Saturday, February 17, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 18 2018

Your boyfriend is the classic asshole who puts on some socks

with dress shoes The typical non-evolved being

Neanderthal accelerated of those who made me bullying

Your boyfriend is an excellent athlete who plays shirtless

and almost always score a goal and me, that can't even go to the store

or climb a ladder without using salbutamol

(For the Conalep it's like a little tube which you do *inhale*)

Your boyfriend uses words like "haiga" Go upstairs and were ssssssssssssssssssssss ("fuistes" in spanish)

massacring the Spanish and I have an advanced lexicon

I'm always stuttering If I want to talk to you about love

Your boyfriend loves the party to toast with band music

and watch the reality shows and even with that he has you with a crush on him

and I can't do anything to get out of the Friendzone

he takes the beer with 2 drinks erupts like a spartan

while he asks for his refill your boyfriend has more than a thousand defects

but even with all of that he has you

He takes pictures lifting weights and he shaves his eyebrows

to look better he has intellect below average

and although I'm not afraid of him do not tell him ... please ...

If you decide between him and me that with him you're good

then I go in peace if you prefer him, god bless you

if he cheats on you with your friend You deserve that and more

But do not come complaining with me I dont want to be your friend

not your shoulder to cry If for another girl more good someday leaves you

Ha, that's good for stupid! Do not look for someone to blame

Well, as your boyfriend says ... you chosssssssssssssssssssssssse...him!

For more infomation >> Franco Escamilla - Él y Yo (Canción de Selene) [ES/EN Subtitles] - Duration: 2:52.


tijuana vs pumas unam 4 1 goles y resumen liga mx jornada 8 clausura 2018 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> tijuana vs pumas unam 4 1 goles y resumen liga mx jornada 8 clausura 2018 - Duration: 3:21.


Vagabundo - Bajo Tierra - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Vagabundo - Bajo Tierra - Duration: 3:11.


[SFM] Aho Girl Episode 1 "She's Here! Aho Girl!" - Duration: 12:31.

Class 1-2

Hey, A-kun, A-kun! Class 1-2

What, Yoshiko?

Japanese Math English Science

I got a 0 on all my proficiency tests! Japanese Math English Science

I got a 0 on all my proficiency tests!

You're an idiot.

They were even bubble sheet tests! Isn't that amazing?!

You're a huge idiot.

Part 1

As your friend since we were little, I should warn you

that your idiocy is too great to permit your survival in this world.

What? No way!

I'm going to die?!

Then before I die...

I want to eat just one more banana!

Then I'll have no more regrets.

You really are an idiot.

You need to study, or you're never going to get a job.

Huh? That means every day will be like Sunday!

Hooray! Hooray!

You wouldn't be able to survive.

Then I'll win the lottery!

Like you'd win!

Come on, dream a little!


Or I could become a housewife.

No one would marry you.


Who the hell would marry an idiot like you?

No way! Do you have a girlfriend, A-kun?

N-No... So what if I don't?

I knew it. You don't seem to understand girls, anyway—

You're so cold, A-kun.

Even when...

I love you so much!

Oh, I see.

So careless!

It's true!

You come wake me up every morning,

you tell me when I forget things...


When I'm hungry, you give me bananas!

You give me bananas!

You're so sweet, A-kun!


How to Train Your Pet Right.

You even ended up in the same high school as me because you were worried about me.

You're too sweet.

No, you idiot.

It's only because I considered the required study time

and commute time. The good high schools were too far away.

Got it?

Yup! So basically...

You're a tsundere!

She's got no clue.

But whatever the reason might be, it makes me happy.

Thanks for always staying by my side, even though I cause you so much trouble.

As thanks, I'll let you see my panties!


Oh, you're so shy!

That's not it!

I don't want to see your filthy panties!


Even I wouldn't have skid marks on my panties!

There's no poop on them!

Shut up!


Apparently, the banana shop in front of the station

is getting in some super top-quality bananas today!

All right, A-kun! See you tomorrow!

How exhausting...

School's not over yet!


Wake up, you idiot.


Part 2

I'm sorry to make you do this every morning. Part 2

She won't wake up unless it's you, A-kun.

Well, we are neighbors.

Even though I don't really have a choice...

Bananas so good...

I'm so sorry that she's such an idiot.

You have my condolences.

If you two started going out, I wouldn't have anything to worry about. Peek.

That's impossible.

B-But she's not so bad on the outside.

Just think about it.

Humans don't fall in love with monkeys, do they?

Then please... Please, just make her somewhat human!

True... We shouldn't have her go out into society the way she is right now.

All right. I'll figure something out.


If that fails...

Let's have her commit a misdemeanor, so they'll lock her up in a cell.


Good morning, Yoshiko-chan.

You're as cute as ever, Sayaka-chan.

O-Oh, please. You're cuter than me, Yoshiko-chan.

What? Really?!

Like, the cutest in the world?!



For real?! Then next, I'll be the cutest in the universe?!


Wait, stop.

I beg of you, please don't encourage this idiot.

Well, it's true that Yoshiko-chan is cuter than me.

Uh, no matter how you look at it, you're definitely cuter.


You're hitting on her, A-kun?!

How could you, when you have someone like me?!

Shut up, you idiot!


We're not together.

U-Um, uh...

I'm sorry!

Your face is scary, so I have to decline!


Oh, A-kun...

No cheating on me allowed, you hear?

What the hell are you talking about, you idiot?

Even though you saw my panties again this morning?

You showed them to me when no one even asked you to!

W-Well, it was embarrassing for me!

Then put some damn clothes on!

Part 3

All right. Part 3

Is there anything anyone doesn't understand up to this point?


I don't understand any of it!

Well, that's not good.

Indeed, it is not.

So I want to go outside and play dodgeball!

I wonder why I don't get any of this.

Maybe there's something else you're good at besides your studies.

Do you have any hobbies, Yoshiko-chan?


U-Um... I meant is there anything that you like to do?

Something I want to do?

I want to stand above others.


...impossible for you.


B-But you're really cheerful, so maybe you can make others cheerful, too.


You should end up beneath me in your future, too, Sayaka-chan.


I-I mean, I don't have any talents.

Have a little more faith in yourself!

It's okay.

If you try really hard, you'll end up being useful to someone, Sayaka-chan.


Pretty sure you could get mad at any time now.

Also, know your place, Yoshiko.

Oh, come on. You're such a kidder, A-kun.

I'm serious!

And you need to tell her when she's being impossible!


Jeez you're going to scare Sayaka-chan with a face like that!

I-I don't really care about being liked by your friends.

That's not good! You don't even have any friends, let alone a girlfriend!


Yeah, he's super cold and has a quick temper.


B-But I'm sure he has at least a couple of friends.

Nope! A-kun, let me see your phone.


See? Number of Contacts (3) Home Yoshiko Yoshiko's House

S-So tragic...

Really, stop.

All right.

I'll be your friend, A-kun-san.

Really?! You aren't scared?

