Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 20 2018

What does an apple have to do with the Trinity and your child? The mystery is

solved coming up-- Trinity and apples. My baby is making me laugh over here. She's

watching me. This is the beginning of a series on how to explain different parts

of Christianity to kids. If there is a specific.. why do I want to say "Pacific"?

specific question that your child is asking that you need help explaining to

them please leave that in the comment section down below. ebcause kids ask a

lot of hard questions and I will do my best to answer those questions for you

or point you in the right direction. if you are new I would love for you to

subscribe to this channel. I post new content every Tuesday and Wednesday. The

Trinity is a hard concept to understand. The Trinity is the idea that God, Jesus,

and the Holy Spirit are all unique separate persons but also one part of

the Godhead. That's very complicated. How can somebody be three but also one?

So can be a hard concept for us as adults to learn let alone for our

children to learn. As a mom, how am I going to teach this to my child? I have a 10

year old and I have a five month old. I want them to understand the importance

of the Trinity because I I believe that it's important to understand the

relationship between God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit and that helps them grow

in their spiritual life. what are these three separate persons? how can

they be helpful to my child growing up? also how can this-- how do they form this

one God? A little mystery is not a bad thing when it comes to the Trinity and

to God. We don't know everything about God and that's okay. As parents, I don't

know about you, but sometimes I want to have all the answers but I just don't.

A lot of times my ten-year-old will ask me questions I don't know the answer

to and I feel bad for saying "I don't know." But that's actually a good thing. The

Trinity is one of the those instances and one of those

concepts of Christianity that it's okay to leave a little mystery and a little

wonder to God. We don't want our children to think that we, as parents, have

all the answers. We don't want, especially when it comes to God, because

God is mysterious. It's okay to have a little wonder, a little mystery.

My example today for how to explain the Trinity to children is over

simplified and doesn't really get to the meat of what the Trinity is.

Because it has to be over simplified for kids, but I think that's okay.

I think it's okay to over simplify things for them so that they can

understand a little bit of it. Honestly, you guys, I don't really

completely understand how God, Jesus, Holy Spirit can all be one person, Godhead, but

also be three separate persons. It's confusing. My brain cannot-- and I have a

theological degree. I have a Masters of Divinity and I cannot still wrap my

brain around it and that's okay. I don't think, if we're honest with ourselves, I

don't think a lot of us understand the Trinity completely and I don't think

we're supposed to understand it completely.

I think there are a lot of things that God wants to remain mysterious and

unknown because God is God. Growing up I always heard the example

of water as an example for the Trinity. So you have water, which is God, you know

it's the main substance. But you can have three different parts of the Godhead but you'd

have three different forms of water. It's liquid, a solid, and a gas. Those

explained how God can be God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit because

it's different forms of the same substance. Same thing with like an apple

as an example. You have the skin, you have the meat of the Apple, and then you have

the core. It's three separate parts of the Apple but it's all an apple. And

people use examples like a shamrock, especially around St. Patrick's Day which

is coming up, you hear a shamrock as an example of the Trinity. Iit has that

a three clover, a three shamrock has the God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. It

kind of form a triangle which you see a lot of time

as a symbol for the Trinity. And then there's also the example of the egg: you

have the shell, you have the the yolk ( on the you have the white yolk that's on

the yolk the yolk is yellow part or should I say the egg white is in the

center okay) you have the shell, the egg white, and the yolk but it's all the egg.

The three makes up the one. Those are all great simplified examples

that would be great for you to use as an example. Look in your fridge and see--

surely you have an apple or an egg hanging out in your kitchen-- that's an

example of the Trinity if your child is struggling understanding. But again it

doesn't really get to the heart of what the Trinity is and that's okay. Remember

to add in a little mystery and say hey I don't, you know I don't have all the

answers that's okay. - all right so if I have left you even more confused about

the Trinity then before you watched this video well then that's just the mystery

of God and that's okay too. So look up some more YouTube videos. I

will leave a link to some other videos or sources if you want to explore

further about what the Trinity is. I will put a link in the description box down

below. I will search out a couple of examples for you of some other people

talking about the Trinity that might be helpful. I will see you in my next video

thanks for watching! bloopers



For more infomation >> How to explain the Trinity to a Child | Trinity Object Lesson - Duration: 5:53.


Eat 1 Tablespoon Water a Day and THIS Will Happen to Your Thyroid - Duration: 2:45.

hi viewers today I'm going to show you a juice for thyroid in case the thyroid

gland does not produce sufficient amount of hormones it is known as

hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism leads to numerous serious health issues including

heart disorders joint pains obesity and infertility here are some symptoms of

hypothyroidism they are muscle cramps constipation

fatigue memory loss hair loss dry skin cold low libido and depression here is a

juice for thyroid for this we need ginger lemon juice orange juice can

berry juice and cinnamon powder let's start the process take a pan add some

water and allow it to boil for 5 minutes

now add ginger pieces cinnamon powder and allow it to boil for another five

minutes now put off the flame leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and filter this

water into a glass then add one tablespoon of lemon juice 2 tablespoon

of orange juice 2 tbsp of kin berry juice and mix well now the drink is

ready to serve you can drink this immediately it will boost your

metabolism and regulates the function of thyroid this drink is rich in vitamins

it strengthens the immunity and prevents inflammation by taking this drink

regularly you can keep your thyroid levels in control thank you for watching

this video like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Eat 1 Tablespoon Water a Day and THIS Will Happen to Your Thyroid - Duration: 2:45.


Who Is Responsibility for Waco & Vince Foster Murders - Duration: 10:39.

this was released that many of you are

probably not my age I'm not older than

dirt but just after the earth cooled

let's put it that way there was an event

that happened in Waco Texas there was a

little religious group called the Branch

Davidians and they kind of had a little

compound with a chain-link fence around

it and they had men women and children

families growing up there peaceful

people shopped in town and Waco and kind

of kept to themselves played some

rock-and-roll Christian music and we're

living their own lives it turns out that

a certain high-ranking person in

Washington DC did not like the fact that

they were doing this and wanted to take

them down so they ordered the Justice

Department to go after them and go after

them is exactly what they did now

unfortunately the fact that they were

going after them meant that they were

gonna use all the forces at their

disposal they attacked them this

occurred this attack where 76 Americans

in 1993 were burned to death including

21 children and two pregnant women and

it happened on live TV and I watched it

what many people do not know is it was

not Janet Reno then Attorney General

that was responsible for this oh she's

the one that ordered the attack but it

was actually first lady Hillary Rodham

Clinton who pressured deputy White House

Counsel Vince Foster and web Hubbell you

know who web Hubbell is don't you he's

the father of Chelsea Clinton oh you

don't believe me just look at their

pictures side by side you deny it okay I

don't need 23andme to tell me what a

daughter looks like from a father okay

then we have Hubble to use military

force in resolving the Waco standoff due

to the saturated media covering the

standoff the standoff was receiving and

here's why because at

the time Hillary Rodham Clinton as first

lady was leading an illegal effort to

establish an overreaching health care

plan which the world called Hillary care

she needed the press but Waco was

getting all the airtime she wanted it


appearing on CNN's Larry King Live White

House aide Linda Tripp suggested that

deputy white House Counsel vindens

foster and mrs. Clinton's Direction

transmitted the order to move on the

Branch Davidian compound which

culminated in burning the occupants to

death on live television including men

women and children Janet Reno begged her

aides begged them shortly before the

orders were issued in the final assault

please give me a reason not to do this

85 Branch Davidians were burned alive in

that attack 76 of them died Tripps

allegations lend weight to charges made


by Special Forces expert in Waco

investigator Steve Barry who claimed

Hillary Clinton's set up a special

Crisis Center in the White House to deal

with Waco serving with her was Vince

Foster who according to his widow was

subsequently fueled by horror at the

carnage at wake over which the White

House had ultimately been responsible

evidently Vince Foster responded to this

horror that he felt on his heart by

committing suicide it is a terrible

terrible thing well in the 1999

documentary Waco a new revelation from

former House Waco investigator team arch

Bell he recalled and I quote one of the

interesting things that happen in an

investigation is that you get anonymous

phone calls we in fact received the

anonymous phone calls from Justice

Department managers and attorney

who believed that pressure was placed on

Janet Reno by web hubbell pressure that

came from the First Lady of the United

States foster himself was found dead

from a gunshot wound to the back of the

head in a Virginia park three months

later could he have known too much about

Waco and by the way it's very strange

but photographs of vince foster turned

up a few months ago we talked about it

here on x/squared radio where there was

not one bullet hole behind the ear of

events foster there were two one in the

neck a small caliber bullet and one

behind the ear a 38 caliber bullet and

then his body was dropped in the park

the park police called it suicide and

nothing nothing was ever done about it

journalist ambrose evans pritchard

maintains that foster had been drafting

a letter involving Waco on the very day

of his death moreover evans-pritchard

said that Foster kept awake Oh file in a

locked cabinet there was off-limits to

everyone including his secretary except

that the instant that meant Vince Foster

was killed they raced to his office

unlocked his door broke open that filing

cabinet and emptied it of all his

records that's before the FBI could get

there prior to Waco Foster was a

dignified decent caring smart man said

Linda Tripp in his in its aftermath

Vince was falling apart how would you

feel if you had 76 deaths of innocent

people on you Tripp was with the former

White House deputy counsel when the news

about Waco broke on television here's

what she said I was with him meaning

Vince Foster well we had CNN all the

time not to plug but it was always on in

the White House and a special bulletin

came on showing the atrocity in Waco

and the children and his face his whole

body slumped and his face turned white

and he was absolutely crushed knowing

knowing the part he had played and he

had played the part at mrs. Clinton's

direction there was a market contrast

between Foster's heartfelt emotion to

the Wako tragedy and Hillary Clinton's

you would think that raising more than 1

billion dollars an influence peddling

and high profit charity services would

be enough you would think that ordering

the slaughter of 76 innocent Americans

just so you could get the news headline

back for your health care plan would be

enough as Hillary Clinton heads out of

the Democratic National Convention to

hit the general election campaign trail

today allegations of Clinton Foundation

corruption are alive and well and one

writer is urging Americans across the

country to help hold the Clintons

accountable that is ongoing dr. Jerome

Corsi is an investigative reporter for

WorldNetDaily and the author most

recently of partners in crime the

Clintons schemed to monetize the White

House for personal profit

his book comes more than a year after

Peter Schweitzer's Clinton cash course

II told WorldNetDaily and radio America

his efforts to shut down the Clinton

Foundation have a much simpler focus

what I'm maintaining is there is a much

easier offense to go after and that's

what's called inurement

in your mitt is a criminal offense and

it means you run a charity for your own

benefit course he explained we just

watched congresswoman Corrine brown go

to jail for this he said that it is much

easier to prove than the kinds of

corruption alleged by Schweitzer you

don't need a quid quo pro he said you

just show the financial reporting is so

apparently fraudulent and so masking of

money that you know went to the

corporation because

the United Nations reports more than

they gave to the Clinton Foundation

reports they got where did the

additional missing money go I bet you

can match it up with their personal bank

accounts or their offshore accounts

course he said the Clinton Foundation in

Norment began after the Clintons turned

a foundation designed to raise money for

Bill Clinton's presidential library you

remember that don't you after leaving

the White House the Clintons used the

foundation for disaster relief in places

like India and Haiti Corsi said Bill

Clinton would travel to the scenes of

disaster posed with the survivors smile

make a short speech and he would raise

hundreds of millions of dollars for the

relief effort and then spend just a tiny

fraction on the stated mission maybe 10%

money gets ripped off in this grifter

scheme and enriches the Clintons

to the tune of hundreds of millions of

dollars and they've never held a job in

their lives except for the Clinton

Foundation where did they get all this

money except to rip it out of the

foundation all of that is ongoing and

we're watching the results of the

conventions and nothing could be more

white and black more night and day more

good and evil it's really quite amazing

to watch and what is even more amazing

and more frustrating for you and for me

is to watch the mainstream media and

their collusion and their propaganda and

the way that they strain at a gnat and

swallow a camel well as it turns out

there's more much more

For more infomation >> Who Is Responsibility for Waco & Vince Foster Murders - Duration: 10:39.



For more infomation >> Summertime


1 Única Folha de Louro ELIMINA DIABETES, Combate o CÂNCER e Regula MENSTRUAÇÃO - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> 1 Única Folha de Louro ELIMINA DIABETES, Combate o CÂNCER e Regula MENSTRUAÇÃO - Duration: 4:53.


