Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 20 2018

My name is Allyson Felix and this is My Y Story.

We're in Los Angeles. We're near the Crenshaw area and this is

my community. It's a great area and the area that I grew up in. I grew up with

the Y as really a safe place to go. I would come hang out after school. It was

a place I could do homework I could play with friends

I think the Y was really important to my development, to the person that I became.

So right now I'm driving to the Crenshaw Y and I'm super excited because I get to

do a program with children today.

Hello, everyone! Today we have a special guest

that is a gold medalist in track and field and she is a superstar. You ready

to meet her? Yeah! I would like to introduce you to Allyson Felix.


So how are you guys? Good.

So today you might think that we might be doing something with running, but what

we're actually gonna be doing is a really cool science experiment. So let's

get started!

In the hundred, I run

10:89, so that is just about a meter per second. So we are going to see if you

guys can build a race car that can beat me. Kinda challenging.

Oh, so you have experience. So what's the next step? One thing that I love about the Y

that I wish everyone knew about is just the programs that they offer:

after-school programs, programs that provide food to children, STEM programs.

There's so much more there to offer that contributes to young people's

development. It's just a huge resource for a family. So you're just having

trouble holding the air in the balloon. Kids can learn so much from competition. They can learn

how to deal with defeat. They can learn how to challenge their own limit. I think

competition is really healthy for young kids.

We got it! Alright guys, now that we are done,

it is time to race our race cars.


I think this is gonna be really an

interesting experiment. I would like to think that the cars are not going to be

as fast as me, but you never know. Ready, set, go!

We had some students who need to go back to the

drawing board and kind of rethink some things. We had some students who did really well.

Some of the most important things that I try to really impart: It

doesn't matter where you come from. They can accomplish their dreams. Today our

winner is the Dream Stars. <cheers> Good job!

Be diligent, work hard, you want to have character you

want to have integrity, and you want to do things the right way.

And so that's something that I hope that they walk away knowing.

For more infomation >> My Y Story. | Allyson Felix - Duration: 3:21.


Psalm 91 - Duration: 3:08.

Psalms 91

Happy is he whose resting-place is in the secret of the Lord, and under the shade of the wings of the Most High; Psalms 91:1

Who says of the Lord, He is my safe place and my tower of strength: he is my God, in whom is my hope. Psalms 91:2

He will take you out of the bird-net, and keep you safe from wasting disease. Psalms 91:3

You will be covered by his feathers; under his wings you will be safe: his good faith will be your salvation. Psalms 91:4

You will have no fear of the evil things of the night, or of the arrow in flight by day, Psalms 91:5

Or of the disease which takes men in the dark, or of the destruction which makes waste when the sun is high. Psalms 91:6

You will see a thousand falling by your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you. Psalms 91:7

Only with your eyes will you see the reward of the evil-doers. Psalms 91:8

Because you have said, I am in the hands of the Lord, the Most High is my safe resting-place; Psalms 91:9

No evil will come on you, and no disease will come near your tent. Psalms 91:10

For he will give you into the care of his angels to keep you wherever you go. Psalms 91:11

In their hands they will keep you up, so that your foot may not be crushed against a stone. Psalms 91:12

You will put your foot on the lion and the snake; the young lion and the great snake will be crushed under your feet. Psalms 91:13

Because he has given me his love, I will take him out of danger: I will put him in a place of honour, because he has kept my name in his heart. Psalms 91:14

When his cry comes up to me, I will give him an answer: I will be with him in trouble; I will make him free from danger and give him honour. Psalms 91:15

With long life will he be rewarded; and I will let him see my salvation. Psalms 91:16

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For more infomation >> Psalm 91 - Duration: 3:08.


Bienaventurados los Mansos Porque Heredarán la Tierra!! 👩 - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Bienaventurados los Mansos Porque Heredarán la Tierra!! 👩 - Duration: 6:23.


Grandes documentales. | Supervivencia extrema. Mentes animales. - Duration: 47:39.

For more infomation >> Grandes documentales. | Supervivencia extrema. Mentes animales. - Duration: 47:39.


¿Quién es Jaume Roures i Llop? - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> ¿Quién es Jaume Roures i Llop? - Duration: 12:20.


Paso por Floripa & Porto Alegre - Our way through Floripa and Porto Alegre (Eng Subs) - Duration: 7:31.

Well, here we are. We've just taken a bus to Florianópolis, which is our next destination.

And..... we have 18 hours ahead of us.... hopefully we'll not get too bored.

We got stuff to read, good places to sleep.... The seats are really good, very comfy.

We've been told that Florianópolis is mostly about beaches and relaxing. The city, doesn't offer too much so..... to the beach.

We are going to a secret beach,

it's called, Praia Lagoinha del Este,

We are getting ready right now, we've literally just done the first 100m and we are already breathless.

And we are to do 1hour and a half walking through the jungle, on a hiking route that we found,

We've just seen our first monkey, so I'm going to take the camera, as if I keep it on the bag I will take no pictures at all.

we are in no rush, so let's see how it goes.

1 hour and a half later...

We have found the beach that we thought it was secret..... It turned out to be quite a popular beach...

Well....Popular.... we are in the middle of high seasson.... There is a couple of small boats that bring people...

But is a beach of aproximately 1 mile.... and we might be 50 people in total


We've made by walk, 1 hour through the jungle, We've seen monkeys, wierd birds...

We'll make it back now

This is my favorite product of Brazil, IS JUST GREAT!! ACAI

This is a very small town, and I'm being brave, and I'm carrying the camera around all the time

I always have it in my backpack and I'm not taking as many pictures as I'd like to do...

Hi! We are in Porto Alegre

We are here with Ana Paula, she is hosting us through the couchsurfing website, and today she is showing us around the city

We've seen the public market, we are seeing the city hall right now

All very nice, we carry on with our day,

We saw the sunset yesterday by the docks, they are building a nice marina there...

Ana Paula: They are also learning some words in Gauches like "Ba", "Trilegal"

We are about to enter in the Igreja de Nostra Senhora dos Dores

Everything we've seen so far it's been great, really interesting

Although we've found the city quite empty, but we've then realised that most of the people are on holiday now

They are about to finish the summer holidays, also about to finish with Carnival

Everyone should go back to work and school this next Monday so life will go back to the place.

For more infomation >> Paso por Floripa & Porto Alegre - Our way through Floripa and Porto Alegre (Eng Subs) - Duration: 7:31.


Künstleraustausch 2017 - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Künstleraustausch 2017 - Duration: 4:09.


La ciudad que llevas dentro - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> La ciudad que llevas dentro - Duration: 1:32.


Check Engine Light Comes On and Off in Your Car? What it Means - DIY with Scotty Kilmer - Duration: 3:07.

one, two, three, four!

Rev up your engines!

It's time for the Scotty Kilmer Channel

today I'm going to answer a question I get all the time from people, what does it

mean if I'm driving my car and a check engine light comes on, but then later it

turns itself off, should I be worried and what does it mean, now your check engine

light is part of the obd2 warning system in your car, when that light comes on as

you drive, the computer is telling you it's found a problem in the car and if

the check engine light flashes on and off while you're driving, it means it's a

serious problem and you should get it looked at right away, but if it's only on

it could be any of these numerous causes, just look at them all, page after page,

after page, after page, of possibilities, it could be something as dumb as your

gas cap is loose or, it could be something as bad and expensive as

needing a new catalytic converter and here's what it means if the light comes

on when you're driving, but then later you're driving it turns itself off, now

while you're driving your car down the road, the computer is constantly running

a bunch of tests on your car's systems, it's an endless system of testing to see

if anything is wrong and every few minutes when it's done testing, guess

what, it starts all over again and tests all the systems, and if it

finds a problem and the next test it finds it again,

after a certain amount of tests coming positive, it turns on the check engine

light, for a trouble code for the system that it's found the problem in, then it

turns the check engine light on, but it doesn't stop there it keeps testing and

testing and then, if it doesn't find that problem again, over and over again on the

next tests, it will turn the check engine light back off, now I've had customers in

the past get some gasoline that was a little weak and then once they put

another tank of gas in, the light went off and never came back, so we know it

was just a little bit of bad gas and no it doesn't mean that your car needs a

little pepto-bismol, it just means that your car's computer system is so

sensitive, that it can collect small imperfections and warn you about them, and

then when they get even smaller, it says don't even worry about them and of

course if you're curious about what's going on, you get a scanner and have it

scanned, because the historical codes if you don't remove the battery will be stored

for quite some time, you'll be able to see what it thinks was wrong,

but if it comes on, then goes off, I wouldn't even worry about it myself as

long as the car runs okay, because in our modern computer controlled society, you

have to realize, there are some things that you want to worry about and other

things, it's just another one of those computer glitches that we're going to live

with, and remember if you have any car questions just visit the Scotty Kilmer channel, and I'll answer them as soon as I get back from paradise, so if you never want to miss another one

of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Check Engine Light Comes On and Off in Your Car? What it Means - DIY with Scotty Kilmer - Duration: 3:07.


VOLVAMOS A LA BIBLIA - MARTES 20 FEBRERO 2018 - Duration: 1:26:13.

For more infomation >> VOLVAMOS A LA BIBLIA - MARTES 20 FEBRERO 2018 - Duration: 1:26:13.


Superbrothers x Karik x Orange - Người Lạ Ơi Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Superbrothers x Karik x Orange - Người Lạ Ơi Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:56.


ESCAPE the ROBLOX or Minecraft SIMULATOR - Duration: 18:02.

For more infomation >> ESCAPE the ROBLOX or Minecraft SIMULATOR - Duration: 18:02.


8 Ball Pool - Low Country Trick Revealed Change With VPN {No Root} 3.12.4 Latest 2018 - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - Low Country Trick Revealed Change With VPN {No Root} 3.12.4 Latest 2018 - Duration: 2:59.


Lailaa O Lailaa Latest Hindi Dubbed Movie Trailer With Release Date | Mohanlal | Amala Paul - Duration: 2:09.


I dont like your choice since beginning of time


If any News of this Agency Goes out

It Will Spread like a Virus

Dont have this much sense?

Whose that hot looking Rana's Friend?

i also want to see



Sorry Sir



Is this Aayesha?

Cant Confirm Sir


For more infomation >> Lailaa O Lailaa Latest Hindi Dubbed Movie Trailer With Release Date | Mohanlal | Amala Paul - Duration: 2:09.


Portrait de Glenn Alteen, gagnant du prix #GGARTS 2018 - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Portrait de Glenn Alteen, gagnant du prix #GGARTS 2018 - Duration: 3:46.