Yeah. Now that I know how tragic he is, he's not scary anymore.

Oh, I totally get that.

Cheer up, okay?

Isn't that great, A-kun?

Her kindness... hurts.

Home Yoshiko Yoshiko's House Sumino Sayaka

All right, it's done!

A-kun's at the height of puberty, so I'm sure that when he sees this,

he'll get all worked up and...

Yoshiko's boobies!

Eek! A-kun, you perv!

It's okay, A-kun. You can't help it, since you're a boy.


Part 4

Disciplinary Committee

The disciplinary committee will be searching everyone's belongings. Disciplinary Committee

Make sure you thoroughly show us the inside of your bags.

A search... Hey, go throw that book away.

No! This book is basically a part of me!

You, there! What do you think you're bringing into school?

Oh, this? I gave this to A-kun this morning.


I'll be confiscating that as the head of the disciplinary committee.

Bringing something so indecent to school so boldly...

It's people like you that bring disorder to the decency of this school.

Damn that Yoshiko...

Are you listening to me?

Your boobs are huge!

The president of the disciplinary committee's boobs

bring more disorder to this school's decency than anything else!

Wh-Who do you think you are?

I'm Hanabatake Yoshiko from Class 1-2!

Could I squeeze your boobies for science?

O-Of course not!

Oh, come on. I'm not saying "for free."

Hey, I'm the president of the disciplinary committee. You can't...

She must be an idiot.



How about a banana?


And it's no ordinary banana!

Once you eat it...

What's with this girl? She's so creepy.

Your body will crave more, until you can't go on without it.

Do you mean the indecent kind of banana?

Huh? It's just a high-quality banana. They cost 1,000 yen each!

Sweet Banana Huh? It's just a high-quality banana. They cost 1,000 yen each!

Sweet Banana


Wait, what? What's an indecent banana?!

Oh, a peni—


You're wide open!

Wait, don't...

This is...

Mother of God!

This heft! The bounciness! These aren't boobs anymore, they're...

They're... What are they?!

What are you?!

I-If my boobs were that big, A-kun would love me more.



Sorry about that. Are you all right?


If that idiot ever causes you trouble again, let me know.

I'll kill her.


Aho Girl Multiplies!

Next time: "Aho Girl Multiplies!" Aho Girl Multiplies!

Aho Girl Multiplies!

For more infomation >> [SFM] Aho Girl Episode 1 "She's Here! Aho Girl!" - Duration: 12:31.


Fast & Ferocious Series Paper Airplane - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Fast & Ferocious Series Paper Airplane - Duration: 5:21.


Puri sea and beach enjoy all people 2018 - Duration: 1:26.

India's most popular attractions puri sea beach

For more infomation >> Puri sea and beach enjoy all people 2018 - Duration: 1:26.


How to model a 3D electric oven Max // How to model a 3D electric oven Max - Duration: 35:14.

For more infomation >> How to model a 3D electric oven Max // How to model a 3D electric oven Max - Duration: 35:14.


Color Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for Boys Cars Cars Learn Colors with Superheroes - Duration: 12:17.

Color Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for Boys Cars Cars Learn Colors with Superheroes

For more infomation >> Color Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for Boys Cars Cars Learn Colors with Superheroes - Duration: 12:17.


Las imágenes del romance y su última foto juntos - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> Las imágenes del romance y su última foto juntos - Duration: 8:44.


Alfred y Cepeda: los 'homme fatales' que utilizan la seducción para ganarse al público - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> Alfred y Cepeda: los 'homme fatales' que utilizan la seducción para ganarse al público - Duration: 9:04.


Alfred no aguanta la distancia y acudirá al homenaje que Pamplona rendirá a Amaia Romero - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Alfred no aguanta la distancia y acudirá al homenaje que Pamplona rendirá a Amaia Romero - Duration: 4:10.


Amaia y Alfred se prueban el vestuario del videoclip de su canción para Eurovisión 2018 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Amaia y Alfred se prueban el vestuario del videoclip de su canción para Eurovisión 2018 - Duration: 2:47.


Smooshy Mushy Do Dat Donuts Series 2 Unboxing | cute kawaii food squishy squishies!! - Duration: 8:42.

(Music throughout video)

Okay hello everybody and welcome to my first unboxing video,

Sorry my chair is very squeaky, but, um

I dunno, maybe you can't hear it, I hope you can't

Um, this is a Smooshy Mushy Do-dat Donuts

"Smooshy surprises, new scents, series 2"

I'd never heard of this until... like... a couple weeks ago,

I was at the store, and I was in the toy section, which... you know (laugh)

I'm a grown adult but I like toys, especially super adorable ones like this, um

I got one before and it came in a pink lil bottle/container,

it was... had this lil cutie inside of it

Um, I don't remember her name, but she came with a lil egg friend and... a little tiny, tiny bottle

and, um, yeah, she's very squishy and soft, and smells like... hmm

I don't know? Like, I don't know how to place the scent.

It's not bad, I've had some smooshies/squishies,

whatever you wanna call 'em, that smelled way, way worse

but yeah, that one... is alright.

um, I hope you cannot hear people flushing the toilet upstairs,

and if you can, that's too bad I guess, 'cause I'm not shooting this again (laugh)

(reading) "What's inside?"

Let's see, what does it say...

(reading) "What's inside? *smooshy pet, *mystery bestie, *sticker, *name tag, *mini-bottle, and *smooshy bottle(?)

Oh yeah, I... and then the other one I had, it came with like, a little, like a cootie catcher,

which was pretty cute & fun

So, um, yeah, I'm just gonna go ahead and open this,

let's see here...

okay, just kidding, I need a knife.


(knife opening)

(chair squeaking) (laugh)

I gotta do it on camera, I'm not used to this!

...find the seam, ...get under there a little bit

I'm really hoping that I get the skunk one, 'cause I just think that the idea

of a lil skunk toy is adorable because... I dunno. It's cute.

It's not on the front, but there's skunk ones that you can get, and I really want that one.

Okay, here it goes, mkay, gettin' the plastic off...

(lots of crinkling)

And then that's what they look like when you first upwrap 'em.

That's the lil plastic thingy.


Here it goes!

(singing) Taking the cap off, boo boo boo boop! Open!

This one came with a little pink bottle. That's cute.


Oooooookay. Alright! Who might this be?

This is... awwwww... a lil monkey with a donut on its head.

(squish squish) hehe

Okay, let's open this one. What kind of friend does the monkey come with?



(gratuitous crinkling)

Oh... it's a little cup 'a tea! ...or latte, I guess! Prob'ly.

That's really, really cute! Not what I hoped for! But it's so CUTE!

All right! They can be friends!

Obviously they would be friends anyway, but...

(smooch) They're friends.

Um... yeah, that's it I guess!

Uh, hope you liked this video!

Wait, what else is in here?

Hahaha just kidding I'm not done yet!

(singing/reading) Mini-surprise... Boo boo boo boo boo...

Oh! I think!

On the bottom... this is the sticker that they come with.