TJ Aparecida | Confira demonstração de fé e agradecimentos dos devotos de Nossa Senhora - - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> TJ Aparecida | Confira demonstração de fé e agradecimentos dos devotos de Nossa Senhora - - Duration: 3:39.


LMC Musica 473 E - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> LMC Musica 473 E - Duration: 0:49.


DIGA ADEUS A PAPADA E QUEIXO DUPLO Em 14 Dias Sem Gastar Nada. - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> DIGA ADEUS A PAPADA E QUEIXO DUPLO Em 14 Dias Sem Gastar Nada. - Duration: 2:23.


TREINO ABDOMINAL BARRIGA TANQUINHO EM 4 MINUTOS! Exercicios Abdominais Para Perder Barriga e Definir - Duration: 7:31.

For more infomation >> TREINO ABDOMINAL BARRIGA TANQUINHO EM 4 MINUTOS! Exercicios Abdominais Para Perder Barriga e Definir - Duration: 7:31.


Com 'biquíni no limite', Paula Fernandes esbanja sensualidade e charme - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Com 'biquíni no limite', Paula Fernandes esbanja sensualidade e charme - Duration: 4:23.


460hp Audi RS3 ABT: The Perfect Daily Baby-Supercar? [Sub ENG] - Duration: 6:57.

Ciao everyone, here it's Marchettino and today we test a real baby-supercar, the new Audi RS3 ABT!

In the past I already got to test a friend's tuned Audi RS3 with 450hp and I was truly impressed by the power of this car,

and what I'm testing is the new RS3 tuned by ABT and available at my friends of Car&Car.

If the 400hp of the stock RS3 aren't enough for you, the famous german tuner ABT has raised the new RS3 to a whopping 460hp

and it's truly incredible to think that nowadays these hot-hatch have become relatively affordable baby-supercars for the performance they offer!

Now let's switch from Comfort mode to Dynamic.

Well, the first different thing we can hear is the sound because if earlier the valves were closed, now we can hear the 2.5L 5cyl turbo engine sing!

It's a truly fabulous engine and often people say " This sound reminds me of a Lamborghini ",

and well, the engine is nothing but half engine bank of the engine that has been used also on the Lamborghini Gallardo!

Bit of turbo lag below 3000rpm but once the turbo kicks in, that boost!

On the completely digital dash I can see also the % of power and torque that I'm using live,

let's say it's very cool but in reality the eyes should always be on the road and not on the number that goes up.

I think this kind of car is the perfect car to all those who already have a supercar in the garage that tends to use on weekends

and this is the baby-supercar to use every day, we're talking about a car that easily gets to 280kph and maybe a little more.

and the great thing about the RS3 is that it's a high-performance car but at the same time it's a car that goes unnoticed,

not everyone want cars that whenever you take them out the garage you're sorrounded by people that look at you and take pics

and I think this is the ideal car to all those look for that kind of privacy

which remains a sports car anyway, it goes unnoticed but the enthusiast knows what he faces.

ABT made this RS3 discreet and even sportier at the same time

with some little details such as the side air intakes - black are a good contrast with this lovely grey paint,

then we have a set of brand new wheels and a new rear diffuser.

It's a pity there's some traffic but let's find some empty space

Up to 7000rpm!

The stock RS3 already comes out with high quality materials and ABT has raised even more the level of quality

by adding for example lots of alcantara which is always pleasant to the touch.

Overal I have to say this is a quality car.

Forget about getting out the roundabouts sideways because as you know, Audis have the famous all wheel drive system Quattro,

and on this Audi RS3 is set to provide up to 50% of the power to the rear tires so it's an AWD that tends to be neutral

or in some occasions, unfortunately help the understeer

but the great thing is that you always have the maximum of traction, as you can see let's try a standing start.

0 to 100 kph is slighty below 4s, it's not bad at all!

This is a kind of performance that supercars were able to achieve until 10 years ago and now you can easily do it on a hot-hatch, it's truly stunning!

As I told you earlier, the RS3 can be also a soft car to use every day, we have different settings and for example if we switch to Comfort now..

The car is silent, the 5cyl with the valves closed is calm,

in this setting the 7-speed double clutch gearbox is very fluid and you don't even feel the gear change.

I have to say that by driving the Audi RS3 in Comfort, I have the feeling to be driving a normal Audi A3, the suspensions are very smooth.

I like also the seats that I find very comfy but also sporty at the same time.

Obviously if you're watching this video now, you're not watching it to see Comfort mode, so let's switch back to Dynamic!

Next test with Car&Car? Who knows!

Make sure to Like if you enjoy the video, subscribe to my YouTube if you haven't yet and as always thanks for watching, ciao!

For more infomation >> 460hp Audi RS3 ABT: The Perfect Daily Baby-Supercar? [Sub ENG] - Duration: 6:57.


Inspiração série fotográfica linhas - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Inspiração série fotográfica linhas - Duration: 1:49.


Ex-Casados Responde #12 | POSSO PEGAR AMIGO DE EX? - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Ex-Casados Responde #12 | POSSO PEGAR AMIGO DE EX? - Duration: 1:41.


Motor Ford EcoBlue de 1,5 | Ford España - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Motor Ford EcoBlue de 1,5 | Ford España - Duration: 0:51.


Lean Ansie (Live Home) - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Lean Ansie (Live Home) - Duration: 1:44.


Black Panther Review - The Peril of Black Utopia | Ahsante the Artist - Duration: 12:31.

What happens when black people are allowed to thrive?

Black panther was an experience.

Not only was it a fun superhero movie, it was also a social commentary, it was also

a demonstration of the power of black women, it was also black excellence and opulence

on display, the riches abound.

It was so refreshing to see.

And it also makes a statement about why that black utopia is out of reach, and what the

pitfall, what that perilous flaw in the black community is really about.


Hey, it's ya girl Ahsante helping you move consciously and creatively through life, so

lets go.

Let me start this review off by saying that I am not a superhero aficionado.

I didn't know what MCU stood for I had to google it.

And I actually don't know much about the details of the superhero universes.

But you know I am too Black and proud to not take my butt to the theater, putting my money

where my mouth is, ok.

I have a few points I want to make about this movie but first I want to just bask in what

I thought was glorious about it.

And don't worry this first part of the review is spoiler-free, I will let you know when

the spoilers are coming, not yet.

The movie was chock-full of those classic conflicts of legal duty vs. moral duty.

War vs. peace, revenge vs. reconciliation, all that good stuff.

I also love that this was a story for us, by us, about us.

Black ensemble, black lead, black villain, black director, black writer, blackity black


And of course from a representation standpoint it's phenomenal to see a cast of strong black

characters, not dependent on white people, not subjected by white people.

So often when you have movies that star black people it's about how poor and sad and tragic

their lives are, aww isn't it sad.

But this is not a black sorrow movie, not a movie about being so many years a slave,

not a movie where *song* nobody knows the trouble I've seen.

Nah, we get some black joy and black love and black power in this movie hello.

The actors were amazing

The sets - amazing

The costume designs - lit, I mean gorgeous just the layering, the colors the adornment,

the attention to detail

I see you production designer Hannah Beachler and costume designer Ruth Carter - get it

going, what's good

I also have to shout out to Shuri, and the advances that occur when black women thrive.

Shuri is Black Panther's sister, princess of Wakanda,

and I love that she is the technological genius, not just behind the black panther, but behind

all of wakanda.

Like yes I designed this entire transportation system.

Yes I designed this virtual driving system.

Yes I know you think these beads are fine but I'm actually going to improve them and

just because somethings works well now doesn't mean it can't be better - yes black excellence!

I love the theme that sometimes it's better to be underestimated.

I'll just be over here putting in work and receiving my blessings, and I don't have

to brag about it.

I'll just be over here killing the game don't you worry about it.

I'm just minding my own business.

That is how I roll a lot of the time.

I love the nod to stolen African artifacts that hang in British and American collections


yup, did a unit on that during my art history days.

I was like - accurate!

I will also say that there are some valid criticisms to the film.

One was the lack of humor, and I agree that while there was more humor towards the beginning

and there were a couple of funny moments, the movie is by a large pretty serious in


And another things some folks are saying is that the Black Panther himself isn't super

interesting as a character as far as his motivations and doesn't go through much character development,

which is debatable and you have to ask yourself how his compares to other superhero's backstories,

but I think any simplicity in Black Panther's character just leaves room for a complex statement

being made overall,

it leaves room to reflect on the world of Wakanda and it's flaws, which I'll get

to in a bit.

And it leaves room for the women to shine, which I'm not mad about.

But I do think that the main draw of the film is the representation,

having strong leading black characters, strong black women warriors, having a celebration

of African inspired culture, giving people a sense of pride, and I think that is incredibly

valuable, in and of itself.

So overall I loved it, but let's go a little deeper.

There is a lot to get into with this movie, and yes this going to get into some analysis

so there will be spoilers ahead, be forewarned.

If you don't want spoilers stop here and skip to this part of the video - timecode

in the description.

Do doody do do.

Ok, so.

There are two overarching things I want to touch on as lessons from this film, and the

first is the role that emotions and empathy play in leadership.

By Wakanda's rules, the only thing that someone has to do to become black panther

is win a fight.

There's no council of elders has to vote, there are no other tests of mental agility

or strategy or moral compass, there's nothing about needing to be raised in Wakanda, .

It's just who's up to challenge - can you win the fight.

The problem comes when another character is a better fighter, but not a better king - that's

the point.

The film points out the flaw in traditional thought, and here it's literally Wakandan

tradition, that prowess and might make you the best leader.

Instead, the side that wins in the end values empathy, and reverence, and intelligence,

and consideration.

In the end, the problem is not solved by the biggest dude, or the toughest dude.

T'challa is someone who shows his emotion and his love for his family, and for his country.

And during their challenge, Killmonger tries to frame this emotion as weakness,

but in the end T'challa comes out on top, and his emotions don't make him any less

strong, any less of a man, of a king, of a black panther.

He is connected to his emotions in a healthy way that allows him to have his priorities


And T'challa even in his victory was merciful and offered to save Killmonger.

In T'challa's challenge with the White Gorilla he pushed him to yield, rather than

simply focusing on defeat.

This is exemplary leadership, in the film's eyes.

Even when you talk about the black panther's powers, they gear towards someone who is merciful

and empathetic.

The power of the black panther and the heart shaped herb is to heal, which is something

done out of love.

His suit is not made for attack, it's made for defense.

His suit absorbs the kinetic energy that someone else is trying to use against him, and uses

that same force to repel the attacker.

The powers are made for a man who is a protector, not an aggressor.

This movie flips gender norms not only in showing a leading man who is very connected

to his emotions, but also in showing some strong, powerful, warrior women.

The kings body guards were all women.

The person who's known as the fiercest warrior in the land, is a woman.

The people who do a lot of driving the plot forward are women.

They're the ones with strong moral compass who take up arms against Killmonger as he

takes the throne.

This is some literally kickass representation.

And there's this great moment in the all out fight - which is pretty much boys vs.

girls, blue vs. pink, like we a little bit went back to kindergarten if kindergarten

was a fight to the death.

Oyoke, who leads the women warriors is like I have the strength, and I have the sensitivity,

your rhino will yield because he loves me let me get them licks - but I will kill you

for my country.

And then my boy has to yield.

My boy has to yield.

Love conquers all.

All you need is love - babananana

The second overarching lesson of the film is that without recognizing and reconciling

our history, we will never be able to move forward.

I thought one of the most striking parts of the film was where we've already seen T'challa

go back to his past before taking the throne

we saw his father as one of the panther ancestors come down from his big family tree, and they

were in this vast African landscape.

And then we see Killmonger go back to his past, and he's back to the same apartment

we that saw earlier, that's all he has.

And the only person there is his dad.

And I was like - oh!

No mythical landscape for him?

What does Killmonger imagine that his past is like?

What he has in his past is not vast and wide it's this limited landscape with 1 ancestor.

By the way, where is this boy's momma?

And I see this as a metaphor for the heritage that Black Americans have access to, as opposed

to the heritage Black people from the continent can access.

As a Black American descendant of slaves, I don't have the same huge family tree,

I have the bit of it that's in America.

And that's all that Killmonger knows.