10 trucs pour avoir de meilleurs orgasmes - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> 10 trucs pour avoir de meilleurs orgasmes - Duration: 4:08.


Jorge Javier Vázquez se toma una 'excedencia' de 'Sálvame' - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Jorge Javier Vázquez se toma una 'excedencia' de 'Sálvame' - Duration: 2:01.


Ferry Corsten - Reanimate (S...

For more infomation >> Ferry Corsten - Reanimate (S...


Internet Instantly Recognizes Familiar Face at Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Protest - Duration: 2:35.

Internet Instantly Recognizes Familiar Face at Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Protest

Special counsel Robert Mueller charged 13 Russians and three Russian companies Friday

with plotting to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

One of the ways they sought to do so was by organizing anti-Donald Trump protests in the


The goal of these protests, which continued even after Trump's electoral victory, was

to "promote discord in the United States and undermine confidence in democracy,"

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein indicated Friday, according to The Daily Caller.

One such protest was held on Nov. 12, 2016, in New York City, and among the thousands

of attendees was one famous outspoken liberal and critic of Trump.

Conservative activist Jack Posobiec was one of the first to point out that Michael Moore

attended the rally, as evidenced by a photo of the liberal filmmaker at the protest.

The rally, titled "Trump is NOT my President," was organized by Facebook community group

Black Matters.

Last year, investigators on the House Intelligence Committee revealed that this group, as well

as many others, was actually controlled by Russian operatives, according to The Washington


Friday's indictment from Mueller noted that Russian operatives also organized a pro-Trump

rally to take place on the same day.

At the time, though, it was the anti-Trump protest that grabbed all the attention, with

The U.K. Guardian reporting that close to 10,000 people attended.

Moore appeared to be among those attendees, and he even tweeted about it.

"I'm in the middle of thousands -tens of thousands?- of American voters outside

Trump Tower demanding he step aside," the liberal activist wrote.

"He got the least votes."

Many Twitter users couldn't help but recognize the irony in the fact that Moore, who has

refused to accept the legitimacy of Trump's presidency, was himself unwittingly part of

a Russian scheme to undermine the democratic process.

The Russian operatives also organized another anti-Trump rally to take place the next week

in Charlotte, North Carolina.

According to Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch and Twitter general counsel Sean Edgett,

it's "accurate" that Russian operatives were attempting to "to undermine President

Trump's legitimacy" following the election," The Daily Caller reported.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Internet Instantly Recognizes Familiar Face at Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Protest - Duration: 2:35.


President Duda: Hungary and Poland Founded On Christianity!!! - Duration: 2:30.

...sent ammunition to us, and who knows?

Maybe this was the deciding factor of the battle in our favor.

In 1939, you opened the borders for our soldiers

who than escaped from the closing German and Soviet aggressors.

In the west this made it possible to create the Polish army.

You were always our friends.

We will never leave you alone to fend for yourself.

You can always count on Poland!

In your most difficult moments!

We will march together!

Two countries that are founded on Christianity.

We're both free and independent members of a united Europe.

But together we take our thousand year-old Christian traditions into Europe.

We will never let our traditions and our culture be taken away from us.

Nor our freedom!

We will not let them take it from us at any cost!

God bless the Polish!

God bless the Hungarians!

Glory to the heroes of the revolution of 56!

God bless the Hungarians, with your grace and bounty!

Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> President Duda: Hungary and Poland Founded On Christianity!!! - Duration: 2:30.


Audi A4 LIMOUSINE 1.6 CLIMA - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 LIMOUSINE 1.6 CLIMA - Duration: 1:00.


ESCAPE the ROBLOX or Minecraft SIMULATOR - Duration: 18:02.

For more infomation >> ESCAPE the ROBLOX or Minecraft SIMULATOR - Duration: 18:02.


kiprik o'stirish usullari - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> kiprik o'stirish usullari - Duration: 3:03.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 11:05.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 11:05.


Check Engine Light Comes On and Off in Your Car? What it Means - DIY with Scotty Kilmer - Duration: 3:07.

one, two, three, four!

Rev up your engines!

It's time for the Scotty Kilmer Channel

today I'm going to answer a question I get all the time from people, what does it

mean if I'm driving my car and a check engine light comes on, but then later it

turns itself off, should I be worried and what does it mean, now your check engine

light is part of the obd2 warning system in your car, when that light comes on as

you drive, the computer is telling you it's found a problem in the car and if

the check engine light flashes on and off while you're driving, it means it's a

serious problem and you should get it looked at right away, but if it's only on

it could be any of these numerous causes, just look at them all, page after page,

after page, after page, of possibilities, it could be something as dumb as your

gas cap is loose or, it could be something as bad and expensive as

needing a new catalytic converter and here's what it means if the light comes

on when you're driving, but then later you're driving it turns itself off, now

while you're driving your car down the road, the computer is constantly running

a bunch of tests on your car's systems, it's an endless system of testing to see

if anything is wrong and every few minutes when it's done testing, guess

what, it starts all over again and tests all the systems, and if it

finds a problem and the next test it finds it again,

after a certain amount of tests coming positive, it turns on the check engine

light, for a trouble code for the system that it's found the problem in, then it

turns the check engine light on, but it doesn't stop there it keeps testing and

testing and then, if it doesn't find that problem again, over and over again on the

next tests, it will turn the check engine light back off, now I've had customers in

the past get some gasoline that was a little weak and then once they put

another tank of gas in, the light went off and never came back, so we know it

was just a little bit of bad gas and no it doesn't mean that your car needs a

little pepto-bismol, it just means that your car's computer system is so

sensitive, that it can collect small imperfections and warn you about them, and

then when they get even smaller, it says don't even worry about them and of

course if you're curious about what's going on, you get a scanner and have it

scanned, because the historical codes if you don't remove the battery will be stored

for quite some time, you'll be able to see what it thinks was wrong,

but if it comes on, then goes off, I wouldn't even worry about it myself as

long as the car runs okay, because in our modern computer controlled society, you

have to realize, there are some things that you want to worry about and other

things, it's just another one of those computer glitches that we're going to live

with, and remember if you have any car questions just visit the Scotty Kilmer channel, and I'll answer them as soon as I get back from paradise, so if you never want to miss another one

of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Check Engine Light Comes On and Off in Your Car? What it Means - DIY with Scotty Kilmer - Duration: 3:07.


Rishtey Motivational Lines | Inspiring Quotes | WhatsApp Status Video - Duration: 0:32.

Whatsapp Status Shayari

For more infomation >> Rishtey Motivational Lines | Inspiring Quotes | WhatsApp Status Video - Duration: 0:32.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 95pk Comfortline - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 95pk Comfortline - Duration: 0:54.


8 Ball Pool - Low Country Trick Revealed Change With VPN {No Root} 3.12.4 Latest 2018 - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - Low Country Trick Revealed Change With VPN {No Root} 3.12.4 Latest 2018 - Duration: 2:59.





Volkswagen Golf TSI 110pk 5D COMF -3DKM! - NAV - PDC - LMV - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf TSI 110pk 5D COMF -3DKM! - NAV - PDC - LMV - Duration: 0:54.


Lailaa O Lailaa Latest Hindi Dubbed Movie Trailer With Release Date | Mohanlal | Amala Paul - Duration: 2:09.


I dont like your choice since beginning of time


If any News of this Agency Goes out

It Will Spread like a Virus

Dont have this much sense?

Whose that hot looking Rana's Friend?

i also want to see



Sorry Sir



Is this Aayesha?

Cant Confirm Sir


For more infomation >> Lailaa O Lailaa Latest Hindi Dubbed Movie Trailer With Release Date | Mohanlal | Amala Paul - Duration: 2:09.


Food Quiz

For more infomation >> Food Quiz


¿Quién es Jaume Roures i Llop? - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> ¿Quién es Jaume Roures i Llop? - Duration: 12:20.


Decorating the kids room VLOG - Duration: 9:51.

Hey, hey! It's a lazy day in our home.

Very much so.

Stop talking!

What do you mean "stop talking"?

Be quiet!

They're watching "Puss in Boots". It's a mess in here.

It's not fun, the whole apartment is a mess.

We're going clean up here...

Film me as well!

We're going to. I'm just going to tell them what we're up to today.

We're going to clean the apartment and decorate the kids room a bit.

What are you up to Harry?

I'm building LEGO.

Harry you're still dressed in your nightshirt. And it's 12 AM.

I like my nightshirt.

What a lazy day!

Yes, how are you?

I'm better than good.

Harry was unwell last week. Both kids were ok for a day then Alma got Harry's flu with high fever.

There's something in your ear.


I removed it.

I don't believe you.

If one or two in the family are ill we all slow down and not that much is happening.


Lets start cleaning!

I will help you.


A pyjamas!

Yes, do you know where to put Alma's pyjamas?

I know that. For real.

I will put this here.

There it is. I'm done cleaning!

What about this? Nerf Gun shots, LEGO and so on.

Harry, put on a t-shirt and wipe your face. You have blueberry soup around your mouth.

Stop saying that!

Have a look. Here and there.

I can't see.

Look in the camera.

The apartment is clean! Yay! Good work.

Look in my room.

What's in your hand?

A brush.

We're going to do something together. Paint a small storage for the kids toys.

This is an old chest of drawers for small toys that I had in my room when I was a kid.

Our children have lots of small toys. I have prepared this by removing stickers and cleaning it with alcohol.

Would you like to help me paint it?

Yes! Yes!

Laser sword!

Am I going to paint all of it red?

It's enough to paint the front.

Yeah, the visible part.

We're going to answer Question of the Day. Livia Canales Nystrom is asking:

Are Alma and Harry excited to start school?

It's going to be lots of fun. I will make many new friends.

And you will learn a lot.


That's fun.

I don't like schools. There are no toys in school.

Yes there are.

But it's not fun in school.

When you're older and at The Crow during the day you will be excited to start school.

The Crow is the group for older kids, but not yet school kids.

In your preschool.

Daddy, you're done now. I can see it.

We're leaving these to dry while we do something super fun!

We have a collaboration with Desenio and we've ordered posters from their website.

What's posters?

You will see.

Good, and Harry open the other side.


Cut here.



Lots of frames. Wow! So many.

I thought it was pictures.

Here are the posters. Lets have a look.

This is my painting!!

Look, so cute. A giraffe. And a robot.

That's a monster!

It's my monster!

Be careful! We're going to put them in frames.

We can offer you 25% discount at Desenio February 20-22.