And I wondered, while I was at the store today,

...if you could hold it up to the light and see, but...

I am not sure, because I feel like the silhouettes might be very similar?

Let me open my other one and see...

I have like no room on my table, I'm a mess...

Yeah, you might... I dunno...

You might be able to tell, from the silhouette,, which, which toy it is. (?)

'Cause this is the one I got with the other one,

...this is the one I got just now.

...holding them out of frame and no-one can see them...

(big laugh)


oh.. oop... oops....

I dropped something... (clatter) sorry...

This... yeah, they come with a lil name tag.

Let's get these back together.

(clicking & clattering)

That's the one that this lil chicken came in.

(more clicking & clattering)

This is the one the lil monkey came in.

Um... yeah, that's my video.

Thanks for watchin'.

Um... I dunno if I'm gonna do more of these,

...but maybe if people like this one I will? (plastic crinkle)

Uh, like comment, subscribe, all that good crap...

Stuff, 'scuse my language, my potty mouth.

Um... yeah, um, don't forget to stay hydrated, friends.

Drink lots of water. It's good for you.

Okay, so I did forget to put... the... this up and show y'all.

Uh, this is the little, shieet it comes with, show you all the different ones you can get.

The first one I got was Chelly Chicky, and Peggy Eggy,

...apparently! Ultra-rare, which I did not know.

Which is... that's pretty cool!

But I really... my favorites are Scout Skunk,

Bayla Bear, and LaBella Lamb, and, like, okay... (laugh)

Literally, as long as I don't get the monkey again, I will be very happy. Because, like...

I hope I can continue to buy these and make unboxing videos of them, beacuse this is very fun.

And then on the back, is the little, uh, cootie-catcher thing.

Which is fun, and it made me feel, like, good when I cut that out and, like,

...folded it up last weekend, made the lil cootie-catcher.

'Cause I used to make those all the time,

...when I was in elementary school, and it just really,

...took me back and filled me with nostalgic glee. (laugh)

Um, so there. That's the real end.

And once again, like, comment, subscribe,

...if you want me to do more of these,

...and don't forget to stay hydrated, please!


For more infomation >> Smooshy Mushy Do Dat Donuts Series 2 Unboxing | cute kawaii food squishy squishies!! - Duration: 8:42.


Travel with filmmaker Christin...

For more infomation >> Travel with filmmaker Christin...


EXO (엑소 ) Monster MV | REACTION - Duration: 8:07.


What's up guys, it's your boy OKAYtinashe and I'm here with my boss


-OKAY so today we are reacting to-

Today we are reacting to EXO (엑ᄉ) Monster MV

and please comment down your bias and your favorite part of this video

and we will be having a discussion at the end

-We will

-So stay tuned because we love to have you involved in those discussions


For more infomation >> EXO (엑소 ) Monster MV | REACTION - Duration: 8:07.


How to Build a Table Top Pond | How to Build a Small Fish Pond // GREN PLANTS - Duration: 13:09.

making table top pond

Cement board

clay bowl

cement and water mix


coco peat

torenia plant

it will grow

in small space


i just choose this plant

water plant

bamboo grass

decorating with stones



handmade mini umbrella

deadwood stick bench

put some gravel stones in the pond

this will looking beautiful

For more infomation >> How to Build a Table Top Pond | How to Build a Small Fish Pond // GREN PLANTS - Duration: 13:09.


【愛,要堅持到底!】十二星座追一個人能堅持多久?(天秤、天蠍、射手、摩羯、水瓶、雙魚座) - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> 【愛,要堅持到底!】十二星座追一個人能堅持多久?(天秤、天蠍、射手、摩羯、水瓶、雙魚座) - Duration: 7:45.


Finally! Top 50 OFFLINE Strategy Games For Android 2018 | No Internet? No Problem! | [PART 3] - Duration: 4:24.

Hey Gamers! welcome back to IsItThatGame!

My Name is Vikrant and This is the 3rd part of my series Top 50 Offline Strategy Games

for android! so you ready guys?

lets get started!!!

So The First up one on our list is...The Reigns!

A 78MB Game Developed By The DevolverDigital Studios!

Its an innovative game where you are made a king of a small kingdom and given various

choices..the choices you make decide the future of your throne!

Each choice you make whether it be moral or immoral, does some effect on 4 of the mighty

powers of your Kingdom! you must keep a balance between those powers to keep your, head on

your shoulders!

Its a paid game with a small one time payment but its sure to give you hours and hours of

strategic ruling experience!

And the second game on our list is...The steampunk tower 1!

This game weighs 46MB in size and its developed by the Dreamgate studios!

here you Take charge of the immense Steampunk Tower and help the eccentric Lord Bingham

protect his precious Etherium Mine.

As the Imperial Army's foot soldiers and mechanical monsters march into battle, fortify

your epic spire with machine guns, cannons, lightning coil, saw launchers and more.

This game is free to play and is supported by the in app purchases!

And the 3rd one on our list is...The XCom Enemy Within!

This Huge 3.1Gb Game is developed by the 2k inc studios!

XCOM®: Enemy Within is a standalone expansion to the 2012 strategy game of the year XCOM®:

Enemy Unknown and it's now available to all the Android devices! 

This Game features some of the most hardcore strategic turned based gameplay!

It is already a popular game amongst the pc or console gamers.

It is also a go to choice if you want a strategy game with high graphics!

Its a paid game and a bit pricy too but it surely deserves every last of its penny!

And next up on our list is...The Guns'N'Glory Zombies!

A classic series by the HandyGame Studios! despite its cool animations, this game weighs

just 33MB in size!

Here you Lock and load your weapons and face the undead hordes zombies!

You are the last line of defense and humanity's last hope for survival against the deadly


With the help of 4 deadly fighter girls and a pug you decide to fight against the evil!!!!

And yep you are crushing it!

This one is free to play and supports in app purchases!

And the 5th one on our list is...Mechcom 2 Its a real-time strategy game inspired by

Warzone 2100.

Here Set up new base, collect resources and design your own mechs to crush the enemy.

It Weighs 51MB in size and its developed by the Game Dev Team!

Here you play a distinguished military commander going to join one of the corporations and

take part in a conflict for the planet Tiberius, where some rare minerals were once discovered.

This is a paid game with a small one time payment with no ads it in app purchases at


The last but one on our list is...

Grow Empire Rome!

Developed by the Game Station Studios This game weighs 51MB in size!

Grow Empire: Rome is a captivating game, mixing tower defense (TD) and strategy mechanisms

with role playing (RPG) elements.

here you are the Caesar, mighty leader of the Roman republic, your objective is to defeat

other civilizations in ancient Europe with an army made-up of roman soldiers, siege weapons,

heroes and barbarian mercenaries.

Be ready for War!

And finally time for the the final game of our list!

plz hit the like button if you enjoyed this video and turn on the notification to never

miss an update from Isitthatgame!

Now lets take a look at this beast!