And he is unable to go back and reconcile his history, so he is unable to move forward.

Not only can he not see any of his ancestors, where is this boy's mother by the way.

But he can't reconcile the trauma of his father's death.

He's unable to forgive the sins of his ancestors, and therefore he cannot move on.

He is stuck in that moment, and he is stuck in an attitude of vengeance.

And you could make the connection between Black Panther killing his brother in America

while abandoning his American nephew

and Powerful Africans during the transatlantic slave trade selling their less powerful African

brothers into slavery leaving them fatherless to fend for themselves in America - you could

make that connection.

And Killmonger represents a lot of that unresolved resentment and trauma - taken to the extreme

of course.

But for Americans, it makes the point that until we fully acknowledge and condemn and

reconcile the sins of slavery and segregation and ghettoization all it's repercussions

in our past -

which some people still can't even acknowledge and condemn today.

Until we reconcile that, we won't be able to move forward.

I think it speaks volumes that the movie starts with the ghetto, the first frame is of the

make-shift basketball hoop, that's where this conflict all stems from.

And the film ends with the ghetto - with T'challa bringing in technology and innovation and

wanting to give back to this community and build it up, that is the ending solution.

T'challa is also unable to move forward without first going back.

Not only in the tradition of someone having to go back to their past before they ascend

to the throne,

but also before T'challa is revived and given this second chance, he goes back to

that mythical family tree and confronts his father about his sin.

T'challa has to go back and reconcile this problem that his father has caused, before

he can move forward, defeat Killmonger, and rule his country.

I think it's interesting that in the movie, we are our own villains.

Which on the one hand will happen if you're making it a black ensemble cast, the bad guys

will also be black,

but on the other hand it makes a point.

Yes you will have the white folks like Claw who are trying to come in and rob us of our


Yes you will have the white folks like Mr. CIA who think they know so much and need to

be schooled.

"I made this plane American standard for you sweety I'll walk you through this"

But we also have this inner turmoil.

And more specifically we are fighting against the legacy of colonization and slavery and

generational trauma that we have been subjected to, that Killmonger represents.

And the pitfalls of that black Utopia of Wakanda was in it's prior failure to reconcile those

issues of the past.

And there have always been disagreements within the black community about how to address those


Do we go out and fight fire with fire, take an eye for an eye.

Or do we practice non violence and try to go about things more diplomatically.

Do we go with the mentality of everyone has to pick themselves up by their bootstraps

and work with what they have.

Or should we always be pushing for more, more opportunities and more access, and do the

talented tenth have a responsibility to push the rest of the race forward.

Aaaaand welcome back for my non-spoiler crew, you're in the right place.

But that's a lot of what Wakanda is struggling with.

Should black excellence be responsible for uplifting black people world-wide?

Should we handle black progress through violence or through laws and agreements.

And it's also struggling with what a lot of developed nations struggle with - isolationism

vs. intervention.

What right does Wakanda have to meddle in the affairs of other countries, especially

as people who's brethren have been so affected by colonization and meddling by predominately

white countries.

That along with ideas of looking back in order to move forward, and the role of emotions

and empathy in leadership, were some of the big themes I took away from the movie.

Other than the fact that black people are amazing, powerful, regal, and brilliant.

If you're new here and you're interested in social awareness, culture, and personal

development, then you should subscribe to get new videos from me every week.

And if you're into real life black panthers and black activists, then you should check

out my last video on Lorraine Hansberry who was more of an activist then you probably


And I mean, you want to talk about positive representation for Black Folks, you gotta

talk about her.

Big thanks to my patreon patrons, you all are so important in helping me to grow and

sustain this channel.

In the comments, let me know what you thought of Black Panther, because I know you went

to see it.

Oh I know you're not just going to skip out on Black Panther like that.

Even if you haven't seen it yet, I hope you enjoyed this review, but seriously go

see it.

As always, remember to live spiritedly and think creatively, and I will see you next


What's making me happy this week is the fact that Black Panther is shattering all these

box office records!


It's important that this movie does well because then they'll make more movies like it, and

it will show that a Black ensemble cast can really succeed.

So, at this rate there'll be a Black Panther 8 which I'm excited about.

And also making me happy this week was the fact that I got a nice long 3 day weekend

for President's Day, so that was nice.

Welp, I'm going to go keep rooting for everybody Black, I'll be right back!

To find a job is like a haystack needle.

Cause where he lives, they don't use colored people.

Living just enough, just enough for the city.

For more infomation >> Black Panther Review - The Peril of Black Utopia | Ahsante the Artist - Duration: 12:31.


Editores Que Eu Uso-Projeto Fifteen Days Together-BY:{Rapha Ferreira} - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Editores Que Eu Uso-Projeto Fifteen Days Together-BY:{Rapha Ferreira} - Duration: 2:34.


Novo Olhar | Liliane Busato | Apaixone-se Pelo O Que Você Faz - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Novo Olhar | Liliane Busato | Apaixone-se Pelo O Que Você Faz - Duration: 0:49.


UNBOXING... A TUTTA VELOCITÀ by GEARBEST! #Wrooom - Duration: 7:36.


For more infomation >> UNBOXING... A TUTTA VELOCITÀ by GEARBEST! #Wrooom - Duration: 7:36.


Um tempo só pra mim! - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Um tempo só pra mim! - Duration: 6:14.


Remedy to stop Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and rheumatoid arthritis - Duration: 4:25.

hello and welcome live 10 where you'll find tips remedies and tips

to relieve your ailments and diseases do not forget to subscribe to our channel ...

The pomegranate and its effect to stop Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and rheumatoid arthritis.

The healing properties of the pomegranate continue surprising the researchers, since

recently a link has been found between this fruit and the slowdown of

inflammation that destroys brain cells in Alzheimer's disease.

These effects are attributed to their content of punicalagin, a chemical compound that

belongs to the group of polyphenols.

It is a great antioxidant that prevents proliferation, the cell invasion and even cause death

cellular of some types of cancer.

It is believed that punicalagina has potential to inhibit inflammation in cells

brain and other body cells.

After an experiment to observe said effect in mice, the scientists arrived

to the conclusion that the polyphenols of the pomegranate can slow down inflammation

in specialized brain cells known as microglia.

Currently, studies are continuing for determine the quantities of pomegranate that

need to effectively prevent the disease, specifically to reduce

neuro-inflammation related to dementia

It is known that inflammation of cells Brain causes Alzheimer's and other types

of dementia, as well as neurodegenerative disease, for example Parkinson's, get worse because

more cells die

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis who suffer from inflammation in the joints

they could also benefit from the latest discoveries.

Punicalagin can not cure the disease itself, but it could prevent or stop its


An interesting fact to keep in mind is that most antioxidant compounds

of the grenade are on the outside of your skin and not in the soft part of the fruit.

It is thought that in the future the shell may become an ingredient of some drugs

to fight neuro-inflammation.

You may not know that a glass of juice of pomegranate contains more antioxidants than

red wine, green tea, blueberries and the berries.

Regular consumption of pure pomegranate juice has been associated with disease prevention

of the heart, cholesterol reduction bad and the risk of developing cancer


Make the pomegranate juice at home to get all its nutrients is very simple, just

you need 1 ripe pomegranate (or more pieces) depending on the desired amount), water

and some natural sweetener (optional).

Add the fruit cut into pieces and the water to the blender and beat until well


Then strain this mixture well to obtain a juice loaded with antioxidants.

You can add a little honey, stevia or sugar brown to improve the flavor.

Note: there are other variants to obtain the pomegranate juice using only the seeds,

but the intention is to get the most concentration of punicalagina possible.

Keep in mind that the grenade may stain almost everything.

At the time of making this juice you should take the necessary precautions to avoid


Do not wear new clothes or light colors.

Another way to take advantage of the shell is through a tea or infusion.

Boil half a liter of water and when reach the boiling point add the

shell of a pomegranate.

Boil several more minutes and remove the water of fire.

You can store this infusion to drink it throughout the day, and add a touch

of honey to sweeten.

Finally I recommend you not to limit yourself just to the juice of pomegranate, enjoy this

Fruit in its natural form is equally beneficial And pleasant.

I hope that the information that has been very useful as I will be uploading

videos often about tips and remedies tips to improve our health

if you liked the video do not forget to subscribe and share it with your friends ...

For more infomation >> Remedy to stop Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and rheumatoid arthritis - Duration: 4:25.


Camping Stove Gordeyka (Spitsvar *) - Duration: 10:42.

[♪ music ♪]

>> TATIANA: Today we want to show you a universal stove.

She's so small.

This is, for example, a matchbox.

That's how she is small.

And now we will show it to you.

By the way, very easy. Practically weightless.

Here. "

Now Zheka will assemble her.

Because he made it. It will be easier for him to figure it out.

Today I will be engaged mainly in video shooting.

>> EUGENE: It's a foil.

>> TATIANA: Yes, what is it for?

>> EUGENE: We put it up so that ash falls on it.

>> TATIANA: Yes. Clear.

>> EVGENY: The firewood is burnt, and the ashes will be poured onto the foil.

>> TATIANA: In general, this foil is for fire safety.

It turns out...

And in order to leave as few traces as possible.

That is, you can put it even on dry grass.

And nothing will happen to the grass.

So the stove looks disassembled.

It's all her details.

>> EUGENE: We put in the legs.

Simultaneously connect the walls.

They are inserted tightly.

Therefore, by chance nothing will jump out here.

Here, two walls are ready.

>> TATIANA: Another interesting point.

This, here, if you are on a long trip...

it is not necessary to add it completely.

You can just put it down like this.

That is, it is collected.

It is practically assembled.

But you can put it down like this.

And lay along the backpack wall.

And then in the parking lot, in the camp, deploy in one motion. And everything is ready.

Except for small additions.

>> EUGENE: The curved shape of the legs...

here they are all four, you can see them...

Increases stability.

Because the legs go beyond the perimeter.

On the bends of the legs inside you can put a grate.

Without additional tools.

>> TATIANA: Strokes.

>> EUGENE: Yes.

With the help of such inserts...

it is possible to arrange both a lattice, and utensils at any height.

That is one of the following ways

[metal sounds]

Thanks to the bend, the insert does not fall out at low slopes.

Inserts are made of bicycle spokes.

>> TATIANA: But, now we will put this lattice a little higher.

And more stable than the legs.

Here's on these special inserts.

Now we will test the stove with dry fuel.

And for dry fuel, we put the grate higher.

That the flame was closer to the dishes.

This is a tableware (stand) for dry fuel.

[ringing metal]

We will boil about 350 milliliters of water.

[ringing metal]

The fuel flares up.

Very strong fever.

>> EVGENY: Initially, the stove is made here for this bowler.

But, in general, it is universal. We'll show it later.

>> TATIANA: That's what a stove with a bowler looks like.

The pot is immersed in the stove.

To use as much heat as possible.

If the pot was on top. The heat would blow off the wind.

And the heat would go to waste.

>> EUGENE: The bowler does not fall into the stove.

But it can be put more steadily.

With the help of inserts.

>> TATIANA: Yes, but you can just like that, with support on the walls.

And does not fail.

>> EUGENE: That's how it is now.

There water still does not boil?

Bubbles have already appeared.

>> TATIANA: Yes, pretty quickly.

>> EUGENE: It's been about 6 minutes.

>> TATIANA: The water boiled.

At least one edge.

In winter, the water boils in about 8 minutes on dry fuel.

And in summer it boils on 2 tablets in 6.5 minutes.

We pour a new portion of water.

Now we will warm the paraffin burner.

The paraffin burner smokes strongly.

But it gives off more heat.

More than dry fuel.

Wow, there is a lot of heat.

It burns well.

We need to measure time.

That's it, it started very fast!

Boiled in less than 5 minutes.

We did not immediately realize that it was already boiling.

On dry fuel was much longer. And it was hard to boil.

And now it's violent, decisive, and fast.

Still, paraffin, it's a very good fuel.

It burns well, but very much smokes.

So decide for yourself.

To use such, or not.

But, it boils very quickly.

>> Evgeni: Now you need to try to put out the paraffin.

>> TATIANA: Everything, you need to pay off.

[ringing metal]

Another tin can.

[ringing metal]

Opa. The main thing is to completely close.

[ringing metal]

>> EUGENE: Everything is extinguished.

>> TATIANA: Yes, they have extinguished.

>> EUGENE: The paraffin melted.