Follow the link in our description box and use the code: FAMILJEN.

If you want to buy cute paintings like these with a discount.

That's good.

It looks nice!

Thank you for the poster and frame.

You're welcome.

Let's go Alma.

Come here.

Look at this.


Are you happy with it Alma?


It looks much better than before.

The drawers are empty, you have to fill them with toys.


It looks good with the robot and the apple here.

I'm happy that we've started decorating the kids room.

Next thing is a desk.

I think so too.

It's a good idea.

Thank you for watching this video!

Please leave a thumb up or down. Subscribe. Post questions and other comments.

And shoot!

Take care until next time. Bye! Bye!

For more infomation >> Decorating the kids room VLOG - Duration: 9:51.


I "half-quit" cardistry for almost a year + GIVEAWAY - Duration: 4:35.


So I'm about to share with you guys a story of me

of my life

of my cardistry jouney


I've never told anyone before.

Hi, Alvin here.

And those who have been

following me on Instagram for a while

know that I used to post stuff very often

but now I'm not really active anymore

and there's reason behind it.

But in case you have no idea who I am

then hi, Alvin here.

and I'm a cardist currently living

in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Around this time in 2017,

my left hand was diagnosed with

something called De Quervain.

So human-language speaking,

it's a syndrome that causes pain to this part of your wrist.

And I have no idea what caused it.

Maybe I was doing something too much with my left hand...

But it freaking hurt

and it got worse over time.

It's truly a pain in the a

but takes place here.

It prevented my left hand from doing cardistry.

Even a charlier cut or a scissor cut hurt.

And the worse part is

I didn't stop doing cardistry at first.

I was still practicing because you know,

if you are a cardist, a serious cardist,

cardistry is kind of an addiction.

And I couldn't help it.

When you were practicing, it's actually fine.

But a few hours later,

the pain started to kick in and...

I started seeing a doctor,

taking some meds.

Didn't seem to help much.

Started seeing another doctor,

taking more meds.

And it actually got better,

but like "baby-step" better.

Now during that time,

I mostly do cardistry with my right hand.

It's not really my comfort zone.

I prefer two handed stuff.

Sometimes, I still tried to do stuff with my left hand.

And it got nowhere.

I did even stop lifting heavy stuff.

But if you follow me on Instagram,

you can see that

During that time, I still posted videos of me doing cardistry with both of my hands.

It actually hurt filming those videos.


So I guess I could say that

this thing may affect my cardistry,

but I didn't let it affect my passion for cardistry.

So how am I now?

I'm not going to say that I have fully recovered.

There's still pain every once in a while.

But it is mild,

and nothing to really worry about.

I'm still taking some medicine that

I think I'm starting to like it.

About my cardistry,

I can do stuff with two hands now.

But it feels a little bit weird,

like there's still something going on there,

but at the same time,

it's not really a big thing.

Okay, so that's the reason why

I didn't post videos as frequently as I used to.

So now I have decided to start posting videos again,

but this time not on Instagram,

but I will focus more on the quality.

Will do them professionally

and post them on YouTube.

And hopefully this video will help kickstart all of that.

So as a way to say thank you to those who have been supporting me

and as a way to celebrate the "comeback,"

I'm going to do a giveaway of some decks of playing cards.

So, $50 worth of playing cards

shipped from Art of Play.

All you have have to do is leave a comment below

saying anything.

Tell me what you want me to do in the future.

What content do you expect from me?

Right now I have plans for tutorials,

tips sharing,

and doing something like this.

Or even let me know if you are the winner,

what decks would you get?

Okay, so that's all for me today.

Like this video.


And follow me on Instagram for more updates in the future.

And see you guys.

Good luck!

For more infomation >> I "half-quit" cardistry for almost a year + GIVEAWAY - Duration: 4:35.


Center Jig - Superior Alignment of Rod Stock for Lathe Work - Duration: 5:06.

hi I'm Cressel Anderson this is Makercise in this episode I make a centering

jig as an accessory to my lathe now this tool allows me to drill a center into

the end of 16 millimeter rod stock and I can get the center much closer than I

could previously I use 20 millimeter rod stock as the material for the centering

jig I put it in my Chuck and then I faced off the end sinner drilled it and

then I used a quarter inch drill bit to drill completely through the stock after

I had the center hole drilled completely through the material I needed to drill a

little bit of a recess in the end and this will slip over the stock that I'm

gonna be drilling a center in. I used successively larger drill bits to

enlarge that recess. there is some misalignment. this is the largest drill

bit that I own. it's 13 millimeter and when it's in the Chuck, and the Chuck's

in the Morris taper, and then the Morris taper is aligned in the tailstock there

is a misalignment. The end of this drill bit is a good couple

millimeters off-center. I can see it, but when I jam the drill bit in it tends

to find the center and stay in the center. There's no noticeable

spinning or anything so I think that must be something

fundamental to a lathe and why we're able to get iteratively better

precision from these machines but anyway it's just kind of an interesting

observation. Now I need to enlarge it because the stock that I need to make

the center for it's actually 16 millimeters so I've got to go a few

millimeters larger then my largest drill bit probably with a boring bar the next

problem that I've run into is this boring bar that I've got has this set

screw that I really need to get right up in against this kind of inside corner

and I think I have to use the angled side versus the kind of perpendicular

side like I typically use so I'm going to have to grind down the set screw that

is used to secure the tool in the boring bar then I need to grind a new insert it

goes into the boring bar so that way I can get back up in that corner one of

the things that I noticed very quickly was the chatter was a ton of chatter

with this setup and so what I tried was flipping the boring bar over and cutting

on the reverse side where the materials coming up that really had a good impact

I did overshoot the board just a little bit so if I make another one I'll make

it a little bit tighter I touched up the outside of the part with the belt sander

and then I test the fit with my Center drill now as it is right now this part

is a little too long and there's not enough of the center drill sticking out

the back for the chuck to grab on to so I had to shorten this up a little bit

I used my hacksaw to score a little bit of a line in the night hacksaw a good

little groove around it came back with my band saw and cut off that part I

flipped the centering jig over in the Chuck and then I faced off the back side

of the centering jig after shortening the centering jig up there really should

be plenty of the center drill it's sticking out the rear of the jig for a

chuck to grab on to I made this centering jig to support

construction of the shaper and one of the next parts that I need to make is

the down feed screw now this part is turned from 16 millimeter rod stock so

that's why I made this centering jig and I basically just put it over the end of

the rod stock line it up with the drill press lock in the vise to the table and

then I drill the center in the end of the stock now the centering

jig isn't perfect so I've still got a little bit of run out but I think it's a

lot better than my previous method which I feel like is more a problem with the

rigidity of my drill press than my actual ability to locate the center on

the parts this seemed to help with turning the shaper down feed screw

I hope this project builds your confidence to exercise your inner maker

if you liked this video please click the like button and if you're enjoying the

project consider subscribing I have been making progress on the shaper I have the

down feed completed and I'm gonna be moving on to the clapper box and clapper

block hopefully later this week thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Center Jig - Superior Alignment of Rod Stock for Lathe Work - Duration: 5:06.


Rustic Goosneck Tiny House for sale in South Carolina $57k - Duration: 2:05.

Rustic Goosneck Tiny House for sale in South Carolina $57k

For more infomation >> Rustic Goosneck Tiny House for sale in South Carolina $57k - Duration: 2:05.



This chart is what I call the YouTuber lifecycle chart.

On the x-axis we have time and on the y-axis we have views and subs.

So, when you first start off growth is really slow.

After they realize how slow this growth is, they quit and if they're able to get through

that barrier, there's another barrier of much faster growth.

The growth isn't fast enough and when they begin to plateau, they quit.

Now there's this point that I haven't reached yet, and it's this sudden explosive growth

but after that explosive growth your channel does begin to plateau again.

At this point, I've seen a pattern where bigger youtubers make this video called the "it's

time to be honest video".

Welcome to psych irl my name is donna.

So, a lot of big youtubers make this kind of honest video.

Even Pewdiepie with his forced positivity video mentioned how he felt ugh at making

an "honest" video.

Ugh this is a little awkward.

These honest videos...I can't.

I can't.

Because he knows that a lot of big youtubers make this video so he was like mmm.

Okay side note so it may seem like I'm making fun of or belittling creators that make videos

like this, but I'm not.

I'm not making fun of depression, anxiety, the individual situation that these youtubers

are going through.

What I'm trying to explain in this video is that I've noticed a pattern that big youtubers

make videos like this.

So, I'm wondering if this is some sort of natural psychological progression, that big

youtubers just go through.

I'd love to know your thoughts.

I've actually noticed that there are 4 elements that go into making an honest video.

First you have to mention that you are going through a lot of things.

Hey guys so today, something happened and I... it stuck out to me so much that I felt

like I should share it with you guys.

I had a bad couple of days for some reason.

I don't know what it was but my whole body just felt sad.

Honestly, I've just been a mess.

2nd you have to mention how things use to make you happy.

Because that's why I started this vlog channel.

I started it as an outlet to connect with all of you.

When I started the project it was your project.

It was Roman's project.

You're project.

This is yours.

You're going to do what you want.

3rd. mention that you're actually unhappy.

I may seem a lot chipper.

a lot more positive and that's because I faked it.

I am not sleeping well.

I am not eating as much as I normally do. and I just generally don't feel like myself

right now.

I've been a mopey pathetic piece of alright?

And 4th mention how you're going to start making content that makes you happy again.

It's important I think on social media not to have everything good and for it to be real.

That's what I think that's missing a lot at the moment.

I'm going to keep doing things.

I don't know what those things are going to be, but I hope you're there and you should

know I love you.

I'm going to post videos whenever I can and whenever I feel okay.

Do what I got to do so I can do what I want to do.

Know what?

I think I'm going to make my first honest video.

I know I haven't uploaded in a while, and it's because I've been going through a lot

of personal things that I don't feel like I can share with you guys right now but know

that it is very personal and it had affected my video uploading schedule.

When I started youtube in the past, I use to love making videos and it's because I was

making them for myself.

Lately when my channel started to blow up and it started getting more views, I felt

like I had to make videos for the audience.

I had to get videos that would get more views and its really depressing when all you wanna

do is make videos that make you happy.

I've decided that there are going to be a few changes to this channel and if you don't

like it, you're free to unsubscribe.

I understand, but if you want to stick around for those changes that would mean so much

to me.

From now on, I'm going to make content that I want and I'm going to make content that

makes me happy because at the end of the day that's the thing that makes me happy and its

the thing that will make me wanna stick around here for a much longer time.