THE ARMA TACTICS! a turn-based close-combat strategy game, where

the player takes control of a four-member Special Forces team.

There are no given strategies, rails to move on, or paths to follow; it's up to the player

to decide how he will play through  both the story-driven missions and generated missions

with randomized objectives.

Whether using stealth or a more direct approach, players will need to use their strategic thinking

and use both basic and advanced weaponry while facing many of the different opponents - ranging

from unorganized local militia to smart and skilled mercenaries.

So thats all for today guyz. thanks for watching, if you think i missed some game today plz

let me know in the comments below! links to all other parts of this series are given in

the description below!

So see ya in the next video till then...this is your friend Vikrant sighning off!!!

For more infomation >> Finally! Top 50 OFFLINE Strategy Games For Android 2018 | No Internet? No Problem! | [PART 3] - Duration: 4:24.


Color Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for Boys Cars Cars Learn Colors with Superheroes - Duration: 12:17.

Color Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for Boys Cars Cars Learn Colors with Superheroes

For more infomation >> Color Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for Boys Cars Cars Learn Colors with Superheroes - Duration: 12:17.


Bollywood Top 3 Motivational Dialogues | Ranbir Kapoor | Akshay Kumar | Emraan Hashmi | Must Watch - Duration: 1:08.




For more infomation >> Bollywood Top 3 Motivational Dialogues | Ranbir Kapoor | Akshay Kumar | Emraan Hashmi | Must Watch - Duration: 1:08.


How to draw Beach for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw Beach for kids


EXO (엑소 ) Monster MV | REACTION - Duration: 8:07.


What's up guys, it's your boy OKAYtinashe and I'm here with my boss


-OKAY so today we are reacting to-

Today we are reacting to EXO (엑ᄉ) Monster MV

and please comment down your bias and your favorite part of this video

and we will be having a discussion at the end

-We will

-So stay tuned because we love to have you involved in those discussions


For more infomation >> EXO (엑소 ) Monster MV | REACTION - Duration: 8:07.


Sharkhead Channel Intro - Duration: 0:31.

Hi, I'm Sharkhead. I make animations about weird things from a humorous and refreshing point of view. For the past few years,

I mostly did videogame content,

but I recently decided to jump back into drawing, and learning to animate, and let me tell ya - it feels really good to be an

artist again. I've always felt like I wanted to do more with the channel than just games, so this new direction

I'm going in will allow me to do,

Just that. I have a lot of things I'd love to share with you that you'll find very

interesting. So, go ahead and get comfortable. And welcome to my channel.

For more infomation >> Sharkhead Channel Intro - Duration: 0:31.


9 Reasons to Spend Time With Yourself - Duration: 3:59.

9 Reasons to Spend Time With Yourself

If you think that you are going out frequently.

It is actually a good time to spend time alone.

Spending time alone can be the most strategic decision that you've ever made.

Actually, there are a lot of things you can do as your desire without you are burdened

by others.

It doesn't mean you're anti-social, yet it's kind of way to learn something.

Therefore, it is highly recommended if you want to upgrade yourself.

If you want to know why, there are 9 reasons why it is important to do so.

But before we see the whole lists, If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the

subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information

is helpful to you.

#1 - To know yourself

When you are interacting with someone else, you focus your energy to others.

You concentrate to what other people say and you retrieve information about others.

However, at the same time, you start forgetting yourself in the process.

That is why you need to spend your time with yourself sometimes.

#2 - Learning how to be alone

People who love to hangout sometimes do not know how to live a life alone.

This can create a problem especially when they move to a new place where no new friends


Fortunately, you can live this life if you occasionally spend time with yourself.

#3 - Personal love and acceptance

Spending time with yourself makes you understand yourself.

However, it also makes you love and accept yourself.

Think about it as a time for reflection.

You know what your body can and cannot do and love the way you do.

You also realize that

#4 - Learning to live with life purpose

Sometimes, things get problematic when your life has no purpose.

It is also problematic if you are not focusing on your goals.

Spending time alone will bring back the memory on the purpose of your life.

#5 - You learn to be yourself

If you go outside, you will constantly listen to your surroundings.

Some may comment something nice about you but sometimes they do not.

However, no one actually can dictate the way you look.

#6 - You are bigger than your problems

The best way to solve a problem is identifying the problem.

However, you cannot do that if your mind is still saturated with people's ideas and


That is why you need to take a deep breath and focus on yourself to solve your problems.

#7 - Value of silence

You never expect that silence is the real gold, and you will experience that once you

try to stay calm alone.

#8 - Respecting yourself

In addition to give some love to yourself, you should start appreciating yourself with

everything you have right now.

#9 - You learn how to let go

It is extremely difficult to move on from certain event or condition if you are alone.

You need distraction and activities, but they are just escape plan.

If you are on your own while you experience the problem, you know how to manage yourself

better when such miserable time comes again.

Well, those are some things which are the reasons for spending time with yourself.

Actually, it is not wrong thing if you desire to make what you do by yourself or in other

word you make it alone for a while.

Sometimes, some insight can be raised when you are alone as you can feel to be more sensitive

to something that others cannot feel to live a life and environment.

So, really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 9 Reasons to Spend Time With Yourself - Duration: 3:59.


MINE SPAGHET... - Duration: 0:16.

Mine further down, What's that I found Mine Spaghet, Mine Spaghet, I'll mine Spaghet

For more infomation >> MINE SPAGHET... - Duration: 0:16.


Palestinians: Will you take back your land in israel? How? - Duration: 8:14.

In your opinion, will you get your land back in Israel?

Yes, God willing yes

because these are our lands and this is our right


Ahmad Jerusalem

Through resistance and various ways

because this is our land and this is our right

(could not remember the word 'refugee')

He is from Jerusalem


My ancestors lost some land

In Jaffa


It's an area next to Jaffa

Do you think you will get your land back

in Israel?

Mahmoud Nablus

Our hope and faith in God is very big

because the Israeli people and Palestinian people are peaceful

that is why both peoples need to live in two nations

Israel and Palestine

The leaders should go away the governments should go away

and the people should stay

and peace would prevail

What about the Palestinians who lost lands in Israel?

They will come back and live in the future nation of Palestine

In the West Bank?

Yes, in the future country of Palestine

On the lands and borders of 1967

The settlements according to international law are illegal

they should be...

Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine

but it's an international city an international place

the city of peace and the capital of the world

Do you think you will take your land back in Israel and how?

Ahmad and Hassan Bethlehem

It is something for sure that we will redeem our land

As for how, that is what's not known

I don't know if according to the situation, it will come back or not

No, they are not

Yasmeen Jerusalem

I think all Palestinians believe they will return

to their land

for that they keep the keys for their houses

so yes, we believe we will return

How is it going to happen?

Actually, I don't know

but we hope

I don't know

It's been since 1948

It's been a long long time

I am not from a refugee camp

Are you a refugee?

Harbi Nablus

My mother is from Haifa

Does he think he will take his land back?

How are we going to get it back?