Paraffin burned very little.

>> TATIANA: Yes. Completely melted?

>> Evgeni: Yes, the whole melted.

[crackling twigs]

>> TATIANA: Paraffin again began to harden.

And it can be seen that very little paraffin was used.

Everything, the firewood is packed. We light.

Now we will test our favorite fuel.

This is firewood.

And the smell of wood smoke is more pleasant.

And a lot of heat.

The third portion of water.

And the third type of fuel.

This time, this is firewood.

[ringing metal]

The firewood has not yet gained full strength.

>> EUGENE: This handle is movable.

The heat-shrink tube is dressed.

You can adjust the strength of the flame by air feeding.

Craving, yes.

Also, a rag is not needed.

It does not get so hot.

Depending on the prevailing wind direction...

you can make it so that the door opens...

and on this side, and with the one with any.

>> TATIANA: Yes, that is, you can change places.

>> EUGENE: Yes. And it is symmetrical. Here everything is removable.

In strong wind, the door can be completely closed.

Suffices air, which comes from below.

Now it's better to be open. The wind is weak.

>> TATIANA: Something all the smoke is coming at you, Zhen.

It's nice to warm your hands.

It seems that the frost is not very strong either. But my hands are cold.

It's boiling.

>> Evgeniy: It is visible?

>> TATIANA: Yes, yes.

It's still weak, but it's already beginning to boil.

>> TATIANA: Now I'll see how much time has passed.

>> TATIANA: Yes, the bubbles are already coming.

>> EUGENE: 7 minutes.

>> TATIANA: 7 minutes. In general, paraffin, of course, the leader in the rate of boiling.

There is no doubt about this.

Dry fuel lags behind.

But each fuel has its own shortcomings, and its advantages.

>> EUGENE: Enough laying of one batch of firewood.

>> TATIANA: Firewood, 1 bookmark.

Nothing added.

>> EVGENY: Of course, the summer boils more quickly.

>> TATIANA: Well, yes, now we are testing in the winter.

>> EVGENY: In summer, usually, 5-6 minutes.

A great advantage of firewood is the free fuel.

>> TATIANA: Well, yes.

>> EUGENE: They closed the door. Because traction was enough.

>> TATIANA: There's still some firewood left.

Now they will burn, and we will get ready to go home.

>> EVGENY: If you cook porridge, you can warm up on charcoal for a long time until ready.

>> TATIANA: Yes.

>> EUGENE: And for soup, I fell asleep, filled it, and that's it.

>> TATIANA: What is the versatility of this stove...

You can use different types of fuel.

You can use different dishes.

Not only this special bowler.

But also a standard army kettle.

>> EUGENE: It's easy to install.

>> TATIANA: Yes, you can put it inside.

You can still the same...

>> EUGENE:... if you install the inserts, you can...

>> TATIANA: put on different heights.

Very comfortably.

>> EVGENY: By the way, the bowler boils with the walls of the stove limited...

than if you put it like this from above.

Because the area of the pots is much larger than the bottom area.

>> TATIANA: And Chinese dishes are also great.

Of course, it is already getting on top

Yes, without water we do not set.

[splashing water]

Here, please, a Chinese saucepan.

We put it from above.

That is, inside the walls you can not put it.

And boil such a pan will be longer.

But, this is also an effective option.

>> EVGENE: Again, wind protection is very good here.

And for dry fuel, and for a paraffin burner, and for firewood.

And for... if you have a gas burner too.

>> TATIANA: Yes, you can use it.

>> EUGENE:... one side has been disunited...

>> TATIANA: Yes, we will now show how to do it.

In partially disassembled form, the stove can be used as wind protection.

It is very convenient.

By the way, this thing not only protects the wind.

She also redistributes heat.

That is, the heat to the pan goes not only from below, but also from the sides.

And in the end, the water heats up faster.

These are the experiments!

With you were Eugene and Tatiana Gordeeva.

Until next time!

Put husky, subscribe, write comments.


For more infomation >> Camping Stove Gordeyka (Spitsvar *) - Duration: 10:42.


Superbrothers x Karik x Orange - Người Lạ Ơi Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Superbrothers x Karik x Orange - Người Lạ Ơi Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:56.


C'è spazio per tutti | Recensione - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> C'è spazio per tutti | Recensione - Duration: 4:02.


How to explain the Trinity to a Child | Trinity Object Lesson - Duration: 5:53.

What does an apple have to do with the Trinity and your child? The mystery is

solved coming up-- Trinity and apples. My baby is making me laugh over here. She's

watching me. This is the beginning of a series on how to explain different parts

of Christianity to kids. If there is a specific.. why do I want to say "Pacific"?

specific question that your child is asking that you need help explaining to

them please leave that in the comment section down below. ebcause kids ask a

lot of hard questions and I will do my best to answer those questions for you

or point you in the right direction. if you are new I would love for you to

subscribe to this channel. I post new content every Tuesday and Wednesday. The

Trinity is a hard concept to understand. The Trinity is the idea that God, Jesus,

and the Holy Spirit are all unique separate persons but also one part of

the Godhead. That's very complicated. How can somebody be three but also one?

So can be a hard concept for us as adults to learn let alone for our

children to learn. As a mom, how am I going to teach this to my child? I have a 10

year old and I have a five month old. I want them to understand the importance

of the Trinity because I I believe that it's important to understand the

relationship between God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit and that helps them grow

in their spiritual life. what are these three separate persons? how can

they be helpful to my child growing up? also how can this-- how do they form this

one God? A little mystery is not a bad thing when it comes to the Trinity and

to God. We don't know everything about God and that's okay. As parents, I don't

know about you, but sometimes I want to have all the answers but I just don't.

A lot of times my ten-year-old will ask me questions I don't know the answer

to and I feel bad for saying "I don't know." But that's actually a good thing. The

Trinity is one of the those instances and one of those

concepts of Christianity that it's okay to leave a little mystery and a little

wonder to God. We don't want our children to think that we, as parents, have

all the answers. We don't want, especially when it comes to God, because

God is mysterious. It's okay to have a little wonder, a little mystery.

My example today for how to explain the Trinity to children is over

simplified and doesn't really get to the meat of what the Trinity is.

Because it has to be over simplified for kids, but I think that's okay.

I think it's okay to over simplify things for them so that they can

understand a little bit of it. Honestly, you guys, I don't really

completely understand how God, Jesus, Holy Spirit can all be one person, Godhead, but

also be three separate persons. It's confusing. My brain cannot-- and I have a

theological degree. I have a Masters of Divinity and I cannot still wrap my

brain around it and that's okay. I don't think, if we're honest with ourselves, I

don't think a lot of us understand the Trinity completely and I don't think

we're supposed to understand it completely.

I think there are a lot of things that God wants to remain mysterious and

unknown because God is God. Growing up I always heard the example

of water as an example for the Trinity. So you have water, which is God, you know

it's the main substance. But you can have three different parts of the Godhead but you'd

have three different forms of water. It's liquid, a solid, and a gas. Those

explained how God can be God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit because

it's different forms of the same substance. Same thing with like an apple

as an example. You have the skin, you have the meat of the Apple, and then you have

the core. It's three separate parts of the Apple but it's all an apple. And

people use examples like a shamrock, especially around St. Patrick's Day which

is coming up, you hear a shamrock as an example of the Trinity. Iit has that

a three clover, a three shamrock has the God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. It

kind of form a triangle which you see a lot of time

as a symbol for the Trinity. And then there's also the example of the egg: you

have the shell, you have the the yolk ( on the you have the white yolk that's on

the yolk the yolk is yellow part or should I say the egg white is in the

center okay) you have the shell, the egg white, and the yolk but it's all the egg.

The three makes up the one. Those are all great simplified examples

that would be great for you to use as an example. Look in your fridge and see--

surely you have an apple or an egg hanging out in your kitchen-- that's an

example of the Trinity if your child is struggling understanding. But again it

doesn't really get to the heart of what the Trinity is and that's okay. Remember

to add in a little mystery and say hey I don't, you know I don't have all the

answers that's okay. - all right so if I have left you even more confused about

the Trinity then before you watched this video well then that's just the mystery

of God and that's okay too. So look up some more YouTube videos. I

will leave a link to some other videos or sources if you want to explore

further about what the Trinity is. I will put a link in the description box down

below. I will search out a couple of examples for you of some other people

talking about the Trinity that might be helpful. I will see you in my next video

thanks for watching! bloopers



For more infomation >> How to explain the Trinity to a Child | Trinity Object Lesson - Duration: 5:53.


Eat 1 Tablespoon Water a Day and THIS Will Happen to Your Thyroid - Duration: 2:45.

hi viewers today I'm going to show you a juice for thyroid in case the thyroid

gland does not produce sufficient amount of hormones it is known as

hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism leads to numerous serious health issues including

heart disorders joint pains obesity and infertility here are some symptoms of

hypothyroidism they are muscle cramps constipation

fatigue memory loss hair loss dry skin cold low libido and depression here is a

juice for thyroid for this we need ginger lemon juice orange juice can

berry juice and cinnamon powder let's start the process take a pan add some

water and allow it to boil for 5 minutes

now add ginger pieces cinnamon powder and allow it to boil for another five

minutes now put off the flame leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and filter this

water into a glass then add one tablespoon of lemon juice 2 tablespoon

of orange juice 2 tbsp of kin berry juice and mix well now the drink is

ready to serve you can drink this immediately it will boost your

metabolism and regulates the function of thyroid this drink is rich in vitamins

it strengthens the immunity and prevents inflammation by taking this drink

regularly you can keep your thyroid levels in control thank you for watching

this video like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Eat 1 Tablespoon Water a Day and THIS Will Happen to Your Thyroid - Duration: 2:45.


Who Is Responsibility for Waco & Vince Foster Murders - Duration: 10:39.