Did I do well?

Because if I did, Hollywood call me?

Unless you're Harvey Weinstein.

So the pattern I've noticed of bigger youtubers making honest videos isn't limited to just

honest videos.

I've actually noticed a lot more patterns.

At 1 million, all of a sudden youtubers come out of the closet.

At 2 million, youtubers all of a sudden decide to tell everyone if they're a or not.

At 3 million, youtubers decide that they want to open up about their depression or social

anxiety and things like that.

Again, I'm not trying to call anyone out or make fun of anyone.

I'm just saying that I've noticed these certain patterns and I'd love to know your thoughts.

So, that's the end of the video I hope you guys liked it.

Stay psyched.

For more infomation >> WHY DO ALL YOUTUBERS MAKE THIS VIDEO? - Duration: 5:48.


الجزائر الحسناء النائمة | I love Algeria - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> الجزائر الحسناء النائمة | I love Algeria - Duration: 4:14.


Toyota Yaris Verso 1.3 VVT-I SOL Automaat Airco - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris Verso 1.3 VVT-I SOL Automaat Airco - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVt-i X- Play Navi Climate Control - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVt-i X- Play Navi Climate Control - Duration: 0:58.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVt-i 5 deurs Access - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVt-i 5 deurs Access - Duration: 0:54.


Algebra i Matematyka. Objaśnione łatwymi do zrozumienia animacjami 3D [NAPISY PL] - Duration: 40:00.

For more infomation >> Algebra i Matematyka. Objaśnione łatwymi do zrozumienia animacjami 3D [NAPISY PL] - Duration: 40:00.


Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION - Duration: 1:02.


Seat Ibiza 1.6I VIGO (75pk) Stuurbekr./ Bumper in kleur/ 15''LMV/ Radio-Aux/ APK tot 07-'18 - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.6I VIGO (75pk) Stuurbekr./ Bumper in kleur/ 15''LMV/ Radio-Aux/ APK tot 07-'18 - Duration: 1:02.


Citroën Saxo 1.1i Furio - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën Saxo 1.1i Furio - Duration: 0:59.


Kia Picanto 1.2i-16V Comfort Pack 5-Drs Airco Radio-CD/MP3 CPV 49.107km - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.2i-16V Comfort Pack 5-Drs Airco Radio-CD/MP3 CPV 49.107km - Duration: 0:57.


Best Budget All Weather Riding Jacket 2018 | Comprehensive Review | BEST BUY - Duration: 10:19.

Solace Born for Bikers Jacket Features: REYWISH - ALL WEATHER MESH JACKET · 600D POYDURA shell construction · Strong Poly Honey Comb mesh for maximum airflow · Removable Waterproof Rain Liner with waterproof sealing (taped seams) · Integrated 100% Polyester perforated Breathable lining · Removable & washable CE Approved -1621-1 Shoulders,Elbows, (Upgradable up to Level-2 with SAS-TEC) · Removable CE rated Back protector (Upgradable upto Level-2 With SAS-TEC · Large area covered with 3M Schotchlite for maximum night visibility · Adjustable Velcro at Wrist, forearms, waist for snug fitting. · 2 External 1 Internal Zipper pockets · Internationally Recognized YKK zipper used. · Soft & Sweat Absorbing material used on collar You can contact them on these numbers - Monday to Saturday +91-80-22458990 +91-80-42152455 +91-9686636166 Please give my Reference when you call them "Phantom Rides" sent ya!

hey what's up phantom fam how's it going welcome to a brand-new unboxing and a

review of a product which I personally love and I think you're gonna love this

as well so let's get this review started

hey guys welcome back now this is what I have to show you today my brand-new

riding jacket from the company called soulless yes it actually comes like this

in its own bag so it's easy to store if you're not using it and if you're

traveling you can easily pack this up in a suitcase and take it wherever you want

it no matter where so keeps the dust out of it keeps all the other weather

elements out and your harness and your jacket ready to go so let me open this

up and wear it and I'll show you what are the main features few things first

there were some tags attached to the jacket which I have obviously removed

thing but let me read you what is this now this is the main tag says this is a

solace jacket the size is extra large I don't know if you can see it the size is

extra large it's called the Maria wish motorcycle jacket and the MRP is four

thousand eight hundred fifty rupees here's guys this is a highly value for

money proposition from this company this is one of the reasons why I went for it

he's got 3m scotchlite reflective material so the piping all over I'll

show you this in details original YKK zippers that we've come to expect from

very high quality brands it's 100% polyester 600d abrasion resistance so

really good also looks really good it's 100% waterproof the rain liner from

inside I've removed it obviously but it is and guys the main the main guys the

main selling point see protection this is what you should be

looking for no matter if it is an everyday riding or if it's your weekend

riding and I think this jacket can also be used for touring so let's get the

jacket out and let me wear it boom there you have it guys this is it

like you see like you can see this is an extra large and fits me

really well now you can see it's got this mesh in the front now this is

really high-quality honeycomb mesh that they talked about it it's much higher

quality than what you get on normal jackets it's also got the same mesh

lining through the arms and also at the back so that's good for taking out any

moisture and to keep you sweat free terms of a long ride it's got this

comfortable lining on the collar so that will not trouble you at all obviously

have removed the vein liner it fits here really well and the zippers have these

pull tabs on both the pockets as well as this so even if you're using your gloves

it's really easy to find now there are sea level elbow protectors your shoulder

as well as I've got a back protector I think for this money this is the best

jacket that you can get in India period I will leave their website address right

here and I'll also leave their phone numbers in case you want to contact them

and ask for this jacket or any other that you're interested in

give them my reference phantom lines now I will open up the jacket and show you

some of the details from inside

too quickly some of the jacket style guys now this you can see for comfort

you can open this up and close it it's got a velcro strap so you can completely

wrap it around if you want it it's got hooks inside where the rain liner kind

of velcro straps in so even when you are wearing the rain liner they make sure

that the rail line is not going to slip up he's got these adjustable straps here

so you can have your guards nicely in place no matter how you're riding and

it's also got adjustable straps at the bottom here so it fits really well now

guys this is not an aggressive fit jacket so it's going to be really

comfortable for long rides as well as short rides and you can even do casual

track days like we have in India wearing this jacket itself so here is it guys

now you can see the reflective piping shining even with the sunlight that's

coming in from the back from the back side it's got the same reflective lining

at the back here you can see really nice and visible and this is the the red and

black version you also get the green and black version clean soul is branding

here at the front here you have a nicely embroidered soleus logo and you can see

this it's branded you can remove the back protector if you want I'm going to

remove the protectors and show it to you guys so don't worry about it

now you can see the zippers that are telling you about they have these pull

tabs you have your see protective branding on the side plus you have

solace branding on these adjustable velcro straps towards your waist now

it's got two pockets guys two on the sides one and two and it's got a third

waterproof pocket right inside here where you can keep your wallet or your

mobile phone or something it's nearly a chest area really easy to use and that

is the overall of the jacket now let me remove the protectors and showed you

guys so this is the back protector guys as you can see is Ziyi level one for

motorcycle really good and sturdy material this is the shoulder protector

again a mirror of very solid material this is sea level one and guys you can

upgrade the the cost at which the jacket comes I'm sure you if you want you can

upgrade it here you can see the CEO branding everything is authentic and

this is a slightly larger the elbow protector again there you go the

material moves around so it's not really hard you will not have any problem

riding the bike with movements basic movements so that is good enough and

that's it guys this is this is it the solace motorcycle riding jacket called

re wish like I said I got an extra large the company is based in Bangalore that's

their customer care contact number but I will still have it in the description

please please do contact them do you consider this jacket now that you've

seen it I will have some riding footage of the jacket and I will have some more

details to the end of this video you should definitely consider this brand

and what again say this is one of the favourite products that I have caught my

hands on this year and I'm really excited to take this out riding I have

already you can it riding twice and I can see without doubt this is one of the

most comfortable jackets that I've ever worn so thank you for watching guys make

sure you hit the like button and also if you are new to the channel please

consider subscribing any questions any thoughts put them down

in the comments below I will reply to everyone

okay rear camera angle test as well as jacket ventilation test I can

feel the air moving through me through my body yes definitely cover chest

around the stomach and going around of the back so guys this this jacket is not

a joke it actually works like described the

reason why I know it is because it took me a while to mount the cameras and it's

quite a hot day today and yes this jacket is keeping me cool

no problem whatsoever sitting on the bike or moving around

definitely one of the things that I wanted to think about that's why these

textile jackets are so much better

For more infomation >> Best Budget All Weather Riding Jacket 2018 | Comprehensive Review | BEST BUY - Duration: 10:19.


Portrait of Glenn Alteen, 2018 #GGARTS winner - Duration: 3:46.

I mean, I'm not sure I ever set out to have a career.

I was just an ADD kid easily bored.

It was like, ok, how do I get through the rest of my life

without being bored to tears.

I think the world's a funny place.

I think as soon as you try to define yourself in any way

or make a statement about anything about yourself -

as soon as you make it, it becomes untrue.

I'm not sure I am a curator in the way that most people define it.

Grunt's a 32-year-old artist-run centre.

It's been in the same neighbourhood for all that time,

and it started with like 7 or 8 of us

but I mean you can't show the same 7 or 8 people.

And then as other people came along they would say, can I do a show here?

Can I do a show here? And so it just kept going, and going, and going.

I started being interested in outsider artists, then, Indigenous artists,

but also, performance artists / performance art really struck me.

A good example is, Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun's known as a painter,

so we took him to Britain to shoot up the Indian Act as a performance.

I mean I really look for artists that are really unapologetic about what they're doing.

There's a certain in-your-face thing that I like.

I think it's really important that those artists get voice.

People say, what artists have you kind of championed,

but I don't think that's the point.

The point is more or less, great artists don't come out on their own.

They come out of communities of interest.

And I mean, whether they're Indigenous voices or different diverse community voices

or queer voices, I think it's really important not to be tokenistic about this.

You know, that this is an artist and this is their work

and that's what's important, not that they're Indigenous

or they're queer or they're...

I really had to educate myself.

And I've been really lucky, I've had some amazing teachers, like Rebecca Belmore

or Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun or Dana Claxton.

Personally, and I think for everybody else at Grunt too,

we don't really see art as an object, we see it more as a process you go through.

I always think that collectors rush to collect paintings, but in many ways,

by the time that they've come into it, the art's already over.

And so all you've got left is a remnant of it.

It's all process.

We just process and then we die.