With all the problems that are happening in other countries

and they can't bring back order (in the Middle East)

and regimes to their countries

do you think we will be able to get our lands back?

All their countries aren't able

and they don't know how to bring back

civility, security and safety to their own countries

do you think we are going to be able to get back our own lands?

I am a supporter of peace

between us and Israel

I used to be a soldier

in the PLO

and I want peace

I request, I demand from the Israeli government

that they reconsider and rethink about peace

and to put their hands in the hands

of our only legal representative

who is president Mahmoud Abbas

to be one hand to have stability, security and peace

for both sides and to stop the bloodshed

In your view, will we get our lands back in Israel?

God willing yes

if there is unity and brotherhood

and we stick together God willing, the land will come back

Amin Bethlehem

As long as the owners of the land (Palestinians)

keep demanding for their lands to come back

their rights will not go

It will happen

How will it happen?


sticking together, standing together

Do you think you will get your land back in Israel

and how?

God willing, it will come back

Ahmad Bethlehem

With justice, the right words

and the truth

with God's help

When people love each other

So maybe he should love the Israelis and he would be able to go back

Peace in general

brings all people together

Where are you from originally?

From Nablus

Mariam Nablus

but originally from Spain

she came when she was 4 years old and married when she was 14

God willing

With their strength, with their will

For more infomation >> Palestinians: Will you take back your land in israel? How? - Duration: 8:14.


Magic The Gathering: Wal-Mart Chaos 6 pack Opening/Unboxing: Those pulls were unreal! (CC) - Duration: 6:18.

(Cards dropping)

Hey guys, MtgDecksForFun Here, and today we are going to open one of these uh, Wal-Mart chaos packs.

I found one, so I figured why not give it a shot.

I bet you the promo is going to be Thalia's Lancer, like in most of these

We'll see (exhales) well, we will see if I can open this atleast


uhh huhh, oh look at that, thalia's lancers right at the bottom

(fails to catch thalia's lancer XD)

UHH, put the box over there, we have Thalia's lancers

alright, so for packs we have; Battle for Zendikar, Shadows over Innistrad, Kaladesh, Gatecrash, Kahns of Tarkir, and 2013 Core Set.

Alright, I guess we will start with this one,

Let's see, what we can't get.


there we go sorry had to adjust the light a bit just gonna go through these a bit fast, ok so we have

Mark of mutiny, acidic slime, phyrexian hulk, and.

Magmaquake is our rare magmaquake is an 2 red and x it deals x damage to each creature without flying and each planeswalker

then we have a drake and an island

alright, we'll do khans next

Hoping for one of the uh, one of the fetches, that would be ideal.

so we have swarm of bloodflies, seeker of the way, despise and...

polluted delta, there we go pay 1 life, sacrifice polluted delta, search your library for an island or swamp card, put it into the battlefield, then shuffle your library.

we have a swamp, and a warrior.

alright well, considering I only paid $18 for this I think is what it was, that's a pretty good chunk

of my money already made back with one pack.

now let's see (groans) come on, open up.

lets see what else we can get. Sorry if you heard that somebody upstairs likes to move their furniture every. single. day.

and it's driving me nuts


oops, put that back there.

so we have, agoraphobia, crackling perimeter, Burning-tree emissary, and

treasure thrull, so treasury thrull is a 4/4 for 6 with extort (whenever you cast a spell, you may pay (w/b) if you do each opponent loses a life and you gain that much life.

when it attacks you may return target artifact, creature, or enchantment from your graveyard to your hand.

then we have a plains, and a frog-lizard.

Now we have kaladesh.

lets see if we can't get an invention.

if I get an invention is this I'm gonna be, very frustrated.

k, uhh

so we have chief of the foundry, furious reprisal, creeping mold, and

Demon of Dark Schemes, when it enters the battlefield all creatures get -2/-2 until end of turn, whenever another creature dies

you get an energy

You can pay thh, uh, two colorless and a black, and 4 energy

put target creature from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control tapped.

then we have a plains and a construct

we'll do shadows over Innistrad next

that didn't open very smooth.

so I don't know if this means anything, but all these packs were

pretty easy to open.

so I don't know if it's, I don't know

pour over the pages, ooh, groundskeeper, I'm gonna hold onto that.

stone quarry

and Asylum Visitor its a 3/1 for 2 at the beginning of each players upkeep if that player has no cards in hand you draw a card and lose a life.

and it had madness, so if you discard it you can pay 2

then we have hermit of the natterknolls, flip card and a human soldier

turns into lone wolf of the natterknolls

whenever an opponent casts a spell during your turn draw two cards wow, ok.

and lastly we have battle for zendikar

not a bad little box here, that's for sure.

there we go

alright, we have rolling thunder, transgress the mind, jaddi offshoot, and

oooh, Drana liberator of Malakir, I think that's 3 mythics in this

nope, 2 mythics ok

uuhh, (fails to speak coherently) ok.

it makes my camera not focus I guess.

uhh, so its a 2/3 for 3 with flying and first strike whenever drana, liberater of malakir deals combat

damage to a player, put a +1+1 counter of each attacking creature you control.

then we have a plains and an elemental.

alright well, that was pretty good, umm


thank you guys so much for watching, if you enjoyed the video, give it a like it really helps me out

subscribe if you haven't already, and I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Magic The Gathering: Wal-Mart Chaos 6 pack Opening/Unboxing: Those pulls were unreal! (CC) - Duration: 6:18.


CRYING TIME (Buck Owens), by Chris Tanner Trio with Björn Ingelstam & Johan Bylling Lang - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> CRYING TIME (Buck Owens), by Chris Tanner Trio with Björn Ingelstam & Johan Bylling Lang - Duration: 5:48.


Shitlords Anonymous : That twinge in your brain? its normal... - Duration: 2:16:08.

For more infomation >> Shitlords Anonymous : That twinge in your brain? its normal... - Duration: 2:16:08.


[ENG SUB][BANGTAN BOMB] Happy new year 2018! - BTS (방탄소년단) - Duration: 10:40.

Jin: Hi ARMY, I'm Jin. In 2018, i want to say with you..

I wish always happy more than 2017

I wish everyone health and happiness

Thank all the fans who loved and supported us. Thank you again

I hope you get a lot of hearts, ARMY

Give you a kiss, thanks all

Hope you always happy and health

Suga: Yes, Hi ARMY, this 2018

2018 is Year of the Dog (Asian culture)

I hope you get more success

2017 is a great year, and 2018 year would be even better

would be so

To ARMY, I wish you always happy, successful in life and try to fulfill your dream

Happy new year 2018

Rm: Hi, New year 2018

Today we join MBC Gayo Daejun 171231

And next year, 2018, is a year of the dog I hope it will a great year

I will add one year, I feel more mature in work and thought

I want to thank everyone,

You help me feel better, love work and life more

I hope 2018 will be a good year

I will work harder

Like Jhope oppa and hope a next great year. Thank, fighting...