this was released that many of you are

probably not my age I'm not older than

dirt but just after the earth cooled

let's put it that way there was an event

that happened in Waco Texas there was a

little religious group called the Branch

Davidians and they kind of had a little

compound with a chain-link fence around

it and they had men women and children

families growing up there peaceful

people shopped in town and Waco and kind

of kept to themselves played some

rock-and-roll Christian music and we're

living their own lives it turns out that

a certain high-ranking person in

Washington DC did not like the fact that

they were doing this and wanted to take

them down so they ordered the Justice

Department to go after them and go after

them is exactly what they did now

unfortunately the fact that they were

going after them meant that they were

gonna use all the forces at their

disposal they attacked them this

occurred this attack where 76 Americans

in 1993 were burned to death including

21 children and two pregnant women and

it happened on live TV and I watched it

what many people do not know is it was

not Janet Reno then Attorney General

that was responsible for this oh she's

the one that ordered the attack but it

was actually first lady Hillary Rodham

Clinton who pressured deputy White House

Counsel Vince Foster and web Hubbell you

know who web Hubbell is don't you he's

the father of Chelsea Clinton oh you

don't believe me just look at their

pictures side by side you deny it okay I

don't need 23andme to tell me what a

daughter looks like from a father okay

then we have Hubble to use military

force in resolving the Waco standoff due

to the saturated media covering the

standoff the standoff was receiving and

here's why because at

the time Hillary Rodham Clinton as first

lady was leading an illegal effort to

establish an overreaching health care

plan which the world called Hillary care

she needed the press but Waco was

getting all the airtime she wanted it


appearing on CNN's Larry King Live White

House aide Linda Tripp suggested that

deputy white House Counsel vindens

foster and mrs. Clinton's Direction

transmitted the order to move on the

Branch Davidian compound which

culminated in burning the occupants to

death on live television including men

women and children Janet Reno begged her

aides begged them shortly before the

orders were issued in the final assault

please give me a reason not to do this

85 Branch Davidians were burned alive in

that attack 76 of them died Tripps

allegations lend weight to charges made


by Special Forces expert in Waco

investigator Steve Barry who claimed

Hillary Clinton's set up a special

Crisis Center in the White House to deal

with Waco serving with her was Vince

Foster who according to his widow was

subsequently fueled by horror at the

carnage at wake over which the White

House had ultimately been responsible

evidently Vince Foster responded to this

horror that he felt on his heart by

committing suicide it is a terrible

terrible thing well in the 1999

documentary Waco a new revelation from

former House Waco investigator team arch

Bell he recalled and I quote one of the

interesting things that happen in an

investigation is that you get anonymous

phone calls we in fact received the

anonymous phone calls from Justice

Department managers and attorney

who believed that pressure was placed on

Janet Reno by web hubbell pressure that

came from the First Lady of the United

States foster himself was found dead

from a gunshot wound to the back of the

head in a Virginia park three months

later could he have known too much about

Waco and by the way it's very strange

but photographs of vince foster turned

up a few months ago we talked about it

here on x/squared radio where there was

not one bullet hole behind the ear of

events foster there were two one in the

neck a small caliber bullet and one

behind the ear a 38 caliber bullet and

then his body was dropped in the park

the park police called it suicide and

nothing nothing was ever done about it

journalist ambrose evans pritchard

maintains that foster had been drafting

a letter involving Waco on the very day

of his death moreover evans-pritchard

said that Foster kept awake Oh file in a

locked cabinet there was off-limits to

everyone including his secretary except

that the instant that meant Vince Foster

was killed they raced to his office

unlocked his door broke open that filing

cabinet and emptied it of all his

records that's before the FBI could get

there prior to Waco Foster was a

dignified decent caring smart man said

Linda Tripp in his in its aftermath

Vince was falling apart how would you

feel if you had 76 deaths of innocent

people on you Tripp was with the former

White House deputy counsel when the news

about Waco broke on television here's

what she said I was with him meaning

Vince Foster well we had CNN all the

time not to plug but it was always on in

the White House and a special bulletin

came on showing the atrocity in Waco

and the children and his face his whole

body slumped and his face turned white

and he was absolutely crushed knowing

knowing the part he had played and he

had played the part at mrs. Clinton's

direction there was a market contrast

between Foster's heartfelt emotion to

the Wako tragedy and Hillary Clinton's

you would think that raising more than 1

billion dollars an influence peddling

and high profit charity services would

be enough you would think that ordering

the slaughter of 76 innocent Americans

just so you could get the news headline

back for your health care plan would be

enough as Hillary Clinton heads out of

the Democratic National Convention to

hit the general election campaign trail

today allegations of Clinton Foundation

corruption are alive and well and one

writer is urging Americans across the

country to help hold the Clintons

accountable that is ongoing dr. Jerome

Corsi is an investigative reporter for

WorldNetDaily and the author most

recently of partners in crime the

Clintons schemed to monetize the White

House for personal profit

his book comes more than a year after

Peter Schweitzer's Clinton cash course

II told WorldNetDaily and radio America

his efforts to shut down the Clinton

Foundation have a much simpler focus

what I'm maintaining is there is a much

easier offense to go after and that's

what's called inurement

in your mitt is a criminal offense and

it means you run a charity for your own

benefit course he explained we just

watched congresswoman Corrine brown go

to jail for this he said that it is much

easier to prove than the kinds of

corruption alleged by Schweitzer you

don't need a quid quo pro he said you

just show the financial reporting is so

apparently fraudulent and so masking of

money that you know went to the

corporation because

the United Nations reports more than

they gave to the Clinton Foundation

reports they got where did the

additional missing money go I bet you

can match it up with their personal bank

accounts or their offshore accounts

course he said the Clinton Foundation in

Norment began after the Clintons turned

a foundation designed to raise money for

Bill Clinton's presidential library you

remember that don't you after leaving

the White House the Clintons used the

foundation for disaster relief in places

like India and Haiti Corsi said Bill

Clinton would travel to the scenes of

disaster posed with the survivors smile

make a short speech and he would raise

hundreds of millions of dollars for the

relief effort and then spend just a tiny

fraction on the stated mission maybe 10%

money gets ripped off in this grifter

scheme and enriches the Clintons

to the tune of hundreds of millions of

dollars and they've never held a job in

their lives except for the Clinton

Foundation where did they get all this

money except to rip it out of the

foundation all of that is ongoing and

we're watching the results of the

conventions and nothing could be more

white and black more night and day more

good and evil it's really quite amazing

to watch and what is even more amazing

and more frustrating for you and for me

is to watch the mainstream media and

their collusion and their propaganda and

the way that they strain at a gnat and

swallow a camel well as it turns out

there's more much more

For more infomation >> Who Is Responsibility for Waco & Vince Foster Murders - Duration: 10:39.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Volkswagen T-ROC pierwsza jazda / first ride PL & ENG - motocaina.pl / kasiafrendl.pl - Duration: 8:39.

Polo or golf?

This video is not going to be about sports

but about a new model of a car.

I'm in Austria to check how the new Volkswagen T-Roc

will behave having me behind the wheel,

and then on motorways and high in the mountains.

Do you think we'll hit it off?

There's a 4-wheel drive.

I mean you can have only front-wheel drive

but what for if 4motion is safer?

T-Roc has 4 doors and those in the back open wide,

so there's no problem putting inside a sizeable child safety seat.

There are as many as 11 paint colours offered by manufacturer,

some of them remarkably pretty, like my favourite blue one.

The coolest option is choosing the roof colour, 3 variations possible.

It's pleasant to look at a pretty car

but the real pleasure comes when you get inside,

especially when the weather's freezing and there's no one to hug you nearby.

There's space for 5 passengers, those at the front can be both tall and big,

while it's better when those at the back are smaller.

This also applies to our luggage.

You'll surely appreciate the electrically controlled fifth door,

the boot will fit big shopping, but also luggage for a short business trip,

or even a 7-day outing with your girlfriends if one of them travels with you in this car.

However, if you plan a family trip 2+2, then you need to become a minimalist.

You won't fit a carrycot here,

but there's space for a light buggy with child's accessories.

Women aren't interested in what they get under the bonnet?

That's rubbish!

The ones who like to step on it and feel the car power when overtaking

will choose the most powerful TSI petrol unit with 190 hp.

The car gets a great boost from this engine, as if it took part in a car race.

4-wheel drive and 7-speed DSG are a standard here.

Then there's an intermediate unit with 150 hp and either manual or automatic transmission.

No worries, this one will also allow us to save some money on petrol…

and spend it later on a trendy haircut.

Finally, there's the most economic version for all those who practise yoga

and care for the environment – a 1.0 L unit with 115 hp.

You'll save some money at the very start since that's the cheapest T-Roc available –

the starting price is 78,000 PLN.

I almost forgot – there are also 2 diesels:

the most expensive one now in offer is a 2.0 L unit with 150 hp and DSG,

and in the future – a 115 hp model.

I encouraged you to get inside for a reason.

It's easy to get in,

both young girls in short skirts and older women with cracking joints

will appreciate the position of the seat at the front –

it's neither too low, so you won't fall in it

when holding the steering wheel,

nor too high, forcing you to lift your bum as if you were dancing can-can.

For me the position's just right.

The interior suggests that the designer follows the latest trends.

We are offered as many as 7 colours of decorative elements to choose from.

Mine here are grey, unfortunately, but you can choose yellow or any other colour.

You can have analogue speedometers

but I personally prefer my cockpit to look more modern.

They can cover the whole width of the navigation map.

There's a glass "commanding" screen in the middle –

it's big and clear so even those with vision problems

shall be able to read all information.

It functions like a smartphone, you'll find what you need easily,

after 5 minutes you'll have the knowledge necessary to operate this car,

i.e. how to get connect to the internet, how to pair your phone with Bluetooth

or play your favourite music via Spotify.

There are plenty of lock-ups, even though the car's small,

they've found space for an armrest with a little case for sundries under it.

You surely want to ask how it is to drive this car.

It's a very gentle car, but not in the sense that it's slow

since it can go over 200 km/h on a German motorway.

It just doesn't cause any trouble when you drive it.

DSG works imperceptibly, it doesn't roar in an annoying way

when you go uphill.

Also, it moves smoothly and gently when speed is being reduced.

The model with the most powerful petrol engine is very brisk,

driving it gives a lot of joy.

In such conditions, that is in the mountains,

the fuel consumption is 8.0-8.5 L/100 km –

that's a great result!

I like having everything I need within my hands and eyes' reach.

And that's how it is here, what adds to my driving comfort.

Plus, the seats are quite soft, I don't feel tired after driving 200 km,

it's as if I have just got in the car.

The seat is both carefully profiled and works well on longer distances.

The steering system gives you a good impression what's underneath the wheels.

Again, it's all about comfort.

Let me use the same phrase again – it is tuned to be "gentle,"

both the steering system and suspension, the latter of which smoothens the ride.

I've been driving a lot on snow and bumps, and I didn't feel that in my bones.

All of this makes for a calm ride in this car.

Even though we're aware of the power under the bonnet

and we know we can step on it, we don't feel like using this knowledge.

For the ambitious ones I recommend up! GTI or Polo GTI,

or the uncrushable Golf GTI.

I should say a few words about the security systems.

I always wonder if you, buyers, think about them –

let me know in the comment section under this video, please,

I'm really curious about your opinion.

Now, let me focus on two systems

that are available even in the car's most basic version –

they are a standard equipment in T-Roc

and they are called Front Assist and Lane Assist.

Front Assist monitors the traffic situation in front of the car,

it can apply brakes in front of pedestrians, cyclists or obstacles, in general,

in order to avoid collision, or even stop the car after a collision.

Lane Assist is a system that keeps the car in the lane,

what's really cool – right in the middle of it.

All assistance systems, plus those which can be bought separately,

and also multimedia, the look of the display,

your favourite radio station,

can be added to your preferences and saved in a car key.

If there are two keys for two drivers in a family,

they can save different preferences.

Cool, right?

If I want to be objective, I have to admit

that T-Roc has got lots of serious competitors on the market,

even within his own concern, like Audi.

What makes it exceptional, tough, is its interesting appearance,

fine equipment and a pretty and practical interior design.

It's a really attractive car for all single people,

young couples, couples with teenage kids, or seniors enjoying their life,

who want to have a nice, universal, urban vehicle.

And if you ask me – I like it a lot!

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-ROC pierwsza jazda / first ride PL & ENG - motocaina.pl / kasiafrendl.pl - Duration: 8:39.


Check it. Don't Chance it. - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Check it. Don't Chance it. - Duration: 0:32.


Road crews caution drivers near Dells - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Road crews caution drivers near Dells - Duration: 2:40.


Johnny Hally­day : Sylvie Vartan a-t-elle menti sur ce qu'elle a touché après son divorce ? - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hally­day : Sylvie Vartan a-t-elle menti sur ce qu'elle a touché après son divorce ? - Duration: 2:17.


Gov't says automaker should improve biz transparency to receive help - Duration: 2:08.

It's clear something must be done to normalize General Motor's management in the nation.

Taking into account the impact of the U.S. automaker's unilateral decision to shutdown

its Gunsan Plant... the trade minister emphasized the need for GM Korea to improve transparency.

Kim Ji-yeon shares with us his remarks.

In a briefing held Monday, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, Paik Un-gyu said

GM Korea should submit a long-term proposal to improve transparency of its business management

in the country, emphasizing that the company should show its commitment to normalize its

business prior to asking the government for support.

The minister added that any funds provided to the carmaker would originate only within

WTO regulation, and with the purpose of preventing the shut down of GM Korea's Gunsan plant,

one of four assembly plants the company has in the country.

Paik also denied accusations that the government had made promises to provide monetary support

when it required the automaker to submit a proposal.

He also said he understands that, as a profit seeking business entity,... the automaker

could ultimately decide to pull out of the country,...resulting in an undesirable impact

on the local job market.

Considering such risk, Paik said the government is willing to work with the automaker to improve

the situation.

One of the ways GM Korea could stay in business is for the automaker to announce Korea as

the production allocation of its new crossover vehicle model instead of other locations such

as Mexico.

But Paik says the option may not become a deal-breaker just yet... since the company

seems to experience difficulties in making a final decision that is dependent on the

outcome of NAFTA renegotiation talks.

If the automaker decides to start making the model in its plants in Bupyeong and Changwon...

it's expected to able to produce about 500-thousand units annually... that could help them avoid

the same fate of the Gunsan plant which is to shut down in May... leading to massive

loss of workforce of around 2-thousand people.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Gov't says automaker should improve biz transparency to receive help - Duration: 2:08.


S. Korean gov't to designate Gunsan economic 'crisis zone' as GM plans shutting factory - Duration: 0:59.

President Moon Jae-in ordered his government to designate the nation's southwestern city

of Gunsan as a 'crisis zone' for industry and employment... following General Motors'

announcement last week that it would shut down its production plant there.