Why I do it is because you never know where that will bring you.

And I think that's what we're all looking for, is to just to get out of that mundane.

You know it's that... What was it Samuel Beckett said?

Even the most interesting lives are painfully repetitious.

You know, it's trying to break through that barrier of the mundane everyday,

and get to somewhere where you kind of go,

wow, there's some joy, or awe, or something.

For more infomation >> Portrait of Glenn Alteen, 2018 #GGARTS winner - Duration: 3:46.


Portrait of Bruce Eves, 2018 #GGARTS winner - Duration: 2:53.

People seem to consider that what I do is provocative.

I don't see where the provocation is.

Only once or twice have I ever consciously done things

that were intended to shock but there was a point to it.

I don't think what I do is shocking. I don't think what I do is provocative.

I think what I do is honest.

My name is Bruce Eves and I am a photo based artist

and began my career in the late 1970s as a performance artist

and a curator and an archivist.

The work that I'm doing now really is an intersection between masculinity

and aging and bias and history.

And it's become more and more and more personal as time has gone on.

Since then, it is the largest archival collection in North America of gay material.

I came back with a house full of furniture a large dog and a man in tow.

We got married on our 25th anniversary.

And he was dead 6 months later from cancer.

Since then my work has taken a very personal turn.

I think it is in the artist's interest to stick their neck out

because no one else is going to be.

We're supposed to be the ones that tell the uncomfortable truths, you know,

and if we can't tell the uncomfortable truth about ourselves

or about the things we see around us no one else is going to.

For more infomation >> Portrait of Bruce Eves, 2018 #GGARTS winner - Duration: 2:53.


Let's talk about STRANDED COLORWORK | Knitting Q&A | PAPER TIGER - Duration: 38:09.

Hey everyone, it's Dianna from Paper Tiger here. You can find me online as diannawalla

on Ravelry and I'm @cakeandvikings on Instagram. And today I'm going to be talking about stranded

colorwork and I'm really excited for that but before I get into that I wanted to say

thank you so much to everybody who's watched my video about Norwegian wool, if you've shared

it, if you've commented on it, if you have joined in the discussion. I've been blown

away by the response and I'm incredibly grateful, so thank you. Along the same lines I wanted

to say thank you to everybody who's already subscribed to the channel. I can't believe

there are over a thousand of you already. So just, yeah, what a welcome to YouTube.

Thank you. And if you're not already subscribed you can hit the subscribe button below. It's

the best way to find out when new videos go live since I don't have any kind of regular

schedule or anything like that. But yeah, I'm just floored, so thank you. So today I'm

going to be talking about stranded colorwork in knitting which is one of my favorite kinds

of knitting to do. I design a lot of stranded colorwork, I knit other people's stranded

colorwork patterns, I just...I adore it. So I asked for your questions a couple weeks

ago on Instagram and you guys actually asked a lot of great questions so I thought I would

approach this video a little bit like a Q&A. So I'm going to have questions and then sort

of follow up with an answer and some of them will be more in-depth and some will be a little

bit, you know, simpler, but hopefully you find some good information in here, and if

you have other questions always feel free to ask them in the comments or send me a message

or anything like that. I am going to put all of the questions I'll be answering in the

description box below with the timestamp so if you don't have time to watch the whole

video today, just check out the video description and if there's a specific question you want

to see if I've answered, it will be listed down there with the timestamp for what point

in the video to head for. You can just click on the timestamp and it should take you there.

So I'm going to get into the questions in just a minute but before I do, I wanted to

just be really clear about what I mean when I say stranded colorwork. And you'll notice

that I use the term "stranded colorwork" as opposed to "fair isle." To me, Fair Isle is

a term that is applied to a specific ethnic technique of knitting coming from the Shetland

Islands. This is applied more loosely in a lot of contexts by a lot of people but just

personally I prefer to maintain that distinction so I'll talk about stranded colorwork. But

what I'm talking about is basically fabrics like this on my sweater, or like on this hat

here where you have a motif in two or more colors, and it's... you're carrying at least

two colors in a single round of knitting. And the name stranded comes from the fact

that you have strands of the other color running along the back of the work. These are also

called floats, and that's what I'm going to be calling them a lot in this video. So that's

just an idea of what I mean when I say stranded colorwork. But let's get into the questions.

What kind of yarn should I use for stranded colorwork? I might get into trouble with some

people for saying this, but truthfully, you can use any kind of yarn for stranded colorwork.

Now: there are some that might work better than others, there are some that do work better

than others, but every knitter is different and your mileage may vary depending on what

those yarns are. So I personally have used all different kinds of yarns for stranded

colorwork and I've designed with different kinds of yarns for stranded colorwork. I've

used superwash merinos, I've used very wooly wools, like this, it fully runs the gamut.

So I've done colorwork designs that use like Madelinetosh, and other... I've done single

ply fingering in colorwork, which isn't the greatest yarn for it but you can do it. And

then I've also done a lot of like this is Brooklyn Tweed Shelter, so it's a woolen spun

100% non-superwash wool. So the reason we tend to recommend non-superwash wools for

colorwork is that the fibers of the yarn are grabbier so your stitches are going to stay

in place better, so it's easier to maintain the tension of your floats along the backside

of your colorwork especially if you're a newer colorwork knitter. You might just find that

non-superwash wooly wools make it easier for you to maintain your tension, they block out

really well. So there are a lot of advantages to that. If you find that you've tried colorwork

with superwash wools or like alpaca or things like that, and you've struggled with it then

I would recommend trying a woolier wool. If you don't like the "itch factor" of wool,

try a lambswool, because those tend to be softer but they're still going to be a little

bit grabbier. There are certain yarns that I would not recommend for colorwork. Alpaca

is very smooth and very drapey, and you can use it for colorwork but it's not going to

maintain its shape the same way that wool will. Even superwash wool does better than

alpaca. So anything that's like that, the camelid family: alpaca, camel, llama, what

have you. It's just not going to do as well for colorwork, so even if you're using superwash

wools, I'd say stick with a wool over non-wools. You can do colorwork with cotton, there's

no reason why you couldn't, but you're going to have very separate stitches as opposed

to your stitches merging into sort of more of a cohesive fabric if that makes any kind

of sense. So I'm going to show you an example that demonstrates the difference between doing

colorwork with a worsted spun yarn, where the fibers have been combed after they were

carded so that all of the fibers are going in the same direction and laying parallel

and it's very smooth yarn, compared with a woolen spun yarn where they're not combed,

and the fibers are kind of going in every direction so it's a grabbier kind of wool,

it's a woolier wool. And both of these examples are non-superwash, 100% wool, but with a worsted

spun yarn you often tend to have the stitch definition, stitches stay a little bit more

separate, whereas with the woolen spun yarn they're blending more into a cohesive fabric.

So I'm going to show you an example of a worsted spun yarn, this is Quince & Co. Lark. It's

their worsted weight 100% wool. So you can kind of see this is a yarn with a wonderful

stitch definition. It's great for cables for that reason. I do love Quince's yarns for

colorwork, but you're going to have, you know, separate stitches still instead of a sort

of a really cohesive colorwork fabric. This is grippy enough for colorwork, like I said

I love doing colorwork with Quince's wools, but let me show you the difference when you

look at a woolen spun yarn. So this is my vest, my Bruntsfield Vest, knit in Rauma Finull,

the fingering weight fine wool yarn. This one's a little harder to handle but hopefully

you can see that you know, this fabric is much more of a cohesive, single unit than

the hat knit in the Quince & Co. Lark. You can see the stitches, but it's just that the

wool fibers have sort of filled out the gaps between the stitches and it's just - I'll

show you the inside as well. It's just a more cohesive fabric. So, to sum up, truthfully

you can use anything to knit stranded colorwork with. You may have an easier time with woolen

spun yarns or grabby wools than you will with smoother yarns. The last thing I'm going to

say about that is something you'll probably hear me say over and over in this video, which

is that trying out different things and just practicing, and just you know, starting to

learn the difference between these yarns and how they behave and all of that kind of thing,

like, there's no replacement for that. That's going to teach you so much about how different

yarns work in colorwork, it's just trying out different combinations whether you're

using them in different projects or whether you're knitting swatches, nothing can replace

that experience. So I really encourage you to play around. You're not going to love every

result that you try out. Like you're not always going to love what you get, but you're going

to learn something every time. So I can't emphasize enough how useful it is to try out

different yarns and different color combinations and different techniques and whatever it is.

There's no replacement for practice. Practice is everything. How should I hold the yarns

when knitting with two or more colors? So there's no single way that's like the "correct"

way to hold your yarns with doing colorwork. As with everything in knitting, there's multiple

ways to do something that achieves the same result. So I can show you how I hold my yarns,

and that is I'm a continental knitter to begin with, so I carry both yarns over my left index

finger, and I just knit from, you know, whichever color I need. But there's a lot of people

that use the two-handed method, and the-two handed method involves using one of the yarns

in your left hand continental-style and you're throwing with the other in your right hand,

English-style, and it's also possible to carry both yarns in your right hand, if you're a

thrower. And then last but not least, this is actually something I did for years, one

yarn at a time, where you just pick up the color you need and you drop it when you're

done with it and you pick up the other color when you need it and you drop it when you're

done with it. That's a lot slower, but it's perfectly valid. It's not wrong. Like I said

I did colorwork this way for years and I was really happy with my results. When I started

carrying both yarns at the same time my colorwork sped up of course, but there's nothing wrong

with one yarn at a time if that's where you're at and if that's what feels good to you. Related

to the last question: how do I keep my yarns from turning into a tangled mess? This is

one of those things that's deceptively simple and like many deceptively simple things it

can be hard to wrap your head around or to execute it if you haven't - just if it hasn't

clicked for you yet. But the simplest way to keep your yarns from getting tangled around

each other when you're doing colorwork is to maintain their positions. So you're always

going to have one yarn coming from one side and one yarn coming from the other side, and

they're never crossing over each other when you're changing colors if that makes any sense.

So if you're doing the one yarn at a time method where you're picking up the one you

need and putting it down and all of that - in my experience this is where knitters have

this problem with the yarns getting tangled the most - and if you are knitting that way

just make sure to keep your yarns separate. Like if you're sitting on the couch put one

ball of yarn on one side and one ball of yarn on the other side, or if you're at a desk

or a table, put them on two sides, with space between them and make sure that you're always

grabbing your yarn from the same place. So one of them's coming from below, and one of

them's coming from above, and you never want to swap that, if that makes any sense. The

bottom line is if you're maintaining the position of the yarns, they shouldn't twist. You won't

have this tangled mess happening. The one place that I know of that I've done in colorwork

where you have the yarns constantly twisting around each other is when you're working a

Latvian braid. And it can be a little frustrating. But otherwise, if you're just doing normal

colorwork, they shouldn't twist. So thinking about yarn positions brings me to color dominance.