Jhope: Hi Everyone, it's new year 2018

You have given us so much love in 2017

We will try harder in 2018

About me in next year 2018.

My mixtape will be coming soon, i want you listen it, and hope you like it

Please support us further. Thank you.

Jimin: Hi everyone, it's the end 2017

a year passes quickly

I think I did well in 2017

I talked a lot every new year and could not remember

I want to thank all of you for a wonderful year thanks to you

You and I, we have had a lot of good memories in the past year

Thank you so much for that, I hope next year will be so great

We will try to be even better, please support us

As much love as we receive from you,

We have received so much love from you, I hope you will also receive love

Please love us more next year, and stay healthy. Happy new year. bye

Taehyung: Hi, 2018 is coming

I hope 365 days are happy days

Let's make a great year together

We will change together to become better

Fighting! Let's together ARMY

Saranghaeyo ARMY

Jungkook: Hi everyone, I'm Kookie

Today is the last day of 2017

I'm going to be 22 years old

I have grown up a lot


I become as good as today is thanks to you, ARMY

2017 is a great year, so I look forward to 2018 will be more exciting

2017 has gone through a lot of good and not a lot of glitches, I hope 2018 will be as good

Me and you, ARMY, hopefully we will continue to go together

We hope 2018 will be better than 2017

We will keep good health so that you do not worry

ARMY, You have done well in 2017

You did a really really good job in 2017.

Let's keep it that way in 2018, Bye

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB][BANGTAN BOMB] Happy new year 2018! - BTS (방탄소년단) - Duration: 10:40.


Llegando a Keukenhof en bici (Getting to Keukenhof by bike) - Duration: 3:06.

On April 2017, I rode a bike and head to Keukenhof

Located in The Netherlands, its name literally means "the kitchen garden".

With more than seven million of flower bulbs, each spring, the garden offers a wonderful view.

For more infomation >> Llegando a Keukenhof en bici (Getting to Keukenhof by bike) - Duration: 3:06.


Is ABA Therapy the Best Choice for Kids with Autism - Duration: 7:56.

Is ABA Therapy the Best Choice for Kids with Autism

as a parent to a wonderful unique non speaking child with autism I fully support narrow diversity

presuming competence and methods like RPM to help kids on the spectrum communicate

with all that in mind I thought it'd be easy for me to interrogate their antithesis

applied behavioral analysis all be an a therapy

that it's proven, to sort through my conflicting emotions

on the one hand of aba's the first there a pea my son got his diagnosis

it's the only one our insurance fully covered

and it's the one with its insistence on taking data making plans

and charting progress

that made me feel like there was some order to our days and to my son's progress

it's the one that introduced us to many compassionate kind therapists who listen to my

concerns and modified programming to best serve my son

the any of those Aba therapists became my friends and although we're no longer doing a B a I still call some of them occasionally for

advice on addressing some of my sons more challenging behaviors

on the other hand the artistic community has spoken out loudly and clearly about why it considers Aba ethically wrong

ineffective and not the best option for kids on the spectrum

new research shows aba's repetitive teaching methods don't actually improve learning in people on the spectrum

I've read harrowing accounts of the early days of ABN a when researchers did monstrous

things like conditioning children to hug using electroshock

and more recent ones like Julia Bascom is haunting blood post quiet hands that show

many practitioners haven't evolved much beyond those early methods

many former Aba therapists have contributed to the conversation an raised important questions about control and consent

all of this has left me wondering

is a ba really the best choice for kids for with autism

what could be a better option

in the end to answer those questions

I decided to follow my new model for approaching all things autism ask an actual autistic person

I reached out to Julia Vass com deputy director of the autism staff advocacy network a sin and author of quiet hands here's what she had to

say about ABN a watch your main objection to a ba in

J.B. E a sins objection is fundamentally unethical won the stated and goal of Aba is an autistic child who is indistinguishable from their

peers an artistic child who can pass as neuro typical

we don't think that's an acceptable goal the end goal of all services supports interventions and therapies and autistic child receives should

be to support them in growing up into an artistic adult who is happy

healthy and living a self determined life

if you have an autistic child

what would you do to help me or her learn and grow

JB E in really depends on the child I would want my child to have the support they need to communicate

manage sensory overload

develop motor skills

and learn and participate in their classes

depending on the child that might look like speech therapy

occupational therapy

or support from professionals using a developmental model like floor time

as my child grew older and started to encounters stigma and ignorance I'd make

sure they had access to support for that does well finally

all children benefit from a truly inclusive education

so why would be advocating for affected inclusion in their school

I would also want to make sure that my children had downtime and time to pursue their interests

would ever those interests may be what suggestions do you have to help parents deal with challenging behaviors like biting

fitting screening and self injury

are many of these links to communication frustrations

I know they are for mice of jay B we know that people of challenging behaviors have reasons

evidence shows that most often

those reasons are linked two either limited communication

or underlying medical problems

ultimately addressing those underlying reasons in yields the greatest net results

not just in terms of outward behavior that in other long-term investments in someone's communication ability

health anxiety

or other needs and abilities

isn't a ba just structured teaching

towel is that a bad thing

JB EI think it would be disingenuous to argue that Aba is really just structured teaching that said the idea of providing structured instruction

or breaking tasks into small parts is hardly unique to AB an a and is pretty common across

a variety of supports aimed at artistic people and people with developmental disabilities

what was your experience with Aba as a child

JB EI had experiences of professionals using Aba techniques including quiet hands on me

but I didn't receive formal ABN a I wasn't formally diagnosed until I was 16

what mattered the most for me

wasn't actually a particular therapy

although there were a lot of those

it was access to an individualized

high quality education focused on helping me to be the best me I could be

I was exposed to challenging work by people who presumed competence and believed that with the right supports I could learn

and I did any other advice

thoughts or further reading

JB E currently many insurance companies only cover a B a

as a result we see a lot of their haze that aren't really a B a certain ottavio as described by professional standards

being called a ba in order to obtain that coverage

so a lot of the time we end up paying less attention to what something is called and more attention to what something done is sorting

objects by color might be called AB an a or teach or stemming

forced high contact mike be called AB an a or R.D. IE or speech therapy

a sin is currently developing a toolkit on behavioral health options for families and individuals

it's still very much in development

but our first component

aimed at families and individuals trying to figure out what their insurance will cover and what their choices all are 10 be found here

julia's inside helped me make sense of the Aba debate and to figure out better ways to help my son

now that we're no longer doing ABN a my husband and I are focused on more organically

building our sons communication practicing daily living skills

supporting his interests

improving his motor coordination and working on academics in each day through RPM lessons our goal is no longer to have a child

that's exactly like his new row typical peers are go to use julia's words is to support him in

growing up into an artistic adult who is happy holiday and living a self determined life

and you know which have overall he's responding beautifully for Harry and I'm shift in our house and constantly surprising us have

For more infomation >> Is ABA Therapy the Best Choice for Kids with Autism - Duration: 7:56.


Justice League (2017) Batalla Final (2/2) [60FPS] Subtitulado - Duration: 5:01.