"Upon presidential orders, the labor ministry has decided to take emergency steps to name

the Gunsan region as an 'employment crisis area.'"

The Cheongwadae spokesperson added... although the current situation in Gunsan does not meet

the criteria to be given such status, the administration is willing to revise the existing

regulation to make it possible.

Designated crisis zones become eligible for special government subsidies like low-interest

loans and financial support for those laid off.

Moon expressed concerns over GM's decision as Gunsan employs 2-thousand of the U.S. carmaker's

16-thousand-strong workforce in South Korea... with one out of five people in the city dependent

on GM for their livelihood.

For more infomation >> S. Korean gov't to designate Gunsan economic 'crisis zone' as GM plans shutting factory - Duration: 0:59.


ItaCest (Anti-Gerita) || Hermanita [Sub.Eng/Ita] - Duration: 1:09.

How the years pass. Yesterday we were children

Mom and Dad struggled for our future.

You took care of me,today I'll watching over you

little Sister,I adore you.

I know you are not happy

That he jeer at you.

But what do I do here?

Though I want to help you, you accept it like this.

You are my blood And my goal is to save you,And I pray for you.

little Sister, he does not love you (love you.)

He has like twenty women,And you see it.

He mistreats you, then you defend him.

Think about it, it does not benefit you. Don't you see it?

(You cry) it causes me fury and sorrow.

(You cry) how I feel your fear.

(You cry) at his hands you can die.

(You cry) that man makes you suffer.

He is not worthy of you loving him so much.

Think well,you're the guilty And you see it.

For more infomation >> ItaCest (Anti-Gerita) || Hermanita [Sub.Eng/Ita] - Duration: 1:09.


Seoul to give Ivanka Trump warm reception for South Korea trip - Duration: 2:17.

Ivanka Trump will be in South Korea for the Olympic closing ceremony.

Her visit could be a chance to convince Washington to allow inter-Korean talks.

Kwon Jang-ho explains how the Moon administration could be driven by a singular purpose when

welcoming America's first daughter.

Seoul is preparing a warm welcome for Ivanka Trump for her trip to South Korea later this


She is set to arrive on Friday and stay for three nights.

The main purpose of her visit will be to lead the U.S. delegation at the closing ceremony

of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics on Sunday, where she is expected to be seated next to

President Moon Jae-in.

Foreign ministry officials have said that a separate meeting between the two is also

likely over the weekend.

There's also talk that President Moon, or another senior official, such as Seoul's foreign

minister Kang Kyung-wha, might accompany Ivanka Trump to Olympic events to support Team USA.

Seoul is also reportedly arranging events that are in line with her role as an advocate

for women's rights and empowerment.

It's unusual for the family member of a world leader to receive such treatment -- a foreign

ministry official has said that there are no official guidelines to help them prepare.

But Seoul's lavish reception of Kim Yo-jung , North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister,

who came as part of the North Korean delegation for the opening ceremony, has led to pressure

to provide similar hospitality to the U.S. first daughter.

Ivanka Trump is also considered to have her father's ear, and Seoul is looking to court

her potential influence, at a time when South Korea looks to orchestrate talks with North


But observers aren't expecting too much from the visit.

"I don't think there should be any expectation, I think this should be about creating a good

mood and understanding.

I think we need to be careful not to go too far in overestimating her influence over the


But at the same time I don't think it hurts the South Korean government to have a good

relationship with some of the closest advisors to President Trump, and Ivanka Trump clearly

is one of them."

When U.S. Vice President Mike Pence came for the opening ceremony, he met with a group

of North Korean defectors to highlight North Korea's human rights abuses.

A similar event might also be on the cards for Ivanka Trump to make a similar statement

and keep the pressure on Pyongyang.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Seoul to give Ivanka Trump warm reception for South Korea trip - Duration: 2:17.


How To Make Slime | THE MOST GORGEOUS AVALANCHE SLIME 🏔️ - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> How To Make Slime | THE MOST GORGEOUS AVALANCHE SLIME 🏔️ - Duration: 6:14.


DXRacer Racing. NAVI vs NAVI - Duration: 7:04.

Hello, everyone!

This is Katya, and today we'll have a triathlon challenge featuring the CS:GO and Dota teams' managers and coaches.

As you know, DXRacer started off as a manufacturer of seats for racing cars,

so today our participants will be challenging each other in a race.

Mikhail "Kane" Blagin & Evgeniy "Ugin" Erofeev

Igor "Caff" Sidorenko & Aleksandr "XBOCT" Dashkevych

The first round is a solo race.

The goal is to make it to the finish line faster without hitting the cones, the penalty for each knocked-down cone is 1 second.

Zhenya, are you ready for the race?

I was born for this day, I'll destroy him!

Igor, Zhenya is ready to destroy you, what is your answer?

I can say the same, I'll destroy you!

Okay, let's begin. The Dota team goes second, CS:GO is the first.

You can shake hands.

Vote for us.

Ready, set, go!

I can see you have ten Majors ahead, but the question is - will there be victories?

Are your DXRacer chairs ready for the race?

Yes, our chairs are always ready.

Let's go!

Go! Go! Go!

I'm using a special technique.

Here comes the turnoff!

Another one!

Give me a high five!

I did it!

The rally challenge is all about teamwork and communication.

The teams will have to choose who will be the first driver and who will start as a navigator.

But it's not that simple, the driver will have a special helmet on, and he won't be able to see the race track at all.

The navigator's job is to give timely instructions.

A team that knocks down fewer cones and makes it to the finish line faster wins.

Turn left! Left.

Straight on!

Now turn right!

Let's roll!

Straight, straight! Now right!

Left! Turn left! Stop! Take a right! Right! Go, go!

Screw it, go straight through!

Turn right!


And the final challenge is bowling.

The guys have a chance to bounce back because each knocked-down cone will deduct one second from the team's overall time.

After 3 rounds, the overall winner is the Dota team.

No chairs and no players were harmed in the making of this video.

For more infomation >> DXRacer Racing. NAVI vs NAVI - Duration: 7:04.


Internet Instantly Recognizes Familiar Face at Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Protest - Duration: 2:35.

Internet Instantly Recognizes Familiar Face at Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Protest

Special counsel Robert Mueller charged 13 Russians and three Russian companies Friday

with plotting to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

One of the ways they sought to do so was by organizing anti-Donald Trump protests in the


The goal of these protests, which continued even after Trump's electoral victory, was

to "promote discord in the United States and undermine confidence in democracy,"

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein indicated Friday, according to The Daily Caller.

One such protest was held on Nov. 12, 2016, in New York City, and among the thousands

of attendees was one famous outspoken liberal and critic of Trump.

Conservative activist Jack Posobiec was one of the first to point out that Michael Moore

attended the rally, as evidenced by a photo of the liberal filmmaker at the protest.

The rally, titled "Trump is NOT my President," was organized by Facebook community group

Black Matters.

Last year, investigators on the House Intelligence Committee revealed that this group, as well

as many others, was actually controlled by Russian operatives, according to The Washington


Friday's indictment from Mueller noted that Russian operatives also organized a pro-Trump

rally to take place on the same day.

At the time, though, it was the anti-Trump protest that grabbed all the attention, with

The U.K. Guardian reporting that close to 10,000 people attended.

Moore appeared to be among those attendees, and he even tweeted about it.

"I'm in the middle of thousands -tens of thousands?- of American voters outside

Trump Tower demanding he step aside," the liberal activist wrote.

"He got the least votes."

Many Twitter users couldn't help but recognize the irony in the fact that Moore, who has

refused to accept the legitimacy of Trump's presidency, was himself unwittingly part of

a Russian scheme to undermine the democratic process.

The Russian operatives also organized another anti-Trump rally to take place the next week

in Charlotte, North Carolina.

According to Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch and Twitter general counsel Sean Edgett,

it's "accurate" that Russian operatives were attempting to "to undermine President

Trump's legitimacy" following the election," The Daily Caller reported.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Internet Instantly Recognizes Familiar Face at Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Protest - Duration: 2:35.


Royals Can't Get Political? Then Explain Meghan Markle & Prince Harry's Last Date - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Royals Can't Get Political? Then Explain Meghan Markle & Prince Harry's Last Date - Duration: 10:28.


Black Panther Review - The Peril of Black Utopia | Ahsante the Artist - Duration: 12:31.

What happens when black people are allowed to thrive?

Black panther was an experience.

Not only was it a fun superhero movie, it was also a social commentary, it was also

a demonstration of the power of black women, it was also black excellence and opulence

on display, the riches abound.

It was so refreshing to see.

And it also makes a statement about why that black utopia is out of reach, and what the

pitfall, what that perilous flaw in the black community is really about.


Hey, it's ya girl Ahsante helping you move consciously and creatively through life, so

lets go.

Let me start this review off by saying that I am not a superhero aficionado.

I didn't know what MCU stood for I had to google it.

And I actually don't know much about the details of the superhero universes.

But you know I am too Black and proud to not take my butt to the theater, putting my money

where my mouth is, ok.

I have a few points I want to make about this movie but first I want to just bask in what

I thought was glorious about it.

And don't worry this first part of the review is spoiler-free, I will let you know when

the spoilers are coming, not yet.

The movie was chock-full of those classic conflicts of legal duty vs. moral duty.

War vs. peace, revenge vs. reconciliation, all that good stuff.

I also love that this was a story for us, by us, about us.

Black ensemble, black lead, black villain, black director, black writer, blackity black


And of course from a representation standpoint it's phenomenal to see a cast of strong black

characters, not dependent on white people, not subjected by white people.

So often when you have movies that star black people it's about how poor and sad and tragic

their lives are, aww isn't it sad.

But this is not a black sorrow movie, not a movie about being so many years a slave,

not a movie where *song* nobody knows the trouble I've seen.

Nah, we get some black joy and black love and black power in this movie hello.

The actors were amazing

The sets - amazing

The costume designs - lit, I mean gorgeous just the layering, the colors the adornment,

the attention to detail

I see you production designer Hannah Beachler and costume designer Ruth Carter - get it

going, what's good

I also have to shout out to Shuri, and the advances that occur when black women thrive.

Shuri is Black Panther's sister, princess of Wakanda,

and I love that she is the technological genius, not just behind the black panther, but behind

all of wakanda.

Like yes I designed this entire transportation system.

Yes I designed this virtual driving system.

Yes I know you think these beads are fine but I'm actually going to improve them and

just because somethings works well now doesn't mean it can't be better - yes black excellence!

I love the theme that sometimes it's better to be underestimated.

I'll just be over here putting in work and receiving my blessings, and I don't have

to brag about it.

I'll just be over here killing the game don't you worry about it.

I'm just minding my own business.

That is how I roll a lot of the time.

I love the nod to stolen African artifacts that hang in British and American collections


yup, did a unit on that during my art history days.

I was like - accurate!

I will also say that there are some valid criticisms to the film.

One was the lack of humor, and I agree that while there was more humor towards the beginning

and there were a couple of funny moments, the movie is by a large pretty serious in


And another things some folks are saying is that the Black Panther himself isn't super

interesting as a character as far as his motivations and doesn't go through much character development,

which is debatable and you have to ask yourself how his compares to other superhero's backstories,

but I think any simplicity in Black Panther's character just leaves room for a complex statement

being made overall,

it leaves room to reflect on the world of Wakanda and it's flaws, which I'll get

to in a bit.

And it leaves room for the women to shine, which I'm not mad about.

But I do think that the main draw of the film is the representation,

having strong leading black characters, strong black women warriors, having a celebration

of African inspired culture, giving people a sense of pride, and I think that is incredibly

valuable, in and of itself.

So overall I loved it, but let's go a little deeper.

There is a lot to get into with this movie, and yes this going to get into some analysis

so there will be spoilers ahead, be forewarned.

If you don't want spoilers stop here and skip to this part of the video - timecode

in the description.

Do doody do do.

Ok, so.

There are two overarching things I want to touch on as lessons from this film, and the

first is the role that emotions and empathy play in leadership.

By Wakanda's rules, the only thing that someone has to do to become black panther

is win a fight.

There's no council of elders has to vote, there are no other tests of mental agility

or strategy or moral compass, there's nothing about needing to be raised in Wakanda, .

It's just who's up to challenge - can you win the fight.

The problem comes when another character is a better fighter, but not a better king - that's

the point.

The film points out the flaw in traditional thought, and here it's literally Wakandan

tradition, that prowess and might make you the best leader.