What is "color dominance" or "yarn dominance" in stranded colorwork? So color dominance

is a subtle effect caused by the structure of colorwork fabric. If your tension is uneven

that can have an effect on color dominance in your knitting, but color dominance is a

separate phenomenon. This is something that's predictable by the position of the yarns.

So it's not just a matter of uneven tension. This is just something that's a fact of colorwork

fabric. So stranded colorwork of course has these floats across the back of your work

across the wrong side. And if you take a closer look at them, you'll start to notice that

there's one color where the strands sit above, and there's one color where the strand sits

slightly below in the same row, in the same round of knitting. So those two strands don't

sit in a single line, even when they are part of the same round. When you're knitting you

have the stitches on the right side, and the float of the other color on the back so there's

an outside and an inside. But when you change from one color to the other, those yarns swap

positions and the strands naturally end up stacked one on top of each other, because

they can't occupy the same place. So that means that the yarn whose strand sits below,

so on this hat that's the green strand, the green strand is sitting below the blue strand,

the yarn whose strand sits below becomes the dominant color. Because it has every so slightly

elongated stitches. Even when your tension is perfectly even, just because of the way

that the yarns have to swap positions. One's coming from the front, one's, you know, coming

from the back. One sits on top of the other, so the one that sits below will have ever

so slightly elongated stitches. Width-wise they're the same size, your tension's even,

but it's just the structure of the fabric. So like I said your tension can affect your

dominance but even when you're tension's even this is something that's going to show up.

So the other thing about it is that different types of motifs will show color dominance

more prominently or less prominently. And I have a couple of swatches to show you what

this looks like in practice. So this is a swatch that I knit in Quince & Co. Lark. I

did swatch it in the round but the quick way where the strands are cut across the back,

but so I was knitting across the right side every row. This is a motif from the Norwegian

Knitting Patterns, Norske Strikkemønstre book, by Annichen Sibbern Bøhn. And the effect

is pretty subtle here. So what I've done, I missed a row, but what I've done is I swatched

the motif twice. On the bottom, I held the white yarn in the dominant position, and on

the top I held the purple yarn in teh dominant position. So like I said this is a subtle

effect. My tension is pretty even overall, my stitches are the same size, you know, all

of that sort of stuff, but if you look closely, you can see that the motif is ever so slightly

more prominent when the motif color, the white, was held dominant, and it's a little bit less

prominent here. I'm going to show you what this looks like with a very repetitive geometric

motif next. So this swatch is also Quince & Co. This is their fingering weight, Quince

& Co. Finch. And here, I have continued, you know, the same motif, the same chart throughout

the whole thing, but in the bottom half, the blue is held dominant, and in the top half

the white is held dominant. Like I said, this is a subtle effect, it's not hugely obvious.

And you might not notice when you're knitting colorwork that this is something that happens.

I knit colorwork for years without knowing about color dominance and I was perfectly

happy with the results I was getting. I go back and I can see that my dominance wasn't

always consistent, but it's subtle. It doesn't matter that much. But anyway that's just to

show you, and if I show you the back of the fabric, the position of the strands has swapped.

So, when the blue is the dominant color you can see more of the white down on the bottom

on the wrong side, and when the white is the dominant color you can see more of the blue

on the top. Like I said, this is the same chart through the whole thing, I just changed

the dominant color. But the place where color dominance is the most obvious is in vertically

oriented motifs. So vertical stripes in stranding is the most obvious place where you'll see

this. It's still you know kind of a subtle thing, but let me just show you the swatch.

So this is vertical stripes. I maintained the position of the stripes the whole way

through, but I changed the dominant color halfway through. Once again, you know, my

tension is even. I'll show you the wrong side you can see the same thing. It's more obvious

on the wrong side in fact, you can see that line really well. But you do see how it's

the most obvious with a vertical motif. You can see a line straight through the knitting

where I changed the dominant color. If you are a beginner at colorwork, color dominance

is not the most important thing for you to worry about. But knowing about color dominance

is one of those things that can help you improve your colorwork knitting if you are frustrated

with how it looks, if you feel like your motifs aren't clear enough, if you find that your

yarns are getting twisted, if you pay attention to color dominance and maintain the position

of the yarns then you're going to be happier with your knitting. So the thing to know about

color dominance is if you knit typically, that is to say from right to left, the dominant

color, the color that strands below, is always going to be the leftmost color. So I hold

both yarns in my left hand, and that means that I have the dominant color to the left

of the right on my index finger. If you are a two-handed colorwork knitter you're going

to carry the dominant yarn in your left hand and the non-dominant yarn or the background

color in your right hand. And if you carry both in your right hand, the one that sits

to the left is going to be the dominant color still. It's as simple as that. Do you have

any tips to maintain even tension? My number one tip is always give your stitches some

breathing space. When you're knitting stranded colorwork, take the time to pause every so

often, and stretch out the stitches you just knit along your right-hand needle. You want

there to be equal space between the stitches, equal space between stitches of the same color

but equal space between the stitches when you're changing colors as well. This helps

you keep your floats long enough which is usually the problem that we have when we have

trouble with our colorwork tension. Usually our floats are too short, the knitting's too

tight. If you stretch out your stitches that will help you maintain that tension. The other

thing is people run into floats getting too short around the corners of their work when

they're knitting on double-pointed needles or doing magic loop. And my trick, I don't

do magic loop so I can't speak for that, but on double-pointed needles I hold the needles

parallel just like this whenever I'm switching from one needle to the next and I'm carrying

a float across that join where the needles meet. I have a blog post on how to deal with

tight colorwork so if that's your tension issue, I will link that below. There's some

more specific tips. How do you catch your floats? How do I catch a float when it's the

non-dominant color? So I get asked about floats along the backside of the work a lot, because

sometimes you have a motif where you have a long float. The float's traveling across

a large number of stitches. Maybe it's 8 stitches, maybe it's 12 stitches, maybe it's 20 stitches

if it's a really unusual motif. And if it's the kind of piece, if it's mittens, if it's

a sleeve, if it's anything that hands or fingers or jewelry or small things might be coming

into contact with, those floats are at risk of you know, getting snagged. So I have an

example here. This was just from the intro. You can see on the wrong side of this piece

I have a lot of really long floats. And this one is just meant to be decorative, you know,

so I didn't need to worry about that but you can see how with long floats it's really easy

for any of these long floats to snag. So with a decorative piece it's not as important but

if you're knitting like I said mittens, or a sweater, a sweater sleeve, anything where

hands are going to be going into it, you might have jewelry on, you might snag it on something,

you want to think about those long floats and how to prevent them from snagging. So

we can trap floats. So I grabbed one of my favorite mittens as an example of something

with sort of more irregular motifs where you have long stretches of either one color or

the other. And you might want to trap the floats along the back of the work. The more

common thing that happens is you'll have long stretches of the main color, which is the

light grey in this case, but sometimes, like with these mittens you have long stretches

of your contrasting color as well which is the black here. So in both cases you would

want to trap the floats so that when you put your hand in the mitten you're not snagging

on them every time you put them on. So now I've turned the mitten inside out and you

can see that on the palm side of the mitten, the floats are all relatively short, it's

very easy to work the motif without needing to trap any floats because they're all relatively

short to begin with. I don't think any of these are longer than three stitches. So that's

really good. But on the back of the hand there's the motif with the two ravens. So of course

you see it in the opposite colors on the wrong side here. So you sort of see my ravens in

white. And if you look closely - I wear these all the time so they're a little, they're

starting to felt, but hopefully you can see - there's a few black dots in here on the

body of the raven where I trapped the float because otherwise that would've been a very

long float indeed. So that's just to give you an example of what we're talking about.

You have a long stretch of one color which means you have a long float in the other color

and you want to trap it so that you don't end up with a float that's 20 stitches long.

So there's a few different ways to trap floats, and the one that I use the most involves just

trapping the float as you're going along knitting. So the way that I carry the yarns when I'm

knitting stranded colorwork with both yarns over my left hand. I'm just showing you this

is how I usually do it. If I have a long stretch of the main color and I need to trap the float

of the contrasting color, I'm putting the needle underneath the contrasting color yarn

to grab that main color yarn instead of the normal way. If you have a long stretch of

the contrasting color, or I should say the dominant color, the one to the left, and you

need to trap a float of the main color or the background color, that looks a little

bit different. It's a little bit harder to work, sometimes it requires a little bit more

attention, but it is possible. The other thing you can do if you're knitting along and you

need to trap a float or catch a float. I used to use this a lot more. It works best for

small things like hats or mittens. If you're doing the yoke of a sweater, this one's a

little harder. But I've got my two yarns, right, and I've got my knitted piece. So I've

done a number of stitches in the pink yarn here, so imagine that I'm going to continue

knitting with the pink, and I want to trap this float. The simple thing to do is to just

twist the work 180º. You can see the yarns are twisted around each other, so when I go

to knit the next stitch, I've trapped this float on the back side of the work. So like

I said that works best with small things, so that you can pick up the piece, twist it

360º, I think I said 180 the first time. You twist it all the way around, and then

you can keep knitting. And you have trapped the float on the back of the work. Now one

of the other things I get asked about catching floats is how often you should do it. So how

many stitches should you go before you catch a float. What's the longest stretch of stitches

that you can leave. And my answer to this is always that it's really personal preference.

It's up to you. So personally I don't like trapping floats very much and I will avoid

it if I feel like I can get away with avoiding it. The main reason that I don't like it is

that I think it basically always disrupts the tension of the fabric. I think it's always

at least a little bit visible from the right side. Even if you can't see the color coming

through, so there's you know on these mittens where I have trapped the white float behind

the black body of the raven, you can't really see any peeks of white coming through, but

it does effect, you know I can see little points where the mitten puckers when I'm looking

at it and I can see "oh that's where I caught the float, that's where it happened." So I

feel like it disrupts the tension of the fabric. I like a very flat and tidy colorwork fabric,

and that's the main reason that I will avoid it if I can. Some people say don't go more

than 5 stitches or 7 stitches, which is a little bit weird to me because 5 stitches

in a fingering weight yarn is a smaller amount of - it's a shorter float than 5 stitches

in a worsted weight or a bulky weight yarn. So it's not, it seems kind of arbitrary to

me, but if that's what works for you, then that's great. Some people don't want to go

more than an inch or more than 2 cm without catching a float. It's totally up to you.