This is definitely east.


Oh, it's on.

I'll take the ones on the right.

It's okay.

Hold on. Hold on. Yeah.


Is this guy still bothering you?


We gotta pull these things apart.

A couple more seconds, you'll see your opening.

- Any blowback? - Big time.

But I think we can take it.


'Cause I really like being alive.

So do I.


I take it back.

I wanna die.

Man, my toes hurt!

I don't even understand the physics of how my toes hurt.

Children. I work with children.

Uh... Have you guys seen what's going on outside?

I am the end of worlds!

Who are you to defy...

This world is my right!


This cannot be.

You recognize that smell?


No! Leave me!

Get off me! I command you.



I'll kill you!

I'll kill you all!


For more infomation >> Justice League (2017) Batalla Final (2/2) [60FPS] Subtitulado - Duration: 5:01.


My 4th Grade Bully (Part 1) [100+ Sub Special??] - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> My 4th Grade Bully (Part 1) [100+ Sub Special??] - Duration: 1:42.


PBS Promos/IDs (February 03, 2018; PBS Satellite Service) - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> PBS Promos/IDs (February 03, 2018; PBS Satellite Service) - Duration: 3:28.


김흥국, SBS 라디오 오늘 하차.."평창, 러시아 월드컵 집중" - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> 김흥국, SBS 라디오 오늘 하차.."평창, 러시아 월드컵 집중" - Duration: 1:46.


Franco Escamilla - Él y Yo (Canción de Selene) [ES/EN Subtitles] - Duration: 2:52.

Your boyfriend is the classic asshole who puts on some socks

with dress shoes The typical non-evolved being

Neanderthal accelerated of those who made me bullying

Your boyfriend is an excellent athlete who plays shirtless

and almost always score a goal and me, that can't even go to the store

or climb a ladder without using salbutamol

(For the Conalep it's like a little tube which you do *inhale*)

Your boyfriend uses words like "haiga" Go upstairs and were ssssssssssssssssssssss ("fuistes" in spanish)

massacring the Spanish and I have an advanced lexicon

I'm always stuttering If I want to talk to you about love

Your boyfriend loves the party to toast with band music

and watch the reality shows and even with that he has you with a crush on him

and I can't do anything to get out of the Friendzone

he takes the beer with 2 drinks erupts like a spartan

while he asks for his refill your boyfriend has more than a thousand defects

but even with all of that he has you

He takes pictures lifting weights and he shaves his eyebrows

to look better he has intellect below average

and although I'm not afraid of him do not tell him ... please ...

If you decide between him and me that with him you're good

then I go in peace if you prefer him, god bless you

if he cheats on you with your friend You deserve that and more

But do not come complaining with me I dont want to be your friend

not your shoulder to cry If for another girl more good someday leaves you

Ha, that's good for stupid! Do not look for someone to blame

Well, as your boyfriend says ... you chosssssssssssssssssssssssse...him!

For more infomation >> Franco Escamilla - Él y Yo (Canción de Selene) [ES/EN Subtitles] - Duration: 2:52.


Heidi Daus "Deco Master Clasp" Necklace/Bracelet Set - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Heidi Daus "Deco Master Clasp" Necklace/Bracelet Set - Duration: 2:18.


Puri sea and beach enjoy all people 2018 - Duration: 1:26.

India's most popular attractions puri sea beach

For more infomation >> Puri sea and beach enjoy all people 2018 - Duration: 1:26.


Martial Arts - Roblox Gameplay Hrithik - Duration: 15:22.

For more infomation >> Martial Arts - Roblox Gameplay Hrithik - Duration: 15:22.


3 Reasons Your YouTube Channel may Fail - What is holding small Youtubers back? - Duration: 8:15.

what's up shenanigans John here and I am back I hope you guys are having a

fantastic weekend I'm here to talk to you about three things I believe could

be holding small youtubers back before we get started I'd like to say thank you

for clicking on this video make sure to hit that thumbs up if you liked the

video and if you are new this channel you're not subscribed please consider

doing so smashing that that red subscribe button for me I'd really

appreciate it and make sure you click that bell so you get notifications when

I post videos now look guys YouTube is not easy it's not easy no one is saying

it's easy everybody who is a big youtuber had to work the rears off to

get there no one has gotten a free ride that I know of they have please clue me

in to who's gotten a free ride but everyone is put in the work on YouTube

so I think we could probably all agree YouTube is not easy whether it is a

hobby you treat it in you treat it like a hobby or whether or not it's something

you hope to replace a job or to be a job or to be supplemental income for you

you're gonna have to put in that level of effort so if it's a hobby you're

gonna have to put in hobby level effort and if this is something you want to be

successful at you want to make it your job you're gonna have to put in that

level of effort that job type of effort to be successful in this platform and

that leads me to my first first issue that I think that small youtubers have

this is me included guys from the last three years that I've been on this

channel I think we compare ourselves to each other and to bigger youtubers way

too much and I think that is really unfair to do to ourselves look to make

fair comparisons you need to compare apples to apples not apples to oranges

those big youtubers have had years and years and years

to hone their craft and become who they are if you have ever seen the beginning

videos for these big youtubers there just as cringy is the ones that we've

created everyone starts somewhere comparing yourself to somebody who is

that established there's really unfair especially if you're starting off or

looking around so I've been on this platform for three years and if you've

just started off is it fair to compare yourself to me now after almost 400

videos gotta learn to cut a lot of things you have to learn your voice you

have to learn your personality your editing style your audience how to talk

to the people on the other end of this camera it takes a while to kind of hone

that craft and get it zero and for your channel again what's gonna

work for you is not gonna work for me so it does take time to learn your voice to

learn how you're gonna communicate on this platform to kind of find who you

are and how you address people it does take quite a while to do that and the

other thing there's so many other factors to compare here it's personality

channel type content type SEO on the channel how good or bad are you with

that you know talent experience you know if somebody's been doing this for years

and years and years it's gonna be really hard to compare yourself to them if

you're just starting out or if somebody's like Casey nice that could

come into the platform who has a decade of moviemaking experience they're

bringing something to the table that we may not have so it's not fair to compare

ourselves to those folks we all start with zero subs that we all bring our

past our experiences to the table so we're all different when we're all

starting from a different starting point when we start here yeah we all have zero

subs but we're all bringing different experiences different talents different

backgrounds to this platform into our channels and we're gonna be exposing

that to folks and that's gonna be different and it'd be exposed

differently in different ways just depending on how we start the type of

cameras we use the editing style that we use just our general personalities it's

all gonna be different so it's really not fair to compare yourself to anyone

else on this platform a second area I think small youtubers fail in quite

often is not focusing on your strengths and therefore minimizing your weaknesses

why did you start your channel is it because you're good at something and

you're focusing on that maybe you're a good speaker and you don't have to worry

about editing too much because you can just throw it turn on the camera and

talk for fifteen minutes and not have to worry about editing at all or you have a

