hk Miner Jin - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 王源将拍新戏,女主引发猜想! | hk Miner Jin - Duration: 3:56.


Edifier S2000 Pro Active 2.0 Speakers Review - Duration: 3:36.

Hello and today we're going to take a very quick look at the Edifier S2000 Pro

Active Speakers. This is a pair of bookshelf speakers, 124 watts of RMS

total power, a lovely looking black front with wooden panels either side.

Around the back you've got the controls and various inputs, you see there you've

optical input, phono input, this can also be connected to via Bluetooth, but

there's no Spotify Connect onboard. There's manual controls around the back

for bass and treble to get this sounding exactly how you want it to. With this

being a pro set of speakers from Edifier everything feels a little bit more

top-notch quality compared to other speakers I have reviewed of theirs.

It has a small screen on the front to show you which inputs you're selecting and

you do that either via the control on the back or via the included remote.

The remote is a really nice-looking bit of kit, you can do everything you need to on

their, volume up, volume down, skipping tracks as well if you're connected via

Bluetooth. As you can see it's got a front grille on, you can pull that off

if you don't like it, I actually quite liked the trim, up to you though it's

personal preference, leave it off or pop it back on, very easy

it simply clipped on and pulls straight off. The connecting wire is a really good

length if you want to have these far apart for decent stereo separation and

sound quality is very good you've heard a track in the background

now let's hear it on my laptop and then we'll play it on the Edifier speakers.


It's quite difficult for me to capture and really demonstrate and do justice to

these speakers because they are so much better than the laptop speakers the

laptop speakers are very tinny, quite painful at loud volumes, the Edifier

speakers fill the room with a lovely warm sound and they're not only good for

music but I'll do a quick demo now of watching a film. The vocals come through

really clearly, really nice stereo sound, you hear the TIE fighters whizzing

around left to right, it's absolutely brilliant set of speakers.

[Film soundtrack]

- We CAN'T outrun them! - We that quad jumper!

- What about that ship?!

- That one's garbage!

- The garbage'll do!

The garbage isn't a problem you'll have in the Edifier speakers case as these

things are really, really, good. Whether it's for movies, music, gaming, these are

great all rounders. I've worked with them while typing up reviews, I've had movies

on them, games on them, I think they look great, they sound fantastic, the only real

downside to these is that there's still no Spotify connects onboard but if

that's not an issue for you you're getting a great sounding set of speakers

that can be used in a wide variety of situations. I'll put a link in the

description below if you want to learn more, if you haven't already please

consider hitting the subscribe button. Tope you found this short review useful

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Edifier S2000 Pro Active 2.0 Speakers Review - Duration: 3:36.


GALATASARAY | Sabah Sporu | 18 ŞUBAT 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Sabah Sporu | 18 ŞUBAT 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 10:02.


Jak wyszukać jacht z ubezpieczeniem kaucji? - YACHTIC.EU - Duration: 0:45.

How to search for yacht with bail insurance?

Only thing you have to do is choose right option in search page

That umbrella with Euro sign with it

What you see is a list of yachts, which have ability to insurance bail

In description of offer you will find exact informations

About this insurance.

On the bottom of the page, in part „Additional service"

you can easily check its conditions

and its price.

Thanks for your attention and have a good luck with looking for a yacht!

For more infomation >> Jak wyszukać jacht z ubezpieczeniem kaucji? - YACHTIC.EU - Duration: 0:45.


Put On (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 3:13.

Put on righteousness and holiness of truth.No foul language should come out of your mouths

but only such as is good for need edification that it may import grace to those who hear.

And do not grieve the holy spirit of God with which you were sealed for the day of redemption

All bitterness fury anger shouting and reviling must be removed from you along with all malice

And be kind to one another as God has forgiven you in Christ Live in love as Christ Loved


Put on righteousness and holiness of truth.No foul language should come out of your mouths

but only such as is good for need edification that it may import grace to those who hear.

Immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be mentioned among holy ones no obscenity

or silly or suggestive talk which is out of place but instead thanksgiving Live as children

of light for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth.

Put on righteousness and holiness of truth.No foul language should come out of your mouths

but only such as is good for need edification that it may import grace to those who hear.

Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord Take no part in the fruitless works of darkness

; rather expose them,for it is shameful even to mention the things done by them in secret;

but everything exposed by the light becomes visible,for everything that becomes visible

is light.Therefore it says Awake O sleeper arise form the dead and Christ will give you

light.Watch carefully then you live not as foolish persons but as wise making the most

of the opportunity because the days are evil

Put on righteousness and holiness of truth.No foul language should come out of your mouths

but only such as is good for need edification that it may import grace to those who hear.

Therefore do not continue in ignorance but try to understand what is the will of the

Lord And do not get drunk on wine in which lies debauchery Giving thanks always and for

everything in the name of our lord Jesus Christ to God The Father.

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