You also get in the Coast Salish knitting tradition the Cowichan sweaters. The way that

those tend to be worked, usually the colors are caught like every other float or something

like that, and that's just part of that tradition it's part of how that knitting has always

been done. And it's just a matter of what you like and what works for you. Do you have

any tips for knitting when you have more than 2 colors in a round? So in my experience stranded

colorwork is most often just 2 colors in the same round. This is the Fair Isle tradition

from Shetland, typically you only ever have 2, never more than that. And this is usually

true for traditional Norwegian knitting as well, although some of the more modern patterns

have multiple colors, more than 2 colors per round. But there are a couple of traditions

where it's very very typical to have rounds of colorwork that have 3 colors or more colors.

So a lot of Icelandic yokes have multiple rounds in a pattern where there's 3 colors

being carried along. The really popular Birkin sweater by Caitlin Hunter I believe has rounds

that are 3 colors in the same round. I think Latvian mittens sometimes Latvian knitting

has more than 2 colors per round like this, and maybe what I think of as the most famous

case of multiple colors per round - the Bohus knitting tradition from Sweden. The Bohus

knitting company that was in the mid-20th century in Sweden. Those yokes could have

4 or 5 colors in a single round and they are technically challenging. So the question is

how do you manage all of those yarns? It's hard enough to manage 2, what do you do when

you have 3 in a single round or anything like that? And my top tip for this is to try using

stranding guides. So let me show you these individually. So here's one kind of stranding

guide. And this one is actually not so useful for knitting with more than 2 colors. If you

knit in the 2-handed method, you can wear one like this over one of your hands, and

that will keep your two yarns separate, and then the third yarn would be in the other

hand. But if you're like me, this is not so great except for knitting with just two colors.

I've also seen this kind referred to as a Norwegian thimble, I'm not sure why, but that's

one that's available. When I'm knitting with more than 2 colors, I like to use this kind.

So this kind has a little lid that opens and closes and you can see there are spaces in

between. When I close this I have basically four spaces where it keeps the yarns in order,

in line. So when I've done swatches of Bohus style knitting, I use one of these to keep

my 4 yarns in a single round separate. So again if you struggle with yarn management

with even just 2 colors, you can give one of these a try, and if it's a round of knitting

with more than 2 colors, you're knitting an Icelandic yoke, you're knitting something

like that, these are super super useful tools. Is it possible to adjust your row gauge in

stranded knitting? So I think this is a really good question and it's also a little bit of

a tougher one to answer. The first thing that I would try would be to play around with the

type of needle you're using to knit your stranded colorwork. So there will be a difference between

knitting with this, a circular needle, this one's metal, and this, which is bamboo double-pointed

needles. Or wooden needles, or plastic needles, or ergonomic needles. Any and all of the above.

They're going to have an effect on your gauge in general, so you might notice that you are

- a lot of people are tighter on double-pointed needles than they are on circular needles.

You might see a difference in your gauge depending on whether you're using magic loop or not.

Play around with different types and see if you get a different row gauge. I know for

example in cabling, whether or not you use a cable needle to do your cables can affect

your row gauge. So I think with stranded knitting whether you're using a circular needle or

doing magic loop or double-pointed needles can have an effect on that as well as bamboo

vs. plastic. vs. metal vs. hardwood. Because they all have different levels of resistance,

and they handle differently in your hands. I think that's the best tip I have for now

but related to that I feel like I should mention that your row gauge will differ in stranded

colorwork compared with your plain stockinette. So normally you have a smaller number of rows

per 4" or whatever than you do for plain stockinette. So for example if I'm getting 26 stitches

and 30 rows in 4" for plain stockinette, I might get 26 stitches and 27 rows in colorwork.

So if you're working on a project that has both, like a yoke like this where you have

colorwork, and then there's a lot of plain knitting, swatch both. Plain stockinette,

and the colorwork, because the gauge is going to differ. How do you weave in ends on pieces

with multiple colors? This is one of those questions that comes down to personal preference

again because some people are very meticulous about weaving in their ends and they want

the wrong side to look just as beautiful as the right side, and other people just want

to get the job done. For me, weaving in my ends in colorwork, how I go about it depends

a little bit on which type of yarn I'm using. So with a stickier wool, a wooly wool, a non-superwash,

it's a little bit easier because the wool is going to grab to itself better and I'm

not as worried about it going anywhere. If it's a superwash wool I'm going to be a little

bit more meticulous: I'm going to change directions more often, I'm going to try to do some duplicate

stitch. But just to give you a little example, I'm going to show you the Laurus hat again.

I accidentally showed you this side of it already. There's not that much colorwork here,

right, but you can see here where I've woven my end in, just across the inside of the work.

Nothing super fancy. This is where the yarn ends, and I've literally just pulled the thread,

pulled the tail underneath the floats, and then snipped it. And it's not going anywhere.

Across the bottom I've sort of, this one's striped, but I've, you know, followed the

line of the green on the inside. I do try to stick together, the same color weaving

into the same color in case it ever peeks through. But personally I'm not very meticulous

about weaving in ends. I will mention though if you're doing something that's more of a

Fair Isle Shetland style of knitting, like the Bruntsfield Vest again, you'll notice

unlike the Laurus hat which is just two colors, just a small band of colorwork, you're changing

colors a lot with something like this. So my contrast color is the same for a number

of rows, and it's the same for a number of rows here, but the background color is changing

all the time, every couple of rows. And with this one I did something which I don't normally

take the time to do, but I spit spliced the yarn at the join where I was changing colors.

Because otherwise it's so many ends to weave in. It takes a little bit longer to splice

the yarn together when you're changing to the new color, but it's worth it in the end

because you have so many fewer ends to weave in. Splicing is something that is going to

work best with a non-superwash wool. I wouldn't try and do it with a superwash wool. You want

something that's going to be able to felt a little bit. And last but not least I had

this really excellent question. I see beautiful projects and immediately I think the knitter

is a pro. How many projects doI have to knit before I get the hang of it? Oh my goodness,

I wish I had my first attempts at colorwork to show you, because they were really awful.

They were so bad. The first colorwork project I ever tried to do I wanted to knit the Corazon

mittens from Knitty. Stranded colorwork mittens, they were beautiful, I loved them. I did everything

wrong. I think I was using the wrong yarn weight, I was new to knitting in the round

anyway, and I was new to knitting on double-pointed needles. So I used the wrong yarn weight,

I used two yarns with very low contrast, they were very close in color. So the contrast,

the motif just didn't show up very well. And then my tension was abysmal. It was the most

puckered piece of knitting I have ever produced in my life. And I got to the top of the mitten,

and I had to do Kitchener stitch to close it and I had never done Kitchener stitch before

and I just gave up, I was like, it's not worth learning to do this for this really ugly mitten

that doesn't, it's not the right size, it doesn't look good, it's just miserable. It

took a long time, it took a lot of practice, and like I said earlier in the video, there's

no replacement for practice. Don't be discouraged when you see beautiful photos on Instagram,

or people sharing their projects on podcasts, and all of that, because most of us have produced

some really terrible-looking colorwork before we got to the point of knitting colorwork

sweaters or colorwork mittens or anything like that. The other thing I want to say about

this is that if you're not happy with how your stranded colorwork project is looking,

put it on hold, thread a length of yarn through the stitches, or a long interchangeable cable

or something, just to put the stitches on hold, stop, and block it. Or knit a little

swatch and block it. Because blocking helps stranded colorwork so much. You will see a

difference. Yeah, I just really want to encourage you to give it a shot, don't feel bad if you

don't like what you're getting, because most of us who do stranded colorwork, we've been

there. We know. We're not automatically pros. It's just, at this point in my life I've done

a lot of stranded colorwork, I knit colorwork all the time, and it's really easy for me

now. But ten years ago that wasn't true at all. I think that's all I'm going to have

time for today, although I do have more questions I want to answer so I'll probably do a follow-up

video to this at some point. I also wanted to let you know I have - I mentioned this

a couple of times, but for some of these questions I have blog posts that are relevant to what

I was talking about and help answer those questions and all of those will be linked

below so you can check those out if you want to spend a little bit more time reading about

some of these things. So for now, thank you so much for taking the time to join me today.

I hope that you learned something from this video, and please feel free to share your

own tips or experiences in the comments. There are a lot of talented colorwork knitters out

there, and I'd love to hear from you, and my viewers would love to hear from you too.

And if you have more questions, just go ahead and post them in the comments as well. I'll

either try to answer them there or I might save them for the next Q&A video. And then

I'm hoping to film some tutorials as well so if there's specific techniques beyond what

I've shown in this video that you want to see demonstrated, just let me know down there

as well. As I mentioned at the top of this video, subscribing to the channel is the best

way to stay up-to-date when I have new videos that go up. So feel free to do that if you're

interested in that, and if you did enjoy the video it would be great if you could give

it a thumbs up. But yeah, that's it for now. Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see

you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> Let's talk about STRANDED COLORWORK | Knitting Q&A | PAPER TIGER - Duration: 38:09.


UNBOXING... A TUTTA VELOCITÀ by GEARBEST! #Wrooom - Duration: 7:36.


For more infomation >> UNBOXING... A TUTTA VELOCITÀ by GEARBEST! #Wrooom - Duration: 7:36.


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For more infomation >> Óleos e Kits - Conheça o Power Technique Service da Atlas Copco - Duration: 1:57.


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For more infomation >> panewka/zgarniacz/simmering/kartridż/sprężyna/pierścień ZAWIESZENIE - Duration: 19:37.


UNBOXING... A TUTTA VELOCITÀ by GEARBEST! #Wrooom - Duration: 7:36.


For more infomation >> UNBOXING... A TUTTA VELOCITÀ by GEARBEST! #Wrooom - Duration: 7:36.


Bem-Vindo Romeiro | No ano do Laicato, conheça a missão dos leigos na pastoral do Santuário - - Duration: 21:39.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo Romeiro | No ano do Laicato, conheça a missão dos leigos na pastoral do Santuário - - Duration: 21:39.


Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Histórias de Fé: conheça as devotas Jaci e Egliene - 20 de fevereiro de 2018 - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Histórias de Fé: conheça as devotas Jaci e Egliene - 20 de fevereiro de 2018 - Duration: 5:13.


Grandes documentales. | Supervivencia extrema. Mentes animales. - Duration: 47:39.