photography background and transitioning to video is not so hard for you or you

could be someone who has a weakness like you're not able to speak very well to

camera you're kind of awkward but if you're really good at editing and you

can hone that craft you can cover up that for a while until you get better at

it so you can focus on the strengths and minimize the weaknesses if you come on

to YouTube and your channel is about something you're not good at and you're

not confident and that's gonna show itself in your video so if you're

something you're good at I think that's probably what you want to

focus your channel on if you're you know good at farming you

probably want to do a channel about farming and really hone in and on that I

know that kind of contradicts my saying a lot about diversifying your channel

but I think as you grow as a youtuber and you get better at this craft you can

start expanding into the other areas doing all of those things is gonna allow

you to expand the areas that you can concentrate on once you get through

those first probably a couple hundred videos as you're learning on this

platform take it easy on yourself we're all gonna grow at different paces we're

all gonna learn at different paces so just take it easy on yourself now the

third area that I think small youtubers need to concentrate on is being self

aware one thing I've learned on this platform after the last three years is

that you have to be self-aware to make adjustments you have to be confident

enough in yourself to have those difficult conversations with yourself

you talk to yourself when you're editing and being able to understand where you

need to improve if you need to bring somebody else to kind of see the video

with you and watch yourself and kind of give you tips do that you're it's it's

hard on YouTube to get constructive feedback now you're either gonna get

people that come onto your channel and just feed you a load of BS because they

want you to sub to the channel or they're not gonna give you true feedback

just because it's difficult to give people feedback it's not easy especially

when you don't know the people to really say yeah I don't know where this video

was you just rambled for 10 minutes and you held the camera down at your waist

and I looked up your nose for seven or eight minutes it's saying that someone

you don't know is difficult so you have to be able to look at other videos and I

think when you're not when I say don't compare yourself you can look at other

videos to say to kind of get that baseline okay like maybe I need to hold

the camera up and not down at my waist up at my face and try to make those

adjustments and I'm just using that as an example there's a many things that we

do that are strange on camera I've learned a lot about myself I say I'm a

lot I leave some of them in but a lot of them I edit out between my thoughts I

just say um and I do that kind of thing and I'm doing I'm editing I can actually

see them in the audio track that's annoying see things like that you

have to be kind of confident enough in yourself and say you know what I need to

improve in that maybe I'll learn to not do that look no one's perfect this is

all a learning experience for all of us being self aware be able to watch a

video and change the things that you see that you don't think are coming across

very well or taking feedback is a lot of times there's a little nugget of truth

when you get negative feedback there's people who'll make a comment on your

video you're like well they were kind of a jerk but I can see what they're

talking about so for you and I to get better on this we're really gonna have

to be self aware and make those adjustments to mitigate any kind of

issues that could be coming across as annoying on camera success is no

accident it is hard work it is perseverance is learning studying

sacrifice and most of all a love of what you're doing or what you're learning to

do that just sums up everything we've talked about today you have to love this

you have to want to study and learn about it and make those adjustments

for the craft that you love so concentrate on not comparing yourself to

people make sure you focus on your strengths and minimize your weaknesses

and be self-aware enough that you can make these adjustments and not feel bad

about yourself and realize that we're all doing that we're all going through

the same thing you are from the smallest youtuber to the largest youtuber I think

everyone is constantly growing and they're doing that by being self-aware

about what they see alright guys that's all I have for you tonight please let me

know what you think down below if you have any tips or tricks and things that

you do to share with everyone or if you have an idea of a video I should do

please leave that down below thanks for watching make sure you hit that thumbs

up and if you've watched this and you loved it make sure you hit that

subscribe button and hit that Bell for notifications I love you guys thanks for

watching until next time see

For more infomation >> 3 Reasons Your YouTube Channel may Fail - What is holding small Youtubers back? - Duration: 8:15.


Final Space On TBS

For more infomation >> Final Space On TBS


Waheed on Muhammad's companions - English subtitles - Duration: 0:36.

now , we have this hadith narrated by Nafae molah ibin Omar and transmitted by al-Albani in his book ''Irwa al-Ghalil '' and the hadith is classified as authentic , it was narrated that ibin Omar used to uncover the leg of a sex slave when he used to buy her

and put his hand between her breast and on her butt as if he was doing that while she her clothes were on !

and after all that , Muslim clerics and sheikhs lie to Muslims and deceive them by telling them not to shake hands with women ! how do you do that ? it's forbidden

For more infomation >> Waheed on Muhammad's companions - English subtitles - Duration: 0:36.


5 mysterious creatures caught on camera top 5s finest - Duration: 4:41.

5 mysterious creatures caught on camera top 5s finest

For more infomation >> 5 mysterious creatures caught on camera top 5s finest - Duration: 4:41.


Fast & Ferocious Series Paper Airplane - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Fast & Ferocious Series Paper Airplane - Duration: 5:21.


張家輝關詠荷全家三口參加聚會,女兒漂亮像足媽媽 ✔ - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 張家輝關詠荷全家三口參加聚會,女兒漂亮像足媽媽 ✔ - Duration: 3:39.


PILHA DE DANIELL - RESUMO - Duration: 13:30.

For more infomation >> PILHA DE DANIELL - RESUMO - Duration: 13:30.


Color Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for Boys Cars Cars Learn Colors with Superheroes - Duration: 12:17.

Color Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for Boys Cars Cars Learn Colors with Superheroes

For more infomation >> Color Cars for Kids Cartoons about Cars for Boys Cars Cars Learn Colors with Superheroes - Duration: 12:17.


Franco Escamilla - Él y Yo (Canción de Selene) [ES/EN Subtitles] - Duration: 2:52.

Your boyfriend is the classic asshole who puts on some socks

with dress shoes The typical non-evolved being

Neanderthal accelerated of those who made me bullying

Your boyfriend is an excellent athlete who plays shirtless

and almost always score a goal and me, that can't even go to the store

or climb a ladder without using salbutamol

(For the Conalep it's like a little tube which you do *inhale*)

Your boyfriend uses words like "haiga" Go upstairs and were ssssssssssssssssssssss ("fuistes" in spanish)

massacring the Spanish and I have an advanced lexicon

I'm always stuttering If I want to talk to you about love

Your boyfriend loves the party to toast with band music

and watch the reality shows and even with that he has you with a crush on him

and I can't do anything to get out of the Friendzone

he takes the beer with 2 drinks erupts like a spartan

while he asks for his refill your boyfriend has more than a thousand defects

but even with all of that he has you

He takes pictures lifting weights and he shaves his eyebrows

to look better he has intellect below average

and although I'm not afraid of him do not tell him ... please ...

If you decide between him and me that with him you're good

then I go in peace if you prefer him, god bless you

if he cheats on you with your friend You deserve that and more

But do not come complaining with me I dont want to be your friend

not your shoulder to cry If for another girl more good someday leaves you

Ha, that's good for stupid! Do not look for someone to blame

Well, as your boyfriend says ... you chosssssssssssssssssssssssse...him!

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