Instead, the side that wins in the end values empathy, and reverence, and intelligence,

and consideration.

In the end, the problem is not solved by the biggest dude, or the toughest dude.

T'challa is someone who shows his emotion and his love for his family, and for his country.

And during their challenge, Killmonger tries to frame this emotion as weakness,

but in the end T'challa comes out on top, and his emotions don't make him any less

strong, any less of a man, of a king, of a black panther.

He is connected to his emotions in a healthy way that allows him to have his priorities


And T'challa even in his victory was merciful and offered to save Killmonger.

In T'challa's challenge with the White Gorilla he pushed him to yield, rather than

simply focusing on defeat.

This is exemplary leadership, in the film's eyes.

Even when you talk about the black panther's powers, they gear towards someone who is merciful

and empathetic.

The power of the black panther and the heart shaped herb is to heal, which is something

done out of love.

His suit is not made for attack, it's made for defense.

His suit absorbs the kinetic energy that someone else is trying to use against him, and uses

that same force to repel the attacker.

The powers are made for a man who is a protector, not an aggressor.

This movie flips gender norms not only in showing a leading man who is very connected

to his emotions, but also in showing some strong, powerful, warrior women.

The kings body guards were all women.

The person who's known as the fiercest warrior in the land, is a woman.

The people who do a lot of driving the plot forward are women.

They're the ones with strong moral compass who take up arms against Killmonger as he

takes the throne.

This is some literally kickass representation.

And there's this great moment in the all out fight - which is pretty much boys vs.

girls, blue vs. pink, like we a little bit went back to kindergarten if kindergarten

was a fight to the death.

Oyoke, who leads the women warriors is like I have the strength, and I have the sensitivity,

your rhino will yield because he loves me let me get them licks - but I will kill you

for my country.

And then my boy has to yield.

My boy has to yield.

Love conquers all.

All you need is love - babananana

The second overarching lesson of the film is that without recognizing and reconciling

our history, we will never be able to move forward.

I thought one of the most striking parts of the film was where we've already seen T'challa

go back to his past before taking the throne

we saw his father as one of the panther ancestors come down from his big family tree, and they

were in this vast African landscape.

And then we see Killmonger go back to his past, and he's back to the same apartment

we that saw earlier, that's all he has.

And the only person there is his dad.

And I was like - oh!

No mythical landscape for him?

What does Killmonger imagine that his past is like?

What he has in his past is not vast and wide it's this limited landscape with 1 ancestor.

By the way, where is this boy's momma?

And I see this as a metaphor for the heritage that Black Americans have access to, as opposed

to the heritage Black people from the continent can access.

As a Black American descendant of slaves, I don't have the same huge family tree,

I have the bit of it that's in America.

And that's all that Killmonger knows.

And he is unable to go back and reconcile his history, so he is unable to move forward.

Not only can he not see any of his ancestors, where is this boy's mother by the way.

But he can't reconcile the trauma of his father's death.

He's unable to forgive the sins of his ancestors, and therefore he cannot move on.

He is stuck in that moment, and he is stuck in an attitude of vengeance.

And you could make the connection between Black Panther killing his brother in America

while abandoning his American nephew

and Powerful Africans during the transatlantic slave trade selling their less powerful African

brothers into slavery leaving them fatherless to fend for themselves in America - you could

make that connection.

And Killmonger represents a lot of that unresolved resentment and trauma - taken to the extreme

of course.

But for Americans, it makes the point that until we fully acknowledge and condemn and

reconcile the sins of slavery and segregation and ghettoization all it's repercussions

in our past -

which some people still can't even acknowledge and condemn today.

Until we reconcile that, we won't be able to move forward.

I think it speaks volumes that the movie starts with the ghetto, the first frame is of the

make-shift basketball hoop, that's where this conflict all stems from.

And the film ends with the ghetto - with T'challa bringing in technology and innovation and

wanting to give back to this community and build it up, that is the ending solution.

T'challa is also unable to move forward without first going back.

Not only in the tradition of someone having to go back to their past before they ascend

to the throne,

but also before T'challa is revived and given this second chance, he goes back to

that mythical family tree and confronts his father about his sin.

T'challa has to go back and reconcile this problem that his father has caused, before

he can move forward, defeat Killmonger, and rule his country.

I think it's interesting that in the movie, we are our own villains.

Which on the one hand will happen if you're making it a black ensemble cast, the bad guys

will also be black,

but on the other hand it makes a point.

Yes you will have the white folks like Claw who are trying to come in and rob us of our


Yes you will have the white folks like Mr. CIA who think they know so much and need to

be schooled.

"I made this plane American standard for you sweety I'll walk you through this"

But we also have this inner turmoil.

And more specifically we are fighting against the legacy of colonization and slavery and

generational trauma that we have been subjected to, that Killmonger represents.

And the pitfalls of that black Utopia of Wakanda was in it's prior failure to reconcile those

issues of the past.

And there have always been disagreements within the black community about how to address those


Do we go out and fight fire with fire, take an eye for an eye.

Or do we practice non violence and try to go about things more diplomatically.

Do we go with the mentality of everyone has to pick themselves up by their bootstraps

and work with what they have.

Or should we always be pushing for more, more opportunities and more access, and do the

talented tenth have a responsibility to push the rest of the race forward.

Aaaaand welcome back for my non-spoiler crew, you're in the right place.

But that's a lot of what Wakanda is struggling with.

Should black excellence be responsible for uplifting black people world-wide?

Should we handle black progress through violence or through laws and agreements.

And it's also struggling with what a lot of developed nations struggle with - isolationism

vs. intervention.

What right does Wakanda have to meddle in the affairs of other countries, especially

as people who's brethren have been so affected by colonization and meddling by predominately

white countries.

That along with ideas of looking back in order to move forward, and the role of emotions

and empathy in leadership, were some of the big themes I took away from the movie.

Other than the fact that black people are amazing, powerful, regal, and brilliant.

If you're new here and you're interested in social awareness, culture, and personal

development, then you should subscribe to get new videos from me every week.

And if you're into real life black panthers and black activists, then you should check

out my last video on Lorraine Hansberry who was more of an activist then you probably


And I mean, you want to talk about positive representation for Black Folks, you gotta

talk about her.

Big thanks to my patreon patrons, you all are so important in helping me to grow and

sustain this channel.

In the comments, let me know what you thought of Black Panther, because I know you went

to see it.

Oh I know you're not just going to skip out on Black Panther like that.

Even if you haven't seen it yet, I hope you enjoyed this review, but seriously go

see it.

As always, remember to live spiritedly and think creatively, and I will see you next


What's making me happy this week is the fact that Black Panther is shattering all these

box office records!


It's important that this movie does well because then they'll make more movies like it, and

it will show that a Black ensemble cast can really succeed.

So, at this rate there'll be a Black Panther 8 which I'm excited about.

And also making me happy this week was the fact that I got a nice long 3 day weekend

for President's Day, so that was nice.

Welp, I'm going to go keep rooting for everybody Black, I'll be right back!

To find a job is like a haystack needle.

Cause where he lives, they don't use colored people.

Living just enough, just enough for the city.

For more infomation >> Black Panther Review - The Peril of Black Utopia | Ahsante the Artist - Duration: 12:31.


In Epic 6 2 Decision, US Supreme Court Declares Obama Violated the Constitution - Duration: 14:01.

In Epic 6-2 Decision, US Supreme Court Declares Obama Violated the Constitution

Former President Obama didn't bat an eye about America's well-being while he was

in the Oval Office.

He absolutely doesn't care about American laws nowadays.

And to top it all off, our Constitution is a nonfactor according to Barrack Obama.

This Obama guy violated the Constitution for staggering three years while he was President.

Chief Justice John Roberts declared Obama had an "end-run around" the Constitution.

The American people deserve to know the truth, even though the mainstream media will always

favor the boy wonder, Obama.

The court made a decision that Barack Hussein Obama violated the Constitution.

The decision was approved by Chief Justice John Roberts in a 6-2 opinion.

However, this did not catch anybody off guard because we all know what kind of a president

Barrack Obama was.

But Barrack Obama is one of a kind president.

Unlike every other President in the history of America, he did not step aside to let the

new president take charge.

For pretty much over a year, Barrack Obama has in place a "community organizing"

organization with 250 offices located all across the state, and over 30,000 employees

working for him in the dark.

Barrack Obama has an evil plan to interfere, and boycott Trump's government in every

action it takes.

This is pretty serious and unethical, to say the least.

This brand new leftist nonprofit organization is called OFA.

It's going to blow up anytime soon in the media and will have the same publicity as

George Soros, and Black Lives Matter.

The name OFA stands for Organizing for Action.

A lot of experts predict that Obama is working in silence behind the curtains, conspiring

against Trump with a shadow government of his own.




Scroll down to the comment section and tell us


you think!

For more infomation >> In Epic 6 2 Decision, US Supreme Court Declares Obama Violated the Constitution - Duration: 14:01.


সুজির পরোটা রেসিপি/সুজির পরোটা||Sujir Paratha Recipe||How To Semolina Parota||Suji Porotha||Parotha - Duration: 7:02.


For more infomation >> সুজির পরোটা রেসিপি/সুজির পরোটা||Sujir Paratha Recipe||How To Semolina Parota||Suji Porotha||Parotha - Duration: 7:02.


5 Powerful Reality Checks for Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse - Duration: 4:06.

5 Powerful Reality Checks for Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse

Living with narcissistic people is not easy, and breaking up with them is also not easy.

If you can survive by running away from them, you still need to consider these 5 reality

checks because your world may have been saturated or distracted by narcissistic for significant

amount of time.

If that is the case, it only requires your move to get rid of the pains left by the narcissist.

But before we see the whole lists, If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the

subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information

is helpful to you.

#1 - They have not changed

It is extremely difficult to find narcissists that can change their behavior.

The reasons is because if they don't feel like they are suffering from certain illness.

Thus, they basically do not want to make any change.

They believe that what they are doing now is the best, and they don't think that others

may suffer from their actions.

Moreover, they also have this trait from childhood, and it is extremely difficult to reverse it


That is to say, it is highly recommended to understand that narcissistic is something

that cannot be changed instantly.

It may take decades to just reduce their narcissistic behavior.

#2 - When they make you jealous

You may be forced to think that the narcissists have changed internally when you see them

with others.

Survivor of narcissistic abuse usually falls in the same trap since narcissists are experienced

to create an illusion of their greatness.

It is no wonder why there are so many people who eventually go back into their narcissistic

and abusive partners.

However, it is actually just another strategy to keep you under their power.

If you find them with others just a few days after breaking up, it is absolutely the most

common strategy to make you jealous, guilty, and weak.

They only make you jealous so that you have lesser power and they can ask you go back

with them.

That's how they do.

#3 - High-self esteem

Narcissists are usually seen as people who are lacking of self-esteem.

However, they actually have plenty of it overflowing in their nerves.

They really do not feel shame and they will search for people that they can abuse.

They also demand something that excites them.

That is attracting other people even though they already have lifetime partner.

They are really confident that they can have another partner with no problem, and they

will prove that when they try to make you jealous.

#4 - Don't forgive them already

Sometimes, forgiving someone is not that easy.

It is mainly because you are not ready yet.

If you forgive them prematurely, you will make yourself suffer because you haven't

moved on yet.

Moreover, it also gives them more chance to get back to you, starting out from the beginning

like a good guy, but they just want to use you just like before.

If you want to forgive them, make sure you are ready to accept things they have done

to you.

Additionally, you should never try saying things like you have given them forgiveness

because they will start stalking you again.

#5 - Your emotions are valid

After living quite some time with narcissists, you may lose control of your emotion because

they prevent it to happen.

Fortunately, you can now express things you want and that is your real emotion.

What you feel is true.

You are hurt because of narcissists, and there is no one who can cure except yourself.

Therefore, you should make sure you are actually doing the right thing by escaping form the


Well, that's all the 5 powerful reality checks for survivors of narcissistic abuse.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 5 Powerful Reality Checks for Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse - Duration: 4:06.



For more infomation >> COMMENT OBTENIR 1000 ABONNES avec le CHAT PORTE BONHEUR JAPONAIS ? - Duration: 5:39.