For more infomation >> Grandes documentales. | Supervivencia extrema. Mentes animales. - Duration: 47:39.


ESCAPE the ROBLOX or Minecraft SIMULATOR - Duration: 18:02.

For more infomation >> ESCAPE the ROBLOX or Minecraft SIMULATOR - Duration: 18:02.


walking dead cap2 ep 3 - Duration: 32:24.

Hello YouTube people here is your friend Powermafia

I'm back here with another video The Walking Dead

I'll take a walk here, I'll talk to the crowd

Speak here with clementayme

See if she liked the Balance

If she wants to take a little ride, then let's go

Let's give a push, the daughter moment because she is my daughter

See how she's turning around to see if she's okay

She is asking me if we will find who shot Mark and took an arrow

this is it

What does she think about the farm?

Telling a lie to her

I do not think it's a good idea This place here

It's for the child until it's safe there

this is good to rock

I'll see if I'll talk to Kenny

Kenny is burst like this but he's good people

So it's full of interesting things here on this farm

Electric fence

the barn that can not see what's inside

personal in

with Fight with bandits

speak of Lily

a Lily

I'll tell you, it sucks.

It does not matter at all because LiLy also goes

goes to the bag Also opa

If the rest of the farm is fine and that whole business

speaking of the past and the other city, and do not know what

Are you talking about going to the bandits? is the situation

The staff has no initiative in this type of game

What is left for whom? I have to solve everything

Take a look at the balance sheet

Eh ah wanted to rock too

I'll talk to the rest of the staff

Talk to Lily and her father.

Work and see if I can open this barn here

ah yes, there is hay here for the cow

looks at Lily there

she is asking about Mark

If he is well, is not he?

I'll tell you, this place is a terror, saw

he regrets having left the hotel

Because it's Mark, he took a flegu

But most of it is too

Let's talk privately let's leave your father, I hope I'll talk there with you and I'll be back

Three months and he still treats me badly

It's his way, she said.

Is it an ass hole

ass hole for who does not know is cuzão

that always chat

It was hard for the guy, the terrors of the PAssado

that long talk

will it hurt my knee so much pity that I have her

What band of sticks I have here

this is it

Are we on the success charts

we will see here

That this agreement with the farm is a good idea

Let's wait for dinner, ill generate for this dinner saw

It will be awesome

, this dinner promises to see

You will never have eaten anything like it


She's talking badly about Kenny

Kenny is not a good leader But you are not

She is defending her fish

No I'm a good leader I do not know what I keep the group together

That parrot forever

take another look here

I'll take a look

it would be nice to use this hay here against the arrows

try to open it again

If you do not have enough room in the house would be good to use the barn

Let's go back inside.

The electric fence, the generator

let's have another look, see if I think anything

Talk to the guys behind the bandits

These guys already knew all these two pilantras, these horrible

He's saying he did not know anything and do not know what

I did not know

For you to see how is the story

Now no one knows anything, then....

I'll go and get the bad guys and I'll go and have a look

See if we find these guys here

These guys are on fire are threatening The Farm

this Farm alone is already a terror

I do not need bad guys to torment even more

They should be around

food can

found something

Oh, I found it, you can believe it

take a look

Go slow but everything is empty here

this is it, boy

Asked to take a look stay cover while he takes a look

take a look

in this camp mo terror

is in the highest expectation

Of course this is empty. Give a general here

In that camp and see if I find anything important

There is nothing here

I'll see the other side

expecting to die there

Of course They are hidden

there is nothing the

It would surprise me if I had anything

the tent this new

It has eaten here, goes that has something

Something of value and he is asking

He was saying that it is not thug who was here

Look at a box, it's a box from their farm

it's there

We will see here, look at the

here a clue, a camera

a camera

without battery, of course

I have an interest in this Camera What will they have in this camera?

Good people to let us give another search here

we will see

look there, there was a child here

take a closer look at this tent

has blood

Looks just is the Clementine Hat

look... an agreement ???

She said she knows him and knows what he does

Who are you?

gives a laugh

that will not and for us to put the guns down

this is threatening me

is not to shoot

true, she does not know no

Do not Be Stupid

She is talking about throwing our balls, this

I will tell you, will you?

why did you shoot her

it's killer

that was a beautiful shot

I'll have to tell you this guy is a bitch

But after all it was not her who shot the guy there Mark

Returning to the land of the little animals friends

he said he took care of it

and you sail pilantra

This old woman is in the gang too.

Kenny and Lily are fighting as always

There is a lot of tension around here

Each one thinks of one thing is this what happens

No one is safe here

Dinner is almost ready

it is very suspicious all this

Clementime is in the barn

You did not even realize she was without a cap, is not it true

I'll give her the cap for her

Because that woman is wearing the clementine cap is a strange thing

caring for the cow

this makes love in the bug

The cow is pregnant.

she licked the salt tablet

it there

have enough do not you?

bays for the cow

cows stay here

is it found

a woman in the forest

and she knew you

About dinner

She is cooking the hour business saw. Tell you is from here

Delight what they are cooking You do not even know it is not

this is it

I'll try to open here, it will not leave for sure

There is something hidden here

You have to protect the girl is not

You have to figure out a way to open this deal here

He is asking if I can open the padlock

Just because I'm a nigga? That's the Biggest Prejudice

Just take out the screws you can open

You have to remove the face of the move

What is in this door?

only tools la?

I need a screwdriver, do you have one?

the Clementime cap is not

Ah, I found that woman

if she had seen strange person

or if he had given the cap to someone


If I would like to have children

this is it, the kitty

Talk to him again

Oh, it's Andy. Do you have any screwdrivers for me to open there

Do you have the key or do not have it?

Where am I going to find a screwdriver?

Are you here?

take a look at the other

same thing, only hay

I was trying to play in the hay, the boy, did you see?

I need to find a screwdriver

who can have a screwdriver

Look there or old is xavecando aLi the woman you have seen. It's full of

Are you full of intentions? So personal I'm staying here

Another chapter of Walking Dead

The Farm of Terror

a hug of powermafia be all with God

For more infomation >> walking dead cap2 ep 3 - Duration: 32:24.


AAAAMoita - Rescue Dog Rescue - Ponita - Duration: 1:07.


- Hello. This is Ponita.

- Hello Ponita.

This is Another case of registration errors that cause situations like this

: in the same way that in Brazil you can register a name with unimaginable names.

Nevertheless, Ponita is an extremely affectionate and playful little dog.

She committed the japonese act of Sepuku by falling on her own sword

(sacrificing herself) so that her brothers could be adopted.

After that, she began studying Japaneseů..

(ok, she watched original Dragonball shows) ů and started taking samurai sword lessons ů

(ok, she saw Japanese sushimen videos). She became more zen, but also annoying

because she is like a chinese fortune cookie with constant motivational and inspirational quotes.

For more infomation >> AAAAMoita - Rescue Dog Rescue - Ponita - Duration: 1:07.


Ex-Casados Responde #12 | POSSO PEGAR AMIGO DE EX? - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Ex-Casados Responde #12 | POSSO PEGAR AMIGO DE EX? - Duration: 1:41.


Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Retiro Quaresmal: como Deus me vê? - Duration: 10:50.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Retiro Quaresmal: como Deus me vê? - Duration: 10:50.


SON DAKİKA GALATASARAY GELİŞMELERİ | Gürkan KUBİLAY Aktarıyor | 20 ŞUBAT 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> SON DAKİKA GALATASARAY GELİŞMELERİ | Gürkan KUBİLAY Aktarıyor | 20 ŞUBAT 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 11:06.


Lean Ansie (Live Home) - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Lean Ansie (Live Home) - Duration: 1:44.


Lailaa O Lailaa Latest Hindi Dubbed Movie Trailer With Release Date | Mohanlal | Amala Paul - Duration: 2:09.


I dont like your choice since beginning of time


If any News of this Agency Goes out

It Will Spread like a Virus

Dont have this much sense?

Whose that hot looking Rana's Friend?

i also want to see



Sorry Sir



Is this Aayesha?

Cant Confirm Sir


For more infomation >> Lailaa O Lailaa Latest Hindi Dubbed Movie Trailer With Release Date | Mohanlal | Amala Paul - Duration: 2:09.


Check Engine Light Comes On and Off in Your Car? What it Means - DIY with Scotty Kilmer - Duration: 3:07.

one, two, three, four!

Rev up your engines!

It's time for the Scotty Kilmer Channel

today I'm going to answer a question I get all the time from people, what does it

mean if I'm driving my car and a check engine light comes on, but then later it

turns itself off, should I be worried and what does it mean, now your check engine

light is part of the obd2 warning system in your car, when that light comes on as

you drive, the computer is telling you it's found a problem in the car and if

the check engine light flashes on and off while you're driving, it means it's a

serious problem and you should get it looked at right away, but if it's only on

it could be any of these numerous causes, just look at them all, page after page,

after page, after page, of possibilities, it could be something as dumb as your

gas cap is loose or, it could be something as bad and expensive as

needing a new catalytic converter and here's what it means if the light comes

on when you're driving, but then later you're driving it turns itself off, now

while you're driving your car down the road, the computer is constantly running

a bunch of tests on your car's systems, it's an endless system of testing to see

if anything is wrong and every few minutes when it's done testing, guess

what, it starts all over again and tests all the systems, and if it

finds a problem and the next test it finds it again,

after a certain amount of tests coming positive, it turns on the check engine

light, for a trouble code for the system that it's found the problem in, then it

turns the check engine light on, but it doesn't stop there it keeps testing and

testing and then, if it doesn't find that problem again, over and over again on the

next tests, it will turn the check engine light back off, now I've had customers in

the past get some gasoline that was a little weak and then once they put

another tank of gas in, the light went off and never came back, so we know it

was just a little bit of bad gas and no it doesn't mean that your car needs a

little pepto-bismol, it just means that your car's computer system is so

sensitive, that it can collect small imperfections and warn you about them, and

then when they get even smaller, it says don't even worry about them and of

course if you're curious about what's going on, you get a scanner and have it

scanned, because the historical codes if you don't remove the battery will be stored

for quite some time, you'll be able to see what it thinks was wrong,

but if it comes on, then goes off, I wouldn't even worry about it myself as

long as the car runs okay, because in our modern computer controlled society, you

have to realize, there are some things that you want to worry about and other

things, it's just another one of those computer glitches that we're going to live

with, and remember if you have any car questions just visit the Scotty Kilmer channel, and I'll answer them as soon as I get back from paradise, so if you never want to miss another one

of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

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