TRUE Stories Behind Disney Stories!! Walt Disney in real life! - Duration: 12:28.

from Cinderella to Little Mermaid I'm sure we've all experienced the joys of

watching Disney movies growing up and many of us probably have quite a few

favorites I mean who doesn't love watching their favorite hero save the

day right however the original accounts from which they are inspired tell a far

darker tell please be advised that much of what we're about to share may just

ruin your childhood

number ten Mulan in the Disney story of Mulan we follow the journey of a girl

her cricket and her mythical dragon moo shu as they devise a plan to protect her

ailing father from his requirement to join the Chinese army and fight against

the invading Huns Mulan fools everyone when she successfully disguises herself

as a man joins the army and leads them into victory the story of Mulan dates

back to the 11th or 12th century collections of poems named the Ballad of

Mulan in which China actually loses the war and Mulan is captured by the Huns

who agree to let her live only if she marries their king fortunately for Milan

she escapes in returns home however when she arrives she discovers her father has

died and her mother is remarried struck by grief

our heroine kills herself with her father's sword after uttering I am a

woman I survived the war and I have done enough now I want to be with my father

talk about a daughter's love number 9 Pinocchio

this tale begins with an old puppeteer who creates a wooden marionette named

Pinocchio the puppeteers only wishes to have his marionette become a real boy so

that he may have a son as in most fairy tales of course a magical fairy appears

and grants his one wish well sort of we should all be familiar with the way the

rest of this story plays out especially since it's been around since the 1940s

so we'll just cut to the chase here the original account written by Carlo

Collodi is pretty horrible and portrays Pinocchio as a mischievous child who

steals things and behaved so badly that even his father calls him a wretched lad

I'm sure at this point you're probably questioning where Jiminy Cricket fits in

I mean he is the boy's conscience after all well while he does exist in Kalani's

telling tell his outcome is a more tragic one you see Pinocchio gets tired

of dealing with poor jiminy so he takes a mallet to the cricket and kills him

much - Pinocchio surprised though this does not get rid of good ol jiminy for

his spirit haunts Pinocchio as he tries to assist him in proving his worth so he

can become a real sadly one day Pinocchio comes across an

odd couple a fox in a cat who then still all of his money and take his life by

hanging him from a willow tree number eight Cinderella with fairy godmothers

pumpkin carriages and a beautiful ball I'm sure everyone has heard of this

timeless classic Cinderella Disney's version did a fairly good job of

sticking to the popular version of the story written by the French author

Charles Perrault in 1697 however his story takes a much darker twist when the

Prince reaches Cinderella's home with the glass slipper when the stepsisters

try on the glass slipper it doesn't fit so one of them cuts off her toes and if

this isn't disgusting enough the other sister cuts off her Hill Cinderella then

tries on the blood-filled shoe in order to prove she is the girl that he met at

the ball pretty brutal as the prince rides off with Cinderella into the

sunset two Birds swooped down and peck out the stepsisters eyes however I will

always question how was this guy not able to remember the woman of his dreams

was it really necessary to make sure that shoe fit number seven the jungle

book released back in 1967 and then re-released as an action film in 2016

the jungle book tells a story of a young boy named Mowgli who was raised by

wolves in the wild that is until sheer khan finds out disney tells us the boy

travels with a panther defeats Shere Khan and makes his way back to a nearby

village to live happily ever after lies all lies this fable tells a much

different tale while Mowgli was still raised by the wolves and does escaped

the death from the evil Shere Khan when he returns to the village many of the

villagers accuse him of practicing witchcraft and threatened to burn down

the forest he grew up in mowgli of course couldn't let this happen so he

gathers up an animal army to attack the village together with an army of

elephants and wolves he destroys the villagers crops their homes and sends

them fleeing for their safety and when asked what he was going to do after the

polishing an entire village he replied I'm going to Disneyland huh just kidding

he rides off into the sunset and lives happily ever after number six

Aladdin and the King of Thieves now here's a narrative that's pretty

familiar as it tells the typical rags to riches story of a young poor street

merchant who goes on to be a hero and win over the heart of a beautiful

princess in the sequel where we are introduced to Qasim Aladdin's father who

just so happens to be the king of the gang of 40 thieves Disney tells the tale

of Kassim changing his ways in order to attend his son's wedding

however in Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves this is not the case in aunt

Wanda lands 18th century Arabian Nights Kassim is not really Aladdin's father

but instead his brother who gets caught one day stealing gold from a merchant

upon being captured he is killed and dismembered with pieces of his body left

out as a warning to other thieves Aladdin finds out about what happened

and asks a peasant girl to so his brother back together so that it looks

like he died of natural causes once the gang of forty thieves discovers

their king is dead they turn on Aladdin who wins stabs them all and boils them

number 5 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs mirror mirror on the wall who is the

fairest of them all in this dark tale told by the Brothers Grimm the Evil

Queen stepmother asks a huntsman to kill Snow White so she could be the fairest

maiden in the land after failing to kill Snow White

the Huntsman decides to take the lungs and liver of a pig to convince the Evil

Queen Snow White is dead the Queen then dines on what she

believes is the princess's organs but becomes outraged when she realizes Snow

White is in fact still alive the Evil Queen is infuriated and decides to go

after Snow wine herself but this time with a poison apple when the Prince

finds out about her death he demands to take her coffin back to the kingdom with

him I guess that road was pretty bumpy though because it ends up dislodging the

apple from Snow White's throat she awakens in traditional Brothers

Grimm fashion there is a darker ending for the Evil Queen at their wedding the

prince forces her to dance in iron shoes over red-hot coals until she dies after

trying to kill Snow White this seems pretty fair right maybe I'll let you

decide on that one let us know in the comments below and while you're there

hit that subscribe button number four the Fox and the Hound the Fox in the

Hound is loosely based on the 1967 novel written by Daniel P Mannix and tells the

tale of a fox being raised by a hunter and his dogs before the Fox is returned

to the wild in the Manics version Todd the Fox returns to visit the hunter who

raised him only to taunt chief the eldest dog despite pleas to the contrary

from his best friend copper a bit different from the version I grew up on

but this doesn't seem so bad right or does it you see chief gets loose one day

and chases Todd to a train track where chief is actually hit by a train Chiefs

master then swears vengeance for his dog's death and becomes obsessed with

catching Todd the master then begins stabbing gassing and tormenting Todd's

wives and children while copper relentlessly continues to chase the Fox

who eventually dies from exhaustion now you would expect the story to end here

with everyone else living happily ever after but not this time

every character dies after Todd's death the master turns to drinking to drown

his sorrows and eventually shoots and kills copper number three Hercules the

Disney story tells us an adventurous tell of Hercules the young son of Zeus

who goes on a mission to become a hero so that he can join his family on Mount

Olympus with the other gods on his mission he of course rescues Megara a

damsel in distress from Hades saving the day and making him a hero the

- of course fall in love and live happily ever after so let's start with

something both stories have in common Megara Hercules does marry her however

not in the way Disney tells it he in fact forces her into marriage and

despite their awe derangement the two have two children together in the years

that followed para Zeus's wife decides to drive hercules mad which leads him to

killing his beloved wife and children only after he was tormented by guilt

does he then complete the twelve tasks as the Disney story portrays except he

does so with extreme violence and total disregard for life yeah and he still

manages to make it to Mount Olympus not so sure my childhood hero was much of a

hero after all number two tangled we've all heard the

tale of a beautiful princess locked away in a tower she lets down her golden hair

so that her prince can climb up and rescue her and they live happily ever

after the truth is Rapunzel was not even a

princess at all but the daughter of a peasant couple who gave her to an evil

enchantress in exchange for a plant that her pregnant mother longed for must be a

good plan the evil enchantress becomes outraged when she discovers Rapunzel has

been sneaking a prince into her tower at night and drags Rapunzel into the desert

to live her life in misery she then tricks the prince into the

tower where she casts a spell sending him leaping out from the tower

window into a rosebush below whose thorns of course pierce his eyes leaving

him blind crazy enough after a few years the two lovebirds find each other again

and Rapunzel cures her Prince's blindness with her tears personally I

think this is the happiest ending I've ever heard of in a Brothers Grimm tell

number one The Little Mermaid you dream about going up there but that is a big

mistake perhaps Ariel should have taken some

advice from Sebastian on this one while the 1989 Disney telling of the Little

Mermaid had some catchy tunes a memorable villain and the classic Disney

happy ending it is a far cry from its original darker and more depressing tell

Hans Christian Andersen's 18:37 story of the Little Mermaid is by far one of the

most gruesome children's stories ever written while much of the original story

and the cartoon line up there are some very unexpected twists let's start with

Ariel getting her human legs from the sea witch Ursula

apparently walking for Ariel wasn't easy in fact Anderson describes it as though

knives yes knives were being stabbed through the

soles of her feet with every step to make matters worse the Prince winds up

marrying another woman and never even discovers that the mysterious woman who

saved him from drowning was Ariel this throws our heroine into a state of

depression the story only gets darker from here you see the sea witch notices

how miserable Ariel is and offers to help her by giving her back her tell if

she stabs the prince in the heart and lets his blood drip on her feet

unfortunately Ariel is so grief-stricken that she cannot bear to kill the prince

and instead takes her own life anyway tell us what you think about these dark

tales in we'll see you next time

For more infomation >> TRUE Stories Behind Disney Stories!! Walt Disney in real life! - Duration: 12:28.


Mike Perry's Confrontation with Jeremy Stephens When He Tried to Dance With His Girl - Duration: 2:35.

The always entertaining mike perry will be fighting this weekend vs Max Griffin.

He went in studio to have a chat with Ariel Helwani to talk about his upcoming bout and

covered an assortment of topics.

He recounted an incident with Featherweight Jeremy stephens who coincidentally is headlining

this weekends card vs josh emett.

This story takes place at the UFC Athlete retreat back in may of 2017.

If you have around 45 minutes to spare you may wanna check out the full interview.

Perry: Shoutout Josh Emett F*** Jeremy Stephens.

Ariel: why?

Perry: Get that dub this weekend.

Ariel: whats up with you and Jeremy stephens?

Perry: You know the story.

He tried me.

I shoved his A** on the ground he didn't do nothing.

Ariel: at the retreat right?

Perry: yeah man.

Ariel: what did he do?

Did he try something with your girl?

Perry: I'm just gonna say he tried me and I put him in his place Ariel: for real?

Perry: if he has something to say this weekend, I'm sure he won't, we're both professionals.

Ariel: what happens if you see him like in the lobby Perry: Nothing I aint got nothing

to say to him.

I shoved him to the ground.

I'm saying it right now to all ya'll I shoved him to the ground.

Ariel: you pushed him?

Perry: absolutely.


Uggghhhh he fell on the ground.

I looked at him.

Ariel: what did he do?

Perry: he got up slowly.

He looked at me and was like uhhhhh.

And you know uhh, who's that Australian fighter who won and said he was going to be

drinking beer and riding his motorbike fast?

Ariel: Tyson Pedro.

Perry: Tyson Pedro said "it's not worth it man, it's not worth it man."

He grabbed me.

I'm like I'm good bro you good bro?

I'm just sitting here he's the one laying on the ground.

Ya'll should help him up.

Ariel: why did you push him?

Perry: because he tried me.

Ariel: what does that mean?

Perry: I mean he walked up on my girl and looked like he was about to dance on her.

Ariel: for real?

At the retreat?

Perry: and c'mon man we're at the private snoop dogg concert it's only UFC fighters.

I've been with my girl the whole week.

He knows, so he tried me.

He must've been drunk.

Ariel: do you think he knew that it was your girl?

Perry: Absolutely there was 5 girls at the concert.

Ariel: yeah it's not like there's random girls there right?

Every girl is with a guy because you can't get into that place unless you're a fighter.

Perry: he was bored I guess, he probably didn't have a girl all week.

It could've been worse I could've hit him with the "killbow" from the jump but

I didn't wanna get in trouble.

Ariel: does it bother you that he's the headliner over you?

Perry: not at all.

Ariel: ok. Perry: it should bother him that after my fight the stadium is gonna empty


I'm sorry Josh Emett but nobody is really gonna be there to watch the main event we're

going to the after party, the platinum party.

We gonna get Fugggged up!

For more infomation >> Mike Perry's Confrontation with Jeremy Stephens When He Tried to Dance With His Girl - Duration: 2:35.


Top 05 Amazing Cakes Videos Compilation 2018 💟 Cake Style 2018 💗 Amazing Cakes Videos - Duration: 10:28.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

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